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Whether you are looking for a basic water purifier for your home or a more advanced system for your office or commercial establishment, we have the right solution for you. Read more about buying RO and UV water purifiers online in India. There are many types of water purifiers in the market, but RO (Reverse Osmosis) water purifier is one of the most popular. During this process, water is forced through a semi-permeable membrane that traps impurities on one side and allows clear water to pass through on the other. This process removes 99% of the impurities from the water, making it safe to drink.
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Summary: After a fun day at a Human World beach, the brothers realize they're sunburned.
Characters: The demon brothers and GN Reader/MC (it could be Asmodeus x Reader if you squint because this is my fic and hey, you're the one who came to the Asmo kissing blog).
Genre: Sickfic (kinda), humor, fluff
Warnings: Canon-typical sibling on sibling violence, sunburn, nonsexual nudity, mild canon-typical innuendo, no major spoilers but MC is in possession of a certain object they obtain in season 2.
“I might have to get rid of that new toner we bought, MC,” said Asmo as he held the door open for you. “My face hurts.”
“Really? My skin feels fine.” You’d known demon skin to be stronger than your own in most cases, so this was perplexing.
Asmo had purchased the toner with you only three days ago from a Human World store famous for selling the most exclusive skincare. It had gone viral online despite its steep price tag, so naturally Asmo had to buy it.
Asmo gasped. “You don’t suppose it contains holy water, do you?”
“That’s not really a common skincare ingredient in the Human World,” you said.
“Humans don’t use it to purify their skin?” He asked.
You shook your head, suppressing a laugh. “But maybe there's something else in the toner that doesn't agree with your skin, let’s take a look at the bottle.”
“Ok! I’ll go get it. And while I'm at it I’ll prepare a bath for the two of us,” He slipped his arm around your waist, leaning into you with his charming smile.
“Maybe…” you said, bumping him gently with your hip.
“We can even try out those bath salts I brought back for you, wouldn't that be nice?”
You had to admit a relaxing bath did sound nice right now. You and the brothers were just coming in from a day at the private beach Diavolo owned in the Human World. The beach was protected by a magical barrier, cloaking it from anyone not authorized to be there. You and the brothers were free to do whatever you wished, including using magic.
It had been a very full day. In the morning you'd surfed a little with Beel, needing to relearn most of what he’d taught you before. And then as soon as you got back to shore, you’d been pulled into a water fight “to the death” that had begun when Satan dumped a handful of sand down Lucifer’s rash guard while he was resting in the shade. You’d mostly been used as a shield between Satan and Mammon against Lucifer. You didn't really mind, though, since you got to see Lucifer's conflicted expression every time he faced you; not that it had really saved you in the end, you’d ended up soaked anyway. Then, Asmo had whisked you away to collect shells in the water with him, with the assistance of mercandy. You’d so enjoyed being merpeople together on your last beach trip that this was truly a treat to experience again. In the water you’d gotten to watch Levi swimming with Lotan, from a distance, of course. Satisfied with the shells you’d collected, you and Asmo dragged yourselves back onto the beach and fell asleep under the umbrella with Belphie, completely exhausted from all the swimming you’d done. You hadn't woken up until the sun had shifted and you were no longer in the shade. At the end of the day, you and the brothers got to watch porpoises breaching in the distance as the sunset lit the sea in shades of pink and gold.
You were grateful the beach Diavolo had lent you came with a vacation home (more like a mansion) just steps away from the shore.
“I call the first shower!” Mammon declared, kicking off his flip-flops.
Levi grabbed his arm before he could run up the stairs. “No, I get the first shower. There’s a raid starting in an hour and I want to login early.”
“Too bad, little bro,” Mammon wrenched his arm out of Levi’s grip. “Hierarchy says I get to go first since I'm older.”
“Really, Mammon, if that’s the case then I’ll be taking the first shower.” said Lucifer.
The three oldest brothers shared one of the mansion’s bathrooms, while the youngest shared another (minus Asmo, since Barbatos had set up a portal to his bathroom at the House of Lamentation). You had your own private bathroom as well, but you didn't mind letting the brothers use it from time to time. It seemed like that would be happening tonight if you ever hoped to have a peaceful dinner.
“One of you can use my bathroom tonight,” You left the three oldest brothers in the foyer to argue, now that an offer to use your bathroom was on the table. You needed some water, you were starting to get a headache, you’d probably had too much sun.
Beel was already in the kitchen, rummaging through the fridge for something. Belphie was nearby, sitting at the kitchen island as he rested his cheek on the cool marble counter.
“We’ll have dinner soon, Beel, I just need a drink of water and I’ll get started cooking.”
Beel tossed you a water bottle before grabbing one for himself.
“Can I have a snack while I wait?” He bit into a nectarine, coming to lean against the counter.
“Well you’ve already started.” You teased. You took a long drink of water, mentally checking off all the ingredients you’d need to start dinner. Hopefully one or two of the brothers would agree to assist you, it would go much faster with help.
Beel rolled his cool water bottle against his neck, “I think I missed a spot when I reapplied my sunscreen,” he said. “Can you take a look for me?”
“Sure,” you slipped off the sunglasses you were still wearing as Beel turned around for you. “Oh, Beel I think-”
A blood-curdling scream tore through the mansion.
“Wha-” Belphie woke with a start.
You took of running upstairs, towards the source of the scream. You and the twins were the last to arrive at Asmo’s bathroom.
