#Cal Vista
389 · 10 months
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Snow Geese in Flight with Reflection of the Sun over Buena Vista Lake, California, 1953 by William Garnett
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neonbutchery · 5 months
com tumblr és una plataforma angloparlant, la majoria de les notícies que circulen són de moviments i mobilitzacions als estats units, canadà, anglaterra, i altres països anglos. i encara que està molt bé construïr solidaritat interacional i assabentar-se del que passa a altres indrets del món, cal no perdre la vista sobre les accions i els esdeveniments que ens cauen molt més a prop.
han passat uns mesos després de la primera llista que vaig fer, i per sort, l'activisme pro-palestí segueix creixent als països catalans, amb manifestacions, col·loquis i xerrades, i ara, les primeres acampades estudiantils. on jo he trobat més convocatòries és a través d'instagram, però si coneixeu algun altre recurs digueu-m'ho.
Comunitat Palestina de Catalunya. porten molts anys fent activisme i estan molt actius a xarxes socials. de fet, la majoria dels enllaços en aquesta llista vénen d'ells. INSTAGRAM / TELEGRAM / TWITTER
Comunidad Palestina de Valencia (en català i castellà) - FACEBOOK
Associació Catalana de Jueus i Palestins - JUNTS
Coalició Prou Complicitat - INSTAGRAM / TWITTER
Samidoun España (no és exclusiu dels PPCC, però penja moltes accions i convocatòries que si que ho són). INSTAGRAM / FACEBOOK
Casa Palestina Catalunya - TELEGRAM / FACEBOOK / WHATSAPP
BDS (Boycott, Divest, Sanction)
BDS - Pàgina oficial (en castellà)
Llista de productes, serveis i empreses per boicotejar que col·laboren amb l'ocupació israeliana i estan presents als PPCC
Directori BDS Catalunya (‼ pot no estar actualitzat ‼)
BDS - Red Solidaria Contra la Ocupación en Palestina. Perfil general de les organitzacions BDS a l'estat espanyol (en castellà)
BDS Girona
BDS Castelló
BDS Bages / Catalunya Central
BDS Alacant
Universitat de València - Acampada Palestina UV. Accepten a qualsevol persona que vulgui unir-se, i també donacions de diners o de menjar. TELEGRAM - TWITTER
@useless-catalanfacts podries tornar a difondre això? Moltes gràcies!
Llista més exhaustiva d'associacions regionals a sota d'aquest separador.
Comitè de Solidaritat amb Palestina de Sants-Montjuïc
UAB Acció per Palestina
Comitè Solidaritat Palestina Facultat Dret UB
Comitè de Solidaritat amb Palestina del Campus Diagonal
Comitè estudiantil de solidaritat amb el poble palestí
Penedès amb Palestina - LINKTREE
RipoPalestina (Ripollet)
Molins amb Palestina (Molins de Rei)
L'Hospitalet amb Palestina
El Montserratí X Palestina
SUMUD Palestina (Santa Coloma de Gramenet) - FACEBOOK
Terres de l'Ebre amb Palestina
Comitè en Solidaritat amb Palestina de Lleida
Pla de l'Estany amb Palestina
La Garrotxa amb Palestina
Ripoll amb Palestina
Mallorca per Palestina
Plataforma de Solidaritat amb el Poble Palestí d'Eivissa
Estudiants per Palestina
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geekywritings · 1 year
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Got a few more requests done! So please, enjoy!
The request: “ Hello, I hope you're having a good day/night! May I request a cute Cal Kestis x Reader fic where they talk about their time as padawans? Maybe they found each other again after all this time. :) “
„What planets do you still want to visit?”
Cal turned toward you, his fellow Padawan, as your eyes were still focused on the starry sky above you. Peaceful evenings on a desolate moon like this, where you could just lie in a field somewhere and watch the galactic display above you were rare and you always tried to make the best of them.
The two of you had become apprentices during the war, your Jedi path thus vastly different from the one walked by your Masters.
“I don’t know.”, Cal replied honestly to your question. “I think I’d also be happy serving on Coruscant.”
You pulled a face at the admission, your adventurous spirit revolting at the idea of staying in one place. But just because it wasn’t to your liking, it didn’t mean that it wouldn’t suit Cal. The calmer and more spiritual of you two, life at the temple was probably exactly what would make him happy.
“I can see you becoming a teacher… or even as part of the Council one day.”, you mused, your eyes following a shooting star across the dark firmament.
“And what about you?”, Cal asked, clearly curious.
“I’m going to explore the galaxy.”, you announced, lips spreading into a smile. “I wanna travel the Outer-Rim and help those in need. Maybe I’ll even go into uncharted territory to see what’s out there.”
Cal chuckled. “Sounds just like you.”
This time you turned, directing your smile at your childhood friend. “But I’ll come and visit you at the Temple, of course. And bring back souvenirs.”, you promised, realizing that a life completely apart just wouldn’t do.
The entire evening was filled with dreams, what-ifs and adventurous plans for your futures. All of which would never come to fruition….
10 years later
“I can’t believe you visited so many places…”
Cal turned toward you, his fellow survivor, as your eyes were focused on the starry sky above you. Such moments were rare amidst the war against the Empire and this was the first time you had the chance to lie on a field on a peaceful planet such as Koboh.
“And I can’t believe you were on Coruscant all this time.”, he replied, noticing the irony in that. You had met by pure accident and hadn’t left each other’s side since.
“I figured I’d hide where they’d least expect a Jedi to be.”, you shrugged. The underworld of the city planet was huge, offering plenty of refuge to those who knew how to navigate it.
“Tell me more about Dathomir… And Bogano… They sound fascinating.”
Cal made himself more comfortable by folding his hands under his head, trying to figure out where to begin. There was so much to tell, both places being vastly different from each other. Meanwhile you had turned to your side, looking at him expectantly.
“You know, I think I’ll just show you.”, the redhead finally decided, making you blink.
“Are you serious?”
