#But happy birthday to the guy of all time!! I Dunk on him a lot my that's my boy <3
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Happy Birthday bbg, hope Bruce goes nowhere near you
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wineauntharry · 2 years
There’s a lot of “cocky guy Joe spoils his gf” type content to the point that I’d love to read the opposite spin on it, rich and successful badass Y/N spoiling Joe. IDK just a thought. Love your writing!
First thank you for the compliment, let's kiss. I like this i think its cute and i had fun writing it. i hope you like it!!!
would yall jump me if i said i was listening to question by chris brown when i was writing this? be fr its okay if you say yes
Anywaysssss enjoy MUAH!
Spoiled Rotten// j.b.
Joe and I had been together since he came to LSU. We grew into adults together. I stuck by him through the beginning of his professional football career. I can’t deny that Joe helped me make it through law school. We were such a strong team and so lucky to have eachother.
Now that we were more stable and in our “grown up” jobs, We could do whatever we wanted when Joe was in his off season. Words can’t explain how proud I am of Joe, but I can’t say I’m surprised with how far he’s come, he’s alway had it in him.
My love language has always been gift giving, and now that I had the means to do so, I can’t stop spoiling Joe. I bought him those infamous Cartier glasses when him and the team beat Clemson in the national championship. 
When he was drafted, I bought us and a few of our closest friends box seats for a Cincinatti Reds game. He is always so grateful, so it's easy to spoil him.
I can’t say that Joe doesn’t spoil me in the same way. For my law school graduation gift, Joe took me to Italy to visit Rome, Venice, and Naples. Whenever he was on the road for long periods of time, he would never let me feel forgotten. I would wake up to dozens of roses at my door or huge fruit arangements. He was always so good to me.
Joe’s birthday was coming up and I might be more excited than him. I might have overdone it with all of his gifts but I just couldn’t help myself, not to mention the club I rented out for a surprise birthday party.
It was finally the morning of Joe’s birthday. It was still early and Joe was fast asleep, so I slipped out of bed and into the kitchen to start on some breakfast. I had just finished up his turkey bacon and french toast when he came creeping into the kitchen sleepy as ever.
“Happy birthday my sweet boy.” Being sure to keep my voice low since he was still waking up.
“Thank you baby” He replied with a quiet, raspy voice. All while making his way over to me.
He snaked his hands around my waist and pressed a light kiss to my lips.
“Are you excited for today?” I asked.
“I am because I get to spend it with you.” He responded with that same warm smile he always gives me in the mornings.
I smiled back and said “Well eat up babe, there’s a fun day ahead of you. Meet me in the shower when you’re done, yeah?” He perked up after that and just replied with a smirk. Gotta start the day right of course.
We had made our way to all of his favorite stores, Cartier, Louis Vuitton, Gucci, and many others. Of course we stopped at Nike. Baby had money but he kept it humble, plus, it was all on my dime anyway.
The entire day Joe had peppered me with kisses and a constant stream of thank you’s. Once we had finished lunch we made our way back home to relax before his party that he knew nothing of later in the night.
Once the time came to get ready, I chose Joe’s favorite dress to wear. It was always fun to have him a little flustered in public, and if anyone could do it to him it was me, but that’s besides the point. Joe had chosen an all black outfit with new Nike dunks we had got earlier in the day. 
“You're the prettiest girl in the world. You know that right Y/N?” He said while smiling and putting on his favorite Cartier watch.
“Thank you baby. No funny business just yet though Joe, don’t fuck up my hair, it’s too early for that.” I let out with a little giggle.
“Oh whatever.” He replied
“Is that a sassy birthday boy I hear?” I responded. He just laughed in response. Before we could continue our cute little banter, I got the notification that our Uber was here.
“ Come on J, the Uber is here.” I told him
I grabbed my purse and made my way out our front door. Joe followed closely behind, making sure to slap my ass before he opened the door for me, always being a gentleman I guess.
We were dropped off at the club entrance and we’re let right in by security.
Joe began to question how easy it was to enter when he was cut off by his friends and family screaming “Surprise!”
The room was flooded with balloons and drinks. Future was playing over the loudspeakers and Joe was ecstatic.
“Baby you did this?” He said in awe of what he just walked into.
As the night went on and Joe had gotten drunker, he kept telling me how grateful he was for everything that happened today.
“Y/N you spoiled the fuck out of me today, thank you so much baby. Heaven sent you straight to me, I’m sure of it” He yelled to me over the loud music.
“Anything for my birthday boy, you deserve the world Joe. I just wanna make sure I give it to you.” I responded. Joe’s cheeks turned a light shade of red and I could tell he was truly happy with the life he was living.
We continued dancing and enjoying our night when Joe said “You gonna take up my offer of ruining your hair when we get home later? Can’t say no to the birthday boy, it’s the rules.”
“Maybe I will, maybe I won’t.” I said back.
Joe just let out the deep laugh he always does when he’s drunk. After our little “conversation”, if you can call it that, we went back to dancing with all of our friends, knowing what's gonna happen when we got home.
YALLLLLLLL not me getting all hot and bothered at the end whew. I’m supposed to be sleeping but this popped into my head after I read the request and I just ran with it!
You guys are making me so emotional over the love my other writings are getting. I could cry, this is insane. I can’t thank you enough!!!! :’)
Request here!
all the love- kitt
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selmasemlan · 2 months
Birthday Slam Dunk
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Summary: It's Kagami Taiga's birthday, and his Seirin teammates, along with some unexpected guests, have planned a surprise celebration for their fiery ace. Amidst the laughter, challenges, and heartfelt moments with his girlfriend Luna, Kagami learns the true value of friendship and love.
Pairing: Kagami Taiga x Reader
Author note: In honour of Kagami Taigas birthday, I give you a cute fic. Was gonna add my oc Luna, but realised that it was the wrong love interest, ooops
Warning: cutie patootie
Word count: 820
Birthday Slam Dunk
The sun was just beginning to rise over Tokyo, casting a warm glow over the city. Inside Seirin High School's gymnasium, a buzz of excitement filled the air. Today was a special day—Kagami Taiga's birthday—and his teammates had planned a surprise celebration to show their appreciation for their star player.
Kuroko Tetsuya, invisible as ever, was the mastermind behind the plan. He'd enlisted the help of the entire team and a few special guests from rival schools to ensure that this birthday would be one Kagami would never forget.
As Kagami walked to school, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was up. The usually bustling streets seemed quieter than usual, and there was a strange sense of anticipation in the air. When he reached the gym, he was greeted by the sight of a darkened room.
"Hello? Anyone here?" Kagami called out, his voice echoing in the empty space.
Suddenly, the lights flicked on, and the entire Seirin team, along with Kise, Midorima, Aomine, Murasakibara, Akashi, and his girlfriend Luna, jumped out from behind the bleachers.
"Surprise!" they shouted in unison.
Kagami's eyes widened in shock. "What the—?!"
Hyuuga Junpei stepped forward, a grin on his face. "Happy birthday, Kagami! We wanted to do something special for you."
Kagami's initial shock gave way to a wide smile. "You guys... This is awesome!"
Riko Aida, the team's coach, handed Kagami a basketball-themed cake, complete with miniature figurines of each team member. "We figured a basketball cake would be perfect for our ace," she said with a wink.
As Kagami blew out the candles, his teammates cheered and clapped. The gym was soon filled with laughter and chatter as everyone dug into the cake and exchanged stories about their favourite moments with Kagami.
Y/N, who had been waiting patiently for the right moment, approached Kagami with a small, neatly wrapped gift. "Happy birthday, Taiga," she said softly, her cheeks flushed.
Kagami took the gift, his heart swelling with affection. "Thanks, Y/N. You being here is the best present I could ask for."
He unwrapped the gift to find a sleek, custom-made basketball jersey with his name and number on it, along with a heartfelt note from Y/N. He looked up at her, eyes shining. "This is amazing. I love it."
Y/N smiled, her eyes twinkling with happiness. "I'm glad you like it. I thought it would be perfect for our next game."
After the cake, it was time for some friendly competition. Kise, always up for a challenge, suggested a three-point contest. "Let's see if the birthday boy can beat me!"
Kagami smirked. "You're on, Kise!"
The contest was fierce, with Kise and Kagami going head-to-head in a display of impressive shooting skills. In the end, Kagami emerged victorious, much to the delight of his teammates.
"Looks like you've still got it, Kagami," Aomine said, clapping him on the back.
As the celebration continued, Kagami took a moment to step back and look around at his friends and his girlfriend. Despite their differences and rivalries, they had all come together to make his day special. It was a reminder of how far they'd all come and how much they meant to each other.
Kuroko approached him, a small smile on his face. "Happy birthday, Kagami-kun. We're all here because we care about you."
Kagami felt a lump in his throat. "Thanks, Kuroko. This really means a lot."
As the sun set and the celebration wound down, Kagami and Y/N found themselves alone in the gym. They sat on the bleachers, holding hands and enjoying the quiet moment together.
"Today was really special," Kagami said, his voice soft. "And having you here made it even better."
Y/N leaned her head on his shoulder, sighing contentedly. "I'm glad. You deserve all the happiness in the world, Taiga."
Kagami turned to look at her, his eyes full of love. "I don't know what I did to deserve you, but I'm grateful every day."
They shared a tender kiss, the gym now silent except for the sound of their hearts beating in unison. As they snuggled together, Kagami knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, he had the support and love of his friends and the girl who meant everything to him.
"Alright, everyone!" Kagami called out in his mind, raising his fist in the air. "Let's keep pushing forward and give it our all! Together, we can achieve anything!"
The gym erupted in cheers in his imagination, and Kagami knew that with friends and a love like Y/N by his side, there was nothing he couldn't achieve.
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jalapenobee · 2 years
Klance Halloween highschool au
Well I was gonna make a fic but sOmEoNe (looking at you squishy) decided to send this two days ago so I’m just gonna make a headcanon list
Happy Halloween guys!
Keith, Lance, Hunk, Pidge, Allura, and Shiro are all invited to Lotor’s Halloween party
Other than his birthday, it’s one of the biggest parties of the school year
Everyone goes there to get drunk and play games and show off costumes
Until the police shut it down, of course. But that doesn’t happen for the usual four hours.
