#Buy Cotton Duvet Bed Covers
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chaussetteblanche · 2 years ago
Could you write a boyfriend!Kit Connor headcannon? Like what it's like to date kit? I just thought that would be rlly cute (^·^)
thanks so much for requesting !! kinda went off, don’t know how long this is :)
boyfriend!Kit headcannon
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- right so i just think that kit would be so boyfriend
- like big sweaters
- gives amazing hugs, where you enter a soft, warm and safe world of clean cotton and sweet kisses
- would hug you so tight every time, wouldn’t ever want to let go
- definitely makes stupid jokes like
- “babe what’s this sweater made of ?”
- “i dunno, cotton ?”
- “no, it’s made of boyfriend material, babe,”
- you’d always laugh, of course
- and he’s just to caring and attentive
- had a bad day ? he’s at your door with take out, ready to spend the evening cuddling and listening to you rant
- period-related cramps ? man is RUNNING, i’m talking Usain Bolt shit, to the pharmacy and buying half the stock of pain killers, pads, tampons before getting you anything you crave
- sick ? he’s got a day off work before you know it, will not let you get out of bed, will spoon-feed you chicken broth and won’t leave your side
- he’s not afraid of you getting him sick, he’s almost never sick
- immune system is UP
- he’ll definitely get you to help him rehearse his lines for any upcoming movies or shows
- loves watching you change voices and facial expressions when you help him
- if you two live together, he’s not taking ANY of the gender roles shit
- man is cleaning up after himself and after you, everything is fair in your household
- he respects your boundaries, your work or your studies
- loves cooking with you but when you don’t, you take turns cooking and cleaning
- ain’t no way IN HELL he’s leaving you to do all the housework
- plus he thinks he looks damn good in that pink apron you have lying around in your closet
- if you’re not living together, he’s still helping out as much as he can
- he’s definitely a little scared of bugs but if you are too, he’ll take it upon himself to get them out of the house
- will NEVER kill a bug
- like sure they’re ugly and you don’t want them inside but that’s not a reason to kill then
- “you can’t just go about offing people just ‘cause they’re ugly can you ? same with bugs, innit ?”
- if you’re not scared of bugs, he’s happily hopping on a chair and waiting for you to get it out
- there have been multiple times where you both spotted a very big spider and just collectively agreed to leave the apartment and come back a few hours later, hoping it would be out of sight
- loves sleeping besides you
- will hog the covers
- like will roll up in them like a burrito
- you have to put blood, sweat and tears into every single inch of duvet you get after he’s rolled up, it’s a real struggle because my man is ASLEEP
- def snores a bit
- not like a loud, grizzly bear snore
- but more like a slightly heavy breathing
- but you don’t mind, it lulls you to sleep
- he fckin loooves the rain and the wind and the snow
- just lives for winter
- as much as he loves the summer (cause you’ll wear less clothes) his favourite is definitely the winter
- you’ll spend most of your time together laughing
- like he’s so funny and unhinged sometimes
- loooves to tease you
- about anything really
- expect anything that he notices you get insecure or vexed about, he’s really sensitive as to not hurt you in any way
- but if you mispronounce a word once, it’s coming up in every single conversation for days
- if he’s taller than you he’ll tease you about your height and will purposefully stand close to you to make you feel smaller
- if he’s smaller than you, he’ll definitely use you as something to lean on
- loves touching you all the time
- a hand on the thigh is usually his go to
- but when you’re walking maybe he’ll have his hand in your back pocket or around your shoulders
- loves kissing you, everywhere
- lips and forehead are his go to, but your temples and your nose he also likes to kiss
- he’s not too big on PDA, but will make sure people know you’re together by, as stated above, touching you in some way
- gives the most intoxicating kisses
- like you need a second to gather yourself after most of his kisses
- neck kisses omggg
- you know that scene in heartstopper when he’s “recharging” on charlie
- def does that every time he sees you + neck kisses
- doesn’t really get jealous because he trusts you more than anyone but will definitely get annoyed if someone isn’t taking the hint
- let’s say someone’s hitting on you at the bar, and you’re been very that you aren’t interested but they’re still insisting, he will come up to you, wrap his arms around you and give you the loudest, sloppiest and dirtiest kiss ever right in front of that person
- will then strike up a conversation, completely ignoring the other person, and will wait for them to leave
- is so invested in your life like everything you do is so interesting to him
- you learnt something in school ? tell him about it. you saw someone you hadn’t seen in a while ? tell him about it. started a new show or a new book ? tell him about it.
- man wants to know EVERYTHING there is to know about you
- he definitely remembers every single you thing you tell him in detail
- you’ll tell him about your favourite kind of salad one day and literal months later, he’ll come back with groceries and will have bought that specific kind of salad
- “i didn’t know you liked this kind of salad,”
- “never had it before, but it’s your favourite, so i bought it,”
- GAH melting
- also communication KING
- like we see in heartstopper, he says all the important shit and i feel like he’d be the same in real life
- you’ve been acting distant ? he’s gently asking you about it, has he done something ? he notices you’ve been stressed, are there any reasons ? he notices you’re not eating much ? is anything troubling you ? frowning at yourself in the mirror ? he’s making sure your alright and feeling beautiful
- overall i just think he’d be so sweet and attentive
- just the best boyfriend ever
- so kit if you read this and wanna correct me on anything, i’d gladly spend a few weeks (months, years, lifetimes) as your girlfriend to write a more realistic version
- i’m serious
- call me
- please
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ladymarycrawley · 1 year ago
The man of my dreams - John Stones
Request: requested by my smutty and nasty mind
Warning: SMUT smut smut (the gif is pretty self explanatory)
Tag list: @masonxomount , @johnstonesfc, @prideofpd, @kathb59 (not on my tag list but I thought you might interested), @chelsealover
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John was chilling on your bed as you walked around in just your knickers, keeping your hands to your chest, to cover your naked boobs.
That sight didn't go unnoticed to your boyfriend who looked up at you scanning your figure with his eyes, taking it all in.
"This isn't fair of you"
"Walking around naked"
He looked genuinely frustrated, sulking.You smirked and shook your head.
"I was about to take a shower but I forgot to take my underwear"
When he got up he leaned down for a kiss, a loving but hungry kiss. You body was adhering perfectly to his, the pressure of your naked tits against the soft cotton of his light gray t-shirt caused a little moan to escape his lips. 
It was at that moment you realised a totally unintentional gesture as walking around your house practically naked soon turned into something quite provocative and hot.
John's hands rested on your hips, softly brushing your fluffy skin as he let his thumbs under the side of your panties.
You soon switched your roles as you became the horny one. When your other half's lips parted from yours, you threw your arms around his neck pulling him in for a kiss rather desperately.
"Come take a shower with me…this pussy needs you" You whined with no shame at all.
You woke up all of a sudden, panting. The wetness between your legs just gave you further confirmation of what the dream you just had was about (as if you needed any ulterior proof). 
You glanced towards John’s body resting by your side as a part of you wanted to jump on him and put into practice what your subconscious just showed you but the other thought it wouldn’t have been appropriate and it was best if you left things as they were and tried to go back to sleep.
Putting your mind to rest in order to get back to sleep seemed harder than ever, as you couldn’t stop replaying the evocative images you dreamed of.
It was now four hours since you started tossing and turning in your bed and it was time for you to accept you wouldn’t have gotten the lost sleep back, as a thudding headache was starting to form
As you first put your feet on the ground, the cold wooden floor reminded you you wouldn’t have find the perfect combination of comfort and the warmth provided by John’s body and the soft duvet wrapping you nowhere else in the house (nor in the world) and that thought brought a grimace of pain to your lips.
That wince soon turned into a smile when your tired eyes fell on your boyfriend still deep in his sleep: his angelic appearance literally drove you crazy as he looked so cute but also so irresistible as well, making you feel a slight sense of frustration (well, after that dream that kept you up almost all night it was impossible not to feel frustrated).
You put on your big pile vest before going downstairs, where the sight of the Christmas tree together with all the other decorations you and John put around the house some days earlier, warmed your heart. It also served you as a reminder that you still had some presents left to buy and you huffed, switching on the heating as well as your laptop to deal with that formality while having breakfast.
The warmth of the black coffee you were sipping from your favourite mug caused a jolt down your spine, a pleasurable one but not as good as the one John’s lips provoked when he pressed them against the nape of your neck as a form of greeting.
