lil-vibes · 1 year
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seeuonadarknite · 4 years
good girl -- yandere dazai + chuuya x f. reader
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request: Hey! Can I get a Dazai and Chuuya sharing darling noncon and punishment + I was the one that asked for Dazai and Chuuya! Is it ok if you add breeding kink please. 🥺
❀ yes ofc bby :) this has been in my drafts FORVER.. i just never got to formatting it :’)
warnings: noncon, spanking, fingering, facefucking, breeding kink, implied kidnapping
"Oh? And where do you think you're going?"
You really messed up this time. Something must have possessed you for you to believe that trying to sneak out of the house these two ruffians confined you in whilst they were home was a good idea. Sure, they left you unrestricted during the times that they were home, but that didn't mean you weren't being supervised.
In a sense you were like an unleashed dog running off from its owners on a walk around the block. Although it would be a hassle to take time out of their day to retrieve you, they'd still do it in a heartbeat because you mattered to them. That didn't mean that it wouldn't still entail punishment; they couldn't just let you off the hook after pulling an immature stunt like that.
And the worst part was that you weren't surprised that you were caught red handed whatsoever. Dazai had eyes and ears everywhere. How foolish could you possibly be thinking that he wouldn't catch on with your little escape plan? Hell, you didn't even manage to make it past the welcoming mat before you were stopped dead in your tracks.
It was frustrating beyond belief how nonchalant he seemed about it, because you knew damn well that he was just as livid as his partner, Chuuya. Only difference was that Chuuya was visibly smoldering with anger, whereas Dazai just sported a condescending grin that had vexation written all over it.
Stood at the bottom of the stairs near the door, you cowered away from the two seething males like a cat, coincidentally backing yourself into the nearest wall. Good going. It felt like your heart was pounding out of your chest with all of the nerves you were feeling, because you knew you were royally fucked. These two certainly didn't play nice, not even with their beloved girlfriend.
It was hard to shake off their blazing glares burning holes into your figure. You couldn't tell if Chuuya was about ready to either eat you alive or tear you to shreds. Either way, he'd at least be quick in his movements; it made him the lesser of two evils. Dazai would probably take his sweet time in tearing you apart, relishing in the way your face would contort in agony. It really shocked you that people called this man a masochist.
"I-I'm sorry! Please, don't hurt me.." You whimpered, hugging your body as if it would provide protection from the two males staring you down like a piece of meat. It really sucked that you were even stuck in this position in the first place. Your relationship with the two boys started off pretty innocent, but there was a point in time where they lost trust in you for whatever reason. Their insecurities poisoned your "unbreakable" bond, driving them to lock you up and hide you away from the public eye.
The mischievous pair both shot each other a look, before Dazai calmly approached your cowering figure. He wrapped his slender fingers around your wrists, forcefully pulling them off of their spots on your sides. "Dear [y/n], you're not gonna get out of this with just a tap on the wrist.." Dazai trailed off, giving his partner a chance to finally butt in. "We've been way too fucking lenient with you. It's about time you learn your place." The hotheaded male barked, watching as you automatically flinched at the increase in volume. However, it wasn't as if you could instinctively hide your face in your hands. Not with Dazai forcefully prying them apart with his iron grip on each wrist.
Before you could retaliate, Dazai was already carrying you bridal style towards your shared bedroom with Chuuya hot on your trail. Yeah, shared bedroom. With all three of you. Every single night you'd be sandwiched between the two, with Chuuya hugging you from behind like a teddy bear, and Dazai with his lanky arm draped over your side and head sitting atop yours. Even without any technical forms of restraint, they still offered you no opportunity to slip from their grasps whilst they slept.
After taking a seat on the edge of the king bed, Dazai bent you over his knee within a fluid movement. Meanwhile, Chuuya sat adjacent to Dazai in order to wrap his fingers around your jaw and forcibly tilt your head upwards towards his. You could feel your blood rush to your cheeks in embarrassment. The fact that there were two of them getting off to this only added insult to injury.
