#Cagalli Yula Atha
psychewritesbs · 2 years
When Opposites Attract, part 4: There are certain things that one must fight to protect
I love well-executed culmination points. 
You know... that point in a story or character arc when emotions are at their peak and the story begins to unravel little by little.
Culmination points like this one...
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... where two opposites meet in the middle to create something new.
So please excuse me while I nerd out about one of my favorite OTPs under the cut. Like... it’s nice to brainrot about an OTP that isn’t trying to kill each other every once in a while.
Anyways... to whomever reads this, I’m feeling introspective and melancholic enough that I MIGHT not make fun of the bad writing but can’t make any promises. 
This also got long because there’s a lot happening both to Athrun and Cagalli as individuals, and to Athrun and Cagalli as a ship during the last 10 episodes. I personally like exploring how they evolve as individuals and how they meet in the middle as a result of their individual development, but if all you care about is reading about them meeting in the middle, skip ahead to the second to last section titled Meeting in the middle.
”There are certain things that one must fight to protect.”
Ok so we pick up with chapter 38 with Athrun deciding to intervene in the continuation of the battle between the Earth Fed and Orb.
But this time, his intervention has meaning...
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I want to think that Athrun has a deeper reason for joining the battle, something heroic like “for justice’s sake” or “because he genuinely thinks Orb is right to remain neutral”... but nah. I’m going to chalk it off to Athrun wanting to protect Cagalli and her ideals which is still basically the whole idea that Athrun might think that Orb is right to remain neutral and to him Cagalli represents this ideal.
So I love to see him finally make a stance, to realize that there is something he wants to fight for and to take action in that regard. And so it is that in this battle, he is no longer ZAFT’s Athrun Zala, but Athrun Zala thinking and acting for Athrun Zala.
It’s a nice payoff to all of Athrun’s indecision and how he was blinded by his unwillingness to think for himself.
On becoming Orb’s symbol of hope and the middle path
Like... to say that Cagalli has character development in this arc is a massive understatement.
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Not only does she loose her father and her home country to the Earth Fed, she has also been handed the burden of a symbol. She is to carry Orb’s will and to become a symbol of that will. 
But... isn’t Cagalli the perfect character to become the symbol of Orb’s will? The Princess who turned away from material wealth and went out into the world and educated herself about the hardships of war?
And can I just say that Uzumi’s death and her reaction to it actually made me teary eyed?
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I mean, speaking of fighting to protect something, Uzumi literally burned everything to the ground and sent his daughter off to space in order to protect his ideals. 
Nope, definitively not crying.
On unbecoming ZAFT’s symbol of Coordinator supremacy
And just as Cagalli has become a symbol for Uzumi and Orb’s will, Athrun is facing the consequences of having become ZAFT’s very own symbol of coordinator supremacy.
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As Mwu rightfully says about Athrun and his relationship to ZAFT and his father being ZAFT’s leader, “unless you believe in your side’s cause, you can’t possibly fight a war.”
At this point, however, Athrun is already thinking for himself and questioning his own logic. He has also chosen “the middle path”.
In the end, Athrun argues, they all want the same thing--for the war to end as quickly as possible.
”I need your strength”
Cagalli has lost everything. Her home, her father, her people. It is her role to carry on Orb’s will as I mentioned earlier. But Cagalli is just a girl...
And on top of all of this mayhem she’s experiencing, she has also learned that she has a twin brother and that Athrun is engaged.
Like give this poor girl a break!
Despite that, Cagalli carries herself as best she can. And what I loved most about how she handles herself is that she asks Athrun to stay when she is about to reveal to Kira the truth about their situationship.
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I mean... I’m sure there’s a million ways to interpret this, but the only interpretation I care about is that Cagalli wanted Athrun there to “stand guard”. After all, even if she acts though, she’s vulnerable and exposed after everything she has gone through.
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Even if she acts though... she still needs someone to lean on.
And for once... finally, Athrun, everybody’s favorite emotionally constipated character, recognizes the opportunity to meet someone in the middle on an emotional level when he asks Kira about staying behind to support Cagalli.
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Like... yes. Finally. Athrun opening up emotionally. I like to think he would have liked to stay behind, but, unfortunately for asucaga fans everywhere, Athrun has to confront his father before he can truly meet Cagalli in the middle.
Committing metaphorical patricide, plot armor and bad writing
Athrun has decided to confront his father to try to change his mind about ZAFT’s role in the war.
