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reduce-las-desigualdades · 1 year ago
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En 7 años más (para ser mas exactos el 24 de febrero de 2022) comenzó una guerra a base de odio por la desigualdad, eso solo fue el comienzo de lo que va a pasar en un futuro si no paramos las desigualdades en el mundo. !!!!TU PUEDES CAMBIAR EL FUTURO¡¡¡¡
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sudaca-swag · 4 months ago
Neil y Kevin se nacionalizarian de un país latino para no tener que jugar para una hinchada de yanquis insulsos
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armatofu · 1 year ago
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cristinabcn · 1 year ago
EDITORIAL: Sahel, adiós a París
EDITORIALE: Sahel, Paris adieu Fabrizio Casari “Altrenotizie” Periodista – Editorialista Internacional Il Sahel agita l’Occidente. In particolare la Francia che, cacciata dal Mali, perde ora anche il Niger, pedina fondamentale nella sua scacchiera africana. L’uranio del Niger che viene a mancare è oggi a maggior ragione strategico dopo la fine dell’import di idrocarburi dalla Russia,…
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froma59 · 2 years ago
¡Transforma tu vida practicando estas 9 actitudes para un cambio radical! - Víctor Küppers
¡Bienvenido/a! Si estás buscando un cambio radical en tu vida, has llegado al lugar adecuado. En este artículo descubrirás las poderosas actitudes para un cambio radical que te llevarán a transformar tu vida de manera extraordinaria. Aprenderás cómo adoptar estas actitudes para vivir con entusiasmo, energía y plenitud. Si estás listo/a para dar un paso hacia un nuevo y emocionante capítulo en tu…
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reinapepiada · 5 months ago
la dictadura de Venezuela está en el poder porque le conviene a poderes políticos más allá de los civiles? sí
la oposición en Venezuela es un títere de la ultraderecha gringa? sí
ninguna de las dos opciones es buena? sí
nada asegura que un gobierno diferente NO será manipulado por algún externo. Venezuela es un tremendo puerto y todo el mundo sabe que el tráfico de drogas que pasa por ahí mueve millones y millones de dólares. claramente eso no lo van a dejar fácilmente.
significa que hay que dejar la dictadura como está? no 😭 significa que hay una alternativa favorable que SÍ piense en el bienestar de mi gente? no 😭😭
la política venezolana es EXTREMADAMENTE compleja, por eso estamos como estamos, pero coño, a estas alturas creo que la mayoría está de acuerdo de que lo único que queremos es recuperar las necesidades básicas y tener la posibilidad de prosperar. como se ve eso en la política actual? ojalá supiera :(
La verdad es que me parece ignorante de mucha gente fingir que la oposición no es claramente una títere de la ultraderecha gringa, pero al mismo tiempo es verdad que es este momento somos una herramienta de Rusia de la misma manera.
Negar la realidad histórica de nuestro país y fingir que las dictaduras de derecha eran "dictablandas" es no aprender de los errores del pasado y solo nos va a llevar a estar en la misma posición en la que estamos ahora. Sometidos bajo un régimen pero del otro lado.
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suenosyfantasmas · 3 months ago
"Las cosas cambian, la gente cambia, y el mundo sigue girando al otro lado de la ventana".
Nicholas Sparks.
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Creación digital: MAVi.🐦
Sueños y fantasmas. El arte de soñar.
"Si no cambiamos, no crecemos....."
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verso-abstracto · 7 months ago
Para quien necesite leerlo…
Nadie dice que cambies. No, no se trata de eso.
Llega un punto en todo el recorrido en que el cansancio te pide hacer un alto.
Paras un momento, respiras, miras a tu alrededor y ahí caes en cuenta de la real situación.
Y sí, todos cambiamos, para bien o para mal todos lo hacemos, pero depende de cómo decidas cambiar y a partir de ahí empezará un nuevo camino para ti.
Entonces haces mejoras en tu vida, trabajas los puntos personales que tienes que trabajar, entras a círculos más fructíferos para ti, te alejas de personas que realmente no aportan a tu vida y ahí… ya. Todo cambia.
Ahora, no es que digamos que todo eso será rápido, no es como que después de tres meses de haber empezado dirás “¡Wau! ¡Qué cambios!”, pues tampoco, ¿no?
Pero sí, la cosa se vuelve un poco diferente, el aire cambia y, aunque no se pueda ver a simple vista para los demás, tú ya lo ves.
Para el corto tiempo no será ¡el cambio!, pero sí, ha cambiado algo, las cosas no son como antes. Se vuelve… menos doloroso, ya no hay tanto sufrimiento.
Te permites sentir, te permites llorar, pero ahora, en comparación con unos meses atrás, te entiendes, te comprendes, sabes qué es lo que está pasando y sabes que se te es permitido sufrir un poco.
Porque es normal, porque así es la vida y no tiene nada de malo que a veces nos sintamos como si el mundo se nos viene abajo, pero ahora sabes perfectamente que todo va a pasar, que el sufrimiento no es para siempre, que las ganas de derrumbarse no se quedarán instaladas por siempre en nuestra alma y que hay que salir adelante.
Te permitirás sufrir, pero también te permitirás levantarte y demostrarte que aquel mal momento no podrá contigo.
De eso de trata la vida, prueba y error.
Y mientras juegas este duro y pesado juego, disfrútalo, sonríe, vive, sana, quiérete, ámate, llórate cuando tengas que hacerlo, pero nunca te rindas.
Porque eso no es lo que hacemos los valientes.
Y créeme, todos lo somos.
Incluso tú, aunque ahora mismo no lo sientas así.
Little Moon
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anes-tesia · 7 months ago
El mundo cambia, se transforma, se derrumba, se ilumina, colapsa y se renueva, evoluciona y otras veces parece no valer la pena; por suerte todas esas cosas no suelen pasar el mismo día.
Efimera Lunar Intemporal
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equipo · 4 months ago
Cambia, todo cambia
🌟 Novedades
Ya no tendrás que encadenar varios mensajes para expresarte con total comodidad al contestar en una publicación: hemos aumentado el límite de caracteres de las respuestas de 500 a 1975 para toda la plataforma en la versión web. ¡Gracias a todas las personas que estuvieron probando este cambio en las comunidades!
Ha llegado el momento que tanto esperábamos: hemos empezado a activar algunas funciones que te permitirán descubrir otras comunidades y expandir tus horizontes. Por ahora, quienes formen parte de una comunidad, además de un pequeño porcentaje de cuentas aleatorias, contarán con una nueva opción en el menú que se despliega al hacer una búsqueda en Tumblr que les permitirá encontrar comunidades relacionadas con ese tema. Por otro lado, algunas personas verán un apartado llamado «Comunidades relacionadas» en el menú lateral derecho de la página de búsqueda. Las comunidades de libre acceso ocuparán una posición superior en los resultados, así que si administras alguna y quieres que la descubra más gente, asegúrate de seleccionar «Todo el mundo puede unirse» en las opciones de configuración. También tenemos en cuenta las etiquetas de una comunidad, además del título y la descripción, a la hora de mostrarla y posicionarla en los resultados, ¡así que no olvides actualizar todos esos detalles!