“Yes, why not? We deserve a break after that last mission. And I’m sure you will enjoy Bogano.”
The ravenous landscape, the cute fluffy Boglings and the impressive structure of the ancient temple sounded like just the kind of things that would earn him one of those smiles and laughs he loved so much.
“And what about Dathomir?”
“I’ll ask Merrin if she knows some nice places… Don’t expect an ocean vista or anything though.”
You chuckled as you already envisioned the Nightsister’s face at being asked to play tourguide.
“What about after the war?”
Your question had Cal turning toward you, trying to read your expression.
“What about it?”
“What do you wanna do?”
Cal fell silent. He hadn’t thought that far ahead. After the purge, he didn’t dare to dream anymore like he had as a young Padawan. Noticing that he wasn’t about to say anything, you gathered all your courage to speak yourself.
“I thought we could settle down somewhere… You and I… somewhere quiet and peaceful.”
Cal’s eyes went wide, lips parting in surprise. Settling down? You? With him? Suddenly an image appeared in his head. A small home, a garden, the two of you sitting on a bench with BD-1 running after a little red-haired child….
Realizing that he still owed you a reply, Cal smiled, one of his hands reaching out for yours. “I’d like that.”, he said. “But are you sure? What about your exploration plans?”
“I think we will do quite a bit of traveling before all this is done… Besides, I want to enjoy growing old with you, Cal. And settling down sounds perfect.”
It did to him as well. As long as it was with you.
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liminalpebble · 2 months
Eddie's Education, Chapter 31
Masterlist link
Pacifica, California
October 2002
The smoke of Eddie's cigarette swirled around his face in the cool coastal air, joining the early morning fog swaddling the coast. The glow of its cherry cut through the haze and reflected in the dark orbs of his eyes. He took a deep drag and exhaled slowly. It had become a ritual...a meditation.
Eddie had never been a morning person...ever, but something changed lately. Being here, being alive after everything, being the hell out of Hawkins, made him cherish however many sunrises he still had left to witness in his life. Besides, the smoky vista and the rare black sand made him feel like some kind of dark wizard in a fantasy novel, surveying his alien domain.
Sure, now and then a beach runner would stomp by, ruining his musings as their footprints would mar the swath of charcoal-hued sand. Some neo-hippy would wave him a much-too-cheerful “good morning” while Eddie would just grin faintly around his cigarette, squint groggily, and raise his Garfield mug in a one-way toast.
What was it Hop always said? “Mornings are for coffee and contemplation.”
Damn straight, Hopper, Eddie thought with an amused snort.
Eddie cradled the warm ceramic. Stained and chipped and ugly as it was, he loved that mug. Wayne insisted he take it with him as the two wrestled with cardboard boxes and packing tape.
The bustle of packing and moving stilled for a moment as the two men faced each other with matching Munson smirks, fighting back tears as they realized that this was it. This was goodbye.
“I'll...I'll call. I promise,” Eddie croaked out, and sniffed, holding his tears at bay.
“I know. I know you will, son,” Wayne said patting him on his shoulder, sniffing as he also stubbornly refused to cry.
“...and I'll send you some hats and mugs for the collection. Every ugly piece-of-shit souvenir from every gas station and tourist trap between here and Nor Cal. I'll mail it to you.”
Wayne snorted and chuckled loudly.
“Come here, kid,” he said and they held each other tight, both unable to hold back tears any longer.
Eddie took a deep breath and held tightly to Wayne's jean jacket. It smelled like motor oil, black coffee, and Camels, just as it had when Wayne would hold him as a kid, consoling him when he was afraid or abandoned.
Some things never change, he thought.
Eddie floated back to the present. His cigarette had fizzled its way down to the filter and his coffee had all been sipped away, revealing the witty quip, I hate Mondays, at the bottom of the mug.
He knew he should make his way back, but he wanted to stay out here a little longer, just until the fog lifted and the sky lit up a little more. So he sat down cross-legged in his pajama pants, waiting for the light to come.
Hawkins Memorial Hospital
November, 2001
“Yes. I suppose you could frame it that way. However, medical techniques from our research are what saved your life and they're going to be what saves hers. But, of course there are conditions.”
Eddies brows shot up. “Conditions? You're willing to withhold life-saving medical attention, which she needs because of your project gone haywire in the first place, if we don't agree to your 'conditions'?” He scoffed, “What is wrong with you people?”
“Hear us out, Mr. Munson. If you don't, she will never wake up again,” she stated bluntly.
All he could do was gulp. They knew exactly where they had him, pressing a blade right through the most devastatingly vulnerable rend in his armor...his love for her.
“Alright...I'm listening.”
“I beg your fucking pardon?” Eddie snipped back to the suited wall of assholes before him.
“Leave. Leave Hawkins and set up somewhere else. We'll provide both you and Leia a generous stipend for rest of both of your lives. Work or don't. Whatever you want to do, we don't care as long as you don't talk about what happened to you, or what kind of medical miracles it took to bring you both back from the dead. Let's just say there's a lot we'd rather not have to explain...again.
We'll visit to conduct periodic check ups, gather data, provide further medical care if required. But we'll need you both to leave Hawkins. We don't want to risk or invite questions or investigation from the public.”
Eddie's face went from confused to a wide shit-eating grin as it all came together.
“Ohhh. I get it, you're bribing us. You're trying to make it sound like you're willing to be benevolent patron saints in exchange for our cooperation, but it seems a lot more like Leia and I have you well and truly by the balls here.”
The lady's eye twitched beneath her immaculate veil of make up, and he knew he got to her. She said coolly. “Or we could simply remove this problem in other, more direct ways. Our organization knows how to make people disappear through much less charitable means.”
Eddie wiggled his head. “Oh no...see, we're too valuable for you to off us. We'd be your prized research subjects now. Lightning struck twice for you with me and Leia. Get rid of us and you get rid of decades of breakthroughs.”
