meownotgood · 2 years
thank you to anyone and everyone who has ever supported me or interacted with my works. you mean more to me than you will ever know. you are the reason why I continue on and why I feel confident enough to post my utter insanities. I am truly grateful and fortunate to have people who enjoyed something stupid that I made. even if you just read something I wrote and didn't interact, the fact that you took the time to read it makes me feel so happy. thank you.
I'm going to go talk to robot aki boyfriend now until I inevitability pass out
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Spring birds flight to freedom 1/?
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pairing: Kim Seokjin x oc
gendre/warning: Angst , later on fluff,cursing
words: 1,188
Winter , January
My eyes won’t close even for a second today, which is odd for me, considering the fact that I sleep whenever I get the chance to. If I think about it more ,my eyes never listened to me before,but today is one of the worst days that it could happen. You see tomorrow I will have to wake up at 4:30 am just so I could study more before tests. I don’t know why I even bother studying anymore. To be honest I don’t even know why I bother doing anything anymore. It’s like I know I have to do it and I do it, but I don’t know why. What’s the purpose of it? Whatever it is I would like to know.
I feel as like something is wrong with me , but I can’t put my finger on it. I don’t quite know why the sun doesn’t shine as bright as before, why the songs of the birds don’t seem to sound as nice as before. I don’t know why sometimes I fell like a huge rock has been put on my chest preventing me from breathing. I just don’t know….Maybe I’ll find that out soon…just maybe…
 -with respect Spring Bird.
 It’s been a month since I first wrote here. It was stupid to think that an old book ,full of blank pages that need filing up, will somehow help me. I still think that. It’s just that my brother thinks that it will help with whatever I’m dealing with. I’m actually in South Korea now because of him. He noticed that somethings wrong with me and thought that maybe bringing me with him to another country will help me with whatever I’m dealing with. I kept telling him that I’m fine , not only me but my mother and older sister too. But I know my brother is different from them. He’s more quiet and likes to observe more, while my mom and my sister are much more hotheaded at times and like to speak more then listen. So I guess that’s why he saw what they didn’t want to see. I love them all don’t get me wrong, but I just feel numb…just numb.
   I guess I should tell you more about myself if I’m going to keep writing here. So hello there , I’m Spring Bird. Nope that’s not my real name, that’s just a nickname or a secret name ,whatever you like to call it, that I made up. I should probably say that I’m still in school, but in my country I am legally aloud to drink alcohol,because I’m 18, but I’m still not aloud to enter strip clubs till you’re 21 , cause that’s not dump (note the sarcasm). I mean come on!Somehow naked men and women will do more damage to us then alcohol,that’s why you can drink being just 18 and more likely become alcoholics and damage your intire body (inside and outside) ,but God forbid you to go to a strip club before turning 21. News breaker we see vaginas and dicks pretty much daily. Bich come on we are born with them and I’m sure most of us came from vaginas. Anyways… I guess i should tell you where I am from. Well I am from Europe, Lithuania. I should mention that i speak three languages fluently : my home language – Lithuanian , English and Korean. And i know a little bit Russian , but I am not  fluent in it.  That‘s all I‘m going to say about me for now.
                    -with respect Spring Bird.
   I sighed. This journal thing was just plainly stupid. I was sitting on a briges railing feet dangling. My little backpack was put on the „safe“ side of the bride, so i turned around to put my journal and my pen in it. When I turned around as i was before.  I looked at the water, thinking that if i wouldn‘t mind slipping into the water. That means I wouldn‘t mind drowning. I wouldn‘t mind dying. Shaking my head , I lifted my leg trying to get up, but it wouldn’t budge. Then I looked down and saw that my shoe (including my foot ) where stuck between the poles of the railing. Figuring that it would be easier getting my leg out if I was standing, I stood up on the small space(line) on the “dangerous side ” of the bridge and held on to the railing.
“ HEY!” somebody yelled.
It sounded like a man’s voice. I shook my head ,thinking that he was yelling at someone else.
“MY GOD! Don’t jump!” the man shouted but now behind me.
He put his hands on my shoulders squeezing them a little as if he was holding me.
“What?” I questioned him now completely confused.
“Please don’t do it…Don’t jump…” his voice was now soft and even without seeing his face(my back was facing him) I knew his face was full of consern just by listening to his voice.
“What? No. I’m not going to jump.” I said.
“What are you doing then?” He asked dumbfounded.
“Oh…well see…” now feeling a bit embarrassed I tried to explain the situation. “I was just sitting on the railing thinking and my shoe,including my foot and led, got stuck” I explained felling my checks burn up.
“Oh…” he let go of my shoulders. “Do you need help getting to the safe side of the brigde?”
“I don’t want to bother you”
“Nonsense! Here let me just…” he bent down, gently took my foot out of between the two poles. I turned turned around, still holding into the railing . I looked down at the ground ,because I was too embarrassed to look him in the eyes. I climbed over the railing and was finally on safe ground, not that I cared or anything. But then i looked up. I blinked a couple of times to see if i wasn‘t dreaming. I knew that the voice seemed familiar , but I guess I just brushed it off. The man was no other then Kim Seokjin from the k-pop group I listen to.
„Dieve Tu mano…“ i said my eyes a little wide, but I composed myself.
„What?“ Seokjin asked quite confused to what I said.
„Nothing… Thank you by the way.“ I thanked him.
„It‘s nothing.“ He smiled. „ Hey, you are a foreigner?“
„Yeah. Is there a problem?“ I asked.
„No, of course not. It‘s just that you look diffrent.“ He smiled again.
„Ohhhhh.“ I paused. „ Well I have to get going now. Again thank you.“ I turned my back and started walking away ,smiling to myself a bit.
„ Wait! ” He called out for me.
I turned around and walked backwards now.
“What’s your name? Mine’s Seokjin.” Seokjin asked.
“ I know.” I smiled a little bit. “I’m Spring Bird!” I yelled to him, because I was at the end of the bridge.
I walked off, feeling happy that I just met Kim Seokjin and still quite embarrassed of the situation I was in.
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