16th-of-a-twigg · 3 months
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Still chipping away at this 😈 2024 V 2014
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pennaddict · 2 years
Dia Voulivia.
A character I got incredibly inspired to work on pretty much out of nowhere, with the idea being their design was always clearly very feminine and masculine at all times. Very both. Future work of them would probably have longer eyelashes though, admittedly.
I scrapped together a sort of doc about their actual personality too. It's as messy as the concept work and not entirely finalized, but they have the ability/curse to dissociate from any status effects, and can ignore (not negate) both positive and negative status effects for periods of time (without informing with the other players of course) drawback that they must regularly make unwilling saving throws whenever a dm feels like it, but with a lesser chance of trigger at a higher frequency. One roll for intensity, another for how long (unless interrupted).
Really, this character was never meant to become a PC, but I thought it'd be fun to make it an option. I also think they'd make a fun romantic interest if someone took the chance.
I feel it's a character that needs more development, but is definitely fun to play with as a concept? Definitely worried I have some serious gaps in my knowlege of themes I started approaching with this character, so if you have something to say about it feel free to let me know. Art and writing is definitely a way to explore ideas and knowlege and concepts in my head. I love developing both as a person and therefore as any type of creator, so if you know something I don't, I'm probably interested in hearing about it.
Here's the link to the actual file!
Feel free to give me some ideas.
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dr0p-dead-gorgeous · 2 years
if you're still taking requests, plz a scenario, with Hannibal, with a Fem S/O who is Aspect of Gluttony, usually eating things that are inedible, raw meat or even eating more than their own size, imagine them meeting for the first time in his office for an appointment and she is wearing a muzzle to stop her from eating things, bonus her personality is calm, soft spoken and gentle, the duality of when she is hungry.
Thank you for your attention and time, drink water!
Thanks anon for the great scenario! S/O reminds me a lot of six from little nightmares. I drew inspo from that, I hope you like it, tell me if you do and don't be shy to give me critique! I wrote this as a one shot let me know if you want anything different
Hannibal x Fem!Reader
Jack had called will in on a case. The cold autumn air bit his skin as he was lead through the frigid forest to the crime scene Hannibal following close behind "Victim was found by a hiker, who thought it was a wild animal attack until they saw.. Well the bite marks". Lying on their back laid the victim their face was mauled beyond recognition their shirt was torn exposing their half eaten chest. Their arms were eaten down to the bone stomach ripped open messy unorganized rips and tears littered their body. Hannibal frowned he knew exactly who did this your bite marks were all over the victim your saliva messily strewn about they would surely trace it back to you.He likes encourageing you behavior but it seems like you might not come back from this. Will stood in his usual trance and reconstructed it in his head. He was suddenly running through the forest, it was sunset and his mind was in a manic haze " It's happening again, i grip my stomach falling against a tree." He looked up to the sound of rustling leaves and jogger approached "Hey ma'am are you ok? "they questioned stopping at their side. He looked up Continuing to Narrorate" I so sorry, I don't want to hurt you, but the hunger.. " he stands up straight " I warn the victim, telling them to go away but they do not listen, I can't hold back any longer". "I lunge at the victim biting their neck and ripping out a chunk, they fall back shocked choking on blood I proceed to maul them trying desperately to quench my hunger." " it feels like I think for hours trying and failing to stop,not stopping until I could no longer fit any more in my stomach." He rises " when I finally come back to my senses, I'm horrified of what I've done. I run away. " Will finally snaps out of it. " The victim was eaten alive". So it was some type of sick cannibal, hunting for sport? "." no, this was too desperate, too rushed, they couldn't stop themself, they tried going into the woods so they couldn't hurt anybody, unluckily for them, they ran into this person.
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Hannibal remembers the first time you met like it was yesterday, you came to his office for an appointment , as a child you were usually quite well behaved, but as you grew you developed a violent hunger,you ate very large amounts but it was never enough,when hungry you would eat anything you could fit into your mouth. often lashing out at anyone who tried to stop you. Soon enough you began eating everything you could get your hands on frenzied hungers grew worst, your parents were concerned, but finally drew the line when they found you eating the corpse of your beloved childhood hamster. They sent you to multiple facilities, and did many tests to try to figure out was wrong but no one seemed to quite know the reason.You lived most of your adolescence in and out of therapy. You were able to handle it better eventually you were at a place where you were able to suppress the urges,able to move out, get a job and live a relatively normal life. You saw a psychiatrist regularly going to therapy, but you're violent hunger returned, your psychiatrist couldn't handle it anymore and referred you to Hannibal. That's how you ended up sitting in this office.
Hannibal opened the door to you "Ms. L/N I suppose? " he asked glancing down at your muzzle,paying it no mind. You nodded "Come in". You walked as he lead you to his desk " please, sit", he motioned to the chairs next to it" It's a pleasure to meet you Dr. Lecter"."The pleasures all mine, now what brings you here? " " Well other than the referral I come here for my..hunger problems. "I see I infer that's why your wearing a..muzzle of sorts? " "Yes, you see when I get hungry I can't seem to stop myself, I have this intense urge to eat things I shouldn't and I always end up giving in" he tilted his head " what are these things that you 'shouldn't eat " " well, any food I can get my hands on really, trash, small animals bugs, small dogs, Recently what got me here, human flesh.. " this caught his attention "You have eaten.. People? " he said calmly very good at hiding his excitement "Well yes and no.. I had taken a bite out of someone's arm in an episode and I must admit it was quite.. Odd. I've never tasted such a thing" he sat for a second "have you thought a lot of eating another person" "it has crossed my mind" "Do you want to? "
After that first appointment he was instantly taken by you, intrigued. You had an inherently calm and gentle nature, outside of your ravenous spouts you loved animals and were quite polite. But when you're hungry, there's something so different, so passionate, so deliciously violent that drew him in to your sweet perfume. The more he saw you, the more he wanted to see what you are capable of, to push your limits. He wouldn't admit it but he was obsessed with you, he began to act as a friend outside of the office, this turned to him taking you to the opera and even to your protests he took you home to make you dinner.
You sat in his dining room , figeting, nervous.What if you lost your cool? How embarrassing would it be. You didn't have much time until a heavenly smell hit your nose so familiar, yet you couldn't put your finger on it. Your stomach grumbled and you were glad that you still had your muzzle on. You could feel your hunger rising you needed to eat soon or you would break. Luckily for you he soon came out with a beautifully cooked steak, it looked a bit odd and smelled so familiar, but you were so overcome with hunger. You didn't care quickly, taking off your muzzle " I must warn you, doctor Lecter I'm quite a messy eater. " " I assure you with your condition that's perfectly fine and please, call me Hannibal." You gave him a smile before diving in you were done in a flash, but it was weird you were oddly sated usually you be far more hungry but something about that meat...it was all too familiar you looked at him,still eating his food"That was lovely what was that might I ask"."Steak"This was the start to an odd relationship to say the least.He began to fuel your need for human flesh without you knowing but it was only a matter of time until he led you where you were now. Desperate in the woods,shaken and trying to catch your breath running as blood surrounded your mouth. Terrified, but by God you were finally full
Hope you enjoyed! 💗
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filthforfriends · 7 months
okay friends. I've received a handful of asks about Giorgia recently asking me comment on basically two things. 1. Her berating Damiano on her insta story. 2. Her getting diagnosed with ADHD and talking about how those traits negatively impacted her relationship.
Thing is I don't follow Gio. I've only checked her story about 4ish times this year. So as always, but especially now, I NEED SCREESHOTS. I can't comment on material I don't have. But before sending, read the rest of this post plz.
Time to dispel the myth that I'm a fan of Gio when I've been acting from the baseline of compassion I have for all semi-decent human beings. Every critique of Giorgia with even the faintest whiff of validity has already been discussed at length by people more qualified than me. So I tried to focus on the positives where it was appropriate, when it was appropriate (as in when D+G were together). But that got misconstrued in comparison to the norm which is seething hatred. It looks like I have some special allegiance to Giorgia when my allegiance is to my humanity.
Tbh I just feel lukewarm towards the woman. The reason I haven't disclosed that previously is the vitriol she already faces. But now it feels necessary since my opinions on this (the ND part) will otherwise get misattributed to a parasocial relationship.
Nuance. Please, Lord, nuance.
