deadfishtellnotales · 6 months
In hope mishka gets added to journey, she's so cute
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lancerforce · 9 months
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8 tracks that I desperately want but will never ever ever find
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taberecusuflet · 1 month
Marea Galopiada: In Arena de Dresaj
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solidwater05 · 9 months
It's just getting more and more depressing.
We should have seen this coming considering the type of character death is but. It's different when rot says it outright yknow?
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rockwell is also kinda gender
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onsomenewsht · 1 month
'cause everybody knows something I don't wanna know
About when, despite the victories and the defeats, you still talk a bit too much, but all the questions are answered
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《 read part 1, I just wanna feel something, tell me where to go
》 Alexia Putellas x fencer!Reader
》 words count: +4.5k
》 move mountains [idiom]: to do something that seems impossible, particularly when love or belief makes one feel determined to succeed in something incredibly difficult to achieve
“En garde!”
The weight of the blade in your hand is familiar, well balanced as you adjust the position of your feet on the piste.
A cocky smirk appears on your opponent’s face, somehow not disguised behind the mask tinted with the Hungarian flag. It just sparks more determination inside you, fuelling a fire that will burn ‘till the very last point.
You know she’s coming even before her body moves in a leap, the sabre twitching to surprise you with a low line attack. A quick step on the side is enough to gain the space you need for a clear defense, deflecting her blade away from the target and sliding your own on her back.
A red light turns immediately on, firing up your side of the fencing piste.
The referee gestures in your direction to confirm the touch, the score is now 10-13.
With not much time left to catch up to your opponent’s advantage before the end of the second period, the need to start another assault overcomes the joy of the successful hit.
Three points behind, you can’t concede anything, you know that, but every single person in the arena thinks you’re desperate to land as many touches as possible.
However, you’re not desperate.
You’ve never been desperate in your entire fencing career, and you’re not tonight, at the dusk of your Olympic experience.
For once, for this last dance with the gods and goddesses of the sports, it’s all about being present and enjoying every moment.
“Look, this could be us if you let me take you out on a date”
Barely awake to register your words and definitely not enough to deal with your overexcitement this early in the morning, Alexia just takes the phone you unceremoniously put on her face as soon as you spot her eyes opening.
The article on the screen reports about "the 9 couples who competed at the Olympics together and won" with great details and pictures. She’s definitely not going to read it.
“We don’t play the same sport”, she states.
“Not the point of the article”
“We don’t even compete for the same country”
“Still missing the point”, you roll your eyes unimpressed, knowing she’s once again just avoiding the topic.
Or trying to annoy you for the abrupt wake up.
“We’re not together–”
The footballer isn’t able to hide the smile that rises on her lips, yours is always so contagious. She hands back the phone, turning on her side to face you properly. The light sheets now barely cover her body, exposing a couple of darkening marks.
Not letting your gaze wander is, ‘till this day, the greatest display of strength and self-control you had to perform.
And you came back from the Olympic Games just a couple of months ago.
“We’re not together yet ‘cus you don’t let us go out on a proper date!”
It’s Alexia’s turn to roll her eyes, but the redness that tints her cheek is much more difficult to hide than your disappointment.
The two of you meet a few times since the Closing Ceremony, both with medals hanging from your necks and a strange force in your chest pulling one towards the other – despite everything.
Despite the older woman insisting it can’t work.
Taking advantage of a moment of distraction, you push her back onto the bed, sliding one leg over her body and successfully holding her hands above her head. The blush spreads on her face and your grin grows, but when you find her eyes, you make sure she knows you deeply mean what you’re saying.
“I just need a chance, Alexia”
“Just give us a chance”
Fencing is a strange combat practice.
“En garde!”
Doesn’t matter how many times, how hard, or where you’re hit.
You’re immortal.
The only touch that kills you is the 15th one.
You launch yourself at the Hungarian girl, knowing that to win the game she just needs to land two more attacks or rely on your mistakes. She’s pushed to the very end of the piste, her sabre desperately circling around yours to defend her target, while her foot is moving quickly to avoid a step behind – a step that could mean one more point for you.
An idea comes up as you intentionally let your attack fall short, fooling your opponent to advance. Her front leg extends in a forward motion, pushing with the back foot to create more energy and gain space from the end line.
She’s exactly where you need her.
With a clean parry, deflecting her blade away, you successfully withdraw her line and gain right-of-way to attack. Now vulnerable and off balance, you just have to press the tip of your sabre on her shoulder.
The piste lights up with a vivid red and, a second too late, bright white reports her no valid touch.
In your corner, your maestro is nodding his head slowly and suggesting you the next move with rapid motions of his hands.
Not a man of many words, someone could say, but you like him like that.
He knows exactly when to spur your competitiveness and hunger to win, when to keep your feet steady on the piste, and when to let you be.
“You know, I think I wasted my entire life”
Alexia moves her hands from your back to your shoulder, raising a sceptical eyebrow at your statements but now used – and resigned – to your questionable sense of humour.
“I’m made to be a wag”
As her head drops down and her eyes light up with pure amusement, you can’t help but think you want to be able to do this for the rest of your life. Managing to make her laugh so openly and carefree is still one of your biggest accomplishments.
“I have to say, you do look good”, the footballer points to the jersey you’re wearing, blushing a bit at the thought of her name on the back.
She can just hope you will not notice, blaming the effort the past 90 minutes demanded from her.
“Better do, I don’t know how much longer I can keep rocking Barça merch for”
“Good for you, there’s only one game left”
“Bold to you to assume I’m stopping at the Champions League, Putellas”, you reach out to drop one arm around her shoulders to hold the Catalan in an embrace you’re now really familiar with, “There’s a World Cup title to defend next year, I’ve already cleared my schedule”
Coming from a family of respected and accomplished athletes of the sport, the road ahead of you is marked out with the characteristic arch of a fencing blade since you’re old enough to hold the weapon properly.
Probably even before that, knowing your parents.
“En garde!”
The techniques of parring and thrusting, the movements of feet dancing on the piste, the special feeling of the blade as an extension of the body. You master all before you’re actually ready to admit the desire to make fencing a living, not just a passion passed on or a demanting hobby.
Hating the sport could have been so much easier, blaming the ‘nepo baby’ status either you succeeded or you turned out not to be up to it.
But you love fencing.
And you’re damn good at it.
A couple of steps into the assault, you take advantage of a moment of hesitation in the Hungarian’s preparation to perfectly timing your next move. Pushing from your front leg with impressive force, your body flies high to quickly cover the gap that divides the two of you. The jump allows you to deliver the attack slightly earlier than expected, striking your sabre against your target with no mercy.
The red light turns on as the crowds erupt in cheers, 12-13.
“Shouldn't I be the nervous one?”
Alexia’s hand finds yours before you’re even able to register her comment, stopping you from biting your nails off. She pulls it away and kisses your knuckles, keeping her eyes on your tense body.
The drive through the countryside’s streets is slow and calm, giving the footballer the time to appreciate the view but also a clear idea of how little you want to arrive at your parent’s villa.
A summer break under the Italian sun looks like a great idea, taking your girlfriend to your favourite hidden gems all around the country and finding together new places for new memories is just what you two need.
And it’s perfect, until your mother calls to invite you to spend the weekend with them.
“It can’t be that bad”
“You know my parents”
“I don’t, actually”, she argues, honest but not unkind.
It’s not like you don’t want Alexia to meet your family, she had bumped into them on several occasions and had brief conversations with them when their paths collided in your life.
A formal meeting though? Two entire days with your parents at their summer house? Sounds like hell to you.
“They’re going to be obnoxious and stern without reason”
“I can deal with them”
You stop at the side of a deserted road, too close to your destination for your own liking. Needing some time to prepare yourself and your girlfriend for the upcoming and unnecessary drama, the unplanned break looks like the best compromise over turning the car the other way altogether.
“I know you can deal with them, I don’t want you to”
That sounds wrong.
Alexia’s face contorts slightly, even if you’re perfectly aware she’s trying to understand you without just assuming you don’t want her to enter your family’s bubble.
“I’m not making any sense”, you state, taking a long breath in and relaxing at the feeling of the Catalan’s hand still holding yours.
“We don’t have to go if you don’t want to”
“No, I– Ale, my parents aren’t bad, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they are good. I told you what my childhood looked like. I had everything I’d ask for, and I’m grateful for that, but–”
When you meet her eyes you find complete support and desire to know how to take this pressuring weight out of your chest.
You never felt more cared for in your life.
“I met your family, I’ve been in your house. It feels like home, warm and lived, and– I can’t explain, but your family feels like a hug. My family?”, you scoff, trying to find the right words, “My family feels like a distant pat on the back on the good days. I don’t want you to feel like that, I want you to feel all my love”
She doesn’t let your hand go to gently hold your face with her free one, her thumb wiping away the traces of tears from your cheeks.
She makes sure to have all your attention, she makes sure to convey all her love for you.
“I’ll be your hug”
The protests of the younger opponent are cut short by the referee, who gestured for the two of you to take the centre of the piste.
“En garde!”
An old maestro, one of the unfortunates who had to train you when you were an annoying and reckless teenager, demanded from you absolute control of your reactions every time you landed a hit.
You used to never celebrate any point but the last one.
