pridewon · 2 years
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@chllengers​ said:  packs away the leftover breakfast in a container for iwaizumi. leaves a little note on it that says: for haijme ♡ - issei.
Monday mornings are always one hell of a racing game. Arguably even moreso when other obligations pull him out of his bed and got him running around when the sun is barely up - classes, lecutre, practicals, and today, the first day of his work placement at the World Youth training camp. Hajime is excited. Hajime is fucking stressed. And Hajime smothers a string of curses between his teeth, glancing at the clock as he stumbles out of his room with half his t-shirt not yet put on.
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“Issei! Hey, you seen my keys anywhere - ah shit.” He grits his teeth, remembering that Matsukawa had to leave even ealier than him today - dammit. So he is all alone to fight his battles then - fine. Iwaizumi heaves out a sigh, hurriedly finishes getting ready, wastes another ten minutes finding his keys, and only just realises he won’t have time for breakfast. Shit. He’s going to be running around all day, spending time on the court with those kids - today of all days isn’t a day he should be skipping a meal, but what choice does he have? Frustrated at himself beyond all reason (for a Monday morning) he grabs his bag and heads to the kitchen to at least grab some fruit...
And stops in his track when green eyes fall upon the container and the note left to his attention. Quickly, he snatches the message and deciphers it; and shoulders instantly relax into a chuckle. Unbelievable. Hajime shakes his head, slips the tupperware into his bag, and runs out the apartment he shares with his old friend; he’ll eat breakfast on the train. An hour later, Matsukawa’s phone dings with a text.
(to: Matsukawa) (7:30am) - the notes are getting really corny, man (to: Matsukawa) (7:30am) - but pizza’s on me tonight
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pontevoix · 3 years
if you want a family style meal or a comfortable meal, the tanakas’ place is the place to go. any day of any week, ryū would argue they got the best nikujaga in town, but he would probably say that even if he didn’t think it were true; the thing about working with & in the family is that you’re always on duty for unpaid marketing. 
granted, the business doesn’t always fare well. business comes in gusts - with months where where ryū is needed in the kitchen, helping push orders out. & other months where he’s welcome to wander in the dining room, checking & chatting with customers because he’s good at that. & also because it cracks him up in the evenings, when customers are a little tipsy & start telling him funny stories of how they make the day go a little faster at work. 
It’s one of the slower months, & ryū isn’t expecting much business — there’s a storm picking up, & the wind is no joke. ryū can tell by the way the wind slaps tree branches against the metal garbage cans out back. it makes for a good percussive beat that tanaka hums along to when he wants to annoy saeko, though . . . she’s not here right now. he hums anyway. 
not expecting much business, but there’s one order for takeout. 
the bell at the front door announces the customer.
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tanaka glances up & laughs out loud. it’s maybe rude to do so, but he forgets formality because the customer seems around his age, & he’s seen him before, &
 ‘ holy shit, man, did you decide to swim here? is part of aoba johsai training to swim to restaurants in the rain? ‘ 
wiping his hands on his apron, he finally remembers to bow in proper greeting (this is customer service, after all), & he chokes out another laugh. ‘ jeez, your team pisses me off, you know? ‘ tanaka offers amicably & shakes his head. 
 . . . this guy better recognizes him as being from karasuno, or else he might lose it. but that’s beside the point. 
                    @chllengers​ |  starter call
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shimzus-a3 · 3 years
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           “  could you smile ?  ”  in a voice that hints between curiosity and hopefulness , shimizu asks this question. she doesn’t even blink as she does—— eyes trained intently on matsukawa’s face across from her. just a quirk of his lips would be fine , she thinks , but she’d like to see him smile , too. it’s weird that that popped into her head , but shimizu isn’t one to deny herself something she could easily ask for outright.
@chllengers​​ , suisou - oisicle melonpan
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inanthesis · 3 years
MY MUSE’S REACTION is to YOUR MUSE catching them…  3. Carrying out a full conversation with an animal and answering for them.
@chllengers​ : “Well, this is awkward…” // mattsun for iwa !!
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     ‘-but he deserves it.’
“Oh I know more than anyone he deserves it, but if he freaked out and you got hurt then I’d kinda feel bad.” Iwaizumi’s voice echoed in the empty ( or so he thought ) locker room, his tone pitching higher as he talked to himself the stag beetle crawling on his hand he’d found just outside the building.
     ‘-but it would be funny if he screamed like a little baby.’