He tapped his finger to his head as he stood up and smiled menacing to the agents. “I'm trailer trash, folks, but I'm not an idiot. And I'm not about to drop to my knees thanking you for giving us what we deserve after what you've put us through. And we killed your monster for you, by the way, you're welcome.”
The lady took a deep breath and clenched her jaw. She had a look that Eddie was deeply familiar with; the look of an angry authority figure trying to stay composed when they really want to smack the smug grin off his face.
But this wasn't principal Higgins. These were people with real, terrible, power and her next words reminded him of that.
“We've learned, over the years, that the carrot works a good deal better than the stick for getting what we want, but that doesn't mean we won't resort to the stick. Bear in mind, Mr. Munson, we haven't saved her yet, and we could glean a good deal of information from either of you as cadavers.”
That got him, the idea of Leia's body utterly lifeless on coroner's slab. He lurched forward like a rabid dog, but the others held his arms back.
Now the lady smiled her perfectly painted lips, unflinching satisfaction written across her features.
Gradually, Eddie's breath stilled. Finally he sighed and looked over to his beloved with a soft, desperate expression as he asked, “Can you really save her?”
The agent didn't expect to, but she felt a pang for him, for this couple, for the life they were fighting so hard for. She said, with surprising gentleness, “We'll do our best. You have my word.”
He snorted. “You'll forgive me if that doesn't mean a whole hell of a lot, agent whoever-you-are.”
He turned away and sat on the edge of Leia's bed, held her small warm hand and said, “Let's stop bullshitting each other. You already know I'd do anything to bring her back. So let's not waste anymore time.”
The agents nodded. Before Eddie knew it, he had signed some papers (the fine print of which he couldn't give a single shit about) and a frenzy of activity began around them.
@sweetsigyn @veemoon @elegantkoalapaper @little-wormwood
(Thank you so much for your patience, my dears! This should wrap up soon.)
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inutilidadeaflorada · 10 months
O Balé de Canibais
A percussão de ossos que se encontram Ociosamente por matriz do desejo O som também é um conflito diluído Ao pé do ouvindo entorta segredos
Enfurecendo um sangue impróprio O horário é uma força que censura O vigor acometido por suspiros Intenções varridas entre línguas
A carne de pupilas misturando-se Ao que a profecia de Tânatos cuspia: Saliva, cal, zinco, ferrugem e fertilizantes Originando uma nova titanomaquia
A necrose vista a distância Mas enquanto as cigarras jejuam Todos os outros vagalumes Marcham ao redor de uma lua de ouro
Eu não tenho dignidade, apenas meus olhos Você não tem um nome, apenas tua vontade Nossos corpos são vitimas desse estado de parafina Submergidos etéreos para uma substância de reflexos
Há uma selva urgindo da garganta Há um licor para ungir meus dedos Descriminá-los com a bênção tua E esparrama-los entre mistério e urgência
O compasso marcando dissonâncias A indignação de uma luz que versa Uma reza a altares transitórios Erguidos enquanto beijos alastram precipícios
Você, que me tens tão perto Atravessa essa melodia retumbante Me encontre como um violino desatinado Me afine enfim, e eu me torcerei de alívio e deleite...
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pantsaretherealheroes · 8 months
hi hi finally getting onto this thank you for the tags & sorry i'm so bad at responding life has been busy!
@cal-daisies-and-briars @jeeyuns i appreciate you!
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(what a lovely gif @nymika-arts!)
under the cut for dash reasons:
this is from a new thing that is slowly taking shape but is just a small thing (kind of)...
She laughs again, warm and mischievous. “God, she is the worst. It’s like, you’re also married, Julie. Sorry your husband’s hedge fund arms aren’t as big.”  Buck laughs. “Oh, I have to avoid the dads like him because otherwise they corner me to obsess about my body and ask about my workout routine. I don’t even think it’s that they want to fuck me, it’s that weird straight guy masc adoration thing.” She cackles, laughing so much she has to put down her drink.   She sighs.  “I love bitching about PTA moms with you.”  Buck laughs. “I thought you’d prefer Eddie for this, he says I’m too nice to them.”  She laughs. “Eddie’s bitchier, but you’re so funny. They act so weird about you.” “I’ll take it, then,” he grins, taking a sip.  There’s something in the back of his mind, something catching but not lighting. “Where’s Eddie?” he asks.  There’s music coming from the french doors behind them, lightly. That band that Eddie likes because his Dad used to play them a lot. What were they called? Something Spanish? Buena Vista Social Club, he remembers.  She glances back at the open doors, then back to him, “I love this song,” she says picking up her drink to take a sip. “Eddie’s in there with Toby.”  “Toby?” Buck asks, trying to remember.  She giggles. “How tipsy are you? My partner, Toby. They’re probably getting distracted by talking about baseball or something.”  “Right, Toby,” he smiles.  He watches her, with her perfect red lipstick and sparkling eyes, and suddenly, the thing at the back of his mind occurs to him. “Shannon?”  “Yes, Buck?”  “How - how are you here? And where - where’s here?” he asks, sitting up and looking around. He puts his drink down.
i hope that people enjoy this whenever i get around to finishing it! <3
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jwayehi · 13 days
Olá, novamente
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Eu decidi voltar para cá, depois da queda do twitter. Confesso que eu estou com um pouco de medo de falhar de novo. Tinha prometido a mim mesmo que eu não recairia e tentaria fazer uma reeducação alimentar primeiro. Queria emagrecer de uma forma saudável, e eu vou realmente tentar isso, mas de alguma forma, eu tenho me sentido tentado a cada vez mais cortar comida.
Mesmo que eu saiba que isso não irá adiantar, que irá me fazer ganhar peso de novo, irá me fazer ter muito descontrole, parece o certo a se fazer. Mas no momento não é isso que eu quero. Quero consumir uma quantidade boa de comida, bem saudável, porque infelizmente eu estou obeso, e comer pouquíssima quantidade não será uma ideia inteligente para mim, no meu ponto de vista.
Enfim, espero que nessa jornada eu não fracasse mais uma vez. Espero arrumar um emprego pra consumir só coisas saudáveis e zero cals.
