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Euthanasia history essay Euthanasia - body, life, history, beliefs, cause, time, person, human
Haeckel proposed that in order to reduce welfare and medical costs "hundreds of thousands of incurable lunatics, lepers, people with cancer" be killed by means of morphine or some other "painless and rapid poison" (1904). The word euthanasia translates from Greek roots as "good death." The Oxford English Dictionary states that the original meaning, "a gentle and easy death," has evolved to mean "the actions of inducing a gentle and easy death." This definition is consistent with contemporary use of the term. For example, the Canadian Senate Special Committee on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide defined euthanasia as "the deliberate act undertaken by one person with the intention of ending the life of another person in order to relieve that person's suffering where that act is the cause of death" (Senate of Canada 1995, p. Euthanasia is generally classified in terms of certain subcategories, depending upon whether or not the person who dies by euthanasia is considered to be competent or incompetent and whether or not the act of euthanasia is considered to be voluntary, nonvoluntary, or involuntary. Definitions of Euthanasia. Euthanasia is considered to be voluntary when it takes place in accordance with the wishes of a competent individual, whether these wishes have been made known personally or by a valid advance directive—that is, a written statement of the person's future desires in the event that he or she should be unable to communicate his or her intentions in the future. A person is considered to be competent if he or she is deemed capable of understanding the nature and consequences of the decisions to be made and capable of communicating this decision. An example of voluntary euthanasia is when a physician gives a lethal injection to a patient who is competent and suffering, at that patient's request. Nonvoluntary euthanasia is done without the knowledge of the wishes of the patient either because the patient has always been incompetent, is now incompetent, or has left no advance directive. A person is considered incompetent when he or she is incapable of understanding the nature and consequences of the decision to be made and/or is not capable of communicating this decision. In the case of nonvoluntary euthanasia, the wishes of the patient are not known. An example of nonvoluntary euthanasia is when a doctor gives a lethal injection to an incompetent elderly man who is suffering greatly from an advanced terminal disease, but who did not make his wishes known to the physician when he was competent. Another example would be a father who asphyxiates with carbon monoxyde a congenitally handicapped child who was never considered to be competent. Involuntary euthanasia is done against the wishes of a competent individual or against the wishes expressed in a valid advance directive. Examples of involuntary euthanasia include a son who gives a lethal overdose of medication to his father who is suffering from cancer, but the father does not want the overdose. Another example is a physician who, despite the advance directive of a patient indicating that he or she does not want any actions to hasten death, gives a lethal injection to the patient who is now unconscious and suffering from the final stages of a terminal illness. Although the above definitions may seem clear, there is much confusion in the words used to describe euthanasia and other actions that result in hastening death. The term "mercy killing" is often used to describe situations of nonvoluntary and involuntary euthanasia.... View more ...
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sections of research proposal Proposal Guide Sections of a Typical Proposal - University of Houston
Preparing the budget is one of the most difficult and time-consuming aspects of proposal preparation. Division of Research. Sponsored Projects. Dr. Mary Ann Ottinger Associate VC/VP for Research. Proposal Guide: Sections of a Typical Proposal. The elements outlined in this page are generally required on all proposals. However, not all of the elements are necessary for every proposal and the list is not exhaustive. Always review and understand the sponsor guidelines for instructions on proposal preparation. Some agencies include specific title pages in their application packages. The title of the project (Some agencies limit the number of characters allowed); The full name of the institution: University of Houston; The PI’s name, email address, university phone and fax numbers, and the university address, including the appropriate 4-digit mail code found after the zip code; The names of any co-PIs and their contact information; The name of the agency to which the proposal is being submitted; The duration of the project; The amount of funding that is being requested; The PI’s signature and date signed; and The signature of the Director of Office of Contracts and Grants and the date signed. The abstract, or summary, should be a condensed version of the proposal, usually ranging from 250 words to one page of text. The abstract should concisely state the significance of the research, what is to be accomplished, and the time span of the project. It should generally be written in a manner that is understandable both to a layman and to the scientific community. The abstract is extremely important in creating a favorable first impression of the proposal and could be used by the sponsor to create a permanent public record of proposals that have been submitted and/or funded. Table of Contents. The table of contents should list the major sections of the proposal and give the specific page where each different section of the proposal begins. It is not necessary to include all subheadings in the table of contents, but it should be detailed enough for reviewers to easily locate the section or sections they are interested in without having to search through the entire proposal. Project Description/Statement of Work.... View more ...
