#CABERNET SAUVIGNON Cornerstone Benchlands
cornerstonecellars12 · 11 months
Wine Etiquette 101: A Guide to Enjoying Cornerstone Cellars Wines with Elegance
When you invest in boutique wines, you’re in for a unique experience, and it’s important to understand how to get the most out of what your collection has to offer. Follow the rules of wine etiquette and you can turn your cellar, dining room, or patio into one of the best tasting rooms Yountville has to offer. 
Select the right glassware
Not just a rumor, the shape of your wine glass can influence how well (or poorly) you can detect the subtleties in your wine. Different varietals show better in specific glass shapes and sizes.
The 2021 Farina Vineyard Sauvignon Blanc would be enhanced when served in a stemmed glass with a smaller, more narrow bowl. 
The 2020 Fiddlestix Vineyard Pinot Noir would really shine in a stemmed glass with a very wide bowl. 
We suggest the 2019 Benchlands Cabernet Sauvignon should be served in a stemmed glass with a taller, larger bowl.
Temperature matters, too
Properly chilled (or warmed) wine can significantly enhance your tasting experience. Here are the ideal serving temperatures for our wines. 
The 2021 Farina Vineyard Sauvignon Blanc should be served at 45°-50°F.
The 2020 Fiddlestix Vineyard Pinot Noir can be served  stored at 55° F.
The 2018 Howell Mountain Cabernet Sauvignon and other full-bodied red wines can be served stored at 59°-64° F.
Master the art of pouring
Pouring gracefully and efficiently adds elegance to your wine tasting experience. Knowing how much to pour in the glass will allow for optimal aeration and aroma release, while also adhering to proper serving etiquette.
The proper amount to pour for a tasting or a flight is 2 ounces. 
The proper amount to pour in a glass is 6 ounces. 
Here’s how to properly pour your Cornerstone Cellars wines:
Have a clean napkin or cloth nearby. 
Leaving the wine glass on the table, hold your bottle from the bottom half and tilt the neck over your glass to pour.
Pour slowly and steadily to allow for slight aeration.
To finish, tilt the bottle upwards with a slight twisting motion.
Wipe the bottle’s lip with your clean napkin to prevent wine from dripping down the bottle. 
Create a Yountville wine tasting experience 
To fully appreciate the complexity of your Cornerstone Cellars collection, follow this step-by-step guide to tasting wine. These techniques will elevate your wine-drinking experience, and you’ll feel like you’re hosting your very own Yountville wine tasting in your home. 
See - look at your wine. What color is it? How concentrated is the color?
Swirl - Swirl the wine in your glass to release the aromatic compounds in the bowl of the glass.
Sniff - Smell the wine. What aromas do you pick up on? 
Sip - Take a sip of the wine and notice any flavors or textures.
Savor - Swirl the wine around in your mouth and take note of how flavors and texture develop, change, or fade. How long or short is the finish? 
Dare to pair
To add a personal touch to your wine tasting, you can do what the best tasting rooms in Yountville do: pair your wine with food! 
Whether you’re pairing the Farina Sauvignon Blanc with tortellini and arugula salad or the Benchlands Cabernet Sauvignon with filet mignon, you can create harmonious pairings that enhance your wine and the dish you serve at the same time. 
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rabbitcruiser · 5 years
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Brix Restaurant & Gardens, Yountville (No. 2)
The daily-changing, farm-to-table menu draws inspiration from the restaurant’s extensive gardens and traditions of the winemaking region of Northern California, accented by international technique.
Just a stone’s throw from the restaurant, diners find the crown jewels of the grounds at Brix: Our flower and vegetable gardens and our orchard. Comprised of raised boxed beds and in-ground beds, it grows crops year-round. Tiny salad greens, fava beans and strawberries in the spring; French beans, eggplant, tomatoes, berries and melons in the summer, apples and pears, hard squash, potatoes and fresh onions in the fall, and Meyer lemons and sweet limes, sweet peas, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower Romenesco and butter lettuce in the winter. It’s not unusual to see our chefs out in the garden, gathering bunches of fruits, vegetables and herbs for the day’s specials.  
