#But not yet
morganski-19 · 11 months
Things I Won't Say When I'm Sober
inspired by this post by @imfinereallyy. I saw this post ages ago but literally just found this idea in my drafts and decided to finally write it,
part 2
Steve lies across the floor of Eddie’s new trailer, mind hazy, with Robin’s limbs haphazardly laying on him. He’s mindlessly running his hands along the carpet, feeling the soft fiber under his hand. Eddie’s hand reaches into his vision as he passes Steve the joint. He really doesn’t need to take anymore, his muscles already relaxed more than they have been in a while, and his mind is slipping into that territory that might give him a panic attack if he goes too far. But he’s with people he trusts and Robin will cut him off before any of that happens, if he won’t cut himself off before then. 
He blows the smoke up into the air as Eddie takes back the joint. Running his hand across the carpet again, he brushes against something different. Curious, he starts playing with it, rolling it between his fingers, tugging on it a bit to see if he can tell what it is. 
“Stevie,” Eddie slurs. Steve hums. “Why are you playing with my hair?”
Steve’s eyebrows furrow. “This is your hair?” He tugs on the strand between his fingers a bit. 
“Yes, and I'd appreciate it if you’d stop pulling on it.”
“It’s so soft,” Steve finds himself saying, not dropping the hair between his fingers, instead picking up more.
Robin bursts out laughing. “How high are you, dingus?”
Steve shrugs. “Pretty high I guess.”
“Could you stop playing with my hair?” Eddie complains, rolling away a bit and almost kicking Steve in the face. 
He moves his hand away from Eddie’s hair and brings it up behind his head. Robin shifts, rolling off of Steve and starting to stand up.
“Where are you going?” Steve complains, needy.
“The bathroom,” Robin deadpans. “Why?”
The giggles kick in and Steve struggles to get the words out. “Cause I have a secret and I need to tell you it.”
The secret in question was Steve’s crush on Eddie. Something he’s buried deeper than he’s willing to admit and something that he’s barely come to accept. But something about the safe feeling of his friends and the weed loosening his thoughts to stop the denial and face the facts made him want to tell her. It’s not the first time that he’s thought that his attraction to Eddie was a fact and not just the desire to be friends. That it wasn’t normal for people to fantasize about kissing their best friends and sharing the same bed all the time. 
It took time for Steve to realize that these thoughts were ok for him to have. That he could have feelings for girls in the past while also having feelings for a boy now. That it’s ok for him to be having feelings for a boy at all. He is who he is, and who he likes won’t change that. The Steve he was when he dated girls isn’t different from the Steve who has a crush on a boy. It’s all him, even if he didn’t know he was capable of doing it. 
The main problem was that he hadn’t told Robin about it yet, and it seems that his hazy mind decided that now was the best time. Now, when Eddie, the person he has a crush on, is still in the room.
“And this secret is hilarious?” Robin joins in on the giggles but tries to hide it. “Can you tell me the secret so I can go to the bathroom?”
Steve shakes his head while giggling more, now realizing his mistake and thinking it’s hilarious rather than embarrassing. “No.”
Robin rolls her eyes. “No?” 
“Mhm. Can’t tell you.”
“So you have a secret that you need to tell me but can’t tell me. Why is that, Steven?” Robin very annoyingly asks, only pulling out the full name when she wants him to get to the point. 
“Eddie’s in the room,” Steve says like it’s the simplest fact there is. 
Eddie sits up. “Why can’t I know your secret?”
“Cause it’s a Robin secret. You don’t get to know those.”
Robin rolls her eyes again while Eddie makes an overexaggerated offended look. “I’m going to the bathroom, you two can figure this out while I’m gone.” 
Steve stops his giggles to roll over and grab at Robin’s legs as she gets up, attempting to stop her from leaving. She steps out of his grasp and makes her way out of the room. He lays there pouting for a second before bursting out in laughter again. 
“So keeping secrets from me is so funny now isn’t it,” Eddie pouts. 
“I am so high,” he manages to get out between giggles as he rolls back onto his back. 
Eddie rolls his eyes before laying down next to him, their heads next to each other this time. “Yeah, I can tell. You don’t normally laugh this much when you’re not.” 
The weed is doing nothing to stop the blush that covers Steve’s face, though his face was plenty red before so maybe it would hide it. “You notice that about me?”
“I notice a lot of things about you, Steve,” Eddie responds sincerely, turning his head to look Steve in the eyes. 