You don’t hold back anymore.
The Hungarian’s steps are now more calculated, jumping forward every now and then but keeping a fair distance from you and your sabre.
Fencing has taught you a lot about discipline and respect, you’re grateful for how much you’ve grown thanks to the sport. It was a long way from a tiny hyperactive kid, who just wanted to win and couldn’t accept any decision against it, to where you stand now.
Sometimes you still feel like that kid.
You hold your ground, you don’t rush the action just for the sake of it. Keeping up the pace of the assault, your blade finds the opponent’s one in rapid motions of attacks and responses without any real commitment to push for the point.
Other times you wish you were still that kid.
Suddenly, you both launch forward – aiming for a different target but with the same purpose. While she uses her front leg and an elusive movement of her arm to find your shoulder, your back leg slides and your body extends lower, trying to catch the other fencer by surprise.
The blades collide several times in a rapid succession of parries and responses until the piste lights up and you both pour out in celebration, claiming the touch.
You don’t hold back anymore, you have nothing to prove.
You don’t have to prove you’re worth your family’s name, you don’t have to prove you’re good enough to compete with the bests of the world in the biggest stages.
You don’t have to prove anything to anyone but yourself.
When both signals indicate the hit, it rests upon the referee to decide which fencer scores the point – retracing the entire action and giving their interpretation of it.
If they say the point isn’t yours, you have to accept the decision.
It goes without saying that you are not happy with it when the referee indicates your opponent when conferring the point.
12-14, it doesn’t look good for you.
Your pacing around the rooftop is frenetic, quite comical if seen from outside.
A gust of wind makes your exposed skin shiver, blowing your hair and completely ruining the intricate style you spend almost an hour on. It could also be your nervous hands making, but you’re not going to blame yourself for that too.
“Can you just stop?”
“No, Alexia, I cannot!”
The footballer covers the distance between the two of you in a few, determined steps. Her dress moves in a way that perfectly highlights the curve of her body and the definition of her muscles.
You could be fixed on your fiancé, devoting your attention completely to her, if you’d not be too preoccupied with freaking out.
“It’s not working”, you state.
“You really think that?”
Another shiver runs through your back, this time caused by the thought of the ending of your relationship with Alexia. Do you really think it’s over?
“We’re planning a wedding and we’ve never been in the same city at the same time for more than three consecutive months”
“Since when has that been a problem?”, she asks, holding you by your arms and never dropping her gaze, “We deal with the distance just fine. We go on dates and spend time together, we communicate and we are honest, we are there for each other when it matters”
“I want to be there when it doesn’t matter too”
“What does that even mean?”
The desire of stability and an everyday life that can grow into a future is something you both crave but are too scared to admit to the other.
“I want to be there when you’re back from training and you just want to watch a wild nature documentary, I want to be there for the daily and boring errands like doing the dishes or going to the supermarket just because we’re out of toilet paper”
It’s difficult to build your lives together far away from each other, to then meet and intertwine your paths, just to say goodbye and start all over again.
But the life you’re building is so beautiful.
A life that now looks like a carefully planned date in a stunning location, set up months in advance, or like a spontaneous surprise just because you have a free weekend and a pull from your heart that cannot be ignored.
But a life that soon will look like a walk out with a dog in the middle of the night because you forgot to do it after dinner, or like a weekly double date with your friends at the same restaurant.
A life that now looks like expensive gifts and flowers sent from a different country, but a life that soon will look like an electric bill with both your names on it.
A life that now looks like a shared calendar to make sure you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be, exactly at the right time.
But a life that soon will still look like a shared calendar to make sure you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be, exactly at the right time, just for completely different reasons.
A life you are already building, already living.
“Do you remember when you asked me to give us a chance? Well, now is my turn”
“Alexia, I–”
“Just give us a chance, amore mio”
“En garde!”
As a smirk reappears on the Hungarian’s face, you take a deep breath and remember your journey to this very fencing bout.
Your fourth Olympic Games, your fourth Individual Final for a medal.
This could be a poker of victories or a bittersweet send off to the biggest sport stage.
Sabre is the fastest and most aggressive of the three fencing disciplines, both parts rushing their opponent from the moment the referee commands to commence action. Just to secure a touch as soon as possible.
That’s why sabre fencers purposely take the defensive approach just in really particular situations.
You make a couple of steps forward, faking a lunge, as the young girl let her blade circle around yours without a real intention to engage. The exchange goes on like this far longer than you wish for, you know it’s a matter of moments before someone has to stir the combat.
Learning to understand when to attack and when to wait has been a challenge your entire life – not just professionally-wise. A maybe too talkative kid, a maybe too reckless teenager, a maybe too presumptuous woman.
Always maybe a little too much.
There’s a fairly big distance between the two of you, the Hungarian’s back leg shakes in subtle desire to close the gap and take the initiative.
It’s the hint you need.
Learning to understand your feelings and your emotions, accepting them as they are, doesn’t matter how strong or uncomfortable, has been the real challenge.
A battle you still fight against yourself, against your own mind. A battle no one can really see or comprehend.
You accelerate and move forward, stamping your front foot to the ground and extending your hand, both fainting an attack and disguising your defence stance. The motion is quickly followed by your opponent’s launch, but, tricked by the fast movement of your blade, she completely miscalculates the actual distance between your bodies.
She falls short, and, without time to recover, she has to take your punishment.
A battle you face with yourself, but with people in your corner ready to cheer for you despite the outcome.
Once again, the only light turning on is the red one – the score is now a compelling 13-14.
Looking up from the paperwork you’re proofreading, you notice how Alexia stops in the middle of your bedroom with a cup of coffee in one hand and a startstrucked gaze fixed on her face.
“We have to make another one!”, she whisper-shouts as she doesn’t seem able to look away from the baby currently sleeping in your arms.
It’s not the most comfortable position, but it’s too early for you to deal with your six-month old daughter’s fussing and your wife’s quite emotional state.
“We make another one”
“No, now hand me my coffee, please”, you lay the papers on the bed to make some grabbing gestures towards the cup – still in her very still, very far away hand.
“We have to replicate, we have to make another one”
“No, we really don’t”
“Look at her!”
You don’t look at her, finally reaching for your coffee as Alexia comes sitting next to you to gently caress the little girl’s face.
A smile rises on your lips, the picture of your growing family is always able to warm your heart and make up any doubts in your running mind.
Being loved and taken care of is not as hard as you thought it’d be.
It’s simple, it’s comforting.
It’s the hug she promised you, and you feel it wrapping all around your body when you need it the most, and also suddenly, out of nowhere and for no reason at all, in mornings like this one.
“She’s like a white rhino or the Amur leopard”, she doesn’t need to look at you to feel your raised eyebrow, “We fell asleep watching a documentary about the rarest and most critically threatened animals on the planet”
“I can’t leave the two of you alone unsupervised, never again”
“She’s rare, amore mio. We need to create more so the world could be a better place”
Holding back your laughs is getting more and more difficult, restrained just by the idea of waking up the baby still fast asleep. At least the Catalan is keeping her voice down as her enthusiasm runs wild.
As soon as she starts kissing her cheeks you know you’re done.
“Leave her alone, let her sleep”
“I can’t, look at her!”, she pumps your daughter’s nose with a finger, making her steer in your arms with a too-cute-for-your-own-good face.
She’s always reacting to Alexia’s soft touches and whispers.
Your wife’s basically tearing up at this point, too overwhelmed by the moment. At least you can blame the post partum hormones for your now emotional state.
The happiness you feel all around your home? That’s all Alexia’s making.
The crowd is loud and beaming, excited for the last tale of this fencing Individual Final and to see who will come out as the winner.
“En garde!”
A quick look at your maestro, he nods with his arms crossed. That will do.
Breathing in and out, you savour every second of this as you find your position. A good preparation means everything in fencing. It’d make the difference in any moment of the assault, in any moment of the entire bout.
You learnt that a good preparation means everything in life too.
The younger girl moves fast, launching herself forward as soon as the referee gives the go. But you’re prepared.
A good preparation gives you time to watch your opponent, ready to move in either direction you need to. You’re ready to move forward or take a step back, you’re ready to jump or to slide low. You’re ready to do everything you need to not get touched.
You’re prepared for this to be your last time fencing at the Olympic Games, you’re prepared for this to be your last time fencing all together.
The Hungarian tries to take you off balance with a quick sequence of attacks, going for the high hit and then aiming at your exposed target. You parry every single one, predicting her movement with impressive precision.
There are different ways to prepare – the posture, the speed, the steps can be varied, depending on the style of the fencer and on the opponent. There’s no right or wrong way. But you’re prepared for anything tonight.
When you see her going deep, you know how to move to anticipate her blade, rotating yours against it and leaving her target open just enough for you to breathe out and press the tip of the sabre in the middle of her chest.
The red light turns on before the green one, the score now announcing a draw at 14.
“This one looks comfortable”, you tap Alexia’s foot, waking her up efficiently from the nap you find her taking.
How can she manage to fall asleep in the most unhinged positions, it’s something you ask yourself to this day. Your daughter takes after her, obviously.
That’s how you find the two of them on the sofa with a National Geographic’s documentary on.
At least the girl immediately stirred up at hearing you coming back home after a couple hours out to run some boring errands.
