#But he's bored and desperate
arianaofimladris · 10 months
After the last ten days of tending to his employer and dealing with his rather foul mood, Alfred was prepared for many possible outcomes, most of which included Bruce losing his patience and leaving to do things he wasn't yet up to. He half expected to find the apartament empty when he came back from shopping, with Bruce gone to his bunker again.
The smell of orient spices that welcomed him upon entering the penthouse and the sound of frying was, however, not among any scenarios he anticipated.
"Dare I ask what on earth are you doing in my kitchen, master Wayne?"
There was no open fire nor burnt smell, which was a promising sign, but Bruce Wayne standing over a pan was a sight Alfred had never seen.
"Lunch?" Bruce glanced at the clock. "Dinner, more likely."
"Are you trying to poison us both, or just yourself, sir?" Alfred asked casually as he put his groceries into the fridge.
Bruce shot him an offended look. "Why not try it first, Alfred? Isn't it what you always told me? You might actually like it."
"Permit me to doubt it, sir. I recall you being capable of putting salt into coffee," Alfred pointed out, which earned him a chuckle from his young employer. Bruce had been seven at the time and he had really wanted to bring his mother coffee on her birthday. With both Alfred and Lucy Dawes busy at the moment, he managed to mistake salt for sugar.
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world's most annoying man is not allowed outside due to his inability to shut up
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mxwhore · 1 month
Idk if you already got this request a while back but ever since I saw your sphinx Martin I would think what about a Harpy Jon to go with him
i hadnt actually! very fun to think about
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glyphes · 7 months
real subtle there, astarion
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chalkrub · 1 year
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got the itch to doodle beas again, apparently I haven't drawn him in two years which physically pains me
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poppy-metal · 4 months
do you know how hard it would be to be patricks enemy - its easy to piss him off, he runs hot, his fuse is short - but he lets shit go, just as quick. you'd have to really break his heart, be someone so fucking fake you make his skin itch just to be around you, so against being honest he wonders if you're even real or if you're just a puppet.
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scarecrowdrugs · 3 months
I really want to do something vastly different with Mad Hatter, but it's really hard to nail down exactly what defines him as a character and his motivations due to how heavily he's used as just a simple gimmick for a mind control story. Even the whole "kidnapping girls to be his Alice" isn't even part of his original motivations when he was first introduced! I don't mind it as a motivation, but I think at this point DC just uses it as a way to write the most sleazy grimdark shit imaginable and I'm honestly at the point where I want something entirely different with him. The dude barely has any backstory in anything outside of BTAS and Gotham, with the latter still pulling from the overused "Sexual Predator" angle and I'm just so tired.
Like, you can certainly do really dark and creepy content with mind-control without resorting to shock value! You can absolutely go into the inherent horror of being unable to stop yourself from being used as a simple tool for someone else to use and discard! The kidnapping girls to be his Alice angle isn't inherently bad writing, but I'm tired of it being his only motivation! Hell, you can even go really into the whole aspect of why Jervis is so focused on his Lewis Carroll fantasy and how it meshes with his mind control gimmick! You could go into a character gimmick of someone becoming so focused on their wish fulfillment fantasy that they drag others into it by force to play their part for him! If Jervis sees himself as playing the role of the Mad Hatter in his fantasy, maybe his mind control gimmick could be used as a way of making people play the part in the story if they don't act like how he wants them to. There's just so many potential ideas you could really do with Tetch as a character, but instead he's been stuck in the same old song and dance routine for the past few decades!
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coraniaid · 1 year
Buffy the Vampire Slayer takes place in a world full of demons and magic and werewolves and invisible girls and convincingly human-like robots; in a world where the Russian Revolution took place in 1905 and a song released in 1957 could be a hit in 1955 and high school sports coaches can use declassified Soviet research to turn teenagers into fish monsters; in a world where vampire attacks are commonplace enough that the police have a standard lie ready to deploy about them and where weekly student deaths are not reason enough to shut down the local high school.
But so far, forty-one episodes into my rewatch, the most fantastic and least plausible thing in the show by some distance is the fact that Buffy still willingly chooses to socialize with Xander Harris.
