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don-dake · 10 months ago
On what would have been Mr Gregory Charles Rivers's 59th birthday this April 30th, a little post in tribute to him.
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相 ①–②:80年代尾。啱啱嚟到香港冇幾耐,後生嘅河國榮。
Photos ①–②: The late 1980s. A young Rivers, still fairly new to Hong Kong then.
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同太太Bonnie。兩人結婚卅幾年,夫妻一向恩愛。因為太太早有心臟病所以兩人早已決定唔要生仔。河太最終病情惡化比先生早先逝去。河國榮 (根據朋友口供) 哀傷過度,到最後決定跟隨太太。太太過咗身兩個月左右,好遺憾,河國榮選擇自盡。
With his wife Bonnie. The two had been lovingly married for over 30 years and decided not to have children because of Bonnie's heart condition. His wife's illness eventually took a turn for the worse. Rivers (according to friends) was overwhelmed with grief and regrettably, decided to join his wife barely two months after her passing.
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With his rescue dogs. Mr Rivers and his wife loved dogs and at one time had as many as 13 rescue dogs under their care!
喺呢部視頻裏面,你可以聽到河國榮翻唱緊由鄭少秋原唱嘅 《笑看風雲》 (首歌係我其中最鍾意嘅一首,仲覺得歌詞好有���義,我曾經翻譯過歌詞嘅意思,請參考一下)。雖然原片係由一個大陸歌唱比賽得到嘅,本片只得聽緊河國榮唱,冇得睇佢表演。但係有繁體字歌詞可以跟埋。
In this video, you can hear Rivers performing a cover of Adam Cheng's 《笑看風雲》 (this song is one of my favourites, I found the lyrics very meaningful and did a translation before, please do check it out). Although the original video came with footage and is taken from a Mainland Chinese singing competition, this video only has audio, but it has lyrics in Traditional Chinese to follow along with.
I deliberately chose to upload a video without competition footage because I find these singing competition shows' format really annoying; feels like you'll often see more of the audience and judges' faces than the contestant on stage! But if you wish to view the original footage, here it is!
During his lifetime, Rivers's biggest dream was to be a Cantopop star. Although he never did become one, thanks to his celebrity connections, he did get opportunities to sing on stage on several occasions, even managing to organise his own mini concerts with celebrity pals, of which part of his earnings often went to pet rescue shelters.
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titteringturtles · 2 years ago
告五人 Accusefive - 果然你還是 Guo Ran Ni Hai Shi (Fly to the Flame)
Track 5 of Somewhere In Time, I Love You
Title translation: Of course, it's still you
Kill me quickly, the way you're used to 趕快殺了我 用你擅長的方式 Gan kuai sha le wo yong ni shan chang de fang shi
Each kiss cuts a scar on my heart 吻在心上刻下一把痕 Wen zai xin shang ke xia yi ba hen
I loved you to death and never met someone so spoiled 我赴死的愛上了你 你的腐朽已成奇蹟 Wo fu si de ai shang le ni ni de fu xiu yi cheng qi ji
My devotion was nothing but a slight breeze through the grass 我的絕對不過微風吹撫青草地 Wo de jue dui bu guo wei feng chui fu qing cao di
I am just a fruit fly that's not afraid of being obliterated 我是一隻不怕灰飛煙滅的果蠅 Wo shi yi zhi bu pa hui fei yan mie de guo ying
Facing your cruel heart is truly just right 面對你的壞不過剛好而已 Mian dui ni de huai bu guo gang hao er yi
And that's beautiful to me, something that other people wouldn’t understand 那對我來說便是美麗 別人無法明白的東西 Na dui wo lai shuo bian shi mei li bie ren wu fa ming bai de dong xi
I can see it, your true heart 我看得見 你的真心 Wo kan de jian ni de zhen xin
Pre-chorus x1
Chorus x1
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klqdraws · 2 years ago
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Chapter 13, huh.
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crystalbehindthescenes · 2 years ago
北の空から Kita no Sora Kara From the Northern Sky
Another track from CMusic! this time for Sailor Moon R! This track is found in Episode 61 of the series Usagi Devastated: Mamoru Declares a Break-Up. None other than the song form the infamous Break Up scene! (infamous if you dont like the arc.)
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Personally not my favorite arc for this season but this scene really does hit hard outside of it, and the music they chose fits so well.
