#Callie's outfits look amazing
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rosecandyart · 5 months ago
Ooooooh my god
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517 notes · View notes
trippinsorrows · 10 months ago
with me + part nine
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authors note: ya'll had me rolling in the comments on the last update. calling this man big dick joe. lololol. i hope this one is okay. i'm not very good at writing those scenes, but i tried!! angst is def more my bread and butter.
song inspo: "with me" by destiny's child
status: in progress // masterlist
warnings: language, suggestive themes, smut
words: 8k
taglist: @pixiedust4000 @southerngirl41 @yolobloggers @msbigredmachine @wanderingreigns
“You look so damn good. If you don’t get ate out tonight, come back home early, and I’ll do the honors.”
It’s a miracle that you’re able to keep a straight face as Alexis does the finishing touches on your makeup. “Well, that’s not gonna happen, period, because this is just a date.”
Alexis pauses and gives you a look. “I know you’ve been out of the game for a while, but you do know what typically happens on dates, right?”
Rolling your eyes, you retort, “Lex, not everyone fucks on the first date.”
She sucks her teeth and swaps out the eyeliner for mascara. “Bitch, this is not a first date. He’s painted your walls too many times for you to say anything between ya’ll is a first.” 
As much as you hate it, she has somewhat of a point. You and Joe have checked so many boxes already that it does seem kinda silly to call this a first date. But, in many ways, it is. He’s never before asked you to go anywhere outside of the couple of times he invited you to his show, since you were already in town because he'd flown you out. 
But never anything beyond that. 
So, in that way, it is a first date.
And maybe that’s why you’re nervous. It’s a first too. Not a lot of things make you nervous. Even when you cheered, there was some level of anxiety before competitions, but even that was minimal compared to some of the panicked expressions you’d see on your teammates faces. When it comes to Callie, there are definitely a lot of things that make you nervous, but that’s just regular parental anxiety. 
So this butterflies shit is unfamiliar and annoying. 
It’s also just Joe. You know him, you know him better than almost anyone else in your life outside of Mariah and Callie. 
Thinking of Mariah, you grab your phone and hit the side button to see if you have any notifications. Instead, you’re just met with Callie’s smiling face.
Alexis sees this and comments casually, “still nothing?”
You don’t respond, because it’s not necessary. She already knows the answer. 
“Well, whatever she’s got going on, let her deal with it the way she wants,” Alexis advises, grabbing the powder brush to brush off some excessive powder on your cheeks. “You’ve got too many good things going on in your life for you to be stressed out over her fake ass.” 
She’s not entirely wrong. There’s definitely not a shortage of topics you still need to sort through, many of which should take precedent over you wondering what the hell is going on with your best friend since kindergarten. Still, it’s hard for you not to worry about her and feel confused about what’s shifted between the two of you.
You haven’t heard from her since you text her when Callie was in the hospital, and she replied back that she was praying for you and Callie and asked if you wanted her to come to the hospital. You thanked her but let her know that Joe was with you, so you were okay.
You haven’t heard from her since then. 
It’s not that difficult to put two and two together. There’s something about Joe that makes Mariah stay away and keep her distance. You just can’t figure out why.
“Okay, enough of your overthinking. Time to see my masterpiece.” She gloats and claps her hand, removing the towel she’d put around your chest area to prevent anything from spilling on your outfit. Alexis sighs, “you seriously look amazing, Y/N.”
Standing and stretching your back, you walk over to the full body mirror against the opposite wall of your bedroom. “Oh….”
The last time you actually dressed up was at the town’s annual Christmas party two years back. You’d always gone growing up and wanted Callie to experience it for herself, even though Callie ended up utterly disinterested, hence that being your last appearance. It was hard to justify dragging her to something she was too young to enjoy and even understand. 
So, seeing yourself done up like this is a shock. Alexis absolutely slayed your makeup, perfect wingliner and all. The white, ruched, off shoulder dress is form-fitting, hugging every curve you’ve had since a teenager that's only improved since having Callie. It’s a beautiful contrast against your melanin. You’ve always thought white on black women looked so classy. 
Your curls are styled and pinned into an almost pineapple atop your head. The jewelry is simple and basic: necklace and hoops. No bracelet considering the dress is long-sleeved.
All of this creates the absolutely stunning reflection staring back at you. It brings a smile to your face. You’d forgotten how nice it feels to actually get done up.
Alexis appears in the mirror and rests her chin on your shoulder, smiling broadly. “Told you. Boss bitch.”
Matching her smile, you turn to hug her. You really couldn’t have done this without her, even her offering to take Callie for the night as it was a nighttime date, and you doubted you’d be home before bedtime. “Thank you.” 
“You’re my best friend. You never have to thank me.” She wiggles her brow. “Just give me a rundown of the pounding that’s bound to commence tonight. A video will do as well.”
Your mouth drops open. “Alexis, you—”
“Mommy! I need you.”
You’ve never in your life felt so grateful to be needed by anyone. Maneuvering through the avalanche of clothes that make up most of your bedroom right now, the result of the two of you trying to figure out what the hell you were going to wear, you’re more than happy to saunter over to Callie’s playroom to see what she needs.
“What’s up, sis?”
You see she’s sitting at her little table, surrounded by crayons, markers, colored paper, and other art supplies. Her eyes fall on you with glee as she gasps loudly.
“Mommy, you look so pretty!”
There’s something about a heartfelt compliment from your child that provides such a level of joy.  
“Thank you, baby.” Moving closer to the table, you sit down on the chair opposite her, ignoring how goddamn uncomfortable it is. “What you got for me?”
She shuffles through a couple of pages and lifts one to show you. “Do you think Joe will like this?”
Your eyes study the colorful drawing she’s created against bright yellow—her favorite color—construction paper. It’s the average sun in the corner, green grass, and blue clouds drawing one would expect from a young child, but that’s not what immediately catches your attention. What draws your attention is the fact that there are two people she’s drawn, a heart between the two of them. 
Her and Joe.
Eyes watering, you do your best not to cry. You’re pretty sure everything on your face is waterproof, but you’re not trying to find out right now. Not when Joe should be arriving at your place any minute. “He’s gonna love it, Callie.”
Her face lights up with excitement at your approval. “Yay!” Taking it from you and tucking it underneath some other papers, she offers you another one. “I made this one too!”
You definitely can’t hold back the tears this time around. It’s the same backdrop, outside scenery but with a big house drawn behind the three of you: Callie, Joe, and yourself. With a heart over everyone’s head.
Callie, being young, sees your tears and automatically mistakens them for something else. Smile dropping and frown appearing, she moves up from the table and comes to hug you. “Don’t cry, mommy. I can make a new one!”
Wiping at your eyes, you shake your head, accepting her hug. “No, baby. Mommy’s crying because she’s happy, because she loves it.”
Instantly, her smile is back. “Really?”
“It’s beautiful. Is this one for your d—Joe too?”
Christmas can’t come soon enough, because this is at least the third time you’ve almost unintentionally given away Joe’s true identity. And that’s something you swore to him and yourself you’d allow him to reveal to Callie. It’s so hard though when moments like this occur, moments where you just want her to know the man she already loves is the same man who helped bring her into this world. 
She surprises you by shaking her head no. “I wanna put it in my room.” 
Sniffling, you nod, agreeing. “I think that’s a great idea.” 
Callie takes your hand and brings you into her room, the two of you taking a few minutes to decide where her photo should go. Eventually, she decides on right above her bed and you post it up using a thumbtack. 
Alexis walks into the bedroom to see what’s happening and gasps when she sees Callie’s drawing. “Callie, did you draw that? Sweetie, it’s so amazing!”
The compliment makes Callie smile harder as she says, “thank you!”
“We’re gonna have so much fun tonight, kiddo.”
Her eyes light up, premature excitement brewing. “Can we watch Disney movies?”
“Not only can we watch Disney movies, but we can dance and sing with Disney movies.”
Oh Lord. You have a feeling Callie won’t be in bed by 7:30pm, but it’s not worth pushing back on. You’re just grateful she’s agreed to stay around in town long enough for your date to stay with Callie. You know you could always ask your mom, but she’s already helped out so much in the past couple weeks, you figured she could use a break. 
You and Alexis work to clean up the disaster that is your room as Callie busies herself in her playroom. Nearly finished, Alexis suddenly shares, “oh, I got something for you!”
Closing up your drawer, you place your hands on your hips. “Lex, you’ve already done so much for—-” you’re silenced by the box she’s suddenly reaching your way. “---me.” A headache is coming, migraine even. “Alexis, seriously?”
“What? It’s obvious ya’ll don’t use condoms.” Moving over to the side of your bed, she slides open the drawer of your nightstand and secures the box of Plan B.
“How many times do I have to say—”
Your 937589th time defending yourself that day is interrupted by the doorbell followed by Callie excitedly yelling “Joe!”
“I’ll get it,” Alexis offers, rushing over to you to give some quick, last minute advice. “You got this okay? It’s Joe. You know him like you know the back of your hand. You’re just hanging out with a muscular, 6’3 wrestler who also happens to be your baby daddy. No pressure.”
“Lex, sometimes you really do suck.”
“No, that’s going to be you tonight.” She laughs, ducking as you toss a decorative pillow in her direction. 
Blowing through your mouth, you attempt a mini pep talk, digging deep for the shitload you had and utilized as cheer captain what feels like so long ago.
“It’s just a date. Just a date.”
That’s the mantra, the ideal that you have to live by, have to pocket and keep with you at all times. 
Just a date. 
Grabbing your purse off the dresser, you slide on your heels and head out to the living room. What you’re met with is both expected and unexpected. Joe is holding Callie who’s clearly catching him up on everything he’s missed since he was last in town, minute by minute play, of course. But, Alexis is in the kitchen surrounded by three separate bouquets of flowers, one of red roses, one yellow, and one pink. 
Joe’s gaze is on you as soon as you enter the space, but your attention is focused on the breathtaking roses. 
“Have I told you he’s my top choice for you?” Alexis asks, explaining and pointing. “The pinks are for me, yellows are for Cal Gal, and the reds are, obviously for you.” A warm smile grows on your face. He’s so damn thoughtful. 
Walking over to him, you cross your arms. “Red roses are my favorites.”
“I remember.” Of course he does. He sweeps his eyes over you, slowly, meticulously. “You look beautiful.”
Bashful would never ever be a word you’d use to describe yourself, but it’s definitely how you feel in this moment. “Thank you.”
He looks good too, but that’s not surprising. Joe always looks good, even in his otherwise basic outfit of dark jeans, long sleeved black fitted shirt, and simple gold chain around his neck. The man could wear an orange jumpsuit, and you’d still want to fuck him silly. 
“Okay, Cal Gal, we better let them get going, so you and I can head out too.”
Alexis' words catch Joe’s attention, as he asks, protectively, “where are you taking her?”
Callie answers, “Auntie Lex and I are gonna have a sleepover at the hotel!”
Joe looks at you, quizzically. “I told her they can just stay here.”
“Just in case,” she winks at Joe and reminds you, quietly. “Nightstand, babes.”
Heading out is as expected. Callie asks once again if she can come with you guys, and Joe promises that the three of you will do something together at a later time. You remind Alexis to not allow Callie to pig out on junk food and go to bed on time, or at least, a decent time. 
Not that it means much. You know she’s gonna do what she wants, because that’s who Alexis is. 
That doesn’t bother you as much as Joe not telling you shit about this date other than that you probably won’t get back until late. Which isn’t much of anything. 
“What about a—”
He glances at you only for a second, then focuses back on the road. “The answer gon’ be the same as it was the last ten times you asked.”
Glaring at him, you cross your arms. “You know I hate surprises.”
“I’m aware.”
“But, you’re surprising me anyway?”
“Sure am.” Sucking your teeth and looking out the window, you cross your arms, turning your body away from him. “Watch the attitude, sweetheart, or I’ll fix it for you at the end of the night.”
His words shouldn’t make your thighs clench together.
“Whatever.” Pulling out your phone, you start to connect it to the car’s bluetooth. 
“What are you doing?”
“I’m not gonna sit here in silence, but I have nothing to say to you, so we need some music.” You’re certain he’s rolling his eyes but doesn’t say anything. Hardheaded ass. He definitely does speak up though when the iconic opening guitar from Smells Like Teen Spirit fills the SUV. 
