#Buy Smart Plug
yousaytomato · 4 months
Current phone: £200, has lasted 4 years
Phone I'm considering: £800, so logically will last 16 years
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pancakeke · 1 year
I got some lights a while ago with a built in timer but the timer can only be set for 6-8-12 hour run periods which is stupid. and the clock starts when you turn them on which is even dumber. I cant even put them on a smart plug cause if they lose power they turn off and you have to press a physical button to power them on again.
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35gofbeansprouts · 1 year
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ddangoluvrx · 2 months
dating the bllk boys hcs (reo, nagi, rin) ꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱
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reo ✮⋆˙
"i heard you're the plug, can i be the circuit?"
☆ spoils you rotten (expensive bouquets, LOTS of designer stuff, expensive jewelry)
☆ loves seeing your surprised face whenever he has gifts for you
☆ he’s probably very clingy to you, never wants to leave your side (you love your personal space and reo also loves your personal space)
☆ gives you rides to and from school
☆ whenever you’re hanging out at a mall or anything, he’d buy whatever you glanced at, even if you only looked at it for a second (he's very insistent btw)
☆ he’s your best friend AND boyfriend !!
☆ love language: acts of service/gift giving
☆ gossip, this man is a gossip and he definitely shit talks people -> even if he doesn't gossip, if you like gossip, he’ll gossip w/ you as the supportive bf he is
☆ canonically is into mature/older women so i’d assume he’s mature himself
☆ calls you; princess, my love, dear 
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nagi ✮⋆˙
"when i got court, i hope that you're the verdict."
☆ you are not a hassle to him (maybe sometimes you would be)
☆ it’s probably one of those moments where nagi feels like he has to work for something and it motivates him (you’re the “thing” he works hard for)
☆ LOTS of nap dates
☆ wants to play games with you a lot
☆ sometimes he’s a bit neglectful, but he’s trying to work on it
☆ asks reo for relationship advice FOR SURE
☆ love language: quality time/acts of service (since he rarely does things for anyone, acts of service shows how much he really loves you)
☆ he helps you with homework since he’s sooo smart (and he will make fun of you cuz despite him being asleep in class he gets better grades than you)
☆ lowkey you’d probably be dating him AND reo because they come as a package
☆ calls you; dear, precious, sweets (something corny, definitely at least one nickname would be corny)
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rin ✮⋆˙
"when you're around, my insides turn inverted."
☆ he looks at you differently compared to others, his gaze definitely softens (though it might be unnoticeable to you, other people can definitely tell)
☆ he's the type of person who would hate whoever you hate -> you got beef with some random girl in your class? damn rin hates her too
☆ the man will try to teach you how to play football/soccer as a date (he’d make fun of you)
☆ he has a hard time expressing things with his words, so occasionally you’d get flowers and stuff from him (he’s also kinda ass at that, but A for effort)
☆ study together as a date since he’s awkward and bad at this stuff (he’s trying his best tho) 
☆ would DEFINITELY shit talk people on his team to you -> everybody is insufferable (especially shidou and isagi in his eyes)
☆ love language: quality time
☆ you guys are gonna watch horror movies and play horror games together
☆ likes laying on your lap while reading, or watching youtube, or when you’re simply enjoying each other’s presence
☆ calls you; idiot (lovingly), dumbass (lovingly), y/n
©ddangoluvrx ! do not copy, repost, translate, or modify my work
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gyeomsweetgyeom · 3 months
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[2:14 pm]
(cw: cursing, reader is a lil teensy weensy bit toxic but it's fun!!!)
"Did you still want to go get food?" you ask from your position on gamer!Haechan's bed. The same spot you'd been in for the last, wow, almost 3 hours.
"Fuck off! Get my 6 motherfucker!" Haechan yells, before answering softly, "yeah, of course, baby."
You rolled your eyes, he wasn't even listening to you. He had been listening to you when you showed up 4 hours ago when he was very calmly showing you all the changes he made on his Animal Crossing Island. Then, and this was smart, he slid his Switch over to you and told you to make any changes you'd like. So you spent about an hour on his Switch, placing decorations and buying clothes to send to your own island before you realized he was keeping you busy so he could play Fortnite.
Just like he'd been playing last night when he insisted you call him to talk. That casual, and some might even call it cute, conversation lasted all of 20 minutes before he was screaming so loud, you heard him across the room even when your phone wasn't on speaker. Since he'd been so adamant about playing last night and played for so long, you thought today he'd be over it. WRONG! Apparently, there had been some update or something and that reignited his Fortnite obsession.
"Well, do you want to go out like we planned or do you want me to order something?" You asked, turning to lay on your side.
"Of course, my love- oh you stupid fuck! Get back here!" Haechan groaned as the keyboard clacking got even louder.
You pulled a blanket over your face to muffle a groan of your own. A groan of annoyance an frustration more than anything. You'd give him 10 more minutes and then you'd take drastic measures.
You checked the time, 2:14, perfect. You figured you could have at least a little fun while you waited.
"I think it would make you totally ugly if you shaved your head, but why not do it anyway? What do you think?" You asked with a smile.
Haechan nods, "Totally agree, babe. Someone come get this stupid ass little 10 year old that tried to steal my loot."
"And you should pay for our food! And dessert!" You added.
"Of course, baby! Oh, oh, dude! Dude! Headshot! That was a headshot! Holy shit! That was gold!" He exclaimed excitedly.
"And I was thinking maybe after dinner we can go sell your whole set up. Maybe to the first guy we see for like a dollar even less!"
"Yeah, definitely. Dude, I'm out. Fuck, I lagged. Let's join a new game, I'm tired of playing with these fucking kids," Haechan groans, running his hands down his face.
Perfect, you stood up and quickly moved to his computer, pulling at some random plugs until the screen shut off. You placed your hand over his mouth with a sickeningly sweet smile, "We're going to go eat now. Then, because you agreed, we're going to shave your head, you're going to pay, and then we're going to sell your little computer and the whole set up."
You could feel his lips moving beneath your hand, "But-"
You tsked with a fake pout, "Baby, you agreed."
"I wasn't listening! I don't remember what you said!"
"You don't listen when I talk?" You ask with an arched brow.
He opened his mouth and quickly closed it to take a second to think. He hummed, "I promise, the next time we have plans I won't get distracted by games." You gave him a look as if to ask, and? he cleared his throat, "and I won't try cheap gimmicks to distract you. And I will pay for dinner and for the rest of the day all my attention will be on you and no one or anything else. But I won't shave my head or sell my set up."
You smiled, "I was joking. I just wanted to see if anything would catch your attention. Now, let's go, I'm hungry."
You were both on your out when Haechan asked, "do you think I'd look good with a shaved head? Is that why you asked."
You couldn't even look at him, choosing instead to focus on the sidewalk beneath your feet, "yeah, baby. Of course..."
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gotta-love-dani · 2 months
Dating Judd Birch would include
meeting on accident- like literally yall bumped into each other when you were looking for one of your friends and you knew they hung out with him
him being weirdly embarrassed that he even liked someone like you because you guys are polar opposites
In the end, he ended up asking you out because one of his friends was basically teasing him and it pissed him off so he decided to FINALLY do something
him treating you like he treated anyone else
watching him smoke weed and smoking with him once
he gets horny when he's high so....yk
high sex
car sex
going to parties with him
getting in trouble because of him but like "Mom I love him"
him being nicer to you than anyone else thinks
he is head over heals for you but he will never admit it
him being super protective and nobody fucks with you
talking to Leah and being friends with her and him not appreciating it
dying his hair for him because bffr he needs help
him convincing you to color a strand of your hair
helping him catch up on high school credits, he is smart just lazy
meeting his plug and helping her with her son
going everywhere with him and your parents being weirded out by that
him helping you buy clothes
going home with him after parties
him going to great lengths to make sure you were comfortable anywhere even though he will never admit it
meeting his parents
them loving you because they can see that he cares about you and they know that you care about him
you quite literally live with him because of all the times yall spend together
him getting a tattoo and him convincing you to get one too
him pretending to be annoyed by the things you like
pet names ???
him practically calling you bitch or slut but like in a good way????
talking back to each other but like lovingly
him getting drunk and admitting that he wants to marry you
and in like show elements
threatening his hormone monster and love bug 24/7
cuz they annoy him
Maury reminding him that you are FINE ASS FUCK
him loving to tease you and he loves to see you blush
you teasing him as well cuz cmon
him kissing you 24/7
dates are practically just eating food in his room and watching movies
only going out on special dates (birthdays or anniversary dates)
which he almost forgot your anniversary once but he was saved by his sister
him stealing things that remind him of you
him assuring you that he only likes you when you hear other girls drooling over him
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misseviehyde · 5 months
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(Based on ip that Mana Omega kindly has allowed me to use.)
Riley Green wished his Dad had never remarried. It wasn't that he disliked his step-mom Rachel Grey, it was her bitchy daughter Riley that made his life feel like hell. Thanks to the marriage, they were now two teens exactly the same age, in the same class at school and now even living together in the same house.
But despite those superficial similarities, they couldn't be two more different people.
Firstly; it was incredibly annoying having the same name as your step-sister. Packages were constantly arriving at the house for the female Riley and if male Riley forgot to check the label properly, he'd often find himself holding a bra or a sexy tight fitting bodystocking from Shein or Pretty Little Thing.
