pugcrumbs · 7 months
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Married for spousal immunity when they were young and now Cass owes her thousands in alimony. Begging Blizzard to let me make a whole Deadlock comic full of their dumb shenanigans and Bob's quiet judgement.
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alexdrogers · 5 months
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cashe yarbrough photograped by @alexdrogers
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drearycowboy · 1 year
A lil funny cashe/yeehan meme I did like yesterday
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ree-duh · 1 month
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sleepykamukura · 10 months
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lets bring this bck guys it was funny
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taikerart · 2 months
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myburgerstains · 2 months
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redp0nda · 19 days
have you ever drawn deadlock Ashe + cass? <3 or warlock Ashe? :3
OH do i got news for ya partner
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i would say on quite a few occasions i been known to dabble in a little deadlock hooligans
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wildissylupus · 5 months
What about mirrorverse Cashe just switching places. Ashe ends up with Overwatch and Cassidy is left to rot in jail until he gets out and takes over the Deadlock Gang?
You do not know how much I've thought about these two in this universe. Cause holy shit would the betrayal hit harder.
Mostly because Ashe's home life wouldn't change, her parents would still be neglectful assholes, the difference would be that unlike with cannon, Ashe would still care what they think. Basically if we switch Ashe's morals we would get an Ashe who betrayed Cassidy and the other Deadlocks for her parents approval.
This would also be an Ashe who would join Overwatch out of guilt, because she realises that she traded what could have been her real family for a dream. So she would use her weapon knowledge and connections to help Overwatch.
To help the types of people she damned when she was a kid, maybe this way she can make up for it. This Ashe would be riddled with regret, she will always be confident but a part of her holds her back, never wanting that leader position to fall on her shoulders again because she's now seen what her decisions can lead to.
Meanwhile Cassidy would be left to rot with his worst traits. He knew he would end up in jail, knew the world delt him a shitty hand, but the hand he did get dealt could at least be useful. So he uses his age to his advantage, a sob story here, a quick and easy smile there and he's out.
And of course he gets the other Deadlock members out, they have their uses and at least this way they feel indebted to him. So he becomes the charming leader of the Deadlock gang, a gang that looks small but has an immeasurable amount of unseen influence in the gangs of the south-west.
And shortly after he gets an offer he can't refuse, training by one of the best snipers in the world and by one of the biggest leaders of Talon. So he leaves Deadlock and moves onto bigger and greater things.
And eventually, despite his better judgement, he starts to trust the people he works with. But just like with Ashe they all leave him in the dust, Reyes has a "change of heart", Genji runs the first chance he gets, Moira was never on their side to begin with, and Ana tries to kill Fareeha.
The only person who ends up staying is Angela, the person who joined just around the same time he did, and unlike the others she has a plan. A plan that Cassidy can easily get behind. A plan that Cassidy can easily play his role in.
Because Angela has never been that charismatic, and every good organisation needs a face.
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reqnfield · 1 year
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just some lovebirds 💖
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strip4kaneshiro · 2 months
Things that happen between Cashe bc I said so
They are consuming every inch of my brain and I can’t be normal about them at all. I need to put yall on, PLEASE LET ME TALK ABOUT THE COWBOYS.
Cole loves pissing Ashe off in little ways throughout the day
They have this relationship that looks like they hate each other from the outside, but if you put them in the right position, they become THEE power couple ever
To nobodies surprise, time and time again, the Deadlock gang will catch Ashe on the phone with Cole.
But she’s being…nice? Flirty even? What the fuck??
When it’s just them, they get very sappy with each other.
He can have her mellowed out very quickly. So quickly that he often gets called in to de-escalate if things get wild.
“Cole, go calm Ashe down.” “What? She can handle herself, boss. She’s a big girl.”
Still ends up in her room holding her for hours.
They prefer to cuddle in bed instead of on the couch
Ashe’s favorite way to sleep with him is laying on top of Cassidy. She does NOT want him going anywhere.
He won’t, anyways. They both sleep like literal logs. It’ll take a nuclear explosion for them to wake up.
Gift giving holidays are interesting with these two, Ashe will give him something elaborate and thought over and Cole’s gifts tend to be basic but still heartfelt.
She bought him a gold necklace with her initials on it (because she’s a possessive little shit) and he bought her some grocery store chocolates.
The material things don’t matter to them though, so it’s never held over the other.
Scary gf/wife Ashe for sure kicks in when Cole gets hurt during missions, so whoever ended up hurting him will need a thought and a prayer
But not before her berating the shit out of him💔
Did i mention how fucking spoiled this white girl is? She’s supposed to be the rich one but Cass is borderline pulling out loans to get her the most expensive things when he has extra cash to spare
She runs things, point blank period
Will not let anyone talk to them about their relationship, as they are in the belief that their relationship is their business and their business only.
