pierrotwrites-hc · 5 months
chapter 49 is almost done (it's short but sweet) and I swear to G-d I've blocked off time this weekend to respond to asks but in the meantime enjoy these weirdly cropped pictures of my whump corset from the ren faire where I got COVID
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(to the tune of Me & My Husband by Mitski)
Me & My Meatball, we're having dinner
I can't wait for my meatball plush to arrive
| a cool suggestion from a comment on TikTok
Commissions are open
Horror/Slasher art taglist💜🫶🏻: @rottent33th @sprite-real @slaasherslut @dootys
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angelauraela · 6 months
Someone tell me what to write/draw because I only ever get off my ass on someone else’s accord.
For example;
If something is going on with me (nah ignore it, itll go away, or I’ll just die pathetically. Win win)
However, if something happens to a random stranger who gave me a kind smile when I passed them on the street seven years ago?! I have the full force of the law and the forces against the law to help them out however I can.
Whether that money I gave you to refurbish that room in your house that’s been bugging you was mine in the first place we don’t talk about.
Want a spare kidney? Or perhaps my heart itself? Assuming it’s compatible, just make sure my sister gets some money. She’s got a bearded dragon son to take care of after all, and he deserves the best.
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heartfullofleeches · 2 months
Carnis [Cow Hybrid Yan] with a lab assistant reader who was added onto the team that created the cow shortly before the project was terminated with the sole task of being a glorified babysitter for them. Assistant Reader wasn't given all the memos on what to do and not when they're around Carnis so day by day they expose the hybrid to more of their life outside of work.
Carnis likes Assistant Reader. They like them a lot. They're different from the other scientists- Carnis cares about Reader, but it's different from way they care for the one scientist they view as a mother. Their body feels... strange whenever they're near Reader. It's hot, burning - especially when Reader removes their lab coat. Carnis doesn't understand these urges- In all their twenty something years in the lab, nobodies ever told them how to deal with something like this. Reader must know- They're a smart human. The best human. Cares likes Reader a lot. They love them. Reader will help Carnis because they care about them too- They said so.
"It.. It hurts....When I think about you. I...I don't.. I don't know what's wrong with me. C...can you fix me?"
Reader knew they weren't telling Carnis about everything that goes on in the world, but this?- Carnis gets so frustrated when Reader isn't at work they take it out on the other scientists. Biting, scratching- Carnis was among the more docile hybrids until Reader was added on. They're also the hybrid with the most successful results so Reader becomes a permanent stable in the lab just to keep them happy and willing to be poked and prodded.
There's still the issue of their...needs.
Scientist: The subject has been mostly cooperative throughout the years until you came along. They saw someone with your hair color and proceeded to bite their hand off once they realized they had the wrong person. Long story short, you need to get in there and fulfill their sexual needs before the next round of tests in an hour.
Assistant Reader: I'm not gonna do that! There's a giant window outside their bedroom!
Scientist: We'll put up some curtains.
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afewfantasies · 2 months
Lucky Strike 🎯 🎱 - HISTORY- II
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Pairing: Benny Cross (Bikeriders) X Reader
Summary: Benny deals with the personal ramifications of his joyride & learns about the precincts unexpected guest after a night of being in the doghouse with Kathy.
Warning: Mentions of DV and substance abuse. Neither are descriptive or in the current timeline of the story they are reflections of the past.
Word count: 1.3K
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Getting to the house felt like it took twice as long while Johnny drive Benny home with Kathy in the back seat and Bruce following behind with Benny’s bike. The tension was getting to be too much for Benny and half of the reason he’d been going on a joyride. He’d grown up in a household that argued and it was why he shut down most times instead of going at it with Kathy. Johnny bids him a farewell with an apologetic look having not time to talk as Brucie puts the keys to his bike in Benny’s hands.
“Come by tomorrow we’ll talk” Johnny says with a serious tone.