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Find out what approach and toning you and ergo we should take to deliver the message via your writing: argumentative, comparative, persuasive, etc. Buy College Essays Online From Cheap And Safe Essay Writing Service! Exhausted of searching the place where to buy essay online? Congratulations! You’ve found a suitable service. OUR TEAM CAN BOAST. Years of Writing Experience. In All Professional Areas. Orders Delivered On-Time. Why buy college essays online? There is nothing shameful if you have difficulties with academic essay writing. It takes a lot of your spare time if you have that luxury at your disposal. This assignment would be voted the hardest one by the majority of students. Even if the topic is given, you still need to perform complex scrupulous research, compose and construct the paper following demanded style and formatting, like APA, MLA, Turabian, Chicago, etc. This process is challenging even for the accomplished scholars, not just inexperienced undergraduates. And to fail your high education because of one task appears unfair, doesn't it? EssayCoach is the online writing service that can show you a way out of this predicament. The success formula is pretty simple - buy essay cheap on our website. We know what attributes academic paper should have to be highly evaluated and how to implement them adhering to your specific requirements.... View more ...
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Business Performance Management Assessment Tools Tools for Performance Measurement
By allowing for periodic tweaking of the original goals, many companies can still effectively utilize this model for performance measurement. Tools for Performance Measurement. Businesses have several performance measurement tools at their disposal. Ivanna Buldakova from Fotolia.com. Related Articles. The Three Types of Methods Used to Measure Performance 2 Employee Performance Measurement Tools 3 Examples of Employee Performance Measurement 4 Tools for Measuring Organizational Performance. Employers measure employee job performance through a variety of tools and processes. Some use more than one, but smaller businesses often choose one tool that works best for them and use it consistently. These systems of measurement, called performance appraisals, must come across as fair and just for employees to consider them credible. Those implementing these tools should choose tools that offer the highest level of objectivity possible. Of course, removing all or most subjectivity is difficult, but some tools lend themselves to objectivity better than others. With 360 degree feedback performance appraisals, managers receive anonymous feedback from individuals with whom they interact frequently in the course of daily operations. These can include internal and external customers, superiors, direct reports, subordinates, vendors and sales people. A human resources representative or outside consultant trains evaluators in the proper interpretation of multiple-choice survey questions and written responses. Evaluators are chosen at random from the above groups to avoid skewed results. Managers often trust the responses from 360 feedback appraisals because of their confidential nature. This makes the responders feel free to give honest answers without fear of retribution. Balanced Scorecard.... View more ...
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Bringing Organizational Change and Leadership to Ford Motor Company Research Paper Ford Announces Senior Leadership Team Changes, Ford Media Center
Robert Brown, vice president, Sustainability, Environment & Safety Engineering, also has elected to retire after more than 35 years at Ford. Content tailored to your personal preferences, Favorite content saved within your briefcase, Media advisories, newsletters, and email alerts and PR contact information. Enter your email below and we'll send a link to help you access your account. Sorry, your email address is not recognized. An email has been sent. Instructions on how to reset your password have been sent to the email you entered. FORD MEDIA CENTER. United States | English Select a location. Ford Media Center. Home News Ford Announces Senior Leadership Team Changes. Ford Announces Senior Leadership Team Changes. Jim Farley appointed executive vice president and president, Europe, Middle East and Africa Stephen Odell appointed executive vice president, Global Marketing, Sales and Service Nick Smither, group vice president and Chief Information Officer, has elected to retire after 34-year career Marcy Klevorn named vice president and Chief Information Officer, succeeding Smither and elected a Ford Motor Company officer Robert Brown, vice president, Sustainability, Environment & Safety Engineering, has elected to retire after 35-year career Kim Pittel named vice president, Sustainability, Environment & Safety Engineering, succeeding Brown and elected a Ford Motor Company officer. Ford Motor Company today is announcing a series of changes in its senior leadership team as it continues to deliver the company’s One Ford plan for profitable growth. Jim Farley is appointed executive vice president and president of Europe, Middle East and Africa. In parallel, Stephen Odell is appointed executive vice president, Global Marketing, Sales and Service. Both will continue to report to Mark Fields, Ford president and chief executive officer. We are excited to see Jim and Stephen take on these new roles as they bring unique skills, experience and fresh perspectives to these critical positions,” said Fields. Farley, 52, currently serves as executive vice president of Global Marketing, Sales & Service, a position to which he was appointed in 2007.... View more ...
