#But i blacked out and ended up accidentally spending like 6 hours on this so i need oyher people to laugh so its worth it /hj
pansy-picnics · 1 month
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“gay son or thot daughter,” you start to ask, but you can’t even finish your sentence because cosmo and wanda heard “gay son” and immediately started cheering and clapping
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indecentpause · 1 month
Find the Word Tag
tagged by @winterandwords to find the words blink, watch, look, and stare! thank!
cw: homophobia, both explicit and implied
from The Black & Blues:
“Oh, um, hi! Did I wake you up?” It’s Josselin. “Yeah, but that’s okay. Hang on, I think I accidentally knocked my glasses onto the floor.” “Okay.” You lean over your bed and feel around the floor until your hand comes across the familiar plastic shape. Once you have them on, you blink a few times and clear your throat again. “Hey! Hi!” you finally manage. You speak quietly so you don’t wake Danny. “Hi! I’m pleased to say the week from hell is over!” “The books are finished?” “Yeah! I think the author is really pleased. I wish I could tell you what it’s about, because it was really good. But NDAs and all. I’ll tell you when it’s released, you can read it too!”
Since practice ends at 9:00 and your meeting usually lasts until 9:30, you can’t visit Josselin on practice days. But the next day, as soon as you get out of work at 6:00, you and your Polish homework and textbook are on the bus, ready to study. It would be so much nicer if these were just visits to mess around and make out and watch movies. But you have to get your grade up. Right now you’re at a B+. 88%. You have to bring it up to at least 90%, because your instructor doesn’t round up. This time, Frankie opens the door. She smiles brightly at you and steps to the side as she says, “Hi, Meara! It’s good to see you; it’s been a while! How are–” But she stops abruptly and her face creases with worry as you stumble inside. “I haven’t been sleeping well. And I’m having some trouble with school,” you admit.
Your soon-to-be-landlord offers you a one bedroom for $700 a month, which is incredible. It’s a little run down and the radiator in the bathroom leaks and the floors are a little crooked, but you can manage that. When you and Danny show up to sign the lease together, he gives you a skeptical look that clearly says, oh, I’m renting to a gay couple? and that he doesn’t really want to. But you’ve already been offered the place and the lease has been drawn, and at least Illinois has housing protection for queer people, so even though he’s wrong about the particulars, he can’t rescind it without risk of a lawsuit. You just stop going to class. There’s no point. You instead spend your time looking for full time work nearer to where you’re going to be living. You try restaurants, retail, coffee shops. You try front and back of house. You try everything. At least you’re still able to work part time in the student center, but you don’t know how long it will last with summer coming up and hours getting cut.
Josselin helps Frankie pack everything up. You slump back into your chair and Danny approaches, putting a hand on your shoulder. “You’re sure you’re okay?” he asks gently. You shrug one shoulder, but inside, you’re trying not to cry. “Josselin and I have had people stare and whisper and stuff. It was going to happen eventually.” Danny jostles your shoulder, friendly, reassuring. “We’ll all take care of you. There’s ten of us, and I know at least half of us are willing to throw a punch if we have to. I’ll bet Sara could take a whole group. She’s scrappy.” He’s just trying to cheer you up. Make you smile. But the idea of any of your friends getting in a fight because of you burns deep in your stomach, like acid.
tagging @the-golden-comet @alloutofgoddesses @bronzebookwyrm @willtheweaver @marlowethelibrarian and YOU to find the words heat, chill, hurt, and heal!
if you don't want me to tag you in the future, just let me know!
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miss-tc-nova · 2 years
Org. XIII Awful Co-Workers?
“Interview” #2 I did for the Kingdom Haute zine. I had a lot of fun with this one. 
Have you ever looked at the sassy, confident, admittedly-sexy Organization XIII and wished you could stand among their rank? Don’t we all? Well, according to our newest source, you may want to think twice before donning that black coat and giving up your heart in servitude to Kingdom Hearts.
We at Kingdom Haute were recently contacted by a reliable, anonymous, member of the Organization itself who has done the honors of ranking who’s the worst of the worst to work with.
13. Xion – The Secret Manipulator
“By far, Xion is the easiest to get along with, but you can bet you’re a** she’s not innocent. Deny that girly what she wants, she’ll guilt you with the biggest puppy eyes you’ve ever seen. And if that don’t work, she’ll turn on Lexaeus and I don’t think he’s ever told her no.”
12. Lexaeus – The Guilt Tripper
“Man’s got a stony disposition. Won’t say anything if you do something wrong, but he just stares until the guilt eats you up. He’s got a soft spot for the younger ones though and they’ve all learned how to get anything from him, even at the expense of others.”
11. Xemnas – The Judgmental
“Boss-Man himself is probably one of the more bearable ones. Still, he’s as bad as Lexaeus if he catches you slacking off. The way he stares is unnerving, like a cat watching their next meal.”
10. Zexion – The Emo Teen
“That guy knows how to brood. Everything that comes from his mouth is some soliloquy of how existence sucks. I’m like ninety percent sure he only became a Nobody to add to his tragic backstory.”
9. Xaldin – The Nice Guy
“I thought them d*mn Pot Scorpion were toxic, but Xaldin’s got some issues. Guy’s just nasty and pessimistic all the time. I like taking candy from kids, but he takes it to a whole ‘nother level, you know. Not satisfied until the kid’s already got thousands of dollars of student loans in pre-school.”
8. Luxord – The Game Freak
“You ever had to pee so bad only to have someone stop you to guess what number they’re thinking of? No? Lucky you. Everything is a game to Luxord, even walking down the hall. And he cheats. But if you don’t play, you get to spend the next hour as one of his stupid cards, so I hope you didn’t have any plans.”
7. Demyx – The Man Child
“Demyx is actually pretty chill, but he’s got a whole bucket of loose bolts if you know what I mean. Man can burn toast and you can’t leave him in charge of anything. Xemnas must’ve been desperate to let him join the Organization. But he acts just like the kids, even cheering if he hears the words ‘ice cream.’”
6. Roxas – The Angry Puppy
“Speaking of ice cream, this kid’s got an enormous sweet tooth, but he’s definitely not made of sugar. He’ll fight you about everything, even if he’s completely wrong. I once watched him jump out a third story window because Saïx told him not to. Gotta give him props though; he told Saïx to go to hell and didn’t hesitate for even a second.”
5. Vexen – The Nagging
“I’ve gotta give it to this guy: he makes walking around with a stick up his a** look easy. You’d think that he made the rules around here. To be honest, he probably did since Xemnas doesn’t really give a hoot as long as our work gets done.”
4. Axel – The Bad Influence
“Xion and Roxas are pretty manageable, even together, but you throw this hot head into the mix and something is bound to end up on fire. I don’t think Saïx is ever gonna let him live down the time he accidentally set Vexen on fire with actual flaming Ch**tos.”
3. Saïx – The Kiss A**
“That brown-noser is next by the way. I swear he’s got some sort of crush on Xemnas. He’s like some sort of love sick puppy, following the leader around and enforcing the rules harder than Vexen, especially if Xemnas is around. Good luck enjoying anything with him around.”
2. Larxene – The B*tch
“Crossing that viper is one of the last things you wanna do. But at the same time, when aren’t you crossing her? You so much as sneeze and she gets all ticked off and threatens to stab your other eye.”
1. Marluxia – The Big B*tch
“Yeah, the other half of the B*tch Duo. He’s the worst of ‘em all. Walks around like he owns the place and we’re all just side characters. Everything is beneath him and he gets what he wants when he wants it. He once dragged Demyx out of the bathroom by his hair because the idiot forgot it was Marly’s shower hour. And you can forget about asking him to clean his hair out of the drain. He’s nasty and demanding and he knows it. But d*mn if he doesn’t look good doing it.”
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free-for-all-fics · 2 years
Namor and Attuma at the beach/swimming pool AU prompts. Some of these are really stupid and silly but I regret nothing. Pls tag me if you get inspired by or write any of these, I’d love to read it. 💜
1. Thinking about that cliche “Woman lets man put sunscreen on her body for her and it’s supposed to be sexy” thing except it’s Namor or Attuma rubbing his hands all over reader’s skin while he’s applying the sun screen and they’re just spending time on the beach together. Of course reader would return the favor if Namor/Attuma asked.
2. Namor/Attuma treating reader’s sunburn/sun damaged skin because she burns easily/forgot to put sunscreen on/accidentally fell asleep outside.
3. Baywatch AU where Namor/Attuma is a sexy lifeguard and every time you look at him, the world slows down. He’s so sexy, it’s like he runs in slow motion any time he comes to the rescue of a beach goer. You debate pretending to drown just to get his attention. Yeah this is dumb and no I’ve never seen a single episode of Baywatch.
4. Thinking about Namor or Attuma being a dad and doing dad things, like teaching their kid how to ride a bike. Except the bike is a dolphin 🐬. And then teaching their kid how to drive a car when they’re a teen/adult. Except the car is a whale 🐋.
5. Every day you practice holding your breath, for just a little longer than usual every time. After being "saved" by a lifeguard you learnt that humans aren't meant to hold their breath for nearly an hour.
6. One day while swimming at the beach you drown and die. Then you wake up on land, resuscitated by a lifeguard. But now that you are back, you have a strange urge to breathe in water. Unable to hold the urge back, you try it and something happens.
7. You work as a lifeguard at the Dead Sea and wonder why your job even exists. Just as you're about to fall asleep, people start drowning, as if being pulled under by an unseen force.
8. You’re taking a bath when suddenly Namor bursts into your bathroom claiming to be a lifeguard here to protect you from the "sharks". At first you resist, “It’s two feet deep, man!” but you soon see something lurking in the bathwater. (Yeah this is an AU based on that lifeguard “I’m not at the beach this is a bathtub” porn meme. Maybe the “shark” is Attuma. Attuma and Namor as pornstars AU. Just embrace the sexy stupidity of it.🛟)
9. You're swimming off the coast of Wakanda when suddenly all the waves in the water stop. You hear whistles blow and people scream as a lifeguard yells, "Get out of the water! The serpent god is approaching!"
10. You accidentally summon an old god while playing with pool noodles.
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11. After a short career as a model, you're tired of not being taken seriously. One day you quit to start a new life with your dream job- picking up trash and cleaning up the beach. You didn’t expect to encounter Namor/Attuma while on the job. He’s come to thank you for saving the hatching sea turtles, among other things.
12. You've never been invited to a beach party before and as soon as you touch the water, everyone else can see your imaginary friend, Namor/Attuma, rising from the shadows of the waves. At least, you thought he was imaginary. He’s upset you stopped coming to visit and that you haven’t called him on the conch shell.
13. You prefer to swim laps alone in the middle of the night as it helps you think and have found a way into the local pool after hours. You pause in the shadows of the shallow end and hear a splash at the other end. Three armed men in suits are watching someone struggle at the bottom of the pool.
14. Possible Fae AU: You come to and find yourself not alone in a clearing in the woods. You’re mesmerized by the blue skinned people as they sing and dance around the pool of water in the night, with their jet black hair, and beautiful dark brown eyes, laughing and playing happily as can be. Their king uses his winged ankles to fly towards you. His loving smile is entrancing as he motions for you to come over.
15. Cocoon AU: Residents of a retirement home discover their swimming pool is filled with vital energy from Talokan, giving their elderly bodies the same ability and vigor as when they were teenagers.
16. You're an immortal who lives at a beach resort. You have many summer flings with mortals on getaways. One day you see someone you had a hot romantic night with 50 years ago. He looks exactly the same.
17. On break from college, you take a summer job at the beach. Making friends is not your thing but there's one guy who's different than most. He's bookish and not at all cool. The social scene at college can be so destructive and he's not trying to one-up you. By the end you are so much more. (Maybe AU where Namor assumes a “Clark Kent” secret human identity. Maybe he goes by Tenoch in this AU idk.)
18. AU where Namor is believed to be a cryptid/myth: When you chatted with that Tenoch guy on tinder, you thought the K’kul’kan cosplay with the elf ears and ankle wing shoes in his profile pic was nerdy and a bit funny. Then you meet him on the beach, and realize it wasn't a cosplay, as the actual feathered serpent god himself stands before you, a dozen water flowers in his hands and a picnic dinner laid out.
19. Post-battle AU: Namor with a broken ankle meets reader, a beached mermaid with a wounded tail. Restricted from their usual activities, they find solace in each other's company as they tend to each other’s wounds.
20. Some beaches have groups of Sea Lions, but our little town has Talokanil hanging out on the piers, especially when the sun is out. Bit of a local nuisance, but they bring us fish and other good things to eat during winter or in times of hardship, in exchange for keeping their existence secret. We benefit from mutual protection, so we’re all good. Just don't get too close. They will try to drown anyone who makes them feel threatened.
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21. You are taking a family vacation on the beach, when you see the lady next to you fill a water bottle up with seawater and later notice her drinking from it.
22. As you're walking down a secluded part of a beach, you spot something large and blue wrapped in fishing wire, peaking through a pile of rocks. Thinking it a washed up dolphin, you approach the rocks and see that it's a Talokanil and he’s/she’s scared.
23. As a child your parents often took you to the beach, until one day they suddenly stopped. When you asked about it, your parents said the sea had become dangerous for you. Years later, you head to the beach yourself. When your feet touch the water, your legs start to tingle.
24. The Bachelor sort of AU: The 5 remaining girls head to the beach house at Innsmouth. They've all got brains. They've all got beauty. Four of them will be given the great honor of keeping the sun alive and shining bright in its constant war against darkness. With their sacrifices in body and blood to the revered feathered serpent god, K'uk'ulkan, they will keep the sun moving across the sky and preserve the very lives of the Talokanil. Only one will become his chosen mate. Whomever he chooses will be given godly gifts, such as immortality and the ability to bend water to her will. She will take her place upon the throne as his eternal wife. But who among these women has that special something worthy of representing the nation of Talokan as Queen? Four will give their still-beating hearts to him. K'uk'ulkan will only give his heart to one.
25. You're resting on a sandy beach with a bucket of iced beers, when Namor/Attuma emerges from the waves. He sits down next to you, grabs a beer, cracks it open, and takes a swig. He sighs and says, "You would not believe the day I've had."
26. This year the beach was cold, wet, and miserable. The girl not too much older than you in the house next door was nice though. So when you saw her out on the beach in the middle of the night in a rainstorm wearing only a nightdress, you had to investigate.
27. Reader and Attuma, childhood friends, are sitting on the beach together. One of them is about to confess, when suddenly the ocean rumbles. Namor emerges from the waves, looks at you both and says "Aha, so THIS is where you've been!" Ugh, he’s so embarrassing! Can’t believe your father followed you here and ruined the moment. Namora swore she wouldn’t tell! Can’t a princess get some privacy around here?
28. After being teased by your high school swim team about your fear of open bodies of water, you attempt to prove them wrong by trying to swim in the nearby beach. You start to drown but are luckily saved by a cute man. "Hey, are you alright? I thought the other humans were going to help you out?"
29. "Never swim too deep into those waters," my father used to say, "never be the furthest from the shore." I never understood why until today.
30. You breach the surface and swim over to the diving boat. As you climb into the boat you notice the instructor and captain slumped over each other in a sort of lifeless embrace. You take off your mask and instantly realize you can't breathe the air of the surface world anymore.
31. You and a friend go on a camping trip to a hidden lake. Your friend goes swimming, and when they dive down, they never surface again. Instead, a strange woman you've never seen before crawls ashore. Upon seeing you, she declares: "The feathered serpent god accepted the exchange! I'm finally free!"
32. While swimming away from your friends on a camping trip, you find Namor stranded high on the sand. He’s too hot/dried out to move, and asks for your help to get back into the water.
33. Mafia/mob AU: An agent is sent to the beach to find you, the much younger wife of a mafia boss. You’re in a purple bikini on a towel some meters away, in the arms of Namor, your secret lover. You catch the agent looking at you from a distance and don’t seem to care about his presence as Namor rubs sunscreen over your skin and makes love to you in the sand. Too far away to tell who you’re with, the agent tries to shoot Namor, but the god deflects the bullet with his arm without breaking eye contact with you.
Namor kisses you before flying over and punching the agent so hard that he flies a few feet into the air and skids through the sand. Namor drags the agent back and forces him to watch your lovemaking. (Maybe he’s brutal and drives his spear through the agent’s hand to pin it to the ground. Idk. Just a “Tell your boss this is how you please a woman” power move/show of dominance type thing). The agent finally looks away in embarrassment. When he looks back again, you and Namor are both gone and all that’s left are two sets of footprints leading from your abandoned towel to the ocean.
34. Sort of Old God/Ancient Mythology AU: Reader goes to a nude beach for the first time by herself, where she meets and makes conversation with other friendly beach goers. Everything seems normal until the sun reaches its highest point in the sky, and tens (or hundreds) of blue skinned people wearing strange oxygen masks rise from the ocean. Reader thinks some sort of attack is about to take place, but is instead shocked when everyone pairs off. A sort of ritualistic orgy seems to be going on, as she watches the beach goers engage in intimate activity with the strangers from the sea. Turns out the “is your beach body ready?” advertisement she saw refers to whether you’re ready to partake in a group mating ritual that’s said to bring humans prosperity, protection, and lifespan extension. In exchange, the Talokanil hope to create a new hybrid species so that their kind may one day be able to walk freely among the land without turning blue or without the use of masks. They want to reclaim the surface world that was stolen from them.
Suddenly everyone pauses and goes silent as they make a path for a man with pointed ears and winged ankles. They kneel in respect as he makes his way towards you. You can tell by his layers of jewelry and air of authority surrounding him that this is their king, their god. He first holds your face with both hands, caressing your cheeks and hair. His hands slowly go down as he feels and squeezes your breasts and hips, as if inspecting them. Finally he rests his palm on your stomach and wraps his other hand around your neck to press his forehead to yours. He speaks in a language you don’t understand, but nevertheless it dawns on you what he wants you for.
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soobiverse · 1 year
Strawberries ~ Osaki Shotaro ✧
Genre: fluff + romance
Word count: 1.28k ᵕ̈
Authors note: I wrote this while Shotaro was still a member of NCT and wanted to post it for a while and then he left (T_T)
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The cherry blossoms danced in the spring breeze, the children laughed, and their shoes hit the cobblestone pathway despite most of the day going so well. Others weren't having the best time on this 'marvellous' spring afternoon in the small neighbourhood, hidden from most people who lived in Kanagawa, Japan. A young teen stood breathless outside her small apartment building's hallway as her eyes were set upon the doorway of her home. The place didn't feel like home to her anymore after her father became an alcoholic, and her Mother worked long hours to fund her schooling. The place was rarely clean, and her father always invited his weird friends over for drinks, and their noise level could have been annoying. She hesitated before entering the apartment, and not to her surprise. Her father was on the couch. Beer bottle in hand, he occasionally took steady sips. She didn't bother disturbing the man, knowing it would do no good. He would end up mumbling about how she needed to work so he could drink more and how her Mother doesn't do enough work around the place.