“Ok, thanks guys” he nods before heading in with Kathy. He closes the door behind him and heads to the kitchen to find something to eat before Kathy really starts fussing. When it does start Kathy really does lean into it. Her points are valid but it wasn’t like Benny had become a bike rider after he’d met her. If that were the case she’d be on a solid foundation. But she’d fallen in love with an outlaw and then tried to change him. 
“And who was that woman there with Johnny? Never see you fellas with them kinda real fancy women” Kathy snaps. Benny hadn’t returned home to peace but all out war for the stupidity of his deeds and disregard for his lady and the family they were building. Kathy’s words not his.
“I was locked up how should I know?” Benny asks thinking of heading to stay with his father tonight as a means of stilling the argument.
“Fancy broad, all done up” Kathy explains as he gets a cigarette. “No smoking in my house!” She snaps.
“What am I locked up in here too!?” Benny snaps finally.
“You comparing my place to a jail after I just put all I had towards your bail? I’ll be eating from cans for the next two weeks” Kathy snaps.
“I didn’t ask you to do that Kathy and you should’t of if you’d resent me for it” he snaps lighting up as he exits the house. He sees her in the doorway as he revs his engine heading back to his father’s house. The drive is long and allows him to clear his head. When he gets out he sees people up playing cards in the middle of the night and nods a greeting before getting his keys. A foul smell hits him as he enters to find his father in a worse state than last time.
“Hi son” Mr. Cross says to his son.
“Pops” Benny nods heading into his bedroom. Sitting in his room be breathless fresh air opening the window and lighting another cigarette. His eyes hold your old window. No one hand heard anything about you since you’d left with the exception of one letter from your mother to Benny’s with a check for the money she’d borrowed and a note telling her that you and your mom were safe and doing well. There was no return address. Teaching over to his nightstand Benny opens his book of children’s stories to your favourite, a photo falls out. Looking at the old photo Benny smiles at your toothless grin. It was one of very few keepsakes he kept from childhood. The two of you had walked for miles on tiny legs to the fair. One of the carnies took pity on the two of you, fed you and gave you enough cash to do one thing. After an hour of contemplation you both decided on the photograph. It was a miracle you’d survived at all. He couldn’t think of things being any worse for children. 
He didn’t know why his mind was on you that night but people say when you dream of someone they’re thinking about you. Benny was the main character in tonights dream of yours as you reimagined a colourful life for him. Based on the news reports and his new friends. He was so handsome from the picture he gave James Dean a run for his money. Wherever you were he hoped you were happy, hoped things were going well and that one day he could see you again. Tomorrow he would to to see the guys and straighten out everything to do with his bail, then he’d find a way to repay Kathy. Maybe even leave her alone for awhile.
Benny feels more eyes on him than usual. Tensing he prays Kathy didn’t carry on too badly about his jail time. He finds Johnny across the room and heads over. Brucie gets up and Benny sits down unnerved, looking at Johnny.
“How fast were you going kid?” Johnny smiles. His demeanour is a shift from Benny’s expectation.
“I don’t know but I’ll pay the club back” Benny says ready to stand up. 
“No need kid, it was taken care of here, have a beer” Johnny says putting one in front of Benny. It’s surprising he’d seen what a bailout could do to the clubs treasury and with so many lately he knew the coffers were probably nearing empty.
“How? Kathy says you called up a woman?” Benny says describing you from Kathy’s recollection.
“Handle your old lady Benny, I don’t need the headache at home.” Johnny snaps. Not wanting the untrue tale to get back to his wife. Johnny hadn’t called you, he didn’t know you.
“Alright” Benny nods sharply.
“Besides, she wasn’t there for me, she was there for you.” Johnny tells Benny.
“I don’t know any women who dress that well” Benny mumbles lighting a cigarette. He’d been underprivileged before he’d become an outlaw. 
“Yeah? Well she knows you.” Johnny responds taking out the two day old paper, handing it to Benny he points to the death announcements. Skeptical at first Benny goes line by line stopping at a familiar name. A man whose death he’d prayed for often as a kid. Emotions overtake him and suddenly he feels like the chair he’s sitting in is unsteady and the clubhouse is spinning around him.