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critique essay on welfare Essay on the Criticism of the Welfare State
Some critics feel that money is spent recklessly in a welfare State. Essay on the Criticism of the Welfare State. Some critic’s have challenged the concept of the welfare State. While one critic calls it as the “broker’s view of the State”, the other critic thinks that it has acted as a ‘shock-absorber’ in order keep the continued survival of the unjust capitalist system. The following are some of the criticisms. Bureaucracy is given undue impotence in a welfare State. Expansion of the State activities results in the concentration of powers in the hands of the bureaucrats. Image Source: leapcs.ca. As a huge ‘amount of money is needed for welfare measures, poor countries can hardly afford it. If they borrow from rich countries, their conditions become worse as they have to pay interests. Hence some critics feel that the concept of the welfare State is an expensive one and it is not suitable to a poor country. In the name of welfare measures,, government spends money on wasteful activities. Economy in expenditure is hardly followed. It is opined by the critics that the welfare State |J individual incentive and creates a notion that individual depends on charity which may lead to demoralise him. The pluralists apprehend that the activities of voluntary associations may sharply decline with the vast expansion of welfare functions. The Marxists who predict the withering away of the State condemn the welfare State as nothing but another ‘form capitalist State to exploit the working classes. The above criticisms of the welfare State are not who] correct. The idea of the welfare State has attained marked popularity in recent times.... View more ...
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thesis of wuthering heights I need to make a thesis statement for - Wuthering - Heights - by Emily Bronte, but I don t know that
I need to make a thesis statement for Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte, but I don't know that the one I have is really even considered a thesis statement. I need to make a thesis statement for Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte, but I don't know that the one I have is really even considered a thesis statement. Wuthering Heights tends to leave. Is there any way for me to turn this into a good, strong thesis? Or is it not a thesis at all? I think you have a good start on a thesis statement, but what you have there is really a topic. Think about how you are going to prove this, and what characters will be your focus. If I am correct, what you are trying to prove in your essay is that Wuthering Heights juxtaposes the attraction of a typical love triangle plot with glimpses of the evil side of human nature. Talk to your teacher and make. I think you have a good start on a thesis statement, but what you have there is really a topic. Think about how you are going to prove this, and what characters will be your focus. If I am correct, what you are trying to prove in your essay is that Wuthering Heights juxtaposes the attraction of a typical love triangle plot with glimpses of the evil side of human nature. Talk to your teacher and make sure it covers what he/she is requiring, but the bolded suggestion would work in my class. Next, you have to think about how exactly what you will prove this. My suggestion is to first cover the basic draw people have to the love story - an age-old tale of a lovely lady having to choose between two lovers, in this case Heathcliff and Edward. But, when the reader goes deeper into the novel and the psyches of its characters, he realizes it's really not like any other love story at all. Catherine and Heathcliff have a very toxic but magnetic relationship; Catherine is perhaps just using Edward to move up in society. It's even debatable if Catherine and Heathcliff can physically live without one another.... View more ...
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research paper engineering Engineering Structures - Journal
Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate Analytics, 2018) Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 2.165 ℹ Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 2017: 2.165 SNIP measures contextual citation impact by weighting citations based on the total number of citations in a subject field. Engineering Structures. Enter your login details below. If you do not already have an account you will need to register here. Author instructions. Check submitted paper. Check the status of your submitted manuscript in EVISE. Track accepted paper. Once production of your article has started, you can track the status of your article via Track Your Accepted Article. CiteScore: 3.32 ℹ CiteScore measures the average citations received per document published in this title. CiteScore values are based on citation counts in a given year (e.g. More about CiteScore Impact Factor: 2.755 ℹ Impact Factor: 2017: 2.755 The Impact Factor measures the average number of citations received in a particular year by papers published in the journal during the two preceding years. Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate Analytics, 2018) 5-Year Impact Factor: 3.060 ℹ Five-Year Impact Factor: 2017: 3.060 To calculate the five year Impact Factor, citations are counted in 2017 to the previous five years and divided by the source items published in the previous five years. SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 1.690 ℹ SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 2017: 1.690 SJR is a prestige metric based on the idea that not all citations are the same. SJR uses a similar algorithm as the Google page rank; it provides a quantitative and a qualitative measure of the journal’s impact. View More on Journal Insights. When authors co-submit and publish a data article in Data in Brief , it appears on ScienceDirect linked to the original research article in this journal. When authors co-submit and publish a method article in MethodsX, it appears on ScienceDirect linked to the original research article in this journal.... View more ...
