#But it's still there. She also has more scars but I didn't feel like designing and drawing more than I did
Well, I did it
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Megatron - I love his tfp design. Probably one of the best iteration of Megs. He is huge, heavy armoured, his face covered with scars… He doesn’t looks like an ordinary military leader who is only capable of giving orders, but like real warrior who can destroy any enemy with his bare hands.
So, in the WOF version, he definitely shares some features with Princess Burn, not only because of his might, but also because of his horns shape and dirty-dark scales (that absorbed blood of his enemies)
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Starscream - Boy, I hate him so much 🤣… but in the good way, trust me! In my opinion, when the show's creators make you feel such strong negative emotions towards a villain, it means they've done a great job. Also, I think that his animation in the show was absolutely incredible, because even though he's a 3D model, he still manages to move like a 2D character, which is amazing!
I feel that in my design he still looks more like a skywing, than an icewing (which is kinda logical)
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Soundwave - This one was tricky. I couldn't figure out what his mask would look like, so I just made his face a really dark color. I think Soundwave has both gifts of the nightwings, and he’s equally great at telepathy and a future vision. So he doesn't really need equipment to predict enemy movements, which makes him an ideal communicator in the WOF setting. His Laserbeak is part of the armor enchanted by Shockwave, and it might also allow him to open portals (but I'm not sure with this one)
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Shockwave - My favourite evil genius. He would definitely have animus magic and mind reading. I think Shockwave is the only one who has advanced the study of magic so far, precisely because he combined it with scientific knowledge and created safer methods of using it, that don't damage the mind. It's like if a Mastermind got animus magic in books.
I also like to think that he didn't heal the damaged part of his face just so that his enemies would fear him more)
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Dreadwing - This man deserved better! It's really a shame that he was removed from the show so quickly due to financial problems. It would be great if his arc got a proper conclusion in season 3.
Considering that I didn't want to make him a hybrid, it was difficult to choose a suitable color palette. So let’s just say, that I tried my best😅
I don’t think that he would have any nightwing powers, but honestly it doesn’t even matter - this guy can make a bombs, what else does he need to be cool
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Arachnid - Did anyone even doubt that she would be a hivewing? Damn, she even got her own “Othermind” virus. Her design was the easiest to work with - just a little poisonous ass (suspiciously similar to Maleficent).
Just like Starscream, I hate her, but in a good way. She's one of the creepiest characters in the entire series, who’s acting like a fucking heartless monster, especially with Arcee, but even so, there's always was something mesmerizing about her. I just really like strong female villains
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Knockout - Wery bright and charismatic guy, definitely one of my fav cons!
I tried to draw him as handsome as possible. Worked a lot on the face shape and coloring, and as for me it turned out pretty nice (finally).
Most decepticons think Knockout is as stupid and lazy as all the other rainwings. And it's not like he completely disagrees with that. Of course he’s not stupid and lazy, but if it’s means less dirty work on the battlefield, well, he’ll continue act like a tipical rainwing
(I also believe that Megatron keeps him as an “art”)
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Breakdown - Fun fact: "Operation Breakdown" was the very first thing I saw in this series. And it was an interesting experience for 8 year old me. Maybe that's why I'm so scared of eye gouging scenes in movies now…
I think that he didn't have any siblings initially due to his parents nature, and even after meeting Bulkhead, he felt uncomfortable among the other mudwings. And this is why he later chose the side of the decepticons. And maaaaybe because of one cute rainwing influence)
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I think that, being mostly nightwings and icewings, the decepticons are much more concerned about purity of their blood and rarely accept half-breeds into their ranks.
During the war, there were many animus dragons among decepticons, which is why they have so many artifacts that allowed teleportation and communication at a distance. But, honestly, I still can't imagine what Nemesis would look like in this AU
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kozachenko · 3 months
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Here, have a fairly light sketch dump with two relatively complete sketches and some of the process for the main Zanmu one. Also, Gensokyo's specalist girl makes an appearance here too
Artist's Notes;
Zanmu is such a fun character to draw, like, there's so many little aspects in her design that you can emphasize, and her colour palette is so satysfying too. The reason I ended up drawing this was because when I was scrolling on Pinterest I found a specific pose that just screamed Zanmu to me (it was the skull that did it for me) and I just had to draw her in that pose. I did end up taking my liberties with my reference though, and also I am not drawing feet, I just straight up don't like it, and this is mainly something more on the sketchy side so it didn't really matter lol. Also, IDK too much about the hands, I'm usually pretty good with them but I struggled with them a bit this time. Also Zanmu is sitting on nothing because I just didn't feel like drawing what she was sitting on (plus I already drew in the clothes and including what she was sitting on would mean having to change the sleeves and I just didn't wanna do that lol). Also realized that I should probably start trying to improve on drawing frills in clothing, and I tried a new technique for drawing them. I do like how they look, but at the same time it can still be better.
I do love how Zanmu's pose turned out the most in this batch of sketches. In my process, I put the reference image on the canvas and then roughly blocked in the silhouette. One change I knew I wanted to make since the beginning of the sketching process was opening up the space between the bent arm and body more, mainly to make the silhouette of the pose clearer (even though with the addition of the clothes it does get closed up a lot). I also wanted to turn the torso towards the viewer and change the position of the legs to something more cross legged/casual. In another sketching pass, I just kinda quicjly scribbled what I wanted the pose to look like just so I could get my idea out and I'm glad I did that because that helped me focus more on the pose itself rather than the small details. Afterward, I did a sketch of the body, clothes, and hair all together and then coloured it to get the coloured Zanmu sketch!
Again, I could've done a better job with the feet and the legs themselves for that matter, but the nice thing about sketches is that they don't need to be perfect, and I was more so focused on the gesture/feel of the pose rather than the minute details. With her facial expression, I knew that I wanted something very specific with her eyes, so I just simplified it into this "almost closed" eye and I do like how it turned out a lot. Also, a problem that I often have drawing Zanmu is that in the poses I put her in, I don't really know how best to draw in those triangle cut outs she has, so instead, I added these little triangle details onto her sleeves and pants to add some visual interest and allude to them instead, also because they can kinda allude to a crown and Zanmu is the king of Hell so it fits lol (also, love it when people add details like that onto sleeves sm lol). The hair and tassles did a lot of heavy lifting when it came to making the drawing have a nice flow to it, and I have the headcanon that Zanmu is just able to make those float on there own by.... honestly I don't know, I just like the idea of her tassles defying gravity and floating all the time. Also IDK if you can see them, but I did make sure to include her scars as I'm basically adding that as a part of my way of drawing Zanmu. It just adds a certain something, y'know? Also found a specific reference for the skull and made it the red that it is in Touhou 19, and also because drawing skeletons and skulls is just fun lol.