Maybe it’s the high, maybe it isn’t, but Steve can’t help but think that the look Eddie has in his eyes is the same one that he finds himself getting every time he looks at Eddie. The simple want of something more that can never be. To be more than all that they are, friends. 
A look that tells Steve that if he leaned in for a moment, maybe Eddie wouldn’t back away. Maybe he would let it happen. Maybe he would lean in too. Maybe all of the things Steve has accepted that he wants could come true. 
Not that he would even try right now. He’s high, Eddie’s high. No person’s first kiss with someone they really care about should be like this. It should be in a state where they could remember it. Where they could look back on it in the future and remember every detail. Or maybe it should be done when he’s a little bit high. Maybe then he won’t second guess himself at the last minute and actually go through with it. Then if it ends badly, he has the chance of forgetting the little details but is left with the knowledge that this is hopeless. Then he can get over it. 
He has the feeling that getting over Eddie would be hard though. The feelings that bubble over in his chest every time he’s around Eddie are all but proof of that. This is different, more than he’s felt about someone in a long time. The most he’s felt about a person since Nancy. 
That scares him, still scares him. That he can look at another person the way he looked at her. Or more, he can feel something for someone on that level again, but this time completely differently. He likes Eddie for different reasons then he liked Nancy, but it doesn’t change the way he feels about him. This affection, this crush, this almost love is deep. Steve doesn’t want to mess it up this time. 
“I’m not that offended that you won’t tell me you’re secret,” Eddie whispers, like this moment isn’t meant to be heard even though they’re the only ones in the room. “I know that you and Robin share pretty much everything. So if it’s meant for her ears only I understand. I just hope you might be able to tell me one day.”
“Eddie, I-” Steve stammers, cut off by the sound of Robin entering the room again. 
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muzzleroars · 1 year
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the frozen depths, where god’s light cannot reach
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tampieren · 29 days
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S1 Jon my beloved
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revitalizationrat · 6 months
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Random Mustachello doodles
I love this comic with my all heart huhuehuehuehue
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iridescentropy · 1 year
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milkcioccolato · 2 months
These are my ladies~
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Under the cut, more specifics😌
-Sylvie! Chaotic Neutral Human Bard who sleeps with everyone, but I’m ultimately going to romance Selunite Shadowheart with her;
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-Valeer, Lawful good Elf Sorceress who is very easily swayed and was charmed instantly by Astarion. She’s going to be a Spawn Astarion endgame;
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-Nimeh, True Neutral Half-Elf Monk. You probably all know her already if you’ve been following me for a bit. She fell in love with Lae’zel basically at first sight, and they have a baby egg together and they’re going to go live in the astral plane together forever and ever.
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invinciblerodent · 6 months
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bonus Jaheira:
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Minsc of Rashemen + outofcontextdnd
(prev: 1, 2, 3)
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lets-try-some-writing · 6 months
The Pretenders have made attempts to spread. Efforts have been made to stop them, however fear amongst the Decepticons is growing. The Pretenders are appearing more and more often, always being cut down before they can return to their abominable creator. The Cons learn more with every Pretender killed, but the survivors still bear the scars.
Damus wishes more than anything else that he could have minded his own business long enough to not get involved.
Previous part here.
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Damus never intended to get involved. He already had enough to deal with considering his outlier ability, his faltering memory, and the fact that empurata had done extensive damage to his ability to function normally. He didn't have the time or the motivation to join up with either faction when the war began, at least at first. He knew Orion Pax, well he knew of him at any rate. He was also familiar with Megatron's doctrine. As such, he took his time trying to decide which faction he would inevitably end up siding with. War would force him to choose eventually, but he was slow in his selection. There was no need to rush, not yet.
He saved up shanix, doing odd jobs for both sides as peace talks began to occur. Maybe he wouldn't even need to pick. At least, that was his hope as he got his life together. With the senate in disarray, they didn't care for the fact that he went to a medic and payed an absurd amount to receive a new set of servos and a proper face. Things were looking up for him and he couldn't have been more thrilled when his old mentor called upon him to do odd jobs and run calculations. Damus didn't know why Shockwave wanted him to collect seemingly random fauna and flora from on and off world, but he did as instructed and was paid handsomely for his services.
Part of him wanted to question, but after the Senate and his prior empurata- No, he refused to risk it. He was getting his life together and he was going to keep things stable. That was his hope. But of course, just as he found himself a spot working as a field scientist for a research facility, everything went to slag. Orion Pax dropped off the face of creation and in turn the war went to the pits and back. Both sides were in an uproar, so Damus tried to steer clear of it. That of course did not last, not when during an expedition underground for a few stellar cycles to escape the horrors of war, he met a mech who was far larger than he remembered.
