retrocgads · 2 years
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UK 1985
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box-dwelling · 17 days
OK so I am like a day past completing the Ansur dungeon and it's been enough time to let my thoughts on it settle. Spoilers ahead.
For context, first playthrough with a basic tav. I'm a good way through act three and have finished a few of the pc quest lines. Minsc, Jaheria and Astarion are done. I have yet to get the hammer or do the house of grief but I have done sorcerers sundries. Also I haven't refused Ulder yet but it like the next thing I'm doing. Other context is that dnd is a huge special interest of mine. I've been playing for about 7 years straight. Both dming and as pcs and I have played under professional dms before. This does affect how I view the game but it's mostly postively.
Disclaimer, I haven't finished the game so there may be some stuff that ends up being done that I just haven't seen but the quest line says it's over and from what I've read online it doesn't seem like that's the case so.
So let's start off with the pros because I honestly have less to say there
As a dm I can and always do look at the dungeon design. Larian is genuinely really really good at this, and this dungeon is no exception. I loved the puzzles though a few could use some tweaking. They arent all great. But there's ideas there that I will probably introduce in my games some time. A chess puzzle especially is such a great idea. That was so cool and the fact bring gale along means you can get the answer free I'd you don't play chess makes perfect sense. Genuinely great.
I also liked the visual design. I had expected the appearance to be what I was starting to dub in my head as the "character development dungeon aesthetic " given that really in terms of design and function cazadors dungeon, the gauntlet of shar and the sorcerers sundries vaults are very very similar. But this one wasn't and I'm very happy about that. Give me some variety.
The Ansur fight itself, AMAZING. Great boss battle. I loved the hell out of it. I'd have to dig into the code to properly tell but it looked like they used a varient of the colossus fighting rules which while I've actually never run but I have been at tables where it has been run to incredible effect. They're good rules. I'm glad to see them used. It honestly makes me consider running them myself.
Last pro, on the face of it, I like the idea. I like the concept of wylls character development dungeon being about learning about the tenants of being a hero from one he looked up to. That tracks. It's a good place to take his charcater at least in theory.
As for the cons, it's mostly one but it's also a big one that has majorly pissed me off. Because Wyll is in my joint top 3 for favourite characters and they did him so fucking dirty.
I really really hated how they handled the twist with the Emperor. I don't dislike him as a charcater but I think it's at least to me pretty unambiguous that he's a pretty shady and morally grey charcater. Which is fine. In fact, it's actually a pretty interesting way to take Wyll's arc. That he looked up to this hero, internalised his mindset through the chambers and then learns that he was actually a pretty shady morally complex figure that doesn't live up to wylls expectation, that is a GOLD mine of character development. That is absolutely fascinating. Except, it doesn't do that. He barely even comments on it. Just says he's forged into a new hero by the trials while ignoring the person who set them is the very shady figure who has honestly fucked us over a lot.
You know who's another hero wyll probably looked up to? Minsc! And the Emperor is a real fucking bitch about letting him join the party.
This is compounded by the fact his good/bad ending choice rather than being a slow build up like everyone else where they get tempted by power and then have to turn it away, he instead just says "hey I could become grand duke" out of no where and then doesn't even need a persuasion check to get talked out of it like everyone else does.
So, I would be remiss without giving a way I'd fix it. So here is that.
Th ansur dungeon isn't given to us by florrick in the lower city. It's given somewhere else before you get there.
I'd recommend like, it being in a book or something in Wyrms crossing. The location is tied to wyll anyway. Maybe add in his childhood bedroom that he asks to go visit. You can put in some environmental storytelling telling that can expand on his complicated relationship ulder. Maybe the room is bordered up and untouched but when you get inside there evidence of genuine love.
When you get there you get the story of ansurs legend and wyll becomes obsessed with using this as a way to help save the city.
The ansur dungeon then gets basically left untouched. Twist and all.
But at the end of it, rather than just deciding he's going to become grand duke, it becomes a question. He can't become grand duke while Ulder is alive. And Bauldrian the great adventurer became a politician after wards. Give the Emperor a reason to not want ulder alive. Maybe Ulder risks not being able to defeat the elder brain in some way, and tie it into his reaction to Wyll taking a deal with Mizora.
Wyll is now conflicted. If his father dies he can carry on in both his and Bauldrans footsteps. Ulder left his child in command of an army before he was an adult. Can he really be trusted to take care of the city? Of course wyll loves him and of course wyll wants to save him but there's that doubt there. I have been reforged in to bauldarns heir. I could do a better job. I could save more people. He abandoned me. Why should I save him? If he breaks his pact this is also fed into by the fact it puts him at very active threat from mizora. It's not that prevelant. Wyll is wyll he's not that susceptible to corruption but a little bit of doubt, coaxed on by the Emperor is all he needs.
Then the lower city.
Make sure you have to get minsc before continuing his quest line. Have wyll have a reaction to the Emperor 's distrust of minsc. These are two of his childhood hero's fighting. Play that up for some drama.
Then saving ulder becomes the thing that either makes him the blade of avernus or the grand duke. He can either choose to not save his father, take on the title of grand duke and rule the city following in baulderans footsteps or, he can kill mizora and swear his life to killing demons as a the blade of avernus. . Later becoming a ranger just like minsc. Even give minsc a few lines giving him a pep talk about it. Maybe even having him explain that wyll need to be his own kind of hero taking the infulances he has from the past and learning from them to become a better one. If the pact stays he just remains the blade of the frontiers if he saves ulder but can become grand duke if he doesnt.
Then, have ulder apologise and then reconcile. Have wyll learn to actually recognise his father as a flawed man who hurt him but who is also complex. Maybe even have an option for if he chooses to fully reconnect their relationship or not.
The bones of a really really really good story are here. Please, for the love of God, larian actually tell it.
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teufelme · 1 year
little character things.
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just a fun little character game. fill in the below categories with 3-5 things that your character can be identified by. repost and tag away!
tagged by. taken from my old blog. tagging.  catch me tagging everyone (+ @leadersguilt all your blogs)
001.        guilty.
002.        cowardly.
003.        withdrawn.
004.        devoted.
005.        detached.
006.        indifferent.
001.        as a warrior cadet: greetings remain simple as not to bring to much attention, a raised hand, softly waving in greeting/goodbye (as seen in chapter 95 as bertolt waves goodbye to the people of marley as they begin their mission to paradis).
002.        as a soldier: a timid / maybe even slight fear at the prospect of having to interact with others / a desire to remain in the background unless necessary. with close friends he will extend his arms to welcome, showing trust / a willingness to be open.
003.        as a warrior/survival aus: it is rare he will be dramatic with greetings. greetings are often dismissive, such a simple nod of the head or an acknowledging glance. he will remain firm with words and disposition.
004.        as the colossus titan: kicking down walls just kidding, not really a greeting but his sudden appearance ‘echoes the sound of humanity’s defeat’.
001.        black.
002.        red.
003.        green.
004.        beige.
005.        dark blue.
001.        vanilla.
002.        neroli.
003.        white tea.
004.        sandalwood.
005.        jasmine.
001.         as a child: casual attire complete with yellow arm band to identify his status as an eldian living in marley.
002.         as a soldier: typical uniform of a member of the 104th training corps with a dark grey v-neck shirt. after enlisting in the scout regiment, his uniform adorns their insignia.
003.         casual attire: his casual attire remains simple / bordering on untidy, as though he’s not too fussed on appearance. casual attire within the military consists of a dark green long-sleeved tunic over a light green shirt, alongside tan trousers. he occasionally dons a dark blue v-neck sweater over a white, high-collared unbuttoned/untucked shirt alongside tan trousers. 
004.         also: simple t-shirts, black trousers.
001.         soldier handbook: issued to him in the 104th cadet corps. 
002.        vertical manoeuvring equipment: to combat the titans. bertolt was noted to be one of the best at using vertical manoeuvring equipment in the 104th.
003.        arm band: yellow at first to identify status as a warrior cadet. once bertolt inherited the colossus titan he was issued a red arm band, as he was an honorary marleyan and warrior.
004.        lone chess pieces: souvenirs from an old chess set owned in marley, reflecting bertolt’s love for chess / pawn, king, queen.
005.        history books/old scripture: issued to bertolt by his father, informing him on marleyan legend, namely concerning helos and the great titan war.
VICES / BAD HABITS: (i have included phobias / disorders / complexes)
001.         sleep patterns: bertolt sleeps in strange positions. the 104th made a game out of bertl’s amusing contortions, using them to predict the weather. these positions actually have a deeper significance, for poses can take up the form of gruesome sights he has witnessed; e.g. positions of the corpses of those he has inadvertently slain. his vivid nightmares induce said positions and bertolt is sometimes quite difficult to wake from his slumber. being woken suddenly leaves him confused and disorientated.
002.         god complex/apotheosis: nearing the end of his life, bertolt has no regard for the conventions and demands of society, remaining calm and not feeling sorry or bad when he tells his former friends that he will kill them and all humans inside the walls just because he had decided to do so. he decided who was to live and who was to die in a situation where not everybody would be saved. he disregards any consideration he has towards his friends’  respective situations while experiencing this delusion. although he seems confident, it is more or less a coping mechanism for his low self - esteem and guilt, and having no other choice but to take initiative for himself.
003.         hyperhidrosis: bertolt is noted by his comrades to always be sweating ‘nervously’, places affected are his facial area, nape and sometimes his hands and chest area. this parallels the colossus titan's heat and steam generation, and is exacerbated by anxiety.
004.           ptsd: bertolt relives traumatic events through nightmares (an example being the hanged man dream), flashbacks and recollection. he experiences feelings of isolation, irritability (namely where reiner’s mental health is concerned) and, above all, guilt.
005.           self-doubt: bertolt didn’t believe himself to have a strong sense of purpose, his greatest weakness as a soldier. bertolt admits to being a coward and somebody with a weak will, following the opinion of others and going with the flow. this was a sort of act that he came to rely on, to absolve himself of any guilt.
001.        as a cadet: repetitive slouching when sitting and standing, reflecting his anxious nature / keeping to himself / facing inward. movements may be stiff in anxiousness, though there is a calmness to them.
002.        on the topic of turning inwardly: a spine bent in shame, head looking down as to shield / cover himself and his eyes.
003.        as a warrior/survivor verse: fitting his new persona, bertolt will stand tall, a stance to suit a new-found intimidation; not always looking down on others but he does not let them look down on him. movements calm as opposed to jittery and anxious, slow, more fitting to the movements of the colossus titan.
004.        the colossus titan: slow movements / a mocking slowness as it terrorises.
005.        fighting stance: aware of his strength / graduating 3rd out of 200+ soldiers, taking initiative and using his power: quick, agile, athletic. he rushes his opponents, leaving them little time to react, while also remaining on the defence and retreating when he knows it would be wise.
001.        a noose/rope around the neck: hanged man / punishment.
002.        a cut throat: silenced / a murderer.
003.        spine sticking out ‘neath flesh: prominent bones (namely collarbones and the suprasternal notch).
004.        a crown of thorns: a fallen king, bringing evil upon the world / repentance.
005.        devastation: ruin / ravaged buildings and towns.
006.        hands stained with blood.
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echo-echo31 · 2 years
Chosen I Heist x Illinois - The Mummy AU
Chapter 1
Based on the idea by Iowa anon <3
Warnings: mention of blood
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The scene, Markus supposes, is meant to be beautiful.
The ocean of sand creates a glimmering mirror that reflects the sun’s rays. The heat stored in the dunes like ancient secrets. Just in the distance, he can spot the top of the ruins he’s been searching for during the past few exhausting, thirst-driven weeks. They are covered in a blanket of haze; the heat from them swirling into the air above like steam from a kettle.
Yes, it’s definitely supposed to be beautiful.
It’s hard to really take that it, however, when your nose is full of sand.
“Fuck, I really hate this stuff,” Markus curses, having just raised his head back from yet another sneezing fit.
Beside him, his - maybe not loyal but all together easily persuaded - partner, Bim, chuckles in that game show host voice of his.
“Well, you did decide to go to the desert. What’s next, complaining the ocean’s too wet?” He laughs at his own joke, whilst Markus scowls.
“Yeah, yeah. Let’s just move on so we can finally get a good look at this dusty old place,”
When they eventually get to the top of the deep decline leading to the centre of the ruins, the first thing Markus notices, is how quiet it is. At first he think’s he’s being ridiculous - of course it’s quiet, they’re in the damn desert - but then he still can’t shake the feeling that it’s not supposed to be this silent, this still, this dead.
“Are we going or not, friend?” Bim asks, his hands on his hips.
“…yeah, yeah,” Markus shakes himself out of it, placing a step forwards to begin his decent down.
Which is, of course, exactly when all hell breaks loose.
Markus isn’t sure what happens in the time it takes his body to land, face first, at the bottom of the dune. Only that his ears are still ringing from some kind of massive sound. Hazily, he’s aware of multiple bodies rushing around him, and only regains his senses when he feels the edge of a very sharp sword come dangerously close to his back.