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popolodipekino · 1 month
luna (n)uova
X - LA LUNA Platero acababa de beberse dos cubos de agua con estrellas en el pozo del corral, y volvía á la cuadra, lento y distraído entre los altos girasoles. Yo le aguardaba en la puerta, echado en el quicio del cal y envuelto en la tibia fragrancia de los heliotropos. Sobre el tejadillo, húmedo de las blanduras de septiembre, dormía el campo lejano, que mandaba un fuerte aliento de pinos. Una nube negra, como una gigantesca gallina que hubiesse puesto un huevo de oro, puso la luna sobra una colina. Yo le dije á la luna: ... Ma sola ha questa luna in ciel, che da nessuno cader fu vista mai se non in sogno. Platero la miraba fijamente y sacudía, con un duro ruido blando, una oreja. Me miraba absorto y sacudía la otra... da J. R. Jiménez, Platero y yo
Platero aveva appena finito di bere due secchi d'acqua con le stelle nel pozzo dell'aia e stava tornando alla stalla, lento e distratto tra gli alti girasoli. Lo aspettavo sulla porta, appoggiato al davanzale della finestra incorniciata di calce e avvolto dal caldo profumo degli eliotropi. Sopra la tettoia, umida per la morbidezza di settembre, dormiva la campagna lontana, che mandava un forte respiro di pini. Una nuvola nera, come una gigantesca gallina che avesse deposto un uovo d'oro, posava la luna su una collina. Dissi alla luna: … Ma sola ha questa luna in ciel, che da nessuno cader fu vista mai se non in sogno. Platero la fissò e scosse un orecchio con un rumore duro e sommesso. Mi guardò assorto e scosse l'altro…
Tradotto con DeepL.com (versione gratuita)
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sucede-es · 2 months
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La Casa TD, ubicada en L'Ampolla, Tarragona, combina austeridad y calidez mediterránea en un diseño contemporáneo que reinterpreta la arquitectura tradicional de la zona.
Diseñada por Skye Maunsell Studio, Jordi Veciana y gr-os–Juan Gurrea Rumeu ARB RIBA, la vivienda destaca por su integración con el entorno natural y su uso de elementos arquitectónicos mediterráneos. La casa presenta un jardín con plantas tolerantes a la sequía y una piscina que se funde con la vegetación, creando una conexión fluida entre interior y exterior.
Dividida en tres volúmenes, la estructura facilita una experiencia habitacional variada, adaptada a diferentes estaciones y necesidades. El primer volumen aísla la casa de la calle, mientras que el segundo incluye espacios como la cocina y las áreas de descanso, culminando en una terraza con vistas al mar. El tercer volumen, con una suite independiente para invitados, completa el diseño. Los materiales empleados, como cemento pulido, madera, acero y mortero de cal, reflejan una estética austera y funcional, destacando la influencia mediterránea y la eficiencia energética con métodos pasivos y tecnologías modernas.
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danidark00 · 7 months
Pesei ontem, perdi 200 gramas kkkk é pouco? É, certamente. Reduzi 150 cal diárias e vou pesar daqui a 5 dias. Comprei uma balança bem top de bioimpedância, daquelas que calculam a massa muscular, o percentual de gordura e tal, farei jejum algum dia da semana e me pesarei logo que acordar. Estou bem curiosa pra saber meu % de godura!
Quero me livrar dessa gordura nojenta, essa barriguinha me incomoda MUITO. Engraçado que tenho episódios em que emagreço muito, sempre após algum trauma ou situação difícil.
No final do ano passado passei por um stress absurdo, estava namorando um gordo fdp que paquerava tudo que é mulher na minha frente, só queria tirar vantagem de mim sem dar nada em troca, exigia respeito mas não me respeitava, era agressivo e controlador. Ele me fez passar uma humilhação terrivel em uma festa (ele estava chamando outras mulheres para um motel, e na minha frente!!!!) e quando reagi, ele inverteu e me ficar como a louca da história. Detalhe: ele era super ciumento, não gostava nem que eu passasse perto de outro homem. E além disso, me deu um sermão de meia hora só pq eu havia pedido para ele me buscar em casa para a tal festa, sendo que eu aguentava, calada, a chatice dele, ele me pedindo ajuda com o TCC dele no fim de semana, ele bêbado em uma bar me puxando e fazendo passar vergonha... eu sempre calada, para não desagradá-lo.
Depois disso tudo, ele que se fez de vítima e começou a me ignorar! Um dia eu fui assaltada, quase fui esfaqueada e, quando contei pra ele, ele só disse: "putz...juízo..." Semanas depois ele disse q estava passando perto da minha casa, mas eu nem queria mais ver a cara dele à essa altura, só respondi "fica com Deus". E quando me encontrou (eu trabalho com ele, infelizmente), agiu na maior cara de pau, como se não tivesse feito nada! Foi dar um beijo na minha cabeça, me afastei e ele me deu um tapão na cabeça! Graças a Deus, ele não fala mais comigo. Contei para uma amiga em comum que não o queria ver nem banhado a ouro e ela contou pra ele. Ela disse que ele ficou chocado, mas tenho certeza que ele sabia q eu não queria mais falar com ele, só estava se fazendo de desentendido.
Fiquei muito mal por causa do que o gordo fez, me senti usada... Ele sempre dizia que a gente descobre quem é amigo de verdade quando temos um dia ruim, quando estamos "chatinhos" e a pessoa fica do nosso lado. Eu aguentei chateações ABSURDAS do lado dele mas, na primeira vez que tive um dia ruim e deixei transparecer, ele me descartou.
