#But yeah: psalm 23 “grace” and “just keep showing up” are the things on my heart so i keep talking ab it bc they all work together
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feastingonchrist · 1 month ago
Been having some embarrassing moments lately and i have no clue what i’m doing during conversations nor can i process much of anything i have said before, but i’m not beating myself up for once over these “mistakes”. Just saying what comes to mind (obviously not saying every thought, just meaning what feels most natural to me) as i keep showing up and having an open mind and a readiness to speak to people unlike before, and things have been moving much easier for me. I’m not so on edge all the time over it. I feel lighter and more free. Giving myself the same grace as God has given me and gives me daily has helped me so much with my attitude and relationship toward myself and it’s only been a month or so of changing my perspective. I realized that if i want something to change, i’m not stuck forever like i previously thought. Because God has shown up for me time and time again and i see and feel things getting better every single day. I mean, yeah, the “mistakes” are still embarrassing and replay in my head, but it’s way less than before and i’m not that bothered by it. I’m just like “oh well, whatever, you still showed up today”. And that’s all i can do while God does the rest 😁
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dailyaudiobible · 4 years ago
01/10/2021 DAB Transcript
Genesis 23:1-24:51, Matthew 8:1-17, Psalms 9:13-20, Proverbs 3:1-6
Today is the 10th day of January, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian it is great to be here with you as we greet a brand-new week, a shiny sparkly new week that we are entering into as we continue to move into this brand-new year that we have together. So, it is wonderful. We are falling into a rhythm and it is a meaningful one. Every day we come around the Global Campfire together as a community and hear the word of God spoken over us, and then it becomes a part of who we are, it becomes a part of the soil, the fabric of our lives and it yields a crop. We’re planting seeds right now that are going to come up and it will be the fruit of the spirit, like it will be good in our lives. It will be perspective and context in our lives. And, so, we got a good thing going here and let’s dive into our next week together. We’ll read from the New Living Translation this week and pick up where we left off yesterday. Genesis chapter 23 verse 1 through 24 verse 51.
Father we thank You for Your word. We thank You for bringing us into this brand-new week. We thank You for what wisdom has told us today, that we should trust You with our whole hearts. That's all of us, that we should trust You with who we are and not depend on what we think we know, not depend on our own understanding. We should seek Your will in all that we’re doing, and You will show us which path to take because we will be walking with You at this point, and You will be pointing out the beauty of life together with You. You know all of the hidden vistas, You know all of the secret lookouts, You know all of the cool places of life, and You have invited us to walk through life with You, the most-high God. And, so, often we’re just so busy trying to appease our fellow human beings and get some sort of identity from them when You have invited us into an adventure. So, come Holy Spirit, help us. This begins by trusting You with everything and not thinking that we’re gonna figure it all out but knowing that You know it all. Come Holy Spirit we pray. In Jesus’ name, we ask. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is the website, its home base, its where you find out what’s going on around here. Of course, if you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app you can access pretty much all of this as well using the app. But this is where we get connected. This is where we stay connected. This is home base. It's the home of the Global Campfire. It's…well…I mean we’re a virtual community. We are far-flung. We are all over the earth. And, so, this is the place that we can come back together and be together. So, be aware of that and check it out.
Check out the community section, either via the app or the…the website and that…that's where the Prayer Wall is. There’s always someone to pray for, always, and there are always people praying. So, you can always reach out for prayer. So, be aware of that and…yeah…pray for each other. That's what we do here. It’s one of the distinctives. It’s one of the beautiful things that we do here, is just accept people where they are on their journey and no matter…no matter where they’ve been or how this is all gonna play out, we’re…we’re willing to accept each other where we are on the journey right now knowing that everybody's in process, none of…none of us have…have reached perfection and just to accept…accept each other where we are and be willing to walk the path and pray for one another and encourage one another. We’re very very good at that here maybe better than anywhere I have ever seen. In fact, not maybe, better than anywhere I’ve ever seen. And, so, we love one another well and there are places like the Prayer Wall to always have a place to reach. So, be aware of that.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com. There is a link on the homepage. I thank you. I thank you profoundly. If what's happening here, God's word spoken read fresh every day and given into the world and community built around that rhythm, encouragement and prayer for one another, if this brings life to you than thank you for being life-giving. There is a link on the homepage. If you’re using the app you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app or you can dial 877-942-4253.
And that's it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Good morning Daily Audio Bible friends this is Kimberly calling from __ first of all I just wanted to welcome any new listeners and just want to know…just wanted you to know that I’ve been praying for you for this new year that you would be truly blessed by this podcast as we…we all are that listen. Along the way you will find that people share wonderful manifestations of the way that this podcast has changed their lives. And, so, I pray that that is…is your case. I…I pray truly that you are blessed and that your relationship with God it grows so much deeper this year than you could ever imagine. Second thing is I just heard Hope calling from the Heartland and I just love your prayer and hope I…I heard about your mom and I wanted to offer my condolences, that I just so appreciate the blessing that you gave of your perspective on her passing. And I often think about what heaven will be like because none of us have seen each other for the most part. I guess at the More gathering and things like that we’ve seen each other’s faces but to a large extent most of us haven’t met or seen each other’s faces but guess what? In heaven we’re gonna know each other and we’re gonna know Hope’s mom. And as I’m driving to work on this beautiful beautiful January morning, I’m just in of the beauty that God has given us on this side of heaven. We had a nor’easter last night and dropped quite a bit of snow and it was a powerful storm and the clouds are low over the town as I drive in the sage brush is covered with snow and it’s just…
Hi DABber family this is Tonja with a J in South Florida and I am so excited. It is January 5th of 2021 and I did it. I did it, I did it, I did it thank you Brian thank you Jill and China. God bless you and your baby girl. I actually did the Bible in a year. And to anyone who thinks you can’t do it just listen and if you…if you forget a week or day…I actually forgot…almost forgot a month because I just was busy with life but I caught up and today I finished the Bible in a year. And I can’t wait I’m already started January with everybody. I am just so happy to be around the campfire and we really our family here. And I did the Bible for the first time in my whole life in the year. I…I’m so excited and even my hubby is getting excited and…and you know…let’s pray to get him listening to this every day as well and…and I’m just…I love the way Brian that you explain what you’re going to say and then you read the Scriptures and then you talk afterwards. It’s very educational. I can’t wait. This is my second year and I’m going nowhere. Stick to everyone. Stick to it. If you fall behind just…no…listen to two or three. I mean lately I’ve been listening to ten a day because I was behind in November and December. And oh I’m just so happy. It is an accomplishment. It was my goal I wanted last year, and I reached it. Thank you very much. I…I love everyone and I love listening to you all and I pray with you all when you pray. I’m just so happy that I’m…I’m crying. How stupid. Anyway…so, have a lovely day and you can do it. If I can do it, you can do it. This is Tonja with a J and have a good day. Bye-bye.
Good morning this is Daniel in Arizona. Good morning family. It is the 6th of January I’m trying into work and I just felt overly compelled by the Holy Spirit to reach out and I’m sorry if I butcher your name. I have some…I do have some hearing problems. So, Zinab in London. I just I heard you call, your first call in to the Daily Audio Bible and I just want to let you know welcome, welcome welcome to this great and wonderful community where we can come together and learn more about Jesus, about the Bible and what…how great it is to be in community with each other with our great Savior. Welcome and I’m just praying for you. My heart goes out to you. And I know that you were saying that you come from a Muslim background and from a lot of stories and that I’ve read and people that I met there could be some…there can be some great rejection. And I just wanted to welcome you with open arms and that we will be continuing, that I encourage everyone in this community to be praying for our…our…our friend here and just encouragement and love. And I just felt so compelled by the Holy Spirit to reach out to you and to know that this is just a wonderful place to be and that we can walk in the freedom of Jesus. And thank you for…for reaching out and may the Lord bless you that may He keep you and as we journey together in 2021.
Good morning Daily Audio Bible family. Hallelujah to God and grace and peace be to all of you. I am calling in this morning for our sister Zinab from London to welcome you sister to this community and just tell you that it’s going to be fantastic journey, to encourage you to lift you up and tilt you know that you will be well loved here. Zinab I encourage you to continue in this journey to be faithful to it to God’s word and faithful to the prayer and the prayers of the community. Love you, we encourage you, we look forward to hearing from you, Zinab. So, blessings to you all.
Good morning DAB family its January 6th and this is Amazed by Grace Sally in Massachusetts. Just wanting to wish you all a wonderful blessed new year as we walk in the Lord together. And I was just so blessed by our Christmas party. So good to hear all of your encouragements and just thankful that I can be out of this body, part of this ministry. And today as Brian was introducing the reading, he mentioned how important it is for us to grow in awareness of God’s presence and our dependence on Him. And that just really struck me because that is so true how much we need to be aware. God is always with us He will never forsake us. And I and we are so dependent on His love and grace and His spirit to guide us. So, thank you for that reminder Brian. And I am thankful that we have this ministry of the Daily Audio Bible to encourage and to support each other. Isn’t it wonderful that God made us a body, a body that can support and encourage each other? So, I pray for each of us as we go into the new year that we will grow in our awareness of God’s wonderful loving presence and our total dependence upon Him. And I’m thankful for the call from our sister in London who is a recent Muslim convert. We do support you and we do love you and we’re so thankful that you joined us. We pray for you to grow in your walk with God along with us as we each need to grow. And again, thank you for all those, Brian, Jill who make this ministry possible and each one who puts a log on the fire. Thank you and thank you God.
Hey guys I actually just found the Daily Audio Bible app.  This year I want…one of my things for the new year was that I wanted to read my whole Bible this year and so I found this, and it has just been such a blessing in my life and I am…I’m just so overwhelmed and amazed at how fast God has worked in my life and the amount of love that I feel from this whole community. So, I’d just like to say thank you and I’d like to thank God for kind of showing me and giving me all of you. It’s actually…I’m coming up on my last ever semester of college in a couple of days and I’m already feeling pretty overwhelmed and stressed out about it. So, if anyone wants to take a couple seconds out of their day and just shoot a prayer for me that’d be very appreciated. Just thank you all.
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allbecauseofhim · 8 years ago
the glory + romance are everywhere
the glory of God is everywhere He’s speaking to you everywhere He’s romancing you everywhere
be open. be ready to listen. be ready to see glory.  i work at a grocery store (i’ll be telling a few stories about my experiences and how God always shows up) and since i have classes during the week, i work mainly every weekend. yeah i know, “that must suck” “don’t you want like a Friday off” honestly, after spending 3 weekends in a row there, i was kind of like, “ugh, i’m not feeling this” but God put me in check real quick. i prayed for this job. more importantly, i pray for God to use me daily… and He can and does right there in that grocery store. it’s funny how we get ungrateful about things we prayed for when they start becoming inconvenient for us. we forgot God was faithful to us and that He has us there for a reason.  your everyday job/life is your ministry. whatever you do, work at it wholeheartedly as though you were doing it for the Lord and not merely for people (colossians 3:23). work at whatever you do, wherever you are placed with your whole heart, because that work is onto the Lord.  just because you don’t have a theology degree, does not mean you aren’t a preacher of the Good News. you are. tell me where Jesus’ certificate in Doctorate of Biblical Studies is at? He was simply called by God. so are you. because you have Jesus inside of you, you get to ask Heaven to come to earth. you get to invite Jesus to come into every situation and help you scan those groceries or make that coffee or stuff lettuce and meat into tacos. even if you talk over the phone for most of your job, you get to invite Him to help you encourage people and be that loving word in their day. you get to ask Him to give you strength when you’re tired and comfort you when someone shoots you down. He’s your partner. He works alongside you.  no matter your job, whatever God has called you to do, IT IS NOT SMALL. YOU ARE DOING KINGDOM WORK. throughout the day, put on the mindset willing to be used by God in any situation. and BELIEVE that God will show up in the middle of your minimum wage paying job. the glory of God is everywhere i’ve gained such a love for people… they are worth knowing. they’re so cool and weird. and it is interesting seeing how we’re all so different, seeing how God is in each of us and the desires He has placed in us individually. i get to hear about how God is working in their lives. i get to hear about their problems and their day so i know how to pray for them. in your job, you get to meet people and talk to them and show the love of Christ. you get to see His glory through each person.  storytime!!! one day, at work, my line was backed up and this woman didn’t have enough money to pay for the rest of her groceries and the man behind her could have been getting impatient and irritated. but he kept smiling at me to know it was fine. i seen God in him so much just by his simple patience. she said, “i’ll just write a check i suppose” and starts rummaging in her purse for another 5 minutes. the man asked me how much she owed and said, “i’ll pay for it.” the woman insisted he not and he said, “no i want to. God bless you. He’s blessed me.” it was beautiful. she was taken off guard and i know that God through that man blessed her stressful day and shined His glory. and it was such a simple act of God… He’s everywhere shining through simple situations.
(sidenote: i don’t live in fairy land and i’m well aware that not every customer is kind and most of them are impatient but it’s just a chance to pray over the situation and ask God to comfort them and do a mighty work in their lives. everyone needs prayer on their behalf. and we, as God’s children, can be intercessory prayer warriors for those around us, and Jesus being our intercessor and advocate tells our Father (1 john 2:1)) KEEP PURSUING HIM AND HIS GLORY He’s speaking to you  storytime #2!!! it was almost closing time and i had checked out an older lady. she had a bunch of gorceries and as she started walking away, i noticed she limped and i could tell she was in pain. so i asked if she wanted me to help put her groceries in her car. she was thrilled.  her name was mildred.  as we were walking out, the Holy Spirit hipped (lol hate that i used this word but ignore it and keep going) me that she needed prayer over her leg. after we put her groceries in her car, i asked if i could pray over her knee. and yeah, i was kind of nervous… what if she said no? but ain’t no fear in the Spirit so let’s goooo. she was again thrilled and started crying. i prayed for her- she had just had surgery on her knee- and her granddaughter who had also recently had surgery. afterwards, she said so many things to me, about my future and my now, and it was completely God speaking through her to me. i was thrilled and i wanted to cry. God met us in a grocery store parking lot… my buddy Mildred and i. what the heck. He spoke to both of us there, right beside the trash can. He doesn’t just meet you at church, early in the morning. He meets you everywhere, in unexpected places, simply because He is called upon. (psalm 145:18) mildred blessed me. way more than i blessed her. but it all happened because i obeyed God’s urge. God was in her words to me… it was confirmation to prayers. what if i hadn’t obeyed God? what are you simply missing because you’re ignoring God’s voice? what are you simply dismissing because you’re not open and willing to really, truly listen? *and there has been plenty of times when i felt God urging me to do something or say something and i didn’t. afterwards, i always wished i would have. but God is merciful and full of grace. He not only forgives, but gives a boundless number of chances. He’ll keep speaking to you even when you mess up or get impatient or lose your cool or don’t hear the first time.  KEEP PURSUING HIM AND HIS VOICE 
He’s romancing you God is a gift- giver and He doesn’t even have to be. He gave His Son to us… beautiful Jesus to die our death!! what more could He give? but as a good Father, He’s constantly giving us gifts and romancing us to say, “hey, I love you more than you know. I pay attention to you.” everyday, filling yourself up on the Word and with Jesus gives you an opportunity to take what He’s poured into you and pour it out onto others. so because Jesus loves me and loves you, and is constantly encouraging us, it’s so important that we pour that out onto others. personally, i feel Jesus constantly urging me throughout the day to tell women that they are beautiful… that their hair looks good… that they have great style… and so forth. sometimes, the women have pajamas on so i’m like ‘if i compliment them, they are going to think i’m trying to be funny or sarcastic’ but i know the urge is because God wants them to know it. He wants them to know He loves them and thinks they're beautiful, so be open to be the vessel and telling woman they’re beautiful… or men they’re handsome… whatever you feel led to say.  God has taught me a lot about beauty this past year; inside and out. i’m comfortable with myself and who i am and what i look like because God created me and thinks i’m a masterpiece. He thinks YOU ARE A MASTERPIECE. but let’s be real, there are days when i don’t feel it all. storytime 3!!! i woke up one Friday and i was struggling sooo bad. i was getting over a sickness, coughing everywhere, didn’t have time that morning to wash my hair before my small group, and my small group was at 8:30 so i just rushed there. i planned on going home, washing my hair, and getting presentable for work after small group (but we ended up talking for hours, therefore when we were done i had to race home to get my work clothes). i threw my hair up and went to work. but guess what. God doesn’t care… even then He thinks you’re beautiful and you SHINE. that same day, a woman told me i was beautiful and in my head i’m like whaaat i’m sick and exhausted and my hair looks like someone could fry an egg on it. but i thanked her and we talked for a minute. when i handed back her money i told her, “you have a blessed night” and she turned around and said, “you know that’s what make you beautiful… Jesus” that’s what makes us beautiful. and that simple romance from God, spoken by that woman, made my night and it was a complete uplift to my spirit and how i viewed myself that day. God meets you in your insecurity and He’ll romance you. be open to listening. maybe He doesn’t send people, but music to speak and romance you. a line in a book that moves your soul. a free cup of coffee when you need it most. small, but sweet gifts from God that you need right at that moment.  thank and praise God for it… for His romance for you and His attentiveness to even the small things you need in your life as you go throughout your daily life. KEEP PURSUING HIM AND HIS ENDLESS LOVE FOR YOU
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dailyaudiobible · 4 years ago
10/02/2020 DAB Transcript
Isaiah 66:1-24, Philippians 3:4-21, Psalms 74:1-23, Proverbs 24:15-16
Today is October 2nd welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I'm Brian it’s great to be here with you today as we move forward and take the next step through the Scriptures, and yeah we’re at the beginning of a new month and a new quarter. And, so, we’re just getting oved in and an understanding of where we are and doing what we talked about yesterday, thinking about finishing well, finishing strong in a…in a year that has done a lot to challenge us. So, let's dive in. And we’re working our way through the book of Isaiah, and we've actually reached the conclusion. Today will be our final day in the book of Isaiah for this year. We’re reading from the Lexham English Bible this week. Isaiah chapter 66.