Her room was exactly how she had left it, piles of clothes and textbooks on the ground and overfilled trash cans of tissues from her recent cold she caught. She collapsed onto her unmade bed as she woke up this morning, not feeling the need to make it. Combing the strands of hair, she caught with her fingers since she didn't feel like sitting up and finding another source of entertainment, the sound of the front door opening rang in her ears. Knowing it was just her father's friends, entering the main living area to enter the kitchen would be no easy task. The girl's Mother would be home at 10pm, giving the young Japanese girl's father 6 hours to drink with his middle-aged single friends. The girl hasn't eaten since lunchtime, and unfortunately, she tends to grow hungry very efficiently. Hayami sat up and thought for a second, blowing the random loose strands of her out of her face. Then, she walked towards the kitchen. "Hayami", one of her father's friends, Itsuki, called; she stopped and looked his way. "Hello", she greeted like the kind girl she was raised as her mind wasn't thinking so many nice things about the man like he smelt of alcohol even though he had arrived minutes ago. ."Go down to the store and buy us chips, will ya" Hayami's father demanded, and she Didn't want to go against him, so she nodded and headed back to her room, took her purse and set off for the convenience store nearby.
Entering the store and greeting the worker, Hayami scanned the shelves for the chips her father desired. The convenience store down the road was small, and the radio that was always on played soft Japanese folk music, which was always pleasant to listen to. Hayami liked it and even dreamt of working there, although many kids told her working there wasn't so lovely. She just told them that she didn't care about what they said, and they didn't go against it. As she was checking out, she looked up at the worker. It was a tall male with rich black hair and sweet chocolate eyes. "I'm Nakamoto Yuta," he said. After noticing Y/N's stare, she snapped back into reality. "I'm Ito Hayami", Y/N replied, feeling a hint of embarrassment throughout her body. Afterwards, she left in a rush since she didn't want to spend any more time in the same place as that cute worker as it would be too embarrassing for her. Walking home, she accidentally hit a stranger while carrying her strawberry container. "I'm sorry", the stranger spoke up after knocking the poor girl off her feet and helping her stand up. "It's fine", she replied politely and dusted the dirt off her jacket. "Here, you dropped your strawberry container" The person handed her the container, and they met eyes. His eyes were mesmerising, indeed. They were the colour of the afternoon sun hitting coffee or like freshly melted chocolate. With his smile, it was beaming and bright. They stared at each other, speechless. No words being able to form for the both of them, they fell into a deep pool of each other's eyes, and Y/N thought it was..love. "O-oh, I'm Osaki Shotaro." the boy finally spoke after he broke eye contact. "Ito Hayami", the words escaped her lips, but it came out more of a mumble which she didn't expect. "Thank you, I'll see you later" The girl rushed off with her items after not seeing 1 cute boy, but another one who looked extraordinary in her eyes.
Hayami approached the door of her apartment and pulled out the keys. She already could hear her father and his friends cheering about the game. The whole apartment level could listen to their yelling. Hayami wasn't surprised About the letters that piled all the noise complaints at their door, which was another thing the Mother had to deal with. The poor woman couldn't get a break. The men glanced at the door as it opened, "Ah, you got my chips? Pass it over," Her father demanded, and the girl dug in her bag and handed the pack of original flavoured chips for him and his friends, just want they wanted. She approached the kitchen, opened the fridge and unloaded the few things she bought as noise overflowed the apartment and hit the other rooms of the floor. She wanted to leave badly. And so she did.
The silence that's all the girl could hear as she stood in the middle of the park late at night. The moonlight provided the only light source for her, but she still stood there despite the time and the cold breeze. Her fists clenched tightly, and her bare feet were on the soft grass. There was no reason for her to be out this late. She just felt like it. Her mind was, in fact, filled with racing thoughts about a whole mix of different things. Her eyes were growing heavy as the urge to sleep still built up inside her, but she knew she couldn't fall asleep where she was. So, as much as she didn't want to, she began to walk home. Back to that tiny apartment she was stuck in before, but at least she carried her strawberry soda to sip on while making her journey back to where her parents were sleeping. "Are you alright?" her body froze when she heard a voice she had heard before. Looking behind her, the man picked up her strawberries when they bumped into each other earlier, the boy who looked beautiful in her eyes, Osaki Shotaro. "Yeah, just walking home", she replied with a slight tint of tiredness in her voice that was pretty noticeable. She looked at the path ahead of her and debated if she should end the conversation now and leave or see where he took it.
"You seem tired. Want me to walk you home?" Shotaro worriedly asked the poor tired girl who looked like she could sleep. She didn't know how to respond because the question didn't sit in her mind correctly, so she nodded. Shotaro ended up bringing her back home to her apartment. The noise died as her father's friends left about 3 hours ago when her Mother got home. The clock was close to 1 am. "Get some rest, ok?" Shotaro told the girl that she could only kiss his cheek and enter the apartment. The boy walked back home with a tint of blush on his cheeks.
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torchickentacos · 2 years
Behind the art- step by step of how I made THIS post! https://at.tumblr.com/torchickentacos/happy-valentines-day/wb89h200y8qy
1: thumbnail art for idea at 11 pm the night before starting the real deal.
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ACTUAL step 1: sketch, kind of map out the planes of the face. I STARTED with the asaro head planes but eventually just kind of ended up making my own little system that probably isn't great but whatever, it works. spend ten bajillion hours and 75 references on this stage to make the proportions right or at least close enough and also swear off trying to draw open eyes in profile view or at all, if possible.
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2: block out grey underneath, will be made into the base for clipping layers. I'm grabbing layers after making this, so if it doesn't align entirely, that's because it was altered and moved around a bit for the final product and not in accordance with the first sketch.
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3: start adding where the divots (shadows?? deeper parts?) in the face are. I used a semi-soft?? round brush that kinda blends or could be harder depending on opacity, idk how it works but I used it pretty much exclusively. Here's how I sort of see the light and dark areas??? but tbh it's less of a 'science' and more of an 'experiment in some random ass garage'.
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4: no more guidelines since we've blocked out in grey what goes where, roughly. Darken the eye sockets, add shading under the nose, sort of find where the cheekbones and jaw are, and go from there. Start adding deeper creases and stuff, leaning towards detail work. Ignore that Drew's side has lighting and more shading, I accidentally did all of that on one layer fjgdjfgdjk.
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5: add eyelid top because you forgot
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6: get sidetracked and draw the eyebrow before remembering to sharpen the black lines. At this point I'm writing this all out live as I draw. It's been... 5 hours???
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7??: work more on shading in her face. Remember to blend his out because it looks janky in comparison.
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optional: congratulate yourself on that nice eyelid.
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Blend stuff out, alter stuff there, end up here, ignore the hole in her head
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8: spend literally 3 hours blocking out hair and realize drew's fucKING EAR IS MISSING
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Step???: coloring hair and adding a jacket and stuff!!! hair looks janky but with the lighting plans I have it's fine.
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Decide you hate parts of it so you redo it. Go back to messing with hair. It is now 9:47 PM. Notice that Drew looks like a corpse. add warmer shading to him.
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change mroe stuff. it is now the next morning. add backlighting. his hair is bugging me but i literally have no time to care about that.
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FUCK AROUND WITH LIGHTING HELL YES I AM SO CLOSE. What I do is blue shadows in multiply and light peachy gold overlay for light. IMPORTANT NOTE: SUBSURFACE SCATTERING IS YOUR BEST FRIEND FOR LIFE!!!!!! That's the orangey glow you get from being backlit.
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Final touches!!!!
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saint-fagula · 2 years
chap.4 of my wlw vampire story
 I sprint out the door, headphones in ears and in full panic mode. I completely forgot I had the 8:30 shift at Starbucks, arguably the busiest. It doesn’t end till 6:30. I promised to cover Yvonne’s shift because she needed to take a day off. Plus Francesca could use some help. They always cover for everybody. She always said she needs the extra money but I think it’s partly because she cares about us. 
I open the door and sprint behind the counter. As I put on the apron on, I realize that I’m wearing last night's clothes. I have no time to change. It would take me a half hour and it's already 8:35. 
“Looks like someone finally decided to show up.” Francesca smirks as I get ready to greet customers. 
The day was going to be pretty busy. But since it was November it was going to be an absolute pain. The amount of people ordering pumpkin spice latte made me cry. It's not even that good. It’s way too sweet. I prefer a black coffee and if I am held at gunpoint, I might add honey.
I personally don’t even like Starbucks. I prefer more local coffee shops but none were hiring when I needed a job. I still keep an eye just in case. I would gladly drop my job to work at a local coffee shop.
The long shift is tiring but I need to do it. I’m not getting paid overtime but Fran could use some help.
About around 2:30 I finally got a break. Only 15 minutes but still worth it. I put on my music and sit in the backroom. 
I spend the time researching guitars. I’m in the market for a new one anyway. The last one died a terrible death two years ago when I still had a band. When I’m playing I get excited. Too excited. I “accidentally” smashed it on stage for the aesthetic. I was going to replace it but I didn’t have the money. The one that got smashed was a fender. Don’t remember what type though. Maybe a player telecaster. What I really wanted was a gibson les paul. 
“Your time is up. I’m going to need you to man the front again. Val took off early again, the bastard.” Fran yelled to me. 
I put away my phone and headphones. I take a deep breath and head out.
I was pretty much on autopilot till six. I had no idea until one customer showed up. I had no idea they were even here. 
Mona was in line. I finished up the order I was taking on to the best of my ability. I hope I don’t seem flustered to them.
“I’ll have a small iced caramel macchiato.” She said, not even looking up from her sketchbook. I wonder if she is a comic book artist. I’d buy all her books.
“Sure, that’ll be four dollars and twenty-five cents. Anything else I can get you?” I ask in my normal voice. I usually have to make this god awful voice so I wouldn’t get complaints from my manager. 
Mona looks up at the menu, I assume anyway. Her brow furrows whenever she’s making a decision. It’s really cute of her. I’d love to kiss her bro-N O P E. She is just an acquaintance. Not even a friend yet. You don’t even know her last name. I panicked.
“No, I think that’s all.” She said before making eye contact. When she did finally see me she. . blushed? She couldn’t have been. It must’ve been the lighting or maybe that’s how she wears her makeup. I reassured myself. She is wearing some sparkly makeup right now.
“Oh hi Rosa!” Mona greets me, beaming. God, I melt everytime I see her smile. I would kill to see it everyday. “Have you thought about our offer?”
Fuck. I forgot. “I’m thinking about it. I just don’t want to intrude, ya know.” 
“Okay, let me know if anything happens. I’d love to have you stay.” 
“You would?” I didn't mean to say that out loud. The way it came out made me seem confused and helpless, which I was, I just didn’t want people to know.
As Mona was about to answer, Fran yelled “Hurry up lovers, I need to close up soon.”
I flushed a bright crimson and nodded. Did we really look like lovers? I wouldn’t mind being Mona’s girlfriend. I would die to be her wif-STOP IT! I reminded myself.
I relay Mona’s order to Fran, who reluctantly sighs. “Is she your girlfriend?” She asks nonchalantly.
If I had a drink, I would spit it out. “You practically melt when you are looking at her.” Fran continued.
“No! I mean, I wouldn’t mind but no! I don’t even know if she’s interested in women.” I frantically reply. 
“She’s definitely into women. I mean she has a pansexual flag on her sketchbook. Also she’s ordering an iced coffee in November.”
“That being said, Mona could totally already have a girlfriend. With looks like hers, she could have anyone she ever wanted. Also, it’s really selfish of me to assume she’s in love with me.”
“I mean she looks like she’s related to a raccoon, but ok.” Fran sighs as they hand me Mona’s drink. 
I snicker and write her name on the cup. I wrote with a little more care than usual. Even using the skills from the one calligraphy class I took when I was nine. I add a tiny heart at the end of her name because that’s what friends do.
I should probably give her my number. I might already be needing to take her up on the offer. I think to myself. 
“Mona!” I announce as I put her cup on the counter. She was the last order of the day.
Then the thought hit me; Where am I going to sleep tonight? I could couch surf but I doubt I should even think about asking that of Francesca. I guess I’ll take up Mona and Lilliane’s offer.
I go to see if Mona is still here. She sits at the chairs closest to the ordering booth. The way the shitty starbucks lighting lit up her face made me want to kiss her. Mona looked like she belonged to the night. Like she was the moon herself. If I was a star, I would try to be the closest to her.
“The offer.” I say, almost hesitating. “I’ll take it up as long as I am helping out around the place.” Mona grinned like she was offered a million dollars. “Like paying rent or making meals. Otherwise I feel like I’m leeching off of you.”
“Of course! Would you like me to help you transfer your stuff to my car?” Mona said as sweet as ever. Oh how I would be looking forward to this everyday.
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lioni23 · 7 months
The 8th Deadly Sin - Chapter 1
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Some days can be life-changing, altering your destiny forever. 
Elle was eager to cross the road, but the heavy traffic of cars and people made it difficult for her to pass on with the bicycle. It was 6 pm so everyone was going home. Finally, she saw the green light and managed to cross. She had been keeping up with her assignments, but as the end of her third year of university approached, she wanted to dedicate more time to planning her book. However, there was one final task she needed to complete before wrapping up the semester, and she planned to do it in her favorite library in New York. Once she arrived, she headed towards the tables, took off her bag, and sat down. As she was taking her laptop out of her bag, an envelope with the word "INVITATION" written in big black letters accidentally fell out. She had received it by post earlier in the day but had not opened it as she needed to focus on her studies. Now seemed like the perfect time to see what it was about. She was not expecting any invitations, so it was a mystery to her. She picked up the paper from the ground and opened it curiously. As she held the card in her hands, her eyes were fixed on the printed letters.
"Hello Elizabeth,
my name is Joshua Harrington, and I believe that I am your long-lost grandfather. As I am nearing the end of my life, I feel a strong desire to get to know you. I understand this may be a lot to take in, and I respect your decision either way. However, I would be grateful if you could take a moment to read this letter. I would like to extend an invitation to you to come and spend the summer with me in my mansion near the ocean in Portland. I have a lot of belongings and assets that I would like to pass on, and I don't have anyone else to give them to. I have also invited your sister and cousins to join us. I understand that you may not know each other, but I believe this could be an excellent opportunity for you to meet. Please let me know if you are interested in taking up my offer. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Joshua Harrington.
"What?!" she almost screamed as she heard her echo in the empty library. She looked around, hoping that no one was staring at her weirdly. She breathed a sigh of relief when she realized nobody was around. The next thing that came to her mind was to immediately call her sister. She took out her phone.
"Alli, can we meet?"
Elle has returned to her college dorm room, which she was sharing with her sister. Alli.
Alli was standing up when her sister entered. "I've been waiting for over an hour." - Alli complained, but Elle ignored her as she put out the envelope and handed it to her sister. 
"Yeah, I've got one too." - she said casually as she pulled out of her pocket an envelope too."
Elle sat down on her bed and said: "I think we need to talk to Mom about this."
"Are you actually considering this?"
"I don't know, but I think we should try to get some answers from her. She has never talked about her father, and I am curious to know why," said Elle.
"You're right, it's weird. I mean, if he is living in a mansion near the ocean in Portland, he must be pretty rich," Alli replied while lying on the bed, reading the envelope. "Also, he's probably going to die soon, and now he has regrets." - she added.
"Besides that, Alli, he talks about cousins. Can you believe we have cousins and we never knew about it? That's it. I'm going home tomorrow. Are you coming with me?"
Alli gave Elle a strange look. "Don't you have a date with Peter tomorrow?" she asked.
Elle sighed, realizing she had completely forgotten. Saturday was their date night, a tradition they had kept since their first year in college.
"I'll talk to him about it. He'll understand," Elle said confidently. "We've never missed a date before, so I don't think it will be a big deal if we only miss one."
"To you." Alli muttered under her breath. Elle heard her but decided to ignore her comment. She glanced at her phone, knowing that Peter would call her at 10 pm, just like he did every night when they weren't spending it together.
The next morning, Elle and Peter were standing in front of Alli's car. "I'm still not sure if I can forgive you," he joked before kissing her with his soft, familiar lips, and she smiled in return. 
"I need to sort this family thing out." Peter nodded in understatement.
"I've heard it's good for couples to spend some time away," Alli interrupted their private moment as she arrived behind them carrying her luggage. 
However, Peter wasn't ready to let Elle go. He took her gently aside and said, "You know, I'm planning a special date for next Saturday." He looked like he had been waiting eagerly to say that. 
Elle felt a little bit concerned because they had been dating for more than 3 years, and it was not surprising that he would want to take their relationship further. "A special date?" she forced a smile. She thought she should be happy, but something inside her wasn't quite right. "I can't wait then." She gave him a quick goodbye kiss and ran to her sister's car.
 "Everything alright? You look numb." Of course, Alli noticed immediately. She knew her sister well and she could sense that something in her relationship was off.
"Yes, just drive," Elle replied irritatedly.
 Alli decided not to let her sister get away with this and planned to discuss it later. She wouldn't be shoving her nose in her sister's romantic life only if she wasn't personally interested.
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Some days can be life-changing, altering your destiny forever. 
Thank you for your time! If you enjoyed reading this story, please show your support by liking and commenting. <3 
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myherowritings · 4 years
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SUMMARY. Todoroki Shouto was a wealthy, young CEO who inherited his father’s enterprise. You were a barista at a local cafe who wouldn’t mind some extra cash. One day, Shouto came in during an early morning shift and tipped you such a large sum of money, you were certain it had to have been an accident. To your surprise and complete pleasure: It was not.
PAIRING. ceo!todoroki shouto x barista!reader
GENRE. ceo/barista au, fluff, eventual smut
WARNINGS. none in this chapter
A/N. my brief work as a barista is finally paying off. i suffered at sbux all to write this fic ✌︎('ω'✌︎ ) LMAOOO i frl had so much fun writing this and i’m very excited to share the next parts ;) i hope you enjoy this fic as much as i do!! xx sof
© myherowritings — all rights reserved. reposting, modifying, copying, or translating of any kind is not allowed. do not read my writing as asmr. do not plagiarize.
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You were not looking forward to your new work schedule for the next month. 
The employee who usually came in for opening shifts at four in the morning gave her two weeks notice...two weeks ago. And since you had your availability open (you knew you should’ve blocked it off and said you had morning class), your manager asked you to fill her place. 
The night before your first—of many—morning shifts, you tried tricking yourself into thinking it was a good idea. And it almost worked! Sort of. 
You told yourself waking up early when the sun rose worked with your body’s natural circadian rhythm and this experience may adjust your sleep schedule for a healthier one in the long run. Better health and wellbeing and lower risks of cardiovascular disease. Or something. You weren’t too sure exactly; you never paid much attention in biology but it sounded like something you’d find in a textbook, right?
When you arrived on your first day, the morning shift was just as hectic and chaotic as you expected. People in business suits with name brand bluetooth earphones in their ears and the latest new smartphone in their hand filled the shop and waited for their online order. It was as if they wanted the least amount of social interaction possible, which would be fine if being able to make connections with customers wasn’t the most interesting part about being a barista. 