“I was just resting my eyes”
“Sure”, you bend down smiling, kissing her forehead, “You have training in an hour, coach”
“Plenty of time”
A firm hand finds the back of your neck, holding you in place for a proper kiss. Alexia’s lips are soft and taste like fresh tomatoes and kid’s chapstick – the latter probably your daughter’s doing.
Said daughter now alone and unsupervised in the kitchen.
You reluctantly pull back from the Catalan, leaving a light peck at the tip of her nose as soon as she frowns unhappily about the loss of contact.
“You used to like me”, she complains.
“Good old days, mi amor”
Eleven seconds left may be the entire time of a race or may count nothing in some other sports. In fencing, eleven seconds may be the longest time ever or not quite enough at all for a point.
You’re not going to drag this into the final round.
“En garde!”
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
As soon as the referee gives the go, you rush forward with your hand held back – quite a vulnerable move if not for the four metres distance the starting positions guarantee. You bounce a couple steps, staying very high against the Hungarian’s low stance, building speed and momentum to lunge upwards without giving her any clear clue of what type of attack you’re going to choose.
Your blade slides on the target before she has time to realise where you actually hit.
There’s no doubt, no hesitation.
The red light turns on in what feels like the longest time ever, the crowd erupts in cheers, and the mask falls off your head as you celebrate like never before in your entire career.
Taking the centre of the piste, you point your sabre in a really specific direction, aiming at a very specific person.
Two, actually.
You mimic a bow and the audience goes wild.
It’s for none but the two people you can’t keep your teared up eyes off.
After that, it’s all a blur.
Saluting the opposition and the referee is a natural gesture. You manage to give the younger fencer your sincere compliments and some words of advice she takes more gracefully than you could have ever done at her age.
Your maestro holds you in a big hug, he says it’s been an honour, and you will not start doubting him now.
Someone drags you for a quick interview, asking questions you have been asked your entire life. You answer sincerely, but the desire to get this over with as soon as possible is clear as the smile on your face.
“It’s a bronze medal, how do you feel about it?”
“Honestly? I think this is the most important and beautiful of them all”, you politely say your goodbyes to run in the opposite direction.
Finding Alexia has always been easy, your eyes lock in the middle of full rooms despite everything and everyone. A warm hug envelops your body when you’re close enough to fall into her open arms, feeling tiny hands holding onto you at the same time.
“We’re so proud of you, amore mio”
“Thank you, for the chance”
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leilanihours · 3 months
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pairing: kate martin x reader
word count: 914
warnings: one or two suggestive comments from kate
summary: kate has her priorities set when her team wins the final four game.
⭑ from lani: im so obsessed w kate rn so heres a short and kinda bad blurb i wrote in like half an hour
masterlist !
"AND THAT WILL do it, folks! the iowa hawkeyes secure the victory and will head over to the championship!"
you shoot up from your seat as soon as the buzzer goes off, screams filling your ears, signaling not only the end of the game, but also the end of an era.
being so close to the hawkeyes through your childhood best friend, caitlin, and your girlfriend, kate, you knew all too well what kind of pressure they were put under tonight.
they have all worked extremely hard to get to this moment, and they weren't planning on backing down anytime soon.
the arena is booming with a myriad of pumped up iowa fans and family, the energy unmatched.
you smile as you watch your girlfriend celebrate with her teammates in a huddle, her eyes welling with happy tears before she quickly makes her way out of the large hug. you try to follow her through the crowd with your eyes but lose track of the girl almost immediately.
you see caitlin getting handed the trophy, holding it proudly over her head and grin immensely. you had known caitlin since elementary school, and watching her work towards one of her biggest dreams makes your heart swell.
however, your eyebrows are furrowed as you try to relocate your girlfriend, who is currently no where to be found near her team.
you begin to make your way over to the girls to ask where she went but you are stopped when you feel a pair of arms wrap around your waist from behind.
you're startled at first until you realize it's none other than the very same girl you were just looking for.
"hi," she whispers in your ear.
"kate!" you exclaim, turning around to properly hug her, "you did so good tonight, love, i'm so proud of you."
"thank you so much, baby, it was so much fun," you're both practically yelling now, as the volume in the gym overwhelms your voices.
she plants a loving kiss on your lips, which you graciously accept by placing your hands at the nape of her neck while hers rest on your waist. smiling into the kiss, both of you are entranced, finding solace in each other's arms despite the thousands of nosy fans and pressing photographers.
"you look so cute in my jersey," she mumbles into the kiss before pulling away to get a good look at you.
"it's your jersey that makes me look cute, trust me," you smile.
"nah i think you're doing all the heavy lifting. especially with these jeans 'cus, damn, you look sexy," she rasps in your ear as she places a swift slap to your ass.
"kate!" you warn, looking around to see if anyone caught the exchange, "you're insane."
"only for you, baby, only for you," she says as she leans in to place a kiss on your temple. the two of you tightly locked into a swaying hug, automatically melting away any and all stress that rested on either of your shoulders.
"wait," you pause, departing from the hug, "why aren't you with your team? they're all taking pictures with the trophy right now."
"mmm," she looks up in fake-thought, "i think i'd rather be here with you right now."
"kate, you need to go celebrate the win with your team!"
"do i? because knowing lisa, we'll practically be attached at the hip and sick of each other before the next game," she jokes.
"kate," you look at her expectantly.
"okay, fine, i'll go," she sighs, "but only if you come with me."
"what? i'm not even part of the team!"
"hey, you might as well be considering how much they all love you."
"they do love me, don't they?" you smirk teasingly.
"not as much as i do," she smiles.
"you're so corny tonight," you giggle, poking at her sides.
"alright, whatever, let's go take some pictures," she says, playfully pushing you away before coming right back to your side.
one of her hands comfortably rests on the small of your back, the other holding your shoulder to protectively guide you through the swarm of paparazzi and reporters.
as soon as the girls notice you and your girlfriend's presence, they race to hug you. you're barely able to express your excitement through their tight grasps, not even attempting to break away.
kate laughs as she watches you interact with her friends from the side, smiling longingly at you before caitlin jumps up from behind her and places their "final four champions" hat on her head.
she's about to speak when she notices her gaze settled on you dancing with gabbie and jada while the rest of the team is clapping and laughing.
"dude, you're so down bad," she laughs, placing an arm around her shoulders.
"man, get outta here!" she jokingly shrugs her off before pulling her over to celebrate with everyone else.
she rushes back over to your side and not once does she leave from her spot next to you, regardless of the pictures and videos that would be posted all over social media soon.
and let's just say that there were so many pictures and videos, including ones of moments you thought weren't captured - the most viral of which being when kate slapped your ass eagerly.
but neither of you cared, because right now, it was pretty hard to fight what had already been written in the cards for you two - the alchemy, if you will.
— leilani signing off ! 📁
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goldfades · 8 months
✮ 𝐢𝐧 𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐠𝐫𝐢𝐩, 𝐨𝐧 𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩𝐬, 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐝 𝐮𝐩 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 | jack hughes
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♡ ─ word count | 3.8k
♡ ─ summary | when you and jack had parted ways, somehow you both knew you'd meet again somehow.
♡ ─ warnings | second chance romance!! slight angst (nothing too crazy), fluffy as fuck!!! jack being a cutie patootie, bsf x luke hughes cus why not???? mention of drinking/bars but that should be it.
♡ ─ taglist | | @dancerbailey3 @valluvsu @daisysnhl @dasiysthings @iminlovewithtz11 @literatureluster @lvrzegras @lxvleyzoe @bowen-power @ru-kru @jackhughesily @hearts-for-luke
♡ ─ ev's notes | okay, so this started off as sweeter than fiction fic but slowly turned into an invisible string fic, but its okay. they both slay and lowkey work well together!!
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No matter how hard you tried to forget Jack, you never could.
The moment you both laid eyes on each other, each of you knew it was game over for everyone else. Everyone else was merely everybody else, and the other was just the one. From the first hello to the last goodbye, there was a connection neither of you could fathom.
Jack was more than just your first love or your first everything, he soon became the key to solving all your problems and the keeper of all your secrets. He was the funniest and kindest person you knew, no matter how long you'd been together. That never changed, even after you two parted ways.
It's been almost three years since you seperated but you can still how he made you feel, and all his favorite things: how he liked his coffee, what side of the bed he slept, his favorite soda and how to cheer him up. However, if someone had asked you where he was now, you couldn't tell them.
Well, not necessarily. You knew he plays some NHL team and he was doing what he's always loved, that's all you knew for sure. Some things never change, you guess.
Sometimes, you would wonder if he ever thought of you. Were you just a passing thought or a lasting memory? Did he remember everything or did he forget it? Those questions kept you up at night. But, at the end of the day, you realized that you were happy for him because he was out there, pursuing his dreams. Even if you weren't in those stands, wearing his jersey cheering him on, like he'd always promised.
"A hockey game?" You repeated, staring at your best friend Brie. She shook her head, a big smile on her face.
"My friend got tickets a few months ago but he got covid, so he gave them to me. And I knew you were a fan of hockey, so why not?" Brie explained as she leaned back into the couch.
"Not really-"
"Well you grew uo in Ontario so that makes you a hockey fan by association. You're going, end of discussion." Brie sighed exasperatedly, feigning annoyance as a smile enveloped your face. You had no choice now, you had to go.