Cuando participes por primera vez en una comunidad, te guiaremos con algunas indicaciones y sugerencias.
🛠 Mejoras y solución de problemas
Hemos solventado una incidencia que hacía que algunos elementos no aparecieran o no se mostraran correctamente al comprar productos de TumblrMart.
🚧 En curso
¡No hay nada pendiente de resolver por ahora!
🌱 Próximamente
Vamos a ir incrementando el porcentaje de personas que seleccionamos de forma aleatoria para probar las nuevas opciones que permiten descubrir comunidades a través de la función de búsqueda de Tumblr, hasta que estén disponibles para todo el mundo.
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¡Y no olvides que puedes consultar todos estos cambios en cualquiera de los idiomas disponibles en Tumblr en los blogs oficiales de los equipos internacionales!
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oxigeno-o2 · 9 months ago
Tu alma gemela no es alguien que entra en tu vida en paz, es alguien que viene a poner en duda las cosas, cambia tu realidad, marca un antes y un después. No es el ser humano que se ha idealizado, sino una persona común que revoluciona tu mundo en un segundo.
-Mario Benedetti
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neuroconflictos · 14 hours ago
"Amar es combatir, si dos se besan
el mundo cambia, encarnan los deseos,
el pensamiento encarna, brotan las alas
en las espaldas del esclavo, el mundo
es real y tangible, el vino es vino,
el pan vuelve a saber, el agua es agua,
amar es combatir, es abrir puertas,
dejar de ser fantasma con un número
a perpetua cadena condenado
por un amo sin rostro;
el mundo cambia
si dos se miran y se reconocen,
amar es desnudarse de los nombres".
Octavio Paz | Piedra de sol
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kaos-literario · 1 month ago
A mi, para que deje de sufrir.
Todo comienza con el golpe seco. No sé si es el pecho o la mente, pero algo estalla. La primera etapa no es negación; es la incredulidad que se queda atorada en la garganta, como una astilla invisible. Dicen que no quieres creerlo, pero en realidad, no sabes cómo hacerlo. Todo sigue moviéndose a tu alrededor, los relojes no se detienen, y las voces suenan demasiado lejos. Es como si el mundo se hubiera vuelto un eco, un maldito eco de lo que solía ser.
Luego viene la rabia, esa que no pide permiso. Es una bestia que duerme en el estómago y se despierta cada vez que alguien respira cerca de ti. Te grita por dentro, pero no sale. Muerdes palabras, aprietas los dientes, y te duele la mandíbula de tanto contener lo que no se puede decir. La rabia no es solo enojo; es también impotencia. Es mirar al cielo y no encontrar respuestas. Es querer romper algo, pero todo lo que se rompe ya está dentro de ti.
La negociación es un juego cruel. Te sientas en la oscuridad de tu cuarto y hablas con nadie. Prometes cosas que no cumplirás, ofreces pedazos de ti que nadie quiere. "Si hubiera hecho esto... Si no hubiera dicho aquello..." Te conviertes en un comerciante de recuerdos, intercambiando culpas por un poco de paz. Pero la paz no llega, solo el cansancio.
La tristeza, esa sí, llega sin disfraz. Se sienta a tu lado, te toma de la mano y no se va. Es un silencio pesado que lo llena todo. Te duele respirar, te duele existir. Las lágrimas no siempre caen; a veces, se quedan en los ojos, como si también ellas hubieran aprendido a soportar el peso. Es mirar una camisa vieja y sentir que el corazón se deshace en trozos pequeños. Es querer dormir para no soñar, porque los sueños duelen más que la realidad.
Y la aceptación... dicen que es la última, pero ¿qué es aceptar? No es olvidar, ni estar bien. Es simplemente seguir. Es aprender a convivir con los fantasmas, a compartir el café con la ausencia. Es caminar por la ciudad y ver sombras en cada esquina. No desaparece, solo cambia de forma. Se vuelve un suspiro que nunca termina de salir.
El duelo no es lineal. No son etapas que se cruzan y se superan. Es un laberinto donde cada esquina esconde un recuerdo. Es un círculo donde siempre se regresa al principio. Porque el duelo no termina; se transforma en algo que llevas contigo, como una cicatriz invisible. Y cada día es un intento de aprender a vivir con el dolor que no pide permiso, pero siempre está.
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warping-realities · 1 year ago
Dalton Academy - Consuming Rage
Jaime was in a modest kitchen, a strong wind was blowing outside, lashing the walls, but he knew he was safe inside, smelling the familiar smell of sugar and cinnamon that reminded him of someone, someone he knew, someone who was important to him. Someone who he hadn't seen for a long time. And so he knew he could only be dreaming.
"Hola mijo..."
"¿Abuela? ¿Donde estamos? ¿Qué está pasando?"
"No tenemos mucho tiempo Jaime cariño. Siempre fuiste mi pequeño rayo de sol, tan brillante, capaz de iluminar el mundo entero...
.... este lugar en el que estás no es para ti...
...él cambia a todos....
...sal de ahí Jaime...
...este lugar te chupará la luz... te apagará...
...este es un lugar de depredadores...
...y en él sólo hay lugar para ellos...
...sal de ahí Jaime...
...antes de que tu luz se apague...
....antes de que te quedes atrapado en la oscuridad....
...con ellos....
...como ellos..."
The scene changed, he was no longer in his childhood home, but in front of the entrance to a cave where that same wind was blowing, stirring his clothes and hair. He was standing still, unable to move. Next to him were a bunch of puppies, three of them playing and a fourth sleeping by his leg. The mouth of the cave was dark and impenetrable and he couldn't stop staring at it. Until a figure slowly emerged from it, a creature, huge, covered in fur, eyes with a predatory gleam and fangs in a long snout, fangs that seemed almost to smile. The wolf stopped at the entrance to the cave and lay down, staring at him and the cubs with those bright eyes. Until one of them defiantly approached the cave and its occupant.
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Jaime wanted to yell at him to stop so he wouldn't go. But he went. Before going back to where he had come from the wolf looked back towards Jaime and the other puppies, who were no longer playing.
Everything was silent for a moment, even the wind seemed to stop... until the yelps started.
The cubs scattered in all directions, and the same instinct to flee took hold of him, but he was still paralyzed, incapable of any movement and remained so until the yelps were drowned out by a howl, loud and aggressive that made his blood run cold. But not as much as what came next, the pup's yelps slowly becoming a howl of their own, just as loud and aggressive as the other, until both combined in unison with the rising wind noise. So loud that he didn't even realize that his own screams had joined that sinister melody.
"Michael, no, Michael..."
"Sanchez wake up... Sanchez!"
"Ngh... agh..."
"Sanchez! Jaime! Wake up man!"
Jaime opened his eyes, it was the middle of the night, he was lying on his bed, with the sheets turned over and his body drenched in sweat.
"Are you okay, man?"
Asked Jacob Miller, his roommate.