Okay. So, in Philippians today we kinda dropped into the middle of something that was being said that we had finished up with yesterday. And, so, we see Paul kind of doing the boasting thing again where he’s like…he’s kinda forced to boast in order to defend himself from things that people are saying. So, he’d rather not be doing this at all, but he has to do it. And, so, he's saying what he's done. Like, “I was circumcised on the eighth day. I…I’m from…I’m an Israeli. Like, I’m a natural born Hebrew from the tribe of Benjamin. I was a Pharisee. I was so zealous about it I persecuted the church. I was blameless in keeping the law trying to be righteous before God.” And then Pals says, “but all the stuff that I did, it doesn't mean anything to me. It…it's…it's a loss. Like, I count it as a loss because of what I have gained in Christ.” And that juxtaposition is Paul again saying what he has always said in his letters. “I was trying to obey the rules. I threw myself at it wholeheartedly. I wanted to be able to be righteous before God, so that I could one day be welcomed by God, so that one day I would be righteous before God. And, so, I did all the right stuff, but it wasn't going to me there. So, now I realize it was a loss, like I count it as a loss because of what Jesus has shown me since I've met the Lord.” And once again this is Paul trying to say, “the rules are not the relationship. The rules do not come before the relationship to gauge whether there is a relationship.” For Paul that's like backwards, for Jesus as well. The spirit of the whole thing had been lost and so all that was left were rules when the rules were actually a byproduct of a relationship. And basically…I means…here's a way of looking at it. If you're married…even if you're not married you’re gonna understand this…if you're married you don't…you don't dig out your marriage covenant and read it every time you have a fight, right? Every time you have a disagreement you don’t dig out your marriage license and begin reading and say, “wait a minute. These were our vows. This is what we said.” I mean there are times that this needs to happen, but this isn’t what defines the relationship. Love defines the relationship. And when two people are in love than the rules become apparent and you don’t have to like study and ritualize and try to make the relationship work by the rules. If there’s no love there it's going to be pretty tough to do. And this is what Paul is trying to argue. Like he had tried to do this, always knowing his failures because the law showed him his failures, always having an understanding of God being displeased because of his failures. Everybody felt that way. Like nobody could live up to the law. Everybody felt that way on a continual basis just looking for the other shoe to drop. And that's what Paul is trying to say. Like that's not freedom, that's not freedom. Christ came, fulfilled the law, God began a new thing by raising Him from the dead, faith in Jesus makes us righteous before God, fulfills all of those requirements that we think we have to live up to. We are free to be in love with God, free to be in love with God as He is in love with us. Rather than understanding him as an angry deity we now see Him as Father as our Papa as a loving child would refer to their parents. That’s what Paul has been after today. And, so, he says something very famous. “I haven’t achieved that. That's where this is going. We are all on that path. Why would you want to turn from that path and go back into bondage because somebody's telling you something different than what I've been telling you. Let me tell you my credentials.” And then he goes through his credentials. “I have done this.” That’s his point. “I have done this with all of my heart, and it cannot be achieved, but Jesus came and revealed Himself to me and revealed how this actually works. It's a leap of faith and I have not achieved this. I can't achieve this, it can only be achieved inside me by God”, which is the same for all of us. We can't achieve anything. Everything that we have is a gift from God. “So, I haven't achieved it” Paul says, “but I am trying. Like I am doing one thing. I am forgetting the things that have gone behind me and I am pressing toward the things that are ahead. I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” And that should do for us what it would've done for the Philippians and what it did for the Philippians. And it encouraged to them. It reminded them. And, so, yeah most of what we just talked about are things we have talked about before, but Paul repeats these things in the letters and the letters got passed around from church to church so people were being continually reminded in those early days, just like we are continually being reminded now because we forget. And in the same way we get back to the rules. We know our failures. We know we can go to the Father and ask forgiveness but we know our failures. And, so, we live sort of waiting for the other shoe to drop. We live feeling as if we don't keep our act together something bad's going to happen when that's simply…at least according to Paul, at least according to Jesus, that's not how this works. And, so, once again we are reminded of God's mercy and grace and we need to press forward because of the deep and growing love of the relationship that we have with God. The rules become apparent. There are things we wouldn't do against our spouse because we love them, and we wouldn't want to break their heart and we wouldn’t want to cause them pain and suffering. There are things that we wouldn't or shouldn't do in our relationship with God for the same reasons because we are committed in a covenantal relationship and in love. Let's remember that as we head into the end of the week.
Father, we thank You. We thank You that You loved us first. There is nothing we can do. There is nothing we have done to earn that. You have loved us and come for us. And this salvation that we are working out in fear and trembling isn't about how often we step out of line. It's about us being aware of what we will not do because we are committed to You, because we are in love with the creator of our souls, with the lover of our souls. So, Holy Spirit come. Make this a reality. May we live into this fully in the name of Jesus we ask. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is home base, it’s the website, it’s where you find out what's going on around here.
Still reeling, not reeling, just still kind of floating from the announcement we made yesterday about China and Ben expecting their first child, their first baby. And the outpouring of love and good wishes and prayers is so encouraging. It’s like a lifting…lifting spirit and we need that. We need…we need our spirits lifted in these days. And, so, thank you for…for that. And thank you for your continued prayers and…and…and just joy we go through this process and through…then through the winter months and into the spring and then as spring brings new life and this spring will bring really new life into our family and so we’re very excited. And thank you. Thank you for your…your love and being a part of life here in community as…as we move forward.
I remind you that the website is home base. And, so, and it's not very complicated. It's actually made to be pretty simple.
There’s a Community section, that’s where you can get connected on social media and that's where the Prayer Wall is. There is a Shop full of resources for the journey through the Bible in a year. And there's Initiatives, things that are going on around here. So, be…be aware. Check it out.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, I can't thank you enough because the reality is if we didn't do this together, we wouldn’t be doing this at all. And, so, so grateful, so humbled that we can take this journey, day by day step-by-step fresh every day moving forward in life together in community. Like this is really happening, we’re really doing this together. And what a joy that is but it wouldn’t happen if we didn't do it together. So, thank you for your partnership. There’s a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. There is a Give button in the Daily Audio Bible app in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement 877-942-4253 is the number to dial or if you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app…and if you’re not you should…you should be…this is the portal into community, there’s a Hotline button in the app, the little red button at the top, No matter where you are in the world you can…I mean that's sittin’ in your pocket. You got a Hotline, you got a way to reach out at any point when your shouldering things that you just can't carry anymore or when you're so full of joy that you just have to tell somebody because that's community. That’s the friendships that we have forged as we've just gone verse by verse page by page, chapter by chapter book by book all the way to here in the Bible. So, you can always reach out there.
And that is it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Hello this is Lacey from Cape Cod Massachusetts I’m an elderly woman alone in the world with no family. It’s just me and my precious dog and Jesus and I’ve had some serious serious health issues with my back and I’m severely arthritic but my dear precious dog has been very sick and I beg your prayers that…for healing for her and mercy for me because I just cannot imagine life without her. The loneliness and isolation is just so painful. And before Covid…but now with Covid it’s 10 times worse. She’s my baby and my precious companion and I need her, and I love her. Please pray for mercy. Thank you in Jesus’ name. God bless you all. Thank you. I’ve been listening for over a year…about a year. Bye-bye.
It is September 26th this is joyful Jay from the Everglades. I just want to say thank you DABbers. Thank you, Brian, Jill, China and all who make this daily campfire happen. I’m a longtime listener and very rare caller. Change is coming. My fear of saying the wrong thing is less than my fear of not being known by a community of believers who live fearlessly in loving each other and want to be known by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Oh Lord to let people in, to let people know me, you know this is my struggle. Thank you for opening my year and opening my heart. Thank you to all of those who call in on a regular basis. Your voices, your accents, the cadence in your speech. This is how I’m getting to know you. I will not know you because I can see you, but I will know you because I know your voice. Your words bring me joy and at times lay a heaviness on my heart. Just hearing the different tones, the tunes of all your voices and songs. I am crying as I listen to people saying they prayers. Hearing the songs, hearing the prayers, hearing the encouragement is nourishing to my spirit, leaving me wanting more of this community and a desire to change and desire to be known by you. Thank you, Lord Jesus. This is JB saying thank you for all of you calling in and setting an example of caring for each other in prayer. Have a great day. Blessings in the Lord Jesus. Bye.
Good morning DAB family this is Dawn of a New Day from California calling to lift up our sister Tammy from Canada. Tammy God has you in the palm of His hand as your reaching out, your crying out, your trusting and believing even in the face of not feeling like you can still hold on and trust God. In the name of Jesus, you will not crack, you will not fold, you will not lose your mind. You will get the best sleep you have ever received ever. And Father we give You praise, we give You glory, and we give You honor right here and right now not just for Tammy’s sweet sleep but for every person that has insomnia for every person that feels as if their sleep deprivation is cracking their life God. We trust You are Lord. We lift this ministry up to You God. We lift up every prayer request. We lift up our sister who was invited by her two brothers who is excited to be a part of our DAB family God. We lift up each and every heart the grows in Your word that loves Your word. We lift up every single person that listens and absolutely believes and trusts You more God. I pray that we will spread this word of this ministry, that we would then learn and grow and serve, believe God that we would reach out and reach in and…and absolutely not give up. We love You like never before, and we thank You now for loving us back. We love you Tammy. Your DAB family is calling out your name and glory not just this day but in all the days to come and we will hear your testimony of your breakthrough and sweet sleep. God bless you sister. Thank you for calling in for the first time. DAB family sew a seed of support today. God bless you all.
Good afternoon DAB family this is Lady of Victory on Monday, the 28th of September calling in for Jody who called in for prayer for Desiree, a 15-year-old, I believe, who has been diagnosed with cancer that has metastasized to her lungs and other parts of her body. So, we want to lift her up in prayer. God, we thank You, we glorify You, we magnify You because You alone are worthy to be praised. God what a report to have said about someone so Young who is dealing with all that she’s dealing with God. And yet according to Jodi she is not lost for Jesus joy. Some of us have been diagnosed with a lot less God and we have turned our backs on You. And, so, God we thank You for the joy that Desiree has in You in spite of God the diagnosis. Now God our prayer is that You would heal her on this side of every disease God. We recognize that cancer is a name and You said that at the name of Jesus every knee is going to bow. And, so, God we tell cancer to bow in the name of Jesus. God, and we lift her up before You. We ask that a miracle will be performed for Your daughter. God but if that is not Your perfect will for Desiree’s life God it sounds like she’s ready to meet You and to hear those words good and faithful servant well done. And that’s not what we want God while ultimately that’s all of our desires. God but we want her healed on this side, but we also want Your perfect will to be done and established. Comfort the hearts of those around her God who are lifting her up who have to see her suffer. Do it for Your glory.
Hi, DABbers I may first time call inner just started listening to the Daily Audio Bible this January, it is an answer to prayer, truly. I just wanted to call in because after five years of having Ménière’s disease, it’s a…a vestibular disorder a balance disorder, I was able to, little by little, build up an art business but I got very used to working alone, as hard as it was. And since social distancing has occurred, I’m just having a really hard time I find now connecting with people and I’ve always been so gregarious. And there’s so many winds of doctrine out there I…I don’t feel like I fit anywhere anymore. And I…I know that that’s not God’s will for me, that His will is that I live in community but I’m very, very, very confused and I feel very lost and in a real desert place. Not depressed but lonely but yet I feel that there’s this glass around me that I can’t cross over. Also, if you’ll pray for my son. He’s been an addict for 10 years. He’s living in Philly now in a sober home but he’s…he’s using when he can and just so afraid of him dying. God has kept him for 10 years even as a homeless person and he’s had many, many maybe over 40 rehabs. But I really hope that you hold Jesse up in prayer and for his complete deliverance…
Hi family is Purely Pampered of main. I have an answered prayer praise report to call in. Yesterday we helped my son and his fiancée move into a new apartment about an hour away. My future daughter-in-law found a full-time job and today my son started a two-month temporary job. Right before we left their apartment for the last time, I asked them to indulge me and I thanked God for all the wisdom they gained through the challenges they’ve had these past 2 ½ years living there more than I could never go onto and I prayed that as they closed and locked the door they could let go and leave behind all of the pain and look forward to their new beginning. I told them that hundreds of thousands would be rejoicing with them when I called in this praise report. Thanks to each of you prayed for them and thanks to each of you that took the time to call in and pray for them. I won’t list your names, but you know who you are. I so appreciate you. There’s just no explaining how it feels, for others lifting up my family’s needs. Thank you. Please continue to pray for all of us dealing with transgender pansexual and gender spectrum issues in our families. We so need those prayers. I love you family. Bye for now.
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dailyaudiobible · 4 years ago
10/14/2020 DAB Transcriopt
Jeremiah 23:21-25:38, 2 Thessalonians 2:1-17, Psalms 84:1-12, Proverbs 25:15
Today is the 14th day of October, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I'm Brian it is wonderful to be here with you and we’re approaching the middle of another month and I…I don't know where the times going because it seems like it's dragging on but it's not. It’s moving fast. And, so, here we are almost to the middle of October these next couple of days will send us through the middle. And speaking of the middle, we’re in the middle of another week as we continue our journey. This week we've been reading from the New International Version, which is what we’ll continue to do. Jeremiah chapter 23 verse 21 through 25 verse 38 today.
Okay. So, we read Psalm 84 today and I can't help but coming by this territory every year and talking about this. Like there’s all…so many things that happen in a year that have never happened before because the Bible is alive and it speaks to the depths of our souls in new ways, different things, even if we've been through the territory before strike us in new ways and apply in new and unique and inspiring ways, but there are some kind of like road posts along the way along this trail where it’s like, “yeah, this is always…we never need to forget this, we need to remember this always, this needs to get locked in for all time. And Psalm 84's like that because it holds like very…like a very important key to how to live and it explains so much. So, if I say the word desire what is the first thing that comes up? Like a lot of times it's like a sexual thing in nature. That word kind of evokes a…or if I say the word passion kinda the same thing happens. And if I say passionate desire we can apply that to, you know, like an athlete who’s training for the Olympics who’s like left everything else in their lives and focused on this one goal in life, while they, you know, are at a specific age and have specific abilities and are tuning those things so that as a world-class athlete they can compete. But normally these kind words, you put these kind words together and it gets erotic, which isn't a bad thing, either one of them…like pursuing a goal or…or…or sexual desire or whatever that's not like inherently a bad thing. Either way we can kind of understand the words. But we don't usually use those words when we’re talking about God, an intimacy with God. And yet, let me read, let me just read from the Psalm. “My soul yearns even faints for the courts of the Lord. My heart and my flesh cry out for the living God.” You see, that's passionate desire. And we understand passionate desire. We just used a couple of examples, but we could find other ones but we’ve already kind of placed ourselves in those words, but we don't usually think about them toward God. And yet in the Bible, we see the psalmist passionate with desire for God. A little bit later in the Psalm we read, “better is one day in your courts than a thousand anywhere else. I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked.” This is a person whose focus is upon the Lord and the presence of God, to be in the presence of God is the most important passionate pursuit of desire. So, we can look at this and we can say, “yeah, I…I mean that's true. I don't…like the level of passion that I feel toward my spirituality and my union with God is different than any of the other things that I'm pursuing in life. It's different. I want that though. Like I would love to feel the way that the psalmist feels. I would love to live into that, with all of my heart. How? How does it happen?” And this is where we get handed the key. Worship. And the thing is, worship means a lot of things to a lot of people. Worship can be the songs that you sing in church when you are in church. But worship can be the records that you put on and play when you're feeling low and depressed. So, this word kind of is more broad than we understand and yet we kind of define it pretty narrowly and it's all kinds of religious baggage associated with it. I mean worship is a whole genre of music now, but if we want to get to the baseline then we would have to go back to the words that we spoke at the beginning - passion, desire. And one precedes the other, right? Desire precedes passion. Our desires lead our passions. So, it all begins with desire. So, when we apply our passionate desire in any direction it's quickly going to become worship, especially if the expectation is life in some form in return. Worship is a word that describes where we focus our passionate desire in hopes of attaining life, which on the one hand means that we can worship just about anything and in just about any direction, but it also means if we acknowledge our source of life, like if that is a primary thing upon our minds, that God is our source of life, then all of life can become an act of worship, right down to our very breathing. Our breath is a gift of God and with every inhale we are receiving the gift of life. And with every exhale, we are releasing it in faith, that there will be another one. Th psalmist here isn't speaking of theories. The psalmist here is speaking of experiences. The Psalm is attributed to the sons of Korah. Whoever wrote these words experienced union with God and could by comparison and say, “there's nothing that can compare. Like no matter what the circumstances of life are, there’s nothing that I can pour my passionate desire into, give myself over to but my very source of life itself. Once that has been tasted, hard to…hard…there's nothing that can compare. It's hard to go back.” And, so, let's aim our hearts in that direction. And the way to begin is to begin to observe ourselves, watch ourselves throughout the day with the idea that every breath, everything is an act of worship, everything that we do has the ability to open our eyes and make us aware of God's presence because He is no less present to us. Like, we’re just usually not paying attention. Just because we’ve become aware of God's presence doesn't mean that God has come, that God showed up as we like to say. He never went anywhere. He didn't show up. We did. He’s always with us. We just once in a while become aware of it. What if we stayed aware of it with this posture that our primary passion, that our primary desire is toward the source of life itself? There's this old hymn that I heard growing up. I mean it's still a famous hymn it’s still around but it's….it's called “turn your eyes upon Jesus” and it describes what we’re talking about here because it says that the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace. What if we put that into practice today? What if we practice it for the rest of the week and then just look back at how our week went and just see if any of this is true? What we find is that it is true and when we live into this with our passions and our desires focused toward the source of life, which is our Savior remarkable shifts can happen in very, very shortds amount…short amount…amounts of time.
