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beautyupdate · 7 months ago
台北士林 | 辛發亭冰品名店 花生雪花冰必須吃
你是一個喜歡吃冰的人嗎? 跟你說���士林夜市有一家開了19年的老店,這家老店營業���間開了很久一段時間,你知道雪花餅應該是要點什麼樣的冰才好吃嗎?偷偷跟你說這家雪花冰真的很好吃,如果你有點對口味的話⋯ 辛發亭冰品名店 (IG) 地點:111台北市士林區安平街1號 營業時間:週一~週五 14:00~23:00 / 週六日 14:00~00:00 電話:  02 2882 0206 用餐方式:內用 付費方式:現金 每人平均價位:$100 值得推薦:OOOO 辛發亭冰品名店交通與環境 這家店會在劍潭捷運站1號出口,士林夜市裡面的巷弄,這家店目前是現金付費,室內用餐座位我覺得目測下來大概有50個人應該OK,上菜速度超級快,點完餐煮完之後,大概2~3分鐘左右餐點就送上來了。 辛發亭冰品名店…
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xiaozhimasx · 17 days ago
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rgsrhethet · 3 months ago
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huang0415 · 5 months ago
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drlei-tw · 5 months ago
💧 大容量的深層保濕秘訣,就在這一瓶! 神經醯胺保濕精華液 150ml,超值保養新選擇。
🔹 150ml超大容量,天天用也不心疼,讓肌膚時刻保持水潤。 🔹 深層保濕,修護肌膚屏障,給你持久水嫩的膚感。 🔹 CP值爆表,用量充足,效果看得見!
讓每一滴都發揮最大功效,持續鎖住水分,養出健康好肌膚。 高CP值的保濕之選,快來入手吧!
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flyouthk · 1 year ago
100%收藏!巴黎CP值高酒店 - 絕對不能錯過巴黎住宿
巴黎是世界上最受歡迎的旅遊目的地之一,擁有豐富的文化遺產、美食和浪漫的氛圍。在巴黎旅遊,選擇一家性價比高的酒店至關重要。巴黎的Astotel集團旗下的酒店之一,Bradford Élysées 酒店,以其獨特的特色吸引了許多旅客。這家 巴黎CP值高酒店 位於一座歷史建築中,以明亮、開朗的色彩打造了吸引人的空間,提供免費飲料、小吃和報紙等福利,以及周到的服務,而這一切都是以合理的價格呈現的。與Astotel在巴黎周圍的其他三家四星級酒店一樣,Bradford酒店離熱門旅遊區不遠,這意味著您可以遠離喧囂,但仍然足夠接近步行到達熱門景點,並發現一些新的地方。最重要的是在露台打卡一流! 延申閱讀: 巴黎酒店推薦 | 法國治安較好區域住宿推介 Bradford Élysées 酒店 查詢酒店優惠及價格: Agoda | Booking.com 地址: 10 rue…
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nana-didi-channel · 2 years ago
高CP值的晚餐與看夕陽,曼谷雲霄大樓Baiyoke Sky76樓餐廳【納是我迪迪 Nana & Didi Channel】
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twdreamlife · 2 years ago
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【開幕活動別錯過】 阿喜豆釜堂,一站式滿足你!在韓劇中經常出現的海鮮豆腐鍋、部隊鍋、辣炒年糕、雪濃湯(解酒湯)、石鍋拌飯、海苔包飯、青菜包烤肉一口吃、泡菜配飯、炸雞配啤酒,在這裡都可以一次嚐到、一次滿足你對韓劇中傳統美食的渴望! →https://www.twdreamlife.com/?p=45643
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shiurkoma · 3 months ago
Blog Intro (read carefully before scrolling or subbing)
I'm dedicating this blog to the tanakh and talmud fandom. If you're here for my works of other fandoms and want to see more of that please go to @shiurkomaalt, i will put my future works there. I like angst, messed up things and doing character designs. I also love to torture my OCs. I might open an OC blog in the future.
What i mainly like within tanakh/talmud:
- Yehonatan/David
- most of the Bereshit cast
- The story of the four who entered the pardes
- Elisha Ben-Avuyah's many shinanigans and his colleagues. I got hooked after reading "as a driven leaf" but i don't stick to that depiction with fanarts
I haven't posted any talmud fanarts yet, or enough tanakh fanart for that matter. There's very little content right now so I'm mainly planning the content for this blog here. I'm busy studying so i don't think these content will come out anytime soon either. I will not post very often in general.
