raksh-writes · 1 day
I've had MCU fatigue for years at this point, can’t remember when was the last time I was actually excited for something (DS:MoM probably) but I've watched the trailer for the new Captain America a couple weeks ago and now the Thuderbolts teaser that Just came out like an hour ago and jendkrmjdnrkfnfurjr
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This feels like having The Winter Soldier glory days back and Im here for it. Gimme gimme gimme *insert grabby hands x100*
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willowser · 1 year
How much do I have to pay for more nerd Kiri?? CUZ I WILL
you see him again in the break room — which is odd, considering he's got his own on the other end of the building.
in the middle of reheating your lunch, staring dead-eyed into microwave as the seconds tick by, and then a little red blip is gracing the edges of your vision. when you look up from the 100-year-old creaking contraption, kirishima's back is turned — undoubtedly his back, considering the width — and his hands are fists at his sides and he's awkwardly shuffling back down the hall.
you pout a little, because you haven't been getting very far with him; all your attempts at flirting — both in person and over instant messenger — have gone either completely ignored or completely over his head, and you're starting to wonder if sero was just gassing you up as a prank. you wouldn't put it past him.
— but then he's back, facing you this time as he reenters the break room. the little wave he gives you is timid, as shy as the small up-turn of his lips.
"hey," you say conversationally, watching on as he nods and walks up to the cabinet above the microwave. kirishima peers inside for a long moment, like he can't find what he's looking for, though you have no idea what that could be. "forget something?"
"huh?" his eyes snap to you instantly, eyebrows raised. "no, no! i was just, uh, checking for, uh—" he shrugs then, taking a deep breath before offering you another smile. "how's the rubberband war going with hanta?"
"ugh, don't remind me," you roll your eyes as he laughs, quiet and cute. "it's 17 to 8 right now, and i'm surprised he hasn't taken out my eye yet."
"man," kirishima takes another long look into the cabinet before abandoning it to spin around and lean back against the counter. when he crosses his arms, you watch the material of his shirt strain over his biceps, the plush of his chest as he presses into his pecs. "you might wanna work on your aim."
"so i've been told," you stick your tongue out at him, lips curling when he has to look away in favor of scratching at the side of his thick neck, smiling at the floor. "you should help me, since you know how much of a menace he is."
"uh, yeah, i mean," he shrugs and pushing his glasses up his nose, having to blink when the lenses get too close to his long, dark eyelashes. "maybe i could make like, i don't know, a target or something on some sticky notes or—"
"no, lemme get some real practice in, by firing right at your cute little glasses here." when you gently tap the arm of them, his eyes shoot up to the ceiling, cheeks pink. all you get is a quiet uh. "c'mon, i'll make it worth your while. buy you a beer or something after work."
"nah, i can't—i can't let you do that."
you frown, feeling deflated once again. "why not?"
"because," the top button of his light blue shirt is undone and he fiddles with it for a moment, as he chews on his lip. "because i should be buying you the beer."
"okay," you grin and his eyes dart up, taking in the curve of your cheeks. "buy me one then."
"okay," the little laugh he lets out is full of nerves, but the smile on his face is charming, triumphant. "i've, uh, got dnd—or this, uh, game—sort of thing i play, or do, with my friends, but i can cancel!"
"oh, well, you have this 'game sort of thing that you do' at your house?" you grin again when he nods, cheeks red, and resist the urge to throttle him for being so fucking cute. "then why don't i have the beer at your place, so you don't have to cancel?"
"uh, no, no," kirishima's demeanor changes immediately as he stands straight, shaking his head as he stares down at his shoes. "no, it's, uh, kinda like—i don't know—weird, and i don't want you to have to sit through my nerd stuff."
"maybe i like nerd stuff," you bite your lip when he looks at you again, smothering another sultry little smile as his eyes zero in in your mouth. "dragons and elves and shit like that. after everybody leaves, we can play princess in a castle and you can be my knight in shining armor."
"uh," he laughs again, jittery, and takes a small step back when you try to lean into him. "i thought we were doing it—uh, doing the rubberband thing."
you can't help it; a small groan leaves your throat as you deflate. again. "kirishima, you're killing me here."
he exhales heavily, unable to even look at you as he speaks breathlessly. "sorry! uh, yeah, no, it starts at, um, 7 if you really wanna come."
"okay," you lightly tap your foot against his twice before turning back to the microwave, jabbing the numbers again because your food has surely gone cold at this point. "save me a seat, then."
"yeah, okay, i definitely will."
you can feel his eyes tracing over your profile, but if you have to look at his big, crimson eyes or pink cheeks any longer, you'll lose your mind, and so you direct your smile at the microwave. unceremoniously, he awkwardly shuffles around you, shoulders tense as he makes an abrupt exit.
— but he turns, suddenly, and when you look up, he's got one hand in his hair, gripping it lightly.
"did you really wanna do the princess thing or—i could, i don't know—" he turns away one last time when you can't help but to giggle, barely suppressing his own smile as you call out to him that, yes, you would love to do the princess thing, with him.
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sarawritestories · 1 year
The Nightmare
Nash Wells x Fem Reader
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His Nightmare Part 1
His Nightmare Part 2
His Nightmare Part 3
Summary: Y/N has a nightmare about crisis, a reoccurring event that has happened since the massive event. So Nash does his best to bring some comfort for the woman he had grown so fond of
Word count: 1014 words
Content warning ⚠️: nightmares, brief talk of grief and so much fluff!
Tags: @eonash @yetanotherwells @twilightlover2007
Holding Harry close Y/N had tears streaming down her face, “Harry, I can’t lose you.” Red lightning flashed facing the storm.
Harry grasped her chin and pressed his forehead to hers against hers. “Princess, Allen is going to need your help with this. We only have time for one of us to go through the breach. You have to go.” He wiped the tears from her cheeks and pressed a kiss to her lips, “I love you, and because you made me a better man.” She tried stifling the sob from escaping but failed she hugged him, sobbing into his shoulder.
“I love you too, Harrison Wells,” There was a shake in the ground, and Harry pulled her away, “I’m going to miss you.” She breached as she saw part of S.T.A.R Labs getting destroyed. “Y/N,” Harry’s voice carried over the explosions, “Y/N, Y/N!”
“Y/N!” Y/N jolted awake drenched in sweat, Nash leaning over her as her vision began to clear. The last memory she had with her best friend was full of pain and fueled her nightmares. Y/N had started staying in S.T.A.R. Labs her house feeling empty and cold, reminders of when Harry was here plaguing the space. It did mean she had to share a room with Nash, but she figured their were worst roommates to have. She looked at the adventurer as his brows were furrowed in worry, “You okay, Angel? You were screaming.. again”
She rubbed her face as she sat up, “Sorry, Nash, I’m fine.” She took a moment to look at Nash and noticed that He was without a shirt, his lean body displayed by the moonlight. She bit her the inside of her lip and gave him a small smile, “I’m really sorry for waking you up. Again.”
He turned, pausing briefly staring intently at the wall. He signed, grabbing his signature white tank putting it on. Her gaze locked on his biceps and how nice they looked. She looked up and saw Nash staring at her with his piercing blue eyes as she quickly averted her gaze. He held out his hand and cleared his throat so she would have to look back at him, “Come on, you need a drink.”
She grabbed his hand as she took the covers over her and he led her to the lounge. His hand was warm against hers and brought her some comfort. As the two reached the lounge, the moon illuminating the room, he released her hand and held out a chair for her as she took a seat and he scooted the chair in. He rounded the bar and pulled two glasses and a bottle of emerald green liquid. Pouring a hefty amount for the two of them he slid a glass in her direction. She took it in her hands and took a sip the liquid causing a wave of warmth filled her body. “So, Angel, same dream?”
She nodded as he sipped out of his glass, “I knew crisis was coming before anyone else, I lost the love of my life and my best friend. But on top of that I lost the whole council too.” Nash lowered the glass from his lips and stared at the liquid, she reached out and placed her hand on top of his, “It was no one’s fault, Nash, and I’ll be honest, I’m happy we have you. I know you don’t believe it or don’t want to believe it but you are a wonderful addition to our team. I just really miss H.R, Sherloque, and especially Harry.” He smiled briefly before staring behind her and frowning again. “Nash?”
Nash focused went from the wall back to Y/N. “Sorry, I promise I’m listening. Come on, lets step outside.” The two walked outside as Nash grabbed a blanket laying on the couch. As they walked up Y/N fought off a chill. Nash wrapped the blanket around her shoulders.
Y/N smiled, “Thank you, I want you to know I appreciate everything you have done for me.” She chewed on the inside of her cheek. “I know you didn’t sign up for it and I know I’m not your favorite person, but your friendship has been a comfort and not because you share a face with my late husband.”
Nash chuckled as a comfortable silence fell between them. Y/N stared out and look out at the city pulling the blanket closer to her. Nash took a looked at her ignoring the Council that was standing beside him giving him their unwanted opinions. In the moonlight she was gorgeous and he understood why his fellow Wells were drawn to her. She was kind and non judgmental no matter how dark a person’s past was or how cruel a person was to her. “You are my favorite person.”
Her head snapped to him, “I am?”
He nodded, “You are kind, and any of the Wells that has come in contact with you just felt like they could start fresh, be better men. Myself included,” he smiled, “You treat everyone with compassion and put others before you.” He placed a hand on her cheek, “So taking care of you after a nightmare is the least I can do.”
Y/N smiled and scooted closer to the adventurer, reaching up and kissing his cheek before she could pull away he placed a gentle kiss to her lips. When he pulled away he wrapped his arms around her as they continued to talk, bouncing from subjects.
“Look at how sweet!” H.R’s voice flooded the lounge as he stared at Nash on the couch with Y/N in his arms fast asleep.
Sherloque appeared next to him and nodded his hands in his pockets, “It is nice to see her finally get some sleep wouldn’t you agree, Harry?”
Harry knelt by the couple, grazing his phantom hand over her cheek. A small smile as she was sleeping soundly something he knew she struggled with, especially after crisis. “Yes it is,” he looked to his doppelganger also in a deep sleep, “I know you’ll take good care of her, Nash.”
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holykillercake · 3 years
Red String
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𝕊ℍ𝔸ℕ𝕂𝕊 𝕏 𝕄𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕖!ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣
word count: 2.8k
summary: You had any place in the world to moor, a stable and safe summer paradise somewhere in the South Blue, or you could visit the winter island where cherry blossoms painted the freezing horizon pink. The world was on the menu, and yet you chose to break into a Yonko territory.
highlight:  ¨What about you, Y/N? Will you try to put your hands on me?¨ 
warning: Look out for your arm, it might melt with the fluff.
notes: Hi, guys! This was an anon request for Shanks x Marine Reader. I was given the freedom to write whatever I wanted, so I hope you guys like it! <3 Dear, anon, I apologize for the time it took and I hope you read it! 
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𝕃𝕖𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕞𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕤, 𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕤, 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖!
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¨I have to say, not a usual place for a Vice Admiral to enjoy a vacation.¨ a smirk bent your lips as you heard the playful voice of the man who courted you with another drink. 
¨Well, I´m no usual Vice Admiral.¨
¨No one doubts that.¨ He put the sword on the table and pulled a chair, sitting close to you. ¨You have grown, Y/N.¨
¨You have aged.¨
¨Oi, not very nice. You hurt my feelings.¨ the red-haired placed the hand on his chest, over the heart, faking an offended tone. 
¨Mission accomplished.¨ 
You stared at each other for about four seconds before breaking into laughter. As always, Shanks was louder, banging his fist on the wooden table and vocalizing his amusement to anyone who had ears to hear. 
¨It´s been a long time, Y/N.¨ he wheezed, still recovering from his overreaction.
¨Yes, it has, Red hair.¨
¨Red hair? Really? I mean, you tried to kill me way too many times already. You gotta call me by my name.¨ You chuckled, sipping your drink. ¨Especially when you´re at my house.¨
You grinned, shaking your head and biting your lip. Of course, the bastard would not let this opportunity slip. 
After years of non-stop hard work, you received a few weeks off duty. That meant that the world could split open, the moons could fall into the atmosphere followed by the sun, and you would not have to move a single finger.  
Issho-san would handle that better in any way. 
You had any place in the world to moor, a stable and safe summer paradise somewhere in the South Blue, or you could visit the winter island where cherry blossoms painted the freezing horizon pink. The world was on the menu, and yet you chose to break into a Yonko territory. 
However, the Yonko in question was more than just an Emperor of the Sea. Your lives entangled at a very young age when the Pirate King was still alive, and Garp had melanin left in his hair. 
You were just two snotty brats fighting your Captains´ battles. 
¨Anyway,¨ he chugged his drink and asked for another one. ¨I missed you in Marineford.¨ 
¨Well, I guess I missed Marineford myself. Had a good view, though.¨ you answered nonchalantly. 
¨What do you mean?¨
¨I had an underling transmit me the whole thing.¨
¨Isn´t that handy?¨
You tried not to laugh. It was stupid, but every time you had Shanks and hand in the same sentence, you felt the urge to laugh.
¨I wanted to see Luffy.¨ you said.
¨Why not go there, then?¨
¨Duty called somewhere else.¨ you shrugged. ¨Besides, I would have been no help for him.¨
¨You´re saying you wouldn´t help him?¨ Shanks carried a suspicious tone in his voice.
¨Of course I wouldn't help him.¨ You took a sip of your drink. ¨But thanks... for stopping that madness.¨ 
The man casually stretched his arms above his head, tilting his head back, enjoying the warm sun.
¨No biggie. You owe me another one, and we should be fine.¨ he smiled.
¨Who´s counting?¨
¨I am.¨ 
¨I already stopped hunting you, Shanks. Isn´t that enough?¨
¨Not on my book, Y/N.¨
For a long portion of your life, you had a personal mission to give the Red Hair the same fate as his Captain. Whenever his crew was located, you would be the one hunting them. No one dared to tell you otherwise. 
By that time, you had no significant position. Maybe a Lieutenant, Captain tops. But being related to the Hero of the Marines, well, that granted you some free passes, and as long as you could hand Shanks´head in a tray, a little nepotism didn´t bother you. 
Actually, although everyone saw you as Garp´s relative, you were just his first protegé, his first rescued dog. Apparently, the highly ranked officers were going through boring times and decided to pay their dues by doing charity.
The only one you got to know was Sengoku´s kid. Rosinante was his name. To this very day, you could not think of him without the twist in your heart. 
Even you didn´t know how to describe it, and honestly, you didn´t care. Was the job done at the end of the day? Good. 
That was all that mattered until another pawn entered the game, a very troublesome one, by the way. Slept like a rock and ate all your food. You couldn´t help but fall in love with little Monkey D. Luffy. 
He was the one to give you the answer you had stopped looking for a while ago.
In order to be his older sister, you had to be Garp´s granddaughter. Everyone loved the idea, except for the man himself. 
You were as keen as Garp to make Luffy become a great Marine. You bought him tailor-made marine onesies and shared stories about the seas. Whenever he spotted you approaching with the leather book in your hands, he would get restless. 
The onesies, however, those never lasted. They were thrown in a boiling dumpster altogether with your dream of him joining you in a job one day.
The sun was about to set, and you had just returned from a long and intricate mission when you received a call from Makino saying that Luffy had gotten into some trouble. 
Not only that, The Red Hair Pirates were somehow involved. It was all you heard before hanging off the den den mushi and hopping in a Marine ship, headed to Foosha Village.  
The idea of Shanks causing Luffy any pain or just giving him a hard time made you turn into a beast. But your bloodshot eyes were washed clean by the image of your brother, safe and sound, hanging out with Red Hair, who seemed rather... different. 
¨Why would you do that?! What do you want, Red Hair?!¨ 
A lot of things went through your head, but none of them could explain why a pirate, why him, would sacrifice his arm to save Luffy. There was no way he didn´t know about your little brother´s connections. 
¨I want to pay you a drink. But only if you stop yelling.¨ 
With a swing of his hand and a smile, Makino appeared with a jug of beer before you could spit fire on him again. 
¨They´ve been really good at keeping Luffy entertained this past year, Y/N-san.¨ she said, kind as usual, before leaving.
You sighed and took a seat by his side. 
¨Why did you do that?¨
¨I bet on his life. Just that. Why is that a problem? You don´t want to feel grateful for a pirate?¨ 
Your grip tightened around the cold glass, teeth clenching and knuckles turning white. 
Gratitude was never the problem. You would be grateful to anyone who risked their lives for Luffy, but he... you needed to hate him. But no matter how much you tried, you couldn´t get yourself to do it. 
¨I don´t want you thinking that I owe you anything.¨
¨You don´t have to owe me anything, Y/N. But we´ve known each other for a while now, so... we both know that you will.¨ 
His lips turned into an honest smile, no teasing behind it, and you wished not to have your heart beating faster for it. 
¨You don´t kn-¨
¨Y/N!¨ Luffy entered the bar, running to you with the brightest of the smiles on his face.¨Are you done? I have to show you something!¨ he asked, pulling the fabric of your coat.
¨Oi, behave Luffy, I´ll be done in-¨
¨Nooo!¨ he pouted before turning to the opposite side and pulling one of his impish grins ¨Look what I can do! Gomu gomu no...¨ 
His tiny hand balled into a fist, which you watched stretch all the way to the opposite side of the room before coming back and hitting him in the face. 
Did his arm just...      
The air froze in the room. You blinked a couple of times, hearing a few gasps around the bar, your gaze fixed in the same place his hand was seconds ago.
¨Luffy-kun, why don´t you come outside with me?¨ Makino extended her hand for him to take. ¨I´ll bring some meat.¨
The kid screamed in excitement and followed her, drool dripping down his chin. 
So close, Shanks. So close. He thought, lowering his head on the counter and waiting to get chewed up. However, after a few unscathed seconds, the red-haired lifted his head, almost not believe his eyes. 
That was the first and last time you bowed to a pirate. 
Of course, later on, you punched him for letting Luffy eat a Devil Fruit. 
You swore to leave him and his crew alone, as long as they did not cause bigger problems, which they eventually did, but you had a debt you could never pay, and you ended up focusing on other things. 
Those things made it difficult for you to visit Luffy as much as you wanted, but since Garp had sent him to live with Dadan, you could sleep with a clean consciousness. 
Whenever you paid him visits, he would tell you about these other kids, whom he considered brothers. One you got to meet, Sabo, smart and polite. The other, however, ran from you like you were a freaking plague. 
Ace, another one with whom you had an inestimable debt. 
¨Humor me, Y/N. If not Foosha, why here?¨
You shrugged.
¨I was passing by, and the place seemed quite enjoyable.¨ 
¨Hm.¨ the wind blew stronger, turning the gentle swishing of the palm trees into a harsher rustling. ¨Should I get my men ready for a conflict?¨
¨Relax, Shanks. Right now, this is the safest place on earth.¨
¨What do you mean?¨ he asked, genuinely curious. 
¨Oh, come on.¨ you scoffed. ¨Not even the World Government will try to put their hands on you, and I´ll kill anyone who dares to ruin my vacation.¨
¨What about you, Y/N? Will you try to put your hands on me?¨ 
His gaze was heavy on you, conquering aura filling the place. You looked at him with narrowed eyes and a smirk growing on your lips. 
This guy...
You harnessed the moment to take in his features, a lot more mature than you remembered. Although the scars were deeper and he seemed more tired, his hair shone like fresh blood, and his eyes... you were afraid to drown in them. 
¨What would you do if I decided to put my hands on you?¨ you bit your lip. ¨I heard you´ve been terrorizing some kids lately.¨
¨Gotta give them a run for their bounties, right?¨ He laughed. ¨But I also heard some interesting things about you, Y/N.¨
You raised your eyebrows as if you were encouraging him to tell you more. 
¨Apparently, I´m not the only one spending recreational time with young pirates. And there I thought Marines weren´t supposed to hunt Warlords of the Sea.¨
A shiver ran down your body, already aware of the subject he was about to bring up.
¨Well, I have no idea what you´re talking about.¨ You said, giving him your best oblivious eyelash bat. 
¨Oh yeah? Because it was brought to my attention that you made some business with... what´s his name again?¨ he pretended exaggeratedly to think about it ¨Ah, Trafalgar Law.¨
¨Only time I spoke to him, he was a Warlord as well. And I just wanted to thank him for helping Luffy in Marineford.¨
¨You´re gonna start lying to me at this point of our relationship?¨ Shanks teased to eager a bit of the tension, and a scoff left your mouth.
¨First, you´re delusional. Second, you´re too nosey for your own good.¨ 
The two of you laughed along like you were not natural enemies.
¨Did you get to meet Luffy in Dressrosa? Heard they made an alliance.¨
¨Hm, yeah. But no, couldn´t get myself to do it.¨
You frowned, hurting for have had your little brother so close but not being brave enough to approach him. Good thing he had no idea about your presence in the scene, and you could trust Law´s discretion to keep it that way. 
¨He doesn´t hate you, you know.¨
¨Yeah, I know...¨
That was true. Luffy didn´t hate you for not helping him in Marienford, just like he didn´t hate Garp for standing in his way. He had too big of a heart for that. 
Shanks let you have your time in silence, empathizing with your feelings. He too had to make sacrifices by standing his ground before.
¨What now?¨ he asked.
¨What now?¨ 
¨Garp is retired. Joker is down. What´s holding you back?¨
The air got stuck in your lungs. The reality you had been running from, the question for which you postponed to find an answer. 
When Garp took you in, the alternatives available for you were restricted, to say the very least. It was either accept the kindness of a stranger or die. He taught you his trade and molded you into one of the best-skilled marines. 
As the time passed and you learned the ugly truth behind the World Government, the disgust and disbelief made you want to leave. Fortunately, your life was not stained by the passage of a Celestial Dragon, but how were you supposed to protect them, aware of the atrocities they afflicted to people?
At the same time, how could you leave Garp after everything he did for you? Of course, he would survive if you disappointed him that much, but you owed him your life. 
What made you stay, however, was something much less pleasant than a lifetime debt. Thirteen years ago, evil prevailed, and you lost something really important. Or rather, someone. 
Commander Donquixote Rosinante. Marine code 01746. 
He had a sense of justice like no one else. He was strong, honest, and fair. Did he make you want to pull your hair out every time he lit himself on fire? Yes. Did it bother you to have stains on your tatami because he dropped hot tea on it? Yes. He possessed the ability to get you on your nerves, but he was your family. 
You were supposed to be the greatest. 
Long story short, that night, at Swallow Island, you left with more than just his dead body. You inherited his will. 
You swore to take down the man responsible for shortening his life, and hopefully, in a later day, you could meet the little boy about whom he spoke so highly. 
It took you thirteen years. No more ties of the past, no more strings on you. 
Well, just one, if you were to be entirely honest with yourself. A string of a stupid tale, a nonsense legend, a foolish myth. The Thread of Destiny, supposed to connect two people together. They say the thread may stretch or tangle, but it shall never break. 
Bullshit. There´s no such a thing. 
But assuming that there was, why did you feel that if you pulled it to its very end, what you would find would be red as well? 
Red as the vest Luffy wore diligently; red as the nose of a cranky apprentice; red as the pompous sails of the Oro Jackson; red as the locks of the man capable of stopping wars with words.
Would you dare to be anything else? Could you step out of your own life like this? Could you abandon everything you fought for all these years? 
¨You know, I´ve said it in the past, but I´ll say it again. We could use someone like you in our crew.¨ 
You gave him a two-second smirky scoff before frowning again. 
Were you worthy enough to owe yourself the chance to choose? What did it mean, the justice coat of a Vice Admiral you carried so proud on your shoulders?
If piracy took a lot from you in the past, could piracy, or a pirate, give you everything back? 
¨Hm?¨ You hummed, gaze locked on the lethargic view. 
Hot puffs of air played with your hair and involved your skin in a warm hug. You could hear the gentle sound of the waves crashing on the shore, coastal birds cooing and the wind whistling over the rocks. 
¨Do you think, maybe, one day... I could ask you out?¨
No matter how many times you rewound the tape, you couldn´t find a different answer, a plausible reason for the burning feeling you held for him, whatever that meant. 
From the first time you put your eyes on each other, a contract was opened without even a handshake. A deal was set without your acknowledgment. An ironic fate tied you to the same string. 
