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savage-kult-of-gorthaur · 7 months ago
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PIC INFO: Part 2 of 2 -- Spotlight on a gig/show flyer for CORROSION OF CONFORMITY's first gig at the famed Cathay De Grande in Hollywood, CA -- on this day forty years ago -- July 12, 1984.
EXTRA INFO: Live shots of C.O.C. from the Cathay De Grande, in Los Angeles, CA, on July 12, 1984. 📸: Andy Rose.
ANDY: "When did you guys start?"
C.O.C.: "July 1982."
ANDY: "What was your purpose for starting a band?"
REED (drums): "We didn't know we needed a purpose."
WOODY (guitar): "I knew it.
ERIC (new singer): "To serve humanity."
MIKE (bass): "To kill boredom, amuse ourselves and psychologically torture our enemies."
Source: http://theressomethinghardinthere.blogspot.com/2011/03/corrosion-of-conformity-1983-remnant.html.
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napunk-history · 1 year ago
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xXx #10 (1984)
Corrosion Of Conformity
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 2 years ago
Corrosion of Conformity  -  RedneKKK
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gotankgo · 5 years ago
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music-addiction-disorder · 5 years ago
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Reed Mullin - ArmyOfOneTV interview (2015)
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William Reed Mullin
(February 12, 1966 –  January 27, 2020)
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Was an American musician who was the drummer for metal band Corrosion of Conformity (COC). He was the founding member with Mike Dean and Woody Weatherman. Mullin, along with Weatherman, also played in the Raleigh NC hardcore band, No Labels. No Labels disbanded in 1984, while Corrosion of Conformity continued to evolve and gain popularity. He left COC on February 1, 2001 due to back injury.
Following his departure from Corrosion of Conformity, Mullin worked on several other projects, including a hardcore band called Man Will Destroy Himself, and frontman for the power pop band Brown. In 2010 he rejoined COC with the Animosity era lineup (without Pepper Keenan).
In 2014, Mullin co-founded the hardcore punk supergroup Teenage Time Killers with COC bandmate Mike Dean and My Ruin guitarist Mick Murphy. Other members include Foo Fighters frontman Dave Grohl, Lamb of God vocalist Randy Blythe, Stone Sour and Slipknot vocalist Corey Taylor, Bad Religion guitarist Brian Baker, former Queens of the Stone Age bassist Nick Oliveri, among others. Teenage Time Killers has signed with Rise Records and has released their debut album Teenage Time Killers: Greatest Hits Vol. 1 on July 28, 2015.
On January 27, 2020, Mullin died at the age of 53.
C.O.C. :
Eye For An Eye (1984) Animosity (1985) Technocracy (1987) N.O.T.A. / Corrosion Of Conformity (1987) Blind (1991) Deliverance (1994) Wiseblood (1996) America’s Volume Dealer (2000) In The Arms Of God (2005) Megalodon (2012) Corrosion Of Conformity (2012) IX (2014) No Cross No Crown (2018)
- necro69mancer -
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metalcultbrigade · 3 years ago
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Em Maio / 1984, o Corrosion of Conformity lançava "Eye for an Eye", seu primeiro álbum de estúdio. https://www.instagram.com/p/CdEdI7wpcEL/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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savage-kult-of-gorthaur · 7 months ago
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PIC(S) INFO: Spotlight on multiple show flyers for Raleigh-based metallic hardcore punk band, CORROSION OF CONFORMITY, touring their then newly-released debut album "Eye for an Eye," performing live at the Cathay De Grande in Los Angeles, CA, on July 12, 1984 -- 40 years ago on this @$!*#&% day.
Rest in noise, Eric Eycke (1962-2017), the band's first and still all-time classic vocalist -- gone too soon, another legend lost. In memoriam Reed Mullin as well (1966-2020), one of the most airtight, precise, punishing drummers to ever pick up the sticks.
Sources: eBay & http://theressomethinghardinthere.blogspot.com/2011/03/corrosion-of-conformity-1983-remnant.html.