You couldn't help but chuckle at Brie's determination. She always had a way of roping you into things, and this time was no exception. Despite your initial reluctance, the prospect of attending a hockey game stirred a sense of excitement within you.
A few days later, you found yourself growing curious about the experience. Memories of watching hockey matches with your family in Ontario flooded back, reminding you of the excitement that accompanied each game. One memory stuck out to you, you couldn't remember much but you do remember the warm feeling of his jacket and how your heart was beating- No, no. Focus on the now, Y/N. You reminded yourself as you forced yourself out of your head.
You navigate your way through the big arena and you both finally found your seats, settling in as the game was beginning. Settling into your seat, you let yourself soak in the atmosphere, the sights and sounds of the arena becoming a backdrop to your thoughts and emotions.
The players take to the ice and the game begins, you find yourself swept up in the thrill of the moment. The cheers of the crowd fill the air, each goal and save met with loud applause and excitement. You missed this.
"Y/N, look! That's the one I was telling you about, the one who followed me. Isn't he cute?" Brie spoke with a warm blush on her face, pointing out a number 43. You nodded, watching him glide.
He looked slightly familiar but you couldn't place it. "Wait... Is that why we're here, Brie?"
"What? No. What do you mean? What?" Brie's blush spread to her entire face as she let out a giggle, a telltale sign of her lying. You shook your head with a laugh, of course there was an ulterior motive to coming here.
She let out a sigh and then continued, "Okay fine. He invited me to the game, with free tickets. You wouldn't say no either, alright?"
"Yeah, free tickets are free tickets." You shrugged with another laugh. "Is he cute?"
"You'll see, he told me to come to the bar after the game."
"And I have to come?" You sighed, leading back into the uncomfortable seat of the stands.
"Don't sound too excited, Y/N." She teased as you rolled your eyes playfully. "He has a cute brother and I heard the captain is hot, so... you won't be third wheeling entirely."
"Okay, fine. But what if they aren't cute?"
"This is hockey, babe, there is a very low chance of that happening." Brie said with a big grin as you laughed. That was true, they all happened to be very cute.
With each passing minute, the anticipation grew, fueled by the idea of meeting Brie's acquaintance and his friends. Despite your initial hesitation, there was an undeniable curiosity about what the night held in store.
As the final buzzer sounded and the game drew to a close with another win for the Devils, you found yourself caught between anxious anticipation and excitement. The promise of a post-game gathering lingered in the air, pulling you into its orbit with a magnetic force you couldn't resist.
Brie quickly took you out of your trance, grabbing your hand to rush to the bar. As you entered the busy bar, the atmosphere was electric, pulsating with the excitement of post-game celebration. The air was thick with the scent of beer and sweat as you nervously walked beside Brie to find her friend.
She pulled your sleeve and pointed to a curly-head in the distance before whispering, "That's him."
"Whoa, he's tall."
"I know." She whispered back dreamily as she stared before walking towards him, a confident smile on her face whilst you followed her.
He turned around and your eyes widened. He was familiar, you knew exactly who he was. Luke Hughes, Jack's little brother. Instant regret hit you as you hoped and prayed he wouldn't remember you.
Thankfully, he looked right at Brie with a huge grin. "Oh, hey. Glad you could make it."
He leaned in for a hug and your eyebrows rose, they were already on hugging terms? As they pulled apart, his gaze moved to you and his features changed into a knowing one. You plastered on the best smile you could and silently prayed he didn't remember you.
But that wasn't Luke's voice, you turned your head to the side to see him. "Jack?"
As the name escaped his lips, your heart skipped a beat, the world around you seeming to slow to a crawl. Time seemed to stand still as you locked eyes with him, the familiarity of his gaze stirring a whirlwind of emotions within you. His blue eyes boring into yours, your heart racing.
In that moment, the weight of the past crashed over you like a tidal wave, memories flooding back with clarity. The sound of his smooth voice, the warmth of his sweet gaze—it was as if no time had passed at all, as if you were transported back to a time when the world was simpler, when your love felt like an unbreakable bond.
For a moment, the world fell away, leaving only the two of you locked in a silent exchange that spoke volumes to only the two of you. Memories of your shared past flooded back, the laughter, the tears, the love that had once bound you together, all laid bare in the space between you.
Jack's expression softened, a flicker of recognition dancing in his eyes as he took in your features. It was as if time itself had stood still, freezing this moment in eternity, the echoes of your past reverberating through the air like a haunting melody.
"Jack, buddy, you're about to spill the drinks." Luke's voice drew both of you out of your trance and back into the present moment and out of your head.
"Yeah, um, sorry. Here." Jack nodded to his brother and handed him the beer as you stared back at him, a troubled expression plastered on your face.
As Jack handed the beer to Luke, the brief interlude allowed a moment of reflection from the intensity of the small exchange. The tension lingered between you, a reminder of the emotions simmering under the surface.
You struggled to find the words to break the silence, the weight of your past weighing heavy on your heart. Each passing moment seemed to stretch into eternity, the air thick with anticipation and uncertainty.
Finally, Jack turned back to you, his gaze searching, as if looking for answers to questions left unasked. The troubled expression on your face mirrored the emotions swirling in you, a storm of conflicting feelings that threatened to engulf you both.
"I... It's been a while," Jack began, his voice hesitant, the words hanging in the air between you like a delicate thread.
"Yeah, it has," you replied softly, your voice barely above a whisper. The memories of your shared past lingered like a ghost, haunting the space between you with their silent presence.
Luke looked a Brie with a knowing look, taking her hand warmly and glancing between you and Jack. "I think me and Brie are gonna get some drinks, we'll be right back."
Before anyone could reject, Luke pulled away your best friend to the bar and she turned around with a sympathetic smile and a shrug. You cursed the younger Hughes as you sighed. Now you have to face Jack alone, without the comfort of your best friend.
You and Jack once again found each other's gaze, staring into each other's eyes with warmth and recognition. His eyes were still as blue as you left them but he looked more mature, facial hair growing on his chin and his hair a little longer but you thought it suited him. But he still has the boyish charm to him, the thing that made you fall for him in the first place. His mouth curved up into a small smile as he watched you observe him.
"How've you been?" His voice echoed and that was another that hadn't changed. You had forgotten his voice on the course of the couple years of separation, you forgot how sweet and smooth it was.
"I've been..." You trailed off, not knowing what to exactly. "I've been good. You?" You settled for a simple answer, not knowing exactly where you stood yet.
"Can't complain." He responded with a shrug, take a sip of his beer. Silence once again filled the space between you as you gazed at each other.
In the absence of words, your gaze held a conversation of its own. The warmth and recognition in Jack's eyes mirrored the emotions swirling within you. For a moment, it was like you were seeing him for the first time again—his features bathed in the soft glow of recognition, his smile warm in the rest of world's darkness. The years had etched lines of experience onto his face, sculpting the contours of his features into something familiar yet different.
And yet, beneath the surface, there remained a sense of familiarity—a connection that defied the time itself and the hurts of the past. It was a reminder of the depth of your shared history, the moments that had shaped you into the people you had become.
You couldn't help but wonder what thoughts raced through his mind, what memories stirred beneath the surface. Did he too feel the weight of the past, the pull of unfinished stories waiting to be told?
"You grew your hair out." He stated softly as he examined your new look. "It looks good."
"Looks like you did, too." You smiled softly and he let out a warm laugh, and it was infectious. The memories, rushed back into your mind at the happy sound and your stomach did a flip. Another thing that hadn't changed, the sweet sound of his laugh.
"Yeah, that's what hockey does to a guy." He explained, his eyes glowing beneath the warm light of bar.
You chuckled, a mixture of emotions swirling within you. "Guess it comes with the territory. You always did love the game."
Jack's gaze softened, a flicker of sentimentality in his eyes. "Yeah, some things just never change, I guess. Hockey's been a constant in my life and I don't think I'll ever stop."
The shared memories of watching games together, the thrill of victories, and the hurt of defeats lingered in the air, connecting you both in a shared history that time hadn't erased.
"I remember how you used to explain the rules to me, as if I was clueless," you teased, a playful glint in your eye.
Jack laughed, the sound a symphony of familiarity. "Hey, but you caught on quick. Besides, it was a good excuse to spend time together."
The mention of spending time together cast a gentle shadow over the present moment, a reminder of the shared past that had once been the foundation of your connection. The complexities of life had woven a tapestry of experiences, leading you both on separate journeys, yet the threads of your history remained intertwined.
"But hey, the hair suits you," you replied, your voice soft with sincerity. Despite the years that had passed, there was a sense of ease in the way you spoke to each other, as if no time had elapsed at all.
Before he could respond, you were suddenly pushed from the back and flew right into the arms. You were shocked and turned around to see a drunk man stumbling. Suddenly, Jack's arm twisted around your shoulder, a protective stance.
"Shit, sorry." He slurred before walking away into the crowd.
The sudden proximity between you sent a jolt of awareness coursing through your veins, the closeness igniting a spark of familiarity that lingered in the air like electricity.
As the chaos of the moment subsided, the realization of how close you two had been struck you with a sudden clarity, leaving your cheeks warm and your heart racing. You both stared into each other's eyes before Jack spoke softly. "Let's go somewhere quieter, yeah?"