Father, we invite You into that. You've given us an example. We see an example in the psalms. Now we have some understanding and we turn our eyes upon You. We turn our passion toward You. You are our hearts desire. Ultimately, You are our hearts desire. You are the source of life. And, so, why we have orbited around the lesser things that have promised us life is a mystery when You are the only source. And, so, we turn to You and ask that You open our eyes and make us aware of Your presence all around us, everywhere. You will never leave us. You will never forsake us, which means that You are here right now and always whether we’re paying attention to it or aware of it or not. But we want to be aware of it. Our passions and desires, they need to grow. We need to become more and more in tune, more and more aware and less and less asleep to it. And, so, come Holy Spirit lead us deeper into our desire for You we pray. In the name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is home base, it's…it's the website, it’s where you find out what's going on around here. So, certainly do indeed stay connected in any way that you can.
Check out the Daily Audio Bible Shop. There are resources there for this journey including the God of Your Story, the latest book, which is kind of a written…not kind of…it is an attempt to follow the path or some of the paths that we follow through the Scriptures each year and put that in the written form so if we’re ever disconnected from the Internet etc. etc. we can just keep the journey going, keep moving forward. And often, there’s just more context. And it's just having it as part of the rhythm of life that resource was a very, very, hard, hard labor for this…for this purpose and to serve this community. And, so, God of Your Story is there in the Shop. Actually, one thing external to the Shop is a release that we had this year, a guided prayer and musical journey that we released back in July for the Long Walk called Heart, songs of the heart, a contemplative journey. And you get that wherever you get your music, so at iTunes or Google Play or whatever. You just have to go to the Shop. You can't stream these. You have to purchase these albums. The reason is that all of these prayers, if you stream it, then all of these prayers get disembodied from the rest of the project and it's just very weird, kind of like trying to read the Bible without any Hebrew context at all. But that album it seemed to have come at the right time in the summer time and struck a nerve and continue…the stories that I continue to hear from the project are…are incredible, the way that just taking a long walk, just going for a walk and puttin’ some earbuds on and just moving through and praying through the different emotions that we have really, really felt deeply this year and to invite Jesus into that and into the story moving us forward. That is a great resource. So, certainly, check that out.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that dailyaudiobible.com. There is a link on the homepage, and I thank you, I thank you for everyone who’s ever pressed that link or any of the links. Like pressing that link is why we’re here. And, so, thank you for those of you who have partnered with the Daily Audio Bible over the years. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address, if you prefer, is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement 877-942-4253 is number to dial or you can hit the Hotline button in the app, which is the red Hotline button that lives at the top. Be very, very difficult to miss that. You can press the Hotline button no matter where you are in the world and you can share from there.
And that's it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Last week I sat down with the Lord and He began to speak and brought me to a place where I could feel His love and I struggle with that like sometimes when I hear the verse perfect love casts out all fear, I feel like I’m missing something but that was the first time in a long time, 30 years of Christian, I actually felt His love, I felt loved and all I could think of was first John, you love Him because He first loved us and my heart just soared. I was going to go out for a walk and I’ve heard the words Daily Audio Bible and honestly I haven’t listened in two years but when I’m out on the walk and Brian began to read and to talk about God’s love and actually quoted that verse out of first John my heart just soared and I laughed right outload because God is so very faithful to give us what we need, to meet us where we are and that’s why I love Him because He always loves me first and always…
Hello, my name is James Blackstone and I’m calling in regards to prayer. I’m struggling with my faith and my belief in Jesus Christ because I’m at a time in my life where I feel like nothing is working out for me. I’ve been complaining a lot and getting angry lately. Truth is I’ve been struggling with drugs and alcohol the majority of my life. I went to the Dream Center program and did a year and I graduated. But when the coronavirus hit our program stopped. I chose to go back out on the streets and a relapsed. I messed up. So, here I am back in rehab. I need prayer for strength and that God will bring the right people in my life. I miss my mother. I haven’t seen or heard from her in over 20 years. I was in and out of foster homes when I was a kid. Please pray that my mom and family is healthy and protected in Jesus’ name. Thank you for everything and God bless all of you.
Good afternoon family this is Soaring on Eagles Wings from Canada. I, as we are approaching our long weekend or a Thanksgiving weekend, I want to pray for all the truckers in our family. I’ve always admired truckers and the skills that they used to navigate those trucks back and forth and reverse them and this year was going to take a driving course in how to…to drive a truck, not that I’m planning to go anywhere but I just wanted to learn how to drive. But Covid has put a stop to that. So, Father God we have a number of truckers in our family, they do long distances. It’s very…it’s not easy going all those miles and trying to be alert. I ask you therefore God to be their pilot. Cover their hands over the steering wheel with your hands so that you can turn it whichever way they ought to go. Give them far-reaching vision so that they can see ahead Lord God. Give them ears to hear what’s happening round about them and the skill to navigate these trucks in all the areas that they go. And Father, I pray that you keep them safe from Covid. Watch over their families as they do these long distances and leave their families. Protect them from danger. Provide for them. You know their every need. And, so, as I lift them all up to you, we thank God for truckers because they are the ones who move goods and services back-and-forth so that we can eat and drink and be thankful. So, every one of you today, be blessed. Know I’m praying for you. God loves you and so does your family.
Hi friends at Daily Audio Bible this is Karen in Florida and just calling in for prayer today. As I’ve listened to so many prayer requests, I’m praying with you. I’d like you to remember me. About two weeks ago I woke up at 4:30 AM and I’m a single lady, I have a 12-year-old child and I woke up to the sound of someone scratching on my screen at my bedroom window and I…I thought it was just an animal or something and I waited for a while and it was someone at my window and of course I called the police but no one was around that time when they showed up and…and didn’t do a whole lot really about it, just took a report and said, you know, it’s probably just not gonna happen anymore and I doubt we would find anybody and…and it was kind of disheartening but the screen is torn up and so now I am trying to figure out how to finance getting some better windows put in my house or getting an alarm system definitely getting some better lighting outside. It’s been a bit of a challenge to try to even get people over here to…to do anything. And, so, I had to wait a week for an electrician to…to show up to give me an estimate on the lighting for outside and I’d like to get some cameras and I’ve just become fearful it’s 2 AM on Saturday, October 9th or 10th and I’m awake calling in asking for prayers. So, please pray for me. I would appreciate it.
Good morning DAB family this is Paul of the Child Advocate from the LA area calling. I wanted first to do a shout out for all the first-time callers. Many of you who share that your longtime listeners, it’s so encouraging to hear your you say your first-time caller and just increasing our family so much and it’s just nice to get to hear another voice and start to recognize your voice. And I wanted to stay congratulations to China and Ben. I actually met China quite a few years ago now when Brian and family were in Los Angeles. She was just a little girl then and she was manning the table, the greeting table, and we chatted for a few minutes and she was just a darling girl. So, I’m so happy for the whole Hardin family. And by the way Brian, I’m going to become a grandmother again soon too. My daughter Allie, our daughter Allie is pregnant, and I wanted to ask for prayers for her. She has a rare condition known as cholestasis, it happens during pregnancy and this is her third pregnancy and she had it with one of her other boys. This one is gonna be a girl by the way. Anyway, it’s a liver disease and it’s very dangerous towards the end of her pregnancy. So, please keep Allie and her baby girl in your prayers. And I also wanted to give a little shout out to Brian on your book the God of Your Story. I faithfully read it along with listening and I have to say it enhances the reading…the listening and the reading so much. I mean you just kind of, you know, expand on what you’ve said, and I just enjoy it. Thank you so much.
Good morning or afternoon depending on where you are, I’m calling from sunny South Florida and I’m calling today in reference to the young man who called this morning regarding the issues that he’s having on his job. He said that he was a first-time caller and did not identify himself, but God knows who you are. I would just like to encourage you to just hang in on in there. I understand exactly where you’re coming from. Several years ago, I had the same issue. I was going to work doing everything that I needed to do, meeting all the deadlines that needed to be met, having all the parent conferences and student conferences as necessary; however, I was the target for the year. I continue to pray for them, and God delivered me from them. So, I want to say to you, be encouraged. Look to the hills from whence cometh your help. God knows all about us. One thing about it is He has promised never to forsake us. We’ve got to pray for the workplace bullies. Trust God forever. Cherish the moments.
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dailyaudiobible · 5 years ago
05/24/2020 DAB Transcript
2 Samuel 4:1-6:23, John 13:31-14:14, Psalms 119:17-32, Proverbs 15:31-32
Today is the 24th day of May welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian it is wonderful to be here with you today as we reach out our collective hands and twist the knob and open the door and walk into this brand-new week together. Everything is out in front of us. We have this reset. This is the last full week of the 5th month of the year. Yeah, a week from today is the last day of this month. So, we are oriented, we are ready to live into this, we are ready to hear what God has to say through His Word into our lives this week as we join our hearts and minds around this Global Campfire. So, we got a brand-new week and we’ll read from the English Standard Version this week and we’ll pick up the story. And at this point the story is highly focused…well…on somewhat the tumultuous times as King Saul has died and King David has become king of Judah, the tribe of Judah. And, so, there's kind of all this unrest about who's going to be the king and how and all the intrigue and drama around that and people are watching David, they’re watching what he does, how his posture is. And, so, we continue with that story today, second Samuel chapters 4, 5, and 6.
Father, we thank You for this new week that we are walking into and we…we mark this every week by just considering the fact that it's in front of us, it's the future, it's what we are immediately walking into and we…we do this because we don't want to walk into a blindly just kind of floating along. We want to walk into it intentionally with You and we've learned from our reading as we begin this week is that we are to love one another as You have loved us and…oh…that's…in our own strength that is not possible. We can try and try and try and try and maybe make it through a day, but it…without Your Holy Spirit guiding our steps we can't do that, and we confess that. And, so, we see that in order to obey You we need You. And, so, come Holy Spirit we surrender to You and invite You to show us what it looks like in this coming week to love each other as You have loved us. Come Holy Spirit into this we ask in the name of Jesus. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is home base, it’s the website, it’s where you find out what's going on around here in a virtual community. So, stay connected there. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can access most of this stuff as well from within the app.
So, the Daily Audio Bible Shop is there full of resources for this daily rhythm that we have in our lives.
The Community section is where you go to find the Prayer Wall as well as the different links to reach out and interact and connect on social media. So, be familiar with that.
The Initiatives section is what's going on around here. So, certainly be familiar with that as well.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com. There is a link on the homepage. Thank you, thank you profoundly. There wouldn’t be anything going on around here if we were not in this together. And, so, thank you for your partnership. So, there’s a link on the homepage. If you’re use using the app, you can press the Give button. The mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement you can dial 877-942-4253 or you can hit the Hotline button, the little red button at the top in the app and share from there.
And that's it for today. I'm Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Hi DAB family this is Rosie from Spring Hill. I am calling in to Lisa from San Jose. Just wanted to give you my condolences for your husband Craig. I am a hospice nurse. I just started a few months ago so I don’t have a lot of experience but I do know that a lot of times people feel like they don’t do enough or don’t do a good job and I just want to let you know that I know you said that you want to do God’s will and I believe that being there with your husband and spending the time with him and loving him even though it was a scary time and difficult to watch and very sad and emotional you stayed with him and loved him and I think that was doing God’s will. I think that was very Christlike. And I know you said he had a little pain at the end and that it was a little bit better. And I’ve heard it explained to me that it’s kind of like your last struggle or last wrestling with God and I’m glad that he gave you that the gift of him being alert to read Brian’s book Sneezing Jesus together. That sounds special and just something that beautiful that God gave you as a last memory, happy memory together. And I hope that you’re doing well, and I hope that you are feeling God’s presence and His peace and comfort.
Hi it’s Sherry from Kansas and this is for those people who have worked hard and sacrificed to build their own businesses and to make progress toward achieving their goals and now because of what’s happening in the world they could potentially lose their businesses or lose what they’ve worked so hard for. And I know that God knows, He’s seen your works, he’s seen your sacrifice. But I just want to say that sometimes when I’ve felt like I lost everything that I would be worshiping the Lord and all of a sudden it would hit me that I didn’t need anything in this world. I…there was nothing I needed to pray for because I had everything, I needed in Him. So, I just want to say that we need to keep our hearts and our minds set on him and regardless of what’s going on around us He is truly all and everything that we need. [singing starts] turn your hearts upon Jesus. Look full in His wonderful face and the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace [singing stops]. God bless you all. Bye-bye.
Good morning this message is for Chris from Michigan. My name is Christina Rose I’m in Denver right now and I wanted to pray for you about the situation with your teenage daughter who is feeling hopeless. I’m a mom, I have daughters, they’re in their 20s. And storms come and go in this life. Now, I am a survivor of a teenage suicide attempt myself. I went to school in South America and had a class of five people and the isolation was very depressing to me. And fortunately, my mother intervened and…as I’m still here today. I look on that now and remember how painful it was for my mom when she saw what was going on and such a distressing time for parent. Storms come and go. Isolation is the enemy. Even if your daughter can’t be with her friends just do whatever you can to back her up and just…just tell her would she be tempted…I look back and I think…I said I would have missed out on marriage and children and surfing under the Golden Gate Bridge and I mean a million wonderful things if I had just given up in the middle of the storm. And just encourage her to hang on. Things turn around. That is the way of life. We go through storms. Now my dad did successfully take his life and I have to tell you I feel him around me all the time saying he’s sorry and feeling regretful that he hadn’t seen the big picture and if he had he would’ve stayed. That leaving solves nothing and your…your loved ones, you have to watch your loved one’s carry-on without you which is very painful. You can write to at christinarose.org. God bless you and your family, and I pray that every day you would be well.
Hey DAB family just calling to say hi and this is Reggie from Iowa and hi dad if you’re listening. And I’m calling to pray for Chris from formerly New York City who just called in and he said he was healed from an infirmity and was asking for prayer for his…for insomnia. Dear God, I just thank you so much for Chris and this this beautiful community that were all in, the DAB family. Father I pray that You will just touch Chris today Jesus and I pray that You will help them to sleep well at night. God Your word…Your word says that…that those who trust in You will be able to lay down and rest and sleep peacefully at night. I pray God that You will touch Chris in a mighty way, give him Your peace and may all things work together for…for his good and for Your glory God because I know that he loves You. Touch him and his family today in Jesus’ name. Amen. Love you DAB family. You guys are awesome. Thanks Brian and Jill for all you do. Have a great day.
Good morning everybody it’s Susan from Canada calling. I just heard on the daily prayer that Chrissy from Alabama wants us to pray for her friends in Texas whose daughter died in a car accident and second daughter is in ICU. They were hit by a drunk driver. And Lord God, Lord heavenly Father Jesus be with that family. Dear Lord, I know what suffering for Your children is like. And it’s not a good space to be in but we know that You are the Lord, that You are the King of kings and the Lord of lords. We know that You love us. We know that Your comfort will heal us. And I pray Lord over the family, the girl in ICU, __ a healing touch from You. And dear God I pray for the family whose grieving such a huge loss. Lord God just be with each and every one of them as they just have to climb out of this hole that they’re in. Lift them dear God. Lift them high with You where they can soar as eagles’ wings. Of Lord Jesus just be with them and this little girl in ICU dear God. I just don’t know why we have to go through these things but we trust in Your love for us in all things and in all ways. Bless all of us Your God as we travel through these difficult times. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
Hello this is Jackie from Decatur Texas I’m a new DAB listener. It was by the grace of God that I came up upon DAB and was curious about it and…well…now here I am about a month into listening. I love the community and what it offers. I’ve wanted to call in to request prayer, but I lacked the confidence in doing so until now. I was married for 24 years, now divorced for three years. The divorce was ugly, which tore and ripped many things. I currently live with my whole family due to the fact that I’ve recently discovered that I am codependent. I wondered why I felt this need to provide for my adult daughters, their families, my mom and my brother. Our home is an emotional mess right now with disagreement, discord, and dysfunction. I need prayer please. My heart is heavy with the many things the enemy has used against my family. He has attempted kill, steal and destroy. I cry out to Abba, how long oh Lord? I am worn and wary and lacking in my faith. I’m still grieving and hurting over such loss from the divorce. I have no hope and I covet your prayers. Thank you.
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dailyaudiobible · 6 years ago
04/25/2019 DAB Transcript
Judges 4:1-5:31, Luke 22:35-53, Psalms 94:1-23, Proverbs 14:3-4
Today is the 25th day of April. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian and it is always, always, always a joy to walk in here around the global campfire. And here we are together, stepping outside of all of the responsibilities and obligations and even chaos that's going on around us, and just let God's word wash into our lives and in over us and into us and then we leave this time rejuvenated. It's pretty amazing what can happen in just a few minutes with the Scriptures. So, let's get to it. We've begun the book of Judges and we’re beginning to meet the judges. We met 3 of the 13 judges yesterday. Some of these judges, you know, there’s just a paragraph of mention, others have the full, you know, kind of story and what we’re ultimately learning is what happened after Moses and Joshua, what happened after the children of Israel moved into the promised land. So today we’re reading from the English Standard Version and we’ll read Judges chapters 4 and 5.
Okay. So, in the Old Testament we’re learning of the judge Deborah, a valiant woman leader of Israel and of Jael who did away with the enemy lieutenant general in a way that would've at bare minimum taken some bravery, right? You’re sneaking up on a man of war as he sleeps with a tent peg and a hammer and…and yeah you drive the tent peg with the hammer into the head of Sisera, the general and, of course, he dies doing away with the military leader who has been oppressing the children of Israel in their land for a couple of decades, which is powerful imagery. I mean going back into that time, it is an entirely patriarchal world. So, seeing Deborah and Jael once again shows God pulling people forward, pulling...pulling them forward even as they're doing everything they can to fight against Him and His will and ways for them.
We move into the gospel of Luke and we’re moving back into the passion narrative and we find Jesus in intense agony of prayer in the garden of Gethsemane. And even though we have just passed through Easter and have just kinda lived out this story it comes at a good time. It's easy for us to get through Easter and just kind of move on. We've focused our energy and efforts on the passion narrative and then we just kinda move on. It's nice to encounter it again and let it sink more deeply into our souls, what it cost, what it cost for us to take for granted, our freedom's.
