localgardenweed · 7 months
me thinking its gonna be a good sunny warm day with no issues but then have the humidity destroy my ankle and knee and work with my predestined arthritis genes to destroy my entire day
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all-lee24 · 7 months
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Young Malenia doodles + headcanons
((A.K.A Malenia as Miquella always sees her even after she grew up and became a fierce warrior))
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sulky-cabbage · 3 months
AU: Where Sukuna Wins
Part 1
Part 2 here
Imagine an alternate universe in which Sukuna triumphs, dominates over Japan, and endures a lonely existence for many centuries, while allowing some humans to live.
They hold a grudge against him, of course, and want to kill him. They train at Jujutsu High and have some great fighters that occasionally provide Sukuna with some entertainment. 
They are so desperate for salvation, they can only find solace in prophecies about a figure with powerful blue eyes that will defeat the king of curses and rescue Japan.
And do you know what Sukuna does in response to that? One might expect him to go full Pharoah mode and kill newborns, but NO!!
Whenever he ravages a village and devours the women and children, he ALWAYS spares the blue-eyed infants.
All the curses know better than to kill an infant with blue eyes. The last time a curse did that, Sukuna made sure to make an example of it.
Killing a member of the Gojo clan is also off limits, as well as anything that could delay the reincarnation of this certain person.
These humans are not the only ones waiting for salvation.
Sukuna is also WAITING...for his wretched existence to end at the hands of this person.
The ONLY one worthy of having the honor to do so.
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spacedoutman · 6 months
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•❀.•❤•.¸✿Girlboss super slayy✿¸.•❤•.❀•
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✎ (❁ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈) ༉‧ ♡*.✧
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xero013 · 1 year
A wild Tyna and Irida appears
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Uh Oh! It seems they appeared in an unfamiliar place!
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Or maybe... Not so unfamiliar?
(Sorry this took so long Roxy lol, also as always, cute lil babies, wanted to show my own fankids but had trouble in how I'd segway them in xD
Also I know Tyna and Irida lean more to their fathers but Elesa was the closest lol)
Tyna and Irida are Emmet and Elesa's kids (from what I recall in our discussions?) while their older sisters would be Ingo and Elesa's (which would be my designs but I don't know when I'll show them lol)
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ominous-feychild · 3 months
✦ OC Questionnaire Tag 2✦
Following tag from @the-letterbox-archives!
Characters from Sun and Shadow: Freya, Crow, and Daleira Characters from the Arcane Rifts: Gene, Tazin, and Mislav Featuring tAR's children leveled up! They'll be answering at 15, 17, and 17 years old respectively!
Questions: - "What's your relationship with your family like?" - "Do you have any hobbies? if so, what ones?" - "Do you dream often? what about?" - "What is the one thing you would not wish on your greatest adversary?" from @willtheweaver
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"What's your relationship with your family like?"
Freya: Well... we don't even know if my dad's alive but... re-regardless, it was rough between us. He was never around, and I just... I missed him. I know it was his job, but I blamed him. It was just me in that house, you know? Like, I mean--sure! I chose that! But the only other choice was to live alone in the city instead, where I had to deal with people trying to suck up to me in order to get money or whatever! So neither was a good choice, yeah??? And--I don't know, okay? I... I hope he's actually alive like the others say. I guess... I'll probably apologize to him, alright? But that still sucked.
Crow: Oh, my father's great, yeah. ... What, you were expecting more of an answer? Daleira: Oh, I love my dad! 😊 ... not enough for you?... okay, fine. Um... it's difficult at times between us. He's busy taking care of Lynsmouth most of the time, so we hardly spend any time together. But, you know--I get that! It's a lot of work to uh--... do whatever it is he does? Honestly I'm not that sure, haha. 😅 But I'm sure it's a lot! So, you know, it's not a big deal that he doesn't spend a lot of time with me. I'm really appreciative of him finding me and taking me in to begin with, and I've really led a great life thanks to him, so! 😊
Gene: I... don't remember my family. Just like I don't remember anything else before I got here. But... (*looks away to think. Will not look in asker's direction again.*) I think Abi was my brother? Older--older brother. He... really helped me a lot. So in that case... good. But... thinking the word "family"... hurts.
Tazin: (*spoken through his teeth*) I don't have a family.
Mislav: (*fakest smile you can imagine and not even trying to hide it; voice falsetto*) Dead, thanks for asking!