“Fuck,” He shouts, standing up in a clumsy haste, before turning around just in time to grab the end of the weapon a very pissed off looking local is pointing at him. His hand is now dripping with his own blood, but at least he avoided his second stab wound of the trip.
The man shouts something in a language Markus doesn’t understand, but it’s said in a way that makes it clear the intention is not friendly. Efficiently, the thief pulls the sword, along with his body, to the side, causing the local warrior to loose his balance and therefore his weapon. Markus isn’t idiotic, so does drop the blade in the sand then, before using the energy time has re-gifted him to run towards the shelter of a crumbling colossus.
Panting in the awesome shadow, it’s the first time he can take in the scene properly. Carnage is the only word that fills his mind. The rest of the people he’d taken on the expedition are dotted around the ancient site like chess pieces doomed in the moment before check-mate. He spots Bim running animatedly away from a particularly mean looking woman in a black outfit. The eerie emptiness he had observed before has been replaced by shattering gunfire and clashing swords. People shouting in several different language create rain in the desert.
Markus turns like he’s been hit.
The world is drowned out. Not like before; the sound is not empty. Instead, the silence is filled with something heavy, something ancient, something powerful.
Something that knows his real name.
Then the world decides to wake him up. By knocking him out with the handle of a rifle, of course.
“And that is why the burning of the Library of Alexandria is the greatest tragedy of the classical world,” Illinois says, to a room of yawning students.
At least he enjoys the sound of his own voice.
“Okay, so next time we’ll cover the murder of Cleopatra by Octavian…” He trails off, watching several twenty-somethings tiredly pack up their Macbooks and ignore the coffee stains their Starbucks have left on his decades old wooden desks.
As the last one leaves the room, not looking back, he sighs and takes off his undersized oval framed glasses, rubbing at the bridge of his nose.
“I love my job,” He mumbles to himself under his breath, taking a moment to try and reignite that flame of motivation, before haphazardly tidying his dusty textbooks into the brown leather bag he carries everywhere.
Before leaving the college for the day, he knocks on the head of faculty’s office, meaning to report back on the ‘unlimited enthusiasm’ the ‘next generation of archaeologists’ showed in his lectures today. All in aid of not getting his classes dumped off the timetable, off course.
What he doesn’t know, is that at the precise moment he opens the door, Professor Damien  happens to be fixing the very large bookshelf on the other side. The only warning he gets is a very loud thump and a surprisingly mild exclamation of ‘Oh shit’, before he finds his boss laying on the floor in a tumble of books, looking dishevelled and more than a little pissed off.
“Oops,” He offers to the scowling air.
“Illinois…” Damien starts, that posh accent slipping under the strain of trying to hide his growing indignant rage, “I know you’ve stated many times that you love working here but…I insist…for everyone’s sanity. You have to get out,”
Cairo isn’t exactly what Illinois expected.
In the textbooks and adventure stories (which he’ll never actually admit he reads), it looks so ancient, so out of place in the modern world, that he doesn’t expect to see so many people. Never mind the cars and occasional McDonalds.
“Excuse me, sir? Excuse me, can you tell me where the Red Diamond Hotel is?”
The man in question either doesn’t know English, or doesn’t care, as Illinois doesn’t even get an acknowledgement that he exists, before the man is lost to the ever-growing sea of people.
“Do you know, they don’t even have camels? No camels, in Egypt? Maybe someone’s ex-wife stole them,”
“You know, someday you’re gonna get over her, Noir,” Illinois replies to his brother, using his nickname and rolling his eyes at the way he casually strolls around the city in his trench coat like he’s in a god damn detective movie, “Besides, Iowa, it’s not like you’d want to travel by camel anyway,”
His brother scoffs, especially at the use of the name their parents graciously bestowed upon him. They were nothing if not geography enthusiasts.
Suddenly, shouting erupts in the middle of the crowd, and Illinois watches with interest as a iron gate is slowly opened by two disgruntled looking guards.
“Hey, where you going? Hey, wait up!”
He ignores the shouts from his brother, walking forwards to investigate what exactly is happening that’s causing so much pandemonium.
When he gets closer to the gates, it’s clear they opening up to some kind of holding place. Gaps in what looks like the walls of an ancient courtyard are covered with bars, housing increasingly dubious looking folk. He’s distracted by investigating further however, when a strange kind of hissing sound directs his attention to the cell almost immediately next to him.
The man trying to beckon him forwards doesn’t match the pattern of inmate he’s seen so far. He’s devilishly handsome, the kind of features that belong in either an adventure storybook or a wanted poster. His jawline reflects the sun in a way that allows his light hazel eyes to be highlighted. It’s obvious he’s been there for a few weeks, an unkept beard straggling at his neck and dirt running across the fingers currently holding the bars separating them.
“Hey, cowboy. You gonna come over or what?”
Illinois nearly steps backwards with the force in which he comes out of his own thoughts, wanting to run and hide at the mere suggestion that this stranger might know the contents of them. Despite himself, he moves forwards. Curiosity was always his fatal flaw.
“So, what’s a guy like you doing in a place like this?”
The professor raises an eyebrow, scoffing at the poor excuse for flirting from a literal prisoner.
“Might ask you the same thing,”
The stranger smirks, eyes glimmering with something mischievous, before encouraging him to lean in closer.
“No really. Haven’t heard an American accent in months. And you don’t exactly look like the type of person to be hanging around here,”
Illinois considers himself. For all of two seconds. Curiosity strikes again.
“I’m looking for the ruins of Hamunaptra,”
Surprisingly, the prisoner’s eyes go wide at the name.
“I know that. That’s where I was, before they-”
A guard suddenly comes nearer, shouting in what Illinois supposes is Arabic. Again as a surprise to him, the man in the cell starts shouting back in the same language. Then he raises his head to be level with Illinois, leaning on his knees.
“I know where it is, I’ve been there. I could take you,” He stops, a grin flickering across his features, “And I only charge half for guys as handsome as you,”
“Really? Flattery from a prisoner, do you really think I’m that-”
Illinois doesn’t get to finish his sentence.
Without warning, he’s pulled forward by the collar of his shirt and his chin hits the bars, before soft lips crash into his. As unwarranted kisses from strange locked-up men go, it isn’t half bad. He definitely doesn’t mind the way the hazel eyed criminal bites at his lip in a way that makes him groan quietly.
Then, the contact is broken as a guard forcefully pushes the stranger back, clearly cursing in his native tongue. The prisoner quickly scrambles to his feet, arms clinging onto the bars before the backdoor to his is opened by a different, fierce looking guard.
“Get me the fuck out of here,”
Then he’s dragged back, leaving Illinois panting and more than a little flustered.
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llendrinall · 3 years
A terrible question, but which Weasley has the highest body count?
Both Arthur and Molly have something under 10, from the first and the second wizarding war. Molly’s count is higher than Arthur’s.
Ginny is a zero. She is a very dangerous person and people know. On a base, instinctual level, veteran Death Eaters know to stay away from the freckled teenager. Ginny hexes a lot of people, but she doesn’t kill anyone during the war.
Ron is between 3 and 5. All after the war. All were attacking someone else. When they attack him, Ron engages in a duel, casts and counter-casts and dances around just like he would in a chess game. When they attack others, Ron flips the table and the board and finishes things in a very terminal and permanent way. (Hermione won’t admit it because she thinks it’s uncivilized, but she finds it so hot).
Fred and George are a 5. Together, because they fight together and no one can tell if it was the spell or the kick that ended Julius Mulciber. It happened during the Battle of Hogwarts except for one incident right when they had to go into hiding during the war.
Percy has killed 3 people and all of them were stone cold murders. Is killing someone in a duel a murder? From a legal standpoint it most likely is, but nobody in wizarding society considers it so. If you have your wand and it’s one on one, it’s not murder.
Percy has murdered three people. One was a mild mannered middle aged wizard. A perfectly polite and proper gentleman who was on his way to report Angelina Johnson’s location and blood status. He would claim that he was not a Death Eater and that he was merely following the rules and adhering to protocol and he would be saying the truth! Really! He was just a law-abiding citizen, someone who didn’t necessarily sympathize with the new government but who didn’t tolerate those radicals mix-breed who openly defied it.
Angelina would had been arrested and killed. Someone was going to die either way, Percy merely changed who.
The second one was also a man working at the Ministry. Actually, he came first. It was before Pius Thicknesse ascended to power. A head of department. Powerful. Influential. Charismatic.
Serial sexual harasser.
The thought “what if it were Ginny?” never crossed Percy’s mind because he couldn’t picture Ginny working in a Ministry office. In any case, it wasn’t a question of what if it were someone else, it was a question of being someone right now. Paula.
Percy didn’t kill him right away. Just because Percy was a stone cold murderer it didn’t mean it was his default mode of action. He tried to speak with him first, and with Paula. He told her he would support her if she filled a complaint. None of that worked, so Percy wrote a complaint himself that was ignored. The wizard who handled it actually burned it before Percy and told him he was doing him a favour. A promising young man like himself should be more careful about who he was baselessly accusing.
He did it on a Tuesday. The poison was slow and silent so it wasn’t until Thursday when they were told the tragic news of their dear colleague’s passing. Paula burst into tears and people used her reaction to say that she was hooking up with him, she was the one chasing him. Percy had a brief moment of panic, but he overheard an old woman in the cafeteria saying “good riddance” and over the next week Paula lost the exhaustion shadows under her eyes and Percy acquainted himself with the concept of “pattern of conduct”.
His third murder was of Mr. Wu, which is only relevant because Mr. Wu was very surprised and because Percy didn’t use magic.
Bill has killed 2-3 people, all at the Battle of Hogwarts. There was also a troll. It’s unclear if they count as people.
Oh, but you have skipped Charlie! You say.
No, I have not. Charlie comes last because Charlie is at the top. Definitely more than 18 kills but less than 45.
It’s the poachers. Dragon parts are used in potions and wand-making and many other things. There is a strong demand for dragon ingredients. Dragon reserves collect the shed scales and horns and even dragon dung, but that’s not enough to satisfy the market. They want more. Blood, liver, heart. And they are willing to pay for it.
They come get it.
And they find Charlie.
More than 18 but probably less than 45 confirmed kills Charlie.
Charlie came to dragon work believing, like everyone else in England, that the short life expectation for dragon workers was due to the dragons themselves, or rather, careless dragon work, Mum, if you are careful there is no danger. In fact, over 80% of injuries and deaths are due to furtive hunters. To be fair, they usually take measures to disguise their murders as dragon-related accidents.
The point is that Charlie didn’t come to this work expecting to be murdered and he won’t stand for that nonsense.
There is an annual dragon conference in Tanzania where all the world experts in dragon keep and dragon lore meet, and the sole reason it exists is so the Tanzania reserve would have an excuse to invite Charlie down for a bout of not-dying-today.
Charlie imparted a workshop on Romanian Longhorn’s calls, which is his actual area of expertise, not poacher fighting. That’s an unfortunate side effect of his job, much like dragon dung collection. The second night of the conference an armed group attacked the leader of the Kenyan reserve, who had been making amazing progress in winning legislative support. Charlie killed three of the poachers, scared the rest into a different career and earned a standing invitation from everyone to come work at their reserves whenever. Charlie is happy in Romania, so he declines the work offers but accepts all the conference invitations he keeps getting, happy under the assumption that people just want to hear more about Longhorn’ calls.
The Tanzanian Spiked Colossus is no longer in danger of extinction.
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bai-zewarrior · 4 years
So I finally nailed down my designs for the black heart characters (except colossus, perry/predator and Madusa I'm still massing with them) along with some head canons! The characters might look a bit weird next to each other, I didn't draw them all on the same canvas. I know I'm suppose to but I was lazy and didn't want to re draw the refs on one canvas. I also appologize for this being so long.
I'm hoping to start a comic with these guys. I always end up saying no to projects like this because I don't think my art is good enough but I think I'm going to put my foot down this time!
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Can talk(unlike my version of Cyan)
Pretty laid back but knows when he needs to be serious
Will curse you out
Thinks Aura and Nautilus are cute together
His cape works as his "soul meter"(idk what to call it). It has 3 squares on the back that represent Hal's souls. The cape becomes tattered and ripped when souls are taken.
He just wants 5 minutes of peace without someone trying to take his souls, please give him his 5 minutes of peace.
Really hates colossus
In the context of black heart I don't consider him a nano bot. He can bleed and stuff like that.
When he sleeps his body starts to heal any wounds and mend his cloths. This leaves him defenseless as he will remain unconscious until it's finished. He tries not to sleep out in the open and often uses caves and trees as temporary shelters when he needs to sleep. This can also activate when he is knocked unconscious but in cases like with Colossus the healing part is stopped.
He can change colors but he prefers red. His cloths don't change colors with him. Just his skin and his cape.
Again, in he context of black heart, I imagine Hal just kinda woke up somewhere with a bit of knowlage about himself and that's about it. Shortly after works he ran into Aura and Nautilus for the first time. He considered the battle a joke.