With a nod of agreement, you instinctively reached for his hand, fingers intertwining in a silent pact as he led you through the crowd and out into the cool night air. The sounds of the bar faded into the distance, replaced by the soft murmur of the night.
He let go your hand, the cool night air hit the warm area that his hand once was. He gazed out into the night as you looked to the side of his face, a warm feeling filling your body in spite of it being cold outside.
"So, you play on the same team as Luke?" You spoke, breaking the silence between you two.
His lips curved into a smile as he nodded, "Yeah, isn't that funny? We always talked about playing together again but it's cool that we can actually do that now."
You couldn't help but marvel at the twist of fate that brought them together again. The bond between Jack and Luke was woven with shared memories and childhood dreams, all coming true.
"It's amazing how things come full circle," you remarked, a small smile playing on your lips.
"Yeah and Quinn's finally got the captaincy, it's perfect." Jack continued. He looked happy and content with the way things were turning out with his career and his family, it made you happy seeing him happy. "What about you? Anything exciting?" He turned his attention to you, his blue eyes gazing into yours.
You smiled. "Not as much as you, definitely. But I'm about to graduate and get an apartment, all by myself up in New York. Found the perfect one yesterday and I'm driving up there to see it."
"Just like you always wanted, huh?" Jack's smile grew at that. He was comforted knowing that you hadn't changed too much and you were still same old you, despite how many years that had passed.
"Yeah, it's right in the middle of the city, with windows everywhere so I can watch the city move."
Like you had always wanted, Jack thought in his mind with a big smile. "So we are both chasing our dreams, then?"
"Yeah, something like that." You laughed and he joined along. The warmth of his laughter filled your lungs and you felt like you were out of breath just by laughing along with him. It was perfect. The laughter had died down and you both still were locked in gaze.
For a moment, it was as if the world had faded away, leaving only the two of you suspended in the quiet intimacy of the night. The warmth of Jack's presence enveloped you like a comforting embrace, grounding you in the present moment amidst the chaos of the world.
His smile slowly dropped as he kept looking into your eyes. "Why'd we ever break up?"
The bluntness of the question had taken you aback. And you started thinking back to why you broke up. As you searched for an answer, the weight of the past pressed down upon you, a heavy burden that threatened to consume you whole. The reasons for your breakup lingered on the edges of your consciousness, fragments of half-forgotten truths waiting to be unearthed.
You were moving away to college and he was getting into the NHL, the only logical way to go about this about was to break up. Long distance wouldn't have worked and plus, you were both growing up and getting into new worlds, you didn't want him worrying about you while he was out there, pursuing his dreams.
But deep down, you knew that the choices you had made had led you to where you were now, standing face to face with the echoes of your past and the possibilities of the future. The memory of your break-up was clear in your mind, with all the anger and resentment both of you had in that one moment. But something you had said suddenly stuck out to you, "If we are meant to be, we will."
And we did. You thought to yourself as you stared into Jack's eyes. "We were both growing up and moving away, and I-I guess... I didn't wanna burden you."
Jack's expression softened. "Burden me?"
Silence filled the air once again but this time, you felt embarrassed. How could that have led to the break-up? It seems so small but it felt so big before, like it was the end of the world.
"Yeah," you admitted, your gaze dropping for a moment before meeting Jack's eyes again. "I was worried about holding you back, about becoming a distraction when you had this incredible opportunity in front of you. I thought breaking up was the right thing to do, to give you the freedom to chase your dreams without any restraints."
Jack's expression softened, his eyes reflecting understanding. "Y/N, you could never be a burden to me," he replied softly, his voice filled with sincerity. "We were in it together, remember?"
"I'm sorry, Jack," you whispered, the weight of your words hanging heavy in the air. "I... I wish things had been different."
He immediately shook his head and slowly took your hand. "Don't apologize. If things had been different you don't know how that would've worked out, but right now, everything that led us here is perfect." He said sternly as you nodded slowly.
With a nod of agreement, you allowed his words to seep into the depths of your heart, a gentle reminder that the journey you had embarked upon together with twists and turns but ultimately, it had led you to this moment and that was enough.
"I believe that too," you whispered, your voice tinged with hope and conviction. "Every step we took, every choice we made, brought us here, to this moment."
Jack's gaze softened, his eyes reflecting a depth of emotion that mirrored your own. "We found each other again for a reason, don't you think?"
You nodded softly as you gazed back at him, warmth filling your whole body. Before you could answer, you felt a buzz in your pocket and sighed. You were ripped away from this perfect moment and back to reality. You took your phone out and saw the caller ID: "Brie <3"
You answered it, "Hey, Brie."
"Hey, so where are you? I just remembered I have a 9am lecture tomorrow."
You sighed before shaking your head. Brie and her bad memory, "I'm, uh, outside."
"Great, I'll meet you at the car. We have a lot to debrief tonight."
"Oh yeah, a whole lot." You laughed as you stared back at Jack's face with a warm smile. "'Kay, love you."
"Love you."
She hung up and you were met with Jack's gaze, pulled back into the moment. Again, there was silence before you spoke up. "Well, I gotta go."
"I figured." Jack spoke as a smile curved his mouth.
"I'll... see you, then?" Your voice came out in a quiet whisper as he nodded.
You turned around and started walking before you stopped. You couldn't leave without anything, right? It wouldn't be right. You turned around swiftly with a warm smile. "Umm... when can I see you?"
Jack's eyes lit up at your question, a flicker of excitement dancing in their depths. For a moment, he seemed taken aback by your sudden boldness, but a smile quickly spread across his face, warming the space between you.
Jack's eyes lit up at your question, a genuine smile playing on his lips. "How about tomorrow? We could grab coffee or something, catch up properly."
Your heart skipped a beat at his suggestion, the prospect of spending more time with him filling you with a sense of anticipation and joy. The thought of reconnecting with Jack, of rediscovering the depths of your bond, ignited a spark of hope within your soul.
"That sounds perfect," you replied, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips.
As you exchanged details and finalized the plans, the air buzzed with anticipation. The promise of tomorrow held the potential for new beginnings, a chance to explore the rekindled connection between you and Jack.
As you parted ways, each step carrying you closer to the promise of tomorrow, you couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude for the chance to rewrite the narrative of your story, to carve out a future filled with forgiveness and the prospect unfulfilled promises you once made, coming true.
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thank you for reading all the way through, as always ♡
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bbydoll18xx · 5 months
I'll Be Your Temporary Fix (Pt 2)
Paige Bueckers x Media Team Reader
Part 2 based on this request: 
Could you do a Paige x media team reader. Where Paige and reader are fake dating because Azzi is uncomfortable with the fans shipping her and Paige. Reader does it cus she owes Paige a favor (you can make something up).
Word Count: 2.3k
You can read part 1 here
Thank you all so much for all the love on part 1! I was actually surprised how much everyone seemed to be enjoying this. That said, there will be another part (and maybe more) to this!
You wake up the next morning to your phone blowing up. Yawning and squinting, you look over at the myriad of notifications. Confusion overtakes you, but you quickly deduce that your stunt with Paige had finally gotten some real attention. 
You spend the morning scrolling every app, trying to hide the worry bubbling up inside of you. Most people seemed to be satisfied with your performance; others were comparing you to Azzi in a cruel way. The general consensus was that you and Paige couldn’t possibly be dating; apparently it was because you hadn’t kissed.
You typically did not give a shit what people thought of you, but the idea of being compared to someone as effortlessly charismatic as Azzi made you want to crawl into a hole and hide forever. You could spend your entire life trying to emulate her success and beauty. 
Despite your self-esteem crumbling around you, you still wanted to finish what you started. People were counting on you, and your damn people-pleasing self needed to prove a point. You decide your moping would have to wait. Grabbing your camera and iPad, you head out to the arena where you knew the girls would be practicing. 
You feel shy walking in on the basketball team. Your hands are clammy, and you wipe them on your pants before giving a small wave to a hungover-looking Paige. Her eyes are tired and ringed with a bruise-colored tinge. Usually she glowed at practice, hogging your camera and deliberately showing off. Today, though, you can see the exhaustion rolling off of her. 
For a minuscule second, you allow yourself to wonder if maybe she was up all night thinking about you, just as you thought about her. You internally scold yourself. Getting your hopes up was the last thing you needed. 
For once, you are relieved to be focusing on some of the other basketball players, trying to avoid Paige until you get your emotions in order. Your mood shifted as you observed the girls’ antics. They took turns shooting difficult shots in your honor, pointing to you when a ball landed through the net with a satisfying swish. 
Once Geno concludes the practice, a handful of the girls run up to you, wanting to hear the details of your and Paige’s night. You shrug, trying to downplay what had happened, when you feel Paige’s presence behind you. Her hand slides down your back, resting on your waist with a weight that feels so damn good. 
A look of surprise graces your face, along with multiple of Paige’s teammates. 
“Uh, is this a real thing now, or what?” Nika questions. 
“Guess we’ll have to see,” Paige smirks in response, causing your mouth to drop open ineptly. 