The Kelleher Family Vineyard is situated along Highway 29 in the famous Oakville Appellation in the heart of the Napa Valley. We have 10 acres planted exclusively with Cabernet Sauvignon grapes and we have named this beautiful piece of land "Brix Vineyard", after our namesake restaurant "Brix". 
We offer the Kelleher Family Vineyard Experience at Brix - a very special and intimate wine tasting set in our garden with a lunch pairing created by our Executive Chef. 
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Os melhores vinhos tintos do mundo
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Os rótulos venceram a competição Decanter World Wine Awards. Os preços variam de R$ 90 a R$ 2.250
Em sua 16ª edição, o Decanter World Wine Awards, a mais importante e disputada competição enófila, elencou quais são os melhores vinhos do mundo. Em 2019, mais de 16,5 mil vinhos foram inscritos na premiação, sendo avaliados por 280 especialistas. Os 50 melhores rótulos ganharam o prêmio “Best in Show Wines”. Pesquisando por categorias, a Revista Bula reuniu em uma lista os 23 melhores vinhos tintos. Entre os vencedores, A França se destacou, com cinco rótulos premiados. Logo em seguida, estão Itália e Espanha, que ganharam quatro prêmios cada. Argentina, Austrália, Nova Zelândia, Portugal e Estados Unidos também estão presentes na lista. Os preços variam de R$90 a R$ 2.250.
Attunga 1865 Shiraz (Kilikanoon)
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Totalmente elaborado com uvas Shiraz, este é um dos melhores exemplares produzidos no sul da Austrália. Possui aromas intensos de frutas vermelhas e pretas, com nuances de eucalipto, folhas secas, chocolate amargo e café. Harmoniza bem com carnes vermelhas grelhadas, aves condimentadas e queijos amarelos. Preço médio: R$ 750,00
Benchlands Cabernet Sauvignon (Cornerstone Cellars)
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Totalmente elaborado com uvas da especialidade Cabernet Sauvignon, este vinho transmite toda a opulência acolhedora dos vinhedos de Napa Valley. Complexo no paladar, possui notas extravagantes de mirtilo, misturadas com chocolate e incenso. É um vinho luxuoso, que harmoniza bem com carnes grelhadas, caças e queijos maduros. Preço médio: R$ 450,00
Château Queyron Pindefleurs (SCE Vignobles Fillon)
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Imponente e elegante, este exemplar dos vinhedos de Bordeaux é elaborado com uvas Merlot e Cabernet Franc, e finalizado com 1% de Cabernet Sauvignon. Possui nuances adocicadas de frutas vermelhas e pretas, que contrastam com o frescor das notas de carvalho. Com acidez suave, harmoniza bem com aves assadas, peixes e saladas. Preço médio: R$ 160,00
Chianti Classico Riserva (Cigliano)
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Considerado um clássico, este vinho possui aromas de violetas, groselhas, ameixas maduras, mirtilos, pimenta preta e especiarias. É elaborado com uvas da especialidade Sangiovese, cultivadas na região da Toscana. Leve e equilibrado, harmoniza perfeitamente com carnes vermelhas, aves caipiras, massas com molhos vermelhos e queijos duros. Preço médio: R$ 150,00
Clos des Epenots (Château de Meursault)
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Com sabores complexos e boa acidez, este vinho é totalmente elaborado com uvas da especialidade Pinot Noir. Mistura notas de ameixas maduras, cerejas, framboesas, baunilha e um leve toque de couro e chocolate. É muito bem equilibrado e harmoniza com carnes ensopadas ou assadas, risotos, massas trufadas e salmão. Preço médio: R$ 2.250,00
Coto de Imaz (El Coto)
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Denso e com sabores persistentes no paladar, este vinho é elaborado com uvas Tempranillo e finalizado com um toque de Graciano. Possui aromas marcantes de frutas vermelhas e pretas, carvalho, especiarias e toques de baunilha. Bem equilibrado, harmoniza perfeitamente com carnes vermelhas e brancas assadas, ensopados e pizzas. Preço médio: R$ 120,00
Finca Azaya (Valduero)