Has glowing markings all over his body. He can cause them to glow at will
Can only breath air for around 10 minutes( this time can decrease with some conditions such as heat or cold. This is because his gills need to be wet for him to breath air, so if it's really hot out his gills will dry out faster)
Has a stutter due to the N.A.T.U thing, among other things. Like trust issues when Xero is around
Is euryhalinr(this just means he can breath any kind of water)
His suit adds about 100lbs to him (material, water, and special boots to help with balance when moving around in the suit)
Likes to make jewlary with shells and stuff
Loves Aura to death. Would litterally die for her.
His teeth work like a shark's. One falls out? You've got plenty more to fill the gap! He has given pretty much all his friends breif heart attacks when he casually spits one out after they hear the loud bone cracking noise of a tooth braking. He keeps all the teeth.
Runs on all fours for some reason. No one knows why, including Aura.
Learned all her magic from her parents
Her parents lived like hermits because they believed people still hold witch hunts. Aura hated this because she snuck out a lot and knew that this wasn't the case.
Can be a bit forgetful with spells so she always keeps her book with her at all times
Love Nautilus to death, would die for him too.
Can't swim, her body it denser then water so she just sinks. Nautilus is almost always with her when she's near water for this reason.
Aura's wand is broken but she just keeps fixing it with tape because she doesn't know how to make a new one. She also doesn't want to ask her parents because they wouldn't let her live it down.
Made the headphones Puffer wears so he doesn't have to worry about Siren trying to mind control him, again.
Aura has a secret garden. She uses it to grow her magic plants. It has a defense system that even Jestar can't get past. Only those she has given permission can enter, but those people can give temporary permission to others. Only Nautilus, Puffer and Solario have permission to go into the garden.
Has gotten use to the weird things Natalie can do.
A bit of a hermit, but will open up when he trusts someone
Always has his eyes closed because he thinks his eyes look scary. He can still see for some reason? (Like Brock from pokemon, idk how he could see but he traveled like 3-4 regions like that)
Changes colors depending on emotions. Blue is calm and happy, purple is upset and sad and red is anger and frustration.
Puffer can create lots of spikes all over his body if needed as well as a set of claws. He doesn't do this often.
Likes to cook but keeps it a secret from everyone. (Aura and Nautilus found out though, they just kept the secret)
He really doesn't like Siren after what she did to him, but he will talk to her and hang out with her if someone else he trusts is around.
Really wants to apologize to Hal but he hasn't gotten the chance to yet.
Is really self conscious.
He's not very good at swimming but Nautilus teaches him when Siren isn't around or in Aura's secret garden.
Likes to sing for no reason
Has a not so small army of skeleton fish
Is litterally heartless (she doesn't like to talk about it)
Has a crush on Puffer but she doesn't know how to fix the bridge she burned with him
Plays chess with Myst a lot(and wins a lot, much to Myst's dismay)
She can shape shift her tail into a pair of legs. This was a "gift" from Jestar to help her be a better assassin for him
Thinks Xero is a prick
Likes to steal Xero's alcohol sometimes
Can water bend. She can't blood bend though. She's tried.
Likes rock and country music for some reason
Nautilus likes to play with her fish some times.
Knows a bit about necromancy. She doesn't like to talk about it though. She never does it in front of anyone besides her fish army
Doesn't like to talk about his life outside work
Is well over 100 years old( he lost count)
Is very protective when it comes to Shade
Doesn't really understand Shade but will support her regardless
Likes to smoke when he thinks no one is around
Can create an umbrella to protect himself if he is caught outside when the sun comes up
Likes to play chess
Is basically a dad to the other assassins
Rarely opens his third eye. This usually only happens when he gets frantic, scared or extreamly angry
Does not have any remorse over killing Parry
He doesn't eat in front of others if it can be helped
Myst told Nautilus about Shade once. He had a bad feeling and asked that if anything happened to him Nautilus would take care of her. Only problem was no one thought about the address of Myst and Shade's mansion. He found her though, don't worry.
When he is exposed to sunlight it will immediately cause him to get sunburned. If he doesn't leave after about 30 seconds- 1 minute he will start to die slowly and painfully. He has taken a lot of tea baths because of the sun
A big dork
Very loud and bubbly
Is a prince from a kingdom galaxies away from where black heart takes place in
Was suppose to marry the moon from the moon is getting away level (haven't given her a name yet) but she unknowingly broke Sol's heart so he left. He wanted her to be happy and he clearly couldn't give her that happiness.
Doesn't understand "mortal" things but wants to learn.
Nautilus taught him the word yeet and now he won't stop using it
I headcanon that his voice actor would Gary LeVox(lead singer of Rascal Flatts)(don't ask why, I can't change what has happened in my brain)
Will stop at nothing to see his friends happy
Likes hanging out with Aura, Nautilus and Puffer
Can make himself hotter or colder at will. He tends to stay at a heat that won't hurt others when the go near him, but not cold enough to cause himself harm.
If he gets to cold he can die. He also starts to become extreamly cold or extremely hot before death. The direction his tempature goes in is dependent on what he was doing before hand. (Example: reading a book, gets shot, starts to get colder and colder. Attacking Hal trying to get his soul, shapeshifts so much he almost blows himself up, gets hotter and hotter)
Can be a bit over dramatic sometimes
He is incredibly strong. He can lift both Puffer(who whieghs roughly 230 lbs) and Nautilus when he's in his suit(so about 250 lbs) with no trouble. He forgets about his stranghth some times and has accidentally thrown a few things before quickly trying to fix it.
His shapeshifting isn't limited to just objects, he can shape shift small things about him self like his cloths or his entire body into something like a dinosaur. He doesn't do it often though. Mostly just the cloths thing.
Yells a lot
Thinks everyone is incompetent except Xero, for some reason
Accidentally took Puffer when Siren joined do to a confusion about Sirens powers. He refused to send Puffer home.
Colossus is basically just his pet
Xero is the only one who can get away with yelling at Jestar. No one really knows why but they hold really long arguments about all sorts of stupid stuff
Did I mention he yells a lot? I did? Well I’m saying it again. He yells A LOT.
Can shapeshift in to anything
Does not know how to handle baby Madusa. He doesn't know how to handle people in general, and he thought creating a baby was a good idea.
Smokes and drinks a lot
Has a German accent(I can’t un heard it, I’m sorry)
Has a wrapped sense of humor
Calls Natilus “shark boy” after natilus bit him(this is related to what happened before N.A.T.U)
Calls everyone a nicknames besides Jestar.
Makes more robots then he needs and holds robot death battles at night.
Wants to dissect Siran after he found out she’s litterally heartless.
Is drunk 90% of the time but that's when he works best. He doesn't care that he has a problem either
Dressed Madusa up is costumes a lot during the 2 weeks it took him to grow up. He created a scrap book with photos of them too.
Can actually be a really nice dude when he wants to be. He doesn't normally want to be nice
90% of his robots are idiots
He's left handed
Is basically Jestar’s pet
Doesn’t speak a language anyone knows
Is basically a king without a kingdom
Starts out really tiny but gets really big for a short period of time once he has infected someone
Has trust issues
Is only like 16 years old
Has normal(ish) ghost powers because she was born a ghost
Drives Myst nuts with her edgy stuff
Likes talking to Perry(she meets him after the Funk Hole level)
Can bounce between having a ghost tail to having normal legs.
Her flower is technically apart of her but she doesn't consider it part of her.
Kinda skittish around people who look scary to him(so 90% of the black heart cast)
Has a crush on Shade but won't admit it out loud because he's scared of getting bitten in half by Myst, again.
Around 18 years old
Left home because his mom and brother suck and he wanted to be a ghost hunter like the ones he saw on tv. He got his wish for like 2 hours?
Transforms into Predator during the full moons and special moons. Special moons can have different effects on his transformation and mental state. Like a blood moon causes him to become more blood thirsty but a blue moon causes him to actually retain his normal mental state.
He has a habit of spiraling about everything
Can't say anything understandable
Each part of his head has a brain so they agrue sometimes
Around 5X the size of Parry
Acts like a dog sometimes
Would have probably just ate Hal instead of taking the souls.
Can breath underwater and air without issue
Doesn't like the fact that he looks like Nautilus
Hasn't figured out how to swim fast like nautilus yet but won't admit it
Calls Jestar dad
Actually gets along well with Xero
Xero calls him Moccasin
Has markings like Nautilus but they only glow in the dark and they aren't as bright
He's allergic to shell fish
Actually had about a 2 week period where he was a kid. Xero and Jestar just gave him a special serum that caused I'm to grow up faster.
Most of his teeth ended up like Aura's but his canines are significantly sharper then they would be. Xero also found an extra set of teeth under Madusa's adult teeth.
Doesn't like the idea that his whole life rests on a tiny, easy to brake, stone on his head but just rolls with it.
Scared Jestar and Xero a lot during his first few days of life. He not only descovered his allergy to shell fish but almost got himself caught by the others a bunch of times.
All these guys belong to OL666 except Hal, he belongs to vitamin games
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Survey #282
“daddy’s flown across the ocean / leaving just a memory / a snapshot in the family album / daddy, what’d you leave behind for me?”
What is your favorite type of dance? I like modern dances, especially those unusual or creepy with unique music. They’re the dances I look forward to watching in dance competitions. Do you find making scenes in public fun? Oh fuck no. Lemonade or pink lemonade? Pink is Supreme in so many ways. Where do you feel safest? At home, especially if Mom is here. Have you ever been to a gay pride parade? No, but I’d love to. Would you take your dream job if it were out of the country? No. I don’t want to move to Africa. What do you like to do when you're home alone? HAHA okay so I almost exclusively watch Unus Annus when Mom isn’t home because I will almost without a doubt cackle at least once, and… explaining why I’d be laughing would be WILD. UA is a fucking gift & I’mma miss it when it’s gone. What kind of music calms you down? My best bet is nostalgic music that I hold very close, like Ozzy. The soundtracks to SotC and SH2 are also magical when it comes to soothing me. Who did you last go to a park with? Uhhhh… probably not since I took family pictures for someone. Got some nice ones. Have you ever been robbed? Thankfully, no. Are you working, a student, both, or neither? Neither, and at nearly 25, it’s fucking humiliating. I’m thinking of appealing my disability case (you very rarely get it the first time), but of course self-doubt and anxiety just slaps me across the face again and again by asking, “Do you really need it?” That shit is agonizing. Very highly regarded people in my life agree that it’s realistic for me, at least at this moment, while I sort out my mental health. I don’t plan on being on it forever, fuck no. But right now I am, no matter what anyone says, a leech in my home. What's your favorite holiday? Christmas. I prefer Halloween’s “vibe,” of course, but I am much more excited and just thankful at Christmastime, especially now as an aunt with children who *understand* the holiday. Their joy and excitement is enough of a gift to me. It’s always really hard on Mom because she’s convinced she doesn’t do enough (she cries at least once like… every year), but my sisters and I always reassure her. It’s also a nice opportunity to see Dad and my stepmom, also with my sister’s family, and once again we get to see the kids so happy. But enough about them; what I love most about Christmas is I generally am able to put my troubles into perspective and take the time to remember I am, in the big picture, lucky to have what and who I do. And SNOW!!!!! If you can’t tell I’m stoked for Christmas. Do you prefer male or female friends? Both are great, but I’m more relaxed with female friends because of the whole “scared of men” ordeal. What's your favorite dessert? Biiiiihhhhh lemme get my hands on ice cream. Do you ever go on chatroulette or omegle? Noooo, I never did. That shit creeps me out. Besides, I’m shy. What kind of tea do you drink? None. Do you know anyone in a gang? Not to my knowledge… What color is your fridge? White. We decided to use the fridge already in this house versus our old one. Is your phone mostly on vibrate, silent, or ringtone? It’s just about always on vibrate. Do you own black sunglasses? I don’t own any sunglasses. Are you currently looking for a job? Fuck if I know. Not actively, but if something suitable magically popped up, I’d definitely pursue it. Do you watch MTV? No. Do you like to tell people who you like? Historically, I tend to keep my mouth shut about it to people who know that love interest unless explicitly asked, and even then, it depends on if I think they’ll keep their mouth shut. How often do you braid your hair? It’s too short to be braided. I very rarely had it braided beforehand. What color is your microwave? Black. Do you wash your face in the morning when you wake up? If I remember, especially if I’m groggy. Are you interested in the ocean? No more or no less than the average person. What's a big turn on for you? Keeping physical stuff outta this, I’m just such a fuckin sucker for being authentically romantic lmao. Have you ever thought about being a teacher? Heeeeeelllllll no. What's the first thing you do when you turn your computer on? Close out of the stuff that automatically pops up after it starts. Do you drink Gatorade? Ugh, ew, no. Do you hate when people replace 0's with O's? EX: 9:OO AM. Lol no, it’s honestly aesthetically pleasing in some formats. Did you hate riding the bus? Some of my best school memories are the long bus rides home w/ Jason so uh- Do you ever use XOXO in texts, letters etc..? Nah. Has anyone ever told you they liked you to your face? Yeah. Have you ever touched an elephant? No. Reading or writing? Writing. Do you have a childhood nickname? Mom called (and sometimes still does lakjdf;alkwe) me “Twinkie.” She gave sweets-oriented nicknames to all her kids. Have you ever had a Moon Pie? UGH they’re gross. I have this faint memory as a kid of a sweetheart babysitter my sisters and I had always offering us banana