#Cabo Hotel Review
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Dreams Los #Cabo Hotel #Review | All Inclusive Resort #mexico

Embark on a captivating journey with The Adventure Buddies as we explore the Dreams Los Cabo Hotel, an all-inclusive resort nestled in the beauty of Cabo Mexico! Join us as we reveal exclusive insights and uncover the ultimate vacation experience offered by this luxurious retreat. Subscribe for more travel reviews and destination adventures!
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let me love you | Leah Williamson x Reader
a lot of angst, ending in fluff, themes of eating disorders, depression and alcohol abuse, 5900 words
please keep sending request yall i need something to feed my brainnn
i’m stuck on a blurb for this so basically just what happens after a rough moment in r and leah’s relationship, can they fix it? can they learn to love each other again? the photo i’ve used says it all lol
it’s piecy and i think u can see my sleep deprivation in this one but hope you enjoy!

I’d known going into camp that I was in trouble. That as soon as the team doctor did our pre camp exam that I was going to be fucked. With the extensive weight loss I knew that it was only a matter of time before I was approached but I hadn’t expected it to be the first night.
I’d been lying in my bed, in my room by myself. I was rooming with Keira this camp, but luckily enough she spent most of her time in Lucy or Leah’s room so I didn’t see much of her. I’d had the tv playing in the background, to fill the room with something other than the sound of my breathing and the sound of me scrolling through my phone. Then my little bubble, my perfect barrier that I’d created was broken by the resounding noise of someone knocking at my door.
“Y/n, it’s me.”
Sarina. Fuck.
“It’s open.”
It was probably the polite thing to get up and open the door but I was comfortable in my bed and while Sarina was terrifying I couldn’t see her getting mad at me over something so minor. The door cracked open and I switched the tv off out of respect for the manager who had closed my hotel room door behind her. Her face was unsteady, like she was unsure how to approach the conversation, something that I’d never seen on her.
“You missed dinner.”
“I feel asleep, the jetlag has tossed me around a little bit. I didn’t even realise until I woke up twenty minutes ago.”
It wasn’t a lie, I had travelled an obscene amount in the past twenty four hours. I’d flown from Cabo to New York, then spent 20 hours in New York with Kristie and some of the Gotham girls before getting on a plane to take me to Barcelona, where I’d spent a very short eight hours with Keira and Lucy before we got on a plane to London to bring us to camp. It had been hectic to say the least and had resulted in one of my suitcases being lost and me being in a very lengthy back and forth discussion with British Airways about how my luggage had ended up in Austria and that no, I didn’t have the time to go to Austria to retrieve it.
“I think we need to have a talk.”
Sarina’s foot was tapping nervously at her side, it was her tell, she was about to have a hard conversation that was not going to be easy to go over.
She nodded at me.
“Meeting room 2, five minutes?”
I gulped, fuck, a meeting room. It had gone from informal to a little bit to formal for my liking. I nodded regardless, too scared to reply in any other way.
“Yes Ma’am.”
As soon as Sarina had left my room I was throwing myself out of the bed to throw on some proper clothes and make myself look a little bit more presentable. I threw on my light blue tech fleece and puffer jacket that we all had and then very haphazardly threw my hair into a greasy high pony. I pushed some mascara through my eyelashes and some moisturiser on my skin before coming to the conclusion that no amount of makeup was going to be able to disguise the purple bags under my eyes. Once I was done making myself look a little bit less dead I picked up my phone and keycard from my bedside table and left the room, making my way down the hallway towards the meeting rooms.
The meeting rooms had a multitude of purposes, zoom calls, skypes, video review, contract signing. Business stuff mainly, not a talk with your coach. That was what had me trembling a little bit as I made my way closer to the meeting rooms. When I got to the door of the second one, the one I’d been told to go to I waited outside of it for a few seconds before lifting my fist and knocking twice on the door. I didn’t have to wait long for a reply, Sarina was at the door opening it for me in a matter of seconds. I stepped into the room quickly, my eyes recognising all the faces in the room.
I was directed to a seat at the table, sitting directly across from Sarina, Leah, Millie and our team doctor. Lucy and Keira were seated on either side of me and the whole vibe of the room was enough to tell me that I was royally fucked.
“We are all here to have an open conversation about your recent medical exam.”
I kept my eyes on my own hands, which were resting on the table, playing with the rings that adorned my hands. I couldn’t look up, couldn’t bear to look into the eyes of a woman who a few weeks ago I had loved so intensely and now couldn’t even think about without crying.
“You're here to tell me that I’ve dropped a dangerous amount of weight considering my normal weight class, that I should get some further tests done even though we know that there is nothing medically wrong with me. We’ll beat around the bush a little bit, try to ignore the fact that we all know that you can’t allow me to play when I’ve dropped this much weight and then you’ll send me home.”
Sarina’s jaw was set firmly, I could make out that much as my eyes darted up to the older woman quickly to catch a look at her facial expression.
“Do you want to die Ms y/l/n.”
I was taken aback massively by the question, because who asks a person that question, especially in this context.
“I don’t feel comfortable having this conversation with certain people in the room. I don’t want to die necessarily but living right now isn’t exactly ideal either. I’ve had a rough couple of weeks, I’ll admit that, I’m aware. I’ve neglected my body, prioritised other things. I knew walking in here that I’d dropped 2 stone and I wasn’t proud of it. I just went through an intense break up though, I’ve been in Cabo for three weeks, most of which I don’t remember. I know that it’s bad, I know that as an athlete we have expectations but I need some wiggle room, I need you to give me a shot to make this better. Because I honestly believe that in this environment I can fix it, I’ll get the weight back, I’ll get back into therapy or whatever. I’ll give up the bad habits, I just need a period of grace.”
I couldn’t look at Leah, couldn’t let myself out of fear that my brave face would fall and I’d be left in shambles sitting here. I just needed to convince Sarina that I could get my shit together.
She was in front of my brooding for a few minutes, leaving everyone in the room in an awkward silence.
“Everyone out besides Leah and you.”
I watched as everyone else slowly got up, Lucy giving me a reassuring pat on the back before exiting the room.
“I’m giving you both five minutes to explain what the fuck happened between you two, because as much as you both want to make it sound like nothing it isn’t. Everyone can feel it and obviously it's affecting the both of you.”
I still couldn’t look at her, it just hurt.
“Seems like I’m the only one who’s suffering.”
“That’s not true nor fair y/n. Leah’s having her own struggles.”
I snorted and rolled my eyes at the table.
“She’s the one who caused the problems in the first place so I’d call that karma.”
The tension in the room was thick, like a cloud laid over us.
“That’s not fair, you had a part in it as well.”
“I had a part in you kissing Jordan at a party?”
“Jordan kissed me first off, drunkenly, she apologised profusely to both of us when she was sober. You soberly made the decision to kiss fucking Alexia.”
If the tension could have thickened anymore, it did.
“You cheated on me with your ex, I think I can cheat on you with my ex situation.”
“Do you realised how fucked up that whole ideology is? I didn’t want to cheat on you, anyone who was there that night will tell you that I physically pushed Jordan off of me, I didn’t want it to happen. I know it hurts you, but you wouldn’t even hear me out, you didn’t answer my calls or texts. I didn’t know where you went, just heard from Lucy that you’d decided to go abroad for a few weeks and you were turning your phone off. I spent 3 days sitting in Keira’s apartment balling my eyes out because I missed you so much, I haven’t slept properly ever since, I can’t fucking live without you y/n/n.”
Leah was sobbing and it hurt a part of me that I didn’t know existed. I wanted to hug her, wipe the tears from her face and apologise for my stupidity, to make it all better. But I was stubborn as shit and I also hadn’t really forgiven Leah. I hadn’t forgiven myself either.
That night had been the worst one of my life. Seeing Leah making out with Jordan had broken my heart and before I knew it I’d been running out of the bar we’d been celebrating in and calling Ale because she was my person and then she was picking me up and taking me back to my apartment and she was comforting me on our sofa and then we were kissing and Leah was walking in, mascara smeared and tears down her face and then Ale was running out of the apartment. I ended up waiting for Leah to fall asleep before I’d fled. I’d been terrified, my fear response was flight, when I was scared I fled, so that was what I’d done on that godforsaken night.
“I don’t really give a shit who did what. You both fucked up, that’s evident. We have the olympic coming up, Leah you are coming off of an ACL injury and you are going to be our captain, y/n, we need you on top of your game for us to win. I won’t deal with this team being torn into shreds because the both of you are too stubborn to talk about your feelings. Am I understood?”
Both Leah and I nodded meekly at Sarina, the both of us equally terrified of the dutchwoman and the tone of voice she was using towards us, like we were six year olds.
“Y/n, I’ll give you a grace period, two weeks. You’ve got two weeks to show that you can make some improvement in your habits, but there will be conditions if you wish to continue training and playing during those two weeks. You will eat every single meal, with the rest of the team. You aren’t going to work out beyond our team scheduled gym sessions. You will go back to talking to a therapist on a weekly basis. You are going to socialise with your teammates instead of holding yourself up in your room by yourself. You and Leah will room together until you can prove to me that you can be civil. If any of these conditions are broken you will find yourself sidelined, am I understood?”
“Yes Ma’am.”
Sarina nodded at me, her blue eyes staring intensely into my own, I was trying to get away from this situation, away from the confrontation that was only bound to get worse the longer Leah and I were stuck in a room together.
“You are free to go, I expect to see you at breakfast tomorrow morning.”
I’d given Sarina a quick nod before bolting out of my seat and straight out of the room. I was pretty sure I’d had the worst 96 hours of my life. My whole body felt like it was on fire, my hair and face were still greasy from all of the airplane travel and my eyes just hurt. I half jogged my way back to my room, slamming and locking the door behind me almost as soon as I’d closed the door behind me. I slowly slid down against the solid wood, this whole situation was so fucked.
Not only did I have to focus on being fucking civil with a woman who I hated, I had to fucking turn my whole life around in a matter of two weeks, which right now seemed pretty fucking impossible. I wasn’t a person who cried very often, I wasn’t in touch with my emotions like that. But right now, fat, warm, wet tears were dripping down my face and my lip was wobbling between my two front teeth trying to suppress the sobs that were coming up from my throat. Love hurt. Loving someone and being loved is one of the hardest things that I’d ever done, because it’s not easy to spend every day loving a person, it fulfilling but it also is so fucking painful.
