#just found out about smart plugs today lmao
35gofbeansprouts · 1 year
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axel-skz · 1 year
A/N: loads going on but this kept swirling in my mind so here we are. The song roulette here gives us GET LIT! Hope yall are doing well and let’s hope it takes me less time for the next story lmao
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You had been crying and you wanted to find a private spot. You remembered a place that you had been to with Chan and you went back there at night. It was a regular spot for you now.
It was by a river.
You were having your moment. The vibes were there.
Then everything was ruined and terror struck you when you saw car lights in the parking lot. You heard the engine turn off and you watched to see who it was.
There appeared a very concerned Bang Chan. You face palmed as he finally located you and made his way over.
‘I’ve been having a dramatic moment of my own looking for you,’ he sighed as he sat next to you.
‘How’d you know I’d be here?’
‘I’d say it was because I’m smart and figured it out but I did no such thing. We share locations on find my.’
You sighed, ‘wow, I did this to myself.’
‘Ok, enough sighing. This is dangerous, Y/N. If you wanted to come out here, you could’ve just told me. I would’ve brought you out here but kept a little space and let you have your moment. That way I know you would be safe.’
‘Forgive me if I don’t want to let you know every time I’m having a breakdown,’ you squinted at him.
‘Why shouldn’t you? I’m your best friend?’ He seemed genuinely flabbergasted.
‘You don’t have to know every single thing about me!’
‘What?! Where is this even coming from?!’
He was taken aback. He sat staring at you in silence for a minute. Like he was looking for what he could say, ‘I…’
‘I’m sorry… for yelling…’ you looked away, ‘I thought id be okay… that I’d be alright with just being friends but…’
He sighed, ‘I don’t know what to say. I mean, if I were to be with someone, I’d like for it to be you. But the problems still stand. I’m always busy and if everything went south then we could lose our friendship.’
You huffed, ‘yeah I know but if anyone can figure it out, it’s us.’
‘Is it really worth the risk?’
You looked at him with a straight face, ‘I don’t know but if I see another person who’s all over you, I might just become a murderer. I know us being together wont change much since we can’t tell people but we’ll know…’
‘You know what… I get it. I don’t like to admit how much it annoys me when you’re back stage and whoever is walking past keeps talking to you. The way they smile and check you out,’ he huffed.
You looked off, ‘so what now?’
‘I guess there isn’t much choice,’ he looked at you with a slight smile.
‘Mhm? And what does that mean?’
‘Well, I don’t think you’ll have to come back here because of me again for a while.’
With all the warm fuzzy feelings and sweet looks, you guys got together.
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A/N: please like and comment and reblog. Now, um, I have a confession.
Chan: mhm?
No no no! You turn around and plug your ears!
Chan: WHY?!
Chan: wow. Ok. Thought we were closer then that…
Yeah yeah, get your old ass far away right now please. Love you!
*he marches inside*
Ok, so, I wasn’t on insta for ages cus I took it off my homepage on my ipad and forgot it existed. But like, not the point. I still managed to find out my boys made their own instagram pages before the 24 hour mark. And do you know what I did when I found out?
I CRIED! I followed them all and then I CRIED! There’s something wrong with me.
Chan from inside: awh, that’s so cute!
Chan: no please don’t! I only have today to relax!
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Camp 2018
Day 3: had a very fun camp fire, I feel so happy. I love hanging out with all of the people from Europe they are super funny! Met some of the cooks who are also nice. Sang campfire songs and chatted all night. The sky had so many stars. Got to witness multiple people having their first roasted marshmallow ever (Lizzy and Sophie).
Day 4 a person from Costa Rica was supposed to get antihypertensives before he came but he never went. Came in with chest pain. We couldn't find the bp cuff so searched for it. Took his blood pressure and it was super high so he told him to sit down. Measured it again and it went down + his chest pain went away. We were worried that we would have to call 911. Asked other nurses for antihypertensives but we don't have that here. They told their supervisors and said we had to wake up Sadie (which was annoying, and we just thought it was angina so we didn't wake her up).
Day 5: enjoyed the sunshine, worked out, played basket ball which was super fun!!!!! Got closer w everyone.
Day 8:
Very fun chatted with auggie and em all night about his girls and life
me and 2 of my friends were in the kitchen at like 11 just eating strawberries with chocolate cause my friends (auggie) is the baker for the camp. Basically tom Thomson (from the group of 7) got murdered on this lake and his body was found ON MY ISLAND. Anyways so we were talking about him and the lights in the kitchen started flickering. We then made a joke saying ouuu it's probs tom Thompson and I was like Emily pass my my phone incase tom shuts off the lights. Then I was saying how once when I was younger we asked for a sign from playing ouiji and the phone went off the hook. Then all of a sudden right after I said that the power went out in the kitchen so we were in the pitch black and it went out on the whole island. But it wasn't raining or anything so there was no reason for it to go out.