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1962dude420-blog · 4 years ago
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Today we remember the passing of Reed Mullin who died February 12, 1966 in Raleigh, North Carolina
William Reed Mullin was the drummer for metal band Corrosion of Conformity. Mullin was the founding member of Corrosion of Conformity with Mike Dean and Woody Weatherman. Mullin, along with Weatherman, also played in the Raleigh-based hardcore band No Labels. No Labels disbanded in 1984, while Corrosion of Conformity continued to evolve and gain popularity. Mullin left COC on February 1, 2001 due to a back injury.
Following his departure from Corrosion of Conformity, Mullin worked on several other projects, including a hardcore band called Man Will Destroy Himself, and as the frontman for power pop band Brown.
In 2010, he rejoined COC with the Animosity era lineup (sans Pepper Keenan).
In 2014, Mullin co-founded the hardcore punk supergroup Teenage Time Killers with COC bandmate Mike Dean and My Ruin guitarist Mick Murphy. Other members include Foo Fighters frontman Dave Grohl, Lamb of God vocalist Randy Blythe, Stone Sour and Slipknot vocalist Corey Taylor, Bad Religion guitarist Brian Baker, former Queens of the Stone Age bassist Nick Oliveri, among others. Teenage Time Killers has signed with Rise Records and has released their debut album Teenage Time Killers: Greatest Hits Vol. 1 on July 28, 2015
On January 27, 2020, Mullin died at the age of 53. He had missed a number of shows in the past four years due to a variety of health issues, including an alcohol-related seizure he suffered in June 2016
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metalindex-hu · 4 years ago
Kitartás, lepattanás
Kitartás, lepattanás - http://metalindex.hu/2021/01/07/kitartas-lepattanas/ -
Olyan sokszor írtam már zenekarokról, hogy egy idő után (vagy egy időre) lepattantam róluk, nem követtem a munkásságukat, hogy most elgondolkoztam azon: vannak-e egyáltalán olyanok, akik mellett folyamatosan kitartottam. Akiknek minden albuma megvan, ráadásul úgy – és ez fontos –, hogy miután megismertem és megszerettem őket, valamennyi lemezüket közvetlenül a megjelenésüket követően szereztem be. Vannak, ha nem is sokan, amiből le kellett vonnom azt a tanulságot, hogy én nem bandákhoz, hanem a műfajhoz vagyok lojális. Nem vagyok hajlandó unalmas Megadeth, Overkill, Paradise Lost stb. lemezeket hallgatni, jó zenékre vágyom, akár számomra korábban teljesen ismeretlen csapatoktól is.
Igazából több évtizedes távlatban érdekes arra válaszolni, hogy miért tartok ki egy zenekar mellett, és miért hagyom ott a másikat egy idő után. A megfejtés nagyon egyszerű: akikhez lojális maradok, azok úgy nyújtanak egyenletesen magas teljesítményt, hogy közben nem válnak számomra unalmassá. Élvezetes, szórakoztató, amit hallok tőlük, még ha nem is feltétlenül játszanak gyökeresen mást, mint korábban. Jó dalokat írnak, hangulatokat adnak át, van mondanivalójuk. Akikkel viszont szakítottam, azokra egy idő után nyilván ráuntam: előző albumaik kielégítettek, és már nem vágyom többre, vagy amit utoljára hallottam tőlük, már nem tetszett annyira, hogy várjam a következő lemezüket.
Metallica: bármit csinálhattak, (szinte) mindig kíváncsi voltam rájuk
Nézzünk néhány p��ldát a maximális lojalitásra és a majdnem teljes hűségre! A Metallicával való viszonyom egyértelmű: a Master of Puppets volt az a lemezük, amit már a megjelenésekor beszereztem, és azóta folyamatosan nyomon követem az együttes pályafutását. Messze nem voltam elégedett minden albumukkal, mégis mindegyiket azonnal magamévá tettem (kivéve a Lulut, ami számomra nem Metallica-anyag).