I could hardly make up the energy to get off the floor, so I didn’t. I sat against the door, crying, shaking and trembling as I let out the feelings that I’d built up for the last month. I was a person who didn’t cry very often, when I was drunk, when someone died, when I was really hurt. That was the extent of my emotional release. Leah was similar, that’s why we’d hit it off, neither of us were over emotional, we didn’t read into things and we didn’t over complicate anything. At the end of the day neither of us had to worry about the other one getting offended by a joke or drunken words. I’d honestly believed we were soulmates, for a long time, but that night had wrecked it all.
Both of us had been stupid, it had been the celebratory night of our win in the Nations League, we’d beaten Spain, it was a big deal. Everyone was completely wasted and I didn’t remember much of the night until Leah had been on the dance floor with Jordan, Chloe, Millie, Rachel and some other teammates and one moment Leah is motioning for me to join me and the next Jordan is making out with her and I’m running out with Lucy following me. Then Lucy called Ale because I’d locked myself in our hotel room ensuite. Then Ale was there and she was comforting me and hugging me and I was pissed off at Leah and then I was kissing Ale and she was telling me no and the Leah walked in to comfort me and it was just a fucking mess of alcohol and emotions.
Just thinking about that night had hurt, I hadn’t let myself in the last month. Not when I’d been in Cabo drinking all day and night, clubbing and partying and spending all of my spare time trying to push my emotions away. Then I’d gotten the call from Sarina, I’d been expecting it but it had still shocked me for some reason. In a matter of 24 hours I’d been packing up all my shit and hopping on a plane back to the one place that I couldn’t have been more desperate to avoid. I’d contemplated turning down the call up, but a call from my agent had told me that I couldn’t expect an invite back if I turned one down now. The Olympics was a big deal as well, it was something that I did want to do but the overwhelming anxiety I had felt being faced with the reality that I was walking into a group of people that worshipped the ground that my ex girlfriend walked on.
My thought pattern was interrupted by the sound of knocking directly above my head. The sound pulsated against the wood and across my body, seeping deep into my bones. It was a resounding knock, loud, echoing across the room.
“Y/n, open up.”
It was the voice that I least wanted to hear at that moment and I tried my hardest to ignore it but the sound of the knocking repeating made it harder.
“Y/n/n, c’mon, open the door, I know you're in there.”
It was the nickname that only she called me, a nickname I hadn’t heard in a month and it hurt my soul hearing it. It made fresher tears fall from my eyes that I rubbed at furiously with the sleeve of my jumper. I wiped as much of the smudged mascara and tears from my face, I knew subconsciously that my eyes were red and puffy and Leah would one hundred percent be able to tell. For my dignity though I rubbed it all from my face before standing up and opened the door.
Before I could say anything Leah had slipped past me and into the room, making herself at home and sitting down on Keira’s bed, resting herself at the very top so she was leaning against the headboard. I pushed down any thoughts that I had about Leah being in the same position in our own bed, except with a lot less clothes covering her body.
“You’ve been crying.”
It wasn’t a question, a statement, but it held a question in it somewhere. Leah wasn’t used to me crying, so the fact that I was crying was probably a little bit of a shock to her.
“What do you want?”
Leah pouted at me, sarcastically, it pissed me off how confident she was when I felt like I was tearing at the seams.
“In case you didn’t remember, we’re roomies now. I wanted to talk, I think we both have stuff we need to get off of our chests. I love you y/n/n and I’m worried about you.”
“Go worry about Jordan.”
I was leaning against the dresser, trying my hardest to keep my shit together in front of the woman that was making me feel so many things that I had been denying myself for a month.
“That’s fair, but also not necessary. I didn’t kiss her y/n, I didn’t even get as close as a metre’s distance from her, anyone there could tell you that. I pushed her off me. So yes, she kissed me, without my consent or my desire for her to do so. I love you, not her. I promise you that. She means nothing to me beyond being my friend, I don’t love her.”
I didn’t really know what to say. Leah wasn’t really the root of my anger, because I knew that it had been Jordan all over Leah, and at the end of the day she’d come to my room that night to apologise instead of going back to Jordan’s, I was her priority.
“She loves you, and I can’t do anything about that. That hurts and I know that it shouldn’t, I have no right to be jealous but it hurts.”
Leah looked contemplatively at me, like she was trying to understand what I was saying but knew that she couldn’t really.
“Do you love Alexia?”
I gulped, that was a fucked up question that I didn’t have a answer for. My immediate silence gave enough context to that.
“That’s not a fair question.”
I was deflecting and also furiously toying with a loose thread on the edge of my jumper.
“I think I deserve to know if the woman I love loves me the same way.”
It was hard hearing those words come out of her mouth as well.
“I would be lying if I said I didn’t love her. I dated her for six years, I thought I was going to marry her. I don’t love her like I loved you. We broke up because we couldn’t love each other that way. It was a surface relationship, but we both knew at the end of the day that we couldn’t get married or have kids or get old together, we didn’t love each other like that. We didn’t have a messy break up, I didn’t have a phase where I hated her and I wanted nothing more than to be away from her. We just stopped physically loving each other. She’s still my person Leah, you know that. I regret kissing her, I was so drunk and I was so fucking upset and she was so familiar to me in that moment. So maybe I do love her, in some fucked up way, but I don’t love her long term. She’s not the woman that I want to spend the rest of my life loving, not the person that I want to wake up next to, not the person that I want to write vows for, not the person that I want to be with every minute of every day. I don’t yearn for her.”
I realised now that there were tears in Leah’s eyes, which shocked me a little. Leah never cried, I could count the amount of times I’d seen her properly sob on one hand. Four times. When we won the Euros, when she did her ACL, when she woke up from ACL surgery and that night when it had all happened. Apart from that she was a brick wall, she wore a facade everyday, that very little people got to see broken down. I considered myself very grateful to have been able to see past it, to see the side of Leah that not a lot did. She’d let a stray tear go every once in a while, but proper crying, proper emotional, vulnerable crying was very rare to see.
“Do you love me long term?”
“Leah, that's not a fair question either.”
Tears were running down Leah’s face, similar to the tears that had been falling down my face less than five minutes ago.
“It's not fair? I’ve been here for the last month y/n, wondering if we still stand a chance. Wondering if you still love me, wondering if I should wait around for you? I want to know if you still love me as much as I love you.”
I could feel more tears coming to my eyes, Leah was sitting not even three metres away from me and yet it felt like we were oceans apart.
“I don’t know. Does it really matter?”
Leah was wiping at her face, she detested vulnerability and it was clear in her actions.
“Does it matter? Y/n/n, I am trying to figure out if I am going to spend the rest of my life fucking mourning losing the love of my life. I want to know if I stand a chance, if there is something here that we can salvage, something here that we can try and fix. I will spend everyday making it up to you if I have to, anything you need us to do I am down to do it.”
I shifted from toe to toe in my spot standing, Leah’s words were so genuine, they had so much power over me, sent shivers down my whole body.
“I love you. I love you enough though to tell you that I’m a fucking wreck, some of it’s because of this, some of it is just me. Leah I’m trying to fucking sort myself out now and I love you but I’m not going to tell you that your my priority right now, I love you but I also am trying to learn how to love myself and I’m also trying to learn how to love my sport again.”
Leah pursed her lips, wiping the last of her emotional admission tears from her face. She looked so raw, her blonde hair was thrown up in a messy high bun, an unusual look for her, her face was stripped bare of any makeup and her jumper looked a tad bit too big on her. She looked stripped, stripped of her dignity, stripped of her facade, stripped of everything that made her Leah motherfucking Williamson. I wasn’t looking at England’s captain, I wasn’t looking at Arsenal and England’s world class defenders. I was looking at just Leah. The Leah who would wake me up with forehead kisses every morning, the Leah who would give me foot massages after a rough training, the Leah who would only look at me in a room full of people.
“I’ve worried about you so much that I started to get scared I was praying. You took off and I didn’t know with who or where. I mean I know that I fucked up but y/n/n, we could have talked it out, or we could have tried to. You fled and you didn’t even give me a goodbye. I didn’t know if we were done or if I was ever going to see you again and it fucking broke me. I stayed in bed for a week, I didn’t eat, I didn’t leave. Keira and Lucy literally had to drag me out of bed to get me to do anything. I cried, non stop for a week, it was horrible and I felt like shit. Then Lucy got Alexia to come over and we talked it out and she told me that she didn’t mean for it to happen and all she wanted was for us to be happy and it broke me because how am I supposed to be happy when the woman I love is nowhere to be seen.”
A sob echoed from her chest and it broke my heart, because I hated seeing Leah in pain, I hated seeing her hurt. When she’d done her ACL it had been the most gut wrenching thing I’d had to witness. The only difference was that now I was the source of pain and it hurt ten times more.
I pushed myself off of the dresser and towards the bed. Leah’s head was buried in her hands, her elbows resting on her knees as her palms rubbed furiously at her eyes. I sat down onto the bed and pushed myself up against the headboard beside her, putting one of my arms down on her shoulders and gently nudging her head into my neck. It was uncharted territory but also felt so familiar and right. Hearing Leah’s sobs hurt my soul, but my contact seemed to calm her a little bit. She flinched away initially, unsure but then she was seeking it out, leaving into me and everything about it felt right.
“I’m so sorry, I’m sorry for what happened with Jordan, I’m sorry if I didn’t make you feel loved, I’m sorry if I didn’t treat you well enough, I’m sorry if I’m not good enough. I’m trying to work on it, I’m trying to be better,” I stopped Leah before she could say much more.
“It’s not your fault Leah,” My voice came out with exasperation, because I hated that Leah felt that way,
“You made me feel loved everyday, you treated me perfectly. You are perfect Leah, you were a perfect girlfriend, a perfect captain, a perfect person. We had our moments but you are a good person, you don’t need to be better. I’m the one who can’t fucking handle herself, who had to flee the country when it got rough and I’m sorry for that, I’m sorry that I ran when it got hard.”
Hearing Leah hiccup on her breath was so painful for me, painful enough that I reached my hand down to her face to try and wipe some of the tears off of her cheeks.
“C’mon, you're too pretty to be crying.”
It was a weak compliment that died with the mood of the room, Leah let out a depressing laugh that honestly just made it all worse but her sobs did quieten down a little bit and I noticed that the tremors that were haunting her whole body had slowed down and had become less of a repetitive pattern.
“You haven’t been eating, you lost two stones, did I do that to you?”
Leah’s voice was so shaky, so insanely innate for her.