8. today in the morning I was like my brain was playing tricks on me after that last night I kept hearing someone walking behind our cabin (which is rocks and water so no one would be back there) and she was like WHAT THE FUCK I heard that too and just thought I was imagining it so I didn't say anything last night
Also went on a canoe trip I portaged the canoe on my shoulders alone for the first time it was so fun v proud of myself. Also learned how to stern the canoe. Learned about different things: cedar tread high in vitamin C, the British were dying of scurvy and asked the aboriginal ppl for help and they showed them to make Cedar tea. Ate wild blueberry leaves (tasted like ripe blueberries and have all of the antioxidants in them that blueberries do), wintergreen leaves (good in tea very minty), can use the sap from a cedar tree to help make a fire, its very sticky!!
July 17- so far it's been very busy. Dealt with an asthma exacerbation. Had Frankie a cute little girl who was obsessed with me always coming in for hugs (I miss her). Did 2 lice parties, one with 4 older girls (took 6 hours) one with 3 younger girls. Mikayla got a boyfriend at home wooo, but the guy here that likes her is sad. There's a nest and 3 little eggs hatched eggwardo Shelton and birdidette. 3 girls in inferm are so nice, chloe is very chill. Georgia and Sasha are hilarious!!!! Went sailing with Georgie and Mikayla and had the best time ever!!!!!!!!! I was so so happy. Javier said he misses me and started sending me hearts AHHHH he's so cute!!!!!!!!! Got to run a sexual health talk about STIs, contraception etc. I'm so happy and love it here
June 28 sat and played cards with Nikki Sophie, lizzy, and Emily on the diving tower. had the staff auction today which was so funny people spent $80 to make their friend chug a coke in front of the crowd, they did a big talk about raccoons at ahmek and had a big thing hiding behind the tarp. Then they took the tarp down and it was a door to the guys cabin. One dude bet $800 to get his door back. Another bet $1400 to get his walkie talkie LOl so funny
July 29- today was wild a 19 year old girl thought she may be pregnant I gave her a pregnancy test and it came back positive. She was super excited but anxious about telling her mom. I got to experience this for the first time which was cool and something I've never done before. Also a camper said she fainted for 30 mins in the past, she said she faints 1-2 times a day when doing lots of activity. She isint on any bp meds but takes 6-8 grams of salt a day. None of this was on camper files. She leaves on trip tomorrow. Said she had to stop swimming cause she thought she may faint. Had to interview her and got an extensive history took her standing and sitting bp, checked heart rate and stats. Relayed the info to doctor sarah and she said I did a great job, wooohoooo
July 30- camper FAKES having heart palpitations and fainting for 30 mins. We hold her back from trip and her dad fucking says she's lying about everything and her symptoms are nonsense.
August 2nd - best day at camp ever. We got to put sparkles all over us for campchella. Jermey had them all over his beard(the resident). We are snow cones, went on bouncy castles, hit eachother off these stands with big poles,  did karaoke to don't stop believing (with the med staff) and went on the slip in slide which was so friggen fun!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy :)
August 8th- this 7 year old girl had been found on the ground after fainting multiple (around 4) times, her vitals and blood sugar were normal. We had called her parents cause we were very concerned I asked a counsellor to watch her faint, and turns out she was just falling on the ground and pretending to faint loooool. She braced herself and would squint her eyes. We told her that if it continued she would have to stay in the infirm. I participated in the bouleé which is a canoe race. Our time was 15 mins 13 seconds. We then dunked our canoe and played on the water tramp with the sun setting a magnificent pink, it was so beautiful and fun. I'm so happy
August 9 The bar was so great, they had a computer plugged into a speaker so we got to YouTube the songs we wanted and be our own DJs. The bus ride was also so fun!!!!! We had to paddle from the island to the bus. On the way back it was so dark, there are lights all over the lake and one of the lights is our camp so it was a big challenge trying to figure out how to get home. Also in the middle of the lake Mikayla and I were paddling and then all of a sudden tipped over by accident. It was so weird cause we didn't even feel wobbly but then we were in the water with all of our stuff, our rain jackets on and shoes. It was very funny, we both were dying laughing. We had to do a T rescue so that we could get back in our canoe cause it was filled with water. I was very smart though cause I made sure my purse was strapped on before we left just incase we tipped and I also put mine and mikayla's phones in a ziplock bag (go drunk shea!!!!). Then we got home and ate Cheetos and chocolate. It was a great night!!!!! Still getting chirped by everyone for tipping
August 11- went to boots and hearts!!!! Had so much friggen fun! A nice cute man named Jordan saved our lives cause our dick head cab driver wouldn't drive us to line 7. Chilled w the pals, saw Vince connor and Liam which was nice. The gals were super pumped to see me. We played frizzy bat, lots of drinking games and chatted. Saw Parker Jackson and he told me he is still in love w me, we dated 4 years ago how peculiar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
August 13- today was my last intake day, very bittersweet feeling!!!!!! It went by so quickly, only 1 person had lice (much better than our 10 person staff lice party). We got to swim and I paddle boarded with the tocos they are so cute!! I also played this or that while the kids jumped in the water. Today was a great chill day. One toco broke her tooth in half on a rock, she didn't even cry or anything (very proud). For treating a poison ivy rash all over this girl's body we are using prednisone, you have to be careful and slowly taper this medication. She started with 30 mg once a day and then went down to 20 mg once a week. Rash is causing burning and pain, it went away but 3 days later it came back so we had to give her more prednisone.  
