#COD Bender!Au
slasherfantasy · 7 months
Okay, just thought of an ATLA/Benders!AU for COD, and I'm really pondering everyone's element... Soap and Gaz came easy, Soap is a Firebender and Gaz is an Airbender. But Ghost and Price are giving me trouble.
Price feels like he would be an Earthbender, right off the bat, that solid, steady presence. But it also doesn't quite feel right for the rest of his personality, you know? Like, he's got some fire to him! Plus I feel like if he had Metalbending, he would just be too powerful (just snatching weapons out of the enemy's hands lmao). Also, maybe he's the one non-bender of the group? A Sokka-type.
For Ghost, I kinda want him to be a Waterbender, because frankly they have so much scary shit, but also because I feel like all his enemies would expect the big scary skull man to be a Firebender and I like to subvert that kind of expectation. If he was a Firebender, he would be that guy who has a tattoo on his forehead and blows things up with his mind. I do also think he could work as an Earthbender too. I can just see him hurling spikes of rock/ice at his opponents like throwing knives. And there would maybe be a cool angle where he had never Earthbended before until he was so desperate to dig his way out of his grave. And he's not the strongest bender so he can't lift huge rocks, but he refined the skill he does have so much that he can now Metalbend small amounts of metal, which is the real reason he has so many knives on him.
If Ghost was a Waterbender, I think he would mostly work with ice. He would almost never use Waterbending's healing powers. He does know how to Bloodbend (it would be what helped him escape Roba, who was a waterbender and used Bloodbending to help torture Ghost) but he truly loathes doing it. It reminds him of some of the worst times of his life and it makes him feel like Roba when he uses it. Bloodbending tends to happen involuntarily for Ghost, when he's at his most panicked. The first time was right after he came home from Roba, and a doc tried to touch him during a physical. The most recent time was when he saw Makarov lift a gun to Soap's head.
What do you guys think?
Soap - Firebender
Gaz - Airbender
Price - Earthbender, Firebender, or non-bender?
Ghost - weak Earthbender + metalbending, or strong Waterbender + bloodbending?
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sleepyconfusedpotato · 11 months
🚬🦇 Vampire!Price 🚬🦇
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Vampire!Price AU where he's 737 years old and has been through countless wars. One of the most powerful beings in existence who has the gift, or rather, a curse of eternal life. Now he's with the SAS, forming the Task Force 141, a team of soldiers with special abilities. In the modern day though, Price has sworn to only consume animal blood, because if he consumes human blood (even the enemies') his thirst will grow insatiable and he'll harm other people he grew to cherish, which explains his pale skin colour. He hasn't drunk any human blood since WWII. When he's at the height of his powers, he can control the blood flow of other beings with blood, and with that, their movements and even every pump of their heart. That is, until he met Gaz, who hadn't a single drop of blood inside his body. Spoiler : it's Mummy!Gaz 👀
What a fun experience ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Revisiting the Vampire!Price had been really enjoyable, plus the fact that I get to study more shading and colouring techniques (because I suck at colouring)!
That cup is definitely just a red tea.
Hope you love this art! ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
Lineart version 👇
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demonlattee · 4 months
Avatar x COD wip
Earth bender!Krueger 🪨💚
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A rough daofei
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stardust948 · 29 days
Oh sorry, Pepa from encanto, her gift!
Zuko controls the weather with his emotions instead of having firebending
Oh yeah! That would be so cool!
But also devasting for Zuko in the early years of his life. I can see Ozai and even Ursa to some extent pressing him to remain emotionless and calm, so he doesn't cause a huge storm. But of course, that doesn't work out.
After Ursa disappears, it rains over the palace for weeks. When Zuko speaks out in the war room, there's a lightning storm. And during the Agni Kai, it rains hail, an especially bad afront since it's viewed as a bad omen (being the opposite element of ice). And during the Avatar hunt, The Wangi is plagued with bad lightning storms.
Lightning storms becomes associated with Zuko and often alert the Gaang that he's close by. This especially frustrates Zuko since this is the only way he can summon lightning unlike his father and sister.
Iroh is the only one who really stays around Zuko during his emotional storms. During their wandering days in Book 2, the weather is often foggy to reflect Zuko's inner confusion on what's right and wrong. After his angst coma, it's sunny and brighter now that Zuko has somewhat found peace.