A Type O Negative-nak az October Rust-tól kezdődően vettem meg minden anyagát – rögtön a megjelenésekor – műsoros kazettán, illetve CD-n, a Trouble-t pedig a Manic Frustration lemez óta követtem ugyanígy. De ugyanezt mondhatom el az Avantasiával, az Ayreonnal, a Downnal, a Kamelottal, a Mustasch-sal, az Orange Goblinnal, a Soundgardennel és a Spiritual Beggars-szel kapcsolatban is. (Nyilván nagyságrendileg több olyan zenekar van, amelyiknek valamennyi anyagát birtoklom, ám azok egy részére legtöbbször visszamenőleg tettem szert.)
A ’82-es koncertlemez egyfajta kezdet volt számomra
Legnagyobb kedvencemet, a Black Sabbath-ot a Live Evil, illetve a Born Again albumok megjelenése óta követem, viszont a zenekar pályafutásában sajnos éppen akkortájt kezdődött egy erősen hullámzó periódus. A Born Again sem volt tipikus Sabbath-anyag, a Seventh Star pedig még annyira sem, emiatt aztán nem is voltam túlzottan kihegyezve az új anyagokra. A Tony Martin érából a Tyr jött be, majd Dio-val a Dehumanizer, a többi Martin-os albumról csak válogattam, és legközelebb már csak a 13-at fogadtam kitörő örömmel.
Az Iron Maiden-től a maga idejében a Blaze Bayley-vel készült két lemezt hanyagoltam, a többi anyagra már a megjelenését követően lecsaptam. A Rob Halford-os Judas Priest-től egyedül a Ram It Down volt az, ami nem tetszett, de még azt is meghallgattam. A Ripper-éra első albumát, a Jugulatort beszereztem, de nem igazán fogott meg, így aztán a Demolition-t lehet, hogy nem is hallgattam.
A Maiden Bailey-vel: nem az én korszakom
A Manowartól egyedül a 2007-es, sokszámos Gods of War nem nyerte el elsőre a tetszésemet, a csapat többi anyagát 1984 óta mindig megvettem. Az Anthrax-szel hasonlóan vagyok, mint a Maiden-nel és a Priest-tel: Szabó Viktor kollégámmal ellentétben nekem a Bush-korszak nagyon nem jött be. A Sound of White Noise-ra még kíváncsi voltam, ám az Only-n kívül nem sok minden maradt meg belőle (ma már nem is hallgatom). A Stomp 442-be és a Vol 8-ba talán bele sem füleltem, érdekes módon viszont a We’ve Come for You All-t ismét csak rögtön a megjelenését követően beszereztem, és akkor talán valamennyire tetszett is, de azóta arra is a feledés homálya borult. Nem tehetek róla, számomra Belladonna a „one and only” Anthrax-torok.
A Corrosion Of Conformity kapcsán is ugyanezt tudom elmondani: tőlük a Blind volt az első lemezem, onnantól nagy rajongója voltam a bandának, egészen Pepper Keenan 2006-os távozásáig. A Mike Dean énekével rögzített, a csapat nevét viselő albumot még meghallgattam, de nem tetszett, így a rá következő IX talán ki is maradt a gyűjteményemből.
A másik két, jóval népesebb kategória már nem tartozik szorosan e cikk témájához. Az egyik, amit már említettem is, amikor egy idő után eltávolodom egy kedvencemtől, a másik pedig, amikor az ikszedik lemezével szeretek meg egy bandát, és visszamenőleg szerzem be valamennyi anyagát.
Nektek kik azok a kedvenceitek, akiknek – a megismerkedéseteket követően – valamennyi albumát a „maga idejében”, vagyis közvetlenül a megjelenése után szereztétek be?
