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777durt777 · 4 months ago
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beautifult999 · 5 months ago
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thelasttime · 4 years ago
taylor with a mask and sunglasses just makes her look like every other tall white blonde lady i see at walmart so i think she’s quite safe from prying eyes (i mean this in the best way fjdjdj)
AND THAT’S THE BEST PART!! not great that we’re all wearing masks because of a global pandemic, but i’m glad that maybe it gives her a little more privacy / exploration of the world that she wouldn’t normally experience if she weren’t wearing a mask
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frrosty · 4 years ago
url change for a lil bit for funsies 🤡
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thekidsarentalright · 4 years ago
okay so i thought way too long about this but— church/heavens gate (tied djjsjsj), the phoenix, 20 dollar nosebleed, bishops knife trick, patron saint of liars and fakes
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fkrkfk those are all such good picks ah tysm!!!
-Send me ur top 5 fav fob songs!-
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pr · 4 years ago
re: your tags on the witchy dance scene - i think it’s to represent where the string of fate originated, so like a glowy ‘fire’ of destiny where people are manifesting their own fates/destinies. i think this scene was the actual callback to invisible string since lover was there with her and she never knew. /end babbling
That's so interesting!!! Them creating their own fates and destinies in relation to the Invisible String (which would seemingly be out of their control/inevitable) is a dope take
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iridescentides · 4 years ago
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hi friends! what a fucking year am i right??? not to sound cheesy but tumblr was genuinely such a safe and warm space for me this past year. there is no way for me to adequately explain how important the friends ive made on this site have been for my emotional wellbeing in a time when ive been largely isolated from my irl friends/activities. throughout 2020 this has been a place i could turn to confidently for encouragement, support, and good conversations. thank you all so much.
i wanna first give a special shoutout to the two amazing discord groups im a part of: Creatorhub and the GCWCA. through Creatorhub ive met so many incredible gifmakers, learned so many cool new things, and received so much love and support. in the GCWCA i get to gush about disney channel with people who really Get It™ and we all make each other laugh and smile. two amazing groups who have filled my year with so much joy.
so here it is!!! a friend appreciation post!!! to clarify: this is NOT just a laundry list of every single one of my mutuals (even though i do appreciate all of my mutuals) because i feel like that would be lacking authenticity and missing a personal touch. this is an appreciation post for a select group of people who, through their presence on my dash, kind messages, or just general support and enthusiasm, have noticeably positively impacted me in 2020. the people who i log onto this site for. people who i love to check on to see how theyre doing even if we dont talk that much, people who make my day by sliding into my inbox or DMs or tagging me in posts, and people who inspire me heavily with their creativity and passion. TLDR; if youre on this list you should feel special because you are!!!
a few extra special bud shoutouts before we get to the main list:
miranda @lizzie-mcguires​ for being a super supportive, very fun friend to me this year. you are so funny and kind and i dont know if you know exactly how much our friendship means to me. thanks for being one of my biggest cheerleaders and validating my niche disney opinions and introducing me to big time rush 😂
sima @filthyjanuary for being literally the funniest and most relatable person alive and just generally being so easy to talk to. you deserve nothing but good things in life 💙
saint @dindjharin for spreading unconditional love, support, and kindness. i cherish every single message you send me and each gift you have made me. im so glad we met this year.
emma @candicepatton​ BESTIE for being the sweetest nicest bestest person on this whole site, and for making my entire day with your tags and messages!!!
hiria @hiriahb for being my longest standing friend on this site. for showing so much enthusiasm in our conversations and talking to me so in depth about music. youre seriously the best and i cant even imagine tumblr without you.