Your focused pout evolved into a smile once again that morning: feeling his touch on your skin was the best sensation ever to you, the only person whose touch would never annoy you.
“Hey” You whispered over your shoulder.
“Good morning” His eyes were still half closed and swollen with sleep and you couldn’t help but press a tender peck on the bridge of his nose.
“You woke up quite early for someone who’s on her day off” He grumbled, stretching his back and long arms, before walking past the stove.
“Yeah erm I couldn’t sleep very well”
“How come?”
“No idea…” The thought of the real reason behind your early wake up caused you to blush as you tried to hide the nervous laugh that was about to leave your mouth behind your mug. Your eyes lingering on his body, on the perfect curve of his bum,on the outline of his bicep peeking out of his short sleeved t-shirt as well as his tattoos gracing his skin, made it even harder for you to resist and a sigh immediately came out of your mouth. 
It didn’t go unnoticed to John who gave you a questioning look.
“What’s that? What are you hiding?”
“Nothing, I have nothing to hide from you” You smiled, looking back at the computer screen before you.
He didn’t buy your poor acting performance and he was determined to find out the truth behind your weird demeanour.
“Come on, tell me what’s happening”
“Nope babe, everything’s okay”
“You had a nightmare?”
“No, not really…”
John bent over you in what should have been an intimidating posture in his mind but it only made you cheeks turn crimson and your heart beat faster.
“What are you doing?” You giggled, bending backwards against the back of the chair as his tall figure was now towering over you.
“You leave me no choice other than punishing you”
Oh what a pity, the man you had been thirsting over for the whole night was threatening to punish you…dreams do come true, if you believe hard enough.
You bit on your lower lip and slowly undid your robe’s belt, without looking away from John’s eyes.
“I’m ready”
He definitely liked the direction things were taking, he was quite pleased with it actually, but he was just playing, being a tease as usual. 
You realised it when he smirked and got away from you, leaving an innocent kiss on your forehead. 
To say he let you down was an understatement, was he really there only to play with your deepest needs??
“That’s all?? A kiss on the forehead was your punishment?”
John turned around and looked at you, his head slightly bent on the side.
He gently nibbled at your finger before sucking on it, savouring what you just offered him.
Without losing eye contact with him, you spread your legs and pushed a finger underneath your panties to move it through your folds. Your dream mixed with the interaction that was taking place was enough to make you wet already.
You slowly got up to walk to where he was and stood right in front of him. The lust in your eyes said it all and the gesture that followed was just a further proof of it: you rubbed your finger, sticky with your wetness, over John’s lower lip so he could taste how bad your craving of him was.
“I guess my breakfast is almost ready…”
You both smirked as John lowered down his head to press a trail of kisses that started from your jaw down to your neck.
You giggled and let him take control of the situation, going for the next steps.
He lifted you up to place your body on the kitchen counter you usually used as a table or as a countertop so you could sit on it. Strangely to say it was a place you never had sex on with John and the newness of it all made it even more exciting, giving chills down your spine.
The hiss you whispered as the cool marble came in contact with your hot skin made your boyfriend giggle and it was the only moment he let go of your skin. 
He smirked at you before spreading your legs so he could stand in between. 
His kisses were burning hot as he went on taking off your clothes without any hesitation, being particularly grateful that he only had to get rid of your pajamas’ top as your night equipment didn’t include any bra. 
His white t-shirt followed the lilac night robe on the floor as it already left your body moments ago, when you showed him what your plans were. 
The sight of his bare chest drew a grin to your lips. His god-like body always made your mouth water, especially that time that your excitement was peaking.
He sucked on the left one, brushing his warm tongue left and right before tugging on it with his teeth. 
John firmly pressed his hands on your hips to pull you towards him in order for his tongue to give some attention to your chest
You whimpered as you felt his lips around your nipples that soon got as hard as the marble you were sitting on.
The level of arousement in you was getting higher and higher and the familiar knot forming at the pit of your stomach was starting to form.
“Yes” The feeble mumble that left your mouth, followed by your hand in his hair, spurred him on as your boyfriend shifted his attention to the other nipple.
His torture was gentle but ruthless at the same time and he wasn't giving your mind time to process everything that was happening in that kitchen.
When he was done, his mouth left your upper body to move down and brush soft kisses on every inch of your exposed skin.
What he left behind were the signs of his passage which consisted of red marks and shiny spots caused by his warm spit. He could have covered your whole body with those signs and you wouldn’t have put up any resistance.
That man could have done anything, whatever crossed his mind to your body.
John stopped when he felt your fingers wrapping around his wrist and he lifted up his head to take a look at your face.
“This pussy needs you” That sentence you moaned was the exact same one you said in your dream last night as that expressed your needs in the most accurate way possible.
“Getting there, baby girl…” He pressed a kiss, one on each of your inner thighs “...show me where do you want me”
You gently guided his hand where you needed him the most, pushing it inside your panties and you gasped: the warmth his fingers were radiating brought a whimper to your mouth and a tremble to your legs, feeling as if your knees were about to fail you.
He whimpered when his pads came in contact with your juices. Your wetness was evident to his touch and he couldn’t help but be satisfied with it: even after all that time, he still had that effect on you and it was priceless to him.
“So wet already…” He groaned, biting on his bottom lip. John gave a quick stroke to your clit before taking his hand out of your underwear to bring his index and middle finger to brush over your still covered folds in a slow but intense motion.
It was then the turn of his thumb to test the waters as he applied a pleasurable pressure against your clit, moving it in circular motions while doing so. A desperate whimper left your mouth as he did that.
“You like it, don’t you?”
You nodded as his hand job was forbidding words to come out of your mouth. 
Desperate, high-pitched moans became the only form you could express yourself with.
John gave a quick glance at you before kneeling down to press a couple of soft kisses below your belly button. His eyes were closed and his lips felt like feathers against your skin and you placed your left foot over his shoulder.
“Yes babe”
Another quick glance right before he kissed your still covered but damp pussy.
You were now fully ready to have him fucking you: you were ridicolously wet and you couldn’t help but moving your left hand in circular motion over your clit, the squeaky sound of your wetness mixed with your ragged breathing being the soundtrack of the moment.
He moved your slip to the side and, as soon as you felt his plumpy lips close to your core, you knew they were gonna take the palace of your hand: he kneeled down and placed both of his hands on your thighs to keep them open for him to eat you out without any problem. 
At first he helped himself to have full access to it by opening your folds with his thumbs. He gave it a first, raw lick there as if to give you a preview of what was waiting for you. Then he positioned himself in a more comfortable position and started moving his lips against your pussy so passionately. He was sucking on your bud and parting your folds with his tongue, his tip frantically teasing your skin down there. 
God he was good at eating you out, it was never enough for you. You started bucking your hips against his mouth as the urge to feel his tongue deeper and deeper inside of you was insatiable. He moved his tongue from down to up, making it each time faster
He kept alternating those motions encouraged by your heavy breaths and also added some husky moans that sent you over the moon.
He was perfect and everything he did as well.
A loud pop was what made you wince, meaning he broke the contact with the most secret part of you that he knew like the back of his hand by then.
“So perfect…” He breathed out, looking at your wetness and pressing his lips to it another time. He now brought his index close to your mouth and you liked it, a lot. But it was too soon to make you cum and it wasn’t the way he wanted it to happen.
John got up and gently pushed his erection inside of you, causing your mouth to form an O shape while feeling every inch of him filling you.
In a romantic spark, John leaned himself forward so his body would adhere perfectly to yours and brushed his lips against yours, while waiting for you to adjust to his big cock.
The man started with gentle but deep thrusts that touched every single corner of your walls, making you yearn for more.
He left a small peck at the corner of your mouth before pulling himself up and speeding up his moves.
The incoherent sounds coming from your throat were getting louder and higher as the sweat drops adorning his abs perfectly matched the heat of the moment as well as his stamina.
He pressed his hand on your stomach as if to feel his dick pumping into you and you kept moaning and holding onto him, touching his neck and moving your shaky fingers up and down his back.
“Yes yes yes” You squealed as John hit your most sensitive spot while fucking you mercilessly. His pushes were making you see stars almost literally as your vision got blurred and tiny, dark dots started to form before your eyes.
He decided adding some more pressure could have been a good idea so he synchronised his pushes with his fingers: he slid down the hand pressed on your stomach to brush its palm over your clit, before letting his thumb do the work.