“Oh my god.”
“I don’t want to hear it. You leave me and my musical tastes alone.”
It seems like a rite of passage for every preteen or teenager to have some type of emo phase where they blast and rock out to Paramore like it’s a religious experience. Emphasis on phase. You never really grew out of yours. A love for rock music was something that stemmed from your love of paramore and morphed to the overall genre in general over the years. It was also something you and Alexis had in common, attending Warped your junior year of college. Joe always roasted you for this, because it was so unexpected.
You just liked your Breaking Benjamin just as much as you liked your Megan Thee Stallion.
“You know Callie likes it too,” you inform. One of your personal goals in life is to pass on your eclectic taste in music to your mini me. The appropriate music, of course. You never listen to anything provocative around her, even the clean versions. 
“You got her listening to this shit, too?”
Challenging him, you counter. “Would you rather her listen to Pound Town?” He shakes his head, running his hand over his beard. “That’s what I thought.”
Joe doesn’t ask you anything else, just lets you rock out to your music to help you avoid asking him the same damn question over and over again. But, you definitely do have questions that you’re absolutely asking when you see where he’s taken you. “Why the hell are we at the airport?” The bastard doesn’t say anything, and you start to repeat your question when he pulls around and you see it. 
“Joe, is that a fucking jet? You have a jet? We’re getting on a jet?” The questions keep rolling out as you find yourself unable to rip your eyes away from it. You’ve been on a plane before, but never a private jet. 
“No, we’re going to stare at it.” 
Your mind is a million and one places. Just what does this man have planned?
Jumping, you realize he’s not only parked, exited the vehicle, but is standing at your side of the car, door open. “Come on.” 
Angrily unbuckling your seatbelt, you jump out the car and continue to press him for answers. 
“Don’t get smart with me when I’m panicking. An actual jet? Where the hell are you taking us? Siberia?” He doesn’t say anything, just moves closer to you and places a hand behind your neck. 
“Do you trust me?”
You’re not sure if you’ve ever actually asked yourself that question, but interestingly enough, the answer is a no-brainer. 
“Of course.”
“Then shut up and come on.”
“We could have just gone to a local restaurant.”
Joe finally caved a bit and informed you that he was taking you to a restaurant out of town but within the same state. That was it. But, it was something, and it made you feel a little bit better about sitting here with him on a jet without a clue as to what’s going on.
“Why? So our waiter can be your ex-fiance?” You roll your eyes and decide against telling him the best restaurant in town is owned by your high school coach’s brother. “I’m tired of sharing you.” His strong arms are around you as he nuzzles his face into your neck. Because of course you’re sitting on his lap, the only “seat” he allowed you to use. “Want you to myself….”
Hands on his forearms, your eyes shut as you try to allow yourself to enjoy this. To enjoy him. He’s obviously gone to great lengths to make tonight special for the both of you, so the least you can do is be appreciative and try to enjoy the ride. A small smile on your lip, you taunt, “Callie might have something else to say about that.”
Just the mention of his daughter brings a smile to Joe’s face and yours too. Seeing how much he loves her gives you such peace and satisfaction. “What does she want for Christmas, by the way?”
Scoffing, you answer, smartly, “well, considering you’ve already bought her half of Toys-r-Us inventory, I’m not sure if there’s anything left for her to want.”
He’s unconvinced. “There has to be something. What did you get her?”
“Just random stuff, dolls, more art supplies.” To be honest, you’ve been so busy with everything else that much of your Christmas shopping still hasn’t happened. A rarity since you’re usually meticulous with these things, needing to know what paycheck they’re going to come out of, really. “I mean, the big thing is obviously Disney. That’s on every list: Christmas, birthday, Easter, Chinese new year.”
“Disney world?” He clarifies.
Nodding, you explain, “yup, but of course, because she’s our kid and too smart for her own good, she learned about the different parts like animal kingdom, epcot, and now she wants to see them all.” You’ll never forget the day she came running into your room, jumping on your bed, screaming, “there’s more, mommy! Lots more!”
“I’ve tried to explain I have to save for that, especially since I would want to take my mom with me, but she’s so young, she doesn’t understand it's either Disney, or we have a place to live.” Truth be told, you’ve always wanted to go to Disney too. So did your grandma. And the plan was to go for your high school graduation. Obviously….that never happened.
Your grandma passed away before you all had the chance. 
“I’ll take her. I’ll take all of you.” 
Sitting up, your brows furrow as you clarify, “shit, no. Joe, I didn’t—I wasn’t trying to ask you—”
“I know you weren’t. You’re too stubborn for that.” He’s not wrong, his finger moving up and down your side as he continues. “She wants to go. I’m sure you do too and your mom. I can make it happen, so let me make it happen.”
You hear what he’s saying, you really do, but considering you’ve sat down and cranked out the numbers for what this would cost, just for one person, it makes you almost nauseous to think how much he’d have to fork up.
Joe’s exceptionally well at reading you, speaking again. “I’m gonna say something, and I know you’re gonna push back, because like I said,  you’re stubborn as hell, but I’m gonna say it anyway because that don’t change shit.”
You eye him, skeptically. “I’m already annoyed,”
“Money is something you never have to worry about, especially if it’s for Callie.” You open your mouth to protest, but he lifts his hand to silence you. “I’ve got you, and I’ve got her. Whether you want me to or not.”
It’s such a strange shift, traveling from this mindset where you are the sole financial provider for your child to having a partner who has more money than he knows what to do with and doesn’t mind spending it to make your child happy. To make you happy. 
“Let me do something for my daughter.”
He’s got you there, even if he’s done so much already. You’ve already denied him so much more. Why add to the list? “Okay.” There’s no support for an argument. Who are you to try to get in the way of a father fulfilling his daughter’s lifelong dream? Sure, you could probably make it happen eventually, but time waits for no one. And you can’t really fault Joe. He just wants to do something nice for her daughter. “But….but not Christmas. Her birthday, maybe?”
This seems to work for him as well as he nods in agreement, probably thinking of the benefit to having more time to arrange being away from work.
Joe does an excellent job distracting you for the rest of the ride, which ends up being relatively short, definitely not as long as you expected. Granted, nothing so far has been what you expected, especially when a driver picks you up from the airport and transports you to this top secret location.
Hand in his, Joe leads you inside the building that’s revealed to be a restaurant of some sort. Gracefully decorated and almost entirely empty. 
Touched, you ask in a soft voice, “you rented out a restaurant for us?” 
He glides his thumb over your knuckles and brings your hand to his mouth, kissing it gently. “Not exactly.” 
“Joe, is that you?” 
A voice calls out, and he answers back with a yes.
Confused, you watch an older black woman with salt and pepper hair emerge from the back of the restaurant, wearing one of the friendliest smiles you’ve ever seen. You study her, wondering why she looks so familiar. 
“There you are,” she greets, clapping her hands on her apron. “I was wondering when you’d get here.”
“Sorry, we’re late,” he apologies and releases your hand to bend down and hug this woman. Separating, he looks at you, introducing, “Joyce, this is Y/N.” Taking your hand again, he explains, “baby, this is—”
“Joyce Green,” you finish for him. “Oh my goodness, my mom and I watch your show.” 
Joyce and Dennis Green.
Known as the culinary king and queen throughout your state. They have a chain of restaurants that stretch over the south, a successful cookware line, and television show that’s been atop the charts for years. Arguably, the most successful, African-American couple in this part of the culinary world. 
Suddenly a bit starstruck, you offer your hand. “It’s so nice to meet you.”
She looks at you and waves off your offer. “Baby, I’m a hugger.” Laughing, you accept her warm hug as she pulls back and assesses you. “You just a pretty little thing, ain’t you?” She compliments, and you’ve never felt so validated in your life. There’s just something about compliments from older black women that heal the soul. Her eyes shift to Joe. “And you….my Lord, he took his time with this one.”
Biting your lip, you agree, “sure did.” 
Joe chuckles and says, “thank you for agreeing to this again.” 
“Of course. My grandbaby still talks about your make-a-wish visit. It’s our honor to have you here.” You say nothing but realize this is how he knows them, how he arranged for whatever this is. She claps her hands together and asks, “now what would you say is your level of experience with cooking?”
It’s directed to both of you, but you answer first, “I can cook a little bit.”
Joe looks at you, brow raised before telling Joyce. “That’s not what her mom or our daughter says.”
“Ya’ll have a baby?” Her eyes light up. “Could I see a picture? If you don’t mind, that is.” Joe shakes his head and pulls out his phone, unlocking the screen which reveals not only a picture of Callie, but you as well, the two of you smiling together. 
She gasps. “Oh, she’s beautiful.” She looks between the both of you. “Perfect combination, but she has your smile.”
“Thank you.” Anyone saying anything nice about your Callie always lands a genuine grin on your face. “It’s the dimples,” you add.
“Joyce, are you in there talking a hole in them people’s heads?” Another voice enters the room, and you see an older black man also wearing an apron around them. Dennis. This is Dennis.
Joyce sucks her teeth. “Oh hush, you old fool.” She beckons him over, and he shares a quick hug with Joe before her eyes rest on you. Joyce introduces, “this is his girlfriend. Ain’t she pretty?”
“Sure is,” Dennis agrees, shaking your hand. “Pleasure to meet you, young lady.”
Your focus is partially on the conversation at hand but also on how she introduced you. 
You’ve never once considered yourself that to Joe, even in being with him for three years. It always felt wrong and invalid. Because of his wife.
But, she’s out of the picture now.
What reason is there for there not to be a label between the two of you?
Shaking your head, you try to return to the present. 
This is ending up being so much more than just a date.
“How long have ya’ll been together?” 
You’re in the midst of mincing garlic when Joyce asks her question. 
This wasn’t just a dinner date. It was a private cooking lesson with thee Joyce and Dennis Green. Not many things made you giddy, but this was definitely one of them. 
Thinking on her question, you realize it’s something you’ve never thought about and thus have no idea how to answer. Because just how does one quantify your relationship? Can you even count the three years you were actually together when he was legally married to someone else? 
Joe, conversely, has no difficulty answering.
“Almost eight years.”
Joyce glances at your left hand. “How much time you need to make up your mind, young man?”
“Oh, Joyce, leave them kids alone,” Dennis chides, carefully chopping up the onions. “Let em’ do what they want.”
“I’m just saying, you already have a child together,” she continues, asking, “What’s stopping you from taking the next step?”
“Uhhh, we, we’ve had some ups and downs,” you answer, hoping the change in tone will indicate this is a sensitive subject.
“I see, well….” You can tell she’s trying to carefully choose her words, and you’re grateful for that thoughtfulness and respect. “All things considered, you seem to have found your way back to one another, so that has to mean something.”
Her words resonate deeply. She’s right. Yes, obviously Callie will always bound you to Joe in some sort of capacity, but countless people co–parent without being together. However, that doesn't seem to be the case with the two of you, something tethers you together. 
And it’s not just the child you share together.
The four of you work together to prepare your meal with Joyce and Dennis having to be extra patient with you, because Joe of all trades over there excels without the need of much help. It’s annoying how he’s just naturally good at so many things. 
At one point, Joyce gently whispers to you, “some people just don’t got it, baby, and you don’t. That’s okay.”
Of course, Joe hears this, and you have to stop yourself from flipping him off. Instead, you settle for mouthing asshole.
The entire process takes about an hour, and when the meals are finished, you’re surprised to find that Joyce and Dennis move to a separate room to eat. It’s not something that entirely bothers you though. You enjoy your alone time with Joe. And it allows you the space to briefly FaceTime Callie in the middle of your meal to tell her goodnight, an absolute must. 
Not even just for you anymore, but Joe too. 
She has to see and speak to the both of you before she can fall asleep.
You can’t wait for her to find out the truth. 
Stealing off Joe’s plate, you quickly realize that while your food came out fine, his is delicious. It’s why you decide to seat yourself on his lap instead of your chair so you’re not constantly reaching over the table. 
“You done messed up your food, and now you wanna come after mine?” Ignoring him, you bring a forkful to your mouth, moaning instantly. 
Covering your mouth as you finish chewing, you exclaim, “it’s so good.”