Now onto Reimu, so that face drawing was mainly there just so I could get a better idea of how I wanted to draw her face in the future. My main concern was trying to make it different to Keiki and Zanmu's faces, so as I was sketching hers I had the drawings of Keiki and Zanmu's faces turned on to make sure I wasn't drawing the same thing again. Down here I included this little test I did where I hyper simplified the eyes of the three faces and just traced over their face shapes, noses, eyebrows, and mouths. While the nose is the most consistent trait shared among the three of them (tbf that can just be chalked down to an aspect of my style), I feel like the three are different enough from each other to where they don't have same face syndrome, even if you simplify the eyes into dots and also didn't include the detail of Zanmu's scars on her face.
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I'm obsessed with giving Reimu these tiny little eyebrows for some reason, IDK it just works for her. I also really like using a red as a highlight for whenever I draw her hair black, mainly because it helps to give the illusion that her hair is just a really dark brown and incorperates her main colour of red into another aspect of the design. I also wanted to try and draw Reimu's eyelids differently to try and imply monolids but tbh IDK how well that reads. I also like how her pupils turned out, as I'm experimenting with different characters in my style having different kinds of pupils. I didn't even bother properly rendering her clothes, so I just did them linelessly (I think I wanna try drawing in my lineless style again for a future piece sometime as I kinda miss the feel it had). I of course had to give Reimu her big bow, and also use that specific shade of red. IDK what it is about that shade of red specifically, but I just love it, it looks so nice to me you have no idea- Now that I think about, I kinda wanna draw Reimu more now, as I feel like I can still do some more experimenting with how I draw her eyes specifically. Also because I've got some ideas when it comes to how I wanna draw her body type.
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anaugust · 3 months
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Lae'zel is here!
I'm making redesigns for the main bg3 characters - not because I dislike their designs, but because I like putting characters I like in cute clothing inspired by historical fashion.
I don't like when non-human characters look too human, but also when I was trying to change her proportions my brain was screaming at me that proportions are wrong.
That being said I was thinking about taking her hair away but I didn't want to make her too unrecognizable. So I stopped at making her chest smaller. Listen, she is not a mammal, she doesn't need it anyway. I don't know who first came up with this idea, wasn't me, but I love it.
I also wanted to give her more scars but decided not to - she is young, she still has time to gain more lol. Unless you killed her in your game. I'm leaving extra scars for Karlach then.
HER ARMOR. I wanted to make her feel alien to Faerun, but not too much. So:
💚 I made her armor black. I usually try to make only some small elements black and maybe hair. I did gave Shadowheart and Wyll grey armor so I thought that making Lae'zel's armor pure black will give her this odd feeling.
💚 But I did not design her armor after any historical one. To make her feel more alien.
💚 I did keep the red accents just not as gem stones.
💚 Her armor has zigzags as her ears 🤗
💚 With the designs for the rest of the characters I was looking for inspirations mostly from the Wester Europe and mostly from the 14th and 15th century. But for Lae'zel I wanted something different. So I went for this wide pants (In Polish they are called "szarawary" and google is telling me that correct translation is "galligaskins" but that's the first time I see this word lol). Anyway, I decided to give her this wide pants to give her more Eastern European (16th-18th century) vibe. Still historical inspiration - just different this time.
Shadowheart is here!
Wyll is here!
Gale is here!
Astarion is here!
Karlach is here!
I finish the lineart for Bae'zel three days ago, but I just discovered Dragon Age: Inquisition for the first time in my life and that's where I put all of my spare energy and free time lmao
Ater I'll finish redesigns I will either draw DA fan art or draw Shadowzel kiss in their new outfits.
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dunnowhatimdoin · 3 months
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I made some redesigns for the whole comic cast (even if they don't need one, but eh). I sketched them all something like a month ago, then I completely forgot about it and came back to finish them only now. Oops.
Anyway, I tried pairing them up for opposing sides, poor Blitz got left out in the process.
Following are some design notes for how they ended up looking.
-He got fancier 'cause he's a Lord, even if I'm not sure is it's just a title he gave himself or if he actually was born into nobility. The red in his jacket, belt drap and cape got darker to keep the villainous feel. The necklace holds the cape; realistically it would be very uncomfortable, but this is fiction.
- He keeps his armour but he gets a longer fauld, as a callback to the tunics of Middle Age nobles and also to the look of a lab coat. His boots were stolen from the movie concept art :)
- His figure is thicker in comparison to Ambrosius's, for contrast purposes.
-The idea was that with a fancier Ballister she would get a complete, proper squire attire. Worn by her, it didn't last long...
She really isn't for the fancy look, especially the golden accents, but since it was all provided by Ballister, she feels guilty rejecting it.
- The tooth she wears as an earring is probably her own.
-I know she heals incredibly fast and doesn't leave marks, but it would be nice if she shaped on scars to "look cooler" and also more professional as a sidekick. Show off that she can fight, y'know?
- His armour got more decorative than anything, with the sole purpose to make him look good, so that the Institution can look good. If he actually needs to work, he has an uglier armour for it. Still, he wears a braid because moving around a lot with long hair sucks.
- He's got his little diadem, fluffy collar, gradient cape and ribbons because he likes showing off how important of a person he is. Definitely not a sad orphan picked from the streets or anything.
- Gave him a couple beauty marks under his eye because come on, they suit him.
- The corset serves to give him a thinner and more elegant figure. It's something like two or three times smaller than his ideal size and that's not good for his health-
The Director
- In the comic Director is more of a political leader, rather than a religious one, so now she's a general. She's got her band and sword perpetually attached to her belt to show this off, being intimidating with the idea that she's caple of causing harm.
-Puffy sleeves to match Ambrosius's, with cuffs so they don't get in the way.
-Her metal collar and short cape are a callback to knights armours.
-She gets a longer veil to distracts form the fact she's bald and diamond shaped ear caps because diamonds being the Institution symbol is a concept I stole from the movie :)
-Big coat to reference her past as a traveller (the whole "journey over the mountains to the lands beyond" thing) and also 18th century clothing, which is  Illuminism period and the whole "science over superstition" ideal.
-Her ponytail got a little messier to reflect her chaotic nature. Speaking of chaos, the bandages are from experiments that got a little out of hand...
-Big, comfortable boots because maybe she isn't leaving anymore but you never know what might happen.
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primarinite · 6 months
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just realized i never posted my rescue team character redesigns oops
ninetales: shiloh (they/them)
-reworked to be a snowdrift (alolan) ninetales because it makes more sense with the climate they live in and spike chunsoft are COWARDS for not including the regional variants of pokemon in gens 1-3 that got one.
-actually only has 8 tails (lost one in the havoc encounter).
-@ all of the ties that bind heads out there: does their design remind you of anyone in particular? :3c
gengar: havoc (he/him)
-his real (human) name was alphard. he discarded this name and adopted havoc instead after his transformation, as he was hoping that it would make others want to avoid him entirely, as he felt like he didn't deserve any kindness or decency after what he had done. unfortunately for him, medicham and adder (ekans) are stupid and like him. he starts using alphard again after tureis is saved.
-he has a permanent frostbite scar on his right hand from when he grabbed shiloh.
-team meanies fully disbands after tureis' rescue and gengar decides to spend his time giving back to the community in pokemon square for forgiving him. he pretty much becomes team fable's biggest fan and hypes up mayar and turies after she joins (newlin.....exists), not that he will ever admit it.