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Addressing a cover letter to a school district How should I address my cover letter, Yahoo Answers
You need to make the effort to find out the name of the person you should be sending your letter to, posted position or not. How should I address my cover letter? You can probably find it on the district website without even having to call. Unless you're answering an ad for the position and it indicates who you should be addressing it to, you should address them to the principal. ABC. show more Unless you're answering an ad for the position and it indicates who you should be addressing it to, you should address them to the principal. ABC BOARD OF EDUCATION 123 Main Street Anytown, NJ 00088 Attention: School Principal. Please select Ok if you would like to proceed with this request anyway. The Synoptic vision : essays on the philosophy of Wilfrid Sellars a schema:CreativeWork, schema:Book ; library:oclcnum " 2464563 " ; library:placeOfPublication ; library:placeOfPublication ; # Notre Dame schema:about ; schema:about ; # Wilfrid Sellars schema:about ; # Wilfrid Sellars schema:about ; # Sellars, Wilfrid--Addresses, essays, lectures schema:about ; # Bibliography--Sellars, Wilfrid schema:about ; # Wilfrid Sellars schema:about ; # Philosophie schema:about ; schema:bookFormat bgn:PrintBook ; schema:contributor ; # Cornelius F. Delaney schema:copyrightYear " 1977 " ; schema:datePublished " 1977 " ; schema:description " Theory of knowledge / C.F. Delaney -- Ontology / Michael J. Loux -- Action and freedom / Gary Gutting -- Ethical theory / W. David Soloman. "@en ; schema:exampleOfWork ; schema:inLanguage " en " ; schema:isSimilarTo ; schema:name " The Synoptic vision : essays on the philosophy of Wilfrid Sellars "@en ; schema:productID " 2464563 " ; schema:publication ; schema:publisher ; # University of Notre Dame Press schema:workExample ; umbel:isLike ; wdrs:describedby ; . Related Entities. University of Notre Dame Press a bgn:Agent ; schema:name " University of Notre Dame Press " ; . Bibliography--Sellars, Wilfrid a schema:Intangible ; schema:name " Bibliography--Sellars, Wilfrid "@en ; . Sellars, Wilfrid--Addresses, essays, lectures a schema:Intangible ; schema:name " Sellars, Wilfrid--Addresses, essays, lectures "@en ; . The demand of airlines in the global market has been increasing tremendously in the global market. In recent years, Boeing has identified this demand, and has increased its productions.... View more ...
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Essay philosophy sellars synoptic vision wilfrid The Synoptic vision essays on the philosophy of Wilfrid Sellars (Book, 1977)
Loux -- Philosophy of science / Gary Gutting -- Philosophy of mind: The mind-body problem / Michael J. The Synoptic vision : essays on the philosophy of Wilfrid Sellars. Please choose whether or not you want other users to be able to see on your profile that this library is a favorite of yours. Find a copy in the library. Finding libraries that hold this item. You may have already requested this item. Please select Ok if you would like to proceed with this request anyway. The Synoptic vision : essays on the philosophy of Wilfrid Sellars a schema:CreativeWork, schema:Book ; library:oclcnum " 2464563 " ; library:placeOfPublication ; library:placeOfPublication ; # Notre Dame schema:about ; schema:about ; # Wilfrid Sellars schema:about ; # Wilfrid Sellars schema:about ; # Sellars, Wilfrid--Addresses, essays, lectures schema:about ; # Bibliography--Sellars, Wilfrid schema:about ; # Wilfrid Sellars schema:about ; # Philosophie schema:about ; schema:bookFormat bgn:PrintBook ; schema:contributor ; # Cornelius F. Delaney schema:copyrightYear " 1977 " ; schema:datePublished " 1977 " ; schema:description " Theory of knowledge / C.F. Delaney -- Ontology / Michael J. Loux -- Action and freedom / Gary Gutting -- Ethical theory / W. David Soloman. "@en ; schema:exampleOfWork ; schema:inLanguage " en " ; schema:isSimilarTo ; schema:name " The Synoptic vision : essays on the philosophy of Wilfrid Sellars "@en ; schema:productID " 2464563 " ; schema:publication ; schema:publisher ; # University of Notre Dame Press schema:workExample ; umbel:isLike ; wdrs:describedby ; . Related Entities. University of Notre Dame Press a bgn:Agent ; schema:name " University of Notre Dame Press " ; . Bibliography--Sellars, Wilfrid a schema:Intangible ; schema:name " Bibliography--Sellars, Wilfrid "@en ; . Sellars, Wilfrid--Addresses, essays, lectures a schema:Intangible ; schema:name " Sellars, Wilfrid--Addresses, essays, lectures "@en ; . The demand of airlines in the global market has been increasing tremendously in the global market. In recent years, Boeing has identified this demand, and has increased its productions.... View more ...