¨Yeah... maybe.¨
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hotwings0203 · 4 years
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A/N: Hi guys! This is my first oneshot thingy (or any piece) that I’m posting here, it’s kind of dark but I think that’s the type of fic I enjoy writing. Let me know what you all think, and any suggestions or feedback is much appreciated since this is the first time I’m using Tumblr😆
Warnings: implication of non-con, manipulation, yandere themes, kidnapping
Pairing: Yandere Dabi x f reader
Smoke curled into your hiding place, invading your senses. You could hear him smashing other various household items around the house, attempting to startle you and make a sound, effectively revealing your hiding place
Which wasn’t a very clever one, mind you.
If you only had a couple more seconds, maybe, just maybe you could’ve dove into the closet and actually hidden with some blankets and clothes covering you instead of your current chosen position, which was under the creaky bed.
You cursed yourself for even starting something so stupid, and getting a rise out of him in the first place when you knew, you knew he hated it when you picked fights over the smallest of things. All he wanted you to do was make him some breakfast, now was that so much to ask for? Did you have to put rat poison in his oatmeal at 10 am in the morning?
You didn’t think you could handle playing this happy-go-lucky fake domestic scene any further; you wanted to go home. You wanted to see your family again for Thanksgiving, you wanted to meet up with your friends and get your nails done and coo over pretty boys, and most of all you wanted to go outside and gaze up at the clear blue sky and just watch the fall colors swirl around you in a halo of leaves.
Dabi let’s you go outside twice every month if you’re being good for him, and if you really please him he’ll let you touch the grass without that stupid shock collar that adorns your neck like an ornament with with him by your side, of course. Don’t think he’ll fully trust you after that stunt you pulled last week when you tried chewing the restraints off your wrists.
He had to salute your effort though, you really might’ve gotten away if he hadn’t surrounded you by his flames before you could touch the door.
Kind of like now, actually. While you’re trembling and cramped unceremoniously under the bed, he’s finished scanning the living room and kitchen for any sign of you.
That means there’s only two places left: the bathroom and his room, where you are.
Your legs are starting to cramp up and you’re wondering how long you can manage to stay still while this psycho is hounding you out.
“If you quit acting like a pussy and come out within 30 seconds, I’ll make sure to leave your face intact. Can’t say the same about the rest of you though, babe, I’m not feeling very generous or inclined to spare you too much after choking down rat poison.” He all but snarls as you can see from underneath the bed his elbows and jaw curl with smoke, blue flames licking at his shins.
The smell of rotting flesh feels like an ominous foreshadowing of your fate if you don’t think of a way out of this, fast.
You’re pulled from your musing as Dabi slams the bathroom closet door shut, and flings the shower curtain aside violently, indicating no more places are left for him to check for you except his room.
You’re out of time.
Picking up the soap dispenser on the sink counter, he weighs it in his hand, testing it’s material. You’re peeking out from underneath the mattress, unsure of what he’s doing.
You don’t need to keep wondering after he suddenly hurls the glass down on the floor, the dispenser shattering on the floor near the bed mere inches away from where your face was.
You let out a small shriek at the explosion, and immediately still and clamp your hand over your mouth with wide eyes.
But the damage has already been done, and Dabi knows this as he lets out a dark chuckle and saunters towards the bed, turning around and plopping down on the plushy material, his boots right in front of your face.
“We both already know where this is going, little mouse. I caught you, but I’ll be nice and give you one more chance to come to me willingly.”
He leans back on his elbows and tilts his head up to the chafing ceiling. He knows you’ll come, you always eventually do, that’s why he loves you, his sweet little girl who always does what she’s told.
What he doesn’t expect, however, is you making one last break for it, clambering out from the opposite side of where you both are situated and bolting to the door.
He whips his head around at the sound of you desperately fumbling with the lock on the door, when did he lock it? God this is taking too long he’s gonna catch you he’s gonna-
But you’re already out of the door and flying down the hallway as you hear him leaping off the bed and scrambling after you, the house completely silent save for the deafening sounds of both of your own objectives pounding away at the floor in the same direction.
“You fucking bitch, I grant you one last chance to come clean to me and this is the thanks I get? You’re dead little mouse.” You hear him howl behind you, and it scares you at how close he sounds.
But now you see it, you see your freedom at the entrance just an arms length away and you’re touching the door and-
The room is suddenly enveloped by blue fire, the door handle becoming so hot under your touch that you wail as you let go and cradle your bubbling flesh, tears blurring your vision as you whirl around to locate your assailant and captor.
Dabi stands in the middle of the living room, ethereal cobalt lighting up the sides of his face and illuminating the staples that stretch and threaten to rip from the shit-eating grin he sports while looking at your defenseless demeanor.
“I told you to listen while I was playing nice, right? This is what happens to little mice who want to turn into rats so bad. Is that why you wanted to feed me rat poison, huh, baby? You were warning me to get rid of what you might turn out to be, hmm?” He pouts at you, the corners of his mouth twitching when you sob in terror
“D-dabi please,” you bawl, “please let me leave. I w- wanna go h-home.” Your chest heaves at the last word, the pain in your hand paling in comparison to the ache in your chest.
“An-and I w-want you on your kn-knees worshipping the ground I walk on and making good use of that bitchy little mouth instead of whining and sniveling.” He mocked and cooed cruelly, reveling at your helplessness.
You could do nothing but wail louder as he started slowly walking towards you, his eyes narrowed, complemented with dark glint in his pupils while his ever-lasting hellish quirk enunciated his heavy steps.
Dabi finally reached you, and you pathetically pressed yourself into the wall and turned your face as he lifted his hand and stroked your cheek in faux sympathy. His bottom lip was stuck out in a fake pout, mimicking your state of panic.
“You’re not scared of me, right baby? It’s just a game, right? I mean after all I do for you-bathe, feed, and dress you- you only feel love for me, right?”
He was toying with you, in a similar fashion a cat plays with its prey before it pounces.
When you hesitated for a moment too long, his hand by your face heated up its dying embers, warning you to give him what he wanted to hear.
You whimpered and tried to evade his hand, only resulting in his gripping the back of your head and yanking back on your hair roughly so you were forced to look up and meet his amused, dark gaze.
“Ah-ah my pretty bitch. You don’t get to move away from me after all the stunts you pulled today. I’ve had enough of your bullshit so don’t test me any more, now I asked you a question: you love me right?”
At your wits end, you maintained eye contact with him as you shakily tried to nod your head, the movement being difficult to do as he had such a death-grip on your locks.
But he wasn’t satisfied by your pathetic attempt at agreeing, it seemed like he wanted to make your life hell even further and draw this out as long as he could because he clicked his tongue and shook your head like a rag doll in his hands, hair flying across your face and giving you whiplash.
“Use that sharp tongue you got on you before I melt your fucking teeth. You might be a grade-A moron, and a pathetic one at that but I know damn well you’re not mute.” He leans in further, his nose grazing yours as you almost went cross eyed trying to keep him in vision.
“Y-yes Dabi, I love you.”
His silence seemed to scream unimpressed, so you hurried to salvage the situation as best as you could so it wouldn’t escalate the knee-deep shit you were already in.
“And I’m...sorry I was being such a brat today, I just missed everyone I used to be close with. But you were right, I should be more grateful after everything you do for me. It’s not fair that I don’t treat you with the same, uh, affection that you show me. A-and I’m sorry I put... rat poison in your food.” You whispered this last part, too embarrassed to look him in the eyes.
He snorted, not entirely convinced at your sincerity in the apology but it was enough for him to loosen his grip on your head and take a step back from your personal space.
You sink down the wall to your knees, curling up slightly and taking shaky breaths as you attempt to calm down. The room is still engulfed in flames, but thanks to Dabi’s foresight and extensive planning, most of the furniture of fire-proof (god knows how he got it like that, it’s not like he was the son of the number one hero or anything to accumulate such wealth) so the damage was limited save for your mental state and injured hand.
Dabi crouches down in front of you, an odd smirk on his face as you peer up at him in caution.
“You know, I didn’t say I forgive you princess, or that you’re excused for your little tantrum.”
He cocks his head at you and lifts your chin up towards him with a scarred finger. You blanch at the implication of this ordeal not being over from your excruciating apology, and his disturbing Cheshire-cat grin stretches so wide over his face, you wonder distantly if his stitches are going to pop loose any second.
“Please, I’m sorry. I’ll do anything, just please don’t...please don’t burn me.” You whisper in defeat.
“Anything, you say? But why? Isn’t it more fun if I brand my name into your back? Oh wait! Maybe I’ll burn you so bad you’ll look like me! Then we’ll really be a matching couple, you’d like that wouldn’t you? I mean if you love me as much as you claim you’ll let me, right?”
He’s trapped you again. If you deny, he’ll ruthlessly berate you for lying to his face and who knows what he’ll do just for the sick, sadistic satisfaction he’ll get from making you stumble over your own lie.
If you comply, however, you’ll look like burnt bacon, just like this fucker.
“I’ll do anything to make you forgive me.” You quietly settle for.
He studies you for a moment, and the uncomfortably silence he grants you makes you shift in your place.
Dabi finally stands to his full height and stretches his arms back with a content groan.
“If that’s the case, then don’t say I didn’t let you choose how you wanted to make it up to me.”
You glance up when you hear the sound of a zipper being undone, and you mouth gapes at his innuendo. You can’t seem to look away as he frees himself from his black boxers, the sound of his belt and pants rustling as they hit the floor.
“Now then, what was that you said about redemption? I think this is a great way to put that mouth to good use, little mouse.”
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thetriggeredhappy · 4 years
sniperscout day 5 motherfucker
[[Day 5: Healing | Hurting]]
(warnings for mild, moderate, AND severe injury and major character death)
“Ow,” Scout mumbled.
“Shut up,” Sniper mumbled right back, shooting him a look before turning his attention back to the needle and thread in his hand.
“No,” Scout said, just enough joking in his tone to make Sniper roll his eyes.
The sun was setting off across the desert, striking both of them with rapidly bronzing rays, making the red of the Scout’s shirt and blood all the more scarlet, nearly convincing the Sniper’s own shirt to tint into violet. As it was, he took advantage of the direct sunlight before it could disappear, trying to stitch up the slash in the Scout’s bicep before the sun went down.
The Scout chewed his gum stubbornly despite his bruise-darkened jaw and the wince that accompanied every other chew. The Sniper tried to ignore the chemical bubblegum scent, and found that he couldn’t, just the same way he couldn’t ignore the Scout. The Scout watched him work and sifted through his words, even as they came to him stilted and murky. He probably had a concussion again. He blinked back drowsiness and tried to think of something to say.
“Knock knock,” he murmured.
The Sniper shot him a vaguely irritated look from over his glasses. His shoulders rose and fell in a sigh. “Who’s there?” he muttered.
“Uh,” Scout said, looking off in the opposite direction of the setting sun, trying to pick out any stars. “Boo.”
“Boo who?”
“Dunno what you’re cryin’ for, I’m the guy with his arm chopped open,” Scout said, smirking, and Sniper tugged slightly harder than he needed to on the next stitch, making his grin fall. “Ow. Hey, c’mon. No need for that.”
“No need for you to talk in general,” Sniper huffed, finishing off the last stitch a bit more gently.
“No need for you to patch me up,” Scout pointed out.
“No need for you to climb up into my bloody nest after hours with your arm practically hangin’ off, neither,” Sniper pointed out right back.
“Alright, it’s not that bad,” Scout mumbled, watching as he tied the stitch off and leaned in to snip the end of it with his teeth. “...Thanks, though.”
“Hm,” Sniper hummed, reaching for his little makeshift first aid kit to put the needle and thread back away.
“Hey,” Scout said, and Sniper looked at him, and he was smiling. “I mean it.”
“Hm,” Sniper hummed again, but he leaned in and gave Scout a peck on the cheek.
“Ow,” Scout mumbled around his grin.
“Shuttup,” Sniper huffed.
“Ever played, uh, Operation?” Scout asked, trying for a laugh, but it was hard to get the air in.
“Believe it or not,” Sniper said, annoyed, “it’s a lot more difficult when the bloke won’t shut up and let me work in peace.”
“Yeah, well,” Scout said, and stopped as he felt Sniper take hold of one of the many wooden shards that practically coated his back, inhaled and exhaled hard through his nose to work through the pain as he tugged it out and set it aside, wiping down the tweezers on Scout’s shredded shirt and trying for the next one. “The little cardboard fucker ain’t half as funny as me. Knock knock.”
“Who’s there,” Sniper said, not bothering to make it sound like a question, and Scout spotted the next piece of shrapnel off to one side over where he’d pillowed his head on his arms to keep from squishing his already-probably-broken nose.
“Uhhh, tank.”
“Tank who?”
“Nah, man, tank you for—ow—yankin’ these splinters out,” Scout said, breathing shaky for a second. “Jesus. How many more left?”
“Few dozen,” Sniper said, guessing.
“God. We’re gonna be here all day.”
“You’re lucky I like you so much,” Sniper warned, and Scout tried not to laugh—it made it hurt worse.
Sniper yanked hard to finish snapping the back of the chair free, sliding out the two little bars that made up the center part of the back and returning to where Scout was sitting with them.
“Hey, knock knock,” Scout said, voice wobbly, teeth clenched even as he fought to try for a grin.
“Who’s there?” Sniper said, looking at the break in his leg and rolling his shoulders, steeling himself for the next part.
“Tendon who?”
“You’re tendin’ to my leg, this—MOTHER FUCKER—“
Sniper reached up and clapped a hand over Scout’s mouth, wincing at the volume and the pain in his voice. He released him after he had a few seconds to get ahold of himself, reaching back down to start tying the splint in place.
“Fuck,” Scout managed, voice even more broken than before, but his breath was slowly starting to even out. “Fuck, man. Fuck.”
Once he had the splint tied, he moved to pick up the tiny Medkit bottle he’d snatched up on his way over. He shook out a few pills, passing them over, and Scout swallowed them dry, angled his face upwards towards the ceiling, eyes clenched closed tightly for the thirty seconds until the pain faded a little bit.
“Fuck,” Scout said again, and Sniper threaded their fingers together and let Scout rest his head on his shoulder until night fell, and pretended not to see the tears that leaked out of his eyes, one practically swollen shut and darkening further with every passing hour.
“S-s-sorry,” Scout managed, breath in and out too fast, too panicked to fight the word out at first as he all but crumbled into the room. “I—didn’t—kn-know—where to—to go—“
Sniper was at his side in an instant, looking over the wound. It looked like he was missing the whole lower right half of his ribcage, a hole blown into his side. Clearly a punctured and collapsed right lung, and blood was already dribbling out of Scout’s mouth, face pale as a sheet.
“It’s—pretty—bad h-h-huh babe—?” Scout choked, still trying to flash him a grin despite it, and Sniper didn’t even know where to start, panic rapidly taking hold of his expression.
“It’s—it’s certainly not good,” he said, trying to joke back, wracking his brain for what to do, for what to do—
“H-hey, hey,” Scout said, weakly slapping him on the arm to get his attention—more of a pat, really. “Kn-knock, knock.”
Sniper breathed a laugh, shook his head. “Who’s there, love?” he managed.
“Uh,” Scout said, and coughed, and it was wet, more blood bubbling from his mouth and staining Sniper’s shirt. “Guess.”
“Guess who?”
“Nah, y-you’re the one who’s—s’pose’ta, guess, i-idiot,” Scout croaked, and his eyes wouldn’t quite focus. “D-dumba-ass. F—fuckin’ d-dumbass.”
“Y-yeah,” Sniper stammered, holding Scout close against his chest, his own throat feeling tight. “Silly me.”
He knew there was no saving him. It would be most humane to just put a bullet through his head and send him to be stitched back together on his own team’s side of the map. But Scout kept hiccuping, and something just wouldn’t let him do it.
“S-sorry,” Scout gasped, voice terribly weak. “I-I, I just, uh—“
And he didn’t finish his sentence. Sniper wasn’t even sure he was dead until the body was whisked away.
“You’ve no idea what you’re doing.”
“Re-lax, man, I’ve got this,” Scout assured, applying probably not enough pressure to the bullet wound that grazed Sniper’s side. “You’ve done this to me like a billion times.”
Sniper huffed, but didn’t complain further, just holding still and quiet and letting Scout go through the motions. For a little while, at least. Then he started grinning. “Oi.”
“Knock knock.”
Scout laughed. “Yeah, who’s there?” he asked, tone a little taunting.
“Owls,” Sniper decided after a long moment.
“Owls who?”
“You’re damn right,” Sniper said, and Scout was quiet for a long few moments before a snicker bubbled forth and Sniper was slugged on the arm.
“Shut the fuck up,” he said, even as he continued laughing a little.
“Only if you do,” Sniper shot back, glancing down as Scout started wrapping his wound.
“Don’t count on it.”
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chimswae · 3 years
BTS Caretaker CH43
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Summary: She may think she has Bangtan Sonyeondan wrapped around her fingers. She may think it is easy to love the members equally without hurting any soul. She may think the boys wont fall head over heels for her. She assumes it is okay to show a little love and affection towards the boys, what if she gets it all wrong? What if it only brings more complication to her already complicated life? Can she survive their charms? Will she be able to resist them? What if they just wont let her go?
- Pairing: BTS x Oc ( Yoongi x OC, Jungkook x OC)
- Genre: Fluff, Slight Angst, Romance, Idol!au
- Word Count: 3,043
- Author Note: Happy Musters i hope i am not too late <3 But yes i have bene busy with Musters and BTS 8th anniversary in general! i hope u guys had a blast while watching! it is day 2 today so yay!
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Chapter 43
“Can you reach her Yoongi?” Jin’s voice brought him back to reality. Slowly, he shook his head in dismay. The crease on his forehead was evident causing the older man sighed in frustration.
“I wonder where she is” Jin muttered as his eyes scanned the area diligently in hope to catch the girl between the huge crowd.
Supposedly today, Seul would be joining the team to USA for Billboard Music Awards. However, she didn’t show up even until now. The plane would take off in thirty minutes but she’s nowhere to be found. Yoongi clutched onto his phone helplessly, hoping to hear a single ring at the end of the line. Then again, he was greeted with a small beep and the usual robotic woman asking him to leave a message.
Frustrated, he stroked his hair back with a small groan. He tried for the umpteenth time to reach Seul again but to no avail.
“Hyung, maybe something come up. She’ll be alright” the leader reasoned.
“This doesn’t sound like her, Seul would never bail on me without words. Something happen to her, I can feel it” he got up, resting his forehead against the cold wall.
Namjoon heaved a heavy sigh “Maybe she needs to take care of Ahjumma?” “Impossible- her mother is in Jeju with Hoon. Something is off. I need to find her” he exclaimed with so much determination.
“You can’t do that. We need to get into that plane in few minutes. You can’t bail the award Min Yoongi for a mere girl” Manager Sejin stern voice sounded as though he’s challenging the older guy. It somewhat triggered his anger.
“That girl happened to be my girlfriend” he hissed lowly, offended by their manager’s remark.
Yoongi shot his manager a dissatisfied glare “Are you saying I should ditch my girlfriend and pretend this never happen? You got to be kidding me” he scoffed.
“Min Yoongi, she will be fine. I have asked someone back in the office to check on her, so please don’t do something stupid” he warned.
“Sejin hyung is right. Let’s not jump into conclusion first. I trust Seul” the tall guy gave his shoulder a light squish in attempt to calm piss off Yoongi. “Please, hyung.. Trust Sejin hyung’s words, Seul is okay. We’ll know what happen once we touch down. It is enough time to find Seul” Namjoon continued.
For some reason, that didn’t sound like an assurance. He couldn’t help this uneasiness inside him. “This isn’t right. I need to find her” he mumbled with a hint of desperation.
“And, they will find her. Let’s be positive for now” their manager patted his back-signalling others to get ready to board the flight.  Seeing how Yoongi make no effort to move from where he stood, Jungkook approached the man stealthily “If Seul were here she will go berserk if she finds out you are planning to ditch our schedule for her. So, trust Sejin hyung, someone will help to find her alright?”  if there’s one person would do stupid decision like Yoongi then it would be Jungkook. For now, the youngest in the group tried to reason before they ended up regretting their rash decision.
Sighing in defeat Yoongi grabbed his black leather bag and went to line up following others. There’s no way he could betray his own bandmates, his only hope lied with his company to make sure Seul was safe and sound.
“Shall we begin?” his rough voice brought the timid girl out from her daydream. She stared at him in daze as if trying to read through him but no avail. Glancing at the clock, she chewed her lower lips feeling guilty for bailing on the boys and her job. What was she supposed to do? Amidst all the crazy things happening to her today, she couldn’t ignore the fact that this nasty old man was trying to ruin her family.
Gathering her courage, she looked straight into his eyes “You don’t expect me to agree doing this just because I am related to you. Your name is not on the paper. My birth certificate doesn’t have your name” she scowled.
He pressed his lips into a thin line, tugging a small smirk at the corner of his lips “ Yes I don’t see my name on the paper when your mother carelessly put Ji Hoon’s dad name on it. You do realize you are not related to Ji Hoon or his dad by blood, right?” he chuckled.
Seul curled her small hand into fist feeling the anger sipping inside her. If and only she could murder this man right away, she would do it in a heartbeat.
“And..” she heard him continued. “No matter how hard you try to deny me, it is a matter of a fact that I am still your father Ji Seul. I bred your mother, well technically” Seul hissed harshly.
“Don’t you dare to use those filthy words on my mother! I might be your daughter by blood but never by heart”
“Don’t flatter yourself young lady. You are not my daughter by heart either. You still need me though if you don’t want your boyfriend to suffer. I bet it won’t only hurt your boyfriend but also the whole band” he was so shameless when it was down to professing his intention in making Seul to agree on the terms he had just offer her.
Sighing deeply, she shook her head weakly “Don’t touch them, even a strand of their hair. Leave Yoongi alone” her voice turned rougher emphasizing her warning. There was no way she would allow Mr Kwon to ruin their career after all they did to get here. As selfish as it may sound, she’s willing to stay away from Yoongi and the rest of the members if that’s the best for everyone.
“Alright, now we are talking. I will keep the video for now. But if you try to back off, I will release it to those thirsty medias. I am sure they would enjoy to see the downfall of Bangtan Sonyeondan. Everyone does anyways”
Shivering in fear, she understood exactly what she meant by that. The release of the footage of Yoongi and her would shake entire country not only it could tarnish Yoongi’s image but also Bighit reputation as now they are at the peak of their success. What a perfect time to crash one’s happiness wasn’t it?
“So are we in the same boat?” he leaned forwards, rubbing his chin with a proud smug.
Hesitate with the decision that she’s about to make, Seul took a deep breath before nodding in agreement. This was the best for now, she will figure out how to get out from this mess later.
“Good” Kwon arose from his seat making his way to his secret vault holding a brown envelope before throwing it on the coffee table startling the girl. “The address to the private party and money. Use the money to buy you a dress. Doll yourself up, we don’t want the heir to the greatest billionaire in the country fall for another woman. I want you to grab his attention” he shoved his hand inside his pocket looking arrogant as always.
“How is that even possible? I am nobody!” bewildered by his demand, Seul couldn’t fathom the idea of grabbing someone’s attention with her look and status. Moreover, they’re talking about a son of a billionare.
He laughed half-heartedly “You are not nobody. You are Kwon’s and you will be surprised to see how influential I am. I don’t care how and what you do to get his attention, just do it” sipping his whiskey from the glass, he eyed the dumbfounded girl sternly.
“Will you be there tomorrow night?” she murmured under her breath.
“Yes I will be there. Make sure to not cause scene if you don’t want me to release the footage”
She cringed at the thought of the dangerous footage that he possessed. The idea of how her most personal life with Yoongi to be revealed that way to the world made her nauseous. Kwon was a freaking creep, like how was it possible to install cameras in Yoongi’s private studios just to catch a glimpse of their most private moment there.
Seul knew she screwed up big time for doing this without asking Yoongi or anyone, but like she had a choice. Yoongi was off to something big out there and nothing could top it. She wasn’t planning to ruin his moment, their moment because of her problem. Even though she wanted to go to Bang PD to seek help considering this had something to do with his artiste, who’s going to trust her? With all the evident in Kwon’s hand, he couldn’t manipulate and used it against her. Because after all, she was told that his reputation would surprise her.
“You can go now, you don’t want to be late”
‘Why am I doing this. This is not right’ she didn’t dare to take one last look at Kwon afraid that she might threw her fist around carelessly considering the amount of anger bottled up inside her was enough to trigger such violence.