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Elaborado com uvas Tempranillo, o Finca Azaya encantou os jurados com sua sedução e elegância. Com acidez média, combina aromas de frutas vermelhas, folha de louro, menta, café e madeira de carvalho. Harmoniza com uma ampla variedade de pratos, mas principalmente com ensopados de carne, legumes grelhados, churrasco, queijos e massas. Preço médio: R$ 290,00
Grans Muralles (Familia Torres)
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Esta mistura fascinante de uvas Garnacha, Carinyena e Querol é a prova de que a Catalunha pode produzir vinhos tintos finos. Com sabores complexos e encorpados, combina notas de frutas vermelhas maduras, ervas aromáticas, violetas e toffee. Pode acompanhar carnes vermelhas e de caça, aves grelhadas e massas com cogumelos. Preço médio: R$ 550,00
Graveyard Vineyard Shiraz (Brokenwood)
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Elaborado com uvas Shiraz, apresenta aromas marcantes de cereja, ameixas maduras, chocolate, especiarias e pimenta preta. Equilibrado e com sabores persistentes, é complementado por notas leves de madeira e café. Combina com carnes assadas, massas com molhos condimentados, carnes de caça e chocolate amargo. Preço médio: R$ 800,00
Iluminado Vinos de la Luz Single Vineyard Malbec (La Luz Del Vino)
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Intenso e perfumado, este é o único exemplar argentino entre os melhores do mundo. Composto 100% de uvas Malbec, cultivadas na região de Mendoza, possui aromas refinados de frutas silvestres, damasco, flores e folhas de tabaco. Com forte acidez, harmoniza bem com carnes, pratos agridoces e massas com molho de tomate ou cogumelos. Preço médio: R$ 650,00
John Martin Pinot Noir (Te Kairanga)
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Suave a agradável à maioria dos paladares, é intensamente aromático, combinando notas de frutas vermelhas, ervas frescas, rosas e café. Totalmente elaborado com uvas Pinot Noir, cultivadas na região de Wairarapa, apresenta acidez equilibrada. Harmoniza bem com carnes ensopadas, massas trufadas e queijos brancos. Preço médio: R$ 125,00
Larmanela (Bergerie du Capucin)
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Produzido com uvas Shiraz cultivadas na zona chuvosa de Pic St Loup, apresenta os perfumes frescos e delicados do sul da França, uma mistura de frutas do bosque, chocolate e tomilho. Com acidez suave, pode ser apreciado em qualquer época do ano. Combina perfeitamente com carnes vermelhas, massas com cogumelos e queijo parmesão. Preço médio: R$ 155,00
Les Hauts de Montmirail (Domaine Brusset)
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Combinando uvas Grenache, Shyraz e Mourvedre, este é um dos melhores exemplares dos vinhedos de Gigondas, na França. Seu sabor é exuberante, de acidez média, com notas de frutas vermelhas e pretas, violetas, ervas aromáticas e pimenta. Harmoniza perfeitamente com carnes vermelhas e brancas assadas, massas condimentadas e queijos. Preço médio: R$ 120,00
Les Ones Samsó (Bodegas y Viñedos de Cal Grau)
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Les Ones é um vinho fortemente marcado pelas características minerais dos solos onde as uvas Samsó são cultivadas. Extremamente perfumado e quase cremoso, apresenta notas de frutas vermelhas e madeira. Possui uma boa acidez, que o mantém fresco. Harmoniza com carnes assadas, peixes, frutos do mar e pratos condimentados em geral. Preço médio: R$ 90,00
Mumelter Riserva Cabernet (Cantina Bolzano)
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Este Cabernet Sauvignon, temperado com uvas Cabernet Franc, surpreende a todos com sua elegância. Seus aromas lembram groselhas frescas, amoras e cranberries, finalizados com notas apimentadas e tostadas. Com acidez forte e sabores persistentes no paladar, harmoniza com carnes assadas, massas condimentadas e queijos maduros. Preço médio: R$ 385,00
Price Family Estates Pinot Noir (Three Sticks)