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This is the only screenshot I have of Gio allegedly berating Damiano over not visiting their cats. This is not berating. This is a statement of objective facts. Please google "Ad Hominem"
This screenshot does help me illustrate another important distinction, given that D+G were polyamorous for 3+ years. Since D+G had romantic partnerships with other people during the course of their relationship, Dami isn't Gio's only ex from that timespan. So when she talks about a former partner, she isn't necessarily referencing Dami. But in this case, context makes it clear exactly who's being discussed. That is what I need, posts with context that could reasonably only be about Dami.
But honestly, don't send me screenshots for #1. I've acknowledged you now go away. I'm not gonna have anything to say whether its nothing (see above) or if "berating" is an accurate descriptor. I can't quite articulate why, but it feels icky. If I'm commenting on this, its as a neurodivergent blogger, asked about a celebrity they happen to be familiar with. Its not as a Maneskin fan blog because Gio falls outside that scope. Like I've said before, Damiano David is a personality as well as just a person. So if she is sharing details, that'd likely be from the private part of his life not intended for our consumption. Therefore I'm not gonna consume it like a fan would.
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waterparksdrama · 1 year
double dare plz..
ask and you shall receive
hawaii (stay awake) - really sets the scene for the album. an upbeat pop punk song that shows off what parx does best; electronic infused pop punk that stays fresh with the equally interesting lyrics that compliment it. the song lyrically follows awsten dealing with his daily troubles but having someone to look forward to being with despite it all. really establishes the major themes of the album right from the get go in one catchy package. 7/10
gloom boys - probably the leader of the recurring theme in parx songs of "this song sounds happy but it's actually really fucked and sad ooOOOoooOOo i am the joker but an emoscene lead singer". even if that is the song's legacy for the rest of their discography, it's still a very fun song regardless. lyrically, it uses a lot of ironic imagery in its verses about how he only writes when he's sad like every other artist before going into the chorus, asking (maybe to himself, maybe to someone else) why they're so "cold" and "scared to be alone" in contrast to the more darkly playful nature of the verses. that bridge will forever be iconiccccc. 7/10
stupid for you - she is That song... probably the most well known parx song of all time what else is there to say. it's fun, it's catchy, it's smartly written both instrumentally and lyrically like c'mon it's a good ass song. to be fair there's some mild foreshadowing to the reason for the downfall of their relationship in this song already but "you're playing ring around my head / i wear you like a halo"????? c'mon this is some good shit. i love it. 7/10
royal - FUCK YEAH ROYAL. another song about feeling like he's failing to live up to expectations, both in his work and his personal relationships and wishing how those problems would just Go Away. like fuckkkkkkkkk this song hits hard. like the way it just builds up to these really cathartic big choruses really does it for me along with the subject matter. "you won't like what you see, so keep your eyes off of me / i fall in love with everything that wants nothing to do with me" you could shoot me in the face and it'd hurt less than this 8/10
take her to the moon - ok i'll admit i wasn't really a fan of this until i did a dance warmup to it and now i do LOL. the song instrumentally is the most pop sounding they've been up to this point with clear influences from owl city and early breathe carolina and hellogoodbye. lyrically, it's another well written love song using the space and beyond theming of the title specifically in the bridge's imagery with "yeah, you cloud my head, but can you really get lost in heaven?" showing the rose colored view of awsten for this person. again, foreshadowing, but it's a good ass song i can see why awsten loves it so much. 7/10
made in america - i don't get why people don't like this song it's a perfectly fine song both instrumentally and lyrically lol. from how i interpret it, it's a critique on the hypocrisy of american consumerism specifically in the ~pop punk scene~ for context during awsten's time growing up there was the rise of that sort of "this band saved my life" sentiment and non profits that would fundraise for charity (to write love on her arms specifically for their shirts and the keep a breast foundation with the infamous i heart boobies rubber wristbands). most people in the scene would wear these as trends without really caring about the causes they were for (hence "we're justice warriors when we're bored, you see? / buying bracelets and then channeling"). not to mention the glamorization of band guys' lifestyles they sell to kids who wish to be just like them without realizing they're phonies ("it's basically tradition / to lust for what you're missing / they're selling you a touched up name"). awsten points out the hypocrisy of both the bands and fans who buy into the romanticized band guy image or the causes they "support" that just end up being a fashion statement at the end of the day. honestly this commentary still holds up pretty well especially today when the prioritization of aesthetics over understanding subcultures seems to be fairly prevalent. 7/10
dizzy - a song about growing up into early adulthood, growing distant from the people you once knew, and dealing with depression all through it. pretty self explanatory, the song itself slows down much like the lyrical themes of this song. what else can i say man, it kinda hits for me stop being relatable to me pre los angeles awsten goddamn. final thoughts on this? i like the hidden vocals in the second pre chorus where awsten sings that he does wanna talk and think about all of this, though he sounds quiet and morose saying it out loud. you can hear that better in this post if you want. 8/10
powerless - again i think shooting me in the face would hurt less than this song. a head over heels love song with some subtle foreshadowing again about trying to keep a long distance relationship alive. this song is so devastatingly earnest and hopeful that i need to be stabbed. is that the best way to explain this bc this is me saying the song is really good and makes me emotional and incredibly sad from knowing how this ended up. 9/10
little violence - a song critiquing the rock music scene, specifically his band guy peers that only want to be friends now that parx is signed and making it and the music critics specifically on rock sites like absolutepunk that won't like them for heading in the more pop direction they've been shooting for. it's essentially just "fuck you: the song" and awsten being tired of all of it. the bridge itself takes a break from these shots fired though, since when he's with the person he loves, he seems to calm down about all this at least for a second. the instrumental itself carries the themes of these lyrics, with more punky riffs that still has the classic parx electronics complimenting their sound. 7/10
21 questions - another devastating foreshadowing relationship song has hit the towers. a song that starts as acoustic but builds into a full band song about awsten starting a relationship with a girl who cheats on her prior relationship to be with him and his fears of the same thing happening to him. oh god. yeah this hurts. hindsight is 20/20 and all that. the outro especially kills me "i'll forget you if you need me to, like nothing ever happened / my sun still sets without you, like nothing ever happened" please shoot me in the face it will hurt less 8/10
it follows - a song about awsten's emotions about this relationship, how he knows that he's not thinking straight with this person and how he can't think of anything else without them. if we're to believe the title refers to the horror movie of the same name, awsten feels cursed in relationships, making him nervous for this one despite how head over heels he is. i like how the guitars sort of tremble and stutter like a nervous thought before kicking into these large choruses in tandem with the lyrics. 9/10
plum island - a sort of stream of consciousness from awsten going from topics such as critiques of parx's new direction soundwise to his breakup and feeling shitty all throughout it, the chorus seeming to talk to the listener and playing into the "brooding band guy" thing and the last choruses taking solace in someone despite it all. god it's just an interesting song in general, the sort of lack of an actual chorus until the end and the sort of edm like drop that's used for most of the song with the chopped and mixed vocals of "lose your mind". not to mention those iconic drums at the beginning especially when you consider *waves hand* uh. the subjects of this song. 9/10
i'll always be around - lemme reiterate that when i react to a parx song and i say "i need to be shot" that means the song is good. this is one of the songs making me react like that. sonically, it has all the hallmarks of your regular, heartbreaking parx song with its electronics and devastating lyrics, and hopeful nature despite knowing something bad will happen. a song of awsten promising to be faithful to someone that in later performances got turned into a song about always being around for geoff and otto T___T i am going to put a gun in my mouth and blow my brains up /pos i love friendship i love love i'm dying to be your everything 9/10
candy - y'all know i gotta do the bonus tracks c'mon. this song is the most pop punk they've been while still have those parx certified electronic bits. this literally sounds like it could've been in a 2000s teen movie. hell, this sounds like if an old all time low song was good let's just admit that. lyrically, the song is about lessening your problems by sugarcoating them, which is what the song does by contrasting awsten's daily worries with the upbeat guitars. it's fun idgaf. 8/10
what we do for fun - Literally The Parx Song Of All Time. what the fuck. jaw dropped on the floor at some of this oh my god. less of a love song, more of an obsession song, mostly about sex. why did awsten bother writing about sex after this; it's articulate, mostly subtle, sexy yet playful like hello, "worshipping you from the darkest of corners like i'm practicing my own private religion" IF YOU WROTE THIS KINDA SHIT ABOUT ME I WOULD MARRY YOU ON THE SPOT. AWSTEN YOU DID NOT HAVE TO WRITE INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY WHEN YOU WROTE THIS. instrumentally, it's a drum heavy song much like plum island and yeah i can't say anything more what the fuck this song is so good i need to blow something up. 10/10
all in all, double dare is such a classic. from the instrumentals to the lyrics, it's all so emotionally earnest it makes you want to pick up the nearest sharp object and sink it into your chest when you realize what happened like immediately after this album. it's such a good album and establishes a lot about parx.