Sitting back Benny recalls the last time he cried. It had been a tearful goodbye because of the very name he was looking at. The two of you were holding onto each others hands for dear life, with fear for the unknown as your mothers pulled you apart. Your mother trying to get you to the car before your dad returned home from 60 days in jail, while Benny’s mother tried to get him back inside. You were only kids and you were both wailing. Your father had gone on a tear and really did damage to your mother before nearly turning on you. It had been Benny screaming into the phone like a void that made the police rush over to avert a homicide. It was the first and last time he called them. He’d been trying to save your life and had lost you anyway. Once separated you both watched each other tearfully until you were no longer in each other’s sights as the taxi cab drove away. The memories flow in and he remembers how powerless the two of you had been. Remembers that you were the only person that ever really fought for him. Swallowing he gets goosebumps, he’d just been thinking of you last night.
“Y/N?” Benny asks, your name carrying with it a ghost of hope.
“Y/N, where’d you meet a dame like that?” Johnny asks making Benny smile.
“You sure?” He can’t hide his excitement.
“I’m sure Benny, she came in all done up” Benny smirks recalling the somewhat wild and unkept child from his memory. “The guys were nearly drooling, she’s a looker with good instincts.” Johnny says. Leaving Benny to ponder those thoughts.
“She married?” Benny asks.
“I didn’t look at her hands” Johnny admits as Benny tries to visualize the new image of you in his mind. He was relieved that you seemed to be alright, thriving and beautiful but his heart hoped against hope that you’d found forgiveness for such a sorry excuse of a man.
“How do you know her?” Johnny repeats drawing Benny from his thoughts.
“Neighbours, as kids” Benny mumbles getting up. “Gotta run” he says getting back on his bike suspended license and all.
Authors note:
Thanks so much for reading🩵 🎆 ! Don't forget to comment, like and reblog.
FOR FUN i'm curious to see what you think. Respond without reading the other comments:
Where's Benny headed next do you think?
Who's death announcement was in the paper?
Would you bail Benny out no questions asked, no resentment?
Tags: @mrsalwayswrite @ughdontbeboring @astrogrande
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sualne · 22 days
I feel a bit stupid asking this but what is a harvester and a mimic and carnis???? I really liked your art with luffy and law and found it an interesting concept but I don't understand what's going on. Is there like some text I can read???
lmao i just received this after programming a post with links im so happy you're interested in it!! you're not stupid at all!! q(≧▽≦q)💕
Vita Carnis is a horror webseries(? i think i heard ppl call it an ARG but idk about all that) on youtube, it's about an alternative universe in which creepy beings known as carnis appeared and how ppl deal and lives with them. it's about conspiracies, monsters, cults and government propaganda, the presentation of the lore is so much fun!!!
here i'm just going to copy past the post: to the people saying they might watch Vita Carnis because of my au 1: ily a whole lot
2: it's about two hours long and ongoing, season 2 just started! here's the link to the viewing order playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNc-jv3d2o0&list=PLoQCowtS-bYLdCasDSl0rMqEfcswN2L3Q there's flashing lights in a bunch of them and a list of warnings at the beginning of the videos!
and if you're spooked here two videos that summary the series and what we know about this universe:
this is the first one that introduced me to vita carnis
this one's from last month and has more on recent lore
plsss its a lot of fun (and scary) to watch!! i do recommend if you start with the summary videos to start with the first one cause it goes more in depth* despite being shorter than the other one. watching them back to back might be annoying so don't hesitate to skip a lot on the second one to the more recent info.
*or at least it feels like it + i like it, nice atmosphere idk!! again it's horror so proceed accordingly!
EDIT: and here's the wiki with info, since it's only text with still images that should be easier yet on the mind! if you want to go in chronological order start with the crawl then the trimmings ect until you reach the singularity. fellow folks with paranoia issues pls take care and don't hesitate to block the au tag if you need! ily
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auspicioustidings · 2 months
I think in another world Simon never joined the military, but owing to a lack of education and connections wound up a carnie. He travels with the fair all over the UK, can do anything from ride operation to the games.