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genericpuff · 1 year
fp spoilers ahead and a content warning for violence:
hades normally:
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hades when he's possessed by his dead dad and threatening to rip his wife's head off:
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i rest my case, make murder hobo hades president, rip her head off you beautiful sick fuck-
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arsenicflame · 1 year
the thing is, right, if izzy WAS evil i would still absolutely love him. hes a fictional character, i don't care about his morals if hes compelling.
but the frustrating thing is that hes not evil, hes not even the antagonist anymore by a long stretch, hes arguably more liked by the crew than ed at the moment, but people still insist that we are reading the text of the show wrong and its going to completely 180 and turn him into a cartoon villain when there is absolutely no sign of that in the show, from the cast and crew, anything!!!
its so ridiculously annoying that i feel i have to defend my stance on a character because some people are so determined to cast him into the roll of a villain he is not, and think that we are the wrong ones for simply reading what the show is putting out
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Rose: It’s a very bourgeois style of accident to be honest. Most people can only afford to drop a Yamaha home keyboard on someone
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youchangedmedestiel · 5 months
There's no way Dean didn't pray to Cas in episode 12x09 when he and Sam were isolated in that governmental jail. I refuse to believe it. They didn't show it to us, they didn't say anything about it. But listen to me. There's NO FUCKING WAY he didn't.
They didn't show us because it wasn't relevant to the story like it was in episode 6x06. We learned that Dean called Cas for help about soulless!sam but we didn't see him, but they tell us he did because that's relevant for him to yell at Cas in that scene for not coming when he calls. And same in Purgatory we learn that Dean prayed to Cas every night, we don't know what he said in these prayers but they tell us he prayed because this is relevant, it leads to Cas explaining why he never answered those prayers.
So my point is that in episode 12x09 they didn't tell us he prayed to Cas because there was no purpose for the story, but HE DID. He prayed to him because he felt alone and that's also why Cas seems so lost and helpless. Because he can hear Dean, he can hear him but can't answer, he can hear him not knowing where they are kept. He can hear him ask for help without being able to do so.
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pookiepiastri · 6 months
Maybe not a Max dnf… I’ll literally accept him getting out in Q1 like PLEASE. Just give my boys a CHANCE
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bougiebutchbitch · 2 months
There is something so special about A-Train and Deep getting into their bitch-on-bitch violence slapfight in the middle of a Vought corridor, both ending up gasping on the floor, and then Homelander striding up all cool like 'boys boys boys....'
....and walking straight past A-Train to help Deep up of course, to rub in the favouritism juuuuust a bit more <3
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shivieroy · 10 months
that's going the be the first and last time I'm talking about this ship here but how tf can a fandom be so delusional? i mean idc about your ship preferences if you want to ship lokius go with it but why are they acting like this is a canon thing... istg it would be so much easier if they just accepted this ship was never meant to be canon in the first place 😭 and now they're twisting the words of ppl who worked on the show (they've been doing it for +2 years now anyway) to fit their narrative and then get mad when it's later revealed they're wrong
loki and sylvie kissed, he showed and even ""said"" he's in love with her and mobius was the one to acknowledge that and support him.
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feminurge · 1 month
the thing about ishtar is that she is overpowered in every universe.
she stems from a warhammer character i've had for eleven years who has been getting experience points ever since her creation.
like. among the things she has done:
my girl has met & defeated divine plans that were created centuries ago
she was the pupil of one of the most powerful elve mages the old world has ever known
she has been in other gods' realms and stolen from them without their knowing
she has been chosen by an elven goddess (even though she's human), she has also been recognized by the whole human pantheon as the saviour
she is the first human to birth and ride a dragon by herself
she is the first human to be able to use pure magic, and is deemed the most powerful mage of the old world
she is also the one who influenced the current king and queen to accept the use of magic and to create a school for magic-users, ending centuries of witch burning
she has made deals with every race, successfully rallying humans, elves and dwarves to her cause, something that was deemed impossible
she literally crowned multiple chosen ones (for other gods). like. went, found the artefact and made them wear it. weird that it happened more than once
she has more than twelve destiny points (the normal amount is two, three if you're really lucky)
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