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leaderwon · 7 months ago
author nim~ i know you missed me... but i need jake to text this
numbers start with 1 , 2 , 3letters start with a, b, cmusic starts with do, re , mibut can love start with you and me?
is this for the smau? if it is then I can definitely use it during his redemption arc
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don-dake · 2 years ago
Ah! This song! I remember back in the day, when this song was dominating the local airwaves, those around me who knew/know Cantonese and/or Hokkien were ribbing (affectionate) the “LA JA BOR” verses…
Because “LA JA BOR” can either sound like 「垃圾婆」 (laap⁶ saap³ po⁴ — meaning “garbage/rubbish woman”) in Cantonese, or 「65」 (la̍k cha̍p gǒ͘) in Hokkien…🤭
王菲 (Faye Wong) - 浮躁 (Fuzao)
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strawberrin3 · 8 months ago
List 5 things that make you happy, then send this to the askbox of the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals and followers✨♥️
1. Cats
2. Candy
3. Cmusic
4. Conline friends
5. Cbungostraydogs
Definitely all with C's 😀❗️❗️❗️
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don-dake · 1 year ago
Theme song for 《東方三俠》 (“The Heroic Trio”), performed by 梅艷芳 (Anita Mui).
《莫問一生》 (“A Life Unexplainable”)
作曲:羅大佑,作詞:林夕 (Music: Lo Ta-yu, Lyrics: Albert Leung)
seoi4 wo4 seoi4 wo4 seoi4 zi1 gaan1
It doesn’t matter who’s between us,
soeng1 sik1 git3 hap6 liu5 waan6 naan4
our acquaintance united us in our difficulties.
cing4 wo4 cing4 wo4 cing4 dik1 gwaan1
Obstacles posed by various feelings,
zin2 zyun2 lei5 loek6 gwo3 zaam6 wo4 zaam6
are overcome swiftly one after another.
† 〔一曲一折只是我
jat1 kuk1 jat1 zit3 zi2 si6 ngo5
Unjustifiable wrongs will be to me,
jat1 zyun2 san1 mau5 jat1 saang1 mau5 jat1 hak1 dik1 si6
gone soon and only a mere moment in life.
jat1 geoi2 jat1 dung6 dou1 zi2 si6
Whatever one does,
閑事難事然後變傳奇事〕 †
haan4 si6 naan4 si6 jin4 hau6 bin3 cyun4 kei4 si6
be it insignificant or difficult, eventually it will all be just part of a myth.
* 〔人和人和人之間
jan4 wo4 jan4 wo4 jan4 zi1 gaan1
Interactions between people,
cong1 song1 lei5 zi6 jau5 long6 maan6
will naturally bring about romance in the vicissitudes of life.
jat6 fuk6 je6 fuk6 jat6 zi1 gaan1
In between the comings and goings,
崎嶇夾雜了夢幻〕 *
kei1 keoi1 gaap3 zaap6 liu5 mung6 waan6
reality has mixed with illusion.
Repeat †
‡ 〔莫問當初我哀我樂我陪著我
mok6 man6 dong1 co1 ngo5 oi1 ngo5 lok6 ngo5 pui4 zyu3 ngo5
Don’t ask how I dealt with the ups and downs on my own at the beginning,
bou6 bou6 ging1 sam1 ngo5 zau2 ngo5 dik1 lou6
I just followed my own path even if each step was filled with anxiety.
mok6 man6 gam1 tin1 deoi3 tin1 deoi3 dei6 ngo5 jing4 si6 ngo5
Don’t ask how I’ve managed to stay true to myself today,
zoi6 si6 si6 fei1 fei1 lei5 geoi2 bou6
I just stepped away from all the petty disputes.
mok6 man6 taa1 ciu4 dou3 dai2 jau5 mut6 jau5 seoi4 zoeng6 ngo5
Don’t ask if there will be someone else like me some day,
jam6 dung6 dei6 ging1 tin1 fong3 seng1 siu3 ngou6
that is up to the whims of fate and the Heavens to smile down on one.
mok6 man6 jat1 saang1 jau5 fung1 jau5 jyut6 jau5 seoi4 bun6 ngo5
Don’t ask who will be with me through thick and thin in life,
在大地不必各走各路〕 ‡
zoi6 daai6 dei6 bat1 bit1 gok3 zau2 gok3 lou6
for there won’t be a need to go separate ways on this earth.
Repeat * | Repeat † | Repeat ‡ | Repeat * | Repeat †
n.b.: To anyone who bothered to read this, as is usual with Albert Leung’s (林夕) lyrics, they are difficult to translate for they are often highly metaphorical, and my grasp of Chinese (namely Mandarin and Cantonese) is also poor, so take this translation attempt with a huge pinch of salt.
Heroic Trio theme // Anita Mui
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don-dake · 30 days ago
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懷念 河國榮 Remembering Gregory Charles Rivers
30 April 1965 ~ 2 February 2024
河國榮 singing a cover of 譚詠麟 (Alan Tam)'s 「朋友」.