Good Catholic boy John MacTavish doesn't visit seedy fun fairs except for when he does. He has spent his teen years being well behaved, the perfect son, just once before he turns 20 he wants to go out and do something that would make his ma frown if she found out. It's a safe enough little bit of rebellion to go to a little fun fair.
Well at least it should have been but four hours later he's got his trousers round his ankles and a cock up his arse in a dark corner of the funhouse because Simon saw this boy with his big wide eyes and a shiny cross hanging around his neck and thought it'd be rude to look a gift horse in the mouth.
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factorydefaultlu · 2 years
Well first of all I hope you are having a good day/night and secondly what do you think of yandere's reaction Aegon* Aemond* Daemon* (separated) let's pretend that his wife (reader) noticed his unhealthy tendencies and decided escape from them to another kingdom and they search for her a year passes and they finally find her and see that she has a baby with white hair and violet eyes (obviously her son) because she ran away when she was pregnant. sorry if this is too long :( but i wanted to make it as understandable as possible :) i love your writing it's fantastic. take care of yourself.
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When you first married Aemond, you had just thought he was an overprotective husband. You didn't mind, you thought it was endearing how devoted he was to you.
Soon as the months went by, you noticed your freedoms being taken. You could no longer go to the gardens alone, or the library. It came to the point where you couldn't even see Helaena without permission.
You knew you had to get out.
When Aemond was called for a political meeting in Oldtown, you knew it was your time to strike.
Late at night, after he had been gone for hours, halfway to Oldtown you assumed. You opened the windows to your room. Looking down at the ground below.
You swallowed hard, and began climbing down the trellis. Your feet hit the ground, you were nearly free.
You pulled your hood over your head, and made your way out of the Keep, through King's Landing, and onto a boat bound for Pentos.
Aemond received a letter from a raven the next morning. His wife was nowhere to be found. He immediately made his way back to the Keep.
He practically turned the city on its head looking for her. Thousands of people were questioned, and yet no one had an answer for him.
Soon news of an actress that had just given birth to a strange child floated across the sea.
Aemond was never one for gossip, but when he heard the child had silver hair and violet eyes, he immediately boarded a boat.
Tearing through Pentos he had finally found you. Living in a caravan with carnies, actors and fortune tellers.
He was pissed, but he melted as soon as he saw the baby. Aemond dropped to his knees before you.
"Please my love. Come back to me."
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Aegon was a difficult husband, he tried to care but it was hard for him. He was always spending nights in brothels and other women's beds.
He never changed his lifestyle after marriage. But you were expected to be a doting wife.
He had eyes on you at all times, sure you had everything you could ever want. Except a door. He kept you in his chambers at all hours of the day, guards placed in front of the door.
He would take you out when he wanted to flaunt you, but then put you back in your cage when he was done.
You had come up with a plan to gain your freedom. Subtly asking for different herbs throughout the week.
You slowly made a tea that would put someone to sleep. You knocked on the door, and the guard opened it. He looked at you curiously.
"The maid brought two cups of tea but Aegon is not here. Would you want the extra cup?"
The guard kindly accepted. Minutes later you heard the clatter of armor in the hall.
Wrapped in a cloak you stepped into the hallway. You carefully made your way out of the castle, and fled north.
You found a home in Winterfell as a maid. It wasn't as luxurious as the Red Keep. But you could breath.
Nearly a year later, you bore a son. Silver hair and purple eyes, just like his father.
The other servants at Winterfell whispered rumors and they circled their way back to King's Landing.
The queen had gone missing a year before, and now a maid has given birth to a child that resembles a Targaryen.
Aegon sent nearly a whole army to retrieve this maid with the odd child. The lords of Winterfell handed you over easily, not wanting conflict.
You were soon brought to the steps of the Iron Throne, clutching your son to your chest.
"Who are you to keep me from my heir?"
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Daemon was always possesive, even before marriage. He was always by your side. You didn't mind, you loved the attention the handsome man gave you.