Fico com raiva de mim mesma por ter me colocado nessa situação, por ter dado chance para ele. Eu estava carente, havia levado um ghosting de um cara que eu gostava, aí o gordo veio com tudo pra mim, e entrei na onda. Eu não tinha nada contra gordos, mas hoje tenho um ranço! Não aguento nem ver. Sinto que a gordura está em mim! Parece que, à medida que a minha gordura vai embora, vai levando junto toda a ansiedade, toda a dor, toda a decepção... Parece que estou ficando limpa, pura... É como se eu não tivesse voz, mas meus ossos ficando aparentes falam. Loucura, né? É um sentimento contraditório: como se eu quisesse desaparecer, mas ao mesmo tempo, chamar a atenção. Não quero ser vista, mas quero que vejam o quanto estou emagrecendo e me perguntem o porquê. Obviamente, não contarei tudo isso quando perguntarem, só responderei que me acho melhor magrinha. Eu quero me proteger...
Meu IMC atualmente é 17,3.
Quero superar isso tudo, esquecer esse gordo nojento (eu não o amava, mas tinha certeza que ele era um amigo para sempre e com quem poderia contar), ficar bem magrinha e linda! Depois conto os resultados da balança.
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Here's How it's Done - Five of the Best-Made Tutorial Levels
   What’s the most boring part of any video game, the part most players tend to skip? That’s right, the tutorial level. They’re always full of boring text box pop-ups, spelling out all the different buttons and controls and slowing the game’s opening down to a crawl - it’s almost like the game is teaching the player how to read more than how to play! At least, that’s the case with most games. Sometimes, developers try spicing it up a little, adding a bit of excitement and interest to the first level. It can come in the form of an engaging narrative intro, cool action, interesting locations and scenery, less linear pacing, and so on. There are plenty of tricks to keep that first level interesting; you could consider these games as a tutorial on how to do good tutorials! I’ve collected a handful of games that really hit the ground running with interesting and enjoyable openings - have a look for yourself!   Press [Keep reading] to continue.
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Marvel’s Spider-Man 2    How many games teach you how to play by immediately throwing you into a gargantuan, multi-phase boss battle? Spider-Man 2 does, and it’s equal parts tutorial and showcase of how powerful the PS5 can really be. Swinging into action, the Spider-Men cross the river besides Manhattan into Brooklyn to battle the latest villain of the week: the swirling, skyscraper-sized walking desert known as Sandman. The massive boss fight puts the opening action of the previous games to shame, as well as cleverly working in the tutorial amongst the story of the fight.   Seamlessly switching between playing as Peter Parker and Miles Morales, the game runs through the basics of combat and mobility - swing into the fight, battle sandy clones summoned by Sandman, dodge the sandy giants’ attacks, and so on. A particularly impressive moment is when Sandman grabs Miles and flings him across almost the entire horizontal length of the map, only for Miles to slingshot himself right back - all within five seconds, no loading or slow environment generation to be seen! Peter and Miles make use of plenty of new, untested gadgets throughout the fight, such as the new Web Wings to glide on the wind and Peter’s mechanical spider-limbs popping out of his suit, learning how to use them alongside the player in an epic cinematic battle between the two Spider-Men and the largest enemy seen in the series yet!
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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves    The Uncharted series is known for its’ engaging narratives, but Among Thieves is a particular standout for being a great early example of how cinematic games can really get by throwing the player straight into the action. After the player presses “Start”, Nathan Drake wakes up with a bullet hole in his gut, sitting sideways in a busted-up train car dangling over a sheer cliff. In a desperate climb to safety as the train falls to pieces around Nate, the player will quickly learn the basics of parkour and movement that you’ll be using for the entire game - or plummet to their death in the beautiful albeit deadly scenery.   After a quick flashback that hints at how this adventure started out, it’s back to surviving in the frozen, flaming wreckage Nate has somehow ended up in. Finally, Nate uncovers a mysterious artefact in the wreckage, presumably the source of all this fuss for the entire adventure - and it’s time for another flashback, all the way to the beginning for the story to really get started. It’s an expert combination of cinematic storytelling and intrigue (just how did Nate get into this mess?) with intense action and control tutorials that flow naturally alongside the plot - all the way back in 2009!
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Jedi: Fallen Order    Leaping and climbing across a dangerous scrapyard full of old derelict Republic cruisers, while the Empire’s spy droids and TIE Fighters constantly drone overhead - just another day on the job for Cal Kestis. As the game opens with breathtaking vistas of a vast, grim, rainy planet littered with familiar giant ships, Cal hides his Jedi training as he picks his way across the treacherous worksite. All the jumping, climbing and parkour you’ll be doing is taught very early on - the Empire sure doesn’t seem to care about workplace safety, but Cal (and the player) easily clambers across the machinery like it was a giant playground.    Of course, the inevitable workplace hazard occurs as the ship Cal and his buddy Prauf are standing on falls apart, sending them sliding to their likely doom until Cal reaches out his hand and you get the coolest tutorial prompt in any video game: [RB] Use the Force. His Jedi powers revealed, the Empire quickly catches on and suddenly, Cal is fighting through a speeding train armed with a humming lightsaber and the power of the Force, effortlessly slicing through countless Stormtroopers in his path. After that taste of how strong Cal is against the cannon fodder, the player is pitted against a dreaded Inquisitor in a literally unwinnable fight before a mysterious new ship comes to your rescue - and the journey begins.
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DOOM (2016)    As a soft reboot of the longstanding DOOM franchise, DOOM (2016)’s opening instantly tells you exactly who the Doom Slayer is. Waking up buck-naked and chained to a bloody tomb in a laboratory, surrounded by shambling demons, what does Doomguy do? Snap the chains on his wrists, grab the nearest unfortunate demon by the face and smash it to pieces, leap to his feet, snatch up a stray pistol and aim it right at the next demon - and now the player is in control. Once you’ve cleared the lab, it’s time to grab your armour and get to work doing what Doomguy does best.   Quickly, you’re shown just enough exposition to know who the important characters are and why things might be all demonic right now, but not so much that it slows down your path of annihilation. Doomguy even throws away a monitor trying to give lore, as if to say “I’m not here to listen to dialogue, I’m here to blast demons!” Through bloodstained halls and surrounded by hellish shrieking, the player sets off clearing out the first building of demons, given only the most absolutely necessary control tutorials. Finally, as the thumping main theme builds in your ears, Doomguy gives his trusty shotgun a pump as he steps onto the surface of Mars, ready to rip and tear.