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While DNS Belgium was its first registrar, now it is moved to . Visit fontshop.be. FontShop | The world’s best fonts for print, screen and web. Countable Data Brief. Fontshop.be is tracked by us since April, 2011. Over the time it has been ranked as high as 5 546 099 in the world. It was owned by several entities, from Not shown please visit www.dns.be for webbased whois. WHOIS fontshop to % WHOIS fontshop , it was hosted by Media Temple Inc , A100 ROW GmbH and others. Fontshop has a decent Google pagerank and bad results in terms of Yandex topical citation index. We found that Fontshop.be is poorly ‘socialized’ in respect to any social network. According to MyWot, Siteadvisor and Google safe browsing analytics, Fontshop.be is a fully trustworthy domain with no visitor reviews. Worldwide Audience. It seems that traffic on this site is too low to be displayed, sorry. Traffic Analysis. It seems that the number of visitors and pageviews on this site is too low to be displayed, sorry. The organisations major objective is to examine the commercial airlines industry, the demand present in the market, and come up with strategies to meet the demand. The demand of airlines in the global market has been increasing tremendously in the global market. In recent years, Boeing has identified this demand, and has increased its productions.... View more ...
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Boeing company research paper Total Rewards Metrics for Boeing Company Research Paper, Essay Agents
Performance of new hires has been exceptional (Gruman & Saks, 2011). Total Rewards Metrics for Boeing Company Research Paper. Total Rewards Metrics for Boeing Company Research Paper. The total rewards program can be labelled as the toolkit through which a firm selects to provide and align value proposition, which generates value for both the employee and the organisation. Incentive programs form a substantial element of an organisation market-competitive total reward and compensation package, benefits, incentives and wellbeing programs. This article will examine the total reward program of Boeing. Boeing is a leader in its field. The organisation is one of the largest employers in United States (Peterson & Krieger, 2013). Boeing offers total rewards program to its employees, which entail a pension 401(K) plan, health insurance, and cash incentive programs that are pegged on the performance of the organisation. Boeings total reward programs are in line with the organisations objectives, core competencies, and enable the organisation to overcome its challenges (Peterson & Krieger, 2013). Boeings competencies includes large scale system integration, efficient design and manufacturing and detailed knowledge of customers. The total reward program is driven by the organisation core competencies (Gruman & Saks, 2011). Rationalising the performance of the organisation towards meeting the capabilities is in-line with the objective of the organisation. The total reward program as ensured that the organisation has improved its capability and competencies, which will enable it attain its major objectives. The organisation has been able to improve its performance and the value it offers to customers (Gruman & Saks, 2011). The organisations major objective is to examine the commercial airlines industry, the demand present in the market, and come up with strategies to meet the demand. The demand of airlines in the global market has been increasing tremendously in the global market. In recent years, Boeing has identified this demand, and has increased its productions.... View more ...
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Audio Tools Recording your Brainstorm. Essay prewriting graphic organizer. Visual Tools Webcam pic of your Graphic Organizer Snapshot Directions. Webcam Graphic Organizer Pic. Getting Started with Video Instruction Learn Zillion Videos - Common Core K-12 Writing Lessons (Videos) Click a grade and lesson - Khan Academy. Printable Graphic Organizers: If students don't have access to technology during pre-writing - Holt Organizers - EduPlace. Do you know who you are as a learner? Internally assessed assignments can be set over several days or weeks, so there’s also less chance of your grade being affected if you have an ‘off day’. The coursework / internal assessment you’re given can take various forms. Coursework / internal assessment is assessed internally by your teachers or tutors and may be set at any time during your course. You may do some of your coursework outside school hours and some at school under the supervision of your teachers. For GCSEs, the mix of exams and internal assessment varies depending on the subject. Some, like art and design, have more coursework and fewer exams. Many AS and A levels are made up of a combination of exams and internal assessment, but this varies depending on the subject. You may also have to do coursework if you take vocational qualifications, or the International Baccalaureate Diploma. The amount of coursework will also depend on which awarding body (exam board) offers the qualification. Top tips for success. If you want to get good grades, it’s important to do your best.... View more ...