But now, months into the marriage, it was tiring. You wanted time to yourself, to walk around Dragonstone without Daemon or his guards.
You had always heard of the three feral dragons that lived near the castle. All three were mean, vicious beasts.
But maybe they could be your escape.
One night, you had managed to sneak out of your and Daemon's bed. You pattered quietly through the halls, careful to not be seen.
Making your way to the forest behind the castle. You were on edge, the dragons could be anywhere in this great wood.
Luckily for you, as you traversed through the trees, Sheepstealer spotted you. The great dragon placed itself in front of you threateningly.
It took everything within you to not scream.
The dragon studied you, and moved closer. He sniffed your belly and made a purring sound. The dragon then leaned down, in a submissive way.
Your heart pounded in your chest as you got closer the feral dragon. He grumbles when you touched him, but didn't move.
You slowly climbed on top of his back. The dragon shifted, never having had a rider.
"Take me away from here."
Sheepstealer obeyed, the dragon flew you to Dorne. You manged to find a shack in a small village, trading shelter for work.
You expected the dragon to leave you, but Sheepstealer stayed by your side. The people of the village were absolutely terrified, but the creature never ate anything but sheep. He could stay they supposed.
Daemon searched high and low for you all across Westeros and even into Essos, it did not slip his mind that he had not seen Sheepstealer stalking the woods after your disappearance.
Soon rumors of a lady with a dragon, and a Targaryen son made their way across the Sea of Dorne.
Daemon immediately knew, of course that's how you were able to mount Sheepstealer.
He made his way to Dorne, tracking down from city to village. He soon found you, sitting at the edge of a creek. Sheepstealer was curled around your body as you nursed your son.
The dragon growled as he saw Daemon approach. Your husband immediately knelt before you.
"My love, please come home to me."
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cemeteryspider · 8 months
It's All Fun and Games
Dick Grayson/ Nightwing! x Teen Titan! Reader
Summary: Dick Grayson tries to impress the new girl on the team by winning her a prize at the carnival.
Word Count: 403 Words
After an incredibly demanding mission, Nightwing managed to persuade the team to attend the carnival in town for the weekend. Dick saw it as an opportunity to spend time with y/n without the pressure of a formal date.
Despite being a recent addition to the team, y/n felt like someone he had known forever. She was a speedster like his best friend Wally West, who was currently the Flash in Central City, while Barry was away on an extended off-planet mission.
While Y/n chatted with Raven and Starfire, who were eager to learn every detail about her, Beast Boy practically dragged Raven away to the Love Tunnel. Cyborg convinced Starfire to join him on rides, leaving Dick and Y/n alone.
As they strolled around, they reached the carnival games, catching Y/n's attention. Her eyes lit up as she pointed excitedly at a large purple raccoon stuffed animal hanging in one of the booths above the milk bottle game. Despite the obvious rigging, Dick knew what he had to do.
Once y/n left with the rest of the gang to grab a bite to eat, he set his plan into motion.
After an hour and a substantial amount of cash, Dick Grayson struggled to win the game, perplexing himself. Despite his skills in Gotham City, this seemingly simple carnival game proved challenging. Y/n returned, holding a red slushie, offering a blue one to Dick.
"Oh my gosh, can I try this one?" She asked, and with a feeble nod, she took the rings from his hand. Dick tried to downplay the difficulty of the game when suddenly, Y/n effortlessly landed all the rings onto the bottle necks, leaving only one dangling.
"Better luck next time, sweetheart," the carnie said.
In that moment, Dick Grayson launched a quarter at the ring, perfectly settling it around the neck of the bottle.
"You were saying," Y/n smirked.
"Sorry, Mam', I called it too soon." Y/n took the purple raccoon from him, and they headed back to Titan's Tower.
Once out of the carnival, she fell into step with him. "You were truly my hero back there, birdboy," she smiled, and he felt his heart melt a little.
"Ah, it was nothing," he tried to dismiss any effort.
"Still, I really appreciate it," she pecked his cheek and grabbed his hand as they walked back to Titan's Tower.