"Ahh, I'm going to have to take your bottoms off, my darling. You've been quite naughty, haven't you?" Dazai purred into your ear, unable to contain the smirk that stretched across his face at the sight of his partner glaring you down. His snarl made him look like a feral animal foaming at the mouth. It almost tore your attention away from Dazai wrapping his lengthy fingers around the elastics of your shorts and panties, pulling the clothing articles right off of your body with one harsh tug.
"Osamu please—" Your pleads were abruptly cut off by Chuuya's free hand swiping across your cheek, causing an ear deafening smack to echo through your ears. It took a second for you to process the stinging sensation left on your skin.
However, before you could really brood on it, Dazai's calloused hand was already gently rubbing on the skin of your lower cheek. It may have seemed like a loving gesture, but you knew all too well what it entailed. The way he ran his hand over your rear rivaled the way a nurse would wipe your arm before injecting it with a needle. It was merely preparation for the real thing.
Words couldn't describe how agonizing it was anxiously awaiting Dazai's next course of action. It wasn't as if you could anticipate when it would come, not with Chuuya forcing your head in place with his fingers digging into your jaw. All you could do was pathetically stare into the shorter male's eyes as you idly stood by.
Chuuya, however, had a perfect view of your rear end and could easily predict when Dazai would finally begin your dreadful punishment by watching him finally swing his open hand down towards your ass cheek. "Count." Chuuya's stern voice overlapped with the sharp sound of Dazai's hand delivering a hefty smack to your rear. A shrill yelp escaped your lips at the all too familiar burning sensation.
"O-One.." You stuttered, feeling slightly intimidated with Chuuya's gaze burning holes into you. There wasn't anything you could do to avoid it with the way his hand locked your face in place. You had no other option other than to stare into your tormentor's eyes as his partner assaulted your rear end with his large hand.
By the time that Dazai had delivered the final blow to your rear, you felt hot, salty tears pouring down your face and onto Chuuya's hand. Nine spanks must not have been enough for him, judging by the way he made you count to ten. The reddened skin of your ass cheek felt like it was on fire with the burning sensation Dazai had inflicted upon it.
A small smirk tore across Chuuya's face as he finally let go of your aching jaw, diverting his attention towards your previously assaulted cheek. The way your skin rose ever so slightly in the form of a vibrant, red handprint left his cock twitching in his pants. It seemed that Dazai for once shared the same mindset with Chuuya, seeing as his clothed bulge was poking onto your bare leg. They had to be joking. Wasn't humiliating you by holding you down and bruising your ass under their scrutiny enough of a punishment? Your body would probably give out if they kept going at this rate.
Unfortunately for you, these two men were insatiable and held absolutely no regard for how you felt. They'd dish out any type of punishment that they deemed necessary; you did this to yourself, anyway. They weren't holding you at gunpoint when you pathetically tried scampering away from them. Everything that you did was all on your own accord.
Dazai ran two fingers along your folds from behind, tracing the sensitive skin in a V motion. Meanwhile, Chuuya was unbuckling his trousers whilst staring you down with a menacing grin tearing across his face. This was just great; your most sensitive parts were being rubbed and prodded at like a toy, and your mouth was about to be used as a fuckhole. That damned smile on his face told you everything you needed to know.
Whilst you unintentionally rubbed yourself against Dazai's thigh in order to create friction, his slim fingers dipped into your needy hole, automatically evoking a sharp gasp from you. Chuuya took advantage of your parted lips and slipped his erect cock into the warm, wet caverns of your mouth. His lengthy cock felt foreign in the confines of your mouth; his length never looked like something you'd be capable of taking without gagging, but the aching pains he left on the back of your throat after bruising you with his tip proved otherwise.
"Take it like the good little whore that you are. You like that, gagging on my fat cock while getting your pretty little cunt fingered at the same time?" Chuuya grunted, tangling his fingers into your sweat permeated hair. Your lack of responsiveness seemed to tick Dazai off, because he suddenly began pumping his fingers in and out of you at a hostile pace, sporting a distinctive glare that would most definitely send chills running up your spine had you been able to see it.
What were you supposed to do? It wasn't as if you could speak with a massive cock stuffing your mouth full and a pair of fingers knuckle deep inside of you. All you could really do to help your case was focus on breathing and try not to gag. Chuuya was already infuriated enough.
