msrlunatj · 1 month
Introducción a CSS: Estilizando la Web
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) es el lenguaje que se utiliza para describir la presentación de un documento escrito en HTML o XML. Mientras que HTML estructura el contenido de la web, CSS se encarga de darle estilo, desde la disposición de los elementos hasta los colores y las fuentes. Si estás empezando en el mundo del desarrollo web, aprender CSS es esencial para crear sitios atractivos y funcionales. En este blog, te proporcionaré una introducción a CSS, cubriendo sus conceptos básicos y algunas prácticas recomendadas para que puedas comenzar a diseñar páginas web impresionantes.
1. ¿Qué es CSS?
CSS es un lenguaje de hojas de estilo que permite definir cómo se muestran los elementos de un documento HTML en la pantalla, en papel o en otros medios. Gracias a CSS, puedes separar la estructura de un sitio web de su presentación, lo que facilita el mantenimiento y la escalabilidad del diseño.
a) Características Principales de CSS:
Selección de Elementos: CSS te permite seleccionar y aplicar estilos a elementos HTML específicos o a grupos de elementos.
Diseño Responsivo: CSS facilita la creación de diseños que se adaptan a diferentes tamaños de pantalla, desde dispositivos móviles hasta monitores de escritorio.
Control de Estilos Visuales: Con CSS, puedes controlar el color, el tamaño, la fuente, el espacio entre elementos, y mucho más.
2. Cómo Empezar con CSS
Para comenzar a usar CSS, puedes incluir las reglas de estilo directamente en un archivo HTML o en un archivo CSS separado. A continuación te muestro cómo hacerlo:
a) CSS en Línea:
Puedes aplicar estilos directamente en los elementos HTML utilizando el atributo style.
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b) CSS Interno:
Puedes definir un bloque de CSS dentro de la etiqueta <style> en el <head> de tu documento HTML.
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c) CSS Externo:
La mejor práctica es usar un archivo CSS separado para mantener el estilo y el contenido por separado.
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Contenido de styles.css:
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3. Conceptos Básicos de CSS
CSS se basa en reglas que constan de selectores y declaraciones. A continuación te explico los conceptos más importantes:
a) Selectores:
Los selectores indican qué elementos HTML deben ser estilizados.
Selector de Elemento:
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Selector de Clase:
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Selector de ID:
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b) Propiedades y Valores:
Las propiedades son aspectos específicos del estilo que se aplican a los elementos, como color, fuente, y margen.
Propiedad color: Cambia el color del texto.
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Propiedad font-size: Cambia el tamaño de la fuente.
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Propiedad margin: Define el espacio exterior alrededor de un elemento.
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c) Especificidad y Herencia:
La especificidad determina qué reglas CSS se aplican cuando hay conflictos, y la herencia permite que ciertos estilos se transmitan a los elementos hijos.
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4. Diseño de Páginas Web con CSS
CSS permite controlar el diseño y la disposición de los elementos en una página web, facilitando la creación de sitios visualmente atractivos y organizados.
a) Modelos de Caja (Box Model):
Cada elemento en CSS se representa como una caja que comprende márgenes, bordes, rellenos y el contenido.
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b) Layouts (Diseños):
CSS proporciona varias técnicas para organizar elementos en una página, incluyendo Flexbox y Grid.
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Grid Layout:
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c) Media Queries y Diseño Responsivo:
Las media queries permiten que los diseños se adapten a diferentes tamaños de pantalla, lo que es fundamental para crear sitios web responsivos.
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5. Recursos para Aprender Más CSS
Documentación Oficial:
MDN Web Docs: Una guía completa que cubre todo lo que necesitas saber sobre CSS.
Tutoriales en Línea:
CSS-Tricks: Un sitio repleto de tutoriales, ejemplos y trucos para mejorar tu uso de CSS.
W3Schools: Un recurso fácil de seguir para aprender los fundamentos de CSS con ejemplos prácticos.
Libros Recomendados:
“CSS: The Definitive Guide” de Eric A. Meyer: Un recurso profundo para desarrolladores que quieren dominar CSS.
“CSS Secrets” de Lea Verou: Este libro revela técnicas avanzadas para crear efectos y diseños sorprendentes con CSS.
CSS es una herramienta poderosa para cualquier desarrollador web. Desde controlar la apariencia básica de los elementos hasta diseñar sitios complejos y responsivos, el dominio de CSS te permitirá crear experiencias web atractivas y profesionales. Comienza practicando con los conceptos básicos, y poco a poco, profundiza en las técnicas más avanzadas para llevar tus diseños al siguiente nivel.
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cleverwerewolfsalad · 8 months
(via Divi Mastery: Building a Dynamic Icon Menu with Flex CSS!)