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minustwofingers · 9 months
Smut being in a story is okay, but I get what you are saying. Though I was mainly referring to fanfics where Ellie is so out there and out of character it takes away the believability I guess. It takes away from the immersion into the story because while I try to read some fanfics outside of those like yours, I can't help but hyperfocus on the details that aren't her if that makes sense. Like it feels like an ooc version of Ellie and not Ellie Williams from the Last of Us. I apologize, I suck at this. I'm not trying bash those who write smut in their fanfics, just to clarify. I also apologize for rambling on and tripping over my words.
hey anon i am so sorry for taking forever to respond. thanks for correcting me—i didn’t mean to misrepresent what you were saying! plz don’t apologize for clarifying, i appreciate it!
i try not to comment on this bc yes i do have opinions on this 😭 but i also don’t want to discourage writers who are starting out or haven’t quite figured out how to write convincing characters yet, bc i know there’s much to be improved upon in my writing and i don’t think i have any place critiquing fan work (esp bc it’s free and they’re not getting paid so if they’re having fun i’m happy for them) (also this community can be a little scary if ur hot take is a little too hot so i try to stay silent on this)
that being said…yes i do agrée w what ur saying and i know exactly what ur talking about. i feel like there’s been this trend as of late (not to say it never existed before but i feel like it’s more prevalent now) where people use fanfiction as a means of wish fulfillment where they pluck a character they think is hot out of canon and just make them into A Character whose only similarities to their canonical counterpart lie in their appearance/name. i generally write fic to try to answer the question: what would happen if i put this character in that situation? knowing what we know about them, how would they behave? and that approach motivates both what i look for in writing ideas and what i look for in pieces i enjoy reading
idk why suddenly i’m not really seeing that approach as much in fandoms these days, bc i feel like when i was younger it seemed more common to come across fic that tries to explore a character instead of fic that tries to fit characters into a predefined caricature. idk something something tiktok something something lack of delayed gratification idk
(but also people should have fun and write what they want and there’s nothing wrong w it and this is just my opinion on what i’ve seen fanfiction become over the years)
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bodyintheabyssy · 1 year
I truly hope younger fans cut out that queer investigation/queer baiting bullying of actors in popular queer shows this year. Celebrities are people with personal lives . Their relationships are not content to critique or cancel. Give the artists/actors the space to navigate their sexuality & relationships (queer or not) away from the public eye.
Someone expressing themselves or dating does not indicate gender or sexuality. Fans aren’t owed explanations or information.
Plz focus energy on LGBT+ orgs and ppl who need support. Uplift out and proud LGBT+ artists, actors, creators etc. Especially smaller creators & those who have intersecting marginalized identities. Trans and LGBT+ rights that are being attacked in Western countries (US), Fascists are helping other countries pass deadly anti-LGBT+ laws.
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byjillianmaria · 9 months
Number 9 from the writeblr end of year ask game plz 💜
9. create a meme or moodboard that captures your past writing-year!
Something like this, maybe?
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2023 was weird for me — I took over as president of my day job, so my writing goals took a bit of a backseat while I recalibrated and got settled into my new role. I also had some false starts, including:
Started off my year drafting A Colder Home based on critique partner feedback — promptly realized I was not ready to tackle this one, put it on back burner to simmer. Will probably return to it next year at some point because I've got a better idea of what I want it to be now!
Started Creep Club, but the voice was all off and it just wasn't very fun to work on. Shelved it.
Started To Consume in November, and thought I'd have it finished by the end of the year... but I've been writing slower than expected, and I'm mmmmaybe 25% of the way through at this point. Unlike 1 and 2, I am still hopeful that I will finish this draft in one sitting, it's just not going to be this year at this point, obviously LOL.
Despite all of those setbacks, I was happy to, between these projects, pluck away at my novella, Curiouser And...! I'm pleased to say that I was able to publish that last month.
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miraculouscontent · 3 years
Something I’ve been thinking about for a while on how Marinette’s situation has continued to change for the worst, and it’s shown particularly in “Ephemeral" here so I thought now would be a good time to talk about it.
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wornoutmouse · 4 years
Last one I promise to stop bothering you ahhhhh . Can we plz get a Iida Tenya (pro hero age) smut (I love this guy) like maybe you reader catching him jerking off can you imagine prim and proper tenya doing dirty things? And things get crazy after:) thank you for listening to the rambles of a crazy woman
Your wish is my command
We all know Iida has a big dick right?
And yes i looked up black hairstyles cause i just started doing my own hair leave me alone 🤚🏿
Dubious Consent, blackmail, squirting
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Working for the Iida family was honest but harsh work. They strived for professionalism and didn’t allow mistakes, no matter how small. With each member holding a leading title in almost every section of Japan, it was a no-brainer that you would choose to work with them. The only problem was, your socially oblivious boss.
One would think that as the new Ingenium’s sidekick, you would have an insider’s look into his personality and lifestyle, but that was farthest from the truth. For the 2 years that you’ve worked alongside him, you had been kept at a distance and forced mainly to handle the paperwork.
According to him, until he was sure you could handle yourself on the field, you needed to stay away from danger. In hindsight, you would have understood that choice and would have been completely fine with it. However the fact you couldn't m could never learn to handle yourself in the feels if you were never allowed on the feels was a glowing contradiction
Spending time with your boss was informative yet draining. He always set an example of a good business deal and would always explain things you didn’t understand.
The downside however, was his obsession with the non-existent dress code. Since you don’t do any outside work lately, you never put on your hero costume. So i you were always dressed in normal clothes, and every last one of them he had something to critique about.
“Here’s your coffee Mr. Iida.” The bluenette man hummed his appreciation and you turn to sit back at your corner desk.“Miss L/n….”
You tense, preparing yourself as the sound of his chair scraping against the hardwood floors announced his incoming presence. His heavy footsteps loomed closer until he stopped just barely behind you.
Your legs are kicked apart and you find your boss kneeling below you with a measuring tape. “I am appalled, your skirt is 4 centimeters away from the recommended 5 inches above the knee, we do not run a brothel here, please respect the code Miss L/n!”
You sighed, it was best to just go along with his antics. “Yes, Mr. Iida, I’m sorry for my ignorance.” As you bowed you faintly heard a small choking sound and Iida’s hands grabbed your shoulders to raise you back up. “I’ll have none of that bowing, it was a simple mistake.” He pushed up his glasses before stiffly walking back to his desk.
When he came back into view, his face was slightly flushed from what you assumed to be the heat, “I am printing something in the room below, do you mind getting it for me?” You nod and headed out the door. It may have been your imagination but you could have sworn you heard a faint curse word coming from your boss’s mouth.
Reaching the lower room was quick and effortless so you sat and waited for the presumed paperwork Iida was printing. Many of your coworkers passed you with pitying looks that you did your best to ignore. You knew that this life was not one strived for by an aspiring hero but you couldn’t just up and leave.
Your head began to itch slightly. Why is it taking so long to print? While you pondered the situation, you watched a short woman walk up to the copy machine and begin copying her own set of work. You felt your eye twitch, there wasn’t anything even programmed to print.
You stood up and quickly made your way back to your office. Stepping inside, you look blandly at your enclosed room. The memory of your boss's large windowed room flashes through your mind and you decide to work out there instead.
As you walked to the door that connected your office to his, you tilt your head curiously as a loud muffled growl comes from inside. "F-Fuck yes, suck that cock!"
His voice was guttural, and the words were something you would never dream of him saying. But what stuck out to you more was where it was all happening. I know this man ain't screwing at work!!
Without thinking you barge into the room and your jaw drops at the sight.
Sitting in your chair, was your boss, Tenya Iida. His hair was disheveled and his suit was reduced to nothing but his white shirt and open slacks. He was flushed from the neck up and sweat had accumulated in his brow.
Held tightly in his right hand was his dick and it was just as dodged as him. It was also bigger than you imagined
….not that you even imagined it in the first place.
Angry blue eyes dart up to look at you through low hanging bangs and you realised you had been staring. "This is uh… Sorry!" You internally cringe at the fact you stuttered.
As you turn around to leave, you are restricted by Iida's voice. "Stop." Almost as if in a horror movie, you turn back to him slowly and it takes all your willpower not to look down as he had shamefully left his manhood out.