He chuckles, hand on the small of your back. “I see I’m the one who’s gonna have to do the cooking for us.”
“Well, according to you and everyone else, I can’t cook, so—”
“You can’t, but that’s okay. I hoped this would help, but you may be beyond help—” He laughs as you shove on his chest.
“You’re such an ass….” Gaze softening, you bring your hand to his face, gripping his beard. “Thank you for this. It’s incredibly sweet.”
And you mean that. Joe didn’t have to do this, didn’t have to do any of it. But, this is just who he is, a kind, sweet, thoughtful man. It’s what makes him such an amazing father. 
An amazing partner.
He kisses your palm. “You’re welcome….”
Once the food is finished, you two spend the rest of the time just talking, laughing, enjoying each other. You could never get tired of being around this man. His energy is so warm and welcoming. You’re starting to relate more and more with Callie’s difficulty every time he leaves. This night is too short, but you wonder if you could ever have enough time to be with him.
As the night draws to a close, you two reunite with Joyce and Dennis to thank them for a wonderful evening. However, it’s the closing remarks that really sit with you. When Dennis pulls back from his hug, he whispers to you, “young lady, I’ve lived a long life, so trust me when I tell you this.” You watch him, listening intently. “A man doesn’t look at a woman the way Joe looks at you unless he’s in love.” 
Your breath catches in the back of your throat. That’s….definitely not what you expected him to say. And Joyce is no different. She holds onto you a little longer in the hug, and you’re grateful. She reminds you so much of your grandmother. 
“A little piece of advice from an old lady?” It’s almost impossible to prepare for whatever is about to leave her mouth, your mind still trying to sit on Dennis' words. “You don’t lose love by sending it away” A beat. “All you’re doing is making it grow stronger.” 
The rides home are more quiet than the journey there, and that’s because you’re trying to balance this heavy battle between your head and your heart. 
Your mind is all over the place. You’ve felt so conflicted since opening the door for Joe for the first time in almost five years. And you don’t regret it, far from it. Callie’s father is in her life. She has that relationship, that love with him. 
That’s all you wanted, all you expected. 
You didn’t expect for your feelings for him to resurface or his for you to be as strong as they clearly are. 
It’s such a suffocating, overwhelming experience. 
And at the same time, everything you’ve ever wanted. 
He is everything you’ve ever wanted. 
Walking into your apartment, Joe locks the door behind the two of you, always wanting to make sure you’re straight before he leaves. As he always does. 
He brings his hands to your face, concerned, asking, “what’s wrong? Talk to me.”
Your eyes close, hand to his chest. 
This is too hard, too painful, too difficult. 
You can’t do it anymore.
“Fuck it.”
In a matter of seconds, your lips are on his and his hands are all over your body. It’s explosive, the both of you battling for dominance, Joe’s tongue circling around yours. You moan into his mouth, and he hikes you up on his waist. 
"Are you sure?" He breathes against your mouth and you nod fervently.
Come what may, you'll deal with it then. You need this. Need him
Gaining your consent, he skillfully guides you to your bedroom only breaking the kiss when he places you on the floor in front of the bed. “Take off your clothes.” 
His tone is authoritative, demanding, but even if it wasn't, it's not like he needs to ask twice. You squeeze yourself out of your dress, tossing it to the side. As the top was padded and shoulders out, you didn't bother with a bra. And before you can hook your fingers around your underwear to discard them, Joe tosses you on the bed, hovering over you.
He lifts his shirt over his head, and you chew on your bottom lip. This man is too fine. His strength has always been so sexy to you. As a woman on the thicker side, you’ve always needed a man who could handle you in the sheets. And Joe was more than adept in that area. 
He stares at you like you're the most precious thing he's ever had the privilege to lay his eyes on. Your stomach flutters. No ones ever been able to make you feel things like Joe can.
Its such a welcomed experience, one you've missed deeply.
“God, you’re beautiful….” 
His big hands travel your body, but it’s when he bites down on the strap of your panties and glides them down your legs that your back arches off the bed. You're already so wet, dampness coating the inside of your thighs.
You need this man more than one needs air to breathe.
“Patience, baby.” His voice is soothing on a surface level but does little to abate the fire burning through your entire body, the throbbing in your center. “Don’t I always take care of you?” When you don’t give him an answer, too busy trying to settle yourself, his hand grips your thigh. Tight. “I asked you a question.”
Swallowing, you nod, answering, “y-yes, you do.” 
Pleased with your obedience, he goes to remove his pants, and your eyes go straight to his massive bulge. You wet your lips. The moonlight shining through the window creates a backdrop of his broad shoulders, silk hair down and free. Just how you like it. 
He’s so beautiful and yours. 
Only yours.
Your hand reaches for his abs, wanting to touch him, when he captures your wrist, bringing your fingers to his mouth, sucking slowly, teasingly. 
Groaning, your head tilted back, another spasm works its way through your core. You need this man, and you need him now.
Joe detects as such and hovers over you, one rough hand grasping your breast as he glosses his lips over your clavicle. Moaning, you lift your thigh against his hip, wanting, needing some type of friction. 
He begins lining kisses down your body, lips leaving a flaming trail of desire in its wake. “Spread your legs for me, baby. And keep 'em open.” He doesn’t have to ask twice. You heed to his command, opening yourself to him. He kisses the inside of your thighs, eyes alight with desire. “Before you come on my dick, gotta taste this pretty pussy.” 
Joe makes a sound, taking his finger and swirling it around your pussy. A sticky line of your cum drips from his fingers, and you nearly come right then and there watching him suck it off. 
“Fuck,” he groans, bringing both of your legs over his shoulders, hooking them behind your knees. “Forgot how sweet you are.”
His cool breath hitting your core is the first thing you feel followed by that deliciously talented tongue taking one long swipe up your cunt. Instantly, your back is arching off the bed. That’s how sensitive you are to him, how easily your entire existence becomes focused solely on him and the insane pleasure he provides you.
The tip of Joe’s tongue swirls around your swollen, sensitive bud as he uses his other two fingers to keep your folds open, available to and for him to do whatever he wants. He plays with you, a tactic you’ve noticed he gets off on, edging you in a sense.
“Stop playing with me,” you groan, even if this feels just as good as anything else. It’s not what you want, what you need. What you need is his mouth on you, not this toying shit.
Sucking his teeth, he blows on your clit, and you hiss. “You really gon tell me how to take care of my pussy?” There’s a trace of humor in his voice as he dips one finger inside of you, smiling at the way you grip at the sheets. “Naw, baby. I know what you need.” 
And that’s when he finally does away with the teasing, locking your legs on his shoulders with his hand and buries his face into your pussy. “Shit!” It’s what you wanted, most definitely what you needed, but not what you expected. 
Fuck. He’s too good at this. 
Joe alternates with expert strokes, sucking and flicking your pussy, with a yearning and longing that’s matched only by the rapture soaring through your body. 
He eats your pussy like he does all things in life, with passion and dedication.
“Joe.” Tears burn your eyes as he continues to eat at you, rarely breaking for air and never allowing your body time to recover. He’s back to back, bringing you to climax and going right back to eating you out.
You’d forgotten how much he loved this. It’s nearly impossible to recall how many times this man has had his face in between your legs, but you could most definitely count how many times he’d let you return the favor. Joe didn’t care much about receiving. He was a pleaser, through and through.
“Baby, please, I can’t—I—-“ and it’s a waste of time because every inch up the bed is met with his strong hands on your hips, tugging you closer. Even as you cum, hard, nearly convulsing off the mattress, he stays sucking your pussy, lapping every bit of it up as his tongue circles your sensitive bud.
You’re not sure when he finally comes up, just that it’s after at least two orgasms. Maybe three. Keeping count with Joe is always a waste of time, because it’s always going to be several.  Panting, eyes fluttering, you take in the sight of him. His beard is wet, glistening with the result of his expert work. “I love eating this pussy.” His finger swirls and plays around with the absolute drenched mess you’ve made. “but I need you to come on my dick now.”
There’s a bit of dissociation in the next few minutes. He’s tongue fucked all of your five senses out of you that it’s only when you realize he’s got you on your hands and knees, dick teasing your soaked entrance that you're aware of what's about to happen. 
“Wait.” Your breath is haggard, voice drained from only this man’s tongue. This. This is the shit he does to you. This is why it took so long for you to let him go all those years ago. It’s the same reason you don’t think you’ll ever be able to let him go. Not after this. “I need—you gotta let me adjust, Joe.”
Joe’s dick is thick, long, and curved. The best you’ve ever had, but it’s been years since you last had him, so he has to take it easy on you, allow you time to accommodate him.
“You can take this dick, baby,” he encourages, pushing down on the top of your back until your cheek is pressed into the pillow, back arched perfectly. “And you always will.”
His tip nudges your sticky, gushy opening, starting a slow entrance that has your hands fisting. Inch by inch, he enters you, jaw clenching at how tightly your cunt clenches him. 
It’s been too long since he’s been inside you.  
“Oh my god.” You’d forgotten this, forgotten the delicious stretch of him inside of you, forgotten how deep he could go, touching you, reaching you in all the areas no one else could. And you had tried. God, you tried. Had your hookups, but no one was checking Joe’s box when it came to length, girth, and skill. And that tongue. Fuck, Joe ate your pussy like you were his last supper every single time.
Never a miss.
He doesn’t need to ask if you’re good. Joe sees the way you back your ass onto him, eager for him to fuck you like only he knows how to.
And he obliges. 
He slams into you with a force that has you wanting to scream out bloody murder. He feels so damn good inside of you. He stretches you so good, and you take him just as well.
“You on the pill?” He suddenly asks, slowing the speed and force of his thrusts, watching and enjoying your moans as he cruelly teases you, halting at your entrance before gradually re-entering. He’s playing with you, and it’s both blissful and miserable. 
Whining, you manage to answer, “fuck—n—no.”
“Good.” You shout when he slams back into you with such force that you reach for the headboard, needing something to keep you leveled. “Gonna fill you up with my cum.”
“Joe….” His words register, but it’s hard to think straight with this man fucking you so good. Shit, you missed this. “We—” You’re cut off again when he reaches in front of you, hand ghosting over your pussy, index finger circling your clit. “We ca—”
“I’m not pulling out.” He groans above you, the way your shit grips him. “You’re so fucking tight.”
“You’re just big,” you counter and cry out when he slides out of you and slams at a different angle that has your big breast slapping against your chest. “Shit, Joe.”
“Can he fuck you how I can?” For a second, you’re confused cause who the fuck is he talking about? There’s only one person that exists in your world right now, and that’s the man blowing your back out. “Answer me,” he demands, bringing a hand down on your ass. 
You cry out, “no, baby.” Your eyes water. He’s so deep in you. “N–no one fucks me like you do.” 
“Exactly,” he continues to play with your clit as you work hard not to let your entire apartment building know you’re getting your entire insides rearranged. “Your moans are for me,” he slows down momentarily, no doubt enjoying the view of his thick dick sliding in and out of you, coated in your cream. “You scream out my name.” 
“Yes, baby,” you whimper. You and Joe have fucked plenty of times, but this is different. There’s a meaning in every word that leaves his mouth, an oath behind every declaration. You know that after tonight, there is no turning back. 
“You’re mine,” he growls, big hands moving to the small of your back, holding you down and against the bed as he rams into you, determined and focused. “You’ve always been mine.”
Tears burn your eyes when he suddenly yanks you up by your hair, pulling your body flush against his. His hair fans part of your face, mouth pressed against your temple. “I can take care of you. Take care of this pussy. You don’t need nobody but me.”
Reaching your hand behind to caress his scalp, you murmur, head laid back against him. “I don’t want anybody but you.”
There’s something about your words, so vulnerable, so sincere. With a gentleness that’s contrasted all of his fucking thus far, he pulls out of you and lays you on your back. A whimper leaves your mouth at the loss of him inside of you only for him to move his body over yours and lift your legs to his waist. He sinks into you again, and you moan together, his head resting in the crook of your neck as he finds a pace that pleases the both of you.
Ankles locking above his ass, you enjoy the different kind of depth this allows. People shit on missionary, but it’s one of your favorite positions with Joe. It’s a level of connectedness and togetherness that makes you feel so close to him. Like you two are one and the same. 