Until Azula returns and imprisons him with Katara. When they talk about their mothers, it's starts to rain again. Not the harsh lightning storm, but a softer drearier rain that fell when Ursa disappeared. Katara stays with him under the cloud, instead of moving away to avoid the rain.
After the betrayal and returning to the Fire Palace, Zuko's emotions are stunned. There are no storms, or fog, or anything... Ozai sees it as an improvement. Zuko's weather doesn't return until he admits he's angry at himself on the beach and a lightning storm breaks out.
On DOTBS when Zuko confronts Ozai, there's more storms. But instead of fighting or repressing it, Zuko leans into it and kind of weather bends?
Anyway, as he spends more time with the Gaang, he embraces his emotions more and learns how to work with them. Much like Storm from X-Men.
In conclusion, Zuko becomes a weather-bender at the end with the help of friendship and therapy.
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rememberwren · 3 months
141!bender au has lived in my mind rent free for many months and you are the first (potential) atla and cod fan that i’ve met.
like imagine the task force as an elite bending team that each specializes in an element.. only question is who’s which element? i could see soap as fire (explosions = fire), gaz gives air, i think price would be a metal bending earth bender, and simon would be water bender (with blood bending??)
Hi hello hey!
I love the idea of Simon as a water bender + with the added ability to blood bend would make him seriously terrifying haha. Gaz is so air bender coded! I can tell you’ve thought about these and I wholeheartedly support your choices. I can see them all clear as day.
Now I really need to rewatch ATLA…
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pumpkin-kip · 4 years
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fire bending tank
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garyofrivia · 6 years
a few Modern!Gang college AU headcanons!!!!!
not that anyone asked!!! and this has probably been done already!! but i’m bored at work so :/ i’m so sorry 
graphic design major, creative writing minor
took a photography class to impress that cute albert boy from down the hall and worked extra hard all semester just to end up accidentally telling his advisor that he wanted to double minor in photography as well
he’s def one of those students that can fall asleep a n y w h e r e on campus
has a sleeve tattoo and is working on a second ;;;)))
he doesn’t party often, but when he does, the entire fire department and 7 cop cars show up by the end of the night to break it up
there was a rumor his sophomore year that he beat up 5 frat dudes at once during rush week for harassing girls and no one has heard of any issues from that frat since
is banned from the local chili’s for dining and dashing
shoplifts chef boyardee, microwavable ramen, and snickers bars from the student center convenience store to Survive
environmental studies major
is in 50000000 activist clubs
regularly punches racist white boys w/ maga merch in the dorm common rooms and when the RA saw one time he didn’t do jack shit bc…. he right
he’s never procrastinated an assignment in his life
studies until 5 am every night but? still wakes up at the crack of dawn to go to the gym????
works part time as a barista at a hole in the wall coffee shop/bookstore and is 100% a coffee snob
doesn’t smoke but knows every weed dealer on campus, mostly bc they’re all enviro studies majors
his roommate thinks he’s a myth bc he’s never there or is just super quiet, but rly he just Minds His Damn Business
can be seen reading for leisure on the quad when it’s sunny and warm
political science major, philosophy minor
arthur and hosea are his friends from high school and they’re the only ones that can tolerate his mood when he goes on Insane procrastination benders where he’s trying to write 4 essays in a single night on a fuck ton of adderall and energy drinks
frequently goes on rants while studying in the student center about capitalism and it somehow always results in him on top of a table, yelling about ronald reagan
it gets Annoying when he talks about ancient greece, which is… constantly..
has 4 girlfriends and 3 boyfriends but still has time to participate in debate team every saturday
accidentally incited a student labor strike on campus one time and the cafeteria wasn’t functional for a week
started 6 clubs, but never goes to meetings and can’t remember what literally any of them are for
doesn’t work at all but somehow? always has money??? like he pays for his friends’ dinners all the time?? how??????