-after the tureis rescue, mayar tells alphard that regardless of what he's done in the past he's still deserving of love and compassion and that he's not a bad pokemon. alphard becomes smitten with her after that (<- guy that is desparate for companionship). mayar thinks that he's funny and forgives him for the whole "sending a violent mob after her and newlin" thing, and they hookup eventually. everybody in town (especially newlin) hates it but they're still supportive.
-other than newlin he becomes the most active participant in team fable's research into mega evolution when their focus shifts over to that.
gardevoir: tureis (she/her)
-joins team fable for a few years before eventually joining team charm after meeting lopunny. the switch from rescuing to exploring excites her, especially since she's been unable to go anywhere for years. mayar and newlin are very supportive of this. medicham also joins in hopes of getting stronger by travelling to make up for fainting in wish cave.
-being trapped took a heavy toll on her physical body that left her very ill for a long time. she couldn't do much without getting weak and winded, and was severely underweight upon being freed. everyone was supportive of her just doing what she can while part of the team (though she was barred from partaking in mega evolution research due to being a massive strain on the body and could be lethal in her condition). she's much healthier as of joining team charm, which is her main motivation for getting out there and travelling.
-there is a 30ish year gap between rt and explorers in my lore, so by the time she appears in explorers she's in her late 50s/early 60s. still kicking it!
-first image is her appearance in rt, second image is her appearance in explorers
-never recovers her memories of alphard but, for reasons she can't describe, she feels a strong kinship with him. the two become good friends.
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blossomthepinkbunny · 6 months
Hazbin redesigns
I tried to make their designs more varied in colour and actually resemble what they're supposed to be.
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I gave Charlie more goat features like the nose, hooves and horns (she also has goat ears but they get covered by her hair). I also tried to incorporate the fact that she's supposed to be a doll with her joints and face paint. Her outfit stayed pretty similar to how it is in canon because I don't mind her being red when the rest of the cast isn't and because it looks cute.
Vaggie also looks more like a moth now. She has lot's of scars because of her background (she isn't an ex-exterminator in my version but im still figuring some stuff out there). She wears casual clothes because she desperately needs a rest. I also gave her a more stocky build.
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For Angel I focused on a very pink colour sceme (because I like pink). I didn't have lots of problems with his original design, mostly that he doesn't look like a spider too much. I made him fluffier and gave him different teeth (which look more spidery imo) also gave him a spiderbutt because I genuinely don't know why they didn't do that in the original show.
I made Alastor actually look like a deer because he doesn't look at all like one in his og design. Also no more red since red is typically associated with danger and I wanted him to look like he could manipulate demons into giving him their soul by being charismatic (still wanted to make him look creepy ofc). Blue and gold are typically associated with Angels in this show and I thought that'd be a nice change for his colours. The stitches in his face are were the black tentacle things come out of when he is in his demon form.
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I don't have a lot to say about Nifty. She is a bug now, specifically a fly. She also isn't red anymore because flies are green and because it fit with her wanting to clean stuff (since green is often connected to dirt or garbage). I gave her cleaning gloves and tried to make her look more like she could be from the 50s with her dress and hair. She has golden accents to connect her with Alastor.
Husk's design is all over the place but his redesing is probably my favorite one. I gave him a bigger build because someone who pretty much only consumes alcohol all day wouldn't be that skinny. I also tried to make him look older and more rugged. His colours were really obnoxious so I toned them down as well as the owl aspects of his design. I gave him an actual outfit since the one he has in the show confuses me and looks a bit silly.
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These are designs for my AU of Hazbin Hotel which im currently figuring out. There's a lot more I could say about some of these designs but I kept it shorter here.
I also finished my Pentious and Cherry Bomb redesings, which I'll probably post a little later. I also already have ideas for the Vee's but I havent fully drawn them yet. Feel free to give suggestions/ask questions about my redesings/rewrite.
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j3sterth1ngz · 2 months
Finally reworking/redrawing my very first AU ever made! My WoF/UTMV crossover AU, Dragonverse! :)
First starting off with the DoD!
The group bigwings, Classic Sans!
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The resident nightwing, Cross
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The one rescued by chance, Fresh
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The lost princess prince, Geno!
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The ray of sunshine, Dream
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and the one who shouldn't have been, Ink
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Rambles about tribe choices/design aspects below:
Classic: Mudwing just fits him so well imo. Giant cuddly teddy bear dragon. I decided to make Classic the hybrid instead of Sunny/Dream, and choose rainwing as it fits him very well personality wise. Classic is still fire resistant like Clay, however he is soft-scaled! As such, he gets colder faster than the average hard-scaled dragon, and wears a coat almost full time to combat this. The coat is held up by a metal wire that loops through a hole in his wings and connects on his back. Making is easy to unclip and remove if needed.
Cross: Idk what it is about Cross, but he just screams nightwing. I choose purple specifically because that's the OG's blush color. His is one of two DV protags that has a metal tail implant due to the OG's sword being a major part of his character! [The second being Reaper and his scythe]. Cross's eyesight is lil worse than average and I made his pupils dark grey instead of black to try and reflect this.
Fresh: Fresh was a weird one for sure. Given Ink was already a rainwing, I decided to make Fresh the only other colorful tribe, a silkwing. However halfway through the design process I decided to make Fresh albino. A decision decided based off the wingless white dragon in Burn's oddity collection that I theorized was a albino/leucistic silkwing dragonet. Fresh takes the place of that poor dragonet, but instead of being found by Burn's soldiers, he is found by the guardians who reluctantly take him in.
Geno: This was an interesting choice on my part. I feel like Geno fits a sky/mud a lil more however a needed a seawing and I felt that Tsunami's personality fit Geno's decently well for what I needed with a lil tweaks! I love the trope of seawings having words on their tail so I added his name in his glowscales :) Also because of OG Geno only have one eye I decided to have DV!Geno be blind in their right eye, as shown by the milky pupil.
Dream: Sunny and OG Dream are so similar it just felt right for him to be a sandwing. Dream originally didn't have brown splotches and that was added when I was redesigning him to make him a lil more unique design wise and because of his father being a brown sandwing. Dream has brown-blue heterochromia, a last minute thing because of Nightmare also having blue eyes.
Ink: Him being a rainwing is so obvious tbh. Colorful rainbow dragon that can change color just screams Ink. However instead of bright, colorful, cheerful, and obnoxious, I went with dull, battle-scarred, stern, and cynical. Glory was emotionally and possibly even physically abused in book, and by extension so is Ink, so I wanted to reflect this in his design and personality! [Maybe I'm wrong but I don't recall Glory's trauma being explored or even resolved at all? If anything she just gets better off page and this is something I want to change with Ink]
Sans by Toby Fox Cross by Jakei Fresh and Geno by LoverofPiggies Dream by Jokublog Ink by Comyet Dragonverse/Designs by Me :)
Geno's design and Fresh's body paint design were made by vapor-on-the-sunset and troztolkrii on DA, respectively
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mr-styles · 1 year
Aube Perrie is doing his best to keep things slimy and gross.
