#COME JOIN ME <33333
mrs-gauche · 1 month
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So I just woke up and... I didn't just dream this, right? It's actually happening today?? We get a REAL trailer, the marketing is gonna start in earnest AND we'll get a release date?? After ten flippin years.. it doesn't feel real guys. 😭 I'm so full of all kinds of emotions. 🥹
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okkalo · 8 months
i blame you for tokyo revengers taking over my fyp 😖
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u said remembers in the other ask and i said haha and then i was like wait i can’t even answer this ask?? but u also had a dancing noob and it was so cool
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luveline · 9 months
jade i am begging on my knees ….. any time you are up for it …… it would make me very greatly happy to see something with a bombshell!reader x hotch <33333
The office is hot today in the midst of a ninety degree summer, and your coworkers have been forced to strip down to their lightest layers, the women in linen blouses, men with their shirt sleeves rolled up high. Spencer has ditched his sweater vest reluctantly, cooling himself with a makeshift fan fashioned from printer paper, and Emily huffs next to you at her desk, overwhelmed. 
“How aren't you hot?” she demands to know. 
You lean back in your chair with a demure smile. “Mind over matter.”  
She rolls her eyes. “I shouldn't have asked.” 
Hotch's office door opens. You turn in your chair to watch him appear —even Unit Chief's get hot, apparently. He looks flustered in the heat, pink-cheeked and hair skewed ever so slightly, the most unmade you've ever seen him at work. 
You could get used to it. 
He feels you looking, narrowing his eyes. You'd like to think it was playful. For Hotch, it is. 
“Hot, handsome,” you say. 
“I'm fine.” 
“I wasn't asking.” You beam at him. 
“Enough. You know the rules.” 
He doesn't seem too mad, but he's right; you know the office rules. Don't flirt, don't start, and don't text him inside of work hours unless that text pertains to work itself. You'd started calling him instead —what are you wearing right now?— and he'd decided that text now meant any communication lest you find another loophole. You're pushing it. 
“Ah, the rules,” you say, throwing your arm across your eyes in mock distress, before peeking under it to see if he's watching. He always is. “You know rules aren't made for people like me, handsome.” 
“Stop it, final warning. Or I'll have you moved.” 
He makes being his girlfriend very difficult. You roll your shoulders and drop the act. “Hey, I need to talk to you about something.” 
“No, right now. Please? It's important, I swear.” 
He gestures for you to come up. You take the stairs and cross the landing to his office, where he's already stepped back inside to open the window even further on its hinge. There isn't much wind to breeze, but there is a palpable difference between his office and the bullpen. You join him at the window and let the barely cooler air fan your face. 
“What's wrong?” he asks. 
“Can you give me a quick kiss? It would really lift my spirits.” 
He laughs somewhere deep in his chest. “No, honey. Now tell me what you wanted to tell me.” 
“I have a doctor's appointment next week, on the 13th. It's a Wednesday. I was hoping for PTO, but I can take a sick day if that's not agreeable.” 
Hotch gives you the side eye, brows gently furrowed. “Everything okay?” 
“Wouldn't you like to know.” 
“I would, actually.” 
“Yeah, well, you'll have to beg for it. Not everything in life is free, Hotchner–” You break into laughter as he grabs your waist, not expecting it, your hips tender as he squeezes. “Ouch, you're kinda handsy, you know that?” 
You sound beautiful like this, laughing as you talk, so happy it lines every word. Hotch pulls your front to his, arms crossing casually behind your back, his eyes expectant. “Tell me,” he commands smoothly. 
“Because you asked so nicely, I'm just fine, but I've been feeling a little under the weather. I think I'm anaemic.” 
“And this is the first time I'm hearing about this because…” 
“Because I'm not allowed to talk to you at work!” 
He rolls his eyes as you drop a considerable amount of your weight against his arms. Usually, Hotch would meet your eyes and say, You're punishing me for a rule created out of necessity, or something to that effect, but, despite everything that might say otherwise, he really likes you. Loves you.
“I know, honey, I'm sorry. Maybe we can… allot you a few texts a day.” He analyses your expression. “One a day.” 
You squeeze his naked forearm and lift up to kiss his cheek. He stays completely still while you do it, beside the small stroke of his thumb where it rests on your back. “Thank you. I'll leave you alone now, or we might get caught fraternising with one another and lose our jobs. Oh, wait, that's not actually going to happen–” 
You burst out laughing as Hotch once again squeezes your waist in warning, the hint of a smile on his lips. 
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daenysx · 3 months
those tiktok videos where couples are ranking types of kisses but it’s you and james 🧚🏻‍♀️✨😭 if you write it, thank you very much for your time ❤️
i hope i got this right, thank you for requesting, angel!! reblogs and comments are highly appreciated, please let me know what you think if you like this guys <33333
james potter x fem!reader, fluff (lots of kissing haha)
it's so easy to get james in the mood for trying a new tiktok ranking trend.
he's been obsessed with them lately, keeps trying different stuff just for fun when he waits for you to join him in bed at night. the funniest part of this for you is that he actually takes them so seriously, he gets visibly disappointed when he puts an option in the wrong place and regrets it later.
"i'm gonna show you something." you say, sitting on bed with your phone in your hand.
"what's that angel?" he asks, pulling you closer. "your hair smells amazing, come closer."
you settle down next to him and open the app on your phone. "we're gonna rank types of kisses."
"oh, that's new? i've never seen it."
"i just saw a couple doing it, thought you'd enjoy." you laugh.
"um-yes, please?" he says, seriously. god, you love him so much.
"okay." you hold the phone in front of you. "so, when a type of kiss appears on the screen, you'll give me that kiss and i'll rank."
james clearly likes the idea, he sits straighter on bed. you look at him before starting, he nods.
'neck kiss' appears on the screen and james gives you a perfect kiss on your neck. you love how he pays attention to your neck all the time so it's a clear favorite.
"this can actually be the first one." you say. "but no, three."
'hand kiss' comes next and james kisses your knuckles. "good?" he asks. "i feel like i'm under pressure."
you laugh. "gonna put it in number six."
next one is 'nose kiss', you cheekily rub your nose on james's. "you don't like this so much." he says.
"um, eight."
"i wonder which one will be ten."
'earlobe kiss' appears. "oh my god." you laugh. james kisses your earlobe and it's too loud. "that's ten."
you regret your decision when 'bite kiss' comes next. "no!" you laugh. "don't bite me."
"sorry, angel." he laughs. he bites your arm softly.
you put 'top of the head kiss' on number four. "you could do better than that." you say to james, smiling.
"i definitely could." he agrees. "this is hard."
"okay, 'lip kiss' next, you gotta be quick."
james kisses your lips but he hates how there's not enough time. "gonna put it in two." you say. "but number two and number three are just so close, jamie, i'm not sure."
"that's okay, we're totally doing this every night, you can change that." he whispers against your ear playfully.
"oh, wait." you say. 'forehead kiss' comes next. it's definitely your favorite, james takes an extra second to keep his lips on your skin. "that's number one."
"you're so predictable, sweetheart."
"it's kind of your fault."
you put 'cheek kiss' on number five. it could be number four but you feel a bit distracted by james's lips, you have no strategy left.
"what's number seven, then?" james asks.
'french kiss' comes and you laugh so hard, you drop the phone. "yes!" james says, he laughs with you and change your positions on bed. "we're gonna have to do it, you know."
"yeah? for the game?"
"mm-hmm." he agrees. you lay under him now. "for the game."
the kiss is nice because james stops teasing and kisses you with all his heart. you cup his cheek, pull him closer on top of you. your breathing slows down when your tongues meet, james sucks on your bottom lips deliciously. when you're apart you can't get your thoughts straight.
"that's definitely not number seven." you whisper.
"if only i had this much time to do all the others-" james starts, kisses you again. you spend the next minutes kissing with your eyes closed and bodies entwined. your phone is long forgotten when james takes off your shirt.
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aurora-starwars · 2 years
An angst request coming up. Reader is Jake and Neytiri's oldest daughter but is barley acknowledged. Jake is to busy teaching Neteyam and Lo'ak and Neytiri is to busy with Kiri and Tuk. They treat her more as a distant relative than anything, but she does everything they tell her to do because she believes that will make them see her. When they come to the Metkayina clan she becomes more of an outcast and keep to herself. She gets teased and harassed by Ao'nung and his gang, the same way they did to Kiri, but no one comes to her rescue. They notice that her family doesn't help her and starts to be nice and inviting her with them. The this whole scene where her siblings finds out and feels betrayed by her.
Betrayal Is The Only Truth That Sticks
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Pairing: Sully Family x fem!reader
Summary: Sully family ignores reader for most her life, until her life starts to get better in the Metkayina clan as they take her under their wing
Word Count: 4.3k
Warnings: Cussing, angst, name calling, they are mean to reader?
A/n: Y’all this is a long one, took a lot of time so let me know what you think! Thank you for requesting! I hope you enjoy! <33333
Part 2: Betrayal Is An Inherent Part Of Love
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[Name] took a deep breath, she was leaving her home. Her home, the forest, all she had ever known retreating behind her as she joined her family in the sky. She knew why they were leaving, she did, but that did not stop the stinging in her chest at the thought of leaving. Now that they were in the sky, it all became so real. The crisp air was a sharp reminder of the life she was leaving behind.
Blinking back tears, she was brought back to the time she spent in the forest as a kid. Her younger brother–Neteyam, only younger by a year–chasing her and Kiri as they struggled to run away. She almost smiled to herself, things were easier back then. There were few memories she had as a kid that lacked the heart wrenching feeling she had become accustomed to.
She hardly remembers it but she knew when Kiri and Neteyam were born, her parents were elated. Another child to share their love with, how exciting. Thats what [Name] thought as well, until they started to take up all of their time. That makes sense though, they were babies after all. But none of that seemed to change as time went on. Even as Neteyam and [Name] were being taught to hunt, Neteyam seemed to be favoured. Long hunts where [Name] would catch three fish and Neteyam one, were often ‘teaching moments’ for Jake and Neytiri.
They knew that Neteyam had do be hunter if he was to be the future Olo'eyktan, so they took special care in teaching him. Kiri, almost from the moment she opened her eyes, had an connection with Eywa. The girl was already a miracle, coming out of the body of Dr. Grace Augustine. But when all of the Ikrans around them started to protect her tiny baby body out of the blue one day when she was crying, they knew that she must be trained to be the next Tsahik.
All of this [Name] could forgive and forget, and she almost did, until Lo’ak was born. [Name] had an understanding that Kiri and Neteyam would always have most of their parents attention, so when Lo’ak was born, she was more than ready to give him the attention she didn’t get. But Lo’ak almost seemed to get more attention than the other three, even when he was no longer a baby. Lo’ak was always trying to “live up to his brother”, although his brother never kept him from the attention from his loved ones. When [Name] finally realized that Lo’ak was getting more attention despite ‘being the outcast’, that’s when that all too familiar feeling set in, she was never going to be the centre of attention.
[Name] was in no way bad at anything, not in the slightest. She had no problems picking up all of the things she was taught as a hunter. No, the problem came when she wasn’t the best at anything she did. Despite being taught the same things as Neteyam and Lo’ak, she never seemed to be anything other than average. She made most of her targets with almost exact accuracy, but, unlike her brothers, she wasn’t as fast or as precise. Her lack of struggle or brilliance with any of the skills she had meant a lack of praise or extra practice time with her parents, and thus less attention.
One might think that [Name] had jealousy for her sibling success, Kiri training to be the next Tsahik, despite that being [Name]’s natural role as the oldest daughter or even Neteyam’s future mate’s; and Lo’ak and Neteyam becoming better and better warriors with the help of their parents. But [Name] never was jealous, she could only find pride in herself when she watched her siblings succeed. She only wished to have a sliver of the attention.
So, [Name] became silent, never making a fuss as she was left to fade into the background of her family’s lives. While her sibling were off training with their parents, [Name] was left to practice her skills on her own. [Name] remembers getting better at making flower crowns, beading, using a bow and increasing her strength. But none of that ever mattered. Even when [Name] decided to make her family flower crowns, she couldn’t have been older than eight, they hardly bothered to thank her. Instead favouring the hammock, where they all snuggled close. [Name] tried every time to be in the middle, but no matter how hard she tried, she was always at the edge.
Things only seemed to look up when Tuk was born. Everyone was overjoyed when it was announced that Neytiri had given birth to another health baby girl. Tuk was unbelievably loving from the start, loving all of her siblings equally. [Name] was just happy that she could share her love with her bright-eyed sister. When Tuk was young, [Name] would often take Tuk into the forest to teach her how to make flower crowns. One day, they had come back with enough for the whole family. Everyone was delighted, praising Tuk for her work, even after Tuk told everyone that [Name] had taught her. Although it stung a little, she was happy for Tuk and was proud at her skills in flower weaving.
But as all good thing do, the time of Tuk and [Name]’s hanging out had seemed to come to an end. Kiri and Lo’ak were spending more and more time out in the forest with Spider and Tuk had decided that she didn’t want to miss it. [Name] couldn’t blame her, she never wanted to miss spending time with her family either. Once again, [Name] was left to train and explore on her own.
[Name] let out a sigh, it had only been a hour and she was already tired of flying. The air only grew cooler as they began flying above the great expanse of water that was the ocean of Pandora. Taking in a deep breath, [Name] tried to shake the thoughts of her childhood out of her head as they only exhausted her. As [Name] exhaled, her Ikran exhaled as well and she was reminded of the time [Name] and her brothers attacked the sky people’s train.
It had been a few weeks of coordinated attacks on the sky people’s supply shipments and Jake had allowed [Name], Lo’ak, and Neteyam to scout for them again. Jake was always worried about his children in an active war zone, but Jake knew that the only way to improve was experience. So scout they did. They were doing well, informing everyone of approaching ships and making sure everyone was safe, until Lo’ak decided he wanted more action.
Neteyam went after him, [Name] following close behind, both hoping to ensure their younger brother’s safety. Once they had landed, [Name] had found Lo’ak with a gun and Neteyam reminding him that their dad was going to kill them. [Name] tried to warn them of the incoming ship, grabbing Neteyam’s arm, pulling him just barely out of the way when a ship crashed. That didn’t shield them from the knock back though, the crash sending them sprawled on the ground. [Name] had guess her dad had seen them when he came running in to save them.
[Name] had watched as he checked Lo’ak’s body for injuries before yelling Neteyam’s name and searching for them. Once he had found him, throwing him on his back, Jake Sully made his way to his Ikran. She could hear Lo’ak’s voice alerting his dad that [Name] was by the crash as well, but it all became blurry as her ears began to ring and tears started to swell in her eyes. [Name] was already stumbling back to her Ikran when her father finally caught sight of her.
Apparently, Jake hadn’t seen her and thought she was still in the air, as she learned once they had gotten back, but that did nothing to undo the hurt that struck into [Name]’s heart.
Only a few days later did Spider, Lo’ak, Kiri, and Tuk go off into the forest again, this time with [Name]. Tuk had successfully convinced [Name] to come along although [Name] was wary. As they had jumped from branch to branch, wandering deeper into the beautiful rainforest, [Name] finally gave herself a moment to breathe. Tuk often got distracted by the wildlife, and [Name] couldn’t blame her, so she stuck by her when she got side tracked, following after her when Lo’ak would yell for them to catch up. It was times like these, when she would hang out with her family that she felt like an outsider. Sure, she knew and loved her family like no other, but she never really felt a part of the family, always left out of the conversation.
Looking back at it, [Name] could hardly remember the events that led up to her siblings, Spider, and her being held by their queues by dream walkers. It all seemed to go by so fast, similar to the pace of her heart. Then all of a sudden, she heard her mother’s calls and looking around she could tell that the others had heard them as well. It rest was a blur, a flurry of flashing lights from the guns, and bodies moving quickly. [Name] was held still, her attempts at biting the avatar holding her, futile. Only when Neteyam run out from behind a tree and shot the avatar behind her, was she free. She had ran to push Neteyam out of the way of gun shots when she was met with her father. They eventually made it out, but not without losing Spider.
[Name] understood Spider, and even as she sat atop her Ikran on their way to a new life, she had understood how he had felt as an outsider in the family. Spider may not have been a Sully, but he sure did get a lot more attention from them than [Name] did. The poor kid was now stuck with the sky people, who were doing Eywa knows what to him. [Name] could remember Kiri’s face when she found that Spider was taken. It hurt [Name] to see her sister so broken.
The entire ride had been silent, nobody spoke while they flew, a side from a few questions of how much longer from Tuk. [Name] had been so stuck in her thoughts that she hardly realized when the waters below them started to lighten. The waters of the ocean clans were beautiful, so full and bright. As they approached, Na’vi people of the ocean could be seen swimming in the reef, and tending to animals. [Name] took another deep breath, this time she was pleasantly surprised to find the air much warmer and less sharp. For the first time since learning they were leaving the forest, [Name] started to feel hopeful of their new life. Maybe here she could be happy.
The Ikrans started to slow as they descended, leaving [Name] to mentally prepare herself. When they landed, it became quickly apparent to the Sully family just how many people were surrounding them. [Name] tried to follow in her father’s footsteps, holding up her hands as if to show she was no harm. It was only after a tense conversation, that the Metkayina people decide that the leaders two children would teach the Sully kids.
It seemed from there that things started to look up for [Name]. It was scary at first, but after her and her siblings jumped in the water for the first time, it all seemed to come into focus for [Name]. The water was glowing and quiet, providing [Name] solace while she thought, something she thought she would never get. Under the water was calm and safe, somewhere that [Name] felt instantly at home in. Home had seemed to be a foreign concept to [Name] in the recent years, so she welcomed the strange but lovely feeling.