Crow: Sike!!! Bet you thought I wasn't going to answer. 😘 How cruel of you to think so lowly of me!!! 😭
I wasn't kidding, my father's great, I love him. He taught me everything I know about--detective work and all, heh! We don't always see each other because he's usually working on cases, but he's given me everything I need to succeed in life and I'm thankful to him for that. So hopefully I'll make him proud on this case with Frey! 😉😊
(tragically, it is not a work I have created if someone's family life is good. But, omfg, until now, I didn't realize SaS was the story of goddamn DADDY ISSUES!!! 🤣🤣🤣)
"Do you have any hobbies? if so, what ones?"
Freya: Oh, um... dammit, I'm not going to get away with a lie, am I? (*Heavy, drawn-out sigh*) Okay, fine. I... like reading. I know this is really weird!!! But, uh, sometimes, while I'm inshore, I've found books in the water. Books! Perfectly fine! Little to no water damage most of the time! I don't know if Dad sent them to me somehow or what, but... most of the time, they're in other languages. Things that don't always line up with those I find in the library. But I've figured a few of them out over the years, and I think it's really fun!
Crow: Psh, nothing as boring as reading. (*Precariously leaning back against a bulging doorway. There's a creak and then--CRASH!!!*) SHIT-- (*Furiously opens the door. An endless pile of books comes falling out. Except... they're all related to their cases? Huh. Is their hobby... working?*) Yep. That's my hobby. Working. Tell my dad that, would ya? 😘 (Oh I think we see something deeper in the closet--) NO!!! DON'T YOU DARE-- (*we zoom in to see countless artistic collages made out of cut-outs from pictures in their books and magazines.*) ... (*Crow, face burning, melts into the shadows and hides in shame.* But??? That's a cool hobby??? WAIT, COME BACK, AZA--)
Daleira: Oh!!! I just love working with magical trinkets! You know, conduits--from gods, mortals, and discovered in the Faewildes! It's amazing figuring out how each of them work and trying to figure out if I can replicate them! Faer and I have gotten good at transferring magic between objects, but gods' conduits are especially hard to work with. Like, come on--can't they share some of their power with the rest of us??? :/
There's a few items from Soren we just can't figure out, though... and he wouldn't tell me where he got them! I mean, that would help immensely in trying to figure out how they work, but we've already broken a few of them and don't want to risk losing all of them! Especially since--... well. An-anyway-- 😅
I gave Freya one when we first met! She was showing clear signs of magical sickness, and I'd already figured out it was a magical restraint you could manipulate the strength of--which is amazing, you know??? So it would be awesome to figure out how it works! But-- (*continues rambling happily*)
Gene: Hobby?... (*Looks away. Will not look back.*) I... like to draw. It's useful. Maps. Nobody else is able to navigate around the sewers, but my maps... they stay right. Even though they change. So it's nice to draw... feel useful. And everyone likes me then. Not just Mislav and Tazin. If... Tazin does. I'm pretty sure he does. (*Shakes his head swiftly, then nods*) Right. He does. Sorry...
(*Anxiously picks at his hands, still avoiding looking anywhere near the asker*) And... I've always liked reading, I think. The real stuff. To learn. It took a while for me to learn Glavni, but I've been able to read by myself for a long time now. I enjoy it. (*Finally looks back to give asker a pained smile*)
Tazin: Does burning buildings count? 😉 No? Okay, fine. How about just plain-old casual arson? 😉 OH, COME ON, HOW COME THESE GUYS'-- (*continues screaming into the camera, but we cut to black*) (*We return to a moody Tazin pouting with his arms crossed... and surrounded in flames.*) Fine. I've always liked stupid stories. You know the ones--knight in shining armor, or the underdog rising up and saving the day--that stuff. And Gene's got me into his stupid fucking "learning" thing, alright? But that's all you're getting out of me, got it, you little-- {REDACTED FOR PROFANE LANGUAGE}
Mislav: Um... not really? I... guess anything that lets me spend more time with Gene? 😅😭
... I really liked it back when I was on the farm. But... it's gone now. And I don't think Adilzhan or Zhrizn would let me do anything like that again. And... (*looks away, voice going below a whisper*) I'm afraid to even try.
"Do you dream often? what about?"
Freya: I think I've had a lot of dreams in my life. Most of them, I've hated, but I... can't remember them honestly. Except... fear. Being afraid of them. So, heh, you know--nightmares. Normal stuff normal people deal with right? Especially kids, I've heard.