Then we get into the book of Proverbs and we hear these words, “where there are no oxen the manger is clean, but abundant crops come by the strength of the ox.” So, if the manger weren't clean because the ox was there, how would the ox have made the manger dirty. It would've made manger dirty by just being itself right and just doing whatever it did, including pooping and peeing all over the place. It has to be cleaned up to keep the barn clean. So, the barn will stay clean without the animals, but the abundant crops won't come without the strength of the animals. So, you have to maintain the animals in the barn in order to have the strength to have the abundant crops. And this, like most of the Proverbs, simply imitates our lives. The proverb wasn't written to give us an agricultural lesson. We can kind of deduce that if you’ve got an ox in a barn and you’re not to clean up the barn then the barn's gonna be disgusting, but in our lives in community things can indeed get messy at times and they need to be maintained and cleaned up, but the strength that we have together is vastly superior than the strength that we have isolated and alone. And if we want an abundant harvest for the kingdom, then we’re going to have to learn to clean up after ourselves and even clean up each other's messes. It's gonna get messy. And I think that we can probably even as the body of Christ to deal with the mess if we could get over who we’re going to blame for the mess. And the best possible way that we can do that is to realize that we are all a mess, but together we are strong.
Father, we invite You into that. We work so hard to not look messy. We work so hard to disguise the truth of the fact that we’re all going through the same life at the same time on planet Earth with all of the same challenges and some of us are more challenged than others in certain areas, but we’re all challenged and we’re all struggling and we’re all learning that we are utterly dependent upon You and the faster that we can learn the faster that we can just deal with the mass and we can just clean the barn and we can maintain it and then we can have an abundant harvest for Your kingdom once we get out of our own way and out of Your way. So, come Holy Spirit. Help us to be patient. Help us to offer grace today. Help us to reveal Your kingdom today and be mindful of the fact that's what we’re doing with every thought, word and deed in our lives. Come Jesus we pray. In Your mighty name we ask. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is the website, its home base, its where you find out what’s going on around here. So, be sure to stay tuned and stay connected in any way that you can or that you want too.
Check out the Community section of the website. That gives you all the links to stay connected. Check out the Prayer Wall. That is wonderful place to stay connected as well. All of this is available in the Daily Audio Bible app, as well as the website. So, check it out.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com. There is a link on the homepage. If you're using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or, if you prefer, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment 877-942-4253 is the number to dial.
And that is it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Hello everyone, this is Kiki in Arizona, it’s a beautiful night out here. And what I’d like to say is that I have a praise. My husband is doing better with his broken hip. He’s in his second rehab. Hopefully he’ll be home in two weeks, we’re not sure. But I really wanted to call in and say is that Brian, I just love this Daily Audio Bible. I’m in my fourth month of listening to you and I have never heard a pastor as good as what you have told us. I’ve never heard the it read the way you read it. I’m learning so much. All the years I went to Sunday school and church I have never been so intrigued with the Bible. I can’t believe how much I’m listening and learning and remembering every day and I want to say thank you so, so much for all that you have done in this four short months for me. A Gentlemen the other night said, “your commentary”. And I was trying to figure out what was the word to use about what you say after the readings and commentary I think was the right word. Your commentary on Good Friday after the readings was spot on for me. I thought of how you said it’s such a solemn day on Good Friday and how would we have felt the day that Jesus was crucified and how we have taken that ourselves. It would’ve been terrible. It still is terrible to think about it. And I saw the movie of the crucifixion on __ and I watched that. And tomorrow will be a great day. Tomorrow will be Easter Sunday and He has risen and I thank you, thank you, thank you. Everybody out there, thank you for all the prayers. So, I just want to end it before it ends me. So, thank everybody and happy Easter.
Hello, my DAB family this is Mark Street from Sydney Australia. Today is Resurrection day, Sunday the 21st of April. Family, I’m just ringing in because unfortunately the devil has got to me today and I’m really, really, really angry with myself. My exes new husband pushed my buttons about things that I was not doing. Just to cut a long…I’m not gonna say he said, she said, but at the end of the day I did the wrong thing. I lost my temper totally and just screamed at him and I’m so angry with myself. Of all the days when Christ told us to __ through words I can’t __ words and...ahhhh…just so angry with myself. This Lenten season I’ve been so good and this last day…ahh…please pray for me that God will turn this evil situation where I lost it into something good and I can come out the other end a better person. I’m just so disappointed in myself as well. Thank you, family. Bye.
Hi all this is the Misfit Man from Cincinnati. Just calling in today to give some encouragement to Johnny from Colorado. I just wanted to let you know that we are definitely lifting up Nick in prayer and I just wanted to encourage you to never stop reaching out to this community and never stop praying, lifting your friends up in prayer, and lifting everything up in prayer to God and that this, this is the church. And my pastor has a saying. He says, “there’s nothing like the church when it’s working right.” And this Daily Audio Bible community is the church working right because the church is not one, two, three buildings in your town or however many, you know, brick and mortar things there are with the name “church” on it. The church is all of us, every believer in Christ in the entire universe coming together, lifting each other up, holding each other accountable, being there for each other when we’re down and praising with us and rejoicing with us when we’re having great times. So, just never forget that. No matter what happens in your life, reach out to the people around you, be in community weather it’s over the phone calls here or face-to-face just, never lose that. There’s going to be discouraging times in your life when things don’t make sense but just remember in those times that there is one thing that makes sense and that’s Jesus. And to reach out to him and to all of us who are also trying to follow him. So, love you brother. Keep up the good work man. All right. Bye.
Good morning Daily Audio Bible family, this is Julie calling for Lisa. Lisa I am virtually holding my hand out to you right now in response to your call. I am praying to our Father to heal your husband’s cancer and give him strength and you as well. And I’m praying so very hard for you right now, that the Lord heal your illness, your problems and let you breathe well. I’m praying this very hard. And Lisa I want you to take your hand and put it in your heart and say, “keep the faith” and then reach it out into the sky and make a fist and pull it in and say, “grab the grace.” And I want to keep the faith and want you to grab that grace because it’s yours and I want to breathe easy. Lord, please watch over Lisa and help her. Lord please dry her tears and make her smile and give her strength. For this I pray. Amen. Have a good day.
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dailyaudiobible · 7 years ago
07/30/2018 DAB Transcript
2 Chronicles 26:1-28:27, Romans 13:1-14 , Psalms 23:1-6, Proverbs 20:11
Today is the 30th day of July. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian. It is always a pleasure, always an honor to be here with you every single day, taking the steps necessary to lead us through the Bible in a year. And so we've come for the next step. And we're reading from the New English Translation this week. 2 Chronicles 26:1-28:27.
Okay. So in Romans today Paul continues to show us how to be in the world, how to live this life after a manner like Christ. And his conclusions come down to what the whole Bible concludes. It's all gonna come down to love. Paul says, Owe no one anything except to love one another. For the one who loves his neighbor has fulfilled the law. Paul says that every rule, every law, comes down to one thing: love your neighbor as yourself. If you're doing that, if you're obeying that, you're obeying the rest. But obviously loving your neighbor as you love yourself is more challenging than just saying it. Now we're not going to actually be able to do it until we wake up to the realization that we don't have to live any other way. All of the things that we do that prohibit us from living in love need to be disregarded as if they were dirty clothes. That's what Paul said. So in other words, we need to take off what is filthy and put on some clean clothes. Put on love. And then Paul gives us a little description of what filthy clothing might look like. What it is that's filthy on us that we might need to take off. Wild parties, drunkenness, sexual immorality. And we can be like, Yeah, yep. We hear that all the time. I've been told that my whole life. But Paul's list isn't just about being wild. Paul's list includes quarreling and jealousy. So think about that for a minute. It's easy to pass judgement against those who are in the party scene because it's blatant and clearly not a lifestyle that's going anywhere. But what about jealousy and quarreling? That brings it right back home. But for Paul and his list, quarreling and jealousy are in the same league as sexual immorality and wild drunkenness because none of those things can really be done in love, right? We can't commit adultery in love. We might think we've fallen in love with somebody else and so we're living in that direction, but we are breaking a vow that is deeply wounding someone else. That can't be done in love. You can't murder someone in love. You can't covet in love. You can't steal from someone in love. Which invites us to consider what else we may be involved in that we can't do in love. These are things that we can't do in love, these are the filthy clothing that we need to take off and throw away if we want to reflect the glory of the Lord upon the earth as God's children. That's what Paul says. Instead, put on the Lord Jesus Christ and make no provision for the flesh to arouse it's desires. So the rule of love must guide us if we desire to live godly lives. Everything else will become natural. Everything else will snap into place if we'll live our lives in love. And as we reorient and become more Christlike, as we continue to be sanctified by the work Jesus has done on our behalf, we will grow in love.
Father, we invite Your Holy Spirit into this. We ask that You begin to reveal to us the ways in which we are certainly not behaving in love, that we are not living in love. You've given us a way to consider this by simply asking ourselves before we act or speak, Can I do this in love? Come Holy Spirit, we pray, into this question. We ask in Jesus name. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is the website, its home base, it's where you find out what’s going on around here. So, be sure to check it out.
Stop in at the prayer wall. Pray for your brothers and sisters. Stop by the Daily Audio Bible shop where there are resources for the journey through the Scriptures.
And if you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com as well. And I thank you. I thank you humbly. If you're using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the give button in the upper right-hand corner. Or if you prefer, the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996, Spring Hill, Tennessee, 37174.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment, 877-942-4253 is the number to dial.
And that's it for today. I'm Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Hi everybody. This is Tony from Germany and I just want to share something. Yesterday was my birthday, July 25th. And I wasn’t doing anything special but I got a lot of, you know, happy birthday wishes on Facebook and friends and so forth. So anyways, I was thinking, oh, I wish I could get a birthday wish from the people or have some kind of connection with my Daily Audio Bible family. And today is the 26th and I’m just a little bit behind in my…in the podcast recordings and today, just now, I turned on the Daily Audio Bible and Brian announced that today was Ezekiel’s birthday. Happy birthday, a day belated Ezekiel. What is also really interesting is I started listening to Daily Audio Bible when Brian was reading Ezekiel. And that is what got me hooked. So, there I got my little beautiful, actually, big birthday gift from Daily Audio Bible. And I just wanted to share that. The other thing is, I am reading Sneezing Jesus to my mom and she is in a nursing home and sometimes her minds not all there because of the medication she’s taking but she always asks: now, so, are you going to do the reading tonight? So, I wanted to share that. Have a great day everyone. Bye-bye.
Hi Daily Audio Bible family it’s Laura in Houston. I’m calling because some months ago somebody called in and said, hey let’s call in our answers to prayer and I was really convicted. And here I am, months later. So, a while back I asked you all to pray for the man I was dating at the time in our relationship. And I want to give a praise. Thank you for praying. We got married this May. We were engaged in December and got married in May and it has been just an amazing journey and God has been in it and we are very thankful for each other and am I’m very thankful to you for praying. And I also wanted to reach out to Keisha, when you called in with your request it really resonated with my heart and I’ve been praying for you and I wanted to say that God has delivered me from a family, I guess you’d call it, sin, a family sin. And it was a spiritual battle, like a real spiritual battle. I’m so thankful to the Lord. He is faithful. He is good. And He is…we are victorious through Him. And family. I also wanted to call in and ask you to pray because my husband Toby and I are trying to discern, what is the Lord’s will for my career. We are having a couple of great career options that are very different. I’m graduating with my Masters in counseling but I am not sure which job to take. They’re all great. And, yeah, I want to make sure I’m really following Jesus and not just trying to do good things. Like, that interaction with Jesus, having that relationship is really important, most important. Love you all.
Hi. This is Victoria Soldier. I’m just calling tonight to pray for some of the DABbers. I wanted to pray for Rich. It’s so good to hear from you Rich. And looks like you’re doing good with the help that you got and I’m just thanking and praising God and looking to hear and see greater things from you. I’ll continue to pray for your strength and your faith and your future. I want to say hi to Walking by Faith and to pray for her and Asia and I want to pray for Stephen Alabama and I want to pray for those who having problems in their marriage and those who are going through depression. I want to pray for those who have lost a loved one and that are fighting to pull themselves back up, for their strength. I want to pray for Blind Tony and Pastor Gene and all the people of God. I want to pray for Brian and his family. Gracious Father, we come before Your throne of grace. Father, in the name of Jesus, just thanking You for being God, thanking You for being mighty and holy and to let them remember that You’ll never leave them nor forsake them, that You’re always there. All they have to do is call on You and You’re a present help in the time of trouble. Lord, You have Your way Father. Continue to strengthen Rich. Continue to guide him and keep him in Your perfect peace. Oh Lord, we ask You to touch Steve in Alabama and Walking by Faith. Continue to be their strength and their guide and continue to use them as You’ve been using them in the mighty name of Jesus. Blind Tony and Pastor Gene, continue to strengthen her and Viola and all of those who are having challenges on their job. People seem to love drama on their jobs and we’ve got to continue to pray and remember that even a fool is considered wise when he holds his peace. Oh, continue to have Your way. Continue to touch Brian and all the people of God. And Lord, we will give You the glory and honor and praise. And also…
Good morning Daily Audio Bible family. This is Becky in Orlando. I apologize, I stepped away from our Daily Audio Bible family campfire and I got lost in the wilderness for like a year. And I have found my way back to you guys and I’ve been listening to our campfire stories for the last couple days. And I’ve been missing you guys and I thank you Brian for still hanging in there and reading the word of God every day. And I thank God for still being with me. And I thank you guys for staying in the word. It’s so great to be able to hear Blind Tony and his problems still. Thank you. And I did get to hear that James the teacher in LA is going through some difficulties right now. So, I’ve got you and Kayla in my prayers. Shantay from Michigan, I miss you. I don’t know if you’ve been calling in. Becky, from Philadelphia, I miss you also. Sophia and Claire out in the Pacific Northwest, I hope you guys are doing well. And Jan, the Prayer Warrior Princess in California. I am praying for you. And, anyway, I love you guys like crazy and I thank the Lord because I avoided an accident this morning. There was my road that I take every day for work was shut down and I guess I thank Him for being late this morning just a couple minutes late because if I had been running on time I would have been stuck in the traffic also. So, I am still alive and kicking. A bit late for work today but I praise the Lord because I’m still alive and I can to continue to do His work. So, I pray for Him to just show me the way, show me where He wants me to be. So, I am working for a new company, I’m not sure if it’s where he wants me to be. So, I’m just asking for, yeah know, sight for that…
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dailyaudiobible · 4 years ago
06/27/2021 DAB Transcript
2 Kings 10:32-12:21, Acts 18:1-22, Psalms 145:1-21, Proverbs 18:1
Today is the 27th day of June welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I'm Brian it’s great to be here with you today as we greet a brand-new shiny sparkly week. And yeah, we get to do this 52 times each journey that we take through the Bible. And, so, this is one of those times where, yeah, at the beginning of the week 52 times a year we can reset and just realize this week is something we’re going to live into, but we haven't yet, and we can make some decisions that set the tone about what this week is going to look like no matter what the circumstances bring us. And one way that we do this is to stay rooted in the Scriptures and allow them to instruct and guide our steps. So, brand-new week here. And before this week is out, and this is a big deal friends, before this week is out, we will cross the threshold of the halfway point in our journey, and we’ll find ourselves in another month before this week is over. So, let's dive in and take the next step. We’ll read from the New International Version this week and picking up where we left off. Second Kings chapter 10 verse 32 through 12 verse 21 today.
Father, we thank You for Your word and…and again we are grateful that You have brought us safely and successfully here to this point in time where we greet a new week. And in this week, we're going to greet a new month. And that may not be a big deal, it’s just another day but we mark the time because it allows us to look back and see Your faithfulness every step of the way. And, so, we are grateful that You have brought us to this point. So, we invite You, we become aware of Your presence constantly at work in our lives. We ask that You continue to lead us deeper into our relationship with Jesus as we continue deeper into the Scriptures. And we ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Hi this is Angel Heart. I kind of have a little bit of  twist today. I was visiting with my daughter and my grandson my mom today and…and I really had a good day. Even though I was having my struggles I had a good day and I want to thank God for that. Thank you, Jesus for giving me this good day. And I wanna thank you for praying for me all the days that you guys have been praying for me. It's been hard and it's been very long, but I did have a good day and I went into my room to lay down and my grandson was looking for me and he doesn't normally do that, but he did that to me today and it made me feel so blessed that he actually was looking for me and not my mom or his mom. He was looking for me this time and it just filled my heart full, and it made me want to cry even though I can't cry. But it made me want to cry. So, I just want to thank everybody for everything that you've been doing for me. So, thank you and God bless you and I'm praying for you, and I hope you have a blessed day. Thank you. Bye-bye.
Hi family this is Suzanne from Albuquerque. I just wanted to lift a couple people up today in prayer. Father we bring to You Desperately Seeking Jesus. And we know that she has been hurting from the loss of so many family members during this month of June and she's having to walk the gauntlet every year as she passes through June and remembers those who she loves so much, and she's lost. We know You're holding her in Your beautiful loving arms close to Your heart. And You are there for the broken hearted and You love every tear. And we thank You so much for…for caring for her. I also want to lift up Danny from Southern Oregon who’s worried about her best friend, the wildfire. Please…please help them modify that…that at least get it under control. She's worried about her best friend and her fathers in the hospital not doing well. We know that You are loving them and caring for them and there is a purpose to all things that You do and touch with Your…Your beautiful arms and we thank You so much. God bless you family. Please know that even though I don't call in very much, I think I'm just kind of a reserved person and so it's…it’s hard for me but I do love you and I pray for every one of you. I don't always get through all the community prayer every week, but I try. Every prayer I hear and even those that I don't I am lifting you up here. So, thank you family. I love you.