Asmo threw himself into your arms. “Oh, MC! I’m hideous!” He began to cry. His face was red everywhere except where his sunglasses had been, leaving a white impression of their shape behind, “I don't know how you can bear to look at me!”
“Asmo, you’re not hideous,” You stroked his hair. “I don’t think that’s even possible.”
“I’m not?” He sniffed.
“Not at all, you’re just a little…” You trailed off as you looked around the room. Lucifer, Levi, Satan, Beel, and Belphie (in addition to Asmo) were all severely sunburned. Several of them had already begun to shift uncomfortably. “You’re all-”
“MAMMON WHAT DID YOU DO?” Satan roared. Judging by the dark aura surrounding him, he was about to shift into his demon form.
“Wha’da’ya mean, what did I do?” Mammon ran to hide behind you for protection.
“Clearly this is your fault,” he seethed, the aura beginning to dissipate a little since you were in front of him, but his eyes were on Mammon, “We’ve been cursed, you probably wronged some Human World witch and now we’re all paying for it.”
“While that does sound like something he’d-” Lucifer began.
“You’re not cursed,” said Mammon, cutting him off. “You just have a sunburn.”
Satan paused. “You're saying this happened because we were outside in the sunlight?”
“Is this true, MC?” He looked at you.
You nodded, “It happens to some humans, too.”
“I did remind you to reapply your sunscreen earlier, Satan.” said Lucifer.
Satan growled. “I didn't think it would actually do anything. I’ve never had a sunburn before.” You noticed the new freckles sprinkled across his nose and cheeks. He would have looked so adorable if not for the anger glowing in his eyes.
“Really?” Beel asked.
“Me and Beel and Asmo used to get sunburned all the time when we snuck down to the Human World.” said Belphie.
“That was before sunscreen existed,” Asmo added. “I would never go out without putting it on now. Earlier I just–” He burst into tears again.
Belphie ignored him, continuing to talk to Satan, “You’ve been here a fair amount and it’s never happened?”
“I’m typically summoned to the Human World at night.” Satan answered flatly. “As are most demons, I’d wager.”
“Satan, your poor, virgin skin!” Asmo sobbed.
“My what?”
“Did anyone remember to reapply?” Lucifer pinched the bridge of his nose, recalling that even he hadn’t remembered after the water fight, and then he’d even removed his rash guard, exposing himself further.
“I remembered, and I also put some on Belphie’s face,” said Beel. “But we got burned anyway,”
“What sunscreen did you use?” You asked.
“This one I got from Mammon,” Beel handed you his bottle of sunscreen. You read the label, it was 20 years past its expiration date and the brand name was misspelled.
You shot Mammon a look over your shoulder.
“Must’a got mixed up with my newer stock– uh, purchases.” he lied.
You looked around at the demons in front of you. All six of them were varying shades of red. Satan and Levi seemed to be in the worst condition as they’d been in full sun for most of the day. Asmo, Lucifer, and the twins hadn’t fared much better despite taking advantage of the umbrella’s shade. You could feel the heat of Asmo’s skin on yours, plus more warmth radiating off of Satan. It had to be so painful.
Satan turned back to you and Mammon. “Why don't you two seem to be affected?”
“I don’t get sunburns,” Mammon smirked before ducking behind you again when Satan turned his glare on him.
“Father blessed him with a golden tan complexion,” Asmo pouted. “He was like that when we were angels, too.”
“And you, MC, are you immune like Mammon or do you have some sort of talisman against the rays of the sun?” Satan asked. “I don’t understand how a human could be unaffected when we are all suffering.”
“I don’t have any special talismans, I put on sunscreen before I went outside just like everyone else,” You looked down at your arms. You hadn't been sunburned at all, and you hadn't reapplied your sunscreen either. Your eyes caught on the gold ring you wore on your finger.
“You might have been protected by my Ring of Light,” Lucifer said with a small smile, echoing your thoughts almost exactly.
The others nodded. It was a very powerful magical relic.
“Well now that we've cleared that up,” Satan said through thinly veiled rage. “How long is this agony supposed to last? It feels like spiders are crawling all over my skin.”
You really didn't want to tell him. Judging by the severity of his sunburn it might be… “A week?” you said. “Sometimes it takes longer. But most of the pain occurs in the first few days or so.”
Satan looked like he was about to explode with rage or drown Mammon in the bathtub. Maybe both.
Lucifer cut in before he could do anything. “As we are demons, our cell turnover is faster than humans, which will shorten our recovery time. It will be about 48 hours until we fully heal, I’d estimate, but that also means we’ll be feeling the worst of it tonight.”
You sent the sunburned demons downstairs to the living room, directing them to ice their skin while they waited, so you and Mammon could collect supplies. The mansion was well-stocked thanks to Diavolo and Barbatos preparing it for you ahead of time, but only with Human World essentials. They had wanted you to feel right at home. You doubted the brothers kept very many potion ingredients in their rooms, and definitely not anything that could give relief from a sunburn.
You had Mammon fetch the first aid kit from the kitchen cabinet while you looked through Asmo’s and Lucifer’s skincare collections to see if they had any skin-soothing products. When you were finished, the two of you deposited your loot on the living room’s coffee table. Mammon had found a tiny tube of lidocaine cream, one packet of colloidal oatmeal, and a small jar of aloe gel. You’d come up with a bottle of unscented body lotion and two small tubes of expensive healing ointment; you’d also found a half-full bottle of demon-strength ibuprofen in Lucifer's things, which would definitely be needed to get through the next couple of days. These were your only supplies. You might be able to get the aloe gel to stretch between your six sunburn victims but it would be pretty scarce. As for everything else… you’d cross that bridge when you got there.