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Some excerpts from Aube Perrie's recent article with promonews.tv:
PROMONEWS/DK: I was going to say that you’ve had a busy year so far, but I guess that this run of work has been going longer than that…
AUBE PERRIE: I have a bad memory for these things, but it's been pretty continuous. And I guess it started around a year ago, when Harry's team, actually H’s creative director Molly Hawkins and Columbia’s SVP Bryan Younce reached out and we started to try to make something happen for the new album. That's when, among other things, I wrote Satellite and Sushi. Satellite was actually written first.
I mean, there were also a couple before that - it was a long process. Among many things, Molly Hawkins is a brilliant creative director. She’s very cautious about the work they put out there, and so is H, Bryan and this whole team. But I was very fortunate and spoiled enough for having them letting me explore on a couple tracks, being extremely open and supportive. The process spread on a whole year, but that was all to the benefit of pushing the creative, pushing the ideas, giving ourselves the opportunity to explore and use the time to make something that really feels right.
When Satellite was written, I think we all liked it, but it just stayed only as an idea, we kept exploring, maybe we weren’t going to do it. And then it came back like, months later - after Sushi. It was a busy year but giving lots of time to reflect, to develop.
What did they give you, to prompt your ideas apart from the music?
The briefs were very different. Satellite was completely open. For Sushi they actually mentioned just one thing: Harry wanted to be a fish. That was the brief.
And he went from a fish to sort of disgusting Tulu octopus - that's what I was aiming for. I guess I didn't want to make a classic mermaid figure. And we tried to make it as disgusting as possible. But somehow, I don't know, Harry is so handsome…
Yes. So it still ends up being quite glamorous...
Exactly. It's terrible! But we really did our best to really make this world very slimy and gross - I kept insisting on that, and we were lucky to have everyone very much on board to go for a world that felt sweaty and textured. The texture of the tail and the squid body part had fight scars, our brilliant prosthetic lead Chelsea Delfino added the ones that white sharks have, went for a skin marked with shells. We really tried to put some gross details in there.
I wanted to design a world and restaurant location as disgusting as possible, that had this very odd and long back story. My friend and producer Josh Sondock took me to this great location that was already pretty intense, it has this crazy backstory that has been untouched, an amazing kitchen to work with - and we made it ten times worse. Still, H’s beard is kind of hot...
Having said that it's glamorous, he's still a very convincing man-squid. How did you go about creating something that good, that really does look like it was captured in-camera? 
It was very much captured all in-camera. Time was challenging because we had very little time to build the tail, the prawn masks, in time to fit the schedule. H was in the middle of the craziest tour, to say the least. We presented two different options. Something more fishy - closer to the classic mermaid I guess, but still pretty gross and unsettling, more like a slimy eel– and the squid, which was more difficult to do, but got us very excited. And H, Molly, everyone went straight for the squid. So much fun.
Wow. Not much time to fit in a lot of narrative. Did you get a much of a chance to discuss with him beforehand what was going to happen?
H definitely kept an eye on everything and it was nice to have him excited and on board jumping into a huge slimy tail and catching fishes in-camera beforehand, so we knew the main challenge would be to make it through the days. But at least we were all super aware of the challenge and up for it including H.
A lot goes through Molly, but they're also very close, so if you're discussing with Molly, you're discussing with H eventually. But I guess there was not so much discussion, but more support, especially for Sushi. It was just very easy and supportive and went very smoothly. There was just a lot of trust. And we were all here to try getting something fantastic.
I think we were all very strongly convinced it was actually good to try going for what was not so much expected of him. And I think we all were very excited picturing a result that felt like it had the potential to be quite unique. Including H.
He's familiar with the film world, having done features, and I guess he's toying with his image in quite an interesting way. Obviously not all pop stars are prepared to do that.
More should - because…it’s fun. Take Sushi. The shot list was wild. We had one day with H. At some point, you have no time to always explain what you’re shooting all over the place with A & B cam, you just need to get on with it. I guess it was way more indie film than blockbuster. But H is blockbuster. So the day would be impossible without him being very much prepared to be on the same boat as everyone one else to get it, embracing it and having fun with it. There is just no other way.
But I’m so glad that’s who he is. Everyone saw that day he’s definitely amazing at doing that and getting it. He’s very much prepared indeed. And by focusing the energy on nothing but getting it, it allows space for fun. And more than anything, it was all a lot of fun. That’s how it should be.
You can read the whole article here!
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timtamtomme · 1 month
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GUESS IM STILL ON THET TF2 GRIND--- Ever since I resketched them all in my new style, I have been thinking about ACTALLY designing my merc ocs!! SO I FINALLY DID!! Plus they all share colors, proper, so they look so nice together!! I kina miss their story, so I'll see about exploring that more too.
Of course, to show off their scars and features, I also made a bare version! This will likely double as dress up dolls for future outfits I may make LMAO
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Though a couple share names with cannon TF2 mercenaries, their lore and personalities have long since branched off from their canonical counterparts. If you're interested in some details about them, here's a quick mini-bio for each one!! I'm also open to answering any questions about them, because they have at least 6 years of history behind them, haha!
BLU MEDIC ~ Hannes Augesburt
German ~ He/Him ~ Demiromantic Bisexual Hannes is the closest you can get to the 'villain' of the story without looking beyond the mercenaries themselves. He's an egotistical sadist who wants nothing but complete and utter control of his team. He will do anything to win, even willingly replace his perfectly working arm for a far more powerful alternative.
BLU ENGINEER ~ Dallas "Dell" Conagher
American (Texas) ~ He/Him ~ Homosexual Dallas is a nepobaby for sure, only working for BLU because of his father and fathers father's loyalty to the Administrator. Graduating college for the first time at age 15, Dallas is an incredibly intelligent man, but all of that goes out the door when it comes to Hannes. He is extremely permissive and rarely has the guts to talk back or otherwise disobey the Medic's orders.
French ~ He/Him ~ Homosexual No one really knows who he is or what he's about. Bernard spends most of his time alone doing god knows what; half the time he isnt even in the BLU Base when they're off work. The closest thing he has to a friend is the pyro, who has done what she can to include him in group activities to get him out of his room. The most personal thing she's discovered that he has a knack for knitting and crochet.
BLU PYRO ~ Ana Maria Garcia-Lopez
Mexican-American (Kansas) ~ She/Her ~ Pansexual Ana is a passionate and confident woman. She does what she can to inspire confidence in her team and lend them a hand whenever she can. The glue who keeps everyone together, she is often the first to rebuttal the Medic's commands if she perceives him going too far, though she's gotten a lot more quiet since the introduction of his new robotic arm. She fears what he's capable of.
RED HEAVY ~ Mikhail "Misha" Medved
Russian ~ He/Him ~ Heterosexual The often quiet muscle of the Red team, Misha spends most of his free time reading in the public spaces of the RED Base. He enjoys listening to others ramble and replies infrequently. However, when he feels like he has something to say, he is a loud and boisterous personality who has no shame or fear in his own opinions and humor.
