#Caitlin Clark angst
caitlinsclark · 2 months
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CASUAL caitlin clark ¹ 𝘤𝘢𝘪𝘵𝘭𝘪𝘯 𝘤𝘭𝘢𝘳𝘬 𝘹 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 | summary: it was always casual for Caitlin. based on casual by chappell roan. ✰ bree's notes: Couldn’t get myself to fully write smut bc I feel like I’d tank at that  ✰ No ACTUAL smut but alludes/briefly talks about it so, read at your own discretion!
part two wc: 3.1k masterlist and tag list
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“I just don’t get why you keep doing this to yourself,” Kate was the voice of reason that you didn’t wanna face in the midst of your recklessness. And it sucked that you knew if you should be listening to anyone, it was her. She was Caitlin’s best friend and she only wanted the best for you as a teammate.
But she’d caught you in the act and had to give you tough love, “You’re going to go see her, aren’t you?” And you didn’t have the heart to lie anymore, though the shame building up in your stomach was far worse than the guilt of lying.
“You don’t have to tell me, Kate, I know,” You pleaded in attempt to get out of the repetitive conversation. It still brought up the sick feeling each time you faced it, the truth always hurts.
As a genuine friend, she tried to push harder, “She’s not that commitment person, and she doesn’t see you anymore than the physical things you two have been doing.” In a few months you knew you would thank her for the brutality of her words, but you couldn’t now when all you craved was the brunette that didn’t want you back.
“I don’t believe that.” The words were defiant, childish, and simply an act of denial and not even you believed them. But you so desperately wanted to believe that Caitlin saw you as more than that, you were teammates, you were friends. You always believed at some point the lines would blur for her the same way that they did for you.
But Kate, the guiding light that tried to wake you up from your Caitlin induced daydream, reminded you of the words from the direct source, “It’s casual, remember?” She said your name afterward with such sympathy, hating to be the bearer of bad news.
Embarrassment floods your veins as you remember the scene Kate had witnessed herself yesterday when you had been getting ready to head out with Caitlin.
You were balancing on one foot near the doorway as you tried to put on one of your shoes. You were surprised by a warm graze against your waist, until Caitlin’s hands slide down and settled to firmly hold your hips. She’d squeezed you when you murmured a small thank you and continued putting your shoes on.
“Cute,” Kate quipped as she passed by the door and the two of you, heading up the stairs. You didn’t think anything much of it and continued to put your sneaker on.
Caitlin abruptly released your middle, leaving you hitting somewhat aggressively against the wall next to you. You couldn’t stop the way your eyes glued to her, you wouldn’t believe it if you didn’t see her reaction for yourself.
The laugh that Caitlin let out was dismissive and light, “We’re not together.” She was able to look right at you, the amused expression remaining on her face all while you felt your resolve crumbling. You felt like a fucking fool, all that just to wish you’d looked away.
The assertive correction felt like a jab to the heart, but the quick realization that she was right cut through deeper for a second time. Sadly, you were quick to forget the slight offense. At least a slight offense is what you  tried to tell yourself it was, when you were lead outside by Caitlin.
Her hands were everywhere on your skin as soon as you got into the comfort of her car, trailing tenderly up every inch of your body to rest on your neck. 
“Someone could see, Cait,” You tried to stop her hand as it fought to go lower, breaking at the way her eyes stared down at your connected bodies.
You expected her to agree, considering the recent insistence on your casual nature. What you didn’t expect was for her to slide onto her knees, considering it was slightly difficult and crammed due to her stature, but she wasn’t deterred.
Minutes later, you were left gasping with a bruising grip in her hair. A sheen on both of your skins as the windows of the car fogged up and hid you both from the secrecy of your rendezvous. 
The way she caressed your leg, a loving gaze glued onto you as she tried to slowly bring you down from the intense feeling, “You alright, baby?” She kissed the skin of your thigh, maintaining eye contact as she did so.
It didn’t feel casual. The way she gently and carefully pushed herself up to kiss you with a tenderness you’d never experienced didn’t feel casual. But all you could do was nod, breathless for more reasons than one.
You’d slipped out the door of your dorm with nothing more to say, because Kate wasn’t incorrect and you had to give her that. Caitlin wasn’t the right choice by any means and you would be the one getting burned eventually. But the thought of being burned in the end was less harrowing than the thought of letting go of Caitlin completely.
On the short stride over to her dorm, you began reminiscing over the last few months that you’d been playing this game of cat and mouse. 
The first time was a punch to the gut that you always fought to push to the back your mind. It was midday and you’d felt a certain pull toward the kitchen, maybe hunger, maybe just intuition. Whatever got you there was looking out for you when you caught a brief mention of your name before entering the doorway.
You paused with purpose, leaning against the wall to hear better.
“Jada, it’s casual.” Caitlin’s voice was full of exasperation and you swallowed down the emotion threatening to push out when she sighed. She was right, you were casual.
So you took a deep breath, pretending it would make the scene disappear in your mind and trailed back upstairs. At least you knew where the two of you stood, that helped.
But that fact didn’t stop you from letting yourself fall further and further. Though ‘letting yourself’ was a generous way to put it considering there was never a choice.
The second memory was a beginning catalyst into an area of intimacy the two of you had never reached before. You swore the whole ‘no attachments’ thing had been thrown out the window. Caitlin had brought you home to her family, using an excuse that you had to try her mom’s famous chocolate chip cookies. The ones that inspired her to play a better game, not dramatic at all.
Apparently they weren’t at their full potential unless they were fresh and you just had to understand the hype she had around them.
You weren’t in any mood to oppose when Caitlin had her pretty brown eyes glimmering at you hopefully, the smallest of pouts forming on her lips at the thought of your denial.
She could get just about anything she wanted out of that face. And sadly she knew it for sure when you agreed embarrasingly fast.
When you guys had arrived at the beautiful home, she carried your bags with a loud protest of, “pretty people can’t do labor, silly.” You wanted to let the compliment soar through you and ignite a spark, but you were scared to let it get that far. Scared to read into this when she had clearly said something so different to some of your friends.
But upon being in the comfortable environment of her home, you got a glimpse at the goofy side of her personality coming out. It had made you see her in her full light, painting a beautiful image of the well rounded girl you had the honor of meeting the parents of.
Brent and Anne had welcomed you with open arms, something that Caitlin stood directly by your side for. She was almost glued to you once her parents let you go, greedily holding your waist to keep you close to her in a protective manor.
Her parents shared a specific look, one you’d seen too many times recently when you spent time with Caitlin. Ones she always somehow ignored, but you indulged in, some toxic part of you that held onto the idea that she could reciprocate.
The third time was a final push that not even your wildest dreams would’ve predicted as a possibility. Caitlin, the same girl who most definitely seemed offended at the insinuation of any relationship with you, eagerly showed your face when her mother FaceTimed her. 
The excitement in Caitlin’s voice had you wanting to jump on her right there, “Here she is!” She leaned her entire body weight onto you in order to fit you both in the frame but you would never complain. Even if it did restrict your breathing.
Her mom grinned at the adorable picture of her daughter beaming in your presence, going as far as to take a screenshot to later send to Caitlin. The brunette had saved it to her phone immediately upon receiving but only hearted the message in response.
“I wanted to ask if the two of you wanted to come to the house on Long Beach for a few days,” She proposed with an air of charisma just like her daughter, “Everyone wanted to see you guys again, especially me.” If she had a hidden agenda of pestering you two about making it official that was nobody’s business but her own.
You had hesitated, glancing over at Caitlin for a reason to decline and were almost heart warmed to find her staring back at you with an encouraging smile.
You tried to find the most diplomatic answer there was, “Uh, if Caitlin wants me there. Of course, I’d love to.” You felt like you were completely failing to hide your nervousness as you shifted but still felt utterly distracted by Caitlin’s body heat encompassing you.
“Why wouldn’t I want you there?” The words came out so smooth, natural like she didn’t even have to think about them. You began to feel more flustered as she started rubbing your hand affectionately to soothe the intensity of the question.
You two had spent most of the trip hidden up in the comfort of your room, basking in the rare privacy of Long Beach. But you were brutally awaken with a cold return once you got back to Indiana, probably one that should’ve been expected.
This game of cat and mouse would never end. A light misting blurred your eyes when you started to realize that you were both toxically chasing one another, but not for the same reasons.
A hopeful part of you had built Caitlin up to an unreachable image in your mind. Not an unattainable one, but by her choice it was unreachable.
The resentment in your heart built rapidly as you turned things over and over in your head. Resentment for her or yourself, you really couldn’t tell.
It took a few long minutes to work up the courage to approach her door, but maybe something was looking out for you again. If you’d gone any earlier you were sure your heart might’ve just left your chest in agony.
The scene before you was bad enough when you only caught the end of it.
You’d watched as the door of her dorm room opened in front of you only an inch, a slight startle as another girl exited, adjusting her askew skirt and hair haphazardly. It was like looking in a brutally honest mirror as shock covered her features at being in caught.
“Oh, sorry!” She blushed, and you hated that you got a sense of deja vu, “I was just leaving.”
Awe couldn’t keep itself off your face, was any part of what you did meaningful? Even an ounce? Your eyes squeeze shut, wishing that it would take away the current resentment building up in you.
A pained laugh left your lips and you nodded, “Yeah, me too.” You had turned to walk in the direction you’d come in from when the door swung back open.
Caitlin had heard your voice from inside her dorm, a small drop in her stomach as she saw you practically ready to run away and knew you hoped she hadn’t seen you.
The brunette looked in between the two of you, an annoyingly calm persona that had you seething as you breathed out slowly. 
A nod was exchanged between the two, a subtle hint toward what had just went down. God, you needed a bucket if this was gonna continue. The walking image of your regrets disappeared down the hallway, leaving you and Caitlin alone.