Asmo and Beel got started slathering healing ointment and lotion on Belphie who was whining in his sleep.
You scooped some aloe gel into your hand so you could administer care to Satan as Mammon did the same with Levi.
Satan started reciting cat poems under his breath as you rubbed the cool gel into his skin as gently as you could.
“MC, there’s a bottle of Demonus in the basement fridge.” said Lucifer. He sat next to you, his perfect posture rigid, as if moving at all would cause him immense pain. “When you have a moment, please go get it.”
“Demonus would be really nice right now,” Asmo hummed, pressing a generous amount of healing ointment onto his own cheeks.
You gave a sympathetic smile, “You both know that’s just going to dehydrate you and make your skin feel worse.”
You knocked two ibuprofen into Lucifer’s palm as consolation. He gave you a look, taking the bottle from you. He poured out four more into his hand and then passed the rest to Asmo.
Levi screamed at the top of his lungs.
“MAMMON!” You and Lucifer yelled at the same time.
You rushed to Levi’s side only to see the perfectly white handprint of Mammon’s slap contrasting with his lobster red skin. Levi began to cry, inhaling a ragged breath as tears started streaming down his face.
“He insulted me after all I’m doin’ for him?” Mammon defended himself. “He called me a scumbag!”
“Go help Lucifer,” you snapped.
“Ok, ok, I’m goin’.”
Levi couldn’t catch his breath, his shoulders convulsing as his sobs came out in a silent cry. It was a bit disturbing.
You gently placed your hand on the handprint. “May the vestiges of pain that linger within the demon before me be eliminated.” A gold flash sparkled under your hand as you recited the spell. Levi slumped against your shoulder, breathing once more. For once, he wasn't embarrassed that his bare skin was touching yours.
“Are you ok?” you asked him.
He sniffed a few times, still shaking, “The pain from the slap is gone but my skin still feels like it’s on fire,” he said, wiping away a tear.
You had a feeling the healing spell wouldn't be strong enough. It had been worth a try, though.
“MC,” Satan called your attention from the other side of the couch. “The aloe gel has dried and the infernal itching has returned.” He squirmed in his seat.
“Here, try this,” Mammon slid an ice pack over Satan’s shoulders.
“THAT’S MAKING IT WORSE!” Satan tore the ice pack from Mammon’s hands, throwing it at his face and knocking his sunglasses off.
“Ow!” Mammon rubbed the red mark just beginning to bloom on his cheek.
You sighed. This was proving more difficult than you’d expected. There wasn’t enough aloe gel to apply on each brother twice. You needed to come up with a solution.
“Is there any chance we can use a duplication spell on this?” You slid the jar to Mammon, who was still holding his cheek in pain.
He picked up the jar and scanned over the ingredients list. “There’s too much stuff in here, between the two of us we might end up with somethin’ similar but there’s also a chance it’ll make everything worse. I ain’t Lord Diavolo.”
You looked at the dwindling supplies on the table. Asmo and Beel had already exhausted the first tube of healing ointment. “That means we can’t duplicate any of that, either?”
“Probably not.”
“I’m hungry,” Beel complained.
Right. Everyone still needed dinner.
Lucifer handed you his credit card before Mammon had a chance to register what was happening. “Just buy anything we need. Supplies, takeout, I really don’t care right now.” He picked up the tube of lidocaine cream and squeezed the entire contents into his hand, rubbing half of it into his own chest and the other half into Satan’s shoulders.
Well, that certainly made things easier. You turned on an animated movie for them to watch while you and Mammon went to the kitchen. You picked a random takeout menu that was stuck to the fridge and ordered meals for everyone, and Mammon sat at the island and searched Akuzon for sunburn relief products on his D.D.D.
“Does Akuzon even deliver to the Human World?” You asked as you hung up the phone.
“They do for demon lords,” said Mammon as he added another item to the cart. “Levi pays for the premium shipping rate so they deliver anywhere.”
“You’re using Levi’s account?”
“Got locked outta mine…”
You sat next to him, helping him choose the best products to heal his brothers’ damaged skin. Lots of aloe gel and healing ointment, analgesic products too. You also purchased a balm that was supposedly infused with magic to speed up the healing process. The bill would be several hundred Grimm but you didn't think Lucifer would mind, considering the circumstances.
“We got three hour delivery, we just gotta keep ‘em happy ‘till then.” said Mammon.
“NO!” Asmo shrieked from the other room, right as the doorbell rang.
“That’s probably the food,” Mammon sighed, “Do you wanna find out what Asmo’s problem is or should I?”
You pressed your hand to your heart, your pulse still racing from being startled. “It would be better if I went to him,” You were less likely to start a fight between the brothers just by entering the room.
Mammon went to answer the door while you returned to the living room.
“Is everything alright?” You asked tentatively.
“Everything is not alright,” said Asmo. “How dare those disgusting eels tip over their boat, Ariel was just about to get her true love’s kiss!”
You breathed a sigh of relief. It was just about the movie.
“Mmm, eel…” Beel was almost drooling.
“Would the kiss have even worked?” Satan mused. “How could it be true love, Eric just barely learned her name and they’ve known each other for two days.”
“I wonder,” you smiled.
“Come sit with me, darling,” Asmo pulled you onto the couch between him and Lucifer, nuzzling into you, his skin still feverishly warm, “This movie is wonderful. Have you seen the sea witch’s makeup? I should try something like that for fun, don’t you think? It’s such an iconic look.”