“You make a great point, an excellent point actually. Maybe I’ll have to reconsider putting you in his- Shit!” Left scrambling to turn around and face his embarrassing fate as he’d heard Matsukawa speak up had Iwaizumi nearly tumbling off the bench, a burning flush tinging his cheeks and the tips of his ears red. The beetle had not been a fan of the sudden movement, flying off to hide who even knows where while Iwaizumi attempted to save face in front of his classmate who just caught him having a whole conversation with a bug.
Oikawa might be aware that he was a little weird sometimes, but he’d like to think that wasn’t common knowledge outside their friendship where he definitely prided himself as the cool one of their duo because who else was going to be the cool one? Oikawa? He thought not.
“Matsukawa, what the hell?! If you’re gonna make it a habit of sneaking around all weirdly silent I’ll have to put a bell around your neck like a cat ‘cause you’re gonna give someone a damn heart attack! You’re almost two meters tall, how do you even walk that quietly?”
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jerseydeanne · 6 years
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1971 Dodge Challenger… On My Bucket List! Vintage🎶🦂
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chllengers · 3 years
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chllengers ( previously athleticsm )
ind. multimuse featuring muses ( adored by dee ) from daiya no ace and haikyu!!
update: ennoshita has been added as a muse!!
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jsdaily · 7 years
challenger rt classic vs camaro ss
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riderstvnecochea · 7 years
♦ Teahupoo Tahiti Challenge 2017 Bonus Highlights La Apb nos trae imágenes inedias del evento que se llevo acabo en aguas tahitianas, donde todos los años se realiza el Teahupoo Tahiti Challenge, el 2017 fue un año que trajo buenas olas al point dejando en los ojos y corazones de todos imágenes marcadas a fuego, un evento que tuvo la gloria de recibir un swell épico con olones increíbles, y se conmemoro a todo trapo cerrando un marco espectacular para el bodyboard.
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candygatenews-blog · 8 years
2016.04.18 post 
SIDE STEPが完成しました。
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pridewon · 3 years
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@chllengers​ said:  rests his chin on iwaizumi’s shoulder. ‘ so this is what the net looks like from this angle. ’
Iwaizumi Hajime is not an insecure young man. It’s not that other, taller players make him feel diminished, or less adequate, or weaker. They don’t intimidate, impress, or discourage him, no. They just, put quite simply, piss him off. Especially when they go out of their way to remind them of the ten or so additional centimeters they have over him. Matsukawa, somehow, seems to delight over this oh so petty victory of his. And over the way it never fails to get a reaction out of his vice-captain, probably.
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A vein appears at Hajime’s temple, blood beating under sweat-covered skin; the weight of his friend’s head on his shoulder making him contemplate the possibility of a simple, but efficient headbutt (nah, he elects - too close, wouldn’t be as efficient); before his hand rises, swift as bird’s talons, and nimble fingers catch Matsukawa’s nose between knuckles before twisting it and refusing to let go. “Yeah, it is. Nice view, huh? Hey, why don’t you stay here until the end of practice, ‘s nice to see things from a different angle from time to time - “
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pontevoix · 3 years
“Care to explain that?” for tanaka from ennoshita !
no hesitation.
' i mean, yeah —- ' brow furrowed, tanaka strokes his chin. he doesn’t have to shave a lot or anything . . . but bleary-eyed, tanaka been a little clumsy in the morning & nicked himself shaving. the resulting scratch on his chin is shallow, but long & red & angry. if tanaka were a redhead, it’d look like tanaka had a single-hair strand of a goatee.
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he had fallen asleep at lunch & nishinoya, in passing, had paused to ink on some additional strands with red pen. of course, tanaka had woken before nishinoya had finished — but it was hysterical, & he was curious if anyone would notice. so far so good.
now he’s the proud owner of a fake goatee. he thinks it looks good so long as he doesn't look in the mirror, but hey!
his gaze flickers to his right, where an english quiz with a failing grade sticks out of his school bag. his gaze flickers to the left. empty cans of both energy drink & electrolyte drink stand as evidence of having been mixed in tanaka’s waiting water battle.
‘ actually, i’m gonna need you to be more specific. ‘
4 words 4 you | @chllengers
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shimzus-a3 · 3 years
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         she’s probably the last person he should be approaching for advice. at least , that’s what shimizu thinks—— she was just the manager of the volleyball club , not the captain. now that ennoshita has risen to that role , doesn’t it make more sense for him to ask sawamura what he should do ?  “  you’re in charge ... do what you feel like.  ”  it’s as good an answer as any , considering she’s not really sure herself.