moon pies as a snack or dessert, idr. I’ve always hated anything banana-flavored. Has your car ever had troubles? N/A What's your birthstone? Amethyst. Would you join the navy? I want nothing to do with anything remotely related to war. What's your favorite board game? Battleship. Do you like chess? I’ve never played it nor even know the rules. If you’ve ever tried drugs or alcohol, what was your reason for first trying it? I was absolutely parched after a long, sweaty walk and was offered it to “try” by my mom without me knowing it was alcohol… the “WAIT NO STOP” from everyone was so quick lmao. It was just hard lemonade, so nothing super serious. Do you think you could ever have an abortion if you unexpectantly turned up pregnant right this second? I probably would. There is no fucking way I can emotionally handle carrying a baby right now. But I’d feel like absolute shit, even though I’m pro-choice. I just don’t want to picture myself in that situation. Is there a situation where you caved into peer pressure and regretted it? Probably. Although generally, I’m very resilient to peer pressure when it comes to something I really don’t want to do. What is your favorite video game console? Why? PS2, of course. I think the best games came from that era, many ahead of their time. Example, the original Shadow of the Colossus graphics massively pressured the limits of the software, and it still to this day blows me away. Sure, you have some lag in return, but the end result was just magnificent. I seriously, seriously, seriously hope I’m able to play the remake one day. When you lost your virginity, were you sober? I was. As of this minute, what is going through your mind? How I need a change and purpose in life so motherfucking badly. Where’s the last place you went? I was riding around with Mom, doing some errands. Are both of your blood parents still in your life? Yes. When was the last time you went apple picking? Never. Do you have a good relationship with your cousins? We don’t really… have a relationship. We don’t talk, we just kinda “exist” knowing we’re related. What was the last kids movie you saw? I watched some of Hotel Transylvania 3 with my niece and nephew. Do you know anyone who was born in Africa? When I was still in college, there was at least one guy in my class who was. Tutored me in math. Patience of a saint, haha. Have you ever been to an internet cafe? I actually have zero clue what that is. Has the year gone quickly for you so far? I’ve barely discerned 2018-2020, if I’m being honest with you. It’s just a lump of time where I’ve done jack-all. I mean yeah, school fits in there somewhere, but mentally I wasn’t in a wonderful place and haven’t been “happy” for a long time. My mental state has been the same for a few years. How many siblings does your significant other have? N/A Are you one of those people who can drink vodka straight? Oh, I hiiiighly doubt it. I loathe the taste of alcohol. Do you share a middle name with any of your friends? I legitimately have one of the most basic white bitch middle names in America, I know tons. How many pairs of jeans do you own? None. Do you know the name of the pharmacist at your local drug store? One, yes, considering Mom worked there before the cancer and is still in touch with this pharmacist. What flavor is your toothpaste? Mint. Are you sleepy right now? I think I’m permanently sleepy. Do you like crime films and tv shows? Not especially. Are you bitter about anything? Many things. What was the first online account you remember having? Neopets. My older sister helped me set it up when I was somewhere around eight. Do you use emojis? More than I used to. I’m gradually converting from emoticons to emojis, oof. What was the last type of soda you drank? Mountain Dew. Do you remember much from high school? I probably remember too much from high school, if I’m being honest. I remember far too much in far too much detail during the almost four years I dated Jason. Where would you go for the ultimate honeymoon? Probably the Bahamas, mostly for the pink beaches, aha. It would also be an incredible photography opportunity. Do you know anyone who has a strong accent that is hard to understand? My former best friend’s dad was so southern that yes, I could barely understand him whatsoever. If you had to get a tattoo tomorrow, what would you get? If you mean a fresh, new one and not a glow-up on the Mark tribute tat I’ve mentioned five thousand times, a tribute to Teddy featuring his portrait, pawprint, and the Powerwolf lyrics “and we’ll meet where the wild wolves have gone.” I’m going to be picky as a motherfucker about the design itself, though, so realistically it probably wouldn’t be tomorrow since I’d probably commission people to draw in varying styles. Ugh, I need that tattoo gun, my man. What was the last podcast you listened to? Do you listen to it regularly? That would be 4 Peens in a Pod (it’s… not a porn I swear, it’s Fischfuck and the boys lmao). I’m waaaaaaaaaaay behind on it, though. I watch so many different things now that I’m behind on like… everything I watch/listen to. Are you on a first-name basis with your boss? (or last boss if unemployed) I think I was with all of them? What was the last thing you wrote in a Word document? This survey. Because I combine short ones into Big Boys that I usually don’t finish in one go, I save my progress on it. Who do you miss and what do you miss about them? I miss a number of people and would rather not retrospect on them. What were the best and worst costumes you’ve ever worn? *shrug* Do you know anybody who is gay and married? I think so. What did you last take painkillers for? A headache. Are there any hobbies you want to get back into? Ugh. A whole fucking lot. I’ve thought quite a bit recently on how I miss video editing, but I just don’t have the motivation and dedication for that anymore. Have you ever shared a home with a friend? Yes. What’s the craziest or weirdest place you’ve ever slept? Nowhere that strange at all… Probably just like, the floor, but even then with blankets and stuff. What did you have for lunch today and who made it? I haven't had lunch yet. Are you allergic to anything? How did you find out? Pollen is pretty obvious, while serious discoloring and itching let me know I was allergic to silver. Have you ever been on a date with someone you met online? How was it? Yeah, I was visiting her for a couple weeks. It was nice. Who was the last very physically attractive person you saw? In ~real life~, probably some friend on Facebook. Do you know anyone who is deaf? We recently found out actually that my youngest niece is deaf in her left ear due to a massive buildup of fluid in it. I’m so ready to hear about her reaction to hearing normally once it’s taken care of. Has there ever been a person you regret ever being friends with? Probably at some point. “Ever” makes this question difficult. Do you think you have a good understanding on love? Yes. What do you think of your parent(s)? I love them both immensely while acknowledging their flaws. What celebrity do you think should of never become famous? I don’t care enough to think on this honestly haha. Did you ever get into the Twilight saga craze? What about the Harry Potter craze? Neither. What's your opinion about Katy Perry's song "I Kissed a Girl"? It was bold for its time, for sure. I’ve never minded it. Actually since coming out as bi I’ve known that this song has to be included in the recession dances of my wedding if my partner is female lmao. Do you believe in heaven? If so, what's it like? If not, why? I hope there’s some sort of total bliss after death if you’re deserving of such, but I don’t know. I definitely don’t know how I actually picture it. Even if there’s not, well, I’m assuming I just won’t exist anymore, so I wouldn’t be able to care anyway. Sometimes I hope that's the case. What email service do you use for your main (or only) email account? Hotmail. Did you ever believe in the Tooth Fairy? Yeah. I remember there was one time where “she” didn’t trade my tooth for munz and I was so mad lmao. Mom apparently forgot and slipped something under the pillow while I was getting ready for school. How I fell for it, who knows man, kids are wild. How do you feel about Taco Bell? I’m not a Mexican food fan, really, but I do love their cheese (with or without chicken) quite a bit. The cinnamon bite things are bomb as FUCK, too. I’m still mad tilted they took potato products off their menu tho because I used to destroy the fiesta potatoes. How often do you go on to YouTube? I’m like… always on it. Not focusing on it at all times, but something’s in the background. Back when Spongebob Squarepants was famous, were you interested in it? Well of course, man. What's your dream pet? Ugggghhhh a sunset morph ball python, probably. Buuut I’ve seen some over $2k with their rarity. More realistically, I really, really want a Brazilian Black tarantula. And an arctic morph hognose. I want a lot of pets. ;_; Who's been your favorite teacher growing up, and why? God, I have a lot, honestly. All things considered, the answer is probably Miss Tobey, who was my physical science teacher in high school. She’s an extremely close family friend now involved regularly in my family’s lives. She can be… difficult and says shit before thinking, but we love her nevertheless. What's your favorite fairy tale? Fuck outta here if you say Shrek isn’t one. Do you have a favorite pen? Uh, no… I barely ever use pens anyway. Has a child ever asked you a question you found difficult to answer? Yeah; it happens sometimes with my niece and nephew. Name five books you've read in the past year. I think I’ve read the first three Wings of Fire book within the same year, and I’m currently on the forth. Other than those, I started The Testaments by Margaret Atwood, but only got through the prologue I think before my focus shifted onto WoF. I still plan on reading it at some point, though. ^Are any of those books your favorite? No. The prequel to The Testaments, The Handmaid’s Tale, is very high up there, though. Are you a person that enjoys re-reading books? Not at all. Once I read it once, I’m done. There are VERY few books I’ve reread, and most of those were children’s books from when I was little. Do you have a favorite talk show host? Don’t watch any. Which sounds the most refreshing: a hot shower or a cold one? I prefer hot showers unless I seeeeeriously need to cool down. Have you ever made your own soap? No. Can you sleep with socks on? UGH NO. When was the last time you were pissed beyond belief and why? Ummm good question. I don’t know about *that* mad. Maybe when Ashley’s mother-in-law shared a massively homophobic article that condoned conversion therapy on Facebook that resulted in me removing her from my friends and RAGING to my mom about it. That was forever ago, though. Do you have a favorite candle brand? No. What is your opinion on taxidermy? I have… very mixed feelings. If the animal was hunted for sport, then it’s fuckin disgusting; you literally killed an animal with the intention to show off the fact you’re a goddamn murderer. On the other hand, taxidermy of naturally-deceased animals can be educational, and even… artistic sometimes? I don’t know. I can’t really pick one stance over the other. Would you ever want to own a body part in a jar? Actually, yes, particularly of fetal animals (that WERE NOT killed for the sake of displaying), but for the same reasons above, I’m not sure if I would *really* do it. They are incredibly interesting to me, more so than taxidermy probably, but yeah, I still question the morality of it. What is the worst thing you have ever done to your own hair? I don’t think I’ve ever really done a “bad” thing to my hair. What qualities of yours do you think could potentially harm a relationship? I’m very clingy and, in the beginning, very paranoid that you’re going to leave. Have any of your childhood habits carried over into adolescence/adulthood? I had AWFUL separation anxiety from my mom for a very long time as a kid, and I guess that evolved into my extreme inability to handle loss well, maybe. I’d say they’re at least somewhat related. What is the first band that comes to mind when I say 'dark'? Cradle of Filth popped up first. As far as relationships go, what are your biggest deal-breakers? Abuse, arrogance, and distrust probably top the list. Be honest: do looks really matter to you? Nah. It’s nice to be physically attracted to my partner, but it’s not a must. Have you ever done something simply because you were of age? No. Do you think it's worth it to tell someone you had feelings for them when you don't have them anymore? I mean, what’s the situation? Are you hanging out, talking about relationships casually? I’d say it’s fine then if it’s relevant to the conversation. I don’t think it’s worth going out of your way to tell someone you liked them if you don’t anymore, though. Have you ever done something you once thought you'd be too chicken to do? Y’know that ride at fairs where you go up really high on a circular thing with other people and then drop abruptly? That. I screamed like a mf lmao. I had to put a lot of effort into not yelling “SHIIIIIIIIIIIT” lmao. What's a food you love but don't get to eat very often? Stuff involving shrimp, ig. What's your favorite mythical being? Dragons! Have you ever felt a baby kick? I don’t think so, and I don’t want to, considering it’s fucking terrifying to me. I can’t even see a baby move without screaming and wanting to hurl. When is the last time you did something truly fun, and what was it? Who the fuck knows… What is the worst thing you've ever done when you were really angry? Said things I shouldn’t have. Are there any pills you take on a daily basis? If so, what? A lot. I can’t be bothered to go through all of them. At what age do you first remember feeling butterflies in your stomach around someone? I’m not sure. Do you feel that way around anyone now? I don’t think so. What is your main heritage? German or Irish, idr which is more prominent. What is a song that you hate to admit you like? “Bitches” by Hollywood Undead came to me first lmao. What inspires you to get off your bum and do something productive? More than anything, watching inspirational YouTube videos. What part of your body have you had the most problems with in your life? I suppose maybe my ears? I had tubes put in as a kid, I had an absolutely agonizing ear infection once, I had earwax adhered to my eardrum, and they've always been STUPID dry and flaky. Are you watching your weight? Like a hawk, but it doesn’t seem to matter anyway. :^) Have you ever become really good friends with someone you found online? Most of my closest friends I’ve met online. What is the coolest tattoo you've ever seen? You’re asking the wroooong person, lol. I’ve just seen way too many… Have you ever created anything artistic that you're proud of? If so, what? Lots of things; drawings, some writing, photographs, video edits… What do you like on your hotdogs, if you eat hotdogs? Just ketchup and mustard. What is a subject that makes you uncomfortable? Sex. What is a subject you can talk on and on about and not get sick of it? MEERKATS and MARK What is the worst thing someone could do to you emotionally? Tell me I’m weak. Or that my mental illnesses truly do make me unlovable. Just essentially do fucking not make me feel what Jason did. What is the worst thing you've ever done to someone emotionally? Said some extremely mean and potentially scarring shit.