Although the cafe you worked at was a small business who actually (tried) to pay their employees fairly and wasn’t a purely money hungry franchise like the certain green siren, it surprisingly had gained enough traction in the area to rival one of those cheap, chain stores. 
Good for the business, bad for sleepy workers who could barely function in the mornings.
But you enjoyed working here and the owners were kind, so you did your best to shove away the tiredness and put a bright and cheery smile on your face. The customers were grumpier than you were used to, but who wouldn’t be a little ill-mannered having to go to work at 5 a.m. and probably not leaving until 6 p.m. or later because of bosses who overworked them? Trying to get them their morning coffee with an amiable attitude to start off their day right was something you were more than happy to do. 
It was too bad barely any of them gave you the time of day. They just wanted to get their caffeine and leave with as little human interaction as possible. It was understandable, of course, but it wasn’t the lively cafe environment you were used to during later shifts. You sighed, hoping the atmosphere would be friendlier when it wasn’t a major rush hour. 
“Hi! I can help the next person in line,” you called for the twentieth time this hour. When they moved forward towards the cash register, you gave them a smile. “Good morning. I hope your day has been going well!”
“It’s been okay, thank you. And yours?”
Your eyes widened in surprise and you almost sputtered over thin air. Someone who actually replied back to what you said and asked about you in return? Even if the intent was a courtesy conversation that was meant to be quick and brief, the sentiment was there—the upholding of the values of common courtesy and human decency. Something too many people seemed to lack. 
“I’m good as well! A little tired but what’s to be expected a quarter ‘til 6 a.m.?” you said with a laugh. “Thank you for asking.”
The customer gave a small smile in return and you internally celebrated for finally seeing your first pleasant expression this morning. “Must be even more tiring dealing with all these people. Doesn’t seem easy. I have to commend you for it.”
He was a tall, handsome man with a pretty face, soft-looking hair, and genuinely nice? There was no way this was real; you had to be dreaming. 
You twiddled with the pen in your hands, taken aback and mildly embarrassed by the praise. “Just doing my job,” you said with a bashful look. “Thank you, though.” You cleared your throat, not wanting to hold the line up for too long, even if the customer was one you would rather keep talking to than the others. “Now, what can I get started for you today?”
“Right. Can I get a flat white in the medium size?” 
“Of course.” You typed in his order into the register before asking, “And is there anything else I can get for you? Like a pastry? Today we have some freshly baked cheese danishes that are really yummy if you’d like to try!” 
He thought for a while before shrugging. You weren’t sure if it was your eyes playing tricks on you or he actually had an amused look on his face. “Sure, I’ll take a couple dozen of those as well.” 
“A couple dozen—?” your voice faltered. The suggestion of a fresh pastry was one you made to almost every customer, though most turned it down on the spot. 
The cafe had a little weekly competition between workers to see who could sell the most pastries in the week and the one who sold most got...well, a free pastry and bragging rights. Admittedly, it wasn’t much, but nothing revved up sales like friendly rivalries. An order of a couple dozen was sure to land you in the top spot this week! Still, you had to make sure he meant it. You’d feel bad if he was just spending all his hard-earned office work money because he was trying to be courteous. (Or at least, you assumed he was some office employee.) 
You cautiously asked, “Are you sure?”
Either your eyes were playing tricks on you yet again, or the look of amusement on his face grew even more than before as he said, “I’m sure. One medium flat white and, say, three dozen boxes of cheese danishes, please.” 
“C-Coming right up!” you said, quickly entering his order and celebrating your free end-of-the-week pastry in advance. “That will be $42.81. Would that be card or cash?” 
“Card.” He pulled out a sleek, black card with gold detailings on it and you never knew you could be sexually attracted to a credit card until now. 
“Perfect! Go ahead and swipe, insert, or scan your card now. In the meantime, can I get a name for your order please?” 
He scanned his card over the machine before looking back up at you. “It’s To— Ah, Shouto.” 
“Shouto?” you asked in confirmation. You assumed it wasn’t ‘Toahshouto’. That sounded too much like the abbreviation used to remember how to find sine, cosine, and tangent.
“Yeah. Shouto.” 
You smiled. “Well, Shouto, your order will be ready in a few minutes. Please wait over to your right to pick it up!”
He nodded. 
“It was nice meeting you!” you called, waving goodbye. “I hope you have a good rest of your day.”
“Thank you,” he glanced at your nametag, “Y/N.” 
Oh, how nice it felt to be treated like a human by a customer and have them actually address your name— And not to say it in a condescending way either. 
“Do individual baristas get to keep the tips here?”
You blinked, feeling your face warm up slightly. “We do, actually.” One of your favorite parts of the job, you had to admit. 
“Glad to hear.” Shouto pulled out some crisp-looking bills from his wallet and placed one in your hand that said ‘100’ to you. “Thank you for your kind service, Y/N.” 
“Wha—” Your eyes widened. You were expecting something along the line of three dollars. Maybe five at most. But a hundred? By the time you had processed what had happened he was walking away from the cash register. “Wait— Shouto...sir! I think you accidentally gave me the wrong amount.” 
He shook his head, only briefly turning back to face you. “Nope. It’s for you,” he said simply. “I’m looking forward to the cheese danishes.” 
His words left you stunned, but the next customer in line tapped their foot impatiently, signaling it was now time for you to take their order. You hoped the line died down before Shouto left the cafe so you could return the tip, but seeing as how the queue almost extended out the door, you had the sinking feeling that wouldn’t be a possibility. 
“Hello, I can take the next customer in line!” you recited cheerfully, mind still occupied by thoughts of your last encounter. 
The next few orders went along uneventfully (though you did manage to sell two more cheese danishes) and by the time Shouto got his coffee and pastry boxes, you still had a handful more customers to get through. 
“Pardon me real quick,” you said apologetically to the woman in front of you. “Please give me one moment?” 
She graced you with a nod and you thanked the stars above for an understanding patron. 
“Wait— Excuse me, sir!” You waved in Shouto’s direction before he could exit the cafe. He glanced at you curiously but walked over. In a hushed voice, you said, “I really appreciate the tip, but there’s no way I could accept this much money from you!” 
For the first time today, you say the hints of a frown on his face. “You cannot?” 
“No! $100 is a lot! You already bought $40 worth of cheese danish pastries— Are you sure you meant to give that big of a tip?”
“Of course.” He took a sip of his coffee with a satisfied hum. “You getting up at such an early hour to take people’s orders with a kind attitude isn’t easy. Plus, trying to build rapport with each of them all while keeping the interacting swift is a difficult task itself. And it’s probably worth more than your current pay, the $100 tip, and then some.” 
You blinked, stunned by his words. This man kept surprising you so many times in just one morning. 
“I find it ridiculous how certain occupations are paid an ungodly amount more than others, especially when a lot of it comes from privileges you were born into.” Shouto seemed to mumble the last bit to himself, but you were still able to understand what he said. “It’s bullshit.” Before you could respond, he recollected himself. “Eat the rich, right? All that to say, please accept the tip. You deserve it. And I promise it’s of no detriment to me, so please don’t feel bad.”
Seeing the determined look on his face, you couldn’t help but stare at him before nodding. He didn’t say anything you didn’t already believe yourself, and if someone really wanted to give you $100, you weren’t going to fight them on it. Think of all the dumplings you could buy, you told yourself.
“T-Thank you then.” You gingerly placed the folded bill back into your pants pocket. “I think that was really insightful of you and I’m very grateful.”
“Don’t worry about it.” He smiled before glancing towards the exit. “I’m running a bit late for work now, so I should be going. Have a good day, Y/N.”
“You too, Shouto. And… Thank you again!”
With a glowing expression on your face, you walked back to the cash register ready to face the day and talk to more lovely customers!
“Hey, little barista!” a gruff voice called from the line, snapping you out of your stupor. “Hurry it up already before you force me to complain to your manager.” 
You internally sighed. You understood they were in a rush, but they still had no right to be that rude. 
“Can you even hear me? Or are you too incompetent?”
Cue another internal sigh. 
Yeah, okay. Maybe you did deserve this $100 tip.
Regardless of the rude customers that may have come in, at least you had your thoughts of a cute, kind businessman who went by the name of Shouto to get you through your shift. And you could only hope you’d be able to see him again.
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a/n: the end of part one folks!! oh what i’d give to have gotten a tip like this when i worked as a barista BAHAHA only in my dreams. i hope you enjoyed this little intro part and are excited for what’s to come !! :3
what to expect in the next part:
~maybe~ y/n will see shouto again and,,perhaps,,get more tips from him idk who knows 
old lady imparts some...helpful(?) advice 
we briefly get to see shouto’s pov! ;D
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matsbarzal · 3 years
Could I request fluff #6 with Jack Hughes?
fluff #6. "you've been my best friend for 10 years, why not change it to husband and wife?"
pairing: jack hughes x fem!reader word count: 1.4k
It was always easy to love him. It was easy to love the friendship he initiated all those years ago, and it was even easier to admit your love bore a little deeper when he admitted his feelings were more than friendly about you. A decade long friendship had blossomed into something more, and it was something neither you, nor Jack had any arguments against.
Jack always brought up your ‘friendiversary’, and you couldn’t help but get a laugh out of the pure joy he always bestowed on you every time he mentioned it. The new kid in school accidentally exploding his yogurt tube all over his desk partner was probably one of the funnier ways to begin a lifelong friendship that would eventually blossom into more.
“So, how are we celebrating a whole decade together this year? Should we go get frozen yogurt? Maybe we can make a re-enactment of what happened in middle school? We could make it a whole thing, make a tiktok about it and everything,” you could feel your eyes rolling involuntarily at his words, shooting Jack a glare from across the room.
“We’re not doing anything that involves yogurt.”
“Not even something sexy?” Wigging his eyebrows at you, your hand immediately reached for the pillow beside you to whip at your boyfriend.
“Get your mind out of the gutter, Lil’ Jizzy,” groaning at your words, Jack plopped himself on the couch beside you, instantly pulling you into his side.
Shrugging his shoulders at you, you could see him googling friendiversary ideas out of the corner of your eye. “Babe, we don’t even have to do anything. We could cuddle up and order food and just watch a movie or something, it doesn’t have to be anything special.”
“It’s our ten-year friendiversary, baby. We can’t just do nothing. I’ll figure something out, don’t worry. You’ll love it.”
It would be hard to admit that a trip to Florida in the middle of the season was what you were expecting from Jack. He had practically thrust the tickets into your hand, informing you that you had less than three hours to pack, all while giving you a list of the specific outfits he wanted you to bring.
You knew almost immediately that Jack had definitely not planned the celebration alone, just by the Airbnb that you pulled up in front of. First, you didn’t even realize he knew what an Airbnb was. Second of all, there was no way Jack Hughes had managed to find a place this gorgeous on his own.
Shooting a message to P.K. was your first priority, knowing full well he was the likely culprit behind the gorgeous booking in front of you.
“Okay, so I have a full itinerary. Tonight, we’re just going to chill, relax, get situated, maybe break the house in, you know… the usual stuff,” ending his sentence off with a wink, Jack grabbed your hand and pulled you along behind him.
“Tomorrow we’re going to head out to the marina that I don’t know the exact name of but will figure out and we’re gonna spend most of the day on the water, and then dinner… obviously. Sunday, you have to plan. I’ll pay… but you have to plan.”
Giggling into his ear as you pressed your body closer to his to press a gentle kiss on the nape of his neck, Jack tilted his head to the side with a small grin plastered across his lips.
“Sounds like the perfect weekend, baby. I think we should probably get started on your plans for today.” The grin never left his lips as he whipped around to press them to yours, his body moulding against yours easily.
The next day came quicker than you were expecting, Jack picking out your outfit as you picked his. That was something you both just found easier; there was no one else you would ever let pick your outfit, Jack just… knew you. He knew your style, knew what you did and didn’t like, knew what would fly and what wouldn’t. Small things like that with him were easy, everything was easy when it came to him.
“Well, don’t you look sexy. Damn, I’m so good at picking your fits. Should I quit hockey, maybe get into fashion? You could be my main model, baby.” Laughing as he wrapped you up in his arms with a smile, his happiness infectious.
Shaking your head against his chest, you peaked up at him from between his arms. “I don’t think you should quit your day job, maybe get some pointers before you start making drastic decisions like that. Can’t use you as my future trophy husband if you’re going to up and quit the job that makes you that.”
Pinching your side gently, Jack just smiled as he pulled away and interlocked his fingers with his.
It didn’t take you long to get to the marina in the car he had rented, everyone greeting the both of you politely as they directed you towards the boat Jack had rented for the day. You almost stopped in your tracks when you observed the setup on the boat; a picnic basket set up, non-alcoholic champagne on ice, fairy lights adorning the inside edges of the boat.
“Damn, I didn’t read the fine print when I booked. Just said I wanted the closest setup to an anniversary they could get, guess they went all out,” popping his hip into yours gently with a beam.
“Jack, do you even have your boating license?”
Eyeing the steering wheel with a curious look, you turned towards your boyfriend just in time to see him roll his eyes and glare at you playfully. “No, this place just let a random guy with no boating license rent a boat. Obviously, I have my boating license.”
Rolling your eyes back, you tapped his side as you made your way to the small seat next to the drivers. It only took a few moments to get out from the dock, far enough away that you and Jack could have some privacy without being too far and worrying how you were going to get back.
“Do you remember the first day we met? Other than when I accidentally exploded my yogurt tube all over you? You told me that boys were icky, and all they did was ruin everything,” nodding your head with a loud laugh, you let your mind wander to your first few years with Jack.
“Crazy how things have changed, huh? I remember going home that night and telling my mom I needed to get those stupid yogurt tubes so I could hit them against the desk and do what you did to me, she said no real quick.”
Smiling softly towards you, you could see the love in his eyes the way he looked at you, the softness that crossed his features every time you were on his mind or in his sight. It had been the same look he had given you since you both were fifteen, Jack never having eyes for anyone except you.
Standing up and holding his hand out, you took it and allowed him to pull you from your seat and towards the picnic basket and bottle of champagne.
“It always makes me laugh; I told my mom back when I first moved from Sauga to Michigan that I wasn’t sure how I was going to live without you. She said you’d always be there, even if you weren’t physically there. Pretty sure that was when I realized you were more than just a friend to me, then I moved and wasn’t sure what’d happen. Never really thought we’d get here, honestly.”
Sighing as he sat down, Jack gestured for you to sit in his lap, both of your legs extended out in front of you as he ruffled through the picnic basket beside him.
“I say it a lot, but I’m so glad you sprayed that yogurt all over me. It sucked, but I don’t think we’d be where we are without it,” nodding his head gently as he rested his cheek on the top of your head.
“You know, you’ve been my best friend for ten years, why not just change it to husband and wife?”
Swivelling around to look at him, you almost cried when you saw the little black box in his hand, his eyes glistening at he looked at you. Moving so he was directly on one knee and not sitting, your hands instantly pressed to your mouth.
“I’ve had this thing sitting around since my first season. So, I guess what I’m trying to say here is… I’ve been so grateful for your friendship and your unconditional love these last ten years, so how about we make it forever? Will you marry me?”
You couldn’t contain your body flying towards him, the aggressive nod of your head the only answer he needed.
note: so sorry that this is so late, but i hope you enjoy!! thank you so much for requesting. and yes i did steal mitch marner's proposal idea for this thank u very much simply bc i have reason to believe jack would too
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alwaysachorusgirl · 3 years
Of Wolves and Witches
Pairing: Werewolf!Bishop Losa x Witch!Reader
Word Count: 3088
For: covers the monster square for @adarafaelbarba 's moodboard fall bingo
TW: violence and accidental death via a nightmare/flashback sequence, brief mentions of mental, emotion, and physical abuse, PTSD, and covering up a crime scene
Author's Notes: The Mayans Werewolf AU that no one asked for, but i wrote it anyway. It starts out dark, but ends with fluff, I promise. This is my first time writing for Bishop, so please go easy on me... a big thank you to @itsjustmyfantasyroom for letting me run this idea by her and reassuring me that it wasn't crazy, and for encouraging me to write it.
Tags: @madamsnape921; @prurientpuddlejumper; @thatesqcrush; @welcometothemxdhouse; @raulesparza4eva; @teamsladsandgents; @rosequcrtz
He stormed into your living room, rage storming in his eyes. His aura was a swirling void of red and black. He shouldn’t have been able to break the locks on your front door, he shouldn’t have been able to walk right through your magical wards, but here he was. You straightened your posture and stood your ground, determined to not let him see how terrified you were.
“How did you get in here?”
“Really?” He pulled a glowing amulet from out of his shirt. “Not that hard when you have a little help. Benefits of having hunters for friends.”
Your eyes went wide as you realized what you were looking at. It was an enchanted amulet, one strong enough to get through your warding. You could only hope that it wasn’t strong enough to dampen your powers.
“Yeah, that’s right,” he smirked. “I know what you are. Makes me a wonder what else you haven’t been telling me.”
“Alex, get out! I don’t want to hurt you, but I will if I have to.”
“You little bitch!” he spat back. “You think you can just break up me? You think you can just walk away?
“I can and I did. We’re done, Alex, it’s over. You don’t get to hurt me anymore. It’s not my fault that your fragile, insecure male ego can’t take a fucking hint.”
“Bitch, I’ll fucking hurt you whenever I fucking want to! And I don’t see your little biker friends here to protect you.…”
Then he charged, and suddenly you were on the ground with his hands around your throat.
“Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live!”
You could feel the murderous intent radiating off him, and put your hands on his chest, trying to push him off you, but then you felt the release of kinetic energy through your palms, and Alex was flying across the room. He hit the wall, and you prayed to whatever goddess was listening that the sickening crack you heard was just the drywall breaking behind him. But then his eyes rolled back in his head, and his head lolled to one side, at what could only be described as an “unhealthy looking” angle. His lower body twitched a few times before going limp. He hung there for a moment, suspended in the air, pinned to the wall by your invisible force. Still shaking in terror, you finally lowered your hands, and Alex’s lifeless body fell to the ground with a thud.
“No!” you cried out, sitting bolt upright on your couch. You were covered in a cold sweat and your whole body was shaking. Your lungs gasped for air and your eyes darted around the room, searching for Alex, but he wasn’t there. You weren’t even in your old house anymore. You held your hand in your hands and took deep breaths. You were in your apartment, in Santo Padre, Alex was dead, and you were safe. The Saturday afternoon sun streamed in through the window, and the TV was still on, a marathon of Guy’s Grocery Games playing at a low volume.
“I must have fallen asleep,” you said softly to yourself, “it was only a nightmare.”
You grabbed your phone off the coffee table and checked the time. It was only 3:30, plenty of time to shower and freshen up before Bishop would pick you up at 6. You stood, and after checking your locks and wards, made your way to the bathroom.