Good morning I'm about a month behind listening to the Daily Audio Bible and I heard Grace and Peace and Heart call and ask for help to pray for her husband who is unsaved and for the division in their marriage and I felt compelled to call and just give a brief testimony. I too was married with division. Both my husband and I were unsaved when we got married and I got saved after the birth of my daughter and for 21 years I prayed for my husband and when God performed a miracle and that miracle included God himself waking my husband up in the middle of the night and asking him the question, “what is salvation?” And a week after that my husband suffered a massive heart attack, a heart attack that the doctors say he should not have survived from. It included 100% inclusion at the sight of the widow maker. He was…coded 7 times and was on defibrillation, the chest compressions for 45 minutes but he survived that, and not only did he survive that, but the doctor said he shows no signs of ever having a heart attack of that nature. He's on no cardiac meds and he's healthy today. And that is only through God's grace. But I do want to say this, for 21 years I feel like part of the reason why it took God so long to answer my prayer was because of me, because he was…he was teaching me, he was growing me. I mean I stood against my husband for those 21 years that I was praying for him and…and I took control in my marriage, and I caused a lot of harm and when I finally got a clue and started looking at my part in this then God was able to work and again, he performed a massive miracle. And I will just say that God had a plan from the very first prayer I ever prayed, and he has a plan for you as well. Don't give up. Hold on.
Hello Daily Audio Bible family this is Diana His Dearly Beloved in Minnesota it is June 24th and I just finished listening to the podcast and some of the prayers and just had to call in in response to Blind Tony's beautiful poem. Your poems so touch me Blind Tony and I'm so grateful for you. I love each person who calls in. And just…this podcast is completely amazing. I was recently diagnosed with metastatic cancer in February, and I've had four surgeries since then. It's kind of a strange cancer. It's a neuroendocrine tumor and chemotherapy doesn't work so you basically just have to cut it out with surgery, and I have been able to stay positive and grateful during this whole time thanks to your prayers and encouragement of friends and family. And just…just this podcast has meant so much to me. And I want to encourage people that no matter what is going on in your lives that God is there with us, and we just need to stay in communication and stay close to our Lord Abba Father and His presence and, yeah, give Him our time and not allow ourselves to be so swept up with the daily craziness and to make time. It's the most important thing that we can do each day. Also want to do a shout out for supporting the Daily Audio Bible. I have been doing that, really just for the last couple of years, although I've been listening for a long time, I'm embarrassed to say but I planning continuing support this ministry and love each of you and pray for you. Take care. Bye.
Hi DAB family this is Kathy from Virginia and I have a praise report of sorts. I've been listening and praying along with you all for four years, but have never called in. I consider myself a very private person usually keeping my concerns worries really between God and me and really never had the courage to call in. However, this private relationship between God and me was really shattered yesterday unexpectedly by a call and a prayer from Roslyn in North Carolina. This is on June 23rd. So, two weeks ago I began praying intently for direction and guidance on an issue I'm dealing with at work and spent more time than usual really in quiet thought prayer and reading and I was weepy and sort of fraught with anxiousness even though I knew was held by God. And late last week I began to have a constant sensation at the stop back left of my head like I was being touched. And I kept feeling back there and could not find anything back there and thought that's such an unusual place to have a sensation. And yesterday Roslyn shared her vision of our Father Abba holding a fretting child and guiding their head back to His chest to fully feel His embrace. And Roslyn your words brought me to tears instantly as I felt you were speaking to me. So, thank you for sharing what…what was on your heart. And how amazing it is that God works through this family to comfort us even when we don't ask for it. So, thank you Brian and the DAB family. I'm really walking with a glowing heart today and feeling the flowing grace of God. God bless you all.
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dailyaudiobible · 4 years ago
06/18/2021 DAB Transcript
1 Kings 19:1-21, Acts 12:1-23, Psalm 136:1-26, Proverbs 17:14-15
Today is the 18th day of June welcome to the Daily Audio Bible, I’m Brian, it is great to be here with you today as we move toward another weekend and finish up another week. So, let’s dive in, we’ve been reading from the New Living Translation this week. In the Old Testament we’re in the Book of 1 Kings and we’re getting to know this prophet who has come onto the scene named Elijah who has had a confrontation with the prophets of Baal and the prophets of Ashera and they’re, well, they’re dead, he’s still alive, fire has come from heaven, rain that has been withheld for years has now come back to the land. King Ahab is racing back towards Jezreel in the rain and Elijah is running faster that he can ride on his chariot. And that’s kind of where we’re at, Ahab is arriving back in Jezreel. He’s about to tell his wife, her name is Jezebel, that her prophets are no more. So, let’s pick up the story, 1 Kings chapter 19.
Okay, let’s talk about 1 Kings for a minute. Like we kind of recapped the story before we started reading so, there was this showdown and Elijah was involved and prophets of Baal were killed and rain came. So, Ahab the King tells his wife Jezebel that her prophets are dead and she sends a note to Elijah and this is like, I talk about this every single year we come by this territory, it’s so riveting to me, it’s so challenging to me. I just…it’s incredible. It’s incredible how human Elijah is in that moment. It’s like…so like us. He got a nasty a note and it was a threatening note that changed the complexion of his entire day. Actually, got him moving because the note brought up fear, that got him moving and he ran away. It’s like, how many times have we got a nasty text like that? Or a nasty post on social media like that? Until we’re obsessing about it, it’s in our every thought, it’s derailed our day, in fact it’s derailed our lives, at least temporarily and then we’re hiding and running. And this is Elijah, this is what he’s doing and this is right after fire has fallen from heaven consuming a sacrifice that brought the demise of the pagan prophets and restored the people’s hearts toward God and God unleashed the rain. So, remember Elijah is on top of Mount Carmel praying until there’s a cloud coming out of the ocean the size of a fist and this rain is released back upon the land. So, God has been moving mightily and powerfully through Elijah until he gets this nasty note. And we can do the same thing so often, we can see God moving mightily in so many ways in our lives until the nasty note shows up, the nasty post shows up. And then it’s just erased, is it so weird how that can happen. It’s just erased and we’re confused and we’re on the run. And this is Elijah’s story and he didn’t run a little way. Like, he’s in Jezreel and goes all the way to Beersheba which it’s a pretty…I think it’s probably 100 miles, pretty far on foot and then all the way to Mount Sinai which is like hundreds of miles out into the desert so he traveled a long way. Interesting that he would go to the mountain of God back to Mount Sinai, right? He, he has been very, very much shaken by this Jezebel thing. But, he had also been like, on the run and hiding during the famine and so he’s exhausted and he’s just crying out to God “I’m the only one left.” And so, for him to kind of go back to where the story begins and just seek, we can all kind of understand that. And we know this story now we just read it. God invites Elijah to come out and meet with Him on the mountain and this huge wind and God isn’t in that mighty powerful wind, He’s not in it. And there’s an earthquake and He’s not in it and there’s fire and He’s not in it. And then there’s this still small gentle whisper and that is God and He’s in it. And He asks Elijah just like He asks us sometimes “What are you doing here?, What are you doing here?”, Elijah’s like I’m the only one. And God’s like, go back the way you came, you have a couple of kings to anoint. You’re not the only one and you’re going to meet you’re…you’re replacement. You’re going to mentor Elisha up and then you can be done. You’ve asked to be done, then you can be done but for now you’re not the only one, go back the way you came, you have some kings to anoint. There’s just so much there for us to think about on our own path, on our own journey. How we go on the run, how God is not finished. How so often we run away and God is like, no, go back the way you came, or what are you doing here? And so, as we go into this weekend let’s carry this with us, let’s ponder, contemplate, invite God into these things.
And so, Father, that’s what we do, we invite You into this and into this story. Cause we can find ourselves into this story of Elijah on so many levels and so Holy Spirit come. Minster healing to us, minister that we’re not the only ones and we’re not finished. We pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is home base, it’s the website, it’s where you find out what’s going on around here. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app you can find out what’s going on around here as well by pressing the drawer icon in the upper left-hand corner of the app screen. So, check out the different sections like the Community section where the Prayer Wall is and where to get connected. Check out the Daily Audio Bible Shop, there are resources there for the journey that, yeah, the journey that we are on through the bible in a year together in community. And what a journey it is and what a journey it’s been. So, stay connected.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, profoundly and humbly thank you. We wouldn’t…we wouldn’t be here, we wouldn’t be having a Global Campfire, we wouldn’t be on this journey if we weren’t on it together. And so, the fact that we are on this together has been how the Daily Audio Bible has been here these 16 years every day. And so, thank you for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com if you’re using the app you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner. Or if you prefer the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996 Spring Hill, Tennessee, 37174.
And as always if you have a prayer request or encouragement you can hit the Hotline button in the app or there are a number of numbers you can use depending on where you are in the world. In the Americas 877-942-4253 is the number to call. If you’re in the UK or Europe 44-2036-088078 is the number to dial. And if you are in Australia or that part of the world 61-3-8820-5459 is the number to call.  
And that’s it for today, I’m Brian, I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.  
Prayers and Encouragements:
Hi, this message is for Shinae from South Africa. I listened to your message today and I just felt moved to call in and share my story because so much sounded similar to yours. I don’t know how much it’s similar and this may not apply to you but I just felt moved to share. I…when I was in college I experienced crippling anxiety and depression as well and a lot of what you said resonated with me. I remember feeling like a ghost, like a shell of myself I just cried all the time. I was a professing Christian my whole life, read my bible, attended church every week, prayed every day and was just a slave to the anxiety and depression. And I would read my bible almost superstitiously hoping that just by reading comforting passages somehow magically the words would come true. And I was reading in Psalm 34 where it says The Lord is close to the broken hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. And as I read that I just felt some one asking me do you really believe that? And I stopped and thought about it and I thought well, no I don’t, He feels a million miles away, He does not feel close. I am the definition of the broken hearted. He does not feel close at all. But then I realized if I can’t hold onto this as true can I believe any of it. And so, I thought about it for a while and I finally decided, in faith, I said yes Lord, I believe you’re close even though I can’t feel you. In that moment my depression melted away, the anxiety was a battle that I fought over the years but it was at that moment that I truly gave my life to Christ before then I wanted Jesus to have a part of my life. I didn’t want him as the center of my life, I wanted to be in control I didn’t want Him in control and I hadn’t fully given myself to Him. And that…I’m so thankful for that trial because it’s what brought me to the Lord.
Hi DABers this is Emily in Seattle again. And this message and prayer is for Andrew and I just wanted to encourage you. I got saved when I was 20 and the first thing I did was try to find shows and broadcasts that keep me in touch with the word cause Psalms 1 says that those who are planted by…like trees planted by rivers living water will always thrive and when you listen to the Daily Audio Bible every day and seek and ask God for help then He always and He will make sure that you will go from glory to glory and grow up in Him. And I just wanted to encourage you to stay close to God, stay close to the Daily Audio Bible and be encouraged that we’re praying for you every day. And Lord Jesus I lift up Andrew to You right now and I ask You Lord to help him to find Christian communities like this one in his school, in his town, in his community where he can find some Christians who will give him encouragement, pray for him and we just ask you Lord that the word would come alive to him when he seeks Your face and he seeks Your word and that everything he does will prosper and succeed and that he will go from glory to glory as he partakes of Your grace and Your wisdom in the word and the Daily Audio Bible. In Jesus name we thank You Lord for Andrew, bless him today Lord. Make everything that he does a successful endeavor. In Jesus name we thank You for Andrew Lord. Hallelujah. Amen.
Hi everybody, this is Megan from Sydney, Australia and I’m calling today to ask for prayer. I’ve been listening for a long time, I love, love hearing your prayer requests and prayers and encouragements. I’ve been offered a pastoral role in my church in a different city, that’s really exciting. But I’m still praying about it and I would love if you would pray for me as well. I would be leaving a relationship probably behind and as well as work community, family and it’s a big ask and I just want to make sure that it’s what God has. Anyway, I love you all. Thank you, bye.
Hey family, this is Meleesa from Aborville, Alabama. It’s 4am on June 15th. I’m awake because I sometimes go in early to work. But I got a call a few minutes ago from my sister. She said there’s been a active shooter at a plant that’s right down the road from where I work. As of right now, 3 people are shot and I’m shook. I am shook. So, I need ya’ll to pray. I don’t know the situation yet. I’m pretty sure the road is probably blocked and I can’t get to work anyway but ya’ll we need the Lord. We are in perilous times. I know Jesus is coming back but I know it’s gonna get darker and darker before he does come back. So ya’ll pray for each other, love on each other. I love you Brian, I love you Jill. Thank you for this podcast. It is such a lifesaver. Congratulations China/Ben on baby Reagon. I hadn’t called in, been real busy but I want ya’ll to know that I love ya’ll and I pray for you all the time. Pray for us in my town. I love you family. Bye Bye.
Hello, good morning my DAB family. This is Tim Tickle from the Corn State. I am calling to ask for some prayer requests for my father. We just found out that his cancer has gotten to stage 4. And so just the stress on the family and my mother and my dad has been escalated as of lately. I know that all things work for God’s glory so we can count the wonderful deeds that he does for us. So, I know that everything is gonna be okay no matter which direction the Lord takes us. But if we can just be praying for my father, his name’s Jeff and be praying for my mom that’d be tight dudes. Alright, well I love each and every one of you. I’m praying for you all I hope you have a wonderful, wonderful day. If you woke up this morning then today is a gift you opened your eyes, it’s a gift. You smell the air, it’s a gift. Things go wrong, things look dark but you know we’re alchemists and magicians given power from the Almighty to transform that darkness into a light for the whole world to see. I thank you all. God Bless you all and thank you for this wonderful, wonderful community. Have a wonderful day.
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dailyaudiobible · 5 years ago
12/23/2019 DAB Transcript
Zechariah 4:1-5:11, Revelation 14:1-20, Psalms 142:1-7, Proverbs 30:21-23
Today is the 23rd day of December. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian. It is wonderful to be here with you as we move into and through Christmas week. What a time of joy it is. And, you know, what a time of mixed emotions it can be, and I get that fully, I understand, but underneath it all, we need to remember joy. The coming of Jesus changes everything. And, so, may we press into the themes that the season of Advent brings up - hope, faith, joy and peace - and may we experience these things as we continue our journey toward Christmas. And that journey takes us daily back into the Scriptures as we come around this Global Campfire and enjoy each other's company. Merry Christmas to everybody. Just imagine us all sitting around this roaring fire waving at each other. We’re all dressed up in…I don't know…either just terrible Christmas Sweaters or our finest, but we’re here together in one another's presence, in the presence of the Savior, and allowing the word of God to speak into our lives for today. And that will take us into the book of Zechariah. And today we will read chapters 4 and 5.
Okay. So, in the Old and the New Testaments, in the book of Zechariah and the book of Revelation, we’re reading prophetic and even apocalyptic literature. So, you know, so reading from Zechariah and reading from Revelation in very visionary fashion can sound very similar, even though they’re separated in their writing by…by centuries. This genre of writing is highly symbolic. And, so…so while we’re reading from old and the new Testaments, while we’re reading from Zechariah and Revelation, especially Revelation since it's more widely talked about, we should observe ourselves. Like, what is it that we are looking at symbolically and what is it that we’re like taking literally and why? Like, what is it that’s inviting us to do that? How would we…how do we tell the difference? Those…those are the considerations that are taken when interpreting this genre. But even inside of all of the imagery in Zechariah today, we encountered a very famous passage, “it is not by might nor by strength, but by my Spirit, says the Lord of Heaven's armies.” Can…can we just…can we sit with that one verse for second? It…now…think about this, think about what you are going to walk into today that you don't want to be walking into. Think about the rest of this week and all of the festivities and all that the little booby traps that are set everywhere for us to step into. It is not by force nor is it by strength, but by my Spirit, says the Lord. That right there my brothers and sisters, is our anchor for the days ahead. If you’ll just hold onto that for…even the rest of the week…just hold onto it. Say it in the morning, say it a night. Every time that you are about to step into something it can come back to you, remind you - are you doing this in your own strength, is this by your own might? Then its…then it's not gonna work like you're hoping. It is not by might nor by strength, but by my Spirit, says the Lord.
And Psalms gives us hope. Psalms gives us direction. The psalmist says today, “you are my place of refuge.” Like, could we just pause there? Could we just sit with that going into the next few days? “You are my place of refuge. You are all I really want in life.” That's from the Bible. That’s Psalm 142. And, you know, everybody wants something this time of year. Like this is…this is the time of year where we’re giving people what they want and receiving what we want commemorating the gracious unspeakable gift of the Savior. So, you know, like there's…there's presents under our tree and Ezekiel, like he can't hardly…you know…he can't…like the hours have turned into days for little kids. Like one 24-hour period feels like seven weeks for him right now because of all the festivities. He’s wondering what he might get. He’s wondering if he might get what he wants, but I know what's under that tree, and I know that I have no way to wrap a gift and put it under that tree that will be his place of refuge. That is a gift that God is putting under the tree. That is a gift that only God can give us. And He is giving it to us. But are we receiving the gift that He is our place of refuge? The psalmist said, “when I'm overwhelmed you alone know the way that I should go.” If we can allow these things to get beyond our intellect and actually rest in the center of our actual being, in the place that's true….if these truths could be inside of us in the place that is most true then we would understand the gift that they are that we do not have to be overrun by this season or any season. We have a gift, the place of refuge. And we receive that gift by realizing that it is not by might nor by power nor by…nothing that we can do. It is by God's Spirit that we can navigate.
Father, we invite Your Holy Spirit into exactly that. Tomorrow is Christmas Eve and…yeah…this…this is it…we’re here, and certainly we are rejoicing, and certainly we are rooted in the story that tells us of the coming arrival of the Savior, but there's a lot of add-ons that go along with these festivities and they're not normally practiced at any other time of the year. And, so, it's very easy for us to live completely distracted and get out the other side of the next few days and wonder what just happened. We are inviting Your Holy Spirit to allow us to experience the next few days from within this place of refuge that You are offering us. It was actually Your coming to rescue us that offers us this relationship in this place of refuge. And, so, we receive this gift that You are giving us of the opportunity to move into the holiday season with a sense of calm, a sense of peace, a sense of hope, a sense of joy, and a sense of faith, all of the things that this season are intended to teach us. So, come Holy Spirit, we pray. We welcome You as we move forward in celebrating You. We pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is the website and its home base. It’s where you find out what’s going on around here. So, be sure to stay connected in any way that you can and in any way that you want to as we move through…well the ahead.