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Com acidez intensa, este vinho é elaborado com uvas Pinot Noir cultivadas na Califórnia. Apresenta aromas de violetas, rosas, frutas vermelhas, ameixas frescas e chocolate amargo. Possui frescor e doçura comedida, harmonizando perfeitamente com peixes grelhados, carne de porco, queijos leves e carnes vermelhas magras. Preço médio: R$ 250,00
Quinta de S. José Reserva (João Brito e Cunha)
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Extremamente aromático, este vinho apresenta notas evidentes de frutas vermelhas maduras, flores, especiarias, pimenta e madeira. Proveniente da mistura de uvas Vinha Velha e Touriga Nacional, é um vinho elegante, que possui acidez equilibrada. Combina com carnes vermelhas e de caça assadas, embutidos e queijos curados. Preço médio: R$ 110,00
Sainte Epine (Domaine Laurent Habrard)
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Sainte Epine é um ótimo representante da região de Saint-Joseph, o local ideal para o cultivo de uvas Shiraz, presentes na composição deste vinho. Combina notas de frutas vermelhas e pretas, musgos verdes e alcaçuz. Encorpado e equilibrado, pode acompanhar carnes vermelhas, pratos da culinária indiana e queijos duros. Preço médio: R$ 150,00
Sorano (Claudio Alario)
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Com aromas puros e sedutores, este é um excelente representante dos melhores vinhos da Itália. É elaborado com uvas Nebbiolo, cultivadas na região de Barolo. Apresenta notas de rosas, grãos de milho, palha, frutas negras e romã. Com alta acidez, harmoniza com carnes vermelhas ou de caça, massas com molhos cremosos e queijos maduros. Preço médio: R$ 180,00
Superior (Quinta dos Castelares)
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Equilibrado e fresco, o vinho Superior é elaborado com uma mistura de uvas Touriga Nacional, Touriga Franca e Tinta Roriz. Possui aromas de flores silvestres, especiarias e plantas, como esteva, abrunho e zimbro. Com acidez suave, é ideal para acompanhar carnes assadas, pratos agridoces, sobremesas à base de nozes e queijos azuis. Preço médio: R$ 90,00
Te Kahu Merlot-Cabernet Sauvignon-Cabernet Franc-Petit Verdot-Malbec (Craggy Range)
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Elaborado com um mix de uvas Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon e Cabernet Franc, este é um dos vinhos mais emblemáticos da Nova Zelândia. Possui aromas de cerejas, ameixas maduras e cassis, com um leve toque de tabaco seco e caramelo. Com sabor surpreendente, combina com carnes brancas e vermelhas assadas, massas e queijos. Preço médio: R$ 100,00
The Gate Shiraz (Shingleback)
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Totalmente elaborado com uvas Shiraz, este é um vinho agradável, com acidez equilibrada. Apresenta notas de amoras, morangos, chocolate ao leite e nozes torradas, com um leve toque de ervas frescas. Considerado um clássico do sul australiano, é ideal para acompanhar carnes assadas, ensopados, fondue e queijos amarelos. Preço médio: R$ 130,00
Vigneti di Jago (Domìni Veneti)
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Exótico e perfumado, entrega uma combinação surpreendente de uvas Corvina, Corvinona e Rondinella. Apresenta acidez média, combinando notas de violetas, frutas silvestres, especiarias africanas e raspas de frutas cítricas. Harmoniza com queijos amarelos e pratos leves, como peixes, frutos do mar e vegetais grelhados. Preço médio: R$ 350,00
Os melhores vinhos tintos do mundo publicado primeiro em https://www.revistabula.com
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jackiedluke · 7 years
Wine Reviews: Weekly Mini Round-Up For January 22, 2018
So, like, what is this stuff, anyway? I taste a bunch-o-wine (technical term for more than most people). So each week, I share some of my wine reviews (mostly from samples) and tasting notes with you via twitter (limited to 140 characters). They are meant to be quirky, fun, and easily-digestible reviews of currently available wines. Below is a wrap-up of those twitter wine reviews from the past week (click here for the skinny on how to read them), along with links to help you find these wines, so that you can try them for yourself. Cheers!