Despite your best efforts to push them down, the memories of what happened next came flooding back as you stood under the warm shower spray. You had been in shock, understandably so, but you were now exposed as a witch, and had to protect yourself. The logical side of your brain kicked in and you got to work. After verifying that Alex was dead, you had used your telekinetic abilities to rip the amulet off his neck. A quick examination verified that it had only been enchanted enough to allow Alex to breach your magical wards without getting zapped, but not enough to block your own powers. The enchantment was also crude and amateurish, probably done in haste by someone with limited knowledge of witchcraft. He had mentioned having hunters for friends, and you cursed yourself for not sensing that sooner. He hadn’t been one himself. You would have read that in his aura the moment you met him, but you also hadn’t sensed his dark side. The mentally and emotionally abusive and manipulative side, the one that turned violent during an argument when you had tried to call him out on his bullshit and break up with him the first time. You had ended up in the hospital, and when you confronted him the second time, you had friends with you to back you up. And after destroying the amulet, those were the friends you called on for help with your predicament.
The Blood Moon Motorcycle Club was a found family werewolf pack, led by Jack Reynard, a fearsome and intimidating Alpha. But Jack was fiercely protective of his friends and allies and didn’t hesitate to show up with four of his most trusted lieutenants when you called and tearfully explained your situation. They got to work cleaning up the scene and going through Alex’s phone and wallet. They found a business card for an elite and dangerous organization of hunters, and the contact’s name and number on the card matched up with one of the contacts in Alex’s phone. Jack told you to start packing your bags and to make sure that you included any magical artifacts that you had. You would spend the night at their clubhouse under round-the-clock security, and in the morning, they would get you out of town. Anything that couldn’t be packed that night would be shipped to you once you were settled elsewhere. They would dispose of the body; it wasn’t the first time they’d had to do so.
Jack had called Bishop Losa, president of the Mayans Motorcycle Club in Santo Padre, California. Jack and Bishop had served together in the Marines in their younger days, and the Mayans and the Blood Moons were allies as a result of that friendship. The Mayans were another found family werewolf pack and protected Santo Padre alongside the Galindo Pack. The town was a safe haven for all supernatural beings and the humans who lived there were none the wiser.
And now you had been here for six months. You worked in a bookshop owned by another a witch, Matilda, and lived in the apartment above it. In addition to the books, you also sold your homemade herbal teas and did Tarot card readings in the shop. 2-3 times a week you would bake cookies and muffins and sell those in the shop. Your teas were so popular that you now did tea making demonstrations on Saturday mornings. You were thriving but were still plagued by nightmares and PTSD and attended therapy once a week to help you work through your struggles.
And then there was Bishop. At first, the Mayan president and Alpha had been your friend and protector. You had been too traumatized to even think about pursuing a relationship, and so you both denied the unquestionable and inexplicable attraction. The more you got to know each other, the more you were drawn to each other. Two months ago, he finally made a move while the two of you had been outside getting some air at a party at the Mayans clubhouse, asking if he could kiss you. You’d been a couple ever since.
You had just finished lacing up your boots when you heard the sound of a familiar motorcycle pull up to your building. You ran to the window and looked down to the street. You saw Bishop getting off his bike and removing his helmet. You exited your apartment and ran down the stairs, meeting him at the entrance at the side of the building. You threw your arms around his neck and kissed his lips. His arms encircled your waist and pulled you close.
“Hola Querida, you look beautiful.”
“Thanks, you’re not too bad, yourself, handsome.”
That got a chuckle from the Alpha. He removed one of his arms from around your back, revealing the bouquet of roses in his hand. “These are for you.”
“Bish, they’re gorgeous, thank you. You shouldn’t have.”
“And pass up the opportunity to surprise you? Not a chance.”
“Come on up. I’ll put these in water, grab a few things, then I’ll be ready to go.”
Bishop nodded and held onto your hand as he followed you up the stairs.
You held onto Bishop as the two of you went speeding down the back roads, away from Santo Padre. You loved dates like this: just you and Bishop on the bike, heading somewhere unknown, away from all the stress and bullshit of the day-to-day. His torso felt warm, sturdy, and safe. You could feel the vibrations from bike rattling through your body as you watched the scenery fly by. You’d been on the road for at least half an hour now.
“Almost there, Querida,” Bishop called back. “You’re gonna love this spot, I promise.”
After a few more minutes he pulled off the road and the motorcycle slowed to a stop. Bishop turned off the engine and stored the keys in his pocket. You both got off and removed your helmets. You looked around at the small, wooded area and smiled, breathing in the fresh air.
“This is nice, babe.”
“Oh, this isn’t the spot, “he told you, unlatching the soft fleece blanket and cooler from the back of his bike. He handed you the blanket. He took the cooler in one hand and grabbed your free hand with his other, interlacing his fingers with yours. “It’s this way.”
You walked for a few minutes down a short path before finally arriving at a grassy clearing. The view was breathtaking. You could see everything from your elevated perched; Santo Padre, the valley, green leafy trees swaying in the breeze, fields of wildflowers. A sense of calm settled over you that you hadn’t felt in months. You didn’t jump when Bishop came up behind you and slid his arms around your mid-section, instead relaxing into his touch and leaning against his sturdy frame. Bishop softly kissed your shoulder.
“You okay, baby?”
“Yeah,” you sighed, “this is perfect, this place in perfect. The energy here is so peaceful, and so alive. I love it.”
“I’m glad. I was thinking we could eat dinner, watch the sunset? And wait until the stars come out…You can show me all the constellations?”
You turned and slid your arms around his neck, resting your forehead against his.
“You would have thought that you were such a romantic?”
“Just don’t tell anyone, okay? Gotta maintain my tough guy image, you know?”
“Mmm…your secret is safe with me.” You pecked his lips once, twice, three times, each kiss lasting a bit longer than the rest. When you finally pulled your head away you noticed that the blanket was laid out on the ground with cooler sitting on top.
“Come on,” said Bishop, directing you over to it. You both sat down, and Bishop opened the cooler and started setting out its contents: sandwiches from the local deli, fresh strawberries from the farmer’s market, giant cupcakes from the gourmet bakery, a bottle of beer for each of you, and bottled water. He popped the caps off the beer bottles and handed you one. “Cheers.”
The two of you sat and ate, completely at ease with each other, and the conversation flowed easily. Bishop told you about the day’s antics down at the scrapyard, and you told him about the business plan you and Matilda were working on to expand the bookshop into the empty café next door.
“The theory is, that having a space to sell food and drinks will drum up more business. I can sell my tea and baked goods and do my demonstrations there. We would obviously need to hire some extra people to help, but I think we can make it work. We can’t tear down the wall between the buildings and expand without the proper permits.”
“I’m sure the town will approve whatever permits you need. They’re not going to say to ‘no’ to something that will bring more business into Santo Padre.”
“Wow, you weren’t kidding about the sunsets,” you said, gazing at the red, orange, and purple hues of the evening sky. “How did you find this place?”
Bishop laid down on the blanket and you stretched out next him, placing your head on his chest.
“Me and the guys had just come back from a run,” he began, “Things didn’t go so well, and I was pissed, needed to blow off some steam so I just rode around for a while. Next thing I knew, I was here. I shifted, ran around for a while until my head was clear. I come back whenever I need to get away from everything.”
You tilted your head up to meet his gaze. “Thank you for bringing me here. I needed this.”
Bishop caressed your cheek with his fingers. “You’re welcome, Querida. I’ll bring you up here whenever you want.”
“Bish, can I ask you a personal question?”
“Of course, Querida, you can ask me anything,” he replied with a chuckle.
“Can I see you in your wolf form sometime? There’s no pressure, only if you want to…”
Bishop mulled the question over in his head. You had caught him off guard with the query. None of the women he’d ever been with had asked to see his wolf form, not even his ex-wife. These days, he only shifted when it was absolutely necessary. There were advantages to being an older and more experienced wolf. He could shift at will and didn’t have to worry about losing control. But what if you didn’t like what you saw? What if he scared you away? He’d never forgive himself if that happened. Your soft, sweet voice interrupted his thoughts.
“Bish, I’m sorry, forget I said anything- “
“No, it’s okay,” he kissed your forehead, “I just wasn’t expecting that question. I’ll do it if you want me to, but just be prepared, okay? I promise I won’t hurt you, but it might not be what you’re expecting.”
“I trust you completely, and I promise, I won’t be scared.” You looked at his aura and saw the hesitancy there. He was scared. “You’re not going to lose me.”
He cupped your face with his hand and his lips found purchase with yours. He had a way of kissing you that made your mind go blank and get lost in the moment, and you loved every minute of it. You kissed him back with equal fervor, hoping that somehow you were able to convey the trust and faith you had in him. The smile on his face when you broke away seemed to indicate that you’d been successful.
Bishop rose and walked a few feet away.
“What are you doing?” you asked, confused by his actions.
“Shifting is a lot easier without clothes on,” he replied with a wink, beginning to undress.
“I’ll close my eyes and give you some privacy then,” you giggled, shutting your eyes, but occasionally cracking one open to steal glimpses of his increasingly naked form; and damn if you didn’t like what you saw!
Bishop finished disrobing and crouched down on the soft grass. He breathed deeply and cleared his mind, focusing his intention. He felt his muscle start to ripple and his joints and bones shift. It didn’t hurt at his age; it was just slightly uncomfortable. All his senses sharpened. Body hair became fur, his hands and feet morphed into oversize paws with razor sharp claws. Even his teeth changed shaped, becoming longer and more pointed. A few moments later, he stretched and shook out his fur. He looked over towards you, still sitting there with your eyes closed, and cautiously padded toward you.
You could hear the footfalls of his paws, and then felt his large wet nose nudging your arm. You opened your eyes and saw a massive wolf standing before you. His fur was brown and black, with specks of gray in various places. His legs were strong, and his paws appeared large enough to take out a person with one blow. But his eyes, his eyes were gentle, and you would know them anywhere.
“Oh, Bishop, you’re beautiful!”
He sat and cocked his head to one side, appearing confused.
“Yes, you heard me correctly. May I?” You held out your arms to him. Bishop bowed his head and leaned forward, allowing you to embrace him and bury your face in his fur. “Your fur is so soft!”
He put his head on your shoulder and let out a contented groan when your fingers began to massage the spot right between his ears. You giggled at that. “I take it you like that, huh?” Bishop lifted his head and licked your face in response, making you laugh even harder. You massaged his head for a little while longer before resting your forehead against his. “Thank you for letting me see you like this. I love you, Bishop.”
There was suddenly a very naked, human man in your arms. Bishop’s hands cupped your face, his eyes scanning it for any indication that he might have misheard you.
“Bish- “
“Say that again, Querida.”
“I said, I love you, Obispo Losa.”
Bishop pulled you into his lap and pressed his lips to yours, kissing you with more intensity and tenderness than he ever had before. Any doubts that you may have had about him not feeling the same quickly melted away. It went on for what felt like forever before the two of you had to pull away and come up for air.
“I love you, too, mi reina.”
You held onto one another like that for while before Bishop got dressed and rejoined you on the blanket. You spent the rest of the evening wrapped in each other’s arms and gazing at the night sky. And when a shooting star passed overhead, you made a wish that you could stay this way forever. No more looking over your shoulder, no more nightmares; just you and Bishop, ready to take on whatever the future might hold.
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streetlight11 · 3 years
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Summary: He sends his daughter to a daycare centre during the day when he's busy working. He loves his daughter so much but is unable to give her full attention. However, the little girl understands. Just so happens, the little girl has grown really fond of one of her daycare teachers and she loves to tell her father about her. What happens when he meets his daughter's daycare teacher one day out of pure curiosity only to fall for her later?
Theme: Family, stranger(?) to lovers
Genre: Fluff
Pairing: IdolParent!Taehyung x DaycareTeacher!Reader
Word count: 4.4k
A/n: Hi, hello. I just get so soft when I see my favourite kpop boys interact with kids and I know Taehyung loves kids so I thought of writing this. Let me know if there’s any mistakes! Other than that, enjoy reading! :)
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“Okay guys, you can take a break. We’ll resume in 15 minutes.” Their choreographer said as the 7 boys let out tired groans and sighs before collapsing to the ground. Taehyung took a few heavy breaths before making his way to the bags where he took his phone out to make a video call. 
A few seconds later, a familiar high pitched voice ringed through his phone speaker as the little girl stepped in front of the front camera where her grandma was holding up the phone.
“Hi my flower! How are you? Have you eaten?”
“Yes dada! Grandma made chicken soup today!” Just then, the rest of the boys came rushing to Taehyung’s side as they were all taking turns to say hello to the little girl.
“Ahh! Lily ahhh! Hello!” The boys said while the little girl giggled excitedly before waving to the camera.
“Omg so cute.” Namjoon commented, only for him and Hoseok to wriggle at how cute Lily was being.
Lily was Taehyung’s daughter. Yes, he and his ex-girlfriend was still young at the time when she accidentally conceived the little girl. However, Taehyung’s ex left the baby for Taehyung’s care, completely abandoning them. Taehyung of course didn’t have the heart to throw the baby away so he ended up taking care of her.
He got the help of his family to look after the kid while he was preparing to debut. At the time, nobody knew about this except for his family. It was after he debuted that his members and his CEO and soon after, the company staff members along with his manager found out about the child.
However, Taehyung wasn’t kicked out from the team. In fact, he was given the chance to continue his career but that would mean less time to spend with his daughter. Taehyung wanted to work hard and be successful in the future for himself and his family, that includes his daughter.
Hence, the reason why he stayed with the team.
It has been 9 years since her birth and now that Bangtan was doing quite well, Taehyung was able to support his family and his daughter.
“Dada! Dada!” She called, making the boys squeal at her cuteness.
“Yes my flower?”
“I’m going back to school tomorrow! I can’t wait to meet Miss Pretty!”
“Do you really call her that?”
“And she’s fine with it?”
“Miss Pretty is very nice! She’s not like the other teachers.” Taehyung laughed, staring at his daughter with such loving eyes. But soon, his happy little time had to come to an end since practice was about to resume.
“Sweetheart, Dada has to go now okay? Say bye to your uncles.”
“Bye bye uncles! Bye bye Dada!”
“Bye Lily!” The boys said in unison before Taehyung blew her a kiss and she did the same. After he hung up the call, Yoongi spoke up.
“Who’s Miss Pretty?”
Taehyung just shrugged his shoulders indicating he doesn’t know.
“I only know she’s one of the daycare centre teachers where I send Lily to everyday but I’ve never met her before.”
“Lily seemed to really like this ‘Miss Pretty’ a lot.” Namjoon commented.
“She likes everyone.” Taehyung said before going back to the middle of the room.
“No she doesn’t. She told you she doesn’t like some of our female staff members, remember?” Namjoon said, causing the rest of them to laugh.
“Maybe because they didn’t really know how to handle her.”
“Hyung, she told me Shiyeon and Jaemi noona scared her.” Jungkook said, causing Taehyung to sigh.
“I guess it doesn’t matter.” Taehyung confessed.
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A few days passed by, as usual, Taehyung couldn’t pick Lily up from school due to his late working hours so his manager went to pick her up at 630 in the evening. It was 10 minutes past 6 and some of the kids had gone home with their parents.
Lily was just sitting in one of the small tables, playing with a board game alone when (Y/N), one of the daycare centre teachers, who was also ‘Miss Pretty’ as what Lily likes to call her, came up to the little girl only to join her at her seat.
“Hi Lily.” (Y/N) said with a soft smile on her face.
“Hello Miss Pretty!” Lily said as she got out of her seat and went to wrap her arms around (Y/N)’s hips. (Y/N) giggled. Hugging the little girl back before they went to take a seat. They chatted for the next few minutes while they waited for her guardian to arrive.
“Lily, can I ask you something?”
“The man who picks you up everyday, is that your uncle?”
“Nope! He’s my Dada’s manager. Dada is a singer!”
“Oh? Really? Who is he?”
“He is in a group!”
(Y/N) stared at the little girl in awe as the girl began to hum to a song that she recognized. She knew it all too well. It was Run.
“You mean, Bangtan?”
“Yes! Hehe. Do you know my uncles and Dada?”
(Y/N) didn’t want the girl to be afraid or feel like she was going to expose her to the fans that she was a child to one of the members so she shook her head. Just then, the little girl told her to turn on a song by BTS on youtube because she wanted to show (Y/N) who her dad was. (Y/N) did just that, only to click on the most recent comeback they had a few months back with the song title ‘Black Swan’.
The video played but Lily never stopped it, just enjoying the music together with (Y/N) but then she suddenly clicked pause when one of the members got a close up shot and she immediately smiled while eagerly pointing to the screen.
“Dada! That’s him!”
With that, (Y/N) took a good look, only to realize that it was Taehyung. Who happens to also be her favourite member. (Y/N) wasn’t disappointed that he has a child. Instead, she was happy that he never gave up and continued to persevere for his daughter.
“This is your dad?”
“Yeap! He is awesome isn’t he?” The little girl giggled.
“Yeah. He is.” (Y/N) replied with a smile when a familiar voice calls out to Lily from the class door.
“Uncle Sejinie!” Lily said as the man smiled to both (Y/N) and Lily.
(Y/N) returned the gesture, walking Lily to him. Once they were at the door, Lily went ahead to put on her shoe when the man said to the little girl.
“Lily ah, your father wants me to bring you to the company building. He wants to see you.” With that, she began to jump up and down excitedly while holding onto (Y/N)’s hands. The man glanced at their locked hands and frowned.
“But your teacher won’t be coming with us.”
Lily pouted sadly only to ask why, her voice laced with sadness. (Y/N) looked at the man and he was visibly feeling bad but she completely understood why.
“Lily, sweetheart, listen to me okay? I have no special connections with your dad so I can’t go in there. But you’ll still see me here everyday? Right?” (Y/N) tried to talk some sense into the little girl as Lily began to tear.
“B-But, I want you to meet Dada…”
“Next time okay sweetie?” (Y/N) said, only for Lily to nod. She gave (Y/N) a warm hug before waving goodbye to her.
The two of them soon left the centre while (Y/N) quickly packed her things and went to tidy the class a little before heading home. After she locked the centre, she slowly walked towards her car. She got in and soon drove off. But her mind drifted back to earlier.
“Is Taehyung a single dad then? Where is Lily’s mother? I feel so bad that she grew up without a mother figure…” These questions floated in her head as she drove back to her apartment.
But this didn’t make her look down on him. He was still human and humans make mistakes. No doubt, even though she found him to be the most charming and cutest member of Bangtan, she just couldn’t help but wonder just how adorable he would be with his daughter. She would probably melt if she saw how he is with Lily. 
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That same evening, Taehyung’s manager and Lily soon arrived at the Bighit building as his manager led her up to the 9th floor of the building.
He showed her which room they were in, only for her to run while the man held her bag for her. Lily reached for the door handle with a little jump. She pulled the door handle down and soon pushed the door open. The guys were just scattered around the room, practicing for the upcoming comeback in a few months.
“Dada!” Lily’s voice echoed in the room. She ran to Taehyung in a heartbeat. His face immediately lit up upon seeing his daughter, easily scooping her off the ground.
“My flower! Omg you’re here!” Taehyung said as he kissed her on her soft cheeks and also on her tiny lips, making the girl giggle.
