#Byakuran x y/n
yshinikawax2-blog · 1 year
Forbidden Desires
Disclaimer: 📜🚫📖
This fanfiction is a creative work produced by a fan for fans and is not affiliated with the original creators or copyright holders of the source material. All characters, settings, and intellectual property belong to their respective creators and companies.
This work is created solely for entertainment and is not intended for commercial use or distribution. No copyright infringement is intended, and any similarities to the original source material are purely coincidental.
Thank you for understanding that this fanfiction is a labor of love and meant for personal enjoyment within the fan community. Enjoy the story! 📜🚫📖
In the heart of Namimori, where the Vongola and Millefiore Mafia families waged an unending war for supremacy, there existed a love that dared not speak its name. Byakuran, the enigmatic and charismatic leader of the Millefiore family, harbored a secret that weighed heavily upon his heart—an unrequited love for Y/N, a member of the Vongola family, his family's most bitter rival.
Their paths first crossed in the hallowed halls of Namimori University, a sanctuary far removed from the chaos of the mafia world. Y/N, a brilliant and fiercely independent student, excelled in her studies and displayed an unwavering determination that captivated Byakuran's attention from the very beginning.
From a distance, he watched her, like a guardian angel concealed in the shadows. He saw her grace, her intelligence, and her unwavering dedication to her studies. But, most importantly, he saw her beauty—a beauty that transcended the physical, radiating from within like a beacon of hope.
Byakuran knew that he could never approach her openly. Their families' bitter feud was etched in blood, and he understood the consequences of revealing his feelings. Yet, he couldn't resist the pull that drew him to her like a moth to a flame. He would sit at the same cafe where Y/N often studied, a silent sentinel watching over her as she delved into her books.
His thoughts were a tumultuous sea of longing and despair. He yearned to be by her side, to share laughter and secrets, to hold her close and protect her from the dangers that lurked in the shadows of their world. But reality was a cruel mistress, and he was bound by the chains of duty and tradition.
Byakuran's heart ached with each passing day, each stolen glance that went unnoticed, and each whispered word that remained unsaid. He knew that his love for Y/N was a forbidden fruit, tempting yet unreachable. And yet, he couldn't bring himself to let go of the one thing that brought light to his dark and tumultuous existence.
As the days turned into weeks, and then into months, Byakuran's love for Y/N only grew stronger. His resolve to protect her from afar, to ensure her safety from the shadows, remained unwavering. And in the depths of his heart, he held onto a faint glimmer of hope that one day, against all odds, their love might find a way to bridge the chasm that separated their worlds.
But for now, Byakuran remained a silent guardian, watching over Y/N from a distance, his love a forbidden flame that burned in the shadows of their turbulent lives.
Do put in your requests :3
You may suggest the plot you would like to have as well^^
Only fluffs though~ :D
p/s: Angst is fine too *wink*
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neomemery · 10 hours
KHR Questions for OCs and Muses
Send in letters to ask questions. Get to know your fellow muses and OCs better! All questions relate to the world of Katekyo Hitman Reborn! I have permission from @byakuwan to repost this meme, original can be found here: [x]
A: what happens if they get shot in the forehead with the dying will bullet?
B: what team would they be on in the rainbow representative arc...
C: would they be able to protect enma from bullies in a high school AU.
D: would they like or dislike interacting with cervello.
E: what flame type would they have in an AU where they have a different one?
F: what happens when you apply the 10-Year Bazooka directly to their forehead...
G: would they do well in school if you put their memories of their future arc self into their current/present self. (if they already are, what % are they on tests?)
H: how well/decently/poorly would their life go if they were genuinely lambo and i-pin's age.
I: what would they hate the most to have as a box animal. or a different one.
J: black spell or white spell in millefiore?
K: disciplinary committee or liquidation committee?
L: what if YOUR character had the sky mare ring instead of byakuran. what would they do with it.
M: make them a leader regardless of their actual role and give them 6 guardians of any type, any characters. (you can do this monotype or 2 types or whatever you want... think of this like making a pokemon team if you want a metaphor.)
N: would they willingly be part of vindice?
O: would they notice if someone is subtly using flames with objects just doing something they normally do?
P: what are the ranks they'd be #1 in if you had fuuta ask the ranking planet?