You press yourself against the door as you watched Iida remove his glasses and place them on your desk. "It's rude not to knock Miss L/n." You swallow shallowly when he raises a finger to motion you forward and for a moment you lose all rational as you soon found yourself standing in front of him.
His legs were spread wide open and his dick looked like it was ready to bust any moment. The tip had become an even darker red hue, contrasting ironically with the trimmed layer of dark blue curls nestled at the base.
Despite the situation, the man before you sat looking rather relaxed. He slowly rolled up his sleeves and you caught sight of swirling tattoo sleeves wrapping around each bicep. "Come closer Y/n, I promise not to bite very hard."
He had never used your first name before and that seemed to compel you to move closer, allowing him to use your wrist to place you in-between his legs. "There is a very important rule that I have yet to teach you in the world of business."
The trained look he had focused on you left no room for argument as one of his large hands easily wrapped around your upper thigh. A shiver runs up your spine as his thumb strokes your skin slightly under your skirt. "When one has even an ounce of blackmail against you…"
Iida grabs the front of your blouse and uses it as leverage to tug you to the ground. Down there, fingers gingerly comb through your freshly dyed Nubian Twists, "... you need to blackmail them as well, fair trade and all that."
The grip in your scalp tightens and you feel your eyes slightly water at the sharp sting. The other hand still holding his cock, positions it towards your full lips as a silent order. Salty precum covers your mouth and your tongue darts out to lick it off. The sight was porn worthy.
Before you got too carried away, you decided to see how far you could push him. You bring your hands to softly wrap around his member as you gauged his response. "If I agree to this arrangement, what will I get in return?"
Iida sighed as you licked his dick starting from the balls to just below the top, "What do you want, a raise?" You shake your head and kiss a thick vein traveling along his shaft. "I want to work out there, as your official sidekick."
You could tell his patience was running thin as his hips twitched so you wrapped your mouth around the top, pressing the flat of your tongue against the slit. Iida looked down at you, teeth nibbling roughly on his bottom lip. "Why...ah~ why should I let you work anywhere near me after this!?"
In a bout of anger, you accidently let your teeth drag down the sensitive skin. Iida's eyes roll to the back of his head in such a way that you couldn't pinpoint it as a result of pain or pleasure. "I can easily report your victimizing and unprofessional behavior to HR."
Iida's eyebrows furrowed and he yanked you off of his cock. You stand up shakily before being slammed against his glass table. "You got a lot of nerve, making demands yet you're the reason I was being so unprofessional."
Iida slides down to his knees and raises your skirt over your plump ass. You internally groan as you remember the matching baby blue lingerie you were wearing, that was not going to help your case. Iida slaps your right asscheek nice and hard making you moan softly. "Who is this for?"
You decide to play into it, you sway your hips a little and stick your butt out closer to his face. "It's for me, myself, and I." Iida pulls at your panty strap before letting it snap back. You had to admit it stung. Giving attention to your other cheek, a tan hand takes hold of it and squeezes hard.
"And if I let you work with me, what is my reward?" Iida uses his teeth to pull the fabric of your underwear away from your hidden prize. You hummed as if in thought, "Good karma?"
Lips wrap around your clit and suck hard, "Sorry that's not good enough for me." You grind back on his face and relax on his table more. His hot tongue massaged and prodded your lips and clit, but never got close to being inside of you.
"Working as a pro hero is karma filling in itself, but it is stressful. Not enough time for personal focus."
Iida sucked on two of his fingers before siding them up and down your slit, taking extra time to teasingly delve past your opening before retreating just as fast. You groan, "What do you want me to do, suck your dick under the table on weekends?!"
Iida hums as he joins his mouth along with his fingers. You sigh as his large middle finger finally breaches you and sends soothing sparks throughout your body as it rubs against your walls. The combined stimulation of his hot tongue against your clit, and his even warmer fingers barely grazing against your g-spot had you in pure ecstasy.
"As convenient as that sounds, if someone were to find out we'd be in a lot of trouble." At this point you're bouncing back on his fingers giving Iida a show as your pussy squelches around his fingers. Your mouth hands open in soft pants, fogging up the clear glass below you.
Iida stand up as he continues to finger fuck you in the same rythm as he pumps his cock. "How about dinner and we see how that goes? Let's be professional." You side your clenched fists down your sides as Iida removes his fingers and replaces them with his dick.
You wait in anticipation for him to fuck you but he stands completely still, and you then realise that he was waiting for an answer. "You don't think it's a little too late, dinner comes first you know?!"
As much as Iida loved your banter, his dick was so fucking hard that your joke only agitated him.
Leaning over you, he places one hand on the glass table while the other takes hold of your hair, jerking it back. You hiss as your scalp burns for a moment, but that small pain was replaced with a greater one as teeth sank into your shoulder. "If your going to be sidekick material, that attitude is going to have to be worked on now stop testing me before I fuck it out of you."
You roll your eyes and grind down on his dick making him moan, "Fine sergeant dick, I'll be your little trophy wife, in return let me work for once, I didn't go to school for nothing damnit."
Your hair is released so much quicker than you expected that you almost hit your head on the table. Iida chuckles darkly, "Wife? Trophy slut would be a better word for it." Another harsh smack was delivered to your burning bottom, but he was satisfied after long last.
His hips finally press firmly against you as the full length of him is accepted with your pulsating core.You try to talk through the discomfort, "My ring better be huge after this."
Iida laughed sympathetically as he kissed the dark bruise forming from where he bit you. "The biggest money can buy."
The stretch began to feel pleasurable as his thrusts got faster. As a result of course you could feel yourself getting louder as well. "Faster!" Iida grunted as he held your waist to balance himself. Underneath the sound of the wobbling desk, your low groans are heard as the slapping of skin soon becomes more incessant.
"I've been waiting to fuck this lewd bottom for months! Parading around in all them damn form during outfits!"
The feeling of your bosses cock pumping in and out of you was overwhelming as he was ruthless when it came to chasing his own pleasure. Your legs trembled themselves closed, as you received another harsh slap to your ass. By the time this was over, you were sure you were going to be unable to sit.
On the other end, Iida was deeply pleasured by the sight of your ebony skin shaking from the force of each thrust. That's why it was unsurprising when a high pitched moan that most definitely wasn't yours fills the room.
"Ah, yes, I'm going to cum so deep inside of you, I can right? Pretty please!?" The man was practically whimpering as his cock twitched inside of you. If you were honest, you couldn't even answer as you feel his cum fill your insides. Even so, you felt your toes curl as he kept going.
"Come for me Miss L/n!" The shakiness that seeped from his voice as he fucked himself into an overstimulated mess was adorably pathetic. You do your best to reach in between your legs and stimulate your clit.
As you get closer, your cute hole tightens like a vice around Iida's cock and he finds himself coming again in quick spurts just like before. He was unable to take anymore stimulation and weakly pulled out of you before pumping the fingers in your wet heat. "Come on, cum on my fingers Miss. L/n."
You while loudly as you rub your clit faster and like a large wave, an orgasm crashes down on your body making s clear liquid spew from your cunt, wetting the floor.
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mcheang · 4 years
Edna Mode was a renowned designer, famed for her harsh but accurate critiques, her fierce and practical lines, and of course, being the designer of the majority of superheroes.
And now she was hosting a fashionista gala, inviting those worthy of a Mode gala. As for those asking for an invite, Edna just asks who they are and calls security.
Lila, as the self-proclaimed BFF of Ladybug, and Gabriel’s muse, had already boasted of receiving the glamorous invitation. It didn’t just come in an envelope, it came out of the sky in a rosewood chest, accompanied by a bottle of wine and canapés. (Or so she says. Adrien and Marinette rolled their eyes. Chloé wasn’t paying attention)
Alya: Girl, I’m so jealous. But hey, maybe this will be a good thing. After all, Adrien is going with Kagami. Chloe will just stick with her mom. That means it’s a chance for you and Marinette to know each other better.
Oh yeah, did I mention that everyone knows Marinette is MDC?
Lila forced a grin but didn’t want to make any promises.
Imagine Lila’s rage to know she wasn’t given an invite because she was just a model. Adrien was the heir to a fashion company. She was not.
With all the bragging Lila did, she can’t back out or Chloe and Marinette will call out her absence. (Chloé learned about Lila being a guest from Sabrina later from gossiping)
So, she stole Marinette’s invitation. She did some editing and made her own customised invite, brandishing it for her class to see.