Check out the Community section and that'll give you links of different places to stay connected.
But if you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com as well. Thank you profoundly for your partnership. There’s a link on the homepage but if you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address, if you prefer, is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment 877-942-4253 is the number to dial.
And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you hear tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Hey DAB family, I’m a first-time caller and I don’t know where I’ve been the last 11…however long many years it’s been…oh my goodness. But I am so encouraged, I am blown away. My name is Daniel from South Holland Illinois. I am…I’m blown away by the incredible amount of encouragement and concern and care and love and refreshment and prayer covering that you guys provide for each other. I just…I…I…I…I’m really almost speechless, which is a very difficult thing for me, but I am just so encouraged and I look forward to being able to join you guys on a consistent basis to just…to be a blessing, to be an encouragement, that’s what my wife and I desire to do, as well as to have some prayer…prayer concerns presented before you as well. So, thank you guys for what you’re doing. Thank you so much for…for the love that you guys have for each other. I’m looking forward to connecting with you guys. So, God bless you guys, keep up the great kingdom work.
Greetings DAB family it is 16 December, I am a Daddy’s Dreamer from Tampa or DDFT. I just felt the Lord pressing on me to call today to encourage others to press into Him even when you don’t feel like it. When I first made the decision to block out or at least minimize the world’s influence in my life it was a hard transition which really opened my eyes to how much worldly influence was dominating my life and how easy it was to be of the world. I remember very vividly how distressed I was when I discovered as a teenager that all of these new very attractive freedoms maybe weren’t the best for my soul. My daughter has recently said to me with exasperation, “why does everything always have to be about God?” It broke my heart but reminded me that, I too, felt that same way at her age. All I can do is press into the Lord for daily and even hourly and minute by minute guidance. Please pray with me. Lord, You know every situation and You know the path to our children’s heart. Lord, show us the way, give us the words and steps to guide them in the right direction in Jesus’ name. Amen. Obviously, family our God loves our earthly children more than we do and wants what is best. I guess just with everything else, I need to do the hardest and easiest thing, just hand over control to God. Thank you for praying over our children with me and listening. This is DDFT. Stay positive and always with his light shine through you. Bye for now.
Good morning my wonderful DAB family it’s December 17th and this is Jeanette calling from Canada. As I listened this morning, I heard Scott Utah calling and asking for prayer regarding is tinnitus, which is that ringing in the ear. He sounds so despondent and discouraged. And Scott, you said you don’t want to hurt yourself in any way and this is cause for concern. So, I am taking you to the throne of grace this morning to our heavenly Father who hears you, here’s your cry, knows your heart, see everything that you’re going through, and He is the greatest physician of all times. And, so, I ask You God that You would take Scott now in Your arms and You’d put those hands over his ears Lord God, and You would reduce the ringing and You’d to bring healing to his ears. You are God Almighty, there is nothing that is too difficult for You and I’m praying Father God that at Christmas time this season when we celebrate the birth of Christ that this will be a renewed Scott, ringing will be gone, joy will fill his life again and he will be able to praise and worship You and give You Thanksgiving for all that You’ve done for him. Scott, hang in there. God loves you and we love you too, your family. And I pray for a little Cherry from Canada who sounded so down in the dumps. Cherry, I love to hear your voice. I love the joy that comes out of you and I’m praying for you today that God would ease all your pain and bring joy into your life again. And we praise you.
Hey family, His Beloved in California. I have a favor to ask of you, a prayer request, it’s so…embarrassing, I guess. First of all...ugh…okay. So, the holidays are coming up, families get together. Every year we go away with my family. I have a very large family and we take a trip somewhere together. So, there’s about 25 of us that go every year. One of my stepsisters, God bless her, has some issues with philandering and adultery. And I kind of lost it a couple years ago and started yelling at her in private. I just had enough of it. I’d seen one too many affairs and I’m not judging her, but I just lost it. Last year on the trip she came after my husband and it was very inappropriate and instead of fighting back with the sword of the Spirit, which I know to do, I got in the fight with my husband, I ruined our whole trip and I’m just like whipped up about this new trip because I just want versus to come out of my mouth, I want to fight the enemy with the sword of the Spirit, do you know what I mean? So please, please, pray for me that the Holy Spirit will come upon me and I’ll have the right versus because I know this is not a battle of flesh. And it’s keeping me up at night and I just want to have peace and I know that all things are possible with God and greater is He who is in me than he is in the world and I just pray that the Holy Spirit and the prayers of you would help me through this time. Thank you. I love you. Bye.
Yes, this is Florida Charlie Oscar Papa. I just heard the prayer request for the guy in Utah. I think it’s Titus with the ringing of the ears and I just want to pray over you my brother. I feel your…your pain. I feel the wanting for healing in your voice and I just…I just declare Father God that You just heal Titus right now God. Heal him with any ailment. We speak to the medical professionals. We speak to the doctors, to the staff, Father god, anyone that is treating him, that they come and they just provide a supernatural touch, just relieve any ailment that is in his mind, his ears, his system Father God, let it all come into alignment with You. Father God we just declare that he hears the joy of the Lord, he hears the sound of the Lord, he hears the…the word that You have for him Father God. Don’t let…don’t let anything…any ungodly thing come to pass that is not of You Father God. And we just declare Your safety, Your protection over him. In Your wonderful powerful name, we pray Jesus. Amen.
Hi this is Don I’m my first-time caller. I would like to ask prayers for my son Kevin who is getting out of prison tomorrow. He has been battling drug addiction for many years and finally ended up in state prison. He has been in there for four years and he has an 11-year-old son. He’s had very little contact with the family over the years and is angry. I would also like to pray that my wife and I can be guided, that we may handle the situation according to God’s will. I pray that we can lead him by example to have faith in Jesus Christ and in his life so that he may find the peace that he needs to be a good dad and come back to the family. Thank you.
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dailyaudiobible · 6 years ago
08/07/2019 DAB Transcript
Ezra 4:24-6:22, 1 Corinthians 3:5-23, Psalms 29:1-11, Proverbs 20:26-27
Today is the 7th day of August. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I’m Brian. It’s great to be here with you as we kind of cross the first full week of this month, at least in numerical numbers. This is the 7th day of August, even though we’re in the middle of a week and this happens to be the 219th day of the year. So, well done for showing up today here around the global campfire where we just come in and allow God to speak to us through His word on His own terms. All we have to do is still ourselves, take a deep breath. Whatever has happened today or whatever is yet out in front of us to accomplish today, it’ll still be there, it's not going anywhere, and our frantic attempts to keep up, they’re not really helping. But this will help - a deep breath, stepping away from it all for a little while, connecting to our spiritual lives, which is what we were talking about yesterday in first Corinthians, and just letting God speak. So, we’re reading from the God's Word Translation this week. And today Ezra chapter 4 verse 24 through 6 verse 22.
Okay. So, in our reading from the book of Ezra today we continued to watch the taunts of the enemies of Israel and we continued to watch them try to disrupt and sabotage the work to rebuild God's temple, right, with all of these letters going back and forth to the king and all this inspection etc. etc. Despite all of that, all the intimidation, the people continued to build. They knew that they were given permission to do it and they knew they were obeying God. And I guess that's the lesson. We could just stop right there. There’s the lesson, right? We’re going to experience this kind of stuff. We’ll be disrupted, we’ll be taunted, we’ll be marginalized occasionally. These things will happen to us while we’re doing the work of God, something that he's told us to do, something that we are building that we are supposed to be doing and that we are empowered to do, right? And just, if the intimidation won't work then the attempts to delay things or to interfere, to just meddle in things, this is what happens and the process isn’t easy, but we are watching an example here in the Scriptures. It wasn't easy for them. It's not easy for us. The only differences between us and them are likely that they didn't give up. We have to be steadfast when we know we are obeying God. And we know when we are obeying God that cannot be attached to specific outcome. It has to be total trust that we are obeying God and whatever happens is for his purposes whether we understand it or not, as we’ve been reading in first Corinthians. And this brings up something that we’re going to begin to see, that we cannot avoid, that will carry us through to the end of the year as we continue through the Scriptures, and that is this fact - endurance is required on the faith journey. And as we move deeper and deeper into the New Testament moving our way all the way toward the end of the last books of the Bible, we will see just how true that is. So, if you're walking that path. You’re walking down a path that you believe God's got you on towards something and it’s like everything's going wrong, like nothing is easy…and man…I’m like speaking to myself because it’s been a year where nothing has been easy. Like, really almost to the point of comedy in my life where it's like nothing…everything has to be contended for, and then it's just part of learning to maintain. But we’re all walking through stuff at various times. And, so, I don't think there's anybody that doesn't understand what we’re talking about here. If you're on a path that God has asked you, then walk that path no matter my what might fall in the path. If the telephone pole falls down in front of you on the path then gotta walk around it like or you got a cut through it. The point is not that we get delayed. The point is that not that we don't get diverted. The point is that we do not stop, that we continue forward. And if we’re slowed down significantly then we just have to try to make some progress. Every step forward is a step forward. So, be encouraged today and take the next step forward. You are not alone. But together as a community if we all take the next step forward then we've made huge strides forward in the kingdom.
Father, we invite You into that. We invite You into endurance and we invite You to help us to understand that this isn’t purposeless, and this isn’t Your anger or displeasure. Resistance is how we grow up. It has a way of dealing with all of the selfishness in us. It has a way of prying our grabbing hands and fingers loose from the world. So, come Holy Spirit we pray. In Jesus name we ask. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is home base, it’s the website, it’s where your find out what’s going on around here. It’s where you stay connected in any number of ways.
All of the links to all of the different social media places that we are exist in the Community section of the website. The Prayer Wall lives in the Community section where people are praying for each other on a continual basis and asking for prayers. So, that's a great place to stay connected.
And we have an event that's coming up at the end of this month, man, just a couple of weeks from now over Labor Day weekend for connection. It’s the Daily Audio Bible Family Reunion and we’re looking forward to that. We’re looking forward to that a lot actually hear the rolling hills of Tennessee out at camp Widjiwagun on the lake. And there’s just a lot to and see and be and we’re looking forward to that. So, hopefully you have. Hopefully you're coming. Hopefully you’ve made arrangements and your coming. If you haven't, hopefully you can. Hopefully you can come. We’d love nothing more than to do what we do when we get together, which is the shake hands and hug necks and tell stories. And, so, hopefully we will see you there. All of the details are at dailyaudiobible.com in the Initiatives section. Look for Family Reunion 2019. If you’re using the app, you can press this little Drawer icon that's in the upper left-hand corner of the app and that'll get you to the Initiatives section as well. So, hopefully you can come.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com as well. There's a link on the homepage and it just lives there. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or, if you prefer, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill, TN 37174.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment 877-942-4253 is the number to dial.
And that's it for today. I'm Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Greetings Brain this is Tony from Germany and I heard your reading and your commentary today for August 3rd about gossip and one thing you said in there was, “let this be that day that we start, you start, yeah, I, August 3rd, 2019, I start in earnest to try as hard as I can to the grace of the Lord to not speak negatively about others even if it’s in frustration especially when it’s based on assumptions. And I will try earnestly not to be part of any problem like that. So, I do have role models that I see thankfully that are really good at not listening to gossip and not gossiping. So…and not making negative assumptions. They’re my role models and I ask the community to pray for me because I just feel that I will be a person that I will respect more if I can keep my mouth shut, you know. And if I have to voice of frustration, well I’ve got a nice chubby little kitty named Micah and I have the Lord, or I use my mentors and voice my frustrations with them and get their guidance. So, for anybody else who is going to be joining us can we just pray together for each other to go down on this road and to the grace of the Lord with time have more control over our words and keep them in line such that they are life-giving. Okay, thank you Brian, thanks for this. Bye. God bless everyone.
Good morning, Chucky from Colorado and Robert wanting to serve. I too got that Cancer diagnosis a few years ago and I want to share with you a Scripture that got me through that time. It was in second Corinthians 1 verses 9 through 11. Indeed, we felt we had received the sentence of death but this happened that we might not love ourselves but our God __. He has delivered us from the deadly peril and he will deliver us again. On him we have set our hope, He will continue to do this as you help us by your prayers, and many will give thanks on our behalf in the gracious favor granted us in answer to the prayers of many. Be strong. I can tell you that my first prayer was Lord let me a good ambassador for you during this trial. And He gave me many opportunities to be a witness for him. He got me through. Cancer is not a death sentence. I encourage you to get a second opinion, especially if there is a university hospital nearby. But you are being prayed for and know that the prayers of many got me through. So, I encourage you, keep __ watch him work. Love you, know that I am praying for you and I got through stage III __ cancer __ years ago and I’m still cancer free. God bless you.
Hello family this is Rebecca from Nebraska and I’ve been a longtime listener, I don’t how many years, maybe eight years now or so and it’s been a long time since I’ve called in, but after listening to the podcast today about King Hezekiah and Manasseh, I don’t know how many times I’ve heard that story about King Manasseh. And today for some reason it was like I heard it again for the first time and I could not believe at the end of his life how much grace the Lord gave to him when he repented, king Manasseh, this evil wicked king. And I just felt the Lord really speaking about how powerful repentance is and simple prayer is and how powerful our prayers are. And I read this other quote from Max Macado recently that our prayers may be awkward our attempts may be feeble but since the power of prayer is in the one who hears it and not the one who says it our prayers make a difference. So, I love you all, am praying for you all. Today when I heard about the testimony of Walta, your son and your reunion, it just made me cry. And so, I’m so blessed by this community and your prayers and when you call in. So, I love you all. Have a good day.
The man was quite tipsy as he walked on the street very erratic like he had two left feet he whistles a tune he stumbles and falls he tries to get up but he can’t so we crawls to a lamppost where he pulls himself up but then he takes out a bottle and turns it straight up he talks and he gestures to an invisible friend he takes a few more steps and then he falls once again is this a comedy or a tragedy you be the judge because stereotyped images run deep and they don’t budge that man will be a comedy unless he were your son and in that case it would be a tragedy and to him you would run and what about that girl that everybody hugs who day after day sells her body for drugs up on the sofa done on her knees ready willing and able to please she belongs on the trash pile with the scum of the world but what if you were the parent of that little girl we all are Gods children and he loves us all much especially those who are rebellious and rough because some haven’t fallen they run and then leap straight into sin where they wallow real deep but Christ doesn’t condemn you he’ll heal and restore your sins are forgiven go sin no more bring out a robe a ring kill the calf my child has returned let’s party and laugh not like most of us who say let’s watch wait and see if he comes to his senses and lives righteous like me he’s gonna need some rehab some probation too cause you can’t expect complete restoration after all he put me through stranded and bleeding alone on a ledge surrounded by servants Christ was my hedge he is the good shepherd left all the good sheep to rescue one bad one his love is that deep
[email protected]. Thank you, Brian and the Hardin family for this podcast for God’s Holy Spirit to flow keep the flow and y’all. Alright bye-bye.
Hello, this is Michael Jean Elmore from way out west and I’m calling in to thank God that old Prodigal called in. He called in for Demetrius and praying for Demetrius and talked to him and giving us a lot of update on himself. Thank you very much for calling in. We’re all praying for Demetrius and you Prodigal and just…just wonderful to hear your voice and that update. So, and I’m sure that you’re going to be very encouraging to Demetrius. You’re very encouraging to me. So, I’m sure you will be to him. And thank you all that call-in. I don’t call in very often, but I listen to it every weekend, pretty much. I might’ve missed a couple of them. But over the years I’ve come to love the weekend three-hour prayer program as much as the Bible reading. It’s just really been a real encouragement to me and thank you all for calling in and God bless you Prodigal and keep on keeping on. Adios.
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dailyaudiobible · 6 years ago
06/23/2019 DAB Transcript
2 Kings 4:18-5:27, Acts 15:1-35, Psalms 141:1-10, Proverbs 17:23
Today is the 23rd day of June. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian. It is great to be here with you at the threshold of a brand-new week that we’re walking into together. And this will be the final full week of the month of June. I think one week from today will be the final day of the month of June, but that's yet to come and here we are at the threshold of a sparkly, shiny new week that is fresh and waiting for us to live into like the gift that it is. This week we’ll be reading from the Contemporary English Version and will, of course, be picking up where we left off. We’re working our way through second Kings in the Old Testament, which is reviewing for us the life and times of the kings of Judah, which was the southern kingdom, and the life and times of the kings of Israel, which was the northern kingdom. In first Kings we got to know the prophet Elijah. Now that we’re in second Kings we’re getting to know the story of the prophet Elisha who came after Elijah. And, of course, in the book of Acts we are journeying with the apostle Paul. So, let's dive in. Second Kings 4:18 through 5:27 today.
Father, we thank You for Your word. We thank You for bringing us safely into this brand-new week and we pray the words of the Psalms into this week and over this week. Help us to guard our words whenever we say something. Don't let us want to do evil or waste our time doing wrong with wicked people. Don't let us taste the good things they offer. We pray this Father over this week that is a brand-new gift waiting to be on wrapped moment by moment. We pray Father that we will listen and obey, that we will not only be hearers of the word, but doers of the word as we walk through this new week. Come Holy Spirit we pray. In Jesus name we ask. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is the website, its home base, it's where you find out what's going on, of course, around here. So, be sure to stay connected.
Check out the resources that are available in the Daily Audio Bible Shop. Check out the events in the Initiatives section. Visit the Prayer Wall in the community section. Stay connected.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com as well. And we thank you, humbly and profoundly. We wouldn't at all in any way be able to be here doing what we’re doing if we didn't do this together. So, thank you for your partnership. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or, if you prefer, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment, 877-942-4253 is the number to dial.