His finger's motion was as fast as the one of his pelvis, you thought you were about to pass out. Your boyfriend gasped when he lowered his gaze to where your bodies were connected and saw your juices starting to coat his member. It was irresistible and one of the hottest things he ever saw.
“Babe I - I'm cl-”
You couldn’t finish your sentence as a loud groan from John anticipated what you were going to say. He was close too but wanted you to cum first so he gave his all for the final thrusts and your hand joined his once again, both your fingers brushing against your swollen clitoris. 
The orgasm washed over you, culminating in a loud whimper and it was so strong he left you shaking.
Once he met his purpose, John slowed down, placed a kiss on your thigh stretched against his left shoulder, and released his load inside of you, spattering the last drops of his seed on our lower stomach.
You were both panting messes, trying to recover from one of the best sex sessions you ever had.
You were still there with your eyes closed, still a bit shaky and trying to catch your breath while he opened his eyes to catch sight of his cum coming out of your vagina: the sight of it made him bite on his lower lip and pick it up for you to taste it. It was the perfect mixture of both of your juices and it tasted like heaven.
“Haven't you had enough, want some more?” He asked hoarsely as he enjoyed the view of you sucking on his thumb as it was the sweetest lollipop you ever tried.
You sat up on the table, keeping his body between your legs.
“Can't have enough of you” You breathed out with a raspy voice, looking intensely into his eyes while swirling your tongue around his finger.
John smirked and squeezed your love handle with his free hand.
“You know what?”
“You had your breakfast but I didn’t have mine…” You naughtily suggested as he sat down on the chair before you. “...and I’m hungry…”
You hopped off the counter to go and open the fridge, under the curious look of the City defender, who smirked when you wiggled the whipped cream as a hint of what you had in mind.
John’s smirk was a reflection of yours and it kept getting bigger as you walked closer to where he was.
“So naughty…” He slurred against your cheek before leaving a playful bite on it.
“Spray it wherever you want” Your offer sounded too inviting not to take it literally: he grabbed the can from your hands and your nipples got smeared with the white cream that came out of it.  
It soon disappeared thanks to his tongue that licked it off, making you moan with satisfaction.
He did the same to your buttcheek, biting on your soft but toned skin and winning a laugh from you.
“You cheeky boy!”
“You said wherever I wanted!” He giggled and slapped your bum before giving other small bites here and there.
“Okay enough, my turn now!” 
You sprayed it all over his chest and gave him a kinky look before letting your tongue travel over his upper body: the first thing your mouth touched were his nipples, now covered with the sweet cream. Your kisses left white trails along his chest that lead to his pelvis, the part you would use to eat your breakfast. You sprayed the whipped cream over his tip to pounce on it seconds after, to satisfy the hunger you had for him.
Your mouth perfectly wrapped around his shaft, as it was meant to be there around him. The motion of your head bobbing up and down guided his deep moans and spurred you to go forward. Your spit, that served as lube, got mixed with the cream and with his precum and tickled your taste buds in an unusual combination.
You stuck your tongue out for him to lick the new mixture off it too. In the heat of the moment he grabbed your face firmly which inevitably led to a messy kiss where your tongues engaged in a fight to show who was the stronger one.
That fight got so hectic you straddled him to kiss him better being in a more comfortable position. 
John tied your hair with his hand and tugged on them so your face leaned backwards and he had full access to your neck that he could bite and kiss the way he pleased.
“You know what would be good right now?” He huskily asked into your ear, leaving a kiss behind it.
“A shower?”
“Good girl”
"You're the man of my dreams" You meant every single word of that sentence, he was constantly on your mind as your dreams suggested.
He smiled against your lips as you kissed him sweetly, your hands wrapped around his neck.
"Speaking of dreams...what happened last night?"
You led him upstairs where your big bathroom was. You grabbed his hand as if you feared he could get lost and entered the cubicle first, letting the stream of hot water wash over you, giving him a visual of your crucial dream…
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scenetocause · 1 year ago
Prompt: Lando in lingerie because you put that idea into the world in climb up to your lips and I would very much love to read it ❤️
girloscar-verse drabble under the cut; fairly far into the future but before they get married (and getting very meta! because that's what tumblr is for lol)
Oscar says it's only fair she gets to pick stuff out for him, since he bought her some. And anyway, she arguably knows more about it than he does, which Lando reckons is actually by a very fine margin, if it's true at all but won't argue with her about it.
It's nice, the idea she's going to dress him up. He liked buying her gala dress, it's kind of the same thing.
She leaves the bag in the middle of their bed and it takes him a nervous ten minutes to actually open it, like he thinks some posh knickers might bite him. He's giggling by the time he tips the contents out onto the duvet, not because it's funny but because it kind of is? Here's a millionaire Formula 1 driver getting all anxious about what silky, lacy things his girlfriend wants to dress him in.
It's not that it's a surprise that Oscar's picked things he like because she does know him pretty horrifyingly well. But it's still nice that she has, makes him have to curl up on top of the duvet for a minute, lingerie scrumpled in his hands, to feel how good it is being loved by her.
It's a nice, soft, cream colour that he's got a few tracksuits in. The sort of comfy stuff he wears to snooze next to her on flights, nose buried in Oscar's shoulder. It's a good, clean colour that goes well with his skin and contrasts sharply to his tendency for dark grey boxers, something special but still somewhere in his comfort zone.
Getting his own clothes off feels a bit mad, having to stuff them in the laundry basket because he doesn't feel like a discarded hoodie and socks is the right vibe for when Oscar comes in and sees him trying to be sexy or whatever.
There's not just pants and whatever. He's not one hundred percent surprised by this because it's sort of an inside joke that he's always trying to trick Oscar into keeping her socks on in bed. Sorry if he wants to be reminded of her riding him every time she crosses one leg over the knee of the other in debrief or whatever.
He likes long socks anyway, for golf and that sort of thing so the fact these come up over his knees isn't that alien. They're a nice, soft material, like a very fluffy cotton or almost like the cashmere cardigans he steals off Oscar to bundle up on the couch in. Not really like stockings, grooved and topped with elastic almost like Oscar's beloved trainer socks but definitely a lot fancier, sitting low on his thighs.
The next thing he unravels is a soft top, not exactly a bra so it won't flag up the fact he's not got actual tits but gently cut so it cups his pecs, plunging between them. Lewis or Yuki would probably wear it to the paddock, maybe Lando'll give it a go for Monaco this year.
It's short, not covering his waist and abs and he's suddenly very aware there's nothing over his dick. Has to scrabble to pull on the knickers, which he'd sort of assumed would be boy shorts or something but instead it's a thong-thong, in the same, soft fabric as the top.
He squeaks involuntarily when it goes up his arse because what the fuck. Oscar wears this sort of thing quite often, these days, when they're not at work and she must be really committed to sending him insane because that's a wholly weird sensation, fabric brushing up against places normally only touched by Oscar.
Checking himself out in the mirror, though, he does look cute. There's some vaguely shocking tan lines around where his shorts were during their week on Pulau Joyo but they fit well enough with the pale lingerie. It's not too frilly, doesn't look like he's wearing something he shouldn't be - he could halfway imagine it being for a photoshoot or something, if Sophie would ever be likely to sign off on him having his arse out.
It takes him a minute to work up the courage to stick his head around the door, call out for her.
Oscar appears very quickly, like she'd been hovering nearby and a bit nervous herself about whether he'd like it. "Can I see?"
He has to laugh because, like, obviously. Lando didn't put this on so she can not fuck him in it but also Oscar looks so genuinely worried and excited. Like she thinks he's going to say no or call her taste in underwear shit or something and even though he is feeling quite shy about it, it makes him step around the door to comfort her.
Oscar almost immediately has him up against it, pressing Lando back on the solid wood and lifting his knee to run her hand up the left sock, feel where it stops and leaves his thigh feeling more naked than when he's totally undressed.
"Oh my god." She kisses him, gentle, lets Lando climb on her a bit with his arms over her shoulders. "You're so cute. So pretty. Fuck."
It's easy to tuck his face into Oscar's neck and breathe her skin in, the reassuring eucalyptus still clinging to her from last night. He'd thought she'd want to perv on him a bit or whatever, the way he does with her when she's wearing nice stuff but Oscar seems more intent on feeling him up, pressing her fingers to the tender place behind his balls where the thong's soft against his skin and tracing the seam of his arse, over where it's just hiding his hole.
"Oscar." He bites at her collarbone, where she's usually chewing him, just to tell her he loves her.