So they all get to the party right
And Lance, being Lance, gets himself a little tipsy and goes to flirt with everyone
Even guys. But Hunk and Shiro had to pull him away from a sketchy one before he took advantage 
So while Lance is flirting (with Hunk and Shiro on his tail), Allura is killing it with the costume contest, and Pidge is trying to rig the music system, Keith is all brooding and jealous in a corner
He goes over to the food table because muttering about Lance made his throat dry
He goes to get a drink, and Hunk notices and figures that Lance will be fine with Shiro 
So he goes over to Keith 
Keep in mind that Keith is crushing on Lance and only Pidge, Hunk, and Shiro know
So Hunk is all “hey man you okay?”
And Keith is like “no”
And they talk for a bit until Pidge comes over, successful in hacking the sound system 
(Lotor is trying to figure out why “Never Gonna Give You Up” is playing
Hunk and Keith fill Pidge in on their conversation and she suggests that Keith acts drunk and go flirt with Lance
Because then he can remember what happens, Lance probably won’t, and if it all goes south he can just blame it on being drunk
And we all know Lance has “made things happen” while he’s drunk, so it’s not like he can blame him
Hunk is kinda skeptical but Keith is all “might as well”
So he grabs a bottle from the cooler and dumps most of it in the apple dunking bucket
Then he leaves to find Lance with Pidge shouting that he only has two hours left to get it done
It seems like a lot of time but Keith is a major procrastinator so yeah 
Anyway, Shiro had left Lance to help Acxa get a drunk Ezor out the door for two minutes and Lance gets himself in trouble
 He said some things that a guy took as offensive and he is now almost cornered 
Keith, being the angry jealous guy and fake drunk he is, steps in and scares off the dude
Then he lamely tosses the bottle he’s holding at the guy with purposeful bad aim 
Pidge is laughing from afar watching Keith pretend to be drunk 
Back to the Klance
Keith turns back to Lance and he’s like “sorry about that babe, I didn’t know where you were”
Lance is very vERY surprised at Keith calling him babe but goes along with it since he kinda likes Keith too
And they flirt
And neither Keith or Pidge can actually believe this is happening
Keith ends up asking Lance if he can kiss him
Lance is like “well if he’s drunk then maybe he won’t remember” and says yes
You guys figure out the rest muahahaha
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chiliiscereal · 3 years
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Rottmnt headcanon:
The boys with an S/o that’s terrible at basketball
-sweetest boi when he finds out you’re terrible at basketball
-surprised you hadn’t even mentioned it before
-“did you think I’d make fun of you? Raph doesn’t make fun of people for not knowin’ how to do somethin’!”
-offers to teach you one on one
-denied every time
-basketball isn’t something you felt you could learn!
-“please let me teach you!”
-after weeks of bugging and bugging he finally gets you to say yes
-Definitely invested in making sure you learn how to play right
-this guy will pull up YouTube videos and NBA clips just so you can become an expert on the game
-will take you to the basketball court at night
-brings water for the both of you to every practice
-is the type of guy to stand behind you and correct how you’re holding the ball before you try to take your shot
-does whatever it takes to make sure Leo isn’t there while you’re learning and progressing
-will even hide that he’s teaching you in the first place
-trust him, Leo can sniff out amateur basketball players
-“Leo’s just gonna rub his skills in your face! Trust me, you don’t want him to know.”
-loves how far you’ve come and will celebrate every little victory you make
-will go easy on you when you have your first 1 v 1
-he’s the biggest cheerleader whenever you score, even if it’s against him
-never once makes fun of you for tripping over your feet or for your lousy aiming
-after a few more games against him, you finally won
-sure it was by one point but that’s okay!
-this boy lifts you off your feet in a huge bear hug to celebrate your victory
-finally, you’re ready to be involved in a turtle family game
-Raph will make sure you’re on his team so he can pass you the ball and let you show off how good you’ve gotten
-feels a sense of pride whenever you get a basket
-especially when it’s YOU dancing in Leo’s face once the game has been won
-oh boy you’re really in for it
-you knew from the start of your relationship that Leo was amazing at basketball
-you ALSO knew he was a huge gloater and loved teasing people
-you didn’t need to be Einstein to figure that out
-you didn’t want him to know that you were terrible at it!
-“wanna play with us? You can be on myyyyyy teaaaaaam~”
-“Sorry can’t play! I twisted my ankle earlier!”
-“hey we need another player!”
-“I just remembered I have to be at a birthday party in like, two minutes.”
“Donnie quit wanna take his place?”
-“I think Splinter needs help organizing his ‘do not touch’ shelf. You guys go ahead!”
-it never bothered Leo
-well... not at first
-you would stay and watch their games only to jet once he invited you onto the court!
-he began to pressure you to play
-that includes begging, dragging you to the court, and even picking you up and physically placing you there himself
-it was easier just to give in
-you decided you’d just play a game and get it over with
-maybe even just sticking to passing it to other people
-...until Leo picked up on it and started passing you the ball more often
-especially when you were close to hoop
-“you got this babe!”
-he realized moments after you took the shot that you very much did NOT
-the ball fell short of the hoop by about three feet
-oh you never heard the end of it from there
-at the next game you guys played, he made sure to be on the other team
-“ready to smoke y/n, Donnie?”
-“you mean ‘am I ready for you to bounce the ball off my face again?’
-“then no.”
-“that’s EXACTLY what I wanna hear!”
-Leo made sure you were involved in the game the whole time
-it didn’t help your pride when he assigned himself the position of guarding you
-lots and lots of showing off
-even jumping over you to slam dunk it
-you, Mikey, and Raph didn’t stand a chance
-you had enough when Leo won and started dancing
-“I’m just... I’m just gonna head home. It’s getting late anyway.”
-he ran after you right away
-“hey what’s wrong? You didn’t have fun?”
-“kind of hard to have fun when you’re constantly shoving how bad I am in my face!”
-“it’s just how I play the game!”
-“Leo, I love you, but when you act like that then I don’t enjoy playing the game.”
-trying to walk away from him after that proved an impossible task
-“look, I’m sorry okay? I didn’t mean for you to feel that way! I just wanted you to see how good I was. That’s all.”
-turns out it’s very hard to stay mad at Leo
-especially when he’s got your hand in his and giant sad puppy eyes
-“alright, I forgive you.”
-initially thought you were just being humble when you said you were terrible
-you were probably just trying to make him feel better about himself
-you saw how he played!
-but...he was very very wrong
-he first found out how bad you really were when Leo invited you to play a game with them at the court that night
-you really were terrible
-he watched you shoot the ball only for it to go about five feet off course
-torn between feeling bad for you when Leo gloats and feeling happy that he’s not the only one that sucks at the game
-pulls you away from Leo before you can deck him in the face
-“hey hey hey there’s time to punch him later.”
-doesn’t bring up how much you suck at basketball
-he knows it’s not fun
-“oh I didn’t even notice! No, not even when you accidentally passed the ball to Leo. Nope.”
-instead, will try to draw the attention away from you
-everyone already knows he’s terrible at the game, and since they’re brothers, he’ll be an easier and more desirable target for teasing
-won’t even bother trying to aim when you’re around
-shouts “transfer it!” Even if he’s being guarded
-you know what he’s doing though
-“are you doing that on purpose?”
-“why would I do such a thing? I would never!”
-“you totally are!”
-“I’m offended you would suggest such a thing.”
-becomes a silent competition to see who can be the worst at basketball
-knowing Donnie, he’s not gonna go down without a fight
-but neither are you
-everyone feels bad for Mikey for always being stuck on a team with you two
-well, sucks to be him
-maybe Mikey should actually figure out how to play Rock Paper Scissors when you’re all deciding teams
-all that matters to your two though is that you’re both having fun being terrible together
-didn’t even realize you were bad at it to be honest
-sure, you missed the hoop by like a mile every game, but he never said anything about it!
-only realized your terrible when you actually bring it up
-“did you see the way Donnie practically tripped over his own two feet last night? It was INSANE, baby!”
-“I didn’t, I was kind of too busy tripping on my shoelaces.”
“Oh I didn’t see that. Are you okay?”
-“yeah I’m fine.”
-“how’d you trip over your shoelaces anyway? Weren’t they tied?”
-“they were... but I somehow found a way to trip over them. I’m terrible at the game, babe.”
“What? Psh, no way!”
-loves being on your team anyway
-it’s bonding!
-he’d never miss out on an opportunity to bond
-adores being on the opposite team and purposely dropping the ball for you to grab
-he’s just giving you an opportunity to get better!
-but, what he loves more, is working with you on the same team
-you’re both shorter than the rest of the turtle family, so naturally you both decided to create a technique
-he gets to crouch down, you jump on his back, and he launches you toward the hoop for you to slam dunk!
-it works most of the time
-key word: most
-the rest of the time in ends in a couple bruises and a lot of laughter
-this boy won’t let Leo even get a word out about you being terrible
-and Leo knows better
-he’s had too many run ins with doctor delicate touch in past experiences
-Mikeys always there to listen to you complaining about Leo as well
-even makes ‘after game snacks’ for the two of you while you rage about Leo’s dancing
-looks like Leo has another appointment booked with doctor delicate touch
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capstoverogers · 3 years
Pick Up Games - A 90s Avengers Fic
Synopsis: In a universe where Carol Danvers stays her ass put on Earth and the entire MCU takes place during the greatest decade, I present to you: the Avengers in the 90s, playing street ball
Pairings: Carol Danvers/Maria Rambeau, BestFriends!Maria Rambeau & Sam Wilson, Implied Sam Wilson/Bucky Barnes, V Subtle BlackHill
Warnings: Allusions to the traumatizing singing animatronics at Chuck E. Cheese
Word Count: 1,156
In 1996, Sam Wilson is always wearing his Scottie Pippen Chicago Bulls jersey.
“MJ would be nothing without Pippen,” he constantly and confidently explains to anyone who will listen. “Every Michael needs his Scottie.”