... but I've been remembering a bit more of them lately, since I... since I was in the shipwreck. (*Voice goes strained and breathy, like she's struggling to breathe*) And I... I think I'm in the water again. In--in the dreams. And there's something else there--
Crow: Ha, no. Do most people remember their dreams? (They're lying. They remember. Their dreams center around failure. Failure, and a desperation to prove themself.)
Daleira: Um... not really? We faeries aren't like you humans... our "dreams" are... different. Real. I try not to actually sleep because of that. I don't want anyone else getting stuck in them.
Gene: Not anymore. I used to. Usually... nightmares. Monsters and nature and things chasing me. I have a curse. When I sleep... my nightmares find me. I'll wake up surrounded in things. Once... it included the monster. (*He looks away and is silent for a long moment, remembering.*)
... thankfully I don't dream much anymore. The curse is still here, but it's kinder now. Better things come through.
Tazin: No, who's asking? >:/
When I do dream, it's weird stuff. Memories. Wishes. (*waves hand dismissively*) Normal stuff.
(Also lying. Sometimes has nightmares of the people he cares about abandoning him. Stabbing him in the back. Telling him things about himself he knows to be true, but doesn't want to admit. Telling himself to be better... when he knows he won't.)
Mislav: Yes. I remember the night I lost everything. And the ones who took it all from me. (*looks to Gene*)
... almost everything.
"What is the one thing you would not wish on your greatest adversary?"
Freya: To find themself alone. To lose the people they care about... or feel like those people don't care for them back.
Crow: A pointless end. If you have to die, you should die for something. Something meaningful. Something you care about.
Daleira: Whatever happens to what I eat. 😅 (She's not kidding--remember, she's not human.)
Gene: Starvation.
Tazin: ... to be alone. Or... for it to be their fault.
Mislav: What happened to me... what's happening to me.
I regret deciding to do all these characters...
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Your questions: - What was the worst day of your life? - What's your worst nightmare? - If a monster asked you your worst nightmare, what would you tell it and why?
Tagging (with no pressure) @darkandstormydolls @yourpenpaldee @honeybewrites @fantasy-things-and-such @themboty @.the-letterbox-archives (avoiding double-tags) and whoever else wants to join!
Divider from @cafekitsune
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itaintsobad · 10 months
By request: Gene Wilder Leo Bloom moaning and whimpering for a minute straight
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v2is-baby · 1 year
That's amazing, super cool imagination. Now, make a headcanon where Gabriel gets pregnant.
Huh... ? lmao what.
I really don't think angels are able to reproduce (I MEAN considering what happened after the nephilim and giants, when the sons of God mated with the daughters of Men and God, after that, took away the ability to reproduce from his angels.) and, if Gabriel had the required measurements to conceive, who, in the game besides him has any sort of viable gametes?
We know angels reproduced with humans, with women. And humanity is no more bro. Who would impregnate him huh?
MMM where is that pic... "Machine... The condom broke..." dhjgbkf
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saffronapplemanga · 2 years
Recent Read Manga Recommendation Round Up - Part 2
More manga I’ve been enjoying recently! Part 1 recommendation list here. Twitter link to this post here.
~Links to my other manga posts~ My personal favs/ones I super enjoyed will have a ✨ on them :)
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Got more new titles and shorter reads this time around!
Some of these don't have official (or unofficial) EN translations since I read a lot of JP-only manga and I’d like to make people aware of those titles too! My hope is that bringing awareness to them will help get them licensed :) I guess if any sound interesting, ask publishers to license them! I’ll link any dedicated posts I have for each title.
✨Tenmaku no Jadoogar: A Witch’s Life in Mongol by Tomato Soup
(3 volumes, ongoing)
JP only. The first 5 chapters are up for free in JP here. English summary in this post
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A learned Irani slave girl is taken captive by the Mongols in the 13th century and has to use her knowledge to survive. Well-researched historical fiction about Fatima, who was a real person in history. I wrote a long detailed post about it, so check it out!
✨Untitled Blue by Natsume Yukiko
(3 volumes, ongoing)
JP only - English summary in this post
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I fell for Untitled Blue SO HARD, and I need the next volume immediately. A suicidal boy who just wants to make art uses the name of a burnt-out prodigy girl to sell his works in anonymity. The found family vibes and feels are strong in this one... And there are some absolutely SICK pages in this.