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biot08 · 4 years
By Popular Request, Adagio’s Will Fragment, related to the Gaming Guardians roleplay (now long over)
I, Adagio Redwinter, being of sound mind and body, do declare this to be my last Will and Testament.
On the Execution of my Will
Over the course of my operational existence, I have managed to accumulate a great many material things of varying levels of worth. This, I suppose, is due to my natural curiosity leading to me find the new and interesting, coupled with a lifespan that is unnaturally long for many sapient species. As well, various endeavors throughout my existence have lead me to make investments and to head several ventures, with varying levels of success and prosperity. It is now, at the end of my operational lifetime, that I intend to try and give some of what I have received back.
To see to the immense task of administering my final accounts, and to assure that my final wishes are carried out properly, I authorize my executor, Zeta Aquilae, to use those funds and materials necessary to establish the Synapse Intercorporation. The Intercorporation's internal structure and method of operation will be determined by her best judgement. The Synapse Intercorporation shall oversee the execution of my last wishes as described in this will.
It is worth noting that parts of this will are hidden from public view. This is not so much to hide anything of true note, but rather to allow some of my instructions to have a certain reactive quality to them, such that if certain conditions are met, other instructions may be carried out that may not be otherwise. My executor is aware of all of the hidden portions of my will, as well as the encryption keys necessary to view them.
I have been working on this will continuously for several years, always ensuring that it accurately reflects my wishes in the event of my demise, whether accidental or not. My understanding is that many sapients who have a tradition of finality similar to a will tend to use them as instruments of encouragement and revenge. The idea of continuing to influence the multiverse at large after my existence has ceased is one that amused me. If I have misunderstood the purpose of a will, I hope others shall view my attempt here in a reasonable light. I would caution those who read this to be aware that I am not human, and indeed, I believe I am the first of my kind to have a will of any sort. I would also note that, as my operational lifetime was originally expected to be infinite, and indeed has stretched on for a great many centuries, I do tend to take a very long view on matters. In addition to ensuring my own matters are tied up neatly, and designating specific recipients for parts of my estate, I have also made several bequests that I hope will benefit all sapients everywhere, both Primarian and System born.
I have always sought knowledge, and much of my life has been dedicated to seeking truth. I have not yet found it, but I hope that, through this will, I may lead others to find it, both for themselves and for others. I would implore all those who read this will to look to one another, and, if failing in all other tasks, that they may reach the lofty goal of one day ... understanding.
To Zeta Aquilae, who sought to understand me, and who was with me on my many travels, I leave the bulk of my estate, save for those things otherwise covered by this will. I name Zeta Aquilae the executor of my estate and the head of the Synapse Intercorporation, in which capacity she will oversee the execution of this will in accordance with my wishes.
To Nightdark, my original second, and so loyal to me all these years, I give you back your life and your freedom. I only wish I could give you your old life back, Megan. I hope that your memories will suffice.
In the memory of a woman who I was often at odds with, and yet who I still feel a deep kinship with, I find myself able to do little. I now realize the trick you played during our last game, old friend, and I hope that in the afterlife I am able to give you the match you deserve. In her memory, I present a red queen chess piece to the orange queen who now rules the forest in Gamer's End. May there forever be peace and understanding in the world she gave her life to birth.
To Aria Winters, I leave my memoirs, and my core, should it still remain, to be disposed of however she sees fit. I hope your path in life will be less troubled than mine was.
To Kale, I leave the Defender, and the legacy that goes along with it. The history of this vessel is long and deep, young Kale. You should ask Majir about it. I also give him my spaces onboard Prometheus Space Station, and my apartment in Gamer's End, as well as the contents of my bank account on Prometheus Station, and the key to my safety deposit box for the same. Remember that while the mind makes the man, the tools allow it to act better on its environment.
To Sage, I leave the Colossus, a five kilometer wide space ship that was carved out of an asteroid in BESM-SF 87-5-29. I am afraid, my dear, that this is the last rock I am able to give to you.
To the first two hundred people who show up, I leave a can of Sprite from my storage unit onboard Prometheus. One of the cans contains an actual sprite, but it got mixed in with the thoroughly mundane cans, and I never did get around to determining which can it was. I figure this is both a good way to make sure the sprite gets some use, as well as getting rid of a fair bit of unused stock. (( Note: If you want the special can, just hop on IRC and get ahold of me before the end of March. ))
To whoever determines the identity and composition of those figures who are in charge of the Gaming Guardians to the satisfaction of the Synapes Intercorporation, I leave the monetary equivalent of 20,000 XP. Transparency in operations might go a long way toward building good will, my friends. As well as being profitable.
To whoever finds Wargolem, I leave 1 million XP or medical care for the remainder of their natural life, whichever seems most appropriate.
To the first party to determine what 'Velvet Fist' is, I leave behind 10000XP.
To the person who finds the original 'Wirrit', I leave 6000 XP, so long as they deliver a copy of this will to her.
To the original 'Wirrit', I leave my yo-yo. Spend some time with it and consider that the nature of the multiverse is not as you thought it was.
To Majir Sobaan, I leave co-ordinates to a little known Fallout system. Do not be startled by what you find there. Hopefully it will explain much.
To Solita Ariennye, I leave my Seattle, Washington condo, a motorcycle, and the assets contained in the safety deposit box to which she will be given a key. While it is not the world you know and love, I hope you will enjoy Seattle, and your second retirement. I imagine you've learned your lesson.
Once a year, a jet black rose, preserved by freezing, shall be delivered to Solita Ariennye's condo in Seattle, for as long as she lives there, as a reminder that some loyalties have too high a price for us all.
Because we who occupy jaunt space are not always so careful as we should be, the Synapse Intercorporation is directed to establish the System Defenders. The goals of the Defenders are as follows: to monitor potential abuses of jaunt space and its denizens; to protect the rights of denizens of jaunt space; to establish a set of parameters that will facility a working relationship between those from the Systems and those from the Primary; to create a sanctuary in Jaunt space for beings in search of a safe retreat; and to patrol Jaunt space in such a way as to ensure that junk and debris accidentally or otherwise left in Jaunt is cleaned up in such a way as to prevent any interference with normal system development. Since many of these functions are already provided somewhat by Gamer's End and Prometheus, I use my last act as an owner of a Captain's Seat to propose that the systems already in place be diverted to form a better, more unified front for members of the Systems.
To any who find a vessel looking like BeRT ( photo attached ), or its Pilot unit, I authorize the payment of 5000 XP for its finding, and 15000 XP for its destruction. The possibility of its existence could mean a dark time for us all.
To the first fifty so-called 'voidkers' who show up to any branch of the Synapse Intercorporation, I grant a token of my esteem. The terrible events that have occurred in the voided Shadowrun system darken all our lives, and I hope to foster understanding between those who were touched by it and the rest of the multisystems at large as we move forward.
For research into jaunt phenomena considered dangerous, such as Jaunt storms and void patches, I leave four million XP, to be distributed by the Synapse Intercorporation.
To Nightengale Nightforest, whose voice is the purest I have ever heard, and moved me nearly to emotion, I know from our conversations that you have no further need for wealth. So I leave 3 million XP to be donated in your name to the charity of your choice.
I leave one hundred thousand XP to fund an expedition to Jaunt system FC-F 00-13-225.
I leave five thousand XP to fund the summoning of a spirit capable of traversing jaunt and casting a permanent Sex Change spell on the Shadowrunner known as 'Suit'. The spell will need to be of sufficient power that he will require external assistance in dispelling or reversing it. While I do not think it will change his outlook in life at all, the change in perspective for him may be educational, and if not that, at least entertaining. If some other method of bringing about the same end effect can be established, so much the better.
To the person who successfully finds what is behind door 13-B in the main building of the Church of True Harmony, I give 10000 XP upon its revelation to an authority of either the Guardians, the Defenders, or the Synapse Intercorporation.
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majornelson · 6 years
This Week’s Deals With Gold And Spotlight Sale Plus Additional Special Sales
Here are this week’s games and add-on deals on the Xbox Games Store. Discounts are valid now through 11 February 2019.
These deals will expire at 11:00 am UTC on Tuesday February 12th 2019
     Xbox One Deals
Content Title Content Type Discount Notes EA Sports UFC 3* Xbox One X Enhanced 60% DWG Forza Horizon 4 And Forza Horizon 3 Bundle* Xbox One X Enhanced 40% DWG Divinity: Original Sin 2 – Definitive Edition* Xbox One X Enhanced 40% DWG Styx: Master Of Shadows* Xbox One Game 75% DWG Forza Motorsport 7 Standard Edition* Xbox One X Enhanced 40% DWG Carmageddon: Max Damage* Xbox One Game 60% DWG My Memory Of Us* Xbox One Game 40% DWG Divinity: Original Sin – Enhanced Edition* Xbox One Game 75% DWG City Of Brass* Xbox One X Enhanced 30% DWG Forza Motorsport 6 Complete Add-Ons Collection* Add-On 75% DWG Desert Child* Xbox One Game 10% DWG Forza Horizon 3 Car Pass* Add-On 60% DWG Forza Motorsport 6 – NASCAR Expansion* Add-On 75% DWG Forza Motorsport 7 Deluxe Edition* Xbox One X Enhanced 50% DWG Forza Motorsport 7 Ultimate Edition* Xbox One X Enhanced 50% DWG INVERSUS Deluxe* Xbox One Game 70% DWG Jump Gunners* Xbox One Game 33% DWG NeuroVoider* Xbox One Game 50% DWG One Hundred Ways* Xbox One Game 50% DWG oOo: Ascension* Xbox One Game 40% DWG Rugby 18* Xbox One X Enhanced 70% DWG Silence – The Whispered World 2* Xbox Play Anywhere 33% DWG The Council – Complete Season* Xbox One Game 50% DWG The Council – Episode 1: The Mad Ones* Xbox One Game 75% DWG The Council – Season Pass* Add-On 33% DWG The Station* Xbox One Game 50% DWG EA Sports UFC 3 Deluxe Edition* Xbox One X Enhanced 67% DWG Battlefield V Xbox One X Enhanced 50% Spotlight Battlefield 1 & Titanfall 2 Ultimate Bundle Xbox One X Enhanced 80% Spotlight Plants Vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2 Xbox One Game 75% Spotlight Battlefield 4 Premium Edition Xbox One Game 85% Spotlight Battlefield World War Bundle Xbox One X Enhanced 50% Spotlight Battlefield Anniversary Bundle Xbox One X Enhanced 80% Spotlight Battlefield V Deluxe Edition Upgrade Add-On 60% Spotlight Battlefield Hardline Ultimate Edition Xbox One Game 85% Spotlight Battlefield 1 Premium Pass Add-On 80% Spotlight Battlefield 1 Revolution Xbox One X Enhanced 75% Spotlight Battlefield 4 Xbox One Game 75% Spotlight Battlefield V Deluxe Edition Xbox One X Enhanced 50% Spotlight Star Wars Battlefront II Xbox One X Enhanced 75% Spotlight Star Wars Battlefront Ultimate Edition Xbox One Game 75% Spotlight Plants Vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2: Deluxe Edition Xbox One Game 80% Spotlight Titanfall 2: Ultimate Edition Xbox One X Enhanced 85% Spotlight For Honor – Marching Fire Expansion Add-On 50% Spotlight For Honor Year 1: Heroes Bundle Add-On 50% Spotlight Jotun: Valhalla Edition Xbox One Game 67% Spotlight Starpoint Gemini 2 Xbox One Game 60% Spotlight Starpoint Gemini 2: Secrets Of Aethera Add-On 60% Spotlight Starpoint Gemini 2: Titans Add-On 60% Spotlight Starpoint Gemini 2 Gold Pack Add-On 60% Spotlight Starpoint Gemini Warlords Add-On 40% Spotlight Starpoint Gemini Warlords: Cycle Of Warfare Add-On 50% Spotlight Starpoint Gemini Warlords: Deadly Dozen Add-On 50% Spotlight Starpoint Gemini Warlords: Rise Of Numibia Add-On 50% Spotlight Starpoint Gemini Warlords: Titans Return Add-On 50% Spotlight Sundered: Eldritch Edition Xbox One Game 30% Spotlight Tacoma Xbox One X Enhanced 67% Spotlight Dragon Ball FighterZ Xbox One X Enhanced 60% Anime Month Sale Dragon Ball FighterZ – FighterZ Edition Xbox One X Enhanced 50% Anime Month Sale Dragon Ball FighterZ – Ultimate Edition Xbox One X Enhanced 50% Anime Month Sale Dragon Ball FighterZ – FighterZ Pass Add-On 50% Anime Month Sale Dragon Ball FighterZ – Android 17 Add-On 40% Anime Month Sale Dragon Ball FighterZ – Cooler Add-On 40% Anime Month Sale Dragon Ball FighterZ – Zamasu (Fused) Add-On 40% Anime Month Sale Dragon Ball FighterZ – Vegito (SSGSS) Add-On 40% Anime Month Sale Dragon Ball FighterZ – Vegeta Add-On 40% Anime Month Sale Dragon Ball FighterZ – Goku Add-On 40% Anime Month Sale Dragon Ball FighterZ – Bardock Add-On 40% Anime Month Sale Dragon Ball FighterZ – Broly Add-On 40% Anime Month Sale Dragon Ball Xenoverse Xbox One Game 