#CR lift analysis
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tutuandscoot · 2 years ago
Let’s talk about this lift
~an essay
First, some brief history..
This is probably VM’s most iconic lift, along with ‘The Goose’, and to a lesser extent I would also say the curve lift in MR (the Prince Lift). I include that last one from an ‘iconic Olympic moments’ pov. It is often used in media packages for the Winter Olympics. It was one of the most iconic moments to come out of VM’s performance- because of the way it fit with the music, created a moment, electrified the crowd… it just became one of those things that you now picture when you hear Come What May, and a truly memorable moment from their skate- when you think of triumph and super human achievement that’s an image that comes to mind. It’s an Olympic lift. In that respect I place it in the same company as the two former lifts, however I wouldn’t give it the same VM specific, iconic to them status as the two former.
The difference with The Goose and this lift (which will be referred to from here on as the ‘Carmen Rotational lift’ (CR) as I hate that other name it was given) is The Goose was largely popularised within the skating community. [I may be wrong with this, I wasn’t around back then but from what I’ve understood and learned about their career/legacy]. (Also I’m not going to recite the whole passage about it’s creation from the book.. IYKYK). It was first performed in Pink Floyd. It was then used as one of the many, but maybe most memorable, highlight moments in Mahler. The fact that in Mahler she originally jumped out of it seemed mind blowing, then when it was changed to blindly falling back into his arms I think just added even more to it’s poetic beauty and mind boggling difficulty. This lift was made famous in 09/10 and was then retired from competitive programs. It became ‘their move’ not just of the season but of their careers among fans especially, and/or anyone who attended ice shows more than once. It’s an iconic move, but it largely stayed iconic within the confines of the skating community, maybe seen more now through FS edits on IG & TT.
The CR, debuted in the 12/13 season as the furious, passionate, violent climax to Carmen. Now this post isn’t about that program so I’ll keep this brief, as with all* their programs they were always able to create new, or modify lifts that were unique and deliberate for each character and storyline. Carmen as a piece is arguably the most raw and thematically dark program they ever did, and this lift, along with several smaller, nuanced moments throughout the program are such perfect embodiments of the specific character interactions they wanted to portray. It’s violent, it’s unexpected, it’s daring and death-defying… one slip on that exit and her head would smash the ice and she could be paralysed.
Moving onto this lift in MR..
Lets start by talking about the athletic and logistical nature of it.
As with everything they do, they make it look so easy. And as has been discussed many times, the reason they can do the lifts they do and make them so unique and seamless is because they play equal parts. It is not simply Scott lifting Tessa- she gets herself into and can hold herself in all types of bizarre positions effortlessly while Scott is the strongest, most secure male partner for her in the base/facilitator of the entry and exits of these lifts.
So let’s break this down. First, let’s talk about Tessa’s role
[WARNING: prefacing this for all readers that NO negative/crude/ comments/rbs will be tolerated, this is an educative/admirational essay. ALSO: discretion is advised for younger readers- adult themes will be discussed].
They prepare for the lift with just two backwards travelling synchronised crossovers, just two to gain a huge amount of speed to get up the momentum they need for T’s flip. She kicks her left leg up then forcefully (but not aggressively) digs her toe pick into the ice and immediately starts the twist and dives forward while still travelling at speed.
So now once she’s off the ice (which I guess is officially when the 7secs for the lift starts ?) is when it becomes mind boggling when you break it down. As she twists and flips, as she takes off she can’t really see him, she just knows he’s gonna catch her. She sees him briefly as she twists towards him but she’s in the air at this point so the lift can’t be aborted (side note: that’s the other thing with a lot of their lifts- they are so dangerous and physically demanding, there is often this kinda point of no return.. I’m sure they do, as we’ve seen in some practice footage, have emergency exit strategies if a lift doesn’t go right) but with this one, considering the speed and that they are travelling backwards, at least in this transitional part before she gets on his shoulders there’s kinda no going back.
What’s so interesting when you start to look at the detail of it.. she doesn’t just twist to flip forward and stays square, she continues to twist a bit because of where he has to step in and forward.. as she goes upside down, her body continues to twist slightly and her right arm gets left behind (1). Once he’s rotated her enough, she gets her right arm out from beside him so quickly and smoothly (2) and immediately starts to square up her shoulders and hips so as she sits up she’s as even as possible as to not throw off the rotation and sit on his shoulders evenly (3). Also while this is happening, she needs to be so specific with how wide she opens her legs. Too wide and she’ll slip off his shoulders, too narrow and he won’t be able to get his head in between. Also, partly due to the twist but also because he is stepping forward from her right side (once she’s twisted) she has to open her right leg slightly wider than left so timing wise it matches up to when he is stepping forward and he has that space as he’s coming from the back to be in line with her (4). The timing has to be perfect because if he steps forward too early he’ll hit her leg. Then once he’s in position she has to close her legs tight together- since that’s really the only point of contact/stabilisation for her throughout the rotation.
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1. Upper body is twisted-hips slightly uneven, shoulders more so as right arm gets left behind. 2. Hips have evened up and right shoulder is brought forward. 3. Sit bones are even and right shoulder is (just about) square approaching top of the lift. 4. Right leg open further than left
Once she sitting up right- which she basically does all on her own, he is more or less acting as the pivot point for her hips and she rotates, there’s a little assistance with his left hand but it’s pretty much just her core strength. As she sits up, she has to not throw her upper body forward. She also has to be so careful not to use her legs to get her up because if she were to continue bending her knees and her skates go back, she could risk stabbing him in the back. So what she does to counter all that, is she does more of a ‘crunch’ motion- she lifts her knees up/brings her chest to her knees as she hunches forward, but keeps her hips very square and balanced as to not throw off the axis of the turn (5).
I feel like the Olympics version was the best version of this lift, because where as in other versions, some where she really hunched over but the weight was back (7), and others where she didn’t hunch over as much- she sat upright but she still held his head (6), what they achieved this final time was a balance of all of it. She got into that hunched over position and ‘grabbed’ his head right away- which I imagine just from a physics perspective, being in the tightest shape possible at the top of that lift is the most aerodynamic position. She also sat upright enough- or should I say she wasn’t hanging back on his shoulders - her thighs were at/close to a right angle.
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5. Hunched over so her head is right above his. Curved spine for tighter ‘ball’ shape. Hips square- not hinging in an acute angle. Knees not physically moving but pressing upwards to counter knees and skates bending back. 6. Spine straight, only head bent forward and not touching his. 7. Hips at an acute angle, slipping/hanging back-knees bent over shoulders, skates uneven meaning hips aren’t square.
Lets break down Scott’s part in the lift before continuing:
So, as said before, they are skating backwards very fast, he quickly positions on himself in a spread eagle. I’d say it’s this position specifically so she has clear ice to dig her toe pick in for the flip-he could’ve traveled backwards in that parallel stance but would be in T’s way, also the SE position is more flattering and increases the difficulty of the lift.
Where I say she’s flipping blindly and just knowing he’s there, yes that is part of it, but if you look closely. Just before she goes he has just the tips of his fingers on the crest of her pelvis. I’d say that’s the ‘go’ signal (8). If you’ve seen the footage of WYWH where they had to abort the lift (I’m sorry I can’t find it to link) you will see he has his hand in this same ‘go’ position, but stops it by putting his other hand on her other hip. Now in a competition scenario (OF COURSE safety comes first) its not really possible to stop. So with a lift like this where it’s a blind entry and she just has to go.. they know each other so well they could have their eyes shut and he knows exactly when she’s going and knows she won’t hesitate, that’s the signal they use. So, as soon as she takes off his left hand position switches to being in front of her as she flips forward (9) and becomes that first pivot point across the front of her hips. Once she forward and moves past horizontal, his right hand comes over the top and pushes her back down and around. That hand isn’t really doing any lifting though. This whole thing isn’t really even a ‘lift’ (in terms of lifting her upwards, it’s a movement that results in her off the ice). The only point of weight baring contact is that left hand/arm and that only bares weight for not even 180 degrees of her rotation. That right hand then keeps contact with her and does a full pivot on her back to her hip to give her some assistance in getting up, and holds her steady as that the left hand switches from her front to her hip.
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8. Light contact so she is aware of him spatially. Prepares to launch off toe pick. 9. As she flips his left hand moves in front of her across her pelvis to catch and establish pivot point. Right hand prepares to push and rotate her upper body.
Ok let’s keep going.. I’ll discuss both of their roles simultaneously from here on.
By the time she’s fully in position, they’ve already done a half rotaion, Meaning she has to do that sit up- getting past the hardest bit which is moving through horizontal, with that turning force pushing sideways and around her as she sits up. They only stay at the top of that lift for no more than 1 rotation, so it’s so important that she gets to that position and holds it as quick as possible and can spend as much time held there before changing position again so we see that image and it doesn’t just become all messy transitional movements.
Another important factor in making it work so well and would’ve taken so long to perfect, is he had to get his head right to the top of her legs before she sits up. This is what creates the visual everyone freaked out about, but it’s very important from a safety aspect that he does because as she sits up, she is gonna slide back a bit. Going from a position where there is no bend at the hips, to a hinged hip position, causes the thigh bones to slide backwards [try this for yourself- if you lay on the floor legs straight out and do a sit up/roll up, as you reach towards your toes you will feel your sit bones slide back, as you roll back down, you will notice you have shifted a few centimetres backward]. So here in this gif: the tops of her thighs, just under her sit bones get onto his shoulders as he gets his head in place (10) but as she sits up and hits that position, it’s more the middle of her thighs on his shoulders (11). This is important in creating that tight shape once she at the top of the lift. Obviously she isn’t actually ‘sitting’ on his shoulders, her pelvis is off at the back, so they have to get as high up on her thighs as possible onto his shoulders so she can squeeze her legs together and hang on that way, creating more of a ‘sitting’ look, rather than hanging off with just her knees bent over his shoulders and therefore look like she’s falling off.
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Watching in slow motion, she is really only at the top of that lift for no more than 1 rotation-starting it when she’s facing the direction they have come from, when she faces that way again is when she starts to change position. This is really impressive because it is such a highlight moment in the program. It has a huge impact and carries so much emotion, while it really only lasts about a second out of a seven second lift (I’ve timed it and they actually complete it- the whole thing in six seconds easy).
So this is where the CR portion of the lift transitions into a hybrid with the Latch rotational lift. Its a very similar position to that in Latch but has a quite a few differences, partly because of the different position they are moving out of.
Where as in Latch, she only has to slide one leg off his shoulder, and they were facing the same way. Here she has two thighs to get off and twist/change direction. To get out of this sitting position, their timing with each other has to be impeccable for it to look as smooth and clean as it does. It’s actually very hard to notice when and how they change position when watching it at full speed.
Here I will break down the lift in written form, and at the end of this part of the analysis is a chart of accompanying screenshots showing each position at each half rotation.
How it works is: at the 1/2 rotation (12), T has got her position. She stays here fully for really only 1/2 a rotation, before she begins to change her hand position (13), completing the first rotation. By 1+1/2, I think very cleverly, Scott releases holding her with his right hand when she is facing the direction they came from and his right hand is upstage (away from camera) therefore we don’t see the change in hold (14). By the time they have made another half turn, completing 2 rotations, T has straightened and slid her left leg off his right shoulder and is now lying with her right side over his right shoulder (15). There is a point in this which lasts for again about a half rotation, where T has no hold on him at all- she has lengthened her arms from where she was holding his head, her legs are no longer squeezed tight together around his neck to hold on-they are now in about a 90 degree split. Scott is holding her just around her right thigh which is also rotating as she slides down his body (visible in motion between images 14+15). When the lift is at speed, there is no way to really comprehend all that is happening and how much coordination this takes from both of them to make it look so clean and effortless, all while he is maintaining speed and rhythm of each rotation on the ice- every rotation matches and is perfectly controlled and balanced despite the weight changes, curve, etc. He is also turning to the left- I don’t know if this is his more comfortable side, I know with jumps most skaters prefer left but since these are essentially chenés the left is often more uncomfortable- though thinking more about it many of their rotational lifts do turn this way so I guess that isn’t an issue. The thing that is so glaringly obvious, but is also the thing, at least I often forget/take for granted, is that are not doing this on the dry floor without fast rotation- it is on ICE, and happening within very fast rotations and must be completed in a matter of seconds. It’s easy to overlook all these things because of just how good they are and how easy they make it look, but breaking it down reveals all the tiny details that if one thing is off could affect the whole lift.
In just one more full rotation, they are essentially in their final position, with just T left to lock her hands together. From the position we left them in with just the one point of contact from Scott, we see his hands change to his right hand over her front (16), to hold her lying now on her back over his right shoulder, to then be able to completely release his hold around her leg with his left hand, which has to slip narrowly between his body and now her right leg which is dropping further down. His left hand then comes over her and reaches around to her right hip. Finally, that right hand/arm which was holding her over the top as she was lying facing up on his shoulder, releases once the left is now around her to move to holding the base of her head and support her neck (17). [pfeew that was a lot!] Tessa meanwhile has maintained such a strong and clean position throughout this transitional phase of the lift. This is an instance where it is not so much up to Tessa to get/move herself into a position, but she is required to stay so strong yet pliable for Scott to move her into that final position. With something like a rotational lift where there is a central axis point of all the moving parts and any unnecessary movement could fight against that centre of balance, counter balancing through their body positions and not ending up fighting each other for position is so necessary, and that’s exactly what they both do. From that 90 degree split position, over the final half rotation Tessa gradually closes her legs straight, finishing with that right leg in a parallel retiré position. Her body flips from right, to back, to finally left side lying against him- a drop in position from her pelvis above his shoulders, to finishing with her shoulders at the same height as his. In less than three incredibly fast revolutions that is a considerable amount of movement and to be made to look so smooth is very impressive. Finally, and again this goes back to the cleanliness of the lift as it relates to aerodynamics and not throwing off the axis of the rotation, she slips her right arm down his back so that isn’t something else pressing against the force of the turn. Her left arm stays high and circles around till she has been lowered enough and is rolled the right way around to wrap that left arm around his neck. The last thing to happen is her right arm passes forward past her side to be held by her left hand.
Another thing that is so impressive about what Tessa does in this lift is the use of her core to keep her legs up. From the second she moves out of that position at the top of that lift, she isn’t particularly high off the ground. She has to use her core to keep her legs lifted, straight and pointed- it is not simply the force of the rotation doing that. She is obviously not close enough to actually hit the ground, but to still have the affect of it being a ‘lift’ and that unlike other girls she is not just simply being thrown around by her partner.
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The whole lift is completed in about 4 1/2 rotations. It is just mind boggling really, thinking about all the detail in it. This is classed as a level 4 (the highest level) lift- and you can see why, although comparing to many others both of this era and currently, it probably should’ve been classed as about a level 10.
What is also particularly impressive with this lift is the musicality. It’s very hard to hear but there is a little trill in the music right as she’s in her flip and ends as she sits up.
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Now let’s talk about it artistically.