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marzipanandminutiae · 6 months
i just reblogged that post about saying nice things abt prev but i wanna send an ask too, so: thank you for being one of the only people to be correct about the winchester mystery house and sarah herself!! so many people spread the stories of her being weird/crazy/whatever when she was just. a woman who suffered some tragedies and liked architecture.
i went on a tour of graceland recently and was intrigued by how they barely talked about elvis as a person, whereas winchester tours are basically a trap where you think you're getting to explore a weird fucked up house but actually you're going to hear about how wonderful sarah winchester was for an hour and if you say anything mean about her design skills one of the tour guides will push you out the door to nowhere.
i go through your winchester tag sometimes when i'm nostalgic and missing the house (i got laid off during quarantine) and it's just nice to see that even people who didn't devote years of their lives to the house can genuinely understand and appreciate it.
I'm so glad it's gotten better! Someone once anonymously told me the guides had to sign a contract saying they would only stick to the story made up by that ridiculous carnie family that bought her house in the 1920s, and even though it was an anon and therefore unverifiable...I believe it, sadly. For Profits often are more about...well, profit. As opposed to history. But it's good to know the guides care about getting the truth out there.
In Sarah Winchester I see a woman whose character assassination for being different(tm) has carried on after death. It's not that she was perfect- far be it from me to lay perfection at the feet of a white 19th-century gun fortune heiress -but she seems like a genuinely caring person in many ways, about her workers and her community. She was an unattached woman of means with an unconventional hobby (architecture), though, and that seems to have made wagging tongues nervous. During her lifetime that meant claiming she thought she'd live forever if construction never ceased (it did, several times), and after- well. The tale of the mad widow fleeing from invisible ghosts has come to prevail.
It feels unfair to me that she should forever be remembered by what her detractors said about her, instead of her own triumphs and setbacks, merits and flaws. And that her beautiful house, where she poured so much love and attention, should be so misrepresented. I'm glad people are trying to fix the narrative.
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thecosmiccrow · 11 months
my son says hi
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this is my mimic drawing uh. im posting him again but im allowed to because i spent 13 hours on him
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pez3639 · 4 months
Help all i can think about is the Berzatto Family and White Winter Hymnal by Fleet Foxes. It’s literally so depressing.
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More thoughts below the cut :)
I was following the pack all swaddled in their coats
As the youngest, Carmen was used to just following his family. Sugar in front of him, then Michael, and sometimes Donna. He watched his family from the back of their heads. He watched what they did and tried to follow them the best he could. That was his identity for so long until he became a chef. All he based himself on was his family because he could never truly escape the chaos of them. He didn’t know who he was but he did know that all he had to do was follow them. He wanted to be like Michael until he wasn’t allowed to work with him. Then he trailed off. He went away, trying to piece himself together, but it didn’t work. He was still following Michael. He true passion was, at its heart, making his brother proud. He followed Michael until he was pushed away. In his attempt to find himself, he just cemented his need to make his brother proud. He was alway following them.
With scarves of red tied round their throats; to keep their little heads from falling in the snow
The scarves is what they held closest to themselves. For Donna it was her own self loathing. For Sugar it was her constant anxiety. For Mikey it was his substance abuse. Carmy didn’t have that. He was wide eyed and could be read like a book. His family kept their ways to protect themself while he was bare. He had nothing to shield him from the biting cold of life. Nothing he could use to hide behind. His family used their problems to keep their heads up. They weren’t allowed to show their struggles. Michaels had become so hidden that it took his life from him. His drug addled brain was what kept him warm in Chicago winters. Donna had the fire of hatred. And the boiling pot of fear protected Nat from frostbite. But nothing could stop Carny from struggling in the freezing temperatures of his mind and world.