Q: would they ever try bianchi's cooking.
R: if they got Skullitis... what deep, dark secrets come out... ?
S: what if they fail miserably doing something they usually can do just fine with their flames... what would it be. what would happen.
T: would they be helpful if they went to help kyoko and/or haru with chores...
U: would they also keep non-mafia people they care for/are close to aware of anything major or dangerous happening?
V: what IS their dying will? do they have anything they'd regret to the point of not dying?
W: if spanner custom-made them their dream moska, what would it do? (does it help them out? does it look cool?)
X: if they had a rough equivalent of the Vongola Gear, what would it do too?
Y: would they have any way to defeat Ghost?
Z: ... would you trust them with any piece of the trinisette.
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strawwritesfic · 2 years
TYB!Byakuran Gesso x Female!Reader: Stay
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Summary: If this is to be your fate, you’ve seen it turn out much, much worse.
Rating/Warnings/Tags: All (Set during Curse of the Rainbow arc; no honorifics; not canon compliant; mafia!Reader; Millifiore!Reader; Reader’s flame unspecified; heavy exposition)
Challenge:  “160 Collective Drabbles” challenge by BobaPop on Lunaescence Archives.
Tag List: @imaginesfire​
Your life certainly wasn’t taking the path you had expected. Once a normal high school student with aspirations of going to college and making something of yourself, everything had come to a grinding halt when you’d woke up one morning with bizarre visions of the future. At first, you were quite content to pass them off as dreams. You, work for the mafia? You, dress in that ridiculous uniform? You, the sole romantic companion of that insane, white-haired man? Your subconscious must have been working overtime.
Or so you thought…until that same man–a boy now, really; no older than yourself–appeared flying next to your window at home. By the time Byakuran had convinced you to let him in, and then finished telling his story, you really had no option of writing him off as a hallucination, though several times later you wished you could have.
This strange introduction was what began something you could only describe as a downward spiral. Soon you were spending your afternoons after school with a crowd of rainbow-haired delinquents, and spending your time in school trying to keep Byakuran from getting you in trouble. Somehow you couldn’t believe this easy-going, hyperactive youth was the same boy that grew up to be the brutal, sadistic mafia leader that you’d seen. It was you keeping him line more often not nowadays.
Still, everything might have turned out alright had he not decided, out of the blue, to drag you to Japan.
“Japan? Are you kidding me? What are we supposed to do there?” you demanded after he'd announced his little edict to you on one of your nightly rooftop meetings.
“We’ve got a tournament to enter! We’ll be fighting…well, you won’t, I guess. You haven’t learned how yet, have you, [Name]?” His Cheshire grin made it plain you were meant to feel some insult.
Instead, you rolled your eyes. “I can’t just go off to Japan, Byakuran. I have school.”
“So quit,” he’d said, and did one of his little flips. Give a teenage boy a pair of wings and apparently he wouldn’t stop using them. “It’s not like you need a job anymore. You’re in the Millifiore.”
“I am not.”
He only flashed you another smile. “Besides, you’ll like Yuni. I’m sure of it.”
Whatever you said to the contrary, you really were a part of his little family. Your parents, when they finally found out their daughter was a member of the mafia, were going to be so proud. But that would have to wait, because you were soon on your way to a foreign country, meeting Byakuran’s old enemies–who seemed oddly content to forgive him for past-future faults–and watching your group get pounded in the name of a young girl–who, more oddly, looked exactly the same as she had in your visions.
But the final nail in the coffin of future Byakuran’s badassery was the idiotic stunt he and some of the other teams put together for the last round. Sure, they won, thanks entirely to Tsuna, but Byakuran didn’t come out of it with all his limbs intact. By all counts, he should have died. Yet there he lay in the bed, entirely whole, pouting up at you. All you could think of was the madman spurting blood from his back and savaging a fourteen-year-old boy. Oh, how the mighty had fallen.
“What’s that look for, [Name]?” he asked. “Feeling pity for your beloved boss?”
“Actually, I was thinking about how pathetic you are.”
“I’ve had worse,” Byakuran purred. “You know that. Don’t be so cold.”
“Seriously. What the hell?”
“You are worried! Don’t, [Name]. I’ll be better soon.”
“In that case,” you turned away, “I’ll just be leaving.”