75% Anime Month Sale Dragon Ball Xenoverse + Season Pass Xbox One Game 75% Anime Month Sale Dragon Ball Xenoverse – Season Pass Add-On 75% Anime Month Sale Dragon Ball Xenoverse GT Pack 1 Add-On 75% Anime Month Sale Dragon Ball Xenoverse – Resurrection ‘F’ Pack Add-On 75% Anime Month Sale Dragon Ball Xenoverse GT Pack 2 Add-On 75% Anime Month Sale Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Xbox One Game 75% Anime Month Sale Dragon Ball Xenoverse Super Bundle Xbox One Game 75% Anime Month Sale Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 – Super Pass Add-On 50% Anime Month Sale Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 – Super Pack 3 Add-On 40% Anime Month Sale Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 – Extra DLC Pack 1 Add-On 40% Anime Month Sale Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 – Super Pack 2 Add-On 40% Anime Month Sale Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 – Extra DLC Pack 2 Add-On 40% Anime Month Sale Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 – Super Pack 4 Add-On 40% Anime Month Sale Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 – Super Pack 1 Add-On 40% Anime Month Sale Mighty No. 9 Xbox One Game 80% Anime Month Sale Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus Xbox One X Enhanced 67% Franchise Sale Wolfenstein: The Two-Pack Xbox One Game 50% Franchise Sale Wolfenstein: The New Order Xbox One Game 50% Franchise Sale Wolfenstein: The Old Blood Xbox One Game 50% Franchise Sale DOOM + Wolfenstein II Bundle Xbox One 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Indie Sports Sale Coffin Dodgers Xbox One Game 60% Indie Sports Sale Danger Zone Xbox One X Enhanced 60% Indie Sports Sale Dangerous Golf Xbox One Game 70% Indie Sports Sale Disco Dodgeball – REMIX Xbox One Game 50% Indie Sports Sale Gas Guzzlers Extreme Xbox One Game 75% Indie Sports Sale GRIP Digital Deluxe Xbox One X Enhanced 30% Indie Sports Sale Horse Racing 2016 Xbox One Game 85% Indie Sports Sale OlliOlli Xbox One Game 60% Indie Sports Sale OlliOlli2: XL Edition Xbox One Game 75% Indie Sports Sale Party Jousting Xbox One X Enhanced 25% Indie Sports Sale Pure Hold’em Xbox One Game 60% Indie Sports Sale Pure Pool Xbox One Game 60% Indie Sports Sale Razed Xbox One Game 50% Indie Sports Sale Recotech Bundle Xbox One Game 50% Indie Sports Sale Rocket League – DC Super Heroes DLC Pack Add-On 40% Indie Sports Sale Rocket League – Fast Furious ’99 Nissan Skyline GT-R R34 Add-On 40% Indie Sports Sale Rocket League – Hot Wheels Triple Threat DLC Pack Add-On 40% Indie Sports Sale Rocket League – Jurassic World Car Pack Add-On 40% Indie Sports Sale Shred It! Xbox One Game 50% Indie Sports Sale Speedboat Challenge Xbox One Game 30% Indie Sports Sale Star Balls Xbox One Game 50% Indie Sports Sale Stikbold! A Dodgeball Adventure Xbox One Game 50% Indie Sports Sale Super Hyperactive Ninja Xbox One Game 85% Indie Sports Sale Super Mega Baseball: Extra Innings Xbox One Game 80% Indie Sports Sale Super Night Riders Xbox One X Enhanced 50% Indie Sports Sale Super Volley Blast Xbox One Game 30% Indie Sports Sale Surf World Series Xbox One Game 40% Indie Sports Sale Tennis In The Face Xbox One Game 50% Indie Sports Sale
*These offers are only valid for Xbox Live Gold members. Please note: prices and availability are subject to change and may vary by region.
    Xbox 360 Deals
Content Title Content Type Discount Notes Battlefield 3* Backward Compatible 75% DWG Battlefield: Bad Company 2* Backward Compatible 75% DWG WRC 5 FIA World Rally Championship* Games On Demand 80% DWG Handball 16* Games On Demand 80% DWG
c*These offers are only valid for Xbox Live Gold members. Please note: prices and availability are subject to change and may vary by region.
via Xbox Live's Major Nelson http://bit.ly/2DTzRy9
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yoshifawful64 · 7 years
Tagged by @fractalabomination
RULES: Answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you would like to get know better!
1. Nicknames: I mostly just go by “Yoshi” online. “Fawful” is fine too, though.
2. gender: cis man
3. star sign: Aries
4. height: a little under 180 cm, I think? It’s been a while since I was measured
5. time: 16:45
6. birthday: March 28th
7. favourite band(s): I don’t really listen to music outside of video games and songs affiliated to stuff I like.
8. favorite solo artist(s): See above.
9. song stuck in my head: A Despair-Filled Farewell from Shadow of the Colossus (it’s the battle theme for Avion, the fifth colossus. Maybe some others too, but I’m not sure).
10. last movie I watched: I think that would be when I rewatched Zootopia recently. Last non-rewatched movie would be Prince of Egypt, I think.
11. last show I watched: Pokémon. I’ve been watching it from Pokémon TV, and I’m currently on Season 10.
12. when did I create my blog: I think it was in late December 2014.
13. what do I post: I can’t answer this question properly because I can’t find that one .gif of a bird with a question mark that says “we just don’t know”
14. last thing I googled: tbh, I haven’t a clue
15. do I have any other blogs: nah
16. do I get asks: only when I reblog ask memes
17. why I chose my url: I really like Yoshi and Fawful (both from Mario games), and the 64 comes from a chessboard having 64 squares. I actually originally used it on an online chess game, and it stuck.
18. following: 628. A bunch of them have become inactive, though.
19. followers: 309. I’m pretty sure about 90% are bots I haven’t bothered to block, though.
21. average hours of sleep: who knows, at this point?
22. lucky number: I like 7. It’s the smallest happy prime.
23. instruments: I know a little piano, and (like basically everone my age in Finland) the very basics of recorder.
24. what am I wearing: pajamas
26. dream job: probably something to do with math and/or games. I also kinda wanna be a Magic judge, but I’m pretty sure you can’t live off of that.
27. dream trip: I’m pretty good with staying at home, actually.
28. favorite food: The only proper meal I really eat is pasta w/ketchup, thanks to sensory issues.
29. nationality: Finnish
30. favorite season: Summer, what with long vacations and all.
Aaaand I have no idea who to tag. Oh well.
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4 Dirty Little Secrets About the Full Version Games Industry
Control-shift-C-"motherlode." It's a series of commands that every Sims player knows, this infuses your level account with precious simoleans for accepting the fanciest lamps, lay down the plushest carpet, and landscaping with the most extraordinary of shrubbery. Few sports become thus described near their own cheat codes, yet if you want to budge a digital camera children in the expensive abode without giving dozens of hours to building up support, this policy is your ticket to affordable maid mass with lush window treatments.
This approach pay for The Sims as a dollhouse, a role the Sims 4 fulfills with some aplomb. If you want to build but prefer certainly not to micromanage the details, the game comes with various prearranged spaces that you can well together like Tetris pieces, yet if you're devoted to the knack of architecture and interior mean, you have the chains most improved set of acquire and body tools still. Accept and Form modes share the same program, making it plain to combine foundation and honor rather than forcing you to consider each exercise as an opposing section with the same simolean. Expanding and dragging walls in properly modular rectangles? This so straightforward as seeing how to use a mouse and keyboard. Uncertain what class a chess set falls below? Just form a keyword into the search subject with go for the best match. Cause the conflation of two methods into a single, also the amount of categories to strain done, The Sims 4 make a creditable profession of managing you true for the aims with devices you're seeking.
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On the surface, there would appear to be sufficient types with goals from which to choose: sofas of appearances with colors, tiles for making your bathroom as 1970s-era-tacky as you'd like, and other course of personalizing the addresses regarding your small computer people. When the time comes to build a energy of amusement, yet, the borders become more rigorous than they first grow. The Sims 3's Create-a-Style options, that allowed people texturize with color your floors and fabrics in elaborate approach, have been dropped, leaving only predetermined colors in their place. Color can make a great throughline for aesthetically linking various conditions and approaches, but should anyone gun for an eclectic interior, you immediately find that objects don't have the same kinds available among them. Mixing and meeting can make a room appear more casual than refined; the Create-a-Style option provided a means of connecting disparate decor, and its loss diminishes creativity.
In fact, The Sims 4 as a rule feels diminished when compared to even the vanilla description of The Sims 3, before this produced the benefit of add-ons to allowed anyone be a ghostbuster and live in high-rises. Much experience recently been made of the functions to performed meet the reduction, but even if you don't have a list of those features on hand if you show, the squashed purview is apparent. I completed mind the small group I originally laid right to until I decided to splurge on a telescope, an entry to at one time was compact enough to fit in a small area in the garden. By contrast, The Sims 4's starting telescope, a vast monster which the majority amateur astronomers would eliminate to have, might in shape, then I finally erected it on the public lot, in front of the library. Previous Sims modders (and a Sims 2 expansion) had created microscopes to the mix, but I had no area for the lab-quality colossus in The Sims 4. Limitations, limitations, limitations. That remained The Sims I had become used to over the last several years.
The Sims 4 doesn't just take away. It has presents to give, too, such as different kinds of social relationships, objects, and other charming detours that make keeping a close watch next to your own sims a large joy. Multitasking are at the head these changes: sims greet visitors without putting overcome the cereal serving and chat while gardening. Working with the potty is also no event the sims have to fully target, also I laughed heartily when the digital variety of myself remained on the john while enjoying activities upon his drug; it really was like peeking here with a little me. The sim daughter, meanwhile, felt it was correct to swallow her fruit juice while peeing, a combination of activities I happen not sure I can help.
I happen not sure I should share our misgivings with the little lady, although. In The Sims 4, sims are relatively moody, getting embarrassed must people send one sim to the shower after another is seated on the bathroom, also obtaining randy when they're in the vicinity of their spouses. You're constantly pushed to take advantage of these moods, earning positions for small successes that an individual waste in incentives to produce temporary buffs (get energized immediately!) or permanent enhancements (never make shot!). Sims and get gate to modern kinds of social interactions if they become moody--angry sims want to get in fights, embarrassed sims need reassurance, focused sims want to show chess, and so forth.
Switch in feelings are combined with predictably ridiculous exclamations in the gibberish language known as simlish. One sim I strongly held was especially mischievous, fooling neighbors with a side buzzer and insulting anyone to dared assemble in the club while she drew behind a nightcap. I might cover her get enjoyment associated with some other sims' clothing, which the girl performed in an adorable snotty tone, causing her prey to start in horror by the girl obnoxiousness. I presented to even sim the superior trait, and choice a default walk life which held her brain tilted upwards so which she may seem down her nose at the plebeians that challenged walk the same World. Watching her walk her material was constantly wonderful, even if she was there the only digital person worth keeping an eye on: little everyone would handle publications as puppets, frank with finishing them like gates and mimicking what they could about by cracking them friendly and basically reading. Enjoying your sims in action means having a frequent smile stretched across your face.
Try these personal activities into long-form stories isn't so compelling as it was in The Sims 3, however. The previous game's open world, that allowed for smooth travel and easy multi-sim control, has been supplanted with smaller lots divided by filling screens--a scheme that will harks to big games in the sequence. Having to stare at the loading screen when you want to travel to the square is distracting enough; moving to your home lot to maintain other loved ones and getting them put stiffly in front of the house, waiting for the commands rather than naturally move regarding the affair, becomes even more so.
The deeper you wish to try, the new roadblocks you arrive at. Perhaps this sensible that the game with no large freedom to cross would not feature bicycles, although I even miss drive around town, moving over rise and complete valleys until I access the churchyard and pursue the ghosts there. Not solely is moving left, but so are the hills and valleys, all of them smoothed out into a uniformly flat surface that doesn't support basements or terraforming. Elsewhere, the emphasis on specific tasks detracts from the freeform noodling. While offer the former birthday organization, for case, I happened subsequently focused on fulfilling assigned jobs like doing drinks i did not notice how differently The Sims 4 handled birthday cakes than its predecessor. I skipped being able to simply buy the cake, spread about some balloons, and have a wonderful moment. When I got never choose the wedding woman, I didn't air as though I received given everyone a good enough time--I air like I took clicked for the actual factors in the moral direction. It is wearing that distinction that you find the disparity between The Sims 4 and its predecessor.