16 Cave Vinicole de Hunawihr Riesling Rosacker (Alsace Grand Cru): Above all else, freshness reigns here; and citrus sits beside it on the throne. $25 B+ >>find this wine
10 Cave Vinicole de Hunawihr Riesling Rosacker (Alsace Grand Cru): A basket full of apricots and flowers, with an extra of lemon candy for later. $NA A- >>find this wine
12 Domaine Eblin-Fuchs Riesling Rosacker (Alsace Grand Cru): High-wire act tension, at once tightly wound and expressively elegant. $NA A- >>find this wine
14 Domaine Agape Riesling Rosacker Grand Cru (Alsace): Gorgeous, linear, and chock full of enough minerals to nearly fill an ancient buried cavern. $46 A- >>find this wine
15 Domaine Agape Riesling Rosacker Grand Cru (Alsace): About as electric and energetic as such a vintage could provide; those tropical & stone fruits are lightly salted, too. $46 A- >>find this wine
14 LaJota Vineyard Co. Howell Mountain Estate Merlot (Napa Valley): A spirited game, played with both a sense of joy and the focus of a well-experienced master of the sport. $80 A >>find this wine
14 Cornerstone Cellars Benchland Cabernet Sauvignon (Napa Valley): Like a great metal concert; a talented assault on many of the senses, asking and taking no quarter. $65 A- >>find this wine
12 Sokol Blosser Pinot Noir (Dundee Hills): Just about equal portions of brightness, earthiness, refinement, and refreshingly accessible affordability. $38 A- >>find this wine
16 Troon White Family Vineyard Kubli Bench Blanc (Applegate Valley): Both Rhone-ish and Roguish, and both of those in both thoroughly lovable ways. $25 B+ >>find this wine
NV Juve & Camps Pinot Noir Brut Rose (Cava): Not condoning violence here, but anyone who hates on Cava needs to be hit upside the head with a half-open bottle of this. Theoretically, of course. $15 B >>find this wine
Grab The 1WineDude.com Tasting Guide and start getting more out of every glass of wine today!
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Copyright © 2016. Originally at Wine Reviews: Weekly Mini Round-Up For January 22, 2018 from 1WineDude.com – for personal, non-commercial use only. Cheers! Source: http://www.1winedude.com/wine-reviews-weekly-mini-round-up-for-january-22-2018/
source https://meself84.wordpress.com/2018/01/22/wine-reviews-weekly-mini-round-up-for-january-22-2018/ from Sommelier Courses http://sommeliercourses.blogspot.com/2018/01/wine-reviews-weekly-mini-round-up-for_22.html
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canvasclothiers · 7 years
Wine Reviews: Weekly Mini Round-Up For January 22, 2018
So, like, what is this stuff, anyway? I taste a bunch-o-wine (technical term for more than most people). So each week, I share some of my wine reviews (mostly from samples) and tasting notes with you via twitter (limited to 140 characters). They are meant to be quirky, fun, and easily-digestible reviews of currently available wines. Below is a wrap-up of those twitter wine reviews from the past week (click here for the skinny on how to read them), along with links to help you find these wines, so that you can try them for yourself. Cheers!
16 Cave Vinicole de Hunawihr Riesling Rosacker (Alsace Grand Cru): Above all else, freshness reigns here; and citrus sits beside it on the throne. $25 B+ >>find this wine<<
10 Cave Vinicole de Hunawihr Riesling Rosacker (Alsace Grand Cru): A basket full of apricots and flowers, with an extra of lemon candy for later. $NA A- >>find this wine<<
12 Domaine Eblin-Fuchs Riesling Rosacker (Alsace Grand Cru): High-wire act tension, at once tightly wound and expressively elegant. $NA A- >>find this wine<<
14 Domaine Agape Riesling Rosacker Grand Cru (Alsace): Gorgeous, linear, and chock full of enough minerals to nearly fill an ancient buried cavern. $46 A- >>find this wine<<
15 Domaine Agape Riesling Rosacker Grand Cru (Alsace): About as electric and energetic as such a vintage could provide; those tropical & stone fruits are lightly salted, too. $46 A- >>find this wine<<
14 LaJota Vineyard Co. Howell Mountain Estate Merlot (Napa Valley): A spirited game, played with both a sense of joy and the focus of a well-experienced master of the sport. $80 A >>find this wine<<
14 Cornerstone Cellars Benchland Cabernet Sauvignon (Napa Valley): Like a great metal concert; a talented assault on many of the senses, asking and taking no quarter. $65 A- >>find this wine<<
12 Sokol Blosser Pinot Noir (Dundee Hills): Just about equal portions of brightness, earthiness, refinement, and refreshingly accessible affordability. $38 A- >>find this wine<<
16 Troon White Family Vineyard Kubli Bench Blanc (Applegate Valley): Both Rhone-ish and Roguish, and both of those in both thoroughly lovable ways. $25 B+ >>find this wine<<
NV Juve & Camps Pinot Noir Brut Rose (Cava): Not condoning violence here, but anyone who hates on Cava needs to be hit upside the head with a half-open bottle of this. Theoretically, of course. $15 B >>find this wine<<
Grab The 1WineDude.com Tasting Guide and start getting more out of every glass of wine today!