Ignoring the blonde’s shocking retort, Azzi clears her throat and explains that the girls were going out drinking tonight. “Please join us! It’ll be so fun, all you gotta do is kiss Paige. That’ll be enough proof for everyone, and then you can be done,” she follows quickly. The words spill out, and she rouses the rest of the team to convince you that it would be so, so fun.
You turn your head up towards Paige, searching her face for any clue that this was crossing a line. Her familiar smirk was still resting on her lips. It widens as she realizes you’re staring at them. 
Fuck. So much for attempting to be subtle.
Hiding your embarrassment, you acquiesce, swearing to yourself that you would keep your feelings under wraps.
It was decided that you and Paige would meet the rest of the team at the bar at 11:00. As Paige knocks on your dorm door, you want to do everything possible to get yourself out of this situation. The idea of kissing Paige made every nerve feel like it was on fire. You weren’t sure if you’d survive the build up of it. 
“Hi, pretty girl,” Paige says softly, looking you up and down once the door tentatively opens. 
“Hey, P,” you whisper, hoping she couldn’t hear the shakiness of your voice. Paige takes your hand, something that was beginning to feel so natural and so domestic; she leads you out the door and into her car. With one hand on the wheel and one delicately placed on your upper thigh, you chat about the roles you had to play one final time tonight. You sense a tone of hesitancy in her voice, but you ignore it in favor of attempting to suppress your own.
Paige’s car turns into the parking lot of the bar, and once it's parked, she turns to you, saying “Are you sure you’re okay with all this? Azzi can get over it if you’re not.”
“I'm sure, P. As long as you are comfortable, I am, too,” you respond sincerely. She nods, satisfied with your answer, and with deep breaths, you head inside. 
The bar was packed with throngs of drunk students enjoying the weekend. You wish you could enjoy yourself, but your anxiety was threatening to make you vomit. 
Your head is reeling with all the negative thoughts you could possibly conjure.
‘What if Paige thinks I’m a bad kisser?’
‘What if I accidentally bite her?’
‘What if Paige is dreading this?’
The hypothetical questions were going to be the actual death of you, and you attempt to quiet them with a drink.
Or five. 
The first couple of shots you take don’t hit you until 30 minutes later. The familiar feeling of intoxication is welcomed like an old friend. You really weren’t the type to go wild, but your desire to just forget took over. The third and fourth go down like water, sliding through your veins and into the heat of your core. 
You're swaying your hips sensually with the beat of the blaring music, arms loose at your sides, occasionally sloshing around the pink beverage in your cup. 
You don't even care how stupid you looked because you felt so damn free, finally unchained from the anxieties of the past few days. 
A touch on your waist breaks through your drunken haze, pulling you back to reality. 
Shit, your waist is getting a lot of attention these days. 
You turn around quickly, hair whipping theatrically, expecting to see Paige. Boy were you mistaken. 
Your glossy eyes are met with the brown eyes of a man you had never seen before. You don’t miss the pang of disappointment you feel once you realize it’s not the tall blonde you were hoping to see. 
Rolling your eyes and huffing, you turn back around, once more trying to figure out where Paige had ended up. Short, drunken boys were the least of your concerns right now. 
Seeing that Azzi was close by, you stumble towards her, slurring out “Where’d my Paigey go?” 
Her eyes light up at your use of the pet name, and she grins. “She just went to get you water, remember? You drank a shit ton.” 
Suddenly remembering the way she had whispered into your ear to stay close to the girls of the basketball team, you blush at your own forgetfulness. 
Maybe you really did need that water. 
Paige is back a minute later. Foregoing handing you the bottle, she is already unscrewing it and placing it against your lips. 
Fuck. It reminds you of the night before; the cup placed against your lips, and the way her wide, blue eyes had watched you protectively. 
You welcome the way the cool water slides down your throat, already sore from singing loudly and attempting to talk over the pumping of the music. 
You drank until Paige was satisfied, never breaking eye contact with her. She pulls the bottle away from you, wiping the excess water from your lips with her thumb and then bringing it to her own lips, sucking the liquid off. 
Your head spins at the contact. Maybe that was just the alcohol, but you doubted it. 
Tucking you into her side, Paige plays with a strand of your hair, swirling her fingers around it in a way that was almost sinful. She looks down at you as you make a guttural noise, attempting to play it off as a cough. Her long fingers continue their assault on your hair, before they dance along your shoulder to your collarbones. Goosebumps trail after her digits, eliciting a shiver to run down your spine and straight between your legs. 
She had you completely and irrevocably fucked. 
It was getting late, and you knew that with the time slipping away, your moment to kiss Paige was soon approaching. Your brain battled between wanting to get the deed over with and drawing everything out for as long as possible. You didn’t want this to end. 
You tug Paige over to sit in a tall bar stool, attempting to alleviate the pain in your feet. She helps you climb up, holding the chair steady as you perch, sighing in relief. 
Paige stands in between your spread legs, meeting your eyes with an inquisitive expression. She was feeling you out, trying to deduce your own thoughts. 
If only she knew what you were actually thinking. 
Before you can bow out under the heat of her intense stare, you lean in to her. The look she gives you, one of longing and desperation, is the only confirmation you need. 
And you kiss her as if she was air, and you had been drowning for a thousand years. 
Your lips meet in a passionate embrace. Paige’s lips were as soft as they looked; you would know. You had spent a considerable amount of time staring at them, wondering how they felt and how they tasted. 
As you find a rhythm, Paige’s tongue sweeps across your bottom lip, coaxing a lustful moan from your mouth. It goes straight to Paige’s core. You are lost in each other’s presence, the chaos around you slipping away until hoots of laughter and gasps of surprise slam you back into reality. 
You reluctantly pull away from the blonde, surveying the damage of the kiss. People had their phones out, directly pointed at the two of you.
Perfect. Azzi would be happy. 
Looking back to Paige, you see the impact of your affections; her lips swollen and cheeks flushed in a way that had you smirking proudly. 
“I think that’s our cue” Paige mumbles, her warm breath hitting the sensitive flesh of your earlobe once again. You nod quickly, trying to avoid looking over eager, but that was most likely null and void at this point. 
In a dramatic display, Paige picks you up off the tall chair and sets you back on to your feet, steadying you as you sway. You wave to the onlookers, a cheesy grin engulfing your face. Paige shakes her head fondly, winking to those still watching, and pulls you out of the bar and into the parking lot. 
She all but lifts you into the passenger seat of her car, handing you another bottle of water. She softly urges you to drink, which you do without fail. You want to cut through the remnants of your drunkenness, desperate to fixate on every part of Paige. 
You were terrified you’d forget what she tasted like and the way her lips slid against yours. 
You look over at the blonde, her face illuminated from the streetlights, and her hand once more splayed across your thigh. 
She was so beautiful. 
But was she yours? You had no fucking idea. 
Your thoughts send you reeling as you sip your water, but you take solace in the fact that your worrying meant you were sobering up. The car smoothly turns into the parking lot of Paige’s apartment, and once you are parked, she looks over at you expectantly. You meet Paige’s eyes with a confused look of your own.
“Do you want to stay over tonight?” She asks with an air of shyness you weren’t used to. 
You bite your lip in response, pretending to ponder, before choking out a response in agreement. 
Of course, you wanted to stay over. 
You followed her up to her door, feeling more steady than you were at the bar and waited as she unlocked it. Your nerves were starting to rile you up again, and your heartbeat pounded in your ears, temporarily silencing the vexatious doubts your brain was throwing at you. 
Paige wastes no time throwing off her uncomfortable clothes, replacing them with her usual sweats. Somehow, she looked even better. 
Grabbing a pair for you, she ushers you to the bathroom, pointing out everything you needed to get ready for bed. Thanking her with a small smile, you close the door and prepare. 
‘It’s just another sleepover,’ you think. ‘You’ve done this dozens of times before. You can do it again.’ The self assurance calms you, giving you enough confidence to walk back into Paige’s room and lay down on her bed next to her. 
The room was dark already, but the glow of her computer cast a gleam over the two of you. There was no hiding from her. Not anymore. 
“Have you seen what people are saying?” You ask, in a not so subtle attempt to see where her head was at. 
“Yeah, I have,” Paige responds. “I think they believe it now. Don’t really blame them. That kiss was…” She trails off, unable to sum up the words of how that kiss made her feel. 
“Intense,” you finish, sleep starting to creep into your body. 
Paige hums in agreement, and wraps her arms around you, pulling her close to you. 
You shut your eyes, the blissful warmth radiating off of Paige pulling you into the oblivion of unconsciousness. 
And once more, your dreams are filled with images of Paige’s lips and the overwhelming need to be hers. 
*You can now read Part 3 here
Thanks for reading!
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psyche-hero · 24 days
Reasons FNC should be canon, chronologically, sort of, by me, someone who is very slowly writing a mostly canon compliant soulmate au (yes i am reading between the lines for some of these)
1. Chip pulls Gillion out of the sea, Gillion, instantly acquires a new favorite color, the color of Chips eyes.
2. When Chip thinks he is going to die in the casino, he grabs Gillion and holds on, confessing all the wrong things he did to him because he does feel bad.
3. Episode 15 and 16
4. But fr, Gillion gets his honor back because Chip partakes in a cultural custom of his, then Gillion cheers Chip up by participating in a prank for Chip.