other friends i appreciate so so much:
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loverdlx · 4 years ago
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hi everyone! a couple people tagged me in their 2020 follow forevers (THANK YOU!!), so i wanted to return the favor and make my own - also just to help celebrate both the end of this Cursed year and how much my blog has grown over the last few months! :)
i created this blog over the summer right before folklore dropped and just started making edits in september, so it’s definitely been a wild ride! and i managed to hit 200 followers the other day :) thank you, thank you, thank you all so much!!!! to all my followers, mutuals, discord server mates, and new friends - i love you all! ♡
without further ado, here’s to all my lovely mutuals:
@abbaswift @achampionring @augustheads @bettyi @booknerdswiftie @brekkerstyles @btsswift @cardiigan @champagneandproblems @champagneproblemsmp3 @champaqneproblems @cherryslips @clowntothewest @clxsures @comebackbeheres @crestfalens @dorothca @dorotheeeaa @dorotheuh @evermorefolklore @fearlessplatinums @goddamnfight @goldestrush @gomezisabellas @gone-girll @heydorothea @houseishauntcd @iftye @illmeetyouafterdark @inacornerihaunt @invisiblemp3 @justanalto @likeadevils @likedaylight @lizzo @makeyoumycenterfold @marvelous-tunes @merldruck @miroirball
@newrcmantlcs @nonobodynocrime @novasforce @ofbeinghonests @ofdeepfears @ramonapest @recklesspath @rightwhereyouliftmemp3 @sadbeautiful @seegoldendaylight @shesfucked @swiftdanvers @swiftismyspringsteen @swiftrosegarden @tellmewhy @thedorothea @thehoax @thisismetryin @tolerateit @treacherous @twistinginbedsheets @tylorswift @vancity-swiftie @were-just-strxngers @wishfulthinkinglove @withmedude @wouldfallfromgracie @yeinnefer @yourheartbeat @yourheartbeatonthehighline
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waitinqroom · 4 years ago
rebekah’s 800 follower celebration!!
ok ok ok i know that 800 followers isn’t a TON but it’s still like a lot and i wanna do a celebration because i haven’t ever done one and they seem like a lot of fun!! so here we go!!!
rules to participate:
follow me :)
like/rb this post!!
here are the ask games i’m doing (leave just one of the emojis in my inbox!):
🦦 for a personalized compliment/affectionate ramble for you!
🦕 for me to make a short list of song recs that remind me of your blog! (it won’t be all taylor swift)
🐛 for an aesthetic blog rate-ish thing where i tell you:
a location your blog reminds me of (ex: forest, ocean, big urban city, etc)
a form of art your blog reminds me of (ex: sculpture, painting, poetry, etc)
a season your blog reminds me of
a taylor swift song + album your blog reminds me of
overall how i feel about your blog (i’m saying nice things only!)
if you don’t like any of these prompts please don’t feel obligated to participate!!! 
i’m gonna be tagging all of these asks with #rebekah’s celebration so you can blacklist that tag if you don’t wanna see all of the posts!
aaaand now here are a bunch of my most dearest tumblr moots that i’ll follow forever!!
these people range from some of my dearest most favorite friends to mutuals that i’ve hardly even interacted with but still appreciate greatly!! 