Over the next few weeks, [Name] improved her swimming and breathing tremendously. Despite almost being separated from the learning group her family was in, [Name]’s skill only increase. She heard what the Metkayina kids would say and watched how they would move, hoping to use this information to better her own skills. All of these worked and many of the Metkayina kids noticed this. An outsider learning their ways at the speed she did? That was something to speak about.
[Name]’s improvement of skill and thus overall attitude went unnoticed by the Sully family, although this time she did not have a reason why. The best answer she could come up with was that they were busy. But what were they busy with? Neteyam was no longer training to be the future Olo'eyktan nor Kiri as the Tsahik, so why were all of their attention still away from their oldest daughter and sibling? The sheer truth of the matter always seemed to bring tears to [Name] whenever the thought came to her mind.
So she stayed in the background, trying to throw herself into the ways of the Metkayina. And while she seemed to do much better than her siblings, it didn’t help her gain any attention. The only thing that staying in the background did was shield [Name] from most of Ao’nung’s teasing. That didn’t stop [Name] from seeing the teasing that Ao’nung berated her siblings with.
It was one sunny day on the shore of the Metkayina clan, Kiri was watching a place in the sand and [Name] stood not far from her by a tree. [Name] had been mildly worried about Kiri for the past few days, and how she had been treated by the kids of the ocean tribe. So, [Name] choose to stick by her that day, while Kiri laid alone on the beach. And it was a good thing she did because it wasn’t long when Ao’nung and his friends decided to pay her a visit. They had made their way over to her, laughing and calling her a freak. Kiri, being the sweet heart she is, didn’t understand what was happening at first, but quickly understood when they continued to call her names.
[Name] walked away from the tree she was leaning on, shouting at the boys to stop teasing her and leave her alone. Lo’ak joined her, not willing to let anyone pick on his sister. Lo’ak was about to fight them when Neteyam showed up with his future clan leader ways. [Name] almost rolled her eyes at his mediating, but ended up smiling when he seemed to resolve the conflict. She was always proud of Neteyam for his charm. But then of course Lo’ak wasn’t ready to let go and he turned around to punch Ao’nung after cleverly tricking him. One thing lead to another and Neteyam and Lo’ak were fighting the whole group as Kiri and [Name] fought to keep down their laughs.
It was only two days later that [Name] sat at that very same beach, enjoying the waves crash against the shore. The last few days, she had been hard at work, doing everything she could to be faster, hold her breath longer; be better. That’s all she had ever wanted. This day, [Name] decided she was going to take a break while the others did as well. [Name] let her self-take a deep breath, enjoying the air while it was in her lungs. She closed her eyes, enjoying the sun when all of a sudden her vision becomes dark as if a shadow had blocked her from the sun. Furrowing her eyebrows, she opened her eyes to find that Ao’nung and his friends surrounding her.
[Name] could only scuff, she could only imagine what they wanted with her. Standing up and beginning to walk away is when they began their teasing.
“She has demon blood.”
“Not even real Na’vi.”
[Name] could only shake her head, it didn’t really matter, she just wanted to leave. But they blocked her exit, surrounding her completely.
“Where are your brothers? What they no here to save you?”
“They probably don’t even care about you, freak!”
[Name] only looked at the floor blankly. A few minutes went by and [Name] could tell that the group was waiting for something to happen or someone to pop out of nowhere and stop them. But when that never came, the smirks on their face seemed to drop like flys.
“You are probably right, they don’t really care about me,” [Name] spoke evenly. She knew this to be true, as much as she didn’t want to think about it. It had always been true.
The boys looked around at each other, still hoping that one of her brothers would walk out of nowhere and yell at them for messing with their sister. But as [Name] expected, still no one came.
Ao’nung shook his head incredulously, “That cannot be true, they tried to beat us up for Kiri.”
“And I bet they would do it again, but I am not Kiri,” [Name] sighed, her previously tense shoulders deflated in defeat.
“Why are they not here than?”
“Well, I have never really had the same amount of respect my siblings have had. Even being the oldest never seemed to reward me with much attention.”
“You are the oldest? Why were you not taught the ways of the Tsahik?”
“Oh you heard about that did you? I am still not sure. Kiri was always the best choice, but as the oldest, I still think I should have been taught as well.” [Name] looked down at the sand once again, she did not like to have such thoughts.
Another boy piped in, “You are always separate from them, why is that?”
[Name] sighed, her struggles with family were not easy to explain, especially not in front of a group of strangers known for teasing.
“I’ve always tried to be close with my family, but whether they know it or not, they seem to always push me away.”
All of the boys shook their heads, seemingly ashamed of this behaviour as if they could never.
“How long has that been going on?” Ao’nung asked, leaning forward as if he needed to know the answer.
“Pretty much since Neteyam and Kiri were born,” [Name] exhaled, biting her tongue. “Not that it really matters, I love my family so much it doesn’t even matter.”
All of the boys looked at each other once again, except this time a silent understanding passed between them and they nodded in unison.
Ao’nung began to speak again, this time he had no hint of teasing in his voice.
“We did not wish to tease you or make fun of you, we just wanted to get back at your brothers for roughing us up.”
“Yeah,” Another boy began. “We just wanted to get on their nerves, you were just collateral.”
“In all honesty, many of the Metkayina kids have noticed how hard you have been working to learn more and how amazing you are in the water,” Ao’nung explained in earnest.
Whoops of agreement sounded from around [Name], and the girl found herself smiling at the support.
“Wow… I didn’t know anyone noticed…” [Name] muttered.
“How could we not? A forest girl swimming better than many of our own? Thats unheard of!” Ao’nung beamed at the oldest Sully girl and [Name] bit her lip to stop her from giggling.
“That is the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me, thank you so much.” [Name] smiled at the group with the most genuine smile she has had in a long time.
“While we are here,” One of the boys behind her started. “My sister has always wanted to meet you, I would love to introduce you to her.”
“Yeah my sister would love you!”
Many of the boys offered to introduce [Name] to members of their family that would love her. The thought had almost sent [Name] to tears as she beamed at the boys around her.
“You should hang out with us, you know, join our group," Ao’nung suggested, looking around for conformation.
“I don’t know, I wouldn’t want to intrude,” [Name] smiled sadly.
“Do you all want to be friends with [Name]?” Ao’nung asked loudly, looking around at the boys again.
When all they heard were whoops of approval, [Name]’s face was bright and her eyes glassy.
“You have no idea what this means to me, thank you guys so much.”
“Don’t sweat it, you are one of us now.”
And one of them she was. From that day on, [Name] was with Ao’nung and his friends all day every day. It was only a few days until the boys introduced [Name] to their sisters and other friends. And they loved her, playing games with her, challenge her to races, hunt beside her, and laughing with her. [Name] had been having the best time of her life. She would wake up early and go to bed late in order to make the most of her time.
She started to get close with the girls of the clan, being invited to braiding circles and gossip sessions. [Name] was finally getting the attention she never had, and she loved it. Although at times she would miss her family, having hardly any time spent with them, she knew that they didn’t notice her absence. Every time a thought of her family crossed her mind, one of the girls would help her remove it from mind. They had her back, and she sure as hell had theirs.
[Name] even bonded with a Tulkun, effectively reenforcing that she was Metkayina in all who knew her’s minds. Everyday became one of hope and happiness for [Name] and she could hardly remember he life in the forest. As much as she loved the forest, a place that she would always regard as home, she felt more at home with the Metkayina then anywhere else.
Apparently one Sully had taken notice of the absence of the oldest Sully sister, and Tuk was upset that nobody else noticed. The brushed her off at first, telling Tuk that [Name] was just doing her own thing as she did. But after a few months, Tuks nagging became more and more rational, leaving the family to think, where was [Name]?
[Name] was sat on the beach one day just before eclipse hanging out with Ao’nung when Lo’ak, Neteyam, and Kiri cornered them.
“Where have you been?” Lo’ak inquired, his fists tight and voice strained.
“Here,” Ao’nung laughed, watching as a slight smile grew on [Name]’s face.
“You know what we mean, where have you been the last few months, [Name]?” Neteyam stared at his older sister’s face as if searching for an answer.
“I didn’t think you would notice…” [Name] muttered to herself.
“What?” Kiri asked sadly.
“I have been with the Metkayina, with my friends,” [Name] put simply.
“But we are your friends [Name]! We are your family!” Lo’ak exclaimed.
The calm that once sat on [Name]’s face drained at Lo’ak’s words. Ao’nung chuckled breathlessly at Lo’ak, what was he saying.
“Some family you are. You just left her to be on her own and didn’t even notice when she was absent!” Ao’nung was furious at this point, having seen everything.
“What, that is not fair! We having been learning! We were busy learning your ways,” Neteyam explained.
“[Name] has been doing just fine, and she hadn’t ignored you at all until we stepped in.” Ao’nung stated.
“Step in my ass, she was probably bullied into being friends by you! No way she would choose you and your friends over us,” Lo’ak argued.
“Is that true, Lo’ak? Do you really think that I would chose people that have never chosen me over over them? I was not bullied, Lo’ak, I chose them,” [Name] explained, finally having enough.
“While you all were out doing whatever you were, I was left alone, never being allowed a spot in the family. Lo’ak, you always say you are the outcast, but you have no idea.” [Name] hardly understood what she was saying, all of the pent up feelings buried deep seeming to explode.
“You should have told us! We would have helped you!” Kiri spoke, trying to reason.
“No, Kiri! I couldn’t have! I was alone, left to fend for myself. You all were alway to busy and at the end of the day it didn’t ever matter what I did, it was never enough!” Tears were streaming down [Name]’s face at this point.
[Name] took several deep breaths as the Sully siblings reflected on their lives.
“Can you all just let me enjoy this?” [Name]’s voice was much softer now, more vulnerable. “I was happy, can’t you just let me be happy?”
[Name]’s words broke them, tears starting to swell in their eyes. Ao’nung wrapped his arm around [Name], whispering comforting words in her ear. Then from behind them, a whole group of Metkayina kids walk out from behind a rock and surround [Name] and Ao’nung.
“We really don’t appreciate how you have been treating our sister.”
“Yeah, you are kinda shit siblings, how can you forget your sister?”
“Don’t you know how kind she is?”
“Can’t you see how skilled she has become?”
“Why don’t you see her love for you guys despite how you have always treated her?”
Their words were like knifes in their hearts, far worse than Ao’nung had ever said to them. And as they started to retreat back to the village, all they could think about was how it all went wrong. How much had they witnessed and still missed. Looking back, not many of their memories included their older sister. As they approached their marui, their thoughts went to Tuk, who has loved [Name] the most. How was she going to respond? How was their mother or father? The day [Name] left them would always leave a scar in their hearts, how could she betray them?
Or really, how could they betray her?
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A/n: Thank you for reading! Please let me know what you think! Hope you enjoyed, because I sold my soul to the devil for you <333333
Part 2: Betrayal Is An Inherent Part Of Love
Tag list: @nyotamalfoy @lwesodra
7K notes · View notes
soft4gguk · 1 month
to build a home | chapter fifteen
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Pairing: Jungkook x reader. ceo!jk + dilf!jk x nanny!oc
Genre: strangers to lovers. angst. fluff. smut.
Word count: 12.2k
Warnings: oof. let me keep it brief so i don’t spoil too much! it’s angsty. a looooong walk down memory lane. reminiscing. its kinda sad. but lucy’s holds oc through it all! bathroom quickie lol. unprotected sex (do better ok). a lil choking. a lil spanking. jk being an ass man!!!!! team mingyus u get to see ur boy!!! big gasp towards the end. 
Author’s note:  oh, boy! what have i DONE? lol. i’m not gonna say much. only that i love y’all with all my heart and i truly cannot wait to book club the fuck out of this chappie. sending x’s & o’s your way, always!!!!! <33333
This is a work of fiction. Please respect the members and their privacy. x
Chapter Fifteen
In the forty minutes you sleep, you manage to dream. It’s soft, tender and blue. It’s the ocean and Jungkook’s face, the sand on your toes, on your hands, falling from your fingers and getting caught in the wind, some landing on your face. He calls your name, beckoning you over, smile inviting as he walks backwards into the vastness of the sea. You smile, on your feet in no time before you’re running towards him, feet splashing salty water all over as you join him. You’re in his arms the second you’re close enough to him, legs wrapped around his waist as he lets his body fall into the water, deep, blue, your body never letting go of his. 
Your eyes open gently, head on his chest in the same position you’d fallen asleep in. Soori’s babbles coming from the baby monitor sound muffled as you incorporate yourself back into consciousness. Jungkook’s body is warm against the palm of your hand, breath steady as his chest rises and falls. You look up at him, not ready to leave his side, not ready to do what your brain demands of you the moment you start slipping into wakefulness. You close your eyes, snuggle your head in his chest once more, arm wrapping around him as you pull him closer to you ever so gently. He reciprocates your actions in his sleep, arm wrapping tighter around you as his head sinks further into the pillows. Soori’s not crying, you could probably stay like this for twenty more minutes, wrapped in his arms, closing your eyes and letting your mind and body be consumed with him so you don’t have to think. To really think. 
But you know it’s no use. You know that it’s over, whether you grant yourself the thirty minutes or not. It makes your heart ache, too weak to feel anger anymore. Too weak to even protest and try to put up a fight. You feel tears well up in the corner of yours eyes, and if you let them fall now, they won’t be able to stop. You pull away from him, your movements gentle as to not wake him up. You feel the bed move, making you stop in your tracks and glancing back to make sure he’s not awake. He simply lays on his side, snuggling himself into a pillow, his breathing letting you know that he’s still in deep sleep. You let yourself look at him, taking in his face, his body. He’s so beautiful it hurts. He’s so beautiful your heart begins to regain its strength some, becoming aware of him, swimming through the mud, about to beg you to keep going. But your brain is faster as you close your eyes, turning around and heading for the door. God, it hurts. It hurts to wake up, it hurts to walk. It hurts to feel him all over your body, the traces of the night you just shared still taking over your senses. His smell, his touch, the exhaustion that takes over you that borders as sweet because your body remains in that fucked out bliss only he knows how to put you in. 
The most reasonable part of you begs you to be strong. 
The most tender part of you begs you to turn back around.
You leave his room. 
You’re basically on your tiptoes, closing the door behind you gently, abstaining from making any noise. You think you manage pretty well, chanting victory a little too soon as you turn around and pretty much jump in place, hand coming to your mouth as you let out a yelp at the sight of Lucy standing in the hallway. 
“Good morning,” she says, jutting her hip out and tapping her feet on the ground as she crosses her arms in front of her body. 
“You scared the living shit out of me,” you whisper yell at her. 
“Of course I did, because you just got caught.”
You sigh, admitting defeat. “Come get Soori with me. She’s awake.”
“Will you explain?”
“Okay,” she says, opening the door to your room. “Put some pants on first. And panties.”
“Shit,” you say, looking back at Jungkook’s room. 
“No use now. He’s got himself a souvenir.”
“Don’t be witty right now,” you tell her, rummaging through your bags to find a pair of pants. And panties. 
“___, you were bawling your eyes out last night. I was literally scared you’d put yourself through dehydration or something. So imagine my surprise when Jimin wakes me up in the middle of the night to tell me that it sounded like someone was doing construction work inside of Jungkook’s room.” 
You bring your hand to your mouth, eyes widening in surprise at her words. “Oh my God.”
“Relax. He went to get a glass of water, we couldn’t hear anything. I’m sure nobody did.”
“Thank God,” you sigh.
“That is not the point. What is going on, ___?”
“It’s a long story,” she’s about to protest, “I’ll tell you over breakfast. Let’s get Soori first, though.”
She lets out a sigh of relief. “Let’s.”
And so you begin the recount of events. 
As you get Soori out of bed, you begin to tell her about that night, omitting any explicit details, of course. You tell her how you told him you loved him, tell her about his silence, about the way you dismissed your words in fear he wouldn’t reciprocate them. She passes you one of Soori’s sundresses, a cute black and white polka dotted one. 
“And what happened then?” She asks, rummaging through the suitcase Jungkook had packed for her and looking for a bow to match. 
“He didn’t say it back.”
“Oh,” she says, face falling even though she knew that much would be true. 
“Yeah. I guess at first I was just trying for it not to… hurt as much as it did. Sunday was nice, we spent the whole day by the pool with Soo. I don’t know. It almost made me feel like I could live with it, you know? With the fact that he hadn’t said it back.”
“Yeah, I get you. We like to tell ourselves lies to keep our feelings at bay. It’s a woman thing.”
The three of you sit on the floor, Soori in the middle as you brush her hair and get to work on her little pigtails whilst Lucy plays with her, helping her stack her pink wooden cubes on top of one another. You tell her about your rollercoaster of emotions, going through a failed attempt at suppressing your feelings, then the feminine rage all the way to the sadness plummeting so hard through you it made you restless. 
“I should’ve known. Nobody sings Good Luck, Babe by Chappell Roan like that for no reason.”
You laugh, albeit weakly. “Don’t feel bad. I knew that the moment I told you, it’d be real.” 
“No, I get that. But I just can’t believe that you went through all of this by yourself. I wish I could’ve… been there.”
You put a hand on top of hers, Soori following in your steps as she puts her chubby hand on top of yours, making the both of you laugh. Lucy looks at Soori, then back at you, concern lacing her features as she asks,
“Then what happened?”