"Do you like it?" She pulls back enough to look him in the eye, tucking one of his curls back with her index finger as she does it, nail trailing gently down his face afterwards.
There hadn't been really time for him to figure that out, yet. But yes. "Yeah. You chose - you know, I can tell it's for me. And it's nice, the fabric."
"Comfy." She moves her hand further down his neck, rubbing over his chest to where the top's resting on his pecs. "I thought you wouldn't like - you know, anything with straps and wires."
Definitely not. That sounds like a deeply unpleasant sensory experience, fairly horrible even the times he was trying to take anything complicated off his ex.
Oscar kisses him again, sliding her hand up the leg he's got propped on her hip until she's cupping his dick, makes them both make a curious noise that he's still soft.
"It's not - I do think it's sexy? And you're - I love this. I don't know." Normally his problem is the opposite, that he's at half-chub pretty much any time he's in the same room as Oscar.
"It doesn't have to be a sex thing, though." She coaxes his other leg up, until she can get her hands underneath and pick him up, carry them over to the couch. "You can just look pretty, if you want?"
Maybe. It's hard to explain what's going on in his head and Oscar is normally the translator for that but she's not psychic, here.
"I think I just." He curls round, onto her, lets her do the koala thing. It feels safer, less wrongfooted by their mutual nervousness earlier, like this. "Can we watch some more of that show?"
Oscar makes a surprised noise, probably because it's her series and Lando just naps on her or fucks about on his phone during it. But that sounds nice, now. Just being them, in a slightly new configuration.
"True Detective? Sure." She gives him a squeeze before she gets up to find the remote, pottters around the apartment for a minute to get him his phone and both of them bottles of water.
When they're under the biggest, softest sofa blanket - nearly the same pale cream as Lando's underwear, a huge mistake for somewhere they eat half the time - he asks her to explain the plot to him again because nothing makes Oscar happier and he loves listening to her.
Half-asleep against her shoulder, he realises the story she's telling him stopped being about detectives awhile ago and is about a really hot boy whose girlfriend can't believe he's real.
He pokes Oscar in the chin. "Oi, I am actually listening. They should do a season from her perspective."
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trendytime · 4 months ago
Guide to Buying Bed Linen: Choosing the Perfect Set for Your Bedroom
When it comes to creating a restful and stylish bedroom, choosing the right bed linen is crucial. The right bedding not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of your space but also plays a vital role in ensuring a good night’s sleep. Whether you’re redecorating your entire bedroom or just updating your bed, understanding what to look for when buying bed linen is essential. Here's a comprehensive guide to help you make the best choice for your needs.
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1. Understand the Types of Bed Linen
Bed linen includes a variety of items, each designed to provide comfort, warmth, and style. These include:
Bed Sheets: The most common and essential component of bed linen, they come in fitted and flat varieties. Fitted sheets have elastic corners that hug the mattress, while flat sheets are laid on top and tucked in.
Pillowcases: Pillowcases are covers for your pillows. They come in standard, king, and European sizes and are available in both open-ended and envelope styles.
Duvet Covers: These are used to protect your duvet or comforter. A duvet cover helps to maintain hygiene and gives your bed a neat appearance. They are typically available in a variety of colors, patterns, and fabrics.
Blankets & Throws: These items add extra warmth and texture to your bedding setup. While blankets offer warmth, throws are more decorative and can be used for layering.
Bedspreads & Coverlets: Bedspreads cover the entire bed, including the sides and foot, while coverlets are lightweight and often used as a decorative piece.
2. Fabric Choices for Bed Linen
Choosing the right fabric for your bed linen is one of the most important decisions you’ll make. The fabric directly influences comfort, durability, and maintenance. Here are some popular fabric options:
Cotton: Known for its softness and breathability, cotton is a popular choice for bed linen. It is highly absorbent, making it great for warmer climates or people who sweat at night. Cotton is also easy to care for and comes in different finishes like percale (crisp) and sateen (smooth).
Linen: Ideal for warmer climates, linen has a cool, breathable texture that allows air circulation. It’s perfect for those who prefer natural fibers. However, it wrinkles easily, which adds to its rustic charm.
Polyester & Blends: Synthetic fabrics, such as polyester, are durable, resistant to wrinkles, and relatively inexpensive. Blends of cotton and polyester offer the best of both worlds—comfort and low maintenance.
Silk: For a luxurious feel, silk bed linen is unmatched. It’s smooth, soft, and gentle on the skin, but it requires more care and attention when washing.
Flannel: Ideal for colder months, flannel is a soft, warm fabric that provides extra comfort during winter.
3. Consider Thread Count
Thread count refers to the number of threads woven into a square inch of fabric. While a higher thread count often signifies a softer and more durable fabric, it is not the sole indicator of quality. For cotton sheets, a thread count of 200-400 is usually ideal. A higher thread count might feel smoother but can also make the fabric feel less breathable. For cotton-rich blends, a thread count of 200-300 is often sufficient.
Buying the right bed linen is an investment in your comfort and the overall look of your bedroom. From choosing the right fabric to considering the right size and design, each factor contributes to creating a cozy and inviting sleep space. Whether you prefer the luxurious feel of silk or the soft comfort of cotton, selecting the right bed linen ensures a better night’s sleep by Sarita Handa  and a well-dressed bed. So, next time you go shopping for bed linen, keep these factors in mind to choose the perfect set for your bedroom.
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somediyprojects · 1 year ago
DIY Duvet Cover
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Project by Brett Bara:
I don’t know about you, but I never cease to be shocked at the price of bedding. And nothing sets off my “I could make that myself so much cheaper and better” instincts like duvet covers. It’s just a big flat case of fabric, yet even the simplest options easily soar into the three digits—but all it takes to make your own is a bunch of fabric, a few straight seams, and a spare afternoon.
Not only will going DIY with your duvet cover save you some cash, it’ll also allow you to custom-make exactly what you are looking for. What’s better than that? Let’s go! –Brett Bara
What You’ll Need
Approximately 10 yards fabric (see below to calculate exact amount; I suggest buying extra just in case)
Yard stick, long quilter’s ruler or tape measure
Sharp scissors
Straight pins
Sewing machine
Iron and ironing board
Selecting and Preparing Fabric
I recommend machine-washable cottons or cotton-linen blends for duvet covers. Quilting shops are a great place to look for fabrics, as there are tons of choices there for cottons in tiny prints, large prints, solids and everything in between.
Here I’m working with Denise Schmidt Hope Valley Piney Woods from Free Spirit Fabrics.
Be sure to wash, dry and iron your fabric before beginning to pre-shrink it.
Fabric Tips
*If you find yourself head over heels for designer bedding, check to see if you can buy two flat sheets from the line, and use these to sew your own duvet cover. This can be much less expensive than buying the duvet cover itself, and sometimes the manufacturer uses the very same fabric for the sheets as for the duvets, so you’re really working with the exact same material.
*Consider using a different fabric for the front and back of the duvet so that the piece is reversible—two looks for the price of one, and a special bonus for the décor commitment-phobes among us.
Planning and Cutting
There aren’t strict standards for bedding sizes in the US (comforter sizes tend to vary among manufacturers), so I recommend measuring the comforter you plan to cover and using those numbers to plan your duvet cover.
Since fabric generally isn’t sold in widths wide enough for a full duvet, you’ll need to seam a few panels of fabric together to make the front and back. I suggest placing one full panel down the center of the duvet with two smaller panels to each side of it; this is generally nicer-looking than making one seam down the middle of the duvet.
NOTE: Remember that you should trim off the selvedge edges of your fabric (these are the finished edges on both sides of the fabric which are a little different in texture and/or color from the rest of the fabric) before sewing. Remember to subtract the selvedge edge from any measurements as you plan your piece.
Measure the width of your fabric without selvedge; plan to place one full panel of fabric down the center of the duvet and two smaller panels to each side of it. Simply make the side panels as large as they need to be to reach the desired width of your duvet cover, adding 1” to the width of each panel to allow for seam allowance.
So, if your center panel needs to be 40” wide and each side panel needs to be 20” wide, cut the panels 41” wide and 21” wide. Those extra inches will be consumed by the seams.
The length of your duvet is simply the desired finished length plus 2 ½” for hem and seam allowance.
*Remember that you need a front and a back, so plan all your measurements and double them to calculate the total amount of fabric you’ll need.
