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clearway-safety-store · 1 year ago
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sunnunderthesun · 1 year ago
Must it be this difficult to survive as a Community Health Worker?
The Ministries of Health in the Global South and billionaire-run charitable organisations reportedly face "several constraints" when it comes to paying the community health workers, most of them underprivileged women, they're heavily reliant on in executing their respective big-budget healthcare programmes. But the organisations actively promote their concern for the health and wellbeing of other impoverished women.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has granted funds to Women in Global Health "to research the status of women's leadership in the health sector in Nigeria, Kenya and India". However, the foundation hasn't yet been able to move on any further from "thinking critically" about how to support the community health workers.
Only 25% of women occupy leadership positions in health globally when over 65% of jobs in the health sector are held by women. About six million female health workers hardly receive any financial compensation for their life-saving services. Despite being the only source of primary health care to the poorest sections of the society, many community health aides have no access to transport facilities that would enable them to deliver their services in a timely manner without having to exhaust themselves by walking long distances to visit the targeted households. In regions plagued by conflict, these workers find it even more challenging to help the sick in the absence of essential supplies and transport.
Philanthropists, "in collaboration with" the governments of the respective countries their charitable programmes are put in place, find it cost-effective to budget healthcare programmes without giving the community health workers their due. These overburdened and unsalaried health workers, having no proper formal training, enough personal protective equipment, and protection against gender-based violence, are left to explore ways to lobby politicians from their remote locations in the hope of beginning to receive a living wage.
When frustrated community health workers go on a strike to claim their deserved remuneration, poverty-stricken adults and children are badly affected. The world's largest community health workforce, the Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHAs), are still keeping up their fight for a fixed minimum wage and other basic benefits that any person performing tasks on behalf of the government should be entitled to.
We have social entrepreneurs commercialising Africa's issue of inadequate access to healthcare to solve it. It's disturbing to imagine a community health worker trying to interest the caregivers of a sick child into purchasing a solar lamp and other products in exchange for a diagnosis. These community health workers, at the mercy of the entrepreneurs who are slow to hire and quick to fire, will lose their only source of income – about 20 USD a month – if they fail to become successful salespeople. These workers, also labelled as "agents" by the social entrepreneurs, end up spending their hard-earned money on purchasing their respective employers' products to sell to the poor at a near-market price. Even the charitable organisations that take pride in giving the community health workers financial (based on "the geographic differences in labour costs") and non-financial incentives are simply the enablers of wage slavery.
However, a Coalition of these organisations began in 2019 after claiming to have demonstrated that salaried (the amount of the salary being as low as 10 or 20 USD per month) and digitally equipped community health workers can stop preventable deaths in the outlying parts of Africa where more than 80% of the community health workers still remain unpaid.
The essence of health aides has been known since the late 1800s when Russia's Feldshers treated people in the rural regions in the absence of physicians. But the the idea that the community health workers deserve a salary for their back-breaking work just started being popularized, through "in-depth research" and "advocacy", by the Coalition which is now composed of about five thousand community health workers, for-profit companies and corporations, and other non-governmental organisations.
But why do these social entrepreneurs, investing in micro-franchising Africa's health sector by training and monitoring the community health workers using advanced technology, avoid paying their employed workers a living wage? Well, they simply blame the World Bank for asking the respective governments of the countries they work in to avoid inflating the workers' wage bill...
For many rural healthcare workers who are merely treated as volunteers in the least developed nations, joining hands with the Coalition, that emphasizes on a goal of technologically upgrading the services of the community health workers, may be their only way towards getting any recognition, even if it's a monthly stipend of 30 USD, from their respective governments. At a time when many care workers of the USA, the country that dominates the international financial institutions like the World Bank, would rather wait tables at an eatery than work in the health sector, it's probably too early to imagine a bright future for the community health workers in economically poor countries. The question is, when will the few individuals in power face "constraints" that prevent the inequitable distribution of wealth in this world?