They all seemed really into it, which left you pleasantly surprised. Satan was trying to figure out if the story would end the bittersweet way the original fairytale did, Lucifer argued that it wouldn't be appropriate for a children’s movie to end tragically; their conversation was very lighthearted and almost academic. Levi was using his tablet to draft cosplays of various characters from the film, asking you who you wanted to be. Beel was commenting about all the fish he’d like to eat every time they appeared onscreen, while Belphie hummed along to the score. Mammon brought in the food and then everyone was glad to eat while finishing the movie.
There wasn't a dry eye as the credits rolled after Ariel finally got her happy ending with her prince. Not even yours. A mermaid leaving her family to live with her true love in another realm, the irony wasn't lost on you.
“That was great,” said Mammon, dabbing at a tear with a handkerchief, “Should we watch another?”
Belphie’s shoulders shook as he cried quietly.
“What's wrong, Belphie?” Beel asked as all eyes turned to the youngest.
“M-my skin st-still h-hurts,” he hiccuped.
You were worried about that. They’d all been distracted by the movie for a while, the pain was bound to kick in once it ended.
“I’m starting to feel it again, too.” Lucifer popped a few more ibuprofen capsules.
“How much longer until the delivery, Mammon?” You asked.
He checked his D.D.D. “They’re a hundred stops away, should get here by ten.”
“That's two and a half hours from now,”
The brothers began to complain. You didn't blame them, they were still suffering, but it was starting to give you a headache on top of the one you already had. You needed to placate them and clearly Disney movies weren't enough.
They'd used up all of the supplies, the empty containers littering the table. All that was left was the packet of colloidal oatmeal. You picked it up.
Ingredients: Colloidal oatmeal 100%
“Everyone upstairs to Asmo’s bathroom,” you instructed. You took Mammon by the wrist and led him to the kitchen.
“Now what?” He asked.
“This has only one ingredient,” You held up the packet.
“So we can duplicate it. Good idea, MC!”
Mammon helped you locate a large mixing bowl and you emptied the packet into it. You both waved your hands over the bowl, reciting the duplication spell in unison. You had to repeat the spell six times to have enough for what you needed to do.
When you got upstairs, the brothers were all standing around the bathroom looking very uncomfortable, Asmo had already started filling the tub.
“Everyone needs to strip,” you tossed each of them a towel.
The room broke out in half-hearted groans. You were sure if their faces weren't so red from sunburn, most of them would have been blushing.
“It’s nothing I haven't seen before,” you said, rolling your eyes.
“What?” Mammon’s gaze shot to you.
“Nothing…” you gave an innocent smile.
Mammon crossed his arms, muttering something to himself.
“I c- I can’t strip in front of my brothers!” Levi whined.
“It’s no different than bathing at the hot springs,”
“Yeah but I usually–”
You raised an eyebrow, “Are you really in a position to be complaining, Leviathan?”
“N-no…” Levi sniffed.
“MC, look over here, ” Asmo cooed, winking. “I can strip for you, like a good boy.” He swayed his hips, dropping the towel from his shoulders. “Doo doo-doo doo-doo doo doo doo,” he was singing his own sexy background music.
You just stared at him.
Asmo bent down, giving you what was supposed to be a sensual smile, his lips curved wobbly and his eyes were hazed with pain and unshed tears as he moved. But the show must go on, as they say. “Touch me, tease me, feel me up,” He tossed his hair, sliding his hands to the waistband of his swim shorts, beginning to roll them down. “Touch me, tease me, feel me– AHH!” He screamed as the fabric brushed against his inflamed skin.
His swim shorts dropped to the ground unceremoniously, as he writhed in pain. Everywhere the shorts had previously covered was porcelain white. He squeaked, picking up the towel to cover himself. This was not how he wanted you to see him.
The others followed suit in a less dramatic fashion, all stripping out of their swimwear, some more bashful than others for being naked in front of you. You and Mammon dumped the contents of the bowl into the tub, allowing the running water to mix it around.
“Get in,” you said.
And they obeyed.
There was just enough room for the six of them to fit in the tub comfortably. They all relaxed in the warm water, their skin finally feeling soothed. They were quiet. Belphie fell asleep right away, and Satan’s eyes no longer glowed with barely concealed rage.
You sat down on the padded bench next to the tub, your muscles untensing at last, Mammon passed you a water bottle and a single demon-strength ibuprofen, just enough for a human headache.
“Thanks,” you took it, sinking deeper into the bench’s soft cushion.
“I’m gonna go put some music on,” he said.
“Sure, go ahead,” You said, your eyes slipping closed.
When Mammon returned with the portable speaker, you were fast asleep.
“Shh…” said Lucifer.
Mammon set the speaker down and lifted you into his arms.
“Thank you, MC,” the brothers each whispered as Mammon carried you off to your bedroom for a well-deserved rest.
“Sleep well,” said Mammon.
Cross-posted on AO3
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aserranopepper · 2 months
Things I've manifested this month
A bunny hutch. So months ago we got scammed out of the chicken coop. Whenever I'd look online for small bunny hutches or small coops, they'd be $299 and too big for my mom's car to pick up. The other day I imagined a bunny hutch the right size for my 2 little bantam hens and that could fit in my mom's car. Then I opened fb and there was one free exactly how I imagined it on the buy nothing group I'm in for our city. It was a perfect fit for my mom's car and fit my little mini hens perfectly and they love it. My mom told me I manifested it.