“You're so good for me,” he continues to talk you through it, tears streaming down your face as he repeatedly thrusts against your g-spot. “So fucking good around me, fucking made for me.”
His words send you over the edge.
Hands on his face, forcing him to meet your gaze, you encourage, gently, “come with me.” He looks at you, and you know. You just know that there's not much, if anything, you could ask that he wouldn't do for you.
His thrusts become more uncontrolled, erratic, and that’s how you know it’s coming, building up until there’s a blinding white light behind your eyes, toes curling and head rocking back against the pillow. Joe is not far behind, staying true to his promise as he empties inside of you every bit of his cum until there’s nothing left.
Joe doesn’t move from off you, doesn’t remove himself from inside of you, instead his body rests on top of yours. Panting, you bring your hands to his scalp, nails gently raking through his hair as he lays against your chest, muttering, “let me stay like this in you for a little bit.”
You don’t want him to move anyway, don’t want him to go anywhere. You never did, just followed what you felt and believed was right. Joyce’s wise words from earlier suddenly return to the forefront of your mind. 
“You don’t lose love by sending it away. All you're doing is making it grow stronger.” 
That’s never felt and rang more true than in this moment.
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maddie-dog-story-blog · 4 months ago
Christmas Dolly - 2
Weeks passed, and Callie completely forgot about the new addition to her house. The cute little doll sat on her mantel, untouched. Similarly, the box with outfits and furniture was moved into her bedroom, where it laid undisturbed.
At least, it did until December 23rd, when Callie, about to walk out the door with her bags to make the two hour drive to her parent's house for the holiday, saw the face of her tiny doppelganger and had an epiphany. She had to bring the doll and it's accompanying accoutrements to Christmas with her.
Penny had obviously spent most of her meager savings on the toy. It would be rude not to show her adorable little sister how much she appreciated the gift, even if she hadn't touched it for weeks.
Quickly, Callie packed the doll in its original box and carried it to the car before undertaking her long drive home for Christmas.
Once at her parents house, Callie was immediately greeted by her parents and baby sister, Penny.
"Penny! I missed you so much! How're you doing, sweetie?" Callie greeted the younger woman with a saccharine sweet, caring yet condescending tone.
Penny rolled her eyes at her sister's belittling words.
"Callie! I told you, it's Penelope now! And, I'm fine. Did you get my present?" Callie's sister responded, giving her older sibling a strangely assessing look as she asked the last question.
Callie ignored her sister's strange behavior, plowing ahead with the holiday niceties.
"I did! It's in my car. Maybe we can play with it together when I get all unpacked? You love playing dollies!"
Strangely, given Penny's earlier protests at being talked to like a child, the young woman lit up at the idea of playing with dolls with her big sister.
"Yes, Callie! That would be amazing!"
Callie just smiled at her baby sister's childlike exuberance and gave her a light kiss on the cheek. Penny's excitement over something as infantile as playing with dolls met Callie's expectations for her younger sister perfectly.
Callie then turned to their parents and exchanged their normal pleasantries before grabbing her luggage and heading to her old bedroom--a room that had remained untouched since she moved out after highschool.
Exhausted from her drive, Callie immediately collapsed onto the small twin bed in the room. Staring at the walls and ceiling, she marveled at how perfectly preserved her parents had kept this room for all of the years since she moved out.
The pastel pink walls were still adorned with posters of boy bands and Taylor Swift. In one corner, a large doll house sat under a hanging net, overflowing with stuffed animals, toys that even as an older teen she couldn't bring herself to part with. Her white desk, worn from years of homework, sat against another wall, stationary and a small lamp decorating it's top. Her white dresser stood against the other wall, packed, she knew, with clothes reflective of fashions nearly a decade out of date.
Callie just took it all in and smiled. The nostalgia hit her hard. Despite not living in this room for years, it still felt strongly of home to her.
After a few minutes, a light knock on the door interrupted Callie's nostalgic revelry.
"Callie?" Penny's voice came hesitantly from outside of the room.
Callie smiled. Penny interrupting her to ask to play felt right when she was lying on this bed.
"Come on in, sweetie! Did you want to see my new dolly?" Callie said with the condescending tone that was ever present when she spoke with her sister.
Penelope walked in, a grimace quickly replaced by a large, innocent grin.
"Of course, sissy! I was so excited when I found it for you! I knew you would love it. You do love it, right?!" Penny looked at her older sister with puppy dog eyes that melted Callie's heart.
"Of course, I do! Here, let's look at her together. Maybe we can introduce her to my doll house," Callie responded as she got out of bed and pulled out the large cardboard box containing the doll and it's accessories.
Penny quickly dove into the box, pulling out the tiny simulacrum of her older sister.
"Aw! She's a scientist like you, Callie! Adorable!"
Callie couldn't help but smile at her sister's excitement.
"She is! But, she has so many other clothes too! See?"
Callie began pulling outfit after outfit out of the box, laying them on the floor in front of Penny. The younger woman fingered each piece of clothing reverently. Eventually, her attention fell on a beautiful red dress that looked like a dress a Callie could remember wearing to church as a small girl.
Penny picked the dress up and handed it to Callie.
"Isn't this dress just precious, Callie? Can you dress her in it? Pleeeaaase?" The 19-year-old girl was bouncing with excitement as she begged her older sister to change her dolls clothes. It melted Callie's heart.
"Of course, that dress is adorable!" Callie said as she been undressing the tiny version of herself in her hands.
As she changed out the lab coat and slacks for the childish dress, Callie couldn't help but marvel at how the doll seemed to transform as well. With just the change of clothes, the doll seemed to suddenly be 20 years younger.
Callie held the doll up to her sister.
"Isn't she adorable?"
Penny laughed and delight and agreed.
"She really is!"
After that, the two women's conversation turned from the doll to more adult topics. The talked about work, school, their dating life, and the latest family drama--Callie consistently offering condescending comments and advise to her little sister.
After that, the rest of the night proceeded uneventfully. Callie spent time with her family, eating dinner and watching a holiday movie, before returning to her old bedroom, throwing on her red, satin pajamas, and crawling into bed.
She sighed to herself as she fell asleep, content to be back home with family for the holidays.
When Callie woke up the next morning; however, she immediately noticed something was wrong.
"Callie, little Callie Bear, it's time to get up, baby girl! It's time for church!" The sweet voice of Callie's mother sang out in her ear as Callie felt a hand gently rock her shoulder.
"Mommy? Why're you in my… church? We haven't gone to church in years?" Callie opened her eyes as she protested her mom's sudden childish treatment of her.
"What do you mean, sweetie? We go every weekend, and it's Christmas Eve! Now, hurry and get out of bed so Mommy can get you dressed!"
Despite herself, Callie suddenly felt a childish urge she couldn't resist to comply with her mother's, no, mommy's, commands. She threw back her sheets and sat up, smiling at her mother's beaming face before shock caused her mouth to drop open and her to pull a drool covered thumb she didn't realize she had been sucking on, out of her mouth.
Her room has transformed. The pink walls and twin bed remained the same, but everything else seemed different. The once tidy floor was covered in dolls, stuffed animals, and plastic toy horses.
Her desk, that had a lamp and stationary on it just last night, was covered with crayons, colored pencils, and various drawings that looked like they had been completed by an elementary schooler.
Similarly, where photos of herself and her friends in highschool and posters of Taylor Swift and One Direction once hung on the walls, there were posters depicting Barbies, My Little Pony, and poorly drawn artwork.
Callie looked down at herself and realized her clothes had changed too. Instead of the sexy red satin nightie and thong she had worn to bed, she was wearing a cotton, Barbie-themed nightshirt and pink cotton panties with a childish bow on the front.
Callie didn't get to long to process the changes to her world, however. As soon as she sat up, her mommy, no mom (Callie couldn't understand why she suddenly had such a strong desire to call her mother such a childish term), pulled her nightshirt over her head and began dressing her 27-year-old daughter like she was 7 years old instead.
Callie, much to her surprise, found herself allowing her Mommy to dress her. She put her arms up when asked, stepped into clothes when directed, and sat still while the older woman styled her hair.
At the end of the process, Callie's Mommy stood her up next to the full-length mirror attached to the back of the Callie's bedroom door. Callie's reflection beamed back of her, the spitting image of an overgrown second grader, excited to go to church.
Internally, however, Callie screamed. Something was wrong. Horribly wrong. This wasn't right. She shouldn't be wearing these clothes. She shouldn't have let her Mommy dress her. She shouldn't be excited to go to church. She shouldn't be calling Mommy, Mommy!
Callie felt like a passenger in her own body.
Callie watched as her Mommy approached her from behind with something in her hand.
"Well, if this isn't just the most adorable thing ever, you're twinning!"
Mommy held out the doll Penny had gifted Callie earlier in the month, and the 27-year-old research scientist grimaced internally. The outfit she was currently wearing matched the doll's perfectly. Callie wanted to cry.
Instead, she giggled, grabbed the doll from her mother's hands greedily, and hugged it tightly.
"Matchy!" Callie heard her own voice call out cheerfully.
Her Mommy laughed and grabbed her hand.
"Well, let's go, Callie Bear! We don't want to be late for church on Christmas Eve!"
Callie let her mother lead her out of her room by the hand, as, in her head, she sat horrified at what might come next.
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hotheadrednecksimmer · 2 months ago
For The First Time - Struck by Love Legacy Challenge - Season 3, Episode 52
Calliope's | Downtown San Myshuno
That morning, Callie was getting ready for the opening. She was checking over her lists and the menu for the day. Everyone had been hired, knew the plan for the day, but she couldn't help to feel like something was going to happen or she was forgetting something.
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Sutton was fast asleep in Callie's office. Callie set up a baby monitor and went downstairs with the other part. Callie changed into her grand opening outfit before the ceremony started.
Soon enough, people were waiting in line to try out Calliope's. There was a wait of at least 2 hours before being able to get a table. Callie couldn't believe how successful the grand opening was going.
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Callie made sure to check on tables and make a personable introduction.
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Naomi and Leo, Callie's parents, showed up to support their daughter.
Naomi: I am so so proud of you. I can't wait to eat! I'm starving.
Callie smiles: Thank you mom, I'll comp you're food. Family eats free.
Naomi: I would be happy to pay, please.
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Callie: If you say so mom. Thank you for coming, it means the world to me.
Naomi: I couldn't miss a big day in your life! I already missed out on your wedding, I couldn't miss out on this.
Callie nervously laughs: We're going to have another ceremony in the next year or so. Probably on our anniversary.
Naomi: Good, I want your dad to be able to walk you down the aisle, I know he was bummed he didn't get to do that.
Callie: And I'll make up for it! I promise we will have another ceremony and you will be invited!
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Leo: This place looks amazing! You did great in here.
Callie: Thanks dad, I was worried about the atmosphere and the design of this place.
Leo: I think it looks fantastic, like it was always supposed to look like this.
Callie: You should've seen it before the remodel.
Leo: It would have been cool to see the transformation.
Callie: It's come a long way for sure.
Leo: Now where are my grandkids?
Callie: Spencer didn't want to come to the restaurant so he's at daycare, Sutton is in my office. I think she's still asleep. I've checked on her a few times to eat and change her, but she's been sleeping a lot lately.
Leo: I'm sure she's developing some new skill, they sleep a lot when they develop a new skill.
Callie: I didn't know that. I know she's been fussy lately, I just assumed it was teething.
Later that night
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Leo, Naomi and Callie in conversation.
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Callie smiles at her husband: Hey, you look beat, rough day at work?
Nathaniel: Hey beautiful, yeah it was rough. I would've rather been here. How was the grand opening?
Naomi: Oh, it was wonderful. Everyone was raving about how beautiful it was here and how excellent the food was.
Leo: And the drinks!
Callie chuckles: It went very well. Where's Spencer?
Nathaniel puzzled: Well, I went to go pick him up at daycare and they said his mother already came and got him. So, I thought you had him?
Callie shakes her head slowly: No, I've been here all day.
Callie and Nathaniel immediately rush home, Leo and Naomi already had plans to take the kids for the night so they left Sutton with them.
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When they arrived home, Mr. O'Connell was waiting for them by the front door.