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Here’s what your panels will look like when they’re ready to go.  (Note: I’m making a mini duvet here to make it easier to see the big picture of shape and construction.)
Sewing: French Seams
To begin, you’ll sew each side panel to its corresponding center panel, to make the front and back of the cover.
For a really nice professional-looking finished result, I recommend using French seams in this project. These seams are finished on both the inside and outside, so that no raw edges of fabric will be visible anywhere.
French seams may sound fancy, but they’re really easy! Here’s how:
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Place two pieces of fabric WRONG SIDES TOGETHER. (This is the opposite of normal; usually you sew most seams right sides together.)
Sew the seam with a ¼” seam allowance.
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Trim away about ½ of the seam allowance, being careful not to get too close to the stitches.
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Iron the seam to one side, then fold at the seam so that right sides of the fabric are facing together, and iron the seam closed.
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Pin the seam closed to avoid shifting, and sew it again with a ¼” seam allowance. Iron this seam to one side, and your French seam is done.
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From the outside it looks like a regular seam, but on the inside all you see is this nice finished flap. Nice, right?!
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For a nice finishing touch, you can top stitch to tack down the flap. All you do is top stitch on the right side of the duvet alongside the French seam, stitching over the folded-over flap in the back.
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Iron the seam once again after top stitching to smooth and relax it.
Repeat for all center/side panels so that you have a complete front and back.
Attaching the Front and Back Together
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Place the front and back together with wrong sides facing, pinning each side seam in place. Sew each side with French seams as described above (but skip the top-stitching for the sides).  After sewing the sides, sew the top closed with a french seam as well.
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The inside of the duvet is now fully finished, with no raw edges visible at all. Isn’t that nice? Here is what the corners will look like on the inside.
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To hem the bottom of the duvet, fold 1” of fabric to the inside and press. Fold up another 1” and press again; pin folds in place.
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Stitch hem close to the exterior fold line and again close to the interior fold line.
Getting Closure
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You have many options for closing up the bottom of the duvet (in each of these cases, I suggest placing a button/snap/ribbon about every 8” along the bottom):
*Buttons and buttonholes: easy to do with the buttonhole attachment that comes with most sewing machines.
*Sew-on snaps: very easy to sew on by hand, and quick to snap/unsnap when you change the duvet.
*Snap fastener kit: All you need is a hammer and the special tool that comes in this set to attach snaps without sewing for a very professional-looking result. (Check the instructions on the package.)
*Ribbon or twill tape: even easier to install. I suggest tucking 10” lengths of ribbon or tape under the folds of the hem before sewing it.
*Zippers: long zippers can be purchased online; you might consider a zipper closure along the bottom, using the same zipper-installation method as the zippered pillow cover.
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That’s all there is to it! Don’t you feel so wonderfully nice and cozy with your new handmade duvet cover?!
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m1n1axu · 1 year ago
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Coquette Duvet cover From Amazon
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msbarrows · 1 year ago
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I sometimes get unreasonably delighted by silly little things, and today is such a day. I recently ordered a new duvet online, my old one having been in use since the 90s, and showing its age in terms of shifted batting and general wear. Ended up buying it from Silk & Snow, a company I'd previously splurged on buying linen sheets from when they were on sale (the dark blue ones on the bed in this photo, actually). It was one of three I was considering, and then it showed up on a list of "Top down alternative duvets made in Canada" (I have a feather allergy, so real down duvets and pillows are a hard NO THANK YOU, unfortunately). When I checked their web site it was on a Valentine's Day sale, so that tipped the scales in their favour, even though they were still the priciest option (though not by a huge amount).
Anyway, I am rather delighted with their packaging. The sheets (and a recently ordered new duvet cover) had all arrived in same-fabric drawstring storage pouches (not the first time I've seen that, but always a nice touch). The photo shows what the duvet arrived packaged in; yup, not a stinky vinyl bag, but a zippered storage cube of the same cotton fabric that the duvet shell is made of. With the top and bottom edges reinforced with stiff wire-cored piping, even - it's really well-made. I very much doubt I'd ever be able to refold the duvet tightly enough to fit back in the bag, but it's 100% going to be a keeper for storing other bedding inside. Unlike smelly vinyl would be.
(Think the old duvet is going to be placed underneath my pillow-top mattress topper, for extra padding, because why not; it's still got some wear in it.)
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definitionsfading · 2 years ago
I'm really intrigued about that bedding poll (or your tags that is) because I know bedding culture varies so much even between european countries (I had an exchange student from Italy once and because I had been to Italy first and had been rather overwhelmed with how to use the bed there, I was aware enough to ask if she knew how "the bed worked" when we were about to go to bed at night and she just looked at me helplessly and said "no" lol) - anyway I have two questions:
1) that flat sheet (which I have never heard of before in my entire life): do you lie between the fitted sheet and the flat sheet or between the flat sheet and the duvet?
2) did the duvets in England have no duvet covers?!
in America if you buy a set of sheets at the store, every single standard set comes with two pillowcases, a fitted sheet that goes around the mattress, and then a flat sheet that goes between the fitted sheet and the duvet lol. this is without exception! the flat sheet gets tucked under the corners of the mattress at the foot of the bed so it stays put while you sleep, but you can still pull it back and get into bed as needed up at the head of the bed. 1) we lie between the fitted sheet and the flat sheet, and the duvet or blanket goes on top of the flat sheet. lying between them prevents body oils and other things (heavy lotions, etc) from getting directly on the duvet or the blanket. it's just general consensus here for most people that two cotton sheets are easier to wash and deal with than wrestling a duvet or duvet cover every week. much of the American South also deals with horrifically hot summers, even at night, so some people tend to sweat in their sleep and don't even need a duvet for half of the year. it's nice to have the breathable flat sheet on your body without the heaviness of a blanket or duvet. 2) the duvets in England DID have duvet covers, but at the airbnb we stayed at especially, it was clear the duvet cover had not been washed ahead of our visit 💀 it had some kind of smudge/stain on it and when we first arrived to drop off our luggage, only the fitted sheet and the pillowcases were in the wash at the time (the duvet was just sitting on the bare mattress). I'm sure some airbnb hosts probably wash their duvet covers but ours DID NOT lmao and I was so jet lagged and exhausted and without any other options so I just....did what I had to do and went to sleep. but it bothered me immensely while I was there 😂 later when we were in a hotel, there wasn't a flat sheet either, nor anything to bathe with!? the beds were horrific and from the 1980s at least though so I have no idea if they washed the duvet covers or not, but with the poor quality of service provided I'm guessing they didn't wash them between every guest and stay. I probably just had two bad apples while I was there, I'm not holding it against the entire country...but I do think in high traffic places like hotels that a flat sheet would be a more sanitary option.
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my needlessly aggressive opinions concerning:
pillows: this is the most common mistake i see--flimsy pillows. and this sucks. this sucks so bad. it's bad for your neck. they wear out so quickly. you have to constantly readjust the filling. they're so damn uncomfortable. get yourself some decently firm pillows--and enough of them to STACK dammit
btw it is. legal. to buy pillows of more than one firmness. you can own a Firm Pillow and a Less Firm Pillow on purpose. the government isn't cracking down on that yet
sheets: one of my genie wishes would be for every single human being to be gifted a pair of durable non-synethic white sheets that perfectly fit their mattress. these details are important:
durability is important. good sheets that cost a bit more but last longer? will save you money over time. they can last YEARS AND YEARS (durability also means less piling. piling is such bullshit, especially if u don't sleep in long pajamas)
NATURAL FIBERS that's important. it keeps you cooler and cleaner by wicking away sweat. better sensory experience. 100% cotton is bomb but someday I'd love to get my hands on bamboo, linen, silk sets.
white is not the most fun color but it IS the easiest color to clean stains from (important when you're investing in quality sheets meant to last). just make sure you pre-wash the stains before adding bleach, otherwise you get yellow spots. (bleach mixes badly with proteins found in sweat and other bodily...stuff)
seriously I'm all for bold colors and crazy patterns on bedspreads (great way to decorate your room) but white sheets underneath are so practical
find sheets that fit your bed. find sheets that FIT your bed. i don't mean 'this is technically the correct size for my mattress' i mean sheets that don't fucking COME OFF AT THE EDGES WHAT THE HELL. it is evil. it's evil they've evolved the ability to do that.