You make your way down the stairs, Soori on your hip as she babbles sweet nothings to her giraffe and Lucy follows suit. You tell her about the book you’d found in Jungkook’s living room, the one filled with pictures of him and Ira. 
“God, they were really in love, weren’t they?”
“Yeah. Seems like it.”
“What on Earth happened?” Lucy asks, making her way into the kitchen, reaching down to pick Soori’s giraffe up that she’d dropped, smiling at her as she places it back in her hands. 
“That’s the thing, I don’t know. I have no clue about what could’ve possibly driven her to…,” you halt your words, not wanting to finish the sentence in front of Soori, as oblivious as she was right now as you sat her down on her high chair. 
“Jimin has said things to me,” she starts, her words a bit weak. “I mean, nothing much. Or too specific. But he told me Jungkook tried. He told me he really tried. He was a good partner to her… just like he’s a good dad to Soori.”
“You know, it’s funny. I never once for a second thought he wasn’t.”
“I did. I mean- you know him better than I do. And it all sounded so complex to me I thought that maybe he’d driven her away. But Jimin- he talks about Ira with so much spite. Almost hatred. And they used to be close. I mean, she’s in a picture frame at his parents’ house, for God’s sake! He made them remove it, of course, but-” you take her words in, looking into her eyes. “I don’t know. He tried and she left. That’s all I’ve gathered from what he’s said.”
“Yeah. I guess the picture book really made me realize that… they’d loved each other. Very much.”
“What happened then?”
You look at her, a bit of shame lacing your features. You look at the kitchen counter, remembering that night. 
“Well,” you start and your tone of voice gives you away. 
“Oh, brother.”
You tell her about that night, in code, of course. Tell her about how it’d been a weak moment for you, how the little altercation you’d had before had set the mood for the tension to be released in one way or the other. And well, you were only human. A bit weak at times. You also tell her how it made you feel even sadder, though. How having him physically but not emotionally was really beginning to take a toll on you the more you pondered on your situation. You both get started with breakfast, cutting Soori’s fruit and putting some on her high chair before you get to frying eggs, mashing avocados, toasting bread, making coffee. You tell her about your sad girl hours, well into the night. 
“I’ve stalked all of Jimin’s exes on Instagram. It was pure torture. I can’t imagine having so much access to her on Google. I think it would send me spiraling,” she says, passing you the spatula. 
“Oh, it did. The worst part is that I couldn’t hate her. I mean, there she was, on my phone screen, looking perfect with her sweet, low voice, saying all the right things. How can I hate her?” You flip your egg.
“I’ve heard a lot of those things are fabricated, though.”
“I don’t know, Lu. The way Mai and Taehyung talk about her in that book… it was all adding up.”
She sighs, taking a sip of her latte, passing a tiny square of avocado toast to Soori that she’d cut up. She takes it, smiling at her, making her swoon. She gets your attachment to her now. She’s so sweet. 
You decide to take breakfast to the garden, the morning serene before you, sky settling into darker shades of Blue. The waves of the ocean can be heard from where you stand and the air feels fresh, clean. You tell her about Jungkook closing his deal, about the night you’d called her in a desperate bout, asking her what to wear. You tell her about Lily. She understands, doesn’t judge when you tell her how jealous you’d felt, how it’d made your blood boil as she threw innuendos at him. 
“Oh, I would’ve-,” she looks over at Soori, who blows a raspberry before shoving a piece of egg right into her mouth. “She would’ve heard a number from me, certainly.”
“What can I say, though? Yeah, Lily. Don’t flirt with my- my boss! Who I have romantic feelings for because he talks to me so very sweetly and he,” you look down at Soori. “He is really good at… frolicking me.”
She lets out a loud laugh, hand covering her mouth as she’s mid bite. “Fair enough. Ugh!”
You laugh a little, too. Your heart finding respite in your best friend. “I know. So annoying.”
“I mean, he is quite handsome, ___.”
“Yeah. I never wanted to get a paper bag over his head more.”
She chuckles at your words, shaking her head before she’s sighing for what feels like the millionth time today. “Then what happened?”
You look up at her, bringing your iced coffee to your lips and taking a sip. 
“We frolicked.”
“___! What is it with this vicious cycle you’re in?”
“I don’t know! It just keeps happening! In my defense, he just… frolicked me with his-,” you point at your tongue. “That’s all we did.”
“That is not the feminist act you think it is.”
You chuckle. “Trust me, I know.”
“But then again, I can’t blame you.”
“You should.”
“I would never.”
You smile at her. It’s almost funny, the way your chest feels a little lighter, the way you can laugh through it all, even as you walk down memory lane on some of the saddest days of your life. Lucy was magic. 
“I was emotionally hungover the next day. All I could think about was how I was standing under Ira’s shadow. How maybe… I don’t know, he’d never be able to love me the way he loved her.”
“I get that. I mean, those are some big shoes to fill. And it has nothing to do with you. It’s more so all the years they spent together, everything they went through, you know,” she nods in Soori’s direction, “the whole ass child they had together.”
“Yeah,” you sigh. 
“So… what exactly happened yesterday? You were in pretty bad shape.”
You tell her about Mingyu. About what Jungkook said to you. She flinches, eyes squinting as she viscerally reacts to his low blow. 
“Yeah. Ouch.”
“So much to unpack here.”
“Good luck trying.”
“I mean, he was jealous. Dare I say, he is jealous. And I mean, I can almost understand him. Not saying you did anything wrong, but he did walk inside his kitchen and there you were, drinking peppermint tea with his friend, wearing his navy blue Ralph Lauren sweater!”
“It was bad judgment on my part, I can admit. But also, I didn’t mean for it to mean anything. I was just… cold. And dumb.”
“You are not dumb. He’s dumb! Because if he would’ve been aware of you, if he got his head of out his ass then he would’ve been the one drinking peppermint tea with you and you would’ve been wearing his navy blue Ralph Lauren sweater. I bet you they have the same one.”
Her words make you laugh. “His words sure did sting, though.”
“Duh, no wonder. He was a bit brutal.”
“Like, does he really think I would do something like that?”
“And what if you did? I mean, ethically speaking, flirting with your boss’ friend is wrong. But, flirting with… a guy. At a BBQ? What’s wrong with that!”
“He’s his friend, Lucy.”
“And that’s what he gets for not making it exclusive and going back and forth with his little boy feelings! Playing with yours in the process!”
“It’s more complicated than that,” you defend.
“___,” she huffs, taking your hand in hers and looking into your eyes. “You are in a situationship.”
“Oh, God,” you gasp.
“With a grown ass man. A twenty eight year old male Paris Hilton.” You store that remark for when you need a laugh in the future, right now you’re too busy digesting her words. “Who also happens to be your boss. The person that puts food in your plate.”
“I know!”
“Christ, even!”
“Fuck.” you whisper.
“I take it you guys didn’t really talk about what happened last night, you just got to… frolicking?”
“Yeah.” You lower your head in shame. “I just- I told myself that it was going to be the last time. That I’d confront him today- well, confront is a big word. I don’t want to fight. I don’t want to make this any harder than it already is. Plus, I have to think about Soori. I can’t leave her. We’re just gonna have to learn how to be civil about all of this.”
“So you’re breaking up with him?” She sounds surprised. You frown.
“Breaking up is a big word for Elmo. We are not together.”
She decides to store your remark for a future laugh, she’s too busy digesting your words right now. “Just like that?”
“Just like what, Lu? I mean, what else is there? I- I pour my heart out to him. I tell him I love him. I give him all the time in the world for him to say it back. Say anything back! And nothing. He doesn’t love me. And it’s hurting me, Lucy. It’s hurting me so bad. The uncertainty, the hiding, the back and forth. I don’t think I can take it any longer.”
Lucy takes it all in. Sees the pain in your eyes, hears the desperation in your words. She feels it, too. Not just because she’s your best friend, and truly, genuinely believes you guys are connected through celestial magic, but also because she knew the feeling a little too well. The heart ache, the restless feeling that takes over you when love isn’t reciprocated, the anxiety of it all. She knows what it feels like to be so close to giving up. 
“You’re right,” she says. “You’re right, ___. You don’t deserve any of it. You don’t deserve having to sit through the uncertainty, you don’t deserve to be with someone that keeps you a secret. You don’t deserve to feel any of what you’ve felt in these past couple of weeks.” Her saying the words back to you hurt more than you uttering them, and it makes you realize that you were perhaps hoping she’d say the opposite. “It must’ve been horrible – to bare your heart out to him like that and not hearing it back. It must’ve been horrible to have to see him every day. For him to be completely oblivious towards your feelings.” 
“Yeah.” Your words are faint, barely there. 
Matter of fact, Lucy knows what it’s like to give up entirely. To completely submit yourself to what you so strongly believe is fate. She thinks of Jimin, a smile forming at her lips like muscle memory at the mere thought of him. She thinks of how deflated her heart felt the day she met him, how her pillow had been silent witness to her tears just the night before after she’d longingly stared at her computer screen, some love story making her crave what she thought could only be found in movies and fairy tales. She’d given up, yes. She’d sworn off men, had encouraged herself to be a little more realistic. To use her logic when it came to romance. 
Jimin had dismantled all of that with only five words. 
“Hi. I’m Jimin, and you?”
“But I don’t think you’ve tried hard enough.” Her words make you flinch, looking at her with confusion, feeling a little defensive from the get go. “Listen to me. Yes, you did the big, brave thing. You told him you loved him, you sat through the dismissal his words provoked, you cried all the tears and sang along to all the sad songs in the world. You probably watched Pride and Prejudice a couple of times, too.” It frightens you a little, how she knows you so well. “And that’s all valid. And honestly, fuck him for making you feel like that. I hope he steps on a lego, like, every day for the rest of his life. But also,” she pauses for a bit, leaning closer to you. “You didn’t talk to him. You didn’t tell him any of this that you’re telling me. Yes, he’s oblivious, but your silence basically encouraged it. Yes, he’s dense but you didn’t open up to him enough so as to know if it’s coming out of malice. Which, frankly, I don’t believe. As much as he is not on my good graces right now,” she rolls her eyes, “I don’t think he meant to… hurt you.”  
“I know, but-” you don’t know, actually. Your silence proving that much and so she continues.
“That day… when he showed up at our door, I didn’t know what was happening. All I knew was that my best friend was in bed, feeling sad, and wouldn’t tell me why. And then I opened the door, and there he was, looking all… sad. I almost wanted to slam the door on his face because I knew he was the reason, it all made sense to me right then and there. But I couldn’t. I couldn’t because he looked like he knew he’d… lost something. Something he wasn’t quite sure he could get back. He looked scared. And so I let him in.” 
“He did a shitty thing that day.”
“I know. It was very shitty. I truly hope the legos aren’t upside down. But,” she takes a breath, collecting her words for a second. “I guess, ever since that day I’ve been trying to decipher him. To decipher what he feels for you. It’s quite hard since, you know, you guys have to hide from the world or whatever. So I’ve taken to just… observing him. I’ve taken to looking at him when he’s looking at you. You barely notice, and I’m almost glad you don’t. I feel like if you would you’d break the little magic the moment holds. Maybe he’d shy away from the way his eyes get all shiny and he smiles in a way that lets me know he’s not really aware of it. And so a part of me is relieved, because I know that whatever it is, the feeling is pure. I went up to your bedroom yesterday because when I looked at him… he looked just the way he had that day in our front door.”
“Do you think he loves me?” 
Lucy’s heart breaks a little when you ask her, ever so faintly, a question that she doesn’t think she can answer. But nonetheless, she smiles, taking your hand in hers. 
“I don’t know. I don’t know if he loves you, ___. I don’t even know that he knows. Or that he can even become aware of it after all he’s been through. All I know is that you haven’t tried hard enough to figure it out. And it should never take a toll on your heart. It should never break you the way it did. But also, I think the reason why it did is because you had to carry the weight of it alone. I think… I think he would’ve at least been willing to help.”
“I don’t know, Lu…”
“Yeah. You don’t. Nobody knows. That’s the tricky side of it all. The one we run from the most because it means that we have to be even more vulnerable. Because we know we’re risking even worse of a heart break. But, could you live with yourself knowing you didn’t at least try? And I mean, really tried.”
“No.” The words come out of you before you can even think her question through. 
“Then you owe yourself at least that. Not him, not even my sappy, romantic self. You.”
You smile at her, lacing your fingers through hers. “What if I try and I’d been right all along?”
“Then I’ll be here. We’ll sing Chappell Roan together and I’ll make sure to scatter the legos all over his house myself.” Her face grows proud as she says this. 
You laugh. “I love you.”
“I love you.”
Soori shrieks, making you both turn, laughing at her reaction. You walk over to her, taking her in your arms as you kiss her, swaying from side to side. She whines a little bit, voice muffled with the way you squeeze her cheeks with your kisses. 
“You’ll grow up and have the bestest friend ever, too, Soo Soo.”
Lucy looks at the two of you, can feel the way you radiate love. The way your whole face lights up as she brings her little chubby hand to your cheek, shrieking in excitement at your words that she doesn’t even understand, but that are coming from you. In that moment, she knows she’d given you the right advice. She knows it. She sees it.
From where she stands, the future paints itself rosy shades of pink. 
You feel your heart slowly mending itself, regaining its strength as the minutes pass and you bask in the sun, in Lucy’s words of comfort and her wise advice. In Soori’s little antics as the two of you play with her, letting her dip her toes in the water on the shallow end of the pool. You lather her body in sunblock and Lucy laughs at the white patches you intentionally leave on her cheeks. 
“She’s the most sensitive there,” you defend, running the lotion down her arms. 
“Okay, mommy.”
“This is my job, you know? Keeping the baby safe,” you mock defensiveness.
“Oh, please. Get so very real right now, ___.” 
“I am,” you laugh. “Although I will admit I do happen to love keeping the baby safe.”
She takes Soori in her arms, letting her splash about with her feet as she places her between her legs. “It’s okay, Soori. I’m the fun auntie.”
You look at them, a smile on your face as you revel in Soori’s sounds of excitement and Lucy’s tender nature towards her. You love seeing everyone melt for her, give her love and attention. 
“Ah, there you guys are!”
The three of you turn around, a smiling, pyjama-clad Jimin walking towards you. 
“Good morning, babe!” Lucy waves at him, bringing Soori’s little arm up, making her wave, too.
“Hi,” you say, a little shyly, all things considered.
“Good morning, ladies. Good morning, princess Soori.” He kisses Lucy’s lips, then Soori’s forehead. 
“How’d you sleep,” Lucy asks him.
“Good. Would’ve been better if I hadn’t woken up to an empty bed.”
“Sorry! Got hungry. Needed breakfast real bad.”
“You guys had breakfast already?”
“We’re on baby time,” you say, looking down at Soori whose arms are reaching out for Jimin. 
“Come here, baby,” he says, picking her up. 
“Gahhhh, my ovaries!” Lucy’s cries are dramatic as she throws her body back, falling on the grass, making you chuckle and raise your eyebrows at her. 
“Anytime, babe. I keep telling ya,” is all Jimin says, making you widen your eyes in shock. 
“Quit saying that, oh my God,” she whines. 
“Mr Jeon Jungkook has been looking everywhere for you,” he looks at Soori, looking at you next, “and you.”
“Oh, he’s awake?”
“Yup. I heard he had a long night,” he says, a little smirk forming at his lips. Your blush is so evident it actually makes him feel bad. 
“Jimin! Leave her alone,” Lucy says, coming to her feet. 
He laughs, throwing his head back. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”
“I’m gonna…,” you point towards the house, ready to make your exit.
“You may be excused.” Jimin’s words earn him a scowl from his girlfriend, which humors him further. 
When you make your way back inside the house, you see Jungkook as he enters the living room. Eyes swollen, groggy with sleep, running a hand through his hair to try to fix his bedhead. And as much as your heart aches at the sight of him still, you also can’t help but smile, still in the high Lucy’s words had left you in. 
“Hey,” you say, making him look at you. “Good morning.”
“Morning,” he walks towards you, hand reaching for yours, holding it for a second, squeezing before he’s letting go. The act alone is so gentle you think you could cry. “Why didn’t you wake me up?”
You shrug. “Wanted to let you sleep in for a bit.”
“I should’ve let you sleep in.”
You shake your head, smiling at him. “It’s okay. We’ve been having a nice morning. Lucy joined us, we had breakfast outside. They’re by the pool now. I lathered her in sunscreen, don't worry.”
He smiles. “Thank you.”
You look around for a second, finding a door next to the hallway that leads to the kitchen. “What’s in there?”
He follows your line of vision. “A wine cellar.”
“Can we go there? Just for a minute,” you ask, and although your question makes him curious he simply nods, letting you lead the way. 
The door gives way to a spiral staircase, a bit narrow and small. You hold onto the railing, a particular yet pleasant smell invading your senses as you begin to descend. It’s woodsy, a little musky and fruity. It’s a bit chilly, too. 
“You’re really into wine,” you tell him, eyeing the many shelves stacked with bottles of all kind. White, red, pink, a couple of bottles of champagne. 
“Yeah,” he says, looking around, too. “I guess I’ve become my father.”
You laugh. “I like that about you.”
“What? That I’ve become my father?”
“No!” you say and he laughs at your reaction. “That you know a lot about wines.”
“Hm,” he hums, grabbing you by the waist and bringing you closer. “I can teach you if you want.”
“Go on.”
“Okay, so, the temperature in this room remains at a perfect 12 degrees celsius at all times. This prevents the wine from oxidizing,” his words falter a bit as you bring your hands to his hair, fingers massaging his scalp gently as you listen intently. “The cooling system is quite particular because it keeps the humidity in the air at a steady 60%. The temperature the wine is stored in really affects the complexity and balance of the-,” he groans in satisfaction as your fingers hit a particularly sensitive spot. “Wine.” 