Sam thinks he’s a much better basketball player than he actually is, but he can hold his own if he can keep his trigger-happy hands from launching an unnecessary three-pointer in pick-up games. He’ll maybe make one per game (and will consider himself the next Steve Kerr because of it), but he makes up for it because he’s the absolute king of assists.
Sam and Carol Danvers lead the charge to get some S.H.I.E.L.D. agents and the Avengers together to play pick-up every Saturday morning at the closest park. Maria and Monica Rambeau always dutifully watch from the bleachers (the former acting like its her greatest weekend inconvenience, though they all know she loves it). Monica insists on bringing the boombox, acts as the official DJ as she switches back and forth between the local hip hop and classic rock stations, because Carol swears nothing gets her in the game like glam metal.
Steve Rogers can always be seen nervously pacing the sidelines (he doesn’t think it’d be fair if he and his bulging chest join the game; besides he’s always been more of a baseball kind of guy), acting as the unofficial referee, no matter how many times they explain to him that the very nature of street ball is no rules.
“I just don’t want anybody to get hurt,” he whines with a pout so unintentionally puppy-like that they can’t help but keep letting him ref.
They call Bucky Barnes “the silent assassin” because you forget he’s there until suddenly he’s dropped twenty buckets on you out of nowhere. He grumbles every time Sam smacks his ass after a good play, but they all share secret smirks at the way he also flushes.
Rambeau alternates between heckling Sam every time he bricks a shot and hollering, “Hell yeah, that’s my best friend!” whenever he does his signature fake right, dish left to a wide open Hawkeye who sinks the three or lobs a perfect ally oop to Thor for the slam dunk.
Speaking of Hawkeye, Clint Barton is absolutely useless unless he’s behind the arc. Can’t dribble worth shit, but no one’s ever seen him miss a shot. Not ever.
Natasha Romanoff doesn’t play but can always be found wearing the shortest shorts anyone’s ever seen as she lounges on the bleachers, bobbing her head to the radio and trading jokes with Monica. When the game ends, she husks out a ‘good game, boys’ until an insistent cough draws her attention to a playfully glowering Maria Hill (who is an absolute beast on defense and in the post with that delightfully long torso of hers).
Without fail, Natasha flashes her the kind of smirk that’ll make you have to gulp down an entire gatorade in one go.
“But of course as always, the ladies did it better.”
“Thank you.” That would be Carol interrupting the moment. She’s the self-proclaimed captain every week and takes pick-up games way too seriously. Peter Parker’s no longer allowed to play with them because everyone’s afraid her competitiveness with crush his tiny little earnest spirit.
Carol’s absolutely radiant when her team wins, though, immediately beelining it to the bleachers to hoist a cheering Monica onto her shoulders as she quirks an eyebrow at the girl’s pretending-not-to-be-impressed mother.
“Don’t I get something for winning?” Carol baits.
“Yeah, you get to follow this ass to the car so you can buy us lunch.”
There’s a chorus of “oooohs” and Carol pouts until Rambeau breaks down and plants a kiss on her lips. Monica scrambles off Carol’s shoulders to leap into the arms of an approaching Sam (in a frankly very dangerous maneuver that Maria side eyes with pursed lips) as they all head for the parking lot. Bruce Banner - who shows up late and smothered in sunscreen - consoles a ruddy faced Thor with an awkward pat on the back, because the God of Thunder is absolutely a sore loser.
(“These silly Midgard games have nothing on the grand arena events we’d hold on Asgard each century! There I am the undisputed champion!”)
Carol and Maria jump into their neighboring convertibles, playfully competing to see who can get Monica to ride with them until the girl proclaims “I want to ride with Uncle Sam!” Carol gapes and Maria rolls her eyes fondly as Sam triumphantly cackles.
“You raising her right, Rambeau,” Sam teases. “She knows quality when she sees it.”
Carol putting her middle finger on display in his direction just makes Sam laugh louder as he carries Monica over to his trusty blue Camry, followed a little too close by Bucky (everyone does them the courtesy of pretending not to notice). Steve throws his ham-hocked leg over his Harley, and the rest pile into Barton’s mini van (Natasha forgoes claiming her usual assumed position of shot gun to instead press her thighs against a self-satisfied Maria Hill in the backseat).
They make their way to Chuck E. Cheese for lunch because let’s be real, Monica calls the shots (and Sam honestly likes their pizza, he doesn’t care how the super soldier Brooklyn Boys give him shit for this “blasphemy”). Tony Stark, Pepper Potts and little Morgan Stark meet them there and Stark spontaneously decides to buy a birthday party package, even though it’s nowhere close to anyone’s birthday and the Chuck E. Cheese is technically already fully booked for the day. But he’s Tony Stark - like they’re really gonna say no. With a slice of pizza in one hand and a fountain coke in the other, Tony babbles on about how he could improve the animatronic technology to make it less creepy.
“I better not go into the garage later and see one of those things,” Pepper warns as she warily eyes the stuttering movements of robotic Chuck and gang as they sing an honestly not terrible cover of the Beatles “Eight Days a Week.”
Carol and Monica go on a rampage through all the games and absolutely clean out the place, earning enough tickets to win a huge Captain Marvel plushie that Carol cheekily gifts Maria (who rolls her eyes but secretly pulls out to cuddle against every time Carol’s called up to space for long periods of time) and Thor talks excitedly about the nine realms with a creature he swears he recognizes from space until Bruce has to gently point out that it’s just a human in a giant rat costume.
That night, Carol gets an AOL instant message from NicholasNotNickFury:
NicholasNotNickFury: thanks for inviting me to your little Saturday pick up games
CaptainHotStuff: but we didn’t invite you
The end.
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emmyrosee · 4 years
give us a random headcanon go 👀
This got long and kind of angsty I’m SORRY-
Axel and Mark are brothers. Axel’s older than mark by a fairly big margin so he offers that good ol’ elder brother wisdom™️ and Mark isn’t always here for it.
Axel’s had to drag mark out of parties more times than he can count, some because he was worried about his lil bro, some because he wasn’t answering moms texts and axel wasn’t about to let him make their momma feel bad.
Like this one time, their mom was punishing Mark for being completely shitfaced and missing something for their grampa, and Mark straight up snuck out of his room, no note, no regards, nothing, and with his mom fearing the absolute worst, that she’d lost her son, her baby, Axel quickly tracked down his brother and hauled his drunk ass right back home, speeding so fast mark was puking in the truck, yelling at him so bad mark pouted, and by the time they got home his brother was just a needy, scolded mess, and their mom was all over him, taking care of him and letting him puke and whine about his tummyache, and if she needed Axel to get anything, he did, not questions asked.
When mark was going through his first serious breakup, Axel really stepped forwards to work him back to normal, doing things with him other than just drinking the problems away like his friends wanted to. They went to cheap bowling alleys and drank cheap beer, they would drive around at 2 am, blasting music as they passed a joint, and it was probably the first real time- like honest, true, raw- that Mark learned it was okay to be a man and cry. He was hitting Axel, screaming and telling him she was every terrible name under the sun and that Axel had no idea what the fuck Mark went through to try to keep her happy.
When Axel pulled over, he shoved Mark back a little, just enough to straighten him back, telling him to stop being a pussy and just embrace it. She was gone. She was no good for him, and she was gone. She broke his heart, it was okay to be sad, and Mark wore his vocal chords raw with his sobs and shrieks of despair. “Why doesn’t she fucking want me, Axe? What’s wrong with me?”
“Nothing, dude,” he promises over his brothers tears. “You’re at a stupid age where love doesnt mean shit to nobody. Fuck, I am too. But right now, you’re sad because you’re alone, and one day you’re going to find someone, and they’re going to make you fear a lot of things more important than just ‘being alone.’ Trust me dude. You’re too fucking young to get that.”
They don’t talk about that night often. Axel’s jacket collar had been permanently ruined from Mark’s tears and hot breath against the leather, but from then on, instead of just getting drunk off his rocker when he was sad, he’d just find Axel and cry it out.
Their dad passed away when Mark was young, and their mom never really recovered from it. Because of this, Axel really took the role of being momma’s fix-it man, getting an under-the-table job when he was young and making sure Mark had snacks and lunches while their mom took care of the house. When momma Cluney eventually remarried, she never ceased to thank Axel for all he did, and it always put Mark in a weird feeling. Not that he wasn’t grateful beyond words, he just always felt bad that Axel had to go through that at such a young age.
“You were in Kindergarten,” Axel says cooly, passing his brother a beer. “What were you going to do, sell dunk-a-roos for cold, hard cash?”
“I could’ve done more,” he mumbles, taking a long sip of his drink. “Like... I could’ve been more grateful for the toys and the lunch money.”
Axel chuckles and reaches over to ruffle Mark’s hair, “hey; you were fed. You didn’t give mom too much shit. And on your birthday, you got the Power-Ranger toys you wanted. You were grateful. You just didn’t get why you had to wait until your birthday.”
Mark snorts and shoves Axel’s hand away, sighing softly, “I wish I knew him, dude..”
“You look just like him.”
“What was he like?”
Axel hums and leans back in his seat, fingers swirling the lip of his beer bottle, “I remember when I was nine, I told him I was going to run away. Go live in the treehouse of our old house.” He paused to smirk, “bastard made me a lunch box with two peanut butter sandwiches, a bag of barbecue chips and a juice box and said ‘good for you! You’re a man now, do what you gotta do!’ I never made it off of the porch.”
Mark snickers and they get real quiet. “I miss him,” he admits. “I don’t remember him... but I miss him.”
Axel hums again, “he was moms great love. Never laid a hand on us, nor her. He was a good man.”
Mark raises his bottle to his brother, “you’re a good man too, dude.”
“Believe me, mark,” Axel chuckles sadly. “I’m only a quarter of the man he was.”
On a lighter note, Axel taught Mark to drive. He filled his truck with gas, drove them both out to the city limits, butt-fuck no where, with a bag of fast food and his gps.
“Okay,” Axel hums. “Get out.”
“Excuse me?”
Axel pulled the keys out of the ignition and tossed them to his brother, “you’re driving us back home. Oh, and to CVS, mom needs sugar and milk.”