Marinette saw her invitation missing, rolled her eyes and reported the theft to Edna. Plz, everyone knows Edna invited her. She didn’t really need a piece of expensive paper.
The day of the gala arrived, and Lila brought out her invite.
The guard looked at his clipboard. “You’re not on the list.”
Lila: No, but I do have an invite. Obviously someone must have made a mistake with your list.
The guard snorted. “If that’s the case, then your fingerprints and eye scans should have already been registered. That’s what opens the doors.“
Tumblr media
Lila gulped and thought about sneaking in with the next guest. But no such luck. Security made sure one person entered at a time.
As the security guard moved to push Lila back into the crowd of fans, Lila cried out that she knows Ladybug and Gabriel.
Guard: what’s your point?
Lila: You’ll be fired for this!
Guard: Yeah, yeah. I’ve heard this all before.
Another guard just scoffed. “You’re only a model. One of many in the industry. Miss Mode doesn’t care for models.”
Lila: what are models if not the face of fashion?
“Spoiled, stupid little stick figures with poofy lips who think only of themselves” Edna herself was at the entrance, wondering what was causing the disruption in her guest entrance flow.
Lila: How can you say that? Then why would Ladybug be my Best Friend?
Edna: the day Ladybug says she is your Best Friend is the day I wear crocs. And I don’t mean crocodile leather.
Edna points at a random guard. “You, get this so-called model out of the way. She is blocking the queue.
Oh by the way, Edna calling out Lila was caught on camera by the reporters.
One of them questioned why she was kicking out Gabriel’s muse when his son, a supermodel himself, was invited.
Edna: I did not invite the boy because of his face. I invited him because I saw potential (basically she realized he was Chat Noir. She would never invite Adrien otherwise. As seen from her quote, she doesn’t have a high opinion of models) That is, if he ever gets out of his father’s shadow. Because, let’s face it darling, what can Adrien do besides look pretty and play with swords and piano? You would think the boy would be in part of business meetings, but no. At this rate, Gabriel needs this gala to get out of that stuffy house. Realize that maybe his parenting methods are flawed compared to some other talented figures here. Look at Miss Kagami, focused on upholding her family legacy of fencing. MDC already knows how to run her own business after learning a bit from her parents. Even Audrey’s daughter has been joining in on becoming a fashion critic and throwing parties for political parties. But I must go, my guests await.
Back inside the party, guests were avoiding a seething Gabriel’s eyes. He had come to scout out the superhero guests, only to be called out by Edna on live tv.
Marinette went up to Edna and asked one of her fashion idols why she burned the Agrestes in public.
Edna: do you think Gabriel would change his parenting ways if we did not expose them to the influential figures of this industry, as well as the public eye? I guarantee you Adrien will be allowed more freedom of choice, lest Gabriel wants his son to be known as a coddled boy who can’t even make his own decisions.
Edna didn’t bother softening her sharp voice as she says these words.
Adrien flushed.
Quickly changing the subject, Marinette asked why Edna hated models.
Edna: it’s not that I hate them personally. I just hate their jobs and what they represent. Models nowadays are beautiful only according to the world standards. People who see them want to be like them, never mind that the models they see on the screen are airbrushed to unrealistic and impossible perfection. Now models focus only on their own appearance, trying to maintain their beauty as time ages them. They go on diets and become superficial. Whereas outside the modelling industry or such like, you don’t need to be stereotypically beautiful to be worthy. Where your worth is measured in kindness and bravery and talent and intelligence and anything beyond superficiality.
Adrien overheard and he frowned, not liking the idea where his appearance on ads is not exactly right. He only joined the company to make his father happy. But maybe it’s time he stepped into the business side of things and exit the modelling world. Bonus: no more Lila!
Edna snorted, “Though I must admit Gabriel surprised me with his newest model. Her attitude is lousy but she doesn’t strike me as a model. She just doesn’t have that model walk. But enough about the old man, my dear MDC, let’s talk about you. I love your gender-neutral line. And was wondering if you would like to join me in creating my next line of clothes for the Incredibles. A rare opportunity but I like style. Now take this offer before I change my mind.”
Marinette: wait, do I have to fly over or-
Edna: you are too excited, darling, but don’t worry, my assistants will send you the details.
Why are the Incredibles getting a new look? The kids are growing up and Edna wanted to move on to new styles.
As Marinette was flabbergasted, Audrey congratulated her for landing the job. Kagami and Adrien also beamed at her good fortune.
Even the Incredibles admitted they looked forward to working with her. Violet was a big fan.
Gabriel was seething and thought about akumatizing himself but come on, one villain against a room of superheroes? No thanks.
Drinking a glass of wine, he eventually admits that Edna had a point, however loudly and rudely it had been announced.
He would not be around forever and he wanted to leave the company in Adrien’s hands. In order for that to happen, his son needs to know business (if he can’t design, he can hire designers)
And yes, Lila was a lousy model. She survived by shooting with professional models who managed to overpower her mediocre work. But a deal was a deal. Besides, her contract was only for a year.
After the gala, Adrien happily quit modelling (aka Lila) to spend more time with his father, learning about how to run a company.
Marinette and Edna proudly claimed credit for the fashionable Incredibles.
Violet also became the talk of the school for her MDC exclusives.
Lila had been humiliated on air. Alya hesitated but finally did her research. At the end, she collapsed over the ruined credibility of her blog. But she can still get revenge by informing the principal, Ms Bustier and Mrs Rossi what Lila lied about. The perks of being a class vice president for a busy class president is that she also has the contacts list for emergencies.
Considering how Lila framed Marinette, there would be no suspension or detention. Only expulsion. Good luck finding a new school when Edna’s gala was a global topic.
When Lila returned to school for her last week (it takes time to gather evidence and get the attention of busy adults), nobody wanted to talk to her or even exchange glances. She quietly kept to herself, hoping for this to blow over soon. She was still a model working for Gabriel. She could befriend other supermodels (as if. Like they would want to befriend her after Edna called her out)
Hell, even her jobs were down. Gabriel just told her to take test shoots to fill up her portfolio until the hype died down (aka her contract expired)
When Lila was expelled, she was ready to be akumatized into Chameleon again. Except one problem. Everyone avoided her like hell so how could she kiss her target. Even Adrien was told to stay away lest his reputation be tarnished.
Ok, I admit it. I was hit by “I’m no Angel” quotes as I wrote this. But seriously, does anyone feel weird at the idea of trying to become thinner when your weight is just right, all the while you know there are people out there even thinner than you are and are starving, not because they want to be stereotypically thin, but because they cannot afford food?
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cheolbooluvr · 3 years
the secret garden
part of the confession series
pairing: wonwoo x gn!reader
genre: fluff, college!au
word count: 2.4k (these are no longer drabbles LMFAO)
warnings: none
a/n: lowkey am sorry for making wonwoo a bookworm bc i know that's so common, but i tried to add a bit more to it? idk, regardless, i hope you enjoy this and plz leave feedback if you'd like! always appreciated, thanks for reading <3
my masterlist \ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ/
。☆✼★ ━━━━━━━━━━━━ ★✼☆。
“I feel like I’m going to tell [them] directly and honestly”
Wonwoo kind of hated you. Not you, but just how oblivious you could be sometimes, if not most of the time. It had been over a year since the two of you met in your advanced literature seminar and you were drawn to the way Wonwoo described the world around him. He could make even the most mundane of things into a beautiful string of words that flowed effortlessly one after the other. He had a special charm for making people fall in love with the little things in life, and it was especially hard for people not to fall in love with him.
But this wasn’t about him, this was about you and how you made him feel. You had approached him by the school garden after class one day asking if he had free time and wanted to talk about one of your assignments. He was already feeling pretty shy from the slew of compliments you gave him during the critique in class earlier, but he gladly accepted your invitation. Neither of you expected to spend the rest of your afternoon into the early evening talking about your favorite books and poets. By the time both of you had to head back to your dorms, you had exchanged numbers and it was him who suggested you “do this more often.” It would be a lie to say that he didn’t give you butterflies, but given everything you had heard about him not having dated anyone despite his popularity, you figured he just wasn’t interested in pursuing relationships.
