#But it's not covid either I'm testing negative consistently :(
thedreadvampy · 2 years
definitely not feeling good I have convulsively coughed my way through a 9am meeting (on mute, I'm not a monster) and now I am feeling VERY lightheaded.
my friend offered me their inhaler yesterday bc they're High On The Luxury Of Free Prescriptions after moving up to Scotland. last night I was like uhhhh probably shouldn't take steroids about it when I don't actually know what's wrong. today I'm a bit more 🤔 bc uhhhh feels like my brain is not getting enough oxygen tbqh
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casanovasadmiral · 1 year
Sorry for a lack of posting I am Deathly Ill.
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breachverse · 1 year
Breach: Chicago War Zone - WIP Update 16 - 30th of April 2023
Had to fight through a fever and a throat infection to get this done but, it's DONE!
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Update 16 has been released! Around 32k worth of update, mostly continuing the Chapter 2 Part of the Archangel Route. There is no new content for the FBI route, or any of the hangouts.
Breach: Chicago War Zone (Updated)
DEVELOPMENT LOG#16.5 (30-April-2023) (B2.
Alpha - 16
Added Bubblegum and Blueberry flavoured ice cream
Added new story-specific generic body armor (Token 11)
Added toilet armor (Rejoice!)
Rearranged armor token system
Continued Chapter 2 Part 2 of the AA branch
Buffed covert plate carrier to 70 FB protection
Alpha - 16.5
Disabled Restart Chapter from Show Stats Screen
The Glorious Goods are back!
Added Tracy shop entrances
Unlocked all secondary weapon choices in the store
W.I.P.: Chapter 2 Part 2 of The AA branch (50%) W.I.P.: Chapter 2 Part 2 of The FBI branch (23%) W.I.P.: AA Hangout Part 1 (26%) W.I.P.: AA Store system (85%) W.I.P.: FBI Hangout Part 1 (23%) W.I.P.: FBI Store system (65%) W.I.P.: Stat screen upgrade (35%)
Word Count: 726,400 words including codes (Last update was 690,972)
35k worth of words, though most of it is a bunch of coding for the heist's outline. There's not a lot in this update unfortunately, I have been sick for over a week now, I feel like shit but at least it's not COVID. At least, I don't think it is. Tests are negative.
This update consists primarily of the continuation for Chapter 2 Part 2 of the Archangel route. There is no new content for the FBI route, nor is there anything new in the store aside from a few tweaks to the armor system. Also, The Glorious Goods section is now active.
Aside from that, I know I said I was gonna post a status update on the 15th but, yeah… missed that as well, I'm sorry. I tried working on the update as well as a short story but, apparently my brain can't really do both anymore. As I'm ramping up update production to be at least once a month.
The private testing update was supposed to come out the 5th this month but, was pushed back to the 15th, and now to the 22nd. Thankfully I still manage to get the public update out this month.
Sorry for the delays, and thank you all for your patience.
Much love! ❤️
Link to the CoG Forums post
I also have a Discord server!
As always feel free to drop however many screenshot feedbacks you'd like, either in the forums or in our Discord channel!
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carrionkid · 11 months
I've been off tumblr for a bit so only just saw your posts about your ongoing crazy infection. Since it sounds like you've been so frustrated about what it could possibly be and haven't had any definite answers yet, I just wanted to say that covid has been found to cause a Lot of medically bizarre symptoms that are originating from a wonderful mix of damage to organs, the immune system and the brain. And with a damaged immune system you'd be way more susceptible to bacterial infections as well as sepsis, and less able to fight infections off overall. Also, abscesses caused by covid were initially found in the lungs but are now also occasionally found in other organs and the skin. Unfortunately, as you're probably aware, a major problem with this is that most doctors think that covid is a yesterday problem and they know little to nothing about long covid. The few that do are few and far between. But regardless of what the cause might be, I would strongly recommend that you think of yourself as immunocompromised at this point with how much your body is struggling to heal small infections, and mask with a headloop N95/FFP2 mask whenever you're indoors away from home or around lots of people, including and especially in hospitals. Apologies for the unasked-for medical message but it's hard to stay quiet about this sort of thing all the time.
I appreciate the concern!