“Jungkook,” you look up at him, eyes dreamy and hazy. 
“___,” his voice hold the same nature. 
“Can you kiss me? Can,” you sigh, “can we kiss, a little, right now?”
“Yeah, baby. We can kiss a little right now.”
Your eyes lock on his, blinking slowly as you take in the way he takes you in. His eyes are shiny, and they smile before his lips do. You close your eyes, falling into him a bit before he’s catching you with his lips on yours. His hand comes up to your cheek, fingers snaking through your locks of hair as he brings you closer, sighing against your mouth. Your arms wrap around his waist, hands coming up inside his shirt, his skin warm at your touch. His teeth close around your bottom lip and you give him full access to your mouth, tongue meeting his, but it’s ever so slow. Tender, almost. 
It sort of dawns on him right then and there, something he’d been missing from you, making him realize that this is the most he’s gotten of you in a while. And he doesn’t mean your body, or your touch, or a kiss. No. He means the way you fall into him, the way you look at him, the way you ask him for affection in that way that he loves, so supple and pliant, almost shy. The way you hug him to you feels different, only there’s nothing different about it, it’s just been a long time. Jungkook can’t make much of it, mind too wrapped around your lips, just like his mouth, but it doesn’t miss him, how much he’s missed you and how suddenly the realization hits. 
“You want breakfast?” you part your lips from his and he pouts with his eyes still closed.
“I was in the middle of it.”
You laugh, shoving him playfully. “We can’t hide in the wine cellar forever.”
“All I need is, like,” he presses his hips against yours, “twenty minutes.”
You gasp. “Jungkook!”
“I just woke up! You took advantage of my vulnerable state.”
You roll your eyes. “I just wanted to kiss you a little.”
“Fine,” he huffs, mocking annoyance, the frown between his eyebrows falling when you put your lips on his one last time. 
Perhaps you’re playing with fire. Perhaps you’re stalling, buying yourself time before you have to put your plan in action, before you have to do the real hard work, thread the words needed to do it all. The courage, too. Perhaps you’re savoring the moment just in case this is your last. You try not to think about it too much, staying in the bliss you just put yourself in. You decide you’ll tell him once you’re both back from the beach. On tuesday, when he comes home from work. You’ll have time to craft a sensible plan, find the right words, benefit from Lucy’s sound advice a little longer. 
Yes. Tuesday it is. 
“What are the plans for today?” you ask as you make your way up the stairs.
“Pool party, burgers and, me personally, winning every game of Badminton.”
You laugh, nodding your head slowly. “I’ll be rooting for you.”
“Aw,” he coos. “My little cheerleader.”
“I can hear your thoughts, Jeon.”
“I can see you in a mini skirt, ___.” 
“Hey, I might. Just for you,” you say, looking back at him as you make your way to the kitchen. 
“Ah, you spoil me.”
You turn around, pointing a finger at him. “That’s true actually.”
“That’s true actually,” he mimics your voice when he says this, making you shove him playfully and open your mouth in shock. 
“Dada!” Soori’s sweet voice makes him turn around, a big smile on his face as she enters the living room in Jimin’s arms. 
“There you are, my little princess!” She falls into his arms the moment he’s close enough for her to, wrapping her chubby arms around his neck. “Aw, thank you, baby. You’re so sweet. Good morning.”
“Nana,” she says, pointing at you. Lucy and Jimin smile, although you don’t notice, too hyper fixated on Soori. 
“You wanna go with Nana?” Jungkook leans over towards you, handing her over before he’s pulling away playfully. She whines. “Alright, alright. I’m sorry,” he says, laughing. 
“Come here,” you tell her, arms outstretched and she falls into them swiftly. She giggles some, clapping two times before she’s turning back to Jungkook, shooting grabby hands at him.
“That’s what I thought.” He takes her into his arms. 
You gasp, feigning offense. “Traitor!”
“You guys are cute.” Jimin voices his thoughts out loud, unable to contain them as he takes the sweet scene in. He doesn’t voice how happy it makes him, though. He doesn’t tell you guys that seeing the three of you together like that makes him feel like he’d found the last piece of the puzzle – one he couldn’t when Ira was around and his expectations of seeing his best friend in a loving family dynamic sort of tumbled when she wouldn’t play her part. 
Jungkook looks over at him, smiling as he bounces Soori in his arms, whose already looking at you like she’s about to betray him this time. He smiles, silently agreeing with his friend, almost as if he understood what he was thinking. Almost like he was feeling it, too. 
“A tankini? Really, ___?”
“It’s cute! Plus, it’s appropriate for the job. Soori tends to tug at my clothes at times, I can’t wear a bikini.”
“No, no. I get that much,” Lucy says, “but a tankini?”
“It was on sale!”
“You get away with too much by being drop dead gorgeous and having the face of an angel.”
“Your compliments won’t make me want to wear my tankini any less.”
“I beg of you, don’t wear the tankini.”
“But it’s pink,” you protest, spirit a bit deflated although you know she’s kind of right. 
“May I?” She points at your suitcase and you nod, plopping down on the bed a little dramatically. “Okay, I see the potential,” she says, throwing shirts and dresses around. “This!” She holds a white strapless one piece swimsuit. It’s one of your favorites – simple but cute. 
“That one gives me a wedgie.”
“Something’s got to give!” She throws the bathing suit at you. “Also, don’t blame the swimsuit blame your thiccy.”
“Did you just call my ass thiccy?”
“Yeah, I got it from Jimin.”
“Ew,” you say, looking at her. “Ew.”
“Here,” she says, throwing an oversized blue button up shirt your way. 
“What about pants?”
“Use that as a dress!” You’re about to protest, “and that’s final.” 
You throw a firm nod her way. The shirt was long enough to pass as semi-modest so you opt out of protesting. 
“So,” she says, sitting on the spot you’d left empty on the bed as you begin to change. “Have you decided about when to talk to him?”
“Yeah,” you say, pulling the bathing suit up your body. “Tuesday. Tuesday after he comes home from work. I’ll have it all perfectly rehearsed in my head.”
Lucy smiles. “That’s good. The both of you will be well rested after this weekend and you’ll be able to have a sensible talk.”
“Yeah, exactly!”
“Do try to, you know, sleep at night.”
“Shut up. I’m feeling fine! Running on caffeine and adrenaline, but fine.”
She laughs. “Ready?”
“Let’s go.” 
“Wait,” you say, making her turn around, confused. She lets out a nod of understanding when she sees you grabbing Mingyu’s sweater, which you’d neatly folded to give back to him. 
“Everything’s gonna be okay,” she reassures. “It’s gonna be a good day!”
“God willing, Lucy Lu. God willing.”
You sigh, giving yourself a little pep talk for courage before you exit the room, ready to take on the day. 
The rest of the morning, as well as the beginning of the afternoon, had really catered to your inner child. Yes, it was your job to take care of Soori but the rest of the kids seemed to love you just as much and so your hands had been full. You’d swam in the pool with them, built sandcastles, played mermaids and even had a little water balloon fight that seemed to interest both the children and the adults alike. By the time noon hit and Jungkook and Taehyung were starting to roll the burgers around, you’d been convinced to sit at the kid’s table. Which wasn’t a table per say, as they’d wanted to have a little picnic and so you’d found yourself sitting on one of the many beach towels they’d retrieved from inside to make their own picnic blanket. 
It’d been sweet and fun, exactly what you needed after having to walk down memory lane this morning. And in a way, it added to the lighthearted mood you’d ended up your talk with Lucy in. Kids were easy – well, kids came easy to you. You found them to be less complex than people gave them credit for. They were easily entertained as long as you were willing to step inside their little world, which at times played out to be more entertaining than your own. 
By the time 3 p.m. rolled around you could start feeling the shift in atmosphere, though. They were exhausted, you included, as a sleepy Soori fuzzed about in your arms. 
“I think it’s time for a nap, kiddos,” Mai says, her words followed by whines of protest from the kids. 
Sun acts as the voice of reason, though, as she says, “but can we keep playing afterwards, auntie Mai?” she pleads, turning to you, “will you still play with us after nap time, ___? Pleeeeease.”
“Of course,” you tell her, free hand caressing her hair. “Plus, it’d be funner then because you guys will have more energy.”
“I am a little tired,” Dae says, his Rs running a bit, making him sound ten times more adorable. 
“See? We all need a nap. You guys can go inside the play room and make it a little mid-day pj party, how about that?” Mai’s idea comes as a success, the kids jumping with excitement, some even hugging her. She turns to you, voice a whisper when she says, “I’m kinda badass at this.”
Your lips form a pout and you nod at her. “You are.”
She smiles at you before she’s officially on nap duty, gathering all the kids and bringing them inside the house. You bounce Soori in your arms, her eyes half closed already, head wobbly as she fights to stay awake. You give her a kiss on the cheek, making your way to the sunbeds where the boys are drinking beers and talking about some game they’d watched the night prior, the team scoring the winning goal only three minutes before the game was over. 
“___!” Jin says the moment he sees you, making them all turn their heads in your direction. “Aren’t you god sent? I think my kids like you more than me today.”
“My kid likes her more than me at least once a week,” Taehyung says, smiling at you. 
“Thank you, thank you. I do birthdays, weddings, baptisms.” You say, making them all roar out in laughter. 
“You do have that midas touch when it comes to kids, ___.” Hobi tells you, leaning back and taking a sip of his beer. 
“I probably enjoyed that more than they did.” You smile, feeling a bit shy under their praise. 
Jungkook smiles, feigning a casual front as he takes a sip of his beer, eyes on you. Wet hair, a little ruffled from the day’s activities. A big blue shirt that’s mostly wet, too, and that bathing suit that as modest as he knows you tried to aim for, does very little to keep him away from what he knows is underneath. Your cheeks are officially crimson and your body golden. He can’t help it when his eyes travel down, the softness of your skin drawing him in. You’re nothing if not perfect and if he were to reach out, he could run his hand down your leg. Not sexually, per say. Just… touch. Touch so as to let you know what he thinks. What he feels. 
He composes himself for a second before his eyes are on Soori. “She ready for a nap?”
“Yup.” You nod at him, looking at Soori under your nose. She smiles and when you follow her line of vision you see that it’s Yoongi and his silly faces that pull it out of her. “I can go put her down, if you want.” 
“No, let’s go together,” he says, standing up, coming down to kiss her chubby cheek. He turns to his friends one last time, bowing before saying, “gentlemen, I’ll be back. Take this time to decide who’s ass I’m beating next in Badminton.”
As you turn around and walk towards the house, you can’t help but laugh at the remarks that follow, his friends absolutely going ham on him, all lighthearted blows he opts to ignore with a chuckle of his own. 
“You’re like the meme of the girl standing in front of the burning house.”
He looks at you, frowning in confusion. “Excuse me, what?”
“Oh my God, you’ve never seen the meme of the girl standing in front of the burning house?”
“No, but that sounds horrible. Was she okay?” You laugh as you turn to him, noticing the way real concern laces his features.
“It’s funny! It’s like a cult favorite, too. I’m pretty sure it’s been around for a while. Like back in the 9GAG days. You know, B.C.” You smirk his way, not missing the way he rolls his eyes at you. 
“Hey, I loved 9GAG. It was funny.”
“Of course you did.”
You step inside the house, walking in front of him and laughing when he pauses in his steps and says, “what’s wrong with 9GAG?”
“Nothing,” you tell him, smiling and dragging him upstairs by the arm. “It’s always an honor to be in the presence of people that have witnessed history.”
“Shut the fuck up,” he tells you, chuckling at your little bout of wittiness. 
You make it inside of Soori’s nursery, promptly changing her diaper and getting her into a pair of dry pyjamas. She falls asleep halfway into this, making you both laugh and bask in a quiet satisfaction at realizing just how much fun she’d been having. When you put her in her crib, you take a second to just look at her, neither of you saying much, simply taking her in. 
“She’s perfect, huh,” you whisper. 
“She’s so perfect,” he whispers back.
Jungkook smiles at her before turning to you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and kissing your cheek. It all feels… domestic. Tender, lovely and sweet. The knot in your stomach that’d been growing bigger and bigger for the past couple of weeks begins to break, slowly, releasing a small army of butterflies that seem to both excite and calm your nerves. You kiss his cheek, basking in the bliss his proximity brings. 
“Let’s go back,” you tell him, “you have asses to kick.”
He smiles, lips coming to yours in a quick peck. “You should relax. Drink some wine with the girls, get some sun.”
“If I have one sip of wine and lay by the sun I’ll probably end up like her,” you say, looking down at Soori.
“Do it, baby. I got her.” 
The knot breaks entirely, wings fluttering violently as they’re freed after so long. 
You’re in love. 
You’d taken Jungkook’s advice, laying on the sunbeds with the girls, glass of wine in hand as you snack on the fruit platter Mai and Seulgi had prepared. You’d even fallen asleep for all of fifteen minutes, which had recharged your battery more than you’d originally thought. You’d think it’d be quieter with all the kids sleeping, but the boys and their very serious game of Badminton kept the ambiance just as loud as before. At one point, you’d all taken the roles of spectators and cheerleaders, rooting for your competitor of choice. Jungkook won, yet again, and you didn’t miss the smile he shot your way, overly confident in his skills. Overly confident in his ability to pull reactions out of you. This one in particular he’d found adorable, seeing the way you flustered at his actions, hiding your face in your hands for a second before you went back to feigning nonchalance. 
Now you were all scattered around. Some in the pool, some by the beach, a couple of you still in the sunbeds, soft music playing from the speakers. It was rather blissful, if you were being honest. 
You’re in the middle of small, lazy talk with Mai when you suddenly remember,
“Oh, I have to get Soori’s swimming diapers. She ran out but Jungkook said he had spare ones somewhere…”
“Oh, yeah,” Mai says, “he keeps them in the pool house. Go inside the bathroom, they should be in one of the drawers.”
You smile at her, thanking her before you’re making your way to the small, white house that sat at the end of the big backyard. Making your way inside you see that it’s mostly for storage. Floaties, surfboards, spare sunbeds. You notice that the door to the bathroom is open slightly, but don’t make much of it as you walk towards it. Both you and Jungkook let out a loud scream when he appears by the door frame. 
“Holy fuck.” You whisper yell, hand on your mouth. 
“You scared the living shit out of me.” His own hand comes to his chest, leaning against the counter and steadying his breathing.
“Me? You scared the living shit out of me! Why are you in there with the lights off like a crazy person?”
“Why didn’t you turn the lights on when you came in like a normal person?”
You both stare at each other for a second too long before you’re breaking out in laughter. 
“I came to get Soori’s diapers,” you tell him, mid-chuckle. 
He raises his hand, showing you a handful of diapers. “Me too.”
“Ah,” you say, walking closer to him. “Great minds think alike.”
“Mhm,” he leans against the counter once again as you stand in front of him. “My heart’s beating so fast, dude.”
You laugh. “You’re so dramatic, dude.”
“Hey, you can’t dude me.”
You roll your eyes at him playfully. “Fine. You’re so dramatic, Jungkookie.”
“I’m not! Look,” he takes your hand in his, bringing it to his bare chest and placing it over his heart. He’s still wet from the pool, skin warm from the sun. His heart is beating a little irregularly, you must admit. 
“I’m sorry,” you say, adding to the drama of it all as your voice grows soft. “I’ll put a bell around my neck the next time so I don’t startle you.”
“Ha ha, funny.”
“Oh, I am.”
You can’t explain it, but the air shifts around you. Jungkook can’t explain it either, but he welcomes it. 
You smile, cheeks growing red for whatever reason. Or perhaps for all the right reasons. He can dismantle you with a few words and that’s one your favorites by far.
“Yeah,” you breathe, eyes growing heavy as his own look into yours. In a matter of seconds they’re landing on your lips. And then he’s kissing you. 
The kiss holds the same nature this morning’s had, perhaps a little less playful. A little more intentional. Like you’re both finding a means to an end just so you can bask in the journey of getting there. When you sigh into his lips, Jungkook brings you closer, hand on your cheek as he parts your lips with his tongue. The kiss grows heady, your fingers carding through his wet locks and his hands land on your waist, squeezing some before he’s turning you around until you’re leaning on the counter. The swiftness with which he handles your body has a moan escaping your lips and he feels the way you smile against his mouth. He pushes his hips into yours, drunk on you already, determined to pull those little sounds out of you. 
“Wait,” you say, parting your lips from his, laughing a little when you see his flustered state, lips red and swollen in his signature pout. “What if someone walks in?” He smiles, eyes not leaving yours as he leans to the side and closes the door, locking it in a beat. He’s about to kiss you again but you interrupt him. “Soori?”
“Baby monitor in my back pocket.” He kisses you. “We’ve got like, twenty minutes give or take.”
You laugh, kissing him back, arms wrapping around his neck as you breathe into the kiss in giddy anticipation. “Think you can make me cum in twenty minutes give or take?”
He pulls away, but it’s only an inch. He scowls, a smile on his lips that takes your breath away. “Is that a challenge?”
The air shifts yet again, air growing dense this time. “Yeah,” is all you can muster.
“What do I get?” 
You hum, pretending you’re deep in thought. “Me?”
“I’ll do it in ten.” 