The rest of them began to huddle around the parent and child as they took turns to greet the little girl. They ended up being distracted by her for a while but she listened to her father when he told her to wait quietly at the couch until he ended practice and she did exactly that.
She even fell asleep with Taehyung’s phone in her small hands while waiting for him. Taehyung took her to his dorm as she slept over there for the night since it was a weekend the next day and the guys were having two days off.
During the weekend, Lily couldn’t stop talking about (Y/N) even though she still calls her ‘Miss Pretty’ when talking to her dad about her.
Taehyung has been hearing all these nice stories of this teacher of Lily so he figured, maybe it was time to meet the person who has been taking very good care of his daughter when he’s busy working everyday and night. It was a Wednesday evening and Lily was just talking to (Y/N) at one of the tables as usual while waiting for her guardian to pick her up.
Just when she was about to tickle Lily for stealing her markers, a deep raspy voice spoke up from the entrance. A sense of familiarity to the voice lingers in her ear for a little too long.
(Y/N) glanced over to the door, only to see a young man standing there with a white mask over his nose and mouth but his eyes were too familiar for her not to recognize.
“Lily ah, Dada’s here.”
That’s when Taehyung finally locks eyes with (Y/N), only then he realizes how true his daughter described her to be. She was a lot cuter than he imagined with the genuine smile on her face as she joked around with his daughter.
With that being said, Lily gasped, running straight to Taehyung. (Y/N) watched as he scooped the little girl up swiftly, nuzzling his face in her small neck. (Y/N) giggled softly at the cute interaction between a father and a daughter. Once she was standing in front of the idol, she suddenly felt nervous and shy, in which he seemed to notice.
“Hi, you must be Lily’s dad. You can call me (Y/N), I’m Lily’s class teacher.” (Y/N) said, holding her hand out. Only for him to smile behind the mask. Taehyung took her hand in his and shook it gently before he introduced himself.
“Hi (Y/N), I’m Taehyung. Thanks for taking such good care of my little flower.” He said, only for him to feel a slight electric shock when their skins made contact for a little too long. They both pulled away sharply but then apologized. Just then, Lily spoke up.
“Yay! Does that mean Miss Pretty can see Dada more now?”
With that, (Y/N) choked on her own saliva while Taehyung’s eyes grew wide in shock.
“Oh Dada, come on! I like Miss Pretty. Don’t you?” Her question came to them by surprise when he locked eyes with (Y/N) for a while but then a small smile appeared on his lips.
“I do, baby. Now enough of chatting. Let’s go. We wouldn’t want to hold Miss Pretty back from her rest now do we?” Taehyung said while Lily shook her head. However, (Y/N) was flustered when he used the nickname Lily gave her instead of her name. Taehyung flashed her a shy smile as he soon asked if she had a ride home. When she told him she drove there, he nodded.
“Alright then. Drive safely. Thank you again for everything you’ve done for Lily.”
“It’s my pleasure, Taehyung. Goodnight, and I’ll see you tomorrow pretty flower.” (Y/N) said. Tapping Lily’s nose, making the girl giggle. Only for the little girl to bury her face in Taehyung’s neck.
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The next day, (Y/N) didn’t expect to see Taehyung again in the evening as he took his time to fetch Lily from the daycare centre although he was in the middle of practice. Slowly, this became a routine for him to come pick Lily up from school. At first his member’s were confused as to why he was suddenly eager to fetch his daughter almost everyday. But after a while, they knew exactly why. 
Taehyung wanted to see (Y/N).
This went on for a few weeks with the both of them already exchanged numbers and he would sometimes video call her during lunch just so he could talk to Lily, and maybe (Y/N) too. The members have spoken to (Y/N) a few times before and some of them have even met her in person. All of them seemed to like her as a person.
However, it was Taehyung’s birthday today and the boys had to work. Taehyung apologized to (Y/N) through text saying that he probably couldn’t come and fetch Lily due to his busy schedule but she told him it was fine.
Little did he know, the boys had planned something to surprise the single father.
(Y/N) and Lily went to go get a small cake for Taehyung before heading to the company building. Once they managed to get in with the help of their manager, he brought them to the level where they were at.
(Y/N) prepared the cake and candles as she hid outside the practice room door while Lily hid on the opposite side of (Y/N). She texted Yoongi to get Taehyung out of the room and soon, when the door opened with a clueless Taehyung stepping out to leave, Lily and (Y/N) came out front to surprise him. The poor male jumped back in shock as he clutched to his chest.
Everyone began to sing for him the happy birthday song as they gathered around the door. A smile crept onto his face but he was still confused to see them there.
“Happy Birthday Dada!” Lily said after they finished singing for him while Taehyung glanced back and forth between the adult and the kid.
“Happy Birthday Taehyung.” (Y/N) wished as she held the cake in front of him.
“Make a wish.” She said, only for Taehyung to listen.
He closed his eyes and soon made a wish in his head before blowing the candles out. Everyone cheered before re-entering the room to celebrate briefly. They were all having bite after bite of the cake, only for Jungkook to whisper to Hoseok quietly while (Y/N) was talking to Seokjin and Yoongi.
“Wah hyung, she’s really pretty. She’d make such a cute couple with V hyung.”
“I agree. Plus, she’s already won Lily’s heart. It makes her one step closer to being Lily’s mother figure.” Hoseok said, seeing her giggle at Seokjin’s comment about her having to be stuck with Taehyung of all people. Their break time was about to end when (Y/N) spoke up, catching the attention of everyone else.
“I’m really thankful I got to be here and celebrate your birthday. Who would’ve thought I would be sitting here with a famous artist group huh?” They laughed at her words, telling her that they were happy she could feel even the slightest bit comfortable being with them as a normal person and not as an idol with a fan.
Just then, she took this chance to continue.
“Even so, I shouldn’t be here for too long. I don’t want people to get the wrong information.” This caused the boys to look at her in shock while some frowned.
“What do you mean? You’re leaving already?” Taehyung asks suddenly from beside her as she locks eyes with him. She found it hard to answer him so he continued.
“Stay… please.” His words were soft and almost as if he meant every bit of it without any hesitance in it.
“I know you’re worried about our fans and the media, but I promise you’ll be safe.” His words brought so much comfort to her but for some reason, she was still afraid. So for the first time, Taehyung reached down to place a hand on top of her own that was resting in her lap while he gently caressed it with his thumb.
“Please stay (Y/N).” The room fell silent, the boys glancing back and forth between the two expectantly.
She didn’t feel right to reject him with how gentle he was being so she decided to give in.
With that being said, the members smiled in victory as they soon cleaned up the place before going back to practice. As promised, (Y/N) stayed longer while the boys practiced their upcoming song. (Y/N) was just sitting with Lily at the couch, entertaining the little girl by watching a cartoon with her. Halfway through the cartoon, Lily began to yawn as (Y/N) turned to her in concern.
“Are you sleepy?” She asked, her voice slightly louder so she could hear past the music playing in the room.
Lily nodded as she turned to (Y/N) with her arms out. It was out instinct that (Y/N) immediately got up and rested her hands on Lily’s underarms before lifting her up. She puts Lily on her waist as the little girl wraps her arms around (Y/N)’s shoulders. Lily pressed her cheek on top of (Y/N)’s shoulder with (Y/N) supporting the girl by resting her arms under the girl’s thighs.
The boys were still focused on dancing when Taehyung noticed (Y/N) carrying Lily through the reflection.
She was swaying from side to side, gently patting Lily’s back to lull her to sleep. Since it was pretty noisy in the room, (Y/N) decided to bring Lily outside so that the little girl could sleep in peace. All the while, Taehyung watched as (Y/N) carried Lily out of the room quietly without interrupting the boys.
A few of the members noticed this too but they weren’t as focused as Taehyung. Almost an hour later, they decided to call it a day as they began to take a short rest while packing their stuff.
“They’re not back yet?” Taehyung asked when he realized (Y/N) and Lily weren’t in the room. The boys shook their heads, only for Taehyung to leave the practice room in search of his two precious gems. Only to find (Y/N) standing at the very end of the hallway, softly humming to a song.
Taehyung lightly jogged towards her as she turned around upon hearing his footsteps.
“We’re done with practice. Did you drive here?” He asked.
“Mhm.” The room fell silent for a bit before he spoke up.
“I really mean what I said earlier.” She looked at him in slight confusion before he explained himself.
“You don’t have to worry about anyone. I promise you’ll be safe. I’ll keep you safe.”
With that, she smiled as she reached up to cup his face, making him lean into her touch. 
Both of them have yet to confess their honest feelings for each other but it was pretty obvious that they liked each other. However, because of his profession, it would be slightly hard for him to actually be open about being in a relationship with someone even though he wants to be in one with her.
But that didn’t stop them from being honest and true to one another while nobody else was looking. With that, Taehyung gently wraps his fingers around her wrist as he caresses her hand softly before he speaks up.
“I know this is a little much to ask, but is it okay if you let Lily stay at your place tonight, I have a busy schedule all day tomorrow and I can't put her at the daycare since it’s a weekend. My parents are out of town at the moment too.”
“Yeah sure. No problem Taehyung.” She said with a genuine smile.
“Thank you so much (Y/N). I’ll come pick her up after my schedule is over.”
“No worries Taehyung. Just give me a call before you come okay?”
“Okay.” With that, the 9 of them soon left the building as she took Lily with her. 
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A few weeks passed and both (Y/N) and Taehyung have been showing more and more intimacy but without any PDA. Whenever the boys were at their dorm, they would often ask when Taehyung would ask her out or make it official but it seems like he has too many things on his mind. But they didn’t rush him into things so that was good. Today however, was a little different.
(Y/N) got a text from Hoseok asking her to come to the company building saying that Taehyung injured himself during the practice and nobody was around to take care of Lily. With that being said, she quickly rushed over to the company. Once she arrived, she went to find the room. 
The minute she pushed the door open, she was met with a very cute setting where there was a foldable table with a laptop, a picnic basket on top of the pretty blanket covers. She got confused as she stared at it for a second, only for someone to cover her eyes from behind. She gasped as she jumped back, crashing into a firm chest.
“What are yo-”
“Shh, it’s just me.” Taehyung’s voice resonated in her ear as she couldn’t help but giggle.
He guided her inside not before closing the door and lock it. After they were inside, she turned to him and faked a hurt expression.
“Hoseok told me you got injured. Why would you guys lie about that? I was so worried for you!” She said as he chuckled, finding her super adorable. Taehyung took her hand and led her to the layout where the picnic blanket was laid. They soon took a seat before he then spoke up.
“I know this isn’t a perfect first date, but I knew you’d feel uncomfortable if we were out in public because you know, with all the public eye and media…” With that, she looked at him. A tint of pink crept onto her cheeks.
“A d-date?”
“Oh, yeah, forgot to properly ask you out. Unless you don’t want this to be a date, I’m totally fine with it! You don’t have to-”
“It’s okay… I- I want this to be a date.” She confessed, making him smile as they soon continued with their indoor picnic date. Where they watched a movie in the dark while they cuddled on the blanket. Halfway through, she was feeling slightly cold since she only wore a crop top and jeans. Taehyung gave her his jacket but she was still cold so he offered to keep her warm.
She got flustered at first but then she decided to just go with it due to coldness.
Hence the reason why she was now snuggled in between his legs, her back resting against his chest while he had his arms around her body.
She slowly got distracted by him drawing lazy patterns onto her waist. Her head was just below his chin so if she tilted her head up to look at him, their faces wouldn’t be too far from each other. Just then, she gently rests her cold hands on top of his forearms, making him look down. That’s when she decided to be brave and look up.
Taehyung stared at her with a gentle smile on his face, glancing down to his lips. Her heart was beating so fast against her chest, she could almost feel as though he could hear it. Taehyung slowly leaned down, testing the waters to see if she would pull away.
When she didn’t move, that’s when he finally pressed his soft lips on hers. She closed her eyes in bliss as she reached up to cup his face. Taehyung pulled away with a soft sound before kissing her again. He was getting drunk in her lips when she turned her body slightly so that she wasn’t lying in an awkward position. Taehyung kissed her passionately before pulling away for the second time.
They left their faces so close to each other to let their lips graze against one another.
“I wouldn’t want anyone else to be the mother figure of my daughter.” Taehyung whispered as he locked eyes with her again. She smiled as she sneaked a kiss before she spoke up.
“I love that girl with all my heart, and you too.” Taehyung chuckled shyly as he kissed her again, the movie long forgotten by now.
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nyctophilin · 4 years
Fake Affection | III
Chapter I, Chapter II, Chapter III, Chapter IV, Epilogue
Description: Han Jisung has been rejected by the girl he likes one to many times. He decides that he has had enough and is set on making her want him back. What could possibly make her want him more than seeing him with her rival after she boldly assumed he can’t find anyone better. That way Jisung and Y/N are stuck in a fake relationship until Jisung’s crush falls for him. Or he falls for someone else.
All rights reserved © nyctophilin 2020. Re-posting, copying and translating any of my works is prohibited.
Pairing: Han x fem!Reader, Hyunjin x fem!Reader
Word count: 5.1k
Genre: College!AU, Fake dating!AU, Angst, Fluff, eventual Smut
Warnings: swearing, mild groping, mild violence
Pearl note -> This got long. Yeah, things got interesting in this part. :)) Also, I realized I forgot to add something so I had to come back last minute and edit it. Yeah, sorry for the delay. :/ I hope y’all enjoy it! Feedback is very much appreciated.
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      The sun was shining brightly despite it being almost 6 PM. The temperature outside reached unusually high numbers for that time of the year, and Y/N decided to take advantage of that. Dressed in a forest green spring dress that reached her mid-thighs and offered a modest view of her cleavage, she was waiting for Jisung in front of her apartment complex. The dress she was wearing had short sleeves, but she decided not to take any jackets with her thanks to the weather forecast that predicted the temperatures to be high until later in the night.
      She was clutching the strap of her purse tightly and impatiently checking the time on her phone every few minutes. It has been such a long time since she went on a date. Just because she was going there to make Mina jealous didn’t mean she couldn’t have fun. What better way to convince the other girl that she missed on a lot of fun than have fun?
      Coming from the left side, she heard the sound of an engine approaching. Soon, a black Range Rover came to a gradual stop right in front of her, the front wheel almost climbing the sidewalk. From inside the car, Jisung gestured her to get in. She opened the door and climbed in, placing her purse over her knees before fastening her seatbelt.
      Without much of a word, Jisung turned the steering wheel and started driving to a destination unknown to Y/N.
      “I didn’t know you had a car.” She spoke, trying to get rid of the awkward atmosphere.
      Jisung threw her a look before concentrating on the road again.
      “It’s Chan’s. He let me borrow it for today.” A long sigh left his mouth. “After a long talk where he told me that if I hurt his baby, I’m dead.”
      Y/N let out a chuckle, and Jisung smiled as well, as the memory of the silly conversation he had with the older man flooded his mind. Another minute passed, and the silence in the car was being filled by the pop music coming from the radio.
      “You look pretty!” Jisung complimented, stealing another glance at her.
      A bright smile invaded her facial features at his words. 
      “Thank you! I didn’t know where we were going, but I figured a dress would be appropriate for many activities.” She chirped, the tiniest bit of excitement rolling off her tongue.
      “What if we are going hiking?” Jisung said, and a smirk appeared on his face when he noticed her rolling her eyes from the corner of his eye.
      “Then you can turn the car. I’m not coming!” Y/N crossed her hands under her chest and her mouth formed into a small pout.
      “I’m joking. We are going to an outdoor cinema.”
      She gave him a side look and raised an eyebrow.
      “No offence, but how do you know when outdoor cinemas are happening? They don’t seem…” She eyes him up and down on the driver’s seat. “...your style.”
      Jisung resisted the urge to roll his eyes at her comment. After a moment of silence, he sighed silently accepting her words.
      “Mina told me about it three weeks ago. She said it was a rom-com she really wanted to see. We planned to go together.” He explained taking a right turn.
      “Then how do you know if she’s going to come if you planned to go together. I don’t know if you realised, but you are supposed to be dating me, and she’s dating no one. Girls don’t usually go to this kind of thing without a boyfriend or a potential one.”
      “There’s this guy from Theatre and Film that she used to hook up with when I wasn’t around. I know from someone that they are coming together.” 
      Y/N let a pitiful smile involuntarily invade her features. It was kind of pathetic how he knew about her whereabouts and still didn’t say anything. She understood that they weren’t together, but they were heavily flirting and behaving like a couple, hence why she and a lot of other people thought they were actually in a relationship.
      She let her teeth sink in the flesh of her bottom lip holding back from telling him a piece of her mind. He was old enough. He knew what he was doing. Or at least she hoped he did.
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      The rest of the way to the outdoor cinema was spent in silence. The only audible sounds being the radio and Jisung’s soft humming from time to time. When they reached, their destination Y/N got out of the car and let Jisung find a parking spot somewhere further away from the location of the cinema due to the parking there overflowing with vehicles.
      Checking her phone, she noticed the time indicating 7:17 PM, and only then she realised how much time they spent in the car. Walking lazily on the pathway to where space was designated for blankets and chairs she saw a sea of people. Maybe not really a sea but there were enough people to fill two of the auditorium in their university.
      For a second she thought she'd lay out the blanket, but then she remembered the only thing she had on her was her purse. On top of that, they needed to ‘accidentally’ bump into Mina and her date and hope they end up sitting next to each other.
      Just as she was thinking about that a squeal deafened her and a pair of delicate arms wrapped around her. When the girl let go of her, and she met Mina’s face, she grimaced, but she regained her composure fast. She smiled at her and her date, a guy she had seen occasionally in some of her classes.
      “What a coincidence you are here!” Mina’s fake excitement was pissing her off. Coincidence her ass. Y/N was sure she knew they were going to be there.
      “Yeah, what a small world.” She gave the two a visibly fake smile and prayed for Jisung to hurry.
      “Are you alone?” The girl asked, moving her head in different directions as if she was looking for the person she came with.
      “No. I actually came with Jisung.” As if on cue Jisung appeared from behind the two, a blanket in hand.
      “Are you looking for me, princess?” A jolt of surprise went through her at the new nickname he used, but she didn’t let it show.
      Observing the angry expression on Mina’s face at his words, she figured that was how he used to call her before they broke up whatever they had going on. She surpassed a smirk from painting her lips.
      “Mhhm.” She extended her hand, which he gladly held and went in for a short kiss. “Look who I found. Isn’t it lovely seeing your friends here?” She sarcastically said, smiling up at him.
      “You guys should come sit with us!” Mina’s date said, and a victorious smile spread across her face.
      “We’ll love to if that is okay with Mina, of course. We wouldn’t wanna disrupt you!” Y/N faked concern and gave Mina doe eyes.
      Mina’s jaw slightly clenched before immediately relaxing and letting out a forced giggle.
      “Of course you can. Why wouldn’t I be okay with that?”
      After that, the four of them went and found a place at the back of the crowd where they could sit. It wasn’t exactly the back of the crowd since there were some more people behind them, but they were reasonably behind. 