"You are Damus."
"Orion Pax. It is a surprise to see you here."
"I come in search of the Matrix of Leadership. Do you know its location?"
"Legend says it returned to Primus after Sentinel offlined."
"Do you know the path to Primus's core?"
"Maybe? I can try, but I don't work for free Pax. I am not the lost mech you knew. I have a life, a job. I am not risking it by helping out the Autobots without something in return."
"You desire payment?"
"Obviously. I know the tunnels well enough to get you going in the right direction at any rate."
"That is sufficient. Should you complete this task adequately, you will be rewarded in due time."
There was something very off about the mech who Damus was pretty sure was Orion. But he decided whatever it was, he didn't want to get involved. Orion had been gone for stellar cycles, probably on this foolish mission. It was in his best interest to get Pax where he needed to be so he could get his aft but up to the surface and stop the panic. And so that's just what he did. He walked Orion down the right paths until he didn't trust his memory to lead him further. Orion, or at least the mech who looked a great deal like Orion, watched him with calculating optics and nodded before vanishing into the dark. He decided then and there that he didn't even want to be paid, not when this mech was staring lasers into his spark during their entire walk.
Not his problem. Not his problem.
That was what he chanted to himself as Optimus Prime emerged onto the battlefield not long later and Damus found himself with no choice but to join up with the Decepticons for his own safety. Something was very wrong with Optimus Prime, although he couldn't pinpoint what exactly it was. He was just WRONG and looking back at the tunnel incident, Damus regretted guiding him. He did everything in his power to steer clear despite being with the Cons technically. His hope was that by staying in the city of Tarn, he could keep away from whatever was going on in the war. Being a researcher behind the lines was his safest bet. He didn't even care about trying to make something of himself. The job could frag itself now that he had his face and servos. He just wanted to stay as far away from all of it as he could. Whenever he left the safety of Tarn for whatever reason, he seemed to run into trouble.
Optimus met his gaze twice from a distance. Damus purged after each incident. The Prime was focused on him, and something deep in his spark told him that was a death sentence. A few times he caught sight of another one who gave him unsettling feelings. A yellow scout, one who the records stated was designated as Bumblebee once he finally worked up the willpower to look him up. Then there was the third, the last one that confirmed Damus's fears. Ratchet was the CMO of Cybertron before the war, but now he was on the battlefront every now and then... and he was different. There were rumors that he got ill and then miraculously recovered. But looking at him from a distance? Damus got that same feeling, the one he got when he saw Optimus. Those three were wrong, and so he tried not to leave Tarn for his own safety.
He was concerned to say the least. But he was safe in Tarn. Of course that was fine until Megatron began laying down rules that Damus and many others didn't understand. There were constant warnings about an infection originating from Autobot lines. Medics were suddenly being trained en masse and were promptly put absolutely everywhere. Medical procedures grew more invasive and frequent, constant sanitation became the norm, and any soldier that presented even the slightest behavioral difference after battle was taken away, often never to be seen again. There was also the sudden appearance of strange armor suits that mecha amongst the Decepticons began to wear. There were whole propaganda campaigns urging every soldier to get the suits for their own protection. The bulky things covered every possible part of the frame, and somehow Damus got the distinct impression that something darker was going on behind the scenes. Things weren't adding up.
His fears were confirmed when Optimus Prime decided it was time to give Damus his payment.
Damus had no time to react when the Autobots launched an attack on Tarn shortly after the destruction of the Senate. Damus hid with the rest of the non combatants, but the Prime was quick to appear on the battlefield and tracked Damus down like a bloodhound when he tried to run. Optimus Prime found him huddled amidst the ruins of the bombed out fortress he called home for so long. And it was there that the Prime, no, the monster, ruined his entire life.
"I promised you payment. I have come to offer it."
"You are one of his students. You will be useful."
"Primus no-!"
He could only scream as the thing's jaw came apart, splitting into a maw of mandibles. Then just as quickly, a squirming bug of some sorts was lowered toward his right optic. It was agony as the thing wormed its way into him, and all the while the monster above him seemed to smile in its convoluted way. All he knew was pain as the thing left in a hurry and he was promptly collected and dragged away to a place he didn't know.
He remembered medics, dozens of them all practically buried under the protective suits the posters were always advertising. He remembered screaming in agony as they worked on him, doing something to his helm and much of his torso. But then it ended, and Damus was left in an isolated room, strapped down to his berth with heavy chains, and standing before him was the one and only Megatron who also wore the suit.