And with those buggy green eyes, Mark just completely stares at Axel, freaked out and worried (mostly because Axel’s truck is his baby, and Axel was levelheaded enough at all times to hide a body if need be), so with a reassuring smile, axel slips out of the driver side, gesturing mark to slide over the bench-seat, and he slowly walked Mark through the process of starting the car and driving back home.
He hit a curb. And ran a stop-light. Nearly hit a squirrel, but never once did axel raise his voice to him. He would simply tell him it was alright and that “it doesn’t have to be perfect; I just want you to get us home.”
When they finally pull in a few hours later, Mark was so terrified Axel would tell their mom everything, but axel just shook his head. “If I wanted you to be perfect, I wouldn’t have just thrown you into traffic; I wanted to make sure you could drive if I wasn’t around and mom needed you. You got home. We’re alive. Tomorrow, if you’re feeling easy, we’ll go to a parking lot or something. But you did fine.” He smiles and leaves the truck, “but don’t puke in the truck; do it in the front yard, please.”
Which. Mark obeys.
Whenever Mark’s birthday rolls around, Axel drives them up to an old lake house their great-grandparents built, only bringing some clothes, booze and a gas can to get in and out of town, and they fish, make s’mores, and just be kids again. Again, Mark is much younger than Axel, so all the memories Axel has here, Mark doesn’t, so he wants him to enjoy the young years of his life that Axel really couldn’t.
Sometimes, if they’re bold, they’ll bring whoever they’re dating or smashing, but they’ve found it’s better to just have a guys weekend away, only them two in the middle of the woods, with only the fish in the lake to keep them company.
“So you had a treehouse and a fuckin’ cabin before I came along?” Mark asks by the fire, marshmallow clinging to his face childishly. Axel snorts, “dude I haven’t had a birthday party since I was seven, then you showed up.”
“Oh I’m sooo sorry,” Mark sings, rolling his eyes and plopping the last of his s’more in his mouth. Axel sighs dramatically, “don’t be. You made mom happy,” he pats his brother on the shoulder. “And she said I wasn’t allowed to try and return you anymore, so.”
Mark laughs before his brows furrowed, “anymore?”
Axel smirks. “Why do you think you’re so claustrophobic now, Markie?”
“The fuck did you do to me?”
“Shoved you in a box and left you outside.”
“You WHAT.”
“Three times.”
They bicker. They fight. But they’d fucking die for each other. As they got older, they really became best friends and Mark is open to that fact.
In fact, for Axel’s birthday, Mark got his hands on a pikachu doll from the 90’s that Axel was dying to have a kid but couldn’t get because he had to help his mom take care of mark, but every now and again he brought it up to joke.
Mark could tell that, even as an adult, he still wanted that pikachu toy because he wouldn’t shut up about it, so he finally saved up and got it ($150 mint-condition his asshole), and when Axel opened it on his birthday, there was not a dry eye from anyone except Mark.
Big, green eyes flip from the toy to Mark, jaw dropped in surprise and just completely at a loss for words. Mark grins, “now you can shut up about it; you own it. Live your Ash Katchum dreams, freak.”
Axel laughs around his cries, a tattooed hand coming up to stop himself. He wastes no time in stalking his way over to his brother, pulling him in for a tight hug while the younger just hugs him back, still smiling before shoving him off when people tried to get pictures.
“Cant have people who get our Christmas card think I like you or anything,” he snorts, making Axel laugh again before going back to his seat to finish his gifts, but everyone (including himself) knew that Mark won that year.
The first time Axel brings someone home, they’re a guy. Their mom was chillin, she had no problems with it (though she didn’t really expect Morgan to necessarily be a man), Mark was pretty confused. Like, sure Axel always had friends over, but they were never cuddly and touchy before, and it made Mark really curious.
He probably brings it up on one of their fishing trips years later, and axel barely has any clue what he’s talking about at first.
“You seriously don’t remember Morgan?” Mark asks in disbelief. “Like, how do I, but you don’t?”
“I’ve been with a lot of people,” Axel shrugs. Then, he tenses up and a slow grin spreads across his face, “oh. Morgan.”
“Yes! Morgan, the first person you ever brought home!”
“They’re not Morgan anymore,” Axel recalls. “Well, to me anyways. After we broke up, they became she, and her name is Bella. We’re still close, she’s just not Morgan anymore.”
“So... are you... like...?”
Axel smirks, “I’m nothing, dude. No skin off my ass for labels. If you learn anything from me, Markie boy,” he turns to his brother, “do what makes you happy. Love who the hell you want. Mom’s going to love you. I’m gonna love you. And fuck anyone who tells you you can’t.”
“I think I’m straight.”
Axel chuckles. “You’ve just never pursued anyone who hasn’t gone after you; just so happens only women have gone after you.”
Mark frowns and sinks lower in his seat, “do you think... not-straight-guys are afraid of me?”
“I think they’re afraid of your frat-boy-fuck-buddies who tease someone for having any sort of human emotions,” Axel says nonchalantly. “I’ve taught you enough about treating people with respect, your friends don’t have the same drive you do.”
Which brings me to my next point
Axel ABSOLUTELY taught Mark about the birds and the bees.
He drove them both around town not long after Mark turned 14, and he parked at their town’s high school and just... talked about sex. What happens, how does it feel, etc..
“You need to listen to her, Mark,” he says sternly. “The minute you hear a “no,” you fucking stop. The minute you hear a ‘I don’t want to,’ you stop. I don’t care if you’re balls deep inside of her, you slip out, tuck yourself away and apologize for making her uncomfortable.”
“But what if-“
That’s the basics; like what happens when you have sex, what how to use protection, and the importance of consent. A while later, once Mark starts going to parties, he drives them out again, only this time to talk about when she says “yes.”
“You gotta work her up,” Axel hums, cigarette low on his lips. “Her body will let you know when she’s ready. If you go in dry, you’re going to hurt her.”
“How do I like... do that?”
Axel smirks, “play with her a little. Kiss her nice and slow... let your hands paw and squeeze, let her moan a little, let her purr... I’ve been with a few girls who like being tickled and picked up, some girls like it more rough and playful too, a smack on the ass, a few bites on their neck-“
“How will I know?” Mark squeaks. “If she like... likes what I’m doing.”
Once again, Axel grins, “believe me, Markie boy- you’ll know.”
Sjfhvdgbgh I WANT MORE, MY BOYS🥺🥺
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kitkat1003 · 4 years
Tower Tales
6: I’ll be home for Christmas....you can count on me...
AO3 link
(also recorded myself singing the song in this chapter, listen here!)
Their first Christmas in the tower is on the horizon, and while they try to remain optimistic about it all, it’s hard to be happy when you’re living in a prison.
Yakko, as usual, is shoving down his own sadness with ease.  Wakko watches, with sharp eyes behind the veneer of dull suspicion, as Yakko cheerfully pulls out a Christmas tree from nowhere, has them all put up the ornaments one by one, instead of just throwing stuff on there.  To elongate the process, perhaps, to force them to focus on the action rather than the lack of an escape.
Wakko sees, sometimes, Yakko’s eyes dart to the water tower door.  He hears, at night, Yakko, going to the door and trying to wrench it open.  Some nights Yakko spends hours, sometimes minutes, and sometimes Wakko hears Yakko stop, sit, and cry into his knees.  He’s very quiet, but so is the tower, at night, and they have terribly good hearing for toons.
Yakko’s always smiling in the morning, with breakfast.  Wakko worries.
The first few months after they’d figured out them being locked up wasn’t some prank, they’d thrown anything they could at the door to try and get out.  After they’d ran out of ideas and materials, they’d quit, because it was more depressing to try, hope, be constantly disappointed than just to forget.
Or try to forget.  Wakko guesses that Yakko can’t.
And Dot isn’t exactly thrilled, either.  Wakko thinks she misses the outside more than she lets on.  He vaguely remembers her, on days they felt like wreaking havoc would be boring, taking them on a picnic.  The stock market hadn’t crashed yet, and then it did, so they didn’t have a lot of money.  They did have the ability to steal, but even then they didn’t do it much because it wasn’t fun or right to steal from people who were already going bankrupt.
They’re mischievous, not cruel.  Wakko wonders if the people who locked them in here knew that difference.
“What are we gonna do for Christmas?” he asks one afternoon, during lunch.  “Do you think Santa can get in here with the door locked?”
The question has Dot suck in a sharp breath.  She looks away, upset, and Yakko gives him a look, the one he gives whenever Wakko says something tactless.
Wakko doesn’t have a lot of tact.  He thinks he might’ve eaten it, whatever it is.
“Santa can get in anywhere,” Yakko replies, hands on his hips, confident.  “And we’ve been pretty good, despite the circumstances, so I think we’ll be getting plenty of presents from him.
That’s something that Wakko worries about.  Presents.  What is he even supposed to give his sibs that they can’t just create with toon powers?  Making cards seems lazy, even if he would put all his effort into them.
Yakko, he’s sure, already has an idea.  Because Yakko is smart.  Dot probably has them figured out too.
“I thought you were off Santa’s nice list,” Dot says with a grin.  “You know, for being a hypocrite?”
“I think he’ll find it in his heart to forgive me this year,” Yakko shoots back, hand on his chest, before standing up to put his plate in the sink.  Wakko will lick them clean with his tongue, and Dot will put them in the dishwasher, and one of them will put them away when they’re done depending on when it finishes.  They’re efficient, kind of.
“Should we decorate?” he asks, because so far they only have the tree, and the tower looks a little barren.
Dot’s eyes sparkle at the idea, and Wakko knows he is going to regret asking.
By the end of the next day, the whole tower is put together, tinsel and twinkling lights that flicker hanging from the walls and ceiling.  Dot puts mistletoe over every doorway they’ve made, and every time they happen to be beneath it, she makes sure they either give her a kiss on the cheek or she gives them one.
Yakko thinks it’s cute, if silly, and Wakko just shrugs it off.
They make a fireplace, with a chimney that they aren’t sure goes all the way through.  Wakko tried climbing it, but halfway up he found himself shot back down, rolling across the floor covered in soot.