(admittedly those sexy little suspender clips are an option, haven't tried them yet)
related: sheets that don't get loose overnight what the heck. still not certain which types of sheets are more prone to this issue (I assume it's a fabric thing, but is it material, weave, thread count what). tumblr given me your teaspoon-worth of collective knowledge
Bedcover/quilt/duvet: make sure it's weather appropriate and that the weight suits your personal preferences. some people sleep better with heavier/lighter/thicker/thinner top covers. some sleep better when tucked in nice and tight (took me a literal decade of adulthood to realize we can just. tuck ourselves in.) find what works for you
(shout out to duvet covers btw, SO much easier to clean. and shout out to duvets bc FEATHERS/SOFTNESS i love u duvets)
BOLSTER PILLOWS EXIST. and yeah body pillows too. noodle-shapped pillows that your can wrap your corporeal form around like an octopus...they are so so valuable.
foam mattress pads are an easy way to improve a mattress determined to do the bare minimum
you will fall asleep faster and have better-quality sleep if your sleeping space provides a good sensory experience, tailored to you (and your sleep partners) personally. and dear stars and devils do we all need some good sleep rn
comfortable, decent quality bedding will change your life I'm so serious
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omaliving · 1 year ago
Preserve Your Memories: Buy Photo Frame Pictures at OMA Living
In the digital age, our cherished memories are often stored in the cloud or on our devices, leaving physical photographs and the nostalgia they bring behind. But there's a timeless charm to printed photos, and Photo Frame Pictures offer an elegant way to display these treasured moments. At OMA Living, you can find a wide range of photo frame pictures that not only showcase your memories but also enhance your home's decor. Let's explore why purchasing photo frame pictures at OMA Living is an excellent choice.
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1. A Diverse Collection: OMA Living offers a diverse and curated collection of photo frame pictures. From classic designs to modern and artistic frames, you'll find the perfect option to complement your style and decor.
2. Convenience and Ease: Shopping for Photo Frame Pictures at OMA Living is a hassle-free experience. You can browse through their extensive collection, compare different frames, and make your selection from the comfort of your own home, saving you valuable time and effort.
3. Premium Quality: OMA Living is known for its commitment to quality, and their photo frames are no exception. These frames are crafted with meticulous attention to detail, ensuring they not only protect your cherished photos but also enhance them.
4. Personalization: Some of OMA Living's photo frame pictures offer customization options. You can select frames that cater to your unique needs, from sizes to materials, allowing you to create a personalized display of your most treasured memories.
5. Aesthetic Appeal: OMA Living's photo frames are designed not just to protect your photos but to also enhance the visual appeal of your living spaces. They come in a variety of styles, colors, and finishes, allowing you to find frames that harmonize with your home decor.
6. Expert Advice: OMA Living provides expert advice and guidance to assist you in choosing the perfect Photo Frame Pictures. Their customer service team is readily available to answer your queries and help you make an informed decision.
7. Secure Shopping: Shopping online at OMA Living is secure and hassle-free. Your personal information and payment details are safeguarded, ensuring a worry-free shopping experience.
8. Customer Satisfaction: OMA Living is dedicated to customer satisfaction. If, for any reason, you're not entirely satisfied with your purchase, their easy return policy ensures that you can make returns with minimal fuss.
Preserve your cherished memories and elevate your home's decor with photo frame pictures from OMA Living. Whether it's a family portrait, a special occasion, or a beautiful landscape, these frames offer a timeless and elegant way to showcase your photos. Browse their extensive collection to find the perfect photo frame pictures that will transform your cherished memories into stunning home decor pieces. Your memories deserve to be celebrated, and OMA Living is here to help you do just that.
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duvetsdirect1 · 10 days ago
Are Goose Down Duvets Worth the Hype? Unveiling the Cozy Truth!
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When it comes to premium bedding, goose down duvets are often considered the gold standard. But are they truly worth the investment, or is the hype overrated? If you're wondering whether a goose down duvet is the right choice for you, keep reading as we break down the benefits, potential downsides, and key factors to consider before buying one!
What Makes Goose Down Duvets So Special?
A goose down duvet is filled with the soft, fluffy underlayer of goose feathers, known as "down." Unlike regular feathers, down clusters provide exceptional insulation without the weight, making them incredibly warm yet breathable.
Key Benefits of Goose Down Duvets:
✅ Unmatched Warmth: Goose down is a natural insulator, trapping heat while allowing moisture to escape. Perfect for chilly nights!
✅ Lightweight Comfort: Unlike synthetic fills, goose down provides warmth without feeling heavy, giving you that cloud-like sleep experience.
✅ Breathability & Temperature Regulation: Down duvets help regulate body temperature, keeping you cozy in winter and cool in summer.
✅ Long-Lasting Quality: With proper care, a high-quality goose down duvet can last 10-15 years or more, making it a worthy investment.
✅ Luxury Feel: Nothing compares to the plush, airy sensation of a premium goose down duvet—it’s a hotel-level comfort at home!
Are There Any Downsides to Goose Down Duvets?
While goose down duvets are loved by many, they may not be for everyone. Here are some factors to consider:
❌ Price: High-quality goose down duvets can be more expensive than synthetic or feather-filled options.
❌ Allergies: Some people are sensitive to down, although hypoallergenic options are available.
❌ Maintenance: They require proper care, including regular fluffing and occasional professional cleaning to maintain their loft and freshness.
❌ Ethical Concerns: If sustainability matters to you, look for ethically sourced and RDS-certified (Responsible Down Standard) duvets.
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How to Pick the Greatest Duvet with Goose Down
When shopping for a goose down duvet, keep these key factors in mind:
🔹 Fill Power: Higher fill power (e.g., 600-900) means better insulation and fluffiness.
🔹 Thread Count: A high-quality cotton cover (300+ thread count) prevents feathers from poking out and enhances durability.
🔹 Down-to-Feather Ratio: The higher the down percentage, the softer and warmer the duvet. Look for at least 80% down for premium comfort.
🔹 Weight: Choose a lightweight duvet for all-season use or an ultra-warm version for extreme winter conditions.
Final Verdict: Are Goose Down Duvets Worth It?
If you're looking for unbeatable warmth, luxury comfort, and long-lasting quality, a goose down duvet is absolutely worth the investment! While they come at a higher price, the softness, warmth, and durability make them a top choice for cozy, restful sleep.
However, if you're on a budget or have allergy concerns, there are high-quality alternatives like down-alternative duvets that offer great comfort at a lower price.
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alsaadhomeeee · 25 days ago
Design Your Haven: Discovering Home Decor Gems Online
Creating a cozy and stylish home is a dream for many, and with Alsaad Home UAE (alsaadhome.com/ar/aed), you can effortlessly transform your space with exquisite home decor items. Whether you're looking for luxurious bedding, elegant rugs, or refreshing home fragrances, Alsaad Home UAE offers a vast selection of premium-quality products to elevate your living space.
comforter set
Elevate Your Bedroom with Luxurious Bedding
A well-dressed bed is the centerpiece of any bedroom, and Alsaad Home UAE offers a wide range of bedding essentials to ensure both comfort and style. From a طقم لحاف قطن (cotton comforter set) to a مفرش سرير (bedspread) and مفارش نفرين (double bed linens), you can find everything needed to create a restful retreat. For single bed options, explore our مفرش نفر (single bedspread) collection, ensuring that every bed in your home exudes elegance and coziness.
Find the Perfect Mattress for a Restful Sleep
A good night's sleep starts with the right mattress. Whether you're searching for a مرتبة سرير (bed mattress), فرشة سرير (bed cushion), or a مرتبة طبية (medical mattress), Alsaad Home UAE provides high-quality options tailored for optimal comfort. Our range includes مراتب سرير (bed mattresses), مرتبة فنددقية (hotel-grade mattresses), and دوشق (foam mattresses), ensuring that you sleep soundly every night. If you're looking to buy mattress online in Dubai, UAE, Alsaad Home UAE is your go-to destination for superior sleep solutions.
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Bedding Essentials: Comfort and Functionality Combined
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see more:-
طقم لحاف قطن, مفرش سرير , مفرش نفر, مفارش نفرين, مفارش
مراتب سرير / مرتبة, مرتبة سرير, فرشة سرير, تسوق مع مراتب السعد , مرتبة طبية, دوشق, الطبقة الفندقية
معطرات فراش , معطرات جو, عطور , صابون الحمار, كريم الحلزون
اكسسوارات منزلية, ��كسسوارات منزلية, اكسسوارات ديكور, كتب ديكور
طقم تلببيسة, كفرات سرير , تلبيسة بدون حشوة, كفرات وتلابيس, مفارش سرير
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aditiwrites4herself · 2 months ago
What are the uses of duvet covers?