Aug 14
Good day got to relax in the sun and swim. Started making my paddle, it is hard work!!! The girl with the poison Ivy's rash continued spreading. they think she may have a hypersensitivity to the meds and this is a delayed reaction of it. She took 20 mg of reactine and 50 mg benadryl. We will see if this helps
Aug 15
The camper from before with the "heart palpitations" is back. She said that she had heart palpitations twice on trips and then listed the 2nd 4th and 5th day??¿ she said the last time she fainted was 2 weeks ago doing a science experiment when the last time we spoke to her it was kayaking and then playing tennis with her brother. Before she said she fainted for 30 mins 2 years ago, now she's saying it happened 1 month ago??? This girl is FUCKED. I'm so angry that she keeps doing this. a girl in her cabin fell off of a horse, so they think she is doing it so that she gets some attention back. I'm going to scream.
August 19th
Council ring
Where are you mike? I'm right here pat,*bonk with sock*
August 20th
Got to watch all of the 50 days paddle in, was so wholesome, very proud of them. Georgia came and gave me a big hug awwwww!!! Wait nvm lmao the doctor found a louse on my fucking ear, must've been from Georgia hahahaha, that's okay still such a good day. Then watched the final play which was AMAZING momma Mia was so good!!! Then went to a dance which was so LIT, everyone was in a small circle inside tables. A girl got hit in the head with a jug and was bleeding everywhere, cleaned her head and tonja applied glue. Contacted parents
August 22nd
Was trying to say boo or bubs accidentally called emily boobs lmao, did inventory got to pop some staff infection wounds like pimples which was AWESOME!!! Mikayla and I are brain dead and hyper and laughing about the stupidest s things hahaha. Did inventory and lots of intakes of kids from trip. Game night final banquet was SO FUN!!!!! Had mozzarella sticks, guac, enchiladas, spinach dip and lots more. Monopoly would go around putting people in jail and everyone would stand up and diss eachother. One of ours to chess was there ain't now yawns on us their ain't no yawns on us there may be yawns on you pawns but their ain't no yawns on us CHECKMATE! Giant mosquito attacked me wahhhh.
Finished inventory. Rose fainted in the canoe was hyperventilating had to calm her down. Mikayla threw tape at me and I threw my phone across the room on the floor to catch the tape
Cute things campers have said
-Willa: comes to infirm and says arm hurts counsellor says what, you said your leg hurts! Then Willa goes it moves, oh look now it's in my tummy.... ouch now it's in my neck.
-evy: says she can't see and won't focus on me and says: where are we?? Counsellors scared that she has heat stroke. I take her with me to the inferm and she is limping walking really slow and saying she's going to faint. Keeps asking where she is. Then I say don't be homesick you only have 7 days left. She stands up normally and says 9 then starts limping and saying she can't see again lmaooo.
-Christina: health checks we ask her if she's been sick at all in the last month, she thinks for a few seconds and says I'm positive I had diarrhea once then pauses and says ya I'm positive. Then she leaves and we hear her counsellors say: don't lie to the nurses. Then we see her running back to the door and she frantically knocks on the door and says: I didn't have diarrhea
-Christina- gets belly button cleaned because she has an infection. She always comes in and lifts her shirt up so she can get it cleaned and today she walked and and pulled down her pants and then goes oops I forgot
-Greer: see at first I would have said that you saying my nose will get bigger if I like wasn't true but like... you're a nurse so you know
it's like chill
me:" so what happens when you eat red food colouring, how are you allergic to it?" Her: " I get aggressive" me: "what do you mean by that" her: "I get violent"
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