Before she could push the door open, his voice once again halted his action “By the way daughter, I enjoyed the tape. Yoongi really know how to fuck. I get it why you are willing to do anything for him” Seul jaws clenched in anger upon hearing his rude remarks.
Pushing the door hastily, she stormed away before she started a nasty cat fight which might turn into murderous.
Three hours since their plane landed. But, still nothing from Seul.
Yoongi couldn’t even sleep during their flight which worries everyone. They knew how Yoongi took things too hard on himself sometimes that could jeopardize his health in the end. Namjoon on the other hand was trying his best to talk it out with their manager, finding possible ways to exclude Yoongi from the award shows at least until he’s in the right mind.
Namjoon knew Yoongi was not irresponsible when BTS name was in line, but he also wanted a healthy work environment for his bandmate. Plus, they’re only human. Sometimes unexpected things happen, though how much they tried to endure it whilst they tried to get into their roles as BTS members, it wasn’t healthy.
If it was possible to get Yoongi back to Seoul as soon possible, that would be the best decision for everyone.  Yoongi might refuse to blow up this one chance for everyone to perform on AMA’s stage but Namjoon didn’t want him to feel remorse over his decision if something happen to Seul.
After a deep discussion he had with his managers, they finally came to a decision that if they couldn’t reach Seul until tonight, they’re sending Yoongi back to Seoul.
“I don’t agree with this idea! Whose idea is this?” his eyes widened upon hearing the news from Manager Sejin.
“It is my idea. Hyung, you know I want what’s best for you and everyone right?” Yoongi’s eyes snapped right towards the tall man who stood across him with a concern look plastered across his face.
“Kim Namjoon” he hissed. “What’s best for me is to stay here and not to hurt the band. Are you fucking serious right now? This is my life and I get to decide!” his deep voice raise one octave causing the younger members including Jin to seal their mouths tight.
It was intense considering Yoongi and Namjoon barely got caught into a serious argument these days. Namjoon pushed his glass at the bridge of his nose while emitting a deep sigh “This is important, but Seul is important too. If..if anything happen to Seul, I don’t want you to blame yourself for not be able to do at least something to find her. We promote self-love hyung, however you are yet to find a way to love yourself. Seul is part of your self-love” the young man really preached it this time without fail awing everyone in the room.
“I cant do this just because you put that idea in my mind. This is crazy” the pale man looked ten times paler ever since they reached USA three hours ago. Looking as if his soul was sucked out from his body, they couldn’t ignore the fact that Seul was part of the colours in Yoongi’s life.
Yoongi mumbled before Namjoon could even reply “I was overreacting, I am sure she’s fine like you guys said. She’ll be fine…” his voiced faded away showing his faith was shaking by the belief he projected.
“We’ll wait until tonight. If there is no news from her, we’re sending you back to Seoul Yoongi. End of discussion” Manager Sejin frowned patting the sombre man’s back making his way out the room.
Namjoon took a step closer to Yoongi, squishing his shoulder “Trust me, this is the best decision for everyone. Get some sleep hyung, you don’t look yourself. We’ll keep an eye on our phone in case we heard something from Seul” he gave him a small smile as an assurance.
He made his way weakly into his room, shutting the door behind him before throwing his tired body on bed. Yoongi knew this was unprofessional and very childish of him for letting his personal feelings got into the way, yet what else he could do? He’s too tired to deal with this shit by his own till he needed Namjoon to jump into the scene to make decision for him. Pathetic.
‘Just where on earth are you Seul? Why can’t you just say something?’ he slid his thumbs across the screen in hope to hear Seul’s voice at the end of the line. To his dismay, he was greeted by the robotic woman once again.
“Yoong, wake up… Why are you so sleepy?” his eyes fluttered open at the sound of the familiar voice. He loved the way her fingers moved in between his hair, smoothing away all the worries inside him.
The smell of her intoxicated him ‘Just like us’ like he usually described it.
“Mmmmm.. I miss you and I am sorry that I didn’t show up” her lips pursed into a pout, fluttering his heart like she always does. “But, I promise to make it up to you okay? Don’t worry about me, I am fine” her lips move at its own accord across his soft skin.
“I miss you too” he reached out to stroke her hair, making the girl to lean her cheeks against his palm liking the warmth that she gave him.
“I am no longer scared when you are here with me” said Seul sweetly along with her bright smile.
Confused by her statement, he tilted his head in confusion “What do you mean by that babe?” she only laughed it away saying it was only a random thing coming from her mouth. Liking their close proximity, her confusing words slipped off his mind.
Seul returned to leave fluttering kiss at the corner of his eyes and ended up on his lips. He was about to move their lips together as she quickly pulled away glancing around in fear. “Babe are you okay?” he sat up, reaching for her shoulder.
Her fast reflex halted his move, as Seul arose to her feet with her tears cascaded down wetting her rosy cheeks without warn scaring the shit out of the man.
“Seul-ah what happen? Tell me!” Yoongi followed her action, and he didn’t back down, taking few steps closer to his lover. His heart ached to see how scared she appeared to be “Baby girl, tell me please” she raised her palm to stop him from coming close.
“I am sorry Yoongi. I am sorry Yoongi” that’s all she abled to say in between her sobs.
She took a step backwards before sprinting away making Yoongi restless, he tried to chase after her with all his might. The image soon fades, and darkness engulfed the area.
“SEUL!” he called out her name looking around in daze.
“JI SEUL!” Yoongi never gave up until he could find way to her again.
“Hyung. Yoongi hyung, wake up!” another familiar voice rung in his ear but this time it is not Seul. He shut his eyes together using his strength to shrug away the painful ring in his ears. He clasped his ears kneeling in pain, while his world started to spin around.
 “MIN YOONG-“ panting heavily, he sat up abruptly causing Jin to stand up.  Yoongi touched his head, groaning in pain after the confusing dreams that he had. “Yah, are you alright? You’re calling for Seul’s name non-stop” Jungkook and Jin eyes were puffy from the lack of rest.
“Hyung, we’re trying to wake you up. Are you seriously okay? You are scaring us!” said the golden maknae, as he handed a glass of plain water to him which him gladly took it. Steadying his heavy breath, he drank the water and broke the silence “Seul. I dreamed of her, she looked s-cared…She seemed-“ “Yoongi hyung you need to hear this” Namjoon barged into the room cutting off his sentence.
All eyes were on the leader, and stood behind him was Jimin, Hoseok and Taehyung looking as anxious as Yoongi. “What is it?” he gulped hoping to hear something good instead of bad one. After what he experienced few minutes ago, he feared it was a sign to this news that he about to hear from Namjoon.
“It came through your voice mail. I am sorry that I go through your phone. But I wanted to make sure that I keep an eye on it while you are resting in case Seul contacted you” Namjoon voice sounded different almost like he’s hiding something big from him.
“Namjoon.. what the hell is happening?” he got up from his bed, making his way to him.
The leader pressed his lips together in fear, as he slid his thumbs across the screen.
“Y..oongi… H..elp..me..I ..am scared..Please..help me” Seul’s voice filled the room halting Yoongi’s step towards Namjoon.
“Yoon..gi..I am s..cared”
This work belongs to  Chimswae © 2021. All Rights Reserved
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hitsuackerman · 4 years
Unpredictable (Overhaul x Reader) pt.14
a/n: thank you all so much for taking the time to read this fic <3 reading your comments always warm my heart so much and never fail to make my day :’) enjoy this chapter hohoho >:3
warnings: this cannot be read solo, crossover
Links: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8, part 9, part 10, part 11, part 12, part 13, part 15
Masterlist to my other fics: here :)
Overhaul’s waiting list: @jjk-biased @infinite-universe-love @dirtypride @blackymomo03 @azzie @purple-rabanito​ @meximorrita @awesomeee19​​ 
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“Isn’t it too early, even for you Gei?” Levi complained as he took a sip of his coffee. You had told him that Gei would be coming over for breakfast, what he did not expect was the echoing screech of his famous nickname from the flamboyant man. But if he were to be honest, Gei was a breath of fresh air.
“He’s right.” Compared to Levi, you still had not fixed yourself up. It looked as if he were the owner of the unit and you were some homeless person he took pity on. Bed hair still present, zero makeup, and Overhaul’s jacket still wrapping your torso. “It’s 7 in the morning Gei. Now make yourself useful and give us the take out.”
“How in the world did you date this cave woman, Levi?” Gei stuck his tongue out as he placed the food onto the table. His stomach did a cartwheel when he saw the signature smirk on the ever so handsome officer.
“I asked myself that question everyday.” He flinched when you threw a coaster at his face. Giving you a wink, he tossed the coaster to the table and sipped his coffee once more. Yet his peripheral vision was on the jacket. A pang of jealousy hit him knowing that was once where his jackets would rest.
Gei was quick to see the remorse in his face and turned the subject.
“So~ What’re you up to Ackerdaddy?” He placed the pancakes in front of Levi. “It’s rather sudden that you’d travel 4 hours just to be here.”
“Her boss is meddling with her cases. I have to accompany them to the HPSC later in the day.” He sliced the pancake and chewed on it. “Petty and troublesome.”
“You’re always welcome in my office~” He winked at the gorgeous man who simply shook his head with amusement. “What about you, baby girl? How’s you and Overhoe?”
“We won’t be partnering for the stake out. Nao will be taking my place instead.” You explained as you ate some bacon. “Chief is making me focus on the arson case. Though I don’t really see the need to since it’s basically straw pulling at this point. Oh well. Hopefully meeting up with Endeavor would help.”
“Good lords. Ya’ll are already dead beat this early in the morning.” Gei pouted and wiped non-existent sweat away. “My invitation still stands, boo-boos. I do need a new secretary though. If ya’ll can hand over a talented man, feel free to toss him in.”
The breakfast was seemingly quick and you were now ready for the day’s work. Picking a business attire, you checked yourself out in the mirror. Presentable enough for those assholes, that’s what you thought. Recalling the last time you saw them, it was when a certain popular hero dragged you in on a random case. The scenery of being parked outside a grocery store and waiting for a delivery was the most random your police life could ever get. Still, the hero made up for an excellent connection during desperate times.
Grabbing your phone, you scanned through the notifications and answered three calls while doing the final touches to your look. By the time you were about to exit your room, you took a step back and dialed a number.
“Good morning.”
“What is it?” Overhaul asked. His voice seemed to echo. You were almost certain that he was doing his villain duties. Though, it made you wonder why he still chose to answer. Maybe he wasn’t in the middle of it.
“Just wanted to annoy you with sunshine. That’s all.” Hearing him sigh meant victory. “Bathe in flowers and joy, Chisaki.”
“When I said feel free to call, I meant regarding the case.” Chrono, who was holding the phone for him, rolled his eyes. Sometimes he loved wearing the mask for that sole purpose. Of course it was rare, though. He respected Kai with all his might. He just had his tendencies.
“That’s not the tone you gave me, though.” Hearing a knock on your door, you had to cut the call short. “Well, I gotta go. I do hope I disrupted your villainous activities.”
“Oh, you did.” That smoothness in your voice caused chills to run down your spine. That man could say random shit and make it sound enticing. “Till later, Problem Child.”
Ending the call, you were now in a much lighter mood. When you were now in the living room, Levi and Gei were ready to leave. Asking the doctor if he would like to be sent to work, he merely flicked his imaginary long hair and said that he had his chauffeur waiting for him downstairs. That was his code for he brought along his car.
Now that Levi and you were on your way to the HPSC building, the both of you were reviewing the elements of the case. Asking each other questions that they might ask. As he drove, you were flipping pages after pages that ultimately lead to being unsolved. With the last straw being Endeavor, Levi stated how the people in the commission would surely give you dirty looks.
“I could honestly care less about them.” You waved him off as he now parked the car. “My ultimate concern is the chief. Do me a favor and stay in the middle?”
“You didn’t have to ask.”
As if on cue, the chief was waiting by the entrance. He had been wearing his uniform which only meant he was fresh from a raid. When Levi took command, his nose picked up the smell of sun, sweat, and some kind of vegetable. Nothing has indeed changed.
All of you were now making your way towards the meeting room. Small talk being exchanged every few steps of the way. When the big glass doors were now opened, all three of you were met by the president herself. Stealing a quick glance, Levi reassured you with a nod and a small tap on the knuckle. Activating your quirk, you felt relaxed once more.
Taking your respective seats, you were quick to take the file out and give them a part of your attention.
“It has come to our attention that a certain case has been lax for quite some time now?” The president started, eyes scanning the reports.
“It has. Every lead had been fully searched yet nothing. The last one is admittedly a straw but it might open something.” You swallowed a bit of saliva. “I will be meeting with Endeavor in the next few days to briefly discuss his ties with the companies.”
“How long has this been under your wing?”
“About a year.” You weren’t sure but it was more or less that amount. Cursing yourself, it was rather embarrassing that your record was not 100% solved cases. It couldn’t be helped though, you would remind yourself that from time to time.
“Drop the case. We’ll take care of it.” The president commented. She closed the folder and handed it over to one of the secretaries. Being handed another file, you watched as they began to distribute copies of it. “However, you may still proceed with Endeavor. Update us regarding that.”
“Chief Kaoru, have you relayed the information to these two officers?”
“Not yet.” He replied with a smug tone on his voice. Both Levi and you managed to pick it up. Straightening both your postures, anticipation went up. “I thought it would be best for you to break it to them.”
“Understood.” The president nodded to the guard. Following instructions, you watched as the doors opened. Two familiar heroes, along with 4 students, now entered the meeting room. “We have come to discuss a much important matter. However, the HPSC will simply oversee this one. Fatgum and Sir Nighteye will be in charge for the next mission to come. Treat this with utmost confidentiality.”
“(Y/N)~” Fatgum greeted you. He was as round as ever. But there was worry in his eyes. “Long time no see~”
“Indeed it has been, Taishi~” Something was wrong. Despite your quirk constantly steadying your blood pressure, your breathing was now uneven. You had no problem with Fatgum. It was Sir Nighteye you were unsure of. “What’s the mission?”
Giving the floor to Nighteye, all three of you observed as he took out an evidence bag from his pocket. Placing it on the table, Levi took it and held it up for both of you to see. Inside was a small silver bullet.
“That bullet right there,” Nighteye began. “Managed to erase this student’s quirk for a few hours.”
“Erase?” Levi repeated.
“Yes.” The student with dwarf-like ears answered. “I’m not sure when it wore off but I woke up this morning and my quirk was back to normal.”
“And where do you think these bullets came from?” The chief asked. He was now scanning the report and his eye caught sight of a familiar name. He couldn’t help it. A smirk now formed on his face. The tables have now turned to his favors. This was unexpected, they informed him about the outline but he was all too happy at the situation now.
“We think they came from the black market. One of our sidekicks mentioned that the Yakuza might have something to do with this.” Nighteye now opened his copy and flipped through some pages. His glasses reflected the small font on the paper. You knew about his quirk. If anything, you decided to avoid being touched by him. They probably had an idea that you were working with Overhaul and would exploit it.
Levi knew by now what was going on. From under the table, he reached for your hand. It had been clenched into a tight fist this whole time. Holding on to it, he caught a glimpse as to how your shoulders relaxed but your jaw tightened. Feeling your fingers wrapping around his, that was all the support he could lend you for now.
“What’s wrong with you?” He asked the green haired boy. “You look like you want to take a shit.”
“Overhaul…” The green haired child began. From where you were sitting, there was fear and regret in his eyes. “Overhaul was last seen with his daughter. She managed to bump into us.”
Just how much did you not know about Overhaul? Nodding him to continue, you saw how his shoulders began to tremble.
“I heard that you 're working with him on a case right now.” He continued. “If there’s any way you can use that to our advantage, please. Please help us get Eri-chan back. Mirio-senpai and I couldn’t do anything but let her go back with that monster. I want to be a hero but I can’t even save a child.”
“Enough.” Levi cut him off. “Sure you wanna be a hero, I get it. But one doesn’t become a hero overnight, kid. The only advice I can give you now is to calm down and recollect yourself. Letting anger and regret take control won’t do shit for any of us.”
“Mr. Ackerman.” Nighteye intruded. “Would it be a burden to ask for your cooperation with this case? You and your quirk would be most helpful in the next coming weeks.”
“Can’t do, Sir Nighteye.” The chief answered on Levi’s behalf. “Ackerman was dragged on for the case now handed over to the big dogs. He’ll be staying here till his meeting with Endeavor is finished. It is to his discretion if he wishes to tag along on his remaining days.”
“First off,” He looked at the chief with his steel gray eyes. One that sent the hairs on his forearm to stand. “Do not answer on my behalf. I work independently as we agreed, shitface.”
Fatgum, Nighteye, and the students all felt their jaws drop. Though the police force did not stand out, it was impossible to not hear about the man in front of them. With a quirk suitable for a hero, it had always been a mystery as to why he chose to hide from the spotlight. Dozens of rumors surrounded Levi Ackerman, yet none of them were sure which were real or not. One thing was certain, the chief did not hold his respect.
“Second, while it’s true that I can only stay till my meeting with Endeavor is over, I can lend my assistance in this mission.” He paused and stared at Nighteye. “On conditions of course.”
“What might that be?”
“There’s only two.”
Nighteye gave him the sign to proceed.
“Do not meddle with my actions. I prefer to work alone when it comes to these.” Squeezing your hand, he made sure to let you feel that you were not alone and he would protect you with whatever power he has in this situation. “The other would be not to exploit her current standing with Overhaul.”
The heroes felt the room shrinking.
“The case she is working on contains classified information. While he may be a villain, there is an unspoken contract that she does not meddle with whatever business he has.”
“That’s right.” You finally spoke up. “While it’s true that he and I have been successfully teaming up for the current case I have, it was made into an agreement that I do not butt in with his affairs. I’m sorry, kid. The only thing I can share is that the Shie Hassaikai base is like a maze and that he may have been in contact with the League of Villains.”
“League… of Villains?” The green haired kid uttered. “Sh-Shigaraki made contact with Overhaul?”
“It seemed so.” You were now choosing your words. You had said too much.
“Are those your conditions?” Nighteye confirmed. There wasn’t that much weight to it and he wasn’t expecting a lot from the both of you either. When Levi confirmed, he stood up and adjourned the meeting. Saying that he still had to meet up with a few other heroes regarding the new found mission.
Now that it was only the three of you in the room, Levi let go of your hand and stood up as well. His senses could feel your disappointment, fear, and urgency. The man sitting beside him ultimately swelled with pride and silent victory at how the meeting had went.
“Let’s go, (L/N).” He said as he went his way towards the door. Opening it wide. He knew you needed a breather. There was a place in his mind that he knew would help sort out your thoughts. It couldn’t be blamed though, you had been dropped a massive bomb. When you passed by him, he slammed the door and grabbed your wrist.
“Levi?!” You squeaked as he ran all the way back to the car. Telling you to get in, you followed and now found yourself buckled up and back on the road. The ride was silent but from the direction he was going and the lane he was in, you knew where he was going.
Your thoughts were cut when you saw his palm asking for yours. Accepting his offer, you desperately held on to it.
“You can cry.” He said as he took the familiar turn towards the destination. “Go ahead.”
Leaning closer towards him, you released your quirk and immediately felt all the tension catching up to your system. Hiding your face in his chest, he gently wrapped his arm around your shoulder as you let the tears fall down your face.
- - - - -
two words: brace yourselves
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twofootedbones · 4 years
Rose Colored Shades
Summary: There was once a moment where Latula knew who Cronus was, but when you’re wearing rose colored glasses, every flag is just a flag. 
A look through Latula’s eyes and her view of was had happened between her, Cronus, and Mituna that made them break farther apart than she would have ever liked. 
 You know those stories, those ones where they always start with the “just us three against the world?” Well that’s how this one starts. It was just me and my boys, my two goofballs that I loved with my whole bloodpusher. My matesprit Mituna Captor and my considering morail Cronus Ampora. The days we spent together were always perfect, it didn’t matter if we got a skate trick wrong, got chased away for loitering, or just couldn’t get past this one level in some dumb video game we picked up from the discount bin. We were the perfect Kingdom Bloodpushers trio! One epic heroine and her two boy sidekicks. 
Then we started the game. Me and ‘Tuna saw it as the perfect challenge and we dragged poor ol’ Cro along with us. It didn’t take long for a lot of things to go sour though. Everyone started screaming and punching, pretty sure half of the screaming was Kankri’s fault but it was chaos nonetheless. We all went from one radical kickass group into a clusterfuck of horrible words and totally not rad violence. No one listened to each other and everyone tried to be the leader. Many of us actually broke away from the group to do things our own way. Blame is on teenage angst.
 ��Then it happened. I wasn’t around to see it and I beat myself up about it every single day. The only one to see it was that stupid mime and he barely showed an ounce of pitty in those cursed eyes. Just bringing the body to us, plopping him on the ground, and walking away like he didn’t just deliver us the most horrific thing we had ever seen. No one knew how to act at this point, we stood there just staring at him. The Tuna I once knew was gone, none of us knew how to help him, he laid there on the ground just shaking and crying. He was covered in his own 
The cursor flashed on the screen, waiting for the next words to be written. Latula leaned back in her desk chair, wiping the sudden tears away from her face ultimately ruining the minimal mascara she had put on just hours before. This was going to take a while. She didn’t know why she was trying to write something like this, Aranea claimed that writing gave “feels closure” whatever that meant. Just a few feet away sat lil Mituna. Well he wasn’t that little as he towered over her by a solid foot, but he was her little honey bee. He was starfishing in the bean bag chair as he idly chewed on a necklace he found somewhere in his hive. His hair was held out of his face by one of Latula’s scrunchies and he sat in just a pair of gym shorts, the fern leaf-like scars that danced across his body being revealed. He hated it when the others saw them, she was the only exception. She was allowed to gaze upon and touch the flowing scars. It was as if his veins had been dyed faint shades of red and blue. 
He had yet to notice her eyes on him and continued to just stare off at the wall, not even paying mind to the show that was playing on the TV. Latula took a deep breath and turned back to the document.The same blinking cursor ready for her to continue.
When he woke up he wasn’t the same, or so I was convinced. When his eyes finally opened, they weren’t the same red and blue slushie color I was so used to seeing. They were completely void of his colors, a black and white that he carried with him to the dream bubbles. He was afraid and confused and he didn’t recognize any of us. He tried to run from all of us whenever he was awake, but all he gained from that was agitating all the harsh electrical burns he had. I was starting to grow sick of yellow being smeared all over the room. The day ‘Tuna first woke was the same day I saw Cronus Ampora genuinely cry for the last time. He stopped coming to visit Mituna shortly after, claiming that everything that came out of his mouth was wrong even though all that really came out was screams of fear. The last time he visited he lashed out at him, it wasn’t much just a shout of the words “shut up” before he ran out of the room. I was willing to push that aside back then, I was at my wits end too. We thought that my matesprit and his best friend was gone. We both believed that our trio was soon going to be a duo. Cronus couldn’t bear to see his friend like this anymore, leaving me alone to take care of him. 
It didn’t take long for Tuna to start using words again. Guaranteed they were in the wrong order, but they were words. He stopped screaming at everyone and he stopped trying to run away from all of us. But he would still pick at his scabs and burns.
 One day he asked me what my name was for the ten-thousandth time. Except instead of repeating it back to me or forgetting it immediately, this dork said and I quote: “That’s pretty, like you!” 
At that moment I swear I was falling in love with him twice over. Every time I would come into the block we kept him in he would call me pretty. He eventually started calling me by my name, but for months he would always ask for me by calling me “the pretty lady” 
Not even a sweep passed before we were all done for. Our game failed and now here we are living forever in the dream bubbles. Totally not a rad ending I kn
A crash interrupted her typing, she quickly turned around only to see that Mituna was no longer in the block with her. “Tuna?” she called out. A faint mumble came before she heard the boy in question reply from the nutrition block. “I DIDN’T BREAK ANYTHING,” was all he screamed. Latula had long gotten used to his lack of volume control. “It was plas- pl- not glass!” he followed in a completely different tone. “Are you sure you don’t need help bee?” she got up out of her chair and started walking towards the block. Standing in the center of a tupperware war-zone stood Mituna Captor and his perfectly poured cup of orange juice. “Hi,” he said with the largest smile plastered onto his face. Latula’s smile came slowly before she was just flat out wheezing at the scene before her, Mituna joined his cackling laugh mixing with hers. The Captor stopped to take a sip of the juice before kicking around at the tupperware. They couldn’t have anything glass in the hive because of this and the glass they do have is hidden in the lowest cabinets where this gentle giant doesn’t think to look. 