After that I won a free water bottle in that group that I've been visualizing lately.
Then after that we both found a cool 2 pack of air purifiers on Amazon, which arrived early the next day.
Same day I also won a free reading from someone using a tarot deck and connecting to higher beings/spirit. So I asked about why I'm feeling in limbo regarding my manifestation and I got a response, and I believe it was after that when I got lucky and manifested all this stuff
Today I saw the response on how my thoughts are messy and letting go of the past, moving forward. Which makes sense, I would constantly think about bad stuff from the past. So I played reiki healing videos for this. Had some interesting dreams about the magical things I'd buy, magical powers I'd have.
And then also today I was feeling frustrated, one of the magical shops I buy from was taking forever to ship. It's been weeks still being left on the unfulfilled status (when it hasn't shipped yet) so I visualized it saying fulfilled. Then I fell asleep with those reiki videos and when I wokeup I got messages that they've been shipped, and now it says fulfilled.
I'm feeling lucky! I'll have to see what else I manifest.
Also, recently when I wokeup I saw the ceiling of my wr for a few seconds. And now whenever I'm sleepy or waking up, or just when I'm sleeping - everytime I blink - I see something else for a split second. Like something I want to manifest or my wr. It I want something, I see floating there infront of me at my bed for a second. I thought there was something wrong with my eyes since I have vision problems.
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glassbottledwater · 2 months
Are there any reputable brands of spring water available nearby?
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Spring water is highly valued for its natural origin and health benefits. Unlike tap water, which is processed and treated, spring water is collected directly from a natural source where water flows to the surface from an underground aquifer. This unique origin provides spring water with a distinct taste and a variety of minerals beneficial to health.
What is Spring Water?
Definition and Origin
Spring water is defined as water that naturally flows to the earth's surface from an underground source. This water often undergoes a natural filtration process as it travels through layers of rock and soil, which contributes to its purity and mineral content.
Natural Filtration Process
The natural journey of spring water through geological formations removes impurities and adds beneficial minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium. This process enhances the water's taste and nutritional value.
Health Benefits
Drinking spring water can support hydration, provide essential minerals, and promote overall well-being. The minerals found in spring water can help maintain electrolyte balance, support bone health, and improve skin condition.
Reputable Spring Water Brands
Bear Springs
Fiji Water
San Pellegrino
Local Spring Water Brands
In addition to these international brands, many regions have local spring water brands that offer fresh, high-quality water. These brands often source their water from nearby springs, ensuring a short distance from source to bottle, which can enhance freshness and sustainability.
Finding Spring Water Near You
Checking Local Retailers
Many supermarkets and grocery stores carry a selection of spring water brands. Check the beverage aisle or the health food section for options. Some stores may also carry local spring water brands.
Online Purchase Options
Online retailers like Bear Springs, Amazon, Walmart, and specialty beverage websites offer a wide range of spring water brands. Ordering online can provide access to both popular international brands and local favorites.
Direct from the Source
Some spring water companies offer delivery services directly from their springs. This option ensures you receive the freshest water possible and often supports sustainable practices.
Environmental Impact
Sustainable Practices
Many spring water brands are committed to sustainable sourcing and production practices. This includes protecting the natural springs, using renewable energy in production, and minimizing water wastage.
Eco-Friendly Packaging
Brands are increasingly adopting eco-friendly packaging solutions, such as recyclable bottles and biodegradable materials, to reduce their environmental footprint. Consumers can also contribute by recycling bottles and choosing brands with sustainable practices.
Comparing Spring Water to Other Types
Tap Water
Tap water is treated and processed by municipal systems to meet safety standards. While safe to drink, it may contain chlorine or other additives that can affect taste and purity.
Distilled Water
Distilled water is purified through boiling and condensation, removing minerals and impurities. It is often used for medical purposes and in appliances, but it lacks the beneficial minerals found in spring water.
Mineral Water
Mineral water comes from natural springs and contains a higher concentration of minerals than spring water. While both provide health benefits, mineral water may offer a more robust taste due to its mineral content.
Frequently Asked Questions About Spring Water
Q. What is the difference between spring water and mineral water?
A. Spring water comes from an underground source and is naturally filtered, whereas mineral water contains higher levels of minerals and often undergoes additional processing to enhance its mineral content.
Q. How can I ensure the spring water I buy is authentic?
A. Look for certification or quality seals on the packaging, research the brand's source, and read reviews. Authentic spring water brands will provide detailed information about their source and production process.
Q. Is spring water better than tap water?
A. Spring water is often preferred for its natural taste and mineral content. However, tap water is safe to drink and may be more environmentally friendly due to reduced packaging and transportation.
Q. Are there any health risks associated with spring water?
A. Spring water is generally safe to drink. However, it is essential to choose reputable brands that adhere to safety standards to avoid contamination risks.
Q. What are the benefits of drinking spring water?
A. Drinking spring water provides hydration and essential minerals, which can support overall health, improve skin condition, and maintain electrolyte balance.
Q. How should spring water be stored?
A. Store spring water in a cool, dark place, away from direct sunlight. Ensure the bottle is sealed tightly to prevent contamination and maintain freshness.
Choosing a reputable brand of spring water ensures you receive the best quality and taste while supporting sustainable practices. Whether you opt for international favorites like Bear Springs, Evian and Fiji or explore local options, spring water offers a refreshing and healthful choice.