It was when Dazai began palming your clit and curling his fingers on that spongy spot inside of you that you began to feel the coil in your stomach begin to grow tight. It was unbelievably difficult to contain yourself with Dazai's fingers continuously curling up against your g-spot, and Chuuya's swelling tip hitting the back of your throat at a bruising pace. 
Tossing all rational thoughts to the side, you felt yourself clench tightly around Dazai's nimble fingers. However, once your hips stilled on his hands, preparing to release your juices on his fingers and coat them with your slick, his movements completely ceased. What?
"Aw, [y/n], did you forget? Bad girls don't get to cum." He mockingly cooed into your ear, watching as Chuuya forced your head in place in order for him to shoot ropes of cum into your wet cavern. Thanks to the sticky substance flooding your mouth, rendering it impossible to breathe, you weren’t given a chance to sulk on the absence of Dazai's fingers.
You did, however, notice him abruptly drag your hips towards the center of the bed with him, forcing you to release Chuuya's cock from your mouth. It barely gave you enough time to frantically swallow his seed. But you knew damn well that if you spat it out on the sheets, Chuuya would simply make you lick up your mess like a mutt.
This was all your fault. None of this would have happened if you had just stayed in your lane and knew your place. If you had just been obedient from the start, you wouldn't have to whine at the feeling of Dazai's tip prodding against your weeping hole. You wouldn't have to cast your eyes towards the floor whilst Chuuya jacked himself off at the sight of his partner slowly easing himself into your tight hole. Hell, you'd probably be cuddling up with the two on the couch right about now if you had just listened like a good girl.
"Fuck, look at you. Do you like getting used like a fleshlight? Because that's all you're good for." Chuuya spat into your ear with malice lacing his tone. If you weren't so hung up on the feeling of Dazai vigorously pummeling into you from behind, you would've been hurt by his harsh words. 
"O-Osamu— please, slow down!" Asking him to stop was out of the question. The most you could do to defend yourself was to at least try and get him to alleviate his bruising pace. If he continued at this rate, his palms would end up leaving dark contusions on your hips and his ferocious thrusts would weaken your lower body strength, immobilizing for who knows how long.
Alas, your pleads fell upon deaf ears as Dazai only fastened his feral pace. "Ahh, keep singing for me, my darling!" The bandaged brunette practically moaned, relishing in the lewd mewls and keens that fell from your lips. Within every moment that passed, your walls would hug around his cock even more tenaciously. It would only be a matter of time until his end neared.
The once silent room was now filled with the obscene sounds of skin slapping, synchronized grunts, and pathetic whines. Chuuya finished himself off a lot quicker than Dazai, as he pumped his throbbing cock one last time before spilling his seed. However, this time his aim was towards your face, his fluids permeating your skin and a bit of your hair.
"Lick it off." Chuuya ordered in a stern tone, admiring his grotesque handiwork from afar. He made a complete mess of your face, his cum smudging your makeup and dribbling down your chin. You made a pathetic attempt to stretch your tongue out and lap up whatever remaining cum you could reach on your face.
It wasn't easy to pretend that you couldn't see the triumphant smirk etched across Chuuya's face as you halted your movements, overwhelmed by the feeling of Dazai's tip hammering your cervix. If it wasn’t for your cervix blockading your womb, he'd probably be fucking that as well. With each bone breaking thrust, it felt like he impossibly reached deeper into the constricting walls of your cunt.
It was when Chuuya forcibly melded his lips with yours in a viciously hungry kiss that you finally broke, your cunt clamping around Dazai's cock, lubing it up with your slick. As you rode out your long awaited orgasm, Chuuya swallowed your gasps, exploring your wet caverns with his skillful tongue.
"Are you trying to drain me dry? Very well, you call the shots, [y/n]. I'm sure you would look a lot cuter with my baby in your arms." He cooed, training his eyes on Chuuya's contorted expression as he rapidly rocked his hips against yours, almost as if aiming to shoot his seed as deeply as possible inside of you. "You shithead! I'll cum inside 'er too once you finally get off!"