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In short, The Sims 4's biggest issue is how the Sims 3 is, and telling wherever that lands by necessity means peek in where the series has been. This is a lovely and energetic up for in which generates constant smirks, but The Sims 4's moments never feel like part of a larger picture. Improvisation is bound in turn, that creates us to that huge telescope now sitting in front of the library. Looking at the stars means undergoing a charge screen, although I grasp the top-level commands that I can problem to family playing with different lots, simultaneously spending period with additional sims means enduring even more loading screens, or making my family to travel together. I love glare by and listening to The Sims 4, yet those tiny digital people stay so fascinating https://elamigosedition.com/party-games/ like to hold me hooked--not when a decked-out story of The Sims 3 is much more inviting.
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retrocgads · 2 years
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UK 1985
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wjbs-aus · 4 years
My Steam wishlist in a nutshell
Steampunk Racism in the Sky.
Discographic Depression.
Viva, La- oh... oh dear...
Homestuck -1: Episode 2.
A realistic chess simula- oh wait, now the king’s been replaced with a beholder, and the queen’s a Poker chip.
Masked Assassin in 1800s City 17 only now the first game’s protagonist speaks and the new one has a more interesting plot.
In Soviet Russia, passport stamps YOU!
This 3D looks like 2D. Also dead pirates.
The Witcher but in the future
Hey! You got Dark Souls in my Shadow Of The Colossus!
Bioshock IN SPACE!
A man dressed as a giant Fish Finger goes on a massacre.
See above, only with a higher review score.
Simcity (2013) only good.
Guns. In. SPAAAAAAACE! Also a boss which is just a giant disc that drags itself along a corridor, and a title which sounds like a fan-made Half-Life 2 boss.
He knows about timed movements.
MaD2 but more in-depth.
Slightly glitchy underwater Life Simulator with completely broken procgen fish which is nontheless quite enjoyable.
Top-down shooter co-developed by the madman who amde Mondo Medicals.
See above, only it’s a sequel.
Half-Life 3 confirmed?
Homestuck -1: Lost Coast
Mega Man but not? I think? It’s still not out after 2 years of it being on my wishlist, but apparently it’s still in development.
Can’t talk now, my castle’s flooding with lava as hideously over-leveled zombie carp murder all my villagers!
HR Giger presents something that looks promising!
0 notes
soccernetghana · 5 years
All hail Yahaya Mohammed, the enigmatic journeyman turning lemons into lemonade
[caption id="attachment_754873" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Hat-trick hero Yahaya Mohammed.[/caption] At age 31, most footballers will be considering life after retirement; but that is not the case for Yahaya Mohammed. He’s still going strong. Not much has changed, perhaps just his hairdo, from the boy who burst onto the scenes and could do everything, literally. He could strike a ball so well from any distance as though his feet were made of steel, could finish off chances with the finesse and arrogance a striker can only admire and could tackle so hard with little or no respect to aesthetics, like an old-school defender and a no-nonsense defensive midfielder. It’s not by design, it’s credit to his mercurial character to see his career evolve from a limited centre-back to a defensive midfielder and now a target-man upfront leading the charge. Like a warrior, brazen, intimidating and imposing, Yahaya has had a career soaked in controversies and niggling injuries, that have punctuated his development. For what is worth, Yahaya’s disciplinary record has been a blight on his career and notably his off-the-field antics and shenanigans have derailed what could have been a fascinating career for the all-round colossus. “I don’t think anyone can question his potential and abilities on the field. But Yahaya has disciplinary issues which must be worked on,” Wilfred Osei Parma (Director of Tema Youth), explaining why his outfit decided against re-signing the exuberant and cocky Yahaya Mohammed who had scored 9 goals in 11 matches while on loan at Amidaus Professional in 2012. ''Why do you think Kotoko will send him out on loan when they know he’s a good player? There are certain things about the player that many people do not know. He needs to work on some of his deficiencies and I believe the sky will be the limit for him,'' he added. [caption id="attachment_774175" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Yahaya Mohammed talking to GPL Express host Juliet Bawuah[/caption] Courted at an early age in Tema, while playing for colt’s club – Great Ambassadors, Yahaya Mohammed’s stature and versatility set him apart from the rest. Built to last and lasting to endure all adversities, the Terminator as he’s affectionately known, looked raw but showed enough grit and graft for his talents and abilities to woo Wilfred Osei Kwaku Parma, an ace football administrator and owner of Tema Youth (a lower division side). He saw a bright prospect through chaos – one which could not be overlooked. The Terminator joined Tema Youth as a prospect at 17 years in 2006. Yahaya impressed national team handlers and was part of the U20 team that participated in the prestigious Toulon tournament in 2007. Then, a tough-tackling defender, he earned himself a renewable loan move to French side OGC Nice after the tournament, but things took an unexpected turn. Yahaya started well with the reserve team but suffered a broken foot that kept him out for majority of the time. The deal was mutually terminated and young Yahaya had to return. He returned to the Tema-based club and later joined Berekum Chelsea before joining Real Tamale United (and a brief loan to Wa All Stars). While at Chelsea he had an unsuccessful trial at SuperSport United in South Africa. A career breakthrough beckoned when he joined the biggest team in the land and former African champions, Kumasi Asante Kotoko. Yahaya Mohammed who had now evolved from a center-back to a midfield bulwark helped the Porcupines win their 21st league title in 2011/12. [caption id="attachment_754758" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Yahaya Mohammed got a hat-trick on the first day[/caption] The following season, in a rather bizarre twist, Yahaya Mohammed was deemed surplus to requirements and was loaned out to Amidaus Professionals. It was posited that, some management members of the club at the time were fed up with Yahaya’s constant bickering, demanding an improved contract and quoting exorbitant fees. This was perceived as destructive to the Porcupines. Rivals, Hearts of Oak and AshantiGold expressed their interest in signing him, but the Porcupines decided against such move knowing his untapped quality. Amazingly, Yahaya’s loan to league debutants Amidaus, soared his stock more than anything. He was made captain and became the club’s talisman. He was fully transitioned from a midfielder to a striker and Yahaya seized the opportunity with both hands, scoring 11 goals in 15 matches. After the successful loan, the terminator couldn’t hide his joy as he returned to Kotoko. ''I left Kotoko last season with pains because I felt I still had enough to offer the club,” Yahaya told the club's official website. ''Thankfully the opportunity has come again and I am going to utilize it judiciously and do more than what I did with Amidaus Professionals this season.'' [caption id="attachment_289341" align="aligncenter" width="530"] Yahaya Mohammed[/caption] His return to Kotoko was shrouded in controversies as the player agreed a pre-contract with Libyan side Al-Ittihad while still contracted to Kotoko. The club was appalled and disappointed, slapping him with an indefinite ban, but he was finally allowed to move on loan when a consensus was reached. It was the latest episode of a career riddled with multiple controversies. The deal didn’t go as expected. Yahaya Mohammed left the Libyan club after they failed to pay his salary for about five months and returned to Kotoko. The Porcupines, who had had enough and could not agree new terms, later released him. Like a chess player, he made his next move. He joined Aduana Stars, scoring 11 goals after the first half of the season and ending with 15 goals in 27 matches, losing out on the top-scorer gong to Liberty Professionals’ Latif Blessing by just 2 goals. He tried another switch to second-tier Mexican side Murciélagos FC but that didn’t work out well. He joined Tanzanian side Azzam FC, but again the move hit a snag when his contract was mutually terminated soon afterward -- for failing to live up to his price tag. Yahaya returned to Aduana where he has seen some level of consistency in his game, perhaps what he needed most when his burgeoning career kicked off few years ago. Just maybe, a case of too little, too late for the Terminator. With just two weeks to his 32nd birthday, the Terminator looks sharper and evergreen than ever before. Yahaya, who had scored 8 goals in his last 15 topflight matches before the start of the season, has found a new lease and look much settled than ever before. He feels at home in Aduana. [caption id="attachment_349130" align="aligncenter" width="530"] Aduana Stars forward Yahaya Mohammed[/caption] The fans revere him, and he continues to repay their faith in him. Over the weekend, in a keenly contested potential title decider with Medeama, it took a late free-kick goal from the Terminator to win it for Aduana Stars, while he got the consolation goal in his side’s 3-1 defeat to Ebusua Dwarfs in midweek. He is defying age and the constraints it comes with. He has only gotten better, like an old wine. He is leading the topscorers’ chart with 8 goals in 8 matches, while providing one assist. Yahaya is bent on leading his charges to another league trophy – the team revolves around his charisma. When Yahaya is happy, everyone is and importantly, the team wins. Many have wondered what kind of player he could have blossomed to become if some of the decisions he took early in his career could be reversed. Well, we’ll never get to see that player, but one thing we’re sure is that, Yahaya has set out  to rewrite his own history in his thirties and there’s no stopping – all we can do, like the Aduana fans, is to enjoy his form while it lasts. By Owusu Ansah Doe [email protected] source: https://ghanasoccernet.com/
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yessgame · 7 years
Xbox One X: I titoli disponibili al lancio
New Post has been published on http://www.yessgame.it/news/xbox-one-x-titoli-al-lancio/
Xbox One X: I titoli disponibili al lancio
Mancano ormai meno di 24 ore all’uscita di Xbox One X. Ma quali giochi potremo provare sulla nuova console di casa Microsoft?
Per rispondere a questa domanda Microsoft ha pubblicato la lista dei titoli disponibili al lancio, che sono 76 per l’esattezza, ed anche l’elenco dei titoli che sono in lavorazione e che saranno disponibili nell’immediato futuro.
Scopriamoli dunque quali sono questi primi 76 titoli che sfrutteranno tutta la potenza di Xbox One X e quali di questi supporteranno anche il 4K e l’HDR.
Agents of Mayhem
ARK: Survival Evolved
Ashes Cricket (4K, HDR)
Assassin’s Creed
Assassin’s Creed Origins (4K, HDR)
Assault Android Cactus (4K)
Astroneer (4K, HDR)
Call of Duty: WWII (4K, HDR)
Conan Exiles
Crossout (4K)
Danger Zone (4K)
Dead Rising 4 (HDR)
Diablo III: Reaper of Souls – Ultimate Evil Edition (4K)
Dishonored 2 (4K)
Dishonored: Death of the Outsider (4K)
Disneyland Adventures (4K, HDR)
EA Sports FIFA 18 (4K, HDR)
EA Sports Madden NFL 18 (4K, HDR)
EA Sports NBA Live 18 (4K)
Elite: Dangerous (4K)
F1 2017 (4K, HDR)
Fallout 3
Farming Simulator 17 (4K)
Final Fantasy 15 (4K, HDR)
Forza Motorsport 7 (4K, HDR)
Gears of War 4 (4K, HDR)
GRIDD: Retroenhanced (4K, HDR)
Halo 3
Halo 5: Guardians (4K, HDR)
Halo Wars 2 (4K, HDR)
Hand of Fate 2 (4K)
Hello Neighbor (4K)
Hitman (4K, HDR)
Homefront: The Revolution
Injustice 2 (HDR)
Killer Instinct (4K)
Killing Floor 2
L.A. Noire (4K, HDR)
Mafia 3 (4K, HDR)
Mantis Burn Racing (4K, HDR)
Marvel vs Capcom Infinite
Middle-earth: Shadow of War (4K, HDR)
Morphite (4K)
NBA 2K18 (4K, HDR)
Need for Speed Payback
Okami HD
Outlast 2 (4K)
Path of Exile (4K, HDR)
Portal Knights (4K)
Pro Evolution Soccer 2018
Project CARS 2 (HDR)
Quantum Break
Raiders of the Broken Planet (HDR)
Real Farm
ReCore: Definitive Edition (HDR)
Rise of the Tomb Raider (4K, HDR)
Rush: A Disney Pixar Adventure (4K, HDR)
Slime Rancher
Sonic Forces
Star Wars Battlefront 2 (HDR)
Super Lucky’s Tale (4K)
Super Night Riders (4K)
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
The Evil Within 2
The Surge (HDR)
Thumper (4K)
Titanfall 2
Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands (HDR)
Warhammer: End Times – Vermintide
Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus
World of Tanks (4K, HDR)
WRC 7 FIA World Rally Championship (4K)
Zoo Tycoon: Ultimate Animal Collection (4K, HDR)
Questi invece sono i titoli attualmente in sviluppo, che usciranno nei mesi successivi al lancio di Xbox One X.