RED SPY ~ Jourdain "Dain" {>REDACTED<}
French ~ He/Him ~ Bisexual An almost complete recluse, Jourdain takes no joy or comfort in interacting with his team; at least, that's what he lets on. Jourdain is a man who's so deeply fearful of getting hurt, that he refuses to let anyone get close enough to have the opportunity, and thus, he only spends time with his team during work hours. He does his job well and doesn't even slack on it, even though he believes it to be below him compared to his old jobs.
RED SCOUT ~ Nora Peterson
French-American (Massachusetts) ~ She/Her (Transfem) ~ Sapphic Bisexual Nora is a loud and proud Bostonian girl who has a love of sports and art. After she dropped out of art college, she needed to make up for the wasted tuition and pay back her mother, so she got a job fast. The first one she could find and paid the most was a mercenary job, though she didn't know what it actually was at the time. Since arriving here, she has settled in well, and soon settled into herself with her transition. Being a mercenary is terrifying at times, but she's felt freer then she has ever felt before.
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your-ne1ghbor · 4 months
Magnifico's "Wish Stealing form" design/some Character Dump (Disney Wish)
Oh boy ya'll in a BIG BIG Story beat plus some more information on Amaya and Magnifico in my rewrite:
The Kingdom of Roses and Thorns
Oh yeah...this is another long post and Ik @oh-shtars @chillwildwave @signed-sapphire @annymation @uva124 @rascalentertainments is gonna love this idea
For starters...
I Had this nightmare of Magnifico because of this form and now you all will see it too :3
There were also other posts that inspired this design too, so I'll link them here:
Anyways, this post is mainly an MAJIOR STORY IDEA DUMP for my sweet sweet emo Maggy- erm Magnifico (he is glaring at me guys send help please)
I had this terrifying idea for TKoRaT Maggy, even before I had this nightmare of him, where he legit becomes somewhat something like this, but with more vine core when he is taking the wishes/"monster in my closet" wrong vibes.
More like this for the idea I'm going for:
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This is one of the ideas I had for Maggy when he is taking the wishes. This is might not be final in my final version of Maggy, hell, I might change that particular design to be Amaya's form when she takes the wishes too, since hers is more smoke which is more or not on par with her character in my rewrite/redesign. It might end up being more of Maggy's thing with Amaya helping him get into this state of transformation to take the wishes since I'd imagine it more of a whole process, but it could also just be something they both do together.
Some more design details I added was his scars from when his kingdom was attacked and almost everyone died because he showed mercy to the attackers. He doesn't really have them in his main design, probably because he covers them up with Amaya's potions or the wishes could have some form healing abilities? Idk I'm still firguring out the magic system of my story or that I just keep forgetting to put those scars in his design so awesome???💀
In my post here, I said that they don't hold ceremonies that has them granting/taking the wishes like they did in the movie. This is mainly because I wanted to do a little something original and gives me the oppertunity to take in the horror aspects of the story (because I love scaring children(not in a bad way, but to show them that there are these kinds of people in the world yk?)). This is why I am intentionally making Maggy and Amaya horrifying in their own way because well...good people can become the bad guys if pushed in the right direction. Especially in what they do to other people. Mainly inspired from Hunchback and Prince of Egypt, with subtle, but TERRIFYING pieces.
BUT, They do have a ceremony, but it is not related to the wishes, it is just there to give them some sympathetic traits to Maggy and Amaya (after all they've been through, I just feel bad, they literally wanted to good things and the world just beat them with a 90 foot pole).
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This one I tried making Maggy more jagged. Although it seems like he is a different character here, thats mainly my fault since I really tried to figure out what he would say to Star Boy in this "idea" scene but my brain blanked out and couldn't think of anything so wahoo
Star Boy in this scene doesn't even know he has a desire, he just didn't think stars can form desires (ofc Maggy and Amaya is going to manipulate the hell out of him and Asha :3)
This is also the main reason I split Star Boy's powers between what Amaya and Maggy does.
Maggy has only 1 shape-shifting form, and it is only done to steal the wishes. He can't shape shift into anything else, but it is why when he steals star's powers, he becomes more of a terrifying shapeshifter.
Amaya creates dangerous potions, and more or not lurks in the darkness in some way like a cat to bring them to their doom. Although it would make more sense if Maggy has the creation part of Star's powers, I gave it to Amaya since it works for her too, and keeps the power system balanced in some way. If I do give Amaya the ability to also shapeshift into a monster from my dreams, I could also say the same thing can work in reverse too, I just personally think the creation part of her character conflicts with Asha's ability to create/draw magic.
Power wise for this design...
This form also gives Maggy the ability to see people's desires that HE could take. He can't really take them until they are 17-18 years old and older (ruh oh, 2 of our main protagonists fall under that age gap). Plus, he cant take them from children since they are young and dont understand these kinds of things.
This form also falls under the MAIN conflict of why the hell is everyone miserable when they turn around 17/18 years old? Oh yeahhh this is going to fall under how he steals the wishes, but I'm not going to say anything here yet because I really want it to be a surprise.
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Nothing that he does is not without reason. He blames the stars for not granting his wish (there is a reason why they didn't), and for not stepping in when a star, or Aster (NOT STAR BOY) went "rouge" (not Aster's fault btw, they didn't have a choice). So, this presented him with this ideology (that I personally believe Amaya first started thinking this way, out of pain and wanting to blame someone for what happened a century ago) that in order for people to not wish on stars, is for them to never wish/dream again. The story in my version is the aftermath of this. Still figuring out THE MAJIOR STORY BEATS, but this falls under Star Boy as well.
Star Boy represents the thing Magnifico hates the most. Plus, Maggy has more of a personal beef with the stars so of course he is going to make sure Star Boy dies, becauseeee he didn't do it last time, so second times the charm, am I right? (OR MAYBE THE THIRD WHO KNOWS, LETTING THE STORY WORK ITSELF OUT ;3)
ORIGINALLY, this was going to be Amaya's thing, but as I said, this might end up being mainly Maggy's thing, or it is something they both do, since they share the same goal, but here is the designs I was going to show for that:
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Anywaysssss, ya'll can ask me questions regarding to this design if ya'll want to! I'll gladly answer them! I also will accept suggestions for the design/abilities for this "wish stealing..." thing. I might come up with a better name for this form later. Soo have a happy weekend as your neighbor watches some marvel movies as I work on my projects for my classes.
Edit: Okay my imagination took my to the most tragic part of his character then randomly imagined star boy getting stabbed by this guy and said "now you feel the pain I felt when everyone died" and star boy, in the worst condition says "almost everyone" then gets a another stab from him💀
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fuji-sen · 4 months
Just played WuWa (Wuthering Waves)
Personal opinions ✨:
— Gameplay: I love the gameplay since it's so fun and based on other overworld gameplay from other games, it's different. I'm definitely going to use Genshin to compare WuWa, not cause I want to, but it's honestly the other game I know of the same genre, of course GI and WuWa aren't the same but still same genre and similar mechanics and goal.
WuWa has a three person team, you can easily switch over them even while gliding! and in-battle, it's actually recommended to keep switching characters. WuWa has a fighting mechanic where you use echoes, sometimes to deal damage by turning into monsters for a few seconds! or sometimes to deal support and stuff like that.