      Jisung spread the blanket on the fluffy grass, and Mina’s date, whose name she found out was Jay, did the same as Jisung. Their blankets were almost touching, the distance between them millimetric. 
      There were still 20 minutes before the movie was supposed to start. They sat down on the blankets, and Y/N stretched her legs, finally relaxing for not having to stand on the platform shoes she was wearing.
      “So, are you guys dating or…” Jay asked, fixing his body position so he could see them better.
      Y/N rolled her eyes at his question. The guy wasn’t the best at reading the room.
      “Of course we are. Why would we be here together if we weren’t?” Annoyance was dripping off her tongue. She only wanted to relax for a bit before having to spend two hours watching some boring rom-com.
      “Oh…” His voice sounded almost disappointed as his gaze lingered a second too long on her exposed legs. “Mina and I are not a couple. And since she and Jisung have had a thing before, I thought...” He bit his bottom lip while looking at her thighs that were pretty much bare thanks to her dress riding up when she sat down. “Never mind!” 
      Y/N shifted uncomfortably and placed her hands on her thighs in an attempt to cover them even a little. Mina wasn’t aware of her date’s actions as her eyes were concentrated on Jisung and on the way he looked under the golden rays of the sun that was preparing to set.
      Jisung, however, was burning holes with his eyes into the other man’s head. Upon seeing him biting his lip while looking at Y/N in a less than appropriate way, he felt an unexplainable feeling of rage penetrate his body. What he wanted to do at that moment was to get up and punch that pig into next week for daring to look at her like that. But he kept his composure and decided not to make a big deal out of it. 
      There was literally no reason for him to get that angry. Besides the apparent reason that it made her uncomfortable and he shouldn’t allow something like that, especially when he is playing her boyfriend. But the sudden feeling to rip his head off filled him with turmoil.
      Jisung decided to ignore it for now, and he took his jacket off and placed it over her legs. Her head shot in his direction, confusion and at the same time relief present in her eyes.
      “What is that?” She asked, trying to act unaffected by Jay’s actions.
      “I just thought you might sit more comfortably with this over your legs. It stops unwanted attention.” He subtly glared at Jay, but he didn’t seem to pay him any mind as his eyes were now fixed on Mina’s chest.
      “Thank you!” She said, bringing the jacket further up to cover her thighs better.
      Jisung inched just a little bit closer to her and cupped her face. Placing his lips on hers, he forcefully pushed his tongue in her mouth, taking her by surprise. He made sure their heads were positioned in such a way that the two on the blanket next to them will be able to see the exchange of their mouths. 
      Mina was watching Jisung drag his tongue inside Y/N’s mouth, his eyes closed in satisfaction. The exchange wasn’t rushed, and the way his thumb would caress her cheek so gently had her bursting with jealousy. Jisung had never kissed her like that. Their kisses were always rushed and sloppy, driven by sexual needs.
      When she first heard about their little relationship, she laughed. She thought it was some kind of stupid joke. But then she saw how they behaved. The kisses, the hugs, the hand holding, how he would always have a hand around her shoulders. In the three days, they dated he showed Y/N more love than he showed her in a year and a half.
      Her initial plan was to tease him a little bit, then finally accept to be his girlfriend. She didn’t think he'd go and find himself a girlfriend. And especially not her. From all the people he could choose it had to be her. Looking at them now, Mina regretted her decision.
      Jisung broke the kiss and looked into her fluttering eyes before placing a peck on her nose. Y/N was sitting there dizzy from everything that happened. His sudden boldness left her speechless and burning hot from the embarrassment of being seen doing something like that.
      She wanted to question him. Ask him why he suddenly did something like that. However, a loud sound erupted from the speakers surrounding them, signaling the start of the movie. So she focused her vision on the big cloth in front of her and decided to ignore it.
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      She shivered discreetly as a wave of cold hit her body. The movie was only half done, and with the midnight approaching slowly, a chilly air adorned their surroundings. The weather forecast predicted high temperatures, but at that moment she was far away from her city, and so the weather was different.
      Y/N rubbed one of her arms with her hand, regretting not taking a jacket with her just in case something like that was to happen. From the corner of his eye, Jisung noticed her actions, and he leaned in close to her to whisper in her ear.
      “Hey, are you ok?” His hot breath on her ear made the hair at the back of her neck stand up.
      “Yeah, I’m just a little bit cold. I’ll be fine!” She whispered back giving him reassuring eyes.
      Jisung thought for a second of what he could do. He didn’t have another jacket, and he didn’t want her to uncover her legs. At least not when Jay was around. An idea finally struck him, and he softly called her name, catching her attention again.
      When she turned to look at him, he tapped the space between his spread legs. Y/N raised an eyebrow at his gesture.
      “What does that mean?” She sounded a little bit annoyed.
      “Come sit here. I’ll cuddle you so you won’t be cold anymore.” Y/N threw him a weirded out look. “We are ‘dating’. No one will find it weird. Or you could just stay there and freeze to death.” The man explained his voice a little bit louder than before.
      She pondered his offer for a bit before getting up and making her way between his legs. She let herself fall backwards until her back hit his chest softly. Jisung put his arms around her, and warmth started enveloping her almost instantly. Y/N let out a purr at the newfound comfort, and her eyes shot open at the realisation of what she just did.
      “Hey, don’t get too comfortable, you hear me? I’m doing this just because Mina might be watching.” She warned, her voice stern hoping he missed her last action.
      Jisung rolled his eyes but decided not to bring up the sound she just let out. For now, he just wanted to enjoy the newfound proximity. Only so they can make Mina jealous. Right?
      They sat like that, none of them daring to move. For some reason, Jisung found the position really comfortable. A few days prior at the start of their relationship he found skinship really awkward but now it wasn’t like that anymore. It felt almost natural. Like they have been doing it for a long time.
      Some more time passed, but Jisung wasn’t sure how much. The movie was approaching its climax, and the man felt bored out of his mind. Was it really worth going through that only to get his dick wet? But then he remembered who he was doing it for. He was doing it so he and Mina, the girl who he has been in love with for the longest time, could finally be together. And when it happens, he will be able to slide his hand through her silky hair, and feel her smooth skin and kiss her soft lips without having to call it a friendly gesture.
      His trail of thoughts was interrupted by a quiet mumbling coming from Y/N. Her voice was so small that Jisung couldn’t hear her.
      “What?” He leaned his head down in order to hear her when she talks.
      For a minute, there was silence. Thinking that she didn’t hear him, Jisung wanted to repeat the question when a puff of air left her mouth. Right after, she turned slightly to the side, pushing her head more against his chest, and that is when he realised that she fell asleep.
      An involuntary smile tugged at his lips, and his heart started beating faster. He couldn’t explain why he was so happy about it. It was going to be a pain in the ass. Having to wake her up and wait for her to recover from her dazed form. They were going to be the last ones to leave after the movie was over.
      A whistle-like noise left Y/N’s nose when she expired the cold air of the night, and his smile turned into a grin. Jisung moved a few strands of hair from her face before wrapping his hands better around her to keep her warm. He placed a kiss on top of her head and rested his chin on her head, swaying slightly while continuing to watch the movie.
      If you were to ask Mina what has happened so far in the movie, she couldn’t give you an answer. As much as she wanted to see the film, the girl’s eyes seemed to be more interested in whatever was happening on the blanket on her left. 
      She watched as they were cuddling and whispering to each other things she couldn’t hear. Then Y/N fell asleep, and Jisung seemed to be even more loving, hugging her even tighter and kissing her. She was wondering if he has ever done that to her on the many nights they shared a bed.
      Mina never thought she would be that affected by the fact that Jisung has found himself a girlfriend. After all, he was just one of the many boys she was hooking up with. She never thought she would have feelings for him, but here she was, being jealous of the last person she ever thought she would.
      She had to somehow get the boy back. She wanted to see it as a challenge, but she couldn’t. It had barely been two weeks since they ‘broke up’ and scarcely four days since he started dating that perfect little missy. Love doesn’t fade away that fast. She’ll have him back in no time.
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      Y/N felt someone shaking her arm gently, and she mumbled some incoherent words, pushing the hand away. She was sleeping so well, she didn’t want to wake up. A hand pushed a hair strand that was ticking her nose out of the way before grabbing her shoulder and shaking it again. She groaned in annoyance.
      “Wake up, Y/N! You have to go home. Unless you want me to take you to my place.” Someone whispered close to her face, and her eyes fluttered open, trying to make up her surroundings.
      The first thing she saw when she finally managed to blink the sleep away was Jisung’s smirking face. God, he was so annoying. Ignoring him and looking around, she noticed she was in his parked car in front of her apartment complex. She vaguely remembered falling asleep, but she doesn’t remember waking up to get to the car.
      “How did I get here? Did you wake me up?” Y/N asked, straightening her body and inhaling the cold air of the night.
      Jisung held her hand and helped her out of the car before slamming the door closed. He let her lean against the front door and opened the back door to fish her purse from the back seat.
      “I didn’t. You were way too cute when you shut up. Like a little obedient kitty. I had to enjoy the moment a little bit longer.” He teased, putting a hand around her waist and making their way to the entrance in the complex.
      Y/N scoffed at his childish remark but decided to ignore it. She didn’t have the necessary energy to argue with him.
      “So you carried me to the car? What about the blanket and the other stuff you had there? Did you go back for them?”
      “No, I had Jay get them for me, so I don’t wake you up.” 
      Stopping in front of the elevator, Jisung pushed the button, and they waited a few seconds for the doors to open. Stepping inside, Y/N pushed the button for the third floor before leaning back against Jisung.
      “Talking about Jay. Thank you for today!” The man threw her a questioning look, acting as nonchalant as he could.
      “What do you mean?”
      “Don’t act dumb! I know you didn’t give me your jacket just because you are nice like that. You saw how he looked at me.” She wanted to sound more aggressive, but her voice came out soft and calm since she was still sleepy.
      Jisung found that adorable but surpassed a smile. Adopting a disinterested expression, he spoke.
      “He did? I didn’t notice. I just thought that, as your boyfriend, I shouldn’t let everyone see your underwear.” Y/N punched him in the stomach lightly, and Jisung dramatically bent down, letting out a fake grunt.
      “You are such an asshole!”
      A loud ding echoed in the restricted space, and the doors opened, revealing the dirty wall of the third floor. They stepped out of the elevator and slowly walked down the hallway to where Y/N’s apartment door was. Taking her purse from Jisung’s hand and finding her keys, she unlocked the door and opened it.
      She leaned against the door frame and looked up at Jisung, giving him a bright smile.
      “I'd like to say that I had fun, but I fell asleep halfway through the date.” She giggled, trying to mask her embarrassment. “But it was nice getting out of the house. Thank you for today!”
      The man put his hands in his jean’s pockets and scoffed.
      “You are lucky Mina got upset by you sleeping on me. Otherwise, I would have gotten angry. My shoulders are so stiff from having to support your weight. I might not recover for a few days.” A fake pained groan left his throat, and Y/N rolled her eyes.
      Lifting herself on her tiptoes, she placed one hand on his shoulder and brought his head lower. She connected her lips with his in a short kiss. Breaking the kiss, she stepped inside her apartment and kept the door open enough for her head to be visible.
      “See you on Monday!” With that, she closed the door all the way and made her way into her bedroom.
      She wasn’t sure what was the time, but it must have been well past 11 PM. Taking off the dress, she discarded it on the floor before grabbing the oversized t-shirt from the back of the desk chair. She put it on and threw herself on the bed, letting the sheets envelop her body before falling asleep.
      Y/N’s eyes shot open, and her mouth fell open as the realisation of what she did only moments prior sank in. Putting the back of her hand over her forehead and exhaling deeply, her eyes closed and her brows furrowed. Why did she kiss him? She’ll never interact with anyone while she’s still drunk on sleep.
      Meanwhile, Jisung that just exited the complex couldn’t contain his smile. He couldn’t understand why that was happening. They kissed before to make Mina jealous. But maybe that was precisely the reasons such an insignificant gesture brought him so much joy. Mina was nowhere near. A spark erupted in his stomach at the thought that the girl might have a crush on him.
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      “Do it again! With more love this time. Come on. You want me! You desire me!” Y/N ordered to Jeongin.
      The man let out a frustrated groan, using the script to cover his eyes from the brightness of the sun.
      Both of them, Hyunjin and Jisung, were outside, in front of the university. They had a free period and decided to practice the script for the short movie they were playing in. Hyunjin, although not part of the film itself, was always with them thanks to Mrs. Bae’s affinity towards him. 
      Jisung, however, was new in the picture. Ever since they went on that date a week and a half ago, he seemed to be spending more time with her. She felt mildly suffocated by that but decided not to question it. As long as he wasn’t distracting her from her usual activities, she didn’t mind him tagging along.
      “You don’t make desiring you really easy. We’ve done it four times already. We will start filming in three months. I don't have to be perfect right now!” Jeongin exclaimed letting his body fall on the bench on which Jisung and Hyunjin were seated.
      “Hey! Be careful of what you say. My girlfriend is very, much desirable!” Jisung said in a jokingly offended tone earning disgusted groans from the other two men.
      “Really dude? I could have lived my life without knowing that information.” Jeongin started fanning himself with the script. It was a sweltering day.
      “I don’t understand why you are here. You are only four-wheeling us.” Hyunjin remarked, earning himself a dirty look from Jisung.
      “A car needs all four wheels to be functional.”
      “Yeah, babe, but we are a tricycle.”
      Hyunjin, Jeongin and Y/N erupted into laughter at Jisung’s dumbfounded expression. From behind Y/N, they heard even louder laughter and Hyunjin scoffed at the scene unfolding under his eyes. 
      “I swear to God! Mina has been so annoying lately. Much more than when she used to hang out with Jisung. It’s as if she’s following us around.” The man rolled his eyes as he remembered how many times Mina ‘coincidentally’ happened to be in the same place as them the past week.
      “Tell me about it. And how she is always with Jay from our major. If I wanted to watch live porn, I would have signed up on one of those porn sites.” Jeongin seemed as annoyed as the other man.
      “Don’t stress about that guys. I’m pretty sure these are just coincidences.” Y/N tried telling them, even though she knew everything they said was right.
      “No, I’m pretty sure they are not. There’s someone between us whose attention she’s trying to catch.” Hyunjin gave Jisung a side look.
      “You can’t be sure of that.” She played dumb, wanting more than anything to change the subject.
      “ Oh, please! She’s always watching him. In the cafeteria, when we are hanging around on our free periods, when she’s kissing that loser. It’s like he’s a good movie she can’t tear her eyes from.” Jeongin snapped, tired of the whole situation.
      “Then let’s give them something to look at!” Jisung smirked smugly.
      “What do..”
      In the next second, Y/N has been pulled on Jisungs lap, and he captured her lips in an urgent kiss. One hand was on the nape of her head forcefully holding her in the kiss, and the other one was on her ass cheek, squeezing it. 
      She heard someone awkwardly clearing their throat from her right, and all her senses heightened. Y/N placed her hands on Jisung’s shoulders and tried lightly pushing him away while uncomfortably shifting in his lap. As a response, the man groaned lowly and slid his hand from her neck to her chest, cupping it.
      Her eyes widened in shock at his action and mustering all the force she had in her, she pushed him away, finally breaking the kiss. A loud bang ringed around them as her hand made contact with his cheek. Jumping off his lap, she gathered her bag from the leg of the bench.
      “You are a fucking asshole!” She shouted in his face before storming off inside the university.
      The stomping of her boots was echoing in the empty halls, and the few students that were around decided to make her space to pass. Her thinking was clogged at the moment, and all she could feel was rage and shame. She was angrily making her way down the halls, but her destination was uncertain. She just wanted to be as far away from him as possible.
      Y/N heard quick steps from behind her, and a hand pulled at her shoulder. Without turning around, she shrugged it off and started walking faster. The person behind her also increased their walking speed, but this time around, they grabbed her wrist.
      Just as she was preparing to scream in their face, she was pulled into a hug, her face forced into a firm chest. Y/N felt herself calm down as the smell of a cologne she grew accustomed to in the last week invaded her lungs. His hand was gently rubbing her back, and she relaxed under her touch.
      “Are you okay?” Hyunjin whispered softly in her ear.
      She hid her face more in his chest, feeling shame overcome her.
      “I’m sorry you had to see that. I swear it’s not what you think! We’ve never…” Her voice was shaky, as if she was about to cry. Hyunjin cupped her face forcing her to look in his eyes. She could see concern and sadness hiding behind his brown orbs.
      “Why are you apologising to me? You are the one who’s been wronged here. I just wanna make sure you are okay.” His soft voice was acting as a calmative for her racing heartbeat.
      Y/N felt her insides flip at his caring words. His hands on her cheeks were hot, and she decided to blame them for the blush that acaparated her face.
      “Hey! Step away from my girlfriend, you motherfucker!” Jisung’s voice filled her ears, and she saw Hyunjin roll his eyes.
      The warmth of his body left her, and he crossed his arms as Jisung finally arrived in front of them. Hyunjin was looking down at the other man, and both their expressions were filled with anger.
      “I was just making sure she’s fine. It looks like you took your time deciding to do the same.” The taller man spat venom dripping off his tongue.
      “It’s none of your business how I handle my relationship!” Jisung adopted a louder tone bringing his face closer to Hyunjin’s.
      “But it is when you decide to act like a bitch in heat and make your girlfriend uncomfortable. This is why Mina never dated you and why you and Y/N won’t last long!”
      Jisung clenched his jaw upon hearing the other man’s words, and before anyone could register what was happening, he plunged his fist into Hyunjin’s face.
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purplecatdad · 3 years
Rarepair Week “Darkness”
Part of the RDR Events Rarepair Week 
Prompt: Darkness
Bill/Kieran | Teens an Up | Canon-Divergence
Content Warning for:  Child Abuse (mentioned), Internalised Homophobia, Trauma, Alcoholism, Depression, Tortue
Bill Williamson had never been a brave man. 
In fact he felt like a coward most of the time. Back when his daddy had beaten him up and he never fought back. Back when he applied to the army, simply because he was afraid that he’d end up with nothing in his life. Back when he punched and almost killed the guy who had kissed him just so people wouldn’t know he was a queer. Or when he thought that his life would end as Dutch van der Linde laughed at him because he had tried to steal from him. 
For a long while, Dutch had made Bill feel like he wasn’t all that much of a coward. He had given him purpose, a family, people to take care of. He knew that most of them, especially the other boys, would call him lazy. Often enough they had called him that right into his face and he knew that they were right. But sometimes he’d just lie awake at night, haunted by the things he did and those that had been done to him. They paralysed him and robbed him of his sleep and with the rising sun came the overwhelming sadness. Sadness that made it unable for him to do anything but to drink, like his daddy used to. To drown the memories and the pain in liquor. And every time he felt his consciousness slipping thanks to the Whiskey he was afraid again. That he’d end up like him. Beating folk who didn’t deserve it, children and women. And that was someone he never wanted to be. 