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comunidaderock · 4 years ago
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A Comunidade Rock relembra hoje alguns discos lançados em 15 de outubro... . Em 15/10/1996 | Corrosion Of Conformity lança o álbum Wise Blood . Em 15/10/2002 | Yngwie Malmsteen lança o álbum Attack!! . Em 15/10/2013 | Pearl Jam lança o álbum Lightning Bolt . Em 15/10/1984 | Manowar lança o álbum Sign Of The Hammer . Em 15/10/1988 | Motorhead lança o álbum ao-vivo No Sleep At All . Em 15/10/1996 | Korn lança o álbum Life Is Peachy . Em 15/10/1996 | Dio lança o álbum Angry Machines . Em 15/10/1996 | Motorhead lança o álbum Overnight Sensation . Em 15/10/2013 | Trivium lança o álbum Vengeance Falls . 🆂🅾🅼🅾🆂 🅰 🅲🅾🅼🆄🅽🅸🅳🅰🅳🅴 🆁🅾🅲🅺 . #corrosionofconformity #yngwiemalmsteen #pearljam #manowar #motorhead #korn #dio #motorhead #trivium #albuns #musicas #historia #passado #lançados #musicos #lenda #lendadorock #rockcover #deixousaudades #atehoje #sucesso #lembranças #ouço #ritmo #meufavorito #prateleira #vivaorock #radiocidadeoficial #radiocidade #aoriginal #comunidaderock https://www.instagram.com/p/CGXvLuKA3Zo/?igshid=1siapoh0czdh0
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theart2rock · 4 years ago
Farewell - diese Musiker mussten 2020 gehen
Leider war auch das letzte Jahr nicht zu allen Musikern gut gewesen. Einige richtig einflussreiche Menschen mussten die Bühne wechseln, wie immer eigentlich zu früh. Den Musiker hören ja nie wirklich auf Musik zu machen. Was bleibt ist in allen Fällen ein Vermächtnis. Ein Werk für die Nachwelt. Deshalb möchte ich natürlich all den Musikern gedenken, die im 2020 in den Tourbus gestiegen sind und ihre letzte Tour angetreten haben.
Neil Peart (Rush) 12.09.1952 – 07.01.2020 (Hirnkrebs)
Joe Payne (Nile) 1984 – 24.01.2020
Sean Reinert (Death) 27.05.1971 – 24.01.2020
Santtu Lonka (To/Die/For) 09.03.1978 – 26.01.2020
Reed Mullin (Corrosion Of Conformity) 12.02.1966 – 27.01.2020
Josh Pappe (Gang Green) 31.01.2020
Diego Farias (Volume) 06.02.2020
Justin Frear (Ultimatum) 24.02.2020
Christian Walpen (Pandemic Death) 13.12.1986 – 02.03.2020
Mikro Virdis (Trick Or Treat) 07.03.2020
Keith Olsen (Produzent) 12.05.1945 – 09.03.2020 (Herzstillstand)
Jason Rainey (Sacred Reich) 14.02.1967 – 16.03.2020 (Herzversagen)
Bill Rieflin (Ministry) 30.09.1960 – 24.03.2020 (Krebs)
Lou A. Kouvaris (Riot) 28.03.2020 (Covid-19)
Derek Jones (Falling In Reverse) 05.06.1984 – 21.04.2020
McKenzi Bell (He Is Legend) 26.04.2020
Bob Fouts (Burn It Down) 28.04.2020
Dave Greenfield (The Stranglers) 29.04.1949 – 03.05.2020 (Herzprobleme / COVID-19)
Brian Howe (Bad Company) 22.07.1953 – 06.05.2020 (Herzstillstand)
Phil May (The Pretty Things) 09.11.1944 – 15.05.2020 (Komplikationen bei einer Hüftoperation)
Josh Booth (To The Grave) 27.03.1997 – 28.05.2020
Bob Kulick (KISS, W.A.S.P.) 16.01.1950 – 29.05.2020 (Herzversagen)
Steve Priest (Sweet) 23.02.1948 – 04.06.2020
Paul Chapman (UFO) 09.06.1954 – 09.06.2020
Yuji Adachi (Dead End) 10.03.1964 – 16.06.2020 (Sepsis)
Jamie Oldacker (Frehley’s Comet) 05.09.1951 – 16.07.2020 (Krebs)
Steve Holland (Molly Hatchet) 1954 – 02.08.2020
Tony Constanza (Machine Head) 04.08.2020
Alan Peters (Agnostic Front) 07.08.2020
Martin Birch (Produzent) 27.12.1948 – 09.08.2020
Pete Way (UFO) 07.08.1951 – 14.08.2020 (an den Folgen eines Unfalles)
Jack Sherman (Red Hot Chili Peppers) 18.01.1956 – 18.08.2020
Frankie Banali (W.A.S.P.) 14.11.1951 – 20.08.2020 (Krebs)
Riley Gale (Power Trip) 01.05.1986 – 24.08.2020
Enrique Maseda (NJ Bloodline) 25.08.2020
Jay White (The Agony Scene) 31.08.2020