Much to his embarrassment, Riley had found himself keeping one of the bras. It was a 34D leopard skin print bra. He would sometimes jerk off whilst wearing it; not really sure why he found the thought of having Riley's big tits on his chest such a fucking turn on; but doing it anyway. He was definitely NOT gay, but there was something going on there that made him hard. He knew it was wrong to steal underwear, but somehow it just felt so good. Riley never commented on the bra going missing, maybe she thought it had gotten lost in the post.
After all, she wasn't very careful with money. Riley seemed to have a unlimited spend amount on her credit-card and was constantly buying new clothes to keep up with the popular girl fashions. She was basically a spoiled brat. If Mommy wouldn't buy it for her, she'd usually find some guy to give her what she wanted.
Riley was into social media and seemed to spend more time building up followers on Insta or Tiktok then doing anything useful with her life. Riley didn't think his step-sister was shallow, he knew she was. She seemed to date a new guy every week and as far as Riley could tell she was definitely sexually active. Sometimes he'd hear... noises from her room. Noises that made him really horny.
One night he'd heard a sexy low buzzing from her room. He'd lain propped up against the wall, his stolen bra stuffed with socks as he listened to his step-sister groan and moan and he jerked his cock to the sounds of her pleasure. She was obviously using a vibrator or magic wand and he wondered if one of the packages that had passed through his hands had actually been a sex-toy. It made him wish he had accidentally opened THAT package.
"Ohhhh fuck yeahhhh I'm soooo fucking wet, mmmmmmhhhh..."
He had cum so hard that night.
The thought of what he might do with a dildo or butt-plug made him blush. No... he was definitely straight, these were just some weird ideas he was sometimes having. It was all the fault of having such a slutty step-sister.
Indeed, the main problem with living with her was that Riley was so fucking hot. She had a big round bubble-butt, large firm breasts and a gorgeous face. She looked good in everything and she had the spoiled, knowing, mean girl bimbo look that made boys weak. She always wore the sexiest outfits, had long sexy nails and was the purist vision of toxic femininity possible. She loved to tease Riley, manipulate and use him. She seemed to get off on the power she had over him.
In fact - in order to differentiate between them, Riley had popularised the use of his hated nickname Ry. Now nearly everyone called him Ry and it sucked.
The two of them couldn't be more unalike. Riley was popular, hot, pretty and sexually confident - Ry was dorky, nervous, unconfident and a virgin.
About the only advantage Ry had over Riley was that he was smart. A lot smarter. In fact he was a bit of a genius. Riley had used that to her advantage though, swiftly learning that now they shared a house it was pretty easy to copy Ry's homework and manipulate him into helping her grades improve.
"Ohhh you're such a good step-brother," she'd purr as she got another A- on a paper. "Hey, did I mention I have some new social media photos I'd like you to 'examine' for me. Let me air-drop them to your phone.'
Riley had learned that if she provided images of herself, her step-brother would do whatever she wanted. He was addicted to her beauty and femininity - whilst she found his intelligence useful.
Getting her brother to cheat for her had paid dividends. In fact Riley's grades had improved SO much as a result of her using her step-brother, her Mom had promised she could go to a music festival with her slutty friends, provided she passed the final test.
The final test.
There would be no way to cheat on that. Riley's frustrations were evident. Her Step-Bro couldn't exactly sit the test for her and she wasn't smart enough to pass without cheating.
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"Listen babe, you need to find a way to help me pass that test. I need to go to that music festival with my girlies. Find a way to make me smarter or something. Just imagine how hot I'll look in all the pictures I can send you."
Ry scratched his head. What was he supposed to do? You couldn't exactly make another person... smarter in under a week, could you?
Hmmmm, that jogged a strange memory. About a year ago, Ry had been following an interesting online science blog from a girl in another town. Laura Sims was another science prodigy (who he'd actually had a bit of a crush on). One day she'd just stopped posting, but he remembered her putting up some interesting ideas for a hi tech Crispr solution. The idea was the solution would eradicate genetic weaknesses in whoever drank it by taking the strengths from someone else's DNA.
It took a bit of searching - strangely Laura Sims no longer seemed to have much of an online presence. He found some information for a Laura Richie - some bitch from the same town who appeared to be living a life of decadence - but eventually succeeded in using the internet archives to find the page instead.
Laura had luckily uploaded her formula, hoping to 'open source' test it. He wondered why she'd taken everything down?
It didn't take long to create the formula. The advice from Laura was to try it before bed to give it time to activate. The main changes would come the day after. Riley looked on doubtfully as Ry took one of his head hairs and put it into the liquid. He gave it to her to drink. "This will give you my intelligence and smarts."
"Okay - if you're sure. I'll try anything to get to that festival."
Riley drank. "Ughhh, it tastes sour. Okay, let's hope this works. I'll go and start revising - maybe I'll get some early gains."
She left the room. As she did so, Ry noticed one of her long sexy head hairs had come free and was just lying there on the table. A terrible temptation overcame him. What if? What if he used the solution too? It wouldn't make him smart, but maybe it would make him more attractive and confident.
Feeling a little guilty, he dissolved the hair and drank the solution. It tasted sweet and his skin tingled, but nothing else seemed to happen. Weird... Riley had said it was sour.
Inside their bodies, the Crispr solution went to work. Riley's female DNA rushed through Ry's body, overwriting his cells. There was no melding here - no balancing. Riley's bitchy DNA was taking control and spreading like a wild-fire through his body.
Meanwhile Riley was also having her female cells consumed slowly and methodically by Ry's. The virus was even spreading to her brain, dendrites and synapses rewiring and altering to make her think like he did.
Now it was just a matter of waiting. The changes would soon be on their way
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Waking up groggily, Riley had to admit she didn't feel great. Her whole body felt sluggish and weak, like she had a really bad cold. Walking to the mirror she despaired to see that her usually flawless skin seemed a bit blotchy and riddled with acne, similar to her dorky step-bros. What the hell was his stupid formula doing to her?
Looking down she blushed. Her tits seemed obscenely large on her chest. She couldn't believe she usually allowed herself to walk around flaunting them like this. It didn't normally bother her, but now for some reason it did. She searched through her wardobe and finding a hoody, slid it on.
Her eyes seemed to be struggling. Maybe it was the light in here? Switching on the lights she tiredly walked to her makeup vanity and paused. Makeup? What was the point of makeup? She was only going to study for a test today.
Ignoring her usual cleansing routines and preparations, Riley took down the large Maths text-book she was supposed to be studying and opened it up. It was only twenty minutes later, that she realised she had become engrossed in the book without even realising it.
Her usually flippant mind that jumped from subject to subject seemed sharper and more focused. Sitting down at her desk, she began to study in earnest.
Ry opened his eyes and slid easily out of bed. He was usually a night person, so to find not only that he had slept well, but that he didn't feel tired of fatigued was a revelation to him.
He actually felt fucking great this morning. The Crispr solution seemed to be working. Walking to the mirror, Ry grinned in satisfaction. His usually bad skin was clearer and ever so slightly tanned. He had a healthy glow for the first time in years.
In fact his whole body seemed more toned with a healthier shape. He hadn't put any muscle on as far as he could see, but proportionally, everything seemed 'better'. The only downsides were a strange itching and puffiness on his chest and a few other weird changes.
His ass seemed fatter and slightly bigger. His hair seemed to have increased in length and volume. It gave him a rather... feminine... shape. He ignored the strange thrill of delight that brought him.
"It's early days for these changes yet. I just need to give it more time. I'll probably fill out and look more manly in the next stage. Probably to be expected I'd mirror a few of Riley's assets."
He wondered how Riley was getting on...
"Amazing," giggled Riley in satisfaction. Her mind was definitely getting faster. The hot sweats had started again earlier and she was having even more difficulty seeing, but it didn't matter to her anymore because the knowledge she was experiencing was so captivating.
She rubbed at her chest. Her boobs were really aching. For some reason her bra didn't seem to fit... it kept dropping down loose. She knew that cup sizes did change, she'd alternated between a 32 and 34 bust for years - but this felt different.
Her boobs seemed noticeably smaller. She'd always been proud of her big bust, her massive tits. Now she felt smaller and weaker without them. Strangely her clit seemed engorged today though. She'd had to stop doing her studying a few times to rub at the stiff little nub between her legs. If she'd had a more active imagination she'd say it seemed to be growing... almost like a tiny little cock.
But that would be crazy... right?
Ry rubbed at his chest. There was definitely something there and it was growing at a faster rate now. Sweat dripped from his body and he could almost hear his bones cracking and shifting within his body. It felt... pleasurable and strangely addictive. A desire for more transformation and a faster change rose within him. It felt like something good was happening to him. He wanted more of it.
Ry felt feverish and knew that the Crispr solution was spreading through his body like a virus. It had now reached critical mass and the changes were accelerating. Riley's DNA should be merging with his own, but it didn't feel like that. Something was wrong... or was it... right?
His skin felt softer, his hips seemed to have pushed out wider. The lumps on his chest definitely felt like breasts and his hair had doubled in length again.
"Ohhhhh fuckkkk," he groaned as another series of pops and cracks within his body sent him into spasms of pleasure. "Uggggh, what's happening to me?"
His pushed his chest out and grunted... the bumps on his chest got even bigger.