You laugh, sweet music to his ears and his smile meets yours in a kiss. It’s deeper this time, grows sloppy soon enough and Jungkook wastes no time as his hand cups your tits over your bathing suit, grunting a bit at the fabric getting in the way before he’s pulling it down in one swift movement. He brings his mouth to your nipple, expert little sucks that have you throwing your head back as your fingers pull at his hair. You lean back, head hitting the mirror as your breathing grows heavier. When you come back up, you push him back with a hand to his chest as you come to stand in front of him. You erase the frown from his face the moment he sees the way you roll the white fabric of your swimsuit down your legs, leaning back against the counter. 
“Better than the mini skirt,” he says, towering over you as he pushes his hands against the counter. 
You bite your lip, smiling at him with dark eyes before you’re turning around, your hands falling in front of you, tits pressing together as you push your ass back against him. You look at his reflection on the mirror, giggle a bit when you catch him staring, lust filled eyes scanning over your body. 
“Like what you see?” your voice is teasing, cocky even, and it comes to no surprise when Jungkook’s firm hand comes to your waist, holding you in place before he delivers a hard smack to your ass. The pain translates to pleasure in a brief yet delicious second, eyes closing as you moan and bring your body forward. His hand lingers for a while, softer this time as he caresses the warm skin before his fingers travel south, parting your slit and drawing lazy circles against your clit. 
“You’re so wet, baby.”
“Fuck, I am,” you pant, head lolling forward as you breathe into his touch. 
“You’re a little brat today,” he says, matter of factly, staring at your reflection in the mirror as his fingers expertly pull little moans from your lips. 
You look up at him, fucked out eyes pleading, “need you inside me.”
“Yeah, baby?”
“Yes,” your words get caught up in a whiny moan when he pushes two fingers inside of you. “Please.”
“That’s more like it. So pretty when you ask nicely.”
His eyes don't leave yours and you see the way he pushes his swim shorts down slightly, wrapping a hand around his cock before he’s lining himself against your entrance. He teases your hole with the head, smirking at the way you squirm in his hold at the mere action. He wishes he could tease you further, but Jungkook’s time is limited and he knows that much. He pushes his cock inside of you, gasping when he bottoms out. His hips pick up the pace right away, wasting no time as he starts fucking you the way he does when all he wants is to make you cum, perfectly angled so he hits all the right places repeatedly. 
“Fuck, that feels so good, baby,” you mumble, words breaking at the intensity of his thrusts. You close your eyes, try to steady your breathing out but he has other plans as his hand wraps around your neck, pulling you up some as his fingers close around your throat. 
“Keep your eyes open.” 
He looks at you through the reflection in the mirror, takes you in as he fucks you, a low groan escaping his lips when he feels you clench around him. His face contorts in pleasure, a grin pulling at his lips when he realizes you’re already close. The hand that wraps around your throat tightens, applying more pressure at the flesh, making you feel a bit lightheaded in the most perfect way, aiding to the way your senses zero in on him and the way he makes you feel. You know you’re close the moment your tummy tenses, his cock massaging your g-spot with each push and pull of his hips. 
“Oh my God,” you breathe out, hand clasping around his own as you make him press harder. “Don’t stop.”
He moans at your actions, at the way you beg for more with your body when your words fail. He keeps that exact pace up, thumb and middle finger pressing into your throat a bit deeper, just the right amount to have your eyes rolling to the back of your head and your body falling back into him, head on his shoulder as you cum around his cock with a silent moan. The sight before him feels straight out of the craziest of his wet dreams and it makes his cock throb inside of you as your walls milk him through your orgasm. 
Your body shakes a bit as you fall on top of the counter, your hand coming to his hip to get him to stop moving for a second as you cringe a bit in overstimulation. 
“Victory is sweet,” he says, bringing his hand to your back, fingers running down your spine in a soothing manner. 
You smile at him. “I was confident all along. Just needed an excuse to get you to fuck me.”
“Aw, baby. All you had to do was ask.” 
He pulls your body up, hands on your hips as he turns you around and sits you back on the counter. He lets out a low grunt when he pushes his cock back inside you, your pussy pulling him in right away and he knows he won’t last long. 
“Fuck, you feel so good.” 
You giggle, brains completely fucked out before you say, “we’re having a quickie in the bathroom.”
Jungkook scoffs, hands closing around your tits, hips thrusting into you slower, letting himself enjoy it. His head falls, eyes fixed on the way his cock pushes inside of you, moaning at the sight alone. His gaze travels up, taking you in. It’s so hot inside the bathroom he can feel the way his body sticks to yours every time he fucks into you. A single drop of sweat falls from your chest, traveling between your tits before it lands on your navel. His eyes close in a mix of bliss, disbelief and pleasure. 
“You’re so sexy, baby. Shit, I’m so close.”
“Cum for me, Kook. Need it so bad.”
Your arms wrap around his neck, bringing him closer to you as you kiss him, lips locked in his as he breathes out into the kiss, little whines leaving him as he lets himself fall into the feeling completely. You become conscious of him, let yourself enjoy him in this state, when he’s so close to letting go he grows a little desperate, hands all over yours, needy sounds passing his lips, hips lazily moving into you. 
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum,” he says against your lips, pulling away so he can bury his head down the crook of your neck. He gets carried away – too carried away. His cock throbs inside of you, hips slowing down their pace as his body tenses for a second. He’s about to let himself relax, let himself cum, and it’s then that he realizes he’s still inside of you. “Fuck.” he looks down, pulling out and wrapping a hand around his cock, pumping once before he’s cumming on your leg. You bring a hand to your mouth when you notice, trying to muffle your laughter. “Shit, that was close.”
“Yeah,” you say, bringing his face to yours. “Got carried away?”
“Yeah. Completely let go of the principles of conception for a good minute.”
You laugh. “No conception would’ve taken place. It would’ve been a creampie at the max.”
“Don’t say the word creampie, my dick just jumped and we can’t go again.”
“You’re such a boy,” you say, bringing your lips to his. 
“I’m a man,” he protests, words muffled by your kiss. 
“Mm, yeah you are. You’re also a daddy so let’s get those diapers inside.”
“Don’t say the D-word, my dick just jumped for real and we really can’t go again.”
“Oh my God. You’re so filthy minded!”
You push him off of you playfully, pulling his shorts up before you’re doing the same with your previously discarded swimsuit, jumping a bit as you roll it past your ass. Jungkook smirks at your struggle. 
“Mmmm,” he hums. “Do that again.”
“Have I ever told you you’re an ass man?”
“I’m a you man, baby.”
“Shut up.”
“Shut me up.”
“Oh my God!” 
You both laugh at your flustered state that only seems to edge him on further, but it’s short lived. Your hands land on the door knob of the pool house at the same time, making you giggle before your smiles are falling as you realize that you’re about to do the walk of shame and have no idea how to get out of it.
“Shit,” you say. 
“Shit, indeed,” he says back. 
To your fortune, the walk of shame isn’t that bad. It isn’t bad at all, actually. The kids had woken up from their naps and had everyone’s attention so nobody noticed your absence much. To your misfortune (and Jungkook’s) it doesn’t take you long to realize that Mingyu keeps Dae entertained as they play around with water guns. 
Jungkook lets out a big sigh that you don’t miss before he’s clearing his throat and saying, “hey, bro. You made it.”
“Hey,” he says, a little too giddy for his friend’s liking. “Yeah, sorry I’m late. Went on a hike this morning, could barely move afterwards.” He waves at you, a smile on his face.
“Gotta work on that stamina,” Jungkook says, mostly playfully with a little hint of something else. 
“You should come with me the next time, we can work on it together,” he bites back, no hint of anything but playfulness in his words. 
His eyes land back on yours and you give him a tight lipped smile, taking the diapers from Jungkook’s hands before you’re letting him know that you’re gonna go get Soori. He smiles, feels the need to pull you closer, give you a kiss in front of everyone, take your hand in his. Anything. But he doesn’t. He just nods and then you’re on your way. He doesn’t miss the way his friend’s eyes scan over your body, a stupid smile plastered all over his face that makes his blood boil a little. 
You don’t really notice it, though, making your way inside the house and going up the stairs to make it to Soori’s room. She’s awake, jumping a little when she sees you walk inside the room. 
“Hi, baby,” you coo. “Did you have a good nap? Are you ready to keep having fun?”
“Nana,” she whines, making grabby hands at you. 
“Come here.” You get her out of the crib, taking her to her changing table before you’re getting her swimming diapers on and putting her in a clean swimsuit with cute daisies printed all over it. “You’re so cute.” You kiss her cheeks repeatedly until she gets ticklish, pushing you away as she cackles.
You sit her against your hip before you exit her nursery, walking the long hallways and going down the stairs as you sing her a little song she babbles along to. It’s then that you brave yourself for what you’re about to do, walking inside the kitchen, quickly finding Mingyu’s sweater that you’d left on top of the breakfast table this morning. It’ll be quick and harmless. You’ll just hand it over to him, thank him and go about your business. 
It’s a good plan. A great plan even. It’s also a plan that crashes down before it can even take off as you see him make his way inside the kitchen. 
“And so we meet again.” He smiles when he sees you, looking down at Soori and smiling even wider. 
“Hey,” you say, a bit nervously. 
“Came to get some beers, the boys are out.” He walks closer to you, hand coming down to rest on top of Soori’s head as he caresses her hair softly. “Hi Soo Soo.” She smiles, falling into his arms as quickly as he reaches them out towards her. It’s in that moment that you realize that he’s closer to Jungkook than you’d originally thought. He has to be if Soori’s this comfortable around him. 
“Thank you,” you say, passing his sweater over to him. 
“No worries. Sure you don’t wanna keep it? It’s gonna be just as chilly tonight.”
“No, that’s okay.”
“You kinda disappeared last night,” he says, bouncing Soori on his hip, looking down at her so as to not have to look at you when he says this. 
“Yeah, I was really tired, couldn’t get to bed soon enough.”
“It was nice getting to talk to you. I was looking forward to today… just so we could do it again.” He laughs a little, shaking his head at his words. He doesn’t mind your silence, though. “I was thinking… maybe we could grab a coffee when we’re back in the city?”
“Coffee,” you say, and he can’t tell if it’s a question or a statement. 
“Or dinner! Or a movie, or something. Just… hang out. Get to know each other.”
“I’m sorry… I- I don’t think that’s gonna work.”
He smiles. “Yeah, perhaps me asking you this right now isn’t the smartest move, huh?” He looks down at Soori. You’re silent yet again. “Perhaps I’ll leave it up to fate.”
“What do you mean?”
“I don’t know. Perhaps we’ll bump into each other in some random place like the grocery store or in the middle of a really busy street and… I’ll ask you again. And perhaps you’ll say yes.”
You feel bad. You feel bad because as dense as you might be when it comes to receiving attention, you don’t fail to see that he likes you. Genuinely, sincerely likes you. Or at least likes the idea of you enough to want to pursue it further and get to know you. 
“Or hey,” he says, making you look into his eyes again. “Maybe I’ll make my own fate.”
“Sorry what,” Jungkook’s head turns so fast he’s sure he’s given himself whiplash, grateful to not have taken the sip of beer he’d planned on the moment he started talking because he’s sure he would’ve spat it out. 
Mingyu’s idea of making his own fate was… something, to say the least. And so there he was, next to Jungkook as they both started the fire for the grill, asking him to be his wingman. 
“I mean, perhaps it was a bit wrong of me to ask her out while she’s on, you know,” he says, looking at Jungkook and pointing at him with the tongs, “the clock and whatnot. But fuck I don’t know. She’s just so-” he sees the way Jungkook looks at him in shock and it makes him chuckle. “Am I making any sense right now?”
“Yesterday- we hit it off. But you know, it was casual. We barely got to know each other in a,” he pauses for a second, and every pause makes Jungkook’s blood boil further. “Deeper level. So I tried to not look into it that much. But then I got home and got in bed and all I could think about was her. Like, fuck, I felt eighteen again. She’s so beautiful. She’s so fucking sweet. And so I knew it couldn’t end there. So I just asked her out.”
“In the kitchen, when I went to get the beers. She was giving me my sweater back and I thought to myself, might as well.”
“And what did she say,” Jungkook asks. 
“She said no. She said she doesn’t think it’s gonna work.” Jungkook lets out a breath he very much knew he was holding. “But I blame myself for that. I mean, I get why she wouldn’t agree to it right now. She’s technically on the clock, like I said, and I get why it could be perceived as inappropriate.” 
“Yeah,” Jungkook says, eyes a little lost, quite literally begging for the earth to swallow him. 
“But that’s where you come into the picture.”
“How exactly do I come into the picture,” he says, but what he really thinks is, I already am in the picture, dumbass. She’s mine. He also realizes this would be an extremely childish thing of him to say.
“Well, you know, we’ve been friends for so long. You can put in a good word for me, sort of encourage her to-”
“You want me to encourage my nanny into going on a date with my friend?” His words have edge to it but Jungkook doesn’t care anymore, not that Mingyu seems to notice, too caught up in the visions of a future with you he’s formed inside his head. 
“Well, when you put it like that it sounds like a lawsuit waiting to happen, I get it,” Jungkook scoffs. “But, you know, maybe you could do it in a lighthearted manner. Like, yeah he’s a great guy! You totally deserve to be happy! You know, kinda like… a brotherly figure. Yeah! That’s it!”
“You’re fucking insane.” Now he really doesn’t care that his words have bite to them. And Mingyu’s head is still way up in the clouds for him to notice they do. 
He chuckles. “Maybe I am. But she’s…,” his eyes find you in the crowd, “different. She’s special you know?” 
Yes, I know, is what Jungkook wants to say. But instead he says nothing. 
Mingyu looks back at him. “But hey, I’ll find a way. I’m telling you, man. This was written in the stars. Luck is on my side. Then you can play cupid,” he says, patting his back. 
Jungkook laughs faintly. Not because anything’s funny, but because he’s glad the conversation is over. 
“I’ll be right back.”
“Sure, I’ll get this started,” Mingyu says, motioning to the grill. 
Jungkook tries to stop it, but he can’t help it. He feels the way his heart constricts inside his chest. He’s angry, furious even, but he can’t do anything to release said anger. He had to sit through that conversation and pretend like his friend’s words were only fucked up because he was trying to get with his nanny, not because he was trying to get with his- 
Jungkook wants to call you his girlfriend but he knows he can’t. He knows he has no right to call you that because you aren’t his girlfriend. Because Taehyung was right – you guys weren’t exclusive. You didn’t owe him anything. Not a title he hadn’t asked for. Nor loyalty. Nothing. If you wanted to, you could very well accept Mingyu’s proposal. He was there, at your disposal, and perhaps even in ways Jungkook hadn’t been. He’d been straightforward with you. Bold, even. Jungkook almost had to admire it. He’d gone up to you and simply… asked you out. Showed interest, shot his shot. He liked you. He liked you and Jungkook knew he liked you in a way that you deserved. The realization sinks into him, a punch that knocks the air out of him as he makes his way through the garden and out into the beach. 
He’s so caught up in his own thoughts that he doesn’t notice you noticing him. But you do. You notice the way he talks to Mingyu, see the way his eyes grow darker with each passing second. You see the way he pushes the anger that threatens to leave him away. See the way he makes his way through the garden, steps a bit lost, like he doesn’t know where he’s going. You see the way his face falls with every step until they land in what you can only describe as sadness. The moment he’s out of sight, you excuse yourself from the conversation you’d halfheartedly been in, and go after him. 
He faces the ocean, takes in the sun as it begins to set, the air growing colder around him, the breeze making the waves choppier before they break at his feet. His mind is blank now and he’s almost grateful, his thoughts unable to attack him any further. All he can focus on is the sky turning colors and the ache that grows inside his chest. 
Your voice is a whisper that gets caught up in the wind and for a second you think he doesn’t hear you, but then he’s turning his head around, eyes on yours as you make your way to him. The sand feels heavy on your feet, almost like it wants to stop you. But once you’re face to face with him he smiles. He smiles and you almost want to buy it but you know it’s not fully there. Nonetheless, you smile back. Your lips pulling up with the same nature as his. 
“Hi,” he says, looking at you for what the eternity of a second can hold before his gaze is back to the blue of the sea and the pink of the sky. 
“What happened?” You don’t have to pretend like you don’t know something did. You see the way he smiles again, only this time it holds something more. Bitterness, perhaps. 
He doesn’t look at you when he says, “Mingyu told me.”
“Told you what?”
“About him asking you out… he really likes you, you know?”
“Jungkook, I’m sorry. I- I said no. I told him-”
“I know,” he says, and it’s soft, holds no anger or resentment. “I guess that I’m just realizing that if you hadn’t said no… I couldn’t really hold it against you.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” Your voice grows faint, a silent plea. You want him to look at you. 
“I can’t pretend like you owe me anything. And that’s on me, I guess. No- I know. I know it’s on me. And so I guess it’s catching up to me.”
You scoff, turning your face away from his, your own gaze fixated on the sea. The sky paints itself orange. You wrap your arms around your body, shaking your head in disbelief. 
“You still don’t get it, do you?”
He’s silent, and for once you welcome it. You don’t think the words you say next could leave you if he weren’t. And although brave, your voice is soft when you say,
“Jungkook, I love you.” You feel it when his eyes are on you. “I love you,” you shrug, a faint laugh leaving your lips. “I love you in the heat of the moment and I love you in the warmth of it. I love you when it’s cold. I love you when it’s freezing, even. I love you. And you don’t get it still. And perhaps I should try and find better words in hopes that you’d understand but I’m afraid that all I have is…,”
You pause, look into his eyes. 
“I love you.”