Greg Messick (Intruder) 05.09.2020
Lee Kerslake (Uriah Heep) 16.04.1947 – 19.09.2020 (Krebs)
Brent Young (Trivium) 26.09.2020
Mark Stone (Van Halen) 26.09.2020 (Krebs)
Donny Hillier (Trauma) 28.09.2020
Eddie Van Halen (Van Halen) 26.01.1955 – 06.10.2020 (Schlaganfall)
Paul Matters (AC/DC) 14.10.2020
Spencer Davis (Spencer Davis Group) 17.07.1939 – 19.10.2020 (Lungenentzündung)
Tony Lewis (The Outfield) 21.12.1957 – 19.10.2020
Ken Hensley (Uriah Heep) 24.08.1945 – 04.11.2020
Bones Hillman (Midnight Oil) Mai 1958 – 07.11.2020 (Krebs)
Aaron Melzer (Secrets) 25.11.2020
Jamir Garcia (Slapshock) 05.09.1978 – 26.11.2020 (Selbstmord)
Sean Malone (Cynic) 01.01.1970 – 09.12.2020
Leider wird auch diese Liste vermutlich nicht vollständig sein. Rockt in Frieden
Farewell – diese Musiker mussten 2020 gehen was originally published on The Art 2 Rock
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dailywikis · 5 years ago
Reed Mullin Bio, Age, Wiki, Died, Wife, Children, Instagram, Net Worth
Reed Mullin Bio, Age, Wiki, Died, Wife, Children, Instagram, Net Worth
Reed Mullin Bio – Wiki
Reed Mullin was the drummer for metal band Corrosion of Conformity (COC). He was born on 12 February 1966 in Raleigh, North Carolina, United States. His birth name was William Reed Mullin. He was the founding member with Mike Dean and Woody Weatherman.
Mullin, along with Weatherman, also played in the Raleigh NC hardcore band, No Labels. No Labels disbanded in 1984,…
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jdrespling · 7 years ago
Corrosion of Conformity Show Review
Filmore Silver Springs January 29th 2018
Corrosion of Conformity or COC have been an influential band since they released their first album Eye for and Eye in 1984. Some say that COC is sludge metal, some say that they are stoner metal, but I just consider them just kick ass rock and roll metal.
Lead singer Pepper Kennan’s voice is perfect blend with the guitarist Woody Weatherman and bassist Mik…
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metalcultbrigade · 6 years ago
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Em Maio / 1984, o Corrosion of Conformity lançava "Eye for an Eye", seu primeiro álbum de estúdio. https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw-nspmAhDD/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1l5eve2qcoxx5
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shrbrt-blog1 · 7 years ago
Corrosion of Conformity Live at the Fillmore Detroit (Gallery)
Danzig, Corrosion of Conformity, Mutoid Man, and Detroit's own Acid Witch played at the Fillmore in Detroit Friday, September 15th. I knew ahead of time that I was approved for COC and that I wasn't going to be able to shoot Glen. I felt like photographing Pepper Keenan and the boys were worth driving downtown on a packed city night and paying for parking, walking half a mile to the venue and waiting 2 hours just to shoot two songs of the third band. I was completely fine with shooting the first three bands but got denied walking into the pit for the local opener. They told me COC was the only band that okayed photographers. Acid Witch was great, horror sludge and stoner metal that made me feel creeped out in a good way. Songs about Halloween and Trick or Treating may seem corny to some but Acid Witch makes it work with light theatrics and great banter between their own brand of doom and humor. Witch masks and pumpkins matched their tunes perfectly and the green I toked in the parking lot made it hard for me not to smile like a cornball jackass through their entire set.