"What in Primus's name happened to me?"
"You were infected with the Pretender larva. We managed to remove the larva itself, but its roots have already spread."
"What does that means? What is this?"
"Listen closely Damus. We don't know where it came from, but the Pretenders are creatures that infest a host and devour them in order to wear their frames as disguises. Optimus Prime is one of these creatures."
"Then he-"
"He spread the infection to others, including yourself. We have found hundreds of others like you in various stages of infection. We have done everything we can to reverse the effects, but all we have accomplished is slowing it down."
"So... I am going to die?"
"Yes. We slowed the infection to a crawl and your life will be extended through frequent surgeries to remove the largest of the roots. However, it will kill you one cycle."
"I will become one of those monsters."
"Only if you give in. We have installed an explosive in your processors that will eliminate you at a moment's notice. This is not out of cruelty, but merely to ensure you cannot become another tool for the Pretender plague."
"I see..."
"You will die, but you need not do so without honor. You carry part of the Pretender genome. With it, you will likely find you have new abilities, most notably, an inbuilt radar which will point toward other Pretenders."
"You want to make me a tool."
"I offer you a choice. You can die here with a quick and painless offlinement, or you can serve us and use your curse to ensure others do not suffer the same fate."
"How many have died due to this?"
"Thousands. We find more every cycle. The thing that calls itself Prime is prolific and must be eradicated."
"Then... I will serve. I will make sure this CURSE cannot spread."
"Good. We will have need of you Damus."
"Please, call me Tarn. I want that monster to know that the city it destroyed yet lives on. That I still remain defiant."
Damus, or rather Tarn took one look at his face and knew what he needed to do. The larva had buried itself into him, and so to remove it, his face that he spent so long achieving was now devastated. However in his rage, he found he didn't care. He wasn't afraid anymore. That monster took his entire life from him. Condemned him to eventual death alongside countless others. He refused to let the newly named Pretenders be. Not after everything.
He wanted to not be involved. But now he had no choice. Passivity got him infected. And so until he perished, he would fight. He could feel the new strength that hummed in his fuel lines. Evidently, the Pretenders were more than simple infiltrators. The world was brighter, more noisy, and far less frightening. The thing within him would kill him, but until it did, he had its strength as its own.
The Pretenders were going to DIE.
With Megatron's aid, Tarn was given access to all he needed. Every moment was spent on the hunt, and the few he found in time to save quickly joined his ranks. Other mecha, each survivors of the larva. Together they grew in number and slaughtered the Pretenders in their cradles. The things were so very weak when young. Tarn could feel the rage of the one called Prime. But he merely smiled as time went on. Every Pretender killed was one less threat. Megatron's warnings now made perfect sense.
An infection was spreading across Cybertron, and Tarn was going to stop it.
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oldfarmhouse · 2 years
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cruising ❄️ winter
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rouecentric · 2 years
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summary: getting isekai'd into a 18+ yandere romance novel is anything but nice, but you should make the best of it now, no?
a/n: man idk, i'm just posting this to see your guys' opinions on this to see if i should continue writing this
the actual work is under here!
this wasn't your bedroom, because if it was, the bed wouldn't be this.. soft. not like it was bad, it just caused you to think you were kidnapped, which you thankfully weren't, you instead just got isekai'd, which was confirmed by looking at the scenery and a diary you found on a night stand.
everything would be swell if you didn't get in the body of the unnamed saintess that died by the hands of one of the male leads in the novel. yeah... you got stuck in an 18+ yandere romance novel.
you didn't know which one was worse, getting stuck in the body of a character that'll die, or being in an 18+ novel with yandere love interests.
just... deep breaths, y/n, you might give yourself a panic attack by thinking of it too much, just think of a plan to take your mind off of it.
"ah", you suddenly, but quietly, struck out. "why not just seduce one of the male leads?" you smiled, already thinking about the man you knew you'd have an easy time to seduce.
arden burimm, a priest-like knight that worked in the same same temple you currently resided in, shy and timid on the outside, but actually rather obsessive and possesive over his obsession, which in the story was the female lead, claudia lennari.
he was the perfect candidate, you just hope he wouldn't move on from his obsession with the female lead to you, it'd be quite tiresome.
anyways!~ it's time to set my little plan to motion, you cheerfully thought, getting up from your bed and grabbing a black shawl, draping it around you before going and quitely opening the door.