@roro-in-utopia @yiyi4657 @littlrmills14-blog @namjooningelsewhere@drownforryou @iwanttohitmyself @finelinememories @yukiehyukie@shatzkrinslinzki @bts-fic-recs-mess @kokoandkookie @subtlepjiminie@hobipost @kookiesbreaky @di0rgguk @bloopkook @babyrosieareroses@kookiecrumb @casspirit0705 @eclectictacozinewobbler @tickledpink55@rjsmochii @dimcorner @miniiimee @vintageroses10 @amyniu @tessxblxckthorn@emotionaltrashcansblog @fangirl125reader @laurynne5 @thickgrinch@dianaxnyc @ruinsofangels @berryonasummerevening @taeslarityy@hisunshiine @preciouschiminie @ruclements @galaxyflab @jalexad@missseoulite @bangtannoonalvg @kootonins @lustremyg @kissme-ornot@92thk @everythingaboutfangirling @cakecobain @callmejimmeo @simp4tae@landl7xoxo @jungjoonie @sanfransolomitatm @khadeeeeej @mar-lo-pap @nanjeonlangakook @parkinglot-nights @purplebeebs
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h0nkch0c0late · 1 year
Heya,how are you?I love the way you write,if you are taking request for Sam Riordan,can you write something like reader has a power that can calm him down?Like he told Cate to not touch him to make him go to sleep,but with reader is different because he obviously likes her and she is the only one he really trust?Sorry if this doesn’t make any sense🥲
Abso-fucking-lutely anon! It makes perfect sense! <33333
Sam Riordan x Reader
SUMMARY: you have the power of serenity inducement. Most often you don't use it, but when it comes to Sam, it helps more than you think
Warnings: Sam's hallucinations, swearing, Gen V spoilers, doesn't follow everything from the fourth episode.
You had arrived at the house just in time.
Cate was trying to calm him down, but it wasn't working.
"No!" He yelled after she asked to let the group help him, "you are NOT touching me again, Cate! Get the FUCK out of here!" He laughed, "you're all fuckingg puppets!"
Seeing Marie grab her knife to pull use her powers, you grabbed her hand, "I've got this." You whispered, moving in front of her.
His eyes widened at the sight of you, "No! I won't let him hurt you!" He yelled.
Your eyes held him in a gentle stare as you slowly walked towards him, "Sam, no one's gonna hurt me, okay? We just need you to calm down, please." Your tone was soft as you got closer.
He had always held a deep trust with you. While Cate had made him fall asleep, your touch had always ended up relaxing him, making the puppets go away, giving him peace.
He knew that out of all of them, you were least likely to have ill intentions. Well, minus Emma.
His breathing was ragged as you stopped directly in front of him, your hands reaching for his.
"Everything is okay, Sam. We're all just here to help you, okay? They don't want to hurt you." You soothed, feeling him practically melt into your touch.
Everyone tensed as he let go of your hands slowly, each getting ready to use their powers on him if he hurt you.
But he would never do that. You were the one person he could never hurt.
You didn't even move when he reached towards you, pulling you in for a tight hug to which you accepted, wrapping your arms around the back of his neck.
"I thought you left me." He whimpered softly into your ear.
You smiled lightly, "I could never leave you, Sam. Who else could make you feel less crazy than me?"
"Uh...Emma?" He questioned jokingly.
You scoffed, rolling your eyes playfully as you hugged him tighter, "say that again and I might kill you."
"Not if I kill you first." He remarked.
"You could never." You replied snarkily.
"Yeah, and neither could you."
"Dang, you got me there."
The others continued to stare at the two of you, confused at how quickly the situation had de-escalated.
And at some point of that whole ordeal, Doctor Cardosa had slipped away to join his husband and daughter.
"So...do you wanna explain why you were just about to murder Cardosa?" Andre asked, almost as if he was TRYING to get rid of the moment of peace.
Your head turned to the boy, "Andre I swear to god-"
Apologies that this is so short. My writing juice for the weekend feels like its about to run out so I wanted to get something out before it happens completely! I'll most likely be back in full swing on Monday so please don't stop requesting!
Also, I hope this was to your liking <333
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lostaurorax · 7 months
pairing | nick bosa x fem!reader
authors note | hi guys 😊😊 i am alive & well. life has been very crazy lately but i feel like i always return at this time of the year write a few fics then disappear sooo here i am again! i love nick and their is no fanfic for him on here :( yet again here i am writing fanfic for an underrated nfl player 😉 i hope you enjoy this i love you sm and hope you’re all well!!!! lmk if you want more or have any reqs for me pls <33333
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you and nick had been seeing eachother for a few months now. you had meet through mutual friends and you instantly clicked. once the NFL season started he had you in a suite at every single game. you absolutely loved making friends with all of the players partners and watching nick play every sunday.
it was the last game before the super bowl that would determine if the 49ers made it or not. you and all of the girls had been on the edge of your seats the whole game. the 49ers were currently 17-24 against the detroit lions.
the lions had fumbled the ball and the 49ers got it back. purdy threw to kittle and got a touchdown then made the field goal making the score 27-24.
“oh my gosh!!! yes yes we still got it!” you screamed as you hugged claire who was george’s wife
“omg y/n i think we’re gonna make it!!!” she screamed back and you hugged eachother
“oh i know we are.” you said back to her intently watching the game
the 49ers had gotten another touchdown and then the lions got one 2 minutes later. the score was still 34-31 and the 99ers were in the lead. a few minutes of waiting for the clock to run out was the most nerve racking few minutes of your life.
“and the san francisco 49ers are going to the super bowl!!” the announcers had said causing mayhem to erupt in the stadium
“THEY DID IT!!!!!!!” you screamed to kristin and claire as you all hugged each other.
“HELL YEAH BABY WERE GOING TO THE SUPER BOWl!!!” kristin said excitedly
“let’s go see our men!!!” claire said as you all left the suite giddily to join your boys on the field
you felt like your heart was beating out of your chest as you walked on the field looking around for nick. you weren’t exactly an official couple but everyone knew you were together because you were always with him and he was always with you, but you never said that you were boyfriend-girlfriend.
“do you think he’s gonna ask you?” claire whispered in your ear as you were walking towards the boys. secretly she had known nicks plane as george had already told her but she would never ruin a surprise and a little teasing never hurts.
“what? uhh i don’t know….do you think he will?” you replied nervously as you looked at her
“if he doesn’t ill have george kill him.” she said with a wink as you walked up to george, nick, and kyle
“oh my gosh i’m so proud of you!!!” you said with a big smile as soon as you saw nick in front of you
“couldn’t of done it without you watching of course.” he said with a smile just as big as he engulfed you in a hug
“i knew you could do it.” you whispered to him as you hugged him back. you were meet with silence for a moment as he just held you and rubbed his hand up and down your back
you had no idea that behind you george and claire had been scolding him to ask you
“so y/n..” he said as he slowly pulled away so he could look at you as he talked
“yes nicky?” you said using the nickname he hated but you loved calling him
“wanna come to vegas with me…as my girlfriend?” he said with a shy smile
“oh nick yes, i would love too!” you said happily as your lips meet with his.
“yeah buddy!!!!” george said from behind
“God finally. i thought i was gonna have to ask her for you…” christian said as olivia lightly pushed his arm
“YAY Y/N!!! you’re officially one of us now!!!!” kristin said as she and the girls also smiled
“alright alright! let’s go party and win this thing!!!” nick said causing everyone to cheer and disperse to party for the rest of the night
once everyone was gone you turned back to nick.
“is it too early to say i love you? honestly i don’t care because i do.” you said as you rested your chin on his chest
“i love you more y/n. forever.” he said as he leaned down to kiss you
“lets go party girlfriend…” nick said cheekily as he pulled away and stuck his arm out for you to grab
“sure thing boyfriend..” you said back with a big smile as you wrapped your arm around his and walked him to the locker room
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bananawafers · 6 months
kuroo drunk kissing you at your house? (lip biting and sucking and AARRRGGHHHH)
no smut please!! just make it a steamy session of making out!!! like REAL REAL STEAM! (idk how to express it lol)
thanks in advance !! take care <33333
I love this idea! I hope you don’t mind I had to switch up the setting a bit to match the storyline :)
The Wedding Guest - Kuroo Tetsuro x Fem! Reader
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Today’s date has been marked on your calendar for months. It’s your childhood friend’s wedding day, and you couldn't be happier to be there on her special day.
As you settle into your seat at the winter wedding, you can’t help but feel a sense of awe at the stunning scenery unfolding before you. The candle-lit indoor venue, with its panoramic glass windows offering a view of the snow-covered mountains bathed in the soft hues of the setting sun, is nothing short of breathtaking. You’re so mesmerized by the beauty of the moment that you fail to notice the tall dark haired man settling into the seat beside you.
“Quite the view, isn’t it?” He remarks, jolting you from your thoughts. You turn to him, and you’re caught off guard by his appearance. He has captivatingly sharp features, broad shoulders and a tall frame. His eyes are so dark they could peer into your soul, and you can’t help but note how clean he smells. You suddenly become embarrassingly aware of his proximity to you.
“It’s stunning.” You utter in response, and he nods.
“So, what’s your connection to the happy couple?” He asks.
“I’m a friend of the bride’s. You?”
“The groom happens to be a relative of mine.” He replies. You open your mouth to ask him his name, but before you can utter a word, the room falls silent and the officiant steps forward. The gentle rumble of voices dies down and all eyes turn to the front of the room. You close your mouth, the question left unspoken.
As if he could read your mind, he leans close to you. “It’s Kuroo, by the way.” He whispers. “And you?”
You curse the heat rising to your cheeks at his confidence. “Y/n.” You reply quietly. He hums in acknowledgment, before returning his attention to the ceremony.
As the ceremony concludes, guests begin to filter out of the venue and make their way to the reception area. You linger for a moment, taking in the joyful atmosphere and the sight of the newly married couple exchanging kisses and laughter.
You look away in time to catch Kuroo’s gaze from across the room as he’s caught amidst a conversation with a few other guests. You smile and offer a half-hearted wave. To your bewilderment, he appears to mutter a goodbye to the other guests and begins to make his away across the room to you.
“Long time no see.” You joke when he reaches you.
He huffs a laugh. “Enjoying the festivities?"
You nod, a playful twinkle in your eye. "As much as one can in these uncomfortable clothes," you remark, gesturing to your dress.
Kuroo laughs, a knowing look in his eye. "Tell me about it," he said, shifting on his feet. "These shoes are killing me. I can't wait to get out of them."
You nodded in agreement. "I'd give anything to trade places with you," you say with a smirk. "At least you have the option to take them off."
For a brief moment, Kuroo hesitates at your comment, as if contemplating something. Then, he cracks a smile. "You have a point," he concedes.
Before you can continue your conversation, the groom approaches with mischievous grin on his face. "Kuroo! You have to come join me for a drink," he exclaimed, slinging an arm around Kuroo's shoulder.
Kuroo glances back at you, a silent apology in his eyes, before allowing himself to be dragged away by the groom.
As the reception winds down, you find yourself at the bar, sipping on a glass of champagne as you watch the remaining guests mingle. You lean against the counter, lost in thought, when a familiar figure sidles up beside you.
You turn to find Kuroo, looking slightly disheveled and very clearly drunk. A playful grin spreads across his face as he leans in close to you. "Hey there, fancy feet," (sorry) he slurs, gesturing vaguely toward the dance floor. "I must say, you've got some unique dance moves."
You drag a hand across your face. “Oh god, you were watching me?”
“How could I not?” He teases.
“Someone’s had one too many drinks.” You utter sardonically. “Shouldn’t you be getting home?”
Kuroo blinks at you, momentarily puzzled. “Home?” He repeats, as if the concept is foreign to him. “Oh, right… I’m staying at a hotel down the street.”
You raise an eyebrow at him.
“Yeah, it’s… that way.” He says, pointing vaguely in one direction before changing his mind. “Actually, no… It’s that way.”
It’s frustratingly clear to you that he has no idea how to get home by himself. You hesitate for a moment, weighing your options, before making a decision. “You know what?” You say, placing a hand on his arm. “I’ll walk you to your hotel. It’s no trouble.”
He opens his mouth to protest, but you cut him off with a firm look. “No arguments.” You say firmly. “It’s late, and you’re in no condition to be wandering the streets alone. Come on, let’s get you back.”
With a resigned sigh, Kuroo accepts defeat, following you out of the venue into the cold winter air. As you walk together down the deserted streets, your amusement at the tipsy man stumbling beside you distracts you from the cold.
As you arrive at the hotel, you guide Kuroo up the steps and into the lobby. The dimly lit corridors feel like a maze as you make your way to his room, staggering as he leans heavily on you for support.
Finally, you reach his door, and you fumble with the keycard until the lock clicks open. You push the door open, revealing a cozy hotel room bathed in the soft glow of lamplight. The room is simple yet inviting, with a plush bed adorned with crisp white linens, a small desk tucked into one corner, and a large window offering what you assume to be a perfect view of the mountains in the daylight.
As you step inside, you let out a sigh of relief at the warmth of the room. Kuroo walks past you and sinks into the bed, and you kick off your heels to sit beside him. The mattress dips under your weight, and you allow yourself to sit in silence for a moment.
As you unwind, you reach up to undo your hair from its uncomfortably tight updo. Your curls fall limply to your shoulders, now taking the form of soft waves. You suddenly feel Kuroo’s silent gaze on you, and your pulse quickens slightly at the intimacy of the situation.
“You know,” he says softly, his voice barely above a whisper, “I think I prefer your hair like that.”
His words hang in the ear, and your face begins to feel hot. You turn to face him, your heart pounding in your chest as he reaches to tuck a stray strand of hair behind your ear. His touch is gentle, almost reverent, and you allow yourself to lean into it, your breath catching in your throat as his fingers brush against your skin.
Even though you can see it coming a mile away, it does nothing to calm your beating heart as he leans in closer, his lips meeting yours in a tentative kiss. At first it’s slow and gentle, a delicate exploration of each other’s lips as you find your rhythm. His mouth moves against yours in a way that feels almost practiced. Even in his drunken state, his precision sends shivers down your spine.
You let out a wanton sigh and finally melt into his kiss, your fingers tangling in his black hair as you pull him closer. He hums against you, taking your response as an invitation to add more pressure. His hands begin to roam freely over your body, tracing your curves with a reverence that makes your head spin. You return the gesture, your hands roaming across his chest, feeling the unsteady rhythm of his heartbeat beneath your touch.
The kiss grows more fervent now, as your bodies press closer together. It’s a desperate embrace; he kisses you with urgency, like he’s been starved. You have to part to catch your breath, and he wastes no time to litter your collarbone with love marks. He skillfully traces up to your sensitive pulse, where he lingers, his hot mouth drawing an involuntary gasp from you. Just as you begin to feel light headed, your phone starts to buzz in your purse.
The two of you are pulled from your reality, and you take a moment to breathe. You allow your gaze to focus on him, and in the dimly lit hotel room, his eyes somehow appear a shade darker. They flicker across your face as his breathing calms, and a crooked smirk spreads across his painfully handsome features.
“You’re almost as good at kissing as you are at dancing.”
You scoff before reaching up and yanking a piece of his hair, earning a playful wince from him as he draws away from you. You suddenly feel cold again as you shift to pull your phone out of your purse. You answer the call.
“Y/n? We’ve been looking everywhere for you. We’re leaving, where are you?”
You immediately stand, cursing. “Sorry, I’ll be there in a few minutes!”
Thanks for reading! I know it was a bit of an abrupt ending and I could definitely still use some experience writing steamy scenes— but I hope this satisfies ;))
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gtgbabie0 · 9 months
hi, may i please have some cregan stark x fem!velaryon!reader (aka black reader) with cregan helping her take care of her really curly hair when she's tired after a long day?? thank you so much in advance <33333
-Cregan Stark x Velaryon!Reader
{Cregan takes care of you after a long day}
Of course my love! Hope you enjoy 💕
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You are half asleep, lying down on the sofa as you bathe in the warmth that bleeds from the fireplace. Exhaustion creeps upon you sitting heavy against your chest and despite your best efforts to fight it off you can’t help but close your eyes leaning further against the soft furs that draped over the couch.
Cregan had left just seconds ago to ask one of the maids to prepare you a bath, telling you to try and stay awake before leaving, something you were currently failing horribly at.
Your eyes flutter open to the sound of the old heavy wooden door as it creaks open. “Keep them eyes open pretty girl” Cregan smiles as he walks over you, joining you on the sofa and without missing a beat you shuffle closer to him.
“M’awake” you mumble, nuzzling closer to him as he wraps a strong arm around your shoulders, pressing a kiss to your forehead as he whispers a gentle ‘good girl’ against you as you continue to try and stay awake.
It had taken several weeks to convince Cregan to allow you to go hunting with him, trying to soothe his worry about you getting hurt so when he finally agreed you had to jump at the opportunity, and you don’t regret a second of it even if your curly hair was now dirty and frizzy and all your muscles were aching.
You smile gently to yourself as you start to recall the ways Cregans hands settled against your waist, pulling you closer to him as he guided you to shoot the arrows despite the fact you knew exactly what to do. He’d find any excuse to touch you.
“Come on Sweetheart, let’s get you cleaned up” He whispers in his gravelly voice, pressing his lips against your shoulder as he helps you up from the couch
Exhaustion sits heavy against you and the warmth of the fire certainly doesn’t help. You lean against Cregan, his strong arm wrapped around your waist as he guides you to the bath.
“Here I’ve got you” his fingertips graze against your skin as he begins to undress you, peeling the dirty fabric off of your body before helping you into the wooden tub, the water is pleasantly hot against your skin that it causes a sigh to fall from your lips as you lean in further.