"I… yeah… it was just a nightmare."
"It must have been a bad one...so who is Michael?"
"Yeah, you kept mentioning that name."
"I…I don't know…a friend…maybe?"
But Jaime didn't have any friends by that name. Not that he remembered.
But then why did thinking about that name bring him a strange feeling of emptiness, he thought as he listened to the rumble of his colleague's breathing in the bed next to him.
"Did you hear that Sanchez wet his bed yesterday?"
"Why would I care about that, Mike?"
"Because from what you told me he..."
"Not here, let's have this conversation at the club later."
It was the end of PE class and Chad and Mike were in the locker room getting changed for next period. Surrounded by classmates and the gossip that had spread through the school like fire through dry straw.
"Besides, people are making too much of what happened, as far as I know he just had a bad dream."
Chad continued as he took off his sweat-soaked training shirt.
"But what if this is a sign or ..."
"Sorry, we'll leave it for later, you're right."
"And when I'm not correct?"
"What happened to the King of Cleverness, Big Mike?"
"He befriended a fucking asshole."
Mike responded laughing at the inside joke and being accompanied by Chad.
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"Like I said, let's talk about this later, when we're alone. Until then, we have other matters to deal with. Are you prepared to do what I instructed you to do?"
"Yes, but I don't understand how that can be possible."
"I already told you, wait and see... trust me."
"Well, I don't think I have any other choice, do I?"
"Not if you want to expand our little brotherhood with the right men."
"Edward Chang is not exactly my definition of a man, right or wrong."
Answered Mike looking at the thin young man sitting on a bench, looking extremely out of place in that environment and probably waiting for everyone to leave to change.
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"What you need to understand is that he doesn't need to fit your or my definition of right, not now, aniway. Right now what our colleague needs is someone to help him fit that definition. And no one better than we to do that"
"I still don't understand how that could be possible."
"Don't make me repeat myself, Mike, you'll soon understand. Edward Chang is about to receive an upgrade and you'll be the one to deliver it."
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To say that Edward's life in Dalton was bad would be a giant understatement. The naturally shy boy had by no means managed to find his place at school. Though every now and then he got the feeling that things should be different. But then he would shake his head and think why would they be different? All his life he had difficulty making connections due to his shyness, or as his father was fond of reminding him, his cowardice. His father could hardly believe it when Chadwick Hartfield Sr. informed him that there was a vacancy for Edward at Dalton. And this one in turn was forced to abandon the few friends he had at the old school to live with Chadwick son and his minion Michael Jones.
To be fair, none of them pestered him even once, in fact it was as if he didn't exist to them, until that morning at least. As people tended to ignore Edward's presence, sometimes even forgetting that the boy was present, he went through many situations unnoticed, which allowed him to see much more about others than others about him. And while he was waiting for the school locker room to empty so he could change without exposing himself, he couldn't help noticing that Chadwick and Michael's gazes were directed more often than usual in his direction, accompanied by that arrogant smile that both shared and that made a shiver ran down Edward's spine. He suspected that nothing good could come of it. He just didn't know he was about to find out how much.
"Is this seat vacant?"
Asked a bass voice, sending a shiver down Edward’s spine, who at that moment was sitting at his desk and looked up to stare at the imposing figure of Michael Jones.
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What does he want with me??? It was the first thought to run through Edward's mind. He had already suffered his fair share of bullying and assaults and he knew that someone like Michael was a risk. But at the same time, looking closely for the first time into the other boy's brown eyes he felt a sense of familiarity, as if for some reason he could trust Michael, which of course was utterly absurd and...
"Dude, is everything okay? Can I sit here or not?"
"Ahn, y-yeas, there's nobody sitting there."
"Great, I believe we haven't been introduced yet, I'm Michael Jones, but everyone calls me Big Mike."
Said Michael sitting next to Edward who remained silent, not knowing what to say.
"Usually at that point the other person introduces himself."
Michael continued.
"Ahn, ahhh...yes...I'm Edward...Edward Chang."
"Edward Chang? Son of Emett Chang's ? Owner of Red Panda?"
"Y-yes...but how do you know that?"
"Well it's one of the biggest oriental fast food chains in the country, anyone with an interest in finance would know that. You must be very proud of that, no?"
Once again not knowing what to say, Edward chose to remain silent. Which this time seemed to bother Michael.
"Is there something wrong with me, Eddie? Maybe I'm not good enough for a millionaire's son to spare his attention?"
He spoke with an air of someone who thinks he's good enough for anything.
"I... no... it's not that... it's just..."
"Hey Chang, is this idiot bothering you?"
Interrupted a thin boy with black hair sitting at a desk a few seats away.
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"Who are you calling an idiot, Roberts?"
Asked Mike getting up and turning towards his colleague, looking like a giant standing in the middle of the room before concluding
"Mind your own business Roberts it's all right between Eddie and me. And if you call me an idiot again I'll come over there and rip your skinny ass."
For Edward that was a frightening scene, never in his life would he have the ability to stand up and make threats like that, of course he wasn't a behemoth like Michael...
"I'm not talking to you Jones. Is this idiot bothering you, Edward?”
Repeated Jonathan Roberts, Edward’s roomate, in a display of defiance and courage that Edward knew he himself would never be capable of. It was easy to be aggressive and confident when you were the size of Michael Jones, but Jonathan was the same size as Edward and he still managed to hold his own. Edward knew what his father would say about that and it made him deeply saddened.
"You little shit, I'm going to finish you off!"
Michael said making mention of complying with the commitment.
"No, no need... I'm fine, I'm fine."
"Are you sure? You can sit here next to me Chang, you don't have to put up with that one."
Edward felt an urge to do just that. Something told him to do this. He disliked Michael and feared him, the other boy was too reminiscent of some of the former classmates who had hounded and humiliated him over the years. And precisely because of that, and because he was the avoidant of confrontation that he was, Edward decided not to follow his intuition and stay where he was.
"Yes, I'm fine, really."
"Well, it's up to you, but..."
“Stop being a pain in the ass Roberts, pick someone else to be your social project this time, Chang already said that everything is fine."
Mike said, sitting down again.
"Asshole, just because he's a senator's son, he thinks he might be some kind of social justice beacon. He came after me the first few days of school, thinking I might be some little project of his, but he was wrong. I know what I'm getting at and it won't be through his charity. Which brings us back to our conversation. It seemed to me for a moment that you didn't want to talk to me Chang. But now you've chosen to side with me. If the problem isn't me then what is ?"
Well, he was part of the problem, since Edward really didn't like him and felt scared in his presence, but precisely because of that he wouldn't do anything to displease his colleague. So he decided to be honest and say what in fact had always been his biggest problem.
"It's... that... I... it's... very difficult for me... to interact with others. Not after I know the person... but to start conversations... to impose my presence. I ... I just can't take the initial step. My dad thinks... he thinks I'm a wimp and a... a coward. That's it, it's not you but me... that... I just I am unable!"
"Well, it seems that with the right stimulus you can, after all you just did it. What you lack is a little... aggressiveness."