"Ah, mister obelon, do you know where brother arden is? i was thinking of talking to him today.." you questioned the guard next to your door, masking your bored expression with a more innocent and cutesy one while tilting your head downwards on the side.
"Oh! yes, grand saintess y/n, he's near the gates of the temple, do you want me to go inform him of my lady requesting his presence?" the older man, obelon, hurriedly answered, it seemed like he didn't expect you to peek your head out of the door and tell him something.
grand saintess. a title that's only granted to saintesses that worked for multiple years, being seen as seniors and mentors to younger saintesses. that title was too holy for someone as lowly as you.
"yes, please, but before you can do that, could it be possible for you to go to the chef and tell her to prepare multiple cookies and get the gardener to bring me some yellow roses? you can always get servants to bring the things to me." you "shyly" asked, puffing out your cheeks to maximise whatever charms you had.
of course, the man nodded before running off to do the things you requested, what a gullible fool. oh well, whatever he does after that doesn't matter to you, at least your plan is still going along!
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cloudtaleblog · 3 months
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trying paint tool sai so here’s like a child transfem dream
sorry for the shitty quality i tend to gravitate towards the smallest corner LOL
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morganski-19 · 11 months
Things I Won't Say When I'm Sober: Part Two
part 1, part 3
“Ok, dingus I’m back from the bathroom so Eddie can get out and you can tell me your- Why are you two sitting so close?” 
Steve sits up abruptly, breaking the bubble he and Eddie had. “We weren’t.”
He feels the need to scoot away, to hide the fact that he and Eddie were close. As if someone walked into the room and found them cuddling, or kissing. Needing to not be associated with whatever moment they were just having before. 
Disgust fills Steve with the thought. He’s never had that reaction to anyone he’s dated before. If anything, he would purposely make it seem like they were having a moment, make it clear that he was interested. But now that seems to be the last thing that he wants. Like he is ashamed of his feelings for Eddie. 
Which he isn’t, most of the time at least. There are moments were he thinks that he’s wrong. Moments where he is so sure that he’s just making it all up. That is definitely straight and this is all just something else that Steve can’t quite explain. Even though the only explanation that would explain this is that he has a crush. Now it’s become less of a reaction, but sometimes the fear slinks back in. 
So he runs away sometimes, because of the fear. The fear that this is the thing that will finally break him. That these feelings will destroy the friendship that he and Eddie have built over the last few months. He’d never thought they’d get close to begin with. But what started with sitting in the hospital room for days on end, needing to make sure that Eddie made it turned into one of the best friendships of his life, only behind Robin. He���d hate to ruin that because of some stupid feelings. 
Except they weren’t stupid. They were probably the most real thing that Steve’s felt for a long time. 
Robin squints her eyes suspiciously at Steve. “Ok,” she drags out. “Just looked closer than when I left or something.” She walks back over to Steve, stumbling a bit as she sits down. “I’m tired,” she mumbles as she slumps onto Steve’s shoulder. 
“We can go if you want,” Steve responds. 
Eddie laughs. “Like I’m letting you drive right now. You’re staying here.”
“No, it’s fine I can drive us home.”
“Steve you just spent the last ten minutes giggling over some secret that you can’t tell me. Tell me that you’re in a state to drive right now.”
“Don’t forget about the hair,” Robin mutters, half asleep already.
Eddie springs up, leaning into Steve’s space. “And you played with my hair and called it soft.”
“You only have one bed,” Steve says anyway, very poorly trying to fight his way out of this. 
Eddie dramatically rolls his eyes. “So, one of you shares it with me, and the other sleeps on the couch. Or you both take the bed and boot me to the couch.”
“Like I’m ever laying a hand on that bed without a comforter over it. We all saw the stains,” Robin states. Steve’s fate is sealed, and there’s no getting out of it. 
“It’s a new mattress,” Eddie rolls his eyes. “The old one got destroyed in the quake.”
“My point still stands.”
“So me and Stevie take the bed and you go sleep on the couch then.”
Steve looks at the ground, playing with the carpet again. “I could just sleep on the floor,” he suggests as a last line of hope. 
“No, you won’t. My bed is big enough for two people, I’m not letting you ruin your back by sleeping on the floor.”
“But it’s soft,” he says without thinking. 
Robin snorts. “Like Eddie’s hair?”
Steve bursts out into giggles again. “His hair was very soft.”
“And this is why I’m not letting you drive. Come on Buckley, I’ll get you set up on the couch.” Eddie stands and extends a hand to help Robin up. She takes it and the two leave the room. 