Cregan smiles as he admires you and the way your eyes flutter close, how your soft lips curl up into a gentle smile. The lights of the candles only add to your beauty, how the warm light dusts over your skin making you glow.
“You’re beautiful” he whispers through his rough voice, hand slipping into your own beneath the hot water. You glance over at him, heart blooming with warmth at the sight of his lovesick eyes.
You pull his hand up to your mouth pressing a kiss to his knuckles, “As you often remind me dear husband” You grin against the back of his hand before he pulls away, reaching over to the small wooden bowls that lay beside the tub, full with different ointments for your hair.
“And I don’t think I’ll ever stop” he adds, leaning slightly over the edge of the tub, peppering your shoulders with kisses, lips trailing along your dewy skin. “Can I wash your hair, sweetheart?” He asks, his voice is so tender as he gently holds your chin between his thumb.
His offer makes your chest bloom with a sudden admiration, it melts your heart and you can't help but lean into his touch. “Of course… I’d love that” you admit, and you can’t help but close your eyes at the comforting atmosphere.
Cregan never fails to take your breath away, in fact, he takes pride in the way he can render you wordless with just a simple gesture. “Lean back for me dear” he whispers, as he carefully pours the warm water over your curly hair before gently working the oils into your scalp.
He remembers the night you told him the many steps you take to look after your hair, the prideful look in your eyes made him realise just how important it was to you. He paid extra attention to you and now he knows your routine like the back of his hand.
You lean back into his warm touch as he continues to wash your hair, pressing gentle kisses as he does so. The water soon turns tepid, and Cregan helps you out of the bath quickly wrapping a towel around you securely.
You dry yourself off before changing, sitting down on the bed as Cregan sits behind gently tying your hair wrap around your head, so it doesn’t dry frizzy. “Is it too tight?” He whispers, pressing a gentle kiss to your shoulder, the stubble from his beard tickles your skin, as you lean back against him.
“No it’s perfect, thank you my love” you whisper, smiling as his hands wrap around your waist hands settling against your lap. It doesn’t take too long for you to find sleep, wrapped up in the safety of Cregan's arms.
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q-starhalo · 4 months
No but it's seriously has been such an honor liveblogging Bad on the qsmp and I'm so glad I took the chance to do so when I was thinking about whether or not to post about him here <3 While I can't say when I started posting more on my account, I can say that I'm so glad it was this community and Bad that inspired me to do so and I will forever be thankful for that <3
And I also have to say that I was glad that I took part in our little road trip to Purgatory that day and joined the bus discord since I've met so many more people even if I didn't talk there for 2 months after it opened ^^"
And now onto my favorite people (which is just all of you guys but I can only remember so many users o(-()
@alchemicaladarna You have been such a nice person to see in my notes and in my feed <3 While we don't speak much, you're a really sweet person and I'm glad I got to meet you
@anth4rax You are one of the fastest people I've met when it came to liking posts. And while you can be a tad chaotic, you're always a welcoming presence in my notes and in the bus <3 I'm really glad I've gotten to speak to you and be your friend <33
@azure-wing While I believe we don't speak much, it's always a pleasure seeing you hanging out in the bus and notifying others who's live <3
@badanddapper You posting Bad and Dapper clips have always made my day <3 Thank you <333
@baginamybeloved NIKOLA <3333 Siempre es un placer hablar contigo en español or in english and figure out if something is just a my country thing or not xD And even then, it's just a pleasure talking to you and I'm glad we've met <3333
@bixxibee Bixx!!! <3 I'm always happy to see you around and speak to you <33 You're a really nice person and I'm glad I got the chance to meet you <33
@boytoyhalo SIREN!! <3 While I think we've barely spoken, I'm always happy to see you around <33
@celluzu I don't think we've spoken before but I'm grateful for the Bad and Dapper you drew for me during the Trick or Treat on Tumblr <33
@dappersautismcreature While we don't speak much, I love seeing you here and there and I loved your starhalo au's <3333 OH AND THE UM UM I FORGET WHAT IT'S CALLED BUT THE GRIM REAPER FIC ONE WAS SO GOOD <33333
@disfrutalakia Kia!!! You've always been my go-to blog for the Brazilians and Bagina and I'm so glad I got to meet you <3
@etoilesmoon One of the many people who understand me when it comes to starhalo 🤝 Hope I get to speak to you more <3
@gnostie GHOST!!! While we've only started speaking more recently, I'm so glad Mizu directed me to you when it came to clowns and just cute stuff in general <3 Ha sido un placer de conocerte <33333
@hgduo YOU GET ME. YOU F★CKING GET ME. (Also you're very cool. Tons of love to you <3)
@kadextra KADE. KADE. YOU'RE ART AND YOUR THEORIES AND THE BLACK SIGN STUFF. <3333333 And not only that, but you're such a sweet and talented person <333 Sending you lots of love <3333
@kaijuparfait PARFAIT!!! <333 It's been a pleasure talking to you about starhalo in the past and now more recently hearing (or more so reading) about Godzilla and how it fits Bad <33 Glad I met you <33333
@kays-artstuff Even if you don't do much qsmp art, I'm always so glad to see you in my notes and I love seeing your art, it's so 💥💥💥💥💥
@l3m-n LEM!! While I rarely see you now, it was a pleasure talking to you here and there <33
@little-soldiers We've spoken here and there but you were such an inspiration for me to write out a little fic and I still hold on to that encouragement whenever I want to write something but don't think it'll be well <333 Thank you <3333
@lunaeclipse1057-ao3 LUNAAAAAAAAAA <3333333 While I've already said this, you're genuinely a sweet person even if we've barely spoken and I hope I still see you around <33333333
@lxrd-ren While I don't think you open Tumblr anymore, I just want you to know that you were and always will be the best bus buddy ever <33
@mizuski-broken MIZUUUUUUUUUU OH GOD WHERE DO I BEGIN?????? You always get me when it comes to the paranormal and you're just such a nice person to be around with <3333 I'm so glad I got to meet you and consider you a friend of mine <33333333
@muffinclutch Love seeing you in my notes <333 Hope to see you around <3333
@qsmprambling Always glad to see you around <3333
@starscollide0 YOU'RE ART IS SO 💥💥💥💥💥🔥🔥🔥🔥💥💥💥 And you're also such a nice person <3333 I hope to see you around <3333333333
@tubborucho LISS!! I'm always happy to see you around and you're truly the go to soulfire/tubhalo person <3 Lots of love to you <333333
@ultra-raging-ghost Ghost!!! It's always such a pleasure seeing you out and about whether it be you drawing or talking about mainly ayhalo and cucuhalo to in my notes, I'm always glad to see you <333 Hope to talk to you more <333333
And of course to many others like the people in my notes (@toxic-foolhalo-yuri, @j3ssicaangel, @fl10werc4t, @kayleighthekoala, @starriknight, @mystifiedmystery, @nightlight26, etc.) and everyone on the bus like Theo, Zero, Brubs, Zunto, March, Tannin, Des, Nico, and so so many others!!!! <3 Thank you again for this wonderful experience and trust me when I say, I will always be here <3333
- Yours truly, Star ★
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mythicalmyles · 1 year
ghost!proxy fucking you asleep one night and you waking up in your "dream" cockwarming somebody you can't see... fucking yourself back onto their cock and moaning half-asleep and needy into your sheets, saying how you need them to fuck you, how much you wanna see them, it only spurs them on to flip you onto your back fucking into you fast, now with multiple hands teasing your nipples etcetc while you still cannot see them but can see how much their cock gapes your hole <33333
UGHJFF another ghost proxy joining in and fucking your mouth ohnngghhhgof or even double pen,,, HOT
there is much to think about myth
– 💤 anon
18+, dubcon, based this off of some of our old asks i kept
(Name) smiled up at his new house, it was a little run down but nothing dedication couldnt fix, besides, his boyfriend was pretty handy. (Name) quickly made his way up the stairs and opened the door. The house was stuffy and almost felt suffocating, as if he was encroaching on somethings turf. He shook his head, hair flailing. It was an old house, no one had lived in it for quite some time.
(Name) gazed blankly at the boxes thrown around his new home, he felt exhausted after the long train and taxi ride. He shook his head and b-lined to the couch, flopping his body down and passing out almost instantly.
“Aaah!” (Name) shot up only to be shoved back, pleasure wracking his body as he felt something fucking into him. His shocked eyes gazed at nothing, he could feel the hands pinning his stomach down but there was no one there. All he could do was lie back and moan as he was fucked raw by an invisible figure, he’d never felt this good before. His body felt like it was on fire, moaning with every thrust.
“Shhh, be a good boy and go back to sleep.” The voice was dark and shook him but he couldn’t help but close his eyes as the thrusts sped up, his body bouncing with every slam of its hips.
(Name) shot up on the couch, darkness filling the outside. He checked over his body to see nothing, a sigh left him. It must’ve been a dream he convinced himself. He picked his phone off of the floor, checking the time. His boyfriend would be here soon.
He shoved himself off of the couch, he couldn’t be bothered looking for his cooking equipment. Instead he chose to ring up a take out, he almost hurled when they told his it could take up-to two hours due to his secluded location.
He let out a sigh before sitting back down, his dream running through his head.
He mustve zoned out because his boyfriend clapping his hands shook him, eyes immediately darting to the other. “Oh, (b/n).” (Names) voice was drowsy and his eyes were drooping, his boyfriend chuckling at the state of him.
“Come on.” He muttered softly as he scooped (Name) into his arms, chuckling as he carried them upto their room.
(Name) tried his best not to sigh as his boyfriend rolled off of him, he came but he felt so unsatisfied. The images of his earlier dream swarmed his mind, helping him cum. Usually he took forever, his mind grasping at thoughts to help bring him to the edge.
As much as he loved his boyfriend he was just too sweet for his own good, (Name) craved desperately to be thrown down and taken like an animal. He worried he just wasn’t attractive enough to bring out that side of his boyfriend but he always shrugged the thoughts off.
He tried not to sigh too loud as he closed his eyes, hoping sleep would take him quick.
(B/N) woke up to the sound of moaning, shocked eyes landing on another man sliding his cock into his boyfriend. All he could do was gape and stare as he watched his boyfriend moan the loudest he ever had, pleasure filling his voice. Large hands slid up (Names) chest, lifting his shirt. Hands played with his nipples as he was ground into the bed. “Pleeease, stuff me.” (Name) mumbled out, half awake and tongue hanging out mouth.
(B/N) couldnt believe his eyes, he’d never seen (Name) like this. “G-god harder! Please!” (Names) eyes finally opened, looking behind him and seeing no one. His shocked eyes landed on his boyfriend. “A-aah, (B/N)!” (Name) moaned as he was fucked deep, eyes staring at his boyfriend across the bed. “I-im sor-sorrry.” He slurred out through moans, eyes hazed.
“Have you ever had him like this? Moaning like a bitch in heat?” Masky’s words had high pitched moans pouring from (Name). It felt too good to be true, it had to be a dream (Name) thought. He couldn’t see anyone behind him but he definitely heard and felt them, their cock filled him up, easily slamming into his prostate.
He came after another few thrusts, eyes rolling back and his back almost snapping as he arched. “He’s a good little puppy isn’t he?” Masky smirked as (Name) whined, huffing as he came down from his high. Masky’s hand wrapped around (Names) neck, pulling him flush to his chest.
Masky’s other arm restrained his arms, keeping them pinned to his sides as Masky continued to fuck him, except now his boyfriend could see everything going on. (B/N) couldn’t help but stare as Masky’s cock continued fucking into his boyfriend, going as deep as he could. (Name) whined at the overstimulation, lungs gasping for air. “Come play with his nipples.” Masky sounded more like he was ordering, (B/N) couldn’t help but comply, his cock straining hard against his pants. He looked into his boyfriends desperate eyes, finally clicking in his brain. (B/N) really liked seeing his boyfriend like this, he wanted to see that look on (Names) face again.
More moans poured from (Name). “Ah, please. N-no more.” He begged weakly, voice cracking. “You’re going to be a good little doggy and take all the cock you’re given like the good little whore you are.” (Name) groaned, chest arching into the warm mouth that had attached to one of them. (B/ns) tongue rolled around (Names) nipple, flicking the bud as his other hand teased (Names) other nipple between two digits.
(Name) felt his mind liquidate under the pleasure, another orgasm quick to tear through his body. A loud scream left (Name) as he was forced through another orgasm, his mind blank as he flopped back against Masky. Cold filled him and he let out a shocked moan, whoever inside of him pulling out.
(Name) tried to apologise to (BF/N) and instead was silence with a kiss, his boyfriend pushing him into the mattress. His boyfriend moved him until he was on top, grinding their hips together as he looked up at (Name). He grinned up at (Name) before pulling him down onto his cock, throwing his usual care out the window. (Bf/n) slammed (Name) down onto his cock, intent on drilling every moan he could from his lover.
(Name) let out a moan of pain, the sudden feeling of a hand yanking his hair making him jump. Wide eyes staring at nothing. He felt something cold press to his lips and catiously opened his mouth, only to choke when what he could only assume was a cock, was shoved into his mouth.
The cold sensation was a huge contrast to how hot (names) body felt, sticky with sweat as his boyfriend had him ride him. Choked moans left as another orgasm washed over (name), body shaking as he ground down on his boyfriends cock. (Bf/n) came clenching (names) hips, leaving indents and bruises. He lay panting after, watching as someone transparent fucked (names) mouth. (Bf/n) bit his lip as he watched (name), eyes fixated on his throat.
(Name) let out a load whine as he was pulled off, cringing at the taste in his mouth. (Bf/n) was quick to pull him into his arms, cuddling him close.
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wickjump · 3 days
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YES YES YES!!!!!!!!
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US!!!!!!!!!! YAYAYAYAYYY :33333 i love. i love the gradient of mtt overly-verbal to semi-verbal to completely nonverbal. horror being semi-verbal is my favorite thing ever. love it in fics if done well. he and dust just sit in silence for a few hours sometimes. no speaking just soft. and then killer comes in and he speaks enough for all three of them combined. but its okay they care for him because they are nice to each other forever in my mind because as much as i love angst they need to be happy rn or ill explode into a bunch of itty bitty rabbit pieces all over the place
nobody really knows why he doesnt speak sometimes. they all have different theories. dust rationalizes it's the head injury. killer thinks it's for intimidation. nightmare assumes it's from trauma because that's how it was for dust, but ultimately doesn't gaf. cross assumes he just didn't speak much back in his au, which transferred over. if hes honest, horror doesnt even fully know when it started or why. thats just how he is now. oh well. maybe its all of those combined. maybe its something else. who knows
horror goes about his day in silence a lot of the time. killer often trails behind him and becomes background noise. if dust joins him instead, it's just them both going through the day in near-silence, with maybe a few words from horror to ask for clarification on things.
i also really like the 'horror has bad hearing, frequent migraines, and tinnitus' headcanon. he has a hole in his skull there's gonna be some effects. but yes he is semi-verbal 2 me,,,,,, ily mtt. i think they should kiss each other
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daenysx · 2 months
hi love !! could I request a james potter fic where fem reader meets his ex girlfriend who's like really pretty 😔 and james reassures her and stuff 🫶
thank you for requesting!! this is probably the most romantic thing i've ever written and i feel a bit shy about this, i hope you enjoy <33333
james potter x fem!reader, modern au
james looks so pretty under the sunset.
his locks shine with the light, his glasses reflect your admiring look, his lips are curved into a generous smile. he drinks his wine, casual sips as he tells you a story of a prank he did with the boys last year. you try to listen. you really do.
it's just that- your boyfriend is so lovely, you feel like your ears can't catch up enough to listen to him. he's gorgeous, you have a lovesick smile on your face, you wonder when james will realize you have no idea what he's saying.
he reaches for your hand on the table. you squeeze his fingers. he takes another sip from his wine.
"and then there was this dragon which ended up burning the entire thing, sirius was yelling like he's in a shakespeare play while remus was fainting in the corner-"
"what?" you ask suddenly. "why did he faint?"
james laughs so hard, you feel silly under his gaze. he mirrors your lovesick expression. "i just told you there was a dragon and you're wondering why remus fainted?"
"dragon? what do you mean, like- a movie?" you feel your brain shuts off completely.
"you know, you look so beautiful today." he says, coolly. "i mean, you're practically glowing, that's why i'll forgive you for not listening my story."
"i'm sorry, jamie." you say. "i was- distracted. tell me again, i promise i'll listen."
james kisses the back of your hand. "it wasn't that fun anyway. you didn't finish your pizza, angel, come on."
you take a bite from your pizza slice. you feel shy, he looks at you so sweetly. you decide not to tell him why you haven't been listening. maybe when it's just the two of you, but not in a restaurant because james has a tendency to make you blush hard, especially in public places.
"okay, but you have to tell it again sometim-"
"james?" your voice is interrupted by someone.
you look up from your plate to see a pretty woman looking at james, standing next to your table. she's gorgeous, you think there is no limit of a woman's beauty. you realize the charm of girls for sure, feeling the pride of girlhood. you give her an easy smile, thinking she's a friend of james.
"oh- hi." james says, surprised. "i wasn't expecting to see you."
the girl smiles to him. "i was just leaving, thought i'd say hello." she turns to you, introduces herself kindly. you return her smile, telling her your name.
james watches the interaction with a weird look on his face, you don't know why. "my friends are waiting, i have to go." the girl says. "it was nice to see you, james."
she bids you goodbye and you wave behind her, watching her joining her friends. you're still smiling slightly when you look at james.
the air surrounding your table changes somehow. you don't see it at first but james looks at you like he has something to say. he looks nervous and you hate seeing his pretty face wrinkling with a pinch of worry.