And it was true, he wasn’t interested in anyone. At least not until he met you. Throughout your friendship, however, he found it incredibly easy to talk to you and open up about things he hadn’t even told his friends prior to you. You spent your days in bookstores reading and trying to find the best and worst stories. It was nice that you could just exist together in the same space, but somehow that filled a void in his heart he never knew existed, and you could easily say the same. At some point, he decided to start dropping hints. The works he recommended you were all about falling in love, talking about the sweet yet mortifying feeling of holding those feelings, yet you just thought he was a hopeless romantic. It was strongly engraved in your brain that Wonwoo simply wasn’t interested in dating and you had pushed any thoughts like that to the back of your mind for a long time.
But every once in a while, you wondered what it would be like if the two of you could be something more. Would you even be compatible? Did he even like you that way? You would shake those thoughts away as soon as they came to you, but recently, those thoughts became harder to fight off the more you spent time with him.
In the days leading up to your birthday, Wonwoo told you he had a surprise planned. This made you nervous because if you were being honest, as close as you two were, sometimes it was hard to read him. He wasn’t nearly open as the books you two often read. It could either go horribly or really well knowing him, but you didn’t have much of a say in the matter. “Just trust me,” he told you when you tried to pry for details. You took a sip of your iced mango green tea as he continued to read his book, a smirk forming on his lips. It made you hate how mischievous he could be sometimes, but there was nothing you could do to really change that, and maybe you liked it. Maybe you loved it. Maybe you loved him.
Your birthday fortunately fell on a Saturday, and being blessed to be a late spring baby, it was warm out. So far, the odds fell in your favor, but that didn’t do much to quell the nervousness building in your stomach. The night before, Wonwoo told you that you’d be going on a scavenger hunt and that was it. He also told you to dress kind of nice, but not too nice. Your phone dinged as you got ready to leave. Are you ready for your first hint? the text read. You replied yes, and he sent you a picture of camellias. You instantly knew where this was and you headed out from your dorm.
When you arrived at the school garden, you took a selfie to show him that you had arrived. When he saw your picture on his phone, his heart skipped a beat and he suddenly grew nervous as he waited for you to find him. Your next hint goes like this: A necessity to some, a treasure to many, I’m best enjoyed among pleasant company. Some like me hot, some like me cold. Some prefer mild, some like me bold. What am I?
It took you a minute before you figured out that he was referring to coffee, and if it was about coffee, then the next place he wanted you to go was to the cafe you two frequented. You took a selfie again, but this time, he told you to go inside and talk to Seokmin, the barista turned friend after he saw you two almost every day.
When you walked in, he greeted you with his signature grin. “Happy birthday!”
“Thank you!” you replied with a warm smile. You weren’t sure what Wonwoo wanted you to say to Seokmin, but you figured you might as well order “Can I get—”
“An iced mango green tea and an iced americano?” Seokmin grinned even wider. Despite that being what you and Wonwoo usually ordered, it still surprised you. “I got you covered,” he added, making sure to wink at you, too. He pulled the two drinks from behind the counter and pushed in your direction.
“Thanks, Seokmin,” you said, taking the drinks. You moved to pull out your wallet, but he reached over the counter and touched your arm gently.
“I told you, I got you covered,” he laughed.
“Are you sure?”
“Would it make you feel better if I told you Wonwoo actually already ordered and paid?” You felt your cheeks warm up, hoping he wouldn’t notice you blush at the mention of Wonwoo’s name. “Happy birthday again! Have fun on the rest of the scavenger hunt!”
You thanked him one more time and left. While you were talking to Seokmin, Wonwoo had already texted you your third hint. You set the drinks down on the table outside and read his message: What building on campus has the most stories? Your initial thought was the business building, so you made your way there. When you sent Wonwoo your selfie, he responded with a short and swift, nope. You sent him another selfie where you frowned and threatened to dump his drink in the planter next to you. He let out a low chuckle and told you to think about it some more.
“The most stories… most stories…” you mumbled to yourself. It then dawned on you that Wonwoo would never be so obvious as to ask you to find the building with the most floors, but the most stories. As in books. Because that was your common link. You almost sprinted at the rate you were going towards the library. When you arrived, you sent him yet another selfie and all he sent you was “😁👍.” He was probably inside at one of the tables, or so you thought. Except for a couple of students, the library was relatively empty and Wonwoo was nowhere to be seen. You wandered the aisles, hoping maybe he would have his head buried in a book as per usual. As you peeked in each aisle, he wasn’t there. “Wonwoo,” you whispered. No response. So, you texted him, where r u???
He responded, Fiction,G-I, so you headed to the fiction section where the G-I authors were. Your phone pinged with another message from him. PZ7 B934 Se 1962, the text read. You knew that was the number of a book, so you began to peruse the numerous spines to find the book he gave you. Finally, your finger landed on the exact one and you read the title, The Secret Garden. You quietly laughed to yourself at how clever he was. You put the book back, and in your excitement, you forgot to text him. Because of this, he thought it was taking you a while to find the book and he wondered if you couldn’t find it, or maybe someone had coincidentally checked the book out before you came. But that couldn’t be it, because he made sure to check it was there before you started your hunt.
“Found you!” you said, startling him. You laughed at how cute he was when he was caught off guard. He was wearing a simple beige button-down tee with khakis, and though the outfit was simple, you couldn’t help but admire how good he looked. The shirt fit his broad shoulders perfectly and wrapped around his now buff arms. He had been working out a lot recently, and it definitely showed.
“I was beginning to think something went wrong,” he laughed back, pushing his wireframes up his nose.
“What’s all this?” you asked, pointing to the table in the middle of the library garden. It was nicknamed the “Secret Garden” because it was tucked away just behind the library and students seldom found it. However, you and Wonwoo happened to stumble upon it one day when you couldn’t find a place to study in the library. Since then, you would come out here to study or read when the weather permitted. Because it was spring, the fruit trees were just beginning to blossom which were beautiful to look at, but your allergies hated it. You sneezed and a concerned look overcame Wonwoo’s face, but he chucked when you muttered, “Damn allergies.”
“Happy birthday,” he said, his face lighting up as he motioned to the table behind him. He grabbed his drink from you and led you to sit down. On the table were a couple of scones, muffins and sandwiches. “I wasn’t really sure what you liked, so I guessed.”
Whatever feelings you had tried to suppress before had risen to the surface of your heart. After all, how could you not maybe feel a little something after your friend went through all of this just for you?
The two of you began eating, but the longer he waited, the longer Wonwoo grew anxious. “So,” he began. You were in the middle of biting into a blueberry scone when you looked up at him. “Did you get the hints?”
“Well, duh,” you replied with your mouth full. He couldn’t help but laugh and be thankful at how comfortable you could be around him. “I made it here, didn’t I?”
“But you didn’t get my hints, did you?” he pressed further.
“I clearly did, otherwise I wouldn’t be here.” You were beginning to feel a little annoyed, thinking he was questioning your intelligence.
“No, not those hints.”
Now you were confused and your expression showed that. “What do you mean?”
Wonwoo took a deep breath in and a deep breath out, rocking back and forth as he wiped his clammy palms on his pant legs. “I figured as much,” he mumbled. “I guess I have to be more direct.”
“Direct? Direct about what?” It took a moment, but those suppressed feelings you had were at a raging boil now, and a million thoughts ran through your head. There was no way this was happening. Right?
“I have feelings for you,” he said calmly. “I’ve had feelings for you for a while, actually.” His sudden confession left you speechless as you nearly choked on your scone.
“Wait, let me finish before you say anything. I want to make sure I say everything I want to say before I forget.” You nodded, but your head began to spin as you tried to process his words. “Those hints I gave you today, they’re more than just hints. Each of those places were places where I fell for you. The school garden was where you first approached me and asked me to hang out.” It was then that you realized just how thoughtful and observant he was, and though he didn’t ever say much, Wonwoo was a man of many words. “Then there was the cafe where you and I would hang out almost everyday. It was there that I realized just how easy it was to talk to you and how much I enjoyed your company.”
The more he went on, the more you felt your chest tighten. You realized that you had forgotten to breathe at times, and so you tried to conspicuously maintain your breathing before you passed out.
He continued, “And finally, the Secret Garden. There wasn’t anything specific that you did here, but there was a day when we were just reading and I realized that I might be in love with you.” He paused, looking to you for some kind of reaction, but all your face showed was shock. He recalled that day when he glanced up from his book and you were nose deep in your own book. The sunlight hit you perfectly, outlining the edge of your face and engraving that image forever in his brain. “I know that this is probably a lot, but I couldn’t hold it back any longer. I had to be honest to you and to myself.”