@chllengers​​ , shanghai band - yamamoto daichi
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inanthesis · 3 years
@chllengers​ : “ iwaizumi-san please share some of your peanuts with me. ” matsukawa speaks in a high-pitched voice, leaning close to iwaizumi to prevent those walking by from hearing his bit. he’s voicing the squirrel that stands nearby, eyeing the ace’s bag of peanuts. // he’s a menace I’m sorry hajime
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This was a true test of his will, Iwaizumi trying his very hardest not to react too obviously at Matsukawa’s wheedling nonsense. If he drew attention then people might start asking questions and he honestly wasn’t all that sure whether or not the middle blocker would keep his mouth shut about what this was all about. Unfortunately in the end he couldn’t really last all that long. His simmering irritability got the best of him after a single glance between Matsukawa and the squirrel, shoving his entire hand into the other boy’s face in an attempt to push him at least arms length away.
“Get out of my face! If you don’t cut it out I’m sure you know I’ve got no problem taking you out.” He pulled his hand back, balling it into a fist to shake at his classmate for emphasis to his definitely not entirely empty threat.
“I don’t make it a habit of roughing up our underclassmen for the most part, but you’re fair game and you sure as hell can’t escape me or your ass-kicking even if you tried.”
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drunknsail · 11 years
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pridewon · 3 years
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Fears Meme
Bolded: Fears that apply to your muse
Italics: Makes them uncomfortable
Crossed out: not afraid of ( at all )
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the dark | fire | open water (sea/ocean) | (any) deep water | being alone (for too long) | crowded/enclosed spaces (agoraphobia) | confined spaces (claustrophobia) | open spaces | change | failure | war | being controlled/lack of free will | prison | blood | drowning | suffocation | public speaking | supernatural monsters/animals | heights | death/dying | intimacy | rejection | abandonment | the unknown | the future | not being good enough | scary stories | talking to new people | poverty | loud noises | lack of noise | being touched | powerlessness | bugs | ghosts | growing old | forgetting | rain | lightning | natural disasters | poison | school | hospitals | pain | disease | mirrors | god / religion | falling | buried alive | betrayal | people | social class | freedom | frogs | dogs | challenges | making friends | injury | powerlessness to prevent loved ones from being hurt | marriage | child-rearing | adulthood | the cold
Tagged by: @goldenloved (thanks that was fun!) Tagging: @tvrningout (for chiyo!) @taskfocused @violevin (for kira!) @colorgold (for hinata!) @shizukni (for suna!) @chiheru @chllengers (for mattsun!) @suigneris​  (for trevor!) and everyone else who hasn’t done it yet!
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shimzus-a3 · 3 years
@chllengers asked —— [ PAINT ] from mattsun ! ( for the sender to paint the receiver’s nails )
        shimizu wonders how often he does this , given the amount of effort he seems to be putting into her hands. she keeps the thought to herself. asking could easily be misinterpreted as her judging the quality : an insinuation that his work is bad if he doesn’t do it frequently enough. and it’s not as if shimizu really cares about the quality—— she herself had only just started using makeup after high school , since she had money from her job and didn’t have to abide by a school dress code anymore. but by no means was she very skilled , she thought. her own work was probably quite sloppy to the well-trained eye.
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       and black is such a stark color ...  it’s probably hard to work with neatly. only inconsiderate people would judge the application of the most difficult color. instead , shimizu is merely curious as to the results. she mirrors matsukawa by peering down at her hands , laid delicately atop of his. she’s always kept her nails in good form , but painted only with clear or nude coats. seeing them cloaked in black is a bit startling—— it makes her fingers look longer , her skin paler , and the veins in her hands more obvious. but perhaps that’s the point ...
       “  it really looks like a halloween costume ,  ”  she muses , eyes wide with surprise. it’s a compliment to him , albeit an unordinary one. he is painting them for the sake of a halloween party , after all , so the goal has been achieved. her hands look devious.
       as if trying to thank him less ambiguously—— and more emphatically—— shimizu flexes her fingers and wraps them around his hand slowly. she has to move at the speed of a snail to ensure that she won’t smudge the polish , but eventually she solidifies a hold on him and twists his hand over. then , she pauses. shimizu had meant to turn his hand around to study his own fingernails , but now that her hand is wrapped around his firmly she finds it harder to pull away and look. she stares blankly at their hands , and it takes her a few moments for her to return to her senses , flushed with embarrassment.  “  ah. do yours match ?  ”
actions meme ,
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