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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild    All these openings are fairly straightforward, but how about something a little less linear? In Breath of the Wild, the tutorial “level” is a wide-open sandbox by itself, allowing the player to explore the Great Plateau they find themselves waking up on at their own pace, in more or less whatever order they like. After you’ve left the cave you awaken in with your few belongings, the first thing you see is an old man walking away in the distance; the game’s way of telling the player exactly where to go and who to speak to, all without a single “go here” arrow.   The tutorial’s open nature gives a sense of just how much freedom the player will have in the rest of the game - you can do whatever missions you like in whatever order you choose, or just wander around and enjoy the scenery at your leisure. Across the plateau, you’ll notice various shrines around you, each one granting a new power that you’ll use for the entire game, and none of them require any other shrines to be completed first. You’ll quickly learn the basics as you pick your way across the plateau - climbing trees and hills to gather resources, fighting off the handful of foes in your way, and so on with very little direct hand-holding from the game. It’s a great example of how easy it is to learn by messing around and doing things yourself, rather than reading constant button prompts and objective markers.
   There’s a thousand different ways to teach a player how to play - and of course, some ways are much more intuitive and entertaining than others. Now that you’ve learned a few different kinds of good video game tutorials, you’ll probably never look at a games’ first level the same way again. Are there any other games you’ve played that did a great job showing you the ropes? Let me know! Feedback, reblogs and likes are much appreciated!    Thanks for reading!
An Aussie Button-Masher
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ptbf2002 · 8 months
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Classic Cartoon Characters Hate Powerpuff Jeffys
Original Template: https://www.deviantart.com/malekmasoud/art/What-has-made-the-classic-cartoon-characters-mad-917355219
Betty Boop Belongs To Max Fleischer, Grim Natwick, Fleischer Studios, Famous Studios, Paramount Cartoon Studios, Paramount Animation, Paramount Pictures Corporation, Paramount Global, King Features Syndicate, Inc. And Hearst Communications, Inc.
Tom and Jerry Belongs To William Hanna, Joseph Barbera, Wang Film Productions Co., Ltd. Fil-Cartoons, Mr. Big Cartoons, Bardel Entertainment, Inc. Baer Animation Company, CNK International, Seoul Movie Co., Ltd. Toon City Animation Inc. Yearim Productions Co., Ltd. Hanho Heung-Up Co., Ltd. Rough Draft Korea Co. Ltd. Rough Draft Studios, Inc. Lotto Animation, Inc. Renegade Animation, PIP Animation Services Inc. Slap Happy Cartoons Inc. Digital eMation, Inc. Duncan Studio, Rembrandt Films, Sib Tower 12, Inc. MGM Animation/Visual Arts, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Cartoon Studio, Harman-Ising Productions, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios, Inc. MGM Holdings, Inc. Amazon MGM Studios, Amazon.com, Inc. Turner Entertainment Company, Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. Hanna-Barbera Cartoons, Inc. Warner Bros. Animation Inc. Kids' WB! The WB, The WB Television Network, Inc. Tribune Broadcasting Company, LLC. Tribune Media Company, Nexstar Media Group, Inc. Cartoon Network, Boomerang, The Cartoon Network, Inc. Warner Bros. Discovery Networks, Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution, Warner Bros. Television Studios, Warner Bros. Television Group, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia, And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
Looney Tunes Belongs To Leon Schlesinger, Hugh Harman, Rudolf Ising, Harman-Ising Productions, Leon Schlesinger Productions, Warner Bros. Cartoons, Inc. DePatie–Freleng Enterprises, Format Productions, Warner Bros.-Seven Arts Animation, The Vitaphone Corporation, Vitagraph Company of America, Turner Entertainment Company, Warner Bros. Animation Inc. Kids' WB! The WB, The WB Television Network, Inc. Tribune Broadcasting Company, LLC. Tribune Media Company, Nexstar Media Group, Inc. Cartoon Network, Boomerang, The Cartoon Network, Inc. Warner Bros. Discovery Networks, Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution, Warner Bros. Television Studios, Warner Bros. Television Group, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia, And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
Bugs Bunny Belongs To Ben Hardaway, Cal Dalton, Charles Thorson, Tex Avery, Chuck Jones, Bob Givens, Robert McKimson, Warner Bros. Cartoons, Inc. DePatie–Freleng Enterprises, Format Productions, Warner Bros.-Seven Arts Animation, The Vitaphone Corporation, Vitagraph Company of America, Turner Entertainment Company, Warner Bros. Animation Inc. Kids' WB! The WB, The WB Television Network, Inc. Tribune Broadcasting Company, LLC. Tribune Media Company, Nexstar Media Group, Inc. Cartoon Network, Boomerang, The Cartoon Network, Inc. Warner Bros. Discovery Networks, Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution, Warner Bros. Television Studios, Warner Bros. Television Group, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia, And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
Mickey Mouse (film series) Belongs To Walt Disney, Ub Iwerks, Floyd Gottfredson, Celebrity Productions, RKO Radio Pictures Inc. Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. Sony Pictures Releasing, Sony Pictures Entertainment Motion Picture Group, Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc. Sony Entertainment, Inc. Sony Corporation of America, Sony Group Corporation, United Artists Corporation, United Artists Releasing, LLC, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios, Inc. MGM Holdings, Inc. Amazon MGM Studios, Amazon.com, Inc. Walt Disney Studio, Walt Disney Productions, Walt Disney Feature Animation, Walt Disney Animation Studios, Walt Disney Pictures, The Walt Disney Studios, Buena Vista Pictures Distribution, Inc. Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures, Disney Entertainment, Disney Enterprises, Inc. And The Walt Disney Company
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amor-barato · 10 months
