mchristelle · 4 years
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Soooooo... Phoebe needs a spell against shapeshifters. That’s the spell Grams gives her. Did she try to kill Victor?
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I spent 45 minutes writing a shitty poem about Vox Machina. Wanna hear it?
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mchristelle · 4 years
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It's interesting that Piper is not more weirded out by Moore not moving. She doesn't wonder if he's sick, or if it's happening to someone else. Particularly when she's the least courageous of the three. (For the moment). It's the first hint that even with her current personality, she's a Warren, with a strong will. We see it again with Jeremy.
Her panic stopped with the rest, just for a few seconds. It's not like if her fear is frozen too, she's still scared. But within these few seconds, she takes the control of the situation.
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mchristelle · 4 years
So, Melinda's vision:
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She didn't see their first future, Phoebe will die in 10 years, and there's only one daughter. She didn't see the second, all the Charmed One are dead, there are only two sons, and one will die at 23. She saw the third future, the good, happy one, where we saw the grand-kids.
Meaning she's quite powerful and knows way more than she says. She knew Phoebe wanted a new power, and about Leo and Piper.
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And I think she knew Matthew would come back, and she would face him again.
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She's not surprised to be brought back with the living, and she already knows what to do. And when he's trapped, she says two things:
It's what he deserves, as a call-back for his reason to betray her.
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It’s been 300 years. Long enough that she forgot the ingredients for a curse she prepared before getting arrested. She knew she’ll get her revenge, and the Book of Shadow to help her.
And then, she tells him it’s for eternity. Because she's taking the locket, and him, with her, where no-one will be able to free him. And even if it happen, it will be among the dead.
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mchristelle · 4 years
Charmed Rewatch 1x02 Rex
(Why, yes, Chris, people wanted some thoughts about one villain from season 1)
I didn't appreciate how he manipulated Prue the other times I watched the show. He must have done his homework, like Jeremy. He knows Prue's personality, how competitive she is, how she's confident in her value, and probably that she quit her job because her work wasn't respected.
His first step is in the lift. His presence in these clothes is not just for the twist, it's also for the opportunity to observe her without her knowing it. And he's lucky, he's got an awkward phone talk he can use later.
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Interesting that the phone call is interrupted just when she was explaining herself, pushing the difficult talk with Andy to later, instead of dealing with it before the interview.
Look how he's the only man who doesn't get scared by her glare:
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He flatters her ego, before mentioning her criticism to destabilize her. And it works, she immediately jump to what he's assuming about her and Andy.
The best one:
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He created a parallel with Grams and the manor.
So when Prue leaves his office asking for the job, he can smile. She's doing exactly what he wants.
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Also, this moment is kind of funny:
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Because the best contract signed with a demon are those done willingly.
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mchristelle · 4 years
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Two things I want to say about this scene:
1) The only other subject Prue buried and want to keep that way is Victor. “No, we're not acknowledging that.”, “No, he's dead.”. Prue does not forgive betrayal.
2) Phoebe never respected Prue's authority and she's not going to start now. She wants to deal with the touchy subject. They will deal with the touchy subject. The few seconds before her “I never touched Roger” is Phoebe deliberately choosing to defy Prue.
The Warren are all stubborn and strong-willed. It just takes different forms.
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mchristelle · 4 years
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Look at Phoebe's face. All smile, since the moment she entered, and then... Piper just complicated an already tensed situation.
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mchristelle · 4 years
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I’m doing a rewatch/review/recap thing, and I like how in 10 minutes, they gave the exposition on everyone, name, job, personality...
Prue: Work in a museum, hard worker, hold grudges.
Piper: Chef, is looking for a job, avoids confrontation.
Phoebe: No money, no direction, no fear.
Andy: Cop, believes in magic, and doesn't care if you have a problem with it.
Darryl: Cop, already tired of this shit.
Kit: Plays favorite.
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mchristelle · 4 years
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Et aujourd’hui se terminent les critiques (commentaire, analyze, et pour être honnête, une bonne petite dose de headcanon) de la saison 1 de Charmed, pour accompagner les récaps:
Je peux garantir que la saison 2 commencera la semaine prochaine, et je suis quasi sûre que je pourrai garder le rythme récap + critique tous les samedi, à 10h.
(Oui, parce que la rentrée a repris, et je suis méga pro de la procrastination. Mais hé, l’épisode deux est pratiquement terminé, c’est deux de garanti!)
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mchristelle · 4 years
Piper in Thank You for Not Morphing
Continuing the rewatching, and pointing Piper's evolution.
Her path to be more assertive took another step. When Prue decided for them that Victor was a threat and they shouldn't dine with him, Piper tries to argue against her, but doesn't go very far and gives up.
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But later, someone tried to take the Book, there's a serious danger around, Prue's got more ammunition to be careful, and yet, this time, Piper decides what she'll do.
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I said in the precedent episode that Piper had a better control on her power that she believes, and I maintain it with this episode.
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The time between the moment she freezes the cake and the moment she takes it is shorter than when she froze the kitchen. And once again, the timing is perfect. Her unconscious already knows how the off button works.