Shop Wine Products at Amazon.com
Copyright © 2016. Originally at Wine Reviews: Weekly Mini Round-Up For January 22, 2018 from 1WineDude.com – for personal, non-commercial use only. Cheers!
Source: http://www.1winedude.com/wine-reviews-weekly-mini-round-up-for-january-22-2018/
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cacophonyofolives · 7 years
Wine Reviews: Weekly Mini Round-Up For January 22, 2018
So, like, what is this stuff, anyway? I taste a bunch-o-wine (technical term for more than most people). So each week, I share some of my wine reviews (mostly from samples) and tasting notes with you via twitter (limited to 140 characters). They are meant to be quirky, fun, and easily-digestible reviews of currently available wines. Below is a wrap-up of those twitter wine reviews from the past week (click here for the skinny on how to read them), along with links to help you find these wines, so that you can try them for yourself. Cheers!
16 Cave Vinicole de Hunawihr Riesling Rosacker (Alsace Grand Cru): Above all else, freshness reigns here; and citrus sits beside it on the throne. $25 B+ >>find this wine<<
10 Cave Vinicole de Hunawihr Riesling Rosacker (Alsace Grand Cru): A basket full of apricots and flowers, with an extra of lemon candy for later. $NA A- >>find this wine<<
12 Domaine Eblin-Fuchs Riesling Rosacker (Alsace Grand Cru): High-wire act tension, at once tightly wound and expressively elegant. $NA A- >>find this wine<<
14 Domaine Agape Riesling Rosacker Grand Cru (Alsace): Gorgeous, linear, and chock full of enough minerals to nearly fill an ancient buried cavern. $46 A- >>find this wine<<
15 Domaine Agape Riesling Rosacker Grand Cru (Alsace): About as electric and energetic as such a vintage could provide; those tropical & stone fruits are lightly salted, too. $46 A- >>find this wine<<
14 LaJota Vineyard Co. Howell Mountain Estate Merlot (Napa Valley): A spirited game, played with both a sense of joy and the focus of a well-experienced master of the sport. $80 A >>find this wine<<
14 Cornerstone Cellars Benchland Cabernet Sauvignon (Napa Valley): Like a great metal concert; a talented assault on many of the senses, asking and taking no quarter. $65 A- >>find this wine<<
12 Sokol Blosser Pinot Noir (Dundee Hills): Just about equal portions of brightness, earthiness, refinement, and refreshingly accessible affordability. $38 A- >>find this wine<<
16 Troon White Family Vineyard Kubli Bench Blanc (Applegate Valley): Both Rhone-ish and Roguish, and both of those in both thoroughly lovable ways. $25 B+ >>find this wine<<
NV Juve & Camps Pinot Noir Brut Rose (Cava): Not condoning violence here, but anyone who hates on Cava needs to be hit upside the head with a half-open bottle of this. Theoretically, of course. $15 B >>find this wine<<
Grab The 1WineDude.com Tasting Guide and start getting more out of every glass of wine today!
Shop Wine Products at Amazon.com
Copyright © 2016. Originally at Wine Reviews: Weekly Mini Round-Up For January 22, 2018 from 1WineDude.com - for personal, non-commercial use only. Cheers! source http://www.1winedude.com/wine-reviews-weekly-mini-round-up-for-january-22-2018/
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rabbitcruiser · 3 years
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The Judgment of Paris took place in France, launching California as a worldwide force in the production of quality wine on May 24, 1976. In a wine competition in Paris, French judges shocked the wine industry by rating California wines higher than French ones.
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