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mofffun · 1 year ago
unfiltered set photos + offshots for kingoh ep35
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KNW : hyunseo died
CHW : who’s hyunseo
KNW : the guy in our basement
CHW : ok.
CHW : chesecak 🤤 🤤 
KNW : chesecak 🤤 🤤 
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jentlemahae · 3 months ago
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dinnfameron · 1 year ago
Seven Sentence Sunday
I was tagged by @smblmn, and I actually finished my writing goal this week! I finished the Can't Hardly Wait AU real, actual draft. I have edits left to do, but no more [write this scene] brackets for me!
“You only have a couple big regrets from high school?” David asks after a moment. “What,” Patrick says, and it’s a challenge more than a question, like he already knows something’s coming.  “No, nothing,” David deflects. “It’s just, I remember when you bleached your hair for tech week in baseball last year.” “It was the semi-finals, David, not tech week. That’s not a thing.” He sounds exasperated, but David can make out the hint of a smile in his peripheral vision. “Neither is toner where you come from, apparently.”
This fic is 87% banter, 10% nineties pop culture references, and 3% plot.
No pressure tagging @swiftlythebest @statueinthestone @roseapothecary @stereopticons @blackandwhiteandrose @mostlyinthemorning and anyone else who may want to share what they're working on. 💖
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clancyycat · 6 months ago
chewing on him
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amewinterswriting · 1 year ago
Last Line Tag
I've been tagged by @ahordeofwasps, @tailoroffates and @author-a-holmes to share the last line bit of writing I've done. And since I've been recently ambushed by a new WIP idea, you get a very small sneak peek into a short story I'm tentatively calling Two Lefts.
Chwith lowered her hands, patting the scabbards at her hips by way of reassurance. They held the kind of protection she trusted, something she could hold and use for herself.
Tagging @by-allison-kai, @winterandwords, @ashen-crest and @sam-glade
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campanauz · 10 months ago
E chiaramente stasera in un impulso folle ho comprato un biglietto per andare a Genova domani (il mio giorno libero) per cui naturalmente sono le due e mezza e non riesco a dormire manco col sonnifero
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clearway-safety-store · 1 year ago
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cicala-05 · 11 days ago
Mi piacerebbe avere Dazai nella vita (principalmente per la mia mancanza totale di un partner romantico) ma allo stesso tempo, una parte un po troppo realistica per me, mi dice che in realtà non mi amerà e se per caso finiamo in una relazione romantica allora finirà per tradirmi con qualcuno…
Nemmeno nella mia fantasia riesco ha essere illusa con Dazai 😮‍💨. Soprattutto quando ho più bisogno di conforto e amore (anche immaginario) sto anche a piangere cazzo…
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wrestlingwiththoughts · 10 months ago
Innovator vs. The Bruiser, CHW Backyard Wrestling, October 13, 2012
When major companies like All Elite Wrestling have lost your attention and you find it too much of a hassle to catch up on the comings and goings in companies in Japan and Mexico, you need to recharge with the most primal form of professional wrestling: barely trained and probably unpaid amateurs doing it for the passion and love of pretending to hurt each other with their bodies and assorted trash cans, baking sheets, and tables that don't quite break the first time you put someone through them. Indeed, sometimes, you just need to watch some backyard wrestling.
In this case, Innovator and The Bruiser fight for the right to hoist their chosen nation's flag above the sacred grassy alley of the CHW Backyard Wrestling universe. Innovator is representing Canada, while The Bruiser is representing Scotland. Because they're backyarders, the selling is qualified by the uncertainty of whether they're actually, unintentionally hurting themselves and each other. When The Bruiser gets slammed on a stop sign resting on top of a metal briefcase, is it actually selling, or is he actually hurt? In this way, backyard wrestling gets at the verisimilitude even more effectively than trained, professional pro wrestling.
