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Ambrosia Berry Pastel CAS Rainbowcy
Rosate Spire + Odette Ambrosia + Vervain Hydrangea
Of note about my CAS legacies, I do them as a Perfect Genetics Challenge, meaning i'm after specific features from the children for them to qualify as heir. I will attempt to get at least 2 children who qualify for heir so we can do a vote each generation over on BSG.
For the Ambrosia CAS BPR we are specifically looking for: Founder/Heir's Eyes Donor's Skin Either Hair Gender does not matter in this CAS BPR for heirs.
Crvptyd CAS Legacies Downloads Page Rosate was made for me by @omixlith
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Mirror BPR Style Swap ⭐🌸🥀🔥🌼🐍
100% inspired by @lazarish's Laby style swap, I saw it and needed to do it too
#ts4#berry sims#berry sweet sims#ts4 cas#mirror bpr extras#bprextras#gen 6 in gen 5's style is making me lose it it looks SO wrong on her#also I initially put heavy makeup on everyone for gen 6 and then realized that gen 6 actually is barefaced 90% of the time#her vibes are just extremely intense and scary so i Thought she had intense makeup on#ive also mostly retconned Star's original style from the actual gen bc she wore a lot of skinny jeans and i just can't do those anymore#i also just realized that i forgot Holly's scar bc the gallery version of her didn't have it but it would only be seen in 1 or 2 outfits#gen 6 is also like 6ft tall in my brain but she's actually very shrimpy. idk what it is about her that does this#anyways hi im not dead just a lil busy#i do have some cc im gonna post probably later tonight tho!
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Euphoria BPR: Gen 20 Purple
Life has been hectic being one of five children, but your passion for writing has caused you to stand out from your blended family. As heir you have been tasked with carrying on the family name. Being a bit of a homebody proves difficult for you to find a mate, but a once in a lifetime trip brings love to your door.
Heir: Ditto Euphoria
Peach Spouse: Jardan Necture by @1m-dirty-dan thank you so much 🤎
Ditto Euphoria + Jardan Necture =
Cinnamon, Russet, Calico, Saffron
Vote for who should be our Peach heir here
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aurora cc links ; berry pastel rainbowcy challenge
basics: eye preset | nose preset | lip preset | ear preset | body preset | teeth preset | skin | skin overlay | eyes | eyebrows | eyeshadow | lipstick (base game) | blush | eyeliner O1 | eyeliner O2 | spotlight | eyelashes | cleavage | facekit | nails (base game)
outfit O1: hair | top | bottom | shoes | accessory | earrings | rings | glasses
outfit O2: hair | top | bottom | shoes (incheon arrivals kit) | earrings | rings
outfit O3: hair | dress | shoes | crown | earrings | necklace | rings
outfit O4: hair | bodysuit | socks | shoes (incheon arrivals kit) | hairline
outfit O5: hair | top | bottom | shoes
outfit O6: hair | top | bottom | shoes | earrings | necklace | hairclips | rings
outfit O7: hair | swimsuit | hairline
outfit O8: hair | top | bottom | shoes | earrings | necklace
outfit O9: hair | top | bottom | shoes | accessory | earrings | necklace | rings | glasses | hairclips
#the sims 4#sims 4#sims 4 cc#sims 4 cc lookbook#sims 4 cas#ts4#ts4 lookbook#ts4 edit#ts4 cc#maxis match#simblr#cc finds#bpr#berry pastel rainbowcy
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Cranberry: You're unhinged. Chess camp broke something in that big head of yours.