He couldn’t even try and argue to not take a bath that day.  Yakko had dunked him in and hadn’t let him out until the black stopped coming off on Yakko’s gloves.
His hopes for Santa visiting are dashed, and he can see Dot deflate too.
“Who needs the guy, anyway,” he hears Yakko mutter, and Wakko wonders.
Dot is very, very sure that this Christmas is going to be great.  She knows it is, despite the fact that they don’t even know if Santa can come see them, despite the fact that they won’t be able to go anywhere to see snow, despite how the world around her wants to tell her it won’t be.
She will spite that because she refuses to let anyone take this season from her.  She and Yakko and Wakko start a food fight in the kitchen when making cookies, and cookie batter splatters all over the wall.  Wakko ducks behind the kitchen island, with her, and holds out his hand.
“Truce?” He’s wearing an army hat, comically large on his head, with the straps hanging down past his shoulders.
If she wasn’t astronomically cute herself, Wakko might give her a run for her money.
“Let’s give our brother a wet new coat,” she agrees, and Yakko becomes the color of cookie batter in seconds.
“Betrayal!  By my own siblings no less!  Is nothing sacred?!” Yakko cries, leaning heavily against the stove with the back of his hand placed dramatically against his forehead.  Dot and Wakko giggle, coming around to face him.
“I don’t know, I think this is a good look for you,” Dot gives him a once over and hides a laugh behind her hand.  Wakko reaches out a finger and swipes a bit of the batter off of Yakko, sticking it in his mouth to taste.
“Mmmm,” he grins, and Yakko gets a mischievous gleam in his eye.
“You know, you’re right Dot!  I ought to share my new looks with you, don’t you think?” he reaches out and sweeps them into a goopy hug before either of them can escape, and all three of them share the wealth of the batter that was supposed to go in the oven.
Dot takes a bath, then Yakko does, and Wakko licks himself and the kitchen clean.  He’d offered to lick them clean, but they politely declined.
“Slobber just isn’t a good look on me,” she’d told him, and Wakko had shrugged and eaten the demolished mixing bowl.
After that, they actually make cookies, because as tasty as the batter was to Wakko, they might want some warm, chocolatey goodness.
They make milk-free ones, too, even though Yakko says they don’t have to, because they want him to have a good time too.
Besides, the cookies taste fine without milk.  Who needs lactose?
That night, Dot is sitting at her vanity, and she looks in the mirror and is ever aware of the background of cold metal.  The decorations look gorgeous, she put them up, she did everything she could to make the Tower become the season she loves.  
(Well, she technically loves the spring the most, with its gorgeous flowers and sunny days for picnics, but still.  Who doesn’t love winter?  It has Christmas!  And, now, it has Yakko’s birthday!)
But, even with all the decorations and fun, even with the mistletoe and the letters to Santa she can’t send, she feels...
She wants to go outside.  She wants to play in the snow.  She wants to harass street carolers by messing with the lyrics of their songs.  She wants to be out there, with people, in the world, instead of sequestered away.
She sighs, remembering a tune from their previous Christmas.
I’ll be home for Christmas.
You can count on me.
Please have snow, and mistletoe,
And presents under the tree.
Christmas Eve will find me,
Where the love light gleams...
She trails off and sighs again, resting her arms on the vanity, and then her head on her arms.
She doesn’t notice the figure peeking from the third floor, frowning down at her in concern.  Doesn’t notice the lightbulb appear over his head, before he ducks back upstairs.
She just sits there, thinking of the last time she saw a single snowflake.
Wakko locks up the third floor, a week and a half before Christmas.
When they ask, he tells them it’s a surprise.  Because it will be.  He finally knows what his gift for them, for Christmas, will be, and he can’t let them ruin it, because he really wants to see the pure surprise on their faces when they witness it.
He spends the days up till Christmas Eve working on it, finishing it Christmas Eve morning after breakfast and before lunch.  He’ll have to double check it before showing it to them, but that’s fine.  It’ll be about ten minutes security and then he can show them the magic he has in store.
Dot has swapped out her typical character modeled dress for a long sleeved one, with white fuzz trim on the hem and where the sleeves end.  Yakko has a pair of deer antlers, and keeps calling himself Rudolph, whoever that is.  Yakko says it’s going to be a hit a few years from now.
Wakko just puts on a Santa hat on top of his baseball cap and calls it a day.  Dot calls him lazy, and he shrugs, cause that’s a fair assessment.
Christmas Eve is as fun as it is weird, because they don’t have anything anywhere to do to celebrate, but they cut out little paper snowflakes and angels to hang up and then watch and see how much eggnog Wakko can chug at once.
The answer is around 6 gallons, give or take, because Yakko capped him off there, worried.
“You’re such a mother hen,” Dot snickers, and Wakko tilts his head to the side with a hiccup.
“Isn’t a male chicken a cock?” 
Yakko laughs.
“Goodnight everybody!”
They meant to stay up, but they’re kids, so they fall asleep eventually.  Wakko, kicking and squirming in bed, because even asleep he can’t stay still, wakes to the sound of frantic whispers.
“Please, just-just for tonight,” Yakko’s voice is quiet and pleading, and when Wakko blinks away the sleep from his eyes he turns into see Yakko, standing in front of Santa, hand gripping Santa’s coat.
And Wakko doesn’t have the time to process the fact that Santa is here, and real, because Yakko keeps talking.
“Please-just take them out, I’ll stay inside.  We-just for the night, just let them see the sky again, some snow, it’s been months, please,” Wakko can’t see Santa’s face, but he does see the shake of his head.  
Yakko’s voice cracks when he speaks.
“Just one ride?  They’ll be good-I-,” Yakko pauses. “Okay, maybe they won’t be, you know them, but I’ll make sure they are, okay?  They-they don’t deserve to be locked in here.  It’s Christmas, so just for tonight-please.”
There’s something so young about Yakko’s voice, then.  Yakko doesn’t sound like a kid, sometimes, and Wakko doesn’t always either, but for him it’s for laughs and for Yakko it’s because he’s tired.
Santa says something, puts a hand on Yakko’s shoulder, and Yakko deflates.  Wakko doesn’t even notice that there are new presents under the tree yet, because he’s too busy trying to be quiet enough to hear.
“Just go,” Yakko’s voice is hard, and quiet, and cold, and sad.  Santa pulls another present from his bag and sets it beneath the tree, and disappears up the chimney.
Wakko watches Yakko tremble in place, for a good two minutes.  He counts the seconds in his head, because it feels like they go so slow.  Yakko finally stops, takes in a deep breath, and sighs.
“Who needs the guy, anyway,” he hears Yakko repeat, and he pretends to snore as Yakko walks back to bed, and buries his face in the pillow.
It takes a long time for him to get back to sleep.
Wakko wakes up on Christmas to the smell of peppermint hot cocoa at the crack of dawn-at the very least, it feels like the crack of dawn, because it’s earlier than he’s woken up in a while, but the elation of Christmas!!!! has him up in an instant.
There’s a large stack of presents beneath the tree, their names written in pretty cursive of the same handwriting.  Dot is all cheer, and he watches her skip towards the kitchen.  He shuffles over himself.  Yakko sets two cups of hot cocoa on the table, and swirls the top with a large helping of whipped cream, before sprinkling some peppermint on top.
“Merry Christmas, sibs,” he smiles down at them, and it almost makes Wakko forget about the night before.  “My gift to you is your menu of choice.  The whole day, a la carte menu.  Whatever you guys want, I’ll make.  So, what’s for breakfast?”
Wakko’s eyes are blown wide. Yakko has no idea the can of worms he’s opened with that open ended gift.  Or, maybe he does, because he puts on a chef’s coat and hat, and sets up the stove, and a grill, and the oven.
“Bring it on, little brother.  But, uh, let me make Dot’s first?  Something tells me hers will be a biiiiit quicker to make.” Wakko bites his tongue at that request, and Dot prattles off a normal order, because she’s boring.
By the time Yakko is done with Wakko’s order, he’s out of baloney in his slacks.
“I’ll put some more in there later.” He shrugs it off, and Wakko finishes off plate thirty seven with a grin. 
After that, they open up the presents under the tree.  Yakko gets some notebooks, a set of fancy pens, and a very expensive looking leather belt.  He also gets some books, and a perfect replica of a Shakespearian outfit.
He seems happy, but his smile is strained.  Wakko thinks he knows why.  Yakko is getting better at hiding it, though, because he almost didn’t notice Yakko was sad at all.  There’s still a trace, though.
Wakko wonders if he’ll start forgetting to look for that.
Dot gets the latest model of hair straightener and curler, and a wide breadth of makeup products, as well as a poetry book that she regards with half suspicion and half curiosity.  She gets a notebook and pen, too, one with a feather plume sticking out the end.  She uses it to brush underneath her chin, giggling.
Wakko gets some chew toys, some that he doesn’t see himself devouring just yet, and a necklace with a chew on too.  He puts it on and nibbles on it as he opens up the others.  He gets an engineering book, called “Building Without the Math,” and it sounds right up his alley.  He also gets a tool kit, which he places in his gag bag for safe keeping. 
The other items are mostly random toys they hadn’t known existed because they haven’t been outside.  Wakko uses the propeller of a toy plane as a fan, and then spits in it to see the drool droplets hover.
“Eugh,” Dot growls out, looking away, before she sighs and reaches into her dress pocket.  “This leads to my gift.” She hands both Yakko and Wakko a set of flash cards on a ring.
“Coupons?” Yakko flips through them, and then snickers.
“You two can do things that...,” Dot struggles for the world.  “Make me uncomfortable.  Cause you’re boys.” She rolls her eyes. “But you like to do them ‘cause they make you happy, not because they make me annoyed, so these are your passes for that.  Valid for a year.”
There are ones like “Can lick me” and “Allowed to not bathe for 2 weeks” that Wakko thinks are specifically targeted at him but hey, why not?  Baths are dumb, and he licks to show affection!  He sticks the cards in his cap.
Yakko rips one out, hands it to her.
“Thanks, Dottie,” he stresses her least favorite nickname, and she bares her teeth in a very strained smile, snatching the coupon from his hand.  But Yakko laughs, and soon enough, they all are.