graduate economics student
he’s that cool TA in a super hard class that sends the prof’s tests from previous semesters to all the students so they can study for the final
Constantly in the library reading/studying/tutoring
still lives on campus for some reason and pirates textbook pdfs out of his dorm room
has a 4.2 gpa, but acts like he’s never been to a single class in his life
gets high all the time and talks about moving to europe on a whim and is *THIS* close to just fuckign doin it
makes his own kombucha
when he can’t sleep bc of test anxiety he rambles to arthur and dutch until the wee hours of the morn about existentialism and how great the beatles were
is responsible for multiple people discovering they have a daddy kink despite not having one himself
undecided major (communications maybe, but he hasn’t found his “passion” yet)
failed freshman english twice for just not showing up to class
drives one of those old subarus from the 90’s and does donuts in the student lot when it snows
has a CD collection from his Emo™ days in the glove box and pops one in every now and then when he’s alone and feelin’ nostalgic/sad
skateboards to class and usually almost runs over a bunch of people since he always has headphones on
death note is his favorite anime
that One Room on your hall that is ALWAYS playing loud ass music until 3am
is surprisingly really good at math and tries to help tutor his friends but gets frustrated when they don’t understand “basic” calculus on the first try
his favorite hobby is harassing the ducks on campus and has made enemies of multiple geese
criminology major
plays intramural sports, probably volleyball and softball
everyone’s Jock Girlfriend they wished they had but are too afraid to talk to bc she might snap someone’s neck if they look at her wrong
wears leather jackets and aviators for every occasion
one time gave a monologue about sexism in her political theory class after not saying anything for the entire semester and her professor was moved to tears
has a lot of friends but only a few are ride or die babey!!!!!!!! (it’s arthur, charles, and abigail and they bully john together)
knows a lot about cars and ppl pay her to fix theirs since college kids usually can’t afford to go to a garage
speaks german because she got bored one summer and taught herself a fucking language i guess
french major (????why is he like that???)
he says he’s studying a different language because the thinks it’ll make him hotter, but really it’s because he fantasises about moving away one day to start a new life
always says how college isn’t really for him and is .2 seconds away from dropping out
hangs out with john a little too much for his own good and once broke his wrist while trying his skateboard
“hey, have you heard of [insert incredibly obscure punk rock band name here]?”
gets blackout drunk every weekend and keeps a journal for the sole purpose of documenting the various places he’s woken up
wears stupid beanies and owns one (1) hoodie that he wears year round
quotes memes out loud to be able to communicate his emotions effectively
a ~Film Hoe~
also………. he vapes
international studies major, finance minor
studied abroad in spain and almost didn’t come back bc he loved it so much
plans to get mega rich so he can travel Everywhere
um,,, he loves classic lit and owns an entire library full of it
took a gap year after high school to tour with his band and kinda became a lil famous so that’s cool
runs a thirst trap instagram acct and models part time ;)
every single person that encounters him has been attracted to him in one way or another and they truly don’t even question it
he’s a major mama’s boy and she visits him all the time
he rooms with sean who drives him insane but they have similar music tastes and were able to bond over that
they get rowdy on saturdays but has his (few) friends over on sundays for a “family dinner”
computer science major
used to play COD competitively and wants to get into videya game development
seems like kind of an idiot when he asks questions in class but his grades show that he’s smarter than he looks
did ROTC for the tuition money but dropped as soon as he found out that you have to enlist after you graduate lmao
southern angery boi that drives a pickup truck and hosts tailgates every single football game
has a bunch of dudebro friends that he hangs out with due to societal pressure, but all he wants to do is bake some cookies
his roommate was scared of him at first but when he bought him a lil gift for christmas before break, he realized that he was a big ole softie
is late to class bc he spends 65943598 years on his hair in the morning even though it literally never looks different
english major, applying to the education masters degree program
he wants to be a high school english teacher fuck me up!!!!!!
was super homesick when he first moved away :( 
writes his friends papers for them sometimes even though he’s killing himself with his own schoolwork
netflix binges and video game benders are regular weekend activities and he’s been known to not move from his chair for 15 hours at a time
runs an avengers stan blog and cried at comic con when he met robert downey jr
begged the manager at the local comic book store for a job and the guy was just like “yeah, kid literally just apply online idc”
has lots of friends that rope him into doing hooligan shit instead of study
is a giant ball of anxiety for the majority of the semester and is just,, Trying His Best
he was the maga kid that charles knocked out the first week of classes
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