Cherry: *laughs*
#ts4 legacy#ts4 storytelling#ts4#berry sweet sims#pastel rainbowcy#dream bpr#dream gen 3#cranberry harvest#cherry valentine#cherry is my favorite character design this gen#i had so much fun figuring her aesthetic out in CAS
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All these new CAS backgrounds are so good! I absolutely love this one for my BPR founder Camellia 💜💜
cas background by @ellcrze
sunglasses by @nucrests
hair by @clumsyalienn
hair recolor by @berryconfetti
necklace from realm of magic
top from high school years
pants from dream home decorator
shoes by @mossylane
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(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[WebGoBoard:0.10.12]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.5]HA[0]TM[600]OT[5x30 byo-yomi]RE[W+R]GN[Unorthodox Play Style Training]DT[2023-08-29]PB[I_V4]BR[4k]PW[本因坊算勺]WR[2k]PC[OGS: https://online-go.com/game/56626924];B[jd];W[qd];B[jp];W[oc];B[pp];W[dp];B[eq];W[dq];Bep(;Wii(;B[fd];W[ed];B[gc];W[gd];B[ge];W[fe];B[he];W[fd])))(;B[gi];W[gh];B[hi];W[gj])))(;Bii(;W[hi];B[ih];W[ig])))(;W[ih];B[hi];W[hh])))(;B[hi]))(;W[bg];B[cg];W[dg];B[ch];W[be];B[df];Waf(;Bce(;W[bf];B[de];W[bc];B[eg];W[ad];B[bh];W[ef];B[dh];W[ed];B[dg];Whd(;B[ic];W[hc];B[hb];W[id];Bjc)(;Wlc(;B[ge];W[jb];B[gc];W[gd];B[fd];W[fe];B[he];W[fd];B[ib];W[kb];B[ba];W[db];B[da];W[ca];B[cb];W[ea];B[fa];W[bb];B[ca];W[aa];B[ab];W[ac];B[fg];W[ia];B[ha];W[ja];B[gf];W[aa];B[ea];W[kc];B[ab];W[oa];B[ae];Wpa(;B[kl];W[cp];B[dn];W[hq];B[hr];W[gr];B[iq];W[fr];B[hq];W[bk]))))))))(;B[df]))(;B[dc]))(;W[jg];B[md];W[ne]))(;Bjf(;W[ke];B[ie])))(;B[kf]))(;B[kf];W[ld];B[pb]))(;W[md]))(;B[nd]))(;B[nd]))(;Wmd(;B[ri];W[rj])(;B[qc];W[pd];B[rd];W[rj])))(;B[jh]))(;B[me];W[pg];B[dc]))(;B[mj];W[nf];B[nj];W[ng];B[pg]))(;B[nn]))(;B[no];W[mp];B[nn]))(;B[no];W[mp];B[nn];W[lr];B[lk]))(;W[nn];B[mm];W[nm];B[ml];W[nl];Bll(;Wmp(;B[no];W[ni]))))(;Bnn(;W[no];B[nm])))(;W[nn];B[mm];W[nm];B[ml];W[nl];B[no];W[mk];B[mp];W[lk]))(;B[mn];W[lo];Bjo(;W[mp];B[nn]))(;B[lo]))(;B[mm]))(;B[mm];W[nn];B[mq];W[lp];B[qr];W[rr];B[kr]))(;B[om];W[pn];B[po];W[nn];B[no];W[mn];Bmo(;W[ml];Bmm(;W[lm];B[ln])(;W[nm];B[nl]))))(;Bpr(;W[po];B[pm];W[op];Brr(;W[nq];B[qr];W[sp];B[sq];W[rp];B[nr]))))(;B[lk]))(;W[jj]))(;B[pk]))(;B[ql])(;B[pj]))(;B[qn])(;B[po]))(;Bcl(;W[bm];B[ck])(;W[dl];B[bm])))(;B[io]))(;W[hq]))(;B[em]))(;W[em]))(;W[cm]))(;B[en];W[fq];Bgo(;W[ho];B[hp])(;W[eo];B[ep])))(;Bdn(;W[dl];B[el];W[fm];B[cl];W[dk];B[ek];W[cm];B[bn];Wgm(;B[fr];W[bo];B[cn];Wco(;B[ao];W[bq])))(;B[fr];Wbo)(;W[co];B[dj];W[cj];B[ci];W[an];B[bm];W[ej];B[bj]))(;B[bm];W[ck];B[bp];W[bl];B[co];W[bq];B[ao];W[am])))))(;B[dm];W[fp];B[fq];W[hq];B[hp];W[go];B[hr];W[iq];Bgr)(;W[io];B[ir]))(;Wem)(;Bgn)(;W[fn];Bho(;W[el];Bdl(;W[dk];B[ck])))))(;W[ir];B[gn];W[ho];B[em];W[fn];B[fm];W[fo];Bhn(;W[ip];B[io];W[hp];B[jq]))))(;W[fp];B[fq];W[en];B[gn]))(;Wen(;W[cm];B[bm];W[bl];B[cn];W[ck];B[bq]))(;B[dm])(;B[cm])(;Bbm)(;W[ck];B[bo])(;W[cm];B[bn]))))(;Bgp(;W[em];Bdm(;W[ck];B[el];W[dk];B[fm];W[bn];B[cm];W[bl];B[fo]))(;W[el];Bdl(;W[ek];B[cj])))))))(;W[dn];B[co];Wcn)(;B[bo];W[bn];B[bq];W[cr];B[br];W[fr])))(;W[en];B[co];W[er];B[fr];W[dr];B[gq];W[cp];B[cm];W[dm];B[bn];W[];LB[dk:1][bp:2][bq:3][dn:4][em:5][dd:6][ap:7][bo:8][cl:9][bl:10][bk:11][ak:12][bj:13][fd:14]B[]))(;W[do]))
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Lupin | Oleander
Wolfbane | Wisteria
Foxglove | Primrose | Jelly
When Pearl finally managed to convince her over-protecting parents that life in their family vacation home in Sulani would neither kill nor harm her, she quickly settled in a slow and easy beach life.