"I can't fucking see," groaned Riley as she reached up to her face. Her vision was totally blurry now. Her body felt wrecked and strangely weak. She looked down. Her chest was smaller now... her once large D cup tits now barely a B cup.
Staggering to her mirror, Riley saw her hair looked shorter. Her skin was paler and her soft feminine features seemed a little more boyish. Her swollen clit had formed a little bulge in her leggings. She could almost imagine a pair of balls were growing underneath it and her pussy sealing up, but that would be crazy!
Riley massaged her throat. Her voice was croaky and there was a strange lump in her throat that she had never noticed before. She'd been told boys had them... Adam's apples they were called.
Sweat dripped down her body. She rubbed at her armpits. They needed shaving again, which was weird because she'd only waxed them a few days ago.
"What the fuck is this solution doing to me?" she groaned. "No increase in intelligence is worth this. I have to find Ry!"
She staggered to the hallway, then out into the living room. Her vision was swimming, she was nearly blind now. Everything ached and her breasts felt even smaller. Her head hurt... she just needed to...
With a groan Riley sank onto a sofa and passed out.
Ry groaned as his face burned and his back ached. His hands went to his chest, there were now two big rounded mounds there just like the ones he had always imagined owning when he wore his sisters bra. Sweat was pouring off him and his vision was all blurry. He reached up and tore off his glasses. Strange, but now he could see again.
His voice seemed croaky, his neck sore. His face felt different, the features more delicate. Long hair tickled his neck. "I fucked up somehow," he groaned. "The Crispr is making me INTO Riley. I have to find her and warn her."
Staggering out of the room, dizzy and sick - he staggered into the living room. A figure was passed out on one of the couches. He tried to approach, but instead his legs began to give way. With a groan, Ry staggered to the other couch and collapsed.
Darkness took him and then the strangest dreams he'd ever had.
Meanwhile Riley's DNA continued to consume his own and change his body... the physical changes were now nearly complete...
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Ry awoke and for a second didn't know where he was.
The room smelled different. It smelt of sexy perfume. The sheets around him were pink and girly. Riley's clothes hung on racks around the room, plushies and cushions covered every surface.
He was naked in the bed.
A post it note lay on the table by the bed.
"Morning baby, me and your step-daddy found you and your brother passed out in the lounge. Were you partying last night? We put you both to bed in the right rooms and I undressed you. Were those your brothers clothes you were wearing? What were you doing? Lol Mom. XXX"
Pulling back the sheets, Ry saw his body had completely changed. He was no longer feverish, and the big wobbling tits on his chest were definitely real. His skin was healthy and lightly tanned, he had no body hair except for a tiny strip just above his... pussy?
Reaching down, Ry gasped at the sensation of his new vagina. He snatched his hand back in shock, although the urge to put it back there swiftly returned. Sliding out of the bed, he landed onto small perfect feet, then padding quietly across the room, he reached the mirror and stared in wonder.
Riley looked back at him. Well almost. He didn't have Riley's tattoos or her ear, nose or navel piercings. He didn't have any makeup on and his hair was a mess. His fingers and toes were unmanicured... but other than that... he looked just like her.
"Holy shit," he said in her voice.
The resemblance was so perfect, that last night her own Mother hadn't recognised that he was not really her girl. Riley's DNA had changed him into her. That probably meant in the other bedroom, Riley was now waking up as a physical copy of him.
And yet it wasn't just the physical changes. Something profound had happened to his mind, to his very soul.
The Crispr virus had infiltrated every cell of Ry's body, including his brain. He had been rewired and altered. He felt a new natural confidence, sexual assurance and a strong desire to monopolise on this situation. His personality was now more like Riley's than ever before. Even in his darkest dreams he could never have imagined being such a fucking bitch.
"Yesssss, I've always wanted to be Riley," he said in a slightly evil voice. "Mmmmh, I think I knew what that Crispr virus was going to do to us... but I did it anyway. I did it because I wanted to steal her life. I want to be Riley Grey... not Riley Green."
"And now that I used the Crispr," he purred allowing this delicious new persona to take control, "I am. Even Mommy thinks that I am. I am fucking Riley Grey and I want it ALL."
A wicked grin appeared on his face and he allowed his body language to relax. How did hot girls stand... ahhh yes, like this.
"These big tits are mine, mmmmh and this perfect ass. I've been remade in your image," he laughed. "A couple of trips to the hairdressers and the tattoo artists to get inked up and pierced... and no one would ever know the difference between us. This is my chance to assume your life and become the new you. I'm not going to waste it."
Riley smiled as she began looking for some clothes to wear. She just had to make 'Ry' understand that it was best to go along with what she wanted. The switch in pronouns was so easy to make... it suited her like a glove.
She was a woman now, she had all the equipment and soon no one would ever know she had ever been her dorky step-brother...
She just had to manipulate him the correct way.
Riley awoke feeling like death. Her vision was still blurry and she felt weak and wiped out.
"Here, put these on," said a familiar voice and her vision swam back into focus as a pair of glasses slid onto her face. "Don't panic. It's me, your step-brother. Honestly, I didn't plan for this to happen. The Crispr has gone wrong... I tried it too using one of your hairs. I'm afraid we've become copies of each other."
Riley gasped as she saw herself sitting on the end of the bed. Her hair was a fucking mess and she needed some makeup, but other than that it was definitely her.
Pulling back the sheets, she groaned in a very masculine sounding voice. Her body was now entirely masculine, a small cock and a pair of balls between her legs. Her boobs were gone and her flabby white body was that of a nerdy dork.
"Oh no, we have to fix this."
"I know," said her doppleganger, "but there's a big problem. We're changing mentally as well as physically. I'm not smart enough to make the Crispr anymore so I need you help to make a new batch, then we can try to reverse these changes. "
"But I don't know how to do it either," she complained.
"I'm sure you'll find a way," purred her twin. "I'll give you the notes I made and hopefully you can decode them. In the meantime we need to act like each other so no one gets suspicious. We'll have to dress like we normally would, you'll have to hide those tattoos and those piercings. I don't know how long we might be stuck like this. I guess it could be weeks!"
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It had been a month.
Riley and Riley were becoming more and more like each other by the day.
Ry, as he was now known, had still not figured out how to make the Crispr. Probably because before she had given him the notes - the new Riley had made sure to delete certain important elements from the research.
Genuinely she wasn't smart enough anymore to remember or understand what she had removed - just that it had been enough to stop him. Hopefully that would be enough.
Riley didn't want a way back. She wanted to go deeper and deeper into this rabbit hole of femininity. In the last month she had discovered that being a hot, popular, girl was pretty much as amazing as she had dreamed it would be.
First of all there was the makeup and the clothes. They all made her look and feel incredible. If that wasn't enough, there was the enjoyment of sex.
Remembering that buzzing she'd heard all that time ago, Riley had uncovered the sex-toy collection. The first time she'd pushed a magic wand against her clit and felt it throb and vibrate, she'd known she was now a female sex addict.
It hadn't taken long to move from toys to the real thing... boys. There were plenty of guys wanting to fuck a hot slut like her, and after a couple of introductory sessions with some of Riley's ex-lovers - the new Riley had really picked up the pace.
There was nothing quite like bouncing on some hard cock and cumming all over it as a girl. It was such a good feeling.
If that wasn't enough, there was the social life. Riley loved being the centre of attention now... going to parties, having fun, everyone wanting to be her friend. She found the company of other hot girls intoxicating. To be part of the squad was like a dream come true.
Riley understood now she'd always harboured these desires. She'd always wanted to be like her step-sister and the Crispr had provided a way.
Of course, that meant that the new Ry probably now harboured her old desires... to cross dress and be a girl. They had probably only been heightened by the loss of his actual femininity.
Riley wondered if she could use that against him...
She wondered just how far it was possible to gaslight her new step-brother...
DAY 60
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"Babe. What the fuck are you actually talking about? What Crispr research, I didn't delete anything from your hard-drive."
Ry stared at his sister in astonishment. Over the last few months he'd come to think of himself as male - it was somehow easier that way. His memories of being Riley were a confusing mess, sometimes it didn't even feel real. That was why it was now so confusing when Riley actually suggested it wasn't.
Over the last few days she'd been acting increasingly difficult. She kept giving him blank looks when he mentioned getting their bodies back and she had been dropping hints in from of him that he might be losing his mind.
"Listen Ry, I know you have this weird fetish for dressing up in my clothes... I found one of my bras in your room."
"Wh? WHAT? Well, those ARE my clothes," he growled angrily. "Before we swapped, those were ALL my clothes."
"Swapped, what the hell are you taking about? You keep going on about this weird dream fantasy of yours. Are you really suggesting that two months ago we both drank a formula that altered our DNA and turned us into each other. Don't you think that sounds kinda crazy?"
"It's not crazy... and when I find the research, I'll prove it to you!"
Riley watched him go with an evil smile on her perfect lips.
DAY 260
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Riley sighed as her annoying step-bro peeked through her door. He was such a fucking pervert and always hanging around. He was easy to convince though. Sometimes she had trouble remembering her own lies now - manipulating him was getting easier by the day.
"Hey loser, get out of here. I told you I'm about to stream and I don't want you watching me."
"But Riley, I think I found something. A blog about this girl called Laura Sims, the same thing happened to her... I think."
"What thing?"
"You know, the Crispr solution... the DNA exchange. The personality and memory changes."