He had run with Dutch and his boys for 6 years. They had gone through both good and bad times but it had rarely been as bad as after Blackwater. They’ve lost folk and money and had been holed up in the cold for far too long. And it had all been the O’Driscoll’s fault. They’ve managed to catch one of his boys, a man named Kieran and while Bill hated his guts for being part of the rival gang he also stirred something else in him … something that made him afraid again. 
Nobody in camp knew that he preferred the company of men over women. At least not as far as Bill knew. During the years he had visited some working boys now and then. To celebrate after a good job or to let off some steam after a job gone wrong - but he had always made sure to keep it to himself. Once or twice he’d almost been caught but he had always managed to make it look that he was just another man fucking some female prostitute. 
But then, Arthur had dragged one of those damn O’Driscolls with them. A scrawny man named Kieran Duffy. Someone who belonged to the enemy. Kieran changed the game. Bill couldn’t help watching him. He was cute, even if a little jumpy at times. The horses loved him, even the Count let him close. And even if he was afraid and even if they had hurt and threatend him, he still pulled his weight and even saved Arthur’s life when there was no need to do so. 
Often, Bill would imagine what he’d do with him if he had him for himself, all on his own. Stripping him down, kissing every inch of his body, holding him close. Of course he couldn’t tell him. Of course he was afraid of something slipping. So he made sure that Kieran was afraid as well. With gelding tongs and fists and snarling at him whenever he got too close. But instead of feeling better, securer about it he just felt like shit. Because he still kept watching Kieran … and couldn’t help but notice what a good man the O’Driscoll actually was. Kind, honest, soft and gentle. Nothing like the other men in camp. Nothing like the boys he had paid before. 
His heart always started to flutter when he approached Kieran to tell him to clean up his tack or groom Brown Jack for him. Kieran always got nervous and jumpy around him and Bill couldn’t blame him for it. It was what he had tried to achieve - but had it really been what he had wanted? He had cursed himself a lot during the first few weeks. Hating himself for ruining a potential relationship, even if it was just friendship, before it had even started. 
Once they had moved to Clemens point, Bill had made a decision. He would no longer be a coward. He would try to approach him. Maybe he could show Kieran that he wasn’t always just a brute. He could be a drinking buddy. Or a friend. 
It had taken many approaches and even more beers until Kieran had finally accepted Bill‘s invitation to drink with him. Both of them eased into the conversation with the help of the alcohol, feeling more confident because of the drinks they finally managed to get to know each other. Bill always doubted himself come next morning. Wondering if it was really the right thing to do. What if he accidentally said too much? Revealed himself to Kieran only to be pushed away again? But he always came back because he enjoyed Kieran‘s company too much
Sometimes he went away just to beat some people up, to get rid of the restlessness. He knew it wasn’t the right thing to do. It didn’t fit to the “beat people who need beating” mantra of Dutch and his gang. But still he couldn’t help it. Beating them black and blue made him feel in control. He knew how to do it, he was confident when he did it. There was no doubt there, only the knowledge and assurance that he was capable of something. 
One night they had actually met outside of camp, in the Rhodes saloon. Bill had wanted to celebrate another good score with some proper food and some higher brand whiskey and had told Kieran to come along. They had eaten and drunk and enjoyed each other‘s company … and when Kieran had excused himself to pee outside, Bill had followed him. 
Thanks to the Whiskey and the good mood, Bill hadn‘t been afraid anymore. He had been brave. He had taken Kieran‘s face into his hands and kissed him, pressed against the back wall of the saloon. And to his surprise, Kieran had kissed him back. They had rented a room that night to spend it together. Hasty, deep kisses, bodies intertwined. It had left Bill speechless and tired and satisfied in a way he had never felt. 
The next morning he woke up alone. The way back to camp a walk of shame. Fear and anxiety creeping up about what to expect in camp. Had Kieran told them all about Bill? About his desires, about what he had done with him? What if he had ruined whatever they had by just acting up on his desires? If Kieran never wanted to get that far?
But when he reached the camp grounds he realized that there was no need to worry. Kieran greeted him like nothing happened as he was cleaning up after the horses and took Brown Jack from him to be unsaddled and groomed. Javier congratulated him on the „successful night with the ladies of Rhodes'' and after a few more interactions with the people in camp, Bill had realized that Kieran had simply told them that they had been busy with some working girls during the night. A story that apparently all of them believed to be true without a doubt. 
Many nights like that followed, with less and less alcohol involved. They never talked about it, never really spoke about what happened during those nights. Bill woke up alone each day. But he understood - he also didn‘t want to risk anybody finding out. It was good, what they had and someone finding out about them would most likely ruin whatever it was that they had. 
More shit went down in Rhodes, more than he could comprehend and they found each other down south at a place called Shady Belle. Bill had never liked the swamps. The air was too humid and hot for him to breathe and always made him a sweaty mess. But Kieran started sleeping closer to him at night in the new camp and he was happier about that than he had expected to be.
One night he took him out to Saint Denis. He hated the big city but it offered them some anonymity that made him feel safer than in Rhodes. They had some drinks, some delicious food and rented another room for the night. Kieran had bought them some Whiskey again and drunk it until he was swaying on his feet before he had pulled Bill to bed with him. He had kissed Bill a lot that night, clinging to him and pulling him closer. When they were done, he had cuddled up into his arms instead of turning away, whispering a soft „I love you, Bill“ that kept Bill awake for a few more hours, repeating the words in his mind, thinking about what it meant for him. What it meant for them. 
Eventually he fell asleep, cuddled up to Kieran who was snoring away peacefully next to him. Bill could pretend that this was their life. That this was how he spent every night, next to his special someone who would whisper sweet words into his ears and keep him warm at night. 
But when the next morning came, reality hit him again. Kieran had left the bed in the morning once again and left him alone. It was okay, of course and what Bill had halfway expected anyway. But when he came back to camp, Kieran wasn‘t there to greet him and to take Brown Jack from him. He wasn‘t at the scouting fire, taking care of the saddles or with the girls talking about books. In fact, he was nowhere to be seen. A part of Bill, the anxious, cowardly beast, told him that Kieran had had enough. That he had left the gang, had left him behind because he didn‘t want to be with him anymore. And the other part? The other part was angry. Angry at Kieran for vanishing, angry at himself for being so stupid and even imagine anybody to actually like him. He felt heartbroken and it was his own damn fault because he was, as always, a fool. 
Another night came and went but Kieran still hadn‘t come back. Bill started to worry now. He knew that there were many dangerous people in the swamps and that Kieran, despite being in multiple gangs of outlaws, wasn‘t a good fighter or great at defending himself. So he asked people in camp if they had seen him but nobody did. Mary-Beth, who Bill rarely spoke a word with but who he knew was a good friend of Kieran‘s, also hadn‘t seen him and was equally worried. So Bill decided that he had to go and look for him. 
He asked Dutch and Arthur and Javier and even John to maybe come with him but none of them felt like Kieran was in danger. It made him angry again and when Micah snarled a “Don‘t you worry about your little girlfriend, I‘m sure he‘ll come back to you“ at him, Bill couldn‘t help but to punch in his nose and storm off on Brown Jack‘s back. If nobody was up to help him, he‘d have to find him on his own. 
It took him two days of traveling through the swamps until he finally found something. A few horses, hitched close to an old water mill… one of them a mare that he knew all to well. Branwen, Kieran‘s beloved horse that he cherished more than anything else in the world. Bill knew that he had found him - and he was certain that Kieran wasn‘t here by choice. If he was even alive anymore. 
Bill had never been a brave man. 
But he knew when it was time to fight and he was ready to risk his own life if he had to. If it meant helping the only man who he could fully trust in this world. The man who loved him. So he jumped off of Brown Jack, approached the house and kicked in the door. He started shooting without asking questions, killing everybody who was raising their guns at him. Most people thought he was a fool and mostly they were right - but he was good with his rifle and could kill multiple men within seconds. After barely a minute, nobody in the house was moving anymore. 
“Kieran?!“ he yelled out and frantically looked around. He couldn‘t see him anywhere so he walked up to the ladder, climbed down as fast as he could - and stopped in his tracks when he saw what they had done to him. 
Kieran‘s hands were tied up to the ceiling above his head, stripped down to his union suit that was smeared with blood. There were cuts all over his body, visible through the holes that they had ripped into the fabric. They had tortured him, he could see a few missing toes, one of his earlobes missing as well. Bill couldn‘t help but to stare at Kieran for a moment. This was not what he had expected. 
“Kieran …“ he said, softer this time and walked up to him. Kieran was unconscious, his head hanging down … but his chest was still rising and falling, slow but steadily. As he moved closer to him, Bill noticed that something else was missing - Kieran’s eyes had been removed, black, bloodied holes now where his eyes used to be. Bill felt his hands shaking from anger and worry but his instinct kicked in quickly. The years spent amidst the violence and struggle to keep alive against all odds had made his subconscious defy his otherwise oafish and lazy nature. He knew that he had to get out of here fast, before anybody else would come. 
He quickly untied Kieran, wrapped him in his long coat and carried him up the ladder. His mind was racing. He wasn‘t sure if Kieran would survive this, wasn‘t sure if the rest of the O‘Driscolls would wait for him outside. But he was sure that, if he brought Kieran back to camp, the O‘Driscolls might follow him there. There was no time to run without leaving a trace. And he was certain that Dutch would never forgive him if he led the enemy right back to them just because of Kieran. 
So he was the one who had to take care of him … and as he stepped out out the mill, Kieran in his arms, he realized that he wouldn‘t be able to do that at camp. Not in the way he wanted, not in the way Kieran deserved. Carefully he placed Kieran on Branwen, making sure that he was safe and secure on her back before he attached her lead to Brown Jack‘s saddle. He had to bring him to safety, somewhere in the heartlands. And maybe, if Kieran wanted, they could make themselves a home there. Far away from everything. Away from the violence and the bloodshed. 
He rode away, always looking back at Kieran who stayed unconscious, even after Bill made camp somewhere in the middle of nowhere. He didn‘t know where they were, he just hoped that this was far enough away from anybody who could be hunting them. After he set up the tent, he finally got around to cleaning up Kieran‘s wounds and bandaging his eyes as best as he could. Bill sure as hell was no doctor but trying to survive alone sure taught you one thing or two. He placed him on the bedroll and sat down next to him, staring at the campfire he made. 
He felt it again, the anxiety creeping up. The feeling of being worthless - he should‘ve been faster, better at hunting down those bastards who had hurt Kieran like this. He should‘ve told Kieran to just stay with him in that hotel room. To enjoy the morning with him as much as the night. But he hadn‘t. He hadn‘t done any of those things and now Kieran was hurt … and he wasn‘t even sure that he‘d survive. 
He felt Kieran stirr awake next to him. He looked over at him, gently touching his hand to let him know that he wasn‘t alone. 
“Kieran …“, he said softly and the other man looked around. “You‘re safe. I … Got you out. Took care of your wounds.“
Kieran stilled, taking Bill‘s hand in his, a whimper escaping him. Bill couldn‘t imagine how hard this must be for him. To wake up and not be able to see. To not know what was happening around him. 
“Can I … should I get you something? Some water? Are you hungry?“ He felt stupid again, unsure what to do. He had never been the one taking care of the wounded, he had only ever taken care of himself and fought alongside the others. This was new. 
“Please just .. lie down .. with me..“, Kieran said, his voice weak and barely audible. 
And Bill did as he asked, carefully lying down next to Kieran, putting his arms around him and pulling him close to his chest. 
“It‘s so dark …“, Kieran whispered, his voice trembling with anxiety.
“I know … I‘m sorry …“, Bill answered, his voice weavering. He‘d give his life for Kieran to see again.
“I‘m glad … that you‘re with me, though. Means I don‘t have to face the darkness all on my own.“
“You won‘t“, Bill agreed and gently caressed his back. “I won‘t ever leave you alone again.“
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whydoyouwantmyname · 4 years
Imagine being Sirus’s daughter
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-You were born in the year 1978, your mother was a muggle who Sirius met at a punk rock concert, and they had dated for a few months before deciding they were better off parting way as soon as he revealed he was a wizard.
-When she gave birth to you, Sirius hadn’t even known she was pregnant, and she didn’t tell him until you were 6 months old, when she went to his flat and frantically knocked on the door.
“Olivia, it’s six o’clock in the fucking morning, why are you...” and then he noticed the baby carrier
“She is one of you Sirius, she made...” her voice loud with frustration as she hushed it, “she made all of her toy fly at me when I told her it was nap time, she once cried and all the lights blew. Sirius I can not have this thing live in my house.”
“Clearly not if you are calling her a thing.” He snapped before snatching the carrier out of her hand, “I suggest you sell all her baby things, I don’t want her having a single reminder of you in her life.”
-He slammed the door in her face, and quickly placed you on the sofa, and just stared at you, for an hour. Internationally he was freaking out, he was 18, Fresh out of Hogwarts, and had zero idea how to parent a child. So he did the only thing that made rational sense, and picked up the phone.
“Hey mom, I have to tell ya something....yes I know it is early, but I just couldn’t wait to tell you....No, no I am not in jail again, however you might wanna sit down for this one..... you’re a grandma.”
-The phone was silent, and next thing he knew his fireplace lit up green, and out stepped Euphemia Potter, who was still dressed in her night gown, her eyes wide as she looked at her son’s best friend, and then noticed the small child asleep in her carrier. “She’s beautiful.”
“Mom I have zero idea how to even...”
“Trust me Padfoot,” the name slipped so comfortably out of her mouth as he looked at her with panic, “None of us do. We just do it, and pray that we don’t accidentally hex them.”
-That morning Euphemia spent teaching Sirius all about how to care for a baby, but quickly learned his new delima, “Do you have anything for her?”
“No, her mother just dropped her off this morning, I didn’t even know...”
“Did she tell you her name at least?”
“Well, how about [Y/N]? That’s what I would have named James if he was a girl.”
“[Y/N] Euphemia Black, I like it.” He smiled, looking over at a surprised Euphemia, “What? I always hear that it was a muggle tradition to give your daughter’s your mother’s middle name.”
-After that she took you and Sirius out to a muggle baby store, and the grocery store, and bought you everything you could ever need. The whole time you were with the two, you never cried, you just stared at them with your [Y/C/E]’s and played with the small rattle Euphemia bought you. Once you returned to the flat, she flicked her wand and you watched in wonder in her arms as all the furniture started to assemble itself, while your father put all the baby food and bottles away. Soon he was putting the clothes she had bought you on the hangers, while Euphemia rocked you to sleep, your eyelids heavy as she looked down at your smooth face. Her trance was broken though by Sirius’s soft voice, “How do I know I wouldn’t turn out like her?”
“Because you would never allow yourself to. I know your mother was a vile woman, who had no regard for her children, but you Sirius Black, are the greatest thing she ever created. Besides you are an amazing friend to James, and I can only imagine you will treat this little girl as well as you do my son.” She stated before slowly raising and removing the maroon and gold sweater from his fingers, and hung it up for him. “Now, I am sure Lily is already at the house frantically worrying about this wedding that’s in a few days, so I will give this precious angel to her daddy, and call you tomorrow?”
“Of course, give them all my love.” Sirius smiled as she gently placed you into his arms, before looking to him, “You will do amazing things [Y/N], I just know it.”
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-For the next week Sirius didn’t allow anyone into his flat, he just wanted to spend that time admiring your features, and learning how to be the fun dad. However after 7 days there was a pounding on his door, and behind it stood a tall, lean man, with shaggy brown hair, and glasses. In his arms were neatly wrapped boxes, and a stag plushie sat on the top.
“Really, you couldn’t have bought her a dog one after her father?” Sirius joked as James smiled, his voice filled with joy as he replied, “Never.”
-The moment you saw James, you immediately smiled, and crawled over to his feet as quickly as you could, your hands grasping at his pants as he sat the boxes down on the kitchen counter. “So you must be [Y/N]?” All he got as a reply was a giggle, and soon you were up in his arms.
-That afternoon you spent attached to James, and while him and Sirius talked, he would slowly dance around the flat with you, or throw you in the air, which also caused you to release a loud giggle. Sirius’s stress would rise quickly when he did, but once you were safely back in his hand, James would look at his friend and smile, “Don’t worry Pads, I won’t hurt our little princess.”
-Soon there was more knocking at the door, and behind it was Remus, and Peter. The man of the house quickly enveloped his friends into a hug, and opened the door wider to reveal James holding you upside down, as giggles filled the air. Quickly he lifted back to the vertical position and spun you around quickly, until you leaned into his shoulder. When he stopped Remus looked to Sirius, “Clearly we know who her favorite uncle is going to be.”
“Bullshit Mooney, she is going to love you all the same.” Sirius reassured as James stroked your back, “[Y/N], ready to meet your other uncles?”
-You immediately leaned out of James arms and right into Remus’s chest, your hands going to his face as you patted it quickly. However soon your fingers were tracing the light scars on the man’s face, your touches were delicate as you lightly brushed his warm skin. Remus tensed slightly under your touch, almost scared that you would cry within seconds, however you quickly placed your head onto his shoulder, and cuddled into him, causing Sirius to smile, “Told ya.”
-Peter was terrified to touch you, he preferred to just watch you interact with the others, and when you tried to climb up onto his lap, he stiffened. You immediately started to tear up, causing James to quickly scoop you up.
-That afternoon you napped on Remus’s shoulder.
-James and Remus both volunteered to change you, Peter was too timid to even try.
-Later that evening there was one last knock, James jumped up immediately and reached out to Sirius for you, a smile on his face as he said to you, “Alright [Y/N], now you are going to meet one of the most important woman in my life, but don’t worry, it doesn’t mean I love you any less.”
-When Lily saw you, her hands went to her face, as she silently freaked out, “Merlin, she is beautiful Padfoot.”
“Not as beautiful as her Auntie Lily.” James replied as you leaned forward and allowed Lily to hold you. She quickly cuddled you into her chest and smiled.
-As soon as Lily arrived you refused to leave her, not even James, who you were previously attached to could take you away from her, if they tried your eyes immediately watered.
-James pouted a bit about that, but Lily just chuckled and stated, “Don’t worry Love, I am sure she still loves you.”
-That night you fell asleep in Lily’s arms, and soon she was softly walking towards your nursery to put you to sleep. She smiled though at the sight of the stag plushie, and made a mental note to pick up one to represent the other boys.
-When she returned to the parlor, she smiled at the sight of the four young men, who were currently gushing over the small infant who was sleeping.
-That night when it was just James, Lily, and Sirius, he asked them if they would be your godparents. They agreed.
-The next day Lily arrived to the flat and handed Sirius a wolf, a rat, and a black dog plushie for you, and then she sat on his couch with a cup of tea, as they discussed life, your small body seated upon Sirius’s lap as you chug to your black dog plush.
-Whenever Lily saw a cute child’s outfit she would pick it up for you.
-Remus was famous for buying you books
-Peter often bought you random trinkets
-James always bought you toys.
-On full moons, Lily would babysit you, which you enjoyed, especially once you were older. She normally would play disney movies, and read to you 100 stories. She was always ready to play dress up, or paint with you.