You continued to walk toward the exit but she grabbed your wrist gently, overpowering you slightly but not aggressively.
“Let go,” you breathed out in exhaustion, this mental game feeling like such a loss now. You had no more fouls left in you, game over.
“Nothing’s wrong, can’t we just have a good night?” The words of a smooth talker, the ones you always fell for. And you started to fall for it as you let her lead you back into her dorm.
“That doesn’t sit right with me, Cait.” You tried to assert yourself weakly but the grip your hands had on her arms didn’t do much to sway her. The power left your body the second she entered your proximity.
Her hands slowly reached out for your cheeks and you didn’t pull away, though your head screamed at you to. You couldn’t find it in you to pull away as she slowly leaned toward your lips. 
With more than enough chances to tear yourself away, make her work harder for it, you still welcomed the feeling as you melted into her.
“I’m sorry,” She whispered against your lips, a sweet promise that almost had your mind willingly bringing her back in. There had to be something in the air that poisoned you like a drug every time she came around.
But the apology only made the last few minutes painfully real in your mind. The arm around your waist suddenly made you feel trapped instead of protected, the hand on your face feeling repetitive instead of breathtakingly new. How much had she reused on these other girls?
You pushed back slowly from her hold, the usual warmth she caused feeling like a brutal wake up call. Knowing that she was doing the same thing just moments before in this exact position made you want to fall over into a ball.
“You’re making this difficult.” Caitlin bluntly addressed your issue, crossed her arms over her chest to close herself off, “You’re making this really difficult, actually.”
“Cait, I’m not trying to,” The immediate crack in your voice that you’d been holding in for the last few months now made you wince as you stared up at the ceiling. The tears building up in your waterline made you feel so disgusted with yourself. 
“Baby,” She’d addressed you absentmindedly, hitting another cord in you, “I said no attachments.” She reiterated like clockwork, a now robotic response to your emotional one. You wanted to scream at her to acknowledge anything, show the littlest ounce of empathy. 
“I know,” but the gnawing feeling that stopped you from even looking in her direction right now felt a lot like an unhealthy attachment.
Caitlin stared hard at you, eyes tracing over your features but not in the usual adoring way you currently craved. This was where it finally blew up and you both knew it.
The room stayed quiet and you tried to calm the rapid beat of your heart, knowing this was ending only one way.
“Then what’s going on here?” Caitlin spoke like you were a nuisance and maybe you were, at least these feelings sure felt like it. But there was no world in which you wanted to carry this burden anymore.
She stared at you expectantly, making you shrink back and wipe under your eyes in a moment of insecurity. 
You rubbed the skin of your forehead and croaked in a small voice, “You picked the wrong person to say no attachments too.” A small shrugged followed your words, already embarrassed at the thought of vocalizing your idiocy. What else did you have to lose?
“God,” Caitlin groaned as she took in your overly distraught figure, “I knew this was happening.” She tossed her headband with frustration, as if this was some inconvenience.
Oh, so that’s what you had to lose. The one pitiful ounce of you that believed Caitlin had any sort of care for you, even as little as the bond of teammates.
“What?” It was tiny in comparison to the booming voice the athlete in front of you talked with, full of insecurity and lacking the annoyance as well.
“I knew, I just didn’t wanna talk about it, okay?” She finally revealed, her hands finding home in her pockets. You could tell it was a way to shield herself from the conflict but you were already in too deep.
With a desperate noise you shook your head, trying to find the words, “That’s even worse, Caitlin.” Your breathing picked up and you ran your hands over to sweep your own hair back, trying to ground yourself in the overwhelming sensation of rejection.
“We’re teammates, I said I didn’t want attachments for a reason.” The nonchalance was evident in how she raised her eyebrows at you, challenging the thought of her having any fault.
“I thought we were at least friends first,” You scoffed and threw your arms up in a moment of agonizing heartbreak, “I thought that you’d at least value my feelings over a meaningless, convenient fuck. But that’s your definition of friendship.” The palms of your hands dug into your eyes, wishing for the tears to stop building. You refused to keep falling apart in comparison to her stoic reaction.
With quick hands you straightened yourself up and took a deep breath to gather your own mind. You turned to look at the brunette one last time who looked like a fish out of water at your change in pace.
“I hate that I let this drag on so long,” You whispered into the fragile environment, knowing that you probably wouldn’t return to it ever again. Caitlin couldn’t bear to look at you now, conveniently, and the final straw was her taking a step back from you.
You continued, “But it’s over and we’re not even going to address this again.” The firm and emotionless tone was a stark contrast to your previous one.
“I,” Her words stopped short, dying in between your now separating bodies. With a staggered step back, you gave her a half hearted smile.
“I’ll see you around, Clark,” You nodded like the words were easy, “casually.” The tiny jab was necessary and fulfilled a petty part of you.
The part of you that knew none of it had been casual.
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TAGLIST! @lovermcres @glorioushamsterqueen @miedmead @blueagle45 @pbloverr @cavillary @elizabethkitley @1-800-fantasy
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hcsiqs · 2 months
Can I make a request where the reader makes a tiktok prank on Caitlin by calling her a friend, or not saying I love you back or denying her kisses, it's up to you to choose
| wanna plant you in my heart
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• pairing: caitlin clark x reader
• summary: you decide to do a tiktok prank where you introduce caitlin as your friend to your followers.
• warnings: sorta angry!caitlin
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You set your phone up against the brightly lit mirror before hitting the big pinky-red button on the bottom of your screen to start the TikTok video.
“Ok guys, so I’m gonna do a prank on my girlfriend and call her my friend to see how she reacts,” you whispered to your screen trying to hold back your laugh. You then heard the floor creak, signaling Caitlin was about to walk into the room, “Shh don’t tell her!” you held your finger over your lips while looking at the camera.
You then clicked the red button again to end the video and waited for Caitlin to walk inside your shared room before starting it again. “So, you guys have been asking for my lip combo so here it is!” you beamed into the phone, acting as if it you were just making a regular TikTok.
The brunette looked up from her phone to over where you were sitting, “Whatcha doing?” she asked starting to walk closer.
You removed the lip liner from your lips before looking back at her, “Just a lip combo tutorial,” you smiled before looking back to the camera, “Looks like my friend, Caitlin, wants to join in,” you smiled putting emphasis on the word friend.
This earned a look from your girlfriend before she walked over to your phone and turned the screen off and setting your camera against the desk, cutting the video short. “What?” the basketball player was completely dumbfounded at what you had just called her, she had no idea why you would use that word to describe y’all’s relationship that had been way more than friendly for the past eight months.
“Cait, I was in the middle of a TikTok,” you frowned, putting your phone back up so it was balanced against the mirror again.
“Did I do something?” she asked, pure confusion in her voice, “Cause if I did I wanna know or have us being together for like eight months meant nothin to you?”
“No, no, I was just—,” you started trying to explain yourself before she cut you off.
“I don’t go around doing what we’ve done with my friends,” her hands are on her hips as she looks down at you. “Unless that what just your fuck ass way of breaking up with me,” you could hear the angry tone starting to break through the cracks in her voice, but she was trying to remain calm.
“Baby, no,” you shook your head, standing up from your seat, you then placed your hands on her stomach, “I was just trying to do a prank on you.”
Caitlin tipped her head back as her hands found their place on your hips, “Don’t ever do that again, you had me scared shitless,” she laughed, her green eyes coming down to meet yours.
“I won’t you,” you laughed. Her hands then trailed up your body, stopping at your jaw before she leaned in to kiss you, “Nuh-uh,” you shook your head dodging her, “I’m still filming that lip combo video.”
“Guess you’re gonna have to start over,” she replied before placing her lips against yours. One of her hands reached to back of your head as she pulled you closer while her other hand moved back down to your waist. And once she pulled back the lip liner you had put on had now found a new home on her lips.
“You gotta a little something,” you giggled pointing at her now swollen lips. She just smiled before placing a quick kiss against your lips.
“Mhm, now go finish your little video,” she laughed, pushing you off her. You went to sit back down and you clicked the button again to start the video.
“I’m gonna have to redo my lips because of my girlfriend,” you giggled, holding up your lip liner once again, “She was not a fan of the prank you guys.”
“Not at all,” Caitlin said from standing in the background as she admired the way you drew the lines against your lips.
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mayghosts · 3 months
Pilot: High Infidelity
Summary: Caitlin and reader get into another argument, what happens when readers fav place to mourn is occupied by a familiar face? reader is pink!
(TOC) (next)
Warnings: yelling and toxic relationships
AN: Eeeee im super excited for this one, I havent really figured it out in full yet but il it will be good ❣️ expect ch1 by 6/17
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Almost six years. For six years you have been dating Caitlin Clark. People would always say "your love is amazing" and that we "are absolutely adorable together." However the two of you haven't really been amazing and adorable for a while.
“Fuck you Cait! Go fuck some random girl and call me when you get your shit figured out!” slamming the door on your way out, you could feel your eyes well up. You honestly didn't care. It wouldn't be the first time this hallway has seen your tears or heard you and Caitlin screaming at eachother.
Another break. Caitlin wanted another break. Probably so she could go fuck some random girl. You would've left by now, broken up with her for good, if it was anyone else, but when it was good it was so good. When it was bad Caitlin would just ask for a "break" and go no contact for a few weeks. Hard to break up with someone when you can't even reach them. Checking your texts, you noticed Cait had already blocked you. Classy.
Out of the dorm building, and into the breezy march air, you slumped into the drivers seat of your car. Letting your head rest against the steating wheel as you let it all out. "Fuck!" slamming your fist against the seat you sat back up. You felt absolutely hopeless. Putting your car in drive you backed out of the parking lot, driving a few minutes back towards your dorm before pulling into to the Menchies parking lot across from your dorm.