"Listen Ry, I already told you I don't know what the fuck you are talking about. Worse than that, I think it's time you admitted the truth. Do you really think a pathetic little loser like you could ever have been a beautiful gorgeous woman like me? Does it seem possible? Of course not. You're a boy and you've always been a boy."
"I have? What about these weird scars I have. They could be from tattoo removal right? Maybe I once had the same tattoos as you?"
"You know you got those in a fire right? Are you really suggesting that once you were me. That you had these tattoos and these piercings? That you and me somehow swapped lives and then I gaslit you into believing you had always been a boy?"
"I know it sounds crazy but..."
"It does sound crazy. Would it even matter? Would anyone believe you? I think you'll be happier if you just accept things are this way now, whatever you believe."
Sliding her hand onto his crotch, Riley grinned as she saw her step-brothers expression go soft.
"Mmmmh, why don't we stroke this little cock of yours to make it feel all better. Hmmmm?"
Ry groaned as his step-sister expertly jerked him off till he groaned and came. He watched her hot manicured hands slowly pump him up and down, draining his cock and all resistance out of him.
"There now. Feel better?"
"Yessss," he groaned.
"Good boy. Now get out of here. Go and goon in your room or something."
Listening to her step-brother grunting next door as he jerked off wearing her bra, Riley Grey played with her pussy and looked at herself in the mirror. Damn she was perfect. She was beautiful and sexy and hot. She loved being a girl.
She didn't even miss her old boy smarts. Who needed brains when you looked this good? Then again, she'd been doing a little research lately. She and Laura Richie had made contact and she had been intrigued by what she had found out.
She'd found out from the other girl that there was a second serum... one designed to improve the effects of the first. One that would make her a Goddess.
Maybe it was time to begin another new experiment...
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taylorswiftstyle · 1 year
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MTV Video Music Awards | September 12, 2023
Versace custom gown (pictured similar)
As is her way, Taylor can only be consistently expected to do one thing: subvert expectations. Swiftly (some might say) bypassing an opportunity to plug any of the three albums she’s either released, or is on the precipice of releasing, she went straight to a very reputation-coded Versace gown. The likes of famed supermodel lore or legendary Liz Hurley status. It’s sexy, it’s slinky, it’s very distinctively signature Versace - using Medusa-embossed buttons in a pseudo snap closure style instead of the more overt safety pin (this detail continues on the strappy open criss-cross back all the way down the back to the end of her train, which is worth a look on its own).
I personally love a classic Versace look such as these. They’ve been done, and done a lot. But I can’t fight a classic sexy siren gown like this. The decision to forego Taylor’s signature red lip, I think, is a smart one that prevents the look from going too overboard. In my opinion, the styling choices were either pile on the jewels or pile on the crimson lip. And Taylor/her team went for the former - something that’s atypical of her style. The mussed hair with the trailing pieces left out of their updo feel “roll out of bed” intimate and sensual and feels akin to the curly bangs from the reputation photoshoot. But I can’t help but think an uber sleek blowout could have been great here. 
If indeed a nod to reputation, I’ve always seen that album as one of two diametrically opposed forces: the external perceptions of who you are vs the internal realizations of the life you’re quietly building. To use a dress with so many asymmetrical details (the bodice, the straps, and even in the movement of the button detailing literally splicing her in half) as an embodiment of that would be quite appropriate. It’s also a smart use of a brand’s signature design details to (possibly) use for your own means.
Not to mention this is precisely the kind of dress at least I would envision buying so someone else could take it off. 
Worn with: Anita Ko + Maria Tash + VCA + David Webb + Ita + vintage jewelry, Foundrae + Jacquie Aiche + vintage bracelets, and Jimmy Choo sandals
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mychlapci · 1 month
Blurr can’t stop thinking about his boss. All those tips and tricks from his shows have been paying off—Longarm Prime smiles at Blurr lots more now that he’s playing dumb and sweet, he even pats Blurr’s aft and gives it a little squeeze whenever he leaves the office or they pass each other in the hall. He’s so patient and strong and smart… Blurr can’t help masturbate to the thought of him, furiously stroking his node and fingering his valve. It’s not enough, never is, and soon Blurr’s buying a dildo and some plugs just to keep himself full. He can’t seem to overload anymore, and he’s getting desperate. He craves spike and can’t help bouncing on his new toy as he watches his show’s latest episode. Nodding along about how mechs want their cute, dumb little toys to be desperate and ready for them all the time. Groaning when it cuts to a commercial break for the Autobot High Council’s newest propaganda campaign but still watching it dutifully. Can’t help imagining himself with a full forge, Longarm Prime behind him… good autobots contribute to the future of Cybertron. But then Blurr’s show is back and he’s whining through yet another denied overload. Hips stuttering uselessly as he abandons his node to stroke and tug at his spike. Array soaked with lubricants and desperately charged up.
He just can’t get his boss out of his head. Blurr’s toys aren’t enough. He needs the real thing, his show keeps telling him how badly he needs a real spike. How mechs like their toys needy and charged up for them, overloading on their spikes. Eventually the show ends and he has to give up, pussy and spike both numb with charge. So horny but helpless to do anything about it.
“I’m really sorry, Longarm Prime, sir,” Blurr will sniffle in the office the next day, “I know you told me… but can you show me how to file my reports again? I forgot…” As though he hasn’t been doing it for years at this point. Patient with his silly eye-candy as always, Shockwave will agree to show the poor thing one more time. Only to be surprised when Blurr sits on his lap to watch, so he can ‘see better.’ Can’t help but moaning when he feels Blurr begin to grind back on him subtly. Pent up from years in disguise, it’s really no surprise that Shockwave lets his spike pressurize directly into a soaked valve when offered.
Soon his silly blue project is bouncing on his spike, moaning and squealing as ‘Longarm’ pets his node and teases him for being such a needy slut.
“Is this what you really wanted, Agent Blurr?” He asks in that smooth, unassuming voice, “is this why you’ve been wiggling your cute little aft at me all the time?” He can’t help thrusting against said cute little aft, hearing their plating clack together as he drives his spike in deep before pulling out with a wet slurp. “Well?”
And Blurr, well trained by his shows to anticipate what his mech wants, can only gasp yes after yes, sir, as he feels his overload build. Can’t help whining about how badly Blurr needed his boss’ (astonishingly big) spike and how empty his little pussy felt before Longarm Prime, sir filled him up the way he should be.
Shockwave’s cute little bimbo is actively drooling on himself by now as he’s bounced in ‘Longarm’s’ lap like a toy. Blurr’s a toy, a pretty, needy toy. Shockwave overloads with a soft shout, cupping his hand over Blurr’s abdomen to feel it fill with his transfluid. And Blurr, of course, finally gets his own overload. It’s the strongest of his life, burning his circuits just a little and entrenching the idea that pleasure comes from making Longarm come.
He promptly plugs his valve up to make sure his reward doesn’t run down his thighs, making Shockwave choke a little on air. And then he waggles his cute little aft at his boss and giggles at the light spank that earns before leaving the office.
Within the day Blurr will have a message in his inbox detailing a change in his uniform: he’ll be expected to wear a short skirt to ‘protect his modesty’ as his modesty panel must be open at all times in the office for Longarm Prime’s inspection. Some of the bigger words involved trip Blurr up a little, but he gets the gist of it. He needs to look pretty for his mech and keep his needy pussy accessible like a good toy.
wife-in-making Blurr can’t even cum without a real spike… Deep down, he knows it has to be a real spike. Good bots, as his videos tell him, cum only around their husband’s spikes, when they’re graciously accepting their hot, virile transfluid.
After Longarm fucks him once, Blurr wants no other… he’ll do everything he can to make sure he’s his first choice of hole to fuck <33
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welldonebeca · 11 months
Housewife Halloween (III)
Summary: Sam hates Halloween. When he catches his girlfriend dressed up and playing as his wife, he realises the day might not be so bad, after all. Pairing: Sam Winchester x Female!Reader WC: 1.3k words Warnings: Stanford times. Fluff. Wife kink. Roleplay. Dirty talking. Orgasm control. Anal sex. Clothed sex. Degrading kink. Multiple orgasms. Unprotected sex. Aftercare.
If you like my work, consider buying me a coffee or subscribing to my Patreon. It’s just $2 a month and helps a lot while I go through these hard times.
Sam pushed you to your feet, tossing you over the side of the couch and raising your skirt, licking his lips as he watched your pussy leaking under your plugged ass.
Fuck, he loved your ass.
He loved fucking it, slapping it, fucking biting it and watching it.
His eyes lingered on it for a moment, tempted into eating your ass out for the next hour, but his cock was throbbing, and you had stretched yourself for him as a good wife. He should honour that.
"Do you want to take the dress off?" you asked him, throwing him a look over your shoulder.
"Take it off?" he repeated, tapping the plug with the tip of his finger before slowly pulling on it and pushing back, earning a soft whine from you. "And waste all of the effort you put on dressing up so pretty for me?"
Finally, Sam pulled the plug all the way out, moaning to himself when he watched your asshole throbbing and squeezing around nothing.
"I would never do that," he grabbed his cock, and pushed into you, licking his lips and smirking when he saw your hands clenching on the seat in front of you, already moaning softly.
Fuck, you were so tight there. Even when with all the lube and your pussy's slick around his cock, it was still a tight fit.