— Characters/Character designs:
Scar 💕 nothing else (cause legit, clothes, hairstyle, color scheme, the scars, his eyessss it's just- *chef's kiss* also just a sucker for two-toned hair!)
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Fem!Rover is pretty cool. 👑 tho personally I think it would be cool if she didn't have that pony tail or awkward long hair at the back, short haired girls are badass (of course long haired ones are too!)
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Though looking at Male!Rover, I think the clothes could use a bit more work or maybe changes.
NPCs don't feel like your usual standard npcs, everybody doesn't look copy-paste, there's no generic body shapes, cause there's an npc with muscles, a more lanky one, the clothes aren't similar to the point of copy paste -or maybe I haven't noticed- but there's that guy with the yellow top, clothes are different in terms of aesthetic, there's that cultural look, somewhat sci-fi or modern look, and cute aesthetic like virina and stuff, I just can't find the right words today-- sorry
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— Lore:
Hard to judge the lore since there's only one arc and it's the first patch and all and I genuinely want more lore to compare it like maybe 3 updates worth?
But WuWa has an interesting premise or idea, considering it uses vibration in the story and gameplay.
The Story is interesting, especially with that one village where Scar tells u that creepy ass story.
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noxspost · 4 months
hades 2 head cannons
so in Eris's design she has candy bars. So I headconnoned Eris Is having a very fast metabolism. So does Hermes I also gave her the headcannon of having a fiction version of type one diabetes. Hephaestus and Apollo make her medical a device is when they get damaged but they're pretty sturdy.
hynpos has a mobility disability which was made worse by Zeus's lighting bolts that Hypnos got shot by during the Trojan war. Charon has a speech disability had hurts so he doesn't speak much.
---Here is some more---
I also gave moros a anxiety disorder since he can see all the possibilities of a single person's doom. Hades has war ptsd also depression it was worsen by his trashy father waking up.
Hestia has pyromania ares has sensory issues also is Neurdivergent. Ares and Artemis are both Trans and twitched names when they came out to each other.
Athena is hard of hearing also fear of storms why? Because owls are her animal and Owls don't have the oil needed to repel water. So they avoid flying in rain also shs hates the sounds of the thunder and lighting.
Every child of Zeus that is on olympus has at some point has ran to that library room when Zeus starts storms doesn't matter if he was mad or not. The reason why they go to the library room is because that's the only place in the entire mountain that is soundproof completely.
Ares cheating with Aphrodite wasn't a thing and or surprising to Hephaestus since he has been with Ares it is just Hephaestus is greysexual. He also sees Aphrodite as a friend most of the time. All three deities have made it work.
Both him and ares have pain flare ups. So both just rest and go easy also the chains were to trap for hera who loves to Snoop in his room and also in Ares's room. He did not mean to trap both his partner and Aphrodite. People think he hates Ares nope he doesn't
Ares is claustrophobic because of his childhood with his two cousins and the jar. Hephaestus can walk with his prosthetic limb, it just hurts a lot of the time, so he uses his wheelchair or his cane to help. Ares is a great sculptor map maker and is a very patient lover.
Athena and him have a good relationship It just gets a little bit more sharp words during war.
Hermes Loves the weird crochet items he gets from Eris. Oizys Is great at comforting people who have lost a loved one.
The fates, hynpos, charon and Erebus raised their children and siblings since Nyx's parenting style is like those clothing that claim to be one size fits all.
I do not hate her it just she's just not really good at showing her kids that she loves them which can be problematic.
Nemesis is a Loyal friend. She wears a blindfold over her eyes when she is working.
when she doesn't answer her domain it can start to build up tillers too much and she has to Answer to the call of her domain.
It happened once when she was younger and It did lead to a Hecate getting hurt around the lower half of her face, hence why she wears double the amount of face protection.
when she's alone she still wears that mask Hecate is super self-conscious of her face scars. Nemesis feels bad but every time she tells Hecate she can react to this in agner as justice.
She would never got the justice and Hecate reassured her that she didn't need that.
That's why she does listen to Hecate when she has to guard the crossroads because if was any other time before that incident...
she would have just not listened, but she did because she's still repaying Hecate for that mistake. No one wants to talk about that though.
Melinoe was too young and doesn't get answers to The question also Odysseus has a fear of the oceans that one's pretty self-explanatory.
He did cry when heacte said he would have to help her raise the princess. He was despondent for about a week and a 1/2. He cried when Melinoe called he uncle once.
Zagreus favorite type of tree is the sandbox tree and yew berry trees.
Thanatos cried when he got to hold oiziys. She was so tiny and he loves her dearly. Zagreus reminds hades of the Dionysus that was his wife's child before Hera thought it was a great idea to kill him.
Persephone has many bats in the pomegranate trees in gardens hence, why there was a gated door and it was locked for most of the first game. Those bats live in the trees in the crossroads now.
Charon taught Thanatos and nemesis how to use a oar as a weapon. The fury sisters see Persephone as a mother.
Melinoe is the bringer of madness and nightmares. Her domain is not fully awake yet because dionysus is too far away and on a madness trip currently.
Everyone in the crossroads repeatedly ask moros what her doom was when dionysus comes back till In the madness half of his domain.
Melinoe Has never used her darker side of nature, and Hecate is terrified of that because she has brought back multiple spiders the size of Cerberus's biggest paw Pad.
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sillyfairygarden · 1 year
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fairy once more 🌹 my c!hannah design is complete, full design process is under the cut :)
wrow it has been like 1.5 yr since my first c!hannie drawing 😭 ourgh i love her sosososo much. i really went back n forth on whether or not to actually complete this design, due to my... complicated and strenuous relationship with the dsmp... but after talking it out and going through these pieces i wanted to do it justice one last time :)
without further ado here is a (near-complete) history of my c!hannahxxrose design. i have included text descriptions since my handwriting is notoriously doctoral (bad):
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In the beginning the design was very simple, and leaned heavily into the popular fanon. [pointing at image of c!hannah with leafy, thick foliage leaves from fall 2021: this was drawn before the event where c!hannah got her wings, aka i'm psychic teehee]
(i didn't really know much about her character, so these aren't tied to the canon and got scrapped!)
[pointing to a design of c!hannah with fairy wings from early 2022: this simple dress was a staple in my early design...]
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her wings! i think when she lost them, it really drew me into pinning down a design for her. i toyed with the imagery of torn, tattered wings, but then turned to a more melted look. i love the multicolour spread of her wings, through over time her wing shape changes from a butterfly wing to a more dragonfly/fairy-style.
i toyed with the idea of her wings being torn off completely, but at the end it was more true to the imagery to have these massive, multicoloured wings, useless and tattered.
[text beneath a c!tinarose piece from march 2022: first time drawing c!tinarose B) very uninspired outfits. also, why does c!tina have little wings??? The line "he ripped your rings, my little fairy :(" lives in my head rent-free. I wasn't happy with how this came out.]