“What happened?” 
Mituna pointed up towards the cabinet. “I put the-them away lasst,” he admitted. The boy’s version of putting away the dishes is to stack up a disaster that will ultimately topple over the second someone would open the door. He put his cup down on the counter and started to clean up the mess. Latula joined him. This wasn’t anything really that new, he would always set up the dishes this way in Cronus’ hive whenever they would visit, just to watch the seadweller open the door to be pelted by this psionic’s genius pranks. Now it’s become a normal schedule to never open the cabinet door fully. Kankri has told them that Cronus still does that as a habit, having to watch the seadweller cringe before opening anything every time he goes over there to lecture him. Meenah has even just told Cronus to remove the door if he’s going to keep complaining about it
After fixing the nutrition block back up and settling Tuna back into his spot, this time with juice and a movie he would actually kind of focus on, Latula returned to her husktop, spamming the space bar to wake it back up. 
Ya know, when you look at the world through rose colored glasses, all the red flags just look like flags. Things started to get worse and worse with Cronus the more ‘Tuna recovered. Cronus just couldn’t see the friend he once knew anymore but that gives him no right to treat him the way he did and still does. The day we started to completely cut off all contact with Cronus was the day he actually hit Mituna in front of me. Me and ‘Tuna were just out skating, trying to find the best place to try some basic tricks when we came across Cro’. We took a short break to talk to him for a bit, I should’ve noticed this so much sooner but Mituna was extremely uncomfortable being around him. It’s my fault for not hearing it in his words. Cronus continued to speak some kind of friendship nonsense and wrapped his arm around my bee’s shoulder. ‘Tuna tensed up and shoved the guy away, hard. Cronus looked at him shocked just standing there. Then the bastard said something I will never forget. “I should’ve fucking culled you after we found your broken sorry-ass,” 
Then he reeled back and punched ‘Tuna square in the face. The visor on that helmet cracked and shattered. They started to brawl. Mituna pulled off his helmet to throw it right at Cronus’ chest and managed to pick up his skateboard to slam it into the dude’s side. I grabbed onto ‘Tuna and got out of there ASAP, the poor boy continuing to scream, swear and shout jumbled words all the way until we got back to my hive. I don’t know what happened to the beaten fucker in the dirt, but he could just sit there and wallow for all I care. 
I blocked Cronus on every single platform we shared that night, went into ‘Tuna’s accounts and did the same. While he doesn’t use any of his accounts any more they are important to me and I wouldn’t want that asshole touching any of it. Each and every post being a museum of what Mituna Captor once was and continues to be. 
There have been more times where the two of them have gotten into fights, usually times where I’m not around. I try my best to stay by his side and keep him away, but I can’t coddle him. I refuse to baby my baby. There’s- 
A sudden weight on her shoulders interrupted her writing. “Whatcha writing, Tulip?” her boy said in a sing-song voice. She lifted her arms up to grab onto the ones around her. “Oh, nothing too important,” she tilted her head up to give him a quick kiss on the cheek. Mituna giggled and rubbed his face in her hair. She laughed, pushing the arms off her and getting up. “Wanna watch another movie? I’ll watch with you this time,” she asked, hugging him close. She felt those same awkward lanky arms wrap around her. “Nah, let’ss play Trollio Kart,” he said. 
“Flushed for you,” 
“Flushshed for you tooo,”
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countless-dreamsss · 5 years
Eobard in a Wells-Stack
Summary: After being captured by Team Flash for the hundredth time, Eobard gets a visit while he's in his cell.
Warnings: Slight profanity.
Primary pairs: N/A
Canon/Head: Canon
part 2
After capturing Eobard, who was now in Nash’s body, Team Flash left the potential threat alone in his cell. Eobard took off Nash’s jacket and threw it into a corner of the cell before taking a seat on the padded floor. His back pushed up against the wall, his eyes on the glass. He was to wait patiently, as he had many times before. 
“I’m going to get to each of them. One way or another.” Eobard told himself. “I’m done with the waiting.”
“Do you really think that, les yeux rouges?” A voice with a rather strong accent muttered. Two versions of Harrison Wells stood side by side in a corner left of our antagonist. The one who recently spoke lifted his hat before readjusting it on his head. 
“I wouldn’t underestimate them.” The other spoke. He scratched the side of his neck before shoving his hand into his pocket. “After all, you made them who they are.” He added. 
“Out of all the Wells that used to be in the multiverse, I get Frenchie and my replacement.” Eobard groaned in irritation. He leaned his head up, staring at the ceiling.
“Oi, qui diable appelle-t-il frenchie? My name is Sherloque. Sher-lo-que.” Sherloque corrected Eobard, taking offense in the nickname. He straightened his coat as he gave Eobard a nasty look before leaning against a padded wall of the cell.
“Calm down.” The other Wells said, rolling his eyes.
“Harry, he just—” 
“No.” Harry said, shaking his head. The two stayed in their corner. 
“I don’t understand why they keep chasing after a new Wells.” Eobard scoffed, and shook his head as he laughed. 
“The team doesn’t feel complete without Harrison Wells.” Harry quoted Caitlin. He remembered her saying the exact same thing to him when he was preparing to leave Team Flash for the first time before leaving them with H.R.
“You,” Eobard pointed to Harry, “you I understand, but him?” He said pointing to Sherloque. “I don’t see him being as much help.”
“Moi? I’m the one who helped them with Cicada, and—”
“I know what you did.” Eobard responded. “You’re the one who outed my little runner.”
“It had to be done.” Sherloque said.
“I introduced him.” Another Wells appeared, this one with a german accent. His hair and beard were white as snow. Another irritated groan left Eobard’s lips. His cell was slowly beginning to fill with variations of Harrisons. He already hated having to be with the first two. “I thought he was a good replacement after this one’s mind,” he pointed to Harry, “‘went—” and blew a raspberry with his mouth.
“That’s enough.” Harry interrupted him.
“You,” Eobard pointed to Harry again. “What’s on your mind?” He asked. “There's something there. I can feel it.” He furrowed his brows. The one questioned raised an eye-brow when asked.
“Can you do me a favor?” Harry asked, leaning against the cell wall. “Just shut up.” Harry gave the other a forced smile before returning his attention to the padding below his feet. Eobard was intrigued at the hostility. 
“Maybe his daughter.” Wolfgang shrugged. “Ich weiss nicht.” He said. Harry shot a nasty look over to Wolfgang. 
“Don’t,” he snapped, “talk about my daughter.” Harry said. 
“Uff, Mr. I’m-smart-again-now is getting pissy.” Wolfgang rolled his eyes.
“Oi, have some sympathy. That’s his—” Sherloque shut his mouth once Harry gave the same look he had given to Wolfgang.
“Oh? So should I say someone is on your mind?” Eobard said, swiping his tongue across his lips. “Who is it?” Eobard asked, sitting up while fiddling with his fingers. He was beginning to poke at Harry.
“I said shut up!” Harry spat. He was already to the ceiling with Eobard's bullshit.
“I want to kn—” Eobard’s sentence was disrupted by the feeling of his cell moving. “Looks like we’re going to have more company.” Eobard commented. Harry sighed and looked down to the padding once more. The cell was pulled from its place along the walls where the other metas were held. Harry did his best to avoid Eobard’s gaze. As they grew closer, Harry felt a knot growing in his stomach. He was scared. He had a guess of who would be waiting for them by the doors, and he prayed he wasn’t right. The doors to the pipeline opened. There stood a figure holding a bag of food. “Cisco.” Eobard said invitingly. He stood up and approached the glass, his arms crossed against Nash’s gray shirt. Harry’s head shot up, and he looked past Sherloque to get a better look. It was him. It was really him. Harry was at a loss for words, and he swore he felt his heart stop for a second.
“Move.” He pulled Sherloque out of his, now standing next to Eobard. “Cisco...” Harry whispered to himself. His blue eyes locked onto him. He watched as the other tucked his hair behind his ear. Cisco looked rather morose. Given the circumstances he would be upset, but no, he looked too sad. The skin around his eyes and the tip of his nose were red. He had been crying. Something was wrong. Something was very wrong.
“Even though you don’t deserve it.” Cisco muttered while sniffling. “They made me go get you food.” Cisco held up a bag of greasy food and a large drink.
“It was sweet of you to think of me,” he said looking down at the bag, “even after I tried to kill you.” Eobard joked. “Again.”
“Starve.” Cisco sneered, pulling his arms back to his side.
“You tried to kill him!?” Harry yelled. Harry’s hands turned into fists, and he did his best to keep them at his side. 
“Not the first time.” Eobard smirked, looking at Harry. Eobard turned to Harry. He held his hand out. “I tried to do the y’know,” he shook his hand to mimic how his hand would vibrate when he used his speed, “but it didn’t work. No powers.” Eobard explained. 
“What?” Cisco asked. He was sure, he didn’t say anything.
“What?” Harry scoffed. “You knew you weren't in your body, and you still tried to use your powers? Genius.” He laughed. “Not."
“Who the hell are you talking to?” Cisco asked. It obviously wasn’t him because Eobard wasn’t even facing him.
“A few of your friends, Cisco,” Eobard said, leaning forward onto the glass, “are keeping me company.” He said referring to the three Harrisons in his cell.
“Friends?” His brows furrowed. Looking in the cell, there was no one, no one but Thawne in Nash’s body. Eobard nodded silently. He pointed in every direction that a Wells stood. One to Eobard’s far right corner. “A German.” Then to the far left. “A French.” 
“Wolfgang and Sherloque?” Cisco questioned, raising a brow. “How is that even possible?”
“Thawne!” Harry shouted, shoved Eobard. “Tell him that I’m here.”
“Fine.” Eobard said. All Cisco could see was Eobard being pushed out of place, but not by who.
“Tell him.” Harry said, his face was starting to turn red.
“There’s three of them.” Eobard sighed. 
“You only pointed to two.” Cisco said, his eyes looking over the places where Eobard had just pointed, imagining the two standing in those empty spaces.
 “Tell him!” Harry pushed Eobard again. He would have loved to take a swing at Eobard’s face, but instead he looked back over to Cisco. “Cisco, it’s me!” He shouted, although he knew the other couldn’t hear him. Harry began to pound his fist on the glass, hoping that would have some effect. The glass didn’t shake, but the sound of his fist making contact could be heard. He needed to let Cisco know he was there. He just had to.
“Woah.” Cisco took a step back when he heard the impact on the glass. “What the hell is going on, Thawne?"
“An American.” Eobard stated. “Sounds like World War II.” He joked. He pointed to the left of him, in the same direction the sound was coming from.
“Hey! We didn’t have that Scheiße on our Earth. Dummkopf.” Wolfgang pointed out.
“American…” Cisco repeated. There were a number of Wells who were American besides Harry. This didn’t help him out at all. It could be anyone. Sonny, Lothario, a million others.
“You know my fucking name!” His voice cracked when he shouted. “Tell him I’m here!” Harry yelled. 
“This one is very, very persistent.” Eobard snickered. He thought Harry was going to be harder to get through, but it was clear who the answer to his previous question was. “Want to guess?” Eobard asked, the pounding still occuring.
“Thawne!” Harry yelled. “Fucking tell him.” He chewed on his bottom lip when staring back at Cisco. He could feel a lump growing in his throat and tried to keep his eyes from glazing over. He just wanted Cisco to know.
“No.” Cisco said. “Tell me, or you can starve.” 
“You wouldn’t want to kill poor Nash, would you?” 
“I don’t need to feed you to keep you alive.” Cisco scoffed. “Water will be enough, for a few days at least.” He said, staring down Nash's body.
"I'm done with this." Harry grabbed Eobard by the back of his neck and pushed him closer to the glass.
“What the hell are you doing?” Eobard said, his nose just barely touching the glass. 
“What's going on, Thawne?” Cisco took another step back when Eobard grew closer.
"This one seems to have a temper." Eobard chuckled.
“Looks like he’s gone coo-coo.” Sherloque sang as he looked to Wolfgang.
“You’ve been testing my fucking patience, Thawne.” Harry said. “Breath on the glass.”
“What?” Eobard asked.
“Fucking do it.” Harry gritted through his teeth, Eobard’s forehead now against the glass. Eobard had a feeling this would get physical. He sighed, giving into Harry just this once. He opened his mouth and breathed out, covering a small part of glass in a cloudy fog. Harry used his free hand to grab one of Eobard’s fingers and dragged it against the glass, writing his name backwards in the condensation.
“This is some 'Coraline' shit.” Cisco mentioned as each letter had appeared on the glass:
“There.” Eobard said. “I did it.” He said as Harry stood him up. Cisco’s jaw dropped.
“Harry’s in there with you?” Cisco asked, a soft smile tugging weakly at the edges of his lips.
“Say it.” Harry demanded. 
“I already—”
“Say my name.” Harry said, tightening his grip.
“Lothario would love this.” Wolfgang chuckled, leaning against his wall of the cell.
"That man would love anything that you could relate to sex." Sherloque rolled his eyes.
“Did someone say sex?” Lothario said, the knot in the laces of his robe was soon to come loose.
“Oh God.” Eobard closed his eyes shut. How he prayed that this was just a dream. “Yes, Cisco, your beloved Harry is in here with me.” He said. He eyed the Wells as he finally let him go. 
“You’re lying.” Cisco said, shaking his head. So close. Harry’s heart dropped. 
“He’s not lying.” Sherloque said, shaking his head. 
"Not at all." Wolfgang said, fixing the sleeves of his sweater. It was clear to them that Harry was becoming fairly uneasy. They all knew the other couldn’t hear him, but if it could make Harry feel better, they tried to do what they could.
“Have I ever lied to you, Cisco?” Eobard asked. “Really, tell me. Aside from who I was, have I ever lied to you?” He questioned. Cisco stood silent for a moment. He knew Eobard was right, and maybe, just maybe Harry was really there, but he needed proof.
“Prove it.” Cisco said, he placed the food to the side and crossed his arms. 
“How am I supposed to—” Eobard was cut off when Harry went back to the tactic of using the glass. He knocked on it, multiple times. The two had come up with their own pattern if they were in trouble. Each dot was one knock, each dash was dragged against the glass. “Morse code?” Eobard chuckled. “You’re using morse code?” 
“Shut up.” Harry said, and continued to knock until he finished relaying his message:
-.-(K) ....(H) .-(A) -.(N)
“Harry.” Cisco let out a soft sigh. “He’s really in there?” He couldn’t see it, but Harry couldn’t be smiling any wider. In satisfaction of Cisco’s response Harry shoved his hands into his pockets. His job was done. 
“Yes.” He nodded. “He’s here. I told you he’s here.” Eobard said, rolling his eyes. He knew this would happen. He knew Cisco would get lost in the thought of his replacement. “Hey,” Eobard snapped his fingers at Cisco to get his attention. “Can I have the food now?”
“Say please.” Cisco said, grabbing the bag.
"I'm not saying please." Eobard shook his head.
"Then you're not getting any food." Cisco motioned to place the food back down.
“Cisco. Cisco, please.” Eobard sighed, “May I please have the food?” 
“That wasn’t so hard, now was it?” Cisco said before walking to the right of the cell. He opened a tiny metal door on the wall and pushed the food and drink through. He watched as Eo gladly grabbed it before sitting down. “How long has he been in there with you?” 
“For a while now.” Eobard exhaled. He knew Cisco was going to want to know more. He rustled through the bag and pulled out a burger. 
“Has he said anything?” He asked. He was worried that Harry would probably slip up and talk about the both of them. No, Harry’s not that reckless. He wouldn’t.
“Nothing but to tell you that he’s here.” He said, unwrapping the burger in his hands before taking a huge bite into it. “Maybe,” Eo said after swallowing, “if you hadn’t given up my gift to you, then you could have sensed him.”
“Fuck you, Thawne.” Cisco acerbically, his eyes were filled with regret. He knew he was always going to be haunted by his decision on taking the cure. “I don’t want anything from you.” He said, but Harry was shaking his head. He wasn't going to say anything in front of Eobard that could possibly be used against him.
“You should speak to him while you can.” Eobard said, throwing some fries into his mouth. “I don’t believe he has much time left.” He took another large bite of his burger.
“Harry?” Cisco said. Harry watched as Cisco’s eyes scanned the cell. He was looking for him. Harry knocked on the glass once more to let him know he was still there. Cisco placed his hand where he believed the knock came from. Harry couldn’t help but do the same. Both of their eyes glazed with tears ready to burn their skin. “Te amo mucho. Te extraño. Lo siento.” He whispered.
“Yo también.” Harry responded. He couldn’t say he was fluent in the language. He only picked up on whatever Cisco would say or taught him during his stay on Earth-1. 
“How sweet.” Sherloque muttered to himself. 
"My heart. This is too sweet, but when did dumb-dumb get his smartness back?" Lothario said as he tightened the laces of his robe. 
"This is what happens when you're late. You were always late to our meetings before, and you're still appearing late now." Wolfgang scolded. Eobard watched Harry and Cisco silently. He remembered how that relationship felt. He remembered having Cisco by his side everyday as he played his ruse of Dr. Harrison Wells. All the time they spent renovating his house, the wheelchair, all of it. After everything Thawne had done to him, he knew Cisco wasn’t his anymore. Cisco hung his head as he let his tears fall. Each one burned his skin as they traveled down his cheek. 
“Hey, no.” Harry said, shaking his head. “No, no ll-...what’s the word again?” He asked himself, trying to remember the word. “Llores.” He softly coughed, holding back his own tears. “No llores.” He knocked on the glass, hoping he would stop.
“Fuck me.” Cisco whimpered. He gave a soft chuckle as he wiped his tears away, it was if he could hear Harry’s voice in his head telling him not to cry. He took a deep breath before looking back up at the last person he wanted to see. The two were eye-to-eye. He hated it. He wanted to see Harry. He wanted to see Nash and the others. He clenched his jaw and slowly backed away from the cell. Harry waved good-bye as the doors to the pipeline closed on them. 
“How sweet.” Eobard said, using a napkin to wipe his lips. During the short amount of time Harry was using to spend time with Cisco, Eobard used to devour every last bit of food in that bag. Harry returned himself to his corner and sat down next to Sherloque. “You love him.” Eobard said, gathering all of his trash and stuffing it in the bag. 
“What?” Harry said, chewing on his lip as he looked at Eobard.
“You love him.” He repeated, placing the trash to the side.
“He’s my best friend.” Harry said, looking down to his hands.
“So you do.” Eobard said, wrapping his arms around his knees. “I did too.” He nodded, looking down to Nash's shoes. "But, does he love you?"
“What do you mean? He just—”
“When he first saw you, Wells, and I’m talking about the very first time he saw you,” he said looking down to his hands. “I’m pretty sure the first thought that came into his mind was me.” A smirk pulled at his lips. Eobard had no problem with toying with Cisco’s favorite.
“Be careful.” Sherloque whispered into Harry's ear. The two closely watched Eobard. Sherloque could see where Eobard was taking this, and he wasn’t going to let the doubt in Harry’s head grow anymore than it already had.
“That’s what everyone thought. Everyone thought I was you.” Harry shrugged. He played it off. He remembered the first week he spent at S.T.AR. Labs, Cisco couldn’t even look at him. Their first conversation, Cisco told him how Eobard put his hand through Cisco’s chest and stopped his heart. Harry’s response to the traumatic story was a laugh. A fucking laugh.
“You were just a familiar face to him.” Eobard said, standing up. “One where once trust was broken, and then rebuilt.” He added.
“What are you trying to get at?” Wolfgang asked. Eobard, once again, was up to no good and he could sense it.
“I’m just saying, y’know,” he said nonchalantly, “it’s not really you who he was trying to become friends with.” Eobard’s tone became rather serious very quickly. “It’s me who he wanted back.”
“I doubt that.” Harry scoffed, but in reality he did feel threatened. He always had the fear in his mind that it was Eobard who Cisco was searching for. 
“Tell me, did he ever bring me up?” Eobard asked, his smirk growing wider. He was biting deeper into Harry, and it was written all over his face. 
"Yes." Harry nodded. "He would bring you up a lot actually," he said as he began to think of it. 
"What would he say?" Eobard asked, crossing his arms. 
"Never anything good." Harry said.
"You're lying." Eobard shrugged. "You're fucking lying." He pursed his lips in frustration and shook his head, his face was becoming heated. "There's no way everything he said about me was bad." 
"He only spoke about how hurt he was." Harry looked him in the eyes. "Hurt, knowing the one man he trusted was a fraud." He lied.
"It can't be just that." Eobard shook his head. "You're lying." He repeated. "I was his best friend." He said in a rather menacing tone. Eobard was becoming defensive.
"Was is past tense." Sherloque interrupted. 
"Shut up, Frenchie." Eobard held his hand up to him. "I was everything to him." He pointed to his chest. "I was the only family he had when his own would turn him away. It was me. Not you!" 
"You left him traumatized!" Harry yelled. He took a deep breath, holding his hands tightly together. "You left him broken, someone else came and picked up the pieces. That wasn't enough though," Harry said shaking his head. "He still can't get over you. Six years, Thawne. Six fucking years, and you’re still embedded in his mind."
"That's because he still has love for me." Eobard said. "I don't care how much you hate it, Harry. He does and you know it." 
"The thought of you sickens him." Harry gritted through his teeth. "You didn't deserve him."
Before Eobard could answer, another Wells appeared, and this one didn’t hesitate to throw a punch to Eobard’s face.
“Wer the hell is this?” Wolfgang said, pointing to the Wells that knocked Eobard over. 
“Who am I?” He yelled. “That’s my body!” He pointed the body that was now sprawled on the ground.
“You’re one that stole my diary.” Harry said, crossing his arms.
“You’re the reason the multiverse is gone.” Lothario said.
“Yes, yes I stole your diary.” Nash said. “I needed to know, okay?” He said. “I needed to know what was going on. Who I was seeing.” He said, looking around the cell. He noticed two that he’s never seen before. “I—” He froze staring at Lothario. “I’m not even going to ask.” 
“They’re the other Wells from when the multiverse still existed.” Eobard responded once he was back to his feet.
“Get out of my body.” Nash said. 
“I do what I fucking want. I’m not going anywhere. You're stuck with me.” Eobard said in that low voice of his. Nash cocked his arm, ready to punch Eobard for another time. His body or not, he wasn't going to let this slide. He knocked Eobard over for another time then climbed on top of him and continued to give Eobard punches to the face. This was the second time he was attacked today. Harry was the first to react. Oh how he too wanted to give Eobard just one good punch, but he was better than that.
"Nash, Stop." He hooked his arms under Nash's and pulled him off. The others followed, helping Harry to keep Nash, who was still ready to fight, in the corner of the cell. Eobard stayed on the ground. The 5 of them stood crowded, looking down at Eobard.
"This is gonna be fun." He gave a sinister laugh, his tongue picking up the drops of blood on his lips. He picked himself back up and sat down in the corner across from them. "Once I get out of here," he said, using the pad of thumb to wipe off any excess blood, "and I get my speed back, it's over for all of you." He gave a half-heartedly cut-throat gesture. "And you're going first." He pointed to Nash.
les yeux rouges = red eyes
qui diable appelle-t-il frenchie? = who the hell is he calling frenchie?
Moi = Me
Ich weiss nicht = I don't know
Scheiße = shit
Dummkopf = Idiot/blockhead
Te amo mucho = I love you a lot
Te extraño = I miss you
Lo siento = I'm sorry
Yo también = Me too
No llores = Don't cry
Wer = Who
//thanks @smutfornerds for the name of the fic! if it wasn’t for her it’d be name something terrible\\
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honeyjaez · 4 years
Maze of Miroh- Chapter 17: Dinner with a bit of Angst
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Authors Note:
Anyways, this is a shorter chapter, but it sets up the highlight of this arc, which Im really excited about. Hope it isnt’ too shit haha.
The Under
 An echo of a bell rang through Minho’s ears as they pushed through the door and into the little shack.  He looked around and noticed small tables were placed throughout the area with wooden walls attached to the side, blocking people from others' sight.
Minho felt a familiar prickle of anxiety as he looked around. He always hated small, secluded places and actively avoided them. But he forced himself to relax and smiled slightly when he recognized Yunho’s fluffy brown hair in the back corner. He bowed to the neighboring table as he made his way through the store, Jisung at his side. As he did so, he heard Chan behind him stop near the entrance, calling out to someone, but Minho didn’t turn around to listen.