Steve groans, falling back onto the floor and covering his face with his hands. He can’t believe that he’s about to do this. He wishes that him and Robin were the ones sharing the bed, it’s not like they’ve done it a million times before. Both too ridden from nightmares to sleep alone and it became so much easier to share a bed to calm the other of a nightmare. But now it’s different. Now it isn’t his best friend that is next to him, but the one person he wishes it were the most. 
He won’t lie to himself and say he hasn’t thought about this before. About what it would be like if he and Eddie shared a bed. Under what circumstances, that changed depending on the scenario. But sometimes it was like this. Just laying next to each other, slowly falling asleep. Sometimes in each other's arms, sometimes just comfortable knowing the other person is there. What would it be like in real life?
It would be figured out tonight, he guesses. He only hoped that it wouldn’t make things worse. That he wouldn’t act on all of the things he tried so hard to keep hidden. That they would wake up in the positions that they fell asleep in and not in each other's arms. Not that he thinks his sleep self would be able to do that, but more that his arms and legs wouldn’t become entangled in Eddie’s.
Just one night. He could survive that. Then he could return to normal and forget that this ever existed. That he never even let it slip that he had something to tell Robin and that he never shared a bed with Eddie at all. 
Eddie comes back into the room and opens a drawer, rustling around until he throws a pair of sweats at Steve’s face. “So you don’t have to sleep in jeans,” he muttered before pulling out another pair for himself. 
“Thanks,” Steve says, getting up and heading for the door, sweatpants in hand. Normally he’d be comfortable changing with someone else in the room, but he can’t trust himself to catch himself staring. He’d barely been able to do it all night. 
“Where’re you going,” Eddie yawns.
“Bathroom.” Eddie nods in response and Steve closes the door. 
He wanders down the hallway to the bathroom. Quickly changing, he looks at himself in the mirror. The high is starting to wear off but the signs still linger. His hair is a mess from laying on the floor but he doesn’t care to fix it, it’s just going to get messed up anyway. Rinsing his mouth out with water, he makes his way out of the bathroom. 
Peaking into the living room, he finds Robin all curled up on the couch. “Steve,” she mutters, blinded by the bathroom light. 
He patters over to the couch, “Yeah it’s me.”
“What’d you need to tell me, we’re alone now,” she slurs out, trying to fight off sleep. 
Steve doesn’t even know why he said anything. He had planned on telling her, sure. But now, when Eddie was in the room, that was stupid. But there was something about the moment and just seeing her there and feeling safe that made him want to tell her. Even if he regretted it as soon as the words came out of his mouth. 
“I’ll tell you in the morning, it’s not that important.”
Robin glares at him in the dark. “Then why couldn’t Eddie know about it then?”
“It was sort of about him,” he sighs, promising to tell her more when his mind is clearer. 
“Oh,” Robin responds, giving him a strange look he can’t decipher. 
“Yeah, oh. Just get some sleep, I’ll tell you about it later. Promise.”
He turns around and starts to head back to the room when Robin calls out, “Love you, dingus.”
“Love you too, Rob,” he whispers over his shoulder. 
Walking into the room he finds Eddie pulling down the sheets of the bed, changed into his pajamas. Without saying anything, he crawls into bed, gesturing to the empty space beside him for Steve. He left the side not pressed up against the wall, knowing that Steve likes to have easy access out of the bed. It was something that Steve never had to say, Eddie just noticed. 
He takes one last breath before crawling in bed next to Eddie, and tried to fall asleep.
another part coming soon!!
tag list: @imfinereallyy @estrellami-1 @paintsplatteredandimperfect @overhillunderhill @renaissan-vvitch @ashwagandalf @sirsnacksalot @lorelei724 @emly03 @super-cosmic-library @rozzieroos @dolphincliffs @henderdads @abyssal808 @evergreenprose @demolvr @steddiehyperfixation @stedumpsterfire @ent-is-indecisive @steddierthings @makeadealwithdean @kas-eddie-munson @extra-transitional @lunaticmarunatic @steveharringtonmilf @cardboardqueen @imhereforthelolzdontyellatme
(i tagged anyone who asked or seemed interested in the first part. if you would like to be added or deleted for the next part lmk and I will do so.)
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scottishmushroom · 8 months
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Forgot to post these. I wanted to try other brushes. XD
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deoidesign · 1 year
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Wanna go cause problems together
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sb-tmblr · 10 months
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Let this man be happy please
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