Therefore, if they are ever in an argument, they will find a way to handle it themselves (Ashe is afraid that someone will take this moment of weakness to sabotage their relationship)
Hana and Juno are their adopted daughters without either of them realizing (see; the new juno and ashe voiceline)
“ Did’ya remind Hana n Juno we’re going out to eat later? She’ll eat up all the food on base if we don’t tell her otherwise holed up in her damn room all the time” Ashe stood at a vanity, pressing setting powder to her face as she rubbed in her red lipstick
“Uhh… yeah, of course darlin’…” “Damnit Cole! Go get the girls!”
I’m so abnormal about them pls Blizzard make them canon
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pugcrumbs · 8 months
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alexdrogers · 6 months
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cashe yarbrough photograped by @alexdrogers
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dawnthefox24 · 5 months
*MW Pharah sighs softly sitting down and closes her eyes for a moment as she takes a deep breath and exhales slowly* MW Pharah: Deep breaths Fareeha....Deep breaths... MW Ashe: Well that's a weird way to meditated    MW Pharah: *jumps a bit* Jesus! MW Ashe: Wrong name but you didn't answer my question. MW Pharah:*looks at her and sighs*It's about Cole MW Ashe: Cassidy? Why Cassidy? MW Pharah:*looks away* I'm worried for him...he risked life for me and Genji...Mainly he might get- MW Ashe:*cuts her off* He doesn't get caught, he bullshits his way out of anything. But I know what you mean... MW Pharah: If My mother and Angela find out he... MW Ashe: They won't.... MW Pharah:....Was he always like this? MW Ashe: What do you mean? MW Pharah: Cole...Was he always you know...Like that? MW Ashe:*Looks at her sadly* H-he was... MW Pharah:...What's your story with Cole... MW Ashe:...I...When we met he was special.... MW Pharah:*connecting the dots* No way!! You guys were a thing!? MW Ashe:*turns bright red and bops her on the head* Hush!! Maybe I don't know! MW Pharah:*laughs a bit* Okay, okay. MW Ashe: We were partners in crime, Cole was something...But something happened. MW Pharah: He told me something like that... MW Ashe: I guess he told you it was me? MW Pharah: Uh not really he told me that I should never let my guard down, since he doesn't want me to be doubled crossed, injured, played and betrayed.... MW Ashe:*looks down knowing what Cole was referencing about* MW Pharah: I think he still care's though...I trust you and Reyes... MW Ashe:*laughs softly* Even though we betrayed him? MW Pharah:*sighs softly* You know...He's hurting MW Ashe:...Yeah after ruining his life and everything...I shouldn't have trusted my parents.... MW Pharah: What they did was a cheap shot...That's something that my...mother would do you know.... MW Ashe: ...Still I though giving him a chance would do good but instead it did the opposite of what was suppose to happen and now....I contributed to his anger and hatred and lack of trust in others... MW Pharah:...Reyes feels the same too... MW Ashe:*sighs softly* I worry for him too...Every day Fareeha more than you think.... MW Pharah:*smiles softly and placed her hand on her shoulder* Hey like you said he doesn't get caught... MW Ashe:*smiled softly and chuckled a bit* Yeah your right... MW Pharah:*smiled softly and sighs* I think he's okay MW Ashe:*smiles sadly* I hope so...
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chilliebean5 · 22 days
ofc i'm sending you the ask. 4, 9, 14, 22, 29
heck yeah!
4. A story idea I haven't written yet: It's SUPER dumb but it's a Deadlock Cashe PWP, it's already got a title: Horny AND Scared! where Ashe lives out Cass's ~fantasy~ while he plays video games, except it's a horror game and he's having A Time because he doesn't do horror.
9. Start to finish, the last fic took me 7mo to write. Which is just a testament to how busy I am with life because it was a pwp lmfao BUT it's called Project Lelantos, it's a Deadlock Cashe PWP, and it's inspired by the Invisible Man Cass skin.
14. Where do I get my inspiration? Random shit, mostly. Skins, voice lines, a trope or kink that someone shares that I wanna do my own take on, songs. A couple have been my own experiences.
22. Do I worry about public reaction to my writing? How do I get past it? No, I don't worry, not anymore. Once upon a time I did, when I felt like I had something to prove, when I got caught up in Fandom Drama. But it became easier to not care over time. You will always have an audience. Someone will always read, especially if it leans into the kinkier side of things. Find a group of friends, discuss HCs, write for them, and public reaction doesn't matter anymore :D
29. How easy is it for me to come up with titles? I will either have a title picked before I write the fic, or I'm struggling to find something once it's written. The number of times I delay posting because I don't have a title lmfao. Song lyrics are a good go-to, as are quotes within the fic itself if I'm struggling.
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sleepykamukura · 1 year
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I NEED Cock cassidy
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