It's honestly less of a mystery infection and more of "it was a massive staph infection that we don't know how or why I got" but it's quicker to say mystery infection because it's not technically MRSA but was a massive localized staph infection of unknown origin
As far as COVID goes, I've been consistently COVID cautious from the very beginning and have never caught it. Like every time they've tested me in the hospital I've been negative and none of my at home tests have been positive either (and believe me, I've been tested MANY times the last 2 years)
I do agree I need to invest in better masks since I'm still using multi layer fabric masks but like COVID is the one thing I HAVEN'T caught lololol
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marcholasmoth · 2 years
OSRR: 3082
i DID get to write today! and i watched tv and showed some of my favorite shows to my mom. she didn't really enjoy them. but that's okay.
i ended up running a lot of errands today with her and didn't really get to sit down and do anything until like 3pm, which was startling because mom woke me up earlier than i requested. i'm trying to get my sleep schedule back on track so i can make it to work on a daily basis, so i'm trying to go to bed earlier and fall asleep earlier so i can wake up earlier. but if i have my mom wake me up at a consistent time, it'll make everything else easier to make consistent, too. i have no internal reward system, so doing it myself doesn't work. i sit up anyway at night and read until i tire myself out. sucks.
i got to chat with a friend i haven't talked to in a hot minute. one of the shows i showed my parents was a show this friend showed to me, and she also bought the dvd sets of it because it was our thing to watch together. so i set it up and watched a couple eps and it reminded me of her so i reached out and sent her a message and a picture of simon. we ended up chatting back and forth a little bit as i was getting ready for bed not too long ago, and it was nice to just kind of catch up for a bit. i'm probably gonna see if i can call her at some point just to hear her voice again. she's great.
while mom and i were out we stopped at starbucks and i ended up discovering that a cup of hot cocoa like what i get has about 30mg of caffeine in it, which explains why i'm able to function when i stop for it at breakfast. caffeine helps me focus because it's a stimulant. i stop for breakfast before taking my meds, and i drink my cocoa all the way to work, where i take my meds at 9:30 usually. that way, i have the caffeine to jumpstart my system while the medication works its way through my blood, meaning i can get up and go and keep going until the day is done, usually around 11:30 if i take my meds at the proper time. so im glad i have a scientific explanation for it. it's kinda cool.
and i talked to joel a little bit. i let him know my second covid test (serial testing) from this morning was negative so i am officially free of covid, so i should be seeing him sooner than later. i'm excited to see him. i've missed him. i miss him when i get sick. i'm okay at taking care of myself when i'm sick, but i prefer having help. since joel's got a job and is usually busy during the day even if he doesn't, i end up taking meds and sleeping, but i still end up needing to cook and get things and go out when that happens because there's no one else to ask to get it for me. at home, i can take meds and sleep, and still get fed things that are nutritious and have juice and stuff when i don't think water is appealing (i'm happy to report i can once again drink water, i have missed its refreshment). so i'm usually at home when i'm sick or injured. it's just how it happens.
as for the rest of the day, that's basically what happened. i also paid my bills and sent my friends a message basically saying i was grateful that i have the number of brain cells working that i do because if any more of them were broken i'd be panicking all the time. specifically this is in reference to my foresight to keep some money on hand to pay my bills when i'm out of work, because it works in my favor particularly because i'm going to be out of work again for a while because of my shoulder. i'm 28 sleeps away from surgery, and i'm honestly so excited to not have this instability anymore. it'll suck for a while because i won't be able to drive myself places, but mom can drive me and so can joel - an unlicensed driver above the age of 15½, in my state, can drive if another person in the car is above 25 and licensed. so joel can drive me places and we'll have no problem. we just have to pull his car out. or he'll get used to driving my car and we can deal with that that way. it's all good. either way, the two or three months that i'll need to be driven around will get him more practice to get his license with confidence.
and i think that's it. i'm tired. i gotta figure out a birthday gift for an 11 year old. i have some ideas. but i also need to write tomorrow and i need to work on my résumé so i can apply to big girl jobs. i'll probably get starbucks in the morning too. that'd be nice. i also did my laundry today. that's a relief. it's been a hot minute since i did my laundry. but mostly, i'm just glad i don't have covid anymore.
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heartfucksmouth · 4 years
I'm still here lol I got my test result today:
negative. But I feel uuhhhh terrible? And I had sent a message to my patient portal explaining that my symptoms were worsening so if I get a negative result I'd like to know what other possibilities there are that could be kicking my ass right now? Bc I'm not a healthy average person, I'm a chronically ill person with a consistently high ANA who is high risk for even the normal flu. And they legit just left me a voicemail with my test result and said to call if I still had concerns, so I called right back and the fucking call center had to send a message to the nurses to call me back again. The person said they sent it to the regular nurses and the covid nurse, and I'm like cool I'd really rather the regular nurse bc wtf is a covid nurse gonna help me with if I dont have covid.