In this comprehensive guide, delve into the realm of Divi mastery as we unveil the secrets to crafting a dynamic icon menu utilizing Flex CSS. With Divi's robust features and the creative flexibility of Flex CSS, you'll unlock new possibilities for enhancing your website's navigation and user experience. Harnessing the power of the Divi Blurb module alongside custom CSS techniques, we'll walk you through step-by-step instructions to create an icon menu that seamlessly transitions from horizontal to vertical layout, adapting flawlessly to varying screen sizes and device orientations.
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macin23--coder · 3 years
Codepen Pen of Signs Face Design
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topcssgallery · 3 years
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Top 10 Web Design Mistakes That Are Way Too Common
Are you planning on designing your company’s website? Have you thought about all the necessities you need for your website? If so, you need to know the latest web design trends so far.
Designing a unique website is not rocket science. To make your website stand out, you need creativity, innovative ideas, web design inspiration, and the set of tools you need. However, when designing a perfect website, you are more likely to make common mistakes. Read more to know that mistakes – Top 10 Web Design Mistakes That Are Way Too Common
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endurancesoftwares · 5 years
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yaimpuls-blog · 5 years
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Дизайн интернете магазина детских товаров . #дизайнсайт #дизайнигрушки #дизайндети #сайтмагазин #екомерц #интернетмагазин #дизайн #ecomerce #ecommerce #webshop #webdesign #design #htmldesign #cssdesign #web (at Ярослвль) https://www.instagram.com/p/BytI6IilbUf/?igshid=ngrfxye4epj2
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cyrusholiday · 3 years
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Freelance CSS Developer.I am a freelance CSS developer who specializes in developing the front-end features using CSS. I can easily inbuilt CSS code that can help a website to work with ease.
Visit Us-: https://www.cyrusholiday.com/
WhatsApp Me-: wa.me/919818805835
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henrique-barone · 5 years
Animated svg filter with anime.js #svgdesigns #inkscape #inkscapedesign #svganimation #vectorartwork #vectoranimation #animejs #javascriptanimation #cssdesign #gandalf #mithrandir https://www.instagram.com/p/B3HpFn8pE4d/?igshid=1nlrr88aw2uos
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uishaper · 5 years
Clip background using HTMl & CSS |clip mask with HTML & CSS
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topcssgallery · 3 years
The best 2021 color tools for web designers
Color plays an important role not only in our lives but also in web design. Choosing the right color for your website is an important task as it helps to reflect the true nature of your business.
Web Designer's Color Tools help you choose colors, one of the most innovative yet important decisions in website development. The colors we give to our website can have a psychological impact on our visitors. Therefore, it is important to get them right. But how can you confirm which color combination is best for your business or company? Read more - The best 2021 color tools for web designers
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htmloven-blog · 7 years
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Top 5 Best Amazing HTML Examples
We run down the best new uses of HTML, and talk to the designers behind them.
Some of these destinations utilize the most recent technologies to push the limits of what’s conceivable on the web; others traditional design principles to build beautiful, usable sites. Regardless of whether you’re using basic HTML or plunging into WebGL and 3D CSS, you’ll discover something here to move you.
01. Appy Fizz
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This design mixes super-flat and 3D-effect elements
Appy Fizz is a shining drink that depicts itself as ‘the champagne of fruit drinks’. The new Appy Fizz site was a piece of a broader re-branding venture by NYC-based firm “Sagmeister and Walsh”. As the makers clarify for their situation contemplates, the personality “visualises carbonated bubbles through a dynamic graphic dialect of 3D circles and spheres.”
The design is a fascinating blend of super-level and suggested three-dimensional elements. The circular language written in striking bold red, white and dark helps me to remember the work of Yayoi Kusama, the incredibly famous craftsman related with pop workmanship, moderation and polka dots.
02. Made by few
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This conference site is packed with hidden surprises
Made by Few is a yearly web meeting facilitated by Few, an design and development office in Arkansas. Sally Nixon’s itemized, brilliant outlines include in the masthead and the speaker descriptions, and it pauses for a minute to acknowledge there is reiteration in the crowd, because it’s so subtle.
As you explore the site, there are more surprises. “At Few, we cherish wonderful mischance’s and energize investigation,” says Arlton Lowry, prime supporter of Few and meeting coordinator. Adhering near their rationality of investigation, there are concealed jewels scattered all through the site (we won’t give them all away, yet have a go at hitting the Konami Code!).
03. Allbirds
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Strong product photography gives this site impact
Allbirds is a sports shoe brand from the place where there is 29,221,344 sheep. It started when prime supporter Tim Brown watched the astounding characteristics of Merino wool, and asked why it had never been utilized as a part of footwear.
The site, which has been fabricated using Shopify, blends way of life photography with illustrations. The outcome is a delightful ordeal that doesn’t simply recount the story behind the Allbirds, additionally gives you a vibe for the item itself.
“It’s designed to showcase the incredible attention to detail and thought behind our product design,” explains Brown on the reasoning behind the site. “We invested heavily in photography – and NYC-based kiwi photographer Henry Hargreaves – to bring the site to life and articulate our mission of making better shoes in a better way.”