[text beneath a c!tinarose piece from july 2022: genuinely one of the best pieces i've ever done. c!tinarose nation 4 lyfe ✌️ Really nailed the melty, shredded wing design here!
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Design Exploration:
While working on those [above] pieces in 2022, i started exploring different ideas for my c!hannah design.
[text pointing to a sketch from september 2022, where c!hannah has a large, tree-like arm: in this, c!hannah is a flower nymph whose body is apart of nature--the tree arm is borne! i LOVE asymmetrical designs. In my notes, i wrote: 'she draws her energy from nature to heal after losing her wings- in return, nature returns to claim her body... as time goes on, the bark grows.]
Concept: pre-DSMP design:
[text pointing to a sketch of c!hannah kneeling, hair wild with flowers and covered in climbing vines: a rosebush who becomes a girl-in her early days, she is more plant-like than human girl! i loved this hair. so fun.]
Introduction of Armour:
[text beneath multiple drawings of c!hannah from summer 2022, where she is wearing armour: in these sketches, i was feeling the urge to draw some armoured ladies-and so c!hannah became my victim!
i'm always craving sleek, feminine silhouettes in my armoured designs, without turning into battle corsets and bikinis.
at the same time as this, i was in the brainstorming/conceptual stages for other dsmp characters, and i wanted c!hannah to be unique from the generic, full-netherite design.]
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Final Design:
A year and a half after my first art of her, and i collected the varying design elements from past pieces into one final concept!
Knightly yet feminine, strong but still wearing (literally) the scars of pain. I wasn't confident in ever finishing this, but then i heard that she gets her wings back after the 2023 """finale""" of the smp... it was time to bring closure to this character design that i have poured a whole part of myself into. This was the final sketch.
[text near a sketch of c!hannah's final design: flower spirit, mix armoured with flowers (utena core).]
for the final piece itself, i wanted to reference the colours of hannah's minecraft skin, while still adding that fantasy-knight element. the wings are trimmed, but still retained that beautiful, multicolour melty look. her tree arm is finally blossoming and blooming with pops of colour, to signify regrowth after the trauma of losing a piece of herself. her insignia is not for any nation, but for herself.
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The works of these illustrators greatly guided this design. Additionally, my peers and other artists who have drawn/interpreted c!hannah before <3 feminine, strong designs are so beautiful!
[not pictured are the works of JC Leyendecker, Jasmin Darnell, CLAMP, Thores Shibamoto, and my dear friend zma. their works orbit my head like a ceiling fan whenever i put the pen to paper <3)
a few things didn't end up making the cut (the cape from the final sketch, her other forms and ideas for pre-SMP, etc) but at this point, i am really excited to just stop looking at this piece LOL. it has been staring at me for forever. im very pleased with it and touched something special at seeing my own abilities, ambition, and concept designs grow within my own work. even if no one reads all 213445345 words of this, it's a wonderful capsule of the work i put into this design and im quite pleased.
aneeeways if any1 read this far i hope u like it 🙇 ok im going eepy now gnight ^^
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I do agree that energy bending could have been set up better and I am open to restructuring the show to facilitate that, but at the same time I don't think that the Day of Black Sun would have been a good season finale; we already had a downer ending in season 2 with Aang getting shot down and Omashu being conquered, having the next season end on failure again would have been repetitive.
I understand your point, but "this is repetitive" can also be used to describe all the times the Gaang managed to win a battle - which they do A LOT. Some people alredy do find the more "downer" ending of Day of Black Sun repetitive even though it was not a season finale, because it wasn't that far away from the "Everything went wrong" ending of season 2. There are only so many ways a show that is all about war can have the battles end. The variety is in HOW said battles were faught and what were the consequences.
Hell, the season one finale is not that happy either. Sure, the good guys win, but Yue died, Sokka is heartbroken, Aang will literally have nightmares about the koizilla thing, and after a whole season of him being unrelenting on his mission we see Zuko look genuinely exhausted and throw in the towel for once. That is A LOT.
The actual series finale is not fully happy either. The Last Agni Kai is a victory for the good guys, but the whole thing is designed to look and sound like a tragedy because of Azula's breakdown. Zuko doesn't yet know where his mother is, or if she's even alive. Toph still didn't get any resolution with her parents. And Aang is STILL the last of his kind, and the world is permanently scarred because of the last century of war.
And I'd argue Day of Black Sun is bittersweet, not fully a downer like the book 2 finale. The heroes don't win, but they don't watch an entire kingdom fall into the wrong hands. And instead of Zuko, a fan favorite, turning his back on his uncle and deciding to keep being a villain like he did in Crossroads of Destiny, this time he stands up against his abusive father for the first time ever, and then leaves to join the good guys, something everyone was hyped to see.
Despite being very much a kid's show that is all about hope, Avatar has VERY high stakes. Two season finales ending without the heroes getting a major victory doesn't feel repetitive or "too much" for me, personally since those battles and their consequences were VERY different and one had a far more hopeful note than the other.
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Prompt suggestion I loved the grandmas! So Ava's grandmas squad at the wedding maybe? :D
you've been to many, many weddings in your life: your own, the most important; your siblings' and your children's and your grandchildren's, blessing after blessing. most have been fun, and, especially as you get older, you enjoy everyone happily bringing you copious amounts of champagne and an extra slice of cake, dancing with you on rotation.
you've been to so many weddings but, of them all, this might be the most beautiful.
part of it is probably because, as you had discovered, beatrice has more money than god. she's not flashy about spending it; whenever she comes to the country club to have lunch, she's in soft earth tones, but you have been wealthy long enough to notice the clean tailoring and how her hair, especially after she cuts it short — which ava had informed your group of breathlessly one day — is always neat and shiny, her rolex and ring understated but beautiful all the same. it feels, retrospectively, a little like you've gotten to watch them both grow up, and grow into themselves. also, amusingly, you hadn't quite realized how wealthy she was until you'd gone to their home for lunar new year, two years ago, and then you had fully comprehended, with a fair amount of humor, because ava had never mentioned anything and had always been excited and friendly and down to earth, more than happy to spend time with a group of old ladies.
this is also the most beautiful because it's on the beach, and because all of it is designed to be accessible for anyone with mobility aids, even though it's in the sand. everyone has taken their shoes off, and there are flowers everywhere and a small, wooden altar, ornate and subtle, that beatrice and ava stand in front of. there's stephanotis woven into ava's hair, and her dress is all gossamer and lace, small straps over her shoulders and the back dipping low. you've seen her scars almost every week since you'd met, but you've been alive a long time and you know that there's a measure of love that exists in her life — fought for by her; inevitably created by her, you think, too, with her steadfastness and her undeniable charm — that makes those scars just part of this night. part of this love.
beatrice, in a sharp navy suit and a t-shirt tucked in underneath, her slacks rolled up above her ankles, has been crying since she saw ava, sniffling and laughing intermittently, and ava had started to cry while she was saying her own vows. it's a simple ceremony, short and so heartfelt, and angela offers you an ornate embroidered hanky silently when beatrice quietly promises her life to ava; they've invited everyone they love and still she says it like they're the only two people in the world.
at the reception, eventually ava finds you on the dance floor, even though her eyes flit back to beatrice often.
ava smiles at the young man — named keiko, he'd said, one of beatrice's friends from the dojo — currently dancing with you and he kisses her cheek with a laugh when she asks to cut in.