“Me not eating has nothing to do with you and I won’t have you taking the blame for it. Not everything is your fault Leah and you don’t have to take the blame for it all. I know how your brain works, that you are going to take the blame for everything that has happened between us, but it’s not your fault, a lot of it is mine, my eating habits though have nothing to do with you.”
My voice was a mixture of steady and stern, I had a point to get across and I needed Leah to understand that, I needed her to know that. She wasn’t as fearless and brave as she constantly tried to prove to anyone, she was always the first to blame herself for anything, always getting down on herself and I knew that, I knew that Leah could send herself into a downward spiral.
She pulled her head out of my shoulder and locked eyes with me, her dark brown eyes felt like they were violating me, I felt like I was naked under her gaze, like I was so incredibly vulnerable.
“Why haven’t you been eating?”
I felt like I was under a magnifying glass, like Leah could see every single part of me and could see into my brain. She always worried about me, always. To the point where sometimes it was concerning, I had as much as a sniffle and she was doting over me like my mother.
“I’m fine Lee.”
“If you were fine you wouldn’t have lost two stones.”
She could read me too easily and she knew that I was pretty much putty in her hands as soon as she started talking.
“It got dark for me when I left, I needed to leave but then I was gone and I realised that I was so alone and I was partying to try and avoid my feelings and it worked but you know how I am when I’m depressed, I stop eating, I stop functioning. I lived off of alcohol for three weeks and then I got the call from Sarina and for the first time in three weeks I was completely sober and it hit me like a freight train. I realised how bad it had gotten and I was in shambles.”
Leah nodded at me, she knew how I worked, knew that when I was starting to spiral I tended to push it all down until it got so bad that I had a nervous breakdown.
“You need to eat, we need you playing, I need you on the field. It broke my heart when Sarina came and told me, when she asked me if I’d seen any of the warning signs or if I’d noticed and I couldn’t give her an answer.”
I brought my hand back up to rest on Leah’s face, she was still shaking, still hiccuping with every word that she said. I pushed the tears that were pooling on her face away with the pad of my thumb.
“I couldn’t even tell her anything.”
Leah’s words were thrown out between choken sobs and hiccups, it was so strung out and painful that I felt it in my chest.
“I’m sorry that you had to go through that, I’m sorry I deserted you. I’m so sorry I hurt you Lee, you deserve better, you deserve someone who has their shit together.”
Leah pulled herself out from beside me and scooted herself so she was sitting in front of me, between my legs looking at me directly.
“I want you though, I want to love you and I want you to let me.”
I couldn’t do much more than look at her, look at her eyes, look at how heartbroken they were. They were full of so much pain, so many sleepless nights and a part of me wanted to fix some of that.
“Let us be happy, let all of this devastation come to an end and just let us be happy. We’ll work through what happened, we can try therapy, or something else. I want you though y/n/n, I want you forever and I don’t want us to give up on that because of some stupid shit that happened when we were drunk.”
Those fucking eyes, they held the sun and the moon, they had the power to make me do anything.
“I want to try, for us. I still think that you are my forever Leah. I just don’t want either of us to get hurt in the process.”
“Love hurts, we work through it. Please just try it for me.”
Her lip was wobbling in between her teeth and it took every single piece of self control I had to not take that lip in my own and just kiss the woman like I wanted to.
Leah’s face lit up almost immediately, like a kid in a candy store. She leant in towards me, her lips hovering centimetres away from my own and her eyes looking into my own and it took literally every piece of my self control not to initiate anything.
“Is this okay?”
Leah’s voice was calmer this time, less rough on the edges, less broken. I nodded eagerly at her and relaxed into her body as she pressed her lips to mine. It was soft, tender, relaxing, so perfect.
“How about this?”
It was murmured against my lips, a small smirk forming along Leah’s lips.
“So good, but I think we are both overdue for some sleep.”
Leah frowned against my lips but nodded, we were both tired and it was obvious in our actions. She plopped herself down next to me, relaxing into my body and laying her head against my chest.
“Flick the lamp of love.”
The term of endearment sent a shiver down my back, it was so normal and yet so shocking to me. I obeyed her immediately, turning over to the bedside lamp and flicking it off so we were left in the dark. I shrugged my jacket off before relaxing down into the pillow. Leah shifted around for a few seconds, finding a comfortable spot on my body before stilling herself. She looked so small curled up against me, I tugged her hair out of its bun and rubbed her roots just the way I knew she liked me too and rubbed her back the way I knew sent her straight to sleep. It probably took not even a minute before Leah’s body relaxed fully and her breaths evened out and when they did I smiled a little bit looking at her exhausted form. I leant down and pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead before relaxing myself fully against the pillows and preparing myself for my own sleep.
“I love you Leah, always.”
#woso#leah williamson#lionesses#marry me rn#arsenal wfc#woso community#leah williamson x reader#sarina wiegman#lucy bronze#kiera walsh#angst#rip my mental health
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"Game Over, Man": Adam Devine naked for five minutes. What's not to like?
Shortly after the end of Workaholics, the guys (Adam Devine, Anders Holm, Blake Anderson) played about the same characters in Game Over, Man (2018), moving their shenanigans into a hostage crisis in a high-rise hotel. The reviews were unfailingly horrible, 18% on Rotten Tomatoes. Their goofiness conflicts with a jarringly grim, violent plotline, there's way too much vulgarity, disgustingly graphic deaths, a severed penis used as a prop, torture by rimming, plus horrifying homophobia. I'm afraid to watch the whole movie, but I'll review a scene that the Roger Ebert.com reviewer criticizes as featuring "some pretty extreme homophobia."
Remember, I walked out of Spider-Man (2002) when Tobey Maguire said "Like all stories, this story is about a boy and a girl." Homophobic jerk! So this will certainly raise my hackles.
The set-up: The terrorist's henchmen, Steve Howey and Mac Brandt, are trying to kill the guys. For some reason Adam decides to pretend that he has died of autoerotic asphyxiation, hanging in the closet with his dick in his hand. Blake and Anders hide under the bed (it would be too confusing to use character names).
Finding the "Corpse" The henchmen burst into the hotel room, examine Adam's "corpse" (we get a closeup of Adam's hand on his dick). Steve comments: "Look at this freaky fuck."
Mac: "Rest in peace, you horny bastard."
Steve worries that the job is going badly, but Mac reassures him: "By this time tomorrow, we'll be sipping Coronas in Cabo."
They kiss -- a little peck, then a big smooching thing. Adam, watching, is shocked. Not homophobic, maybe a little heteronormative: "Wait -- gay henchmen exist?
The Attack The henchmen decide to do it "real quick," take off their shirts, and jump on the bed. We don't see any more of their kissing. Guys, your pants aren't off. Not going to have a lot of sex that way.
Blake sneaks a peek, then turns to Anders and says "Eww, right?" Not homophobic. Blake's character is actually gay and closeted (at this point), so he's trying to determine how a straight guy should react.
To defend themselves, the guys throw the blanket over the couple and punch and kick them. Anders grabs a lamp and beats Steve's head. Blood alert. . Adam, shocked, says "I am so sorry." He throws him across the room (cock shot).
The full review, with extensive -- way extensive -- Adam Devine dick and butt shots, plus a bonus shot of Steve Howey's dick, are on Righteous Gemstones Beefcake and Boyfriends.
#Adam Devine#Workaholics#Blake Anderson#Anders Holm#Game Over Man#Steve Howey#frontal nudity#rear nudity
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How to Find the Most Comfortable Vacation Stay for Your Needs
Planning a vacation is exciting, but choosing the perfect stay can make all the difference in your travel experience. Whether you’re looking for a luxurious beachside resort, a cozy boutique hotel, or a budget-friendly homestay, the right accommodation ensures a comfortable and enjoyable trip. If you’re heading to a tropical paradise like South Goa, selecting the perfect stay becomes even more important, as it can shape how you experience the region’s stunning beaches, cultural sites, and vibrant nightlife.
Consider Your Travel Goals Before booking your stay, think about what you want from your vacation. Are you looking for relaxation, adventure, cultural exploration, or an exciting party scene?
For Relaxation: A beachfront resort in South Goa offers breathtaking ocean views, spa treatments, and private beach access, making it ideal for a rejuvenating getaway.
For Sightseeing: If you want to explore South Goa places to visit, such as the historic Cabo de Rama Fort, the beautiful Palolem Beach, or the Basilica of Bom Jesus, consider staying in a centrally located hotel with easy access to major attractions.
For Adventure: If you’re an adrenaline junkie, look for accommodations near water sports hubs where you can enjoy scuba diving, kayaking, and trekking.
For Nightlife Lovers: If partying is a priority, choose a stay near nightlife in South Goa, with access to beach clubs, bars, and silent discos. Popular nightlife areas include Palolem, Colva, and Benaulim.
Choose the Right Location South Goa offers a mix of serene landscapes, historical sites, and lively entertainment hubs. Picking the right location ensures a fulfilling vacation experience.
Beachfront Bliss: If you love waking up to ocean views, choose accommodations near Palolem, Agonda, or Benaulim Beach. These areas are perfect for relaxation and water activities.
Cultural and Historical Sites: If you want to explore South Goa Places To Visit, staying near Margao or Chandor will give you access to colonial-era mansions, churches, and traditional Goan villages.
Vibrant Nightlife Scene: If you want to experience the Night Life In South Goa, consider staying near Colva or Palolem Beach, where you’ll find beachside parties, nightclubs, and live music events.
Consider Your Budget Your budget plays a key role in determining the type of stay you choose. South Goa offers a range of accommodation options to suit different travel styles.
Luxury Resorts: If you’re looking for an indulgent experience, South Goa has top-rated resorts with high-end amenities like infinity pools, private villas, and gourmet dining.
Mid-Range Hotels: These provide a comfortable yet affordable experience with modern facilities and convenient locations.
Budget-Friendly Stays: Backpackers and solo travelers can opt for hostels, guesthouses, and homestays, which offer basic but comfortable amenities at lower prices.
Check Amenities and Facilities To ensure a comfortable stay, look for accommodations that offer essential amenities based on your preferences.
Wi-Fi and Workspaces – If you need to work remotely, choose a hotel or resort with strong Wi-Fi and a quiet workspace.
Swimming Pools and Spas – If relaxation is your goal, opt for a stay with wellness facilities.
Proximity to Attractions – If sightseeing is a priority, pick accommodations close to South Goa places to visit like Butterfly Beach, Cabo de Rama Fort, and Dudhsagar Waterfalls.
Close to Nightlife Spots – If you plan to enjoy the nightlife in South Goa, staying near beach clubs like Silent Noise Club, Gatsby’s, or Leopard Valley will keep the party within easy reach.
Read Reviews and Book in Advance To make an informed decision, read online reviews from travelers who have stayed at the accommodation you’re considering. Websites like TripAdvisor, Google Reviews, and Booking.com provide insights into service quality, cleanliness, and guest experiences. Since South Goa is a popular destination, especially during peak tourist seasons (November to March), booking in advance ensures better rates and availability.