Haru’s Curse by Konishi Asuka
(2 volumes, complete)
Available in English
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A woman falls for her dead sister's man and we follow a story about guilt and grief. This is a well-written short manga that tackles touchy topics in a thoughtful manner.
Takopi’s Original Sin by Taizan5
(2 volumes, complete)
English available to read on mangaplus
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A short manga that was quite popular in Japan by the same author of the currently publishing Jump series The Ichinose Family's Deadly Sins, this title is a good intro into Taizan 5's work. The art is expressive, the page turn is used well, and it takes a look at human psychology through three children with complicated relationships and living situations.
Kawa yori mo Nagaku Yuruyaka ni by Yoshida Akimi
(2 volumes, complete)
JP only
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From Yoshida-sensei of Banana Fish fame, this short manga predates her more well-known work and you can see her explore some of the themes and ideas that you'll often see in Yoshida's works. I didn't relate to the characters (Which is actually nice sometimes! Different perspectives are good!) and it's kind of a weird manga, but it got a few laughs out of me and it was cool seeing Yoshida experiment.
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This is how he introduced himself to an American working at the base - WILD
✨Let's Go Karaoke! by Wayama Yama
Available in English
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I've been eyeing this title for YEARS and almost bought it so many times. Finally read it and idk why it took me so long. A charming, quirky, silly, wholesome story about a yakuza getting singing lessons from a choir kid. There's a sequel that's currently being published, ファミレス行こ/Famiresu Iko/"Let's Go To a Diner," but it seems to have a slow release schedule and hasn't been released in volume form yet. I don't see it available to read digitally either so I guess we'll just wait for a tankobon release.
✨Captivated, by You by Wayama Yama
Available in English
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A wholesome quick read that left me with a smile on my face. The characters in this manga are just sweet kids and it's delightfully mundane. I mean that in the best way. It was just so nice to read.
✨Onna no Sono no Hoshi by Wayama Yama
(3 volumes, ongoing)
JP only
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More of Wayama Yama's infectious brand of humor and fuzzy feelings that I'm completely in love with at this point. Read what I said for the last two titles - same good stuff.
✨Gene Bride by Takano Hitomi
(3 volumes, ongoing)
JP only - English summary in this post
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Sci-fi title that slowly unfolds its mystery and features two incredibly charming characters with a hilarious dynamic and tons of personality.
✨Ikoku Nikki by Yamashita Tomoko
(11 volumes, complete)
JP only
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My current read!
15-year old Asa's parents passed away in a car accident and her aunt, Makio, who works as an author has taken her in. This series is so human and makes me feel too seen and it's too relatable... Gives me the warm and fuzzies but also makes me want to cry. I need Makio in my life tbh.
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Just gonna leave this here...
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angelbambisworld · 7 months
Wow OK so like according to Ace's book No Regrets, Gene apparently would sometimes end up giving Ace and the others crabs (They sometimes had their unwashed costumes all crammed together in one suitcase and also we all know how much of a dirty slut Gene is)
And you can look this shit up if you think I'm fucking with yall
Oh well. I still want him (Just make sure there's no bugs in your bush, pookie!😘)
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categoricalglitches · 8 months
This is so funny "Thomas" "Zane" even looks bigger than Alan just. By silhouette? Because of the hair. It's significantly more voluminous lmao
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dayurno · 9 months
The kevichi fic is basically. Do you know those TikTok erotica books where the girl sleeps with her boyfriend's dad after he cheats on her as a weird power play to get vengeance and closure. That. But instead of cheating he died and Ichirou was actually the one who killed him. Also there might be some elements of power imbalance but I'm not sure how much because I want to lean on the revenge fuck angle more.
If it gets ready its going straight to ao3 on anon because honestly. Its being fun to write but Im not sure if I want to be publically associated with it, this fandom is brutal sometimes and it is getting very freudian up in here.
FASCINATED BY THIS is this canon-verse???? kevin's fucking ichirou for revenge for riko or revenge TOWARDS riko???? does ichirou know of this??? power imbalance is delicious for any dynamic but i'm fascinated by this revenge plot idea. kevin day's perpetual refusal to hold grudges vs the fact that riko's brother is 24 years old, hot and interested
VERY FREUDIAN UP IN HERE HKJGHBDKJGHSDFKLGJDFG ANON I'LL DEFEND YOU this is like when i made that post about riko seeing his mother in kevin and one of my friends pointed out that if that were the case then ichirou would also see her in him (and with more informed context, because riko only has pictures of their mother but ichirou actually lived with her up until he was 5, right?). IT'S ALL VERY FREUDIAN. i understand not wanting to be associated with it but don't worry anon i'll protect you. if i can go around saying kevriko is freudian i think your kevichi pwp is fine. promise to send me a link once you're done ok???