And I turned round and there you go
Carmen had had enough. He was tired of being submissive and having fingers cold to the touch. He couldn’t stand watching his family march on all while he shivered. So he went the opposite direction and picked up a chefs coat on the way. He never had a clue to where he would end up until he set his sights on the culinary arts. If he couldn’t be someone in the outside world, he could lead a pack inside the kitchen all while being warmed by the fame of a stove. It was here where others began to watch the back of his head. It’s where he ignited his passion but also sparked the same habits of his family. He hated himself. He was constantly in a state of fear. He could always taste birth tobacco at the back of his throat no matter how many Michelin meals he prepared. His family watched him drive away only for him to crash and burn. But Michael and Nat couldn’t save him from the wreck. He pushed them so far that they huddled between themselves without Carmen.
And Michael, you would fall and turn the white snow red as strawberries in the summertime.
Carmen looked back from the wreckage of his life to only see Donna and Natalie. There was no Michael. There will never be another Michael. He shot himself. Carmen didn’t know what fueled it, but he knew Michael was gone. Not gone like his father, no. Gone for good. He put a big red stain in Carmens brain that can’t be washed away no matter how many hours he spends scrubbing at it. The blotch speed further and further as time went on. He skipped the funeral. He inherited the forsaken restaurant. He found Michael’s note and the hidden money. The blood will continue to spread until it overflows into his soul. He still has Natalie and Donna and sometimes Richie. But there is no more Michael. Only a gunshot and his body becoming covered with the cold Chicago snow.
I’m so sorry i couldn’t get this out of my brain until I wrote it. Please do request anything you’d like to hear. I’m gonna try and start a full length x reader fic for carmy soon. I hope this hurt you as much as it did me. thanks pookies <3
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drmikhailov · 2 months
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Dulce carnis - part 2
Maybe some day I will show you script thing abomination I wrote in 1 hour to even know what to do with this lmao
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heartfullofleeches · 11 months
Sooo uh is it too early to ask for nsfw hcs of carnis?
(I think enough time has passed... Mainly because I've finally got enough written)
Carnis - Yan Lab Experiment NSFW Hcs
• As mentioned in previous posts, Carnis has yet to experience a lot in the human world - sexual urges being yet another. As their bond with Reader grows that starts to change. Their body feels.. strange when their caretaker does certain things. Calls them cute pet names, strokes their ears or face - even just a smile gets their stomach twisted into knots and tension between their legs. It feels good to touch that area, but so wrong to them at the same time. They've always been told their body is just a tool for others - they shouldn't get to feel this way, especially when all they can think about is Reader's hands in place of theirs. It's dirty - wrong, but it feels so good.
They start to wonder if Reader has these same desire. The thought of helping them through it makes them happy.
• Carnis priorities your satisfaction over all, and more importantly theirs. They feel as though they aren't worth the effort and sees your pleasure as their own. With how inexperienced they are, you'll have to teach them a thing or two, but Carnis is willing to do whatever they can to make you happy. Their preferred method is laying back in bed and allowing you to ride their tongue/cock to your heart's content. They like if you use their mouth more since they wouldn't be able to last long inside you and feels guilty if they finish before you.
• Huge oral fixation + very touchy/clingy, but afraid to do both. Wants to touch and lick all over you, but restrains themselves unless given the command. Could spend hours with their head between your legs and still want for longer. If you give them permission to touch you, Carnis' hands will not leave your body. Gropes at your chest, thighs, and whatever you'll allow. Develops a habit of doing this in their sleep which they'll be none the wiser to unless mentioned. You'll know when they're about to cum when they lock fingers with yours or push through their anxiousness to kiss you without asking first.
This fixation works in reverse as well. Despite their years of testing, Carnis' body is very sensitive to certain touches. Kissing on their neck, chest or thighs makes them putty in your hands. Their nipples are especially tender and gripping their horns while they're going down on you will make them see stars. Liked being bitten whether it's enough to draw blood or just a little love bite. Avoids looking in mirrors if you leave hickies because the sight alone gets them aroused.
• Becomes increasingly vocal as they get more comfortable in bed. At first it's tiny whimpers and pants for more, but as they get used to things and you they can't keep their mouth shut. Begs to be touched more, for you to never leave them. Declares their love for you until their voice is raw. If your walls are thin might be best to invest in some sound proofing if you don't want noise complaints from neighbors.