Before she knew it, she had fallen in love with Lupin and it didn’t take long until she was pregnant and gave birth to a set of mixed twins. When Lupin started getting abusive she decided to leave him but before she got away he had instead left her, taking their twins with him.
Oleander was set to lead the search for the two kids and after two years of searching, he managed to bring her children back - though without actually catching Lupin. During the process he was a massive support for her, and despite trying not to, she fell in love with him. It was a slow start, but eventually they got together and had three kids of their own.
Heir Poll here.
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Waffle Berry Pastel CAS Rainbowcy: Generation Nine
Lilac / Peche
Apricot / Peacherino / Bellini
#Waffle Berry Pastel CAS Rainbowcy#Waffle Berry Pastel Rainbowcy#berry pastel cas rainbowcy#berry pastel rainbowcy#CAS BPR#bpr#TS4
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Ambrosia Berry Pastel CAS Rainbowcy
Children 5 & 6
Garnet & Jupiter
Crvptyd CAS Legacies Downloads Page
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looks for some of the gen 4 girlies
#ts4#berry sims#berry sweet sims#berry pastel rainbowcy#ts4 cas#clarity spring is made by the wonderful mmmatchasims!!!#the pink girl at the bottom is Tourmaline she's Carn's ex#i still havent added her to the character page#mirror bpr extras#bprextras
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Euphoria BPR: Gen 21 Peach
The world is a scary place, but you have discovered wellness and peace of mind through the healing power of yoga. Your body is a fine tuned machine and sculpting it is your passion but artistry runs deep through your veins.
Heir: Cinnamon Euphoria
Orange Spouse: Widow Spindle by yours truly 🧡
Cinnamon Euphoria + Widow Spindle =
Recluse and Weaver
Vote for who should be our Orange heir here
#ts4#ts4 cas#the sims 4#the sims 4 cas#berry sweet sims#euphoria cas#Euphoria BPR#Neither of the kids inherited the spider legs dang it
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phlox cc links ; berry pastel rainbowcy challenge
basics: ear preset | body preset | teeth preset | skin | skin overlay | hairline | eyes | eyebags | eyebrows | blush | spotlight | moles | nails
outfit O1: hair | top | bottom | shoes (base game) | earrings | piercing | watch
outfit O2: hair | top (incheon arrivals kit) | bottom | socks | shoes | earrings | piercing
outfit O3: hair | top (my wedding stories) | bottom (high school years) | shoes | earrings | piercing
outfit O4: hair | top (throwback fit kit) | bottom (throwback fit kit) | socks (base game) | shoes (incheon arrivals kit) | hat (base game) | earrings | piercing
outfit O5: hair | bottom (discover university) | earrings | piercing
outfit O6: hair | top | bottom | shoes | earrings | piercing | rings
outfit O7: hair | bottom (seasons) | earrings | piercing
outfit O8: hair | top | bottom | shoes (get famous) | hat (base game) | earrings | piercing | watch
outfit O9: hair | top | bottom | shoes | hat | earrings | piercing
#the sims 4#sims 4#sims 4 cc#sims 4 cc lookbook#sims 4 cas#ts4#ts4 lookbook#ts4 edit#ts4 cc#maxis match#simblr#cc finds#bpr#berry pastel rainbowcy
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Mallowpuff Legacy Gen 6
Cypress Mallowpuff - Eldest
Appletinni Mallowpuff - The Baby
Bay Leaf & Mojito Mallowpuff - Twins
Vote HERE - Voting ends March 31st
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CAS Historian Rainbowcy, Generation 1
Founders from Left to Right: February, Kaneq, and Rhodon
Children: Twins Robyn and Astrid, Ryland, Andie, and Miles
Voting is now up for our first heir! Who will lead us into Generation 2?
Vote here! Voting will remain up for 48 hours!
#berry pastel rainbowcy#cas bpr#ts4#the sims 4#cas legacy#just going to refer to this as the Cheekbone Legacy#cas historian rainbowcy
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