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can coursework be done after an exam Coursework - what to expect, nidirect
Sticking to the rules. Coursework - what to expect. Your aspect of your assessment is an important part of the qualifications you take in Years 11 to 14. Knowing what to expect and how best to approach it can help you get higher grades. Why coursework / internal assessment matters. Many of the subjects you’ll study in Years 11 to 14 are assessed on a mixture of internal assessment and exams. The internally assessed element of a subject can make up a significant part of your final mark and for some subjects, this counts for more than half of the total. Internally assessed assignments can be set over several days or weeks, so there’s also less chance of your grade being affected if you have an ‘off day’. The coursework / internal assessment you’re given can take various forms. Coursework / internal assessment is assessed internally by your teachers or tutors and may be set at any time during your course. You may do some of your coursework outside school hours and some at school under the supervision of your teachers. For GCSEs, the mix of exams and internal assessment varies depending on the subject. Some, like art and design, have more coursework and fewer exams. Many AS and A levels are made up of a combination of exams and internal assessment, but this varies depending on the subject. You may also have to do coursework if you take vocational qualifications, or the International Baccalaureate Diploma. The amount of coursework will also depend on which awarding body (exam board) offers the qualification. Top tips for success. If you want to get good grades, it’s important to do your best.... View more ...
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Affordable Care Act, Wellness incentives for Consumers essay papers online The Affordable Care Act Objectives and Likely Results in an Imperfect World
Some market failures are well recognized, whereas most are known only by inside players in the current system. The Affordable Care Act: Objectives and Likely Results in an Imperfect World. Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio. School of Medicine, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) has 3 main objectives: (1) to reform the private insurance market—especially for individuals and small-group purchasers, (2) to expand Medicaid to the working poor with income up to 133% of the federal poverty level, and (3) to change the way that medical decisions are made. All 3 objectives rely primarily on private choices rather than government regulation and are rooted in expectations of rational decision making shaped by incentives but unfettered by other constraints. The implicit assumption is that individuals and groups will act within these reforms to produce a valued good (access to medical care) at an appropriate price (what it would cost an efficient provider) financed by fair risk sharing (spreading the cost of necessary services across a large pool). The result will be affordable care. Although the ACA may go far toward this goal, the assumptions of efficient and fair mechanisms of interchange do not represent reality in many respects. There are many impediments to the underlying choices of all players. As a result, it will be necessary to correct for market failure if this essentially private approach to public policy is to succeed. REFORM OF THE PRIVATE INSURANCE MARKET. Fundamental to the first objective are changes in the rules coupled with the individual mandate. Insurance companies must offer comparable policies at the same rates to all with relatively little variation allowed, not exclude preexisting conditions or cancel policies, and limit their rate increases—in other words, they must accept much more risk. To make this work, they must enroll a representative cross-section of the population to realize the average risk assumed under the new rules. The only way to achieve this is to require everyone to participate. But mandating purchase of insurance when one can’t afford it is nonsensical—thus the necessity for the major subsidies included in the ACA. For some reason, few have grasped how large this premium support is.... View more ...
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We value excellent academic writing and strive to provide outstanding essay writing services each and every time you place an order. We write essays, research papers, term papers, course works, reviews, theses and more, so our primary mission is to help you succeed academically. Most of all, we are proud of our dedicated team, who has both the creativity and understanding of our clients' needs. Our writers always follow your instructions and bring fresh ideas to the table, which remains a huge part of success in writing an essay. We guarantee the authenticity of your paper, whether it's an essay or a dissertation. Furthermore, we ensure confidentiality of your personal information, so the chance that someone will find out about our cooperation is slim to none. We do not share any of your information to anyone. When it comes to essay writing, an in-depth research is a big deal. Our experienced writers are professional in many fields of knowledge so that they can assist you with virtually any academic task. We deliver papers of different types: essays, theses, book reviews, case studies, etc. Use your writing style; Follow your guidelines; Make all the needed corrections whenever it’s necessary; Meet even the strictest deadlines; Provide you with a free title page and bibliography. We have thousands of satisfied customers who have already recommended us to their friends. Why not follow their example and place your order today? If your deadline is just around the corner and you have tons of coursework piling up, contact us and we will ease your academic burden. We are ready to develop unique papers according to your requirements, no matter how strict they are. Our experts create writing masterpieces that earn our customers not only high grades but also a solid reputation from demanding professors. Don't waste your time and order our essay writing service today! Directed by kundun essay Kent Jones, Martin Scorsese.... View more ...
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