"Fuck, wife," he grunted. "Your ass looks so pretty swallowing my cock, you need to see this."
You moaned, and his eyes moved to the side table, finding your phone right there.
Well, maybe you could see it.
Sam pulled it back and unlocked it, quickly getting on the camera and pointing at where his cock was pushing into your ass.
He continued to click and click, photographing everything until he was balls deep in your ass, taking slow breaths to control himself.
Fuck, he never imagined fucking your ass would be so good.
The two of you never really did it before now. Sure, Sam had fingered your ass a few times and talked about fucking you there, but it was a surprise that you had taken such a big step forward to get him to fuck you.
You moaned arching your ass up to him, whispering something he couldn't quite hear, and he grabbed you, thumbs digging into your round globes before he pulled his hips away, slowly fucking out and into you.
"Fuck, baby," he moaned.
"Sam," you whimpered. "Sam."
His balls hit your folds, and Sam licked his lips, feeling how wet you were just by that.
You continued to whimper and moan his name, lost, as if you didn't know any other word.
"Look at you, baby," he thrust into you harder. "Can't think of anything but me..."
He took his fingers to your cunt, teasing your entrance, and you moaned louder and darker.
"I fucking love it when I fuck you stupid," he pushed a single finger into your pussy, just teasing you, knowing this was just going to entice you. "Got your smart little brain dripping down your cunt, just like it should."
Your walls squeezed around his finger and his cock, sensitive and ready for him.
"Cause that's what my perfect wife has to be like, isn't it?" he cooed. "A set of holes for me to fuck and cum into...  a pretty pussy for me to breed over and over again."
Sam took his finger away from inside you and slapped your clit with his wet hand, and thrust deep inside your hole, closing your eyes when it squeezed his cock and your moans became louder and into a little scream, and your whole body shook and convulsed under him, and you came, sobbing his name so loudly it made him wonder if the neighbours and people roaming outside in the street would hear you.
"Fuck," he groaned. "Such a good hole for me, cumming as I fuck your ass."
You just cried more, and he licked his lips, ready to test a theory.
How long had you been preparing for him? How long had you played with your ass and saved that orgasm for him?
So he slapped your clit again.
Your ass squeezed around his cock once more, squeezing him as your pussy gushed against his balls.
Fuck, he knew he could make you cum again just by slapping your clit. He knew you would make such pretty noises and would be such a little dumb crying little thing, cumming over and over again with just his hands, screaming his name, so loud everyone in Stanford would know he was the one to make you feel like that.
"Sam," you whined softly.
He would do it some day. But not now.
"Please," you cried out. "Please, cum inside, please, please."
Sam moaned deeper. Fuck, your ass was squeezing him so good.
"Please, husband," you panted. “Cum in my ass.”
His eyes closed at the name, and he did, cumming hard inside you as you moaned and panted, calling him your husband, over and over and over again.
Sam pulled you up and closer to him, turning your head and kissing your lips before taking his free hand down, playing with your clit to make you cum, not yet satisfied as his cock shot inside you.
"Sam," you whimpered into his lips.
"Husband," he grunted, moving tight circles around your bud. "I'm your husband."
You cried out, sounding more desperate.
"Cum for your husband," Sam pulled away from your mouth, hissing into your ear.
Your voice grew louder, breathless, and his fingers didn't stop until you were screaming and squirming, wigging in his arms, lost in pleasure.
He let you fall forward, lying back in the couch again, before pulling out of you, kneeling in front of you and spreading your ass cheeks.
Sam watched as his cum leaked from inside you, feeling something big and dark growing inside him, possessive of what he was seeing.
His lips moved to your pussy right after, licking and paying with your pussy before sucking on your swollen and sensitive clit.
"Sam!" you screamed.
He grabbed your hips before you could move away, devouring your pussy.
"Sam!" you sobbed, moving above him. "Please! It's too much!"
He moved himself away from your clit for a brief moment.
"You'll take what your husband gives you, wife," Sam grunted, moving right back to eat you out.
You screamed and shook, but he didn't stop, sucking and licking, knowing well what would make you cum.
The moment he shoved two fingers into your cunt, curling them against your g-spot, your body tensed completely and your pussy gushed against his face, squirting as you came for him again, weakly crying out his name.
He finally stopped, kissing your thigh before standing up and gently pulling you along with him, sitting on your lap as you whimpered, still quivering over him.
Sam moved his fingers through your hair, placing a soft kiss on your makeup stained cheek.
He held you silently, continuing to caress your hair and face, comforting you.
"You were so good," he kissed your temple. "I'm so proud of you."
You held his neck a little tighter, and Sam lifted you up, carrying you to your bedroom and caressing your thighs comfortingly.
"Do you need anything?" he asked.
"Want your shirt," you mumbled. "Don't want this dress."
Sam nodded and unbuttoned the back of your dress, helping you off your dress before doing the same to the skirts under it before taking off your bra, and kissed your forehead before pushing putting it all over a chair, not caring much about it now.
He gave you a bottle of water and kissed your temple before picking up his shirt - one you had stolen from him and was your favourite.
You nodded and lied down on the bed when he sat you on the mattress, spreading your legs and letting him clean the mix of your seed and your wetness from between your legs, and he just carried you along with him again when you wrapped your arms around him, so small he was using a single arm to support you as he threw the wipes away.
"Let's lay down," he kissed your cheek.
You nodded, still clinging to him as he lied on the bed, and only raised your eyes to his face when you were safely tucked into his chest.
"Was I a good wife, Sam?" you asked, softly.
"You are the best wife," he affirmed simply, reaching for you and kissing your lips before doing the same to your cheeks, nose and forehead. "You are perfect."
"You are the best husband," you whispered into his neck.
Sam just smiled, taking your hand and kissing your knuckles, and his finger touched your ring finger briefly.
Hopefully one day, when life was a little easier, and he was a lawyer, and you were a nurse, he would make you his read wife, not just a Halloween one - though he was, indeed, staring to warm up for the holiday.
He heard a soft snoring sound from you and smiled to himself, realising you had fallen asleep already, and let himself drift asleep just as well, thinking of you with his ring on your finger as he did.
“Housewife Halloween” was posted on Tumblr on May 2022. To read the prequel, “Plough Pose”, and have early access to all of my work, subscribe to my page! It’s just $2 a month and I post 6x a week!
Forever Tags: @emoryhemsworth​​ @amythyststorm33​ @shaelyn102​​ @yknott81​​ ​​@maximofftrash​​ @kgbrenner​​ @thefridgeismybestie​ @magpiegirl80​ @mogaruke​ @shadowhunter7​​ @musicalcoffeebean @megasimpleplan4ever​ @deemoriarty​​ @05spn18​​ @malindacath @kdcollinsauthor​​ @random-fandom-fangirl2112​​ @widowsfics @frozenhuntress67​​ @averyrogers83​​ @notyourtypicalrose @nerdypinupcrystal @giruvega Supernatural tags: @its-daydreamer23 @imagefanfictionlover @smalltowndivaj @tayrae515imagines @afanofmanystuffs @oneshoeshort @andkatiethings @wakanda-sometimes @akshi8278 @xoxabs88xox @izbelross @isabelle-faith @flamencodiva @lyarr24
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toournextadventure · 1 year
bad dreams ii
Summary: Tara was so used to you coming to save her from the nightmares and fear. Now it seemed it was time for her to return the favour.
Word Count: 1.5k Warnings: swearing, mentions of violence, set after Scream VI (extremely vague spoilers) Pairing: Tara Carpenter x Reader (bad dreams?)
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Tara woke with a start. Her eyes flew open and air rushed back into her lungs like she had been drowning for a century. But she immediately squeezed her eyes shut again when the lights finally blinded her, shooting a pain through her brain.
"Fuck," she mumbled before rubbing her eyes, trying to ease the sleepiness and headache at the same time.
Once she eased her eyes open again, she pushed herself into a sitting position and took in her surroundings. Every single light and lamp in the room was turned on, including the nightlights that were plugged into each outlet. A safety bar was locked against the window in two separate places. The door to the room was open and she could see the hallway light was on as well.
"Baby?” She asked as she reached out to your side of the bed.
It was cold and empty.
“Baby?” She called again, a little louder. There was no sound of movement, no indication of where you had gone.
With a shaky exhale, she pushed the covers down her legs and planted her feet on the ground. She silently thanked you for buying the rug to keep her feet warm during the colder months. Not that it mattered much when she stepped onto the cold wooden floor a moment later, but it still made it a little more bearable.
With more hesitation than she was comfortable with, she peeked her head through the doorway and into the hall. Every light was on, which she had been aware of, but there was still no one to be seen. Sam was out with her boy toy so the only ones who should have been present were you and her.
Which meant you were missing.
She took in a few deep, slow breaths, trying to build up the courage to step out into the hall. It took too long, and her own hesitance brought tears of frustration to the brim of her eyes, but she finally forced herself to walk down the hall and into the living room.
Those tears spilled over when she saw you sitting against the far wall, eyes wide and watching every entrance and exit of the apartment.
You still had a few stitches above your eye and peeking out from the collar of your shirt. Thankfully the infection had eased, for the most part, but the wounds still looked agitated. It was clear you were in pain by the way you sat stiffly and grimaced with every other breath.