I was lucky enough to have a conversation with an old friend that helped me kill a lot of time before the lights went off and Mutoid Man took the stage. They were great. Fucking hilarious actually. Comprised of Cave In vocalist and guitarist Stephen Brodsky, Converge drummer Ben Koller, and bassist Nick Cageao. They blend 3 unique personalities and senses of humor with raw talent and creativity, mixed with the sounds of their youth from psychedelic rock to hardcore punk to math rock and progressive rock, Mutoid Man is a great band. I wish I could have photographed their set, regardless I was stoked watching their set alone in the crowd.
Right before the end of Mutoid Man's set, I went outside to hit my vape pen calming what was left of my anxiousness. Up until that night, the Fillmore had been a bucket-list item for me as a photographer. It's a prestigious venue, I felt like I finally did some shit with myself getting my pass and own entrance.
Being one of two photographers to be able to shoot all night was a thrill. I got into the photo pit for the first time at this iconic venue. Corrosion of Conformity slowly made their way out to the stage one by one slowly building on each applause as each member came out. First Bassist Mike Dean, then Drummer Reed Mullin, then lead guitarist Woody Weatherman A much louder roar for singer and guitarist Pepper Keenan. They have had limited tour dates since the "Deliverance" lineup reunited in 2014 so this was a rather big deal for me.
Honestly, in these few moments, I don't remember much outside of straight photography work. I just tried to get my shots knowing I had the max of about 6-7 minutes to get enough for a gallery. It was definitely a challenge and I love that shit because I would rather compete with myself than with the other photographers. We all have a job to do. We all have assignments. I'm not going to make it harder for anyone else, I expect the same in return.
With all that being said, it pains me to say this. I finished the rough draft of this on Friday the 23rd. I got home and read about the 2nd vocalist of Corrosion of Conformity Eric Eycke has passed away. Eric was the voice behind the most hardcore incarnation of COC. The era of time he was in the band I was a baby. 1983-1984. Like a lot of people from that era of hardcore music, his influence was felt decades after even though his time in the band was short-lived. That is what I love so much about early 80s hardcore.
It's 2017 and we're still talking about a very small subculture the way some people talk about arena rock artists and shit. Those artists went on to influence so many other musicians and artists of all types. The hardcore world lost another legend, Rest in Peace Eric Eycke. While checking out the photos from COC's set at the Fillmore, listen to their first full-length and the only record Eric was on. As far as hardcore goes, it is fantastic. The tracks “Indifferent” and “Rednekk” and “Dark Thoughts” prove that COC could hang with the big dogs back then and now as completely different musicians are full blown legends in their own right. No matter what, the COC we love today doesn't get there without Eric Eycke, RIP.
I have been sick for the last few days so this extended the delay in getting this out. It also worked out because Corrosion of Conformity announced the new record will be out in January.
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megarockradio · 7 years ago
[ad_1] Former CORROSION OF CONFORMITY Vocalist ERIC EYCKE Dies http://www.blabbermouth.net/news/former-corrosion-of-conformity-vocalist-eric-eycke-dies/ Former CORROSION OF CONFORMITY Vocalist ERIC EYCKE Dies Eric Eycke, who sang on CORROSION OF CONFORMITY’s 1984 debut album, “Eye For An Eye”, has passed away. Just prior to his death, Eycke had reportedly been in hospice with various maladies.…
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