 Minho caught San settling down next to Wooyoung who was situated on Yunho’s side When the young thief's eyes caught Minho’s he smiled, gesturing him over.
 He swallowed a ball of saliva loudly. On one hand, he was glad San and him were okay, but he was also still VERY wary of the blond. Luckily, before he was forced to respond, Jisung tugged on Minho’s arm roughly towards Yunho’s other side, settling down in the other vacant seat.
 As Minho followed suit, he could see in the corner of his eye, San giving Jisung a rather nasty glare, but the younger's only response was to stick his tongue out, mocking him. Minho felt his eyes rolling automatically, choosing to ignore both of their antics. He instead turned towards Yunho, giving the doctor a small smile.
 “Glad you could take a break for a bit.” he said earnestly. Truthfully speaking, he was  rather glad to see a nice member of Hongjoong’s crazy group.
 Yunho took a sip of his water, nodding appreciatively “The other doctors can handle the situation for the night. I'm starving!”
 Jisung broke his glaring contest with San to look over at the doctor, concern sparkling in his eyes. “There were a lot of sick people in there….Is there some sort of sickness going around?” 
 Yunho’s eyes flashed towards Jisung, and his smile grew tired as he ducked his head. “Nothing we can’t handle....Just a common thing at this time around….”
 Minho's eyes narrowed as he caught the hesitation in Yunho’s voice. He looked to Jisung and could tell that the younger caught the tone as well. 
  There is something he isn’t telling us… 
 He opened his mouth, ready to ask the younger boy what exactly it meant, but, before he could, he was interrupted by Chan, who was walking up to their table with two new faces Minho had never seen before.
 “Except for its not….”  he said matter-of-factly “Is it Yunho?”
 His words were harsh, but Minho couldn’t read his leader's face as he gazed down at the young doctor. Yunho who was looking up at the curly haired blond only chuckled  humorlessly, a twinge of guilt passing through his eyes. 
 “There is nothing you don’t see, is there Bang Chan?”
 Chan cracked a small smile and shrugged softly, “It’s a blessing and a curse.” 
 The older boy then turned and looked at the two of them, motioning to the strangers on his side. “Minho. Jisung. “ he started “I want you to meet two more of Hongjoong’s crew. This is Jongho and Mingi.”
 The shorter one, Jongho, only gazed hard at them, a single nod of his head before setting down next to San. Mingi, on the other hand, stayed standing, and gave a wide toothy grin. “Sup! I heard you kicked San’s ass earlier. Care to give me pointers?”
  “Uhhhh…” If a human could sweatdrop, Minho sure was. Luckily for him, the conversation was interrupted by Wooyoung hissing in annoyance at the pair. 
 “It’s not something to joke about Mingi! San could have died!”
 Mingi’s only response was to roll his eyes at the silver haired boy, settling down in his spot at the table, “Please Woo. Don’t be dramatic.”
 “Yeah” Yunho agreed, pouring a glass of water for everyone “Like San would be stupid enough to die from something like that.”
 “That being said” Jongho spoke for the first time, voice hard as ice, looking at the blond with a small amount of contempt “Why didn’t you avoid the rocks?”
 All eyes were on San now who looked at them all innocently. His eyes were wide as he stuffed his cheeks with rice. Minho gave a small laugh as the food piled up in his cheeks, puffing them out like squirrels.  So Jisung isn’t the only one who does that huh….
 As he heard Minho’s quiet laugh, San’s eyes suddenly shifted onto his, his face forming into a smirk, winking at the older. “What can I say?” he said lightly, swallowing the food in his mouth. “Maybe I wanted Minho to hurt me…. I’ve got certain kink you kn-”
 His words were cut off as Wooyoung took a single fist and smashed it into the blonds head.
 It was quiet for a moment before San suddenly cradled his head, crying out in pain and rolling on the ground behind him. Mingi laughed out loud while Wooyoung glared at the crying boy. 
 “You all are so noisy” Minho’s ears perked as he heard a familiar voice cut through the tabel.His eyes turned over to see Hongjoong walking up, the tall figure of Seonghwa right behind him. 
 Minho gulped seeing the dark haired boy again. He was just as beautiful as before, and the aura he radiated off of him was just as deadly. But to his relief, Seonghwa seemed to be ignoring him and that was fine by him.
 “HyunggggG!” San whined, looking up at the two like they were his parents “Wooyoung hit me!”
 “Yeah cause you can’t keep it in your pants for 5 fucking seconds!” he hissed back. 
 The noise was started to cause a scene and Minho spotted multiple eyes now on them. Hongjoong must have noticed too because he rubbed his palm in his face, looking down in annoyance. 
 “This is why I can’t take you guys anywhere…”  Hongjoong then noticed Chan’s presence next to him and he looked up, suspicion in his eyes.
 “Chan” he said coolly. “I didn’t know you would be joining us.”
 Chan smiled, face still unreadable as he bowed in respect “Sorry for surprising you. San invited us. I hope it isn’t inconvenient.”
 Minho caught Seunghwa’s glare at their leader but kept his mouth shut. Hongjoong waved his hand, settling down on the floor. “No. No. Just a surprise, we will have a full table tonight.”
 “Who else is coming?” Jisung pipped up, motioning towards the opened seat next to Mingi. Hongjoong’s head turned slightly to look and then looked back, eyes shining brighter than Minho had seen since coming here. “Yeosang.”
 At the sound of the name, Yunho’s head snapped up from the drink in his hand, and Minho didn’t miss the way his eyes lit up in mild happiness. “You mean he is coming?”
 Hongjoong smiled at the younger, nodding his head “All the spies currently working in the field have been called back for a meeting by Zico. Yeosang should be here in a little bit.”
 “Huzah!” San yelled, raising his glass in celebration. 
 Yunho sighed happily and Mingi did his own clap of excitement. All the other remaining members held a small smile on their face. When Yunho noticed the look of confusion on the outsider’s faces he laughed apologetically.
 “Sorry” he chuckled “I guess we should fill you guys in. Yeosang is the last member of our group here. He is one of the best spies The Under has, and he is often traveling above ground on missions...so we don’t get to see him much.”
 “The last time we saw him was nearly 3 months ago” Wooyoung mused, almost sad.
 “Make use of his time” Seonghwa interjected, almost scolding them like a mother “We don’t know how long he will be back so make it worthwhile.”
 “Sir yes sir!” the group hollowed.
The table fell into their own little groups as dinner arrived. Chan was talking enthusiastically to Mingi about some stupid thing Felix once did, while San, Wooyoung and Jongho were having their own private conversation-mostly scolding San about losing in a fight with Minho. 
 Minho himself was having a rather pleasant conversation with Yunho, with Jisung stuck in the middle. 
 Even Seonghwa seemed mildly interested in Chan’s story as evident of his wandering eye towards the two.
 The only one who didn’t seem to be enjoying themselves was Hongjoong, who was frowning down at his full plate.
 “So have you guys always been together?” Minho asked the brown headed doctor, mouth full of food “I know Woojin hyung said he found you guys together but was that always the case? You guys don’t look related.”
 This earned a hearty laugh from the doctor and he shook his head in response. “Goodness no. Me related to them? I mean have you seen Mingi?”
 “What about me?” the gruff boy voiced over.
 But Yunho ignored him, looking almost sheepish at Minho “This may sound weird or stupid, but I don’t remember any of my childhood before i met them so I don’t really know where I came from. And actually…” he paused, looking around at the table “None of us do.”
 Minho’s eyes widened as he felt a familiar sensation in the pit of his stomach.  Just like me…
 “None of you do?”
 Yunho shook his head, a look of mild sadness on his face. “From as far back as we can remember, we have been together, but we know we know there was a time before where we were not together….”
 Jisung who was enjoying the conversation silently, swallowed the bit of food in his mouth, eyes narrowing slightly. “But if you don’t remember anything, how can you know that?”
 Yunho smiled again, but this time it was more guilty than anything. “Actually it’s just a hunch but also there is Yeosang….”
 “Yeosangie has something that none of us do.”
 Jisung tilted his head in confusion “What does he have?”
 Yunho took his arm and placed a hand on the back of his shoulder “He has a tattoo right here. He doesn’t remember getting it, nor what it means. But even if he did, I don’t think he would talk about it….” there was something in Yunho’s voice that made for a melancholy mood. His eyes casted downwards towards his nearly empty plate and chewed the bottom of his lip. “I don’t even think he is aware that he does this, but occasionally he takes his hand and touches it...his eyes would get so sad...like the memory is trying to surface, but the sadness it holds is enough to cause him excruciating pain.”
 Minho looked down at his plate, realizing his own appetite was gone. There was something about their group wide memory loss that was really causing him distress. His stomach churned and he quickly excused himself, rushing outside before anyone could stop him. 
 The city lights blurred his eyes as he felt his breathing going ragged. Something was wrong. Something was very wrong. But what?
  Calm down Minho!  
 He mentally cursed himself while trying to regain control of his breathing again. What set him off so suddenly? Was it Yunho admitting about the memory loss? That doesn;t make anysense…..sure Minho also suffered from his own intense memory loss. He could relate to the group suddenly more now, his own childhood lost in his memories. But that was nothing more than coincidence.  Right?
 But before he could explore these thoughts, he was interrupted by a hand being placed on his shoulder in a form of comfort. Minho, still trying to calm down, only reached back and placed his hand on top of the foreign hand, rubbing it as a form of gratitude.
 He stayed like that for another minute before letting out one more ragged breath and straightening back up. 
 “You okay?”
 Minho closed his eyes, hearing Jisung’s quiet, soothing voice near his ear. He nodded once but refused to turn around, afraid to. “I’ll be okay….” he admitted.
 “You nearly scared half the people in there.” Jisung jokenly scolded “You rushed out so fast, they thought they were under attack.”
 Minho let out a quiet laugh, appreciative at the younger's attempts to take his mind away from the problem at hand.
 “I’ll have to apologize when I go back in…” he quipped back.
 He heard light footsteps and felt Jisung brush up against his side, making his way to stand next to him. Neither of them looked at each other, and chose to stare at the city lights instead.
 “What was it?” the younger finally asked, voice small and quiet. Minho squeezed his eyes shut, knowing what he was getting at.
 “I don’t know…”
 “Hyung” Jisung said,obviously not believing him. 
 Minho let out a long sigh, shaking his head. He opened his mouth to say something, but found no sound behind his voice. 
 He was ashamed.
 But for what reason? His memory loss wasn’t his fault. He didn’t willingly wipe his memories away. 
 This was nothing to be ashamed of.
 So why did he?
 When Minho opened his mouth again, he let out a muffled cry, like he was admitting to a serious crime.
 “There is something I haven't shared with the group yet….” he confessed.
 He paused, expecting an immediate reaction from Jisung. But when he got none, and only felt the younger brush up against his arm he stumbled on his confession. “I don’t have many memories that I remember. I remember working at the plant. I remember becoming friends with Hyunjae. I remember Grandma Yoo taking care of us, but that has all been within the last 8 years….”
Minho looked to his side, teary gaze locking onto Jisung’s unreadable ones. “I have no memory of my parents, nor where I came from. The only reason I knew my name was Minho was because I found an ID with my face on it…” he paused, feeling his voice pick back up and his breathing laboring in his rant. 
 Jisung took his hand and squeezed his shoulder tight, pulling Minho into a tight hug. “It’s okay hyung” he murmured quietly. “Your memory loss isn’t your fault.”
 Minho hiccuped, taking solace in Jisung’s tight hug “I know but... ” he trailed off, the fear taking over. “What if it's more than just a coincidence? What if The Ord-”
 He nearly jumped out of his skin as a loud alarm rang through the entire city, red sirens flashing all around them. Jisung seemed taken off guard as well as they broke apart to look down at the downtown area. 
 “Whats happening?” Minho had to somewhat yell out over the loud sirens.
 “It’s the city alarm system.” Hongjoong’s voice sounded on his other side, walking out from the shack. The others followed him outside and Minho caught Chan’s gaze who seemed fearful but not surprised. 
 “What does it mean?” 
 As if on cue, the sirens suddenly stopped and were replaced with a familiar cool voice that made the hairs on Minho’s neck stand up.
 “Hello citizens of The Under” Zico’s voice filled the entire clearing and Minho nearly had to cover his ears in response. “I have some unsettling news…” the man continued “Right as we speak, enemies of our beautiful city are moving against us. Their armies have infiltrated the tunnels and plan to strike us with their high tech assault weapons.”
 There were a few screams heard nearby as people took in their leaders' words. But Minho and the entire group stood still, listening intently. 
 “I have dispatched guards to fend them off, but for your safety, we need everyone to evacuate to the center of the city asap-”
 “What is he saying?!” Hongjoong growled.
 “I will be with the fighting force” Zico continued “But you will be in good hands there. Remember everyone, the safest place you can be is in the innermost part of the city. I won’t let anyone past the gates. The Under is my life, and the people are its future. Until we meet again.”
 And suddenly, just like that, his voice was gone. The red hue from the sirens remained, but now all that could be heard was the panicked screams of the people who began rushing around heeding their leader's words. Only Minho, Chan, Jisung and the entirety of Hongjoong’s group stayed still, including San. They seemed to be digesting their leader's words to figure out their next steps. San was the first to make movement, heading towards the stairs that led to the inner city.
 “San wait!” Chan yelled, causing the younger to stall. 
 Chan turned back towards Hongjoong, his eyes hard as steel. “Hongjoong”
 Minho gulped realizing the situation they were currently in. Something wasn’t adding up and it all pointed towards Zico.
 “What is he thinking?!” Seonghwa growled out loud “The center of the city? That is the worst place to evacuate to!”
 “That's because it is a trap” Chan interjected, his eyes not leaving Hongjoong’s frozen body.
 “Hyung” Jisung tried to warn, wanting him to stop.
 “Watch your tongue rat” San suddenly hissed with venom. “He is our leader!”
 Chan starred evenly back at San, his gaze cold and calm. “He sold you out.” He pulled on Hongjoongs arms, forcing the red headed leader to break out of trance. “Tell them Hongjoong.” He challenged “Something tells me you already suspected him of that.”
 The clearing was quiet, all 9 of them there looking towards the one singular Hongjoong who finally after a few more moments let out a long, exhausted sigh, his fierce expression from before long gone now in the presence of strangers. “A few days before you guys got here, I caught Zico having a private meeting with someone.”
 There were small gasps that came from Mingi and Yunho, while Jongho’s eyes widened slightly. Only San seemed unaffected by the news, his gaze cold as ice as he stared at Hongjoong.
 “Who?” Chan asked, but Hongjoong shook his head, looking out to the city below. 
 “Zico claimed he was an outer spy of ours, but I had never seen him before in all my years here. And the way he talked to Zico….it was no way to talk to your boss…”
  Hongjoong paused, casting a look out at the horrified faces-his eyes landed on San’s cold ones and he gave the younger a look of pleading sympathy.
 “He was trying to convince Zico to take some sort of deal. One that only benefited himself….”
 “No” San spat, disregarding his claims. “You’re lying”
 “San.” Seonghwa started “This is Hongjoong we are talking about here he would neve-” the elder was cut off as Chan’s voice rang loud and clear over the sirens.
 “Zico betrayed you all.” he growled harshly at the thief “The quicker you accept that, the easier this next step will be.
 “Quiet rat!” San spat back, taking stance “One more word out of you, and I’ll kill you. I don’t care what the rumors say…”
 The clearing went cold. Neither side made a move as San and Chan glared each other down evenly. 
Jisung wasted no time after San’s  very real  threat in marching between the two, his eyes hard as steel as he glared at San. 
 “You’ll have to get through me  first. ” 
 San turned his ice cold gaze on Jisung and Minho felt his stomach drop.
 “San!” Seonghwa barked “Stand down!”
 But to Minho’s dismay, the blond refused, pulling out his two daggers. Jisung mimicked the action by pulling out his own cuffs, electricity shooting out in waves almost immediately. Minho’s heart felt like it was about to burst, his earlier anxiety now gone and replaced with the stress of their current situation. No one seemed to want to stop the imposing forces, not even Chan, who was having an intense staring match with Hoongjong. All the meanwhile, the red hue from the sirens continued to flash all around.
 Minho looked to Seonghwa, who seemed just as tense, but as they locked eyes, was relieved to find a similar sense of panic in them.
  This was not the time to be fighting each other. Seonghwa gets that.
 Minho opened his mouth, ready to say whatever necessary to quell the two fighters. But before he could get a single sound out, a new voice sounded from behind him, one he did not recognize.
 “Stand down San. They are telling the truth.”
 All heads spun around to look at the incoming newcomer, his ash blond hair growing past his ears, all messy bedhead like. His face remained calm and neutral, but Minho could tell from his eyes that the stranger was looking past Minho and them to stare straight at San as a sort of warning. 
 “Yeosang” Yunho breathed.
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cycwrites · 5 years
Switching Gears Part 4 - Dinner Admissions
Words: 2600 (Is this the shortest thing I’ve ever written that wasn’t a fic tease?)
Rating: M (Eventually. I think.)
Also on AO3 and FFN
Tumblr Master Post
A/N: Thank you to @tiny-maus-boots for all the encouragement and beta things. 
“Hey, Chloe.” Emily said as she let Chloe into the house. “Stacie’s in the kitchen still.”
“Oh god, it’s her night to cook? Why didn’t anyone warn me?”
“Ha ha.” Stacie looked over the pass-through counter toward the front door. “You love my food so shut up.”
“She’s making spaghetti; even she can’t screw that up.” Emily laughed as she closed the door.
“She can if she’s making the sauce herself.” Chloe shrugged off her coat and draped it over the couch as she walked into the living room. “Which you have clearly forgotten.”
“Oh. Right. Yeah, I blocked that.” Emily walked to the counter and sat down.
Stacie frowned at them both. “That was ONE TIME in college. So I forgot I’d already added salt to the sauce. Sue me.”
“Five times.” Chloe took a seat next to Emily. “Or was it six?”
“It was midterms!” Stacie picked up a spoon and dipped some of the sauce out of the pan. “Here. Zip it and try this.”
Chloe grinned at her. “I trust you.” Stacie just waited and finally Chloe rolled her eyes. “Fine.” She opened her mouth and Stacie sighed but lifted the spoon to her lips.
As Chloe leaned forward to take it into her mouth Emily made a face. “Gross. If I didn’t know you two as well as I do, I’d think you were flirting.”
“Poor sheltered child.” Stacie pulled the spoon back while Chloe licked her lips. “We really do need to find you someone if you consider that foreplay.”
“It’s because you two make everything look like foreplay.”
“Why thank you.” Chloe fluttered her eyelashes until, laughing, Emily pushed on her shoulder. “Okay okay. Yes. The sauce is perfect, Stace.”
“Ha.” Stacie gave it one more stir. “Should be ready soon. Noodles are a cookin’ and I just put in the garlic bread.” As she turned around Chloe sighed.
“Please tell me that is not what I think it is?” She pointed at the end of the counter on Emily’s other side.
“That’s not what you think it is.” Stacie parroted back.
“Bullshit. That’s another one of Aubrey’s bells isn’t it?” Chloe held out her hand. “Gimme.” Emily dutifully placed it in her palm.
“That’s not what you think it is,” Stacie repeated while inwardly wishing she’d thrown it away earlier.
“When are you going to stop making me an accessory?” Chloe hit the lever and the ringing sound made Stacie’s jaw clench.
“When she stops chaining my bike to the rack.” She closed her eyes when Chloe gave it another half ring. “Can you please stop doing that?”
“Oh, I’m sorry.” Chloe’s finger hovered over the lever. “Am I triggering you?”
Emily leaned over and stage whispered. “When I rang it, she threatened to shove it up my ass, if that’s any indication.”
Chloe laughed. “Well there’s an image.” She handed it back to Emily who carefully put it back where it had been. “Seriously though… you have to stop stealing it.”
“When she stops chaining my bike to the rack.” Stacie repeated.
“Are you just going to repeat everything twice?” Chloe leaned on the bar.
“Maybe.” Stacie kept one eye on the stove. “I didn’t start this, Chlo.”
“Yeah, but you’re the one committing theft.” Chloe was using her rational voice and it annoyed Stacie because she couldn’t even argue against it.
“She calls the cops on me I’ll call them on her.” Needing something to do she turned around and opened the cupboard to get the plates and wine glasses.
“For what? Harassment?” Emily held up her hands when Stacie shot her a look. “Don’t give me that look. Chloe’s right – if anyone is going to get in actual trouble over this, it’s you.”
“’Sorry officer, she started it’ won’t cut it, you know.” Chloe sighed. “And I know I joked about this before, but if she decides to go full vindictive – which yes, I don’t see her doing, but if she did – they’re going to want to see the security tapes and I don’t want that association.”
“Why are you being all logical right now?” Stacie handed the stack of plates to Emily who began to set the table. “Are you really worried?”
“Yes but no?” Chloe shrugged. “But it’d be nice if you guys could somehow form a truce.”
“I haven’t even seen her since that day.” Stacie pulled out silverware and handed it over when Emily reached for them. “I don’t know how we can form a truce.”
“Well,” Chloe said reasonably, “the next time she chains your bike to the rack – don’t steal the bell.”
“But then she wins!”
“What – exactly – is she winning?” Emily asked as she set down the last fork.
“I don’t know.” Stacie threw up her hands. “But it’d drive me nuts if I let her.”
“Not even for me?” Chloe batted her eyes and Stacie was startled into laughter.
“God, not the puppy dog eyes. You’re a cheat, Chloe.” Stacie rolled her eyes, already weakening.
“Only when necessary.” Chloe leaned further over the counter and looked at the stove. “Uh, if you don’t take that off the burner, we might be having plain pasta.”
“Shit!” Stacie turned and lifted the sauce pan while turning off the stove. “Alright, no more distractions or we’re having pizza again.”
The next while was spent putting the final touches on dinner where, thankfully, Chloe turned the topic away from bells and chains and started talking about the progress one of her newest teen classes was making. By the time they were settled at the table Stacie’s hackles had gone back down and she felt calm again as they ate.
“I… did… actually see Aubrey a few weeks ago, you know.” She supposed it was that lull in her defenses that made her say it.
Chloe stopped with her wine halfway to her mouth and Emily froze mid bite of garlic bread.
“You did?” Chloe said it carefully, as if she were trying not to spook her before continuing the motion of glass to lips.
Still not sure why she had even said it, Stacie took another bite of spaghetti. She sighed when they just stared at her. “Yeah. She was talking to Emily. I didn’t recognize her at first because she was laughing and smiling.”
Emily set down the bread as she quickly finished chewing. “I mean, that could be any day. She’s really nice, Stace.” She looked so earnest it almost made Stacie’s teeth ache. “We usually laugh over something.”
Stacie lifted one shoulder. “I didn’t hear what you were talking about or anything, I just walked past to my locker.”
“I wish you’d have stopped and said hi.” Emily looked down at her plate, her fork idly twirling up noodles. “I’d have introduced you guys properly and you could’ve made up.” She looked at Stacie from under her eyelashes. “Maybe with kissing.”
“More like she’d have grabbed a pen and stabbed me in the eyes,” Stacie said, her mouth twisting into a crooked grin.
“No bloodshed allowed on the premises,” Chloe said easily. “It’s in the contract.”
“Good to know.” Stacie picked up her glass and took a drink.
“So nothing happened?” Chloe prodded gently.
“No. I just…” Stacie stopped then decided to go for it. She knew the odds were high that all she was doing was giving them ammunition, but they were her family and who else was she going to talk about this with? “It struck me at that moment that if I’d seen her then, for the first time? I’d have walked up to greet my cousin who, because she’s just that nice a girl, would’ve introduced me. I’d have done it specifically for that reason – it’s the perfect excuse to talk to a pretty woman who caught my eye. After a few such encounters I’d either know to back off or ask her to coffee.”
She could still picture it; her attention had been caught at first by the laughter she heard when she walked in the door with lunch and then by the radiant smile that accompanied it. In that instant Aubrey had been the embodiment of someone who Stacie very much would’ve made an effort to get closer to. Hell, even as pissed off as she’d been all those months ago Aubrey had still been beautiful. Just… Crazy.
“So what happened?” Emily prodded when Stacie had been silent too long.
“She chained my bike to the rack,” Stacie shrugged. “So, you know… Fuck that.” She took a drink of her wine.