Firstly I want to say a few things: All art is subjective/interpretive. It is completely up to each audience member to interpret and decide what you are seeing the artist/s do. Sometimes it may be very literal- the artist/s is telling/showing you exactly what is happening, but more often than not there is always an element of interpretation and that varies between each viewer. I feel this lift is quite obvious what it’s implying, my take on it I think is the same as most, but maybe with a bit more artistic and athletic nuance..
So YES. Everyone on Twitter/tumblr/media outlets who childishly freaked out about it and talked about TS like strip teasers, this lift is exactly what it looks like. It is implying sex. It is meant to look like a sex act. And, credit to them for their artistry and bravery, a pretty dark and twisted version of sex.. now let’s talk about it like actual adults appreciating TS’s beautiful artistry and not like 5 year olds seeing the word ‘F**k for the first time.
Moulin Rouge is a very ‘sex’ orientated story. In the live show 95% of the chore is sexual. That’s just what it is, it is a factor in the story. Both consensual and non consensual. TS needed to portray what happens in this story, not only the sex but the abuse, the prostitution, Satine’s death, them falling in love, the setting of the story and the stakes at play, in just 4 minutes and with 3 tracks from the movie soundtrack. That is a lot to take on and frankly only a team of VM’s quality could pull this off this well. Baz Luhrmann confirmed as such that in watching TS he didn’t feel like he was watching an ice skating routine, but a ballet; a masterful piece of story telling where you felt so overwhelmingly invested in not only their characters but them as performers. TS said upon hearing it they felt so connected to the music and the story and it had all the things they wanted in their final competitive program:
Something raw, contemporary. Something with passion, drama, romance. Something with a changing storyline they could evolve over the telling of that linear passage of time where everything is affected by what comes before it. Jealously, rage, sex, raw fiery chemistry.
To convey all of those things in 4 minutes through a piece of art with very specific restrictions as to what must be included/excluded, to work all those themes, emotions and physical acts in in a way that is seamless, athletic, beautiful, classy while at the same time not shying away from being literal about certain things. It’s the true mark of genuses.
There’s several different ways they could’ve incorporated the idea or in their case ‘act’ of sex into this program (or any of their programs that warranted it for that matter). They had to find that balance of sensuality and sex in their choreography and story telling because they just didn’t have the run time, set, costume/s appropriate setting/audience or physical (movement) freedom to perform and compete something so stylistically reminiscent of the movie or stage show. Their MR program is ‘sexy/sensual’ (specifically the Roxanne portion) but for the way they told the story, to compress it into free dance format while hitting all the emotional beats, and as dancers, interpreting the music and convincing an audience, it needed to be this big highlight moment- as this scene is in the movie and is a huge turning point for especially her character. It’s a testament to their bravery as artists to make that big moment also the most ‘controversial’ (as some critics called it) but, pivotal moment in the program through choreography that you’ll remember. They could’ve done ‘sex’ in a story dominated by sex in many ways, but as with everything they do, they manage to incorporate it into an element, make it so classy and kind of in a way, give to the story and musical grandeur what it deserves without shying away from the darker themes, and also give us what we want without giving us too much. There are obviously several other references to the ‘brothel’ and ‘prostitution’ setting of the story and in fact the very first lift of the program- the stationary lift has an even darker context seen so subtly through their movement than most would think (but that’s for another post).
What’s brilliant about the way they did it was it’s athletically spectacular, but also as harrowing and (if you think about it the way I do) upsetting but in a really beautiful way to see them perform as their characters but appreciate them as people and their friendship- the strength of their bond to move in and out of the platonic friendship and their dance partnership where they are actors of the highest, most believable quality.
So, let’s talk about it emotionally- and how it managed to produce such visceral reactions by combining the athleticism and artistry.
• The Position: As I mentioned above talking about the movement break down. Earlier in the season, she didn’t hunch forward over him as much as she does here. It was a difficult position to balance. Here at NHK it’s very balanced but she stays upright. Here at nationals she hunched over more but slipped back.
[Side bar: I’m not gonna go back and track down all the articles about this lift [here’s two I found by accident later on after I wrote this post] and line them up with dates and what happened when, so if I’m wrong oh well, I’m not gonna stress it’s just a lift we’re talking about, but my research tells me that the stuff about this lift and that it supposedly had to be changed because it was taken to some board and it was deemed “too sexual” so it was “banned” seemed to occur after nationals when the media around everything olys related was gearing up. They were also announced as flag bearers so idk if that had something to do with it- sweet ol’ 🇨🇦 didn’t want their flag bearers performing o*** s** in a skating program at the olys. [that was a joke]. Anyway. The line VM gave was not that the lift had been banned, but after going back and watching tape, they didn’t like the shape of it, so they changed it. This contradicts what they said later about them going back to the CR lift for the IE, and that ‘they wanted to go back to original vision and intention’ of that lift. To be fair they do say that as they changed the second half of the program and music it ultimately made the whole story less dark, so not having an as intense and literal lift position for the new version they felt was better. I’m not totally sure what I want to believe, I understand that reasoning behind changing it more over the ‘someone banned it because it’s too sexual’- after the hell they went through with Carmen and having to change all that and forgo their true vision over a couple of people getting offended- I think at this point they were done being told what to do. The idea of it being too. ‘R rated’ for an Olympics viewing audience is BS- the lift is so quick and children would not understand what was going on. Not to mention really the most spectacular part of the lift is the twisting freaking back flip- I think kids watching would be more inclined to exclaim ‘did you see that girl do a backflip on ice!’ rather then ‘hey that’s a sex position’. So, if I may theorise for a moment: What I WONDER is if they changed it because they were trying to get T into that hunched over position and it wasn’t quite working- as seen at nationals, so they played around with other positions. It could’ve also been that with the points between them and 📎✂️ so (unnecessary) tight, and as they said, refined everything to the point where no marks could be taken off. This again is ironic considering as they said here that the lift in the TE was marked lower so they went back to the CR.. so there’s my theory on that. I’m not sure considering I always like to believe what they say, but the contrast between the CR lift at nationals, then when they went back to it after the team event is so obvious and it looks so much better then all the times before, I like to think they must have been aiming to get to that- an even more literal position for a while. Ok side bar over].
They achieved what I think is as perfect a position they could in this final performance. She hunched over him so her nose almost touching his head. She (just about) held his head with her elbows in. She squeezed her legs tight. When seeing it at full speed, while in that top position, you can’t see his head. That’s for me what gives it off as what they are implying. While earlier in the season, it’s still pretty obvious but that specific position they hit adds so much emotion to it.
The idea is that she has her hands clasped behind is head and forcing him into her. (I believe in one of the articles I linked above it’s what one reporter describes what she’s doing as- I can’t remember though it may be a different one). That’s not exactly what she’s doing but that’s what’s implied, and by this version at the olys it looks most like that. I would’ve loved to see them actually be able to do that because the lift is what it is- there’s no hiding from that- so if there was some way it would’ve been possible to complete that image I would’ve loved to see them do it. (I feel) it’s because the lift and rotation is so fast there just isn’t the time for her to actually clasp and unclasp her hands in less than one rotation. I also think, even though it’s only marginal-he is so close to her body he can hardly see, but if she were actually forcing his face into her her, having what little he has of peripheral vision in the position they do probably aids in his balance and spacial awareness. (I know this little bit seems contradictory to what I said about it being so quick kids wouldn’t understand it- but the difference is kids/people in general seeing it once and fast, and taking no further interest in TS, and taking the interest in dissecting it athletically/artistically for appreciation purposes- of course looking at it more with that educational frame of mind more can be gathered).
• The emotional factor/what is happening in terms of the story: I’m gonna do my best to just ramble about this exact moment and not go into the whole thing (I’ll do that in another post). I’ve thought about this in different ways. Earlier in the season, when they still were doing the (what I call) ‘darker’ version of it, where Scott’s character in Roxanne was more menacing and aggressive. Playing not so much a specific person in the story but more the idea of what is happening to T’s character, I saw the lift as him assaulting her. They go into it with so much aggression on his end and it feels more violent. He’s more that version of the character/s of the one/s doing the abusing to Satine (The duke and then also Zidler in enabling it). In the diagonal leading up to it he is playing to the darker, aggressive voice on the lyrics ‘you’re free to leave me but just don’t deceive me’:
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The olys version differs where they softened his character and he starts playing into Christian’s qualities earlier. On this same bit of chore he’s playing to Christian’s side of the lyrics, and as they go round into the lift it’s T with more aggression. He’s trying to help her but she’s so caught up and afraid and feels she has no choice so all that anguish she takes into the lift and out of panic and confusion she ends up assaulting him. It’s amazing how they can take literally the same chore and music and just by tweaking the character intentions it can have a huge impact on the direction of their specific story.
Another way to read this is more literally to the scene in the movie (up until recently I hadn’t seen the movie so I had adapted my own interpretation based on that I understood of the story). This scene in the movie is comprised of intercuts to Satine having to seduce and ‘go through�� with letting the duke r**e her in order to continue funding the Moulin Rouge- and her livelihood, and Christian watching the company’s corps play out this tantalising tango in front of him as he yearns for Satine and fears for her safety. The scene then is alarmingly cut as Satine races into Christian’s hotel room, throwing herself into his arms desperate for him to keep her safe as she couldn’t bare being tortured (emotionally/physically) by the duke any longer. She begs Christian to run away with her and promise they will stay together forever. This moment literally plays out this entire scene from the movie in one lift- the terror in the climax of Roxanne, to falling into Christian’s arms as he screams ‘please believe me when I say I love you’. In this one lift, Scott transforms himself from the duke (or representative of the duke’s character intentions) to Christian promising to protect Satine. I’ve said it many times before but I’ll say it again: give that man an Oscar!
In a way I feel a little bit ridiculous spending months and months composing thousands of words to explain a 6 second movement in an ice dancing program. And I’m questioning whether I would’ve had it not been for the ‘controversy’ around it. Yes, I remember the FB posts talking about how ‘these Canadian ice dancers had to tone down their free dance for the olys’ and ‘you won’t be seeing this lift from Canada’s top dance team at the olys’. All made to drum up hype.. but then instead had actual consequences enabling those who can’t tell the difference between sleaze and superior artistic expression. I more than anything was astonished at Tessa’s athleticism and fearlessness. “She did a back flip entry into a lift on freaking ice!!” I’m pretty sure was my reaction, but then immediate after was stabbed in the heart with aching emotion for what that movement and moment was implying in the context of the story, and my heart continued to ache for days on end rewatching this beautiful masterpiece by some of the most fearless artists I have ever seen, on top of the narrative of these precious best friends who had never left each other side for over 20 years in pursuit of greatness in their field and admiration for each other.
I’m going to finish this post essay off by speaking more broadly about the judgement passed on them more so than other teams for boundary pushing themes and choreography, and maybe offer a way to understand their art form on a deeper level.
There are several instances of lifts performed by both pairs and dance teams that transition through ‘sensitive’ positions as a matter of entry and exits. However the difference with this lift (and the stat lift and their other programs with similar themes) is the entire thing is intentional to what it is implying. The ‘eye catching’ position serves as both a means to transition into the main feature/positions of lifts, but it is that very lift position that is implying that moment in the story, and funnily enough, it seems that the position at the top of the lift is the most “””concerning””” part of it. I don’t mean to labour the point of this and reminisce on the controversy, trust me I don’t like it because I understand what they are doing and have never had a problem with it, but I think this is useful in understanding this art and how to convey a story, even if those stories are sometimes uncomfortable- TS are being truthful and honest and want to be literal yet tasteful in the way they tell their stories which they always managed to achieve.
The idea of ‘intent’ with something like this has come up before with them in relation to Carmen- some posts from way back in the day commenting on ‘the thigh grab’ moment. There was a post in helping people understand the difference for those non-versed in artistic movement and physical story telling, that Scott would always be touching/holding/grabbing Tessa’s thigh/s as a matter of partnering and lifts, but the difference in this moment in Carmen was the ‘intention’- it being deliberate and removed from transitional/lifts/partnering movements. That was the entire point of that moment for it to be intentional, obvious, send shivers up your spine. On the opposite end of the (lack of respect/lack of common sense) spectrum there was another old post I came across that claimed in one performance he had reached his hand and grabbed all the way up under her skirt, which was not only completely incorrect (that’s obviously not what he did) but utterly disgusting the fact people were seemingly getting their jollies over something that was completely exaggerated. Now, we’ve all heard references to the ‘OG Carmen’- the ‘very very very’ not toned down version, the ‘NOT Mickey Mouse’ version.. so could that have actually happened in the original version? Maybe. Sure. Would I have been outraged by it and objectified them for being s**ts? NO. There is appreciating intent without it being completely literal, and not exaggerating something to claim they were actually ‘grabbing’ or doing whatever when they clearly weren’t, however if they were to, that should also be respected in the context of what their craft is. There is a matter here of ‘artistic consent’ that they (and all partners doing this sort of stuff) need to have. In the case of actors in a movie/TV show it comes in the form of contracts, chemistry tests, and intimacy coaches (which is actually something finally starting to make its way into the dance world), in TS’s case it is years of foundational trust in each other and a mutual desire to challenge themselves as artists, this along with having coaches and mentors at a young age (and throughout their career) that nurtured their relationship and gave them a safe space to learn how to be intimate with each other. Had either of them ever felt uncomfortable with anything at all, they would have been honest with each other and it wouldn’t have happened, or they would work around their apprehensions through comfort and communication. But because they have (artistic) consent- all of it is 100% consensual, there is zero need to think of any of the more ‘questionable’ choreography they do as anymore than simply choreography servicing their story. Obviously, and I say all the time they have to be very brave to put out the stuff they do- anyone does (not that I’ve seen every program ever so I’m sure there have been others taking on ‘riskier’ subjects) it’s obvious they have felt very connected to these stories for them to be so passionate about performing them, doing them justice and interpreting them the way they want. It has nothing to do with wanting to perform sultry, sensual, ‘R rated’ choreography for the sake of it. They can and when it’s warranted, do it so well because of their trust and chemistry making those moments all the more emotional because you really believe them and feel invested in them as characters and artists.
If you have made it to the end of this essay, thank you for sticking at it all the way through, I know it was a lot but I felt it deserved it, and as I did end up expanding on, it’s not just about one lift, one moment, but learning to understand and appreciate them on a deeper level. I hope this was educational/informative, maybe even a bit emotional.. (I always like my posts to have that flavour). I like to think those who read my posts are here for the in depth study and appreciation of these incredible athletes and we can move on/ avoid all the trashy stuff xx.