The Menchies has seen all of your highs and lows, especially your lows. You don't really know why its always the 24hr fro yo spot that gives you peace of mind, maybe its the pink and green tiles that line the walls, the sticky floors that make squelching noises whenever you take a step or the gentle buzz from the florescents. It was probably just the fro yo, and the saftey from running into anyone you know and having to talk about Caitlin.
However, the Menchies was unable to provide you any peace of mind tonight. Walking into the store, your puffy red eyes immediately found an equally disheveled Kate Martin. Great.
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pricefieldsuperiority · 3 months
Number One Pick
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Pairing: Caitlin Clark x reader
Genre: Homoerotic friendship, cheating, smut, angst + comfort ending.
Summary: You want Caitlin to pick you over her boyfriend Connor, just once.
Warnings: Smut with plot! Fingering, name calling/pet names, teasing, mild degradation
The game against Chicago Sky was close.
Caitlin had been booked and busy lately, playing 11 games in 20 days. This was the second game you were able to attend in person, as the only other had been her very first game of the season.
During the third quarter, you watch Chennedy Carter knock Caitlin to the ground while waiting for an inbound pass. You scream "flagrant foul!" with the rest of your section, but the refs declare it an away-from-ball foul.
It doesn't end up mattering anyway, though, cause the game ends 71 to 70.
The crowd is roaring, and you're cheering as loud as you can, watching the pride all over Caitlin's face. This was Indiana Fever's second win of the season, so you can't help but grin like an idiot at Caitlin and her teammates all celebrating on the court, high fiving, and yelling.
After Caitlin finishes her after post-game interview, she picks you up into a bear hug, her eyes lit up with happiness.
"We won!!! I missed you so much y/n"
Caitlin buries her face in your neck and her hands linger on your waist for a few seconds longer than necessary before she puts you down. You smile at her, patting her back.
"Yeah, I saw!! You did so good"
Caitlin rubs her arm absent-mindedly,
"I'm tired as hell.. I think my ankle hurts from earlier, too."
You just smile, and grab her bag from her.
"Come on, I parked outside"
Normally Caitlin drives, but you know she's exhausted from tonight, so you drive. She falls asleep in the car, and while you're stopped at a stoplight, you watch the way her hair's fanned out prettily on the headrest. Her eyelashes are dark, creating crescent shadows under her eyes. She looks so tired, the dark circles much more prominent than you remember.
You pull up to Caitlin's hotel- you're staying with her for a few days. She's been lonely lately, and wanting you to come visit. After her game tomorrow against New York Liberty she'll have a few free days until her game against the Washington Mystics on the 7th.
You're shorter than Caitlin- most people were, considering she was 6'0, and certainly not as strong, so you can't pick her up in her sleep, but in this moment you wish you could.
"Caitlin, we're here"
She blinks groggily and gets out of the car, and you make it all the way upstairs before she just flops onto the bed.
"Ugghhhh.. sorry y/n, I know I asked you to come stay, but I'm just so wiped..."
Caitlin groans into her pillow as her phone starts blowing up with notifications. During games she keeps it off, but now that she's at the hotel and connected to wifi, everything's pouring in.
"Probably just Twitter covering the Carter foul.. bullshit"
She turns over onto her side, looking at you.
"Yeah I saw that, what the hell was that foul??"
Caitlin rubs her arm again and you scoot closer to her on the bed, checking for a bruise.
"Nothing, you're good- and man, maybe they'll reevaluate?"
Caitlin just kicks off her shoes, chucking them closer to the door.
"They asked me about it during the post-game interview.. whatever, honestly, we still won."
Just then, Caitlin's phone rings, high and shrill. Connor's name flashes on the screen, bold and large.
"Who- oh him"
She ignores the call, flipping her phone over.
"I'm gonna take a shower- hopefully I'll be less dead after that and dinner"
Caitlin walks away then, not bothering to even give her phone a second glance, as she pulls clothes out for her shower.
Around 20 minutes later you hear the water turn off and she comes out of the bathroom with her hair wet, in nothing but a tank top and shorts.
You shift your position on the bed at the sight of her, crossing your legs at the feeling.
Caitlin presses a knee into the mattress and stands with her arms out.
"Come here, I'm sleepy"
Your heart wrenches a little, you're sure you're half in love with Caitlin- and how could you not be. Whatever this is between you two, you refuse to label it as just friendship. You wish you could.
Even still, you crawl over and hug her waist, breathing in the scent of her fresh shampoo. Her head rests on top of yours, water droplets hitting the back of your shirt.
"You should eat something-"
You say, your words slightly muffled by her chest and shirt. Her hands are in your hair, tangled in the strands, combing gently.
"Yeahhhh.. about that"
Caitlin tilts your head up to look at her, her fingers cool under your jaw. You feel her switch her weight to her other leg, sliding her knee between your legs.
Her brown eyes are dark, desire dilating her pupils, and you feel yourself longing for her more than you'd like to admit. You feel the pull in your stomach and subconsciously your hands grip her waist a little tighter as you stare at her.
You know what's gonna happen, even though you've told yourself over and over again to not let it happen. To just be friends, to set some boundaries, because she's got Connor and you can't just keep doing this, that she'd never pick you over him. But you just can't find it in yourself to hold back right now, the want too much.
Caitlin kisses you hungrily, hands on your face, and she pushes you over onto the bed, hips straddling your waist.
You moan into her mouth, hands pulling her in. You squeeze her ass as she adjusts on top of you.
"Take this off," She demands, and you take off your shirt quickly.
Caitlin just raises a brow, unhooking your bra for you, and sucks your nipple immediately, fingers kneading the other.
"Oh Caitlin-" You clutch at her hair as her hands continue to roam over you, pulling off your sleep shorts.
"You're so wet for me.. just waiting for me to do this huh?"
Caitlin's face is cocky, playful smirk playing on her face. Her fingers dip into your wetness, circling your clit, and she smirks wider as your hips raise slightly at her touch.
"Did you touch yourself thinking of me when I was away? Been my little slut?"
You moan at her words.
"Yes..." You admit.
"You like it when I call you a slut? My slut?" She asks, pressing kisses right under your jaw.
You moan a yes out as she pushes two fingers easily into you.
"Look at that, taking me so well"
Caitlin's going at a quick pace, her palm rubbing against your clit. You're gonna come fast if she keeps this up, and you feel it building in your lower stomach.
"I'm- I'm gonna come.. Caitlin"
You arch your back as she continues to hit your g spot roughly.
Caitlin grabs your face, making you look at her again.
"Come for me, I wanna hear you say my name y/n"
"Fuck Caitlin.. Caitlin.." You moan her name as you climax, finishing all over her.
She sucks her fingers when she takes them out, and you pull her down into a kiss.
"Wait, what about Connor?" You whisper, giving her an out, even though you know that's never stopped her.
"Who cares about him-" She says, panting slightly, too busy chasing her own high as your fingers dip into the waistband of her shorts.
"Fair-" It's your turn to smirk, even though the temporary win is bittersweet.
You find her clit easily, her underwear soaked.
"You made me feel so good, baby." The term of affection slips out by mistake, but she doesn't seem to notice as you kiss down her neck.
"Come on y/n, make me come-"
Caitlin's demand is cut short when her phone rings again, and Connor's name flashes on the screen for the second time.
"You gonna pick that up?" You tease as she sits up, looking at her phone. Your fingers are buried inside her, curling to hit her g spot, and you can tell she's warring with herself, even on top of you.
"I- uh-" Caitlin's moans are breathy, her hips rocking into your thrusts.
"You should answer, tell him who's fucking you"
You're being a little mean, annoyed at yourself for letting yourself get swept up in her again, annoyed at his existence, she doesn't even love him- so you tease her further by pulling her down onto you again.
"Fuck- I.. I can't.. I'm gonna come y/n"
Caitlin's moaning into your ear, her hand still clutched around the phone, the call ringtone loud and annoying, just like Connor himself.
"I want everyone to hear who's fucking you like this, cause it ain't him-"
"Y/n... oh god y/n" Caitlin comes, her body flush against yours. You bite her as she does, leaving a pretty hickey smack in the middle of her neck that she'll have to cover up later.
The call goes to voice-mail, and Caitlin's phone sits forgotten beside you two.
Caitlin gets off you, refreshed grin on her face.
"That was good.. UGH.. I guess I'll have to call him back later-"
You're not surprised, this is common. You wonder if you should say something, if you'll finally have the courage to tell her that this is the last time, that you can't keep doing this because you like her more than you should.
"Is it always gonna be like this Cait?"
You ask her, watching her run some water on a towel to throw to you, as per usual.
"What? It's just sex y/n" Caitlin avoids your eyes as she replies, pulling a shirt on.
"You're my best friend, it can't just be sex- he doesn't fuck you like this, doesn't make you feel like this!"
Caitlin's stepping into her shorts, her eyebrows knit together.
"He tries! And I don't know.. we're just friends..."
She trails off, like she's unsure of her own words.
You can't believe she wants to keep avoiding how she feels,
"Who was there at your first game of the season? Who was on call after every game after, debriefing with you? It wasn't him!"
You keep going as you throw on clothes of your own, suddenly feeling vulnerable naked in front of her.
"We act like girlfriends, in every sense but the title- we do everything together, we have sex, we call every night- do you even love him? You know this is more than sex."
Caitlin's standing up now, hand on her forehead.
"I... I don't know if I love him.. but I'm not gay! Or at least.. not-"
"What, not for me? Do you hear yourself??" You scoff at her.
Maybe it's too much, everything that's been going on, because Caitlin bursts into tears.
"Cait-" You say, lost for words as the tears run down her cheeks. She hates crying.