In any normal case, you would've tried stepping between them by now. But their clashing of heads meant nothing when Dazai's twitching cock was readying itself to empty its contents inside of you. God, you weren't ready to be a mother. You didn't deserve this. You didn't—
"Osamu, let me go!" You began wailing and screaming, but it was to no avail. It wasn't hard for Chuuya to shut you up by forcing your face down into the mattress with the simple shove of his hand.
With one last hostile thrust, bottoming out inside of you, Dazai shot his load into the fluttering walls of your cunt, completely draining his balls directly into your womb. He painted your insides white with each thick spurt of cum. "Ahh, sorry, what was that?" He taunted before reluctantly dragging his cock out of the twitching walls of your heat at an agonizingly slow pace. Once he finally pulled out of your weeping cunt, he watched with utter bliss as his semen began pooling out of your quivering hole.
Without another word, Dazai tucked his cock back into his pants and began to retreat from your trembling form. However, before he stepped out of the room, he shot Chuuya one last glance, watching him flip you over and throw your useless legs over his shoulders. "Try to make it quick. I know you have the freakish stamina of an animal but I'd like to feed our [y/n] some dinner before bed, okay?"
"I'll do what I want, shithead!"
Good luck catching a break between these two.
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Hello~!💋 I was wondering, could you please write a jealous yandere! Chuuya scenario? He's just out and about in public, be he sees his s/o talking happily to another man and he doesn't exactly take it too well.
Oh- Hi! ^~^ 
Holy crap- I really can’t tell you how excited and stunned I was when I got this request from you! very first request was incredible and I’m not going to lie I may have fangirled a little from excitement. ^//^”I’ve actually sent in a request before, just on another account, the first one was a reaction for Chuuya, Akutagawa, Judar, Hakuryuu, and Mikaela when the s/o was having a nightmare but anyway thank you so much! ^~^ I’m sorry it took a bit to get to but I hope you enjoy it none the less. Also, this is my first time writing for Chuuya so I was really nervous and so I’m very sorry if I messed something up.
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Going out for late-night walks was never something that Chuuya would normally do. After getting home from work, relaxing on the couch while he enjoyed a glass of wine was much more of his preference since relaxing was all he really wanted to do. However, lately this favorite pastime of his had been joined by something else and what that was, was having his s/o enjoying a glass with him, while sitting on the couch beside him or even better being seated on his lap. Enjoying both the glass of wine and their company had always seemed to make it taste better, but he knew that no matter how rich the taste was; no taste would ever compare to the taste of his s/o, and often he found himself forsaking the wine for their lips instead; something which would often lead him to whisking his Queen off to the bedroom and leaving the glasses of wine abandoned on the coffee table.
Though tonight Chuuya found himself alone in his penthouse as s/o was currently not around. They had texted him earlier in the afternoon that they were going to be out for most of the night, due to plans to meet up with a friend that they had not seen in a while. Even though Chuuya was disappointed when he first heard this, in the end, he had thought nothing of it. He was very aware his s/o had other friends of course and so he was perfectly alright with that, but he wouldn’t deny that he’d missed their company even as he had been seated on the couch. Azure hues looking at the rich scarlet liquid in his glass before closing as he took a sip. It was only when he went to pour himself another glass after finishing off what was left in it, that he had realized that he had just drunk the last of his favorite wine. Leading him to be where he was now. 
Walking the streets of Yokohama, he stopped at the crossing and waited for the light to turn green before walking across when the little red man that made up the signal on the traffic light changed to green. Entering the winery with the intention of just buying another bottle this changed as after being inside of the little store for several minutes, he came out with a bag that held not only a bottle of the kind of wine that he had been wanting but also a few others that had taken his interest while he had been inside. 
Seeing as there was nothing more to do, with the bag of bottles in hand he was about to begin walking in the direction of the same crossing but instead opted for going around; since he knew that was a quicker route to his place; so with this in mind he turned around and was just about to start walking in that direction before the familiar sound of his s/o’s voice came to his ears, causing him to stop dead in his tracks. Instantly azure hues shot upwards to the direction that he’d heard it and that was when he saw it. His s/o, who had seemed to have not only dressed up a little but had also made herself up a little for the occasion, was talking to a guy the same age as her. Normally the sight of his dolled up s/o would’ve made him smile but any trace of a smile that could’ve begun to appear on Chuuya’s expression was instantly dashed as he took notice of how this guy was looking at her, though he was just smiling the look in his eyes said it all. Despite how his s/o clearly didn’t seem to notice it he did even as he stood at a short distance away from the two.