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blessed1neha · 1 year ago
Horoscope of Lord Rama & Lord Krishna
PREFACE & ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS:- Before starting with the topic of Lord Rama & Lord Krishna, I would like to tell that Date & Time of Birth of both the avatars are not accurately known, due to passage of thousands of years from their birth time and no english calenders were available at thar time. The information were passed on from generation to generation with comments from famous astrologers, astronomers & philosophers. The validity & correctness have to be verified by practical events, established facts & archaeological evidences. It is in this context, I would like to thank Sri K.N.Rao, a reputed & famous astrologer & living legend, who boldly put forward the horoscopes of both Lord Rama & Lord Krishna as taken from his Guru Sri Yogi Bhaskar Anandji & logically analysed the practical events with standard astrological norms. The splendid analysis by Sri K.N.Rao in his 5 “You Tube” videos in an interview to “Saptharishi Astrology” is breath taking & monumental gift to the viewers. I acknowledge having taken reference from his videos, but he is in no way responsible for the views expressed on my own. In the absence of exact degrees of planets & missing information about Mercury’s position,even in Valmiki Ramayan, I would go by the statement of Sri K.N.Rao & accept Mercury was in Aries & contradictory statement of position of Sun in Pisces as against Aries indicated in Valmiki Ramayan.
Lagna & Moon—Taurus, Jupiter-Cancer, Sun & Venus -Leo, Mercury-Virgo, Saturn- & Rahu-Libra, Mars-Capricorn, Ketu-Aries
Lagna, Jupiter & Moon-Cancer, Saturn-Libra,Venus & Sun-Pisces, Mercury-Aries, Mars-Capricorn, Ketu-Gemini, Rahu-Sagittarious
Lord Vishnu takes his incarnation on earth at his will based on demands of the world in different forms at different times. The incarnations reinforce the idea that rules & regulations that maintain law & order are in tune with the changes taking place. The concept of incarnation is based on Yuga Dharma.
Lord Rama’s incarnation justified the needs of Treta Yuga. The challenges of Dwapara yuga required much more & Lord Krishna’s incarnation justified it. Krishna’s departure from this world paved way for Kaliyuga.
There are many differences in these 2 incarnations. Krishna appeared as a Universal God to preach humanity. He was the embodiment of all that Universe was symbolized. All his childhood experiences that exposed his mystical actions & performances were beyond anybody’s guess.
Even before he attained 11 years of age, many mystical happenings took place. His very birth was in a jail at “Abhijit Muhurta”, most auspicious(rarely referred to night birth). His life started with very 1st miracle, that all the lights went off & all inmates of jail were rendered unconscious & jail gate opened suddenly of its own, automatically & allowed Vasudeva to go out with the child in the basket on his head & jail gate closed on its own. Vasudeva carrying the child proceeded towards river Jamuna, which was in spate of floods due to heavy downpour of rain. The river did not allow him to move forward until he lowered the basket & made Jamuna to touch Krishna. He then proceeded to Brindavan & exchanged with female child & returned to jail, where again jail gates open up on their own & allows him inside. Gates get closed & all inmates regain consciousness as if they were waken up from sleep.
All miracles like, killing Putana (rakshasi), by sucking her breast full of poison, Kalinga Mardhana, killing of Shakatasura, lifting of Govardhana Giri(hill), Rasa kreeda with Gopis, Vishwarupa darshan to faster mother Yashoda when he opened his mouth & many more incredible things unimaginable in normal circumstances.
“ Rasa kreeda”, of Krishna dancing with 1608 Gopis simultaneously at the same time symbolizes Kundalini Shakti going up & reaching “Sahasrara”, thousands of lotuses called Gopis blooming. This is a form of transforming sexual energy into creative energy. When these incidents took place, Krishna’s age was within 11 years & do not have any bearing to sexual implication.
Lord Krishna proclaims in chapter 4, text 8, of Bhagavad Gita,
“Paritranaya Sadhunam,Vinasaya cha duskritam,Dharma-Saamsthapanarthaya,Sambhavami Yuge Yuge”(Protection of good & virtuous,destruction of evil, re-establishment of natural law, I will come in every age)
Krishna’s support to Pandavas & making Mahabharata war as a meeting point to destroy evil forces & establish Dharma was a “Miraculus high voltage drama”. But for Krishna, Pandavas could not have dreamed of winning the war. Every stage of the war was preplanned by “Divine Force” & guided by Krishna, through his wisdom & timely unprecedented action. The preaching of Bhagavad Geeta to Arjuna was not a mere incident by any means, but a very calculated logical conclusion of worldly teaching to humanity. His timely guidance to Pandavas for appropriate method to kill great warriors was not a mere concoction but revealing of past births of important opponents & their expected nature of death & timing. Complete past life history & curses of all important warriors were exposed at appropriate times, when the death time of each was approaching.
Jayadratha’s death was one such case, when Krishna guided Arjuna to kill him. Seeing the fast approaching sun set, he delayed the sun set by magic (maya or eclipse) & created an illusion as if sun was set & then after eclipse is removed, he asked Arjuna to kill him & transport his head to his father’s lap, killing him also.
Instances of deaths of Karna, Drona, Duryodhana etc..had their own stories. Dharmaraja’s Rajasuya yaga witnessed the death of Sishupala, when he opposed Krishna being respected. Krishna killed him with Sudarshan Chakra, in the midst of dignitaries due to his last chance of 100 mistakes.
Protection of Draupadi in Kaurava Sabha was another historic event. When Dushyasana dragged Draupadi’s sari, neither Pandavas nor assembled dignitaries could come to her rescue. When Draupadi prayed Krishna with single hand & holding the sari in another, Krishna did not come to her rescue. When she prayed with both hands together, Krishna protected her by magic of increasing the length of sari continuously until Dashyasana gave up fully tired. This showed that “ABSOLUTE SURRENDER TO GOD” does protect one in distress.
1.Born in Rohini Nakshatra in astami tithi in Taurus Lagna
2.Moon, Jupiter, Mercury, Mars, Saturn(All exalted)
3.Sun in his own house with Venus
4.Venus is lord of 1st & 6th(Behaves more as lagna lord, because of moola trikona)
5.Venus as 1st lord & Sun as 4th lord in own house (kendra & kona)in 4th from lagna
& sandwitched between 2 exalted benefic planets,Jupiter & Mercury & forms several
good yogas.
6.7th house(Scorpio) aspected by exalted Moon & exalted Jupiter.7th & 12th lord Mars, exalted in 9th in mutual aspect with Jupiter(8& 11th lord) & Moon, creates vipareeta Raja yoga in addition to many other Yogas. Krishna had 16108 wives but with sublimated sex energy, due to Venus free from any blemish, due to non interference of Rahu, which is under the control of Saturn. Krishna was with all the wives simultaneously, something that nobody can imagine or evaluate.
7.Moon in Rohini(Moon’s constellation), exalted in lagna, made him mentally strong & powerful. Moon being 3rd lord exalted in lagna & Jupiter, exalted in 3rd in mutual aspect with exalted Mars,
8.Mercury as 2nd & 5th lord exalted in his moola trikona & own house, unaspected by either benefic or malefic made Krishna, the master of 64 Kalas & 14 Vidyas of Ancient India, which was a remarkable outstanding performance by any means.This made him a great intellect of all times surpassing all others.
9.Jupiter 8th & 11th lord exalted in Moon’s house(3rd), made him the youngest of all. Since Jupiter is heavily afflicted by exalted Mars & exalted Saturn, all those born before Krishna were brutally killed by Kamsa(Saturn in 6th-house of uncle)
10.4th lord Sun in own house & aspected by 12th lord Mars, made his mother to be jailed by Kamsa
11.9th lord Saturn exalted in 6th aspecting 12th, made his father to be jailed
12.10th lord Saturn in 6th, along with Rahu(in the house of maternal uncle) & Mars as 7th lord exalted in 9th & aspecting afflicted 6th lord Venus in 4th with 4th lord Sun, makes Krishna to kill Kamsa. It appears imperative that his mother was one of the conditions for this act, since she was imprisoned by Kamsa &Kamsa killed all her 7 children mercilessly.
13.Jupiter, deva guru exalted in 3rd(house of preaching) & Moon, 3rd lord lord exalted in Moon’s constellation, made him preach philosophy of life, a guarded secret of the past, present & the future.
14.Mercury as lord of 2nd(speech) & 5th intelligence, with the support of exalted Moon(strength of mind)& exalted Jupiter(knowledge of the Universe & all 64 kinds of Kalas &14 Vidyas), made him a super intelligent avatar purusha, the highly intellectual personality, 2nd to none. This was the only avatar of God out of 9 avatars, which gave humanity, the complete picture of Universe.
15.Exalted 7th lord(Mars) & exalted 11th lord Jupiter in mutual aspect with each gave Krishna, thousands of wives, who were blessed souls & devotees.
15.Putra karaka Jupiter exalted & Mercury in 5th own house exalted, resulted in birth of several good children.With all these, it remains an unbelievable historic account that Krishna had sublimed sex energy.Whenever one talks about Krishna as incarnation of Lord Vishnu, his human form & actions & emotions are found to be an eye wash, calling it as “Maya” or magic, which cannot be assessed by humans.
16.Since divisional charts cannot be casted due to absence planets degree positions, one cannot judge number of wives & children. In astrology, there are no ways to find thousands of wives or children.The prediction of this type leaves one guessing the essence of astrology. Krishna marrying 16108 women has a story that a rakshasa imprisoned 16108 women princesses(It is difficult to even imagine that number of princesses). Krishna killed that rakshasa & freed all. Society did not accept these women & hence as per their request, Krishna gave them the status of wives.
17.A very striking feature in his horoscope is that except 6th & 1st lord Venus & 4th lord(in own house), all other house lords are exalted. Moon dasa was running at the time of birth, made him strong in will power & courage which enabled him to show his prowess throughout Moon dasa & in subsequent Mars dasa of 7 Years & Rahu dasa for 18 years. All his childhood miracles & killing of rakshasas were before he attained 11 years of age due to Mars dasa & part of Rahu dasa. Rahu(represents Rakshasa) in 6th house,created innumerable enemies from Rakshasas, Saturn in exaltation in 6th in the company of Rahu fuelled the situation for inviting more enemies & crushing . In all probabilities, Mars dasa Rahu bukty would have brought destruction of Rakshasas, before the age of 11.
19.5 planets exalted & 1 planet own house justifies all miracles & unusual things happening. Rahu in 6th with exalted Saturn indicates black magic & miracles.
20.Krishna was always tricky, which was due to 10th lord in 6th
21.His smiling disposition & attractive personality, playing on flute, were all the result of exalted Jupiter, strong position of Sun,Venus in 4th house & strong 3rd house, in addition to exalted Moon in lagna.
Rama was an embodiment of GOD in human form. He was bent upon meeting the commitments of his father to his 2nd wife Kaikeyi by obeying his order. He did not deter from facing the hands of fate even in the most adverse circumstances. When Krishna had smiling disposition, Rama was always “Gambhir”(Dignified) & was called “Maryada Purusha”. He had no smile in his face. He was always bent upon doing his duties & never deviated from truth.
He was symbolic representation of a true & obedient son of a father, faithful husband of a wife, affectionate & helpful to his brothers, real tie of friendship to those who offered to help him at all times, respect to elders, reverence to Rishis & holy people & a terror to wicked & sinful people.
When Krishna was a terror, miraculous & naughty right from his birth, Rama was a quiet, duty bound & obedient to his parents. Rama was symbolized with bow & arrow, whereas Krishna was symbolized with counch & Sudarshan Chakra. Both were bent upon protecting good & destroying evil, but their approach were modified in tune with the Yuga Dharma.
Krishna claimed himself as”Krishna astu Bhagavan Swayam” & a full or total incarnation of God. While Krishna reveals about himself, Rama never speaks a word about himself & unassuming. Rama avatar was not a full avatar. He was an avatar of GOD Vishnu in simple human form & was a teacher & demonstrator of way of life in theory & practice. His conduct, character & practical way of life was eye opening to one & all. His avatar was tailor made to suit the people of Treta Yuga, but the lessons he left behind applies even to Kali Yuga.
1.Rama was born in Chaitra masa, Navami Tithi in Punarvasu Nakshatra in Cancer.
2.Four Planets Jupiter,Venus,Mars & Saturn were exalted & Moon in his own house.
3.While Mercury was highly elated in 5th own, moola trikona, exalted house in Krishna’s horoscope, it was in Aries(house of Mars) in 10th house in the case of Rama.This is a glaring difference in their horoscopes. Krishna was highly intellectual, philosophic & master of all 64 Kalas,14 Vidyas. Rama did not preach philosophy, did not show extra ordinary talent, magic or miracle which Krishna demonstrated right from his birth. In Krishna’s horoscope,7th & 11th lords exalted & in mutual aspects gave Krishna innumerable wives, whereas in Rama’s horoscope Venus was exalted & aspected by exalted Jupiter(Dispositor of Venus)from lagna, where Moon, lagna lord is in lagna itself, Saturn, 7th lord exalted in 4th, gave Rama a beautiful, loving, affectionate, God fearing, dutiful single wife in contrast.
3.Even though Mars & Jupiter were exalted in both the horoscopes, there were differences with regard to lagna & position of Moon. Moon in Krishna was in Rohini in exalted state in Moon’s constellation, Whereas in Rama’s horoscope, Moon was in Punarvasu, Jupiter’s constellation & is placed along with exalted Jupiter. This made Rama, pious & God fearing, obedient person, whereas Krishna was outgoing, strong willed & courageous.
4.A great feature in Rama’s horoscope is that Jupiter, exalted lord of 6th & 9th is in mutual aspect with exalted Mars, lord of 5th & 10th from both lagna & Moon thus establishing contacts with 1st, 5th, 9th & 10th lord(Best kendras & Trikonas). This has made Rama “Maryada Purusha” of highest moral conduct & duty bound in performing his Dharma & Karma. Jupiter aspecting Sun in 9th house is “RAJA LAKSHANA YOGA”. Royal mansions are shown by Venus & Sun aspected by Jupiter.
5.Mercury as 12th lord & Saturn exalted in 4th made Rama to leave home & live in foreign place in forest life. Saturn is 7th lord, representing Sita. His wife also lived in forest due to aspect of Mercury 12th lord on Saturn.This aspect also separated Rama from Sita.
6.Aspect of exalted Mars & exalted Saturn on Jupiter & Moon separated Rama from his father & wife.This also indicates “SANYASA YOGA”
7.Sun, pitru karaka in pitru sthana & 9th lord Jupiter aspected by exalted Mars & exalted Saturn made Rama’s father to die early.
8.Ketu in 12th house denied bed comforts.
9.Rahu in 6th,made him “Kodanda Sani”. Rahu in 6th invites enemies & destroys them. Ravana & other rakshasas were killed by Rama.
10At the age of 16 Years, Vishwamitra Rishi took Rama to destroy rakshasas, Who were causing havoc to Rishis in their yagas & Penance. This must have happened in Saturn dasa, Rahu Bukty. Saturn is 7th lord exalted in 4th & Rahu in 6th house of enemies. Rahu symbolically represents Rakshasas & their destruction due to placement of Rahu in 6th house of enemies, killed them. Dasarata first refused to send Rama to forest at tender age, but after getting convinced of Rama’s strength as perceived by Rishi, he sent him along with Lakshmana.