"It's too much.. being out here alone, not playing with Kate, Jada, Gabbie- being the rookie.. dealing with Connor.. and.."
She wipes at her eyes, looking at the bedspread as she tries to get out her next words.
"And how I feel about you- I know it's not fair to you that I'm still with him"
Your heart physically aches at her confession and you tap the spot on the bed next to you, placing her phone on the bedside table.
Caitlin hides her face in your chest, arms clutching you tightly.
"I'm sorry y/n"
You soothe her, stroking her hair,
"Shhhhh.. it's okay Cait"
She looks up at you, pushing herself upright.
"No, you're right.. it's not.. I thought if I kept trying to like him, that it might happen- and if I tried hard enough, maybe I'd feel even a fraction of how I feel around you, around him."
You move the hair out of her face, wiping away her tears.
"I get it" You say, as she continues.
"You're more than my best friend.. it'd be stupid to say this was just sex.. I don't want to lose you"
Caitlin's clutching your hands, and you want to believe her, to believe in you two.
Her phone rings again.
"It's Connor" You say softly.
There's determination in her eyes now, a fire you hadn't seen before. She takes the call, swiping across the screen.
"Hey I can't talk, I'll text later" Caitlin says briskly, before hanging up. You smile wide at her, despite yourself and the situation, and she smiles back.
"I'll dump him, I'm gonna make this right.. you're my number one pick y/n.. I swear it"
Caitlin's eyes are wide, solemn and honest. You believe her.
The clock on the wall reads 1 am and the tiredness hits you like a wave. You know she must be exhausted too.
You say softly,
"Why don't you start by cuddling me and sleeping?"
Caitlin's eyes light up at your words, relieved.
"Okay, I can do that"
Caitlin settles under the covers, and you feel yourself falling asleep as you kiss her forehead.
Guess she really would pick you over him.
Authors Note: I know I usually write for Paige but I've been wanting to write a fic with this concept and couldn't make Paige work. Hope y'all don't mind the change, Paige fic coming soon.
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makethemhoesmad · 7 months
no caitlin clark or hannah hidalgo requests for the current time please
please keep my fics on tumblr, and only tumblr.
open inbox
❤️‍🔥-> smut
❤️‍🩹-> angst
💗-> fluff
skip this part?❤️‍🩹
not while im with you❤️‍🔥❤️‍🩹
what did we do💗
pt 1💗❤️‍🔥❤️‍🩹 pt 2❤️‍🩹 pt 3❤️‍🩹 pt 4❤️‍🔥💗❤️‍🩹 bs❤️‍🩹
future baby mama💗
last kiss❤️‍🩹💗
ignore it
pt 1❤️‍🩹 pt 2❤️‍🩹❤️‍🔥 pt 3❤️‍🩹❤️‍🔥 pt 4❤️‍🩹💗
the color of your eyes❤️‍🩹
no way💗
paige bueckers
everything shower❤️‍🔥💗
bad idea?❤️‍🔥❤️‍🩹
i like it here when its us two❤️‍🔥💗
paige x piercings girlie hc💗
fuck the hurt right outta you💗❤️‍🔥
sleeping beauty 💗❤️‍🔥
false god❤️‍🩹❤️‍🔥💗
drunk in love💗❤️‍🔥
to you i can admit that im just too soft❤️‍🩹💗
with you💗❤️‍🩹
shit you sippin💗❤️‍🔥
close to you💗❤️‍🔥
extra early💗
love you till my lungs give out💗❤️‍🔥❤️‍🩹
dancing with our hands tied-masterlist
azzi fudd
if u think im pretty❤️‍🔥❤️‍🩹
i need you❤️‍🔥💗
baby mama❤️‍🔥💗
thank you mommy❤️‍🔥💗
heaven and she knows it💗❤️‍🔥
definitely not tired💗
my own hands💗❤️‍🔥
kate martin
meddle about❤️‍🔥💗
that little black dress❤️‍🔥💗
good girl❤️‍🔥💗
are you sleepy baby?❤️‍🔥💗
but if im all dressed up💗❤️‍🔥
come here💗
nika muhl
i could be better❤️‍🔥❤️‍🩹
caitlin clark
not currently writing for caitlin!
fight: cc💗❤️‍🩹
one of the best point guards in the nation💗
new teammate: cc❤️‍🩹
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calicoheartz · 4 months
Caitlin x fem!reader fic based on:
jealousy, jealousy - Olivia Rodrigo 👀
The reader is jealous because Caitlin and her teammates get along really well, and people start shipping CC and Kate Martin. But then people also start claiming that they've seen CC and Kate kiss after a game. Angst and fluff, please?🥹
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Jealousy, Jealousy ; Caitlin Clark
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꣑୧ — summary | basically the prompt !
wc ; 889
— warnings | angst (lots of it) mature themes , jealousy , reader is fem!
my master list ㇀♡
a/n : I absolutely love writing fics based on songs! Thank u so much anon 🎀 enjoy besties! ◡̈
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The gymnasium buzzed with energy, the familiar sound of basketball shoes squeaking against the polished floor mingling with the cheers of the crowd. Cait, with her fiery determination and lightning-fast moves, commanded the court, effortlessly leading her team to victory. But amidst the celebration, an uneasy feeling gnawed at the back of your mind.
As you watched Caitlin interact with her teammates, laughter flowing freely between them, you couldn't shake the feeling of insecurity creeping into your heart. They seemed so close, so comfortable with each other, and you couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy at the thought of anyone else sharing Caitlin's attention.
Caitlin's easy and close friendship with her teammates grated against your insecurities like sandpaper on skin, not because you didn’t specifically like it, but you felt like there was something more going on. They shared inside jokes, traded playful banter, and seemed to have an unspoken bond that left you feeling like an outsider looking in. You tried to brush off the feeling, to convince yourself that it was just your own jealousy interfering, but the doubt lingered and followed you like a shadow.
Every photo you saw, ever headline you read, only reiterated the intense thoughts harboring in the back of your mind, that you would and will never be enough for Caitlin.
❝ Got a pretty face, a pretty ‘girlfriend’ too
I wanna be you so bad, and I don't even know you ❞
As the whispers grew louder, fueled by the relentless speculation of the media, your anxiety reached a breaking point. People started shipping Caitlin with Kate Martin, her fellow star player, and the rumors only escalated from there. It seemed like every headline painted a picture of their supposed romance, their chemistry on and off the court sparking a wildfire of speculation.
You tried to ignore it, to bury your doubts beneath a facade of indifference, but the cracks were starting to show. And then came the final blow – whispers of a kiss shared between Caitlin and Kate after a game, a betrayal etched in the shadows of the locker room.
The news hit you like a sucker punch to the gut, stealing the breath from your lungs and leaving you reeling in its wake. You wanted to believe that it was all a misunderstanding, that there was a logical explanation for what people claimed to have seen, but the doubt festered like an open wound.
Confrontation became inevitable, a storm gathering on the horizon with no hope of reprieve. You found Caitlin in the locker room, her laughter ringing hollow in your ears as you approached, the weight of your words heavy on your tongue.
"What's wrong?" she asked, concern etched into every line of her face.
You tried to speak, to voice the turmoil raging inside you, but the words caught in your throat like shards of glass. Caitlin's brow furrowed in confusion, her gaze searching yours for answers you couldn't bring yourself to give.
And then it all spilled out in a torrent of emotion, your fears and insecurities pouring forth like a flood. You accused her of betrayal, of choosing her teammates over you, of breaking your trust in the cruelest of ways. The words hung in the air, a bitter taste lingering on your tongue as you waited for her response.
Caitlin's expression shifted from confusion to shock, her eyes widening in disbelief as the weight of your accusations settled between you like a chasm too vast to bridge. For a moment, there was only silence, the air thick with tension as you both grappled with the wreckage of your relationship.
And then she spoke, her voice barely a whisper against the roar of your emotions. She denied the rumors, swore on everything she held dear that there was nothing between her and Kate, that she would never betray your trust in such a way.
But the damage was done, the fracture in your relationship too deep to repair with mere words. You turned away, the weight of your doubts heavy on your shoulders as you walked away from the wreckage of what once was, the echoes of Caitlin's voice fading into the distance like a distant memory of love lost.
She chases after you, grabbing ahold of your arm before quickly saying, "Hey, look at me," she said, her voice soft but firm. "Those rumors, they're just that – rumors. Kate and I are just friends, nothing more. And as for what people claim to have seen... it's all lies, I swear."
You searched her eyes, seeking the truth in their depths, and found nothing but sincerity staring back at you. A weight lifted from your shoulders, the knot of tension in your chest slowly unraveling as you allowed yourself to believe her.
Your eyes glued to the floor as you try to resonate with her, to try and find it in you to move past these allegations, to allow yourself to freely love your girlfriend with the pressures from the media or society seemingly trying to tear you apart.
Your eyes glaze as you mumble out a simple, “thank you, for that- I believe you.”, after hearing this, the brunette wrapped her strong arms around you, intertwining her hands with yours as you exit the arena, making sure to prioritize communication in the future.
i feel like it’s been forever since I’ve written angst so this was very much needed !! tysm for reading 💌
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caitlinclarkluver22 · 3 months
~Tell Ur Girlfriend ~ C.C ( nsfw mdi)
warnings: light smut, a little bit angst, master baiting , cussing, anger love confession, w/w, consent was given throughout this fic btw, idk i think that’s it
pov: caitlin clark is with her boyfriend, but she just can’t get you off her mind
“ should i tell my boyfriend what ive been doing? been thinking of you. everytime i screw him.”
( btw this is my first ever one shot or wtvv sooo yeaaa 😭 also i js love this song with all of my heart I WILL NEVER GET TIRED OF IT!! i also don’t really know the word count…so please tell me how to do that im kinda dumb, and also don’t mind the switching in point of views, this was kinda a mess!💕)
also blue means flashback, pink are lyrics from the song!