a buncha ts-related blogs and friends! (a-z) @abbaswift @abbyswift1313 @aintmyjewelry @allylovestay @amirrorball @augusthead @bettyi @cardiigan @champaqneproblems @clxsures @coastisclear @crestfalens @daylightforswift @dreamscapesonmywall @enchantedpiano @everfolk @flyinbutwenevergetfar @heystephcn @illmeetyouafterdark @itstimetogomp3 @jumpthensfall @ldidsomethingbad @liabilitys @londonsboy @lovethebeach @mercurialshigh @missegyptiana @mylover @newromanticsinnewyorkportugal @nineteeneightyninetour @ofdeepfears @ohdorothea @pjo @ramonapest @recklesspath @sadbeautiful @showupatmyparty @sippedaway @spendsmysantachange @swiftdanvers @taylorry @tisthedamnseasonmp3 @tlgads @wearthesamejewels @whitesummers @winterwonderlnd
blogs and friends that i love but are not ts centered! (a-z) @autisticjuliaargent @bunchesofchrysanthemums @carvour @dahlialupine @ellipsyb @imsorryyyyyyyy @intergalxtic @martacabreras @shipsthatcouldshowyouthestars @starrynyxa @theinsanelylogical @yiihonk @yourletters @yumings
and i’m so so sorry if i forgot anyone; i tried to include as many as possible!! if we’re mutuals and i didn’t tag you i still ly and i promise that i didn’t not include you on purpose!!! (i most likely couldnt keep up with everyone’s new url changes and couldn’t find ur account fjskfj)
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777durt777 · 6 months ago
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tolerateit · 4 years ago
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I was lucky enough to be included in @shouldbecelebrated and @tayorswift 's lists and figured that I wanna spread the joy myself!! So here are some amazing edits that I came across this week, hope you guys check them out and support these lovely, talented editors ♥
this Dorothea edit by @andtosaturn
this 1989 gifset by @tayloralison
this hoax edit by @cellphonehippie
this multi edit by @bybdolan
this cowboy like me edit by @hermionegrangcr
this Dorothea edit by @achampionring
this new year's day edit by @hermionegrangcr
this new year's day edit by @cherryslips
this lover edit by @cametotheshowinsd
this champagne problems edit by @midsummerknife
this new year's day edit by @sadbeautifutragic
this long story short edit by @thehoax
this cowboy like me edit by @mylover
this ivy edit by @nobodynocrime
this gold rush edit by @cellphonehippie
this mirrorball edit by @nfwmbabe
this the lucky one edit by @jonismitchell
this champagne problems edit by @clxsures
this cowboy like me edit by @sadbeautifutragic
this delicate edit by @tsthearcher
this multi edit by @whiledancing
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sasster · 3 years ago
did persep receive a proper burial? in either case, did he deserve one?
I wxuld nxt knxw. I was nxt present. Nx xne brxught him tx me. I believe that yes, he did deserve xne. If xnly tx prxvide clxsure fxr Aelium and Areixs.
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frrosty · 4 years ago
okay help me out guys, wi-llows or clxsures?
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pr · 4 years ago
Yo yo so i interpreted the witchy scene in Willow as her like performing a ritual to try to find the String and the way that scene goes i think you can interprete it as either 1) the sole act of her taking her fate into her hands in contrast to her life in the glass cage in which she has no control is what allows her to finally find the String that actually leads to her lover or 2) Fate is fate and it will find you no matter what you do or don't do thus why she turns around and it's just laying there waiting for her to find
I lean more towards 1 but that scene really makes the point for me regardless that when she chooses to take control of her own life (ie escaping and sneaking into the woods to perform a ritual) fate finds her
DUDE THIS IS BRILLIANT! Okay you and @clxsures have convinced me this is so freaking brilliant??
I also like that she's now fraternizing and participating in the witches activities, when back in IDSB she wasn't a witch. So now it's like she went fuck it, if they're going to burn me for being a witch anyway, might as well use it for my benefit amirite alebalak.
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Also: the similarities here are striking, no? 🧐
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(We love to see your film director brain pop off, Kat, skdksksm)
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bisluthq · 4 years ago
Forget her sexuality, I need the tea on Bleachella. I've never been able to figure out if she wore a wig in the Vogue shoot and then dyed it for real when it came out or if she had it dyed for months and was wearing wigs in public. That short blunt bob she around Grammys 2016 until Bleachella always seemed suspect to me.
See this is the content I’m here for because I think you’re right this could be a wig:
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However the Vogue pics could also be a wig especially since they’re like kinda showing roots and she didn’t show roots for like a while after?
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Like this seems different?
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I dunno I’m confused what do y’all think?
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@clxsures thinks Vogue is a wig and the others are natural!
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divorcebf · 4 years ago
djgsgjh thank you!!!!! it's by @clxsures <33
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