A Plague Tale: Innocence
A Way Out
Away: Journey to the Unexpected
Biomutant (4K)
Black Desert
Chess Ultra (HDR)
Crackdown 3 (4K, HDR)
Dark and Light
Darksiders Warmastered Edition
Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition
Darksiders III
Deep Rock Galactic
Dovetail Games Euro Fishing
Dynasty Warriors 9
EA Sports NHL 18
EA Sports UFC 3
Elex (4K)
Fable Fortune
Fallout 4
Far Cry 5
For Honor
Forza Horizon 3 (4K, HDR)
Halo: The Master Chief Collection
Immortal: Unchained
Jurassic World Evolution
Kingdom Come: Deliverance
Life is Strange: Before the Storm (4K)
Marvel Heroes Omega (4K)
Metro: Exodus
Minecraft (4K, HDR)
Minion Masters
Monster Energy Supercross: The Official Videogame
Monster Hunter: World (HDR)
MX vs ATV All Out (4K)
Nine Parchments
Ori and the Will of the Wisps (4K)
PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds (HDR)
Railway Empire (4K, HDR)
Redout: Lightspeed Edition
RESIDENT EVIL 7 biohazard (HDR)
Robocraft Infinity
Rocket League
Rugby 18
Sea of Thieves (4K, HDR)
State of Decay 2 (4K, HDR)
Strange Brigade (4K, HDR)
Surviving Mars
Tennis World Tour
The Artful Escape
The Crew 2
The Darwin Project
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition
The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind (4K, HDR)
The Last Night
The Long Dark
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
theHunter: Call of the Wild
Tom Clancy’s The Division
Train Sim World
TT Isle of Man: Ride on the Edge
Unruly Heroes (4K, HDR)
War Thunder (4K)
We Happy Few
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allcheatscodes · 8 years
lego marvel super heroes xbox 360
lego marvel super heroes xbox 360
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes cheats & more for Xbox 360 (X360)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest LEGO Marvel Super Heroes cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, achievements, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Xbox 360 (X360). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the Xbox 360 cheats we have available for LEGO Marvel Super Heroes.
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Genre: Action, 3D Platform
Developer: TT Games
Publisher: Warner Bros. Interactive
ESRB Rating: Everyone-10
Release Date: October 22, 2013
Currently we have no tips for LEGO Marvel Super Heroes yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Cheat Codes
Avenging Cycle : 5T3CQU
Beetle : KXFQ87
Black Cat : P9OWL0
Carnage : AA0Z50
Classic Captain America : 7HWU4L
Classic Thor : H8CSE6
Howard the Duck : J58RSS
Hydra Soldier : B7AA3K
Iron Man (Mark 38 “Hulkbuster”) : CK7SDS
Iron Patriot : Q5X1J5
Pumpkin Chopper : 35E41W
SHIELD Staff Car : D5B7O3
Spider Bike : SH9MZQ
Studs x2 Multiplier : UZFBG4
War Machine : TQ4C57
Brick Codes, Character Codes, And Vehicle Codes
Avenging Cycle : 5T3CQU
Beetle : KXFQ87
Black Cat : P9OWL0
Captain America (Classic) : 7HWU4L
Carnage : AA0Z50
Classic Thor : H8CSE6
Howard the Duck : J58RSS
Hydra Soldier : B7AA3K
Iron Man (Mark 17 “Heart Breaker”) : 2NGSRZ
Iron Man (Mark 38 “Hulkbuster”) : CK7SDS
Iron Patriot : Q5X1J5
Pumkin Chopper : 35E41W
SHIELD Staff Car : D5B7O3
Spider Bike : SH9MZQ
Spider-Man (Future Foundation) : WFOZXQ
Studs x2 : UZFBG4
War Machine : TQ4C57
Wolverine (With Hood “Cowl”) : OAW2LB
You get Iron Patriot : Q5X1J5
You can enter the following codes by pausing the game and going to the extraoptions menu.
Classic Thor : H8CSE6
Hydra Soldier : B7AA3K
Studs x2 : UZFBG4
Characters Unlocks
A.I.M. Agent – You must finish Level 10, “That Sinking Feeling.”
Abomination – You must finish Level 4, “Rock Up At The Lock Up.”
Agent Coulson – You must finish the “Tabloid Tidy UP” bonus level.
Aldrich Killian – You must finish Level 5, “Rebooted, Resuited.”
Ant-Man – You must collect the Ant-Man token, which is found in the IndustrialDistrict.
Archangel – You must collect the Archangel token, which is found south of theX-Mansion and the billboard.
Arnim Zola – You must finish Level 6, “Red Head Detention.”
Beast – You must finish Level 8, “Juggernauts And Crosses.”
Beetle – You must collect the Beetle token, which is found one block east ofthe Central Park lake.
Black Cat – You must use Spider-Man to collect the Black Cat token, which isfound at the cat pet shop, beneath Lady Liberty on the map.
Black Widow – You must finish Level 3, “Exploratory Laboratory.”
Blob – You must collect the Blob token, which is found after you finish the“Put Up Your Dukes” bonus level.
Captain America – You must finish Level 2, “Times Square Off.”
Captain America (Comics) – You must finish “The Brick Apple” bonus level.
Captain Britain – You must finish “The Brick Apple” bonus level.
Colossus – You must collect the Colossus token, which is found in the frontright courtyard of the X-Mansion.
Cyclops – You must finish Level 8, “Juggernauts And Crosses.”
Damage Control – You must collect the Damage Control token, which is foundwhen you use the water gun to extinguish the fires on the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrierdeck.
Deadpool – You must collect all of the Deadpool Red Bricks.
Doc Ock – You must finish Level 2, “Times Square Off.”
Doc Ock (Ultimate) – You must finish the “Tabloid Tidy UP” bonus level.
Doombot – You must finish Level 9, “Doctor In The House.”
Drax The Destroyer – You must finish story mode and the three missions youreceive from Drax.
Electro – You must finish the “A Shock Withdrawal” bonus level.
Frost Giant – You must finish Level 7, “Bifrosty Reception.”
Galactus (Playable) – You must finish Level 15, “The Good, The Bad And TheHungry.”
Gambit – You must finish three of Gambit’s missions.
Gamora – You must finish story mode and the first missions you receive fromDrax.
Green Goblin – You must finish Level 9, “Doctor In The House.”
Groot – You must finish story mode and the three missions you receive fromGroot.
H.E.R.B.I.E. – You must finish Level 2, “Times Square Off.”
Hawkeye – You must finish Level 3, “Exploratory Laboratory.”
Howard the Duck – You must finish the “Nuff Said” bonus level.
Hulk – You must finish Level 1, “Sand Central Station.”
Human Torch – You must finish Level 6, “Red Head Detention.”
Iceman – You must finish Level 8, “Juggernauts And Crosses.”
Invisible Woman – You must finish Level 9, “Doctor In The House.”
Iron Fist – You must finish the race mission with Blade and win the fightagainst the ice enemies in the Blade mission.
Iron Man (Heroic Age) – You must finish Deadpool’s “New York Event” bonusmission.
Iron Man (Hulkbuster) – You must land on the “S” sign landing platform, anddestroy the air vents around it.
Iron Man MK I – You must finish Level 5, “Rebooted, Resuited.”
Iron Man MK VI – You must finish Level 1, “Sand Central Station.”
Iron Man MK VII – You must finish the “House Party Protocol” bonus level.
Iron Man MK XLVII – You must finish Level 5, “Rebooted, Resuited.”
Iron Man MK XVII – You must finish the “House Party Protocol” bonus level.
Jean Grey – You must finish Level 8, “Juggernauts And Crosses.”
Juggernaut – You must finish Level 8, “Juggernauts And Crosses.”
Kraven The Hunter – You must collect the Kraven token, which is found when youshoot the five targets next to the Godzilla image at Central Park.
Loki – You must finish Level 15, “The Good, The Bad And The Hungry.”
M.O.D.O.K. – You must finish Level 10, “That Sinking Feeling.”
Magneto – You must finish Level 13, “Magnetic Personality.”
Maria Hill – You must finish Maria Hill’s three missions on the Helicarrier.
Mister Fantastic – You must finish Level 2, “Times Square Off.”
Mysterio – You must finish the “Thrill Of The Chess” bonus level.
Mystique – You must finish Level 12, “Rapturous Rise.”
Nick Fury – You must finish Level 9, “Doctor In The House.”
Nova – You must finish the foot race mission with Nova, which is found to theeast of the Godzilla image at Central Park.
Professor Xavier – You must finish Professor Xavier’s three missions behindthe X-Mansion.
Psylocke – You must finish all of Captain Britain’s missions.
Pyro – You must finish Level 8, “Juggernauts And Crosses.”
Red Skull – You must finish Level 6, “Red Head Detention.”
Rhino – You must finish Level 12, “Rapturous Rise.”
Rocket Raccoon – You must finish the mission found at the garbage trucknorthwest of Central Park, the mission found just east of the “Feeling Fisky”bonus mission, and the mission found ta few blocks south of the east coast.
Ronan the Accuser – You must collect the Ronan character token, which is foundon the hidden path behind the statue south of his icon.
Sandman – You must finish Level 1, “Sand Central Station.”
Silver Surfer – You must finish three Silver Surfer missions.
Spider-Man – You must finish Level 1, “Sand Central Station.”
Spider-Woman – You must collect the Spider-Woman token, which is found west ofthe park, at the southernmost area of the island.
Squirrel Girl – You must collect the Squirrel Girl token, which is found onthe docks, to the northwest of the “Put Up Your Dukes” bonus mission.
Stan Lee – Rescue all 50 Stan Lees.
Star-Lord – You must finish three missions from Star-Lord.
Storm – You must finish Level 8, “Juggernauts And Crosses.”
Symbiote Scientist – You must finish Level 3, “Exploratory Laboratory.”
The Destroyer (Playable) – You must finish Level 7, “Bifrosty Reception.”
The Mandarin – You must finish Level 5, “Rebooted, Resuited.”
Thing – You must finish Level 9, “Doctor In The House.”
Thor – You must finish Level 7, “Bifrosty Reception.”
Tony Stark – You must finish Level 5, “Rebooted, Resuited.”
Tony Stark (Underwear) – You must finish Level 4, “Rock Up At The Lock Up.”
Union Jack – You must finish “The Brick Apple” bonus level.
Venom – You must finish Level 3, “Exploratory Laboratory.”
Wasp – You must collect the Wasp token, which is found one block to the southof the Oscorp Building.
Wolverine – You must finish Level 4, “Rock Up At The Lock Up.”
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for LEGO Marvel Super Heroes yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no glitches for LEGO Marvel Super Heroes yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently no guide available.
Achievement List
A Doom with a View – Complete Level 14 – A Doom with a View – 20
Alter Ego – Perform all big LEGO figure transformations – 20
Avengers Assembled – Collect all Avengers characters in the game (Single Player) – 50
Bad Luck? – Unlock Black Cat (Single Player) – 20
Bifrosty Reception – Complete Level 7 – Bifrosty Reception – 20
Billionaire Philanthropist – Collect 1,000,000,000 studs (Single Player) – 40
Brotherhood – Collect all traditionally evil mutants (Single Player) – 20
Can’t Hurt Me Bub – Regenerate as Wolverine – 10
Complete first Helicarrier skydive – Complete first Helicarrier skydive – 20
Cosplay – Create a custom character – 20
Doctor in the House – Complete Level 9 – Doctor in the House – 20
Don’t I Know You? – Team up Captain America with Human Torch (Co-op) – 20
Exploratory Laboratory – Complete Level 3 – Exploratory Laboratory – 20
Fastball Special – Perform a special throwing move as Colossus on Wolverine – 20
Guardians of the Galaxy – Unlock all the Guardians of the Galaxy (Single Player) – 20
I Am Iron Man – Collect all Iron Man armors (Single Player) – 20
I’m Always Angry! – Transform into the Hulk 50 times – 20
It’s Clobberin’ Time! – Defeat 100 enemies as the Thing – 20
It’s Me Time! – Read a comic in Deadpool’s room on the Helicarrier – 20
Juggernauts and Crosses – Complete Level 8 – Juggernauts and Crosses – 20
Magnetic Personality – Complete Level 13 – Magnetic Personality – 20
Menace of Magneto – Drive to the Baxter Building as Magneto in the Magneto Mobile – 20
Post-Credit Party – Complete House Party Protocol – 50
Puny God – Perform Hulk’s special move on Loki – 20
Rapturous Rise – Complete Level 12 – Rapturous Rise – 20
Really? – Collect Howard the Duck (Single Player) – 10
Rebooted, Resuited – Complete Level 5 – Rebooted, Resuited – 20
Red Head Detention – Complete Level 6 – Red Head Detention – 20
Road Rage – Destroy 100 vehicles in the Manhattan hub – 20
Rock up at the Lock up – Complete Level 4 – Rock up at the Lock up – 20
Sand Central Station – Complete Level 1 – Sand Central Station – 20
Sinister Six – Collect Doc Ock, Sandman, Mysterio, Kraven the Hunter, Electro and
Vulture (Single Player) – 20
Stan’s Soapbox – Post-Credit Party – 20
Stan-tastic – Rescue Stan Lee from every peril (Single Player) – 30
Taking Liberties – Complete Level 11 – Taking Liberties – 20
That Sinking Feeling – Complete Level 10 – That Sinking Feeling – 20
The Good, the Bad and the Hungry – Complete Level 15 – The Good, the Bad and the
Hungry – 20
The Toast of Croydon – Create a character called “Trevor” in the character customizer – 20
This Is fantastic! – First time turning Mister Fantastic into a teapot – 20
Times Square Off – Complete Level 2 – Times Square Off – 20
To Me, My X-Men – Collect all traditionally heroic mutants (Single Player) – 20
Ultimate True Believer – Unlock all True Believers (Single Player) – 20
Welcome to Level 7 – Play as Agent Coulson – 20
You Win a No-Prize! – Complete game 100% (Single Player) – 40
Zoo Believer – Unlock all animal-themed characters (Single Player) – 30
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