Beyond that, I was gleefully cackling at Innovator and The Bruiser's creativity, such as The Bruiser hitting a toaster into Innovator's crotch with a kendo stick. And I have to give kudos to Innovator's attention to detail, such as making sure that The Bruiser is fully covered by his Scottish flag before climbing the ladder to secure the Canadian flag on the pole for the victory. Of course, I also cracked up when Innovator fell off the ladder after saluting the Canadian flag.
If nothing else, Innovator and The Bruiser kept a brisk pace for their match, and I could feel the escalation in their disdain for each other as they battled to honor their respective countries. Their strikes looked good enough, and I thought Innovator's flag-assisted Gory Special on The Bruiser looked really good. (Is it because Innovator was actually choking The Bruiser with flag? Possibly!) In general, the submissions looked tight, and the selling was good enough, since you generally couldn't tell what the line between selling and actually feeling hurt was. I felt recharged about wrestling after watching this match.
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whatisshelties · 2 years ago
When are Shelties going to allow color headed white dogs???? They're in the rough collie standard????
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mxddyhero · 2 years ago
Reblogging this to add that it helped make his calligraphy neater since he didn't need to worry about his hand smudging the ink.
Also can u imagine banri being a snarky little shit when they're handcuffed together and then juza just looks at him, moves the pen to his other hand and carries on writing like bro would be shook I think.
Him being able to play and teach guitar and drums left handed, so any mankai members could go to him for help with techniques or new skills.
Being able to flawlessly paint the nails on both hands without smudges.
Random Juza headcanon: he's ambidextrous.
It was just something he was always able to do? As a kid, he didn't think much of it, but Muku was super impressed. He tried to teach him how to write and draw with their non-dominant hand, but they gave up 20 minutes in.
The first time Juza gets in a bad fight, he comes out largely unscathed (at least compared to the guy that came after him), but his knuckles were pretty sore. No big deal, he can just use his other hand to write.
I just think ambidextrous Juza is neat,,
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massispost · 9 months ago
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New Post has been published on https://massispost.com/2024/06/caucasus-heritage-watch-sounds-the-alarm-azerbaijan-massively-destroys-cultural-heritage-in-artsakh/
Caucasus Heritage Watch Sounds the Alarm: Azerbaijan Massively Destroys Cultural Heritage in Artsakh
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Caucasus Heritage Watch’s latest report on Armenian cultural sites targeted by the Azerbaijani regime found a 75% increase in destroyed sites since fall 2023. Validating experts’ warnings of Azerbaijan’s advanced destruction of Armenian cultural heritage in Artsakh, a new report by Caucasus Heritage Watch (CHW) confirms a 75% increase in destroyed sites across the region since the mass displacement of its indigenous ethnic Armenian population last year, says a story in Hyperallergic. Through satellite image comparisons between fall 2023, when more than 100,000 ethnic Armenians were forced out of their homeland by the autocratic Azerbaijani regime, and spring 2024, CHW’s latest report draws attention…
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dinnfameron · 2 years ago
Seven Sentences Sunday Monday
I was tagged by @trickiwooao3.
I am thisfuckingclose on my Can't Hardly Wait AU, y'all. I stuck these two in a bathroom over a year ago, and they might actually make it out some day soon.
Due to the fact that his phone is deader than his chances of escaping this night without the need for long-term therapy, David has no way of knowing how long they’ve been trapped in here. It seems like hours, but that could also be because this is basically the sixth circle of hell. Patrick has a watch. Of course Patrick has a watch, but David will wait out eternity before giving him the satisfaction of asking for the time.  Patrick also won’t stop jiggling his fucking leg, the stupid carabiner of keys on his belt loop clattering with each stilted movement, and David is beginning to wonder which common bathroom items could be used to bludgeon someone to death.
Feel free to gently nudge me periodically this week as I try to work my way through my first big round of edits.
Not tagging anyone, but if you want to share something, please do.
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