“I’m also going to put away the decorations, no extra charge,” she waves a hand.  
“Sounds good to me,” Wakko hops up, fidgeting with his long sleeves.  “I...have to prepare my gift for you.  Can you guys wait on the second floor?”
Yakko and Dot share a look, and then nod.
Wakko vanishes up to the third floor, heart in his throat.
He hopes this works.
He makes them put blindfolds on, pulling them up the stairs.  Yakko holds Dot’s hand in one and Wakko’s in the other, helping Dot up as Wakko drags him along.
“What’s with the secrecy, Wakko?” He asks, and Wakko bounces in nervous excitement, tail curled around his leg.
“It’s a surprise,” he insists, and sets them up perfectly, on the mark he planned out.  He’d checked, double checked, triple checked.  If this doesn’t work he is going to lose it.
He turns off the lights, and pushes his contraption to the back of the room.
“Wakko, I would like to see sometime today,” Dot calls, and Wakko fidgets.
“Almost done!” The ice is in, okay, now just push the button.
There’s a series of clanks, and then a loud, grinding sound.  Dot and Yakko shiver, and Wakko is glad he used scarves for blindfolds.
There’s a loud FWUMP, and Wakko bounces on his toes.  His feet make indents in the ground.
“Okay, you can look now!”
Dot and Yakko pull down their blindfolds, and Dot gasps.
They’re surrounded by snow.
There’s a model of a crescent moon up by the ceiling, that acts like a lamp, and glow in the dark stars that glimmer pasted up on the ceiling, with constellations they find familiar.  From the machine in the back, snowflakes are shot out, drifting slowly to the ground.
“I, uh, I made snow,” Wakko shrugs, a little self conscious.  “Since we can’t go outside, I thought...,” What is there to say?
Dot takes one step into the snow, like she can’t believe it, and squeals when her feet crunches into it, jumping around.
Yakko is still dumbstruck, until Dot comes around and shoves snow down his pants.  He jumps up comically high with a shriek, ears brushing the ceiling, and when he falls into the snow it makes a perfect imprint of him.
“Oh, that’s it!” he picks up some snow and throws it at her.  Dot throws some back.  Wakko runs into the fray, nailing Dot in the face, and she takes her revenge with deadly precision, before sprinting over to him and tackling him into the ground.
“Thank you thank you thank you thank you!” she shouts so loud that Wakko’s ears ring.
“Merry Christmas?” he tries, and she laughs.
“I knew you were my favorite brother!”
“Hey, I’m offended!” Yakko sprints over, but he’s laughing too, and he drops on top of them, wrapping his arms around them and rolling over in the snow, so they’re on top of him.
He nuzzles Wakko’s nose with his own.
“Nice job, little brother.  Think you got us beat with this gift.” Wakko blushes, looking away.
“Wanna make a snowman?” he responds, because you’re welcome seems too formal.  
“Heck yeah!” Dot jumps up and runs over to a large pile of snow.
“Watch your fucking language!” Yakko barks without heat.
“You’re not the boss of me!”
Wakko giggles, and Yakko sits up.
“C’mon, let’s not let her have all the fun,” Yakko picks him up and sets him off to the side, and Wakko is off like a shot the moment his feet touch the ground.
He thinks about the night before, of Yakko’s words.
Who needs the guy, anyway?
Beneath the fake moonlight, where the snow still sparkles like Wakko remembers, with Dot giggling up a storm as they make the largest snowman they can, with Yakko looking lighter than he has since they got stuck in here, Wakko can’t help but agree.
Who needs Santa anyway?
He can hear the tune from before, in his head, and hums it as they work, smile widening when Dot and Yakko join in.
I’ll be home for Christmas
If only in my dreams!
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axwalker · 3 years
Happy Birthday, Maskaneko! A Tears in Heaven one-shot.
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The beautiful edit in the moodboard was made by the talented, creative  birthday girl @mskaneko​  💕💕💕
Happy birthday again!!! As I said earlier, I’m so grateful to have you in my life. I hope you’ll spend an amazing day.
I love youuu ❤️❤️❤️ @mskaneko​
You said you’d be happy with a peek into Drake and Lexie’s life in Tears in Heaven.  So here it is. I hope you’ll enjoy it. 🎉🎉🎉
Warnings: Mention of the death of a child, grief. Language and smut. 
It’s been a tough year. Lexie and I have been working hard, and between our demanding jobs and Lennie, we’re exhausted. It’s a miracle we were both able to clear our schedules for a few days to come to Corsica to Max’s and Rashad’s house for a short vacation. We need this much more than we’re able to admit. I miss my time with Lexie. I need more of her. If there is one thing I can admit to myself, it’s that. That there is nothing more fundamental, more important to my happiness, than my wife and my little girl. 
A roar of laughter interrupts my thoughts. I look through the window, and I can’t help but smile at the sight down by the shore. Jaiden is chasing Lena to the edge of the ocean, and every time the water splashes up on her little legs, she squeals and runs back, her face animated with some mix of terror and delight. 
A throaty laugh harmonizes with my squirt’s high-pitched giggles, and Lexie walks into view. Her dark hair is scooped up into a messy bun, and she’s all long, sun-kissed legs and rounded baby-belly in her orange bikini. It will never get old, how my heart thumps a little harder when I see her. Desperate to get to her. I leave the home office and walk barefoot and bare-chested over to the windows and sliding door. Lexie and I wasted too many years and made too many mistakes before we came together again. We both had a lot of growing up to do, a lot of pain to overcome but seeing her with our little girl and Maxwell’s boy chasing the waves, seeing her pregnant again, this good life was worth all the patience in the world. She is worth the wait. I press my palm to the cool glass and let years of memories wash over me, all the painful years spent apart. Being with my family always provides perspective. I might feel exhausted sometimes, but my heart, my life is whole. The axis of my existence it’s those two people down there playing in the ocean like they don’t have a care in the world. Seeing that lifts my burdens, too. And it reminds me that we can’t let life interfere with our lives as a family. Work can’t take so much room in our lives, is not who we are. 
After turning my laptop off, I cross over to the sliding door, slipping out and not bothering with anything other than the blue shorts I’m already wearing. Lexie is laughing as Lena tries to lift Jaiden and they both collapse into the water. I walk toward them, silent until I’m close, and then run past Lexie, playfully slapping her ass. She squeaks, jumping a little, her face lighting up when she sees me. 
“Where’d you come from?” She laughs. I back my way into the cool waves and wink at her as an answer before turning to scoop up both Lena and Jai, one under each arm. “Daddy!” my girl screams in her sweet voice. I keep running until the ocean stirs around my waist and dunk them both to the neck, making sure to keep their heads out of the water. Their giggles and squeaks occupy the next five minutes of what suddenly feels like a perfect day. 
“Uncle Dake,” Jai says. “Put me up on your shoulders.” Lexie takes Helena so I can lift Jaiden. The heels of his little feet kick against my chest, and he squeezes my neck as we go deeper into the water. 
“I can swim, Mom,” Lena says from behind us. “Put me down.” 
Lena’s five, and while she still likes me to toss her around, she doesn’t tolerate it from her smaller mother all that much. I’m not crazy about it either, considering Lexie’s six months pregnant. 
“It’s deeper than you think, Lennie,” Lexie says. “I don’t think it is a good idea.”
Alexis and I went back to therapy when Helena turned three. Slowly, almost without noticing it, we were turning into overprotective, smothering parents. Lexie refused to go anywhere without her, and she’d have horrible panic attacks when her work forced her to travel. Therapy certainly helped a lot, but as much as I would love to say that it was like turning on a switch, that we don’t suffocate Lena anymore, it would be a lie. We would never be those two carefree parents we were ten years ago. But we’re trying; we both want our kids to have the best possible life. 
After begging a little more, Lexie gives in, and sure enough, in seconds, Lennie is swimming past me, her skinny arms and legs slicing through the waves, her hair in two small braids. 
“Baby, that’s fair enough,” I call out. The ocean isn’t turbulent today, but I don’t want to take any chances. It can change fast. Calm one second and treacherous the next. Lena turns, doggy paddling to stay afloat, her cute face wet and frowning. 
“But, Daddy—” 
“Do I repeat myself, Lena?” She frowns the brown eyes so like Lexie’s widening. She shakes her head. 
“No, sir.” 
“Then that’s far enough.” I gentle my words with a smile, take the few steps separating us and tap her head with Jaiden’s foot. She giggles and swims a circle around me, disappearing for a second underwater and then popping back up, laughing again.  
“I need to learn that trick,” Lexie says wryly. “I tried last week, asked her if I repeat myself, and she just stared at me and said, ‘What’d you say, Mommy?’”
 I can’t help it, I laugh, and Lexie glares at me. 
“You know she loves pressing your buttons. Every time she finds a new one, she just has to push.” 
“Looking forward to her teenage years.” I pull her close, anchoring Jaiden by one leg and looping an arm around her, cupping her stomach. 
“If she’s as sassy as you, baby. I’m not looking forward to them either.” Lexie leans her head on my shoulder, covering my hand with hers on her stomach. There’s a subtle movement beneath my fingers. 
“Lexie,” I breathe. “Did you feel that? They’re moving.” Of course, she felt it. It’s her body, but she just laughs. It’s not the first time the twins have moved, but I always seem to miss it, so it’s the first time I’ve felt the life growing inside Lexie for myself. 
“One of them is moving.” She guides my hand to the other side of her stomach. “This guy has been quiet all day.” 
“Guy?” I raise one questioning brow. “I thought we agreed we wouldn’t find out. You got some divination powers I know nothing about?” 
She shrugs. “I just have a feeling they’re both guys. God save me. Lennie and I will be outnumbered.” 
I chuckle “You hear that, Lennie? Your mom says we’re getting two boys. What do you think?” 
“I want sisters! Boys are yucky.” Jaiden jumps to the water, and they start a water war. 
“You heard the girl,” I tell Lexie. “Boys are yucky. I sure hope she’ll think like that for a long time.” 
Lexie laughs. “I honestly don’t care.” She grimaces and rubs the small of her back. “I’m so big this time, I just want them out . I’ve already gained as much weight as I had by the end with Lena. I’m huge.” 