Nathaniel shouts: Have you seen Spencer?
Mr. O'Connell calmly: I have no with my own two eyes, but I have a message from Mr. Barnabas regarding Mr. Spencer.
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sailorsplatoon · 8 months ago
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What do their partners think of their outfits?
Elita absolutely loves Callie’s outfit. Callie did a big reveal for her before she showed anyone else. Elita thought it was amazing immediately.
Shina is a little jealous of Marie’s outfit, she kind of wants one for herself. Regardless, she thinks it looks amazing on Marie.
Pearl and Marina obviously adore each other’s outfits. I’d like to think they picked them out for each other, just because I think it’s cute. (also the way Marina stares directly into the camera in that pic is kind of unnerving…)
Birch thinks Shiver’s outfit is a little bit much, but they understand she’s trying to go all out for the grand festival. They do make fun of the pants though, they think she looks like she’s wearing tin foil on her legs. 
Elle finds Frye’s outfit cool, she especially likes what she did with her tentacles. They think the way she made them into little horn-like things is a fun new style for the splatfest. 
I know I haven’t talked about them much, but I think I briefly discussed the possibility of a QPR polycule between Captain, Eight, and Big Man, and I feel bad about leaving Big Man out so I’m incluing that now. Captain thinks his outfit is just funny, it’s definitely over the top but it makes things interesting at least. Eight is a little surprised by his sudden shift in style, but he supports him in his new outfit endevours.
Thank you for the ask!!! Personally, I love all their outfits. Side note: anyone else notice how they called it grand festival instead of final fest? Does that mean there might be more? Or am I just getting my hopes up?
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localsimpissleepy · 5 months ago
Another post about my JD fankids is here
I was thinking if I should post these fankids in order of the Danceverses (based on the JD wiki)
But I decided to post about my battlemode fankids first, since I do have some
Anyways, here they are (I might make a part 2 if I hit the photo limit)
Picrew by Didimdal
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(Daughter of Mister Overload & MLJ C3)
I had to okay-
Just like her dad, she's a superhero that has lightning powers
But also like her other dad, she has a love for music and wishes to make it big in the music intrasty
As to why I made her look…i guess a bit mean, was because i originally had her have problems showing facial emotions, and prefers to keep to herself (her dead face would look like she's annoyed but she's not)
But now that i saw the One Last Time map…i'm making her have this look cause she's kinda depressed about her parents being divorced, kinda being a therapist to both her dads, all while having to deal with it all alone
What can I say? I love angst
But don't worry, cause i'm still kinda salty about that map, MLJ C3 & Mister Overload will get back together in this au (which will make Lyn feel better)
Kinda debating if i should make a Break Free & Mister Overload fanchild to add to the angst…idk
Another thing, I like to think that instead of having terrible bad luck like her dad, she just makes terrible things happen around her instead of hurting her (another reason why she stays isolated from others)
Anyways, since MLJ C3 & Rasputin are friends, so are Lyn & Viktor (my Rasputin & The Bride fankid)
Their good friends (its like that meme where the two quiet kids were best friends without saying a single word lol)
Outfit ideas:
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Anyways, I think I'm gonna start giving them voice claims, I'll probably go back to my other fankid posts and give them voices
Anyways, Lyn's voice claim: Mermista (She-Ra) or Zooble (The Amazing Digital Circus)
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Picrew by shima.h
(Daughter of Maybel & Joshua)
I recently made her so her summary is gonna be short
Just like Maybel, she's very energetic and loves to spend a lot of time on social media
She's always high positive about everything (rarely gets mad) and wants to bring out the best of everyone
And idk, something about Beauty And A Beat makes Joshua seem chill? So is Callie (she sees death right in front of her, and all she does is smile and wave lol)
Thinking of making her & the rest of the battle mode fankids be some sort of friend group, she's the most social of the group, she besties with Lyn, the less social of the group (debating if Lesbians or not/hj)
Outfit ideas:
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Voice claim: Mei (Monkie Kid)
And if anyone wants, feel free to ask questions about them if you want
Part 2 might come soon!
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toby-newtman-tics · 3 months ago
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Ball outfit expect I refuse to take criticism on my fit I look great
@alectocrow @clown-boy @prewett-twin @reagan-is-tired @orson-does-good-ish @whokilledevanrosier @malfoy-lu @starlight-starbright-thatsme @voldemortscult @nico-lovesthe-sun @nhia-moua @scattered-across-thesky @toby-newtman-tics @bones-and-edgar @devsmagicalblog @secretlifeof-asher @your-favourite-callie @hogwartsstudentconfidential @fawningamos @addison-caddel @luciagraham @thathojamie @veronica-davis @charlieandthehoneydukesfactory @gabriel-lumiere @king-ofthe-crop @gav-the-rockstar @kingalexanderthegreat @k1ndest-keeper @antoniadolohov @magandang-kaluluwa @vszabini @daughter-of-spring @vidiadelafairy @fabian-with-an-f @lilyevansoffical @aelius-with-a-quill @anastasia-selwyn @averykissableguy @the-queen-bellatrix @hjonesworld @mystical-magical-me @emmelineandhervans @looneymoonyy @flyasaphoenix @flowers-of-narcissus @alicethekindone @wormy-loves-ch33se @tjsinclairofficial @james-the-amazing-potter @cas-not-the-band @marls-mckinn0n @lifeofthe-barty @little-king-official @mary-mcdeal @xeno-graphical @pandoras-nox
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pbandjesse · 1 year ago
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My voice continues to be stolen. Possibly by fairies. Ghouls maybe. Regardless it feels really tough. It feels like it is never going to come back.
It also doesn't help that I did not sleep last night. I was up until almost 4am. It was not fun. My cough has been very pathetic. Like it's very dry and very sharp. It is not comfortable. It made it very hard to fall asleep.
I would eventually sleep though. I woke up with my alarm right before 9.
And I wasn't happy. I wanted to keep sleeping but I also know how much that upset me yesterday. So I would do the thing where I said if I make the bed I can go back to sleep. If I go brush my teeth I can go back to sleep. If I get dressed I can go back to sleep. And I just keep saying that until I don't really want to sleep anymore. I thought maybe I would take a nap later but that did not happen. Instead I had a really productive day.
I would had a brownie for breakfast that James brought home for me yesterday. I would pick up a few things around the apartment. I trimmed my bangs. I put on eyeliner and felt really pretty. I picked out outfits and put some clothes into storage. It was a nice morning.
I laid around for a little bit but I decided I would go out. James suggested I go for a drive. I thought it would be nice to go to the the thrift store. And I'm so glad I did.
I put on a playlist and had a really nice drive out. I didn't have any issue with the football game traffic. It was just a nice drive.
I got to the value village and I had a lot of fun looking. But I had some amazing finds. I found a little box that I swear I had in highschool. It is black and has mirrors inside and trees on the outside. It was a very exciting find.
I found a really cool rattan (maybe?) Footstool that was only $5. It is a little scratched up but so cool so it is fine. It's real wood so if I want to fix it up I totally can.
I also found 3 beautiful dresses. An orange corduroy dress that is like kind of am overall moment. It's so cute. Then there's a very very sparkly Tshirt dress that I plan on wearing for new years. And I feel like little disco ball! Love it. It is a little see through so I will need a body suit or something but it's fine.
Then the best one is the j crew peasant dress. I put it on and it feels so well made and I just thought I looked like a darling Christmas angel.
After I tried it on at home I went and put on the angel wings Callie let us borrow and I was just so happy in my dress. Perfect for the winter.
I was in a great mood after these finds. But my big day out was not over yet. I went to target next.
I had a few things to pick up. A new gel blush. A little spray bottle because my hair product bottle broke. I was very pleased to find a minty vanilla body scrub with matching lotion. I also just enjoyed walking around. It's hard to not be able to talk because I can't say excuse me or thank you or anything. But I was still having a nice time outside.
Right as I was going to self checkout I found am adorable turkey decoration. Like the target birds but a turkey and he was $3 and I love him.
I was just about ready to go home though. I decided I did not want to eat anything in the house. I had had a hot dog before I left. So since I would be passing it anyway I stopped at tacobell and got a single taco and the cinnamon things me and James like. And then went home.
When I got back here I brought everything inside and texted with Jess about my haul. I took tags off and tried everything on and was just in a great mood because everything worked out.
So I had to ride that high. And finally finished the 6 bears I had on my table and started cutting out my next project.
I wanted to try designing a horsie. I did not like how complicated my giraffe had been so I looked at some patterns and figured out how to make the middle of the legs and was able to create: horsie!!!
I made two. And I love them. They do take longer but it am excited to try making more. I did not mean to make them so patriotic but I think they are so cute. Sewing on the yarn hair is for sure going to have to be worked on but for now they are so cute.
I finished those and cleaned up the studio and went to hang out with sweetp on the couch. I had put a little space heater on for him and joined him as the sun went down. And soon James was home!
James would give me a kiss and we talked about our day. They made appointments for us to go see houses on Tuesday evening so I'm really excited about that. And then they went to do laundry while I did some emailing and being cuddled on the couch.
I would take another got bath. Used my new body scrub. And now I'm just enjoying being in the studio. Eating a little tortilla pizza James just made for me. Trying not to be stressed about having to lead programs when I have almost no voice. I am not sure what we're going to do.
But for now I just hope I can sleep easier. Tomorrow will be a long day. Wish me luck. Wish for my voice to be back. Goodnight everyone.
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dr-spectre · 9 months ago
Rating all of Callie's Outfits!!!
I'm bored so i decided to go through most of Callie's different looks, including most from concept art and promotional material, and rate them all on a scale of 1-10.
1 = trash
2 = very bad
3 = bad
4 = below average
5 = mixed
6 = decent
7 = good
8 = great
9 = amazing
10 = perfect
Now I'm not an expert on character design or fashion so i may not have the most insightful and """"objective"""" takes or whatever, but I'm just going off how i feel about the looks. This is very subjective and if you disagree then that's perfectly fine. I also won't be including EVERY SINGLE outfit in every piece of concept art, some of it are just variants of pre existing outfits (Haicalive Kyoto Mix golden outfit, concept art of her squid sisters outfit but with a different pattern) and some are just concepts for the Squid Sisters in general and not "Callie outfits." (Splatoon 1 has a lot of these and uh... they are quite interesting... recommend looking at it on Inkipedia. Very.... interesting indeed.)
Anyways, let's get into it. (Images from Inkipedia)
Splatoon 1 - Squid Sisters Outfit
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Rating: 10/10
I think there's a clear reason as to why this outfit is so damn iconic. It's simple yet effective, it stands apart from Marie's outfit while still maintaining the theme of a "j-pop idol." It has a very strong silhouette, eye catching magentas that are complemented by the blue reflective parts on the outfit, and those pumpkin pants fit Callie's personality so insanely well. She looks absolutely adorable and stunning in that outfit.
Splatoon 1 - Young Callie
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Rating: 10/10
Splatoon 1 - Red Fox Splatfest
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Rating 8/10
It's Callie wearing a Christmas hat and a nice red dress. What's not to love?
Splatoon 1 - Fancy Dress
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Rating: 9/10
I literally cannot think of a single flaw or dislike about this dress. Maybe the dress is a bit simple? But that's me REALLY pushing it. It's still so fucking beautiful. SHE IS SO BEAUTIFUL! I NEEEEDDD a 3D model of this ASAP!
Splatoon 1 - Concept Art 1
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Rating: 7/10
I mean, it's pretty good but it's not outstanding you know? Love the heels, the fabric at the back of her waist on the first image, the batwing like skirt on the second one. It definitely has a unique vibe to it I'll give it that. There's a decent amount of good things here, however i don't know how to feel about THAT short of a skirt on Callie. She was 17 at the beginning of Splatoon 1 and some of the dance moves she does involve moving her legs a lot so.... it would have... you know.... issues.... yeahhhh.... I would love to see this outfit get adapted but with some tweaks like maybe a slightly longer skirt, maybe higher heels and leggings that go up more her legs? Maybe her arm wraps on the left image could get rid of the dots and keep the squid head pattern? It's a pretty good outfit and has a unique feel to it, but it needs some tweaks.