I learn about tanakh and talmud for purely recreational purposes. I make a lot of headcanons, but i limit myself to only make them based on stuff that i already researched on and have a basic level of understanding about. If you are proficient in torah or talmud studies you are welcome educate me.
⚠️Before you start scrolling:
This is my hobby and non of my works pose as serious interpretations of the original literature, all interpretation or conspiracy theory belongs in the "headcanon" category. From now on i will only tag my work with tags such as "the bible fandom" instead of "the bible" or "tanakh".
Please note, I interpret these stories through an agnostic lens and i play around with the characters like I would characters of any other fandom. So if you are religious this is probably not for you. I like gore, i like to make headcanons and most importantly i like shipping characters together. Seriously, nothing is holy here, for the sake of your sanity think twice before you decide to scroll down or sub.
My content is not suited for anyone under the age of 18. Not only because of the topics i like to explore are grim, but also because there will be NSFW content at some point.
What you will probably see on this blog:
- exaggerated character designs of tanakhic/talmudic figures. Not as exaggerated as the fate series but it won't be very historically accurate either
- headcanons, conspiracy theories and personal depictions that are most likely gonna be very far from usual depictions and academic/ religious consensus
- shipping
- occasional silly doodles
- comics if i am extra energetic and free
- reposts of the same topic
What you will not see on this blog:
- serious claims about the original literature coming from me.
- Attack on any religion or faith. Additionally, any bias, if depicted, remains solely within the context of the story and do not extend to my personal belief or opinion irl. This includes but is not limited to sexism, xenophobia and homophobia that could exist within the historical and cultural context.
- anything political. This blog is strictly for recreational purposes only and will not concern itself with real life politics and events.
If you still decide to continue, it means you are fine with everything i said above. Enjoy 😊
- 约拿单×大卫
- 绝大部分创世纪的角色
- 乐园f4
- 以理沙•本-阿布雅的各种衰事和他的同事们。小说《as a driven leaf》入的坑但我搞的同人私设和它有偏差
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blackmoonlightexpress · 2 years ago
TTEOTM vs. the Industry: Or Why it's much more than a TV show 📺
A very interesting Zhihu article from an anonymous industry insider responding to the question "is Till the End of the Moon worth watching?"
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The author believes that we're at the crossroads of a new era of TV production. Otters Studio (TTEOTM's production company, a new player) is trying to make waves beyond the show itself by making big budget bets on innovative but risky content.
TTEOTM is full of production flaws, but Otter understands how to excite viewers, something that's been taken for granted. A team that would produce a perfect drama would never dare to touch TTEOTM and make it work.
Everyone in the industry desperately wants TTEOTM to fail. Because that would prove that sticking to a safe formula works. (For context, there's been a lot of internet activity trying to smear TTEOTM and take it down in China, most recently an email campaign to NRTA to get it censored and off air)
I decided to take the time to translate this because it brings home the point the need to embrace risk-taking and look beyond technical flaws to push the industry forward. It's long and I don't agree with everything said (think he's a bit harsh on the actors and other dramas), but I still think it's worth a read! Bolding is my own.
The decision to produce TTEOTM at such a high budget itself indicates aspirations that are beyond what ordinary viewers can understand. Let's talk about its strengths:
1. Dare to break through. This drama is not intended by its investors to be just like another xianxia. It contains a lot of innovative elements: character design, world view, values, plot development and logic, costume, special effects, which is refreshing. In the next few years, no matter how the drama performs, there will be continued discussion and comparison to TTEOTM. It is extremely risky to put such a big budget behind a piece of work that's trying to push boundaries in every way. Because it is beyond the comfort zone of viewers today.
On surface, Otter's first drama is a big production (but as you can see, there are issues with quality control). In reality, this production has an even more important mission: proving that an outside investor new to content production can break into the entertainment ecosystem with money, such as by openly inviting everyone to make OSTs, showing off its deep wallets (though you can see what the reception and quality of work has been). Otter's ambition is not to be a vehicle for actors or just another producer. It's also not trying to do what LBFAD did by building its brand with a repeatable IP-to-TV production process. Based on TTEOTM, I'm inclined to believe they are playing with something very new, something more ground-breaking. Right now they're still trying to figure it out, piece by piece, even though TTEOTM's final product is already quite remarkable.