“Wait.” His hand brushed against your wrist, though he did nothing further to restrain you. A brief but violent debate raged in your head until, at last, you spun back around to look at him. “Don’t go. Stay.”
“Why should I? You’ve been nothing but trouble since you showed up, and now you’re making me concerned for you.”
“Eh? Trouble?” For once, his violet eyes opened wide. They slid shut again a second later in another grin. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to cause you any trouble, [Name].”
“It’s not, though! I like you, [Name]. I like you, and I think I have a chance to do things right this time.”
“Right?” you echoed.
He nodded. “I wasn’t very nice to you in the future. I want to make it up to you!”
With a long grumble of a sigh, you sank onto the chair next to Byakuran’s bed. “You want to make it up to me by interrupting me at school and dragging me along to dangerous fighting exhibitions with your team of misfits?”
“But you’re part of my team of misfits,” he said with a shrug. “And I just want to spend more time with you."
You answered with silence. Defeat was a thing you knew when you saw it. Still, you frowned at him until he lifted his hand again and placed it on top of the one you had resting on his blanket.
“Please don’t leave me, [Name]. Stay.”
You stared a moment longer. Byakuran’s smile softened at the edges. Slowly, you turned your hand over to hold his more properly. 
Maybe you’d been fighting this for too long. Clearly, the you from the future had had feelings for Byakuran even when he’d been a monster. It was nearly impossible to prevent yourself feeling those same things toward Byakuran when he treated you affectionately at every turn.
“You’re so annoying,” you murmured as you rested your arms and chin on his bed.
With the widest smile yet, Byakuran got himself more comfortable. “Love you, too, [Name].”
At least the prevented you having to speak the words yourself. It was late. You let your eyes drift shut. Right before you fell asleep, you thought you might have felt him playing with your hair.
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⁂ Chapters in Time (Byakuran)
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Genre: AU, Fluff ☁
Word Count: 1,339 ☁
Pairing: Reader x Popstar Byakuran ☁
World: Katekyo Hitman Reborn! ☁
Byakuran was a name that everyone knew. He was, after all, the world’s greatest and largest pop star. His fan base had become so large, it surpassed even that of Bustin Jieber – a Canadian singer who had gained a large fan base of teen girls in America.
Byakuran was different, though.
While he did have many female fans because of his good looks and silken voice, his fan base spanned much larger than that. People of every race, every gender, every age! It was something rarely achieved, but he did it. It wasn’t all fun and games for him, though.
At first, he loved the fame and attention he received. He loved being able to travel around the world, and he loved being able to hold the earth in the palm of his hand. It was fun, and it kept him entertained. After a while, though, he started to become bored with it all. It was the same routine every day and he was sick of it.
A knock on his dressing room door brought him back from his thoughts. He surveyed himself in the mirror he sat in front of. His snow-white hair was spiked, a few strands falling into his violet eyes which had grown dull with boredom. There was a purple tattoo under his left eye, almost looking like an upside-down crown, and his nails had been painted a dark purple. A black choker fit snugly around his neck, matching the white leather pants and black shirt he wore. It was the rocker look that he had adopted soon after he became famous, and it wasn’t so much that he didn’t like it, but he was ready for a change of pace.
The knock sounded again.
“Come in!”
You pushed the door open and stepped inside, offering him a small bow before shutting the door behind you and heading over to the coffee table with a bag of his favorite treat: marshmallows. One of his conditions before signing his contract was that he had to have the sweet substance before every show, or he would refuse to go on.
“Good afternoon, Byakuran-sama.” you offered him a small smile before pouring the contents of the bag into the glass bowl that sat on the table.
He smiled brightly and hopped out of the chair, bounding over to the couch with a child-like grace. Before you could finish, he snatched the bowl off the table and set it between his legs.
With a shake of your head, you bent down to retrieve the fallen sweets.
“Yes?” you looked over at him as you dumped the contents of your hand. A look of surprise slipped onto your face as you looked at him.
He looked so… beaten, like a child that had just been scolded for stealing the last cookie before dinner. “Do you ever get bored doing the same thing every day?”
You blinked. Where was this coming from all of a sudden? “I’ve been bored with it since day one.”