Ele a vira pela primeira vez uma tarde em que Lotário Thugut o encarregou de levar um telegrama a alguém sem domicílio conhecido que se chamava Lorenzo Daza. Encontrou-o na pracinha dos Evangelhos, numa das casas mais antigas, meio arruinada, cujo pátio interior parecia o claustro de uma abadia, com tiririca nos canteiros e um repuxo de pedra sem água. Florentino Ariza não percebeu nenhum ruído humano quando seguiu a criada descalça por baixo dos arcos do corredor, onde havia caixotes de mudança ainda por abrir, e ferramentas de pedreiro entre restos de cal e sacos de cimento alinhados, pois a casa estava sendo submetida a uma reforma radical. No fundo do pátio havia um escritório provisório, onde dormia a sesta sentado diante da escrivaninha um homem muito gordo de suíças crespas que se confundiam com os bigodes. Chamava-se, de fato, Lorenzo Daza, e não era muito conhecido na cidade porque chegara há menos de dois anos e não era homem de muitos amigos. Recebeu o telegrama como se fosse a continuação de um sonho aziago. Florentino Ariza observou os olhos aflitos com uma espécie de compaixão oficial, observou os dedos incertos procurando descolar o papel, o medo visceral que tinha visto tantas vezes em tantos destinatários que ainda não conseguiam pensar em telegrama sem pensar em morte. Quando o leu, recobrou o domínio de si mesmo. Deu um suspiro: "Boas notícias." E entregou a Florentino Ariza os cinco réis de uso, dando-lhe a entender com um sorriso de alívio que não os teria dado se as notícias tivessem sido más. Depois se despediu com um forte aperto de mão, que não era de costume com um mensageiro do telégrafo, e a criada o acompanhou até o portão da rua, não tanto para conduzi-lo como para vigiá-lo. Percorreram o mesmo caminho em sentido contrário pelo corredor de arcadas, mas desta vez viu Florentino Ariza que havia alguém mais na casa, porque a claridade do pátio estava ocupada por uma voz de mulher que repetia uma lição de leitura. Ao passar diante do quarto de costura viu pela janela uma mulher mais velha e uma menina, sentadas em duas cadeiras muito juntas, as duas acompanhando a leitura no mesmo livro que a mulher mantinha aberto no colo. Pareceu-lhe uma visão estranha: a filha ensinando a mãe a ler. A dedução era incorreta só em parte, porque a mulher era tia e não mãe da menina, embora a tivesse criado como se mãe fosse. A aula não se interrompeu, mas a menina levantou a vista para ver quem passava pela janela, e esse olhar casual foi a origem de um cataclismo de amor que meio século depois não tinha terminado ainda.
Gabriel García Márquez – O amor nos tempos do cólera 
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eopederson2 · 2 years
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Rainier Vista, University of Washington, Seattle, 2016.
On a fine April day in 2016, my last visit, the campus was truly glorious in its spring finery. My grand nephew, a Silicon Valley boy with a perfect SAT score and other excellent credentials is seriously considering UW! He wants to be in a city and somewhat far from home meaning Cal and Leland Stanford Junior University are not being considered. His parents are MIT graduates with post graduate degrees also from that school, but he does not want to deal with Boston in winter. He was impressed by UW on his January visit, and we are encouraging him to opt for Seattle.
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josepescriva · 1 year
Breu guia turística per la memòria de les dunes d'Oliva
Article d’opinió de Josep Escrivà i Savall, Portaveu de Compromís per Oliva. 18 de juliol de 2023.
Després d'haver conegut al detall l'expedient sobre la subvenció de les dunes d'Oliva, com a portaveu de Compromís per Oliva, veig necessari fer una guia d'opinió sobre turisme sostenible en les dunes d’Oliva.
Als turistes hem d'explicar que en aquestes coordenades, estem entre el turisme i la conservació del nostre patrimoni natural i històric, clar. “Benvinguts a Oliva, la ciutat que ha estat esquivant bales de plom en forma de construcció descontrolada i on el vent del canvi ha estat aliat amb la tradició i l'ecologia”, cal comentar al rebre’ls.
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Per a entendre el nostre urbanisme cal donar un cop d'ull al Pla General que es va redactar en l'any 82. Ah! L'any 82!, ha plogut molt des d'ençà, però en aquell moment els olivers i oliveres vam començar a comprendre que els nostres muntanyars no eren només arena i vegetació, sinó també una memòria ancestral, part del patrimoni natural i va haver-hi un dels primers clams per la protecció. Un clam que ressona des d'aquell moment, amb ecos que volen arribar fins a les oïdes dels nostres polítics. Però, de vegades els que volen fomentar el turisme potser es perden amb el soroll, i per part dels polítics, no tots escolten i en esta zona tan apreciada hem vist anuncis ben esperpèntics com una zona hotelera o un passeig marítim allà on no està permès.
La protecció del medi ambient no és cap joc que prendre a la lleugera. Hi ha qui pensa que posar en valor significa obrir la porta a tots els vents, explotar tots els recursos naturals com si fórem termites devorant el territori. I és que, amics, s'ha de ser una poc esquizofrènic per creure que podem apropar-nos als espais naturals sense incrementar la pressió antropogènica.
Tornem a fer un viatge enrere, al 2020, quan un fort temporal va fer que Oliva fos declarada zona catastròfica. Els nostres muntanyars, tan criticats amb anterioritat, es van erigir en una barrera natural. Quin canvi de guió, veritat? De sobte, tothom volia protegir-los. Fins i tot aquells que temps enrere es queixaven de la vista obstruïda des dels seus balcons o dificultaven el seu pas. Ja veus, quan la casa de la platja corre perill, tot es veu diferent.
I ara, amb el debat sobre les passarel·les dunars que longitudinalment acabarien tapant les dunes. Com si volguéssim construir un pont per damunt d'un jardí botànic, com si eixa superfície d’ombra no afectara al creixement de la flora i fauna. Però en som uns quants que hem après a estimar la nostra terra, i sabem que no volem més construccions que posen en perill l'entorn natural que ens queda. Volem millorar els passos existents, sí; volem que la subvenció que ens han adjudicat de fons europeus aporte millores a la nostra competitivitat turística, també; però no a costa del paisatge i l’entorn natural. Volem que les inversions que venen a Oliva, siguen de profit i no causen detriment al que tenim.