'sorry,' she says, 'if you wanted to keep dancing with him. i will say that he has a very cute boyfriend anyway.'
you laugh. 'i would rather dance with you; it's kind of beatrice to spare you.'
'eh, i have her forever. i wanted to dance with the second most beautiful woman here.'
you laugh. 'she is very, very handsome.'
ava groans. 'i didn't know she was going to wear that jacket. her brother surprised her with it.'
it's gorgeous, maybe one of the most beautiful pieces you've ever seen; angela had gasped quietly when beatrice and ava had walked in, and it had made you laugh around a crostini. 'i've asked all my children and grandchildren this, at their weddings,' you say, and you don't miss the way ava's eyes water immediately, 'are you happy?'
of course, you already know the answer. you've never seen two people happier with each other, more comfortable in and out of each other's orbits together, like you have the two of them. ava reminds you of aaron, you often think, with a pang you've felt for the past seven years — joyful, the entire world a little in awe of them, the delight of knowing that you're the center of their universe overcoming everything else.
'this is the happiest day of my life. i am — it's beyond words.'
it makes you want to cry, but you already have and ava glances over your shoulder with a soft smile, meant for one person only. 'good,' you tell her. 'you will have all the happiness in this life, with the love you've found.'
'it feels like a miracle.' she looks at the ring on her finger, elegant; perfect for her and her constant motion, inlaid with diamonds.
'it is a miracle,' you say. 'a blessing, a love like yours.'
'ruth, i really can't cry again.' you laugh. 'but — yes. i've loved her before, many times, i think. in one way or the other.'
she says it like there's only truth to it; certainty. without doubt. faith. maybe you will be young again; maybe you will meet aaron in some other form and build another life, blessings greater than the stars. beatrice's hair falls into her eyes and she dances with her niece and nephew. 'i believe you have.'
ava smiles. 'thank you for coming, and for the dance.'
you hug her, hold her to you for a moment, one of your favorite people in the world. a slow song starts and you spin her by the hips. 'go dance with your wife.'
she melts a little, a grin on her face. 'yeah,' she says, 'my wife.'
the party goes late, the joy overflowing. beatrice looks asleep on her feet when you leave but you hug her too, with her beautiful jacket and eyes that are always only ever for ava.
'thank you for coming,' she says, hugging you tight, 'and for being so wonderful to ava, and to me.'
'congratulations, on an undoubtedly beautiful life. thank you for letting me be in it.'
she nods, her smile gentle. you find angela and head to her car; thank god she can still competently drive at night.
'burgers?' you ask, and she laughs.
'didn't we eat so much food?'
you shrug. 'milkshakes, at least?'
'you are a terrible influence,' she says, but she grins and drives toward in n out and she's your best friend. another blessing, in this life, another love.
'i'm glad we've lived long enough to see that wedding.'
'don't call us old.'
'what was your favorite part.'
angela smiles, gently, bathed in the streetlights while you wait at an intersection. 'their vows, of course.'
in this life, and the next and the next, you remember. 'they mean them.'
'yes,' angela says. 'more than anyone i've ever met.'
'our grandchildren.'
angela laughs. 'a good night.'
she caves and orders herself a cheeseburger too, and then drives to the beach. you can't sit on her trunk anymore but you roll the windows down and it counts, this life and the next, all the same.
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zkoh001 · 1 year
All the ninjago kiddos! That I remembered, lol.
Also I'm not sure if Echo counts, but this is my art soooo... He does now
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Fun fact, way before Dragons rising was an idea, I had a little theory/AU thingie, where the ninja got sent to another realm, where time passed differently. (How funny, it was way before SotFS...) So basically these kids formed a replacement ninja team to fight the evils treathening ninjago, discovering they themselves are elemental masters. And that's been in my brain, slowly adding all the new kiddos to it. Might make some art, and a post about that too, because I would love to draw them.
Here's my spitballing on these dummies and their designs.
The Darkleys kids!
The little shits. They would be the ones to have kidnapping as their first resolve.
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- I kinda didn't know Sally existed, but I liked all the art, so she does now. Also, she loves pink, I love pink, we all love pink
- Brad is definitely the muscle of the group, with a big heart, but not the greatest mind. Also, he has a babyface, that's very hard to make look evil.
- His design kinda grew on me with time, but it still feels a bit lacking...
- There's this theory that Gene is Skylor's brother, and Chen's son, that I kinda absorbed into my brain and ran with it so yeah.
-Also, the hand thingie is not a glove, it helps hold his hand together after a nasty injury :)
- The bowlcut was uniform at Darkleys, but Gene was such a nightmare they just gave up with him.
- They have matching pins and earpieces. Cause of course they do. Also, dumbo boots uniform.
The Paperkids!
Antonia and Nelson are a given, and I just kinda added Unagami on there, since he waved at them once. Also, I think it would be cute if they were friends.
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- I know he doesn't anymore, canonically, but I like to think he still wears his purple gi under the jumper. Who knows when someone will need the purple ninja?
- He has a scar from the injury he had when he met with the ninja. Also, am I the only one who tought something much worse was going on than a broken leg? Obviously a kid show can't have a terminally ill kid, but fsm that's still how I remembered it.
- Antonia! I loved drawing her hair. Also kinda like her badass big sis vibes.
- She has her hands out to make sure the two kids, but mainly Nelson, don't go missing somehow (happens more often than you think)
- Even if he can shapeshift, I like to tjink Unagami keeps his line-marks in whatever forms, since it's apart of his skin. He can hide them, but it takes effort, so he just doesn't bother.
- He can change his form generally, but you could still tell it's him by the lines, eyes, and hair
- He has a little nick in his eyebrow, and so does (did i guess) Jay. I just think that's a cute detail
The Forgotten ones...
Just called that cause I had to add them on a separate canvas after forgetting them. I forgot Skales Jr, shame on me, I tought Jake and Nelson were one character, and I was still debating Echo. But here they are!
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- It was surprisingly not that hard to draw him, even tho I was very scared
- Since he has white on him, I was trying (and failing miserably) to replicate those partially albino reptiles. Also added some pink scales, since he is also Selma's son, who's pink.
- I don't know to this day why Echo was introduced only to be left behind.... Nevertheless he's a sweetheart
- I guess if you count Mr.E, but then he would be dead... Unless the kids fix him (lightbulb moment)
- Also, ahy is his head weirdly tiny? How did that happen?
- Jake. Goddamnit, how were you the hardest to draw? Somehow I couldn't get the head right...
- The giant pants is an idea that lived in my head. I like yo think he would be able to fix ancient artifacts with hairties, ductape, and sheer force of will.
- He might have a bowlcut, but cmon, are you telling me he wouldn't at least try to replicate whatever the hell Kai's hair was in the beginning?
I guess that's it folks, lemme know if any of you are interested in my weird Ninja kids au thingie!
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