“You should.”
Stacie almost choked at Chloe’s words and Emily let out a snort of laughter.
“I’m with her this time,” Stacie pointed at Emily once she’d swallowed the mouthful of wine. Chloe was eyeing her in a way she didn’t trust.
“You know I just want the best for you. I wouldn’t encourage you to pursue someone I didn’t think very highly of.” Stacie opened her mouth but Chloe held up her hand. “And I have no idea why I feel so strongly about this. But something in me tells me that you should give it a shot.”
“I’m with her.” Emily nodded. “Aubrey’s funny, smart, kind…” She stopped when Stacie’s brows knitted together in annoyance. “Nohittingwe’refamily!”
“Just… consider it.” Chloe said earnestly. “At the very least, stop stealing the damn bell, Stacie. You never know what could happen if one of you just stops being stubborn.”
“Why does that have to be me?” Stacie winced when it came out as a whine.
“Because I can’t yell at her because she hasn’t come to me with any problems.” Chloe turned back to her plate. “But I’ve slept with you and that gives me the right to yell at you.”
“She’s probably right you know,” Emily said easily.
“I’d have thought you’d cover your ears with the sex talk,” Stacie muttered.
“If you start reminiscing about said events, I might.” Emily eyed her. “But you both love me and will keep all the sordid details to yourself.”
“Unless you push me,” Stacie said; half threat, half tease.
“Good thing Chloe’s the one who’s gonna do that for me.” Emily picked up her bread.
“Damn right I am.” Chloe picked up her glass and stared at Stacie over the rim.
“I hate it when you two gang up on me.” Stacie forced herself to frown when all she wanted to do was grin.
“We know,” Emily said cheerfully.
“It’s because we just want the best for you.” Chloe held out her glass and Emily tapped her own against it. “And now that we know you like her…”
“Physical attraction alone does not mean ‘like’, Chloe,” Stacie countered. “Do we even know if she likes women?”
“At least you’re no longer denying any attraction,” Chloe saluted with her wine.
“I’ve never seen her with anyone,” Emily said through a mouthful of pasta. She paused to swallow. “I think I’ve seen her check Chloe out though.”
“Blind people would still check Chloe out,” Stacie said as she waved her hand. “That doesn’t count.”
“Aw, thanks babe.” Chloe fluttered her eyelashes. “But stop hitting on me, we’re past that.”
“You wish I was hitting on you.” Stacie rolled her eyes as she picked up her wine.
“Sometimes,” Chloe shrugged and Stacie blinked at her. “What?”
“You can’t just say we’re past that but you think about… us.” Stacie pointed at her. “While trying to get me to ask out Aubrey.”
“Can I just say that as much as I would love the two of you together, it would weird me out?” Emily interjected. “I mean, I’d get used to it, but it’d take a while.”
“I’m not saying anything.” Chloe leaned her elbow on the table and rested her chin on her palm. “We’re great how we are right now but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t occasionally think about it.”
“Oh.” Stacie said, realizing how stupid and inadequate that was. “I… uh…” She shot Emily a look who made a face at her. “Alright, me too, but…”
“I know. Water under the bridge.” Chloe smiled at her.
“How did we even get on this topic?” Stacie asked, carefully stashing that piece of information away. “Other than I am amazing and unforgettable.”
“I’ll give you that,” Chloe nodded, eyes sparkling with amusement. “As much as it pains me to feed your ego.” Stacie buffed her nails on her chest with a smug grin.
“Okay.” Emily held up her hands and made a ‘T’. “Timeout – this is approaching TMI.”
Chloe turned slightly more serious. “All kidding aside, can you just... let it go?”
Stacie pursed her lips. “I’ll try, Chlo. I’ll stop stealing the bell, even if she chains my bike again.” She pointed a finger at Chloe. “But if we meet face to face and she goes nutso, I make no promises.”
“I suppose that’s the best offer I can ask for,” Chloe said and held out her hand. “Deal.” Stacie sighed but shook it.
“Aw,” Emily cooed. “Normally this is where I’d make a joke about kissing to seal the deal but you guys might and then I’d have to gouge my eyes out with a spoon.”
“Or take pointers.” Stacie said, letting go of Chloe’s hand to resume eating. “Chloe’s really quite an amazing kisser.”
“If we were dating, that’d so get you laid tonight.” She paused, eyeing Stacie.
“Oh my god.” Emily’s fork hit the plate and she covered her eyes. “Now that’s in my head.”
‘Mine too,’ Stacie thought with an inward grin.
“Is it cheating if you’re not dating her yet?” Chloe asked lightly.
“’Yet’?” Stacie shook her head. “It’s almost like you’ve got us married before we’ve even introduced ourselves.”
“I’ve already got your colors picked out; hope you like green.” Chloe shrugged. “You two will eventually come to your senses because I’ll be an awesome best man.”
“Why do you get to be the best man?” Emily huffed as she dropped her hands again. “I’m blood family. Besides, wouldn’t it be tacky if the best man had slept with one of the brides?”
“I am many things, Em, but tacky is not one of them,” Chloe said airily. “But as it gets closer, we can wrestle for it.”
“Only if you don’t cheat this time,” Emily pointed at her. “I’m not thirteen anymore.”
“I regret this dinner invitation a thousand times over.” Stacie leaned back and crossed her arms. “Is it too late to change my mind?”
“Considering I’m almost done with my plate and am about to go for seconds, yes.” Emily pushed back her chair. “Anyone else?”
Stacie nodded and quickly spun the last of the noodles on her plate onto her fork. “Me please.” She handed over her plate with her free hand. “Thanks, Em.”
“It’s the least I can do considering Chloe and I are about to start Operation Date.”
“Is that what we’re calling it?” Chloe stood up and carried her own plate to the kitchen.
“We can’t call it Operation Bike Wars because they’re already in the middle of that.”
Stacie turned and hooked one arm over the back of her chair as she looked at them. “That’s a stupid name.”
“What, you’d prefer Operation Get My Cousin A Date?” Emily made a face. “God I’m bad at this.”
“Just need some practice,” Chloe said as she waited for Emily to finish filling both plates. “We’ll brainstorm later.”
Emily walked back into the dining area and set Stacie’s plate down. “Operation Staubrey?”
Chloe looked over at her quickly, eyes full of glee. “Ooh… that has promise.”
Stacie groaned and buried her face in her palm.
This was going to be a long night.
A/N 2: I swear, they’re face to face again next chapter. I promise!
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artificialqueens · 6 years
Tough Girl (Crameron) - Miss Bianca
Summary: Once she was perched on a stool, it took only moments for Kameron to realize that scoping out the place for a girl to take home would be hopeless. Not because there was any shortage of pretty ones, but because of a certain petite blonde woman who was standing behind the bar.
A/N: I’m back. Don’t know if anyone reading these days remembers me, since it’s been a few months, but bitch, I'm back. There’s a lot of s10 ships I’d potentially like to write, but crameron is at the top of my list, so here’s a long ass oneshot ft. witty dialogue, smut, and one hell of a plot twist. This will also be posted on ao3 (MissBianca), and please, for the love of god, tell me what you thought, either here or in my messages or asks (@mizkameron)!
“We’re getting too old for this bar hopping thing, you know.”
Asia reacted to Kameron’s statement with a shrug and a grin, hopping out of the front seat of the Uber and pulling open the back door.
“Speak for yourself,” she said, holding out a hand to help Kameron out of the car.
“‘M not too old for it,” Aquaria added, climbing out behind them on unsteady legs.
“She wasn’t talking to you, sweetie,” Asia laughed, wrapping an arm around Aquaria’s waist and squeezing her. “Also, you’re not having anything else to drink tonight.”
“Okay,” Aquaria said agreeably, her face scrunching into a smile as Asia kissed her cheek.
“Thirty-five isn’t anywhere near old in my book,” Asia said, looking over at Kameron. “And you’re younger than me! You know I can’t let you be a homebody until you’re at least fifty, Kameron.”
Kameron let out a sigh, smiling despite herself as Asia looped her free arm through hers and dragged the trio towards the third - and hopefully final - bar of the night.
Inside, it was hot and crowded, and Kameron regretted the decision to wear jeans the moment she stepped inside. Before she could even begin to get her bearings, Asia had vanished into a cluster of strangers with Aquaria trailing close behind her.
The bar was dimly lit and absolutely buzzing, music playing from speakers at the back and the rush of voices from all sides nearly drowning it out. Kameron wondered briefly where exactly the dividing line fell between bars and clubs, suddenly very aware that she was far too sober right now for this particular, club-like atmosphere.
Heaving a sigh, Kameron did her best to pull herself together, and made a beeline for the wall of drinks near the back, as had become routine for her whenever they went out. The scent of beer was strong, and the throngs of people that she passed were practically vibrating, the drunken excitement pressing in on Kameron from all sides and making her recede deeper into herself.
As much as she loved Asia, it took a good bit of alcohol and a lot of adrenaline for Kameron to feel like putting herself through her friend’s level of social interaction. Even though she’d had a few drinks already, they’d been spread out over several hours, and she didn’t think she was in the mood to push herself tonight.
If she was lucky, maybe Aquaria would join her at the bar after Asia tired her out, but it wasn’t likely. Kameron was always a bit of a third wheel with them, the odd one out. Despite Aquaria being the youngest by far, she was also one of Asia’s favorite people on the planet, which left Kameron fading into the background.
Regardless, going solo didn’t bother Kameron most of the time. Her solitude could be easily disguised as intentionally going out on her own, and her tendency to sit stoically at bars by herself, observing the people around her, made her come off as confident and interested in meeting new people. And in this particular case, her plans for her night centered on leaving with someone new - and not with her friends.
She only hoped that this bar wasn’t as straight as it looked.
Once she was perched on a stool, it took only moments for Kameron to realize that scoping out the place for a girl to take home would be hopeless. Not because there was any shortage of pretty ones, but because of a certain petite blonde woman standing behind the bar.
She was wearing a white tank top, and her hair was thick and bleached blonde, hovering around her face in curls that were just starting to get frizzy. Unlike most of the women Kameron had met who worked at restaurants or behind bars, she wasn’t bothering to smile at customers, her red lips remaining in a straight line as she took orders and mixed drinks.
She was definitely pretty, but it was something else about her, something about the way that she moved and stood, that had Kameron absolutely captivated.
“Miss? Can I get you something?”
Kameron jumped a little, turning to see another bartender, a black woman with a narrow face, looking at her inquisitively.
“I’m sorry, yes,” Kameron said, smiling distractedly. “Can I have a rum and coke, please?”
As the woman started to busy herself with the drinks, Kameron’s gaze returned to the other bartender, who was wiping the counter at the other end of the bar. Now that the blonde was farther away, Kameron could see the tight leather skirt that she was wearing, and she wet her lips.
“You eyeing my girl?” A drink had been set down in front of Kameron, and the black bartender was raising an eyebrow.
“Your girl?” Kameron asked blankly, blinking at her. “Are you two -”
“Nah, I’m just messing with you,” the bartender said with a laugh. “She’s a friend.”
“Oh.” Kameron took a sip of her drink, relieved but unsure what to say.
“Her name’s Brianna, if you’re interested,” the bartender added, a mischievous smile on her face. “I know her pretty well, and you look like her type.”
Surprised, Kameron took a moment too long to stammer out a thank you, the bartender disappearing through a door behind the bar before catching her words.
She kept her eyes on the blonde woman - Brianna, the other bartender had said - watching her mix drink after drink, cracking an occasional joke which Kameron could never catch, always resulting in uproarious laughter from whoever she was serving. Her hands moved so quickly, so surely, and Kameron found herself chewing on her lower lip as she watched.
Eventually, Kameron began to realize that taking the stool at the end of the bar might have been a mistake. It had been nearly a half hour now, and Brianna still hadn’t even looked her way. She didn’t want to get drunk, particularly, but the boredom was kicking in, and she found herself taking longer sips of her cocktail, just for something to do. With her tolerance, it was unlikely she’d get past mildly tipsy.
After another ten minutes or so, the inevitable straight guy wandered up to the bar to start hitting on her, starting with a canned comment about how lonely she looked all by herself, followed up by a long pause as he stared at her ample cleavage through the laced up front of her v-neck shirt. It was like clockwork, how all of them behaved almost identically, and Kameron observed with a vague sense of amusement, feeling almost as if she was watching the whole interaction from somewhere outside of her body.
“Lemme buy you a drink, sweetheart.”
“I’m fine, thanks.”
“What sexy thing like you wants to drink alone?”
“I said, I’m fine.”
“C’mon, don’t be like that.”
He stepped closer, just as Kameron expected. Sighing, she flicked her hair off of her shoulder, sliding the strap of her shirt down over her shoulder to give him a good view of the lesbian symbol tattooed just under her collarbone.
“Take a hint, asshole,” she said flatly, tapping it with a fingertip.
“Hey, maybe you just haven’t met the right guy yet.”
“If you’re really that desperate, I’ve got a friend named Boomer who’d love your number,” Kameron said with a shrug, skipping the bullshit and pulling out the final weapon in her arsenal to finish off the conversation for good. “You’re just his type. He loves the short, pretty ones.”
“I’m not gay!” The offense on his face was so dramatic that it was hard to keep a straight face, and Kameron pulled the strap of her shirt back into place and shrugged.
“Maybe you just haven’t met the right guy yet.”
Kameron turned her attention back to Brianna as he fumbled for words, finally muttering out some comment about how he wasn’t short or pretty, either, before melting back into the crowd.
Rolling her eyes, Kameron tapped her fingers on the cool side of her glass, watching as Brianna talked to the other bartender and wishing that she was close enough to get her attention without seeming desperate. It had to be after 1 AM by now, and the noise and crowded environment of the bar were rapidly draining what energy she had left.
There was a burst of laughter, and Kameron glanced up just in time to see Brianna plant a kiss on the other bartender’s cheek and leave through the door behind the bar, a purse slung over her shoulder. Making a split second decision, Kameron downed the rest of her drink quickly, then dug in her clutch for a ten dollar bill and placed it neatly under her empty glass.
Sliding off her stool, she made her way around the clusters of people as fast as she could, pushing out into the hot August air. As soon as she stepped outside onto the mostly-empty street, Kameron released a breath she didn’t know she’d been holding. She looked around for a back door, trying to figure out where Brianna might’ve left from.
Spotting an alley that ran alongside the building, Kameron headed in that direction, hoping that luck was on her side tonight. Resting a hand against the brick wall, she peered around the corner, and sure enough, Brianna was slipping out a door not too far away.
Glancing upwards, Kameron debated whether to walk down to meet her or wait on the corner. Staying put was probably the best idea, she figured, and it fit with the relaxed, collected vibe she liked to give off.
When she looked around the corner again, her stomach dropped.
Brianna was against the wall, a man that must’ve been a foot taller than her holding something that looked like a knife to her throat.
Kameron’s adrenaline kicked in instantly, her heartbeat skyrocketing, and she was running down the alley before she could even consider her options.
“Hey!” she shouted, breathless.
The man looked over at her just as she collided with him hands first, pushing him off of Brianna and hearing the knife clatter against the pavement.
“Fucking bitch!” The man swayed, clearly inebriated, and Kameron turned towards Brianna, resting a hand on her arm.
“Are you okay?”
Brianna opened her mouth to reply, and then a hand grabbed Kameron’s shoulder, pulling her away from Brianna.
“Stay outta my way!” the man slurred, winding his arm back.
Time slowed down, just for a second, and Kameron could see his fist moving towards her face. She leaned to the side at the last minute, trying to dodge the blow on instinct, and then a white-hot flash of pain cut through her cheek, and she saw stars.
Kameron stumbled, her shoulder colliding with brick, hand clasped to her cheek. There was another shout from the man, and she blinked away the tears that were clouding her vision.
Brianna’s hair bounced, and Kameron watched, dazed and disoriented, as the blonde’s fist collided with his gut, an upwards angle that made him grown hollowly and stagger. She threw her weight against him, shoulder hitting him squarely in the middle of the chest, and he fell backwards, crashing down onto the blacktop. He let out another groan, and then fell still.
Kameron stared, open mouthed, trying to process what she was seeing and unable to put the pieces together.
“Are you okay?” Brianna was making her way over, rubbing her knuckles, a concerned expression on her face.
Reaching up, she laid her hand over Kameron’s that was still pressed to her cheek. Brianna’s teeth dug into her lower lip as she lifted their hands away for a brief moment, surveying the injury. The pain had subsided inexplicably, and Kameron noticed for the first time that her own palm was slippery.
“He must’ve had a ring,” Brianna mused. Her eyes were big, a dark brown that Kameron hadn’t identified in the bar. “It’s more a cut than a bruise, doesn’t look too bad. Keep the pressure on it.”
“You’re pretty,” Kameron murmured, accidentally speaking her thoughts out loud.
Brianna stared up at her for a moment, a bemused smile slowly growing on her face.
“All right, let’s get you cleaned up,” she said decisively, pulling Kameron up off the wall and leading her towards the main street by her arm. “What’s your name?”
“Where are we going?” Kameron asked, feeling slow and stupid.
“My place,” Brianna said. “You’re not dizzy, are you? Can you walk without me holding you?”
Kameron thought about that for a moment, shaking her head to clear it, and then nodded.
“Yes, what?”
“I’m okay,” she confirmed. “Oh, and, Kameron - my name is Kameron.”
“Good, no concussion. I’m Brianna. My Uber will be here soon, so hang tight, babe.”
Babe. Kameron smiled.
The Uber ride was short, and they both sat in the back, Brianna keeping a slightly concerned eye on her. The cut was hurting again, but Kameron was distracted enough by Brianna’s close proximity to her that she wasn’t paying much attention.
When the car turned a corner, Brianna wound up leaning against her, one hand resting on Kameron’s thigh for support, and Kameron noticed for the first time that she was wearing perfume. After a few moments, she identified the scent as vanilla, strong enough to cover the stench of beer that would likely be clinging to her otherwise. Breathing Brianna in was calming and exciting at the same time, and Kameron could’ve sat like that with her forever, warmth spreading through her chest and a slight smile on her face.
By the time they’d arrived and climbed the four flights to Brianna’s apartment, Kameron felt much steadier on her feet, and she started struggling to wrap her brain around the series of events that had lead her to this point.
“What - what happened, exactly?” Kameron asked, hoping for clarification, as Brianna unlocked the door.
“You must’ve spotted me as soon as I stepped out the door,” Brianna said, directing Kameron inside. “And so did he, the big guy. He’d just pushed me against the wall - I think he was going for my purse - and then you came out of nowhere. Rammed into him like a runaway train.”
“Yeah, I remember that. I asked if you were okay.”
“Right, very sweet.” Kameron smiled at the comment, and Brianna continued. “He grabbed you, wheeled you back around, and went in for a punch. You dodged, I guess, because he only managed to graze that pretty cheek of yours.”
“I tried,” Kameron nodded. “But what happened after that is what I’m not, uh… not sure of.”
“Well, as heroic as it was of you to try to save me, I have a black belt in karate,” Brianna said, a note of affectionate sarcasm in her tone. “Did ya really think I’d be dressed like this in that area of town if I couldn’t defend myself?”
“I mean, I guess not,” Kameron said after a moment, looking down. A mixture of realization and embarrassment surged through her, and she cleared her throat. “You were… clearly very capable. I was actually trying to figure out if I imagined it all.”
“Nope.” Brianna shook her head. “He looked like was going to come at you again, so I did what I could. You know, took down the bad guy, saved the pretty girl. Everyday stuff in the life of your average bartender.”
Kameron laughed quietly at that, suddenly glad that her hand was still pressed to the cut. Hopefully, Brianna wouldn’t be able to see how her cheeks were flushed, as if she was a shy teenager again. All of the confidence and composure that she usually relied on to keep her anxiety at bay had been stripped away by the unexpected turn of events, and it was as if a rug had been pulled out from under her, leaving her struggling to catch her balance.
Kameron looked around at the small apartment, trying to distract herself. It was mostly one room, with a couple of doors to the left. She stared blankly at the small TV against the far wall, trying to figure out how she should feel.
There was no reference to go by - she’d never been saved or defended physically, much less by a woman a half foot shorter than her who unexpectedly turned out to be hiding a lot of muscle under her profoundly un-intimidating exterior.
“I’ll give you the grand tour,” Brianna said, pulling Kameron out of her thoughts. “This half is the kitchen, and the dining room. That half is the living room, starting with the couch. Kid-sized bedroom and bathroom are to the left. Luckily, I’m literally the height and weight of a large child, so it’s nice and roomy for me.”
“It’s hot,” Kameron said, realizing that it hadn’t gotten any cooler since they’d entered the building. “I didn’t notice at first…”
“Yeah, the AC’s broken everywhere except the bathroom,” Brianna sighed, rolling her eyes. “They won’t fix it. Good thing we’re going in there first anyway.”
True to her word, Brianna’s bathroom was both tiny and freezing, and Kameron felt oversized in comparison, her face hot as Brianna pushed her down by the shoulders, sitting her on the lid of the toilet seat. A slender thumb brushed just under the gash on Kameron’s cheek, and Brianna squinted slightly, her fingers tucking under Kameron’s chin to tilt her face up towards the fluorescent light.
Brianna made an inquisitive noise, brushing Kameron’s hair back and off of her shoulder, and then her free hand was moving from Kameron’s cheek to the side of her neck, tracing the tattoo there lightly.
“I like it,” Brianna said, under her breath. A fingertip slowly outlined the points of the crystal, and Kameron held her breath, immobilized by Brianna’s touch even as her heart raced in her chest.
“Thanks,” she managed to reply, her throat dry.
“If this scars, it’s gonna be really badass,” Brianna mused, her attention abruptly returning to the matter at hand. “It’ll probably match the whole look you’ve got going.”
Her entire body still buzzing from the teasing contact, Kameron swallowed and kept her gaze straight ahead until Brianna released her and moved towards the sink, stretching up to grab items from the cabinet behind the mirror. She was saying something else, but Kameron couldn’t collect her thoughts enough to listen, too busy watching as Brianna’s white tank came untucked and crept up her stomach.
She bit her lip, and winced as the movement pulled at the gash on her cheek. Brianna padded back over, soaking a cotton ball in disinfectant, and Kameron wondered absentmindedly why the other woman had chosen to wear stockings under her skirt.
“This is going to sting, babe.”
Brianna’s voice was low, a soft murmur. Her tank top was rolled up just under her ribs, and she was so close that Kameron could see the goosebumps rising on her stomach from the air conditioning. It occured to Kameron then, how easy it would be wrap her hands around Brianna’s tiny waist, rub her thumbs over the tight abdominal muscles and make her shiver for other reasons.
She was trying to work up the nerve to do it, figuring that Brianna did bring her back to her apartment and voluntarily position herself this close by, when Brianna lifted her chin again and interrupted her train of thought by dabbing the cut with the cotton ball.
The flash of pain made Kameron hiss, and she gritted her teeth, determined to maintain whatever composure she had left by staying silent and still as rock.
The next touch hurt even more, and Kameron dared to risk eye contact and look at Brianna’s face, needing something to distract her. Thankfully, Brianna was focused on her work, her brows furrowed slightly, lips pressed tight together.
The harsh lighting in the room should’ve been unflattering - Kameron knew she herself couldn’t possibly look good in it - but somehow, Brianna managed to be strikingly pretty anyway.
“Almost done, you’re not even bleeding anymore,” Brianna said under her breath, her expression slightly amused. “Look at you, tough girl. Staying all quiet and stoic.”
Brianna chuckled quietly, and Kameron inspected her expression, trying to figure out how to react.
“I’m not sure if that was meant to be shady or not,” she finally said after a moment, clearing her throat.
“Mmm,” Brianna hummed.
“You’re, like, really hard to read, you know that?”
“And you’re really cute,” Brianna replied, dabbing at Kameron’s cut one more time and then giving a little nod, apparently deciding to leave it at that. She turned, occupying herself with something by the sink that Kameron couldn’t see.
“Even after I made a goddamn fool of myself and got my ass kicked?” Kameron laughed a little, trying to compensate for her own embarrassment. “So stupid.”
“Yeah,” Brianna replied, wheeling back around with a genuine grin on her face and a handful of small butterfly bandages. “Definitely stupid, but also cute. Stupid-cute.”
“That didn’t feel like a compliment,” Kameron muttered, smiling despite herself.