His violet eyes shifted to meet your own, an intense but curious look in them as he popped another marshmallow into his mouth. “Then why do it?”
You opened your mouth to respond but soon found that you didn’t have an answer to his question. The only thing your mind produced was that you had to, but you knew that wasn’t accurate.
He cocked his head to the side, a playful smile on his lips. “See, Y/N-chan? Why do we do things we don’t like to do when we have no reason to do them?” he paused to take another marshmallow, setting the bowl back on the table before standing and approaching you.
You watched him cautiously.
Byakuran had always been an unpredictable man and you always made sure to keep your guard up around him. But with him asking such questions out of the blue, it proved to be a bit more difficult than you usually found it to be.
He grabbed a few strands of your hair, twirling it around his slim finger. “I’ve grown bored of this life, Y/N-chan, and I have no reason to stay.”
“You’re leaving the business?”
“Yes, I am.” he smiled, cocking his head to the side. “And you’re going to tell my manager for me.”
You sweatdropped at the thought. “M-Me? I don’t think that’s such a good idea…”
“Nonsense!” he waved you off.
“He’ll fire me!”
“‘So’? What do you mean, ‘so’?!”
“You don’t have a reason to stay here.” His intense gaze met yours, making your breath catch in your throat. “So quit.”
“That’s not…” you didn’t know what to say. He was right, of course, you knew that, but were you ready to close that chapter of your life? You felt afraid.
He frowned at the lack of response, turning back to his precious marshmallows. “Or not. Your choice.”
You could only stare at his jacket-clad back as he left the room.
“What?!” Sentarou Morimashi, the best manager in the business, screamed at you as he jumped up, his chair screeching as he did so.
You had just delivered him the news that Byakuran had quit and it was safe to say that Morimashi was far from happy. He looked as though he were torn between murder and having a panic attack.
“I can’t believe this! What are we supposed to do? His entire summer tour is completely sold out!” his chubby hands weaved through his hair. “Why? Why didn’t you stop him, Y/N?!”
“You know as well as I do, sir.” you bowed your head and closed your eyes. “Once Byakuran-sama has made up his mind, not even the devil himself can change it.
“That spoiled brat! He couldn’t have picked a worse time!”
You bit your lip to stop yourself from saying something that you knew you would regret.
Morimashi only cared about his own career and reputation. He didn’t care about Byakuran or what he was feeling, and that was one of the biggest reasons you despised the business.
So why were you still there?
Byakuran’s words rang through your mind.
Why were you subjecting yourself to a situation you hated when you didn’t have to? You missed your family. You missed your home. You missed your friends. You missed everything you had before joining this blasted business.
It had been so long, you couldn’t even recall the reason for you leaving behind everything you loved, but you were sure it was something stupid, and possibly even immature. You opened your eyes and they shined with determination as they landed on the stubby male. “Morimashi-san,”
He snapped his gaze to you, a pleading look on his face. “Tell me you’ve thought of something, Y/N!”
“I quit,”
“Eh?” he froze in shock, not expecting the words that had just left your mouth. “Y-You can’t be serious…”
“I am. I have no reason to be here. That fact is even truer now that Byakuran-sama is gone, which also means that I’m no longer of any use to the company, so it shouldn’t be a problem.” you bowed. “Thank you for your time and patience over the years. I’ll be taking my leave now.”
He cried after you with desperation pouring from his voice, but you did not look back. You continued forward with your head held high, letting life take you wherever it felt you needed to be. That was all you could do now.
After checking out of your hotel, you headed outside to wait for the cab that would take you to the airport.
You didn’t expect to see Byakuran there, leaning against his pure white mustang with that devious, child-like smile you had grown accustomed to over the years.
He raised his hand. “Hello, Y/N-chan~ Can I give you a lift?”
Your lips tugged up into a smile as you approached him. “Sounds like a plan,”
Though the chapter with Byakuran the pop star and Y/N the assistant had ended, you hoped the new chapter would be much more interesting.
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kumikirin · 8 years
I was tagged by: @yourplisetsky ❤
1- Name/Nicknames? Abril. Literally a fuckton of nicknames, most of them ridiculous to no end, bc in my family we apparently don’t know why people have names. I mean, my mother used to call me drosófila, wanna know what that means? Fucking drosophila, a fruit fly. DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE WTF MOM. And that's only one of the MANY I've been given. Okay but for real, most used nickname now is Kumi (not by family but friends).