Splatoon 1 - Concept Art 2
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Rating 6/10
The roller skates are actually such an amazing idea for Callie and work well for her, they need to appear on a 3d model, I WANNA SEE CALLIE SKATING AROUND! COME ON! Anyways, this outfit is kinda... okay. The black and pink variant looks the best out of the three in my opinion but idk man, it's kind of just a regular cheerleading outfit. The roller skates give this like 6 points alone lmao.
Splatoon 1 - Concept Art 3
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Rating: 8/10
This outfit with a few minor tweaks could easily become a 10/10 to be honest. If they either went fully black and white, or changed the white lines on the dress and shoulders to magenta it would look outstanding! Love the flashy sneakers too, it gives the impression that Callie can be both elegant and energetic, which, she is. Also if she had a more fancy piece of headgear that matched the fancy looking dress it would help as well.
Splatoon 2 - Hypno / Octo Callie
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Rating: 8/10
I'm gonna be honest with y'all, i used to not like this outfit for Callie. People saw this outfit and said it was fire and amazing, however when i saw it, i saw all the misconceptions, all the misinformation, ruining such an interesting arc, boiling it down to "Callie was kidnapped, overpowered and then brainwashed with evil brain warping shades, being used by the Octarians as some slave and being branded with a tattoo." This outfit made me feel icky and really uncomfortable. Seeing a character i love being boiled down to some abused helpless victim when it's far from what truly happened.
However, after giving another look at it, after taking in all the information and the amount of time i spent trying to piece together her arc and all the events that actually took place beforehand. I gotta say, this outfit is growing a place in my heart. The colors are so strong in this and i can't exactly put my finger as to why. Turning the 3 cut pattern on it's side and putting it on her chest makes her look more "mature" i would say as well. And of course, the shades, they are iconic for a reason. The way the outfit sort of flows from top to bottom is really well done. But I think it kinda needs a few tweaks to make it flow better though, maybe cover up her arms with that leathery material on her chest, make that sparkly material on her legs flow up onto her midriff instead of having an exposed tummy would be kinda sick in my opinion.
It's honestly a damn great interpretation of an "Evil Callie." In the artbook they said that they wanted to make Callie more mature looking and i think they did a good job at it, but it needs some things added to it to help it flow better in my opinion. Also... Don't know how to feel about her underwear just poking out of her hips.... Like damn girl PULL UP DEM SHORTS!
Splatoon 2 - Tentakeel Outpost / Agent 1 Outfit
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Rating 7/10
This outfit is just really cute and comfy looking, which makes sense because it's meant to be Callie in a more causal getup and it looks really adorable and warm. It has had a variant in Splatoon 1 where she has pink leggings and a sleeveless design but it has the same rating from me to be honest. The little star on the beanie too is awesome too, it's just such a nice little thing they added and it complements her lovely golden eyes.... so cute.... uh... moving on...
Splatoon 2 - Concept Art 1
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Rating: 6/10
This one is kinda tricky for me to rate because i see what they were going for but... I think it needs some tweaks and a few changes. I think it would be cool to see the glowing pinkish red leggings go all over her body like a skin tight suit up to her shoulders and it would look pretty damn sick i feel. I love the long gloves, the heels, the color scheme is very interesting as well. Overall, it's decent but i think it needs some improvements.
Splatoon 2 - Concept Art 2
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Rating: 8/10
I can totally imagine Callie chilling out in the beach bases in Octo Canyon with this on. I like how the boots and the bikini match her hair too in color. The fuzzy pink coat is so damn sick too, i love it.
Splatoon 2 - Concept Art 3
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Rating: 2/10
No... Just straight up, no. You're already giving some people weird and icky implications with the final Hypno Callie design, but this just.... no man.... HOWEVER! The swirly eyes? Good addition, a little generic for a character under hypnosis but i wish they kept the swirly eyes. It would have furthered pushed the idea that Callie is not herself and has descended into villainy and given into the darkness in her head. But at least we got mods! (Look at frequent.squidsisters on instagram to see what i'm talking about. You won't regret it.)
Splatoon 2 - Concept Art 4
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Rating: 6/10 (sorry for the low quality image i couldn't find a good image of this outfit anywhere)
Just like concept art 1, it's alright, it doesn't help that there isn't a clear enough image of this outfit but, i do love the transparent fabric on her dress? skirt? idk. But it looks nice. Still though the outfit looks a little plain for someone like Callie however it's got a nice color palette.
Splatoon 2 - 1st Anniversary
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Rating: 10/10
I don't care what you say, i am the number 1 defender of this outfit, the fucking goofy socks, the blues and reds on her leggings and... bra? Leotard? Is she wearing a leotard under that? (I don't know anything on women's clothing I'm so sorry please don't hurt me....) Her pink lipstick, the necklace, IT'S SO DAMN GOOD! I NEED MORE OF THIS OUTFIT! NOW! I WANT A 3D MODEL TOO! GIVE IT TO ME! NOW!
Also this is the first time Callie has had one of her tentacles in front of her face which comes back later in the next game....
Splatoon 2 - Smash Bros. Splatfest
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Rating: 7/10
She do be rocking dem shoes tho i gotta admit. It's good. i don't have much to say. The Smash Bros. earrings fucking rule as well, that's worth 6 points alone.
Splatoon 2 - Squidmas 2019
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Rating: 5/10
Eh. It's okay, not really the most "Squidmas" thing you can wear but. The artwork is cute at least. The gang just chilling out, taking a picture, very cute.
Splatoon 2 - Splatoween 2020
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Rating: 10/10
The fact that we never got a 3D model of this outfit is a fucking crime in it of itself. The headwear, the web like design on her neck and head, the lipstick, the fingertips, the gothic dress.... those... red eyes.....
She looks so damn hot, I'm sorry but this look is doing things to me that my lawyers are advising me NOT to elaborate on....
Splatoon 2 - Final Fest
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Rating 7/10
I decided to break my rule on not covering variants because i really wanted to talk about this look, the gold colors used on this outfit are so damn good and i really cannot describe exactly why, Pearl's crown is such a lovely addition too, i fucking adore it. I can't give this anything higher than a 7 because its just a recolour and a crown and thats it... I really do wish they gave Callie a more unique "chaotic" look to her iconic outfit to match the theme better, but oh well. There's always next time.... which we will get to...
Splatoon 3 - Alterna Outfit
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Rating: 10/10
When i tell you that this is my favorite Callie look, ever, do NOT take that lightly.
This outfit, in my personal opinion, is perfection. It combines all the different aspects of Callie's previous major designs into one perfect package. It takes the general shape and silhouette of Splatoon 1 Callie and mixes it with Hypno Callie's leathery and mature appearance, giving us an outfit that shows Callie's class and excitable nature. It's a mature and refined outfit, much like how Callie is in Splatoon 3.
I mean it's hard to fuck up an outfit that's mainly in black and white and thankfully they didn't. The ONLY thing i can somewhat see criticism for is the color choice, but thankfully, we got mods to give her the magenta back and it looks beautiful. I LOVE the silver aspects of the outfit too like the soles of the boots, the silver bandolier across her shoulder and the silver choker. And i like an outfit that has a choker... It does things to me... UM! ANYWAYS! YEAH PERFECT OUTFIT! UH! TOTALLY HAVEN'T TAKEN 100s OF PHOTOS OF HER... YEP! MHM.......
Splatoon 1-3 Pokemon Red Outfit
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Rating: 6/10
I decided to put this here because this outfit appears in both Splatoon 1 in Splatfest art as well as in one of the Sunken Scrolls in Splatoon 3. It's a pretty cute outfit, i don't have any strong feelings towards it, it looks nice.
Splatoon 3 - Splatoween
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Rating: 9/10
I prefer the other Splatoween outfit that appears in Splatoon 2's artwork but, this is still fucking awesome. She looks like a cute little pumpkin! SHES SO CUTE! The fucking red eyes too oh my GODDDDD!!!! The stitching face paint too!?! Oh man. My ONLY criticism is that the headpiece is too plain. If it was a Jack-o'-lantern or skull or something, it would easily get a 10/10 for sure. But overall, Callie looks like a cute little pumpkin and i wanna eat her up!..............
....not... not in that way tho get your mind out of the gutter-
Splatoon 3 - FrostyFest
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Rating: 8/10
A damn great outfit for Callie that makes her look all nice and snuggly. She reminds me a lot of coffee for some reason and just by looking at her I'm craving for a nice cup of coffee. Also the best part of this outfit is that HER NOSE IS RED BECAUSE SHE'S COLD AWWW!! SOMEONE GIVE HER A HOT CHOCOLATE! NOW!
Splatoon 3 - Springfest
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Rating: 9/10
This is the most girlypop Callie has ever been. The striped leggings, the eggshell head piece is fucking cute. I don't have any real complaints with this to be honest, maybe its a bit TOO colorful because of the different colored reflections on her body but, that's me REALLY pushing it there. This is such a cute outfit for her. The little face paint too omg....
Splatoon 3 - Summer Nights
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Rating: 10/10
You guys know that one image of the monkey staring at the mid section of a woman and it says "neuron activation"? That's literally me. They gave Callie a new outfit that not only looks fantastic with such a great set of colors, shoes, head piece and zippers. But it's also designed to where it makes an outline on the underside of her belly.... nintendo... WHY YOU GOTTA DO THIS TO ME!?!?! I try to be all family friendly and level headed and shit but OH MY GOD! You're activating the primal urges in my body, you're making me go fucking feral with this design. YOU CAN'T JUST DO THIS TO ME! YOU'RE CHEATING! You can't just highlight her fucking fupa with that short dress!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! WHY NINTENDO WHYYY!!!! God I'm not ready for the dances moves where she starts spinning around and bending over- UH....
....Anyways, yeah good outfit, love it. The hair? Idk how to feel yet. That's like the one area that isn't turning me on- I MEAN! THE ONE AREA THAT I MAY OR MAY NOT LIKE! AHAHAHA!!!!!!.....
I'm moving on before my made up lawyers yell at me-
Splatoon 3 - News Anchor Outfit
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Rating: 10/10
I mean guys. Come on. What do you want me to say about this outfit? It's Callie in a suit. DO I NEED TO EXPLAIN WHY IT'S SO GOOD?!?! WHY DO YOU THINK EVERY SINGLE SPLATOON ARTIST ON THE PLANET MADE ART OF THIS!??! The only thing that i wanna talk about is, what's below Callie's waist? Is it a pencil skirt or pants? This is important information for me. I'm on teams pants because it makes sense for Callie's energetic personality, all the dresses she's worn have either been real short or loose. I don't think she would wear a real tight skirt that restricts her legs but who knows. NINTENDO YOU BETTER ANSWER THIS OR I SWEAR TO GOD-
Splatoon 3 - Concept Art 1
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Rating: 7/10
We don't have a lot to go off when it comes to this concept art as it's pretty undetailed and sketchy looking, but looking at what they were trying to go for and giving Callie a post-apocalyptic look, it looks pretty good. Love the puffy sleeves, the gas mask is pretty awesome and the sort of sporty shorts? tights? Fit Callie as well. Don't have much to say other than that.
Splatoon 3 - Concept Art 2
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Rating: 8/10
Now this? This is great. The ragged cape, the pants, the boots, the shirt, the fucking shades! This is an awesome look for her and it makes you wonder what kind of story mode were they originally going for. What kind of plans did they have for ROTM? Was it going to be set in the crater instead of Alterna? Hmm...
I would love to see someone give detail to this and make it a full piece of art to bring out it's full potential.
Splatoon 3 - Grand Festival Outfit.
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Rating: 9/10
This outfit to me, is ALMOST perfect. She looks like a pretty princess with that cute dress on. I LOVEEEE her spike headdress, the shoes and the pearlescent hair color. However, i do wish there was just more color on the outfit in general, i get why they decided to go with this look because they wanted to have a color scheme that would unify all of the idols together. But, do wish there was some hints of magenta to break up the dull beige, or her iconic 3 squid stripe design she has on her Squid Sisters outfit, oh well!
So that is it for my ratings of MOST of Callie's different looks that she has had over the past 9 years. Callie is such a fashionable character and has rarely had any BAD outfits aside from one that was in concept art anyways.