Silence fell upon you. All that could be heard was the rustling of the wind through the trees and chirping birds. You two sat there as you tried to formulate the words to tell him how you felt. As time went on, Wonwoo worried that maybe he had just ruined a perfectly fine friendship, and that there was no way he could walk this back. But like he had told you, he had to be honest. The longer he kept it in, the worse he felt.
“Look,” he interrupted the silence. “I don’t want you to feel pressured to feel the same way or even have an answer for me right now. I just needed to get this off my—”
You stood up and leaned over the table, grabbing him by the collar. You pulled him in close before landing your lips on his. Pulling away, you leaned your forehead and grinned widely. “You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for this.”
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inkinary · 2 years
I definitely want some more Three Musketeers! Gonna take all my lizard brain power to think of something at this late hour but I think I got a lil concept for you: the highs and lows of their friendship.
_Slight warning. We have a bit of name calling in this one folks._
Today wasn't a great day.
Raihan scuffled down the street, his head tucked low in some average grey hoodie he had managed to pull from the depths of his closet. He glanced around the street, checking to make sure he hadn't attracted any attention. He didn't feel like dealing with fans today. He scoffed.
Like he had any left at this point.
He absently fumbled for his rotom phone, unlocking it without a thought as he pulled up his Pokenet feed. Some of his videos and photos were still on the main page, but most of his feed was dominated by his newest brand of torment.
Trainer Reviews.
He grimaced as he quickly flipped by the comments. Trainer Reviews was a new critic channel/blog on the net, dedicated to rating the strongest trainers of all regions based on a set win rate and power. Though skyrocketing in popularity seemingly overnight, the panel of "judges" from TR was known for their sarcastic comments, exposure of conspiracy, witty insults, and harsh critique.
Guess who happened to be their latest victim.
The Pokenet star's fingers stuttered as his gaze skimmed the comments, he could practically feel his mood getting worse with every word.
"Raihan's been Leon's rival for YEARS, and he STILL hasn't beat him. He doesn't seem to be able to beat anyone other than kids."
"lol riahaan trash."
"I challenged him once all he talked about was beating Leon. Like DUDE... I want to do my gym challenge PLZ."
"TR is right, this guy is kinda cringe. Like... get good man. You obvi arent good enough to beat your rival. Win rate trash. Youre bad"
"I used to really like Raihan... he seemed alright. Now, I'm not really so sure."
The dragon trainer forcefully turned off the phone, shoving his hands into his gym shorts. Haters he could take, he's had plenty of those, but it wasn't just that. His channel had plummeted. He was dropping followers by hundreds, tons of other creators were doing spinoff vids or posts practically digging up anything in his life they could to bash him.
Today wasn't a good day.
"Yo! Raihan!"
He let out a harsh sigh. Leon. running towards him with a cup of coffee and a bag of take-out.
He really didn't feel like it today.
He made himself smile, blatantly ignoring the looks around the street as he caught sight of his friend.
"Hey, Leon...what brings you to Hammerlocke?"
The chairman let out a soft laugh, falling into step beside him as he munched on a scone.
"Well, after my initial kidnapping last week, I thought it would be a good idea to stagger my workload a bit. Ya know, get out, see the region I'm working so hard on every day."
Raihan managed a huff of a laugh, rubbing a hand over his neck.
"You really could use it."
Leon gave him a contemplative look, studying him for a moment before turning his attention back to his surroundings.
"I was supposed to meet up with Piers at the Bulbasaur Bistro... But... ah.."
Raihan sighed.
"You got lost again didn't you."
The former champion flashed a sheepish smile, shrugging.
"I get turned around easy. Wanna come?"
"Will you even get there if I don't?"
"Yeah ok, fair."
Raihan slipped into the lead, keeping his head down as he weaved his way to the little cafe. His mind was a million miles away from wanting to interact socially right now, he couldn't even get his mind out of the loop of what if's and should I's.
The little industrial-age-style bistro was one of the lesser-known gems of Hammerlocke, it wasn't on the travel guides and the tourist lists, but all the natives knew this was one of the best spots in the region for chill food and conversation.
Both of which really didn't sound any good at all right now.
Leon stepped up and ordered them both a coffee (WHY did he need another?), paying the barista and making their way to the back of the Edison bulb-lit coffee shop. Piers was sitting at one of the metal tables in the back, casually sipping on a black earl grey and flipping through the latest trainer's magazine. He looked up with a muted smile, tossing his head at them.
"Oi! Ovah 'ere. 'Bout time ya showed up Leo. See ya broughta plus-one eh?"
Leon laughed, settling down in one of the empty seats.
"We bumped into each other while I was wondering around looking for this place. I did snag some scones on the way though."
The rockstar shot the chairman an incredulous look, his electric blue eyes gleaming.
"We've met 'ere for years, mate. 'Ow is it possible ya still cannae find it?"
Leon simply shrugged, munching on one of his scones and peeking over at Piers' magazine. The dark gym leader scooted it over to him, choosing instead to focus in on Raihan.
He slumped into his seat, pushing his hood down just enough to see both of his friends, but still leaving it up. Piers leaned forward, his bi-colored spiky bangs falling over one eye as he took a long draw from his tea.
"Wha's goin' on in ya 'ead there, mate?"
The Pokenet star pointedly looked away.
"Nothing. I'm fine."
Leon looked up from his paper for a second, before looking back down.
"No phone. Wrong hoodie. He's upset."
Raihon shot him a glare.
Darn it Lee!
Piers simply shook his head.
"I can feel ya dissonant notes from across tha room, ya ain't singin' the same tune ya usually do. What's goin' on whit ya? Somthin' botherin' ya that we need ta talk about?"
Raihan took pride in being able to keep his face up.
He really did.
He kept a level head through Eternatus, he'd kept his spirits up his whole life as he lost time and time again to his best friend. He'd smiled during loss to a kid, he'd never cracked as he saw his entire home almost lost to someone he thought they all could trust. One thing after another, all carefully packed away, eating at the back of his mind until his heart almost burned with it.
And there was no more that could fit.
He growled, pushing himself up and glaring at the Rockstar. He couldn't help the snarl that etched itself across his face.
"I don't want to talk. I'm tired of every nosy trash scraping Slum sticking their noses into my business. I'm fed up trying to deal with all of this, so why don't you just BUTT OUT?!"
It was a low blow. He regretted it the minute he said it; he knew Piers was proud and sensitive about his home, but he couldn't bring himself to CARE. The change in his friend was instant. Piers stood up, his face never changing but his eyes burning with hurt and dark anger. He just stood there, his hands flexing and twitching forward, then stopping. He spun on his heel and left without a word; his silence worse than if he had screamed. In fact, Raihan almost wished he had.
Leon was standing (When did that happen?) His face a mix of confusion and shock.
"Rai... that was..."
"DON'T. Ok? Keep the coffee. I'm going home."
Raihan pulled up his hood again, pushing his way past his remaining friend to make a swift exit the opposite way Piers had left. The anger he had felt from before was quickly being replaced with shame and sadness, but he kept walking. It wasn't like he would make it any better if he went back.
He really was trash wasn't he?
The Pokenet star pulled his hood down as far as he could, feeling the eyes trail him as he made his way back to his castle.
He'd never felt so alone.
(Reads prompt as 'Highs and lows')
(Promptly yeets the first bit in favor of ANGST)
ANDI! Welcome back! This was.... oof. This one was tough. Everyone hates it when the group starts fighting. Internet popularity is a hard thing, and I feel terrible for the things that YouTube Channels and other celebs have to deal with. Popularity is... yowch. I had planned to make it all better in the end, but alas time snuck up on me. 
 I DO have ideas for maybe a make-up-We’re-friends-again follow-up drabble if you want it, so if you do please let me know. (I'M SORRY ANDI YOU DON'T DESERVE THIS PAIN PLEASESAYYOUWANTJUSTICETHEYNEEDTOBEFRIENDS)
Thank you again!
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myers-meadow · 3 years
I never mean to complain, but when I started writing short fanfic pieces, roughly a decade ago, I remember finding such amazing feedback from ppl, and I never had much of a concept about what an online fan community was or how it was formed, so I never interacted that much. Still I got paragraphs of what ppl liked, what could be better, and discussing the ideas indepth. Really quite amazing. I did the same for others, it was only normal to do that.
But now one fic has almost 1k reads, over 50 kudos and ZERO comments on a fic on ao3. How does this happen? I refuse to believe that it is because it's 'not good enough'.
Or: well over 1k hits, 110 kudos, TWO comments, both from guest users.