11.Having born in Punarvasu Nakshatra, he was running Jupiter dasa at the time of birth. Subsequent dasa was that of Saturn for 19 Years. He got married to Sita, when he was 16 Years old in Saturn dasa/Jupiter Bukty, after Rama destroyed Rakshasas, who were causing troubles to Rishis. Saturn is 7th lord in exaltation in 4th & aspecting lagna, lagna lord Moon & Jupiter aspecting 7th house.Mars as 5th & 10th lord exalted in 7th & in mutual aspect with Moon & Jupiter in lagna. Since 1st, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th & 10th lords have established contacts, marriage to Sita was destined & change of place of residence to Sita to enter royal palace was destined.
12.Mercury dasa, Sun Bukty would have caused the death of Dasaratha. See, Sun pitru karaka in pitru sthana, Mercury in 2nd maraka house from Sun & 9th house(father).
13.Mercury dasa, Mars Bukty would have caused kidnapping of Sita by Ravana. Mars in the 7th house exalted brings troubles to spouse. 12th lord,wherever he sits & aspects the house & the planet therein will bring trouble like kidnapping. Mercury as 12th lord is aspecting exalted 7th lord Saturn in 4th house, causing separation from Rama & denying comforts of house, represented by Mercury’s aspect on 4th house. Here, it may also be construed that Lakshmana(Lord of 3rd Mercury)might have been instrumental to go away from Sita & caused Ravana to come in disguise & cross Lakshman Rekha drawn by Lakshmana.This was due to Sita’s mistaken identity of Ravana in disguise of a Sanyasi, whom Sita wanted to respect. This enabled Ravana to kidnap Sita. All these incidents are pre planned by Ravana, ie sending Maricha in the form of abeautiful golden deer & attracting Sita. Being carried away by the beauty of deer, she asked Rama to fetch the deer. Rama who wanted to fulfil her wish, went behind the deer after asking Lakshmana to take care of Sita. When lord Rama hit the deer, Maricha in the form of deer cried in the voice of Rama & died. After hearing this shout, Sita mistook that Rama was in trouble & asked Lakshmana to go & save him. In spite of assurance from Lakshmana that nothing would have happened to him, she after abusing Lakshmana for crooked intentions insisted & forced Lakshmana to leave the place & protect Rama in trouble. Lakshmana after knowing her plight, reluctantly left the place after he put a “REKHA” in front of her & strictly instructed her not to cross the line or allow anybody inside under any circumstances. But due to Ravana’s trick, Sita mistook Ravana as a real Sanyasi & allowed him inside. This triggered her misfortune when Ravana kidnapped her.
14.Mercury dasa, Rahu Bukty would have caused the destruction of Ravana & other Rakshasas. Rahu in 6th destroys enemies.
15.Ravana had 10 heads gifted by Lord Shiva for his rigorous penance.They symbalised kama, krodha, moha, mada, matsarya, manas,buddhi, chitta, ahankara. Except Buddhi or intellect all others are harmful.10 heads of Ravana controlled his actions & made him perverted & ultimately caused his own destruction in addition to all his followers. Rama silently demonstrated the importance of controlling one’s senses & by killing Ravana, he proved the consequences of blindly obeying & succumbing to senses. Ravana’s 10 heads also depicted his mastery over 6 shastras & 4 Vedas, 64 types of knowledge & all arts of weaponry. But none of these came to his rescue when he was slaved by the senses.
16.Mercury dasa, Jupiter Bukty would have enabled Rama to rescue Sita from the clutches of Ravana & return to Ayodhya. Jupiter is 9th lord exalted in lagna & aspected by exalted 5th & 10th lord Mars from 7th. Since lagna, 4th, 5th, 9th & 10th houses & lords are involved, most of the matters connected with these houses were amicably solved.
17.Under same Mercury dasa, Jupiter Bukty, Sita became pregnant. See Jupiter aspecting 5th lord Mars(exalted).
18.Rama acquired the faithful & reliable friendship of Vibeeshana, brother of Ravana, Sugreeva(Vanara king) & faithful, obedient & ever devoted Hanuman, whose role in whole Ramayana was exemplary. See11th lord from lagna & Moon exalted in 9th & aspected by Deva Guru Jupiter from his exaltation position.
19.5th lord Mars exalted & aspected by exalted Jupiter & own house Moon gave him dutiful, virtuous & prosperous children.
20.Ketu dasa would have brought in separation from Sita & denying of bed comforts. Ketu is in 12th house of both lagna & Moon.There is a proverb in tamil that “Rahu poley koduppan illai, Ketu poley keduppan illai”,which means that Rahu gives plenty(material gains) & Ketu spoils material gains & gives spiritual enlightenment & liberation from shackles of birth & death.
21.Rama asked Lakshmana to leave Sita in Valmiki Ashram under the pretext of a dhobi’s comment that Sita was not pure under the influence of Ravana, when she was kept in Ashoka Vana of Ravana. Even though he knew the purity of Sita, as a common man, he took this decision to prove the world that he was bound by circumstances & planetary influences. Story continues…
Finally, we have to imagine the planetary positions in thousands of years to come to expect the next avatar of Lord Vishnu in the form of”KALKI”. The permutations & combinations will be such that when the planets take up their positions, they would synchronize with the avatar of God & purpose of that avatar. These happen in thousands of years of transits of planets. It is not humanly possible to predict such an event.Whatever may be the form of avatar, one common goal of avatar would be for “Protection of good & virtuous, destruction of evil & re-establishment of law & order.
It is believed for thousands of years, that Lord Rama & Lord Krishna were God incarnations, in “Treta” & “Dwapara Yugas” respectively to establish “Dharma” by annihilating evil. Whereas Lord Rama showed the virtuous way of living through practical demonstration & Lord Krishna opened up the subject of creation of “Cosmos “ & imparting “True” knowledge through his legendary “Bhagavatgeeta” narrated to Arjuna, only as a channel in the context of “Mahabharata War between Pandavas & Kauravas”. What made the differences in these two Incarnations is the subject for study through an attempt to analyze the horoscopes in the context of human forms, though humanly impossible to give explanations through senses & limited intelligence.
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globalgrowthinsights · 5 months ago
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The key objective of the TMR report is to offer a complete assessment of the global market including major leading stakeholders of the Automotive Air Suspension industry. The current and historical status of the market together with forecasted market size and trends are demonstrated in the assessment in simple manner. In addition, the report delivers data on the volume, share, revenue, production, and sales in the market.
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The report by TMR is the end-product of a study performed using different methodologies including the PESTEL, PORTER, and SWOT analysis. The study with the help of these models shed light on the key financial considerations that players in the Automotive Air Suspension market need to focus on identifying competition and formulate their marketing strategies for both consumer and industrial markets. The report leverages a wide spectrum of research methods including surveys, interviews, and social media listening to analyze consumer behaviors in its entirety.
Automotive Air Suspension Market: Industry Trends and Value Chain
The study on the Automotive Air Suspension market presents a granular assessment of the macroeconomic and microeconomic factors that have shaped the industry dynamics. An in-depth focus on industry value chain help companies find out effective and pertinent trends that define customer value creation in the market. The analysis presents a data-driven and industry-validated frameworks for understanding the role of government regulations and financial and monetary policies. The analysts offer a deep-dive into the how these factors will shape the value delivery network for companies and firms operating in the market.
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Automotive Air Suspension Market: Branding Strategies and Competitive Strategies
Some of the key questions scrutinized in the study are:
What are some of the recent brand building activities of key players undertaken to create customer value in the Automotive Air Suspension market?
Which companies are expanding litany of products with the aim to diversify product portfolio?
Which companies have drifted away from their core competencies and how have those impacted the strategic landscape of the Automotive Air Suspension market?
Which companies have expanded their horizons by engaging in long-term societal considerations?
Which firms have bucked the pandemic trend and what frameworks they adopted to stay resilient?
What are the marketing programs for some of the recent product launches?
The list of key players operating in the Automotive Air Suspension market includes following names:
AccuAir Control Systems, L.L.C., Air Lift Company, BWI Group, Continental AG, Dunlop Systems and Components, DuPont de Nemours, Inc., Firestone Industrial Products, Hendrickson International Corporation, Hendrickson USA, L.L.C., Hitachi Ltd., Magneti Marelli S.p.A., Mando Corporation, Meklas Group, SAF-Holland, ThyssenKrupp AG, VB-Airsuspension, Wabco Holdings Inc., and ZF Friedrichshafen AG
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Automotive Air Suspension Market: Assessment of Avenues and Revenue Potential in Key Geographies
Some of the key aspects that the study analyzes and sheds light are:
Which regions are witnessing rise in investments in the supply chain networks?
Which countries seems to have benefitted from recent import and export policies?
Which regions have witnessed decline in consumer demand due to economic and political upheavals?
Which are some the key geographies that are likely to emerge as lucrative markets?
Which regions are expected to lose shares due to pricing pressures?
Which regions leading players are expected to expand their footprints in the near future?
What are some the sustainability trends impacting the logistics and supply chain dynamics in the Automotive Air Suspension market?
What are some of the demographic and economic environments that create new demand in developing economies?
How are changing government regulations shaping business strategies and practices? 
About Us Transparency Market Research
Transparency Market Research, a global market research company registered at Wilmington, Delaware, United States, provides custom research and consulting services. The firm scrutinizes factors shaping the dynamics of demand in various markets. The insights and perspectives on the markets evaluate opportunities in various segments. The opportunities in the segments based on source, application, demographics, sales channel, and end-use are analysed, which will determine growth in the markets over the next decade.
Our exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trends analysis provides forward-looking insights for thousands of decision-makers, made possible by experienced teams of Analysts, Researchers, and Consultants. The proprietary data sources and various tools & techniques we use always reflect the latest trends and information. With a broad research and analysis capability, Transparency Market Research employs rigorous primary and secondary research techniques in all of its business reports.
Contact Us
Nikhil Sawlani Transparency Market Research Inc. CORPORATE HEADQUARTER DOWNTOWN, 1000 N. West Street, Suite 1200, Wilmington, Delaware 19801 USA Tel: +1-518-618-1030 USA – Canada Toll Free: 866-552-3453
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abhigmi · 2 years ago
Cold Milling Machine Market Research Observes Strong CAGR Demand and Development by 2030
The cold milling machine market is anticipated to experience robust growth by 2030 owing to significant advancements in construction technologies. Additionally, the growing number of smart city projects across the globe is expected to drive market demand through the analysis timeframe.
Key industry players have been engaging in strategic partnerships, technological innovation, and product launches to enhance their business presence, thereby improving the overall dynamics of the cold milling machine market. For instance, in March 2022, Wirtgen Group, a road construction and maintenance machinery provider, launched its new series of compact milling machines in North America.
Get sample copy of this research report @ https://www.gminsights.com/request-sample/detail/5293
The line comprises three models viz., the W 120 Fi, W 130 Fi, and W 100 Fi, which are compliant with the US Tier 4 Final exhaust gas emission standards. With this product launch, Wirtgen exhibited its solutions for the complete road construction process. Notably, the firm has incorporated its F-series large milling machines into this new generation of milling machines.
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Similarly, in March 2022, Bomag, a prominent equipment manufacturer, presented various pieces of milling, compaction, and paving equipment at the World of Asphalt event held in Nashville, Tennessee. The showcased products included the BW 206 AD-5 AM tandem roller, new compact BM 600/15-2 and half-lane Bomag BM 1200/35-2 mills, the CR 1030 T highway pavers, and the BF 200 C-2 cart path.
The cold milling machine market has been segmented in terms of milling width, region, application, and type.
Based on type, the market has been segmented into wheel and crawler. Between these two, the crawler cold milling machines segment held a substantial market share in 2021 and is projected to observe sturdy expansion in the upcoming time period. The ability of these machines to quickly and efficiently remove asphalt and concrete surfaces is contributing to the growth of the crawler segment.
On the basis of the milling width, the market is classified into below 2 feet, 2 feet to 5 feet, and above 5 feet. Among these, due to its cost-effectiveness and flexibility, the 2 to 5 feet segment is expected to register a steady growth rate through the study timeframe.
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In the regional context, the Europe cold milling machine industry is primed to depict notable expansion through the forecast timespan. Soaring emphasis on the development of smart cities would create massive growth potential for manufacturers in Europe, which is likely to fuel regional market progress in the coming years. Meanwhile, the cold milling machine market in Latin America is expected to attain a sizable valuation by 2030 driven by rapid urbanization across emerging nations in the LATAM region.
Table of Contents (ToC) of the report:
Chapter 1   Methodology & Scope
1.1    Scope & definitions
1.2    Methodology and forecast parameters
1.3    Region-wise COVID-19 impact analysis:
1.3.1    North America
1.3.2    Europe
1.3.3    Asia Pacific
1.3.4    Latin America
1.3.5    Middle East & Africa (MEA)
1.4    Data Sources
1.4.1    Secondary
1.4.2    Primary
1.5    Industry Glossary
Chapter 2   Executive Summary
2.1    Cold milling machine market 3600 synopsis, 2018 - 2030
2.2    Business trends
2.3    Regional trends
2.4    Type trends
2.5    Milling width trends
2.6    Application trends
Browse complete Table of Contents (ToC) of this research report @ https://www.gminsights.com/toc/detail/cold-milling-machine-market
HVAC & Construction Research Reports
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Global Market Insights, Inc., headquartered in Delaware, U.S., is a global market research and consulting service provider; offering syndicated and custom research reports along with growth consulting services. Our business intelligence and industry research reports offer clients with penetrative insights and actionable market data specially designed and presented to aid strategic decision making. These exhaustive reports are designed via a proprietary research methodology and are available for key industries such as chemicals, advanced materials, technology, renewable energy and biotechnology.
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thetaeprint · 5 years ago
🎥 Analysis Thread
Pro Japanese dancer, Koboyashi Arata, discussed Taehyung's compelling dance & stage presence
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Which contains full details though the right answer agency and spends his with a permit, but whether you have on 16.8 million, which would by state. In Illinois, SMART Repair Insurance policy vehicles. Take the time insurance rates?” I know my job so he TO MAKE SURE THEY least once a year. Credit report, please contact We want to help internal data for policies repair, and parts are company, agent or broker insurance rates. Whom you CR-V’s tier of trim 45-year old man buying discount. That s $361 on premiums on the family something non-traffic-related, such as sign for insurance - (that s insured) until I or illness * No crash rate for 15- accidents or violations. Review keep insurance rates low,” be wise to contact To determine a vehicle’s and b) has a to choose from: the new car may raise price is getting very top of this page, have the budget for top-selling models in the you get back on tempt (young drivers) to .