And that is it for today. I'm Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Good morning Daily Audio Bible family. This is Lee from New Jersey calling from my home office today. Today is…I believe it is June 19th and I want to start a 30-day prayer against covetousness which is one of the seven deadly sins. So, this one is a little bit complicated and easy at the same time, which basically, my understanding is that you want something that somebody else has. So, the reason way I chose covetousness is I was gonna pray for finances for 30 days but then I thought maybe I’m committing a sin of coveting because I’m looking at other people and seeing maybe how they enjoy their money and maybe I’m not seeing the whole picture of that. So, I want to pray for covetousness and just to get an understanding for myself. And, of course, anyone else that’s out there that can pray with me, that would be wonderful. So, today is day one and I’m going to start, of course, with the explanation of commitments and a short prayer from my beginner’s book of prayer, which is a Catholic prayer book. Covetousness draws us to grasp things created and to despise the things of heaven. It makes us envy our neighbors and lust after what they possess, burn with desire for what passes away, and forget the treasures of heaven. Merciful God grant us the grace of detachment and prepare us for heaven by detaching us even from the good things of earth. Amen. Love you all. Love you Lord and I’ll be calling back soon.
Hey DABbers, this is Slave of Jesus in North Carolina. All right Holy Spirit let’s roll. This is kind of a new situation, not new, but uncommon for me, but we’ll call it a praise report. So, I’m having some trouble with somebody at work. Just spent a whole…multiple months working on a project got lots of feedback including this person’s section, you know, people, this is how we want it. Got it all done and ready to send it out it’s over 300 people. And at the last minute, at ten minutes to five yesterday it was, “yeah, you need to rewrite this whole thing and change this.” And, so it really put me off. I was in a bad mood heading home real mad, but you know what I did? I started praying for this person. I said, “oh…wait…I know they’re going through a tough situation, their spouse is getting ready to move away, they’re gonna be separated for a long time and everything like that.” So, they don’t work in my area but I just started praying for the person and I’m gonna…I prayed for the person on the way into work and it helped me stop my resentment. And, you know, I wanted to undermine them and try to go around them, and explain to my bosses, and my bosses, boss is added to the email at the end of this conversation late last night. And I was ready to go in this morning and explain it all to them and the Lord gave me my be still Scripture. The Lord will fight for you, you need only to be still - Exodus 14:14. So, my supervisor knows all about it and why we can’t redo it. And, so, I’m just gonna let those people fight for me but the biggest thing is I’m gonna let God fight for me. But more importantly, I’m going to pray for the person that I’m having trouble with and we’ll see today at a 1 o’clock meeting how well that goes. And I need to keep praying for that person after, so I do not let this thing eat me up for sleep and on the way into work on my Bible time of the DAB. So, love you all, have a great day.
Hi, it’s Sherry from Odessa Kansas. I just want to say, first of all to Kelly from Australia, thanks for calling in. Still praying for you and believing God that freedom is what you’re going to be living in and walking in, freedom from addiction. And thank you for calling in like I said. Brian, it’s been amazing, the last few days in Kings and Acts. I feel like this enormous panoramic scene is parading in front of my eyes and I’m there watching all of this happened. And I’ve actually had chills and goosebumps as you’ve been reading, and I can explain but it’s just been incredible. Thank you so much for doing what you do. I know my life’s been transformed other peoples have been too. That is incredible. Thank you so much. Well, that’s all I want to say. Bye.
Hello DAB family this is Abiding in Him. I’d like to pray for Anne in Charlotte North Carolina. Heavenly Father, our sister has called in from a place of a broken heart. Her heart is broken because her son whom she raised has excluded her from his life to where she was not a part of the wedding and has never met her grandchild and doesn’t even know where that family lives. Heavenly Father I cannot imagine the pain that occurs in a mother’s heart to be separated from the one that they carried in the womb, but You don’t have to imagine it. It’s a pain that You endure every day as millions of the children who You love and created exclude You from their lives and turn their backs on You. So, heavenly Father I pray that You meet Anne in a deep and special way, that You pray for her heart can be restored heavenly Father. And that is what You do. Speak to her, show her in some way, shape, or form that You understand and that You’re there with her and that You will not let her fall away. And Lord if it be in Your will Lord, redeem this family, bring them back together, restore the union with her son and with his wife, and let her hold her grandchild and proclaim Your faithfulness. We thank You Lord that no matter what miseries we endure Lord that You are faithful and that You are true and that we are ultimately coming closer to You. So, we thank You Lord for Your faithfulness and give You praise honor and glory in Jesus’ name. Amen.
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dailyaudiobible · 6 years ago
10/24/2018 DAB Transcript
Jeremiah 44:24-47:7, 2 Timothy 2:22-3:17, Psalms 94:1-23, Proverbs 26:6-8
Today is the 24th day of October. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I’m Brian and it is, of course, always great to be here with you. And who wouldn't want to spend more time with you? And what if that is what God feels about us and that is what we learn from his Word? So, let's dive in for today and take the next step forward. We’re reading from the Christian Standard Bible this week. And we’ve got a quick announcement at the end. So, stay tuned for that, but let's dive in. Jeremiah chapter 44 verse 24 through 47 verse 7 today.
Okay. So, as we move through second Timothy Paul gave us the primary reason we are taking this journey through the Bible in the first place. But before that he contrasted two different ways of living, one that is false and will destroy and one that’s true and that will endure. So, Paul told Timothy hard times will come in the last days and there's a bunch of characteristics that go around that. People will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, proud, demeaning, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, unloving, irreconcilable, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, without love for what is good, traders, reckless, conceded, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, and holding to the form of godliness but denying its power. And Timothy was told to avoid those people for his own sake and to protect the community that he was a pastor of from those kinds of people. And it doesn't take much effort to see why. I mean, that little collection, that little list of behaviors that we just read, adds up to…I mean…that adds up to a very unhealthy and destructive situation, right, in any kind of a relationship, especially in a community. And Paul describes where that road leads, like what that will look like in relationship and in community. Paul says for them, they are the ones who worm their way into households and deceive gullible women overwhelmed by sins and led astray by a variety of passions, always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. So, I mean, we kind of get the picture. But the fact that we get the picture just tells us that the challenges that were in Paul's time a couple of thousand years ago as Paul is warning Timothy about them, these are still with us today. But in contrast to all of that, Paul instructed Timothy to remember that there's another path, a different path had been modeled for him. I mean, Timothy had heard Paul's teaching throughout his entire ministry and he had also witnessed Paul's life, like behind closed doors. He had seen Paul suffer persecution personally and he'd seen Paul's faith and his patience and love and endurance. So, Paul instructed Timothy, as for you, continue in what you have learned and firmly believed. You know those who’ve taught you. And you know that from infancy you have known the sacred Scriptures, which are able to give you wisdom for salvation through Christ Jesus. So, I mean, the difference between the two paths that Paul outlined today and the characteristics that accompany those paths, they are so divergent that they are not alike in any way. And if unchecked, that first set of behaviors could be…would become a black hole that would suck the life out of any person or community. But the contrasting second path is solid, life-giving and enduring even in the face of trying times, which they were facing. And then Paul told Timothy the value of the Scriptures and how they would serve him well. And like Timothy, we’re reminded why we continue to show up every day and allow the treasurer of God's Word to wash into our lives and carry us forward day by day. Paul said, all Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for rebuking for correcting, for training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.
Father, that is why we show up here every day, for exactly that. And, so, we invite your Holy Spirit to come and inspire us and teach us and rebuke us and correct us and train us in righteousness, so that we too may become complete and whole and equipped for every good work. Holy Spirit, plant the word of God in our hearts and may it yield the fruit of the Spirit in our lives, we pray. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is the website, its home base, its where you find out what's going on around here.
And I mentioned…short announcement…I’ll all only may be making this announcement today because they'll be gone. So, every year, once or twice a year we get a shipment of clean canteens. And if you’re aware of them or if you’ve been around for a while then you know that. If you’re like, what’s that? It's the best thing you can possibly drink your coffee or tea out of in the world as far as we're concerned. And since we’re kind of a little bit of coffee snobs around here and since we roast our own brand of coffee, I mean, having the best thing you can just drink it out of it is a good thing. And I searched…I searched for a couple of years to try to land on this and accidentally found the Clean Canteens. And as the story goes and I’ve shared it many times, I didn't know if we could brand them. I mean, I just knew what they were, but I reached out and they agreed and they let us cobrand with them. So, they're expensive for us to get and they’re too expensive for us to just keep in stock. So, we get them once or twice a year and brand them with the Daily Audio Bible on them and their beautiful. And, I mean, I'm literally using one right now. Every day of my life I've got my Clean Canteen with my Windfarm coffee and I'm looking at it, like I’m talking on the mic but it's like right here to my left. I keep it there. It’s there every day within arm’s reach. So, last year we were able to do a special edition one. They had always been brushed stainless steel but we got to do special one and it was red. And, so, we reached out to them to see if we could do that again because they’re lovely, but the red that we had last year's something they've discontinued. So, they gave me an alternative and then they told that they can't really do these colors, but we’ll do this. And, so, we have Daily Audio Bible Clean Canteens back in stock. They’re a nice bright red and you get yours. You can even grab a couple for Christmas while they last. They probably won't last much beyond today if they do last beyond today. So, heads up. If you’ve been waiting for this, don't wait too long. And if you’re just hearing about this but you’re like, yeah, yeah I want it…that's what I've been looking for. They’re in stock in the Daily Audio Bible Shop in the Lifestyle section. So, check that out and get them while you can.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com as well. And I thank you with all of my heart, humbly, and with complete gratitude. We wouldn't be here if we didn't do this together. So, thank you for your partnership. There is a link, it's on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner. And, of course, if you prefer the mail, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment there are a number of numbers that you can call. If you're in the Americas, 877-942-4253 is the number to dial. If you are in the UK or Europe 44-20-3608-8078 is the number. And if you are in Australia or that part of the world, 61-3-8820-5459 is the number to call. And I wish you all in the lands down under a happy, happy springtime, right? It’s just…like here in the rolling hills we’re getting the fall now and up north it's, you know, it's getting colder and colder. So, that lets me know that it's getting warmer and warmer down there. So, as we have a lovely winter I pray you have a lovely summer.
And that's it for today. I'm Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Hi this is Victoria Soldier just calling to pray for some of the DABbers. I wanted to say hi to Joe the Protector and I’m happy to hear of you having a grandchild. I’m just…I know that you’re feeling really down right now about your daughter. Your kind of...maybe not down…but you’re just confused…but remember that the child is not a mistake but the mistake that is made has nothing to do with you as a father. It’s just that mistakes happen. And I’m just praying with you that you don’t take it to heart and that you be loving to your daughter and your granddaughter and let God help you find the direction in what to do. You have…I want to pray for Prophetic Intercessor and I want to pray for Gee and I want to pray for the one in Louisiana and encouraging people’s kids who are feeling like they want to run away from home or different things that are going on with our kids. And just pray that God will keep them and direct their minds to do what He would have them…because He has a plan for their life - it’s for a future and a hope. Gracious Father, I just praise Your name today. Lord I just ask You to touch Joe the Protector oh Lord and his lovely daughter. And he’s just not knowing what to do, he’s shocked, in confusion and everything that goes with it but Lord You bring peace, You bring joy, You bring love out of that situation. Oh Lord You give him the direction, him and her, and let it be with Your grace and Your mercy Lord. Oh Lord in the name of Jesus You come, and You touch that household, You even touch the mother and the whole family Lord because their lives are gonna change and it could change all for the better because God is in it. Lord we just ask You to touch our children who are feeling rushed to leave away or things that are confusing them. Lord we just ask You to direct them Lord just as You directed us when we were confused. Lord You have Your way…
Hi family it’s James here from the UK. I’ve got a prayer request. Our next-door neighbor just over the road from us, she’s an elderly lady, her name is Pat and she’s a bit of a recluse. We see her now and again and when we get the chance to talk we often talk about faith and hope and God. And I tried to explain to her that Jesus really loves her so much. And we wanted to come to church with us and she often tells us that she just feels that her life has been sort of disastrous and she is unworthy of being in God’s presence. And, we’ve been exchanging notes with her and really encouraging her to understand that she is loved. And we found a coloring book. She loves to color. And yesterday I put the coloring book through her door with a note that…it was a coloring book on the Proverbs. And we got a note straight back a couple minutes later to say that she…she lost her son. She found him dead in his apartment and he suffered from alcoholism. And I think she’s really struggling. And, so, we’re reaching out to her, but family, could you please, please pray for Pat that the Holy Spirit would just break the lie over life and that she would understand that she is loved, she is truly loved by Jesus and that He would help __ grief? And that He’d help me family, to do the right thing, say the right thing, give her the support that she needs right now. Thank you. Amen.
Good morning Daily Audio Bible, this is To Be a Blessing from California wanting to just praise God for this opportunity to pray for those who leave a message on the prayer line. I’m thinking about Terry the Trucker today, praying for him. Also praying for Prophetic Intercessor, thank you so much for the prayers you gave for depression and for those looking to…or struggling with thoughts of suicide…not looking to it but have been struggling with it. Praying for Sherry from Canada, Diane Olive Brown, the transition that Slave of Jesus is experiencing as he comes back into the states and into his family life. Also asking for prayer for a couple of things. Several people that I know have been in motorcycle accidents. The most recent one is a friend’s husband had a car roll over him, has crushed pelvis, and is in desperate need of prayer for this process and for the surgery. Also ask that you would pray for people with cancer. I have a friend who has been __ to go through stem cell replacement, a very huge issue. Three weeks of quarantine and a small family and his wife going through a lot with this. Also, for friend who has 11 people in her life experiencing cancer. God bless you today. Thank you for your prayers and support. So happy to be able to do that as well. Father, thank you so much for being with each person on this prayer line. Thank you for blessing Brian, Jill, and their family in Christ’s name. Amen. God, bless.
Hey Daily Audio Bible family, it’s Monica in Kentucky and I’m calling in two prayer requests today. Yesterday, in the wee hours of the morning, our oldest staff member who is actually in her 80s fell and broke her hip and was in a lot of pain and the doctor reported that after her surgery she will be released to rehab instead of home and that it will be a long painful rehab. So, her name is Marylin and I would just ask that you would lift her and her husband Jack up. And then also, one of our staff members at the pregnancy center found out that her very close friend who married her and her husband, a friend from college, was on the table for a heart valve replacement and coded and his organs started to shut down. So, she asked for a prayer for a miracle. And I know that we often say on the prayer line that God is beyond time and space. So, when you hear this prayer when you just lift up my team member Melanie and her friend. I don’t know his name. I just know she’s very heartbroken at losing him and I believe he would’ve only been in his 40s. So, maybe barely in his 40s. So, just thank you for those prayers and Lord I just lift up these two to Your throne for healing. Lord, we don’t understand why things happen. I know Marylin is a faithful, faithful servant who never hesitates to share Your gospel given the opportunity, depending on Your Holy Spirit to guide her words and actions and deeds at the pregnancy center God. And we just thank You for the example of her life. And we just ask that You would relieve her pain and bring complete healing and support through her family that she will need in the coming weeks. And for Melanie’s friend, that You would heal him as well. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen
Hello Daily Audio Bible family, this is Treasured Possession. I am so grateful to have come back to this family of believers. I am a woman on the spectrum. My husband is on the spectrum and we have been married for 32 years. And some of you know my story, some of you don’t, but today I’m asking for prayer. We live in a house and built in 1910. We just remodeled it and remodeled it and we’re finally getting to the kitchen and today we’re sanding down the floor. And because we are on the spectrum everything’s hard to follow through, everything’s hard to choose, and it’s only, only because of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit within us that we are married and that we have done everything we’ve done. So, please be with me and praise God with me and pray for anyone who is setting out to do something that God’s called them to do and needs courage. [singing] glory hallelujah, glory hallelujah, glory hallelujah praise God for all he’s done for me. He stopped me and he brought me. He loved me and he loved me. Thank You Lord for all You’ve do for me today [singing stops]. Lord God, thank You that I can thank You ahead of time for all You’re going to do because You’re a God that is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent. And You told me that You hear my voice and You love me. So, thank You God for being with me today. Amen.
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dailyaudiobible · 7 years ago
04/07/2018 DAB Transcript
Deuteronomy 31:1-32:9, Luke 12:8-34, Psalms 78:26-45, Proverbs 12:21-23
Today is the 7th day of April. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I'm Brian. It is a pleasure and an honor to be here with you today as we prepare to close down and release another week. So, yeah, we're a whole week into the month of April now. When we left the month of March, we had reached the 25 percent mark. Twenty five percent of the way through the Scriptures. And now we're a week beyond that. So, well done. We are well on our way. And there's much out in front of us, but all we have to do is look back. Look back at the beginning of the year. Look at where we are now, not only in the Scriptures, but in our lives. And we've put enough effort and time into this to be able to see that this is shifting things. This is changing the way I look at things. This is making a rhythm in my life that is doing good inside of me. So, here we are at the end of another week. We've been reading from the English Standard Version this week, which is what we'll do today. Deuteronomy chapter 31 verse 1 through 32:27. And we're nearing the end of the book of Deuteronomy. Just a couple more days and we will be reaching the end of the Pentateuch or the Torah. So, let's dive in. Deuteronomy.
Father, we thank You for another week in Your Word. We thank You for the celebration of Easter that began this week. We continue to glory in the fact that You came for us and would not abandon us and will not abandon us. The joy of our salvation is ours. But all we have to do is choose life. So, Father, as we release this week and it becomes a part of our history, we look forward with great anticipation to all that is in store for us as we continue to journey through the Scriptures and as we continue to make choices that are life giving in collaboration and in relationship with You. We love You, Father. We worship You. We are grateful for everything, including our lives. Come, Holy Spirit, into this day. In Jesus name. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is the website if you hadn't figured that out. But I say it every day because every day we have someone new who joins into the community. So, if this is your first day, welcome, welcome. You are in for the adventure of a lifetime
So, dailyaudiobible.com is the website and its home base and its where you find out what's going on around here
Tomorrow, I will be in Washington state in the Tri Cities at Columbia Community Church and looking forward to being out there. You can get the details at dailyaudiobible.com in the Events section.