04. Karim Rashid
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Karim Rashid’s new site rocks
Designer Karim Rashid is as productive as he is commended. With more than 3,000 outlines underway and work in permanent collections worldwide, it is perhaps no surprise that his own site had taken a back seat for the past 10 years. Until he dispatched Anton and Irene, that is.
With its trademark embrace of engaging interactions, emotive typography and truly device-agnostic layouts, the duo has delivered a site that invites vigorous exploration. Which was, of course, the point: “Our main goal was to showcase the plethora of products and projects in a visually enticing way,” say the pair on their blog.
This plenty of items additionally exhibited a test. How can one convey 5,000 or more pictures of fluctuating shapes and sizes in a responsive situation? The arrangement: a rethinking of ordinary designs and a lo-fi way to deal with organizing to give an exact, adaptable lattice consolidated with intense (yet unpretentious) typography.
Perhaps the most impressive thing about Rashid’s new site is the seamless transitions between viewports. “We always design all screens simultaneously … The moment we have an idea for a component or a layout we try it on all screens and see if it makes sense across the board.”
05. Histography
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An interactive timeline from the Big Bang to present day
Histography – Israeli designer and developer Matan Stauber’s last year project at Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design – is an intuitive course of events spreading over no less than 14 billion years, from the Big Bang to present day. Truly extending over the whole history of the known universe, it is a tremendous, intelligent info graphic that difficulties our assumptions of how to impart complex subjects.
Covering topics ranging from literature and music to assassinations, inventions and religion, Histography’s timeline invites us to explore events from our rich past, each dynamically pulled from Wikipedia and represented on screen as a small black dot. There are two modes: the horizontal, left-to-right view that allows the user to home in on a specific time period; or the helix-like time machine that presents a curate list of key events.
Stauber says he has always been fascinated by the idea of showing history unfold over time: “Timelines are the most popular way of visualizing history, and yet I felt they were always very limited. From the beginning of this project I knew I wanted to create a timeline that is not limited to a year, decade or a period. I wanted a timeline that could contain all of history.”
Get more detail visit http://htmloven.com/
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bydev24 · 2 years
Blog Card design with html and css.
Link bellow
#html #css #htmldesign #cssdesign #bydev24 #bydev24snipps #webdesign #webdesigning #uideveloper #frontenddeveloper #frontenddevelopment #uidevelopment #code #coding
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webdijital · 5 years
Yabancı tasarım ödülleri siteleri
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Tasarımını yaptığınız siteniz ile web sitesi ödüllerine başvurabilirsiniz. Böylece hem marka bilinirliğiniz artar hemde ödül almanız durumunda sitenize hatırı sayılır sayıda ziyaretçi trafiği sağlayabilirsiniz. Türkiye'de Altın Örümcek ve Webrazzi Ödülleri bu alanda ilk akla gelen web sitesi ödülleri yarışmalarıdır. Yabancılarda web ödülleri yarışmaları daha fazla. Ayrı kategorilerde birbirinden farklı sektörlerde web siteleri ödül için yarışıyor. Web sitenizin kategorisi ne olursa olsun size uygun kategoride web tasarım ödülleri yarışmasına katılmanız mümkün. Awwwards Awwwards web dünyasında en prestijli web ödülleri yarışmalarından biridir. Türkiye'den ve dünyadan en ünlü tasarım ajansları ve web geliştiricileri bu yar��şmaya ayrı bir önem verir. Katılım ücretlidir. Detayları yukarıda verdiğimiz linkten bulabilirsiniz. CSS Winner CSS Winner sertifikalı ödül yarışması düzenleyen web ödülleri yarışmalarındandır. Yarışmalara katılmak cüzi bir ücrete tabidir. Webbyawards Webbyawards 1997 yılından bu yana web ödülleri düzenleyen en eski sitelerden. Takip ederseniz harikulade siteler keşfedebilirsiniz. Cssdesign Awards CSS Design Awards da tasarım alanında web ödülleri veren bir başka kuruluş. Web siteleri ödülleri veren kuruluşları takip etmek, yarışmalara katılmak, sitenizi tanıtmanıza ve birbirinden faydalı siteleri keşfetmenize olanak sağlar. Aklınıza gelen başka web ödülü veren yabancı kuruluş varsa yorum kısmında belirtebilirsiniz. Netawards Dünyaca ünlü tasarım blogu creativebloq ve çıkardığı net web magazine dergisi tarafından düzenlenen bir web yarışmasıdır. 2010 yılından bu yana düzenlenmektedir. Read the full article
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ultra-catherina · 5 years
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Darth Vader Custom Wood Sign Man Cave Star Wars Home by CSSDesign, $10.00 https://ift.tt/2MipS8m
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gfxtracom-blog · 7 years
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CSSDesigner 4.7 (Mac OS X) https://goo.gl/HaiDyf
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viconsdesign · 7 years
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@marchbranding: Beautiful site: A History of Icons https://t.co/PyROabGHlW #cssdesign #design #iconography #icons
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