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astroscience · 10 months
Ward Off Evil with Powerful Nazar Dosh Remedies: Your Ultimate Guide to Protection
Are you feeling the negative effects of the evil eye? Nazar Dosh, also known as the evil eye, is a common belief across cultures, signifying the harmful impact of jealousy and negative energy. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the world of Nazar Dosh and provide you with effective remedies to shield yourself and your loved ones. Read on to discover the secrets to safeguarding your well-being and prosperity.
Understanding Nazar Dosh:
Nazar Dosh, often referred to as the malevolent gaze, is a powerful concept deeply rooted in ancient traditions. It is believed that when someone harbors envy or jealousy towards you, their negative energy can cause harm to your health, happiness, and success. Recognizing the symptoms of Nazar Dosh is crucial for taking preventive measures.
Common symptoms of Nazar Dosh include: 1. Unexplained health issues 2. Frequent financial setbacks 3. Strained relationships 4. Lack of mental peace and clarity
Nazar Dosh Remedies: Banishing Negativity with Positive Energy
1. **Nazar Dosh Yantra:** — The Nazar Dosh Yantra is a potent tool for deflecting negative energy. Place this sacred geometrical symbol in your home or office to create a protective shield against the evil eye. — Regularly energize the yantra by offering prayers and positive affirmations.
2. **Protective Crystals and Gemstones:** — Harness the energy of protective crystals like black tourmaline, obsidian, or blue sapphire to create a shield against negative influences. — Wear these crystals as jewelry or place them strategically in your living spaces.
3. **Nazar Dosh Removal Mantras:** — Chanting powerful mantras like the “Nazar Dosh Nivaran Mantra” can help dispel negative energy. — Consult with a spiritual guide or priest to learn the correct pronunciation and frequency of these mantras.
4. **Lemon and Chili:** — The combination of lemon and chili is a traditional Nazar Dosh remedy. Hang strung lemons and red chilies at the entrance of your home to absorb and ward off negative energy. — Replace them regularly to maintain their effectiveness.
5. **Salt Cleansing Ritual:** — Take a bath with salt water to cleanse yourself of negative energy. — Sprinkle salt in the corners of your home and sweep it away after some time, absorbing the negativity.
6. **Burning Camphor:** — Burning camphor in your living spaces purifies the air and dispels negative energy. — Perform this ritual regularly, especially after encounters with potentially envious individuals.
Online Selling of Nazar Dosh Remedies:
As the world embraces digital platforms for shopping, finding authentic Nazar Dosh remedies online has become easier than ever. Numerous e-commerce platforms offer a wide range of products designed to protect you from the evil eye. Here’s what to look for when buying Nazar Dosh remedies online:
1. **Authenticity and Source:** — Choose products from reputable sellers or websites specializing in spiritual and holistic products. — Read customer reviews to ensure the effectiveness of the Nazar Dosh remedies.
2. **Customized Solutions:** — Look for online stores that provide personalized Nazar Dosh remedy kits based on your specific needs. — Consultation services with spiritual experts can add value to your online shopping experience.
3. **Educational Resources:** — Opt for platforms that offer informative content about Nazar Dosh, its remedies, and the proper usage of protective tools. — Knowledgeable sellers can guide you in selecting the most suitable remedies for your situation.
Protecting yourself from the malevolent effects of the evil eye is a timeless practice rooted in centuries-old wisdom. By incorporating these Nazar Dosh remedies into your life, you can create a shield of positivity and repel negativity. Whether you choose traditional methods or explore the convenience of online shopping, remember that the key lies in your belief and commitment to maintaining a harmonious and protected life. Embrace the power of these remedies, and let the positive energy flow!
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waterstoreblog · 11 months
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Effective saving can lead to a successful wealth achievement. 
#savings #savingsgoals #savingschallenge #savingsaccount #savingsday #WorldSavingsDay #accurawaterstore #drinkpurelivehealthy 
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lotus-electronics · 1 year
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Lotus Electronics Independence Deal Festival offers upto 70% discounts and more Independence Day will be made more special by Lotus Electronics, which has a host of great offers for customers. The offers allow customers the freedom to buy the electronics which one wishes for without price being a hindrance, if that is the case. It is offering a whopping upto 70% off as well as an additional discount of 10% making it a very attractive offer indeed. What’s more, there are also card shopping benefits, easy EMI along with finance support, so what the customer enjoys is an effective price that is much lower. The category-wise percentage is also very attractive and designed to bring in customers. In the TV segment, the discount offered is upto 70 percent, in the laptop category, upto 45 percent, in the AC category, upto 50 percent, in the mobile category upto 40 percent, in the refrigerator category upto 40 percent, in the washing machine category upto 30 percent, in the audio category upto 60 percent, in the microwave category upto 50 percent and in the watches category upto 85 percent. These deals and discounts are available offline from 20 showrooms across 8 cities and online as well.