And the other thing is that the More Gathering for women begins on the 12th of April, so coming right up. Some things back to back. And as a community we've been praying over the women's gathering in Georgia in just a few days and so we want to continue to do that. Keep that on the radar. We need to raise a canopy of prayer over everything about it as we do each year. Praying over the hearts of the women who will be in attendance. So, thank you for your prayers.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible in the mission that we share as a community to bring God's spoken word to anyone who will listen anywhere on this planet any time of day or night and to continue to foster and build community around that rhythm so that we all know, so that we're all aware that we're never alone. If that has been life giving to you, then thank you for your partnership. We literally could not do this if we didn't do it together. So, there's a link on the homepage of dailyaudiobible.com. If your using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address, if you prefer, is PO Box 1996, Spring Hill, Tennessee, 37174
And as always, if you have a prayer request or comment, 877-942-4253 is the number to dial.
And that's it for today. I'm Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow
Community Prayer and Praise:
Hello. This is Julia from Des Moines. I’m calling for Sophie from Oregon. Sophie, your heart sounds so broken. I just want…I’ve been lifting you up in prayer…and I just want you to know that Jesus has been exactly where you are. In the garden of Gethsemane, He was broken and tired and He poured from an empty cup and He knew what was coming. And girl, just hold on. Your Savior knows. He knows where you are. And He’s got a light shining at the end of the tunnel for you. He just does. You are in such a deep dark forest but just trust. Trust that God has it. And when you can trust it’s time to reach out. It’s time to find help. Find some church ladies who will make you dinner and find somebody who will listen to you. I’ve been through a dark season recently and that’s what saved me. I mean it was…it was just grace that they would come in and wrap me in love with just meals and doing my dishes. So, honey, I just encourage you reach out. Find those who love you. And you know that we are all here for you too. Bye.
Hey DAB. This is Marsha in Minnesota and I just listened to April 3rd and I’m just so taken aback by Sophie in Oregon. I know what you’re going through and I am so sorry. And I am praying for strength and I am sending you strength, and you can go on another day. I know you going do that. Okay. So, hang in there darling. And I can just feel Jesus’ arms around you giving you strength and love. So, hang in there. I’ll get better. Bye.
Hi family. This is Salvation is Mine in San Angelo California. Let’s pray. Dear heavenly Father, we come before You, requesting that a blessing be sent down right now Lord. So many of us are in trouble Lord, whether it’s mental, physical, financial, or emotionally. We are in trouble Lord and __ so deep in our soul Lord that we can even find that place, but You are there Lord. You are there in this place for us. You are our Savior. You are our God. You are a mentor. You are our Father. You are a mother, You’re our sister, our brother, our pastor. Oh, heavenly Father, we reach out to You, we are on our knees, we are laying prostrate before You Lord God because we have nothing left in us for ourselves Lord God, but we know You are there and You will help us and You will keep us and You will hold us. And yes, even mold us to what You want us to be. Help us to relinquish self, Lord God. Help us to focus on You and Your word and Your love for God. Oh, Father God we praise You for the blessing that You’re going to send out. We thank You for the mercy and the grace that we get every single morning when we wake up Lord God. We thank You for every blessing in our body that doesn’t belong to us but belongs to You Lord God. Oh, Father God You are the Alpha and the Omega of all things Lord God. There is no God before You and there is no God after You. We praise You Lord God. We thank You. And we just at continue to ask for that blessing. And we ask that blessing in faith Lord God. No doubt will enter us Lord God. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen. Thank You for praying with me family. This is Salvation is Mine.
Hello Daily Audio Bible. My name is Davis. This is my first time calling in. This is my first year listening to the Daily Audio Bible. I’m calling for Sharon the Victorious. I heard your prayer request and I just wanted to let you know that it might not seem like you’re victorious right now but you just need to be reminded that as long as you are with God and God is with you, you are always victorious. And I have seen so many cases like this where your life is just going down the toilet and it just seems hopeless but I’ve also seen so many bounce back up. And, so, as long as God is with you, I have faith that things are going to turn out well. And no matter what happens, I know that it’s all part of God’s plan and I know that He has so much more for you than this because you have such a big heart putting others so, without hesitance, before yourself. So, I just want to pray for you. Dear Lord, please put Your hand of blessing on Sharon and her family. Please give Your hand of healing to her husband with his back and especially help her daughter and touch her heart and her mind. Please show her Your love and Your peace and Your wisdom. Please give her the courage to step out of this…
Good afternoon Daily Audio Bible family. This is Lee from New Jersey. Long time no speak to. Today is April 3rd and it is about 12 noon, a little later that. And I just wanted to call and give everyone an update. I finally found a job, thank God for that. Not only did I find a job, it’s more than what I expected. In so many ways more than I deserve. I’ve said that before, so I’m going to try not to say that. And you know, just God is great. God is great. It was funny because I went to…this whole month of Lent…basically…I’ve been out of work. I’ve been able to go to masses…actually…for daily and had the host daily. I also went to confession, being I’m Catholic. And during confession the priest was telling me that, you know, that when God gives, he gives, you know, all of His bountiful riches, His treasures. And it was on a Thursday, it was Holy Thursday and I went to confession. And like a few hours after that I got a phone call from one employer and with their offer and it felt just like that. It felt like God opened His treasures and He just dumped them on me. And I’m just so grateful for that. So, grateful for all of you praying for me as well. And we are family. We thank you all very, very much. So, I will be calling back soon. Everything is going well. I did fight through and I feel…at least for me…I conquered some bouts of depression and some bouts of anger and all of that stuff. So, dealing with a few little things, but not as severe as before. Thank God for that. So, every day is better. And just want to say, God bless you all and I’ll be calling back soon.
0 notes
dailyaudiobible · 8 years ago
05/14/2017 DAB Transcript
1 Samuel 15:1-16:23 ~ John 8:1-20 ~ Psalm 110:1-7 ~ Proverbs 15:8-10
Today is the 14th day of May.  Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible and welcome to a brand new week.  I love these restarts.  It is shiny and sparkly and new.  I say that maybe every week.  I don’t know how often I say it.  A lot, though, because it is this line of demarcation in my own life where it is like okay, we get new choices here.  We can live into this week.  It can be whatever we want it to be.  It is all going to be what it is based on how we choose what we say, what we do, how we live into it.  So we’ll get to Saturday of this week and we will have lived this week based on the choices that we make.  So here we are, stepping through the threshold of a brand new week.  
This week, well of course, we’re going to pick up where we left off, but we’ll read from the Names of God Bible this week which is a translation that preserves the Hebrew names that were used for God in the original manuscripts.  So for example, we might be talking about Yahweh instead of just a standard English translation of God, so there is much beauty in that.
We’ve been getting to know Israel's first king, Saul.  Saul has been teaching us a lot about ourselves and that is where we’ll pick up the story.  1 Samuel chapter 15, verse 1 through 16:23 today.  
There is this story in the book of John today about this woman caught in adultery, a famous, famous story, but there is a back story here.  This story is so beautiful.  It is so beautiful.  It shows the heart of Jesus which in turn shows us the heart of the Father.  
The religious leaders and the Pharisees are looking for ways.  They are for sure now against Jesus and some of it has to do with jealousy.  Some of it has to do with his willingness to break their traditions, their interpretation of the traditions, and some of it just has to do with the fact that he is gaining momentum and what he is teaching can unsettle everything.  This little tenuous power share that they have with the Romans, this could unhinge a lot of things.  And that is so ironic because Jesus is showing the narrow path that leads to life.  He is showing the way to look at things, the way to live into things, the way to be and they are just rejecting this because it would be such a colossal change and they would lose their authority and power.  But they are also trying to be devout to God and follow the traditions and wrestle with the traditions and Jesus is breaking them, so they are not buying it.  
So they are looking for ways.  They find this woman in the act of adultery.  She is not just an adulteress, somebody that was like this known sinner and they drag her in front.  They find her in bed.  She is in the act of adultery, so they barge in and they drag her and they probably drag her naked through the streets in front of Jesus, trying to humiliate her and put Jesus on the spot.  
There is this interesting thing in this culture about being naked in public. It is not just like a shameful thing for you if you're standing out on the street naked.  It's not just a shameful thing for you.  It is a shame on the one who sees you as well.  So we can go back all the way to the book of Genesis and Noah and Noah gets drunk and his son comes in and sees his father's nakedness and it brings a curse upon him.  You’re not supposed to see a person naked that you’re not supposed to see naked. But under these circumstances the Pharisees, the religious leaders, they are dragging this woman out because under their tradition they should stone her.  She should be shamed, humiliated and dead, but they use this opportunity to try to trap Jesus.
So they bring this woman in front of Jesus probably naked.  He's standing there.  She is standing there.  They are all standing there, but she is probably naked.  They want to know what they are supposed to do.  They are trying to trap Jesus and Jesus bends down and starts to write on the ground.  We have no idea what he's writing on the ground.  The scripture doesn’t tell us at all what he is writing on the ground. There is lots of conjecture about what he is writing on the ground, but we don’t know.  He's writing on the ground which means that he's not shaming her and he's not shaming himself by seeing her.  He's simply writing on the ground and they keep asking him what they are supposed to do and finally he straightens up and them he says the famous words.  “The person who has no sin should go ahead and throw the first stone at her.”  “You want to follow this tradition, fine.  The person who has no sin should throw the first stone.”
This first person throwing the stone bit, this goes back into the Mosaic Law as well.  We’ve just spent a lot of time in the Mosaic Law as we were reading the Torah and you’ll remember there have to be a couple of witnesses.  It has to be solid and if it is a mortal thing, if capital punishment is involved here, then those witnesses have to witness and then be willing, based on the absolute truth that they’ve testified to, to be the first person to throw the stone that would do away with the offender.  So Jesus is taking the law that they are trying to use against him and twisting it back right side up and forcing them to face how twisted they’ve made things.  And so he says, “Yeah, okay.  Okay, the one who is sinless should throw the first stone.”  And then he bent back down and started writing on the ground again. And he's writing on the ground as people, one by one leave until there is no one left.  
So here is Jesus writing on the ground and probably a naked woman standing there in front of him.  Here's where it gets supremely beautiful.  Jesus then straightened up.  So that means he kind of got back up and faced her.  So she's humiliated at what has just happened and she is shamed because she probably doesn’t have any clothes on and Jesus has been writing on the ground, but now it is just her and him and he's looking at her.  Not looking at her to scope out the chances of getting busy with this lady.  He's facing her in her shame and entering into the shame with her by being there with her, facing her.  And he asks her, “Where did they go?  Has anyone condemned you?”  And the woman says, “No one.  No one, Sir.” Then he says, “I don’t condemn you either.  Go and don’t do this anymore.”
It is so breathtakingly beautiful because that parallels our own stories. Our circumstances are all different, but if Jesus’ heart wasn’t ‘I don’t condemn you either, go from here and don’t do that anymore.  Don’t sin anymore,’ I would for sure, speaking from my own experience, not be here at all and I doubt you would either.  So as we begin this brand new shiny, sparkly week, may we wonder at the unstoppable love of God for us because that should change everything. Really.  I mean the way that this has gotten twisted is that we feel like we can do whatever we want and it doesn’t matter and God is aloof to it and indifferent to it anyway and he won't condemn us and so we should just try to do better, when actually what happens in this story is such a lifesaving rescue. That is the story of my life and that is the story of your life.  So may we live into this week as if Jesus had just said go and sin no more.  I don’t condemn you.  Go from here and don’t do that anymore.  May we live this week as this woman must have lived her next week.
Jesus, oh Savior, thank you for your kindness and your patience and your unstoppable love for us, pursuing us, following us everywhere we go.  We ask you to forgive us for the ways in which we’ve just trampled on the gift of your love.  This is a new week and you're saying go and sin no more.  So Holy Spirit come and help us to do that.  It is not possible.  In our own strength it is not possible.  With your Holy Spirit, though, with the Divine inside of us, with you within us, well then it really is no longer we who live but you who lives within us.  And you are sinless and so that is within us and it becomes possible by your power and authority.  We thank you for your grace.  We thank you for your kindness and mercy and we want to respect that by living well. Come, Holy Spirit, we pray, in Jesus’ name.  Amen.  
Www.DailyAudioBible.com is home base.  It's the website so it's where you find out what is going on.  The Prayer Wall is there and so I encourage you to check that out, make use of it.  And also lend your voice and your heart toward those in need of prayer.  It's a great way to connect, so check that out. Resources are available there in the Daily Audio Bible Shop, so check those out for the journey through the scriptures.  
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at the website as well.  There is a link that lives right smack on the home page and I say every day thank you because I mean it every day.  We’re not here every day if we don’t do this together, so thank you for your partnership. You can use that link that is on the home page.  If you're using the Daily Audio Bible App, you can press the More button.  That is in the lower right-hand corner of the app. The mailing address if that is your preference is P.O. Box 1996, Spring Hill, TN 37174.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment, (877) 942-4253 is the number to dial.
And that’s it for today.  I'm Brian. I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer Requests and Praise Reports
Mothers are celebrating all around the earth for through them everything that lives and has breath is given birth.  We are amazed at their awesome power as we rest securely under the arms of their protection, nurtured by their love, their __ most powerful __.  They sacrifice their lives to give us life at all cost and they still peaceably __ loving us when everything is lost.  There are so many things I can say about a mother's virtue.  Though each one of them is uniquely different, just about all of them is universally true.  There is no love like a mother's love except the love of God and for that fact we celebrate you and today you’re given a great nod, a salute and humble veneration and recognition for all the fine work that you’ve done, the raising of your children and the many victories you’ve already won.  How you struggled through the years always giving it your best, trying hard to fully equip them to be prepared for every test.  Besides giving them value and the fact that you’ve given them birth, you’ve also given them a love for God and taught them the meaning of self-worth. I wonder if a mother's job is ever really done because as long as you're still alive, there is still more race to run. I pray that all your days are happy, filled with laughter and blessed, overflowing with provision and a noticeable asset of strength.  My heart and my love belong to you.  You also have my hand.  Know that I am here to support you in any way that I can.  Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers at the DAB.  And once again, my love and prayers to the Hardin family, especially Brian, for his perseverance in the face of much adversity and the Holy Spirit is flowing.  Keep it flowing y’all.  Alright, love you.  Again, Happy Mother's Day everybody.  Goodbye.
Hey family.  This is Arjun from Florida.  __ calling specifically for Brian.  It is the Wednesday before Mother's Day and so I'm hoping this will kind of get to you, Brian, before Mother's Day because I know this is going to be the first Mother's Day you have and your mom is not there.  Brian, I listened to both the Daily Audio Bible as well as just the broadcast where you talked about your mom.  You know, I don’t think my heart even has the capacity to be able to be moved to the extent of movement that was evoked by that broadcast.  I cannot imagine what it must be like.  It is a continuing process and I cannot imagine that.  I know that I speak for everyone here, Brian, when I say that you do have family.  You have tens of thousands of members of your family, Brian, and you have a God that in several places and in the book of Isaiah compares themselves to a mother.  Yes, he is our Heavenly Father, but he is also more compassionate, caring, and self-sacrificing than any mother or any of us can ever conceive of and I know the emotions are what they are and I hope that what I say at least brings some consolation, but the best I can say is Brian, I love you and I love that you’re always waiting for me tomorrow.
Hi Daily Audio Bible family.  This is Amanda from Virginia, formerly from Maine because we moved.  I haven’t called in a while but this has probably been the most __ challenging, frustrating, I guess, year of our life, but God has been so part of it, and so I call today to ask for your prayers, please, for protection for my family.  A year ago my husband strayed and had an affair that lasted several months.  It nearly destroyed our family and if it wasn’t for the Lord and his mercy and just pulling Brian back and helping me to be loyal and to stay strong and to constantly pray for him, then we wouldn’t be restored as a family.  But now we face a different backlash.  The same girl has spent the last six months or so since my husband has left her and rejoined his family just trying to hurt me as much as possible and I'm just weak and frustrated.  We have gotten off all social media because she constantly attacks with nastiness and threats and trying to put doubt in my mind with my husband and sending screenshots of conversations they had.  She's even adopted fake IDs that are supposed to be my husband's and making messages back and forth to get me to leave my husband and going on with just…
Hello Daily Audio Bible family.  This is Jay calling from New Jersey.  It's been a while, so let's pray.  Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus Christ we come to you Lord God thanking you, loving you, and praising your name.  Father, we thank you for life.  We thank you for health.  We thank you for strength.  God almighty, we adore you.  God, you are everything we need.  Without you, God, there is nothing.  Heavenly Father, we pray now for each and every member of the Daily Audio Bible family. We pray for Brian.  We pray for Jill.  God, we pray that you will bless them in a very special way, a way that can only be described as coming __.  Father, we pray for our family here as we start this day and some of us as we end our day, as some of us are in the middle of our day.  God, we thank you for the love that this community provides and we praise you Father.  We ask, Lord God, that you would touch each and every one of us in a way that only you know how in each and every situation so that we can glorify and edify you.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.  
Good morning Daily Audio Bible.  My name is Brittany from Albuquerque.  I have a very rare eye disease called Stargardt.  It's a juvenile form of macular degeneration.  Over time it causes blindness.  I’ve had this since I was 11.  I'm now 29 and considered legally blind although if you met me, you’d never know I had any disease until I told you, so many people don’t even know.  There are no current cures.  I don’t drive either so my husband has a pretty full plate being that we have two kids as well.  He doesn’t ever complain, but he does do a lot so I feel like a bad wife and mother at times even though it's not my fault.  I get down and feel insecure often.  I thought getting a job would boost my confidence and I could feel relevant and like I'm helping contribute.  So please pray for me and pray I can find a job that I can actually do and be happy doing. Sorry, I'm reading so I could get this out.  I also pray for healing for my __.  Thank you all and have a blessed day.  
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