1. 敢于突破。这部剧根本不是为了制作一部流水线仙侠而投资出来的,其中包含了大量的“新”东西:人设、世界观、人物价值观、剧情发展逻辑、服化道、特效使用等,都让人耳目一新。未来几年时间,无论剧播出的怎么样,围绕长月的讨论和比较都不会少。 像这样一部方方面面求新的作品,本身用这么高规格投资出来就是极端风险的一件事,因为它压根不在目前经过市场检验的观众舒适区里。 獭獭文化打出来的这第一部作品,表面上是在出大制作剧(但是你也看到了,品控有些问题),实际上这部剧恐怕还肩负着更重要的使命(比如一家对内容制作市场还比较小白的外来资本,是不是可以借着高举高打摸一圈影视圈的资源链,像直接全面邀歌做OST,写满了大佬有钱,但是各方什么态度、什么水平也是同步一目了然) 獭獭的野心绝不在于捧演员或加入目前的内容制作圈,也不是���着一开始就像苍兰诀一样用一个可模块化流水线化的模式成品打造自己的品牌,从长月看,我倾向于他在玩一些很新的东西,很大格局的东西。现在他还在一块块摸牌,一块块优化骨骼的阶段(虽然长月的成品其实已经非常了不起)。
2. Great for actors. Today's Chinese drama production has become obviously repetitive and formulaic. It's very difficult to give actors an opportunity to demonstrate their talents. Complex characters not only challenge our actors but risk impacting their reputation. There's massive risk in casting and censorship, so most investors play it safe. TTEOTM is different in this regard: in addition to TTJ, the FL is not silly, dumb, and sweet. She is clear-headed about her mission to kill the ML the entire time, which means there's no CP. The 2nd ML is stuck in a philosophical conflict of who he really is. The 2nd FL coldly announces, I don't love anyone but myself. In order to make these characters come alive, you need very strong character molding and understanding. For example, the FL has to demonstrate commitment to her mission as a character that's bounded by a tragic fate, but also show caution and love towards the ML. Or take the 2nd FL as an example. Even though she appears to be a bad person, she actually has a strong need for love and fear of loss, which is why she self destroys any hope to avoid tragedy in the end - this type of person is full of inner conflict.
The conflicting emotions and subtext are the biggest selling points of this drama, but sadly most actors don't quite deliver except the ML. The willingness to realize a screenplay like this indicates Otter is serious about testing its actors. This type of opportunity is rarer than giant pandas in an industry that prefers vanilla characters. But also because of this, we see that there are still big gaps in the younger generation of actors' ability to interpret the screenplay and perform. Overall, the third female lead's scenes are quite good. The ML's solos are also quite good. But there are issues with transitions (of course the director also has no standards when it comes to cinematography). The second female lead interprets her character well, but has acting issues. Won't comment on the others.
2.对演员加成极大。一个团队渴望摸到娱乐圈上限的时候,可能这个团队还没有那么深厚的业内资源,但一定有其他制作方给不了的助力力度。当目前的国产剧制作已经出现明显的人物刻板化,玄幻作品模式化倾向时,无论是大制作还是小制作,其实现在的作品已经非常难给演员凸显水平的机会了,创作复杂性人物考验演员表现能力,还容易造成艺人负面口碑,有极大的选角风险,还容易被审核掉,目前的其他资本这一块都很保守。 獭獭的长月,男主澹台烬自不用说,女主完全不傻白甜,从头到尾头脑清醒就是要杀男主,就是无cp糖可磕。男二执着于他不是我,我不是我的哲学矛盾,女二全程冷漠宣言我谁也不爱我只爱我自己,神挡杀神,佛挡杀佛。这些人物其实真正要演绎得鲜活,都需要极强的角色塑造能力和理解能力。例如女主始终头脑清醒的要杀男主,是因为命运只给了这么一条路,她是被命运裹挟着前进的悲剧人物,但又要体现出她面对自己对男主时的恻隐之心和深沉爱意。又比如女二,她是渴爱之人,恶是她的表象,惶恐失去和自闭是她的内核,每次在希望来临前先动手毁灭希望,不让自己看到悲剧,这种人的心理活动是非常激烈和纠结的。 纠结的情绪和人物潜台词是这部剧本身的最大看点(虽然很可惜我发现演员几乎是全员不到位的,勉强男主还行)愿意开发这样的本子,其实意味着獭獭正视图用剧对演员进行一定程度的“大考”,能演出来的,还有这样的机会呈现在行业内,可以说在目前偏向塑造完美人设的制作圈比大熊猫还稀缺,是年轻艺人一次极为难得的水平展示机会。也正因如此,我们在长月里也看到了现在的新生代演员对剧本理解和表现能力确实存在极大问题。整部剧女三部分场景不错,男主的单场不错,但大的跨度衔接有些问题(当然,导演对镜头毫无追求也是问题)女二理解没问题但演技有问题,其他人不评价。
3. Super entertaining and discussion-worthy. Don't underestimate this. In today's TV production circle, most dramas are chasing after low risk, high quality output. Take the recently aired xianxias. These works are all living in comfort zone. You can't say they're bad, but it's also not clear what is good, and viewers are not that enthralled. TTEOTM is the opposite. It knows too well how to excite viewers. Putting aside the logic of the story, I would say this is the most audacious hand played in the last 5 years. It's super entertaining. Viewers definitely won't be able to tell what's good about it, other than that it's thrilling to watch. That's actually a very remarkable skill and one that is lost in today's entertainment industry. Otter can fix their production flaws over time through trial and error or by bringing in new collaborators, but it's not easy to figure out what the audience wants.