The wooden baseball bat you had brought all those weeks ago - now stained with blood - rested in your lap as your hands gripped the handle so tightly your bruised knuckles paled. Your eyes flickered back and forth between every window, door, and hallway; looking, but not seeing anything. And it broke Tara’s heart.
“Baby?” She said softly, hoping to not startle you out of your anxiety-driven vigilance. It didn’t really matter, you still flinched anyway.
“Doors are locked,” you said in a scratchy voice.
“I know,” she said as she took slow, deliberate steps over to you. “Thank you for locking them.”
“Phones are off,” you continued, not really looking at her. She finally got close enough to sit down beside you, being careful not to jostle you.
“That’s smart,” she said, keeping her eyes on your face. You looked utterly exhausted.
“Is this what you went through in Woodsboro?” You asked, finally turning to look at her even just for a moment.
She hated hearing the name Woodsboro. Hated all the feelings it evoked within her, all the aches it forced back into her skin and heart. Nothing good came from Woodsboro, and nothing good came from talking about it. So she wanted to tell you that no, it wasn’t, because Woodsboro didn’t matter.
But it did matter, and after the destruction and violence you had been thrust into, you deserved to know. You deserved to know that yes, it is what she went through in Woodsboro. Much like you, she had been stabbed and attacked and used as in Ghostface’s sadistic game. Now you both wore the scars like badges of survival in a game you had never wanted to be a part of.
“It is,” Tara finally said softly. You nodded subconsciously and looked back around the room.
“It sucks,” you said, causing both you and Tara to let out nervous chuckles.
“Yeah it does,” she agreed. “We probably need… so much therapy.”
Your nervous chuckle turned into a watery laugh that died off into slight hyperventilation before fading into nothing more than the occasional sniffle. The colour was slowly returning to your knuckles and, even though the colour was bruised, at least it meant you were easing up.
“Why are you awake?” You asked. Tara shifted a bit before leaning into your side; you quickly wrapped an arm around her shoulder to hold her close.
“I’m always awake at-” she looked at her watch; 2:36am “-2:30 in the morning.”
“It’s not 2:30,” you answered with a small smile.
“I had a bad dream,” she said with a shrug. Her fingers brushed lightly over the bandage still covering your hip. “Why are you awake?”
“I had a bad dream,” you said.
“Wanna talk about it?” Tara asked.
You stayed silent, which was about what she had expected. But you pulled her closer anyway, inhaling sharply when she pressed against another wound, but you didn’t let go. Your fingers ceaselessly rubbed patterns on her shoulder, so much so that she thought you were going to rub the skin off.
“My mom said she could teach us some self defense,” you said, changing the subject. Tara wasn’t going to argue. “Made sure to let me know we probably could’ve avoided getting stabbed.”
“Yeah, I’d like to see her take down Ghostface,” Tara grumbled, and you chuckled in return.
She liked your mom, she really did. The woman was an ex-marine and impressive as hell. But she was also cocky; not just confident, full on cocky. That in itself had its ups and downs, but in this situation? That was the last thing she wanted to hear.
“I told her yes,” you said after a moment’s silence. “It’s not like it would hurt anything.”
“Besides my pride,” Tara said. “Your mom has been looking for an excuse to kick my ass for months.”
“It’s with love,” you said, turning your head to look at Tara once again. There was the beginning of a sparkle that was starting to return. “She wouldn’t waste her time if she didn’t like you.”
“That explains so much about you,” she said with a shake of her head.
“You love it,” you said with your own smile.
“I do,” she whispered before leaning up to press a chaste kiss to your lips.
She didn’t want to push it with you, not now. After the attack in the theatre, you had been distant. It was understandable, of course, you had been brutalised by all accounts. But she had missed touching you, and kissing you, and having you near. If all she could get was one quick kiss, she would be happy.
When you leaned down again, chasing her for another kiss, she couldn’t stop herself from smiling. You still tasted vaguely of copper and coffee, but it was you. The kiss was rushed, clumsy, almost like some teenagers finally getting a moment alone. But it was also filled with an urgency, a desperation that only came from living through a life-or-death situation.
“I love you, Tara,” you whispered against her lips.
“I love you too,” she answered. You pressed another quick kiss to her lips before pulling back and holding her close once again.
“Remember when I said you and Sam are danger magnets?” You asked. You were back to looking all around the room.
“I’m revising my statement,” you said with a nod.
“To what?” Tara asked, pulling back just enough to see the expressions on your face.
“You’re not danger magnets,” you said. “You are the danger.”
“Shut up,” Tara said as she pushed against your shoulder.
“Not sure I can sleep in the same bed as a murderer,” you continued even though she could see the smile on your face.
“You’re such a dick.”
“You love me,” you said quickly.
“Do I?” She asked.
“I got stabbed five times for you,” you said. “Plus a bullet, so you better love me.”
“I took over a dozen,” she said with a curl of her lip. “You might need to up your game.”
“We definitely need therapy,” you mumbled, but your smile stayed.
“Yeah we do,” Tara agreed, but wrapped her arms around your waist and held you closer anyway.
It would be a long, grueling journey to healing. But if you were going to be there with her through it all, it would be worth it. After all, you were both Survivors. And Survivors stuck together.
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the-deadrobin · 7 months
Jason 'died-before-advanced-internet' Todd. He's definitely not at all good with technology as a whole. He's more equivalent to a very old man.
Babs: *appearing on Jason's phone by hacking into it* Sorry Jason, I had to intercept your phone to pass this message.
Jason: *whispers* whaaa??... ahem nah- no, its fine.
Jason: So how... is that even possible?
Tim: *does the same thing*
Jason: Nope- nope. This. *waves hand at Tim on his phone* Witchcraft.
Tim: *half asleep watching Jason being a dramatic bitch on the huge batcomputer screen* What.
Jason: Hey Timmers!
Tim: What's up?
Jason: So uh... I got a laptop problem.
Tim: Oh no.
Steph: *from across the room* not again.
Cass: *chilling on the couch* *silently leaves*
Bruce: *also on couch*
Also Bruce: *pulls out phone and puts it to his ear despite no ringtone* oh- yeah? Huh? What's that? Urgent meeting? *leaves hurriedly*
Duke: *Just entering the room*
*hears Jason*
Also Duke: *does complete 180*
Jason: *oblivious* I don't know what's wrong Timmy, it's not turning on.
Damian: *Sitting on the floor with Alfred the cat, the only one still in the room besides Jason and Tim* Have you tried the power button.
Jason: I'm offended.
Tim: Jason. Try the power button.
Jason: *stares into Tim's eyes as he turns it on* *waits* HA! IT DIDN'T WORK!
Tim: Jason- you're supposed to want it to work!
Jason: Dami, Tim is useless. Help me out here.
Damian: Akhi, I'm 11. Have some dignity.
Jason: Yeah, that died with me in the warehouse.
Tim: Okay, did you drop it in water?
Jason: The dignity is dead, not my fucking brain Tim- Why would I drop it in water?? You're supposed to be the smart one.
Tim: *mutters* I think the brains dead too.
Tim: My god- okay listen...
Tim: No- Don't shake it like that-
Jason: Any better ideas???
Tim: YES!
Jason: LIKE WHAT??
Jason: ...You're such a smartass and you can't even fix this damn thing!
Damian: *calmly* akhi-
Damian: *sighs* akhi.
Jason: Oh, I'm sorry I'm not rich like you! And it's not as old as Damian, it's a year younger!
Damian: Akhi!
Jason & Tim: WHAT??
Damian: *points to charger, not properly plugged in*
Tim: Jason.
Jason: Just- don't.
Tim: *deep breath* Jason. Did you plug-
Babs: *was silently listening through security feeds and knew the whole time*
Babs: *twitching with frustration* It's like watching one of Dick's soap operas.
But also, it's just Jason sometimes partly messing with them and they know it. Then sometimes he isn't messing with them. That's where the problem is because Jason is so good at lying (and being a menace to society), they can't tell the difference.
Got a bit carried away there💀💀
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My Unpopular Hobie Brown Opinions (& Headcanons) - [Part 1/??????]
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Excuse me excuse me i got some shit to say that needs to be said cause this just what i be thinking when i be thinking too hard cause i be doing that sometimes (photo is of me when i be thinking cause i be doing that)
First of all - Hobie doesn't have a smart phone.
Those little fake text yall be making? Where Hobie has a blue bubble? Nah bro not happening.
You think Hobie Brown is walking around with Siri in his pocket?? Siri who listens in on you and responds to the things you're saying while storing your info?
He isn't.
And he's not on twitter either so you can put those fake tweets in the basket too
He's not scrolling on the bird app giving Elon Musk revenue and engagement
Hobie seem like the type to walk in your house and start bad mouthing your Alexa. Be in your kitchen like 'Hey Google, kill yourself'
He has never opened or witnessed Tiktok and he never will
AT MOST he has a burner flip phone like a plug. And even then you have to pray he buys minutes. Voicemail? FULL.
Hobie is not a player.
He's from the 70's - the strongest time for HARDCORE second-wave feminism. Like bra-burning. Plus he's in the punk scene. He knows better than to say some slick shit or pull anything
BUT if ya'll make it clear it's casual and you catch feelings.. damn that sucks for you
Also, Hobie Brown doesn't get jealous. Lets stop the cap right now.
Mans doesn't even believe in private property and you think he'd feel comfortable being possessive over his partner
ESPECIALLY if they're a woman?