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mchristelle · 4 years
Charmed Meta
Why Prue killing a mortal did not become a big deal?
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Even if she didn't know he wasn't magical, there's usually some consequences. And if there's not, it's because of Berman himself.
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He doesn't call himself the Dream Sorcerer randomly. He entered in Prue's mind and had access to all her memories, all her thoughts, as proven by him knowing about Patty's advice against nightmares.
Therefore, he knows about magic. He knows she's a witch. That's why he kept telling her how powerless she is, and how it's because of him. He's already the kind of man who loves breaking a woman who makes her own choice. Prue is a perfect target, strong-minded and magically powerful.
Of course he would love playing with her and destroying her, it would makes him feel stronger. And by taking this name, by acknowledging the existence of magic by pretending belonging to this world and going after a witch, he unknowingly signed a contract.
“I put myself at the same level as a warlock, with the same ambitions, and the same risks.” Including being ‘vanquishable’ instead of ‘killed’.
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mchristelle · 4 years
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It's important! I don't like this Jeremy.
Me neither.
So wait for Prue before moving that thing!
It's funnier that way.
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mchristelle · 4 years
Power & Consequence in 1x02: Piper.
She starts the episode terrified of accidentally freezing the restaurant, and yet, I say she's the one who actually control her power. But she's the only one who doesn't use it deliberately, you may say! And yet... Let's recap her day:
- She ends up in charge of the restaurant. She didn't sign for that, she has no training, and she better not fail, because she's the only one paying the bills for the moment. - Phoebe plays with her power. - She sees the tv show telling her she's evil. - Prue slept with Andy.
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- The priest tells her she evil, and she should be killed. - Phoebe is still not taking the witch thing seriously. - The restaurant is full, stressing her even more. - Phoebe and Prue fight in the kitchen and ignore her pleas to stop.
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- And Andy wants a serious conversation in the middle of all that.
So when the plates fall, she freezes everyone. There's no way nothing broke so far in a full restaurant. She didn't lose control. She just hit the end of her rope. She spent her entire life dealing with her sisters' tempers and trying to keep things calm between them.
She's not as assured as them, she's used to hold back what she thinks and feels. Which is not a good thing in her life, because people use that to take advantage of her. But with her power, when it's linked to her emotion?
She already has a good grip on them. So the unfreezing happening just when Darryl comes in? It wasn't good timing. It was her, unconsciously.The way she says how she hates being a witch... She's feeling anger, not fear.
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So it makes sense that after Phoebe's peptalk, and her test at the church, her confidence grew a little more.
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mchristelle · 4 years
Power & Consequence in 1x02: Phoebe.
I don't know why touching is such a part of her main power when in the beginning, it's just a way to guide the vision. In the first episode, her first vision happened when she saw the boys. Here, the vision with Alec happens when she looks at him.
For all the accusations of her sisters and her plans to use it to her advantage once she control her power, that vision wasn't her choice. Or at least, not a conscious choice.
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It fits with 'she doesn't need to touch'. She looked, wondered about him, and her power answered. That's how 'easy' it's supposed to work.
Proved again with the lottery vision. It doesn't happen when she touches the paper. It happens when she hears about the house. They're talking in the background, between themselves, while she's thinking of doing the same thing.
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But then, she registers the words “lose the house”, she unconsciously search for a way to help them, and her power answered. Getting rich is not her first instinct, it's her second.
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Which is why she's the only one to deal with the consequences, and only for this vision. She 'corrupts' its objective, helping the old couple.
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mchristelle · 4 years
1x01 Le Livre des Ombres Review
Qui c’est qui a décidé de se compliquer la vie avec plus de trucs Charmed ? C’est moi ! En faisant la photo-récap de Masculin/Féminin, je suis tombé sur un problème récurrent, l’envie de dire plus que nécessaire au résumé. Sauf que ça m’alourdissait un peu tout. Du coup, je rajoute au programme des ‘critiques’ des épisodes, en commençant par le début, bien évidemment. C’est pas drôle, sinon.
Je mets critique entre guillemets parce que tout ce que je vais faire, c’est noter ce que je pense au fur et à mesure que je regarde, les erreurs de continuité (qui commencent plus tôt que je le croyais), mes ‘headcanons’, les façons dont j’adapte les erreurs pour y mettre de la logique, et quelques miettes d’analyse.
Tout ce qui est basé sur le dialogue sera fait sur la version original, c’est pour ça que ça ne collera pas toujours avec la version française (comme appeler Roger un Monsieur Muscle. C’est pas tout du tout comment le décrit Phoebe.)
Et c’est sur wordpress, avec les photo-résumés. Le lien vers le premier épisode:
(Je vais aussi mettre certain passages sur Tumblr, mais en anglais. Parce que.)
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mchristelle · 4 years
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Phoebe shouldn't have had the vision that got her the job, because at this point, it was for a personal reason (even if Prue thinks getting her a present makes it okay.). But she had to get the job, to save two people.
Mark, who needed a psychic and wouldn't find them otherwise, and the man from the pink Cadillac. Which is why the only client we see getting a real vision is his wife.
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