#(a nifty trick if mattsun seeks an escape: iwa is ticklish)
pridewon · 3 years
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@chllengers​ said:  rests his chin on iwaizumi’s shoulder. ‘ so this is what the net looks like from this angle. ’
Iwaizumi Hajime is not an insecure young man. It’s not that other, taller players make him feel diminished, or less adequate, or weaker. They don’t intimidate, impress, or discourage him, no. They just, put quite simply, piss him off. Especially when they go out of their way to remind them of the ten or so additional centimeters they have over him. Matsukawa, somehow, seems to delight over this oh so petty victory of his. And over the way it never fails to get a reaction out of his vice-captain, probably.
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A vein appears at Hajime’s temple, blood beating under sweat-covered skin; the weight of his friend’s head on his shoulder making him contemplate the possibility of a simple, but efficient headbutt (nah, he elects - too close, wouldn’t be as efficient); before his hand rises, swift as bird’s talons, and nimble fingers catch Matsukawa’s nose between knuckles before twisting it and refusing to let go. “Yeah, it is. Nice view, huh? Hey, why don’t you stay here until the end of practice, ‘s nice to see things from a different angle from time to time - “
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