"I... I could never be aggressive... I'm a pacifist by nature."
"Come on man, all that genetic heritage, you're not going to tell me you've never tried some Kung Fu moves or something like that."
Completed Mike making a stereotypical move. Which for some reason triggered a flash of anger in Edward, a previously unknown feeling in him.
"Hey, not cool, man. I hate those kind of stereotypes, what would you say if I looked at you and started talking about Rap Music or basketball?"
He snapped in a firmer voice than he'd ever had before.
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"Whoa, calm down brother. Apparently there's a spark of aggression in you after all."
Mike replied with that characteristic arrogant smile.
"And about your outraged statement. I don't care one bit if you think I like basketball just by looking at me, after all I might be a pro one day. And while I really appreciate the work the brothers of rap do, lately I've been trying to... refine my tastes."
"I…sorry…I've never acted like this before…I don't know what came over me."
"You don't have to apologize for everything Eddie, let alone expressing your opinion, I bet there's a lot of stuff stuck in there wanting to get out, a lot of pent up anger and aggression just begging to be tapped out and I think it's time for you to let it go.”
Once again all Edward did was stare at his colleague while analyzing his own emotions, that outburst was totally uncharacteristic, but he had to admit that at the same time it was... liberating. And digging inside himself he found exactly what his colleague had told him, not an amount, but a small knot of anger, indignation and aggression that he could have sworn had not been there before. But then again it should have been, just intentionally ignored by him, just as the others ignored him. And just thinking about it made that little knot expand.
"And there you go again, talk to me man."
"Will you shut up for a second?"
Edward exploded with irritation and a flash of red anger filling his vision. But instead of being offended Mike just widened the smile and returned:
"That's right, bro. Let it all out, but maybe this isn't the best place. Everyone's looking at you."
Which was true, Edward looked around and saw that he was being stared at by everyone, including the teacher who had just entered the room.
"Is there a problem Mister Chang?"
He asked, causing Edward to blush a shade of red as intense as his rage had been.
"No sir, I'm sorry"
He replied in a firm voice.
"I suggest you save your aggression for the courts or the mats, Mr. Chang."
"Yes sir."
Edward replied, while wondering what the fuck the professor was talking about. To then hear Mike whisper next to him:
"He's right, Eddie. It's time to put that aggression to work and I know the best way for you to do it."
"Yeah, in what way Jones?"
"Meet me at the gym after lunch."
Edward had never even set foot in a weight training gym, but he now really felt the need to blow off some steam, something that had also never happened before. Apparently today was a day of firsts for him.
He answered simply.
"That's my man! Eat a nice meal, loads of clean carbs and a nice steak, you'll need it."
"I'm a vegetarian!"
"Ha, the King of Char Siu Pork son a vegetarian? What a joke!"
"If you have a problem with that keep it to yourself, Jones."
He replied raising his voice.
"Calm down Eddie, we'll figure it out in the afternoon. I bet you'll find we have a lot more in common than you might think."
Concludes Mike with the brightest smile he's displayed so far.
At the end of classes Edward went to the school cafeteria with the biggest hunger he had ever felt in his life. As he was away from Michael for the rest of the morning the waves of anger stopped and he felt more like himself again, but the question he asked himself throughout the rest of the morning was whether he was really comfortable with being "himself," voiceless, without initiative, put down by others, including his own father... just thinking about it made him feel that pulsing energy again, coming from that unknown piece of himself that occupied a dark corner of his mind and seemed ready to expand if he gave the slightest opportunity. And as he avoided looking in that direction, he found himself invaded by another sensation, right in the middle of his belly, a hole, giant, growing bigger and bigger, a hunger that seemed want to consume him from the inside. In such a way that he was forced to act again against his habits and run to feed. He was one of the first to get in line to help himself. Dalton had an excellent team of nutritionists and cooks, capable of providing everything needed by the developing young men who attended the school. Edward had always been frugal in his eating, selecting a varied and moderate diet of vegetables, fruits and grains. But not that day. His plate was a smorgasbord of all of these in proportions that could feed three of him in an average day. But he was so hungry at that moment that he didn't mind, just as he didn't mind sitting isolated at a table as he usually did, sitting in the first empty place he found and starting to eat in large quantities the slop that formed on his plate at least until he was interrupted.
"My God Chang, I've seen pigs eat without doing so much damage."
Said a blond portly boy with a southern accent, sitting a few seats away.
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Edward asked in between mouthfuls"
"A pig, a fucking animal, like the ones my father slaughters."
"Mind your own business, Miller."
"Eating like a pig and now picking a fight with someone who might crush you. Not what I expected from you Chang."
Gregory Miller replied, taking a large piece of steak to his mouth.
Hearing and seeing that Edward found himself invaded by two unheard of desires for him, the one to punch his colleague in the face and the one to steal that piece of meat for him. But he was prevented from doing both by the arrival of a third student at the table.
"Okay, what's going on with you Chang? First that scene in class with the prince of jerks Michael Jones and now this?"
"What's happening is that it seems everyone has decided that today is the day to meddle in Edward Chang's life."
He replied, with the anger rising inside him and being directed towards Jonathan Roberts who will sit right in front of him.
"Come on Edward, you're not like that!"
"And how would you know that? We've only been studying together for two weeks, we're not friends, you ignored me for two weeks! All you know about me is nothing!"
"I... I... you're right of course, but can't you see, Michael Jones is trouble, even more so for someone like you!"
Hearing that made the anger inside Edward boil and boil over.
"Fuck off, Roberts. I can decide for myself what's a problem for me and what's not. And I'm getting out of here before I become a problem for you!"
He said getting up from the table, without looking back, leaving the two colleagues looking at each other with dumbfounded looks.
Edward walked through the cafeteria with firm steps seeing only a big red blur in front of him, and ready to go after the first one who dared to address him. With every step he took his uniform seemed to shrink, the tie around his neck was suffocating him, the sleeves of his jacket constricting his movements, his pants seemed glued to his thighs and his shoes seemed to be at least two sizes too small. He felt like an animal, trapped, tied up, huddled, ready to attack...
"Hey Eddie!"
A deep bass voice echoed through the room causing Edward to immediately turn, ready to attack.
"Calm down man I just wanted to know if you want to sit with us."
Asked a smiling Mike Jones accompanied by a also smiling Chad Hartfield, who Edward would have judged as nice if he didn't know what an arrogant asshole he actually was. But Mike had been nice in his own way to Edward that day, so...
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Edward replied, sitting down in front of the two of them and the biggest mountains of food he had ever seen, making the plate that he had made look small, a fact that was reinforced by the huge growl that his stomach released at that moment.
"Dude, I said you need to eat if you want to train seriously with me today."
"I ate more than I ever did in my life."
"Your belly seems to disagree..."
"If you'll excuse me a comment, a man needs meat to grow properly."
Chad interjected, popping a chunky piece of steak into his mouth.
"Apparently today really is the day for people to allow themselves to comment on my life decisions."
Claimed Edward, but with his eyes locked on his colleague's chewing. Something that both Chad and Michael did not fail to notice.
