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yogsandchaos · 2 days ago
To further elaborate because I know getting Philza to roleplay in any serious manner is uh, nearly impossible, here's how I would play it up
DreamXD having a lot of confrontations with Philza where Philza dismisses him or makes fun, the bathos is the point to show that Philza is not taking the threat seriously even when everyone else is like "bro??"
Start leaving weird messages in books for Philza, ideally secretly recruit Kristen to help with the wording which I don't think is impossible because Kristen seems to like being a little troll so this might be up her ally at least a bit, Philza will take this a bit more seriously perhaps because wife but still overall dismissive.
Ideally Technoblade should have some idea something is starting to go wrong, have him try and point out that maybe they should take that loser god a bit more seriously, after all, a god is kinda a government, maybe they should go kill god? Have weird things start happening to Techno because Techno goes hard and deeper into roleplay and would then rope Philza into it more.
Technoblade dies, yes I know, i know, but have his death be total absolute bullshit, something that shouldn't have counted, DreamXD takes revenge and takes away the only person Philza actually cares about. Ideally I'd want some parallels to doomsday, maybe Philza demands answers but gets himself quoted back to him, this should feel like Philza's doomsday equivalent.
Philza's upset but also he's basically the goddess of death's malewife, so while he was willing to let wilbur be in "timeout" still thinking that Kristen is in charge of the afterlife and wilbur is basically just grounded, he goes to contact her to be like "hey i think there was a mistake can I have my best friend back"
no response, he tries again, maybe the signal was too weak? it's been awhile and its a new server maybe it just needs a bit more power, he tries again, if you ever listened to The Adventure Zone it's like the scene where Kravitz desperately tries and fails to contact the Raven Queen.
DreamXD taunts him about his wife, maybe he shows Philza a vision of Techno and Wilbur in limbo, how Wilbur is suffering clawing at the walls, and I don't know what Techno's limbo would be, maybe being utterly deaf as he drowns in blood? I dunno that might be a bit much.
Philza now has a reason to engage as he tries to contact others for help because he's going to need a team for this, he realizes while the Syndicate is down to help, no one else trusts him and actively dislikes him. Philza has to come to an understanding with the people he's wronged.
Ideally Tubbo gets to have a few killer lines but also others like Jack or Eret, especially Eret honestly. Eret as the last remnant of an actual government even if his crown was hollow going "i will not give aid to someone who has never once actually given it but instead only brought more death"
Tommy is the one person who actually reaches back in a genuine way, because Tommy, betrayed and hurt by philza and techno a million times is still Tommy, he says he's just doing it to help wilbur, but he's lying he cares still about Techno and everyone. Tommy continues his symbolism of being the manifestation of L'manberg.
This bridges the gap and gets more of the server willing to help because dammit even if they say they hate him, Tommy is good at causing chain reactions because if Tommy's in then Quackity is in and if Quackity is in then Sapnap and Karl are in and it just spirals out. Reinforcing the idea that the heart of the server is the bonds people make. He doesn't have to be a main character beyond this for it I know people get a bit frustrated with always Tommy, but he is definitely a catalyst for Philza getting the server to at least hear him out. Though I feel with his connections to Techno and Wilbur he should probably be at least a prominent secondary character if not a main one.
From there we got puzzles and dramatic roleplay of uncovering the mystery of where the life system came from, why the afterlife is like this, where is kristen, and whats up with the revival book in the first place. Honestly this could have been very fitting as the final arc of the dream smp, you could tie a lot of stuff like the egg into it, have a lot of canon deaths and people entering the afterlife themselves.
Then by the end, everything is restored, the life system is abolished, all who died are returned, there's a heartfelt message about the power of bonds and community, a balance is struck between anarchy and democracy.
and it ends with everyone working together to repair the doomsday hole. L'manberg is gone, and it can never come back, but something new can now grow where it once was, the ground no longer salted, the bridge was burned but now it's being repaired even still.
Just to spitball perhaps a counsel is created, one of equal standing between all members, to ensure corruption is not held and and to oppose if another member becomes corrupt. The start of a new system. Techno is elected to it both as a show of how far he's come as well though he immediately throws all the responsibility onto Ranboo because he doesn't wanna do paperwork. Puffy can be elected onto it, I feel like Quackity thinks he's going to be but instead it's Slimecicle and he acts all upset but he's secretly really proud of Slime.
Then there's a party and Tommy puts on one of his disks and Techno is like "You know I didn't say this earlier because I didn't want to be rude, but man Mellohi really just sucks so bad, this is really the music disc you were willing to kill over? Mellohi Tommy??? I can understand Cat, but Mellohi??" and Tommy is like "AH C'MON" as everyone agrees that Mellohi is kind of a crappy disc actually
If there was one plot point I would explore with dsmp if i was allowed to change one thing it would be what the fucks going on with the afterlives and how that connects with philza being literally married to the goddess of death, like, limbo is so horrific in the dsmp, death is a horrible place and we never really get an answer to why or if its permanent or if they can move on or anything, the most we ever got was updates that yes, ghostbur is still in a hurt no comfort fic.
Which with a character so heavily linked to a goddess of death, feels like it should have been explored more! Like Philza why does your wife have your son in the fucked up torture train station afterlife? Can you not...do something about that? What's going on. Why are the ghosts separate entities from the actual dead souls? Why is everything about death so damn confusing?