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spacedoutman · 3 months
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This is by far the most psychotic thing I’ve ever done. Take Gene Simmons as Eliza Hamilton and have a good day or night or whatever ily
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boyofzoot · 1 month
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Boy of big appetite 
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ominous-feychild · 2 months
✦ Beach Episode Tag ✦
Joining in on these open tags by @the-golden-comet and @jev-urisk!
What would your ocs do in a beach episode? 🌊⛱️ Can they swim? Any activities they would particularly love or hate?
Characters from Sun and Shadow: Freya, Crow, Daleira, Valyarus, Soren, Grimnir
Characters from the Arcane Rifts: Gene, Tazin, Mislav, Ludmila, Rada, Alyona, Ivan Oska, Rieka, Liesel, Nikolai, Damaris
Featuring tAR's characters mid-book 2, respectively aged (listing because there's lots of timeskips throughout the series and Gene literally starts it at 7 years old, so it's uh... very relevant): 15, 17, 17, 17, 16, 19, 24 32, 29, 34, 31, 33
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Sun and Shadow
(assuming it's before SaS begins--) Absolutely loves the ocean! Would create herself a little reading nook under an umbrella and right up against the waves, so the tide would occasionally sweep over her feet (while her chair keeps her and her book(s) comfortably dry)! Might even get a surfboard and try to learn how to surf--I mean she's lived by the ocean for so long! Why hasn't she learned yet? (after SaS has begun--) Terrified of the ocean and stays FAR away from the water. Much more comfortable making sure everyone else's stuff stays dry, thank you very much! Still makes a reading nook under an umbrella, though.
Has never actually been on the beach despite living their whole life in a port city! Spends at least 10 minutes in a bubble of darkness Daleira made, debating what to do, before finally deciding to enjoy the beach! Turns on their anti-curse charm to turn completely human and walks out from the shade like a boss. Acts like a little kid spending their first day on the beach. Did not listen to Freya, did not put on sunscreen, and ends up with a nasty sunburn! Turns out, even normal humans sunburn! The fuck???
Hides under the umbrella with Freya! Was the one to make Crow's darkness bubble (and sassed anyone who questioned the giant bubble of nothingness following behind her on the way there) while they decided what to do. Tries going in the water a few times, but hates how the bubbly waves feel on her skin and fur and abandons the idea pretty quickly. Spends a majority of the time she's not under the umbrella collecting shells! Alsoooooo spends a majority of her time there cursing out the sand. Will (literally, with her magic) completely destroy every single grain of sand from everyone else's bodies before and after they leave. No grain of sand escapes. Not. One.
The asshole who spreads his stuff out obnoxiously far to claim as much space as possible even though it's a public beach. It's debatable whether he's doing it intentionally to piss others off or just because he's just that clueless of common decency. Spends a majority of his time sunbathing and doesn't touch the bajillion things he brought and are actively taking up beach space. Gets in an argument with someone's dad about how disrespectful he's being, but just mocks the man. Gets the cops called when the dad tries to punch him and he instead slammed the dad into the sand, knocking him unconscious. Had a great time!
Lying dead or unconscious in the sand. (Would've been the dad Valyarus knocked out, but no. He was there long before that. Hope he's okay, though!)
Still has every single bit of his skin covered in one type of clothing or another despite being on the hot beach. Yes, with the leather trenchcoat collar flared, turtleneck sweater, gloves, wide-brimmed hat, and one of his signature masks affixed over his face. At least he's under an umbrella. It is unknown how, but he survives the day without heatstroke. Spent a majority of his time people watching and didn't ever go in the water. Maybe he was there for a case?
The Arcane Rifts
Puts on an obscene amount of sunscreen because he did a deep-dive research on beaches before they went there. Carries out all of the suggested "beach activities". Forgets to have fun because he obsesses too much over what he "should" be doing. Also hates the feeling of the sand, the sounds of kids screaming, and so many sensory things associated with the beach that aren't commonly discussed. Isn't diagnosed with autism because "it doesn't exist" in Glavnran, so doesn't know about sensory overload and can't accommodate for it. Which is an absolute mood btw, sorry, Gene. Still gets a bad sunburn despite repeatedly putting it on every two hours even AFTER the obscene amount he started with. Screwed over by his genetics again. Dammit. Why can't he just catch a break? Oh, right, because I'm writing him.