"Here, keep my plate, I'll pour myself another one."
Mike said getting up, taking off his jacket and pushing his plate towards Edward, who salivated at the sight of the miscellany of potatoes, rice, vegetables and meat, lots of delicious meat. Still he controlled himself and didn't pick up the fork.
"I was surprised when Mike told me that you decided to train with him today, in our meetings over the years I never thought you would like gym training, Edward. I would have asked you to train with me if I knew we shared that common interest."
"It's because we don't share, to be honest I don't even know why I accepted his invitation..."
"Really? I could swear you already have some training experience, the way your uniform is tight, it looks like you're wearing your little brother's clothes."
"They must have shrunk or something."
Edward replied, knowing that was not possible, as the uniform had been made from his exact measurements and had fitted perfectly in the morning.
"I didn't poison the food, you know? And I can guarantee you I don’t have a contagious disease neither."
Mike said with indignation in his voice, as he sat down at the table again with an even fuller plate than the previous one. Edward simply stared at him without answering, as was his custom, but this time the look he cast in his colleague's direction wasn't his typical shy and embarrassed look, but one of challenge.
"Okay, here, take this one."
Said Michael exchanging the new and untouched plate for his old plate. And taking a mouthful of that delicious looking food to his mouth, making Edward look away so he wasn't staring, which unfortunately made him face the new pile of food in front of him, looking just as delicious.
"What's the matter now?"
Mike asked with his mouth still half full.
"Manners, Michael. I think what Edward means by the silence and the defiant look is that he won't eat."
"Come on bro, if you don't eat it you won't grow."
"And who said I want to grow?”
"If you don't then why did you agree to go to the gym with me?"
"I don't know... to blow of steam I... I guess."
"And what steam will you have if you don't eat, dude? Eat!"
"I already ate!"
"Do you think a handful of vegetables will get you this?"
Mike teased, crossing his arms making his muscles bulge.
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"You need meat, the more meat on your stomach, the more meat on your bones! Come on, you know you want it!"
Edward's instinct was to deny it, but the smell of the roast beef, the juiciness of the meat, next to the mashed potatoes felt like a calling. And the size of Mike's flexed arm was also, of another kind, but it was. He felt hunger, hunger for the food in front of him and a different kind of hunger he'd never felt before, something awakening inside him, a companion to the rage that expanded inside him and had grown claws that dug in his very being. But this was different, it was a well, dark and deep, it was hunger and thirst, it was desire. Desire to grow, desire to be a giant like Mike and Chad, and that desire shot through his body like lightning, strangely erotic, until it hit his cock, which instantly became erect.
"Eat, man"
Edward looked back at Mike, who had an encouraging smile and Chad who again seemed to drop his usual superior air, and shared a knowing smile with him. And he felt it all together, the excitement, the desire, the erection and the rage, the hot, searing rage, enveloping everything. He wanted to scream, he wanted to punch the colleagues who encouraged him to betray his principles, he wanted to go to his house and have a fight with his father, demonstrate to the old man that he wasn't a bloody coward. But he didn't do any of that, what he did was take a mouthful full of food to his mouth and chew. And he chewed, initially letting the taste of meat he hadn't consumed in years overwhelm his senses. The pleasure that the food gave him was added to the pleasure that deep well of desire brought him which almost made him cumm in his underwear right there, in the middle of the cafeteria, surrounded by his classmates. But nobody noticed. And he, who a few minutes ago would have been mortified by what happened, barely paid attention. Because a second mouthful followed the first and then many others, fast, full of food, in a frenzy, turning the plate of food in front of him into a kind of sickly porridge. Which Edward looked at with a startled look as he finally set his fork down beside his plate. Had he done that? Eaten all that? What the fuck was going on!?
"Here, drink it, it'll help all that food go down."
Chad said in a much friendlier tone than Edward remembered hearing from him as he handed him a box of milk, which he unthinkingly picked up and downed in one gulp, with milk dripping down his chin, mixing with the food remains that were there and falling on his uniform.
"Who knew you were such a pig, Chang!"
Mike commented with a cheerful mocking tone.
"Fuck off, Jones"
Edward replied, while he began to feel a strange bubbling sensation in his stomach that rose through his chest until...
"Such a pig, Chang! But I expected more from the Pork King's son. Something more like ….
"You guys are disgusting."
Chad commented, but with an appreciative smile.
"I'm sorry your majesty if the nouveau riche and the children of workers don't share your elegance."
"Shut up, Michael. I can't believe I'm going to do this..."
Said Chad, taking a second box of milk, emptying it under the watchful eyes of his two colleagues, without spilling a single drop of the contents on his impeccable uniform, returning it to the table and...
"That's how it's done, you assholes. Eddie may be the Pork Prince. But here at this table, I'm the king...."
Edward let out the biggest burp up to that moment, interrupting Chadwick's speech and making the two colleagues look in his direction and burst out laughing, in which he accompanied them for several seconds.
He didn't know why he did all that, none of it was natural, he had avoided meat for years and he was lactose intolerant!!! Although that explained the belching! A thought that renewed his laughter.
As that scene unfolded the colleagues at other tables watched, some with looks of disgust, others admired, others like Jonathan Roberts truly confused with no idea what was really going on there. And neither does Edward. The erotic feeling was gone, the rage was pulsing slowly, appeased and the well of desire was placid, sated by the hour. So was his belly, which was straining the buttons on his shirt and jacket. As he laughed, he felt a feeling he'd rarely felt before, a sense of belonging even though he knew he wasn't like Mike and Chad, that he didn't have their size, their strength, their courage... it made the waters in the well inside him stir as he realized that he really wanted this for himself, wanted to train with Mike and even wanted the company of Chad, which he had avoided for so many years.
"Damn, I really look like a pig."
He said as he wiped the laugh tears from his face.
"And definitely that uniform has shrunk, it looks like I'm all wrapped up."
"Let's do this, first we go to your dorm so you can change in your training clothes and then to ours so I can lend you spare uniforms. They'll be big on you, but that's good, it means you can grow in them."
Mike said, still smiling
"Thanks bro."
Edward replied, which further widened the other's smile.
"That's nothing, bro. Are you coming too?"
He concludes by looking at Chad.
"Go ahead, I'll meet you later at the gym, I won't miss this.”
Changing clothes was a bizarre experience. While taking off his shoes he didn't find the small, delicate feet he remembered but two big, smelly ones. Edward didn't have an explanation for that, although a little voice in the back of his head told him it was wrong. Strangely, with his rage asleep he didn't seem to be able to care. The same happened with his uniform, which even ripped when removed, exposing a defined physique. Which made Mike comment admired:
"Wow, man! I had no idea you were hiding the game. You'll have a much better starting point than I expected."
The truth is that Edward wasn't expecting that either, and looked at himself in the mirror.
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As he admired himself that voice in the back of his head returned: that's not right you're not like that! Which in turn send a red flash inside his head, causing the rage to take over again.
"Why the astonished tone Mike? You thought I was some wimp, is that it?"