“Well, take what you can get,” Brianna replied, leaning in again and starting to affix the paper stitches to Kameron’s cheek. The pull on her skin stung, but she bit her tongue. “I don’t hand out compliments often.”
“Do you bring random women into your apartment to play nurse often?” Kameron glanced up at her.
“Only when they look like they could beat me in a wrestling match,” Brianna said dryly, the corner of her mouth twitching.
“I think we’ve established that I most definitely could not.”
“But you could probably bench press me,” Brianna pointed out.
“Probably,” Kameron agreed, wondering if the comment gave her an excuse to reach for Brianna’s waist, or grab onto her hips, like she’d been itching to do all night. “Want me to try?”
“Tempting as that sounds, I’m currently saving your life, so it’ll have to wait,” Brianna deadpanned, and Kameron snorted.
A few moments passed in silence, and then Brianna tapped the edges of butterfly stitches lightly with her finger and nodded.
“Am I gonna make it through the night, you think?” Kameron asked, her lips twitching.
“Well, it was rough going there for a bit, but I think you’re in the clear,” Brianna replied, her tone overly serious. “You wouldn’t believe how many times I’ve had injured women flatline in this very bathroom.”
Kameron couldn’t help but laugh at that, standing up from her position on the toilet lid. Brianna was putting her first aid materials back into the mirror closet, the corner of her mouth turned up in a smile.
“You’re one of the lucky ones,” Brianna added. She pulled her shirt down, much to Kameron’s disappointment, and proceeded to shoo her out of the bathroom.
The sudden rise in temperature as Kameron passed through the doorway was was almost dizzying. For the second time that night, she found herself regretting wearing jeans, wishing that the vibe she wanted to give off to potential hookups didn’t have a dress code.
She leaned back against the counter in Brianna’s corner kitchen, running her hands through her hair and flipping it back. Brianna had already swept past her in a rush of vanilla perfume, and was in the process of methodically emptying her purse onto the wooden table. Kameron frowned, about to ask why she was taking out her sunglasses and wallet, but before she could, Brianna lifted the purse and dumped the rest of the contents - a surprising amount of wadded up dollar and five dollar bills - onto the table.
“You’re organized,” Kameron commented after a moment, watching as Brianna rapidly sorted through the bills, flattening each one with the heel of her hand before stacking them in piles.
“My only redeemable trait,” Brianna said dryly.
“I dunno, I think you’re a pretty good bartender, too,” Kameron said, crossing her ankles and resting her elbows on the counter behind her. “And a good substitute nurse. Not to mention that ass-kicking you did behind the bar.”
Brianna shrugged, a small smile on her face.
“That cut still sore?” she asked, directing the subject away from herself.
“A little,” Kameron said, trying to brush it off. “I’m okay, though.”
“I can tell you’re lying, you know,” Brianna said with a chuckle. “You don’t have to prove anything to me, babe. Vulnerability is sexy, or so I’ve been told.”
“I’ve heard that too.” Kameron flattened her hands against the counter. “Never really believed it.”
“Me neither.”
Brianna met her gaze, and they both smiled.
“But, really, though,” Brianna said after a moment, breaking the eye contact and picking up a bottle of pills that she’d taken out of her purse earlier. “I have ibuprofen, if it hurts.”
“Yeah, it does,” Kameron admitted. “Thanks.”
Brianna waved the gratitude away, and tossed her the pill bottle. Before Kameron could even ask for water, Brianna was filling a glass from the sink, and Kameron was impressed once again by how quickly she moved.
“Thanks,” Kameron repeated as Brianna handed her the glass.
“Mmmhm,” Brianna hummed. She had returned to the table, and was stacking the last bills. Kameron watched her hands, almost mesmerized, as rolled the stacks up, and secured them quickly with rubber bands from a dish in the center of the table.
“You’re very good with your hands,” Kameron said softly, and the corner of Brianna’s mouth turned up.
“Not the context I usually hear that in.”
Kameron took a sip of water, her throat feeling suddenly dry. Now would be the perfect time to make a move, but she couldn’t figure out how, positive that anything she said wouldn’t be nearly as quick-witted or appropriate as what Brianna might come up with. Frustrated, she chewed on the inside of her cheek, staring at the ground and hoping Brianna wouldn’t notice her annoyance.
“It’s late,” Brianna said finally, zipping her purse closed. “You should probably spend the night.”
When Kameron glanced back up at her, Brianna was already staring at her, an eyebrow cocked. The suggestion felt unmistakably like a challenge, and Kameron fumbled for the right response, the palpable sexual tension making her face grow hot.
“I can, if you want,” she said finally, the words tumbling out too fast.
“Well, I’m not sending you out on your own at this hour,” Brianna said resignedly. “I didn’t save your ass just to have you leave and get it kicked again.”
“Right,” Kameron nodded, forcing out a laugh and looking down again, a sinking feeling in her gut. “I can sleep on your couch, I guess.”
“Yeah, that’s definitely something you can do.”
Kameron cursed at herself internally as Brianna walked right by her and towards her bathroom. Whatever the challenge had been, she’d clearly failed, and Brianna seemed impatient, almost exasperated. Kameron grabbed her clutch from the counter and walked over to the couch, kicking off her pumps a bit more aggressively than was probably necessary.
She busied herself with her phone as she heard the water running in the bathroom, growing even more irritated with herself as she watched Aquaria’s Instagram story. She was clearly drunker than she’d been earlier, and every single video featured an almost-equally-drunk Asia pressed against her, laughing or kissing the side of her face.
The feeling of missing out on things due to her shy, introverted nature had been always been a constant in Kameron’s life, and over time, she’d grown to accept it. But tonight, it was frustrating, to say the least.
“Here, you can wear these,” Brianna called, tossing a bundle of clothing into Kameron’s lap.
Kameron mumbled a thank you, but Brianna was already walking into bedroom. She watched as the other woman started to strip, her back to the doorway, fingers sliding under the clasp of her nude bra. Coming to her senses, Kameron shook her head and focused her attention on the pile of fabric in her lap.
There was a t-shirt and a pair of shorts, and Kameron lifted the shirt, eyeing it amusedly. Clearly, Brianna wasn’t thinking straight. They probably hadn’t been anywhere close to the same size since Kameron was in middle school. She set them on the coffee table as neatly as she could, and flipped through notifications on her phone to distract herself until Brianna’s bedroom door clicked shut, leaving the rest of the apartment dark except for the light coming in through the window.
She kicked off her pumps and stood, peeling off her jeans and laying them over the arm of the couch. She didn’t even bother with the clothes Brianna had left her, figuring that the boyshorts she was wearing covered enough of her ass. And besides, if Brianna was to wander out of her room, there wasn’t really a downside to her getting a look at Kameron’s thigh tattoo. Kameron figured that with the amount of money it had cost, it deserved to be showed off. And if the way Brianna had traced the tattoo on her throat fascinatedly was any indication, it might just raise the chances of her leaving tomorrow with the other woman’s number.
After a moment of consideration, Kameron stripped out of her shirt as well, and collapsed on the couch with a sigh. She usually slept naked, even with her own, functional air conditioning, and it was far too hot in Brianna’s apartment to wear more than undergarments.
She flopped onto her back, tucking a worn out pillow under her head, and stared up at a crack in the ceiling. Brianna hadn’t given her a blanket, she realized. Then again, it wasn’t as if she’d use it.
Turning onto her side, Kameron huffed out another sigh. This night hadn’t turned out how she’d planned, and now that she was left with her thoughts, Kameron found herself growing more and more frustrated.
It wasn’t as if there hadn’t been an opportunity to come onto Brianna. In fact, there’d been multiple moments where Kameron knew that she could’ve made a move, not to mention Brianna’s obvious flirting and interest in her. Making moves on women was never a department she’d lacked confidence before, but there was just something about Brianna in particular that stripped away the facade that she usually wore for her one night stands, revealing the shy, unsure person that she was underneath.
The shift of dynamic was intimidating, but it was also exciting, and Kameron was surprised at how attractive she found Brianna’s toughness and command of every situation.
She just wished that she’d had the nerve to follow Brianna into her bedroom.
Rolling onto her back again, Kameron heaved another sigh. Her eyes had adjusted, and the room seemed practically bright now.
Suddenly, the bedroom door opened, and light flooded over the couch, making Kameron cover her eyes with her forearm. Propping herself up, she peered at the door just in time to  Brianna emerge in a pair of sleep shorts and a camisole, with an expression on her face that Kameron could only describe as determination.
“Hey,” Kameron greeted her, surprised.
“It’s too hot to sleep,” Brianna said by way of reply, passing by the couch without even looking at her. “You want a beer?”
“Um, yeah.” Kameron sat up and ran her hands through her hair, wondering if this was God or the universe giving her a second shot at ending the day right.
The small light in the kitchen area clicked on, and Brianna could be heard opening the fridge. Her heart rate already picking up speed, Kameron checked her phone for the time - 2:32 AM - and then shot Asia and Aquaria a text confirming that yes, she was fine, and no, she hadn’t gotten laid yet. She briefly considered putting her shirt back on, but before she could make a decision, Brianna was rounding the back of the couch and handing her an open beer bottle.
“Thanks.” Kameron glanced up to find Brianna staring at her, lips slightly parted. She took a sip of beer to hide her satisfied smile, suddenly feeling very grateful for Brianna’s overheated apartment.
“So, is there a reason why you’re practically naked?” Brianna said after a moment, perching on the edge of the couch, her tone almost too calm.
“Your broken air conditioner.” Kameron crossed her arms under her boobs, and looked over at Brianna. “And the fact that you’re several sizes smaller than me.”
“Giving you my clothes was pretty stupid, wasn’t it?” Brianna asked rhetorically, a short laugh escaping her as her eyes flicked up and down Kameron’s body again.
“Yeah,” Kameron agreed. “The fact that you apparently want to see me in your clothing is cute, though.”
“Stupid-cute,” Brianna said under her breath, and Kameron flashed her a smile.
The sleep shorts Brianna wore left her thighs exposed, and Kameron could see the flex of muscle under her pale skin as she crossed her legs neatly. Kameron swallowed thickly, her knuckles turning white as she gripped her beer bottle.
“I’d say I’m sorry about the heat, but I think we both know I’d be lying,” Brianna said.
“Oh, is that so?”
“Oh, so now you wanna play coy?” Brianna was leaning back on one of her hands. “Now that you’re on my couch in lingerie, it seems like the right time to act like you’re unaware of how hot you are?”
Yet again, the smile on her face seemed almost like a challenge, and Kameron was determined not to fail a second time.
“Hot?” Kameron could feel her confidence rising, the cocky attitude that she’d been trying to get back all night appearing all at once. “I dunno, I thought I was just cute.”
“Oh, please, now you’re just fishing for compliments,” Brianna laughed.
Kameron hummed amusedly in reply and shrugged, watching the smaller woman lift her own bottle to her lips, the line of her neck extending as she tilted her head back. There was a bead of sweat rolling down her chest, from the hollow of her throat to the space between her breasts.
“Like I said, it’s hot,” Kameron said, following the line of Brianna’s collarbone with her gaze. “I just couldn’t get comfy in my clothing.”
“It’s cooler out here than in my bedroom,” Brianna said.
Kameron doubted that. Maybe it’d been tolerable before, but now that Brianna was nearby and flirting with her again, the little clothing that she was wearing felt like it was sticking to her. She tossed her hair back, raking a hand through it in an attempt to get it off of her neck.
She could feel Brianna’s eyes on her, and resisted the urge to stare back for as long as possible, exhaling a long breath and rolling her shoulders a few times in an effort to calm down. When she finally turned to meet Brianna’s eyes, the other woman was biting her lower lip hard enough that it was a shock she hadn’t drawn blood.
The resulting rush of confidence nearly made Kameron’s head spin.
“See something you like?” she asked, raising an eyebrow.
Brianna stared at her for a moment, tongue poking out of the corner of her slightly open mouth.
“Alright, enough,” Brianna said finally, standing up. “Put down your bottle.”
“Put it down.”
Kameron opened her mouth, and then closed it, leaning forwards to set her bottle on the coffee table. Brianna dropped hers beside it, and then her hands were on Kameron’s shoulders again, using her for support as she climbed onto her lap.
Before Brianna could even settle her weight, Kameron was sitting up straighter and reaching for her waist. Brianna pushed her back against the couch forcefully, fingers digging into the hard muscle of Kameron’s shoulders, knees digging into the outsides of her thighs.
“No more dancing around this,” Brianna announced, voice breathy. “It’s happening, now.”
Not about to argue, Kameron gripped Brianna’s hips tightly, slid her thumbs up under her camisole, the heat of the other woman’s skin nearly enough to burn. Brianna made a noise in her throat, and Kameron took that as an invitation to move her hands higher, pushing the fabric up and dragging her palms over Brianna’s sides.
Brianna twisted in her hold, exhaling against Kameron’s skin, and Kameron couldn’t think about anything other than kissing her until the heat and lack of oxygen made the smaller woman lightheaded and soft in her hands.
As if she could hear Kameron’s thoughts, Brianna finally closed the rest of the space between them, one hand cupping Kameron’s jaw as she crushed their lips together.
The kiss was more like a collision than anything else, rough and hot, and Kameron let Brianna take control as soon as the other woman’s tongue pressed between her lips. She tasted like mint and beer, and Kameron felt drunk and clumsy, Brianna’s fingers combing through her hair, body pressing closer and closer every second.
She raked her nails up Brianna’s sides, pushing the thin camisole higher still, and Brianna’s responding moan vibrated against her lips. Kameron needed the clothing to be gone, needed all of Brianna’s skin bare under her hands. She needed both of them naked, stripped down and pressed together, slick with sweat and sex.
The moment Brianna pulled back from the kiss, she was leaning back, stripping her own shirt off and tossing it onto the couch beside them. She wasn’t wearing a bra, and Kameron cursed quietly, immediately moving her hands up higher to rub her thumbs over Brianna’s dark nipples. They were impossibly hard despite the heat, and Brianna’s breath caught in a perfect little moan as Kameron rolled one of them between her thumb and index finger.
“I was - I was waiting for you to make this happen,” Brianna said. “Why do you think I left the door to my room open?”
“I don’t know,” Kameron breathed, meeting Brianna’s gaze. “You seem so sure of yourself, I was just following your lead.”
Brianna leaned in to kiss her again briefly, one hand resting on Kameron’s shoulder and the other pulling down urgently on the cups of her bra, fingers digging roughly into her breasts. She released Kameron’s bicep, reaching behind her and deftly unhooking the bra, and Kameron shrugged it off as fast as she could.
“What the fuck?” Brianna panted the question, eyes wide and pupils dark as they flickered over Kameron’s body.  
“Yeah, they’re real,” Kameron said, huffing out a laugh and grabbing Brianna’s wrists, pressing her chest into the other woman’s hands. She sighed at the feeling. “I swear. Daily push-ups are better than any boob job.”
Brianna’s hands looked tiny cupping her breasts, the soft flesh spilling between her fingers, Kameron’s skin turning pale as she squeezed. Kameron wet her lips, unable to tell whether the sight or the sensation affected her more.
Before she could figure it out, Brianna was leaning down and sucking one of her nipples into her mouth. Kameron let out a small moan that was more like a whimper, her head falling back against the top of the couch. Brianna’s lips trailed higher, palms spreading Kameron’s breasts as she lapped at the sweat collecting between them.
Struggling to keep her lungs working, Kameron ran her fingers through Brianna’s platinum blonde hair, collecting it in her hands. She looked down, her stomach twisting at the sight of Brianna’s face buried in her breasts.
Closing her eyes, Kameron tried to gather herself, regain some control over the situation. And then, Brianna’s teeth dug into her skin suddenly, unexpectedly. Kameron cursed out loud, tugging on her hair sharply, and the responding moan from Brianna was absolutely filthy. Kameron squeezed her own thighs together, the rush of arousal making her dizzy.
Needing to hear that sound again, Kameron moved her hands closer to Brianna’s scalp, wrapping the locks around her fingers before tugging again, this time pulling Brianna’s head back along with her hair. Brianna groaned, gripping Kameron’s biceps and grinding down against her lap.
Kameron pulled her in, crashing their lips together again, Brianna’s hair tangled tight in her fingers to keep her still. She nipped at Brianna’s lower lip experimentally, and nails dug into her arms as Brianna let out a strangled moan.
The kiss felt more sensual than it had been before, less aggressive, and this time, it wasn’t difficult for Kameron to take control. This was far more familiar territory for her, and Brianna was practically melting in her grasp, going sweet and soft like ice cream in the summer heat.
The breathy whimpers and gasps that Brianna let out every time Kameron tugged at her hair were unbearably sexy, and Kameron felt herself losing total track of time, caught up in the intoxicating feeling of nearly suffocating from kisses that seemed to keep growing longer and messier.
Tilting Brianna’s head back, Kameron trailed her lips down the other woman’s neck, biting at the soft skin gently before soothing it with her tongue.
“Mmm, Kam, please.” Brianna was practically whining now, her voice weak and high.
“Did you want something, baby?” Kameron asked, hiding a smile in the hollow of Brianna’s throat and winding her fingers tighter in her hair.
Brianna only groaned in reply and squirmed, her hips bucking as Kameron sucked hard on her pulse point. Once she’d gotten past the tough exterior, Brianna was exactly the girl that Kameron had thought she was - the kind who begged, and whimpered, and left imprints from their nails in Kameron’s biceps.
Now that the power had shifted, Kameron was in her element, and she had to take a little time to enjoy it.
“I can’t do anything if I don’t know what you want,” she prompted, her voice low, pressing slow kisses up the pale column of Brianna’s neck.
“Fuck me,” Brianna breathed, giving in and tugging urgently at one of Kameron’s wrists.  
Unable to wipe the cocky smile off of her face, Kameron released Brianna’s hair, allowing the other woman to guide her hand down and between her legs. Leaning up to kiss her again, Kameron cupped Brianna through the thin, loose fabric of her sleep shorts, eyes fluttering shut at the damp heat against her palm.
Brianna was panting and whimpering into the kiss, gripping Kameron’s shoulders for support and grinding steadily against her hand. Their chests brushed together, skin against skin, Kameron’s nipples dragging over Brianna’s ribs with every movement and sending her body into overdrive.
When Brianna whimpered for more, Kameron didn’t bother waiting, pushing the crotch of her shorts to the side, breath catching as she dragged her fingertips through the sticky wetness beneath. She pressed two fingers against Brianna’s entrance, just barely dipping inside, gaze focused on how Brianna’s abs flexed as her hips rolled forwards.
“Mmmm, you want it?” Kameron teased, looking back up to admire Brianna’s flushed cheeks, her open mouth, her big eyes squeezed shut.
“Yeah - yes, Kam, please,” Brianna begged, voice pitching up into a whine as Kameron slid her fingers into her, hips bucking against the intrusion. “Fuck, more - I want more.”
“So bossy,” Kameron murmured, pushing a third finger in beside the first two. Brianna let out a drawn out moan at that, starting to ride Kameron’s fingers in earnest.
Kameron let Brianna do the work, pressing her lips to the other woman’s collarbone and occupying herself with leaving open-mouthed kisses along the taut skin. When she felt Brianna’s wetness dripping onto her thighs, she twisted her wrist, starting to squeeze in a fourth finger.
Brianna gasped sharply at that, eyes opening wide, thighs tensing as she tried to lift herself away. Kameron slid her spare hand down across Brianna’s cheek to settle at the base of her throat, fingers wrapping around her neck and squeezing ever so gently.
“You wanted more,” she said, her voice low. “So take it, tough girl.”
Brianna’s eyes darkened visibly, and Kameron stared right back, knowing that she’d never back away from such an obvious challenge. She squeezed Brianna’s throat again, just for a moment, loving the way the other woman’s breath caught.
Her nails digging into Kameron’s shoulders, Brianna sank down onto her fingers slowly, never once breaking eye contact. She let out a long, shuddering breath, and Kameron could feel her walls clenching and then relaxing. She squeezed her own thighs together, feeling the stickiness between them.
“So, are you gonna fuck me now, babe?” Brianna managed to ask, breathless, rotating her hips slowly. “Or are those muscles of yours just for show?”
Not bothering to reply, Kameron started to pump her fingers in and out, forearm flexing as she flicked her wrist. Brianna met every stroke, letting out little grunts of effort, her gaze trained on Kameron’s breasts.
“C’mon,” she panted, tossing her hair back and looking up to meet Kameron’s eyes once more. “Is that - fuck - is that all you’ve got?”
Narrowing her eyes, Kameron released Brianna’s neck and wrapped her arm around her waist, pulling the other woman’s hips down to force her fingers deeper. Brianna groaned, tongue poking out of the corner of her mouth.
Holding Brianna steady, Kameron increased her pace, biting down on her lower lip. The noises coming from between Brianna’s legs were filthy, her wetness dripping down Kameron’s wrist. Suddenly very aware of her own body, Kameron felt the burn starting to grow in her forearm, the sweat on the back of her neck and under her breasts, the ache in her core.
Brianna was twisting in her grasp, a mess of pants and whimpers, and Kameron pushed just a little harder, feeling Brianna’s channel shudder.
“How’s that?” she ground out, looking up just in time to see Brianna’s face contort, mouth dropping open in a soundless scream.
“Gorgeous,” Kameron breathed into the moment of silence, Brianna’s cunt rippling around her fingers.
And then, Brianna collapsed against her, hips twitching, moaning low into her neck. Kameron held her close, palm pressed to her back, fingers moving slowly inside her and helping her ride out the climax.
After another few moments, she pulled her hand away, Brianna whining weakly beside her ear at the loss.
Kameron wiped her fingers on Brianna’s thigh, and then wrapped both arms around her and ducked to kiss her shoulder, content to stay like that until Brianna came back to herself or fell asleep. The moments passed slowly, Brianna breathing softly and quietly, and Kameron realized that it might be the second option. She was slightly surprised to find that she didn’t mind that in the slightest.
This was always one of Kameron’s favorite parts, the moments just after. The other woman pressed close against her, shaky or shivering, relearning how to make her lungs work, how to open her eyes, how to put sentences together.
Brianna’s chest was resting against hers, face buried in her neck, and Kameron could feel her heartbeat slowing under her hands, breathing evening out against her skin.
She’d felt all of it before, but she didn’t think she’d ever loved it quite so much as she did now.
Lifting Brianna slightly, Kameron turned her body, repositioning herself as carefully as she could before pulling her own legs back onto the couch and laying the two of them down.
“Mmmm?” Brianna hummed, raising her head and blinking at Kameron.
“Hey there,” Kameron said softly, reaching up to brush Brianna’s hair away from her face. “You dozed off for a minute, baby.”
“Sorry,” Brianna murmured, shaking her head.
“It’s okay,” Kameron chuckled, echoing her thoughts from earlier. “I don’t mind. You can sleep.”
“But… I wanna make you come,” Brianna protested, the words coming slowly and hesitantly for the first time all night. “You’re so… so hot. Wanna eat you out.”
“There’ll be time for that in the morning,” Kameron said, a smile spreading across her face.
Brianna frowned at her, brow furrowing weakly.
“I’m fine, baby. I promise.”
Signing, Brianna gave in and let her head fall onto Kameron’s shoulder, arm winding around her waist.
“Thanks for trying to save me,” she said sleepily.
“Thanks for actually saving me,” Kameron said with a quiet laugh. “I got lucky.”
“‘M glad I met you, Kam.”
“I’m glad you made this happen,” Kameron replied. “I’m such a baby, I was too intimidated.”
Brianna chuckled, and nuzzled closer tucking her face into Kameron’s neck.
“You’re cute,” she mumbled. “I’m gonna give you my number tomorrow.”
There was a pause, and Kameron’s smile widened. She rubbed Brianna’s back gently, not having the words to reply and not feeling any particular pressure to find them. It was hot, lying close together like this, but Kameron felt too warm inside to care.
“‘M gonna be so sore tomorrow,” Brianna added after a moment.
“That’s your own fault.”
Brianna snorted, and Kameron felt her nod once. Then, she sighed, and her breathing evened out once more.
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Souls of Glass Chapter 2
And here’s chapter two :3 I have up to 17 chapters already typed up for this story so if you’re impatient you can go to my DeviantArt page and read it all there XD 
Lost is my bb
Undervirus belongs to @jeyawue
Previous Chapter!   https://sansfangirl4life.tumblr.com/post/176426451983/souls-of-glass-chapter-1
Chapter 2
Lost stared at the young child's face in front of him. Frisk....it...it's....