Spends the first half hour randomly shouting at Gene that he won't put on sunscreen and that he won't burn. Even though Gene dropped it after asking the second time. Bickers with Mislav about this exact thing. Spends a majority of his time trying to set sand on fire, testing the sand-to-fire ratio for it going out, and messing around with the waves. Actually plays in the water, hangs out with Alyona, and enjoys himself! Not that he'll admit it. Only gets a minor sunburn despite never putting on sunscreen. Gene silently seethes.
Spends the first half hour anxiously playing with the sand to ignore his body issues and periodically shouting back at Tazin to shut up and that Gene dropped the sunscreen thing a long while ago. Eventually gets reassured by Gene that it's okay, there's nothing wrong with him, and puts on his swimming trunks to go into the water. Despite his previous worries, genuinely enjoys his time at the beach! Didn't put on sunscreen anywhere near as obsessively as Gene, but still put it on. Gets a minor sunburn. Mislav glares at Tazin in his (secret) boyfriend's stead and emphasizes with Gene for his sunburn. Picked out a bunch of pretty shells for him though! Gene appreciates that.
Is convinced by Gene to put on sunscreen every few hours, but spends a majority of her time under the beach umbrella. Hates the heat, and only occasionally goes into the water when urged to by Gene, Mislav, and Rada because it'll cool her down. Won't admit it, but hates that they're right. Despite everything, does enjoy herself because she got to watch everyone else have fun. Guess the "leader" thing never dies, even when you're trying to relax. Only got a very mild sunburn! Still hated the heat. Poor ice mage.
Doesn't need convincing on the sunscreen thing, because she helped Gene do the research. Figured out how to make a magical timer with rune magic before they got there and sets it to go off every two hours to remind everyone to reapply sunscreen. Only Gene fully listened, though most of the others reapplied at least once. Alternates between walking on the shore, looking for shells, and spending time with Ludmila under the umbrella. Definitely didn't sneak peeks at her two crushes while she didn't think anyone was looking. As such, she also didn't enjoy the sights and nobody had a thing to suspect about her motives for convincing everyone to go to the beach. Didn't get a sunburn. Pities Gene.
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This was really fun! I would highly recommend you guys trying it out!
Tagging (with no pressure): @the-letterbox-archives @honeybewrites @yourpenpaldee @darkandstormydolls @themboty + anyone else who wants to join!
This is part 1! Check out part 2!
Divider by @cafekitsune
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is it wrong that i live for genetic based magic
maybe???? but i can’t care 🙅‍♀️🙅‍♀️🙅‍♀️
i can’tttttt care cause it’s so devious
like… what does it mean for our magical POV characters who are so new to this shit? what does it mean for future societal development? and what did it mean for past societal development?
#i love it because these people have a predisposition for magic but they’re still human but are they?#are they more than human in a bad or good way? or are they simply humans with great powers sometimes trying to be responsible with them#sometimes running from it sometimes cursed by it sometimes enraptured by it#like that is sooooo intresting but a lot of people don’t like it. i know why people don’t like it but stillllll#btw it’s not like only royalty or high lords or wealthy politicians are the only ones with this magical gene#many people in asoiaf have it. wasn’t it 1 in 1000 are a skinchanger? there are certainly many people with dragon blood in them#which gives them the ability to ride dragons#but with magic being genetic you also gota think about these wealthy and powerful people’s resources and the head start they have#so it becomes a sort of class division type of thing which is something we see with the dragonseeds in the dance#they would never have had the opportunity to claim a dragon if not for the dance but they always had that gene that made it possible#but for other magic like skinchanging and that type of thing it seems like environment and potential animal bonds matter a lot#like a direwolf is wayyyy better than a common wolf but not everyone has access to direwolves#you get my drift????#asoiaf#a song of ice and fire#also magic gives nobodies the potential to become somebody#maybe that’s why maesters hate magic cause it can totally disrupt the ever teetering balance of feudalism#like mel was a slave and now a red priestess and she’s able to convince a king to burn his gods bc magic is real !!!#that’s so crazy to me. but it doesn’t change the fact that mel def has that magic gene :))#blood makes you a [blank] my bestie brynden told me
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