Hell you could go full Ianite on it and have a whole arc about trying to find her to fix shit. Maybe you could actually do something with DreamXD for once. Maybe you could even incorporate how people have lives now when they didnt at the start into some like, disease or corruption. Death is so fucked up in the dream smp for like, no real narrative purpose besides more angst. They should have given Philza an arc of realizing something was seriously wrong with the concept of death here.
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waddei · 7 months ago
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og lmanburg crew selfie!
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fanceknight · 1 year ago
Eret told us what the original lore finale was going to be. Her and Foolish were going to fight DreamXD, not in the End but on XD’s watch. It was going to be revealed that the whole server-reset thing was a cycle and that it had already happened possibly thousands of times before. There would have been hints to different relationships cEret had with others characters that were going to be explored more in-depth in Volume 2.
This is absolutely insane because
1. So much of his lines up with all my headcanons
2. They were going to go through the End Portal and end up on DreamXD’s watch. What are the implications here? Does the DreamSMP simply not have an End? Is that why he was always so insistent no one go through the portal? Because he didn’t want anyone finding him? Was XD’s realm literally just a portal away this entire time?
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appleflavoredkitkats · 2 months ago
the last line ever said abt c!fundy is c!eret going "fundy there will always be a home for you."
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zorishy · 3 months ago
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Ode To L’Manberg: It’s Not Your Time to Die
Here is the third work in my series presenting story of L’Manberg in my main DSMP au (Symphony of Gods and Dreamers). The lore dumps I have posted about this au can be found under the “Zorishy’s Bursona Lore” tag.
This poster covers the events of the New L’Manberg/Exile arc.
AU specific details:
• Tubbo gets a custom green L’Manberg uniform
• Dream manipulates Tubbo into exiling Tommy by framing him for helping wilbur blow up L’Manberg
• after Tommy’s exile is announced, Technoblade tries to attack Tubbo, fights and scars Quackity, and then runs off
• Butcher army never finds Techno, they try but never do
• Techno arrived on the SMP in the Technoplane
• Ghostbur doesn’t get his stab wound until the first revival attempt
• Fundy has been aged down, he’s around 3 here
• Wilbur actually has a grave!
•Tommy successfully kills himself by jumping off the tower
• Dream revives Tommy after he jumps off the tower
ADDENDUM: there is an aspect of this poster that is now inaccurate to my au. I changed it so Quackity is the one to adopt Fundy instead of Eret. Why? To fuel tntduo rivalry and also because c!Fundy is part of Las Nevadas.
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threadandswords · 3 months ago
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On C!Eret and C!Wilbur and love, understanding, and forgiveness
i. Wilbur Soot VOD, July 24th 2020 // ii. John le Carré // iii. SAD-ist, Dream SMP War // iv. Hanif Kureishi, Intimacy // v. K. Wright, Judas // vi. SAD-ist, Dawn of the 16th // vi. shadowpoetry.com, Palindrome Poetry // vii. dcvina-claires, Tumblr // viii. @pppuri // ix. Oscar Wilde, An Ideal Husband // x. Mary Oliver // xi. @/sweetlambeyed
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hadesmediocreart · 4 months ago
cQuackity taking gambles on love (and losing. L)
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okartnerd · 7 months ago
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A Mournful Day
Posting at midnight again cause why not
I took a lot of inspiration from @swiftlyswan ‘s Minecraft drawings. Please go check them out!
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chaotic-changling · 1 year ago
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I know fully well that when they posted that photo I wasn't the only one who saw drawing potential.
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ryemackerel · 1 year ago
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c!eret eating sushi next to foolish who… ERM… MIND YOU IS A FISH! fish, shark, godlike creature, totem of undying. guy! just a guy!
it’s come to my attention that these two are actually called eternal duo. i just figured that out just yesterday and apparently that wasn’t mumza and philza’s duo name. HELP??
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fenteii · 9 months ago
I’m completely unsure if you do requests so if you don’t, ignore this, but I’m curious to see how either Captain Sparklez or Eret looks in your style :O
Your style is very unique in the sense of I just can’t picture certain characters in it, so I’m just really curious about it
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slay, monarch!
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neongreencockslime · 1 month ago
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puffychu my beloved
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eggrolls-and-fandoms · 3 months ago
“It was always going to be like this.” / “It was never meant to be.”
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jaimeski · 2 years ago
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if being bisexual with big tits was a crime
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peearrdee · 2 years ago
c!Wilbur is the kinda guy to say “in another life I would’ve really liked doing laundry and taxes with you” and c!Eret is the kinda guy to say “lol that’s gay <3”
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zorishy · 4 months ago
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Ode To L’Manberg: Independence or Death
This is the first in a series of works I am making for my high school art class. The series is meant to present the story of L’Manberg as written in my main DSMP au (Symphony of Gods and Dreamers). The lore dumps I have posted about this au can be found under the Zorishy’s Bursona Lore tag.
If you do not wish to read all that, here are the au specific details shown in this poster:
Schlatt and Quackity were part of L’Manberg when it was founded.
Fundy has been aged down, being only 2 during the war.
the button in the final control room would have blown up L’Manberg if Schlatt and Quackity hadn’t prevented Eret from pressing it.
Dream stole the revival book from Mumza long before the beginning of the SMP and has been corrupted by its power. (Not that he wasn’t already evil to begin with)
The original L’Manberg army was much larger than in canon and made up of defectors from Dream’s early colonies on the SMP.
Sally is a shapeshifter
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