We all know how well that went...
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Also, can we stop to thank the thick ass plot armor that the writers came up with to make sure Athrun didn’t get shot to death?
Like... there were at least 7 dudes in there with assault riffles or machine guns or whatever and Athrun literally walks away with a single gun shot wound aboard the Eternal.
But before moving on, I’ll admit that I don’t feel like elaborating on why I think that Athrun saying that Lacus is his former fiancé because he was “such a fool” is a poor writing choice. 
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Like... it’s a little too late for the writers to try to make it seem like Athrun regrets the state of their relationship given the way Athrun has been written has always demonstrated he is not interested in the state of their relationship.
Aside from that... I much prefer the interpretation that Athrun felt he was a fool to not have noticed sooner what it meant to want to devote himself to someone.
Again, a theme in Athrun’s character arc has been the idea of learning to listen to his heart as his voice of conscience.
And that is how we finally meet in the middle once again.
Meeting in the middle
Ok but listen, moving forward, to anyone reading this, I just want you to imagine me squealing in the background.
I first saw Gundam Seed somewhere around 2002 and 2004. It’s been nearly two decades and this scene still makes me squeal. I just adore seeing Athrun meet Cagalli in the middle the way he had not really done with others before.
Which is why there’s just so much happening in this scene.
What with Cagalli demonstrating she understands Athrun...
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To Athrun opening up about how he feels...
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But more importantly, Athrun understanding that Cagalli is trying to be strong for him even when she’s feeling vulnerable...
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And meeting her in the middle because Athrun now knows that there are certain things that one must fight to protect. And now that he thinks for himself, I like to think Athrun realized he needs to devote himself to protecting Cagalli, not just the person, but the symbol...
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Because he knows that even as strong as she is, she is still vulnerable and deserves the very same care that she gives others...
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And I absolutely adore the double entendre here because I headcanon Athrun could not help himself and just wanted to hold her, so he’s apologizing both for infringing on her personal space and for her father’s death.
As for Cagalli, her reaction is one of someone who is not used to being met in the middle...
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Especially not by someone who can hold her as tenderly as she holds others...
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Finally, I also have to admit I’ve started fast forwarding... I’m so over Gundam Seed at this point and am only watching for asucaga purposes. That said...
There are certain things that one must fight to protect
I don’t know how else to end this ridiculous ramble other than by going back to where it started... 
The idea that ships can be a source of inspiration... 
After all, ships are a mirror that we can use to reflect back at us not just what it is that moves us in a relational dynamic.
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But also how we want to feel in that dynamic...
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Also, can we quickly stop to appreciate how touchy Athrun is? Boy can't keep his hands to himself.
And what we wouldn’t do for each other...
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...once we have met in the middle and have been changed for the better because of it.
And that’s worth fighting for.
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lesser-mook · 2 years
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With the SEED Destiny movie officially in production: Think it's appropriate to share this now.
I saw this for the first time last week. (May 2022)
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incorrectcosmicera · 3 years
Shinn: Despite having an IQ of one, I am still alive guys.
Cagalli: I have to inform you that it’s impossible to have one IQ. You are smarter than that.
Shinn: So you're just gonna come into the PLANTs and tell me I'm too stupid to exist?
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I’ve been rewatching Gundam Seed and I love the character design! Love Athrun x Cagalli so I had to draw them together. I’ll definitely draw Kira x Lacus next!
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hopaiskalos · 7 years
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tf when u attempt to draw a fave from memory not too shabby imho
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TRY + Cagalli Yula Atha. ((Cause let me be honest, I think you'd probably take the wheel pretty good with her))
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;; I seriously need to catch up on Gundam! I looked on her wiki and she’s so fucking cool!
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stellar-parallax · 6 years
Rules: name your top 10 favorite characters from 10 different fandoms and then tag 10 people.