• Sucker for praise and affection. Just wants to be your good boy/pet and to know you really mean it when you say it. Head pats, cutesy pet names, maybe a pretty collar or outfit if you're feeling generous. Carnis would wear anything you threw at them if you said they looked absolutely adorable in it.
• Another way Carnis gets over their aversion to self pleasure is by cumming in the meals they make for you. Long as it can benefit you, Carnis push through most things even the self hatred and guilt of watching you undress or sniffing your clothes and touching themselves because of it. If you mention the food being good, it'll clear them of all negative thoughts towards masturbating and lead to more dishes made with the same special ingredient. Cums on your pillows or clothes as a way to mark you as theirs, but only when they're about to wash them afterwards.
• If you have a dildo/fleshlight they will throw it out unless you use it on them. They're the only toy you need.
• Always looking for new things to try online. Drags you over to the computer to get your approval before buying a new collar or to show you a new position they'd like to try. Missionary is their favorite because they like seeing your face, but they're always open to try other things for you.
• Cuddling/Aftercare is a must. Carnis enjoys a nice bath and snuggling into bed with you, but just laying in your arms straight after is fine with them too. Run your fingers through their hair or just speak softly to them and they'll be out like a light. Thanks you for staying with them and allowing them to love you every minute before they fall asleep. Hugs you tighter if you so much as breath differently and will not let go until they wake up.
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justlikeabriar · 2 months
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coney island july 10 2024 i went to coney island for the first time the day after my 23rd birthday. the train had crazy delays and it took over two hours to get there from washington heights. by the time we got there most things were closed, but we did ride the wonder wheel for $10 each. yeowch. before leaving we decided to get nathan's and for some stupid reason we ordered from the raw bar. i ate one and sent them back. had food poisoning later. i hope to go back sometime better prepared, specifically on a day the carnie bar and museum are open. i love how seedy it all is; a permanent supermarket parking lot carnival on steroids. the beach was also so beautiful. i must go swimming here this summer
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
by the way adding onto the Meat Farm Y/N AU, I’d imagine as the name implies that Y/N owns a Vita Carnis “meat farm” of sorts. They water The Crawl, have a pet Trimming, they have a pet Meat Snake they use to dispose of bodies in their Morgue job (a farm such as this can only pay so much, unfortunately— people still don’t quite like this species, especially considering Mimics and Harvesters— Speaking of)
They feed a mimic that hangs around the morgue dead bodies of serial killers and whatnot, they have a Harvester in their backyard (it feeds on pests in the back yarn like deer and moose, which often is where gardening takes place— Y/N is safe as long as they have their safety equipment, such as thick boots and gloves typically seen on police and whatnot [likely stolen from said police, considering they know about top secret government stuff.])
Watches a monolith far in the distance, not ever moving an inch. Knows about the Singularity, due to hacking government files. Everyone in the town nearby knows a majority of their life (minus the mimic part obviously) revolves around Vita Carnis, so they’re considered very much as a freak who is obsessed over living meat— as such, they’re not treated kindly, especially by townspeople who (admittedly at least somewhat understandably) don’t like the new species roaming earth, but that’s fine! The townspeople might not like Y/N, but they have their meaty friends, and that’s good enough for them. The townspeople wonder how they aren’t dead yet.
sorry this is long I just really loved your idea ok,,
I love everything about this.
For the Host of Influence, I imagine them safely collecting its spores (not for the flavor enhancing seasoning tho bc they know it's a bunch of brainwashing bs) and going out to use them against bad people they learned are out of jail. People they think deserve a gruesome execution but got off with merely a slap on the wrist
Literally goes up to their door and says "pocket sand" while throwing some spore dust in their eyes before running off.
After that, it's only a matter of hours before the Host in their backyard gets its dinner :)
Since the Trimming plushie is out, imagine they get one bc they deserve something nice, y'know? They deserve a little treat
But then imagine their actual pet Trimming thinks its being replaced and will S C R E A M every time it sees this "impostor" and they have to hide it and shouldn't hold it in their little meat puppy's presence
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