criticalbeauregard · 1 month
closest we've ever gotten to poly party the prophecy is nearly complete
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I wonder if Otohan managed to kill FCG would that have exalted Fearne? Like maybe as soon as she found out Fearne was ruidus born why not do it again?
She was waaaay too intrigued when she sensed it in her
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pinkestpurple · 5 months
I actually didnt used to like Sam, bc i didnt watch Vox Machina and for the things that people said Scanlan looked like those characters that make rape jokes and that kind of bullshit. But then i watched TLOVM and Scanlan was okay and of course i watched C3 and realized what a kind player Sam is, he makes choices so other people can shine, he really loves this game and his friends, idk i just love Sam as a player, and cant wait to see what he does nexts
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yoursdearlyeve · 6 days
r/fansofcriticalrole is so bitter about Daggerheart and Candela as if Darrington Press crew personally shits in their breakfast
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undead-knick-knack · 1 year
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Just making a custom coffee mug for Relvin Temult 😊
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staticrevelations · 1 year
becoming more and more convinced that Predathos has corrupted or made some kind of pact with Ludinus the way Vespin did with Asmodeus and that Predathos corrupts those connected to Ruidus like Lilliana and we're effectively heading towards a potential second mini-Calamity
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sw5w · 8 months
Naboo Soldiers Move In
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:47:13
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utilitycaster · 8 months
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mayapapaya33 · 1 month
Is anyone else kind of annoyed that apparently Gilmore being a Runechild isn't a secret anymore with zero explanation. Idk if Aabria just thought it was cool and didn't care about the implications or what, but I'm still a little salty about it. Gilmore told VM that Rune children were hunted in C1. That's kind of a big deal. Is he established enough and powerful enough that he feels safe being open about it now? Are we ever going to explore that?
I'm a little behind in CR, currently on C3 ep 65 at the present moment, so if this does for some reason come into play, please don't spoil it lol, I would LOVE it if Gilmore came into C3 to kick ass and take names with his boyfriend/partner, I want to meet him! I want to see Matt play Gilmore and his boyfriend together and explore the Runechildren being hunted thing! That's all I ask! Maybe in C4 Gilmore gets kidnapped by the bad guys in order to exploit his runechild status and our new heroes have to save him! Ok now I'm just writing fanfiction I'll stop.
I haven't read the campaign books yet so if there's something about that in there, feel free to let me know so I can stop being mad about it lol.
(Please no Aabria hate, EXU/ her particular style isn't to my taste but that's not an excuse to be a dick ok? Media critiques only! Thanks!)
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villadiodatis · 7 months
God I just want to enjoy the Daggerheart game and playtest discussions without people prophesying doom about how Matt is obviously gonna nuke Exandria and they're gonna abandon 5e for C4. Like maybe! Who knows! However you assholes are definitely interpreting C3 wrong and you don't know as much about CR's fucking business metrics and plans as you think you do!
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kaya-p · 7 months
currently watching daggerheart on CR’s yt, and im BEGGING for it to be C4 bc, C3 was too overwhelming and im a baby to critical role 😀🥲😭
AND DAGGERHEART is more easier to understand and it’s reminds me SO MUCH of vox machina (sorry for spelling), the nostalgia 🥹
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fluidstatick · 2 months
- spend 45 minutes writing a speculation post about CR on the subreddit
- it's immediately deleted because it's a specific kind of speculation that I didn't see mentioned on the subreddit's rule page
- i didn't think to make a copy to post it here instead
- fuck me I guess??
too long didn't copy: Sam made an offhand remark at the end of 3.91, and the table reaction made me do a double take. I don't think there's gonna be a critical role campaign 4. I think Ludinus, Predathos, and the Divine Gate are red herrings and Exandria is going to jump realities at the end of C3, by way of something Dunamis related, and Instead of C4 we'll have Campaign 0, Exandria Reborn (ft an indie game system courtesy of Darrington Press).
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pippastrelle · 9 months
I'm so determined not to be a hater on C4 😂 I love the variety of CR and the worst part of C3 has been all the people complaining that it's doing something different to C2.
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colealexart · 11 months
If CR were to commission you for one of the following, which would you want: a) the official character portraits of a later campaign (say for C4, which we'd see ALL THE TIME), b) a portrait of the cast of a PREVIOUS campaign (NOT C3), or c) a custom piece celebrating Matt as GM to celebrate the 10th anniversary of CR?
oh gosh. these are all such cool ideas! i'm not confident in my ability to do the official campaign art, but man that'd be a neat gig. i think, honestly, i'd reply "YES" to anything that critical role wanted to hire me for. i would literally draw a quick 10 second doodle of a bee for them if they asked.
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laurasbailey · 8 months
that was a wonderful response. and if the other anon is around, i'd also like to add another perspective.
usually (not always, but usually) the first cr campaign that folks watch ends up being their favorite campaign and any other campaign they watch ends up being subconsciously compared to that first one.
the reason i say this is because c2 wasn't universally loved either when it was airing. there were folks who started with c1 who *hated* the meandering, character driven story and thought it was objectively worse.
the reason why the hate for c3 seems the loudest, is because *a lot* of folks got into cr during c2, genuinely. and they fell in love with the sandbox-y, narrative and character driven story.
so when c3 started and it became obvious it was the complete opposite of c2, complaints started cropping up. the things that c2 was heavily criticized for before are beloved now and yearned for in c3.
is c3 perfect? no. are there legitimate flaws and criticisms? yes. but that doesn't mean c3 is objectively worse. art is subjective and each campaign is completely different from the last.
someday in the future, c3 will be beloved by all and folks will be hating on c4. that's the fandom cycle unfortunately. don't let it ruin this perfectly good campaign for ya.
(sorry for the long ask)
that's an interesting perspective!! i wasn't around when c2 started so i missed a lot of the early responses to it. but i agree that the first campaign people watch tends to be their favourite, it'd be nice if people were more open minded about others but alas! i will always be a c1 girlie at heart but i couldn't imagine not having c2 and c3.
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