Thank you for tagging me, Liz! @purposeofmymind <33
10. Starlight Glimmer from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
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9. Victor Nikiforov from Yuri!!! on Ice
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8. Riza Hawkeye from Fullmetal Alchemist
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7. Kate Marsh from Life is Strange
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6. Vincent Valentine from Final Fantasy VII
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5. Cosima Niehaus from Orphan Black
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4. Aranea Highwind from Final Fantasy XV
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3. Cagalli Yula Atha from Gundam Seed
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2. Itachi Uchiha from Naruto
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1. Keith from Voltron Legendary Defender
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Tagging: @cryobeauty @bigsheithenergy @ikatella @i-w-o-n-n @mosesins @formjawblade @pining-keith @kvgvne @hyena-frog @greenteafiend No pressure though! :)
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ululeis-a · 7 years
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   Arya & Amara - Active
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   Cagalli Yula Atha - Semi Active 
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   Hakuryuu Ren - Semi Active
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   Megumi - Under construction/Semi-active
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   Kyra -Semi Active
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   Scathach -Under construction 
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   Noctis Lucis Caelum -Hiatus
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shinynewtoysyndrome · 8 years
Previously on the Finale of Beywarriors: Cyborg, Part 2
Ramon: Something is not right.
Nico: We heard you the first time. Ohhh crap.
Ramon: If El Dragoon cannot hold the energy, all would be for naught.
Nico: How and why did we agree to this?
Ramon: We were desperate, mi'ijo.
Nico, in a nasally teen hero voice: Oh come on.
Al: And he's back on the clock.
Gai: Nice while it lasted.
Nico: We can't let this happen. We've gone too far!
Ramon: There is only one way. You must bond with that bit beast cyborg thingy.
Nico, in a voice reminiscent of Yami Yugi from YGOTAS: Tell me.
Ramon: Don't you have a series Bible you can refer to for this, mi amor?
King August the Phenomenally Insecure: We're going to be upstaged again by a bland kid. Awesome. Wow.
Nico: I like the refere- ugh. Now's not the time. I've to bond with that thing and plead it to release the energy somewhere else. Preferably on the ground we're on.
Nico: Uhhh. Guys. Little help here.
Everyone else: Meh, sure.
Nico: Come on. Put some feeling into it. Our lives are literally dependent on it.
King August the Grinch: I believe in you, Santa Christ!
Nico: FOCUS!!!!
Nico: Hey, it's raining energy. We did it guys! Everything is going to be alright and I won't need those immigration papers to the Orb Union anymore!
Al: I'm seeing why you like this hero stuff so much. So much GLORY!
Cagalli Yula Athha: We'll build a wall and make the coordinators pay for it!
Kira Yamato: Seriously, sis, WTF.
Cagalli Yula Atha: Start paying!
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psychewritesbs · 2 years
I am a sucker for the Princess and her Knight (or soldier in Athrun’s case) trope in media.
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Most especially when the Princess in question will not hesitate to shoot and pilots her own Gundam we don’t talk about the fact that it’s pink tho!
And given the relationship of the Knight and the Princess as an archetype to Pygmalion, I just find that Athrun and Cagalli’s development as a pairing is so good because Athrun ends up falling for the girl who is totally not Princess-like.
Kind of cool how romantic love really is all about grounding love into the human realm by seeing the real person behind the projection.
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lesser-mook · 2 years
OH, so ya’ll give Cagalli her SEED mode back in a CG in a game, but not when she was fighting Shinn in the ACTUAL canon where she could’ve used it. lmfao
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incorrectcosmicera · 4 years
Athrun: Who ate my leftovers?!
Cagalli: Who ate my brother's ass?
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Honestly am surprised why this version is not found anywhere in the history of Asucaga? I had to go through desperate means to capture this beauty so you’re welcome friends. :”)
Am i the only one who finds this picture so breathtaking!? Especially when we know it’s actually legit from sunrise!? 
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My Fave Girls (2/12) ♥ (in no particular order)
13 - Aogiri Suzumi - Ayashi no Ceres 14 - Cagalli Yulla Atha - Gundam Seed 15 - Mulan - Mulan 16 - Kanzaki Sumire - Sakura Wars 17 - Enma Ai - Jigoku Shoujo  18 - Kirisawa Fuuko - Flame of Recca 19 - Maria Tachibana - Sakura Wars 20 - Shayla Shayla - El-Hazard 21 - Dorothy Catalonia - Gundam Wing 22 - Iris Chateaubriand - Sakura Wars 23 - Jasmine - Aladdin 24 - Suki - Avatar: The Last Airbender
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harocat · 10 years
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The actual reason there's been no CE material that takes place after Destiny is because awesome ladies took charge and got shit done. Like, y'know, peace and stuff. 
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incorrectcosmicera · 4 years
Cagalli: It's so windy! I'm gonna fall off the boat.
Shinn: Hahahaha I fuckin wish you would!
Shinn: Seriously jump off the boat.
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