"No man, I'm just glad you have a good foundation to work on."
Edward accepted his colleague's explanation, as he looked for a pair of shorts, all concern with the changes in his body forgotten. His boxers were tight, but he would never take them off in front of another man. Before looking for a T-shirt he took another look at himself in the mirror. Damn, how had he never noticed he was hot?
Edward ended up opting for a tank top that his father had forced him to bring and that he thought he would never wear. But then came the biggest problem, none of his shoes seemed capable of supporting the size of his feet, what the hell was he going to do? That's when he saw Jonathan's closet and with a sly smile grabbed a pair of his roommate's sneakers. Under Mike's watchful eye and equally mischievous smile.
"I didn't think you'd be capable of something like this, Chang."
"I'll buy him a new pair, I'll have to buy new ones to myself anyway."
Edward replied as he slipped on his roomate size 11 sneakers which he thought would be a little big but in reality were a perfect fit. People tended to think that small feet were a feature of all Asians, well that wasn't the case for him, after all at 6 feet tall his base of support should be good.
"I wonder what that crybaby Roberts will say... probably something like: it's the principle of the thing that matters and not the material value!"
"I'll deal with Roberts later, I'm looking forward to getting back to training and I want to see if you're going to be a good training partner or if you are full of bulshit."
"Do you have the nerve to say that to someone my size, scrawny boy?"
"In a fight, size isn't everything, Big Mike."
"I thought you didn't fight... that it was a stereotype and blah blah blah..."
"You think I'm obligated to know how to fight Kung Fu is a stereotype. Which doesn't mean that I don't know how to fight and that what I fight is Kung Fu."
"And what is it then?"
"Soon you will find out."
Edward replied, as memories of hours and hours of training took up a permanent place in his mind where an annoying little voice once dwelt.
While the two kept their things in the locker room at the academy, Edwar voiced a question he had been dying to ask
"So what's it like sharing a dorm with Chad Hartfield?"
"I don't know man... He's cool, he asked me to join the Crows and everything. But you've known him all your life, not me."
"We haven't met that often...in fact before today I...well...I kind of avoided him, but now… Like you said, he's cool. I never imagined he was capable of doing what he did at lunch today, You know? Chill Out and just be one of the guys. He always gave me an air of arrogance and superiority...
"Perhaps if you had given yourself the opportunity to get to know him better... and besides, why would he be your superior? Your father is much richer than his."
"That's not how it works, Mike. My father may have more money, but the Hartfields are Old Money, they have a name, status."
"I know that, and you think Chad himself doesn't suffer from it? Do you think he can be the way he was with us today with anyone else? With everyone around him ready to judge him for stepping outside of what's expected? What did he do in front of you today, exposing himself like that he won't do with anyone else he doesn't consider a true friend and you can bet that at the tables next to us there were people in his circle judging him for doing what he did did and he will probably have to pay for it. But I'm actually glad we gave him the chance to be exactly what you said, one of the guys.
"I... I never thought there was more to him than... well... than the arrogant asshole who seems to have the world at his feet."
"Ah, but he really is an arrogant asshole who has the world at his feet."
Mike said bursting out laughing before continuing.
" And that's exactly what I admire about him, he's relentless, ambitious and knows his place in the world, but he's loyal to his friends. The kind of man I admire and want to be. In fact, today I saw some traces of that in you brother, I think you should explore them more."
Traces of that in him? Never! Edward thought, but at the same time he had stood up to Gregory and Jonathan and shared a laugh with Chad and Mike who were exactly that kind of people and there was still that anger boiling inside him... maybe he wasn't so different from Chad after all. ...
"So are we going to wait for him or what?"
"Nah, he catches up with us later, plus I want to see you demonstrate the crane move or whatever you call it."
Edward braced himself for another wave of rage, but this one didn't come, because to his complete astonishment, he ended up laughing.
That's what he managed to say between laughs to his new friend. As he felt his perception of the other change he realized that this is what Mike had become, a friend. A kind of friend he didn't think he could enjoy having so much. Mike didn't care much if he was going to offend someone or not, he said what he thought and if someone got offended… they will have to deal with it. And Edward...Eddie...realized he liked that, that freedom to say whatever he wants to say. There was no need to be offended, it was a silly joke, made in camaraderie.
"What? Want a taste of it?"
Answered his friend, holding his pouch and bursting into a laughter so genuinely that Eddie followed him again without a flash of anger. It seemed Mike and his ways appealed to that new corner of Eddie's personality in such a way that it would take more than a few jokes to rouse the abrasive waves of anger he was now familiar with. And Edward was fine with that, because if he could be honest with himself he was scared of what he was becoming. However, before that thought could gain strength, it was interrupted by Mike
"That's enough, otherwise we'll never train, I thought we'd lift some weights and then you show me some of your moves, no jokes this time, I really want to see what you're capable of, bro."
Said the other boy with his usual smile.
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Eddie could have sworn he'd lifted weights before, he had the memories to prove it, didn't he? But as Mike guided him through the different machines and stations it felt like the first time. He would have given up if he didn't hate the idea of being seen as a weakling by his colleague. So every time that cowardly urge to stop took hold of him he gladly embraced the wave of red rage his brain sent throughout his body giving him the necessary strength to continue. Mike's encouragement helped too, ranging from jokes that eased Eddie's tension, teasing that fueled his anger, and praise that softened his ego.
They had opted for a full body workout. Starting with the work on the arms. But when he saw the weight of the dumbbells that his friend handed him, Eddie faltered.
"What? Those weights are supposed to warm you up brother! I thought you knew how to train..."
"Shut up Jones..."
He said taking the dumbbells and starting the exercise. And indeed, with each curl he did the weights felt lighter. So much so that at the end of the series Mike placed dumbbells in front of him with twice the weight, without saying anything, just staring at his friend with a challenging look. Edward in turn responded by picking up the weights and nearly dropping them. Which sent his anger shooting up, giving him the strength he needed to reposition himself and try again.
"Come on brother! I want at least 10 reps, no excuses."
He urged while positioning himself next to Eddie.
"... seven... let's go."
"Talking is easy..."
"...so don't talk man, do it!"
"... nine and ten! Two more let's go!"
"But you said ten..."
"And I thought you weren't a wimp."
Anger exploded inside Eddie.
"I will kill you!"
He said, while doing another curl
"You can try, but first make one more! And... twelve! Hell Yeah! Who's the man, you're the man!"
Mike spoke, as Eddie's anger dissipated, for the joy of having achieved it and for what seemed to be genuine joy in his friend's voice.
"Look at those arms man, you're exercising your constitutional right to own guns!"
And Eddie looked, he didn't remember his arms being that big, it must have been the pump,... although arms that big didn't grow overnight and... whatever... he flexed both arms, that it was so badass!
"Look at this!"
"Yeah, man! Come on, two more times and then triceps!"
After the triceps it was the turn of the shoulders, and the chest. Again Eddie was amazed at the weights that his friend put on him, only to him overcome them with ease and see them being doubled.