Chuuya had never considered himself the type to get jealous, especially not from this guy who from the looks of things wouldn’t be able to hold himself up in a fight to save himself, and he also knew that he could easily kick this guys ass with his own strength and skill; but the way this guy was making his s/o smile and laugh was something that made him want to grab onto s/o’s hand and pull her away from him upon seeing it. This only worsened as he could’ve sworn a rosy hue had come to her cheeks due to something that this guy had said to her. Whether this guy was the friend that she had told him she was meeting up with or not, Chuuya honestly didn’t give a shit. The only person that should be making his s/o blush let alone laugh or smile like that was him. 
As he watched the guy raise one hand and place it atop of her head before gently ruffling her hair affectionately, causing her to blush, smile and laugh in response; Chuuya couldn’t stop his eyes from narrowing as the desire to beat the shit out of this guy quickly rose inside of him; even as he stood there watching in aggravated silence. The pet name that Chuuya heard this guy address his s/o as was the final straw and the next moment he was walking over to the two. He could feel his fingers tingling with the desire to grab ahold of s/o and pull her away but just before he could give in to that urge, s/o’s eyes quickly took notice of him and the same genuine happiness and joy that would come to them whenever he would see him made him hold back. 
“ Oh! Chuuya, hi!, I’m glad you’re here this gives me a chance to introduce you to someone, “ having noticed him the friend looked to him with surprise but the traces of annoyance and disappointment that briefly came to his eyes as the grin that he had been wearing had visibly faded a little. This only made it more clear that this guy saw his s/o as more than just a friend. Though noticing It made the possessiveness that he was currently feeling increase, at the same time he couldn’t help but feel smug and he could barely keep back the smirk while he looked the friend in the eye without a single trace of intimidation.  “ (Insert friends name) this is my s/o; Chuuya Nakahara. Chuuya this is ( insert friends name ). “ in response the guy smiled as he extended a hand to shake with a “ Nice to meet you. “ though the sentiment was far being mutual and despite how he didn’t want to, Chuuya still shook his hand. 
Much to his relief the encounter ended not long after and both he and his s/o were soon back at his penthouse, but even as s/o sat on the couch while he refilled his glass before pouring a glass for s/o with the contents of the fresh bottle that he had just bought; the burning irritation and possessiveness that he had felt at seeing how that guy was towards his s/o was still coursing through him; And it didn’t help that s/o seemed to be completely oblivious to the fact that the guy was clearly interested in more. One thing was for sure, he sure as hell wasn’t going to let her leave this house without several marks on her skin and in noticeable places as well, that should make it abundantly clear to the bastard that s/o was his. 
Since he was free for the night they did have all night after all.~
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lil-vibes · 1 year
i would die if you wrote anything expanding on that post about chuuya being taken over by baki and just floating all over the place and speaking with an echo until he gets to dazai at the ADA office - that was a great idea, very cool
yooo thanks man !!!
here you go, a little more brainworms regarding that au!
• when Baki wakes up in a back alleyway and tries to stand up they overdo it and snap Chuuya's spine in the process. they try to walk and all of a sudden they are on the ground with mild pains from the vessel' legs. they aren't sure how a human body works, so for now they decide to just float.
• Baki, in my hc, is very curious for just about everything because it's quite rare that they 'view' the world through a humans' eyes
• piggybacking off of that, i think that they'd have trouble expressing their thoughts in the beggining (speaking in short, sometimes conflicting/unfinished sentences) because using human vocal cords without snapping them is difficult and also words have changed since the last time they were actively using them. Ranpo just chucks a dictionary at them and they absolutely ABSORB every word
• i also think that they'd want to sword fight with both Fukuzawa and Golden Demon/ Kouyou for fun
• they can make Dazai float and he just about gives up on life ( something something 'your human existence can not deny mine' yeah me thinks)
• i personally think that theyd be slightly more chill than expected, however when they get upset, or emotions generally run high, the control over the body begings to wobble. some examples of that being:
- the overlapping voices are the most common ones. they are a mass manifested through war and suffering and vengeance, thus Baki has to be extremely careful of how loud they speak because there's a great chance that someone's eardrums will explode.