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“ fuck caitlin…yea you like that don’t you?”
Caitlin, in fact, did not like that. Her boyfriend had had a difficult and stress filled game tonight, and he needed something to help relieve his anger a bit. Caitlin, being his girlfriend, offered to help.
As caitlin stared longingly at the clock propped up on the bed side table, she awaited for when this was going to end.
“ oh yes- mm such a good girl for me hm?”
Ew. Caitlin didn’t like being called that…unless it was by someone else….no she can’t be thinking of her, that was long ago….right?
“ should i tell my boyfriend what i been doing? been thinking of you, every-time i screw him.”
Her boyfriend, after finishing, was now fast asleep and snoring in bed beside her. But caitlin couldn’t sleep, she could only think of you. She remembered the intimate moment as if it was yesterday….
…the team was having a sleepover, all the girls from the basketball team were there. They all were watching a movie, the fragrance of melted butter popcorn in the air, and the laughter that could be heard even if miles away taking over the atmosphere . You and caitlin had been best friends since high-school, you guys were inseparable.
Although you guys were best friends, everyone knew that you had a severe, but secret, crush on caitlin. and caitlin reciprocated those feelings too.
it was so bad, that even some of the fans had theories about the two of them, wether it’d be that they were secretly dating or even that they were just hooking up. therefore, when caitlin revealed her 3 month secret relationship with her boyfriend…the fans weren’t the only ones who were disappointed.
at the sleepover, everyone had fallen asleep, except for caitlin.
and you of course.
as you attempted to fall asleep, you felt a gentle tap on your back. you turn around to see caitlin with a small mischievous grin plastered on her face.
“ hey, you awake? psst…psst…hey wake up..” , caitlin whispers to you.
“ caitlin im not even asleep, i physically cant. and..what do you want?” , you say slightly irritable since you were so close to dozing off.
“ i don’t know..i just can’t fall asleep. can you?”
“ well not anymore thanks to you” you silently grumbled, sitting up criss crossing your legs.
you and caitlin had chosen the second couch, it was slightly small but they fit just fine. the other girls were on the seats they had chosen while in pairs , sound asleep.
caitlin was already in a sitting position, her legs criss crossed like yours.
“ so why’d you wake me up…?”
“ um just wanted to um-…..okay fine you got me. i don’t know im just bored out of my mind. plus isn’t this a sleepover..? like why is everyone asleep so early?” caitlin rambled .
you couldn’t help but chuckle at this, caitlin always rambled to you about nonsense. i mean of course she did, overall she was your best friend.
but when she rambled, it could also mean that she’s nervous…stressed even.
“ don’t worry cait, it’s okay i’ll stay up a little longer to talk to you if you want “ , you laugh.
caitlin did the cutest grin ever , her deep dimples showing immediately.
“ omg okay thank you so much- i just…idk needed someone to talk to.” she said, her smile fading out into a tiny but noticeable frown.
you sat there, worried.
“ hey you okay cait..?”
“ yea im fine..its just..” , she muttered while looking at her phone, her eyes slightly watering. she turned the phone and showed you what she was stressed about.
on the phone, it was on iMessage , she was texting her boyfriend. he was basically mad at her for “ not telling him” that she was going to the sleepover since he “ needed” her because of his incredible loss. he then proceeded to break up with her, definitely impulsively making decisions due to his anger.
as she continued reading the series of messages, she got more shocked with each message sent. her eyes scanning the screen, getting more angry yet sympathetic the more she read.
“ why would he say that? are you okay?”
are you okay?
those were the three words that made caitlin break. the guard she put up finally shattered as she started uncontrollably sobbing, hugging her best friend tightly.
“ i don’t know, i didn’t do anything wrong. what’s wrong with me…what did i do?” , caitlin sobbed incoherently, tears spilling from her beautiful brown eyes.
all her best friend could do was rub on her back slowly, comforting the athlete.
“ shhh…it’s okay caitlin. i’m here okay? i’m here.”
as those words left your lips, caitlin looked up at the girl, her eyes swollen and glossy.
“ maybe i just need to pay more attention to him, or maybe i just need to dress prettier or-“, she cried, her head hung in her hands now, slightly tugging on her hair due to the amount of stress placed on her.
“ no caitlin. look at me.”
caitlin brought her gaze from her hands to her friends face, gosh she was beautiful.
“ your the best girlfriend he could ask for, if he doesn’t want you to hang out with your friends, then honestly fuck him. he doesn’t deserve you and you deserve better. and i know that might be mean or harsh to say, but it’s true and someone has to finally say it. he’s always controlling your every move and everyone sees it. you don’t look happy anymore. if anything u look drained all the time. i don’t want to see you like that anymore baby. i love you too much to see you suffer like this.”
baby. ugh the pet name she loved to be called by you.
wait. did you say you…loved her? she stared at you, the question threatening to spill from her lips.
“ you love me?”
“ ugh of course i do caitlin! how could you be so blind? i’ve loved you ever since we first met in freshman year. ever since we saw eachother at basketball tryouts. i’ve loved you for so long, and you just keep letting this asshole break your heart over and over again. and i just have to comfort you and myself with the reality of everything. you know how much that hurts? having to live with the realization that you will most likely never love me back? and to think that-“, you were cut off by lips being pressed to hers.
caitlin pressed her lips against yours, hungrily grabbing your hair and pulling you closer, her hot breath mixed with yours.
you kissed back, grabbing onto her lovely hips, pushing her back against the arm of the couch. you straddled her, both of your hands on her face.
with one hand, you slightly pulled on her hair, causing her head to go back, revealing her neck to you. you kissed on her neck, searching for not only the sweet spot , but for the noises you dreamt that she’d make for you.
caitlin then moaned softly as you found the spot that made both you and her weak. after you heard the noise caitlin made, you made sure to concentrate on that one spot, sucking and biting on the place that mattered.
this action had caitlin a mess, her moans and whimpers slowly getting louder by the minute, both of their cores getting hotter and needier for eachother with every kiss they shared.
“ fuck i-i need you…”, caitlin whimpered, her hands grabbing onto your hair, pushing you closer to her exposed neck that was now full of purple hickeys.
“ shh don’t wanna be to loud…hm? be a good girl and stay quiet..”
…..as caitlin remembers the intimate moment, she didn’t take the time to notice her long fingers down her pajama pants, under her panties, slowly rubbing circles onto her now aching clit.
fuck she was close.
as she continued masterbating, she stuck three fingers in herself, moaning at the pleasure. she couldn’t help it. she moaned more at the combination she was feeling, the pleasure of three fingers up her core, while circling her clit at the same time.
as she was caught up in the moment, she moaned your name, a little louder than expected. she didn’t mean to.
as she finally finished on her slender fingers, she opened her eyes, only to see her boyfriend fast asleep and snoring.
it wasn’t until then that she realized how much she really wanted you. no….needed you. all she could do was sigh, lay down, close her eyes and dream about you, her dreams being the only place where her fantasies came true.
“ and if you want me, you gotta put the word in. go tell ur girlfriend, that im ur girlfriend.”
it was now the morning, she woke up with a little stretch looking beside her. right next to her was an empty spot that her boyfriend should’ve been in. then again, he always did this. after sex there was no aftercare or quality time spent together. it was just..well…sex.
she sighed with her head in her hands.
what has she got herself into?
“ cuz i don’t wanna live a lie, lie, lie.”
damn did she miss you. she missed the feeling of you against her neck, your kisses and ur sloppy hickeys. she missed the smell of that damn cherry chapstick, and she missed the sound of your moans that made her go insane.
she had to go see you.
there caitlin was, knocking at your dorm door, room 422, just like she had remembered.
“ coming!”
‘yea you will be coming very soon’, she thought.
you opened the door to see caitlin, she was dressed in a white nike jacket, black shirt under, and matching joggers that replicated the jacket, her hair was pin straight.
“ hey cait, what’s u-“, you got cut off when caitlin pushed her back into the dorm, pinning you against the front door, hands holding your wrists down, definitely going to be bruised later, as caitlin hungrily kissed you.
you moaned at the sudden action, moaning into caitlin’s mouth, only driving her to continue.
“ ugh i’ve missed you…” , caitlin grunted, as she moved her lips against yours, you kissing back even harder than she was.
“ caitlin…ugh…mm…caitilin what about y-your boyfriend..?”
“ ugh i can’t anymore with him, been thinking of you everytime i screw him, i swear.”
“ but what if he finds out? what if he catches us then-“
“ what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.”
“ we were just friends, but then came in cupid. the tension was buildin, we had to pursuit it.”
caitlin was now on top of you, fingers circling your clit. both of you were partly unclothed, the only clothing intact being your panties.
“ fuck caitlin i’m almost there, please.”
“ please what?” , caitlin asked almost teasingly.
“ please just fuck-“, she was saying as there was a knock on the door, a shout coming right after.
“ caitlin! i know your here, your location says so!”
you and caitlin could recognize that voice from anywhere.
it was caitlin’s boyfriend.
well fuck.
“ go tell your girlfriend, that im ur girlfriend”
OMGGGG I FINISHED IT!! i had literally the hardest time writing this like i legit forgot about it but then i came to a restaurant for a couple hours and my writers block sorta just vanished and i started writing sm.
IF YOU WANT A PART TWO JUST SAY ITTT!! idk if people willl actually like this, it is my first so please don’t judge too much, i tried my best! anyways i hope you caitlin clark fans enjoyed this! have a good day and remember to watch indiana fever tonight at 6:30!