Lotus Electronics, which started operations in the year 2000 from Indore, with 20 showrooms currently spread over 8 cities, has a range of electronic items on offer and is home to all national and international brands. Its range includes ACs, washing machines, dishwashers, chimneys, air purifiers, water purifiers, vacuum cleaners, geysers, fans, mixers, mobiles, laptops, refrigerators, microwave ovens, atta makers, coffee makers, LEDs, Home theatres, game consoles, coolers, heaters, computers, cameras, personal care electronic items like hair dryers, trimmers, shavers, and more. The national and international brands at Lotus Electronics include renowned names like Samsung, LG, Sony, Philips, Whirlpool, Panasonic, Voltas, Haier, Godrej, Lenovo, HP, Dell, etc. Lotus Electronics also offers high end products like Amazon Fire Stick, ECHO DOT, Apple iPhone, Sony OLED, Samsung Fold 5 Mobile, Bose Speaker, Samsung Smart Refrigerator, LG Twin Washing Machine and more. Lotus Electronics is popular for offering Allectronics wherein the complete package related to electronics shopping covered. These include range plus discounts plus service plus shopping experience. At Lotus Electronics, One can enjoy free gifts, discounts, attractive exchange offers, flat discounts, company specific offers and more. What’s more, Lotus Electronics has also taken electronics to the next level with a range of offerings. For example, the Lotus Electronics experience not only includes a vast range of world class electronic products and appliances, along with a variety of deals and offers, but also pleasant shopping experiences and extras like expert advice, Lotus Electronics Care, extended warranty that goes beyond any given brand’s or company’s warranty, quick delivery, etc. Lotus Electronics also offers the advantage of shopping offline in its showrooms as well as online and The service that we provide to you before purchase, we continue to provide the same service after sale.
For more details visit our website: https://lotuselectronics.com/ Contact us (+91) 9111-300-400 or [email protected]
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aquagrand · 1 year
Coloring Book Day
The best thing about coloring books is that you can buy as many as you want and they are never enough. 
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No.1 Trusted Water Purifier Service Provider In Kerala. Multi Brand Water Purifier Repair And Services. | Services Call: +91-9807883333, +91-9686548888 | Book Online @ www.aquagrandservices.com
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mariska · 1 year
hello tumblr friends who live in my phone i just wanted to pop in real quick and let everyone know that I Am (somehow) Still Alive since i mentioned being very sick last month and did not want anyone 2 think i had finally Expired. wish i could say i'm doing better this month but while im definitely nowhere near as miserable as i was in April, i've been spending this month trying to deal with Sickness Aftershocks that have been making all of my long term autoimmune diseases/health issues in general flare up randomly really bad at pretty much completely random times and i also have a whole new fun set of similar feeling but definitely different and 100x worse physical health problems and its been extremely difficult to try and power through all of it like i'm used to doing for the 26 years i have been alive 😔 but i'm still hangin in there. idk how at this point lmao. subconscious fight or flight survival mode i guess. i'm like 99% sure i somehow caught one of the new covid mutations in April unfortunately despite the lifelong Agoraphobia and 3+ years of effort i've done to do literally everything in my ability to stay protected against it but. thats life i guess, u leave the house one or two times masked up hand sanitizer ready to go sweating from being overheated wearing clothes that cover as much of ur skin as u can stand and other people just Dont. so. i knew it would probably happen to me eventually i just was really hoping it would not! but. i will continue surviving as best i can because i dont have any other option or choice. but that is why i've unintentionally been distant here and online in general. it was already extremely difficult getting myself out of bed and taling showers and changing clothes and brushing my teeth and remembering to eat food and drink water before but now its reached a difficulty that i literally can't have any control over most of the time and its a lot of physical/mental/emotional effort to even tap reblog on a post online or respond to a text more so than it was previously. which again was already. very difficult to power through.
anyways! uh! yeah. life update i guess. i hope you guys are genuinely doing much better than i am this year and i hope you're all able to stay safe and as relatively healthy as you can. and please please please please at the very least wear some form of a face mask in public even if you're outside and not in a tiny building. i dont say that to shame anyone here i just feel like there are a lot of well meaning good people who arent fully aware that in the US at least the pandemic is very much not over and people like myself are suffering and dying because of that and we cant be the only group of people that are still doing our best to stay protected when we have to leave the house. if you're able to get some i highly recommend N95 type face masks because supposedly they offer one of the best chances of protection as long as you're wearing it correctly and it fits your face well; there's a really great non-profit organization called Project N95 that has an official website and a huge list of various face masks in a bunch of different sizes and types to order if you don't know where to find some high quality ones and they also have a form you can fill out and submit to request an order of free masks if you can't afford to buy them; their money donation pool goes towards providing masks (and some air purifiers i think?) to low income people/organizations/work places that doesn't have the funds or resources to constantly buy expensive batches of masks and their website is super detailed and well organized and has a long list of visual and written resources and information about different mask types, ways you can help keep yourself/your community safe, etc. so i highly recommend them if you are like me and are very stressed and anxious and confused about all of that information all the time. their site should be the at the top of the search results if you google N95 Project, it has a dot org site url so thats another way you can tell its the official site.
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cleanjalwater · 1 year
Buy the Latest Water Purifiers Online at the Best Prices in India
Read this article if you want to Buy the Latest Water Purifiers Online at the Best Prices in India. This article will help you buy the latest water purifiers online at best prices in India. So read till the end. Water is an essential part of our daily lives and it is important to ensure that the water we drink is clean and safe for consumption. With increasing pollution and environmental degradation, access to clean drinking water has become a matter of concern for people around the world. The situation is no different in India, where there is a growing demand for water purifiers that can provide safe drinking water. Fortunately, with the advancement of technology, there are now various types of water purifiers available in the market that effectively remove impurities from water and make it safe for consumption.