6. They shared a kiss that was loving enough that it opened a magic door (listen two nat 20s for a kiss, that is fucking true loves kiss, you just know Chip is thinking about the best kiss of his life constantly)
7. The rings during the BLOCK arc, like idc if it was practical, that’s gay.
8. Chip being so worried that Gillion would choose the undersea over him.
9. One of the few people we see Chip showing explicit attraction towards being someone who looks very similar to Gillion (Eden)
10. Chip basically loosing it after loosing Gil in the feywild
11. Chip like unlocking his magic potential via Gillions sword
12. Chip standing up on a rowboat in the middle of a raging storm prepared to get struck by lightning to bring Gil back
13. Gillion offering to help Chip with magic
14. Chip building an arena and begging to fight Gil because he lied and hurt Gil’s honor again
15. Them having matching scars cus of Kuba Kenta
16. Chip offering to wear a mind reading bracelet to try and fight off Gillions horrible nightmares
17. (I might be misremembering but one of Gillions nightmares primary features being him being unable to save Chip??)
18. Chip being so willing to believe that the person he was seeing was Gillion safe and alive that he fell right into Dopple Gillys trap.
That’s all I can think of. Do let me know more!!
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conceptofjoy · 3 months
Wait ur bday is tomorrow??? (<- asking cus mine is)
anon.. i think this is destiny. we have to fight in the bayblade arena pit now you vs me.
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ashethecoolperson · 5 months
OUU WAIT.. can you do a dom x r where essentially they’re both in the judgement day and there tg but hide it cus they think it’ll ruin the dynamic of the group. so like HIDDEN TOUCHES, GLANCES, THE WHOLE SHEBANGHG😫
No One Will Know
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A/N: This is like one of my first requests so apologies if it’s bad 😭
Dom is my favorite himbo thooo 💗
Tags: Mentions of sex, kinda sorta allusions to smut but not really, Rhea knows everything, some spanish 🤭
“Where in the hell is he?” You thought to yourself as you walked around backstage. You two had driven to the arena together, and you went to talk to Rhea for a minute, then he was just..gone.
“Dom?” You called out as you neared the dressing room. A chorus of ‘he’s not here’ rang in your ears but you continued on anyway. Dom wouldn’t just up and ditch you like this.
You walked next to a janitor’s closet when suddenly you got pulled in, pinned against the door by him.
“Did I scare you, mami?” He asked as you looked straight up at him, honestly stunned at how close his face was. His hand gently brushed away some hair from your face before moving back down to grip your waist. Your eyes darted between his eyes and lips. He smiled sweetly, but it didn’t make the butterflies in your stomach settle. He really wanted to kiss you, and you couldn’t help but wonder what this little surprise even was.
“Why were you just..hiding in the janitor’s closet?” You asked as he started peppering kisses onto your neck, leaving goosebumps all over your skin. You closed your eyes, trying desperately to calm your heartbeat. It only seemed to speed up more whenever he did that.
He finally stopped kissing you and whispered, “Just wanted to surprise you, mami.” He leaned down and pressed a light kiss into your jawline. When his lips met yours it left an overwhelming sensation behind. One that made you want to pull him closer and never let go again. His hands traveled lower on your body until they found their place around the base of your thighs, lifting you up and holding you flush against him.
While you two kissed, you both heard a knock, breaking the kiss as you two looked at each other and contemplated what to do. He smirked, “Maybe we should get going. Wouldn’t want anyone to think we snuck off or anything.” You blushed as he slowly placed you back on your feet. He reached forward to grab your hand and you intertwined your fingers with his.
The rest of the evening passed by pretty quickly, then RAW started and both you and Dom were hanging out in The Judgment Day clubhouse, waiting for your segment to start.
Dom was currently on his phone while he occasionally shot glances at you. You were looking through your Instagram feed, reading the posts about Dom’s match today.
You always enjoyed getting to see what fans were thinking of your boyfriend, your Dom. It made you feel special.
Your thoughts were interrupted by him putting an arm around your waist, pulling you into his side. You looked up at him with a raised eyebrow and a smile. He returned it with a smirk of his own before he spoke, “You know how I always get sweaty after my matches?”
You nodded slowly, “Yeah…”
“Well, I could use a shower tonight so…want to join me?” He mumbled so only you could hear and gave you another smirk that made your knees weak.
You tried to play it cool as you tried comprehending what he said and why the fuck he sounded so hot saying it, before he just smirked and whispered, “Piénsalo, mami.” Before walking off.
He turned to look over his shoulder at you with one final wink before disappearing from sight.
What the fuck just happened? You thought to yourself as your mind raced to catch up with everything Dom said. You knew Dom had a dirty streak. He definitely liked to tease people, and you knew that he did that because he liked seeing them blush.
While lost in your own thoughts, Rhea approached you and tapped you on the shoulder, almost towering over you because of those big ass platform boots she always wore.
“What’d Dom say?” She asked, snapping you out of your thoughts as she looked at you expectantly. You blinked a couple times before answering. “Oh y’know, just shit about how he’d win and all that.” You lied, and Rhea raised an eyebrow. “Really?”
“Uh yeah. Why?” You felt stupid for lying to her. She was your best friend, sure, but that didn’t mean you could tell her everything.
“No reason, just wondering why I heard stuff in you two’s dressing room last week.” She said with a shrug, and you immediately blushed and scrambled for a reply, knowing damn well what you two were doing. After you caught your breath, you said, “Oh, uh he was just talking to me about some stuff, you know, personal stuff.” You lied, (again), and Rhea nodded with a scoff.
“Personal stuff? So why was he saying ‘oh fuck, right there mami’?” Rhea asked again, sporting a smirk as your face was flushed. She heard?! Well, shit.
“Don’t worry,” She laughed as if she sensed your panic, “I won’t tell anybody.” You let out a sigh and relaxed a bit, smiling at her. “Thanks..” You trailed off, still unsure of what else you could say without being too obvious about how embarrassing this even was.
“No problem. But don’t fuck in my dressing room, please. I like having a clean room.” You chuckled nervously and nodded, thanking her before walking towards the monitors to watch Dom’s match.
While he was doing pretty good (still paired with that fucking bobblehead, you hated that guy) he kept doing moves that made you wince or go ‘damn’, knowing full well that he’d be okay.
Obviously they lost because of JD, but Dom didn’t care as he just went over towards you, smiling as he looked down at you.
“Did I do good?” He asked, his smirk growing wider.
“Yeah, but you keep scaring me with those big ass flying moves. You’re gonna bust your face open one day cause of that.” You said as you crossed your arms, and he pouted like a child before rolling his eyes.
There was a beat of silence before you smirked, looking at him as you fiddled with those shirts he wore around his waist.
“Hey, Dom?”
“I think I’m ready for that shower now..”
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yourstingrey · 6 months
do you think you could write a luke x y/n friends to lovers based on too sweet by hozier? Maybe have it be a little angsty like someone tells him he’s not good enough and so he distances himself. I really love your writing and feel like you would write it beautifully.
Too Sweet Pt.1
Thank you so much for this request I loved this idea its so cutie im so sorry it took so long for me to make but hopefully Ive done it justice this one is a bit short but I kinda reallyyyyy wanted to put it into separate parts (which i swear wont take as long but it will be longer cus i gotta get that juicy angst in better!!!)
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That's all I felt as I was training, That's all I ever feel when I train with Luke. Not because he’s insanely hot himself but he has to put his all into everything even if I ask for practice with sparing. I'm crouched down a bit less like a fighter's stance as Luke has already got me winded but I try to hold up my tough gaze as he stands in front of me mirroring my stance except he's not tired at all it looks like he has even lifted a finger but this is our third go and unsurprisingly he's won every time so far. “Y/N/N are you sure you don't wanna give up? I'm not sure I can watch your face get all sad when you lose again.” He’s smirking as he talks and for a second he puts his hand on his chest to fain sadness about me. In that split second, I take the opportunity to try to tackle him to the ground. 
He lets out a surprised Oof before he hits the ground I try to grab his hands to pin them down “I'm not so sure Luke I think you be pulling your sore loser face” Of course I didn't learn from Luke as my talking got me too distracted as Luke flips us over and now he's pinning me down into the dirt. He simply smirks and does a little tilt of his head pretty much signaling id lost. He stood before holding out his hand for me to get up which I gladly took from him. “Luke, I asked for practice. I thought you were going to go a little easy… I'm gonna have to sleep early or I'm gonna be so sore.”  Discomfort on my face as I brush the dirt off my shorts and shirt “About that…” Luke says with a certain tone I've learned means ‘I'm gonna try really hard to convince you to do something you're really not gonna wanna do’ “Oh god what is it, Luke…?” A mischievous look spread across his face “Apollo kids are having a small lake party tonight and I was thinking I could take you” I let out a taut laugh before squinting my eyes playfully at him “Weren't you already out partying last night! Chris was telling me all about it!” I watched his face flush a bit as he stood there watching me talk before stammering his words “Wait- when did you see Chris today I wasn't with you??” I narrow my eyes at him a bit “This morning I went on a walk and I ran into him yknow you're not denying it soooo i'm right you did go out…?”
He gets up from leaning against a pillar to come put his arm around my shoulders and start walking out of the arena “Well yes.. But! I wasn't hanging out with my best friend so that's why I'm telling you that you gotta come out this time!” 