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can you write a cc fic/blurb where she’s with connor but realizes she’s catching feelings for you(iowa wbb player!) and isn’t sure what to do, so she goes to kate, calls monika even, and then shows up at your door talking about how she wants to be with you and has broken up with connor despite what people might say?
Maybe it is you - Caitlin Clark .1
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Caitlin Clark x teammate reader
Warnings: C*nnor (a warning himself) | angst to tension | toxic relationships | this might trigger some people so please be aware!! | foul language | mentions of blood | cheating? | WLW allusions |
Summary: After a heated argument with Connor. Caitlin drives to your apartment in tears and you comfort her, one thing leads to another, the tension between the two of you gets brought up.
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Caitlin Pov:
Being with Connor in the beginning was great. He was sweet, kind, thoughtful. Until he wasn’t. He started spending more time on his phone. Away from me, pretending like I don’t exist really. So I started hanging out with others. Especially number 8 on the Iowa Women’s Basketball team. She was the sweetest girl I think I have met. Her beautiful hair was always perfect. Even if she thought otherwise. Now that I think about it. She’s just perfect. She’s thoughtful, kind, really funny, and very, very pretty.
“What the fuck is your problem Caitlin.” Connor yelled in her face when she caught him smiling at his phone for the 5th time at the dinner table. “What the fuck is up with you lately.” I say, throwing my spoon down on the table and leaning back in my chair. “Here you fucking go again. On this weird shit thinking I’m cheating.” He says as he runs his hands down his face. “Well I don’t know what you want me to expect when you act like this. How do I know if you aren’t?” “Maybe I fucking am Caitlin. Which I’m not. But if I was, you couldn’t do anything anyways. What would your fans think? Huh?” I feel tears brim my eyes as he finishes his sentence. “Just answer me. Are you cheating on me?” I ask, my voice shaking as I try to speak. “SHUT THE FUCK UP CAITLIN. YOUR SO FUCKING INSANE AND POSSESSIVE.” He says as he stands up and grabs my jaw. “You’re fucking sick.” He spits as he walks away. Leaving me to hold my tears back at the dimly lit dinner table. I taste blood in my mouth from trying to hold my tears back.
I get up quickly and grab my phone, and rush out the door into the pouring rain. I don’t hear him ask where I’m going. He wouldn’t care. I feel a shortness of breath and dizzy as a drive in the rain to her house. I pick my phone up with a shaky hand and call dial her number.
Reader Pov:
“Hey Caitlin. I was just..” I say before noticing her shaky breath. “Caitlin? Caitlin what’s wrong?” I ask frantically, so many thoughts run in my head before she answers. “Hey um.. c-can I just come to yours and talk.” I hear her sniffle and try to catch her breath. She has called me before after a fight with Connor, so I assume this is the reason. “Babe I need you to breathe. Okay?” I call her babe when I’m serious. Or trying to calm her down. I started doing so after her games when they weren’t good. She just calmed down when I did. I never thought much of it.
I hear her take deep breathes on my command and she tells me she’s here. I run outside in the pouring rain. In her hoodie and a pair of Nike shorts. She gets out of her car and I run to pull her in my arms. I shush her to stop her crying and quick walk her inside my apartment. We don’t speak. We understand each other. It’s always been that way. Just one look between us and we understand what the other is thinking.
“Come, I’ll start a shower for you and make you food.” I say as she finally calms down and sits on the wooden stool in my dining room. We’re both soaking wet and cold. I rush to the bathroom and get the water to a warm temperature before I walk back into the kitchen to throw something in the microwave. I look back and see her sitting there at the island that’s off my kitchen counter. “I missed you” she says, not even looking up. “I missed you too. I always do.” I give her a soft smile before walking around to her. She’s sitting at the perfect height so I can wrap my arms around her wet head. As I cradle her head in my arms. She wraps her arms around my waist.
I feel like we’ve been here for hours before I pull away. “Let’s get you in the shower” I say with a soft voice and walk her to the bathroom. Her face is still sunk in and looks almost empty of color. I take her ‘Iowa Basketball’ sweat shirt off and throw it into the basket. “Let me know when your finished.” I say on my way to turn around when she grabs my wrist. I look at her, thinking something is wrong. “Can you join me?” She speaks softly, almost a whisper, looking into my eyes for an answer. “Yeah, yeah of course.” I say taking my clothes off too. There is this look in her eyes, I just can’t pin point what it is. She gets in first and I get in behind her. The hot water running on her chest as she looks down.
I come up behind her and snake my arms around her waist as I lay my head on her back. I try to comfort her by pressing soft kisses onto her muscular back. Doing so, she turns her head to the side to look at me over her shoulder. “I never liked him much.” Her face doesn’t change as I say that. “I think you deserve better. Someone who would care for you, love you.” I say as she turns around to look at me. She still says nothing as I wrap me arms around her neck. Hers going to my waist to pull me closer into her. Our faces get closer and she speaks. “Would you?”
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picksnrolls · 7 days
I mean, I think we can all agree that the lesbians aren't usually known for talking about their feelings.. but I'm really not one for spoilers either. 🙃
The levels of anxiety I went through reading this 😪
Not one for spoilers….😐
Still no spoilers but chapter 4 is going up very soon.
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caitlinsclark · 2 months
Are you a wattpad overtime reader?? 👀👀👀
yes HAHA i haven’t read the last few updates just cause i haven’t read a lot of stuff lately while writing. but that was one of the first things i started reading once i got into wbb so it kinda sparked my want to write again ngl, amazing writing. would loveee to writing something of my own like that if you guys have requests !
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hcsiqs · 2 months
hii could u write caitlin x reader where they used to date in hs but then they broke up and now years later they got back in touch and they have feelings again? pls and thank u
| feels like a fever, like i’m burning alive
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• pairing: caitlin clark x ex!girlfriend
• summary: ^^
• warnings: erm angst? idk man
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You had just placed the last box into the trunk of your dad’s car. Today was the day you’d be leaving to drive to South Carolina, a sixteen hour drive from Des Moines, Iowa to there.
When you had picked to go to USC you had never really realized how far away from your family and Caitlin you would be and it was all now just hitting you. You were gonna be in a brand new state without knowing anyone and you would have to make friends all over again.
You felt the tears form in your eyes as you closed the trunk and took time to notice that this would be the last moment you would get to be with Caitlin. Once you both had committed to college and recognized the seventeen hour travel distance, you knew that staying together wouldn’t be an option. With her busy basketball schedule and you being on the pre-med track, it was obvious that you wouldn’t be able to make time for each other. Especially since for you, traveling back home for holidays would be hard, which just meant you would only ever see your girlfriend over summer. You both decided it would cause too much stress for the both of you.
You used the back of your hand to wipe away the tears from your eyes before turning around and seeing the beautiful brunette standing there, hands in her hoodie pocket and her head adorned with the hood. You slowly walked over to her and as soon as you were in arms reach she pulled you in with all of her strength, causing you to slightly bounce back. Her hands wrapped around your shoulders, one of her hands gripping at the back of your neck, trying to savor the smell of you for one last moment. “Please don’t go,” she whispered, her voice breaking as her grip tightened.
“I have to,” your hands went under her hoodie, wrapping your arms around her bare waist.
“Please Y/N,” she begged and you could hear the sadness in her voice as her tears soaked your USC sweatshirt.
“I’m sorry baby,” you dropped your forehead into her shoulder, your arms pulling her stomach against your own leaving no room. You pulled back, your hands traveled up to her perfect face that now had tear stains covering it. “You’re gonna do amazing things at Iowa,” your thumb ran against her cheek.
“It won’t be worth it without you,” her lips formed into a deeper frown, attempting to stop herself from crying.
“Yes it will,” you nodded your head, “You’re gonna change the game, I know it,” you smiled, but your face still held all of the sadness you felt right on the barrier.
“I love you,” she sniffled, pulling you in once more.
“I love you more,” you squeezed her waist before hearing your dad call for you. You reluctantly pulled back and then placed a soft kiss on CC’s lips, tasting the salt from her tears. You then moved away from her, her hands lingering on your waist until you were out of reach and they fell to her side.
“We’re gonna be together again. Someday,” she spoke up as she watched you walk towards the car.
“I know,” you smiled sadly before getting into the backseat of the car. Your dad quickly pulled out of the driveway leaving Caitlin standing there in her Iowa Hawkeye sweatshirt.
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From never ending classes, due to you taking them even in summer, you had been able to graduate earlier from USC and were now working as a medical intern for the Indiana Fever. Lucky for you Aliyah Boston had been drafted by them the same year and you two had developed a strong relationship as you were also a medical intern for the Gamecocks women’s basketball team during your college education.
And even though you worked for the WNBA you tried to stay out of the basketball scene, not paying much attention to it as you wanted to separate your life and work. So, while you had an idea of all the amazing things your ex girlfriend had accomplished during her college career you weren’t really too knowledgeable on it. You hadn’t even watched the draft so the first day back on the job you weren’t expecting to see Caitlin Clark walk through the doors. You had just finished going over basic medical history with the other rookies, Celeste Taylor and Leilani Correa.
“Hi I’m Dr. Y/L/N, but you can just call me Y/N,” you said to the person who walked in, not looking up from your work just yet.
“I’m pretty sure I already know your name,” a familiar voice entered your ears making you look up so fast you swore you could have given yourself whiplash. You felt your heart freeze as you looked at the girl in front you, wearing all Fever practice clothes. You blinked hard several times to make sure this wasn’t just some cruel prank your brain was playing on you.
“Caitlin,” your voice trailed off as you stood up to look at her. She looked the same since the last time you saw her, but also didn’t at the same time. Her muscles were more prominent, her hair long and now changed to a middle part, but she still had that same smile on her face that you had fallen in love with when you were a teenager.