Hoped you enjoyed my ratings and ramblings (and mildly horny incriminating talkings...) about this squid lady that i love so... so much... maybe a bit too much.... i need help...
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fanbun · 25 days ago
I am not over how amazing Calli was live! So glad I was able to be there in person with this hype crowd! She looked so beautiful in her new outfit. I do wish she performed a couple older songs too, but if she does a third concert there’s still a chance.
Streaming tickets are still available for the full performance if you want to contribute to a 3rd concert ✌️
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callistomeadowforge · 1 year ago
A stylist assistant sounded plenty glamorous here. She'd always loved watching the tribute parades and interviews as well as mentor's and victor's balls coverages. The outfits never failed to dazzle her. Sometimes, she enjoyed those Capitol highlights even more than the arena itself. "I'm sure you do more than that," Calli laughed lightly. It couldn't be easy, designing and creating those outfits. No wonder everyone needed their own team. "And the quell victor! He always looks amazing."
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"I'm a, uh..." He paused for a brief second, thoughts racing. "Stylist. Assistant! Stylist assistant. To Everett's stylist team, not the tributes. But I, uh, pass them the scissors and measuring tapes and stuff. That's me." He nodded, as though it were a magical incantation that manifested his lie into reality. While something in the back of his mind told him this wasn't about to go well, it was dulled by the rush of adrenaline and glow of feeling important and recognized again.
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justanothersquidblog · 2 years ago
I need to know more about the octo harem. Pls dump all the info you already know about them I'm begging
Some general facts as a group:
They are all in love (eventually)
Were all a squad before Callie, but were sorta put off consistent active duty due to their commander suddenly DIPPING after the calamari inkantation
They all had crushes on this commander coincidentally (maybe they'll meet her again.. last time i heard, she went into the metros to start her solo career in dj-ing...)
They didn't really get along until Callie came along, to which they all began to fawn over her eventually, and then, each other
Now some individual stuff
She is, the least happy, originally, about being part of the dance crew. She is the worst dancer. But she's trying her best.
She thought it was gonna be a promotion to become an elite octarian, she's really proud about being a strong soldier
Makes her awkward at everything else
She got her scar from running into a wall (is designed to look the most like a rival octoling in game)
After going to the surface she sorta has a slow crises over who she is, feels like she lost her purpose
Would get into tabletop games during the surface
Dadcore in terms of outfit and energy (de-facto leader)
Thinks Callie is enemy material at first, but then is sorta, overwhelmed, cause 'prebby womn;;;' and 'KIND prebebyowmemn,,'
Splattling Main
Very big sister like and can be very doting to her squad, but also equally devious, cunning, and mischievous. Uses her smarts for terrible deeds
Very good at make up, and is encouraging to Ingrid's attempts while also getting under her skin at every other chance
Outwardly Flirty
Technically smartest and wisest of the group, usually thinks at least five steps ahead, but I can't say she uses this power for practical good. Usually just uses it to harmlessly mess with the people around her.
Unironic Diss-Pair fan.
Octobrush Main
Very doubtful of everything so it results in her being very nervous and finnicky
Secretly into romance books (it's Marina's shoujo manga, no she does not know this)
Cynthia was short when she was younger and suddenly hit a sudden and extreme growth spurt. She has never gotten used to this, making her rather awkward
She's slightly afraid of Sasha. At least for a bit.
Somehow is the best dancer (when she's not thinking about it)
Carbon Roller Main
So Girlfail it's amazing. She tries to be so cool but she's not. She's so lame. She tries to flex in front of people a lot. Figuratively and literally.
Wants to learn how to learn how to skate board
Tried to rebrand herself as 'ROCK' because, to quote her, "NOTHING IS TOUGHER THAN A ROCK". She then proceeded to spell Rock multiple times. She is as dumb as one.
Has a bit of a vendetta against Cynthia for a while because she saw Cynthia's growth spurt and was very jealous
Range blaster main solely for the flames but fights much better with the tetra dualies.
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seffien · 2 years ago
Any Agent 8 hcs?
part 1 (backstory, basically)
oth is family to her.
she's a pretty good cook, and like marie, she likes to cook for people she cares about.
had an awkward day with 4 while 3 was in the hospital. they visited, left, made awkward small talk, and then it was the next day
marie felt incredibly guilty about everything she'd done as agent 2 up to 8 surfacing, but 8 forgave her. ("it is all in the past, marie. now is the time you can change.")
gives amazing hugs and used her power to comfort 3 and 4
8 loved the off the hook cereal to the point where, when 4 would go grocery shopping at makomart, she always got it.
was scared of blenders and sharp things for a bit, but her fear of darkness was prolonged. she'd hallucinate the glow of an octoling's shades or a sanitized octarian when waking up in the middle of the night, then immediately duck under the covers
her nightmares right after moving in were horrifying. she'd dream about members of the NSS dying in war, inkopolis being destoryed, having to fight in a war, being sanitized, and all sorts of other things that would freeze her up early in the morning.
these nightmares caused her to be sad-looking and unresponsive some days
sometimes she'd randomly burst into tears and refused to let anyone comfort her
gets a liiittle too into turf and rank, to the point where it's concerning
hated going outside for a while because she could feel people, inklings, staring at her
worked in a record shop for a bit, something i forgot to mention in the og agent headcanons post. she didn't necessarily like the job but the pay was good
considerably strong, can pick 3 or 8 up with....relative ease.
she felt like a burden because the NSS had to constantly put up with her 'baggage'
would spend time with 4 whenever 3 was away doing whatever she'd do or getting a check-up from squid sisters and off the hook.
insisted that she take care of herself and broke through 4's stubbornness quite easily.
would watch orchestras perform on tv, which is how she gained a love for them. she also wants a violin
3's shoulder to sleep on and 4's definitive shoulder to cry on
drew mem cakes for people she cared about and created poems to accompany them
had to sometimes sleep in her octopus form so 3 and 4 could rest easier
bonded with callie over their shared love of the color pink.
decided to work @ ammo knights shortly before the move to splatsville and is still working in the splatsville location
also works as a medic in alterna, helping any of the NSS if they get hurt
(stole this one from @.swcdx) in addition, she also goes to octo valley to help those still in the domes.
her favorite outfit is a white coat—kinda similar to marie's—with a long white skirt, white boots, glasses, and her hair up in a bun.
unfortunately, eight isn't exempt from having issues relating to her parents. her parents are dead. they were murdered, specifically. those who know don't know where 8 is (if they even remember her), but even if they did, they wouldn't have the heart to tell her
though she tries not to worry, even now, the whereabouts of her parents lingers in the back of her mind.
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blueskieswastaken · 2 years ago
Hiiiii if you dont mind I would LOVE to hear more of your pearlina moms propaganda its so good thank u. ps your off the hook magnum opus series is AMAZING
!!!!!!!!!! hang on let me think up some REALLY GOOD HEADCANONS just for you anon im so sorry it took me so long to notice this ask and also answer it,,,  (it has only been a few hours)
just like with all my moms posts (tm) this got super long it’s going under the cut. have a good meal anon
pearl and marina kept the fact that they were going to have a baby very much under wraps. tabloids spread rumors, but they just got shut down by off the hook personally. like, an article titled “off the hook spotted buying maternity wear- are they gaining another member?” gets posted on twitter or something and pearl reteweets it and she says “no, it’s for family.” or something 
of course, the article was right. it was just a secret. until they very much couldn’t hide the twins anymore… when they were five years old and had to be enrolled in school. don’t ask me how they did it.
i think it would be super sweet if everything was planned out from the start, so that’s how i write my pearlina moms. 
pearl and marina talked for a very long time about having a baby. it took three years to decide on yes and another two to get everything ready and for marina to get over her nerves… 
but everything turned out okay! :] 
when the twins are still super small, pearl likes to carry them in her sweatshirt pockets or her purse, cause they fit in there and it’s nice and comfy for good naps. if you think of her octo expansion outfit and look at her sweater she’s got a pocket there, that’s where she puts them. like a momma kangaroo! 
even when they’re teenagers pearlie still has them go swim form and crawl into her pockets when they get sleepy in public. 
even before haruko and marley were born, their moms sang to them. pearl used to press herself up to marina and sing into the light, super softly, just to make sure her babies got sleep too. it very quickly became their lullaby, not to mention it accidentally got marina to sleep too, oops…
pearl thought it was super super cute. she has videos. 
to marina holding and/or cuddling the twins is like a weighted blanket for her. it’s absolutely one of the most comforting things she’s ever experienced. she stims by scratching their backs, super gentle, and she’s very lucky that it makes both of them just melt and hug her and purr. they can’t reach their backs to scratch them, so marina doing it makes them very happy. 
octolings like to play-fight and wrestle i think, so especially when they’re little marina fake-fights her twins with just her hands to keep from hurting them and to teach them to play. once haruko bit her and marley got very upset when she pretended to die…
pearl did a lot of googling throughout the whole thing. like, take the amount that popped into your head when i said “a lot of googling”, and maybe quadruple it. and then take that amount and triple it. that’s about how much googling she did. she wanted to take the absolute best care of her wife she could, so she decided she was going to learn everything she could- good places to take her, comfortable clothing options, the bestest softest blankets to get, homemade ice cream recipes. marina would have felt a little bad, but pearl didn’t let her. 
haruko and marley are pretty much the spitting image of both their moms, so much so that once their aunt callie managed to genuinely mistake both of them for their moms at a glance more than once! they have never let her live this down <3
marina used to cradle the twins in her tentacles when she had her hands full. she owns a baby sling, she just never decided to use it. pearl gets more use out of it than she does. 
one of the first things pearl says to marley when she meets him and is no longer completely shellshocked by him existing is “why didn’t you let us see you, little guy? were you too shy to say hello?” 
(his response: rolling over and going to sleep.) 
i could say so many more but im getting carried away. 
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dakarimainink · 3 years ago
WARNING: Fluff, a hint of angst, cute
Pairing: Pedro Pascal x You (Reader)
Wordcount: 1.4K
Note: Not betad, all mistakes are my own.
"Hey, I love you writing and I was wondering if you can do a Pedro imagine where the reader is pregnant and like they didn’t announce it or anything and no one knew about it till they were seen in public. You can change it up if you want! Xx✨"
Okay, I am a slut, not even gonna try and hide it. As this was a request, I wasn't sure if you wanted smut or not, so that's why it is in two parts. Part one is pure fluff and no smut. Part two however is a smutty scene for those of you who wants to read about how they conceived the baby.
Enjoy! 💛
Part 2
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You are nervous. It is obvious by the way you cling to Pedro in the backseat on your way to the gala. Your fingers intertwined into his big hand as you fiddle with the hem of his suit jacket.
He is nervous too, not because people will probably speculate, but he worries about you. The news is big, but neither of you like it when the media tries to poke into your private life before you are both ready to reveal it. It will come out eventually, but you want it to be from you and not rumours and pictures roaming about.
Your family and closest friends know. You chose to break the news three weeks ago. You remember the tears in your mother’s eyes and the warmest hug from Pedro’s father. But what truly stuck with you, was the moment you confirmed it to Pedro.
You knew for about five days without telling anyone. Pedro was away filming but had managed to squeeze in a night with you on a rainy Saturday. You had planned to go out for dinner, but in the last minute, chose to have a pizza and movie night. Cleaning the dishes from the pizza and preparing some snacks in the kitchen, you decide it was time.
You turned to him, biting your lower lip and he knew there was something immediately. At first, worry painted his face and he had walked over to you and wrapped you in his arms, kissing your forehead softly and asking what was wrong.
Tears were prickling in your eyes and as you looked up at him, more worry grew and you couldn’t help but feel happiness fill your chest, knowing this man was the father to your child.
A smile stretched across your face as tears escaped the corners of your eyes and you told him.
He was frozen, scanning your face and he went through all kinds of emotions before his eyes crinkled up into a bright beam. He pulled you in, holding you tight to him while murmuring all kinds of sweet words. Kneeling, he snuck his hand under your t-shirt and spread his hand across your belly, warmth filling you up. “Our baby.” He had whispered before looking up at you with tear-filled eyes.
You had made sweet and passionate love that night, his focus on purely satisfying you over and over and over again.