“Luke you're always out so much lately don't you think YOU especially should rest, oh so great swordsman!” I clasp my hands to my chest whilst looking up through my lashes at him. He lets out something between a laugh and a scoff “You know that I do this all the time you're the one who always stays cooped inside her cabin almost all day usually!” Our steps absentmindedly got slower as we approached my cabin “I don't know Luke… I promised I was going to hang out with my siblings tomorrow and if I party with you I might forget or sleep in'' He opened his mouth to rebuttal me but I quickly cut him off “And andddd! You know I don't like to drink. I'm too nervous about being caught!” 
We finally got to my cabin but I stood outside because I knew Luke wouldn't be satisfied unless I let him try to convince me one last time. “For one, You see your siblings every day you live with them. Plus I know some of your siblings are coming tonight anyway!” I go to open my mouth ready to shut him down already but before I had the chance Luke swiftly made sure to playfully cover my mouth with his hand before tsking at me and putting his finger to his lips shushing me “Ahem as I was saying YN, I'll be with you the whole time you can rely on me the whole time, just go this once for me and if you hate it I'll never force you to come again!” 
He lowered his hand from his mouth to reveal my lips in an exaggerated frown. He let out a loud laugh before huffing out what sounded like ‘Oh c'mon now’ but it fell on deaf ears as his fingers went to my sides to get me to let out a laugh (well more than just one) I laughed so hard at his relentless tickles hunching myself onto him before we heard the laughs of my sibling behind and Luke turned back into a stoic statue practically I let my laughter die awkwardly as he separated from me. Rocking back and forth on my heels I look back at him “Well okay I guess I'll think about it… but this isn't a yes okay!!” He let out a small chuckle before slowly starting to walk backwards “I’ll see you later tonight” he flipped around completely to start walking away I let out a small laugh turning away to walk to my cabin door before something dawned on me, I flip around and yell back out to him “Wait Luke how will I know where to go!!” He turns back to me putting his hands behind his head with a sort of arrogant smirk on his face 
“Don't worry about it, I am a messenger aren't I?” 
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mousegirlheart · 3 months
Hello I hear your into fat bitches and I had to show you these. Her lore is that she's an amazing arena fighter who loves it. Wins fights then wagers the gold on herself and wins cus she's an unstoppable ball of power. Then gets really drunk. She's everything to me
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what an absolute queen i love her
i want to be her
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bonefall · 7 months
You've probably mentioned this before and I just haven't seen it cus I'm a new follower but what is Darkstripe's Land Marr ((think that's what they are called))
I had not mentioned it yet! I'm between two choices, depending.
Choice 1: Blackshade Grove
There were a lot of Worst Moments in his life, but the most shameful was poisoning Sorrelkit. He gave her nightshade, and told her it was blackberry. They're both purple berries, and the eager little kitten always had an interest in cooking.
(This is how Sorreltail got her epilepsy. Nightshade causes brain damage; yew causes heart failure.)
So in this grove, you have to be paying very close attention to the bushes to tell what you're looking at. The strange, clustered nightshades are impossible to discern from blackberry.
Darkstripe takes it on himself to be the test subject, over and over and over. At first it was just the Dark Forest's sick taunt, that he could either get fresh blackberries or "die" a painful death. Once he has friends to feed, it becomes a frustrating obstacle he's determined to doggedly power through.
So eventually the bushes are "marked," safe or unsafe, depending on if they poisoned someone or not.
Choice 2: Bonehill
What's worse than poisoning a lil baby? Poisoning a lil baby for a man who will ALWAYS see you as absolutely fucking pathetic. Throwing away your Clan, your family, your entire life's passion and talents for an idea that would never include you.
So for this idea, the Land Mar is basically this arena-version of the TigerClan camp. There's a nightmarish version of Stonefur who will thrash you for getting too close. There are blackberry bushes that sprout from between the bones of the hill, guarded by "Bonefur" as if he's some kind of dragon.
(Note: this "Dummy" version of Stonefur is not Stone himself. Though I do want StarClan to use this dummy in one of Blackstar's trials, somehow. So I'm not sure if Stonefur made it and they pull it out whenever Blackstar makes another attempt for Life 3, or if the Dark Forest made it and StarClan uses it.)
During Tigerstar's Plan in OoTS, the demons probably appropriated this area. They had to collectively fight Bonefur to "neutralize" it. Tigerstar probably pulled out all the berry bushes off the Bonehill and tossed them away, with Darkstripe not voicing how much it hurt to see Tigerstar toss those away.
Can't admit how badly he wanted to eat them, lest he be seen as weak and distracted again. Before Tigerstar's double death, he was STILL trying to appease him by hiding what he sees as "weakness."
This one fits in with the story better, but it might depend on who else dies in TigerClan. I actually want a demon to have been EXECUTED under the Bonehill, for being HalfClan, having a forbidden love revealed, or some generally disobedient behavior.
(Maybe even in "retaliation" for the others escaping, even though they had demonstrably nothing to do with it)
Show that TigerClan was frothing and radical. Fervent supporters got drowned in its wake along with its innocent victims. So, having that person contribute the Bonehill would be cool.
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rowan-mellark · 2 months
Everlark After series ✿ ִֶָ ꒰ .⚘.꒱ 🏹
18+ MDNI !!Unestablished relationship, trauma, nightmares
y’all I have no idea what I’m doing please leave suggestions/ criticism in comments
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Pairing: Katniss Everdeen x Peeta Mellark
Word count: 635
Summary: Katniss and Peeta have been in District twelve for a few weeks now, they deliver food, have dinners, and overall just try and recover from the things they experienced in the arena. In this chapter Katniss has a nightmare
Authors note: This is my first fic, if anyone has criticism please leave a comment l need it. This fix is one of my first fics on here and I’m super duper excited (and a little nervous) to finally be able to post the first chapter ! I tried my best to get their personalities and habits on par with the movies and books but my English is sort of bad sometimes so please excuse me lol, this is also a shorter chapter cus idk if this will be viewed <3
chapter two <3
.・。.・゜✭・. .・。.・゜✭・. .・。.・゜✭・. .・。.・゜✭・. .・。.・゜
District twelve is quiet, not the sort of soothing and calm quiet when I hunt. The sad, lonely quiet during a burial, during visiting hours in the hospital. It was quiet like the night Peeta was rescued from the training center. I think about that night often, in fact, recently the nightmares from the arena have been replaced by the memories of the interviews when I was in District Thirteen. His malnourished body, his shaky voice, and the impact of the blow when Peeta hit the floor that was inseparable from his howls of pain. The image of his blood splattering over the camera’s lenses and white tiled floor. They drew scream after scream out of him until he was half dead.
It takes me about two minutes to pry myself out of this dream. Usually, when I have dreams like this I count, I count to distract myself. When the nightmares happen they feel real, I can feel myself move, hear myself speak, they’re so lucid, but I can’t wake up. This time I do, I wake up screaming for Peeta. My eyes snap open and I thrash my arms around, trying to fight off the imaginary peacekeepers trying to take me away.
Peeta’s voice cuts through my screams, he reaches out to grip my shoulders.
“Katniss, you’re dreaming! It’s okay, you’re okay, I’m here!” He reassures me, holding me in place tightly. I look up at him feeling my body tremble in his arms uncontrollably, a wave of relief and helplessness washing over me.
My eyes focus on him in the darkness, taking in his disheveled appearance. His hair was messy, his eyes were half-lidded and tired, and he looked overall just exhausted. Tears begin to form in the corners of my eyes, I can feel my lip quivering. Peeta’s expression shifts from worry to panic as I start to cry.
“Hey.. hey no—it’s okay I’m here.” He whispered, pulling me gently against his chest while rubbing my back.
“I’m sorry I woke you” I mumble, trying to compose myself.
He shakes his head against my shoulder, putting his hand on the back of my neck.
“You would’ve done the same for me, I get it, don’t worry.”
There’s a short pause after he says that, and then he gently pulls away from me to look at my face. He reaches up and brushes a stray tear off the corner of my eye, giving me a sleepy smile.
“Wanna talk about it?”
I shake my head quickly, suddenly feeling exhausted but not wanting to sleep, he nods in understanding, laying back down on the pillow. He opens his arms invitingly to me wanting, but not forcing me to lay down with him. I lower myself onto his chest, letting all my weight rest on him. I hope he doesn’t mind.
Peeta wraps his arm protectively around me, running his hands gently through my hair. His fingers de-tangle the strands slowly as if they might rip at the slightest tug.
“Sleep, I’m here. I won’t let anything happen to you.”
I let out a long sigh, clutching the soft fabric of his shirt between my fingers as I contemplated whether to go to sleep or not. On the one hand, I have to hunt, and make deliveries and I don’t want to deprive him of sleep. On the other hand, the idea of having another nightmare makes my skin crawl. I lift my head to look at him, weighing the options before finally deciding.
“Fine, I will.” I reluctantly agree, laying my head back down.
He smiles and rests his chin on the top of my head tenderly, the rise and fall of his chest lulling me to sleep. It takes 15 minutes for me to fall back asleep, Peeta’s presence helping calm my anxiety slowly.
3 : 0 1 am
— end of chapter 1
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