I lean over to whisper in her ear. “You’re sexy as hell, Lexie. Always.” 
She turns her head so our mouths are mere inches apart, our lips separated by a single breath. “You think so, huh?” 
“I’ll show you tonight,” I whisper over her mouth. 
“Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!” Jaiden chants. We glance down at our godson, and both laugh. 
“You kiss all the time,” Lena mutters from a few feet away. She’s not wrong, but in my defense, her mother is irresistible. 
“Lena, we need to get back inside,” Lexie says. “We’ve been in the water all day, and you need your lunch. I bet Max made the grill sandwiches you love so much. After lunch, we can get ice cream from Amorino.” 
“A few more minutes, Mommy, please? So, Daddy can swim with me?” Lena asks, lips pouty and huge eyes pleading. If she figures out, she has me wrapped around her little finger, we’re doomed. Who am I kidding? The girl was born knowing. “You think you can keep up with me? Okay squirt. Let’s go.” 
After a while, we get out of the water and join the others for lunch in the terrace. Lena claps and rocks her shoulders, some little move she and Jaiden made up. The two are thick as thieves. Jaiden’s at our house as much as Lena is at Rash and Maxwell’s. 
“What’s that you’re drawing, Lennie?” Liv asks. She might not like kids, but she sure is crazy about her goddaughter. 
“It’s us!” Lena grins. 
“Let me see.” I reach for the paper. Lexie walks up beside me and looks down at the drawing in my hand. It’s a man-stick figure with which I assume is a stethoscope around his neck, obviously me. A shorter woman-stick she’s colored caramel and who has brown lines drawn around her shoulders for hair. Jaiden made Lexie’s stomach a circle and there’s two orange round things inside. 
“Grapefruit,” Lennie says. “Mommy said the babies are like grapefruits now.” 
“Ahhhh.” Lexie purses her lips against a smile. “You got them perfectly, baby.” 
In her drawing, she is standing between Lexie and me, holding our hands. I tilt my head, staring at what Lena’s holding in the drawing. A white bird?
“What’s that white thing your holding, squirt?” 
“It’s Tom!” She says, her smile wide and proud. “He’s an angel, like mommy said.” Tom’s name, said so unexpectedly, causes the adults on the terrace to hold their breaths collectively. Lexie goes perfectly still beside me, and her hand goes instinctively to her stomach. That old fear lives in the back of both our minds. As much as losing Tom still hurts, we talk openly about him to our daughter, making sure she knows she has a big brother looking out for her all the time, even though she never met him. 
“You can have it, Mommy,” Lena offers, her beautiful smile slipping, his childish intuition sharp enough to pick up on the shift of mood in the terrace. “I-I drew it for you, so we can put it in the twins’ nursery.”
 “It’s so good, Lennie. That’s a great idea,” I say, glancing at Lexie, who stares down at the paper. Even though she isn’t crying, her eyes have that look of shattered glass she sometimes gets when she thinks of Tom. Unfortunately, therapy doesn’t eradicate pain. Not for the first time, I wish I could carry it for her, but I can’t.
“This is your most beautiful drawing yet, Lennie,” Lexie says after clearing her voice, reaching down to caress the angel on it. “I love it very, very much. It will look perfect in their room.” She bends to kiss her hair, closes her eyes tightly and then cups Helena’s little head and kisses her forehead, too. She clears her throat and pulls back to spread an overbright smile and says, “Who’s ready for ice cream?” 
 Accident. That’s how everybody described what happened to my baby boy. An accident. It does hurt less than it used to. At first, I couldn’t think about Tom without aching and falling into a black hole. Five horrible years, where I needed to numb myself or ignore my pain to keep breathing. An empty shell that had trouble breathing. I would cringe at the sound of Tom’s name, incapable of pronouncing it myself. Not because I didn’t want to hear it, but because I wanted to hold him so badly. It’s been years, but my body perfectly recalls the sweet little weight of him in my arms. His scent still fills my nostrils if I draw a deep enough breath. I remember the dark tangle of curls brushing against my cheek. His little voice calling me mommy. Some days my head and thoughts are locked in a room with those last memories, and I don’t want to leave because he’s still there. As difficult as that day was, in that memory, he’s still there. But life goes on. It has moved on, and I’m a baby two and three. I’m years into a marriage full of love I spent five years thinking wasn’t even possible. 
“You okay?” I glance up from the table, from Lenna’s drawing, which I’ve found myself thinking about all day, to see Liv, wearing concern on her intense green eyes. The terrace is clear of dishes from tonight’s meal, and everyone’s gone to their respective corners. It’s just Livvie and me. 
“I’m fine.” The concern on her face stays. “I swear; I’m fine,” I say. “Just thinking. Remembering.” 
“Anything you want to talk about?” Her voice is unusually soft. Her gaze, as usual, is knowing. 
“I’m all talked out. A lifetime of expensive therapy will do that to a girl. I guess I’m feeling more than thinking, but I’m good.” 
“Okay. I’m here if you need me.” 
“I know Liv. I don’t know how I would have done otherwise.” 
“I think I will go join Maxwell for a nightcap”  
“Now you’re talking.” I sigh and stand from the table, squeeze her hand. “I’m going to turn in. Take a quick bath since Drake is putting Lena to bed.” 
“Alright. I’ll see you in the morning.” She gives me a wry grin. “I may even cook breakfast.” 
I deadpan, and Liv chuckles. “Did I say cook? I meant order.”
I laugh. “That’s more like it. Good night, Liv,” I say, grabbing Lena’s drawing.
After just a few minutes in the bathtub, I dry off and belt a terry cloth robe over my nakedness, smiling when both babies move. “Hello, boys.” I don’t care what Drake says, I know what I feel. “I’d love for Daddy to feel both of you move. Can we make a deal that you’ll let him feel you both at some point?” 
“Daddy would love that, too,” Drake says from the doorway. Leaning one shoulder into the door and wearing a white shirt, sleeves-rolled-up, he looks so attractive, my husband. His face grows more handsome the older he gets. He has that strong virility that somehow converts years into sexual magnetism. I walk over and reach up to caress his jaw, shadowed with stubble. 
“You have a little gray in your beard, Mr. Walker.” I close the space between us and tip my toes to kiss him. 
He grunts, closing his eyes and leaning into me, his hardness pressing into my belly. I want him so badly. The restlessness I’ve felt most of the day needs an outlet, and I know the best, most pleasurable way to get it.
 “Lie down,” he says, leading me to the bed. My hand goes to the belt of my robe, but he stops me. “I want to unwrap you myself,” he says.
 I lie on my back, and he hovers over me, connecting our eyes. I see desire there, yes, but concern, too. 
“Drake, I’m okay,” I tell him, grabbing his hand and kissing it. 
“You sure?” His dark brows form a frown. “The drawing—” 
“It took me off guard.” I pull his hand into the neck of my robe, passing his palm over my nipple until it buds beneath his fingers. “But now I want you.”
 He hesitates, searching my face and eyes before nodding. Our eyes meet, and beneath the desire filling his stare, a question lingers. 
“Drake.” I place his hand on my stomach. “I’m fine.” 
He bends to kiss my stomach, the underside of my breast. That restlessness needs attention, try to disturb my desire, but before I can allow myself to be distracted, the lights in the bedroom dim and my husband’s hands are on me. Drake opens the robe as if it’s a gift.
“Fuck baby, you’re so gorgeous.” 
He lies down to spoon me, brushes my hair aside, and kisses my nape. 
“You okay?” he asks. I know Drake well enough to hear the restraint he’s exercising. The restlessness caught him too, and in days like this, he needs wild, unbridled fucking, but he doesn’t want to hurt the twins or me. As many times as I reassure him, it’s hard for him to believe it’s okay to be as rough with me as we love sometimes. 
“Drake, please, fuck me hard. I need it as much as you do.” 
“Lexie,” he rasps, dropping his forehead against my hair. “Don’t ask. . .I can’t. . .the way I feel right now . . . I wish you knew what you do to me.” 
“Show me.” 
And he does; he takes me hard and rough. He fucks me into oblivion, until there’s nothing else but him and me. I’ve needed this desperately, craved the feeling that comes when we make love, when we’re like this, when we have this together, when he’s inside me. 
“Fuck, Lex,” he growls. “I love you.” 
Tears fill my eyes. The tears I wouldn’t allow myself earlier because Tom was years ago and I should be over it. I could hide that from myself, but I can’t hide anything from him. The tears run down my face, and they aren’t all grief or sorrow. They’re tears of gratitude for my little squirt sleeping down the hall. Tears of hope for the twins growing inside of me. Tears of happiness for the love of a man like Drake. 
“God, Drake,” I sob. “I love you, I love you.” 
Hours later, we lay together side to side, exhausted. All my restlessness gone, forgotten.
“Wow,” he says.
“Wow, I repeat. You have a magical dick.” 
We both laugh at that, and he tickles me, making me wriggle in his arms. Suddenly, we both go still, feeling the movement in my belly at the same time. Like tiny synchronized swimmers, one of my boys moves on my left and the other on the right. 
“Shit.” Drake’s gaze meets mine. “Both of them are moving. That’s. . .that’s amazing, Lex.” 
“It is. I wanted you to feel that so badly. I feel them do that all the time, but I wanted . . . I’m so happy . . .” I stop, emotionally exhausted. 
“Our life,” I say suddenly, toying with the hair on his chest.
 “What about it?” he asks, kissing the top of my head. 
I reach up to touch the flecks of gray in his stubble. “I’m so glad we met when we were young. That we will grow old together. That I’ll have a life with you. Despite all the years we spent apart. We lost so much, but now we have this life, our marriage, our kids.” 
He tenderly rubs my belly. “These kids, all worth the wait. And no matter what comes, we’ll face it together.” I turn around, he pulls me tightly against his chest, and we fall asleep together.  