3.娱乐性和话题性极强。不要小看这点,在目前电视剧制作圈,几乎大多数的作品都在追求低风险高品质的“绝对完成品”。比如沉香、星落,甚至苍兰诀。这类作品一大特点就是都在舒适区里做加减法,拍出来你不能说差,没有什么掉链子的地方,但是问有什么好的地方,也不是很明显。观众就很容易精神上提不起劲。 长月却刚好相反,它实在是太懂得怎么刺激观众,抛开剧情逻辑不谈,我敢说这是内娱近五年玩过的最大胆的刺激牌,娱乐性直接拉满。一个个画面和剧情的嗨点山呼海啸扑面而来,观众一定说不出长月哪里好,但是看长月确实很爽。这其实是一种很了不起的本事。也是目前的业内非常缺失的一种本事。产业链的短板可以摸索着补,也可以拉拢志同道合的人一起找,但是找到观众爽点的能力确实是要点功夫的。
Actually, TTEOTM's production has so many problems, to the point that anyone in the industry can find an example to prove that it sucks. Screenplay, director, editing, OST, marketing, lighting, lens, makeup, sets, sound, aesthetics. But what you can't deny is this: a team that can produce a perfect drama could never make TTEOTM work.
Because without Otter taking this first step, they would never allow the battle between demons and god to go on for an hour. They'd never allow the ML & FL to not play the CP card. They'd never allow the ML to be a dark, psycho character. They'd never allow the 2nd FL to say she only cares for herself. They'd never embed a big budget fight scene in a fluffy xianxia drama.
On surface it seems that everyone's trying to take down the ML, but that's not it. The industry needs TTEOTM to flop. Because only its failure can prove that their current approach of playing it safe, sticking to the formula works. You can do the same thing over and over again. Suddenly someone tells you you need to push yourself with something new everyday? Well then I'll break your pot and tell everyone Otter has gotten the wrong read on the market. Look, Immortality has been banned. Look at the horrible casting of TTEOTM, your ML is too thin and injured. Every established player in the industry is trying to trip you over. The platform has given you the worst airing slot. Everyone is bashing the drama.
其实长月的缺点非常多,多到每一个业内都能够找到一水的问题来证明它不行。编剧有问题,导演有问题,剪辑有问题,bgm比较平,营销风格与剧不一致,打光不行,滤镜不行,妆发不行,场景太空,音画不同步,三观有大病等等等等等…… 但是不可否认的是,拍出一水很“行”的作品的团队们,永远不会去拍一部可以“行”的长月。 因为没有獭獭走这一步,他们根本不敢让神魔大战在仙侠题材里打1个小时,不敢让男女主不炒cp,不敢男主是个腹黑反派疯批,不敢女二说我只爱自己。不敢用这么高规格的特效在一部仙侠“糖水”剧里。表面上是男主的黑太多,其实并非如此。 而是他们都需要长月扑街,只有长月扑街,才能证明他们的稳妥打法,吃存量的做法是正确的。 明明可以吃大锅饭,你来告诉大家要卷着天天研发新鲜饭?那我砸了你的锅,告诉所有人獭獭对市场判断的眼光不行,你看皓衣行被禁了吧,你看长月选角垃圾,选了个瘦脱相男主吧,你看男主被打开不了剧吧,你看业内合作方没有不给你使绊子的吧,你看平台不看好给你冷档期吧,你看剧做出来市场上骂声一片吧……
TTEOTM has invited so much drama, controversy, criticism outside the show itself, as though who cares if it's just a shitty drama by a small-time investor. The industry can tolerate all crap productions, but it cannot accommodate a new player that comes with sincerity and money.