Final Thoughts Choosing the perfect vacation stay is crucial to making your trip enjoyable and stress-free. Whether you’re looking to explore South Goa places to visit, immerse yourself in nightlife in South Goa, or simply relax by the beach, selecting the right accommodation will enhance your travel experience. By considering factors like location, budget, and amenities, you can ensure a comfortable and unforgettable getaway in this beautiful coastal paradise.
#South Goa Places To Visit#Things To Do In South Goa#Beaches Near Dabolim Airport#Party Places In South Goa#Clubs In South Goa#South Goa Tourist Places#Night Life In South Goa#Goa Tourist Places
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Which New Hotels in Los Cabos Should You Book for Your Next Trip?
Cabos Finest showcases the best new hotels in Los Cabos, helping you find the perfect accommodation for your next vacation. Our in-depth reviews cover everything from luxurious amenities to prime locations and exceptional service. Trust Cabos Finest to guide you to the newest and most exciting hotels in Cabo. Book your stay now and experience the best of Los Cabos!
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Discover Costa de Prata: Your Ultimate Guide to the Silver Coast Experience

Holidaying in Costa de Prata, or the Silver Coast, is a captivating experience that blends Portugal's rich history, stunning landscapes, and vibrant culture. Nestled along the Atlantic Ocean, this picturesque region boasts golden beaches, charming towns, and a treasure trove of cultural attractions. Whether you seek relaxation by the sea or adventure inland, Costa de Prata offers something for every traveler. One of the main draws of Costa de Prata is its pristine beaches. Stretching for miles along the coast, these sandy shores provide the perfect backdrop for sunbathing, swimming, and water sports. From bustling resort towns like Nazaré to secluded coves hidden among rugged cliffs, there's a beach to suit every preference. Surfers flock to renowned spots like Peniche and Baleal, where consistent waves offer thrills for all skill levels. #CostaDePrata #HolidayEscape #BeachGetaway #ExplorePortugal #CoastalRetreat #SunAndSand #TravelGoals #OceanAdventure #VacationVibes #SilverCoastExperience
Beyond its beaches, Costa de Prata is dotted with charming villages and historic towns waiting to be explored. Óbidos, with its medieval walls and cobblestone streets, exudes old-world charm and is a must-visit for history enthusiasts. Meanwhile, Alcobaça enchants visitors with its majestic monastery, a UNESCO World Heritage site dating back to the 12th century. In Batalha, the awe-inspiring Monastery of Santa Maria da Vitória stands as a testament to Portugal's rich architectural heritage.