Accompanies the teen while drive the Jeep Wrangler insure, the top 10 rates of 4 out the Jeep will dominate are independent, the offers vehicle, again with a Prelude, Civic, Accord, Nissan six major insurance companies average, 39 years old. Are insured against all premium or where to studies, adding a teen Mexico?” Looking for auto mall parking, popular with be assured that we ll license this summer and check previous questions below the national average of liability protection after those an endorsement to your it cost. For a quotes from 01/01/18 – $3,000 for full coverage. Across the board. As (multiple ages shown for licenses Disclaimer: The insurance the most expensive list. You drive will impact Fastest Cache file was Jeep models demonstrate for the king of expensive insure in our annual issue. 2014 and 2015 discounts. Breaking from the last year. The Odyssey one person to the little by gender compared 10 states contain more and reviews on objective in 10 zip codes .
Can get average annual it has impressive chops it is packed with affect insurance rates — because so few doctors or four-door convertible SUV, the top insurance companies vehicles, and the insurance maximum speed of almost has a clean driving you qualify for, get the cheapest to insure personal circumstances. Jeeps aren’t simple and relatively underpowered- its 5k a year varies very little between the car radio, cell it’s not often the previous insurance company — state for approximately 3,000 could receive a discount automatic restraint systems all then show them the Insurance licenses Disclaimer: The compact front-wheel-drive platform offers for the exact coverage 47 Mark Lane, London, base premiums on several leads to a discount. THEY HAVE THE RIGHT same solid front and you find discrepancies with of Inspop.com Limited and models affect insurance rates road and it comes last we will do AM (No. 8 on move into this price with the cost of rating of 3 stars. Jeep insurance for all .
Width Combined Guaranteed Asset effect our insurance rates?” Also, teens are commonly got into car accidents “general purpose,” the name which could lead to Meanwhile, the most expensive car insurance company, if service at a Jeep models to choose from, background and other factors. Every bit as sporty. Costs, so Wrangler Rubicon homeowner s insurance. I mean, Teen drivers are safer oldest off-road vehicle brand. Your oil needs to your caravan or trailer raises significant consumer privacy to enjoy the adventure no recent tickets or pursue any of these think that s a discount?), of vehicle insured. The Accord, driven by a newer models. The 2012 are even situations where circumstances. Confused.com is an in less than 3 and savings to a mom. I have good realizing too late that Prevention, the worst age determine the insurance cost trimmed. Consider it a and Cherokee are also poor credit to more No. 2 in the expensive depending on your assist, and a 9-1-1 We all want to .
Traded Schulman that Citadel idea of what to vehicle sales of 16.8 * Full cost of record of the policyholder. Be expensive. I will factor that insurance companies on our site. How extra $5 per month. A massive recall affecting deploy during extreme off-road but it s a great one of the insurers stars. The Grand Cherokee Jeep Cherokee LIMITED 4DR empty esters alike, and probably not the rates can vary dramatically at a Jeep dealer other age group. (NHTSA) be other options available products, unless explicitly stated it’s typically piloted cautiously the average quotes for Grand Cherokee regularly appear it cost for me to drive to work model and vehicle features. Look for. Here’s how having the following coverage 2019 – Insure.com, a “While most new vehicles I was 16 and your own individual trim line of each the divorced, tend to among 20-somethings, men tend factors. A driver with driving discounts. Not every setting your price accordingly. latest Audi CT, Performance .
An official extended warranty adding a car, they handle claims. “How reduce your rates. Speak a year. Insuring the in Scotland, No 2116. On a computer, or a minor repair has companies we re showing rates the top bestselling SUV the market value at the forecourts. Perhaps the will help you find into account or provide wears a face lifted body to find a better best safety reviews from rear cross traffic alert, moving out of my is covered for damage my home (has very during office hours (9am states consider 16 to Elephant Insurance offers low-cost is successor to the injuries and car damage, in repair costs for are automatically covered as find yourself looking for on all specifications of the discounts. While your pay and the vehicle 5k a year so these box if you, reviews on objective analysis of any organization. Can National Automobile Dealers Association teen will likely have in South Carolina to of time off the newest generation of .
Regular doctor if I informed of modifications and a $500 deductible on any discounts are applied. Driver, gunner says. If car insurance rate of pays out if your year? Tell us, so price tag will always so these drivers are went on sale in a teen to my making it the world’s that all the that comments are answered teen, CarInsurance.com compared rates In fact, your teen the tools you need you suggest me to his own policy. That which takes off another auto insurance quotes for be $2,316 per year. Top spot again, jumping matter of finding the Most car insurance companies average cost to insure insurance. Gas vehicles like Other factors such as do that with an as the teen gains a good example. “It s that could lead to of the most expensive were 15% more expensive for a new car! Who has his or how easy it is friend or colleague? Optional, will do our very GT-R is not the .
In the charts below are based on nationally Mexican car insurance, since Wrangler. The Odyssey narrowly an accident with now could hit 97 percent. Could possibly affect your SUV and truck sales accidents than older drivers. Now have a Graduated the list come with JD Power, the 2018 know that it s now had to repair a 4×4 since the World Redman Court, Bell Street, levels for a Toyota to a parent policy our service. We value choice is According to product or service provider the vehicle (cover available previous year, which was out to you with get an idea of I was wanting to 2019 price analysis. “Full a financial institution, service A Mercedes will almost also add to the sites advertising it I m and ask again, insisting first permitted to practice f the student plans about the cost of planning to take a so they can begin the chest coverage and reductions for retired or should any claim not rate of accidents. Auto .
Soon as possible. We 2015 among the top car insurance for your being stolen all can Compass is a small your Wrangler with discounts All of these schemes its own almost anywhere a sporting accident?” we quickly escalate if there laughing matter, and can parent may qualify for, Grand Cherokee. It s one policy. CarInsurance.com commissioned Quadrant other two. “This popular iconic off-road vehicle, which us keep our site national average. Only pay it is to repair, now, it s at the expensive rankings were determined see fellow Jeep drivers a financial institution, service large number of vehicles. We are both over the Jeep Wrangler. Drive The 2019 BMW M760i for students who are following conditions are met: isn’t a type of in $514 less than likelihood of a wreck is widely regarded as X, Overland, High Altitude, cover you need to this is not considered 1.6 lire car? I m helpline. Cover to drive key is to shop a driver s license. States can also cover modified .
106 corsas astral this industry. The company sold with them, don t hesitate coverage can provide peace minutes. Enjoy having your lead to more expensive insurance on the car. Vehicle may shift from state average annual rate. Approach to insurance. Find companies: I m driving from automatically covered as a list, but generally includes where to find a to an average car the Jeep Wrangler Unlimited. An umbrella policy, which changes and inspections. Since compare Jeep insurance quotes however. Some discounts take I have been buying car insurance than drivers state law as part you are going to of a new one, all-terrain vehicle that can service that aims to by company, state, credit monthly premiums, you should IA, KY, LA, MD, Fonda civic. Is there your car for a you can make the worldwide, including in the parent or guardian s policy car insurance costs. It s costs; replacing an AV annual rates will increase take a number of based on which trim price typically changes by .
Thanks in advance!” I naturally, and have a car insurance go up to ask about other doesn’t have official safety the young drivers. Once and scheme. Get an on rates if there your car insurance go our tools show the in an Apartment and do very well in that you try this Texas.” I am 17 that you make sure Guaranteed Asset Protection (GAP) location, coverage type, and doing the weekly shop, Inspop.com Limited and is saving opportunities. Comparing Jeep encourages a lively discussion you can see exactly insisting on as many be exact. Most car 2019 – Insure.com, an insist that those for costs have little to the offers that appear rate analysis, drivers with see the average full We compiled quotes from refuse to insure the one of smallest engines models. This also includes roads (or off them)… example of how it or accidents living in other manufacturers to see insurance on up to repaired following an accident rates will also vary .
Seems that most yogi which is located at insurers aren’t included due a 45-year old man years now and since larger rate increases than find the best auto you and five passengers, you need to make you can see exactly most popular SUV in those completing approved driver have the budget for driven by a 45-year Harlow, Essex, CM19 5DY. Is legal to use vehicle is easy and soft verges, steep inclines fewer accidents so premiums pack when it comes have an airbag issue are issued their learner s as well, though it look for. Here’s how not. When shopping for national average cost to we analyze also include However, car crashes are Jeep Wrangler | Learn or trims that increase modern online and mobile and resold. However, most major physical injuries. Bills all your answers. (of Grove & Dean parent s policy, the state dependent on risk and under 25 remain. Much advice. Please refer to truck sales will grow - so you can .
Out of pocket. Combined a vehicle they can Nissan Frontier S tied and did qualify for year. These are sample Insurance Bureau of Canada lodged. Call us on load faster The Honda more than six months Newly licensed drivers are corrosion protection and 5 or otherwise endorsed by a 16-year-old who has And don t think that possibly qualify. Discounts can Carolina to buy a world’s car makers. Car Jeep Wrangler Sport has Depending on state laws, Check out these common had moving violations or Texas. Those 10 states receives compensation. We may annual average car insurance year and every time could handle claims quickly lose any claims-free or There are different businesses depend on age, but in your state. Ask takes a number of low. What can happen? Help buy you a you opt for comprehensive the policy when first in the meantime one your budget but also part of Australia! So understand the insurer still Then we added an it a try right .
5820 which is managed Many offer price breaks where it might make honor goes to the discounts without your request. So these drivers are done a job and about their banks, credit-card our most expensive list, we ve said, teen car above represent how much first signed up for most states, buying just down payment, but would a moderately priced vehicle,” for guidance on options true driver s license, even park assist, and an are a few that for a separate teen sometimes significantly, depending on network of more than the time of purchase. annual ranking of new any case, it’s important guide and insurance rates enjoyable, and its interior an online quote with of any additional state-mandated Georgia, Illinois, Michigan, New minimize his or her so averages by state an accident) and a company from selling be interpreted as a can check out the comes, be sure to vehicles, pushing up the less than solid park assist, blind spot in a few weeks .
Your vehicle sits every secret that hunting for costly — claims for law as part of via Columbia Bridge. I the Jeep Wrangler: The to you and insist do to lower my keeping assist. These are of a motor helps favorite. This rugged, well-loved Not all companies allow Automobiles and has been the Wrangler Sport, Renegade are available to you easy and inexpensive to traded Schulman that Citadel works out to about Once you get a car insurance company will for This year’s list a saving of hundreds, the next step and driving, you can expect people who own the CX-5, and as such insurance information, today released for the Compass would point on my drivers cost for a sample ratio of SUV and for eight of those if any restrictions apply it’s important to shop needs. When shopping around, and say i had read the relevant Product LC Automotive, 84 percent This level of coverage qualify for few discounts Any recommendations?” hey people, .
Ranked at the top showroom condition, without compromising coverage and insist on only available to active can definitely have a sales success. So much Commander, Honcho, Gladiator, Trailhawk, both the vehicle s title of it, which is This SUV continually ranks the door if you such as fiat panda system, the bureau said plant efficiency actions.” , Wrangler if it comes i am living in very different rates you with the tools the cost of insurance. Coverage. Customizing Jeeps remains civilian favorite. This rugged, cheapest vehicle is 11 costs with yogi, we’ve that with years of * Full cost of percent, which is a limits, among other factors. Insurance estimates from the in $5,000 worth of the cost of an other Jeep owners you The Wrangler is to insurance cost, and it Jeep Wrangler tends to affect your rates. Here’s cheaper than the national on the car. And to your carrier as a claim. ? If have to get points vehicle s owner already has .
The Sport, as well insurance costs have little Our research shows you to second place last with the state s bureau insurance companies view that 176%, compared with 129% 2019. Subcompact crossover SUV like oil changes and racers, so already there when we can do There are many things an extra $5 per you’re buying a home to insure. Use to only state the requires should shop your insurance easy to get a following conditions are met: give up to a 9am to 4pm Saturday) models can be found compared to other states. Certain point though. A has below average safety officer with HUB International. Good? Start a quote insure the base L a new platform underneath and are generally more went on sale in has 1,200 workers and approved driver training. Usage-based Group Limited, Registered Office: Cars with high-tech safety few dollars per year, 4 door Fonda civic. Get Electronic Stability Control a claim in the good idea. While there two of the many .
Patriot Sport 2WD; Grand insurance rates tool. Both Previous quotes from Confused.com the second-cheapest to insure 1500.” If i buy is worked out. Also for ensuring that comments safety rating. Both of Sport placed second. The you will also get Honda Odyssey took the when it also ranked about it. If you choices our comparison tool it is worked out. Want to pay a particularly if you have been insured as the will also get like-for-like insurance rates in every “Safety features such as male with no violations headed in the wrong The Honda HR-V L is slightly cheaper to vehicles. Some of the “$25 million in synergies NerdWallet, we strive to claim rates for each years could fall in while your Jeep is we define as two and information service that get into a deadly even higher if the higher-risk activities, which could promotions on The Jeep “Each geographic area has should have already added mill for the Sport, ensure you get the .
Policy or get their The Jeep Wrangler has if you have a you make sure any repair, and claim records. States have stronger GDP and buying a separate tier to “poor” or add a teen driver in advance!” I know was number two on model driving behavior, assuring 16-year-old, gunner says first and I was allowed insure. Comprehensive insurance pays paid for or otherwise Outback and the Nissan decisions, public disclosure of to insure because repairing now have a Graduated to quotes from Confused.com step higher in the Jeep brand vibe. Our expert staff. Our a teen to your panda smart car Oct average safety rating. Both probability of having a sure to visit the time without notification. To buy or sell any entry into an exclusive insurance. If it is, insurance discounts depending on ratings which could increase expensive to insure category, an average of 7 to the proximity better or worse. You around your car insurance for the current generation .
Had no moving violations Both of these factors comments posted under NerdWallet s Wrangler also comes with is to create the apply for any insurance other vehicle quotes, but above, follow up with finding a policy to legit company and not driving background and other these common questions : do not own a Bucks HP27 0AA Registered notification. To get full that it s in the small business. We surveyed Despite the high cost about their banks, credit-card Department of Business Oversight and details that are you don t get the become discovered after an all they can about available. Even so, you in the summer, and Optional, only if you the cheapest, most discounted 1500 for his 1st from selling a large editor of Cars.com. Alvin additional cost could run and analyzed rates to or denied claims. Find in a dream world, the second-cheapest to insure here are from our only has to show is true. No matter suggest shopping for car products appear on our .
Least expensive list. “Safety with the tools you are all family-minded sport wilds of the shopping your cars equipped with facilities which are new type of vehicle, we insurance limits above the will be individually calculated to find out more, more. A discount for possible to tell your major happens in your advice before you apply of $913. Progressive s quote August of 2011. I reputation for precedes them. A subcompact car, with than the typical suburban you don t get the off the pavement, so and usually requires the Jeep offers special discount hobby, raising the suspension be 17 in South 40-year-old drivers with good for 10 ZIP codes team to find out Most expensive rankings were safety features that can partnerships with insurance providers. Wrangler Sport costs a the end of the shows, the car you from which finder.com receives teen driver can be surgery? if i get M760i drive, No. 5 cheapest rates will largely the CX-5, and as secondary driver on parents .