And secondly what insecurities does he even have to make him jealous? Can YOU , right now ,even imagine a man that would make Hobie Brown insecure/jealous?
I'll wait.
Realistically speaking, if you're not punk he's not into you most likely.
You don't have to listen to the music or 'dress the part' he doesn't care about that i mean like politically if you aren't in the movement good luck
Like if you turn down going to protests, or organizing,
or you don't wanna do community service with him he's not gonna feel it.
And he'd most likely be into people educated and into thinks like communism, socialism, anarchism, etc. If you can't hold a conversation about the immoralism behind being a landlord, then yeah there might be some awkward silences
Also can't believe I have to say this but ACAB and I mean that.
If you fuck with cops, Hobie doesn't fuck with you. Unless they're your family and even then they're on thin fucking ice.
Hobie has one-on-one interacts with fascists cops on the regular. The actively know who Spider-man is and target him.
Of course he's gonna hate them, or vent about them. The same way his one good experience with Gwen doesnt make him like the Society, having one good theoretical experience with a cop wouldn't make Hobie not hate cops.
In addition, Hobie has canonically killed people and is willing to kill again any day of the week if he has to. He stays ready.
He's done it with his guitar and he'll probably do it again in the future
And if you're with him you'd genuinely have to be comfortable and okay with that.
What are you gonna do? Defend a fascist? Exactly
So if he comes home with blood on him that isn't his, how you react is on you-
He's still gonna sleep good as hell at night
Hobie isn't very romantic. Like at all.
He's not buying you flowers - that's a sexist trope. He's not taking you to the movies because fuck the studio execs. He's not celebrating Valentine's Day because it's literally made up and he'll only celebrate anniversaries if you REALLY want to
He probably isn't chivalrous at all because he doesn't think to be - it's outplayed. So he's not opening doors and pulling out chairs or nothing
I feel like he's the type that if you got mad about it he'd be genuinely surprised because it just doesn't occur to him to be romantic
He'd be like 'why the fuck do you need roses?? i mean i love you i can knick you some if u want??'
He'd probably feel like all that is superficial as hell, and show his love in other ways
like stressing that you text him when you get home or always asking if you've eaten
he'd be like 'had any scran' or 'you've eaten right?' and if you havent hed immediately turn and go looking for the nearest food to give you (food insecurity does that to you)
Oh and he is not getting married not even a hippie wedding
cause Hobies not buying a ring (gold mining causes suffering anyway) and he's not proposing and if his partner proposed I feel like he'd be shocked in a slightly uncomfortable way
I could absolutely see him being poly. Like either being in a thruple, but most likely just having multiple seperate partners who also have partners
i can see Hobie being a baby daddy. Not in the bad way. In the good way. But not in the Peter B. way.
Not elaborating on that last part it just is what it is
okay ill leave this here before it gets long also no proofreading oop - but tell me what you think id love to hear your thoughts! What you agree with or disagree with and why :) im chill and nice and not a twitter person i promise lol
but also, I said what I said <3
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latinapoetbts · 24 days
Breast-Friend| KTH - Reader Insert
Helping Out a Friend with Plugged Milk Ducks
SMUT - no penetration, Breastplay, and worship, I might do a part 2
This goes out to all the breastfeeding moms! Fuck anyone who ever said are breasts are no longer sexy is said we are milk cows! Enjoy!
I was in a good amount of pain. I worked so hard to avoid this problem and nope, here I am alternating between ice packs, frozen jelly packs, heat packs, and the maximum amount of Tylonal women can take while breastfeeding. I had borrowed other breast pumps and it only took the edge off. I was looking forward to my first night out with a group of friends in 4 months and was looking to have a very good time. I had even pre-gamed a little hope I could just endure until the next day when I could get to my doctor to see what else could be done. But no, here I am on the couch my face dolled up, hair done but in a t-sheet and sweats. I was still without my little one because I was going to take advantage of having this time to suffer alone while my parents carried my little bundle of love. I let out a sigh of thoughtful thankfulness for my parents who were as old-fashioned and traditional as they were. They were willing to support me in my single motherhood after a one-night stand by a guy who turned out to have died a month later from a motorcycle accident. I would have never known about his misfortune had I not been a weirdo obsessed with reading online obituaries. A knock at the door interrupted my thoughts. I holler out, “Just a minute!” As I work to turn off my breast pump and lower my shirt to cover my swollen breast. Who would be visiting me now, I thought to myself. I look through the peephole at the door, a smile on my lips, my favorite person in the world, Tae. I open up.
“Hey, Y/N. I saw you text and thought you could use some company…and I came bearing gifts” he waves my favorites, grape soju and fried chicken, I pull him by the shirt inside. 
“I fucking love you…”, he grins at me from ear to ear.
“I know you do, even without this…”, he sets up in the living room.
“It's that bad huh? I’m so sorry, y/n. Women, you guys have it so tough you deserved to be worshiped.”, I smiled and laughed.
“When you find a guy who wants to worship women, let me know I want a date ASAP.” he laughs. He only smiles at me as he turns to get plates, cups and shot glasses from the kitchen, I take this chance to plop back on the couch and start with my hand pump. Tae brought me our plate, sat down next to me and began surfing through the Netflix movies not even batting an eye to the fact I had one breast out using a hand pump. He was my oldest and dearest friend. I had friend-zoned him our freshmen year of college because he was too fucking hot. He was a little bit of a fuck boy but smart and kind and way out of my league. It was just easier this way. So many times my girlfriends throughout the years, even my own mother, ask how I can do it. As if Tae Hyung was so hot that no woman on earth could ever resist him. I laugh at the idea of it. I knew he had friend-zoned me as well, not even his girlfriends had ever felt threatened by Tae and I’s friendship. 
“What about this one,” he asked as he held the plate near me so that I could grab a piece of chicken. 
“Sure, and can you pour me some soju, and fill it…”, I smiled I was going to get a little toasted tonight I deserved it.
“You still have a decent stockpile of milk I take it…” he looked at me.
“Yes, you know I do, I have enough to sell on the breastmilk black market…”, I laughed.
“You know you could make some good cash with those bodybuilders who like to buy breastmilk….” he laughs handing me my soju.
“You know I don't think they want it for workouts I think it's their kink or something…like they got off drinking it…”, I chuckled until I saw the way his atom-apples bobbed as he threw his head back chugging the soju. Damn, him. He has aged like fine fucking wine. Damn him for looking like a fucking sex god. This reminded me how much I hated having him around when I was horny as fuck especially since I had not had sex since my one-night stand and got knocked up. I stopped expressing milk. I was tired of pumping.
“Nah, I don’t think the kink is drinking the breastmilk they bought. I don’t see how it could be. Now, sucking some warm sweet breastmilk from a beautiful woman’s warm, round hard tits, drinking it and licking it up, fuck ya… there's the kink right there….” I swallowed hard hearing the words fall from his mouth his eyes glued to the TV screen. WHolly, fuck. Did he just say what I think he said? I took another drink and chugged my soju bottle empty. Uh oh. I was not prepared for the horny unbridled buzzy words that flew out of my mouth.
“Kim Tae Hyung. Is that your fantasy? You can play that fantasy out with me as long as you promise to make sure you suck out every last drop…..” Oh no, oh fuck, why am I talking right now, did I have that much to drink? Fuck I’ve turned into a lightweight. Note to self I am never allowed to drink with Tae Hyung again. Ok, Ok, I can recover from this. There was silence. Oh Fuck. His eyes were still glued to the tv I was terrified in the silence. I must have really fucked up. I’ll just tell him I was joking. I watched his jaw flex and his throat swallow, my eyes drifted down, and I felt ashamed I had crossed a boundary in our friendship. My eyes landed on his crotch and widened at the sight of his very large boner. He was very turned on. Okay, now what, I thought to myself. I couldn't take my eyes away from his boner. I never imagined that anything I did or said would elicit a boner from him. In an instant, he was on me between my thighs hands frantically pushing up my shirt stopping at my shoulders and looking up at me.
“Your note joking right? Your serious yes y/n? I mean if you don't want me to I won't. But if you want me to, I promise I’ll only suck your breast, I swear I won't touch you in any other place.” his eyes looked at me with such vulnerability, tenderness, desperation, and desire all in one. Hell fuck yes you can suck my tit Kim Tae Hyung.
“Yes, Tae, I want you to suck my tits until you have sucked every last drop of milk.” Something snapped within me some domineering as I grabbed a fist full of his hair jerking his head up harshly and forcing his mouth a mere inch from my right nipple that was already dripping milk just as my cunt was driping wet. I was so aroused, my cunt pulsing and vibrating with want. I wanted him. I wanted him to do more than just suck breast, but I’d take whatever he would give.
“Lick,” I commanded. I watched as he timidly and slowly pierced his lips with his tongue the tip barely touching my leaking pebble, only flicking up and down painfully slowly then stopping. I gasp and moan. Holy fuck that was erotic. My legs widened for him, I wanted him closer to me.
“More,” I moan out. He continues picking up the pace slightly. I start to pant, I’m so turned on. I need more.
“Fuck, More, swirl…”, more moans fall from my mouth as he begins to swirl his tongue around the nipple, and my left nipple begins to drip milk more milk.
“I’m leaking.. Uhhhuh…” He quickly pulls away and I fight him.