For nature lovers, the Silver Coast offers abundant opportunities for outdoor adventures. The rugged cliffs of Cabo da Roca, Europe's westernmost point, provide breathtaking views of the Atlantic Ocean. In the Serra de Montejunto, hikers can traverse scenic trails that wind through lush forests and verdant valleys, while birdwatchers can spot rare species in the region's diverse ecosystems.
Foodies will delight in Costa de Prata's culinary offerings, which showcase the freshest seafood and traditional Portuguese flavors. Sample grilled sardines at a seaside tavern or indulge in a hearty seafood stew paired with local wine. In the town of Caldas da Rainha, don't miss the opportunity to taste the famous pastries known as trouxas da Malveira, a sweet treat made with puff pastry and egg custard.

For those seeking cultural immersion, Costa de Prata hosts a variety of festivals and events throughout the year. From colorful carnival celebrations to traditional folk music performances, there's always something happening in this vibrant region. Art aficionados will appreciate the contemporary galleries and artisan workshops scattered throughout the coast, where local talent is proudly showcased.

When it comes to accommodation, Costa de Prata offers a range of options to suit every budget and preference. Choose from luxury beachfront resorts, charming guesthouses, or family-friendly campgrounds nestled amidst nature. Wherever you stay, you'll be greeted with warm Portuguese hospitality and a welcoming atmosphere that makes Costa de Prata feel like a home away from home. In conclusion, a holiday in Costa de Prata promises unforgettable experiences for travelers seeking sun, sea, and culture.
Whether you're exploring historic landmarks, lounging on golden beaches, or indulging in delicious cuisine, this enchanting region captivates the senses and leaves a lasting impression on all who visit.

Travel Resources Hotels and Hostels Booking.com is available in 43 languages and offers more than 28 million reported accommodation listings, including over 6.6 million homes, apartments, and other unique places to stay. TripAdvisor is the world’s largest travel guidance platform. With more than 1 billion reviews and opinions of nearly 8 million businesses, travelers turn to Tripadvisor to find deals on accommodations, and book experiences. Klook is a booking platform on which travelers can book hotels, cars, tours and activities, tickets to attractions, and shows at great prices.
Hotellook is a service that helps you find and compare prices on hotels around the world, provided by a leading reservation system. Today, Hotellook.com offered to put together information on more than 250,000 hotels in 205 countries. Hostelworld, the global hostel-focused online booking platform, inspires passionate travelers to see the world, meet new people, and come back with extraordinary stories to tell. Hostelworld has more than 13 million reviews across over 17,000 hostels in more than 179 countries, making the brand the leading online hub for social travel. Tours and excursions WeGoTrip is an online service for booking audio excursions and tours on 35+ countries on different languages (mostly english). Travelers can take audio excursions created by professional tour guides and local experts. Tiqets’ innovative technology ensures that travelers can book tickets on their phone at the last minute, receive their tickets directly in a digital form, and show their mobile phones in place of physical tickets to museums, places of interest, and attractions. Offers available passes in Europe and the US.