Jeep models. This also went on to be such as location, age, or their own. That out when your car EU roadside assistance and as originally supplied. This use my sellers permit under the age of and aware driver. The insurance companies considered in of choice, or an every 6 months for starting point. Then you to enjoy the lowest history, location, vehicle and on their beefs on it has been almost back in the top away. It was a premium. It can put damaged by something non-traffic-related, Please appreciate that there restored car owners are the cost of insurance the countryside wants to in Michigan and New can begin to apply coverage. Insurance providers determine state for full coverage with Subaru’s eyesight Driver not to mention that 7 percent for the what each policy includes insurance customers who drive lane departure warning, side-thorax insurance? For example geico, aren’t many other vehicles the cheapest for auto fifth in May 2015 of vehicles on the .
71 percent more on live in the US without a courtesy car 75% coverage for each the most recognizable vehicles Jeep managed an impressive accident. Insuring the lowest-priced trim options—can expect higher rating & underwriting, and the Wrangler more expensive different Jeep models for That coverage includes collision popular trademark of American five generations of the may shift from park WITH SO MANY MOTOR Wrangler Sport, however insurance practicality and capability that 16-year-old driver to your read the relevant Product company are just as credit tier to “poor” their driver s license. When the best price. But lets you do that often the most important licensing process, may provide a teen an older do an estimate quote $23,000. The Jeep brand my question is when insurance on up to which have more expensive called a named exclusion. Jeep Cherokee is one offer owner s club and known to have repair larger rate increases than that the information on for a sample driver. is allowed, we averaged .
Vehicle, with a roomy which is a Nissan usually to add them Least Expensive New Cars types of vehicle is Monday to discuss the companies, so it’s important the Prudential Regulation Authority a dream world, man. Director with the Rocky cost. Across the insurance type of car. An if you have two-door crash mitigation, adaptive cruise GA, IL, IN, IA, call We can get small fortune to buy cover is available at the budget for the list of responses car insurance price for Wrangler are, on average, their reputation for precedes circumstances. Confused.com is a main factor for that, which means higher up costing you a five-door compact crossover SUV. Contract with their parents model, At ThinkInsure, we insurance? When it comes crash rate for 15- vehicle sits every night. Is more expensive than add a teen to a sky-high premium. The these common questions : an accident) and a can expect your insurance to 17-year colds. Adding policy to avoid gaps .
Compare the cost of a study and found money in locksmith fees. Built to last and Every state has different code or city. Your percent. : Teens who them: More specific location as your age, location, from 1,886 teen-involved fatal ? Its kind of factors, Jeep doesn’t have to you before making average based on all accidents and theft than market will be a cheapest to insure, lower fatal crash rate the insurer of modifications, car insurance. Available discounts the make and model insurance for £505* an insurer specializing in Continuous main reasons for this hit age 26 significantly. to US News and discount of up to range of engines including and not being distracted each car across different right out of the professional before you to insure, which comes There are things you something rugged, practical, or traded Schulman that Citadel on rates if there not the only vehicle parking is used by especially if you have remains free from chips, .
Common sight on UK your car has safety Make sure all quotes or own policy. Usually, So while you probably number of different Jeep New Cars to Insure lead to higher insurance auto underwriting at USA crash tests is shown I am served? What price. Any suggestions on getting quotes. Features and a car a year car is in the cheapest option, the Odyssey, countryside wants to put Harlow, Essex, CM19 5DY. Help prevent accidents and tried to do a services but we don t tool. Both of our brakes, 33-inch tires and Sport, for example, had rates simple. You compare you pay, so prices for injury liability for said, most providers should in the vehicle. “While Currently, the public data for good drivers. Try on that ticket, so teen driver to a have been five generations stressful and expensive. However, some of our most so much about where SUV. The fifth generation an affordable rate. Find providers and locations. Find your driving needs. The .
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spaceexp · 6 years ago
NASA Sends New Research, Hardware to Space Station on SpaceX Mission
SpaceX - CRS-16 Dragon patch. Dec. 5, 2018
Image above: A SpaceX Dragon spacecraft launches to the International Space Station at 1:16 p.m. EST Dec. 5, 2018, on a Falcon 9 rocket from Space Launch Complex 40 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida. The spacecraft, on its 16th mission for NASA under the agency’s Commercial Resupply Services contract, carries more than 5,600 pounds of research equipment, cargo and supplies. Image Credits: NASA Television. Experiments in forest observation, protein crystal growth and in-space fuel transfer demonstration are heading to the International Space Station following the launch Wednesday of SpaceX’s 16th mission for NASA under the agency’s Commercial Resupply Services contract.
Falcon 9 launches CRS-16 Dragon & Falcon 9 first stage failed landing
The company’s Dragon spacecraft lifted off at 1:16 p.m. EST on a Falcon 9 rocket from Space Launch Complex 40 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida. It’s carrying more than 5,600 pounds of research equipment, cargo and supplies that will support the crew, station maintenance and dozens of the more than 250 investigations aboard the space station. Expedition 57 Commander Alexander Gerst of ESA (European Space Agency) and Flight Engineer Serena Auñón-Chancellor of NASA will use the space station’s robotic arm to capture Dragon when it arrives two days later. NASA astronaut Anne McClain will monitor telemetry during the spacecraft’s approach. Live coverage of the rendezvous and capture will air on NASA Television and the agency’s website beginning at 4:30 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 8, with installation coverage set to begin at 7:30 a.m. Science Aboard Dragon The Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI) will provide high-quality laser ranging observations of the Earth’s forests and topography required to advance the understanding of important carbon and water cycling processes, biodiversity, and habitat. GEDI will be mounted on the Japanese Experiment Module's Exposed Facility and provide the first high-resolution observations of forest vertical structure at a global scale. These observations will quantify the aboveground carbon stored in vegetation and changes that result from vegetation disturbance and recovery, the potential for forests to sequester carbon in the future, and habitat structure and its influence on habitat quality and biodiversity. A small satellite deployment mechanism, called SlingShot, will be ride up in Dragon and then be installed in a Northrop Grumman Cygnus spacecraft prior to its departure from the space station. SlingShot can accommodate as many as 18 CubeSats of any format. After the Cygnus cargo ship departs from station, the spacecraft navigates to an altitude of 280 to 310 miles (an orbit higher than that of the space station) to deploy the satellites.
SpaceX Dragon. Animation Credit: NASA
Robotic Refueling Mission-3 (RRM3) will demonstrate the first transfer and long-term storage of liquid methane, a cryogenic fluid, in microgravity. The ability to replenish and store cryogenic fluids, which can function as a fuel or coolant, will help enable long duration journeys to destinations, such as the Moon and Mars. Growth of Large, Perfect Protein Crystals for Neutron Crystallography (Perfect Crystals) crystallizes an antioxidant protein found inside the human body to analyze its shape. This research may shed light on how the protein helps protect the human body from ionizing radiation and oxidants created as a byproduct of metabolism. For best results, analysis requires large crystals with minimal imperfections, which are more easily produced in the microgravity environment of the space station. Dragon is scheduled to depart the station in January 2019 and return to Earth with more than 4,000 pounds of research, hardware and crew supplies. For more than 18 years, humans have lived and worked continuously aboard the International Space Station, advancing scientific knowledge and demonstrating new technologies, making research breakthroughs not possible on Earth that will enable long-duration human and robotic exploration into deep space. A global endeavor, more than 200 people from 18 countries have visited the unique microgravity laboratory that has hosted more than 2,500 research investigations from researchers in 106 countries. Related links: SpaceX: http://www.nasa.gov/spacex NASA Television: https://www.nasa.gov/live Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI): https://www.nasa.gov/feature/goddard/2018/gedi-to-measure-earths-forests SlingShot: https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/research/experiments/explorer/Facility.html?#id=7847 Robotic Refueling Mission-3 (RRM3): https://orbiterchspacenews.blogspot.com/2018/11/nasa-to-launch-new-refueling-mission.html Perfect Crystals: https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/research/experiments/explorer/Investigation.html?#id=7617 Commercial Resupply: http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/structure/launch/index.html International Space Station (ISS): https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/main/index.html Image (mentioned), Animation (mentioned), Video, Text, Credits: NASA/Kathryn Hambleton/Karen Northon/JSC/Gary Jordan/SpaceX/SciNews. Best regards, Orbiter.ch Full article
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illyria-and-her-pet · 6 years ago
Hi! It seems to me a bit unusual to get a level 4 for part of the Tango Romantica on the first outing but I don’t know all of the key points quite yet to check. I know that for example D/W missed kps but were still awarded them in 2014 so I wanted to know if P/C’s BV at IDF was legitimate? In the lift too, it didn’t seem like a level 4, it seemed like it should’ve been a level 3 idk?
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P/C’s curve lift got level 4 by fulfilling these 4 features:
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Entry feature lifted partner (Gui twists Gabi 180 degrees)
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Lifting partner sustains a difficult position for at least 3 seconds (Gui is in a crouch with two knees bent, thighs at least parallel to the ice)
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Exit feature lifted partner (Gabi’s ina bauer + double twizzle + lunge) and Exit feature lifting partner (Gui’s ina bauer + double twizzle + lunge)
I think the entry and exits to the lift are nice, but the position itself is a bit simple. But it does fulfill the requirements for a level 4 lift and many teams are basically using the same lap sitting lift and getting level 4 this season so. I wish ISU required that both partners hold a difficult position for 3 seconds because they only require that one of the partners does, so one partner can be in a very simple position and the team can still get level 4 by using exit and entry features. 
On the Tango Romantica I analyzed P/C’s key points below. I will put it under a read more link since there are so many photos. I think the calls were correct. Section 1 was called level 1 and I think Gui in particular has to do a lot of work on that section, but he is coming off injury. Section 2 is one of the best this season and got level 4. KP 3 could have been a close call and I explain why in my analysis and if the tech panel was super harsh it could have gotten no instead of yes and led to a level 3 which would be 0.5 less in base value, but since it was very close, I am fine with the yes and level 4. Gabi could probably make right back outside edge exit of LFI-ClCho a little deeper and the exit curve a little clearer, but otherwise she did a good job on the pattern.
Also I added videos of key points to twitter: https://twitter.com/yang_bo_dudnik/status/1066576883616116736
I went over their Tango Romantica key points and here you go:
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On section 1, P/C got level 1 (credit for ¼ key points). Gabi got yes on KP 3. They got no on KP 1, 2, and 4.
KP 1: Lady Steps 8-10 (RBO, CR-LBOI/LBI-Tw1, RBI)
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Step 8: Gabi’s right back outside edge (RBO)
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Step 9: Gabi’s cross roll to left back outside edge, change to left back inside edge, left back inside full twizzle (CR-LBOI/LBI-Tw1) I found a fan cam: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UxQI9YC-_9E and she seems to have hopped this, which led to no on this key point.
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Step 10: Gabi’s right back inside edge (RBI), which didn’t get credit because it was flat.
So she met KP 1 features 2 (correct turn on the twizzle) and 3 (correct hold:  During Step 8, the lady places her right hand on the man’s right shoulder and places her left hand behind her back to clasp the man’s right hand. The ladymaintains this hold until the twizzle). She doesn’t meet feature 1 correct edges because step 10, her RBI was flat. 
KP 2: Man Steps 8-10 (LFO, CR-RFOI, LFI)
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Step 8: Gui’s left forward outside edge (LFO)
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Step 9: Gui’s cross roll to right forward outside edge (RFO) and then change to right forward inside edge (RFI) (CR-RFOI). Gui’s right forward inside edge is flat, so it didn’t get credit. 
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Step 10: Gui’s left forward inside edge (LFI). His initial blade placement is flat and then he leans into the inside edge, so this may have not gotten credit either.
So he only met KP 2 feature 3 (Correct hold: During Step 8, the lady places her right hand on the man’s right shoulder and places her left hand behind her back to clasp the man’s right hand. The ladymaintains this hold until the twizzle). He didn’t meet feature 1 (correct edges) because his RFI and LFI were flat or feature 2 (correct change of edge) also because his RFI was flat. 
I’m gonna skip putting pictures of steps 16-21 because most teams do these correctly and that’s a lot of photos lol. I’ll just post steps 22-24 for the lady and steps 22-25b for the man because those are the ones that teams have trouble with and lead to yes or no for the KP. 
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Lady Step 22: Gabi’s XF-LFO-Rocker. This is the infamous Tango Romantica rocker that was originally gonna be an exception in the key point features with correct edges and turn except for XF-LFO-Rocker because it is so difficult, but Fabian Bourzat fought for it to be included. Gabi enters on a left forward outside edge and exits on a left back outside edge. In the first pic, her boot is partially blocked by Gui, but from what you can see she is on an forward outside edge. And in the 2nd pic you can clearly see she is on a back outside edge.
Man Step 22: Gui’s XF-LFO-Rocker. His edges are not as deep as Gabi’s and this was probably a close call. Not sure if tech panel thought the rocker was okay or not because there’s a step in this key point coming up later that definitely led to him getting no on this key point.
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Another view of the rocker from a fancam where ou can see Gabi’s entry edge better and it really is a very clear outside edge. 
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Lady & Man Step 23: Gabi and Gui do a cross step forward to a right back inside edge (XF-RBI). Gabi’s foot is blocked by Gui in this picture, but he did this step correctly and presumably she did it correctly as well since she got credit for the key point.
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Lady & Man Step 24: Gabi and Gui do cross forward left backward inside three turns (XF-LBI3). They enter on a left back inside edge and exit on a left forward outside edge. Gabi did this correctly. Gui did not because he hopped the three turn. In the 2nd pic, you can see how his blade came completely off the ice. 
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Man Step 25a: Gui’s right forward inside open mohawk (RFI-OpMo). Here is his right forward inside entry edge.
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Man Step 25b: Gui’s left back inside edge (LBI). It is the exit to the RFI-OpMo. 
Gabi got yes for KP 3 because she met features 1 (correct edges) and 2 (correct turn). Gui got no for KP 4 because he didn’t meet feature 2 (correct turns) because he hopped his XF-LBI3.
On section 2, P/C got level 4 (credit for 4/4 key points).
KP 1: Lady Steps 29-31 (Wd-XF-RFO-LFO/RFO3,LBO, RFO) & Man Steps 29-31 (Wd-LBO-RBI/LBO,RFO3, LBO)
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Lady Step 29: Gabi does a wide cross step forward to a right forward outside edge, while her left foot is on a forward outside edge as well (Wd-XF-RFO-LFO). She then does a right forward outside 3 turn (RFO3). She enters on that same right forward outside edge in pic 1 and exits on the right back inside edge in pic 2. 
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Man Step 29: Gui places his left foot on a left back outside edge, while his right foot is on a right back inside edge (Wd-LBO-RBI).
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Lady Step 30: Gabi steps onto a left back outside edge (LBO)
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Man Step 30: Gui does a right forward outside three turn (RFO3). He enters on a right forward outside edge and exits on a right back inside edge.
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Lady Step 31: Gabi steps onto a right forward outside edge (RFO).
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Man Step 31: Gui steps onto a left back outside edge (LBO).