"...come on man, even my sister can bench press more than that."
"Shut...up...you piece of shit!"
"...ten, Man Up, dude! Eleven and... twelve! Well done Chang! Now legs! Let's turn those little chicken legs into something respectable!"
"I'll show you what those little chicken legs can do, dickhead"
"I really hope so, because at the moment I'm not impressed. Let's go there, barbell squats and deadlifts and then you can try to fulfill all your empty threats."
"....and twelve! Well done brother! Look at those quads and those calves! They belong to a real man and not a wimp!"
"Who are you calling a wimp, Jones??"
"Certainly not you, Chang!"
Said Mike extending his hand to a High Five that Eddie was delighted to reciprocate. Yeah, he was a real man, more than that, he was a god among lesser men, he thought as he admired himself in the middle of the gym.
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"If you're done admiring yourself pretty boy, I think it's time for you to put yourself to the test on the mat."
"Are you sure about that, Big Mike? I'm not going to feel sorry for rubbing your face in the ground just for the pleasure of getting your annoying smile off."
"You might be surprised, Chang."
"Unless you train in some kind of martial art and haven't told me it's unlikely."
"Basketball has always been my sport, bro. I never trained in martial arts and kept off the streets. Still, I want to see you try take all this down."
Said Mike taking off his tank top and showing muscles definitely much bigger than Eddie's.
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"I've told you before Mike, size isn't everything in a fight and besides I'm not that much smaller than you."
"In your dreams, scrawny boy!"
Mike retorted, leading his colleague to the mat in one of the multiple training rooms of the giant Dalton sports complex, taking off his sports shoes and socks and putting himself in a waiting position, while he waited for Eddie to do the same.
"Come on, show me all you've got... wimp."
Even though Eddie was no longer irritated by his friend's teasing, he let the anger overwhelm him, this was a fight after all and he didn't lie when he said he wanted to rip off his friend's arrogant smile. He then went all out on him, aiming a punch at the other's face. Who deflected it with one hand as he slapped Eddie lightly across the ear, as if he wasn't even worthy of receiving a real blow, which made his anger boil with indignation.
"That's all you've got, Chang? It’s pathetic!"
"You'll see who's pathetic, Jones."
Eddie replied, the red wave of anger involving everything around him as he applied a kick, once again deflected by his friend, who even took the opportunity to knock him to the ground.
"Like I said, pathetic Chang. I thought you knew how to fight."
"I know!"
Eddie responded by standing up and ripping his tank top off.
"Empty words, Chang. Maybe I was wrong, maybe you have nothing in common with me and Chad, maybe you're just a weakling."
Said Mike while dodging another punch given by Eddie knocking him to the ground.
"I'm not a weakling."
Eddie replied, repositioning himself.
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"Then prove, prove that you don't belong there, on the ground, crawling around like a worm!"
Eddie yelled, delivering a new blow only to see him dodged again.
"It seems you are nothing but a coward and a weakling."
Said Mike turning his back and giving the impression that he was going to leave the mat, his face and voice mixing with those of Eddie's father in the red mist of his conscience.
In the middle of it all Eddie launched himself on Mike, trapping his friend's neck in a powerful rear naked choke and then taking him to the ground and repositioning himself on top of him in a mount.
"Who's the weakling now? Huh? Who, Big Mike?"
Eddie asked, full of rage.
"Never turn your back on the enemy, bro. Who's the weakling?"
He repeated, seeming to grow in size, muscles pulsing and swelling. Holding tighter and tighter as his friend tried to free himself from that deadly grip.
"Don't even try to let go, I'm a black belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, you were right, the ground is where I belong. But I'm not crawling, I'm not a worm. No worm is my size."
And he was right of course, he was big by any standard of comparison, giant arms, powerful legs ending in huge feet and a chest bigger than a barrel, and contrary to every stereotype a huge dick and a couple of big balls. Which even motivated his next provocation.
"Hey Big Mike, tell me, how does it feel to have a real man's dick rubbed in your face?"
"I didn't understand, sorry, I don't speak weakling language"
"I give up, man I give up."
"Who is the king of the mat?"
"You you!"
"Great, next time save your opinions for the basketball court where it belongs, I'm in charge here!"
Eddie said, finally getting off his friend and letting him recover.
"Wow man, if I had known that I would never have accepted your invitation to train. You fooled me so well."
"I didn't fool anyone, you fooled yourself and I wonder how it ever crossed your mind you could win to all of this!"
Said Eddie showing off his powerful and huge physique to his friend.
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"Come on brother, we're almost the same size, but I’m still bigger than you."
"I know, but I'm tired of telling you that size isn't everything in a fight. Even if I were a twig I could still take you out. Ask Chad, he's been following my fights since I started training."
"I know, I know. He told me that, I knew what I was getting myself into, but I still couldn't resist, a mistake I won't repeat. Man, I stink, I need to take a shower before next class."
"Me too...shit, now I'm really going to have to buy Roberts a new sneaker."
Eddie replied showing a torn tennis shoe to his friend, who once again burst out laughing.
"But what was the idea of getting such a small sneaker? How much do you wear anyway?"
"I wear a size 13 but I don't know what happened to my stuff, I think the staff sent my brother's clothes by mistake... so it was either Roberts sneakers or going barefoot but I could have sworn they fit right ."
"Well, now you're going to have to go barefoot anyway, dummy. I could have lent you a pair of mine, but I wear a size 15. Or you could have told Chad, he wears the same size as you ."
"I don't know man, I didn't mean to bother him."
"What are you talking about? You've known each other your whole life, you've been friends since childhood, of course he wouldn't mind! Why you would think that?!"
"Well, so far he hasn't asked me to join the Crows and... don't take this the wrong way, you're a cool and you're his roommate, but given our history I thought I'd be the first to be called."
"Assholes, both of you! Chad was worried because you hadn't asked him in yet, he thought you knew you were in without him needing to call."
"Fuck! I thought..."
"Clearly thinking is not your best asset, Chang"
"Want another demonstration of my best asset, Jones?"
"I'm good man, I'm good."
Mike responded by raising one hand in peace as he called someone with his cell phone in his other hand.
"Hey, dumbass. I thought you were going to come train with your best bros. Ah, an important matter came up...more important than us? We'll show you who matters most. Eddie and I will be waiting for you in the locker room, bring a pair of your shoes because the idiot forgot his. Oh, and bring along a formal letter inviting him to the Crows, because apparently for you rich kids if things are not done formally it has no validity."
Eddie said, apparently at the same time Chad was saying the same thing to Mike on the phone.
"Oun, how beautiful is the harmony of childhood friends. A tear came to flow here."
He said pointing to his own dick. Though only Eddie could see it and burst out laughing once more.
"See you later Chad. We'll be waiting for you in the locker room, don't forget the shoes for Chang."
He ended it by hanging up the phone and looking at Eddie.
"Problems solved. Frankly, I don't know what you rich guys would do without me. Just don't expect me to wash your gorilla backs, Chang."
“Are you kidding Jones? I bet you'd love the chance to admire a real man."