"are you okay, jamie?" you ask, worrying back.
"yeah, yeah, i'm- i'm okay."
he doesn't look okay.
"you look like you're gonna say something." you say, encouraging him with a smile.
"it's just- i mean it doesn't matter now, obviously but i think you still should know. i don't wanna hide anything from you."
"what is it, baby?" you ask, clearly distressed.
james holds your hand again. "that girl was my ex girlfriend, angel. we dated for a few weeks, then we decided we weren't right for each other and broke things off."
"oh." you say, not knowing how to react for a second.
"i know it can be weird for you but there's no need to hide anything. i haven't seen her since we broke up which was like a year and a half before i met you."
you squeeze his fingers. "it's not weird, i think." you say after a second. "i mean, was it a bad break up?"
james shakes his head. "no, not really." he answers. "but we didn't stay friends, we just went to our own paths. it wasn't all bad."
"i see." you say with a kind smile. "thanks for telling me."
james smiles back. "there's nothing i'd hide from you. no need for that."
you take a slow bite from your pizza. a sip from your nearly full glass. it's not that seeing james's ex is a terrible thing, you're adults and he's your boyfriend now. the girl was really nice too, she didn't do anything to bother you. it's just that-
she was really pretty. you imagine her with james for a second in your mind, they would objectively look beautiful as a couple. you can't help your thoughts wandering there, it's like an instinct. you wonder how you and james look. comparing yourself with people is not something you usually do, you learned it doesn't do you any good long ago. your eyes stare at the corner of the table as you think all of these, an empty look with a full mind behind.
"sweetheart?" james's voice comes like you're under the water. you look up to him, your fingers are wrapped around the cold glass. "are you okay?"
you nod. you're okay, why wouldn't you be?
"i'm okay." you say. "sorry, what were you saying?"
james smiles fondly. "you're thinking of something."
you can't find the words and then you can.
"it's nothing bad, it's just-" you start. "she was really beautiful. i was- i couldn't help but imagine you two."
james doesn't say anything and you feel like a weirdo. foolish girl.
"sorry." you laugh, it's not a natural look on your face this time. "i'm sorry, i'm being weird. you don't have to say anything."
"no, of course not." james says. "you're not being weird."
you look at him and he's so serious this time. your eyes are questioning the meaning of his expression.
"sweetheart." he starts when you don't say anything. "i don't care if she's pretty or not right now. it doesn't mean anything to me."
"yeah?" you ask, quietly.
"you think i can realize the beauty of other people when i literally have the most beautiful girl sitting here with me?" he asks. "do you believe i can pay attention to someone else when i have you?"
"you can always find people pretty, jamie." you say. "it's not-"
"i can, but i don't." he says firmly. "look, our break up wasn't terrible, but it was inevitable. she wasn't right for me and i wasn't right for her."
"and i'm right for you?" you ask with a small smile.
"you are right for me." he says. "no matter what happens, i think 'i would do anything to keep her.' anything to stay with you, anything to be with you. i have the urge to try harder every day to be your other half. i didn't have it with someone else before you."
and now you're smiling until your cheeks ache. it takes everything of your power to stop yourself from reaching across the table and kissing his lips. you extend a shaky hand to him instead, he takes it. it's the way he says the words, not like he's trying to prove something but like telling you the most basic facts about him. he has deep feelings for you and he's brave about them, he doesn't need to hide them.
"you know." you start, playing with his fingers. "the reason i couldn't hear the story of your prank was that you were too damn distracting. i look around and all i see is you. you are so pretty, i- i can't focus on anything else."
james kisses your knuckles. "aren't you my little romantic?"
"i guess i am." you reply, your lips curl upwards. "you made me this way. i can't help but feeling jealous over this, i think i want us to be special."
james drinks another sip of wine. you're trying to kill him aren't you? the sweet words, sunset, alcohol. his poor heart. he doesn't think he can take it.
"we are special." he manages to say. "i've never loved someone like i love you. i think i might have my heart explode out of love, do you know how that feels like?"
you chuckle sweetly. "yes." you say. "have you seen yourself? of course i know how that feels like."
"you are the prettiest girl everywhere we go." he says, casually. "i think i should prove that to you when we get home. i hate how you can think of something other than this."
you blush, touch the cold glass to relieve some warmth. "you can prove it, i guess."
"and now, i'll tell you the prank again." he says. "this time you gotta listen. close your eyes if my looks are too distracting."
you laugh, relieved that he changes the subject. the air is nice again, the dinner is nice and the wine is good. james's jokes are funnier than ever. his love confessions and endearing words make your eyes tear up with a huge smile on your face. you listen his prank and make sure you give him a good reaction.
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tapesfrom1980 · 2 years
can u do dating sean headcanons? and if u could keep it gender neutral-ish i would appreciate thank u <33
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dating sean diaz would include..
-either frenemies to lovers or he just thought you were hot and you rejected him multiple times till you gave in a longgg time later and he never gave up <3
-definitely a bestfriends type of relationship, he’s very comfortable with you and he knows he can make jokes with you without worrying about hurting you
-he’s lowkey awkward at first just because he hasn’t really had real?? experience with relationships before but he’s so excited to finally have you he goes all out if he can
-he’ll get you concert tickets for one of your favorite artists and be like “just because I love you 😘”
-sometimes it’ll be estebans money too and if he gets caught he’ll yell at sean but make sure to say “it’s not your fault though y/n you did nothing wrong” and go back to scolding
-he didn’t know when to drop the L bomb since he’s never felt that way with someone and didn’t know when it was the right time to say it
-he eventually said it mid-argument and there was a lot of making out after that
-getting sketches of yourself that he drew basically everyday
-he draws you at the most random times, bummy looking or not
-his favorite is the one he did while you danced around his room to your favorite song
-he always draws you as an absolute angel and has some hung up
-even just in his school notebooks his doodling always goes to your face so a lot of his homework or quizzes have your face in some corner with little hearts around it
-daniel tries drawing you too, and you take some home with you even if it’s just you with a deformed blue face and wonky yellow eyes
-being ABSOLUTE besties with daniel
-sean tries to act like he hates sharing your attention but you know he likes that you love daniel as much as he does
-sometimes you’ll come early to the diaz house just to hang out with daniel
-“y/n? how long have you been here why didn’t you wake me up?”
-“daniel called me to help him with his new batman lego set”
-he sometimes joins in your guys’s dates and sean tries kicking him out everytime
-being super close with esteban too
-he’s happy sean found someone who’s good for him and pushes him to be a better person
-gossiping with him while he’s working on a car
-usually it’s when sean is busy or you’re just annoyed at him
-“oh y/n, whatd he do now?”
-sometimes even while sean is in the room
-“i’m still here guys”
-weekly movie dates!!! drive ins or sneaking into the theater (sean says 15 bucks just to watch a movie is outrageous)
-getting him to listen to your favorite artists/bands
-sometimes he’ll pretend to hate it if it’s a genre he’d never listen to but you can see him trying not to drum his fingers or bop his head
-dragging him to every school event
-matching halloween costumes always
-if he wants to do a character you don’t know you’ll still match him for his sake vice versa
-if you have a pet he’ll probably try his hardest to befriend it even if he’s lowkey scared at first
-he’ll get jokingly jealous about you and your pet saying how you don’t give HIM that much love
-speaking of jealousy, he’s def the jealous type
-he’ll try to hide it but then say something petty to you or the person making him jealous
-“that wasn’t even that funny 😐”
-“you guys should go to that restaurant you’ve been talking so much about together”
-“sean 😒”
-as both of sean’s bestfriends you guys are really close too
-“he will never get between us y/n.✊”
-lyla joking about how she has to third wheel even tho she’s absolutely happy you guys are together
-sean and lyla fighting over you
-“i don’t care if you and y/n are dating. i’m still the favorite. right y/n??? right??”
-making sure to include her at some point on valentine’s day too even if she pretends to hate it
-arcade dates & picnics <3
-sleepovers!!!!!!! always so much fun
-sometimes you’ll just lay in bed listening to music and it’s one of the most special moments together
-you were with them minutes before that had happened, but you went to go pick up your guys’s food from the deli near the house
-you came back to esteban on the floor, the crashed cop car, and no sean and daniel
-you were so in shock nothing came out your mouth for a while
-once your brain processed what was happening you yelled around the house for sean and daniel
-you screamed and screamed till the other cops got to the scene
-even then you kept calling for the boys
-you didn’t know what to do with yourself you’d just seen your boyfriends dad dead on the floor and your boyfriend and his little brother missing
-when the cops explained what happened you were so disgusted about how the situation was handled and how sean had been blamed
-you knew sean and daniel, you knew sean and you knew the story was mixed up and the diaz boys were blamed obviously due to racism
-you never gave up looking for them, you went into the woods and everything
-you were looked down upon, even by your own parents, because it looked like you were supporting a “criminal”
-when sean finally called, you were so happy you bawled the entire time
-you were so so relieved he and daniel were alright
-you understood why he couldn’t tell you where they were or why he wouldn’t be able to call again
-he also didn’t tell you their location because he knew you’d try coming to them, he really did know your love for them both
-with one last goodbye and i love you, that was the last time you talked to sean
if you ran with them
-sean 100% didn’t want you to come with them
-you were in the house when it happened but you rushed outside, but the cop didn’t see you
-he knew that if you went with them you couldn’t come back without being taken in to custody as you were now an accomplice to them, things would never be the same and he couldn’t ask you to do that for him and daniel
-“y/n please, stay here” he was already in tears and his voice was cracking but you refused
-instead, you took your bag with more supplies and stuff that was already in visible view that you knew would be helpful for whatever situation you guys were going to be in
-“i don’t know why you’d think i’d leave you sean”
-you also knew even with the rush of adrenaline you were having what you were giving up
-you were giving up your family, your friends, and a normal life
-but you had been with sean for a long time and you knew you were never gonna leave him to fend for him and daniel in who knows where
-you never complained, even with the bad circumstances
-you helped the boys ration supplies and find shelter in the woods
-sean felt so much better with you there, so did daniel
-they both felt guilty for being glad you came with them
-they knew you left a whole life behind and felt like they took that from you, even if it wasn’t their fault
-but it was your choice and you didn’t regret it even in the worst moments, and you always reminded them both of that, no matter what the ending was
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hard-core-super-star · 11 months
you're my morning sun [H.Steinfeld]
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pairing: hailee steinfeld x reader
summary: a look through your fondest memories featuring your wife and the chaos that comes with forming a family.
warnings: literally just fluff; most of the story is told in flashbacks so the POV gets weird at times; so many cheesy moments; will i ever learn how to write endings? no.
wordcount: 1.4k
a/n: i'm sorry this took me so long to write but thank you for the request and for the kind words! i had no idea where to even START with this and i didn't hit all the points i wanted but i tried to make it as light and fluffy as possible. i don't know if it's become obvious by now but i've kind of been struggling to write for hailee so opening this mini-universe back up was a nice way to get back into the groove. hope you enjoy <3 [find honeycomb here if you haven't read it yet; once again the descriptions of the twins, as well as their names, are gender neutral so feel free to picture them however you want]
* * * * * * *
The sound of soft giggles drifts out of the half-closed door and into the hallway. An affectionate smile plays at your lips as you approach, opening the door and finding your adorably mischievous children thumbing through the old photo albums sprawled across their bedroom floor.
“Where did you guys get those?” You ask. 
Two pairs of wide brown eyes look up at you and you can practically see the wheels turning in their head while they both try to come up with an excuse. You have a pretty clear idea of what said excuse will be and in no less than five seconds, you’re proven correct.
“Mom gave them to us!” A triumphant voice replies.
Their win is incredibly short-lived but you appreciate their attempt. “Is that so? And why would she do that when your bedtime was thirty minutes ago?” 
You’re met with more silence and you almost feel bad at the way they so quickly realize their mistake. The twins share a look before the more outspoken of the two attempts to win your favor. “Because she loves us…?”
The words make you laugh and it thankfully brings down the tension in the twins’ small frames. Maybe you should be mad but it is the weekend and if they’re okay with being tired in the morning then that sounds like their problem. (Okay, it’s going to be your problem when your wife finds out but you’ll deal with that later)
“When did you get so smart, little bee?” You push yourself off the doorframe and join the adorable brunettes on the floor. “So, what are we looking at?”
Both Charlie and Em attach themselves to your sides before they each point to a different picture. They’re both from the same day but one shows you hiding behind a cup of coffee while the other one shows Hailee in the middle of laughing at something that you can’t remember anymore.
“When was this?” The quieter of the two asks, staring up at you with eyes that look almost exactly like your wife’s.
“Your mom and I’s first date,” you reply with a gentle smile.
“Can you tell us about it?”
The question catches you off-guard even though it really shouldn’t. The twins adore both of you but they usually make faces whenever you and Hailee start being overly mushy with each other. Their curiosity has finally started to beat their, quite literal, childish response, though.
“Are you sure you guys can handle it?” You tease. “It’s a long story.”
They each make their own noises of displeasure at your playful words and you wrap an arm around each of their shoulders, pulling them close and bringing the photo album onto your lap. You’re certainly in for a long night but you can’t say you’re entirely mad about that.
You bring their attention back to the photo album before starting to tell your favorite story.
* * *
You’ve never been the biggest believer in the idea of right place, right time. It’s always felt like an oversimplification, one that goes hand in hand with the idea of love at first sight and the concept of fate.
Your friends say you’re a grouch, you just say you’re too realistic to ever fall for that type of capitalistic BS.
But, of course, you have to be proven wrong in the most ridiculous way possible.
It’s not enough that you’ve been frequenting the same coffee shop as the most gorgeous woman you’ve ever seen, no, you also have to end up at the same place, at the same god-awful time: rush hour. 
You’re crammed in some tiny booth in the most faraway corner you could find, mumbling under your breath while you write email after email to your procrastinating coworkers. You were supposed to be taking a break but there are far too many unchecked items on your to-do list and it’s not like you’re in the most relaxing of places anyway.
You’re in the middle of arguing with yourself about the order in which to tackle said to-do list when you’re interrupted by quite possibly the loveliest voice you’ve ever heard.
“Hey, sorry to bother but do you mind if I sit here?”
You look up from your laptop and allow the words to slip out before you can back out. “Go ahead, I don’t mind.”
The smile your words get is enough of a reward for your sudden confidence until sitting in front of each other turns into an easy conversation which turns into exchanging phone numbers.
You’re not entirely sure how it happens, you just know when you finally leave the coffee shop, it’s with a spring in your step and the number of the most gorgeous woman you’ve ever seen saved on your phone.
You assume that will be the end of things (because why in the world would she ever give you a moment of her time?) but you end up being completely wrong. Only a few days go by before she reaches out, inviting you on a real coffee date. You’re so stunned it takes you almost a full hour to reply to her, an hour that you later find out was the cause of more than a few panicked texts to her brother.
There’s a lot of panic on your part too, although yours is mainly due to having no clue what to wear or how to act on a date with someone like Hailee. Saying you’re nervous is an understatement and you end up arriving late because you wanted to bring her flowers but couldn’t find an open shop nearby.
You rush into the coffee shop ten minutes late, a string of apologies flowing from your lips and a small velvet box clutched in your hand. 
The brunette’s response is nothing like what you were expecting. Instead of laughing at you or being upset, she merely stares at the box, an amused grin tugging at the corners of her lips. “What is that?” 
“Oh, I, uh, well, I wanted to bring you some flowers but I could only find a jewelry shop so…” You trail off before you can embarrass yourself further, choosing instead to hand over the box to her and face the consequences of your actions. 
Turns out, the consequences aren’t bad, you’re just too much of a mess around Hailee and her adorable smile to be able to handle her reaction. 
“You’re kidding,” she says once she opens the box and sees the small bumblebee charm hanging from the silver chain. “This is so thoughtful, thank you. Help me put it on?”
You’re pretty sure your heart stops right then and there but you agree nonetheless. Your legs wobble a little as you walk behind her, gentle hands moving her hair out of the way before clasping the necklace together.
It’s strange how right being with her feels despite the nerves and the way your heart pounds in your chest. 
You didn’t know it then but you were already head over heels in love with Hailee Steinfeld and her soft brown eyes.
* * *
The ending of your story earns you yet another groan from the tiny brunettes. You open your mouth to make fun of them when your wife’s voice stops all three of you in your tracks. “Why did no one invite me to this party?”
“Apparently you’re the one responsible for it,” you reply. “A little bee told me you gave them the photo albums.”
“Weird.” She makes a face designed to make the twins laugh. “I don’t remember doing that.”
“Mom!” They complain in unison, causing both of you to laugh this time.
Your hands reach out for Hailee and she instantly complies with your silent request. She settles onto your lap, her back fitting perfectly against your chest while you rest your chin on her shoulder.
“How far did you get?” She asks, her eyes scanning the pages filled with random photos and scraps of paper.
“I was just wrapping up the story of our first date.” 
“Did you include the part where you showed up half an hour late?” The teasing tone in her voice makes you smile but you decide to be dramatic anyway. 
“It was ten minutes!”
The room falls into a chorus of laughs at your offended response and you bask in all the love and joy your family brings you. Maybe it was a mere coincidence or maybe it was fate but there’s no denying meeting Hailee changed your life forever.
“So, what’s next?” Em asks, shifting closer to the brunette while she flips through the rest of the photo album.
“You wanna take this one?” You ask your wife with a warm smile.
“Oh, yeah. But I’m telling the real version.”
“Little bumblebees, today is the day you find out your mom is a liar.”
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