- corruption markings are a damn near permanent fixture on Chuuya's skin, more so to help remind everyone that this isn't Chuuya in control right now (Dazai is constantly stressed about it, and has to consistently tell himself that it's fine), but they tend to grow and glow and move around like they are alive too, as if also taking offence that Baki is agitated. they also burn if touched directly
- people around an Agitated Baki feel like they are about to poof out of existence simply by being too close. Mori nearly dies once because Baki can see his general soul and is not pleased. it kinda feels like your blood suddenly starts running the other way, or your like heart is beating backwards and double in speed. not fun !
- sometimes birds fly into the windows. maybe the sky tints red, maybe there is ringing in the ears, static in the brain of those around them. maybe looking at Chuuya's form hurts a little, burns a little, blurs around the edges. what were his features again? what color were his eyes? his hair?
• Baki loves Chuuya and learning all about him :] ( "and his name? what is his name? we would love to know who our vessel is."
"it's Chuuya Nakahara.."
the entity thinks, hums for a bit, vibrations making the lights swim around it, then pleased, it smiles "hmm Chuuya... it suits him a lot" )
• disregarding stormbringer for a moment, when asked how exactly one traps a being like it, Baki kindly informs them that there are runes carved into every bone inside Chuuya. yes, they do mean every single one.
• also, and that's a little.... gruesome, but it's a misconception that Baki and Chuuya share only a consciousness. "it's like that most of the time, but right now what you are looking at is ... ah, let's say, our clothes. we are woven in-between his skin and bones and every blood vessel, but also we are separate. it's like a hand pupet? we are under his skin :)"
• Baki absolutely says unhinged things like its normal
• they also find it funny to tease Ranpo because they recognise just how smart of a human he is but also he's just that to them. a human
• i also have this scene when someone complains about the sun or something so Baki just,,, shifts either the Earth or the Sun a bit so that it's not shining directly at the person. everyone FREAKS abt this btw
• Baki also loves the Akutagawas and Kouyou bc Chuuya loves them :]
some skk things bc i love them:
• Baki tells Dazai, hand pressed against his heart, looking him dead in the eyes with that slightly unhinged expression "no wonder you hold onto warm things, for you have been warm once, then never again. no wonder you seek to be warm again" and Dazai just has to go through his day after that
• okay last thing off of the top of my head, but somehow they (the ada) get into the topic of worship and Baki casually drops that yes! they get prayers sometimes but nothing even begins to compare to the feeling of the worship from their most devoted person. naturally everyone wants to know who that is, and Baki tilts their head a little and then points to a Very Confused Dazai (Ranpo and Kunikida are exhanging money in the backround btw).
("but... i don't worship the hat rack?? what?"
"oh, but that can't be" they sway a little from their perch on Dazai's desk, appearing as if deep in thought. after the day, Dazai knows better. "but we can distinctly recal feeling a sort of warmth from you. say, how do you define worship? because it can be food offerings too. or thoughts about us or even just the pure, unrelenting faith that as long as you believe in us, your wish will be made into existence"
Dazai blinks at them, stunned.
"so now, has your answer changed?" )
• LAST one. Ranpo asks them if Dazai has ever nullified corruption with a kiss and Baki is like we think so? but Dazai denies that hard. Baki counters by saying that every place where 'coruption' has been nullified burns to this day. twice on left the wrist, once at the forearm. once at the right hand, once at the cheek, and once ot the lips. Dazai may or may not work harder to resolve the issue after that (he's never gonna beat the gay accusations)
(end of skk things hh)
• when it's time to surrender themselves back to Chuuyas will, Baki tells the ada + the Akutagawas and Kouyou, that when their time finally comes, when Chuuya is either one of them or dust in the wind, they will remember the kindness they have experienced. that they will live forever in the mind of a god
• Chuuya is so, so confused after waking up
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