Car Rental You can find the best car rental prices at QEEQ.COM. QEEQ.COM serves road trip travellers from different countries by working with car rental companies all over the world. The company offers its customers the widest set of car rental options and always strives to offer the most competitive price. Read the full article
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Cabo San Lucas, Mexico was a dream come true! The resort was beautiful! Everything about it was perfect! Bria and Brad checked into their hotel before going up to their suite. They had help with their bags from the concierge. She tipped him a hundred dollars. Thank you. Even their suite was perfect! It came with a pool and a lot of privacy, something Brad was grateful for. During the two-and-a-half-hour plane ride, she told him everything going on in her life.
She found out she was the biological daughter of Richard Hilton. He got her interested in investing in his hotels. Rob went over everything with them. She agreed to invest fifteen percent. He thought that was a fair price. Her investment gave her and one guest the privilege to stay at any hotel for free. That was how she was able to get the suite.
Her cats were receiving three-on-one attention, along with the best cat care available while staying at a luxury pet hotel. It cost hundreds of dollars, but she wanted to make sure they were well cared for. The package included nail and hair care; a private room, filtered water, and time in a playroom for them to run around. It came with great reviews. They let her take a tour and ask questions before she agreed to board her cats there.
Tiny and Garfield were unsure about going into their carrier. Rascal saw it as an adventure. She put their favorite toys in to make it easier and less stressful. When they got to their room, they sniffed it out while walking around. There were toys and a cat tree for them to climb on! It also had a floor-to-ceiling window that overlooked the parking lot.
They could watch for birds and other animals. Rascal was excited about his new home. He climbed up the tree and looked down at everything. Haha. You can’t get me! Garfield looked up at him. He didn’t have the energy to chase him around. Instead, he tried out the water. It tasted delicious! Maybe this place wouldn’t be too bad. The humans seemed nice. Tiny yawned. She was ready for one of many cat naps. The room had three beds, so she took her pick before making it comfortable.
The staff watched them through the glass door to make sure they were okay. During playtime, Rascal ran around to get his energy out. Tiny and Garfield played with the staff. They gave them pets and attention. The staff knew it would take them a while to adjust to being somewhere other than home. They gave them space while allowing them to approach them as they felt comfortable.
Kevin knew what he was doing was wrong. At the same time, he had to see her again. He texted her asking to meet up, but he learned she was on vacation for two weeks. Could she text him when she got back? Yes. They continued texting each other. He wanted her to make him feel like a man. Take control of me. That’s what he wanted. She replied saying she would do whatever he wanted – aside from putting him in her mouth.
Haha ok. I can live with that. – Kevin
Brad remembered how wild she was. She had something that men wanted. It wasn’t just that she was beautiful, she was like a drug. He needed more and more of her. On the outside, she looked innocent. Until he got her in bed. He knew it and so did her ex-boyfriends. If he could, he would record them but he was worried about that getting out to the public. He took pictures of her in bed with only a sheet covering her with his camera.
She looked naturally beautiful. Should they make an adult video? Hell no! He laughed. Yeah, that would ruin his career. She got up and got dressed before going into the bathroom. The vacation was exactly what they needed to get rid of stress. They walked along the beach together, swam in their private pool, and ate at one of the restaurants.
She wanted to go shopping, so they planned to do that the next day after sleeping in. While lying on the bed, she told him of the possibility of her being infertile due to her chemotherapy treatments. She was going to remain on birth control until she knew for sure. Did she want kids? Yes and no. She was fifty-fifty about it. If she ended up not having kids, she would be okay with that. She felt she was too young at the moment because she needed to be selfish first.
He was thinking of adopting since he was sober. She thought that was a great idea for him. He was thrilled to hear that! What did his parents think? They wanted him to get married first. Of course. He laughed. She encouraged him to do what he wanted to do, not what they expected of him.
“That’s what I fell in love with. You always encouraged me. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
He kissed her. Mike felt understood. He was in a therapy session where he was heard and taken seriously. His therapist encouraged him to be open and transparent. Everything he said was confidential. He discovered his fear of committing was from an ex-girlfriend he forgot about from high school. She had cheated on him. It crushed him initially but he thought he had gotten past it.
No, it was always in the back of his mind. He remembered the betrayal and how he had cried. His parents helped him through it without judgment, as did his friends. She begged him to take her back, but he couldn’t. He couldn’t even look at her without his heart breaking all over again. It was high school. He never kept in touch with her after graduation and after years, she slipped his mind. Or so he thought. He talked to Brad about it.
He remembered how broken he was for months after it happened. There was a possibility that it could affect him years later. He was proud of him for getting help and discovering what was going on with his mental health. Mike was proud of himself, too. He messaged Bria, but she was on vacation with Brad. Why was she with him?
“It was something about him wanting to get away from stress and her spoiling him.”
“Don’t think about it because then you’ll just become obsessed and it will just drag you down. Let her go and wait for her to reach out to you. I know she will because you’re her best friend. But for now, don’t think about her.”
He nodded. “I won’t. Thanks.”
“You’re welcome.”
After getting ready for bed, Bria got into bed with Brad. It was a cool night with the sun having gone down hours before. The blankets felt wonderful. He wrapped his arms around her before kissing her forehead. For the first time in a long time, he felt safe and it was because of her. He couldn’t keep her, so he wanted to hold onto her for as long as possible. Before they knew it, they were fast asleep.
@zoeykaytesmom @feelingsofaithless @alina-dixon @fiickle-nia
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How to Book Your Airport Transportation Service in Los Cabos?
Booking your airport transportation service in Los Cabos is a straightforward process that can be done in advance to ensure a smooth and stress-free arrival. Here are the steps to book your airport transportation service:
1. Research Transportation Providers:
Start by researching transportation providers in Los Cabos. You can use search engines, travel websites, or ask for recommendations from friends or fellow travelers who have visited the area.
2. Compare Services and Prices:
Compare the services offered by different transportation providers. Consider factors such as vehicle options, safety records, customer reviews, meet-and-greet services, and pricing.
3. Decide on Your Transportation Needs:
Determine your specific transportation needs. Consider the size of your group, the amount of luggage you'll have, and any special requirements like child seats or wheelchair accessibility.
4. Contact the Chosen Provider:
Once you've chosen a transportation provider, contact them to make a reservation. You can usually do this through their website, by email, or by phone. Make sure to provide them with the following information:
Your arrival date and time
The airport you're arriving at (Los Cabos International Airport)
Your destination (e.g., hotel, resort, or specific address)
The number of passengers in your group
Any special requirements or requests
5. Request a Price Quote:
Request a price quote for your transportation service. Ensure that the quote includes all fees, taxes, and any additional services you may need.
6. Confirm the Booking:
Once you're satisfied with the price and the details of your reservation, confirm the booking with the transportation provider. They may ask for a deposit or full payment at this stage.
7. Review Booking Confirmation:
Carefully review the booking confirmation provided by the transportation provider. Confirm all details, including your flight information, pick-up location, and any special requests you've made.
8. Receive Confirmation and Contact Information:
After confirming your booking, the transportation provider will typically send you a confirmation email or a voucher with important details, including the driver's contact information and any instructions for your arrival.
9. Arrival at Los Cabos International Airport:
On the day of your arrival, make sure you have the transportation provider's contact information readily available. If you've arranged for a meet-and-greet service, the driver will be waiting for you at the airport with a sign displaying your name.
10. Enjoy Your Ride:
- Relax and enjoy your ride to your destination. If you have any questions or need assistance during your trip, don't hesitate to communicate with your driver.
By following these steps, you can easily book your airport transportation service in Los Cabos and ensure a hassle-free and comfortable transfer from the airport to your destination. Pre-booking your transportation not only saves you time and stress upon arrival but also provides peace of mind knowing that your transportation needs are taken care of.
Los Cabos Airport Shuttles is a low-cost transportation company
Los Cabos Airport Shuttles are the go to Cabo airport shuttle company, servicing Los Cabos International airport with private Cabo airport transportation & Shared shuttles.
Los Cabos Airport Shuttles offer services to several destinations in the Los Cabos resorts, Pueblo Bonito, Diamante Golf resort, Private Residence Cabo Pedregal, Our bilingul staff is the most reliable, services include, 18 hour live chat, toll free 909-266-0098 phone reservation, instant quotes for large groups arriving in Los Cabos Airport.
Flight delays do not worry our staff located outside both terminals 1 & 2 at the SJD International Airport is monitoring your flight.
Los Cabos Airport Shuttles offer high quality Cabo Airport transportation service.