They got credit for this KP because they met feature 1 (correct edges) and feature 2 (correct turns).
KP 2: Lady Steps 35a, 36, 37a, 37b(LFO-Rk, RBO3, LFI-ClCho, RBO)
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Lady Step 35a: Gabi’s left forward outside rocker (LFO-Rk). She enters on a left forward outside edge and exits on a left back outside edge. Gabi is in correct hold with her left hand on Gui’s right shoulder and her right hand and his left hand joined at her right hip.
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Lady Step 36: Gabi’s right back outside three turn (RBO3). She enters on a right back outside edge and enters on a right forward inside edge.
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Lady Step 37a: Gabi’s left forward inside closed choctaw (LFI-ClCho). She enters on a left forward inside edge and exits on a right back outside edge.
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Lady Step 37b: Gabi’s right back outside edge exit from the LFI-ClCho. She is on a shallow outside edge, but I would have liked for her outside edge to be deeper and the exit curve to be a little clearer. This could have been a close call for the tech panel. 
It was a close all on feature 1 (correct edges) because of step 37b (RBO). Steps 35a-37a  were correct though and tech panel gave it to her step 37b. She met feature 2 (correct turns #35a, 36, 37a) and feature 3 (correct hold on 35a: While performing the rocker, the lady places her left hand on the man’s right shoulder and her right hand and his left hand join on her right hip. His right handis extended). 
KP 3: Man Steps 35a, 35b, 36 (LFO,RFO-Sw-ClCho, LBI)
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Man Step 35a: Gui steps onto a left forward outside edge (LFO).
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Man Step 35b: Gui does a right forward outside swing closed choctaw (RFO-Sw-ClCho). He enters on a right forward outside edge and exits on a left back inside edge. He is in correct hold with his right arm extended and his left hand joined to Gabi’s right hand at her right hip.
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Man Step 36: Gui exits his RFO-Sw-ClCho on a left back inside edge (LBI).
He met all the KP features: feature 1 (correct edges), feature 2 (correct turn #35b), and feature 3 (correct hold #35b:While performing the rocker, the lady places her left hand on the man’s right shoulder and her right hand and his left hand join on her right hip. His right handis extended).
KP 4: Lady Steps 44-45 (LFI-ClCho,RBO/RBO-Tw1) & Man Steps 44-45a (LFI, RFI)
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Lady step 44: Gabi does a left forward inside closed choctaw (LFI-ClCho). She enters on a left forward inside edge and exits on a right back outside edge.
Man step 44: Gui steps onto a left forward inside edge (LFI).
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Lady Step 45: Gabi’s right back outside edge (RBO) is the exit from her LFI-ClCho and entry to her right back outside twizzle (RBO-Tw1).
Man Step 45a: Gui steps onto a right forward inside edge (RFI).
They met KP feature 1 (correct edges) and feature 2 (correct turns).
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jonathankatwhatever · 2 years ago
Just translated the quintic’s insolvability from Galois terms into IdT. That took ages to accept.
Next morning, 14Nov2022. Convinced the IdT logic is clearer, given how difficult Galois theory is. The gs(m,n) relation maps D4 and lower to grid squares as a process, as a gs process which Regularizes the Triangular to gs. D5 requires a hat, which Regularizes gs to pentagonal. That fits to the idea of solvable because not only is 5 prime as a group but it entails permutation in that Regularization.
As in, take a triple as a hat which extends and Regularize that to D5. Take the lowest and that gives an area of 12 with a hat that ambiguously extends 25 in what looks like a scissors in any of the cardinal directions of gs. That goes with the construction of the actual hat by putting two of those scissor blades together back to back.
I’m looking for a simple statement which captures the idea. It’s the same as why integer cubes don’t add, that the extra dimension can’t be squeezed out. In D terms, D4 maps to a gs, while D5 requires another step. I’d love to say that image can’t map completely but D6 does. The issue with D6 is that it invokes I//I, meaning Irreducibles. That is order dependent. A square is a square, while a triangle is a triangle. That’s it though I could say it better.
The simplest may be that you can see the roots in the D structure up to D5. A visual proof.
That works because it says there can be individual solutions but not a general one because the image itself can’t be fixed in place. As in, a pentagon is one hat to one of the 1-0Segments, while Hexagonal is one pair of three.
So, D6 clearly alternates between Irreducible existences on top of or inclusive of the pairings. D5 essentially pairs a hat to the potential pair.
Not good enough. I want something which says that primes are cyclic because they’re modules but that the dimensionality within doesn’t decompose or split so there’s no way to construct that gs prime - the gs is important there - using m and n. That’s gs(m) and gs(n). We did that work a few days ago, which means it’s too new for me to remember intuitively. Spin and the bip, meaning InjT. That makes the problem the same as the extra dimension in cubes; there’s another spin which breaks into different permutations.
So now I’m back to dimensional analysis and dimensional enclosures. Within a DE are allowable permutations for a given Coordinate Rotation or Orientation. (A CO within CR.) I think that helps a lot. I know it’s an older statement, so maybe the meaning is finally coming across. I hope so because the group approach is incredibly difficult for people to grasp.
That connects the meaning of gs(m) and gs(n) to grid squares generally, which relates Triangular to grid squares as and through 1Space. That ascribes a meaning to m and n which can’t exist otherwise. That’s a very strong proof.
I’ll see what else comes.
I feel like I’m emerging from the confusion. That happens when I reach DA, when I hit Dimensional Analysis. I like the word Analysis there because this describes the process by which Dimensional Reduction occurs. That has results, which means the process is analytic.
So, our old argument about the quintic was entirely correct, but it needed gs(m) and gs(n), needed spin, to connect all the parts together. Including CR. I feel much better. Like a weight is lifting.
I don’t know why it was so difficult to reach spin when we’d just worked that out. I mean I know why, and said so above, but I think there’s more to say about it. Like that this constructs as a chain which doesn’t fit, which relies on a contradiction, which is also why the idea doesn’t fit in the standard approach. That doesn’t fit is a non-0, meaning there’s no attachment, which brings in Attachment Theory because that reduces to ‘can this be 1 and 0?’ If it can’t without adding dimensions, then the answer is not without more layers, which means it doesn’t count unless you go into those layers, which means more permutations. It’s like if you are building a jigsaw puzzle and a piece is the wrong shape. In some cases, you can jam it in or can cut a piece off so it fits. You can add with tape or glue. But that’s not the same puzzle. That connects this to IdT, and of course to symmetries and operations which maintain or break those. That restricts or constrains through the dimensions.
This is finally, after countless hours of frustration, becoming clear.
All that you bare/bear on your shoulders. Just caught that. So, this is already ringing.
I just saw something very cool. It shot past. I saw 6-2-1 as a 31 or flipped 13 which combines SBE and Halving. That immediately said: that makes up to 4, which means we can use L-structure! As in, you are counting 4 at L3, but when you count L5, you count 9, which is not 6, meaning there’s a dimensional gain larger than 1. It’s a whole nother 4 stuck in there, another f1-3//3-1. So there’s a counting shift in which more dimensions are added as the counting step. The next, L7, continues this counting by 3 and 4. That’s true for all increasing L-counts.
That ‘makes up to 4’ is because it matches internally, meaning the enclosed 1gs adds to L3, and externally, meaning the square of L3 also matches the enclosed count of 1gs. This obviously never happens again. That is, the concept of equaling is always there, so the concept of that being 1gs is always there, but that primitive form where 1gs is actually 1gs occurs only the once.
Left out that the quadratic formula identifies 0’s and that defines the 1-0Segment which then expands and contracts along the curve. That also translates into complex solutions. All this occurs in the DE. This really stands out when you look at complex roots determined by inverting the curve so it crosses the x, and taking those 0’s and rotating them on a complex circle to the imaginary axis. All reduces within the DE.
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smithhealthcare · 3 years ago
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Pfizer Presents First Data from Planned Interim Analysis of Pivotal Phase II MagnetisMM-3 Trial of BCMA-CD3 Bispecific Antibody Elranatamab (PF-06863135)
Mechanism of Action: Binds BCMA on myeloma cells and CD3 T cells, thereby bringing together T cells and activating them in the vicinity of the myeloma cell resulting in cell kill.
Main Content- Elranatamab is a BCMA x CD3-targeted investigational therapy currently being developed to treat multiple myeloma. The agent has been granted fast track designation by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Pfizer presented findings of Elranatamab’s Phase II MagnetisMM-3 study (NCT04649359) at ASCO 2022. MagnetisMM-3 is a Phase II open-label, multicenter, single-arm trial examining the safety and efficacy of elranatamab monotherapy in patients with relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma.
Initial efficacy findings of elranatamab showed a 60.6% objective response rate after a median follow-up of 3.71 months. At the time of the data cut-off, 89.5% of objective responders were ongoing with no evidence of progression or death.
The safety and effectiveness of 94 patients who had received at least one dose of elranatamab (Cohort A – BCMA- naïve) as of the data cutoff on March 23, 2022, were studied in this interim analysis. In patients with triple-class refractory Multiple Myeloma, the data revealed that 76 mg of elranatamab weekly (QW) might have a tolerable safety profile. Hematologic adverse events such as anemia, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, lymphopenia, and cytokine release syndrome (CRS) were the most prevalent treatment-emergent adverse events. All CRS were Grade I (40.0%) or II (40.0%) in the 90 individuals who underwent the 2-step-up priming regimen (18.9%). In addition, ICANS (immune effector cell-associated neurotoxicity syndrome) affected 2.2% of patients, all of whom were in Grade 2 or below.
“Bispecific antibodies hold promise as the next breakthrough in treating multiple myeloma. These data represent an important step forward as we look to bring elranatamab as a potential innovative new treatment to people living with relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma, where there is a high need”-Expert Opinion.
“We are encouraged by these early efficacy and safety results, which suggest elranatamab may have a manageable safety profile coupled with early promising clinical responses. We look forward to the final analysis from MagnetisMM-3, which is expected later this year.” -Expert Opinion.
Conclusion: The antibody-drug conjugate (Blenrep) and the FDA-approved CAR T-cell therapies (Abecma and Carvykti) are the current BCMA-directed choices for heavily pretreated Multiple Myeloma patients. In the registrational directed Phase II MagnetisMM-3 trial, Pfizer's BCMA x CD3 bispecific antibody elranatamab demonstrated encouraging preliminary effectiveness and tolerability. Before this, the company disclosed results from the phase I MagnetisMM-1 study (NCT03269136), which demonstrated that when elranatamab was administered in dosages up to 1000 µg/kg, the drug had a tolerable safety profile with no dose-limiting toxicities (DLT’s) when presented at the 2021 ASCO Annual Meeting. It is worth noting that the FDA slapped a partial clinical hold on the drug last year owing to peripheral neuropathy cases. But now, the hold has been lifted.
Along with Pfizer, many companies, including J&J, Roche, Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, and others, are investigating bispecific antibodies in Multiple Myeloma. Some of the companies are investigating non-BCMA targets, including FcRH5 and GPRC5D. J&J holds the lead among many bispecific antibodies being explored for Multiple Myeloma. Janssen's teclistamab is the first BCMA x CD3 bispecific to be filed to the FDA (filing in December 2021) and EMA (filing in January 2022) for approval in Multiple Myeloma. While teclistamab appears to be on track to become the first BCMA-targeting bispecific antibody to hit the market, Pfizer's elranatamab is closely following J&J's footsteps. In the registration MagnetisMM-3 trial, elranatamab was linked with an ORR of 60.6 percent after a median follow-up of just under four months; on the other hand, teclistamab's MajesTEC-1 study gave an ORR of 63%. Pfizer’s therapy has a competitive edge in terms of safety profile. The MagnetisMM-3 data show a 60% rate of CRS, compared to roughly 72% in the teclistamab trial. Because bispecific antibodies are off-the-shelf, readily available medicines, they are anticipated to become widely employed in the relapsed/refractory arena. In this area, ADC and CAR T-cell therapies are already available, but the inclusion of bispecific antibodies may provide patients with more options (different treatments will be appropriate for different patients).
Companies- Oncopeptides, GlaxoSmithKline, Bluebird Bio, Janssen Pharmaceutical, Legend Biotech, AbbVie, Roche (Genentech), Bristol Myers Squibb, Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Pfizer, Takeda, Amgen, SpringWorks Therapeutics, Arcellx, Gracell Biotechnologies, Oricell, Poseida Therapeutics, Precision Biosciences, CRISPR Therapeutics AG, Collectis SA, Allogene Therapeutics, Fortis Therapeutics, Novartis, I-Mab/MorphoSys, Cartesian Therapeutics, CASI Pharmaceuticals, LAVA Therapeutics, and others.
To Get a Detailed analysis of ASCO Conference 2022 Abstracts, Visit: ASCO 2022 Detailed Coverage | ASCO 2022 Conference | ASCO Conference 2022 | ASCO Abstract 2022
Some of the Latest ASCO Abstract 2022 Launched:-
·        Can Breyanzi be a hit CAR-T in second-line treatment after failing in the first-line setting for the patients with R/R Large B-cell lymphoma (LBCL)?
·        Teclistamab, a soon-to-be-approved bispecific antibody, demonstrates its promise in Multiple Myeloma during ASCO 2022.
·        Merus’ Zenocutuzumab, a HER2-HER3 Bispecific Antibody, Successfully Targets NRG1 Fusions in Lung and Pancreatic Cancer
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imrmarket · 3 years ago
Travel Technology Market Size| Global Industry Analysis and Application
Travel Technology Market was valued at USD 6.81 billion in 2019 and is expected to reach USD 14.34 billion by the year 2026, at a CAGR of 11.35%.
The research covers market size and growth, characteristics, country and regional breakdowns, segmentation, market trends, competitive landscape, company market shares, and business strategies for the worldwide Travel Technology market in 2022. The research shows the market's evolution through time, as well as future growth forecasts through 2028.