Or another one: Over 3k hits, 230 kudos, 11 comments from others, among which many are just "MORE PLZ" or "NEED NEW CHAPTER" which are miles away from honest critique or actual enjoyment.
What is up with this? Very demotivating to see that [inbox (1)] and then its just an "I NEED MORE"
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its-tie-kir-ra · 3 years
As much fun as it is to bash Yashahime for its nonsense, you really dig into it and critically analyze it down to its bones. You have no idea how much your presence is appreciated when it seems like there’s so much praise for this sad series. I eagerly await your season 2 video. I feel like it’ll heal something inside me lmao.
I've not been having a great time lately (just one of these ✨sadness✨ spikes that come from being mentally ill) and reading this made me feel very warm and gooey inside. Thank you. My goal going into that video was to be fair so it's good to know it came across. I never want to be an asshole on the internet just to be an asshole on the internet.
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Although be forewarned, if you're looking for structure and analysis in the S2 video, there is little to be seen. Like there's a bit because I'm a nerd, but it's more like "wow I can't believe I'm still watching this" rather than "wow I want to give this show a fair critique" outlook I'm taking on it. All of my notes are literally either identical to S1 or just pure salt. I hope that it brings you the healing energy you need.
Also to all the posts I'm seeing from people who are still watching and seeing if it will turn around....what....what are you waiting for????? We're like what, 5 episodes away from the ending??? What do you think will happen????
(If anyone wants to see my video it's right here. And the reason I'm linking it so much is because I keep getting asked about it but also plz subscribe because I'm hungry for your attention)
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yukiumisakura25 · 3 years
Hiiii so this is my first one-shot fanfic! Forewarning, everyone is aged up to adulthood, no underage-ness! Sorry, but I will say there is a MESS to this with snot and stuff…soooo yeah. Okay, so this is BakuDeku, so here we go!
Ring Ring-click
Deku hung up his phone, frowning at the device in his hand.
No answer. Bakugou was supposed to meet him for patrol 20 minutes ago, and Bakugou, if nothing else, is always on time. Their agencies decided to hunt the copycat hero killer together, as they were getting nowhere alone. Since school, they’ve been on better terms, meeting each other once a month for a get together. But Bakugou always had kept his distance, never letting deku close, nor explaining why.
Deku sighed, walking towards the alleyway he was waiting near, contemplating stopping by the agency to see if the fire head even came to work today.
“HA-KSHEEW!” Deku literally jumped from the sound behind him and quickly turned to the source, expecting some sort of villain or deranged citizen who tried to break his eardrums. What he wasn’t expecting was the sight of a sick, drippy pro hero with one gauntlet on, and the free arm being used as a snot rag.
“Kacchan!” Deku wasn’t sure if he should be happy or upset that Bakugou came to patrol sick. He must feel alright enough if hes walking around, right?
“*sniff* Ib sorry ib lade, won’t bake a habit of it.” Kacchan growled from behind his arm, trying to slow the mucus leakage. Deku’s eyebrows furrowed and he walked over to his partner.
“Kacchan, why are you here? Youre obviously-“
“Shud ub fugface, I dnow whad youre dinging, and I.AB.NOD.SI- HE-KSHEEW!” Deku winced at the violent sneeze bakugou let out, and the mess that followed behind his elbow. He searched in his pockets and took out a small tissue packet and opened it.
“Here kacchan.” He gently offered the packet, half expecting Bakugou to flip him off and walk away.
Bakugou looked down at the packet, then to deku, seemingly offended by the gesture. A tch could be heard from him before he snacked it from deku and turned his back to him to clean up his face. A gurgling honk could be heard as he nearly went through the whole package, trying to rid his sinuses of the cold he was obviously suffering from.
“…Kacchan? Maybe you should head home?” Deku tried gently, not wanting to cause Bakugou to blow up. Still, this was Bakugou. Bakugou spun around to face Deku, pissed off and storming towards Deku.
“BAYBE YOU SHOULD SHUD UB AND BIND YOUR OWN DABN BUS-“ Bakugou cut off, his breathing turning erratic, his head tilt up and his eyes holding a glazed look.
“heh-b-bind your own-heeh-dabn-HEH-KSHEEW!!*sniff* Disgusting…” He turned from Deku to spray at the side, a string of snot attached to the brick wall next to them before snapping off from his right nostril. Deku, instead of feeling disgusted, just frowned. A closer look at Bakugou, his skin was pale, rosy cheeks, nose chapped and red from rubbing, dark circles under his eyes, and his hair was messy like he just woke up.
“I’m serious Kacchan, I really think you should go home. You are obviously not well and you’re swaying. Do you have a fever?” Deku held his hand up to touch Bakugou’s hand before he slapped it away with a growl.
“Fug off Deku!”
“Kacchan, please go home. It isn’t safe for you to patrol in your condition. I’ll call Ida to assist me tonight, so don’t worry.” Deku put his foot down, willing to go against Bakugou’s temper for his own well being and safety.
“HAH! You ding Four-eyes can helb you better dan be?? FUG DAT IB FINE!” Bakugou growled, a used tissue pressed to his nose. Deku huffed, over Bakugou’s bitch fit.
“Kacchan, I won’t go patrolling with you in this condition. For once, stop being so stubborn and go home!”
Deku thought it was nearly impossible for Bakugou’s face to turn any redder as he tried to process what he just heard. However, that was enough time for a sneeze to sneak up on Bakugou and gave him no time turn completely to the side.
“HER-KSHEEEW!” He sprayed to Deku’s side, catching his ear and parts of his hair in the mess. Deku jumped up from the volume of the sneeze, then realized he was caught in the blast zone.
“..Sorry.” Bakugou muttered, eyes to the ground as he tried to clean up his mess with another used tissue. He honestly looked ashamed to have sneezed on Deku, but Deku had other things on his mind.
“Kacchan….are you worried about me?” Deku felt abit of fondness in his chest at the thought that Bakugou cared for him. And maybe a bit of warmth from his heart that Bakugou was concerned.
So I like Kacchan. Sue me.
He’d come to understand his feelings ever since their third year, after a game of spin the bottle. Everyone else found it funny they were chosen to kiss, but for Deku-
“Heh- HEH-KSHEEW! DABN IT!” Kacchan cursed lowly, running out of tissues. He snorted some snot back up and glared at Deku, daring him to say anything.
“SO WHAD?! I CAND CARE FOR BY FRIEND??” Okay, Bakugou was definitely running a fever. He called him his FRIEND.
“Kacchan…” Deku felt near tears, to think Bakugou would care for him enough to come to patrol so sick and ill equipped for his nose.
“Shud ub Deku.” Bakugou sighed, seemingly exhausted.
“Adyway, dere is a cobycad hero killer oud dere and I wond led you search for hib widout be.” Bakugou made a small coughing noise at the end, giving Deku time to think.
“….Alright.” Deku took his phone out and dialed some numbers. Bakugou was watching with interest and worry.
“Who are you calling? I told you Ib not ledding you padrol withoud be!” Bakugou used his gauntlet hand to grab Deku’s wrist, holding onto it like a life line. Shocked, Deku met eyes with Bakugou, seeing the concern behind his fever glazed eyes.
“…Don’t worry kacchan, I’m just texting Uraraka and Todoroki to take over for tonight.” Deku said calmly, holding back a smile. Bakugou obviously wasn’t in the mood to be teased.
“oh..okay. Ad whib dat shid eading grin off your fa- heh..heh-hah..” Bakugou’s nose twitched as the tickle took over.
“Haaaah..h-heh fug be-haaah…heeh dabn id! Heeeh-“ The sneeze seemed stuck, and if Bakugou could see through the tears, he’d see a mischievous gleam in Deku’s eyes.
“It’s okay Kacchan, what are partners for?” Deku leaned in and pressed a light touch to the base of Bakugou’s nose and put alittle pressure on it. That seemed to do the trick as Deku leaped out of the way in time for Bakugou to explode forward, his spray turning into small explosions and leaving burn marks on the wall.
Deku stared in shock as Bakugou caught his breath, panting as he leaned forward.
“….Bless you Kacchan.”
“Shud…Ub…Deku.” Bakugou spoke between pants as he nearly fell forward, but caught by Deku and positioned to lean on him.
“Let’s get you home kacchan.”
AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH So what did you guys think?? Not too shabby for a first-time one-shot right?? I haven’t written anything sneeze related in YEARS! Sorry if it seems abit meh spelling wise and detailed wise, honestly my very first! If you have any advice or critique, please let me know! Im always up to better myself!
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