-On nights where the order would met Euphemia and Fleamont would watch you, at their own estate. You enjoyed going to the Potter’s, and would crawl or toddle to each different room on the bottom floor. You also had a habit of falling asleep in the parlor with the pair, Fleamont normally was reading to you out of one of his many book, while Euphemia held you, her fingers tracing through your hair.
-Once they were done either meeting or fighting, Sirius, James, and Lily would drag themselves into the manor, and head to the parlor, where they would smile almost immediately at the sight of the small girl asleep on the couch.
-Sometimes when you would cry, Sirius would transform into the dog form, to which you would stop crying immediately and cuddle into the raven color, soft, fur.
-Your first word was Dadda, quickly followed by “Pong” which you would yell often at James.
-You knew all of your uncles by their Nick names, and sometimes they would find themselves calling each other the names you had assigned. James was Pong, Remus was Ooney, and Peter was Ermtail. You called Lily, Elily
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-You were the flower girl in James and Lily’s wedding, they had you sit in a wagon, which was bewitched to move down the aisle, and once it stopped at the end, Sirius went to scoop you up, and held you beside James and Remus.
-When James turned to Sirius to get Lily’s wedding band, you were the one holding it out to him, with a smile he plucked the small golden band from your little hand and whispered, “Thank you darling.”
-At the reception each of the marauders danced with you, even Peter, however he only danced half the song with you, before passing you off to Lily. Remus walked up beside the timid man and clapped his shoulder, “Don’t worry Wormtail, you won’t break her.”
-Albus and Minerva were obsessed with you, each one taking time to hold you and shower you in attention. Minerva looked at Sirius at one point and whispered, “I can already tell this girl is going to be a handful, just like her father.”
“I hope so Professor.” He joked as she carefully handed you back.
-Lily and James both danced with you together, and some of your favorite pictures were taken that night, as James and Lily spun you around, or swayed together with you on your uncle’s hip.
-Your father and you were the last ones on the dance floor, his breath smelled slightly of fire whiskey, and your eyes were heavy, but that didn’t stop your father from holding you close to his chest, your head resting on his shoulder, as he softly swayed you.
-That night when you arrived back to the flat, he carefully placed you down onto the changing table and quietly changed you out of the dress you had surprisingly worn the whole day, and into a pair of Jammies that Euphemia had gotten you. As he placed you into the crib, he couldn’t help but notice how much you had changed in such a short time. He spent the rest of the night sitting in your room, watching you sleep as he pondered the thoughts of his current life.
-For your first birthday, they had a small gathering at Jame’s and Lily’s flat, Lily had spent the whole day before decorating and cooking, while James attempted to help. However as your Uncle Remus would later tell you once you were older, all your Uncle James did was eat the cupcakes Lily had been making, which resulted in her sending James to Sirius’s flat, where he sat with the Marauders, joking and drinking while you were left in Lily’s care. (Who had picked you up when she dropped of James)
-When you arrived your attention was stolen by all the decorations, which were all natural colored, but had a bit of sparkle to them. Your father however was taken by the food spread that Lily had made, “Goodness Lily, are you feeding an army?”
“Have you seen the way you four eat Pads? You basically are an army.” She sassed as she extended her arms towards you, “Besides, I will spare no expense for this little bundle of joy.”
-When Remus arrived you were on the floor with your father and James. However at the sight of Remus, you pushed yourself up from the floor, and wandered towards your uncle, however after three steps your balance caused you to fall, and look up towards Remus with tears in your eyes at the fact that you had failed. Sirius staring at you in wonder as Remus scooped you up.
-Those were your first steps.
-Lily had made you your own little, jam filled, smash cake, it was completely covered in green frosting and on the top of it sat a tree, which she had purchased completely made of chocolate. In different tones blue frosting she had made a small pond, and within the smears of blue she wrote upon it Happy Birthday Darling in red frosting. Meanwhile all the adults got to eat the cupcakes, which she had filled with raspberry jam. Sirius couldn’t help but chuckle as he looked towards James, “Your future children are going to be so spoiled.”
-Later that night when it was just James, Sirius and Lily, they told him Lily was pregnant, and that they were going to tell his parents the next day. They also revealed that they wanted to name Sirius The Godfather. “We figured we would return the favor.” James joked as he looked down towards your small frame, the brand new teddy bear tucked your your face as you sucked your thumb in your sleep.
-That night you and Sirius had a sleepover with the Potters, and when you awoke that morning James and Lily were already gone. This left Sirius to gather all of your presents and hurry home with them, after feeding you some eggs, and apple juice.
-That night while you sat on your father’s lap, there was a knock upon the door. Cautiously Sirius put you down in your crib and advanced towards the door, wand drawn. When he looked into the peephole he saw the back of his best friend, upon opening the door, he saw the red rimming of his eyes, clear evidence of his sorrow. Without saying a word to Sirius he just walked past him, and straight into the nursery, where you giggled with excitement to see your Uncle. His lips forced themselves into a smile as he leaned in and picked you up, his feet dragging as he flopped into the rocking chair and held you. Normally you would have been squirming, wanting nothing more than to play with him, but you knew he just needed your stillness.
-It took Lily an hour to call Sirius’s, “Is he there?”
“Yes, he has just been sitting with [Y/N], not saying a word...”
“He hasn’t told you?” Lily cut him off
“Told me what? Did something happen to the...”
“No, no baby Potter is fine. But Sirius... I am so sorry. Euphemia and Fleamont caught Dragon Pox’s. When we went to the house they weren’t there, the neighbors had said they saw an ambulance, so we rushed to Saint Mungo’s. By the time we arrived....” her voice slightly broke but that was all Sirius needed, “Mum’s dead, isn’t she?”
“Sirius, I am so sorry. Dad’s not doing well either, they estimate he has maybe a week.”
-With that the phone dropped, and his feet took him to his friend, fresh tears covered both their faces as he gently wrapped James in a hug. None of you moved for what felt like forever.
“Can I stay here tonight?” James finally whispered, his voice hoarse, as Sirius muttered, “Of course, as long as you like.”
-Fleamont passed away two days later.
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-When James and Lily introduced you to Harry, you were obsessed. You wanted nothing more than to always be near the small bundle.
-The Marauders loved having two babies to spoil now. However Peter was still extremely timid around you both.
- There was only once where you were jealous of Harry, but that was just because James was holding him, and not paying attention to you lightly tapping his leg. You just sat down at his feet, and silently started tearing up, which Lily immediately noticed. This caused her to quickly advance towards James and removed Harry from his arms, James had a look of confusion, until he heard your small sniffle. Quickly he scooped you up, and apologized.
-You loved trying to help Lily with Harry. However sometimes you were too helpful, but Lily never scolded you, just corrected the behavior.
-There was one night where she was left to watch you and Harry while the order handled some affairs. You hadnt spent a night there since they had moved to Godric Hollow. She awoke to hear muffled whimpers from her son’s room, and quickly rose to collect her house coat and check on him. Upon passing your room she hadn’t noticed that your door was open, so when she opened Harry’s she was surprised to see that you had climbed into Harry’s crib, and were softly singing a nursery rhyme Euphemia had taught you to him. His eyes growing heavy as you looked towards Lily, “He was sad, now he’s better.”
“I’m sorry Love, did his crying wake you?” She whispered as she carefully lifted you out of the crib with the sleeping boy, as you gently nodded your head, “I’m sorry.”
“Oh there is nothing to be sorry about, I just wish I had the camera out to record that precious moment. How about next time though, you come get me?”
“Deal.” You smiled as she placed you back into the bed, and tucked you in.
-The next morning she told the others what you had done, and joked with Sirius, “You know she’s going to make a fine older sister someday.”
“My darling Lily, that would require me setting down, and that is not happening any time soon.” He teased back as you lifted your arms with pride, a clear plate infront of you as you giggled, “Done!”
“Splendid, now thank Auntie Lily for the pancakes, and say goodbye to everyone.” Sirius smiled as you did as instructed, and gave everyone, except Peter, a syrupy kiss on the cheek.
- the day after Sirius did missions for the order he normally wanted nothing more then to spend the day with you, in the flat. Normally you would both do arts and crafts, or he would watch what muggles called VHS tapes. You guys also spent the day eating snack foods, your favorite being Orange Maids, your father’s was chocolate.
-When Harry turned 1, you were excitingly running around the house, Harry crawling after you as the three adults sat on the couch, whispering amongst themselves. You had no idea how the conversation they were having would change your life forever.
-You once asked why Uncle Ooney never came to the flat anymore, to which your dad just told you Moony was sick. You had no idea that they ever suspected him of being a spy.
-The first time you saw Peter in the house at Godric Hollow you felt like something was off, and avoided him more than normal.
-It was two months later, you hadn’t known yet that this would be the last day you saw Auntie Lily, and Uncle Prong. Your father was extremely cautious to make sure you weren’t followed, and carefully snuck into the house. When you were placed onto the ground you took off running through the house, wanting so badly to show off your costume. The whole house was decorated, candles were lit everywhere, and streamers dangled from the living room ceiling. When you entered the kitchen however the counter was lined with food, and Harry sat in a high chair at the table, a tired James sitting beside him, as Lily stood at the stove.
“Uncle Prong, look at my costume!” You instructed, as he looked away from the Cheerios that littered the tray, and smiled at your outfit.
“Wow, we’re identical.” He gasped as you raced over and gave him a hug, Sirius stood in the doorway as Lily looked at the two of you, turning her head slightly she whispered, “Was this her idea, or yours?”
“She told me she wanted to go as Uncle Prong, figured it won’t be too hard to pull off.”
-That night you all stayed in, Lily was playing a muggle show on the tele, while you all sat on the couch eating candy. As your eyes grew heavy, Sirius looked down toward you, and whispered to his friends, “We best be on our way.”
“Oh come now, you only just arrived 5 hours ago, why don’t you two spend the night and in the morning...”
“I would love too, but I unfortunately have to get this little one home, would hate to have her dressed like your ugly mug two days in a row.” Sirius joked as James pretended to be offended.
-You sleepily gave both James and Lily a hug, unfortunately Harry was already asleep in his room so you were unable to say goodbye to the small baby that had been dressed up as a Lion that year.
“I love you.” You softly whispered to them during both of their hugs, they tightened their grip in response and replied back.
James: I love you to the moon and back my dear.
Lily: I love you too my little Prong.
-As soon as you got home, you fell asleep in your costume, Sirius didn’t have the heart to wake you up to change so he just closed your door and let you be
-when you awoke, it was to your father’s screams, and the slamming of the door. When you crawled out of bed, you saw the man your father called Albus, standing in your living room. He lowered his head, and sank to the floor, his eyes watery with tears as his soft weeps overtook him. They only paused however when he felt your soft touch. It was then Dumbledore looked to you, and whispered, “Do you want to go see your Uncle Remus?”
-When Dumbledore arrived to the cottage in the woods Remus had, he softly knocked. Your small frame in his arms, as Remus opened the door. “Remus.” His voice was soft, “The worst has happened.”
-When Dumbledore left, Remus was sitting on the couch, his eyes glassy as he looked towards you, the child of a man he had been convinced to be a traitor. But he knew Sirius, he knew Sirius would never betray his friends, yet.... here you were, no one had any idea where your father was, or how Voldemort died. But he did know one thing, he needed to take care of you while Sirius was away.
-Two days later you saw your father again.... on the front of the Daily Prophet, you would learn later in life he had went away for murdering Peter Pettigrew, the man who really betrayed his friends. But no one would ever know.
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Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
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ray-ray-writings · 4 years
maybe a drabble of the reader traveling to the nether for supplies and getting corner trapped in a fortress? like they have to surround themselves with dirt and the wither skeletons are like breaking it? so the reader has lost all hope and is like messaging sleepybois on the communicator being like “ill miss you all and love you all” and basically preparing for death but phil comes just in time and brings them back to safety? (bonus if the reader is on their last life!)
Technoblade needed blaze rods and powder for potions, but he just couldn’t seem to get a break to actually go into the nether and get it himself. So being the good sibling you are, you offered to go for him. He agreed and gave you some weapons and a fire resistance potion so that you would be safe. So you say goodbye to your brothers and your father and you head off into the nether. The trip to the fortress goes smoothly. You wave at all the pigmen and the piglins let you pass without problems. Once you’re inside the fortress, you drink the fire resistance potion your brother gave you and you get to work. You camp the blaze spawners and take no damage as the fling their fireballs at you. You get so into your grind, that you forget about all of the other mobs in the fortress, a huge mistake on your end. 
As you’re killing blaze, something hits you from behind and you’re thrown forward onto the ground, you’re back stinging and your whole body just feels bad. You manage to look at your arm and you immediately notice that your usually red hearts have turned black and are slowly deteriorating. I manage to scramble to your feet and turn around to face the wither skeleton. It raises it’s sword at you to try and take another strike but you manage to block it and quickly kill the mob. As you look in your inventory, you realize that you have forgotten to bring food and that you won’t be able to get your hearts back up. So deciding you have enough rods for now, you quickly begin to book it out of the fortress. Unfortunately for you, as you’re running down a corridor, you run head first into some wither skeletons guarding the path. There are only two, but you know you can’t take them both. 
So you turn on your heel and run the other way. The clatter of bones that sounds behind you let’s you know that you are now being chased. You manage to twist and turn down the long hallways of the fortress, but in doing so you begin to get lost until at one point you run straight into a deadend. You turn around and find the wither skeletons closing in on you. So you do the only thing you think is logical. You pull out some cobblestone that you had grabbed and begin building around you, a small little box to close yourself in. You get most of it done, but just as you’re about to place the last block. One of the stone swords surges through the gap and slashes your stomach. You let out a cry of pain, but manage to bat the skeleton’s back and close off the whole. You pull out a small torch for a little bit of light in your small box. The main hope is that the skeleton’s will get bored and just go on their way, but the sound of something hitting the cobblestone fills your ears and you know that hope is hopeless. You manage to check your arm again, and a small sob escapes your lips. You’re down to a single heart with no food, no way to heal, and no way out. You know that this is your last life and once these wither skellys break down your barrier, you’re dead and done for. There is nothing you can do… All you can do is reach out and say goodbye. 
You manage to pull your communicator out of your pocket and type a message to your father. “Things went horribly wrong. I’m trapped by wither skellys. I’ve surrounded myself with cobblestone but it seems that they’re going to break it down and kill me. I have no food and no way out…. I love you so so much dad. Tell the boys I love them too. I’m going to miss you a lot, but don’t miss me too much. I’m so sorry I let you down.” and you hit send and just wait for your impending final death. 
Back in the overworld, Philza is helping Techno prep to brew potions while Wilbur and Tommy argue over some little thing. He feels his communicator buzz and for a moment he considers just ignoring it and getting to it later because he’s in the middle of something. But then something from deep within him tells him to look at it and his heart stops when he reads the message. He immediately steps away from the brewing stand causing Techno’s head to shoot up, “What?” He asks, really curious as to what his father had just received. “We’ve got to go now” Philza exclaims before rushing over to the closet where he stored his armor and weapons and piling them on his body, shoving some food and a healing potion in his inventory, before rushing to the door. “Where are we going and why are we in such a rush?” Tommy whines as he drags his feet to the door. “NOW!” Philza simply booms, startling all three sons into action before he sprints out the door and to the nether portal. The three boys jump into action and grab their stuff, struggling to put it on as they run after Philza. They catch up to him and all go through the portal together. As they’re running through hell toward the fortress, the boys manage to get Philza to tell them what’s happening, but it’s very broken up but they manage to piece it together, “Y/N. Fortress. Trapped. Low health.” The four buckle down into a full sprint and don’t stop until they're inside the nether brick castle. 
So for the sake of the story we’re going to say that when you sent the message to Philza, it also showed him your coordinates. So Philza knows exactly where to go and with Philza leading and Techno following behind, the mobs that sprinkled the hallways didn’t even get to blink before they were dead. With the pace they were moving, the four found the deadend rather quickly and just in time too. The two skeletons had almost broken through the cobble when the four found them. Just a few more hits and they would have been through. Philza sees red and charges forward the only thought in his head is to kill the things that dare hurt his family. The wither skeletons don’t even know what is happening. They’re dead before they can even shift their agro. Once their dead, Philza lets himself take a few breaths to calm down before dropping his sword and pulling out his pickaxe and carefully hitting the cobble away to reveal you behind the walls, covered in blood looking completely out of it. 
You’re so out of it you don’t even realize what’s happening. You don’t realize that the sounds of the wither skeletons tried to break the cobble had stopped and the clatter of bones had quit as well. So when the light of the nether pours in from a hole in your cobble wall you just think that it’s the end for you. It’s not until strong arms wrap around you and pull you into a warm chest do you realize that you’re safe, that you’re father had gotten your message and had come to save you. Sobs began escaping your lips. You’re so tired, and in pain, and were so scared that it all just comes crashing down on you at once. ‘I’ve got you sweetheart. You’re going to be just fine,” Philza murmurs in your hair as he tries to rub your back. But you let out a hiss as he accidentally runs his hand over the large bleeding gash that one of the wither skeletons left. Philza pulls you away from him and examines you and quickly jumps into action. He lays you down on the nether brick and instructs the other three to keep an eye out while he stablizies you. He quickly pulls out the food and the potion he stuffed in his pockets. Philza uncorks the pinkish potion and tips it back and helps you swallow all of its contents. Once that is down, he carefully helps you eat some of the things he brought with him. After you’re finished, he grabs your arm and watches as the red hearts stop shaking and the number of red hearts slowly goes back up. When you’re back up to about 3/4s health, Philza helps you stand up. The health potion has made you feel a lot better, but you still ache and you know that when it wears off there will be hell to pay. So it’s best if they get you back to the over world asap. So Philza has one of your arms over his shoulder and calls Tommy over to support you on the other side. He decides that they’ll need Techno and Wilbur to defend them on the way out. “Okay. Let’s go” Philza calls before taking slow steps forward, making sure to move at a pace you were comfortable with. 
It takes much longer than it ever has to get back to the portal and back to the overworld, but no one complains about the slow pace, not even Tommy. Even the child seems to be very worried about your health and safety. Once back in the overworld, Wilbur runs ahead of you to prep. He puts a sheet over the couch so you could sit down and be taken care of without getting blood all over the cushions and blankets. Wilbur also sets up all of the medical supplies they’ll need to clean your cuts and bandage them properly. 
When you get home, Philza takes care of you. He cleans up the blood and bandages both of the cuts before giving you more food to eat. He doesn’t let you get off of the couch for many hours until he’s absolutely sure that you’re okay. He actually spends a lot of that time cuddled up next to you on the couch as well. Philza just has to hold you for a while because you really scared him. He just has to reassure himself that he in fact got there in time and that you’re safe in his arms. Philza tells you he loves you probably 30 times in the span of 5-6 hours because he just wants to make sure you know. And trust me, you do know. Not everyone would drop what they were doing to come to literal hell just to save you. But Philza did. Your dadza did. And if that doesn’t prove that he loves you, i don’t know what does. 
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