Lyrics & translation ↓
《朋友》 [Friends]
作詞:向雪懷 作曲:芹澤廣明 編曲:入江純
繁星流動 和你同路
faan⁴ sing¹ lau⁴ dung⁶ wo⁴ nei⁵ tung⁴ lou⁶
A multitude of stars on the move, with you on the same journey.
cung⁴ bat¹ soeng¹ sik¹ hoi¹ ci² sam¹ zip³ gan⁶
From not knowing each other to getting closer,
mak⁶ mak⁶ ji⁵ zan¹ zi³ doi⁶ jan⁴
quietly treating each other with sincerity,
人生如夢 朋友如霧
jan⁴ sang¹ jyu⁴ mung⁶ pang⁴ jau⁵ jyu⁴ mou⁶
life is like a dream, friends are like the mist,
naan⁴ dak¹ zi¹ sam¹ gei² ging¹ fung¹ bou⁶
a rare kindred spirit with whom to weather the storms with,
為著我不退半步 正是你
wai⁶ zoek⁶ ngo⁵ bat¹ teoi³ bun³ bou⁶ zing³ si⁶ nei⁵
who's willing to stand by me always, that is you.
jiu⁴ jiu⁴ maan⁵ hung¹ dim² dim² sing¹gwong¹ sik¹ sik¹ soeng¹ gwaan¹
The distant night sky shimmering with stars interconnected,
nei⁵ ngo⁵ naa⁵ paa³ ging¹ gik¹ pou¹ mun⁵ lou⁶
even with thorns paving the whole road ahead, you and I won't be afraid.
替我解開心中的孤單 是誰明白我
tai³ ngo⁵ gaai² hoi¹ sam¹ zung¹ dik¹ gu¹ daan¹ si⁶ seoi⁴ ming⁴ baak⁶ ngo⁵
The one who helps me overcome my inner loneliness, who understands me,
cing⁴ tung⁴ loeng⁵ sau² jat¹ hei² hoi¹ sam¹ jat¹ hei² bei¹ soeng¹
who shares in happiness and grief,
bei² ci² fan¹ daam¹ zung² bat¹ fan¹ ngo⁵ waak⁶ nei⁵
never calculating between us,
你為了我 我為了你
nei⁵ wai⁶ liu⁵ ngo⁵ ngo⁵ wai⁶ liu⁵ nei⁵
you'd do things for me, I'd do things for you,
共赴患難絕望裡緊握你手 朋友
gung⁶ fu⁶ waan⁶ naan⁶ zyut⁶ mong⁶ leoi⁵ gan² aak¹ nei⁵ sau² pang⁴ jau⁵
whatever trials and tribulations that come our way, I'll be holding tightly to your hand my friend!
Translator's rambles: This is considered a classic in Cantopop and it brings back such childhood memories! (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠) It was also the sub-theme song in the Jackie Chan film 《龍兄虎弟》 (“Amour of God”)?I've watched AoG before but I don't remember this song in it…time to rewatch I guess!
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zanimljivaekonomija · 1 year ago
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Sjaj Beograda: Tamara Rađenović, svetska muzička senzacija donosi 'Novogodišnju čaroliju' na spektakularnom gala koncertu u Kolarcu
Posle grandioznog koncerta 2022. u prepunoj velikoj dvorani Kolarca, Beograd ponovo dočekuje svetsku muzičku zvezdu iz Londona, soprana Tamaru Rađenović. Mlada diva je ove godine uvrštena na  prestižnu Forbsovu listu 30 najperspektivnijih ličnosti Evrope mlađih od 30 godina u oblasti kulture i umetnosti Forbes i to kao jedinu iz sfere operskog pevanja.
Tamara Rađenović će 27. decembra 2023. od 20 časova zajedno sa renomiranim violinistom Robertom Lakatošem održati gala koncert “Novogodišnja čarolija”.  Na sceni Velike dvorane će uz zvezdu koncerta Tamaru Rađenović nastupiti i internacionalno priznati virtuoz na violini Robert Lakatoš. Pratiće ih preko 80 izvođača, Simfonijski orkestar Belgrade classic, hor Beli anđeo, a to skupa pod dirigentskom palicom proslavljenog maestra Srboljuba Dinića.
Robert Lakatoš će na koncertu svirati violinu Antonija Stradivarija iz 1709. godine, iz privatne kolekcije čuvenog gudalara Vladimira Radosavljevića.
Najavljen je veliki produkcijski iskorak, kako u muzičkom, tako i scenskom nastupu, u svečanom duhu najotmenijih gala koncerata svetskih koncertnih dvorana.