"I think yer creepin' her out there, buddy." Xans patted his back and snapped him out of his daze. He sneered at the albino as Xans walked over. "How was yer day at school?"
"It was great! But uh....whos' this? A friend of yours?" Frisk took a few good looks before her eyes widened a bi. "Oh wait, is this our new guest?"
"Oh, Lost here?" Xans threw his arm over Lost's shoulder, ignoring the angry look he was receiving. "Certainly! In fact ya could say we're best~ buds!"
"Get.......off of me!" Lost spun around and punched him in the chest, sending him flying onto the floor. "Ugh..."
"Uhm, Lost right?"  Lost turned his eyes to Frisk and she could tell even at a glance how haunted he appeared. "Where are you from? Valphys gave me a small rundown but...is it true? That you're not from the 'game'?"
"Yes." Lost couldn't bring himself to look at the child in front of him, even as she walked closer. "I'm sorry for, ah, appearing like this."
"It's not your fault!" Frisk smiled. "From what it sounds like, you just...ended up here. Do you know how?" Lost frowned and crossed his arms.
Do....do I? He closed his eyes, trying to recall exactly what had happened. "I...think I was teleporting to my brother's house.....when something...happened." He tried to focus and he felt himself shiver slightly. "Something....dragged me into the Void." Lost shook his head and opened his eyes. "I can't remember the rest...I just woke up here."
"I'm sorry to hear that." Frisk chuckled. "I apologize if Xans made you uncomfortable at all. He's just....rough around the edges."
That's the mildest thing I would use to describe him. Lost thought. Wait...no. I wouldn't use that at all.
"But he means well deep down."
"....Very deep down it seems." Frisk giggled and Lost couldn't stop the small smile gracing his lips. "Heh."
"Hee hee, so you can smile." Lost looked away and scratched as his cheek, embarrassed. "Well, feel free to make yourself at home, Lost! I think we have an extra bed in the closet."
"Thank you Frisk." The girl smiled and took Lost's hand, but he flinched when she touched his oddly warm skin. "S-Sorry, I-"
"No, it's ok!" Frisk said with an easy smile. "Umm...Valphys told me about your, uhh...past." Lost flinched and looked at the floor. "I'm sorry. For what happened to your...sister." Lost adjusted the sweater around his neck, moving it to cover his mouth.
"....She would like you." He said softly. Frisk took his hand again, and this time he didn't flinch away.
"Umm, I don't want to seem rude, but people may get the wrong idea if a teenager is walking around town with a little girl's sweater wrapped around them like that." Lost shrugged and Frisk huffed. "I'll make you a scarf with the same pattern! Does that help?" Lost looked at her and nodded softly. "Alright then! Why not walk around a little outside? I'll call for you when supper's ready, ok?"
"Alright. Thank you Frisk." She smiled and walked over to Xans, who was still laying on the floor. Lost went outside and Xans opened one eye.
"You're fine Xans." she chuckled. "He really hit you good though."
"He hits hard for a rather scrawny looking guy." Xans mumbled, crossing his arms and chewing on his cheek. "Aww c'mon Frisk. No hugs?" Frisk laughed and plopped on top of Xans, hugging him. "Glad ya had a good day kiddo. I'm gonna take a shower." Xans sat up and moved Frisk over, then headed towards the bathroom.
Things are gonna be more fun around here for sure now! I'd better get cooking! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Lost sat outside, looking up at the evening sky. Nice to see some views never change... He thought as wind blew gently through his hair. He looked around at the flowers blooming nearby and walked over to them, touching the soft petals. So colorful...Hope would have a field day with these. He chuckled. He felt a chill suddenly and turned around, holding his scythe out. "I know you're there.....what do you want?"
"Heh....nothing seems to escape you." A small doll floated in front of him and he growled. "It seems you recognize me too, hmm?"
"That's right. Luckily for you, I'm not your Chara."
"Doesn't mean I can't sense the LV you have."
"Same for you....or do you think everyone is blind to it?" Lost looked away and put his scythe away. "LV 25...ouch. Not even I can get that high. How many did you kill to rack up that?"
"Shut up..." Lost's fist clenched, blood dripping onto the soft, green grass below. "You know nothing..."
"Tsk, face it. You're just a murderer-"
"Same as you then." He looked at the doll and his red eye glowed gently. "How many times have you killed, hmm? How many times have you drawn a knife against others?"
"Why you-"
"We're not different in that we have killed...but why did you kill?" Lost sighed and turned back to the house. He felt something sharp against his neck and looked down, seeing a knife.
"I'm warning you now....if you touch Frisk in any way...hurt her even by accident...." He felt it move closer and he scowled. "I will make you regret being alive."
".....I already do." Lost whispered and he felt the knife move away a little. "You're too late for that Chara." He pushed the knife away as Frisk poked her head out the door.
"Supper time! I hope you're hungry Lost!"
"Famished." He smiled and walked inside, taking his slippers off at the door. "It smells really good."
"It's meat and potato stew!" Frisk beamed. "Everyone else is at the table, except Xans."
"I'm going to wash my hands and I'll be right there." Lost began to walk towards the bathroom and Frisk ran after him.
"W-Wait a moment! That's the one-" Lost opened the door and stood completely straight, eyes wide. Xans stood before him, looking into a mirror as the water warmed up. Lost's red and blue eyes grew as he realized that all he was seeing was pure, alabaster white skin. Xans turned his way and winked at him, moving his hips slightly.
"Like what ya see?" Xans smirked. "I don't mind the company ya know~...." Lost stood still as a statue as Frisk covered her eyes. "Heh, speechless then? I get that a lo-"
"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Lost's sudden shout had Xans flinching as a towel was suddenly thrown in his face by magic. "COVER YOURSELF! OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!"
"Yer the one that didn't kn-ow! Hey!" A bar of soap hit his chest and he fumbled back a bit. "Quit throwing shit!"
"YOU'RE SO...SO....GAAAHHHH!!!!!" Lost slammed the door hard as Xans cackled behind it. Frisk peeked at Lost, who's face had turned as red as a cherry.
"I...I tried to...warn you...." Lost simply buried his face behind his scarf and walked to the kitchen.
"You don't have to help me clean up you know Lost. Sans and Vapyrus said they would." Frisk loaded the sink as Lost cleaned the dishes. His sleeves had been rolled up, revealing long, strong pale arms with a few dark marks here and there.
"It's alright. I suppose I just....need something to do." He continued to clean as Frisk walked over with a dry towel, drying off the dishes. "And...thank you."
"For what?"
"For letting me stay." Frisk laughed and Lost raised a pale brow at the little girl.
"Of course you're allowed to stay." Frisk smiled. "I know everyone may be a little anxious, considering how you appeared, but...to me...you're family now." Lost smiled at her.
"You remind me of another little girl." He said and winked at her. "You two would get along really well."
"Really? What she like?" Frisk pulled a chair up and sat down as she listened to Lost talk, drying the dishes as they came along. Xans watched the two chat for awhile, arms crossed.
I dunno why...but there's just something...not right here. He thought. He watched as Lost smiled and ruffled Frisk's hair, causing her to bat his hands away. Ugh....whatever. He began to heads towards the door when he felt eyes on him.
"Where are you going? It's late." Lost called out as him and Frisk dried their hands.
"Out wh-"
"Out." Xans repeated and left. Frisk sighed and looked at the door.
"Does he....always do that?" Lost asked.
"He has been lately." Frisk frowned. "I don't know what he does at night but....I worry about him. He's human now so he can get hurt easily." Lost nodded and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, ignoring the burning feeling on his back as Chara glared at him.  "Thanks."
"Don't mention it." He reassured her with a warm smile and she hopped off the chair took his hand and led him to the living room. A large bed lay in the center covered haphazardly in sheets. "Uhh..."
"I told Vundyne and Vapyrus to make the bed up for you but...looks like they got into another tug of war." Lost chuckled and he fixed the sheets and pillow up slightly. "I'm sorry you have to sleep on this, but Xans claimed the couch." Lost shrugged and took his hoodie off, hanging it on a coat rack and curling up under the covers.
"It's alright Frisk. It isn't bad." He assured her.
"Ok...umm, good night!" Lost watched as she shut the light off and headed to her room. He sighed and shook his head.
If this is a dream, I know I'm not waking anytime soon. He thought. It's been a long day... He felt his eyes close and he let out a long sigh. A really.....long day....
Xans stood under a lonely street light, glancing up and down the dark sidewalk. No one around this time a night, hmm? He thought and shrugged. Ah, well-
"Now where's a rather handsome stranger like you headed off to, hmm?" He turned and grinned as a woman with dyed, black hair with purple streaks walked up to him. She was thin, her chest and butt large and Xans licked his lips a bit. "You look rather hungry too...I can't just leave you like that."
"Heh, then why not treat me, eh?" The woman handed her hand out and he smirked. "Nah....I'll pay ya after."
"Hmm, then you may need to keep a tab." Xans laughed as he gripped the woman's hand as she led him down the dark sidewalk.
"Countin' on it...."
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joylessholland · 7 years
Princess In Me (Part One)
(1,362 words)
Warnings: I don’t think there are any
A/N: Yes this is basically the movie Princess Diaries but with Tom, we all know we want this so just read it. No, in all seriousness I LOVE the movies to death and I decided to make a little royal romance story like them. We all know the queen is Julie Andrews and we all know the country is Genovia. I even bolded movie quotes!
Masterlist  Request  Christmas Prompts (i haven't gotten any asks for this so I might not do it lol)  BIG thanks to moodboard queen @kingquackdaddy !
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Swirling your tea in the mugs you stare out the window of the loft. The day was damp and dreary as rain pattered against the roof. Breathing on the glass it fogs, drawing a smile on the glass you here the front door slam closed “Pizza” your mother yells from downstairs. Jumping from the window sill you land with a boom, peeling on a pair of paint-splattered overalls you skip downstairs.
In the kitchen soaking wet was your mother holding a large box in her hands “Hungry” she asked flipping her wet hair. “Starved” you huff opening the box, sausage and pineapple your favorite, kissing your cheek she places two plates down in front of you “How was your day dear,” she asks biting the tip of her first slice “Test in English, aced it. My gym teacher won’t get off my ass though” you snicker plopping down on the couch “How about you?” you ask running your hand through the couch cushions looking for the remote, when you find it you raise it to the TV your mother snatches it from your grasp “I have something to tell you, so just hear me out” sitting up your eyes go wide “Did you crash my… the car?” she smiles “No the car is fine, you’re still getting it when you turn eighteen and you can buy it.” She emphasized the last part “One more week and three hundred more bucks. Baby” you smile. Shaking her head, she pats your leg “Ok serious faces.” Dropping your smile, you make a very serious face “I got a call today and…your cousin was in an accident.” She smiles sadly
 “Kenny? Mary? Blake?” saying no to each she puts her finger to your lips “Other side of the family.” She smiles “I don’t…Greyson?” you scrunch your face as she nods slowly “He passed last night” sighing you shake your head “So what do we have to fly to London for the funeral?” you ask biting your pizza “Your cousin Greyson was the only child of your father’s sister. The last heir to the throne [N/O/C].” swallowing your half-chewed pizza you hang your mouth open “This…I. We don’t. What does this mean?” you ask after a long silence “If he was the heir that means…” She starts “I’m really the last heir” your breath quickens and your heart races. Running your hands through your hair you hyperventilate. “I can’t be a princess, you know I, like most kids wanted a car for my birthday, not a COUNTRY” you shout storming to your room.
Could you really be a princess? No, don’t be silly. You could barely keep a job at Walmart, you could never run a whole country. If they thought that you would participate in this little, act. They were crazy. A faint knock on your door ripped you from your thoughts, “What” you murmur from your spot perched on a high window sill. “Someone wants to talk to you,” your mother said holding up her tablet.
“Charlette how do I? oh there you are. Hello [Y/N] darling.” A cheery female voice chimes as your grandmother’s face flashes on screen “Grandma, I suppose you’re going to try to talk me into becoming a princess?” you mumble “Look [Y/N] I know you didn’t want this life, trust me your parents and I never wanted this for you. But with your father and your cousin now going. If you don’t do this [N/O/C] may cease to exist as we know it” “Look” you jump down into a crouched position before standing earning a sigh from you’re the Queen “I’m late for my beauty sleep.” You stare at the screen “I’m late for a meeting with Spain and Portugal” she scoffs “Well, let’s say this [Y/N] and I will fly out to [N/O/C] in two days and we will talk in person, we best not keep Spain and Portugal waiting. Does that work for you all” you mother chimes in. Giving a shrug, you nod slowly, over the screen Queen Clarisse agrees before saying goodbye.” Kissing your cheek your mother leaves the room, flopping onto the bed you groan into the pillow.
As the plane touched down it all felt so real for the first time, what would happen in the next few hours would change your entire life! It was your first time on a private jet and you were fascinated by all the little buttons and knobs. The bodyguard you were assigned hated you by the end of the six-hour flight, it gave you a small once of joy knowing that he was miserable because so were you. A black stretch limo was parked right on the runway, stepping from the plane you are greeted by a man in a black suit “My name is Joseph, I’ll be taking you to the palace.” He says opening the door for you he nods “Princess” as you step in. As the long car barrels down the highway, the partition opens “Her Majesty has requested you wear that to your meeting.” Groaning your mother looks at you from the front seat “Honey please, joe is just trying to do his job” sighing you close the partition and unzip the dress bag.
Grabbing Joe’s gloved hand, you step from the car, your freshly brushed curls blow in the wind, sweeping it out of your face you look down at yourself. The blue dress was beautiful and fit you like a glove, the heels were way too much but made you feel pretty, you weren’t the girl to wear stuff like this but when it came to it you could. The dress, the heels, the limo, and jet were clearly your grandmother trying to impress you. You hated yourself for it but it was kind of working. Stepping through the front doors of the palace made your heart soar, you’d been there once before when you were very young but the memories were just as strong. You remembered running through the gardens with your mother and father, you remembered trying on your grandmother’s clothes in her master closet, you thought back to the time you played hide and seek with the maids in the kitchen. Light graceful heel clicks pull you from your bliss as you meet the kind eyes of your grandmother, “[Y/N] you look, stunning” she says hugging you. “Thanks, grandma” turning to your mother she grabs her hand hugging her tight. “Tea is served” a woman in a purple skirt suit chimed.
“You don’t have to push anymore, I’ve made my decision.” Placing her tea back on the sauces Queens Clarisse grins brightly. The doors swinging open interrupts your reply “I am so sorry, your majesty” a male voice sings from the doorway “Oh, Tom please come here” she says waving the man over, “I want you to meet my granddaughter, [Y/N]” looking up from your tea you lock eyes with a gorgeous young man wearing black trousers and a light blue shirt, fumbling with his words he finally sticks out his hand. “I’m Thomas, prince… of somewhere” he laughs getting lost in your eyes. Standing you carefully grab his hand “[Y/N] princess of [N/O/C]” you coo staring at his sharp jaw, deep chocolate eyes, and thin pink lips. “Does that mean I have an answer” Queen Clarisse chimes pressing her hands together snapping you out of your trance “Yes, I accept your offer” Tom watches as you talk smiling at your words.
As Tom leaves the room you steal one last glance at the same time he looks back at you. Blushing you pick up your tea not noticing the look Your mother and grandma exchange at your actions. “I have one condition.” You say your voice strong “Yes, we can bring the car” you mother laughs making you squeal in joy “Ok so where do we start” “Two days, at a very important dinner party, I’m very glad I can introduce you as the next princess of [N/O/C]” she smiles. Thinking f Tom your heart soars, most girls dreamed of meeting a prince just a minute ago you were face to face with one.
Here are some beautiful KITTENS: @midtownvaledictorian@letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked@tiemeupspidey @captain-katie-xx@panicatttckiss@champagneholland@seilamigliorcosacheabbiamaivisto@mendes-holland @maggie-starz @natalie-kn@vaeyron@wonderyoung @ging3r-fall@louisnholland@little-weirdo-13@calumminter@sunshiineandmoonliight@tomhstories@rosieeemma @societalreject @bibs-fortuna@antisocialoutcast12@jadabelle @las-civus@oceantostars@tiemeupspidey @dr-tardis-who@hazelgracewatersaugustus@jessica-moon9@sophietanda @yasstoeverygirloutthere@beccaaahh5711@emptyy-skyy@parkeretmj@clairesrainbow@fangirltopic@marveltomjunkie  @kingquackdaddy
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Serpents Blood
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Pairing: Jughead Jones x Jellybean Jones
Description: AU in which JB is just an year younger than Jughead and she’s pledging for the Southside Serpents.
Prompt: 8. ‘What is this about you joining the Serpents?’
Warnings: Gang initiation and blood mentions.
Word count: 1596
A/N: For @tailsbeth-writes writing challenge. This is my first challenge and I had a lot of fun writing with a prompt, hope you guys enjoy it!
Tag: @southsidejuggie @ju-gg @lostnliterature Let me know if you still want to be tagged in future stuff. And if anyone wants to be added to the tag list :)
Jughead walks into the trailer, frown on his forehead and desperation in his eyes. No matter how mad he is, he doesn't slam the door behind him and his voice still comes from a caring place. “What is this about you joining the Serpents?“ Jellybean has always known there’s no way she can hide that decision from her brother. “Hello to you too. I’m fine, thanks for asking.”, she replies sarcastically, not wanting to get into that discussion. “No, don’t try it with me, Jellybean.” He’s not giving her a choice. “I’m not letting you.”, Jughead declares with authority. “You can’t stop me, Jug.” 
It’s true. It’s the complete undeniable truth. And he knows it. Only one person has ever been able to prevent JB from doing something. His strong desire to step into his father’s shoes and keep every family detail under control led him to believe he would this time, but clearly she can see the difference between Forsythe the II and the III. “Dad will never allow this.” Jug thinks that by mentioning him it’ll at least strike a cord. “Too bad Dad’s not here to forbid me. He’s in jail!”, she emphasizes that regrettable fact. “His legacy - our legacy - is falling apart.” The girl pauses, hoping now her brother will understand. But he still opens his mouth to speak. She beats him to it. “Idiots like Sweet Pea are fighting Northsiders and planning to blow up buildings. Our step-in leader tried to merge us with the Ghoulies. The fucking Ghoulies, Juggie.” She can’t sit back and watch her dad’s family become Jingle Jangle dealers. “I've got it covered, JB.” She’s not sure if he’s trying to trick her or himself into believing that. “Do you? ‘Cus by the looks of it, Peabody has you wrapped around her pinky.” He didn't know, but JB heard their conversation that morning. “How do you kn...” Jellybean cuts him off. “I pay attention, Jughead. And you can’t do this on your own anymore.” He brushes his hands over his face in defeat when a glimpse of hope strikes him. “Don’t try to get Toni to talk me out of it, she’s got my back on this.”, she talks before the thought even processed fully in his mind. He just chuckles at his sister ability to read him better than himself.
Later that night, when Jughead is on his usual task of writing his novel and drinking his coffee, while Jellybean sits next to him listening to music, he hears a strong knock on the door. He pulls the cord of his sister’s headphones to make her get the door so he doesn’t have to stop typing. As JB opens it, she has to look up to see who it is. “Came to drop off the beast.” Sweet Pea enters, accompanied by Hot Dog III. “For me, you came in with a pack in creepy masks... while I slept.”, Jug complains. “You’re not as charming as JB.”, Sweet Pea replies bluntly and Jellybean flushes bright red. She tries to hide it by leaning down to rub Hot Dog’s ears. “My work here is done. See ya at the Wyrm later?.”, Pea asks, already stepping out the door. “Nah, got a date with Betty.”, Jughead answers, not even looking up from his laptop. The tall Serpent just chuckles. “He’s talking to me, Jug.” Jellybean nods yes at SP and he leaves with a smirk. “Since when are you and Sweet Pea... friendly?”, he drags on the last word and the suspicion in his tone is unmistakable. “Friendly is not exactly the word...” Juggie spits the coffee he had the terrible idea of drinking before she answered.
Hot Dog jumps on the couch and rests his furry face on Jug’s keyboard. “Ugh, the mutt’s back.”, he huffs. “Don’t give me that bull. I know you love him.” He can’t fool his sister even if he tried. “Come here, floof.” JB sits next to the dog and puts her feet up the coffee table. “Not when he pisses in my bed.” It took Jughead’s mattress a lot of time on the sun to get the smell off. “That’s because you didn't walk him enough.” Jellybean actually wishes they could keep him forever. “Right, Hot Dog? No, he didn't.”, she adds in a fluffy voice. “You think he won’t piss in the couch? Wanna bet?” The beanie-clad boy is sure she’ll be complaining about him in less than 24 hours. “10 bucks. He won’t.” JB extends her hand. “Deal.” They shake on it, both parties thinking it’s easy money.
By the end of the week, Jughead’s 10 bucks short and preparing himself for the events still to come. Once the initiation begins, things tend to move pretty quickly and there’s nothing he can do to stall it or even end it. His only hope is that JB’ll mess up on some of the rules or the snake bite will be too much for her. But he knows his sister. If anyone can do it, it’s her. 
The Whyte Wyrm is full of Serpents, older and young members, all gathered around Tall Boy and Jellybean. She looks tiny compared to him, not more than to Sweet Pea, though. But the raven-haired girl’s voice is powerful as she shouts every single rule with perfection. JB’s actually glad she’s not doing this with FP because she’d be giggling too much every time her dad screamed back. The whole room goes wild since it’s time for her to retrieve the knife. Completing that task means she’s one step closer to being one of them and everyone in that room wants that, except for Jughead.
Jug’s not sure whether he can watch, but he can’t look away either. Jellybean slowly and carefully places her hand inside the glass cage. The rattlesnake twists itself on JB’s arm. Juggie is ready to go rescue her, thinking the snake is preparing to break her arm. Instead, the snake rubs the top of it’s head on JB’s skin, almost as if it wants to be petted. The Jones’ girl manages to get the knife out without a bite and making a new friend. Cheering and clapping echo in the Wyrm. Everyone in reach pats her back. “How? That thing almost chew my arm off.” Jughead looks perplexed. “Don’t be dramatic, Juggie. It knew you were afraid and I just think it’s cute.” Jughead can’t believe his ears. “Cute? It’s deadly.”, he has to stand for himself. “Not this one.” She states before walking towards the pool table where Sweet Pea and Fangs are playing. They hi-five her and Jughead now sees what his sister sees in the Serpents: her family. 
Jug can’t even sleep. He knows that in a few hours his sister will be walking the gauntlet. He’s not allowed to be a part of it because they know he’d go soft on her. Jughead almost begged Sweet Pea and Fangs to take it easy. Neither of them is thrilled to beat up the leader’s daughter, but they gotta do what they gotta do. At least SP promised to leave the brass knuckles at home, which gives Jug some peace of mind.
Jellybean takes the first step into the gauntlet and all of Jug’s protection instincts kick in. It takes three Serpents to hold him down in place. JB just keeps going, walking thought the pain. By the time she gets to the end, Sweet Pea is waiting for her, bare knuckles this time. They nod to each other and he punches her, only hard enough it doesn't look like he’s giving her special treatment.
Jughead’s clenching his jaw and fists as hard as he can, for it’s a lot harder to watch than he ever anticipated. Finally, the Serpents let him go and he holds his sister close to his body, as softly as possible not to hurt her further. He’d walk that corridor a second time if it meant his sister didn't have to. But by the looks of it, this is really what she wanted, since she’s smiling, blood staining her teeth, even after being hit over and over.
After all that she has to endure the pain of the tattoo as well. As the parlor stamps her hipbone with the double headed snake, she ices her face and Jug holds her hand. She squeezes it and winces at the contact of the needles to her skin. “Hurts?” It’s not like he wasn't in the chair not that long ago. “Less than Sweet Pea’s punch.” The whole shop laughs and SP blushes but still with a proud smirk on his lips. “You’re tougher than you look.”, he confesses, and his smirk vanishes quickly when his eyes land on the girl’s brother’s death stare. “I've got Serpents blood running in my veins.” She sounds proud of it. Her mind can’t help but wonder what her dad would say if he was there. “It’s gonna be good having a sister to help me keep this boys in line.” Toni jokes and they all laugh. It seems as the Serpents are gonna get back to what they used to be. She may be young and newly pledged, but Jughead can already feel the difference in the Serpents. When their dad gets back, he’ll be proud of her.
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