Therefore, I am bullish on TTEOTM. I don't think this drama is created to promote the ML or to make money. Quite the opposite, I think we're at the crossroads of a new era. Otter is the Wandering Earth of the TV industry. They're both sore-eyed catfish that's making waves beyond the work itself.
所以长月是妖风四起,争议不断,批评不绝,仿佛哪怕是它只是一部小投资的烂作,业内可以宽容所有的粗制滥造制作方,却绝不���容有钱还有诚意而来的獭獭。 所以我认为,我很看好长月烬明。我不认为这部剧之所以做出来,和捧男主或者营销捞钱有关。恰恰相反,我认为我们正站在一个时代的转角口。 就好比流浪地球之于电影行业,獭獭之于电视剧行业,其实也是一条过于扎眼的鲶鱼,正激起一些超出作品本身的浪花。
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beautyupdate · 1 year ago
台北信義|Happiness Day美味開啟!層次感十足的酪梨洋芋三明治
Happiness Day為你打開一扇通往口感樂園的大門,酪梨洋芋三明治的誘人香氣,將讓你在美味的魔法中沉浸,感受層次感與口感的極致融合。準備好挑戰味蕾的極限了嗎?讓我們一同啟程,探索這場滋味之旅的奇蹟! #Happiness Day #酪梨洋芋三明治 #台北信義美食
Happiness Day為你打開一扇通往口感樂園的大門,酪梨洋芋三明治的誘人香氣,將讓你在美味的魔法中沉浸,感受層次感與口感的極致融合。準備好挑戰味蕾的極限了嗎?讓我們一同啟程,探索這場滋味之旅的奇蹟! Happiness Day 幸福的一天 市府店 (官網) 地點:110台北市信義區忠孝東路五段15巷10號 營業時間:週一~週日 08:30~21:00 電話: 02 2766 0626 (網路訂位) 用餐方式:內用、外帶、外送 (food panda, uber eat) 付費方式:現金、Apple Pay、電子支付、信用卡 每人平均價位:$205 值得推薦:OOOO Happiness Day在哪裡? Happiness…
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xiaozhimasx · 19 days ago
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riacte · 2 years ago
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樹皮CP yyds!🌳🐶他們倆給我原地結婚!(雖然斬首那一段已經非常曖昧好不好)唉好吧,就草草試試翻譯Martyn經典的台詞:
“不!我才不會!我才不會做這件事!當我還是一個卑微的流浪漢,在各地漫遊,是你收留了我。我不斷尋找,走偏世界四端,但最終發現這世界沒有什麼值得我留戀,只有無盡的牆壁,陰暗的角落,鋒利的邊界。但你知道嗎?是你把生命賜給我。雖然我從你奪取不少生命,你卻是一桶一桶地把它還給我。我只能說 - 我 - 我 - 我與你同行。現在,就我們倆。就我和你。”
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huang0415 · 6 months ago
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ug-am · 5 months ago
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chentailai · 1 year ago
但我很高兴把我以前创造的作品发在这里O(≧▽≦)O 这是一件值得高兴的事
主要推荐和创作cp:khaji da/jaime Reyes。我喜欢叫他khajai,tumblr上看见的名字有khaime和scarab love。💙
以及all/jaime Reyes 以及dc相关很多ship boostle 等等等等,我数不过来了。但是比较热门的那几对我都不感兴趣所以可以回避了
一些喜爱作品:yj,blue beetle dc jli相关 ,电影,艺术, 以此类推(但我可以告诉你我喜欢坏女人,好男孩和没有性别的怪物……)
Oh, and here's a land mine that you're most likely to offend me (not the only one, but the most likely to occur), let me tell you what it is. Be careful before you make friends with me.⊙ω⊙,I have already been annoyed once,I hope there won't be another time, so that we can get along friendly
with basic respect
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