Publika će uživati u brižljivo biranom programu sastavljenom od hitova klasike i filmske muzike. Čuće se nekoliko magičnih obrada našeg poznatog kompozitora Konstantnina Blagojevića. Uz podršku direktno iz Gareth tima premijerno će u Srbji biti izvedena kompozicija Io ti penso amore koju u originalu izvodi David Gareth i Nicole Scherzinger.
Koncerti Tamare Rađenović su prepoznati kao najuzbudljiviji događaji klasične muzike za koje se traži karta više. U prilog tome govori činjenica da je sopranska zvezda opersku umetnost podigla na jedan viši nivo. Pored nesvakidašnjih koncerata, koji su spoj bogatstva njenog vokala i fasinantnog scensko-vizuelnog nastupa, princeza klasične muzike je napravila futuristički iskorak u prezentovanju operske umetnosti i u digitalnom svetu. 
Visokoprodukcijski spotovi operskih numera koje Rađenović prezentuje na svojim muzičkim platformama beleže milionske preglede. Poslednji u nizu, spot za numeru Por una cabeza, je za samo mesec dana emitovanja premašio brojku od fascinantnih  2,3 miliona pregleda što je retkost u branši klasične muzike.
Spot na linku: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UUsCBA2xXI4
I prethodni spotovi doživeli su ogroman uspeh na Tamarinom YouTube kanalu (oko šest miliona pregleda) i ekskluzivno se emituju u kontinuitetu na britansko-kanadskom Cmusic kanalu. Velika Monserat Kabalje je predvidela planetarnu karijeru Tamare Rađenović, koja je bila njena poslednja učenica, a sopranska zvezda već dostiže zvezdane, lirske visine o kojima je govorila španska diva.
Za beogradski koncert u prodaji je ostao još mali broj karata preko sajta tickets.rs
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letras2wi · 2 years ago
Genaiene | Estratégia { Letra ) #Todah #cmusic
Genaiene | Estratégia { Letra ) #Todah #cmusic Letras, Lyrics: Genaiene | Estratégia { Letra ) #Todah #cmusic ▷ SIGA GENAIENE NAS REDES SOCIAIS ► https://genaiene.lnk.to/Instagram ► https://genaiene.lnk.to/Youtube ▷ ESCUTE GENAIENE NAS PLATAFORMAS DIGITAIS ► https://c-music.lnk.to/Estrategia ► https://c-music.lnk.to/FalaComigo ▷ ESCUTE NOSSAS PLAYLISTS ► https://todahmusic.lnk.to/plataformas ►…
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majokkoradio · 1 year ago
Apparently the arrangement and other classical music in sailor moon came from an audio library https://sailormusic.net/guide-to-sailor-moon-music-cues/
If you scroll down you can find it but it has an audio "watermark" in it letting you know it came from CMusic
This is going to be a dumb request so my apologies if it's too convoluted. On episode 110 of Sailor Moon S there's a melody that plays on the scene when Haruka and Michiru hold hands, I cannot seem to find it on the OST so all I have is literally Haruka and Michiru Hold Hands... hope you're having a nice day!
I know exactly the scene you're talking about. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to have an official release. (that I can find)
A midi cover with the filename "Mercury no Toujou" circulated a while in the old days and that seems to be the closest thing to a name it has. But the song itself is just an arrangement of the classical piece "Sarabande" by Handel.
That said there's a beautiful cover of "Mercury no Toujou" by Senchatunes which I totally recommend their channel for top notch Sailor Moon piano covers
Here's hoping the original arrangement that appears in the show can be released at some point
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koreantunes · 4 years ago
레이 (LAY) - Joker
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theestranged · 4 years ago
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dangermousie · 5 years ago
This has been my ear worm for the last couple days so I am sharing.
As you can probably figure out, I am fairly indifferent to kpop/cpop but a group on VK i follow linked it, I listened to it and now hooked. It doesn’t help that while I don’t care for boybands/girlbands/dancing, I adore duets and emo intensity so...
Anyway, this is a first for me - it is literally the first Chinese song that is not part of an OST that I am listening to on repeat. Angsty necromancer really is talented, huh? I did not know his voice was that good!
PS The audience peeps are going nuts heh. (My mother told me that when she was a girl, she went to a Muslim Magomayev concert - he was a very famous Soviet singer - and after the concert, women would literally throw themselves under his car to kiss the tires. That was in the 1960s in the USSR. Kinda crazy that people are same the world and time over. Though this isn’t this level of nuts of course.)
PPS I have no idea who Angela Chang is but her voice omg - I am going to look her up.
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harimaron · 5 years ago
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