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geoffrey · 1 year
ultra specific dni time! sound off if you wanna.
dni if: you prefer hard shell tacos to soft shell, you read homestuck and your favorite character is jane, you buy bottled spring water and refuse to drink purified bottled water, you don’t use paper plates for holiday meals with lots of dishes, your shoe size is over 8 (US), you like every song on an album by your favorite artist, your favorite tv show is only available on a higher tier plan on streaming services, you use online shopping to buy non-specialty groceries, you’ve worked in the chic-fil-a drive thru, you saw your first penis in an omegle random video chat, you get crushes on boys just for having emo flippy hair, you have stolen something out of someone else’s gym locker, you need a fan on to go to sleep for the noise alone, you have never recorded yourself dancing on camera, you tease friends about going to bed early when you wake up each day at noon, you have destroyed someone’s minecraft house as a joke, you eat salads because they taste good, you never got your phone taken away for it ringing at school, you have characters that immediately come to mind for you when you think “blorbo” and “waifu” or you use either of those words in out loud conversation, you think vegetables taste best raw or boiled, you are on speaking terms with all of your siblings and parents, are a non-vegetarian who doesn’t eat a whole category of meat (red meat, fish, etc.) out of preference alone, you hate balloons, you love cleaning.
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prep4tomoro · 2 years
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Things to Stop Buying and Start Making/Growing:
Learn to be self-reliant; the alternative is being one of the hoards of victims/users/takers that will exist, and may be knocking on your door, when an emergency happens. If you are browsing this and similar blogs, you have the potential and interest to be self-reliant BEFORE that day comes. Here are some suggestions to start the journey: Things to Stop Buying and Start Making to Save Money Ultimate DIY List Of Survival Hacks, Projects and Recipes [Self Sufficient (Farm) Living]    [Planning a One-Acre Farm]
Take baby steps. Taking on too much at once, can be discouraging. Do one project at a time; a small one at first; then progress to larger ones to build confidence.
Get all the details before starting a project so frustration doesn't set in by having to start and stop because something was omitted. The Internet (and library) is filled with resources to help. YouTube is my friend.
The formulation of independent solutions will emerge. In time, doing for yourself will modify your thinking patterns. Instead of being told what to do and how to do it, your brain will starting figuring it out. For me, it can take quite a while before I start a project. I plant the idea in my head, gather all the information I can, and let it stew in my brain until I have all I need to start the project. Think beyond store-bought solutions.
Forget the notion that government is the solution. You are the best one to prepare for your individual needs and condition.
Stay in good physical shape. Diet, exercise and staying away from smoking, drinking and drugs are your first-line defenses to survive a disaster situation.
Be prepared. Document an emergency plan. At the very least, build a 72-hour Emergency Kit.
Develop intuition (gut feelings) instead of relying only on rational thinking.
Develop a survivor personality (flexible, cool-headed, don't give up, accept mistakes and move on). Be adaptable and flexible to change, even in your emergency plan. Life itself is already unpredictable. An emergency will only make things less stable and predictable.
Build personal survival relationships based on moral and upright principals and character and not on their skillset or what they have. People without morals and upright principals will abandon or turn against you.
Expand your information sources to different opinions (than what you may like to hear), news broadcasts (foreign and domestic) and cultures
Learn First Aid
Learn self-defense
Secure your premises
Take a hands-on, practical, basic survival course or go camping and hiking regularly. Occasionally get away from your creature-comforts zone. Know how to build a fire, how to build a primitive shelter, how to find water and how to purify water.
Learn the "Universal Plant Edibility Test"
Learn Ham Radio Operations for emergency communications.
Identifying, gathering and preparing Wild Edible Plants for food
Gardening: Soil, Aeroponics, Hydroponics
Hunting, Trapping and Preparing animals/fish (rural and urban) and raising livestock for food
Produce your own electricity without the use of fossil fuels: Solar - Wind - Water (Hydro)
Staying Warm in the Winter and Cool in the Summer - Naturally
Soap making from scratch with fat and lye
Making Ethanol to use as fuel in combustion appliances (after modification), beverage (moonshine), antiseptic or deodorant
Make your own Personal Care Products
Making natural Yeast
Making your own Antibiotics from plants or Medical cures or treatments from Colloidal Silver
Food Canning and Preservation
Entertainment and Fun Stuff - Survival doesn't always have to be work. More fun stuff
Learn how to make your own weapons from common items
Reloading ammunition
If you own or want a firearm, take a personal/home defense firearms training class and not just a class that only shows you how to shoot.
Educate Your Children at Home or Online More ideas
Self-Sufficiency Standard: The Self-Sufficiency Standard determines the amount of income required for working families to meet basic needs (including taxes) without public subsidies (e.g., public housing, food stamps, Medicaid or child care) and without private/informal assistance (e.g., free babysitting by a relative or friend, food provided by churches or local food banks, or shared housing) at a minimally adequate level, taking into account family composition, ages of children, and geographic differences in costs. Most U.S. states have designated resources to help its citizens reach a level of self-sufficiency. [Related Link]
[11-Cs Basic Emergency Kit] [14-Point Emergency Preps Checklist] [Immediate Steps to Take When Disaster Strikes] [Learn to be More Self-Sufficient] [The Ultimate Preparation] [P4T Main Menu]
This blog is partially funded by Affiliate Program Links and Private Donations. Thank you for your support.
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kinscoappliances · 22 hours
Find the Right Water Purifier for your Home
Nowadays, everyone wants to choose a good Water Purifier for their home, but they often struggle with how to make the right choice. A very effective solution to this problem is to Buy Water Purifier Online. This way, you don’t have to go anywhere, and you can check the specifications of each RO from the comfort of your home, making it easier to choose the right one. Also, don't forget to visit our website Kinsco Appliances, where you can find 7+ latest technology RO models, any of which you can select for your needs.
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