2- Height? 1,63 cm, which is... apparently 5'3?????
3- Hogwarts House? Hufflepuff! <3
4- Last Thing Googled? “how do you put your height in inches", it was actually "how the fuck" but Google doesn't like swearing
5- A fictional character I’d like as a sibling? Uh. I don't know how I feel about siblings rn but... ah, Byakuran, from KHR.
6- How many blankets do I sleep with? Depends, in summer the sheets are usually enough and maybe a duvet if it's kinda cold. In winter, tho... three blankets, two duvets, this woolen thingy my mom bought from me, and it's still not enoughg sometimes. I'm really sensitive to cold okay.
7- Favorite artist/band? I don't really have one of those ;A;
8- How many blogs do I follow? 191 wow I thought it'd be more
9- What do I usually post about? Yuri on Ice has taken over my life. Also writing, sometimes *cries*
10- Do you get asks regularly? I wish :C
11- What’s your Aesthetic? Probably summer afternoon-nights, when the sun starts going down and I can go to the balcony and watch the colors of the sunset behind the buildings, and the suffocating heat of the day turns into this warm and moist air with the gentlest breeze and the crickets start chirping. That or summer storms, gray-purple skies and lightning and thunder and big cold droplets of water completely soaking me before I get too cold and go inside, wrapping a towel around my shoulders and watching the storm with a big smile, eating cold burgers and talking about deep things in life with my best friend. So specific.
a - age: 22
b - biggest fear: Probably never being good enough
c - current time: 9:45 pm
d - drink you last had: Chocolate milk ❤
e - every day starts with: Checking my phone to see why the annoying blue light is blinking (texts/tumblr notifications)
f - favorite song: I have many favorites for many different reasons but I'll pick Alegría from the Cirque du Soleil act bc it really touches something inside me wow
g - ghosts, are they real? THEY ARE
h - hometown: Necochea pff let me know if you've ever heard of it
i - in love with: Medicine I'm a fuckin nerd. The heart, it's such a great organ it's awesome it's perfect. That warm bubbly feeling you get when you see/talk to someone that makes you happy.
j - jealous of: People who can get their stuff to be liked by lots of other people ugh :'C
k - killed someone: Not that I know and considering I'm gonna be a doctor I SURE HOPE IT STAYS THIS WAY
l - last time you cried: Uh... last week when I saw a picture of my uncle, smiling with my mom and aunt. I think it's the last picture I took of them together, that made me really sad
m - middle name: Abril is my middle name, joke's on you *evil laugh*
n - number of siblings: ... three
o - one wish: One? ... to be a great doctor one day and be able to change people's lives for the better
p - person you last called/texted: My best friend
q - questions you’re most asked: "What are you studying?" followed by "OH MEDICINE? IS IT DIFFICULT??" Yes it is.
r - reasons to smile: good friends, cute girls, upbeat songs, animals being precious, family saying they're proud of me even though we're pretty cold when it comes to showing affection. Those small gestures people have with you, like asking if you're eating well or if you got home safe, or yesterday when one of my best friends handed me a photocopy we needed for our class bc he knows me so well he knew I hadn't bought it.
s - song last sang: Garganta con arena. What, I like tango.
t - time you woke up: Around 9 am
u - underwear color: White with purple dots and a purple bow, my underwear is the cutest
v - vacation destinations: New Zealand. I had a really great time in Hungary and also wanna go back to Italy omg that place is beautiful. And please take me to Canada. Also if I could just like visit all the Nordic countries that’d be great. and I still have to go to the South, walk around Usuahia, see Glaciar Perito Moreno. Okay can I just travel around the world.
w - worst habit: Overthinking. That and deeming myself not good enough before I even try.
x - x-rays you’ve had: Right hand, and hips when I was a baby. Don't worry nothing happened I was just born defective
y - your favorite food: Pasta in all its forms, LASAGNA. And tacos and burritos omg food
z - zodiac sign: Capricorn
I’m tagging: shit I really don’t know who to tag who hasn’t been tagged yet??? I don’t think I should keep tagging the same people omg poor you. Do it if you want and consider yourself tagged by me I guess? :’D
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