A duvet cover is more than just a decorative layer—it plays a crucial role in enhancing both comfort and practicality in your bedroom. Acting as a protective barrier, it shields your duvet from dust, stains, and wear, prolonging its lifespan and reducing the need for frequent washing. Instead of laundering the entire duvet, you can simply remove and clean the cover, making maintenance hassle-free.
Beyond protection, duvet covers offer a simple way to refresh the look of your space. With a variety of colors, patterns, and textures available, they allow you to switch up your bedroom aesthetics without investing in new bedding. Whether you prefer bold prints or subtle neutrals, a well-chosen cover can instantly elevate your décor.
Temperature regulation is another key benefit. Made from breathable fabrics like cotton, duvet covers help maintain a comfortable sleep environment, keeping you cool in summer and cozy in winter. Their lightweight nature also ensures ease of handling, making bed-making effortless.
For those who love coordinated bedding, pairing a stylish duvet cover with matching pillowcases and sheets creates a polished and inviting bedroom setup. You can buy printed bedsheets to complement your chosen cover, achieving a harmonious blend of comfort and design.
By choosing high-quality, soft, and breathable bedding, you can transform your sleep experience, ensuring both relaxation and elegance in your personal sanctuary.
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pizunalinens · 2 months ago
Buy Luxury Fitted Bed Sheets - Pizuna
Buy premium fitted bed sheets online from Pizuna. Crafted with high-quality cotton, these fitted sheets stay securely in place and offer a smooth, wrinkle-free finish. Pizuna's fitted bed sheets are durable, breathable, and easy to maintain, making them perfect for everyday use. Transform your bed into a haven of relaxation with our stylish and functional fitted sheets. Experience luxury with Pizuna today!
Explore now: https://www.pizunalinens.com/en/sheets/fitted-sheet.html
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cleverhottubmiracle · 3 months ago
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Along with linen sheets and cotton sheets, bamboo sheets are some of the most talked about buys in the bedding-verse. They’re breathable and moisture-wicking like Lululemon joggers but have the buttery-soft feel of silk. And since they’re technically just rayon or lyocell—a semi-synthetic fabric comprised of regenerated bamboo pulp fibers (which also happens to be eco-friendly)—bamboo sheets often feel more luxurious than they cost. Quite frankly, these antimicrobial threads are a bit of a mystery to non-textile experts. (Why is rayon synonymous with viscose and kind of the same thing as lyocell…but not?) But, thanks to brands like Sijo, Cozy Earth, Ettitude, and others, all you need to know is that they make a good night’s sleep great.To prove this, we tested the hype of nine of the internet’s best bamboo sheets. From $300-plus delicacies to $55 underdogs, the following picks all brought different strengths and weaknesses to my mattress. If you need the crisp breathability of linen but love the silky feel of sateen, then bamboo is the way to go. Find out which set is the best fit for your bed and your budget, below.The Best Bamboo Sheets At A Glance, According to GQBest Bamboo Sheet Set Overall: Quince Bamboo Sheet SetQuinceBamboo Sheet SetAccordionItemContainerButtonProsAffordable priceGreat balance of silky and softCrispConsNot the deepest fitted sheet pocketsQuince is known for its high-quality fabrics fitted with affordable, DTC price tags. This queen bamboo bed sheet set, for example, checks every box and then some for just a little over $100. Its Oeko-Tex-certified viscose glimmers in the light, the sateen weave is silky enough to slip through fingers, and the set keeps cool all night long. It delivers everything that a bamboo fabric should—silky texture, temperature regulation, etc.—with just a few more cherries on top.In an extremely fake scenario where I had a guest room and picky in-laws coming to visit, these are the sheets that would go on the bed. They’re not too lustrous to offend linen lovers, but also not too matte to disappoint sateen enthusiasts. In short, this set is a luxurious crowd-pleaser that any fan of bamboo sheets can rely on. And, fun fact: The brand’s European Linen Duvet Cover Set and Alternative Down Comforter is my year-round bedding combo. Meaning, I’ve yet to be disappointed by Quince’s bedding quality.Best Cooling Bamboo Sheet Set: Sijo DOZ Bamboo Sheet SetSijoDOZ Bamboo Sheet SetAccordionItemContainerButtonProsConsShort return windowNo international shippingCustomers usually run to Sijo for its cooling eucalyptus tencel lyocell collection, but its affordable DOZ bamboo line is definitely one to watch. Unlike most of the sets on this list, these Sijo sheets don’t have that glamorous and silky shine or slippery feel. Instead, this set offers a plush texture like cotton sheets, but with a muted shimmer that’s, most importantly, extremely cool to the touch. Don’t get me wrong, your legs will still glide on them like ice skates thanks to the Oeko-Tex-certified bamboo viscose, but these were made for the hot sleeper, the kind of person who likes one reliable sheet set on their bed (and one back up in their closet) all year round. No special occasions, no frills, just a breezy night’s sleep accentuated by some dangerously snuggly threads. I say dangerous because the chilled fabric paired with my warm comforter made me not want to get out of bed for about an hour.Best Affordable Bamboo Sheet Set: Bedsure Cooling Sheet SetBedsureBedsure Cooling Sheet SetAccordionItemContainerButtonProsLow price20+ colorwaysBreathableConsA bit thinNot as silky as othersIf you’ve ever hunted for affordable bedding on Amazon, odds are you came across a Bedsure product or two. The brand is famous for its low price points and extensive five-star reviews. Bedsure’s $55 Cooling Sheet Set, crafted from Oeko-Tex-certified bamboo rayon, has 57,024 Amazon ratings and a 4.4-out-of-5-star score. According to on-site reviews, the set is super soft, cooling, lightweight, and airy, and my experience was comparable. Unfortunately, they were up against high-end sheets priced in the triple digits, so I can’t rave as hard as I do for the others, but for $55 these sheets should be in everyone’s bedding collection. What they lack in GSM and liquid silkiness, they make up for in crisp, cooling fibers and value. They kept me cool the whole night and the pillowcases were particularly lovely to lie on. (TMI: I noticed that my skincare products would lightly stain some of the shinier sheets, so I loved waking up to a clean, chilled pillowcase.) Plus, the lavender color is exactly as pictured on site and has quite a charming sheen to it. Overall, this set is a great cost-effective buy that’s worthy of their hype.Best Gift-Worthy Bamboo Sheet Set: Luxome Luxury Sheet SetLuxomeLuxury Sheet SetAccordionItemContainerButtonProsLuxuriousThick and heavy fabricInsanely silkyFitted sheet corner bandsConsA bit over the top/extravagantIf Cozy Earth’s sheets impressed me with their rich threads, then Luxome’s set completely seduced me. I truly haven’t had such a lavish sleep experience as I did with these bamboo viscose sheets. The most apparent difference between the rest of these sheets is the weight. I don’t know the exact GSM, but the fabric is thick and heavy, and if I had to compare it to a substance it would be lava. Dramatics aside, Luxome honed in on viscose’s signature smooth texture with this set. There’s not a stitch of coarse, fuzzy feel, even on the tad more matte underside of the top sheet. Sinking into the cool pillowcase was refreshing and gliding my legs across the silky-soft fabric felt like a treat after a long day. Plus, the fitted sheet’s deep pockets have corner bands for extra security.The only downside of these sheets is that they’re extravagant. They have an opulent mob-wife aesthetic that probably doesn’t appeal to low-profile folks. Which is why, even if you don’t like a fancy bed, they’re the perfect gift. They’re a delicacy rather than a practical purchase. However, if you love the larger, insanely comfy things in life, then you found your dream sheet set.The Most Crowd-Pleasing Bamboo Sheet Set: Sunday Citizen Natural Premium Bamboo Sheet SetSunday CitizenNatural Premium Bamboo Sheet SetAccordionItemContainerButtonProsCoolingSoft and airyCrowd pleasingConsLimited sizingNot too silkyThe Sunday Citizen Premium Bamboo Sheet Set is definitely underrated, literally. Right now it has, albeit a 4.4-out-of-5-star score, only 19 reviews on the brand’s site. I recommend hot sleepers to give this set a try. Much like Sijo’s, it has moisture-wicking properties and keeps things crisp beneath the covers at night. The sheets are also light and airy rather than rich and weighted. Another great buy for a guest room, I can imagine them pleasing all kinds of sleepers thanks to their simplicity and high performance. The available colorways are also very tasteful and could complement all kinds of decor styles.Best Durable Bamboo Sheet Set: Ettitude Airy CleanBamboo Sateen+ Sheet SetEttitudeAiry CleanBamboo® Sateen+ Sheet SetAccordionItemContainerButtonProsCoolingCooling pillowcasesLuxuriousConsEttitude is a well-known bamboo bedding specialist, and after sleeping on its sheets, I understand. The brand offers three types of bamboo sheets: CleanBamboo Signature Sateen Sheet Set, CleanBamboo Linen+ Sheet Set, and Airy CleanBamboo Sateen+. I tested the latter which is made from its most silk-adjacent fabric PLNTsilk. While I’ve never slept on silk sheets, I imagine that these threads rival the luxury of the natural fiber. They have that same glamorous sheen and fluidity, a bamboo sheets enthusiast’s dream. Source link
