sharkysona · 1 month
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the argo ii girls <3
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sharkysona · 1 month
Guys i don’t think i was delusional when i said magnus is rapunzel.
He checks out the entire list. Blonde hair? Check. Magic healing powers? Check. Talking to animals? Check. Son/daughter of a powerful person (god for him, royalty for rapunzel)? Check. Relative with more than a little bit of malicious intent disguised as care and love? Check.
Like. C’mon. Rapunzel is him. He is rapunzel.
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sharkysona · 1 month
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I drew him during class!
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sharkysona · 1 month
I’m so incredibly curious as to how the visit to Inge went. Especially with Blitzen (i’m assuming) meeting her for the first time. I wonder why Hearth was so awkward after said encounter.
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sharkysona · 1 month
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the jokes are over.
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sharkysona · 1 month
Modern au with Alex inheriting the family business and instead of following in her dad’s footsteps, she turned the business into something her abuelo would have wanted—intended—for the business and spreading their culture and making it more known and, and—
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sharkysona · 1 month
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fellas is it sus to stare at your coworker when u think he isn’t looking 🤨
[ID: digital art of phoenix wright and miles edgeworth from the shoulders up. phoenix looks away, with blank speech bubbles indicating he is talking. miles stands next to him, holding a flute glass and looking at him while smiling. there are plants and curtains in the background and foreground, with warm lighting. phoenix is surrounded by sparkles and small red hearts. /end ID]
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sharkysona · 1 month
Magnus is so whipped for Alex. His excessive descriptions of her are proof.
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sharkysona · 1 month
i feel people shouldn't match one another's freaks. they should have a complementary freakset to enhance the dynamic and create a more well-rounded performance overall
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sharkysona · 1 month
I can't keep having the same conversations about love languages, mbti, iq, bmi, "brain fully formed at 25" and shit over and over again...
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sharkysona · 1 month
"I'd destroy the world to protect you" but it's a parent/child relationship
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sharkysona · 1 month
Just remembered there aren’t a lot of Frey children in the mortal worlds so Magnus technically counts as both the youngest and also possibly the only Frey-child that exists currently. Imagine how Frey must dote on him or how much he actually pays attention to his son, and as well as Frey’s parents. I mean, Njord (or maybe Frey asked him) responded to Magnus’ prayer when they were fighting Aegir’s daughters. Imagine what family dinners would look like for the Vanir side of the family
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sharkysona · 1 month
It's "See how well you can follow instructions" time ya lil fuckers!!
Here's a poll, you can't press any of the options, that's the only rule, no voting. Reblogs, likes, and comments are totally allowed, you just can't vote
You all have one week, let's see how this goes
@maryland-no-rabies Tagging cause I need people to see this
Have fun !!
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sharkysona · 1 month
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Uncle Rick needs to write a series where they’re all working together
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sharkysona · 2 years
sengen 56 chapter 
I want to talk about chapter 56 because it it incredibly significant. This whole observatory story is one of the most important in the development of Senku’s character and his relationships with other people. And it would be truly illogical to reduce it all to some simple romantic infatuation. Sengen’s feelings go much further than a petty romance, and here is why.
*was inspired by this post
Let’s start from the beginning. Magma blindfolds Senku and brings him to all the villagers. Things are really unsightly, and Senku naturally comes to the conclusion that Gen has persuaded all the villagers to bring his head on a plate to Tsukasa. Hence it can be assumed that Senku had such thoughts before, and he admitted the possibility that Gen could raise the whole village against him. Senku is right that Gen could raise the whole village since he has no less power over the villagers than Senku himself does, but he is wrong with the fact that Gen would want to go against him. He didn’t know his motives and even though Senku chose the “as long as you are on my side, let’s just be friends” strategy, he was wary of Gen. That is, he did not trust either Gen or the villagers completely. The fake speech of Magma, who was just trying to make Senku angry and let go of his hand so as not to die together, immediately becomes real in Senku’s head, and does not help the situation at all.
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Gen immediately calms Senku down, saying “I swear I haven’t a clue what you’re on about”, because he never had any thoughts of rebelling against Senku. On the contrary, his uttermost devotion can be admired. The blindfold is removed, and instead of a bloody betrayal, a view of Saturn opens up to Senku’s eyes, followed by the view of the whole observatory. And then Senku mentally transfers to his childhood, remembering his main dream - to go to space. This is how Gen shows that he sees Senku. He sees the great scientist Senku, and the highschooler Senku, and the child admiring his father Senku. He sees his wishes, ambitions, desires, he sees what brings him happiness and fills him with inspiration, he can hear what Senku’s heart says.
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Gen also sees that it will be difficult for Senku to cope with emotions after such an event, so he begins to chat about everyday things so that Senku finds support amid such an emotional shock, feels more comfortable and has time to gather his thoughts.
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Senku clings to this opportunity and continues the conversation in his pragmatic manner. However, here is another Gen’s revelation waiting for him. Gen says that he remembers the date of his release from the stone and he counted the days to find out his birthdate. He once again shows that he can see the real Senku, and thus makes it clear how much Senku means to him and to all the villagers. How much he believed in him, even before he met him.
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To make it a “fair deal”, Gen opens his heart to Senku in return, allowing him to see his real self. Formerly we saw Gen as a fickle opportunist, a dark horse, a vile greedy man, a traitor, a self proclaimed “the most selfish man on earth”. But right here he’s telling Senku almost straight up, that this has never been true. That he is by Senku’s side not because of pros and cons but because of true likelinesses, admiration and respect.
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He cracks his mask with his own hands, allowing Senku to see into his heart as well. It’s like he’s saying, “I trust you completely, so please trust me too.” This scene means so much because after it Senku gains 10,000% confidence and trust in Gen and the villagers, he can not doubt their loyalty for a millimeter anymore. And this is incredibly important for the development of the plot.
Gen’s words gave Senku so much faith in himself and in the success of the Kingdom of Science that Senku literally changed as a person overnight.
After this conversation, he is noticeably getting closer with the villagers. He even gives them all something like “high five”, although physical contact has never been his thing.
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And communication with the Gen becomes a hundred times warmer, and Senku keeps showing and showing that now he also trusts Gen for all ten billion percent. He trusts him to work in the laboratory, and drive a car, and a tank, and he plays along with Gen’s schemes even if he doesn’t know much about it, and he even doesn’t mind when Gen starts analyzing him.
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So it is truly illogical to call this scene a romantic confession when it is the greatest anthem of trust and devotion. When it is a masterpiece of subtle analysis and mastery of Gen’s smooth talking. When it’s an oath to stay until the very end, no matter what happens. When it is an expression of admiration and respect coming from the heart. When is the moment where they both let each other into the innermost corners of their souls.
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sharkysona · 3 years
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Terry understands if you feel sad
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sharkysona · 3 years
Dazai: *laughs at something*
Dazai: ok back to suffering
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