kayelaurente · 4 years
I was arrayed in white and pure linen
Waiting for the bridegroom to come
I checked on my lamp couple of times
Yes it was filled with oil of obedience
A strange male spirit came
Distracting, enticing me with worldly pleasure
I glared, looked down at him and rebuked
"My pleasure stems from knowing I'll forever be with Him in Paradise"
Came another malevolent spirit
Persuading, luring me with pride of life
I glared, looked down at him and rebuked
"My pride comes only from the fact I was chosen by Him."
Temptations and testings were relentless
But His love overpowers them all
In the midst of it all,
My spirit is sealed. I remain subservient and loyal to His Will.
Finally the most awaited day came
The Marriage Supper of the Lamb
Yes my lamp is full of oil, He filled it every single day.
He came and took me, I fell at His feet and worshipped Him,
It is an honor to be with Him forever 
Isaiah 54:5 now makes a lot of sense,
Thy Maker is Thine Husband.
So as Revelation 21:2
That my Spirit of Obedience, the New Jerusalem, was prepared as a bride adorned for Her husband.
Now I have deeper understanding why I mean so much to Him, and He means so much to me.
I was predestined, chosen, and justified to be with Him forever,
For He is my Owner, my Maker, my Source, my King, my Everything
My deepest and lifetime gratitude to my spiritual coach, the lone Voice of the Father who teaches us to be loyal only to the Words of Jesus Christ, the Appointed Son of God @pastorapollocquiboloy 🙏🙌😇
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kayelaurente · 4 years
YOU Matter
You may think life lost its meaning
People fighting, suff’ring, and dying
Peace and love is no more in sight
All are turning blind eye to plight
Who am I? Why am I alive?
No reason makes sense anymore.
Things might not be going your way
But everything will be okay
You’ve got this, you know you matter
You are stronger than what you seem
More powerful than you believe
Wiser than you ever think
Rise up and shine for you Matter
You’re a youth of possibilities
Light yourself on fire with passion
Become it and let it become you
And see how the world changes too
Ride the bus, bring youths to new world-
save the crushed, abandoned and lost
You’re here for a special mission:
Be the light and salt of the earth.
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You and I, Together
Let’s make all youth Matter
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kayelaurente · 4 years
The Apprentice
When I first stepped in God's threshold,
I was mesmerised by His life untold
The power of His words
The calmness of His touch
And so I stand in awe.
He saw how amazed I was
So He took me to a walk
Inside, He showed me
that it is not the crystal nor silver or gold
that made everything majestic
but it was HIS LOVE.
Now I understand why He willingly suffered
Why He doesn’t care if He is mocked
How He loves though there’s no more reason
Because He is LOVE
The magnet of HIS LOVE
that draws me closer to HIM
Consumed me, transformed me
His LOVE now lives in me
You know you are in truth when it brings you closer to God and obedience to His Words. Thank you so much @pastorapollocquiboloy for being the Audible Voice of our Almighty Father, our Lord Jesus Christ.
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I thank the Father through His Son
Now, I am a completed apprentice
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kayelaurente · 4 years
My Sole Promise
If there’s one thing in the world
That I wouldn't do
It is failing you.
Not because I fear
or told I have to bear.
But because it’s You.
You are Holy
Yet welcomed me.
Was in bondage
then You set free.
Your Words gave me strength
Your life made me breathe
Oh, Father I’ll forever stay.
My sole promise each day.
I give you my all
Yet You give me more.
I praise and glorify You.
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My life I offer
Renewed for Your use
I live to worship You alone.
It’s no more I who live
but the Father in me.
So I promise to stay.
Thank you @pastorapollocquiboloy for being our model in our loyalty, obedience, commitment, and dedication to our Almighty Father our Lord Jesus Christ.
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kayelaurente · 4 years
Living only because of You
When You searched this world,
I could have passed Your sight.
Am just an ordinary girl,
Blending like everyone else.
You’d impossibly know me, oh God.
Yet, whenever I see You
Who can deny Your presence?
Who can resist Your love?
I suddenly realize,
You may live without me, but I’d never live without You.
I adore you with all of I am
I worship You with all of my life
You are the blood that runs thru my veins
You are the air that makes me breathe
You are the only reason why I live.
I failed You so many times
More reason for You not to choose me.
But here’s one prayer in my heart
If there’s one slot left in Your side,
Let me bid for it, Father.