En lloc de projectes delirants, després d’haver escoltat l’opinió dels sectors ecologistes, proposem alternatives com un centre d'interpretació de les dunes i el seu hàbitat, on s'expliquen els nivells de protecció i la dimensió del seu interés. I tot això sense oblidar una avaluació i regeneració de les zones afectades.
En el tema de la mobilitat, apostem per les bicicletes i els vianants, sí. Els camins rurals que hi ha per darrere de la línia marítim terrestre i els transports sostenibles haurien de ser les nostres vies principals, la millora dels accessos a la platja, elevant-les sempre que les condicions tècniques ho permeten, mentre que les passarel·les longitudinals creem que son prescindibles.
Sí, estem disposats a treballar conjuntament en la contribució a la redacció d'un projecte que siga beneficiós per a Oliva, però també viable i per a això, hem de respectar les zones d'especial conservació (ZEC) de la Generalitat Valenciana, així com les directrius europees. Esta manera de fer, significa deixar enrere els focs d'artifici mediàtics i abraçar un compromís real amb el nostre patrimoni i deixar les explosions als arcabussers i coeters de les nostres apreciades festes. Si no ho fem així, si no ens prenem de veres el medi ambient, potser no hi haurà res per visitar en el futur, excepte les ruïnes de les nostres bones intencions.
Per això he redactat esta breu guia turística per la memòria de les nostres dunes.
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Micheleamidalajedi's fanfiction and moodboard masterlist! 💫
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Bruce Banner
Natasha Romanoff
Kate bishop
Bucky Barnes
Luke Cage
Carol Danvers
Peter Parker
Jessica Jones
Sam Wilson
Pepper Potts
Clint Barton
Tony Stark
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Emily Prentiss
Spencer Reid
Jennifer Jareau
Derek Morgan
Penelope Garcia
Matthew Simmons
Tara Lewis
Luke Alvez
Kate Callahan
Aaron Hotchner
Ashley Seaver
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Cedric Diggory
Luna Lovegood
Ron Weasley
Hermione Granger
Remus Lupin
Ginny Weasley
Harry Potter
Sirius Black
Katie Bell
Neville Longbottom
Minerva Mcgonagall
Blaise Zabini
Nymphodora Tonks
Rubeus Hagrid
Pansy Parkinson
Draco Malfoy
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Jill Valentine
Leon Kennedy
Helena Harper
Carlos Oliveira
Claire Redfield
Jake Muller
Sherry Birkin
Chris Redfield
Piers Nivan
Sheva Alomar
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Nick Stokes
Sara Sidle
Greg Sanders
Catherine Willows
Warrick Brown
Mia Dickerson
Gil Grissom
Riley Adams
Raymond Langston
Julie Finlay
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Tifa Lockhart
Hope Esthiem
Oerba Dia Vanille
Cloud Strife
Aerith Gainsborough
Snow Villers
Lighting Farron
Vincent Valentine
Oerba Yun Fang
Zack Fair
Yuffie Kirasagi
Prompto Argentum
Serah Farron
Squall Leonhart
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Erik Lehnsherr
Peter Maximoff
Ororo Munroe
Charles Xavier
Raven Darkholme
Warren Worthington
Kitty Pryde
Kurt Wagner
Logan Howlett
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Alexx Woods
Ryan Wolfe
Natalia Boa Vista
Horatio Caine
Marisol Delko
Jesse Cardoza
Calleigh Duquesne
Walter Simmons
Eric Delko
Kyle Harmon
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Mordin Solus
Liara T'soni
Garrus Vakarian
Thane Krios
Tali'zorah nar rayya
Urdnot Wrex
Suvi Anwar
Liam Kostas
Kasumi Goto
Jaal ama darav
Pelessaria B'sayle
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Leia Organa
Padme Amidala
Din Djarin
Ashoka Tano
Poe Dameron
Rey Skywalker
Galen Marek
Jyn Erso
Obi wan kenobi
Bo katan kryze
Luke Skywalker
Cara Dune
Cere Junda
Aayla Secura
Shaak Ti
Mission Vao
Cal Kestis
Barriss Offee
Qui gon jin
Don Billingsley
Celine Naville
Santiago Garcia
Kimberly Corman
Bam Margera
Alex Law
Monica Long Dutton
Wally West
Kara AX400
Robert Lewis
Wendy Christensen
Frank Mccullen
Beverly Marsh
Connor RK900
Margaret "Hot Lips" Houlihan
Christopher Robin
Mike Hanlon
Haruhi Fujioka
Ben Miller
Peter Pevensie
Mason "Mace" Brown
Susan Pevensie
Will Miller
Judy Alvarez
Gavin "Spinner" Mason
Callie Adams Foster
Tori Spring
Jane Vaughn
Murphy Macmanus
Panam Palmer
Ryan Dunn
Harland Mckenna
Artemis Crock
Adam Banks
Emma Nelson
Benjamin "Hawkeye" Pierce
Lucy Pevensie
Connor Kent
Peyton Sawyer
Edmund Pevensie
Connie Monreau
Kung Jin
Carol Peletier
Guy Germaine
Brooke Davis
Johnny Knoxville
Emily Fields
Ben Hanscom
Jacqui Briggs
Charlie Conway
Beth Greene
Luis Mendoza
Amelia Sheperd
Elliott Alderson
Heather Mason
John Wick
Takashi Takeda
Beth Dutton
Cassie Cage
Kazuma Kiryu
Megan Morse
Chris Pontius
Ellie Nash
Legolas Greenleaf
Mariana Foster
Dick Grayson
Lara Croft
Frankie Morales
Mark Renton
Julia Salinger
Rip Wheeler
Pixie O'brien
Foxy Cleopatra
Austin Powers
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