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norajworld · 3 months ago
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Along with linen sheets and cotton sheets, bamboo sheets are some of the most talked about buys in the bedding-verse. They’re breathable and moisture-wicking like Lululemon joggers but have the buttery-soft feel of silk. And since they’re technically just rayon or lyocell—a semi-synthetic fabric comprised of regenerated bamboo pulp fibers (which also happens to be eco-friendly)—bamboo sheets often feel more luxurious than they cost. Quite frankly, these antimicrobial threads are a bit of a mystery to non-textile experts. (Why is rayon synonymous with viscose and kind of the same thing as lyocell…but not?) But, thanks to brands like Sijo, Cozy Earth, Ettitude, and others, all you need to know is that they make a good night’s sleep great.To prove this, we tested the hype of nine of the internet’s best bamboo sheets. From $300-plus delicacies to $55 underdogs, the following picks all brought different strengths and weaknesses to my mattress. If you need the crisp breathability of linen but love the silky feel of sateen, then bamboo is the way to go. Find out which set is the best fit for your bed and your budget, below.The Best Bamboo Sheets At A Glance, According to GQBest Bamboo Sheet Set Overall: Quince Bamboo Sheet SetQuinceBamboo Sheet SetAccordionItemContainerButtonProsAffordable priceGreat balance of silky and softCrispConsNot the deepest fitted sheet pocketsQuince is known for its high-quality fabrics fitted with affordable, DTC price tags. This queen bamboo bed sheet set, for example, checks every box and then some for just a little over $100. Its Oeko-Tex-certified viscose glimmers in the light, the sateen weave is silky enough to slip through fingers, and the set keeps cool all night long. It delivers everything that a bamboo fabric should—silky texture, temperature regulation, etc.—with just a few more cherries on top.In an extremely fake scenario where I had a guest room and picky in-laws coming to visit, these are the sheets that would go on the bed. They’re not too lustrous to offend linen lovers, but also not too matte to disappoint sateen enthusiasts. In short, this set is a luxurious crowd-pleaser that any fan of bamboo sheets can rely on. And, fun fact: The brand’s European Linen Duvet Cover Set and Alternative Down Comforter is my year-round bedding combo. Meaning, I’ve yet to be disappointed by Quince’s bedding quality.Best Cooling Bamboo Sheet Set: Sijo DOZ Bamboo Sheet SetSijoDOZ Bamboo Sheet SetAccordionItemContainerButtonProsConsShort return windowNo international shippingCustomers usually run to Sijo for its cooling eucalyptus tencel lyocell collection, but its affordable DOZ bamboo line is definitely one to watch. Unlike most of the sets on this list, these Sijo sheets don’t have that glamorous and silky shine or slippery feel. Instead, this set offers a plush texture like cotton sheets, but with a muted shimmer that’s, most importantly, extremely cool to the touch. Don’t get me wrong, your legs will still glide on them like ice skates thanks to the Oeko-Tex-certified bamboo viscose, but these were made for the hot sleeper, the kind of person who likes one reliable sheet set on their bed (and one back up in their closet) all year round. No special occasions, no frills, just a breezy night’s sleep accentuated by some dangerously snuggly threads. I say dangerous because the chilled fabric paired with my warm comforter made me not want to get out of bed for about an hour.Best Affordable Bamboo Sheet Set: Bedsure Cooling Sheet SetBedsureBedsure Cooling Sheet SetAccordionItemContainerButtonProsLow price20+ colorwaysBreathableConsA bit thinNot as silky as othersIf you’ve ever hunted for affordable bedding on Amazon, odds are you came across a Bedsure product or two. The brand is famous for its low price points and extensive five-star reviews. Bedsure’s $55 Cooling Sheet Set, crafted from Oeko-Tex-certified bamboo rayon, has 57,024 Amazon ratings and a 4.4-out-of-5-star score. According to on-site reviews, the set is super soft, cooling, lightweight, and airy, and my experience was comparable. Unfortunately, they were up against high-end sheets priced in the triple digits, so I can’t rave as hard as I do for the others, but for $55 these sheets should be in everyone’s bedding collection. What they lack in GSM and liquid silkiness, they make up for in crisp, cooling fibers and value. They kept me cool the whole night and the pillowcases were particularly lovely to lie on. (TMI: I noticed that my skincare products would lightly stain some of the shinier sheets, so I loved waking up to a clean, chilled pillowcase.) Plus, the lavender color is exactly as pictured on site and has quite a charming sheen to it. Overall, this set is a great cost-effective buy that’s worthy of their hype.Best Gift-Worthy Bamboo Sheet Set: Luxome Luxury Sheet SetLuxomeLuxury Sheet SetAccordionItemContainerButtonProsLuxuriousThick and heavy fabricInsanely silkyFitted sheet corner bandsConsA bit over the top/extravagantIf Cozy Earth’s sheets impressed me with their rich threads, then Luxome’s set completely seduced me. I truly haven’t had such a lavish sleep experience as I did with these bamboo viscose sheets. The most apparent difference between the rest of these sheets is the weight. I don’t know the exact GSM, but the fabric is thick and heavy, and if I had to compare it to a substance it would be lava. Dramatics aside, Luxome honed in on viscose’s signature smooth texture with this set. There’s not a stitch of coarse, fuzzy feel, even on the tad more matte underside of the top sheet. Sinking into the cool pillowcase was refreshing and gliding my legs across the silky-soft fabric felt like a treat after a long day. Plus, the fitted sheet’s deep pockets have corner bands for extra security.The only downside of these sheets is that they’re extravagant. They have an opulent mob-wife aesthetic that probably doesn’t appeal to low-profile folks. Which is why, even if you don’t like a fancy bed, they’re the perfect gift. They’re a delicacy rather than a practical purchase. However, if you love the larger, insanely comfy things in life, then you found your dream sheet set.The Most Crowd-Pleasing Bamboo Sheet Set: Sunday Citizen Natural Premium Bamboo Sheet SetSunday CitizenNatural Premium Bamboo Sheet SetAccordionItemContainerButtonProsCoolingSoft and airyCrowd pleasingConsLimited sizingNot too silkyThe Sunday Citizen Premium Bamboo Sheet Set is definitely underrated, literally. Right now it has, albeit a 4.4-out-of-5-star score, only 19 reviews on the brand’s site. I recommend hot sleepers to give this set a try. Much like Sijo’s, it has moisture-wicking properties and keeps things crisp beneath the covers at night. The sheets are also light and airy rather than rich and weighted. Another great buy for a guest room, I can imagine them pleasing all kinds of sleepers thanks to their simplicity and high performance. The available colorways are also very tasteful and could complement all kinds of decor styles.Best Durable Bamboo Sheet Set: Ettitude Airy CleanBamboo Sateen+ Sheet SetEttitudeAiry CleanBamboo® Sateen+ Sheet SetAccordionItemContainerButtonProsCoolingCooling pillowcasesLuxuriousConsEttitude is a well-known bamboo bedding specialist, and after sleeping on its sheets, I understand. The brand offers three types of bamboo sheets: CleanBamboo Signature Sateen Sheet Set, CleanBamboo Linen+ Sheet Set, and Airy CleanBamboo Sateen+. I tested the latter which is made from its most silk-adjacent fabric PLNTsilk. While I’ve never slept on silk sheets, I imagine that these threads rival the luxury of the natural fiber. They have that same glamorous sheen and fluidity, a bamboo sheets enthusiast’s dream. Source link
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