"You better save your bets for my games or your fights, man. I know that you have a lot of money to spend, but it's better not to waste it on things that will never happen. Also, when I want to see a real man I just need to look in a mirror."
"I thought you'd stick around to help me with Chang's transition."
"I went to make sure everything was going well with Sanchez."
"Apparently that sort of thing is to be expected."
"Fine, not pretending I totally understand, but fine."
"Even I don't fully understand Mike. I've prepared my whole life for this and yet I've had surprises. That... clowning... at lunch today, I'm pretty sure I've never done anything like that in my life and yet it came naturally to me."
"I thought it was awesome, I used to have burping competitions all the time with my friends at my old school."
"Disgusting, Michael."
"You didn't seem to think so while you were doing it."
"Yes, and that's what's weirdest, I really enjoyed myself in an unexpected way. But that kind of thing can't happen anymore.”
"Man, letting go a little from time to time will not destroy our plans, on the contrary, I believe that was precisely the moment that secured Chang for us."
"Maybe... then how well did you do?"
"Soon you'll see, but I admit it was... strange, you saw the beginning, but then things accelerated and I... just went with the flow... as if the right words to get the result I wanted pop out of nowhere in my head and... it was bizarre... it was like turning him inside out... you should have seen it to understand."
"I believe I understand Mike."
"No man, there's no way you can understand, not without seeing it. There's no way to fully describe the transformation from a wizened boy to a mean muscle mountain."
"You'll have to trust me on that one. What about the rest?"
"Like I said, it was like he turned inside out, we might have issues with his aggression at some point, but to be honest I liked this new him, liked a lot. He's the type of guy I'd like to have by my side, a bit crude but really fun. And he seems to think of you as a dear childhood friend."
"Great, so now we just need to formalize the thing."
Well, there won't be a better time than now. He's just getting out of the shower.”
"You took your time Chang, I thought maybe you drowned or something."
Commented Chad with the giant totally naked in front of him.
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"You should know how long it takes a man my size to wash up, Hartfield. And Jones hasn't even had a bath yet. What was it that the two of you had so important to talk about?"
"About you actually."
"Oh, and may I know what you had to say about me?"
"How my childhood friend could be so stupid as to think I wouldn't invite him to join my club."
"Well, you took your time too Chad."
"Only because I thought it was obvious that I wanted you there, Eddie."
"So I'm in, simple as that?"
"Simple as that brother, what won't be so simple is the task I have to give you, but I bet you'll still enjoy every moment of it."
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mondosalamone · 1 year ago
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Es invierno en Azul, pero el sol brilla y los arquitectos, los fans y los aficionados de Francisco Salamone andan correteando entre el Teatro Español, el hotel y los bares. Son las primeras Jornadas Salamone y, claro, se hacen en esta ciudad, donde el arquitecto dejó la más desmesurada de sus obras: una portada de 22 metros de altura para el cementerio. El cuerpo central tiene las letras RIP en gigantes placas de mármol negro y, delante, el brutal ángel de hormigón, su escultura más famosa, obra maestra del art déco y presencia maldita. En Azul la llaman «El Ángel Exterminador» o «El Ángel Vengador». Dicen que, cuando Salamone se la presentó al intendente, en los años treinta, el pobre funcionario murmuró que parecía algo maligno, una obra del Demonio. Eso parece. En cualquier caso, el Ángel no da ninguna idea tranquilizadora sobre la muerte, no es una imagen de alivio ni de pasaje, sino un juez severo, como una deidad egipcia dispuesta a arrancar y pesar un corazón. La escultura es enorme y cambia según la luz el sol: sus alas facetadas, sus ángulos, producen sombras que dan una ilusión de metamorfosis. Aparece tan de repente, además, al doblar la esquina en esta ciudad de casas bajas, muchas lujosas, en plena rica pampa húmeda. Es una aparición inesperada que no tiene nada que ver con el barrio, que no se anuncia, que parece depositada ahí, abandonada, como un artefacto de otro mundo.
📖Alguien camina sobre tu tumba · Mariana Enríquez 📷 2021
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alasdepaloma · 19 days ago
Para mí la Navidad es un regalo que guarda nostalgia. No hay tal fecha que resguarde una felicidad absoluta, puedo decir que no hay un ápice de ésta en ningún ciclo que está por cerrar… Siempre hay una pérdida a la qué llorar, a la qué extrañar, a la qué echar de menos. La Navidad es un obsequio de memorias; memorias de gente que ya no está, de un amor que terminó, de un amor que está lejos, de un beso que se desintegró, de una mirada que se marchitó, de un espasmo enamorado que se clavó en el vientre e hizo esclavo al corazón pero, no dió para más. No pudo ser más. La Navidad me recuerda que la vida es un camino de instantes, de sonrisas que serán también lágrimas, de abrazos que entibiarán por un momento el alma y que, ese calorcito será el que recordaremos con nostalgia y gratitud en épocas así.
De tal forma que, no es una chimenea la que dará el fuego que se requiere para otorgar el calor que menguará el frío de la soledad de aquellos que, en el cierre de un ciclo, no tienen un hogar, no tienen una familia, ha fallecido papá o mamá, el amor es un sueño, el amado… el aliento fortuito de un tiempo que fue gentil, amable, bondadoso con el alma de un solitario que iba herido… y que no sabía qué hacer con sus heridas hasta que aquello representó el bálsamo para menguar el dolor por un instante.
La Navidad…
No cambia nada la Navidad.
No cambia la realidad si es que ésta es cruda, si es que ésta es dura… si es que no hay un techo donde dormir.
La Navidad no es buena con todos…
Sin embargo, es buena para aquellos que —aún cuando la experiencia de vida lleve al infortunio pendiendo de ésta—, saben agradecer, arropando en la memoria destellos de los buenos momentos, porque debe haber uno, un sólo segundo donde el alma pudo sentirse infinita en un mundo que se sabe mortal.
Para mí la Navidad lleva nombre, aroma, rostro, temperatura, canción… Y es en todos estos que me refugio hoy, entre estas paredes frías, en el latido frágil y lento de los últimos días del año. Para mí la Navidad es él, aquel que me hizo conocer la magia en momentos donde había perdido la fe. Es él, aquel que con carne cubriendo sus huesos, pudo ser capaz de hacerme sentir a Dios en mi corazón, con todo ese amor que me otorgaba. Es él, el ser humano al que amo y hoy no está aquí, hoy no puedo mirarlo, hoy no puedo besarlo… hoy no puedo abrazarlo y decirle que la Navidad es dura, pero con su recuerdo vuelve a ser dulce, tan dulce como su nombre en mi boca al pronunciarlo.
Hay un hogar que aún palpita en el centro de mi corazón y ningún material podrá llenar… Porque pareciera que la Navidad para todos es eso, llenar los vacíos con banalidad; se ha perdido el significado real y es triste.
Creo que los que se encuentran solos hoy, saben que lo más importante de estas fechas es el recuerdo de quienes se fueron y la paz que se le puede obsequiar al ser.
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