“Miss me?” she asked, even though it had the most obvious answer. You stood up from your chair tackling her in a hug. Her skin was just as soft as you had remembered it being and her embrace was just as warm. It really was Caitlin standing in front of you.
“I didn’t know you got drafted here!” you revealed, stepping back to look at the tall girl in front of you.
“First pick,” she smiled, and your hands slapped to your face. She let out a noise that you had missed hearing all these years, her laugh.
“I’m so proud of you Cait,” you beamed and you felt yourself wanting to slip back into that past state of you two. Wanting to just pull her in for a kiss and never let go. “So how's everything going? Dating anyone?” you asked, but then immediately wanted to slap yourself in the face for asking that.
Caitlin awkwardly coughed into her hand before answering, “Um yeah I’m dating this guy I met at Iowa,” she answered, her eyes falling to the floor like she wanted to melt into it.
“Oh cool, cool,” you nodded, walking back to your little desk to sit back down at.
“Yeah,” she nodded her head, walking over to the chair across from the desk, “How bout you? You dating?”
“Um no,” you shook your head, “So! Let’s get into this medical history,” you so desperately wanted to change the topic.
“Right, yeah,” Caitlin agreed, sitting down in the chair.
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It had now been three months since Caitlin had joined the W and she somehow always found a way to get into your office during a practice even if she didn’t need to be there. Your guy’s connection had immediately come back, almost like y’all hadn’t been separated for those four years of college.
And as you had spent these months together, you noticed those familiar feelings rise once again. Your heart always started beating faster when she was near and you found yourself unable to think sometimes just because her green eyes were looking at you. And now you would be sharing a hotel room during All Star Weekend in Arizona because she had decided to take you as her plus one.
She had broken up with her boyfriend only a couple weeks ago, so you figured that’s why your emotions and feelings were going crazy every time you looked at her, just because there was even a slight possibility that you could be back together.
The All Star game had just ended and Caitlin was running your way, emotionally high on the win she had just gotten against the USA olympic team. She practically crushed you as she brought you into the tightest hug.
“Almost broke Sue’s record,” you giggled into her ear.
“Almost,” she pulled back. Her eyes scanned your whole face, glancing at your lips a little too long here and there.
“So, what does this All Star wanna do tonight?” you asked, a smile tugging at your lips.
“Go back to the hotel,” she smiled.
“Really? I thought you’d wanna go out?” your eyebrows knitted together as you looked up at her.
“I just wanna hang out with you,” she smiled and placed a kiss on your forehead before being called over by the WNBA team to take pictures to celebrate their win. But once she was done with photos and media, as well as had gotten her stuff from the locker room she had the two of you get into a car to drive you back to the hotel.
“To you and all your amazing accomplishments,” you giggled, holding up a shot that was in the back of the car. Caitlin did the same, you two clinked them together before downing them and then a few more after. And once the car came to a park, the two of you sluggishly got out of the car and stumbled your way back to your room.
Once inside Caitlin dropped all her bags to the floor and her hands found your hips, pushing you against the door. “I really wanna kiss you,” she whispered against your lips.
“Please,” you nodded eagerly. Her lips crashed against your own, your hands pulling her face closer to yours as her body pinned you against the hotel door. There was literally no space between the two of you, both so hungry for one another. CC pulled back to take a breath but before she could go back in for another kiss you stopped her, “I’ve missed this so much.”
“Me too baby, me too,” she smiled, bringing you into another deep kiss, her hands going under your top. “So much,” she smiled against your lips and walked you over to the bed.
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allies corner
this is lowkey long and i can’t tell if it’s trash or not
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mayghosts · 2 months
High Infidelity: Wound Open (1)
Summary: and the cycle repeats!
(Previous) (TOC) (Next)
Warnings: toxic relationships
AN: READ PILOT FIRST IT MAKES MORE SENSE guys I'm really trying to release more routinely, I promise there will be more coming ❤️
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You walked to the counter slowly, your feet sticking to the floor as you tried to avoid looking at Kate. Part of drowning your losses in fro-yo, was staring at the multitude of flavors, and then picking the same cherry and vanilla tart swirl every time. All of it is part of a routine to you, argue with Cait, ‘agree’ to go on a break, get your fro-yo, wallow in self hatred and isolation, let her appologize, get back together and then it just happens again.
Kate being here was never supposed to be a part of the routine. You sluggishly dragged your feet over to the toppings, mini marshmallows, cherry sauce, chocolate sprinkles and cool whip. Same as last time. It will be the exact same toppings next time.
As you reached for the cool whip spoon, you found yourself grabbing Kates hand from across the counter. “…Sorry” you pulled your hand back, looking up to watch Kate scoop a big lump of cool whip ontop of what looked like a big cup chocolate peanut butter swirl. She hummed back at you before reaching for the chocolate chip spoon. Awkwardly, you finished up your toppings and headed over to the register.
The flourencents hummed and the sound of the slamming register drawer broke you from your trance. The bored college student behind the register handed you your change, which you dropped in the tip jar before heading outside to sit in your car.
Patting your pockets and digging through your wallet, you came to the realization that you had locked your keys in your car. Slumping against the side of the building, you let the tears fall again. Sometimes, you couldn't help but feel that everything is absolutely pointless without Caitlin.
You snapped your head around as you heard the bell jingle to the shop door. Once again you found yourself making eye contact with Kate. She stalled for a minute in the doorway, seemingly trying to find the words to say before she gave up and just sat against the wall with you.
While you weren't exactly opposed to her company, this was very different from your typical routine. By now in the cycle you were supposed to be back in your dorm, wallowing in sadness and reliving the argument over and over again.
“I locked my keys in my car.” You turned your head to look at the side of her face as you spoke. Her face was illuminated by the yellow light pouring from the window above her head. She was silent for a second before she let out a quiet giggle that she attempted to hide with a cough. You gently smiled at her actions, before looking back at your fro-yo. It was silent for a moment before Kate looked at you again, “Want to go for a drive?”
Your hair whipped in the wind as Kate floored it, driving down the long straight road. Passing mile marker after mile marker, the remains of your fro-yo sat rejected in her cupholder. Resting your head in the open window you watched as the trees zoomed by in a blur of green and orange. You tilted your head to watch Kate as she drove. Two hands on the wheel, long blonde hair flapping around in the wind, she seemed so soft. You had always wondered how Kate and Caitlin got along so well. They had always seemed so different to you, but then again you knew Caitlin in a different way than you knew Kate.
You savoured the silence that remained between the two of you while it lasted. You knew that whatever peace you had with Kate now would be gone as soon as Caitlin called her and broke the news.
Caitlin had always been such a controlling factor in your life. Your friends were Caits friends, your closest family figures were Caitlins parents, your favorite movie was also Caitlins favorite. The list goes on. Without Caitlin being a present figure in your life, you found yourself without parents, friends or a favorite movie.
Frank ocean played quietly over her car speakers as Kate pulled into your dorm parking lot. “Thanks for driving me back.” you grabbed your melted cup of fro-yo and started to get out of the car. “Thanks for letting me drive you.” A small smile graced her face and in that moment you couldn't help but think how dreamy this whole night was. The rising sun cast oranges and pinks over the parking lot as you hummed back in response. “And don’t forget to call Triple AAA tomorrow morning, okay?” “goodnight Kate,” you smiled to yourself as you walked through the lobby.
The misery and self loathing didn't hit you until next morning, and you have Kate to thank for pushing back the misery time line.
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angeliicaiis · 8 months
Tags I use
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makethemhoesmad · 8 months
Heyy me again djekfnkeneosn
Can youu write cc being mean to reader bcs reader is new to the team and cc doesnt like reader bcs she thinks the team is better without her and doesnt need new people to win more games (yk what i mean) and reader is tired of her negative comments towards and just explodes right infront of the team yelling at cc while tears are spilling
(i love some angst yk, THANK YOU!)
lol i had no idea here
“i cant believe the transfer came back AGAIN,” i hear caitlin say to sydney. i get it, she doesn’t like me because im a senior that transferred her from ohio state. but she doesn’t have to be a heinous bitch to me all the time. we are still on the same team, after all. 
at the end of practice, everyone is shooting around for the last five minutes or so. i’m getting ready to leave, but my philosophy is to always end on a make. i decide today’s shot is going to be a free throw, my favorite shot. I toss it up, make it, and am going to get my rebound when caitlin makes it there before me. she grabs the ball, and hurdles it at my face, right into my nose. 
“the transfer can’t even catch an easy chest pass, that’s probably why she’s here,” caitlin laughs. i’m doubled over, holding my nose by the bridge, trying to stop the incoming nosebleed. the rest of the team is just standing around, not sure what to do. “What is your deal?!” i ask her, embarrassed by the crack in my voice. “our team doesn’t need anyone new to win games, especially not someone from ohio state.” “tough ass luck. i’m here to stay, and despite the fact that you fail to see anyone else on the court but yourself, i’m good for this team. so fuck off, or learn to be nice.” i walk out. no one calls after me.
so do we continue this and make it enemies to lovers orrr
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leilanihours · 4 months
— a location for all my works
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women's college basketball !
# 5 — paige bueckers, the university of connecticut
summary: your first personal encounter with uconn's favorite athlete goes surprisingly smooth
summary: sleepy paige doesn't want you (her favorite pillow) to leave
summary: your "rivalry" with a certain uconn blonde has its speculations, but no one knows what happened behind the scenes
# TO MY BED (wc: 2055) *18+
summary: you can't help yourself when paige is sitting on your couch looking sexy as ever
# I LOVE TO LOVE (wc: n/a, social media)
summary: you and paige find the wnba draft as a perfect opportunity to hard launch your relationship
# LIKE CLOCKWORK (wc: 1532)
summary: in a heated game, your girlfriend doesn't hesitate to step up and defend you
summary: paige takes care of you after you get hurt during practice
summary: you and paige both have things you need to get off your chests one year after you break up
# ADORN (wc: 1657)
summary: your relationship with paige gets exposed, but with her still in your arms, is it really the end of the world?