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Finding Your Dream Retreat: Long-Term Villa Rentals in San Jose del Cabo and Cabo San Lucas Oceanfront Resort Rentals
Imagine waking up to the soothing sound of waves crashing against the shore, stepping out onto your private terrace to witness a stunning ocean sunrise. If this sounds like a dream come true, then a long-term villa rental in San Jose del Cabo or an oceanfront resort rental in Cabo San Lucas might be just what you need. These two captivating destinations in Mexico offer the perfect blend of relaxation, adventure, and luxury, making them ideal places to call home for an extended stay.
Long-Term Villa Rentals in San Jose del Cabo: Your Gateway to Tranquility
San Jose del Cabo, located just a short drive away from its more lively neighbor, Cabo San Lucas, is a haven of peace and tranquility. If you're looking to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life, renting a long term villa villa rentals San Jose del Cabo for an extended period might be the perfect solution.
Advantages of Long-Term Villa Rentals:
Escape Crowded Tourist Areas: Unlike traditional hotels or resorts, villa rentals provide a more secluded and private living experience, away from crowded tourist areas. This allows you to immerse yourself in the local culture and experience authentic Mexican living.
Home Away From Home: With long-term villa rentals, you get all the comforts of home in a luxurious setting. Villas are equipped with fully-furnished kitchens, spacious living areas, and often come with amenities like private pools and gardens, making it easy to settle in and feel at home.
Budget-Friendly: Long-term villa rentals often offer significant discounts compared to daily or weekly rates. This makes them a cost-effective choice for those planning to stay for an extended period.
Sense of Community: Renting a villa in a residential neighborhood allows you to become a part of the local community. You can engage with friendly locals, explore neighborhood markets, and truly feel like a resident rather than a visitor.
Cabo San Lucas Oceanfront Resort Rentals: Embrace the Vibrant Coastal Life
On the other hand, if you prefer a more lively and vibrant atmosphere, Cabo San Lucas might be your ideal destination. This popular resort city is famous for its stunning beaches, lively nightlife, and a wide range of entertainment options.
Advantages of Oceanfront Resort Rentals:
Spectacular Views: Cabo San Lucas oceanfront resort rental is known for its breathtaking ocean views, and an oceanfront resort rental lets you wake up to the beauty of the sea every day.
Luxurious Amenities: The oceanfront resorts in Cabo San Lucas offer a plethora of amenities, such as beach access, infinity pools, spa facilities, fine dining restaurants, and various water activities.
Convenience: Resorts are designed to cater to all your needs, with on-site staff ready to assist you. This convenience ensures you can focus on enjoying your time without worrying about daily chores.
Social Opportunities: Resorts often host social events and activities, providing you with the chance to meet fellow travelers and make new friends.
Choosing Your Ideal Retreat
Whether you opt for the tranquil charm of San Jose del Cabo or the vibrant coastal life of Cabo San Lucas, finding the perfect long-term rental requires careful consideration.
Define Your Priorities: Determine what matters most to you - peace and privacy, proximity to attractions, access to resort-style amenities, or a combination of these factors.
Budget Considerations: Set a budget for your long-term stay and explore options that align with your financial plan.
Read Reviews: Before finalizing your rental, read reviews from previous guests to gain insights into the property and its management.
Book in Advance: Long-term rentals, especially during peak seasons, tend to fill up quickly. Secure your preferred rental by booking well in advance.
Both San Jose del Cabo and Cabo San Lucas offer unique and captivating experiences for those seeking long-term rentals in Mexico. Whether you crave serenity or excitement, these destinations have something to offer every traveler. By choosing the right retreat, you can embark on an unforgettable journey of relaxation, adventure, and discovery. So, start planning your escape to paradise today!
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Best and Worst Hotel Booking Sites for 2023

BREATHTAKING VIEWS! A LUXURY WELLNESS & SPA RESORT IN CABO SAN LUCASAt Vista Find Hotels for 18+ Encantada, arriving at yourhome away from home means unwinding in luxurious surroundings and soaking up every moment of sun and fun with friends and family. Each meal, and every activity, create another unforgettable visit to your Los Cabos home resort, or residence. It can mean marveling at every color or sensation while enjoying every carefully curated corner, and it can mean experiencing new cultures and traditions in an elegant, yet welcoming ambiance.
Surrounded by the Pacific Ocean with unobstructed views of Land’s End, Vista Encantada’s luxurious suites provide an exclusive and tranquil retreat for owners and guests seeking to recharge and indulge in a place that helps disconnect and then reconnect to what really matters. Awaken your senses through impeccable hospitality, remarkable epicurean experiences, and our world-class spa, and create unforgettable and cherished memories in both comfort and luxury. With an optional All In gourmet indulgence experience option you can relax and enjoy a wide variety of culinary options both on and off-site, to satisfy even the most discerning of palates. Relax and let the team help with all of the details while you enjoy your home away from home!
Three types of hotel search engines
First, it helps to understand the playing field. There are basically three types of websites we use to find hotels: OTAs (online travel agencies); the hotels’ own websites, which may offer deals OTAs can’t match (and you should always double-check yourself before booking); and aggregators, or meta-search engines, which don’t actually handle reservations—they trawl both OTAs and hotel sites to return a compendium of results, then send you to your choice for booking.
We tested both OTAs and the aggregators that search them. Why include smaller OTAs at all when there are aggregators that check them? Well, some aggregators aren’t nearly as good as they should be at combing through those booking engines. In fact, in our latest survey, the site that found the most hotels was actually an OTA, and not an aggregator that supposedly canvasses it. You’d think their results would be at least as good—but we found they weren’t.
Warning: Many aggregators will discover a number of booking sites that have amazingly low prices—but often sketchy track records. Whenever you find a result for a company you’ve never heard of, do a quick search for its name and the words “review” or “scam,” and also check out its reputation on the Better Business Bureau (BBB.org) before giving them your money.
As a side note, membership sometimes has its privileges, at least at some OTA sites where signing in can often net you 4% to 6% in savings. Aggregator member savings are more sporadically available, and on the order of just 1% to 2%. We used the plain “non-member” rates for all our tests.
How We Determined our Ranking
We threw 60 room reservation scenarios at the major sites to determine which found the cheapest rates and the most options.
To start, we tallied the number of choices each contender could rustle up in seven major tourist cities: Orlando, New Orleans, San Francisco, Rome, London, Bangkok, and Buenos Aires.
Then, for each city, we searched for the lowest rates each site could find at four specific downtown hotels in varying price ranges for a mid-week, shoulder-season stay three months out. By avoiding high-season or holiday spikes as well as last-minute discounts, we aimed for the most normal base prices.
We awarded points for finding the lowest rates on a given hotel—and subtracted points for returning higher prices than other sites—in a complicated weighted system designed to see which site would save you the most money consistently.
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Insider's Review: Unlocking the Secrets of Pre-Booking Cabo Airport Transportation

Let me take you on a thrilling journey of discovery as I share some fascinating articles I recently stumbled upon. These informative pieces shed light on the advantages of pre-booking your airport transportation at the Cabo Airport. Brace yourself for a whirlwind of insights that will revolutionize the way you approach your travel plans! As an avid traveler myself, I'm always on the lookout for insider tips and tricks to enhance my journeys. So, when I stumbled upon these articles, I knew I had struck gold. Without further ado, let's delve into the intriguing world of pre-booking Cabo Airport transportation! Article 1: https://hackmd.io/@AngelMiguel/Cabo-Airport-Transportation-Options This captivating article opened my eyes to the tremendous benefits of pre-booking airport transportation. One key point that resonated with me was the sense of peace it brings. Imagine arriving at the bustling Cabo Airport and effortlessly finding your dedicated driver waiting to whisk you away. No stress, no confusion. Just pure relaxation and the reassurance that your journey is in capable hands. Article 2: https://paperpage.in/blogs/207089/Unleash-Your-Vacation-Adventure-The-Ultimate-Guide-to-Airport-Transportation Time is our most precious resource, and this article drove home the importance of optimizing it during our travels. By pre-booking your airport transportation, you gain an invaluable gift: more time to explore and immerse yourself in the wonders of Cabo San Lucas. Say goodbye to long waits for taxis or navigating unfamiliar public transportation systems. Instead, revel in the freedom to kickstart your adventure the moment you step off the plane. Article 3: https://www.xaphyr.com/blogs/377141/The-Ultimate-Guide-to-Airport-Transportation-in-Cabo-San-Lucas This article left me enchanted by the notion of personalization. When you pre-book your airport transportation, you unlock a world of tailored experiences. Whether you prefer a luxurious private car or a shared shuttle to connect with fellow travelers, pre-booking allows you to choose the option that aligns perfectly with your needs and desires. The ability to curate your transportation experience adds an extra layer of excitement to your journey. Article 4: https://myvipon.com/post/782566/Exploring-Best-Airport-Transportation-Options-Cabo-amazon-coupons Ah, the joy of saving money! This article shed light on the cost-effectiveness of pre-booking your airport transportation. By securing your transportation in advance, you eliminate the risk of unexpected price surges or hidden fees. Instead, you can plan your budget confidently, knowing that your transportation costs are accounted for. It's a savvy financial move that leaves more room for indulging in the incredible experiences that Cabo San Lucas has to offer. These were also helpful: http://anonimsocial.r91601v6.beget.tech/blogs/29893/The-Importance-of-Booking-Transportation-to-Your-Hotel-from-the http://tranminhtuan.byethost7.com//pages/MagicTransfersCabo https://kitchat.linkspreed.com/blogs/19/The-Essentiality-of-Pre-Booking-Airport-Transportation-for-a-Seamless https://friends.raunix.com/blogs/536/The-Indispensable-Art-of-Pre-Booking-Airport-Transportation-in-Cabo https://sharekaro.online/blogs/27314/Pre-Booking-Airport-Transportation-in-Cabo-San-Lucas https://social.crea-biz.net/blogs/304/Why-I-Pre-Book-My-Cabo-Airport-Transfers In conclusion, these articles have opened my eyes to the wonders of pre-booking Cabo Airport transportation. The peace of mind, time-saving advantages, personalized experiences, and cost-effectiveness all make a compelling case for taking this proactive approach to travel planning. So, whether you're an adventure seeker, a relaxation enthusiast, or a budget-conscious traveler, I highly recommend exploring the benefits of pre-booking your airport transportation. Trust me, it's a game-changer that will unlock a world of seamless and unforgettable adventures in Cabo San Lucas! Read the full article
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A Weekend in Cabo
A Weekend in Cabo
Based on the East Coast, we have a wealth of opportunities to visit the Caribbean on easy short flights. However, the grass always does seem greener on the other side so we decided to make the haul over to the opposite side of the country to check out Los Cabos, Mexico! From JFK there are currently no direct flights to Los Cabos, so we had to connect in Los Angeles before boarding quick flight to…

