mechafiora Ā· 9 hours
am i the only one that that thinks using an eye-strain color palette is just kind of inconsiderate? iā€™ve had fairly significant migraines triggered by that shit. i know i canā€™t control what anyone does on the internet, but my head does not appreciate the whole danganronpa kinnie eye-strain art, blogs, and carrds. i thought that died out in 2021.
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mechafiora Ā· 2 days
do i reread i have no mouth, and i must scream tonight?
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mechafiora Ā· 2 days
i love having a few anatomical abnormalities. like? why is the optic nerve in my right eye abnormal? why am i bow-legged? god itā€™s so awesome that parts of my body just decided to develop incorrectly
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mechafiora Ā· 3 days
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mechafiora Ā· 3 days
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mechafiora Ā· 3 days
it's the way literally no one gives a fuck about xenogears... xenogears fandom revival NOW
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mechafiora Ā· 3 days
i don't actually remember how to make moots on this hellsite
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mechafiora Ā· 4 days
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mechafiora Ā· 4 days
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mechafiora Ā· 4 days
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mechafiora Ā· 4 days
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Cryp in Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception
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mechafiora Ā· 4 days
let it be known that i enjoy things that make me uncomfortable, as well as things that require some amount of thinking and outside knowledge to understand. my head is never silent, and i need things to feed those thoughts lest the internal monologue attach itself to my insecurities, baby!!!!!
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mechafiora Ā· 4 days
ā€œproblematic mediaā€ please grow up, i am begging you. yes, be critical of the things you consume. no, you donā€™t have to proselytize your internet-informed deontological ethics to someone that enjoys something you find morally reprehensible within your chronically-online circle of influence
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mechafiora Ā· 4 days
i need people to start hating on cloud strife as much as they hate on tifa and aerith. they wonā€™t do it bc. ya know. misogyny. but come on. make fun of that loser
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mechafiora Ā· 4 days
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mechafiora Ā· 4 days
reminder that there is nothing you have to do to be a woman. you donā€™t have to act a certain way, or partake in certain activities. you donā€™t have dress up and wear makeup. you donā€™t have to keep your hair long and styled. you just have to be you. you donā€™t have to be agreeable and placid. if youā€™re a woman, youā€™re a woman. itā€™s enough. it will always be enough. no performance is necessary.
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mechafiora Ā· 4 days
iā€™m so in love with xenogears. i had my first xenogears dream last night. it was akin to my xenoblade opera dream, but this time it was a xenogears play. the guy playing fei was so hot. itā€™s overā€¦
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