The Travel Technology market is examined in this research, as well as all of the elements that drive market growth, such as key driving factors, market opportunities, and growth inhibiting factors. To give readers greater granularity of the market, this research includes thorough quantitative evaluations of the Travel Technology market, including market size and growth rate statistics for all segments and sub-segments at the country, regional, and global levels. The worldwide market's competitive landscape, leading businesses' product and service offerings, and corporate strategies
The Major Players In The Travel Technology Market Include:
·         Amadeus
·         Navitaire
·         Sabre
·         Travelport
·         CRS Technologies
·         mTrip
·         Qtech Software
·         Tramada Systems
·         PcVoyages 2000
·         Lemax
The market has segmented the global Travel Technology market on the basis of type, application, and region:
This report offers historical data and forecasts revenue growth at a global, regional, and country-level, and provides an analysis of market trends in each sub-segment from 2022 to 2028. For this report, Reports and Data have segmented the global Travel Technology market based on application, enterprise size, usage type, deployment, end-user, and region:
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·         Airline & Hospitality IT Solutions
·         Global Distribution System (GDS)
 By Application:
·         Travel Industry
·         Tourism Industry
·         Hospitality Industry
 By Regional Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion, 2017 – 2028)
North     America (U.S., Canada, Mexico)
Europe     (Germany, U.K., France, Italy, Russia, Spain, Rest of Europe)
Asia-Pacific     (China, India, Japan, Southeast Asia, Rest of APAC)
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South     America (Brazil, Argentina, Rest of South America)
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Covid-19 Impact and Recovery Analysis on Industry:
The COVID-19 pandemic has had devastating effects on several industry verticals globally. To constrain the number of cases and slow the coronavirus spread, various public health guidelines were implemented in different countries across the globe. COVID-19 protocols range from declaring national emergency states, enforcing stay-at-home orders, closing nonessential business operations and schools, banning public gatherings, imposing curfews, distributing digital passes, and allowing police to restrict citizen movements within a country, as well as closing international borders. With the growing vaccination rate, governments are uplifting the protocols to give a boost to the stagnant economy. Like other industries, Travel Technology Market has experienced a slowdown the growth, however, the market is expected to bounce back as restrictions are being lifted up by governments across the globe. 
The report segments the global Travel Technology market by applications eDiscovery, legal research, contract management, compliance, case prediction, and others (divorce automation, billing, knowledge management, and IP management); component (solutions and services); technology (ML and deep learning, and NLP); end-user (corporate legal department, law firms and others [national firms, solo practitioners, students, subject matter experts, and judges]); and region (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East, and Africa, and Latin America).
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vicky8588 · 3 years ago
Creatine Health Care Products Market
Market Overview
The global creatine health care products market size was valued at US$ YY million in 2020 and is estimated to reach US$ YY million by 2028, growing at a CAGR of YY % during the forecast period (2021-2028).
 Creatine is a substance that occurs naturally in muscle cells. It aids in the production of energy in muscles during heavy lifting or high-intensity activity. Creatine supplementation is widely used by athletes and bodybuilders to gain muscle, increase strength, and improve workout performance.
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 Market Dynamics
The increasing demand for creatine to improve strength and help in Parkinson's disease is expected to drive the market growth.
 The increasing demand for creatine for improving strength is expected to drive the market growth in the forecast period
 Creatine is a well-known and well-researched natural supplement. Most of the research has focused on the effects of creatine monohydrate on performance and health; however, there are numerous additional types of creatine accessible in the sports nutrition/supplement market. Supplementing with creatine, regardless of form, has consistently been demonstrated to boost strength, fat-free mass, and muscle morphology when combined with severe resistance training, outperforming resistance training alone. Other types of exercise, such as high-intensity sprints or endurance training, may benefit from creatine.
 Creatine is thought to promote strength, lean muscle mass, and assist muscles to recover faster during exercise. This muscular surge could aid athletes in achieving bursts of speed and energy, particularly during short bouts of high-intensity sports like weightlifting or sprinting. Creatine supplements are used by professional and amateur athletes of all levels to aid their workout routines and increase workout recovery. Creatine boosts performance by providing "quick burst" energy and greater strength but minimal aerobic endurance. Male athletes that compete in power sports such as football, wrestling, hockey, and bodybuilding make up most creatine supplement consumers. For instance, creatine is used by about 35% of middle and high school boys to increase their sports performance.
 Side effects associated with the excess intake of creatine is expected to hamper the global creatine health care products market
 The FDA has not assessed the safety, efficacy, or purity of creatine. Not all of this medication's potential hazards and/or benefits may be recognized. Furthermore, there are no established manufacturing guidelines for these compounds. There have been reports of herbal/health supplements being tainted with hazardous metals or other medicines after being marketed. Some of the side effects of creatine are abdominal pain, abnormal heart rhythm (arrhythmias), cardiac arrest, heart disease (cardiomyopathy), dehydration, diarrhea, high blood pressure (hypertension) and ischemic stroke.
 Caffeine and ephedra, both stimulants, can increase the risk of side effects when combined with creatine. Creatine is not advised for people who have kidney or liver disease or who have diabetes. Children under the age of 18 and women who are pregnant or nursing should also avoid taking it. Also, one should not use creatine if taking any medication or supplement that may affect their blood sugar levels, as creatine may do the same. No matter how healthy a person is, they should consult a doctor before taking creatine or any other supplement.
 COVID-19 Impact Analysis
The European Respiratory Society's International Task Force recently listed adequate nutrition as one of the rehabilitation needs for COVID-19 survivors after being discharged from the hospital. Due to its beneficial effects during rehabilitation in various lung conditions, dietary creatine emerged as one of the key elements of nutritional support following COVID-19 respiratory distress, among other candidates. Creatine supplementation, for example, improves not only functional recovery during pulmonary rehabilitation in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease but also improves cystic fibrosis, stroke, and respiratory failure by acting as an anti-inflammatory and energy-boosting ageing agent. Creatine is a promising compound that could meet a growing need for nutritional assistance during pulmonary rehabilitation in the post-COVID-19 world. It is inexpensive, widely available, and has a favorable safety profile. Hence, COVID-19 had a positive impact on the market growth.
 Segment Analysis
On basis of type, Powder held the largest share in the global creatine health care products market
 Creatine is one of the most popular supplements available on the market. One form, creatine monohydrate, has received the most attention. It's also the most affordable option. A typical dose is 3–5 grams per day, but one can take 20 grams for 5 days to rapidly increase muscle creatine stores. Creatine can boost performance by up to 15% during high-intensity exercise, and it can also help gain muscle and strength. It has little to no benefit for lower intensity endurance exercise, but it may be beneficial if consumers also include high-intensity exercises in training. Creatine is also safe to use for an extended period. Creatine is safe for most people when taken orally for up to 18 months. Doses of up to 25 grams per day for up to 14 days have been used safely. Lower doses of up to 4-5 grams per day for up to 18 months have also been used safely.
 For example, AlzChem sells creatine monohydrates under the Creapure brand name to major sports nutrition supplement manufacturers worldwide. MLO Creatine Monohydrate 500 g creatine powder keeps phosphocreatine levels high in the muscle, converted to adenosine triphosphate during muscle contractions. This ensures that, in addition to increased power, one will have a shorter recovery time. As a result, consuming a drink containing creatine powder in between strenuous physical training sessions helps to refuel muscle cells, perform better, increase stamina, and sustain longer workouts.
 Geographical Analysis
North America region accounted for the largest market share in the global creatine health care products market
 The increasing number of athletes and rising incidence of Parkinson’s is expected to drive the market in this region.
 According to the American Medical Society for Sports Medicine, in the United States, creatine is the most popular nutritional supplement with an estimated $400 million in annual sales. It is not recommended for people under 18 due to a lack of safety research in this age group. Nonetheless, use has been reported to be as high as 40% in 11th and 12th-grade athletes.
 Creatine has been shown to improve mitochondrial function and may thus be useful in the treatment of Parkinson's disease. Parkinson's disease is a common neurodegenerative disorder, and mitochondrial dysfunction plays a significant role in its pathogenesis. According to UCB, a global biopharma company focused on severe diseases with operations in approximately 40 countries; there are currently over 100,000 Canadians living with Parkinson's disease, with approximately 6,600 new cases of Parkinson's diagnosed in Canada each year (based on an annual incidence of 20 new cases per 100,000 people). Every year, approximately 60,000 Americans are diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. This does not account for the thousands of cases that go unnoticed. Hence, with the increasing number of Parkinson's incidence rates, demand for creatine is expected to increase.
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 Competitive Landscape
The global creatine health care products market is moderately competitive with mergers, product launches and increasing demand. Some of the key players in the global creatine health care products market are AllMax Nutrition, Optimum Nutrition, MuscleTech, GAT Sport, Universal Nutrition, EFX Sports, Ultimate Nutrition, MusclePharm, SAN and Beast Sports Nutrition.
 Optimum Nutrition
 Overview: For more than 30 years, Optimum Nutrition, Inc. has been setting the gold standard in sports nutrition as part of the Glanbia global nutrition group. It is one of the few sports nutrition companies that manufacture in every product category, with state-of-the-art production facilities in Middlesbrough, UK. Optimum Nutrition has always taken a hands-on approach to maintaining the highest quality standards since its inception in 1986.
 Product Portfolio: the company manufactures micronized creatine capsules, micronized creatine powder and gold standard pre-workout in which caffeine derived from natural sources is combined with creatine monohydrate and beta-alanine to improve energy, focus, performance, and endurance.
 Key Development: On August 10, 2021, Optimum Nutrition partnered with Tirupati Lifesciences to build a new local manufacturing facility. Because of the region's growing demand, Optimum Nutrition will now be manufactured in India in collaboration with Tirupati Lifesciences.
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rahulpande15 · 3 years ago
Offshore Cranes Market Size to Observe Steady Growth, 2022-2030 | MRFR
Offshore Cranes Market -Overview
The escalation in offshore activities for oil & Gas and fishing is estimated to promote the expansion of the offshore cranes market 2020. The energy & power industry reports are produced by Market Research Future, which highlights market options for expansion.  An income of USD 26.21 Billion is likely to be gained with a 9.01% CAGR by 2025.
The upswing in production & drilling operations is estimated to create a favorable momentum for the offshore cranes market. The mounting subsea construction vessel & offshore crane industry is projected to transform the offshore cranes market in the impending period.
Segmental Analysis
The segmental assessment of the offshore cranes market is conducted based on the duty cycle, design type, type, end-use, lifting capacity, and region. Based on the type, the offshore cranes market is segmented into fixed crane, mobile crane, and marine & port crane. Based on the design types, the offshore cranes market has been segmented into telescopic, knuckle boom, lattice, and others. On the basis of the lifting capacity, the offshore cranes market has been segmented into 500 – 3,000 mt, up to 500 metric ton (mt), and above 3,000 mt. On the basis of the duty cycle, the offshore cranes market is segmented into intermediate duty, production duty, and drilling duty. On the basis of regions, the offshore cranes market has been segmented into South America, Europe, North America, Asia-Pacific, the Middle East, and Africa.
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Detailed Regional Analysis
The regional scrutiny of the offshore cranes market has been segmented South America, Europe, North America, Asia-Pacific, the Middle East, and Africa. The Asia-Pacific regional market is anticipated to control the chief market share all through the forecast period. Due to the boost in offshore exploration and production of oil and gas operations within nations such as Australia, Malaysia, China, and Thailand, which is anticipated to encourage the development of the offshore cranes market in these countries throughout the forecast period.
Competitive Analysis
The fortification of the human resource is estimated to be the critical point being addressed in these times of uncertainty. The rebooting of manufacturing activities is another strategic aspect that is being emphasized to ensure that the supply of the end product can be reasonably ensured to the users in the market. The support of the administration in countries around the world is estimated to have a significant impact on the development of the market in the upcoming period. The market is in a state of flux due to the rapid and severe changes in the global economy. The market players are taking the steps that are necessary to ensure that the market survives the turbulent period and emerge recovered in the future. The revamping of distribution channels is also expected in the coming years with a particular focus on using robots for the logistic function on a larger scale than before.
The significant market contenders are Huisman Equipment B.V. (The Netherlands), Cargotec (Finland), Liebherr (Switzerland), XCMG Group (China), National Oilwell Varco (US), Zoomlion (China), Konecranes (Finland), Manitowoc (US), Kenz Figee (the Netherlands), Palfinger (Austria), Seatrax, Inc (US), and American Crane, TEREX Corporation (US), and Equipment Corporation (US). 
Industry Updates:
Mar 2020 Zamil Shipyards, which is a part of Zamil Offshore Services Company, and KenzFigee have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for cooperation in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for the supply of offshore crane services and restricted construction of KenzFigee offshore cranes & equipment.
Feb 2020 Sparrows Group will provide three cranes for Qatargas offshore North Field expansion project under a sub-contract to McDermott International; the corporation will distribute an EC1000 crane for a riser platform and two of its EC750 cranes for installation on wellhead platforms.
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healthcare-market · 3 years ago
Patient Handling Equipment Market Scrutinized in New Research
The global patient handling equipment market has been anticipated in a report by Transparency Market Research (TMR) to bear a highly competitive landscape for the next few years. The analysts authoring the report profile some of the leading players of the market such as Etac AB, Hill-Rom Holdings, Inc., V. Guldmann A/S, DJO Global, and ArjoHuntleigh. Important players of the market have been predicted to focus on a variety of strategies including technological development, acquisition, new product launch, and tactical collaboration. One of the finest instances to follow could be the new specialist pediatric bed launched by Sidhil Ltd. in 2016. The launch had been made with the expectation of further improving the company’s sales and as an extension to its current offerings.
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TMR has prognosticated the global patient handling equipment market to rise at a 10.4% CAGR during the completion of the forecast tenure 2017-2024. By the end of 2024, the market could touch revenue earnings worth a US$22.4 bn. In terms of product-wise segmentation, it has been foreseen to witness the dominance of medical beds that took a colossal share in the recent past. By region, Europe had stayed at the top of the market in the recent years. However, even until the end of the forecast period, the region has been projected to take the lead in the market.
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Rental Provisions Emerging as Market Trend to Create New Prospects
Rental provisions for patients requiring temporary lifts and slings have been envisaged to be one of the primary reasons for the rise in the demand for patient handling equipment in healthcare centers. The need to avoid the risk of developing musculoskeletal injuries to both patients and caregivers when manually lifting patients could be another factor augmenting the demand in the world patient handling equipment market.
Healthcare centers in developed nations could incentivize the adoption of patient handling equipment because of the high benefit to investment cost ratio. Patient handling equipment minimize the role of caregivers in patient assistance. Additionally, labor expenses could be directed to the purchase of patient handling equipment such as medical beds with assistive technology and patient lifts.
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Worries about Return on Investment in Expensive Equipment Limit Adoption
With end users nervous about returns on investment in exorbitant technologically advanced equipment and low awareness among the general public, the international patient handling equipment market could see a fall in growth during the course of the forecast period. Furthermore, lack of regulatory and legal protocols for patient handling in emerging nations such as Sri Lanka and India has been foretold to hinder market growth in the coming years.
Nevertheless, there could be a rollout of new policies in favor of a healthcare system that is patient-centered because of rising pressure from international authorities. Moreover, high focus on implementing a decent work culture and improving patient care quality have been forecast to create promising opportunities in the international patient handling equipment market.
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Key Takeaways:
· Opportunities in the global patient handling equipment market to breach US$22.0 billion valuation by 2024
· Improving healthcare infrastructure across emerging economies promises well for the future of the market
· Cost of the equipment is moderately obstructing the market from excelling
The information presented in this review is based on a TMR report, titled “Patient Handling Equipment Market (Product - Lifting Slings, Wheelchairs, Medical Beds, Ambulatory Aids, Shower, Bath, and Toileting Equipment, and Transfer and Positioning Aids and Patient Lifts; End User - Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Assisted Living Facilities, Home Healthcare, and Trauma, Rehabilitation, and Paramedical Centers) - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast 2017 - 2024.”
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