# YOU ARE IN LOVE (wc: 2177)
summary: the picture-perfect story of your love.
summary: your bus buddy wants to be more than buddies.
# 44 — aubrey griffin, the university of connecticut
# SUPERNATURAL (wc: 1322)
summary: you meet some of aubrey's teammates for the first time
# GET YOU (wc: 1808)
summary: even when you get injured in a game against your girlfriend and her team, she ignores all common sense to help you
# 23 — morgan cheli, the university of connecticut
summary: you and your roommate may or may not have developed feelings for each other, displaying your secret crushes through fleeting touches and light affection
summary: morgan gets a little lost at orientation, but luckily has you to help her out
# 35 — azzi fudd, the university of connecticut
coming soon !
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women's national basketball association !
# 1 — nika muhl, the seattle storm
# UNTIL I FOUND YOU (wc: 2243)
summary: your perfect girlfriend loves to spoil you with her deep love and meaningful presents, especially on your special day
# STEAL MY GIRL (wc: 1750)
summary: even in a sea of nika's most supportive fans, you always stand out the most
# EVERYTHING (wc: 1215)
summary: the day you and nika become dog moms
# SATIVA (wc: 1382) *18+
summary: after watching nika play your favorite sport at the beach, you had to get a taste of her (maybe a little more than a taste...)
summary: after a dior photoshoot and a certain blonde getting too close to you, nika needs to show you that she's the only one who deserves touch you
summary: apparently azzi and nika are with their..."boyfriends"
# 20 — kate martin, the las vegas aces
# GOLD RUSH (wc: 1780)
summary: kate being the cutest most adoring girlfriend ever while you get ready on live
summary: you show your love and appreciation for kate after she had a difficult time at practice
# TO THE MOON AND TO SATURN (wc: n/a, social media)
summary: you spend your twenty-fourth birthday with your girlfriend and teammates
# SHOW U OFF (wc: 1185)
summary: you surprise your girlfriend at her home game on her birthday
summary: kate has her priorities set when her team wins the final four game
# WHILE WE'RE YOUNG (wc: 1084)
summary: you and kate hard launch your relationship to your teams
# SHAMELESS (wc: 1299) *18+
summary: you're tired of pretending you're not attracted to kate and kate is just tired of your attitude
# SUPERPOWERS (wc: 1111)
summary: kate is the only one who knows how to keep you centered when you drift away from your priorities
# 22 — caitlin clark (no longer writing for), the indiana fever
# SO HIGH SCHOOL (wc: 1290)
summary: caitlin’s drunken actions have you feeling like a lovesick teenager
# DRESS (wc: 3790) *18+
summary: after a long day of unbelievable success, you end the night with your girlfriend in the best way possible
# END GAME (wc: 2493)
summary: caitlin acting like an obsessed fangirl when she show up at your concert
# 5 — angel reese, the chicago sky
coming soon !
# 10 — kelsey plum, the las vegas aces
coming soon !
# 22 — a'ja wilson, the las vegas aces
coming soon !
series !
coming soon !
other masterlists !
1k celebration
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the people on this list are currently who i have requests/drafts for but feel free to suggest others !
requests are currently open !
please be patient !
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elliebarker · 6 months
yessss cc fic plz there’s not nearly enough
fuɔk me. ( c. clark )
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category: caitlin clark x girlfriend!reader (angst, fluff)
summary: after seeing you talking to another after one of her games, caitlin goes into an obsessive spiral of jealousy, unknowingly sending you down your own rabbit hole.
warnings: way sadder than i intended 
word count: 1.2k
author’s note: i tried capital letters, y’all fw it?
“I mean, it was electric, truly.”
Caitlin’s voice echoed into the microphone of a random media reporter who was interviewing her. She tried her best to stay focused on the questions whilst the camera clicked and pump-up music blared. Iowa had just won a home game and she knew you were in the crowd. She regained consciousness with the present and began answering the interview questions with basic textbook answers about ‘the Iowa culture’ and how great her shots felt, whilst scouring the stadium for you. You interlocked eyes and waved to her. She waved back and politely wrapped things up with the media girl (hehe) and headed your way. 
In the minutes she had spent with her eyes off of you, an umich girl from the opposing team had walked up to you. She was, in Caitlin’s eyes, getting a little too friendly. Smirking, and smiling too wide. Caitlin backed away, choosing to head to her teammates instead and pose in photos with fans. See… people love me she thought. And we literally bet them and that fucking umich girl had the nerv-
“Caitlin!” you ran, hugging her from behind. “You do so good, omg!” 
“Thanks, babe.” She slipped away from you, cold and isolated. Caitlin spent the night with the girls on her team, which wasn’t irregular for away games, but you were looking forward to getting to spend time with her when she was actually in town. You were slumped in your apartment, staring at yourself in the mirror, picking a pulling at your skin, hair, and hair. Meanwhile, Caitlin was glued to her phone in the corner of the room her teammates were in. Staring at that umich girl’s stats and Instagram. Caitlin knew she was a good player, she knew she was a good girlfriend, she knew you. She knew you wouldn’t do her wrong but she couldn’t stop thinking about it. About finding someone different. She knew she wasn’t there for you all the time, on account of her schedule with basketball that seemed never-ending. She felt like a bad girlfriend. You deserved the world, more than she could ever give you.
Sounds of shoes squeaking and balls dribbling filled her ears as Caitlin entered Iowa’s gym. After nights of stressing, overthinking, and flashes of your interaction with the umich girl appearing in her head, Caitlin was ready to clear her head with some practice. She stretched, dripped the ball a bit, and began shooting. First shot, miss. She went and grabbed the ball. Second shot, miss. Everyone has bad days. The third shot, she could barely focus, overwhelmed with this stinging feeling of inferiority as she missed that basket. “Fuɔk me,” she muttered under her breath. She suddenly turned around when she felt a hand on her shoulder. Kate was standing, now facing her. “Hey Caitlin, can we talk?” 
“Yeah of course, what’s up?”
“I’ve noticed you’ve been kind of off…down, you okay?”
“Um yeah,” she tried to hold her guard up, “yeah, I’m fine.” She smiled, “Need to lock in.” Kate laughed, agreed, and went on with her practice.
Later that day you, being friendly with the Iowa team, reached out to Kate. You texted her, 
You: hi kate!
i haven’t seen caitlin in a bit and just wanted to check in and make sure she’s doing okay
Kate: Hey! Thanks for reaching out, she has been acting a little weird. 
I was going to ask you but I guess you don’t know what’s up either.
You: no, i don’t know
has she talked about me?
at all?
Kate: No, not really. Is everything okay?
You: (…)
You stared at your phone for a solid five minutes attempting to keep your emotions under control.
You: yep! everything's good
just been a hot minute since ive seen her
but thats prob just cause shes so busy lol
Kate: Fair. But if anything does you can always talk to me.’
You: awww thanks kate! that's so sweet.
Days passed and you finally got a day to spend with Caitlin. You had invited her over to your apartment. You had excitedly and worriedly done up your hair and makeup, cleaned and refreshed every inch of your apartment: fresh sheets and fresh flowers, and made sure to wear an outfit you knew she liked. You felt it in your bones that your behavior was suspicious and 100% fueled by insecurity but you told yourself that you were doing this to make Caitlin feel comfortable, let her relax from working so hard. Totally not convincing her to want to stay with you. 
You and Caitlin were in your bed watching a tv-show and you could sense something was off. “Hey baby, can I get you anything?” you ask, trying to make yourself useful. 
“Um, yeah sure,” she replied, “water works.” You scoot yourself off the bed and head to the kitchen. Caitlin watches as you walk away, thinking about how you’re perfect in every way. She pulls out her phone, and her most recent search on instagram, umich bitch, is controlling her thoughts again. 
You come back with a glass of water for Caitlin and see she’s engulfed in her phone. Goddamnit you’ve bored her.
“I’m sorry,” you muster out. The stress of the possible end of your relationship that you conquered up in your head makes you almost fold into tears.
Caitlin sprung up, “Sorry, babe, sorry about what?” she went to hold you. You slithered yourself out of her arms,
“You’re probably sick of me, I need to stop holding onto you.” 
“What?” Caitlin asked, “Okay, first of all, I would never be sick of you. You are the most gorgeous, fearless, kindest, perfect girl I’ve ever seen. I would be crazy to ever let you go. But I know you deserve, you need better than me.” your tears turned to happy ones as you exclaimed,
“Caitlin what? You are the best girlfriend in the whole wide world.” You grabbed her face in your hands as hers found their natural place around your hips.
“I love you,” she whispered before moving her face close to yours and kissing you passionately. Your arms wrapped themselves around her neck as you leaned into the kiss. You slightly pulled away, whispering back, 
“I love you too.” Caitlin then pulled open her phone, to delete the umich player from her search history, but not without catching your nosy eye. “Wait. This was about her?” 
“What?” Caitlin said, trying to sound clueless.
“I spoke to her for five seconds? Wait…you were jealous?” you inquired. 
“No- I- who-” she stuttered, trying to deny it. “Also, I don’t get jealous.”
“You goofball,” you said, pulling her into a deeper kiss, to which Caitlin picked you up and plopped you back onto your bed, pulling you into her chest, and kissing your forehead.
“I don’t get jealous” she re-enstated.
“Mhmmmmm…” you replied, nodding your head, in a non-believeing tone. “Got it. Not jealous.”
“I’m being serious,” she said. You, too lazy to lift your head, nodded and closed your eyes falling into a deep sleep, to which Caitlin would follow you.
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