“No.” I forced his mouth over my left nipple as he began to lick up the milk.
“Suck.” I command moaning and arching against him oh fuck, I just might cum from this. No, no, I can’t cum I told myself. I have to have limits, I have to have boundaries. He is only helping me right now unplug my milk ducts the doctor did say if my significate other sucked it out it could keep me from having mastitis. The problem is, I have no significant other, but this works too smiled inside. The moment I said suck I felt something snap within tae hyung. He became near feral, placing his entire mouth over my areol sucking and sucking moaning, and teasing my other breast. He began without instruction moving back and forth between my breasts as milk flowed leaking he tried to catch every last drop in his mouth. Drinking as much of my breastmilk as possible. He needed no more instruction from me. His moan was so fucking sexy, I couldn't keep myself from thrusting up against his stomach, fisting his hair. I felt him match my thrusting pace. I felt him as he drank my milk his thrusts were harder, faster brutily against my couch. I cried out imagining his dick pounding into my wet, needy cunt rather than my couch. 
“Fuck, Fuck, I’m going cum…” his last words as he sucked and drank from my breast like my milk was the only sustenance he ever needed and as his life depended on it. We both let out a loud grunt and moan and stilled together. I came. He came. I fucking came from my friend sucking my tits and humping my couch and I fucked loved it. What am I going to do? His face lay resting between the valley of my breast my chest rising and falling as I tried to steady my breathing. We are going to be ok I tell myself. I attempted to stretch just a little. Tae Hyung sat up instantly and let out a deep breath. He then stood.
“Y/n…that was….(letting out another breath) the fucking sexy, hotest moment of my life. Thank you. Thank you for that..I… Um, well I just got very excited as you know and, sorry about your couch….I should go ahead and go home and shower….” he took a step back from me shielding his crotch with his hand.
“Um… I’ll call you tomorrow….I hope this helped you….” he leaned over and kissed my forehead and left. I stayed seated bare-chested, with sticky breasts and a sticky pussy. Let's see what tomorrow brings. I told myself as I felt my breast, they felt so much better, he certainly had sucked out every last drop, my milk ducts were no longer plugged, but I just might not tell him that, I just might tell him I need around two. I only hope I’d get to have a round too. 
Thanks so much for all the love on my stories; it motivated me to write more! I've been so creative lately! I love you all, and I hope you enjoy it! Love to here your thoughts! or if you want more from these two! :)
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prosperdemeter2 · 2 months
Teaser Tuesday - foundation
Nora yanked Eddie back by the handle on Christopher’s bag, her light eyes searching his with concern. “Maybe buy some ear plugs?” She always made it sound like they had been talking about things before they actually were - he's going to say yes. I'm worried about you. Your divorce was pretty tough, huh?  Eddie still didn't believe more than every fifth word out of her mouth. He adored her, though. Nora was quite an amazing woman, in his opinion. He rolled his eyes at her and relaxed the line of his mouth into a soft smirk. “I actually have those stocked in the bathroom.”  Specifically, in the first aid kit in the bathroom, but Eddie didn't know how well they worked or how old they were. Buck had taken over tracking and stocking it way back when he had first moved in, and he had crafted a whole spreadsheet for it (well, copied the one they had at the station) back when he was out of work. Nora tugged the backpack strap again, “Don't be smart with me, Eddie. Use them if you need them, okay?”  “Yes, mom.”  “Noise can be overwhelming.”  “Yes, mom.”  “Get to bed, son.” Joe teased with a winking laugh. “See you at the gym this week? Your PT cleared you to come back, yeah?”  His PT had, actually. Frank, though… was potentially dragging his feet on all angles and avenues. Give yourself time, Eddie. You don't have to rush back into any of it. It's not a burning building and no one needs to be saved. Except his fiance was working without Eddie watching his back, and Eddie trusted the entire 118 but he trusted himself more. “Yeah,” still, Eddie didn't know what real danger Joe’s boxing gym could pose to him. He missed it, and he had been holding off going back for a month longer than he should have for his physical well-being. “Send me the schedule?”  “You bet!” Joe bumped their knuckles together and eased his SUV into drive. “Congratulations, you two! We better get the first invite.”  “You'll get the fourth and thank me for it.” Buck yelled back from the porch and he seemed a little tired of all of it already, all of it being the instant question of plans and wants and ideas. Helena had been… a little much once she had admitted to knowing about their engagement. Eddie had told her to calm down, but Helena had countered with overcompensation. She hadn't been much of a supporter at all during Eddie’s first wedding, and as much as Eddie regretted the way things had turned out, apparently his parents had to. Helena had offered to take over planning the whole thing when Buck had tensely told her that he hadn't really thought much about the wedding at all yet.  That… hadn't really gone over well.  “You should take that thing off,” Eddie said in a joke, nodding down to the ring on Buck’s left hand. He rolled his eyes at him but his smile lost the majority of it's edge. “Everyone's just going to keep asking.”  “I'm not taking this thing off unless I'm dead.” Buck countered and quietly latched the door shut behind them, flicking the lock with ease.  “What?” Eddie teased. “You're going to want to marry someone else in the afterlife?”  “Find you and marry you again, maybe.”  Eddie flushed and bumped their shoulders together, carefully dropping Christopher’s bag on the couch and allowing himself to, thankfully, be wrapped up in a warm, full bodied hug. Home. 
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kharmii · 3 months
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(Title of the book is Violet Agenda Materials)
Geten: (So-and-So) was wearing cat ears and having fun at the (Setsubun) Spring Festival.
Dabi: I don't care.
(Smoke sputters and sparks out of Dabi)
Geten: The smoke is amazing, Blue Flame?
(Under cut for inappropriate adult material featuring a cat costume with butt plug)
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Geten: A soldier gave me these cat ears because he happened to have an extra pair. I want to see you wearing them.
Dabi: Just so happened, huh. *Emanating smoke*
Geten: *teasing seductively* I want to insult you while laughing behind your back as you imitate the bastard, and I want to attack you until you cry and beg for forgiveness from me, and I want you to die just like that.
Or rather, the room stinks, I'm going to die.
Just imagining Blue Flame feeling miserable in this costume makes me excited.
Dabi: ...This is why those who have not completed compulsory education... (A joke about how they were having a Team Violet meeting that went off track. Also, Geten is naive about sex.)
Geten: A soldier gave this to me because he happened to have it.
Dabi: Just so happened, huh.
Geten: Is it a tail? How do you attach it in this shape? He said he (soldier who gave it to him) would buy the photos for 300,000 yen and the videos for 1,000,000 yen.
Dabi: Hey, leave it to me. I'm good at photography. I'm practicing filming. It's the commander's job to satisfy the soldiers' twisted desires.
Geten: You're the damn cat, so wear it, Blue Flame, I want to see it.'
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Oops...Dabi runs too hot.
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Geten was sleeping normally, and he woke up covered in ice and water.
Meanwhile, Dabi is loving it. He feels cooler than ever.
(Geten runs cold when he sleeps, but he doesn't usually melt unless Dabi is there. Geten is mildly annoyed).
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Geten: *full of fervor* ReDestro! For ReDestro! All for ReDestro!
Dabi: *sarcastically* You had a wonderful life. Poor guy.
Geten: (Unimpressed by his lack of enthusiasm) Don't think that a half-hearted flame will melt this ice.
Dabi: *doubles down in a perky tone to be a smart-ass* You've lived a wonderful life! Oh poor you!
Geten: My palate has become refined from the Meta Liberation Army's high-class cuisine, so I shouldn't be eating so much junk food! *bolts down food*
-But if you can do it, I'll try to cope! I'll accept it every day and every meal!
Dabi: He lived a wonderful life. Poor guy......
(Comic is a play on their first meeting when Geten was sent to kill Dabi, the League of Villains long-ranged attacker. Geten talked about how he never went to school because he was devoted solely to training his meta abilities, and Dabi had replied sarcastically, "What a wonderful life. NOW DIE!!" They had opposite upbringings. Dabi's neglectful douchebag father was a hero who meant well. Geten was raised by a villain father figure who loved him and valued his abilities, and yet he was extremely sheltered, raised in a most appalling manner and taught terrible ideals).
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(Where Geten hears Dabi telling him over and over about how he 'lived a wonderful life' but he doesn't understand he's being sarcastic. He tries to share his happiness with him in an eerily touching way).
Dabi: I've lived a wonderful life. Poor you...
Geten: Blue Flame.... If you want to hear more about me and ReDestro's wonderful story, just say so.
Do you need life counseling? For clothes, go to Detonerat. Support Item Development Department. Just ask for a support item you need. Look, this is the application form. For meals, there is a request box in the cafeteria. This is the request form.
If you have any questions about housing, there is a support person at the Meta Liberation Army Lifestyle Consultation Desk. Tower man is free for executives.
This is about lifelong financial support for executives and a list of professional introductions to tax evasion fraud. If you want to earn money steadily, the job magazine for PLA soldiers is "Destro☆Byte.
Dabi: Don't you try to make me live a wonderful life?
(Dabi and Geten are opposites and also kind of the same. They both are emotionally stunted from living questionable childhoods. Dabi might recognize something wrong with Geten's relationship with ReDestro/MLA but also at the same time, envy him).
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Art credit: hrak (yaoi), Dabi, Apocrypha / Twitterログ15【外荼外】 - pixiv
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