But did they call me back today? Haha no. I'm losing my balance a lot, I keep getting disoriented, im tired af and I feel weak. My cough isnt too bad today but I just feel BAD still. And now this whole doctor situation of course pisses me off more. Bc if you dont have covid, you dont get care i guess lol. I mean, if you do have covid, you dont really get care either unless you need to be intubated sooo.
Like, remember Tamiflu? Antivirals were a thing for the regular flu.
But I guess if I test negative for covid, even though I have mounting symptoms and I'm high risk due to asthma, that negative test like somehow saves my life and shields me from needing *any* sort of medical attention. It's amazing. I've never had "a cold" that kicks my ass quite like this, but okay. I'll keep telling myself that it's just a cold. Denial is The American Way.
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travelinglowcarb · 5 years
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🇺🇸 No panic, no fear, no anxiety - but let's talk FACTS and get serious.... and STAY HOME. ❤
This timeline for the outbreak in Italy is a sobering read for those in the United States:
The Lombardy outbreak came to light when a 38-year-old Italian tested positive in Codogno, a comune in the province of Lodi. On 14 February, he felt unwell and went to a doctor in Castiglione d'Adda. He was prescribed treatments for influenza. On 16 February, as the man's condition worsened, he went to Codogno Hospital, reporting respiratory problems. Initially there was no suspicion of COVID-19, so no additional precautionary measures were taken, and the virus was able to infect other patients and health workers. On 19 February, the wife of the patient revealed he had met an Italian friend who had returned from China on 21 January, who subsequently tested negative. Later, the patient, his pregnant wife and a friend tested positive. On 20 February, three more cases were confirmed after the patients reported symptoms of pneumonia. Thereafter, extensive screenings and checks were performed on everyone that had possibly been in contact with or near the infected subjects. It has been subsequently reported that the origin of these cases has a possible connection to the first European local transmission that occurred in Munich, Germany, on 19 January 2020, consistent with phylogenetic analysis of viral genome. The 38-year-old man was asymptomatic for weeks, reportedly led an active social life and potentially interacted with dozens of people before spreading the virus at Codogno Hospital.
* source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_coronavirus_pandemic_in_Italy
Next, see this updated timeline on the outbreak in the United States: 📲https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/us/
I have been tracking the numbers since 5am Saturday morning (3/14). Important to note is that Italy is proactively testing. They tested ALL 3300 people in one area, and 1.7% tested positive, as one example.
3/14 Saturday 5am: 2,174 confirmed cases in the U.S.
3/20 Friday 7:43am: 14,250 confirmed cases in the U.S.
(with still VERY limited testing)
Another point of interest is that this is affecting a larger age range in the United States.
Why, you ask?
The U.S. consistently ranks lowest on most health points compared to other countries, issues that rank a person higher risk for complications from this virus.
Examples: U.S. has the highest obesity rate, highest rate of diabetes, higher numbers of people with heart disease & lung disease (at younger ages), etc.
Not everyone can stay home or quarantine. Which is why those of us that can... MUST - for their sake.
Consider one man in Italy, no symptoms, out living his normal life for almost a month... before he "felt sick and went to the doctor."
He had no idea. They had no idea. Who could have known?
➡️ That's exactly where we are in America right now.
(meaning: many with no symptoms, many oblivious, many not heeding the warnings to stay in & not interact, etc)
A sobering thought, indeed...
This is the reason I chose to quarantine myself, initially for the recommended 14 days - but I'm now planning for at least 30.
We are past the point of containment, and of the (MANY) so far untested - we have no idea how many of us are exposed and/or infected (yet).
But we CAN help slow down the spread, and give our trained professionals an opportunity to do their absolute best. ❤
Do you want to talk about it?
Do you want me NOT to talk about it?
Either way, we are all in this together. I am going to figure out the best ways I can help & support our community.
I'm currently working on coordinating giveaways, negotiating deeper discounts for online orders, and compiling a list of what's available to get safely delivered to your home (and how to properly handle those packages when they arrive).
How else can I help?
More information, or less? Are you cool with a little humor, fun Slim pics, maybe some fun Facebook Live chats on other topics as a welcome distraction, etc?
Talk to me... how are you feeling, and how are you doing?
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