Pedro catches your chin and tilts it up to meet your eyes. He notices the worry in your eyes and gives you a gentle smile. Carefully sliding his hand further up, he graces your cheek with his thumb before tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear. “You look perfect.” He smiles.
You smile back at him, feeling a lump of worry surge in your belly. You know you could leave whenever you want to, Pedro had even offered to not go at all. A part of you wants everyone to know, but another wants to keep it a secret for as long as you can.
The car stops and your heart skips a beat as our stomach feels with dread. Your fingers grasp onto his hand, you almost missed the worried look on his face, his eyes scanning your features.
“We don’t have to, my love.” He whispers, gently stroking the back of your hand.
You shake your head. “I know, but I can’t avoid it forever.” You gulp, staring into his eyes. They crinkle at the gentle smile. He leans forward gently peck your lips, leaving a lingering touch on you.
As you give him a nod, he opens the door and gracefully climbs out before holding out his hand to assist you out. You place your hand in his and plant your feet on the ground before he pulls you gently out.
As soon as you were both outside, flashes and yells from the paparazzi filled your ears. Trusting Pedro to lead the way, he guides you onto the carpet and pulls you close to him, his hand resting on your side as you both face the paparazzi. From all the comments, none of them mention the tiny bump on your belly.
You sigh out in relief and feel more confident in your posture, straightening your back.
Pedro immediately notices and glances down at you with nothing but love in his eyes. His fingers twitch into your flesh before his thumb strokes up and down, bringing you more comfort.
You lay peacefully in Pedro’s arms, the morning sun peeking in between the curtains and a stripe of warmth licks your leg as it rests over Pedro’s hip. You listen to each other’s slow and steady breathing.
He had apologised for waking you up when he pulled you to him that morning, but you didn’t mind at all. It is where you belong, close to him. He left a few soft kisses on your forehead while you lay there resting, enjoying the calm morning. But the calm is interrupted as both of your phones won’t stop buzzing.
Pedro sighs, knowing exactly what all the texts are about. He had peeked at his phone before pulling you in, several messages commenting on today’s news. He had hoped it wouldn’t turn into something, but here you both lay, you – wondering what it all is about, him – wanting to shield you from the storm.
“Pedro?” You breathe, your eyes looking up at him from behind your eyelashes. “What is going on?” You have a feeling this is about last night’s appearance, but you wait for him to confirm it.
He looks down at you, a calm smile painting his lips. “Nothing we have to care about for now, my love.” He presses his lips to your forehead and nuzzles you closer to him.
You sigh out and drift off in his protective arms, knowing whatever is going on right now, didn’t need your attention.
He looks handsome, his calmness and confidence match great with his casual outfit. His hair slightly tussled from dragging his fingers through it again and again. You like his natural curls mixed with his grey peppered beard.
His eyes are resting on the woman sitting in front of him, but every time he glances at you, it fills you with butterflies. It’s not too obvious he is looking at you, as you’re standing a few strides behind the woman, listening to the ongoing interview of his newest movie.
“So, for some other big news, which I hope you can confirm for us, Pedro. A month ago, the internet went crazy over some new photos and headlines of you and your fiancé. Speculations of a potential new family member surged through several social medias. Could you perhaps talk a bit about that? Is it true?”
You knew the question would be asked, Pedro’s agent had agreed upon it before the interview took place. Pedro had asked you several times, if you wanted to go out with the news. You were a bit hesitant at first, but then again, might as well get it over with.
He gives the woman a smile before his eyes immediately seeks out yours, nothing but love is filled within his gaze. “It is with great pride and joy I can confirm my beautiful fiancé is carrying our future child. She is doing an amazing job and I can’t wait to become a father and see her be the mother of our baby.”
Your heart beats faster, tears brimming in your eyes as he speaks warmly of your future family. You know he is looking forward to it, but to see him like this, confirming the news and not leaving your sight, makes you warm from head to toe. You want to rush over to him, hold him close to you, but knowing interrupting the interview is not a good idea.
You wait patiently until the woman thanks Pedro for the interview. He immediately gets up from his chair and walks up to you, wrapping his arms around you. He kisses the top of your head several times and you wrap your arms around him.
“I will forever mean it, my love. I can’t wait to see you be the mother of our child, to carry them, to feed them, to help them grow up. I know you’ll be the best at it and every obstacle we face, we will face them together.”
You pull him tighter to you, a tear escaping the corner of your eye. “I love you.” You mumble into his chest.
He buries his nose in your hair. “I love you too.” He whispers.
(Wanna be added to my tag list for Pedro Pascal and his characters? Let me know and I will happily add you)
@cynic-spirit, @lililolli, @notabotiswear, @sara-alonso, @blankmooon, @xoxo-callie, @mamacitapascal, @thewaythisis, @greeneyedblondie44, @stevie75, @mswarriorbabe80, @anaaaispunk
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absurdthirst · 4 years ago
Can I request a fic where you go to a professional Boudoir Photographer to get an album of sexy pictures done as a birthday present for Marcus Pike. Just imagine his face when he opens (in private) a sleek looking portfolio of glossy, professionally done photos of you in various sexy poses. Maybe even some wearing nothing but one of his favorite shirts. I just think Marcus would appreciate the artistry and the sexiness. Plus as FBI he knows how easily digital photos can be hacked and put online.
***So I tried about six hundred time to make this a story and it just kept coming out better as an HC. Female reader.
Giving Marcus Pike a Set of  Sexy Boudoir Photos:
You decided that instead of the normal gifts that you had kinda, sorta thought about giving Marcus for his birthday weren’t good enough. The man had enough of those fancy art books laying around his apartment. You want to give him something....extra special. 
At a point in your relationship where things had gotten serious, it was something that you had always wanted to do, but never had the guts to actually schedule. Never quite trusting your previous partners with it. Not know if they would appreciate it, but you know Marcus definitely will. 
So you booked the appointment. Had the session and now you are ready to give him his present. 
You’ve taken him out to dinner, insisting that you pay even though he grumbles at you. You’ve had a hard time convincing Marcus that you want to be equal in this relationship. That he doesn’t have to pay for dinner every time and he’s damn sure not paying for his birthday meal. He gives you a pout but lets you have your way.
You waited until you were back at your place to give him the photos. It’s a portfolio, black leather and wrapped in a pretty ribbon. Nothing giving away the pure perfection that is inside. He honestly thinks you might have gotten him some prints of his favorite works. Which he would have loved. 
What you gave him is even better. Opening the cover, the first sight takes his breath away. It’s you. Spread out and looking at the camera in the sexiest photo he has ever seen in his life. 
You are wearing his favorite set of lingerie that you own and are posing on a chaise lounge. Your make up darker than normal and sexy. And the small smirk on your face is making him twitch. His eyes dart back up you and he looks at you in awe. “Baby, this- fuck, this is amazing.” 
He appreciates the artistic touch of the photographer, obviously very talented with the lighting and the props that are used. But mainly all he sees is you. 
He goes through every photo with the same sense of awe. Eyes widening when he flips through the pages and sees how many you took, different poses and outfits, same sexy woman. You don’t miss the way he has to adjust himself and it makes you proud. 
The glossy photos are perfection in his mind. Perfectly capturing you and highlighting how sexy he tells you that you are. Until he flips to the last set and the most obscene moan comes out of his mouth. 
You are wearing his shirt. And nothing else. 
Posed to where you give hints of flesh but only tease as to the lack of what’s underneath, they are possibly the most erotic thing Marcus has ever seen in his life. So much better than even porn. This is you, wearing his shirt and wearing this ‘fuck me’ smile that makes him about to explode right there and you haven’t even touched him. 
He puts the album down, not because he doesn’t appreciate it, but because if he doesn’t touch you, he might die. Making you laugh and then moan from the desperation in his touch. His eagerness to show you just how much he loves those pictures. 
Low key going to be asking how to get a larger print of his favorite photo. He wants that on the wall of the bedroom at his place. Soon to be your place if he has his way. 
Permanent Tag List:
@sociallyantisocialbutterfly @thewaythisis @thisis-theway @hanelijoy @readsalot73 @xoxo-callie @cable-kenobi @roxypeanut @arrowswithwifi @badassbaker @javierpenaspinkshirt @wickedfrsgrl @lilangeldevil006 @fioccodineveautunnale @jade10077 @getinthepoolkeanu @kirstiehenderson29 @fleurdemiel145 @random066 @pascalisthepunkest @whataenginerd @tangledlove27 @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead @gamingaquarius @jaime1110 @yamaktaria @perksofbeingivyy @earl-01 @gooddaykate @emesispo @deathlife97 @martellthemandalor @a-ghost-in-the-tardis @veil-of-time @dornish-queen @theocatkov @ahopelessromanticwritersworld @sheerfreesia007 @apples-of-february @talesfromtheguild @visintaes @whiskeyxinxaxteacup @immortalstarme @promiscuoussatan @takemepedropascal @katheriner1999 @nerdypinupcrystal @artemiseamoon @paintballkid711 @sirianisrock @engineeredfiction @frietiemeloen @mstgsmy @lilkermit14 @mrschiltoncat @thatgirlselectryc @lark-cale @hayley-the-comet @phoenixhalliwell @pedroepascal @501theory @max--phillips @thegreenkid @chicken-nugget-puta @corrupt-fvcker @im-just-here-for-cake @buckysbackpack @ohpedromypedro @moonlightburned @h-hxgirl @flightlessangelwings @f0rever15elf @kenedyybrooklin @mrsparknuts @lonelystarship @meabravo @ilikechocolatemilkh @babybelou @melon-eyes @aeryntheofficial @the-wishmonger @onabouteverything @goblinqueen95 @awhiskeywithawinchester @thirstworldproblemss @no-droids-on-sunday @xxidontwikeitxx @jedi-mando @castiel-barnes @20skai @rach7 @wanderlustmags @barnes-dameron @neontonberry @artsymaddie @wigwitch @honeymandos @edencherries @popped-weasels @sesamepancakes @darthadeline @silverfish-kingdom @april-14-blog @josepedropascal @mrsbarnes-rogers @heyitmelexie @allthingsnarcos @bookshelvesandteacups @sweetsunflowerkisses @stardust-galaxies @mando-amando @blondekel77 @houseofthirst @oneweirdfangirl @clydesducktape @justanotherblonde23 @rosiefridayrogersunday @asgardianvamp21 @just-a-scavenger99 @lv7867 @ihavemyownissuess @thewayofthemandalorian @mimimi-stuff @linkpk88 @adamdrivercouldchokeme @betterwiththewhip @jitterbugs927 @pascalsky @pedro-pascal-love @saltybreaddream @lovelyasfcuk @dinfarrik @tomhardydallasstarsgirl @leaiorganas @over300books @wonderlandgabby @itstheanxietyforme @lucrezia-thoughts @sarahjkl82-blog @pascals-cat @9zoria9 @cyaredindjarin @morrison-mercury @theorganasolo @historianwithaheart @deathwatchnightowl @tonysdayoff @chibi-yuki @anewrule @sleep-tight1 @starrdvstkenobi @chattychell @ew-erin @pipsqueakkitten @purplepascal042 @cannedsoupsucks @oceanablue @stayherefor-evermore @iamburdened @antisocialshipper @bison-writes @tripleissue @captainjaspenor @doin-stuff @voteforpedropascal @kat-r-in @charmedthoughts @trippedmetaldetector @300mirrors @that-one-creepy-hoe @cyar-i-ka @poison-ivy-girl90 @iwasbusybeingdead @dragons-of-the-usa @two-unbeatable-beaters @carbonated-beverage @166869 @maythxthirstbxwithyou @filmmando @lunaserenade @star-wars-hell @obiwanwhore @thisshipwillsail316 @barnes-and-bitch @supernaturalcat7 @selenium-drive @wardenparker @dragcn-queen @notabotiswear @computeringturtle @the-ginger-hedge-witch @northernpunk  @dark-twisted-and-mechanical-mind @sarhabee @littlebopper96 @princessxkenobi @planetariumx @xuum-xuum @sleep-tight1 @mcueveryday @theamuz @greeneyedblondie44 @nyasiaaaaa @missstef23 @melispunk @sherala007 @lamelyssher @winter-fox-queen @dihra-vesa @andruxx @griscka75 @pedrosmustache
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