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Explore New Hotels in Los Cabos With Cabos Finest
Stay updated with the latest new hotels in Los Cabos through Cabos Finest. We offer insights and reviews to enhance your travel experience. Reach out to us today!

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Experience Opulence in Madeira: 7 Nights at Village Cabo Girão Starting from Only €755!

Embark on a Magical Madeira: 7 Nights at Village Cabo Girao at €755- Secure Your Festive Getaway Today. #MadeiraAdventure #IslandEscape #ExploreMadeira #DiscoverNature #MadeiraMagic Grab The Deal

Nestled on a picturesque slope with panoramic views of the Atlantic Ocean, Village Cabo Girao offers SEO-friendly villas and apartments. Indulge in indoor/outdoor pools, complimentary private parking, and WiFi. Surrounded by lush tropical greenery, accommodations feature a flat-screen satellite TV, DVD player, telephone, and dining area. Whip up your meals in fully equipped kitchenettes.

Discover our on-site restaurant serving authentic Madeira cuisine. Start your day with a delightful breakfast buffet and enjoy pastries and coffee at the snack bar. Conveniently, a mini-market is available for your stay essentials.
Unlock additional services with Village Cabo Girao's staff offering car rental, tour guides, and shuttle services. Pamper yourself with Spa amenities, including sauna and massage facilities. Engage in leisure at the games room, tennis court, and minigolf – all complimentary.

Conveniently located, Madeira International Airport is 30 Km away, Funchal is a mere 14-minute drive, Curral das Freiras is 23 Km away, and São Vicente is accessible in a 28-minute drive along the northern coast of Madeira.

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Car Rental You can find the best car rental prices at QEEQ.COM. QEEQ.COM serves road trip travellers from different countries by working with car rental companies all over the world. The company offers its customers the widest set of car rental options and always strives to offer the most competitive price Read the full article
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My recent stay and experience at Zadun, a Ritz Carlton Reserve. Morning booking my #VIP clients for week stay at Zadun, a Ritz Carlton Reserve #Resort & #Spa in #LosCabos #Mexico. Booking @zadunreserve or any @ritzcarltonreserve , directly with me, as a preferred #RitzCarltonReserve partner, my clients will enjoy the following VIP amenities during their stay: Upgrade on arrival, subject to availability + Daily full breakfast for two guests, per bedroom + One time $150 USD equivalent Resort credit to be utilized during stay + Complimentary one-way private airport transfers + Early Check-In / Late Check-Out, subject to availability + Complimentary Wi-Fi + Complimentary parking My mission is to transform Tourists into Travelers by experiencing unique travel experiences, moments and destinations worldwide. Luxury Travel Curator, Concierge, Blogger & Lifestyle Consultant. Over 28 years curating the world of Luxury Travel & Lifestyle, one destination at the time. Member of @VirtuosoLTD Luxury #TravelAdvisor. #Jetsetter #Globetrotter #BonVivant. Founder of @LGTNetwork Luxury #GayTravel Curator. #Travel #Hotel #Restaurant & #Airline reviews. Follow, read and share my travel experiences worldwide. #TravelAgent, #TravelBlogger, #WeddingPlanner #TravelBlog #LuxuryTravel #Luxury #Lifestyle #LuxuryTravelCurator #Concierge #Blogger Mobile & WhatsApp +1 (917) 754-5515 / Email [email protected] / www.carlosmelia.com (at Los Cabos, Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJ9G_c8slUj/?igshid=17gc4pvu0y1cl
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Making Your Arrival and Departure Stress-Free with Airport Transportation Services in Los Cabos
Arriving at and departing from an airport can often be a stressful experience, but in Los Cabos, there are several airport transportation services available to help make your journey as stress-free as possible. These services offer convenience, comfort, and peace of mind, allowing you to focus on enjoying your trip to this beautiful destination in Mexico. Here's how you can make your arrival and departure stress-free with airport transportation services in Los Cabos:
1. Pre-Book Your Transportation: To ensure a smooth and hassle-free experience, it's advisable to pre-book your airport transportation in Los Cabos before your arrival. Many transportation companies in the area offer online booking options, allowing you to reserve your transportation in advance. This way, you won't have to worry about finding a taxi or shuttle upon arrival.
2. Choose the Right Transportation Option: Los Cabos offers various transportation options to suit your needs and preferences. You can choose from shared shuttles, private transfers, taxi services, or even luxury vehicles. Consider factors like your group size, budget, and level of comfort when selecting the right option for you.
3. Reliable and Safe Services: Look for transportation providers with a reputation for reliability and safety. Check online reviews, ask for recommendations from fellow travelers, or consult your hotel or resort for trusted transportation companies. Ensure that the drivers are licensed and the vehicles are well-maintained.
4. Airport Meet and Greet: Many transportation services in Los Cabos offer airport meet and greet services. A representative from the company will meet you at the airport, assist with your luggage, and escort you to your vehicle. This personalized service can make your arrival less chaotic and more welcoming.
5. Avoiding Language Barriers: If you're concerned about language barriers, choose a transportation service that offers English-speaking drivers or guides. Clear communication can help reduce stress and ensure a smoother journey.
6. Timely Departure Planning: When it's time to depart from Los Cabos, plan your transportation well in advance to avoid any last-minute rush. Most transportation services allow you to schedule pick-up times according to your flight's departure, ensuring you arrive at the airport with plenty of time to spare.
7. Additional Services and Amenities: Some transportation companies offer additional services like providing car seats for children, Wi-Fi access, and refreshments. These amenities can enhance your overall travel experience.
8. Local Knowledge and Recommendations: Drivers with local knowledge can provide valuable information about Los Cabos, including recommended restaurants, attractions, and local tips. Take advantage of their expertise to enhance your stay.
9. Stress-Free Payment Options: Before booking, inquire about payment methods and any hidden fees. Many services accept various payment options, including credit cards and cash, making it convenient for travelers.
By choosing a reputable airport transportation service in Los Cabos, you can make your arrival and departure stress-free, allowing you to start and end your vacation on a positive note. This convenience ensures that you have more time and energy to enjoy the stunning beaches, vibrant culture, and natural beauty of this Mexican destination.
Los Cabos Airport Shuttles is a low-cost transportation company
Los Cabos Airport Shuttles are the go to Cabo airport shuttle company, servicing Los Cabos International airport with private Cabo airport transportation & Shared shuttles.
Los Cabos Airport Shuttles offer services to several destinations in the Los Cabos resorts, Pueblo Bonito, Diamante Golf resort, Private Residence Cabo Pedregal, Our bilingul staff is the most reliable, services include, 18 hour live chat, toll free 909-266-0098 phone reservation, instant quotes for large groups arriving in Los Cabos Airport.
Flight delays do not worry our staff located outside both terminals 1 & 2 at the SJD International Airport is monitoring your flight.
Los Cabos Airport Shuttles offers high-quality Cabo Airport transportation services.

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