The reason I breathe is Your mercy
The reason I hold on is Your love
Father, please complete my cup that I may be enough for You.
Now that You have come for the Second Time
May our eager hearts enough to glorify You until forever.
I am a proud Fulltime Miracle Worker serving the Almighty Father our Lord Jesus Christ through His Appointed Son @pastorapollocquiboloy. I will spend my lifetime testifying, affirming, confirming that He is my God, He is my Strength, He is my Shepherd, He is my Owner, He is my Maker, He is the Source of everything that I am and everything that I will become, and I will forever and ever ascribe to Him all the glory, honor, praises and thanksgiving through His Appointed Son @pastorapollocquiboloy
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kayelaurente · 4 years
An oath of a disciple
As my Lord Jesus Christ walked in Calvary
He knew His agony was necessary
I wanted to pull Him away from that misery
But there was something in His eyes…
It pleased Him, I wondered why
and thought
If I could live another lifetime where I don’t need to see Him bleed
If I could spend a new life with Him where His agony will all cease
I shall not waste a chance
I’ll be more faithful than I've ever had
I will show how grateful I am
I will hold Him and never let go
I will obey Him for He deserves so
I will love Him the way He loved me
Show the only reason why I wanted to live again is Him
Now I knew why He was pleased.
For where a testament is,
necessitates the death of the testator.
His suffering sealed His promises,
to bring forth sons and daughters of His seed
He is with us now once again
With His Kingdom here on earth
So we could spend more days with Him
What are you willing to give?
How far can you commit?
I will hold Him and never let go
I will obey Him for He deserves so
I will love Him the way He loved me
Show the only reason why I wanted to live again, and again, and again is Him
Thank you @pastorapollocquiboloy for being our model in loving our Lord Jesus Christ by obeying His Words, no matter what. Thank you for holding on to me, and never letting me go. I will forever hold your hand and your Words, which is living and dying only for our Almighty Father, our Lord Jesus Christ.
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kayelaurente · 4 years
My Journey to Heaven
Thousand times I wondered
How it feels to fin’lly live
In my Father's promised place
They call it Paradise,
i always call it Home
Many times I reflected on
How it feels to rest in His bosom
No pain, suffering and sorrow
Just calmness I longed for so long,
And be with Him forevermore.
In my prayer, I rehearsed talking to God
Thinking He was patiently listening
Every plea He’d always grant.
And I just knew from the depths of my soul,
The meeting will be too soon
At the hardest day of my life,
I heard the Voice I knew by heart
His language of hope and love
It cannot be denied
I finally meet Him in the eye
I couldn’t stop my tears
I couldn’t believe my ears
The Son is my Father’s Voice
Then suddenly I vowed,
“I will follow You, No matter what"
The best part of this story-
I am now living my dream
Heaven has come down for me
So I can forever be with Him
Heaven is now within me
If not for the Appointed Son of God @pastorapollocquiboloy , I would not see the fulfillment of Matthew 6:10, the Lord’s Prayer I have been praying since childhood, “Our Father who art in Heaven, holy be Thy Name, THY KINGDOM COME, THY WILL BE DONE ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN.” Thank you Pastor for bringing us to the Real Heaven here on earth.
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kayelaurente · 4 years
I am His
The Father created me for a purpose
That my body will become His Spirit’s temple,
But before His house was completed,
The devil interrupted, and squatted
destroyed the house, defiled, and he desecrated
I was weary, I might be completely abandoned by my Maker.
But no, He made me, I am His
Came the appointed day, He entered like a bright light
It was so bright that it swallowed up til the smallest hole of darkness
He reclaimed it, sanctified, cleansed and made it His own.
He is my wise masterbuilder,
rebuilt me with specification:
He used gold and precious stones as its foundation
Made it sturdy that it can stand all kinds of affliction;
Removed all dross through fire, until it’s ready for glorification.
In this day of First Resurrection,
He raises my redeemed body to see my Mansion
I wondered why I was shining bright as gold,
I found out, He made me so I can be His home
Thank you @pastorapollocquiboloy for revealing to us the highest revelation of the Words of our Lord Jesus Christ. I owe it all to you.
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kayelaurente · 4 years
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kayelaurente · 4 years
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Blessed Birthday as long as I am with the Appointed Son! 😍😇🥳🙏🎂🥰
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