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seodami · 4 years
Freezing cold | WJH
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GIF is from @gotseventeens :)
Genre: FLUFF and a slightly slightly tiny bit suggestive (but not really tho), camping
Warning: none (except kissing and cuddling haha)
Word count: 2477
Pairing: idol!Wen Junhui x reader
Note: Soooo I actually wanted to post this in autumn but well now it’s winter haha. I really loved the TTT episode of going seventeen when they were camping so here is my camping seventeen imagine. Jun is such a cutie OKAY!!!! Also all the mentioned names who are not seventeen, are either their real friends (from research in the internet) or fictional names. I don’t know any of their relationships of course so it’s all just for fun :) I hope you keep that in mind. Enjoy!
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It was cold. Freezing cold. One breath and a whole train of clouds was coming out of your mouth. It was already early December so the weather was quite reasonable. Either way you preferred staying inside cuddling your boyfriend wrapped in a cozy blanket while hearing his friends bicker about what movie to watch next.
But here you were, in the middle of trying to lit a bonfire with just two sticks since no one thought about bringing a lighter. What clever friends you had. However since it was Joshuas early birthday gift, you just had to embrace the cold creeping up your spine. He stated he really wanted to go camping again in one of the vlives he did, so all the boys could think about, was fulfilling his wish and planned a whole camping trip into the woods. It was a very sweet idea and you even helped gathering some stuff you may needed like blankets and pillows. Just no lighter.
You honestly had no idea where you exactly were. You may or may not have been fallen asleep on Jun’s shoulder and waken up just when you arrived at the destination. Jun had tickled your belly playfully, knowing exactly that this was your weak spot. Let’s just say it would have been a more pleasant way to wake up with soft kisses on your cheek. But Jun is Jun and that’s why you love him so much.
You let out an annoyed huff and fell back on your butt after trying for almost half an hour now to lit that fire. But nothing. “It will never work. Maybe we should just drive to the next convenience store and buy a lighter.” you mumbled over your shoulder, trying to reach just anyone with your words. Your hands were freezing cold by now and all you wanted to do was having some warmth at least.
“I know, I feel like we are back in Stone Age. Come on it’s the 21st century.” Youngmi, Seungcheols girlfriend of two years, sat down next to you, offering you a hot pack, as if she knew your hands were dying. “Thank you.” You muttered with a smile in her direction. “Where are the boys anyway? It’s like half of them disappeared.” You stated, taking a look around.
There were only a few of the dozen people, who tagged along nearby. Seungkwan, Eunbi and Wonwoo were currently still picking things up from the car. Sojung, Jeonghans girlfriend, Jihoon and Bree, Joshuas girlfriend were still trying to set the tents up, even though they already had about two finished. You made a mental note to help them later on. The warmth in your hands were more than comforting for the moment.
You watched Minghao and Minhi, his girlfriend, hanging up a hammock together while laughing. “I don’t know exactly. I think Cheolie said something about collecting more wood for the bonfire with a few others.” Youngmi said with a small grin. With a small nod you wrapped the big Jacket around you a bit tighter.
It was one of Juns padded jackets, you stole out of his wardrobe this morning. It still smelled like him, making your heart feel warmer than before. When he saw you with his coat reaching your feet all he did was pulling you in a bone crushing hug, calling you his caterpillar. Jun really had a fascination but so charming side to him, you fell deeper and deeper in love with him every day. Even after over one and a half years of dating, he never failed to make you feel loved and special. You knew it since day one. He was your one. And you were his one.
“I have absolutely NO idea where Jun is though. Maybe I should have paid more attention on him than this fire.” You chuckled, holding the hot pack against your cold and pink cheeks. Youngmi just shook her head laughing. “Oh don’t worry, the boys hopefully can take care of themselves.” She added playfully, leaving you giggle.
And just as you wanted to keep trying to rub the sticks together, you felt a hug from behind you while your boyfriends significant scent immediately hit you. “Baobeii I’m baackk. Have you missed me? I bet you did.” With his loud voice right next to your ear, you rolled your eyes giggling. “You bet I did. Where did you even go? The fire won’t lit and my hands are freezing cold.” You whined hearing Youngmi next to you giggle.
Jun took both of your hands in his and kissed them from over your shoulder. A warm rush went up your spine while you were trying to hide your smile. “Better?” He asked you intoxicatingly sweet to which you could just nod. “I was driving to the convenience store with Jeonghan, Josh and Seokmin like I told you. We bought a lot of things.” He told you with a chuckling tone.
With a surprised face you turned around in his arms to look at his beautiful face. “You were at the convenience store? I had no idea.” You mumbled leaning in his touch. He nodded laughing, pulling you closer. “Yeah I told you.”
You mumbled a sorry into his chest, making the boy feel all fuzzy inside. “I bought a surprise...” he remembered why they were there in the first line. He pulled out a lighter from his pocket. You let out an excited squeal, never have been more happy to have a lighter in your life before. You took the lighter from Juns hand, cupping his cheeks and pressing a fat kiss onto his cheeks. He let out one of his adorable giggles, leaning into your touch.
“Thank you Baobei! That’s exactly what we needed, right Youngmi?” You turned to the older girl besides you, her watching the couple in awe with a smile. She nodded with enthusiasm. “Exactly. Thanks Jun.”
While the three of you, now with more hope, tried to start a fire with Jun still cuddled next to you, you noticed the group from the forest coming back with tons of woods loaded in their arms. Seungcheol was already whining over the cold before you could even see them.
They all made a huge pile next to a tree and loaded some of the wood into the bonfire, which was actually starting to work. And after a while, you and Jun finally succeeded in lighting the fire. The warmth was so alluring, you almost didn’t want to move at all.
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By now, it was already dark as the winter evenings could be. A few stars started to appear over the camping area behind the tall trees. Some of the taller guys hang up some fairy lights, dunking the whole place in a beautiful orange and yellow warm light. Around the bonfire, blankets and pillows made the earthy ground look way more comforting. The tents hidden behind the trees were all built and filled with sleeping bags and other comfy sleeping utensils.
When you thought their bickering over movies was bad, you clearly haven’t seen them deciding in which tents they would sleep. Clearly no one really wanted to share a tent with 7 other people. Or be with a couple alone (that specific comment coming from Chan and Jihoon, who both had to share one anyways with at least one cuddling couple. You sent Jun out there for a Rock Paper Scissors game to win your lucky place in one of the smaller tents.
In the end you were together in a tent with Jun, Youngmi and Seungcheol, which you definitely found quite pleasant compared to the big tent, which Vernon, Kino, Wonwoo, Hoshi,Yua (Hoshis long time best friend and since the latest events also girlfriend), Eunbi, Seungkwan and Chan had to share.
Jihoon on the other hand had to share a tent with Minhi and Minghao, about what he definitely wasn’t too happy about. “At least still better than being alone with Jun and Y/N” he said sighting, making everyone die from laughing too much. You on the other hand just stood there dumbfounded looking up to your boyfriend, who seemed to be just as flustered as you were. “Oh shut it, we’re not that bad.” You pouted intertwining your arm with Jun’s. “Suuree” Seungkwan laughed hugging Vernon from behind.
As the tents were all assigned, the atmosphere was just so beautiful and comforting. Some were laying in their tents just talking or even napping, others were sitting and laying around the warming bonfire, eating s’mores or bread. The soft crackling of the fire was mixed with quiet chatting and laughing. The smell of sweet marshmallows and Juns scent floated around you. You felt like home. It was so cosy and snuggly. Just so warm.
You were laying down with your head in Juns lap. His hand occasionally stroking through your hair while also feeding you with his newly made s’more creations mixed with the sweet potato he was eating. He swore you it was delicious even though you didn’t want to believe him at first. However after trying you were actually pleasantly surprised at the taste. It wasn’t bad at all.
Joshua was playing the guitar laughing occasionally at Bree’s stories. Wonwoo and Minghao were reading books while Jeonghan and Sojung were sleeping deeply besides you. Peaceful was the only word that came to your mind. Everything was so peaceful.
Suddenly you felt a pair of lips against the corner of your cheek and then on the corner of your lips. You chuckled looking up to your boyfriend. He had a pout on his face, making him look more than adorable. “Can I have a kiss, Baobei?” He asked you. Without saying anything more, you pulled his head down to yours, so that your lips could touch properly this time. Your hand in his neck played with his hair in the back, gently tugging on it.
You loved kissing Jun. You just loved it. For you it was a sign of pure love. It was your way of showing him what you feel for him and you knew he loved the feeling of your lips on his just as much as you did. Sometimes you were just crazy for each other and couldn’t stop showing your love. And sometimes others were tired of watching you two make out in the most random situations but you couldn’t care less. He was the love of your life.
“Oh no, Jun and Y/N are back at it again.” Seungkwan joked as he noticed your faces melted together. Jun just laughed in between your many kisses. Eunbi, one of his close friends he invited, gave him a light punch on his shoulder, which he dramatically held as if he was hurt. “Oh stop. It’s cute. You’re just jealous.” Eunhee, who sat next to Eunbi wrapped in a blanket laughed. “Are you, Seungkwan?” Seungcheol teased him making kissy faces. Oh, they all already had way too much Soju intus.
Seungkwan rolled his eyes playfully, giving Eunbi a shove as well in her side. “Yeaah I’m especially jealous when I hear them being ‘active’ at 3 am, when the whole house wants to sleep, trust me.” Said boy joked sarcastically, watching you and Jun break out in laughter.
“Hey that’s not funny. You can laugh. We all try to sleep.” He kept arguing. “That’s true...that’s true...” Chan smiled through the pain, earning a sympathetic smile from his Hyung before all laughing again. Yes. Definitely too much Soju.
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As the evening slowly slipped into night, more and more of the big group decided to make their way to the tents to sleep. Just by looking at Juns face in your lap, you can tell he was on the brick of falling asleep. His thick eyelids screamed for sleep after the long eventful day and the more his eyelids fluttered shut, even if he tried his best to stay awake, you knew it was time for him to sleep.
At this time only Seungcheol, Youngmi, Vernon, Kino, Eunbi, Eunwoo, Chan, Wonwoo, Hoshi and Yua were still awake, chatting quietly over the dampened crackling of the fire, which by now had shrunken a bit in size.
With one hand you gently stroked Juns hair out of his forehead and eyes, while pressing a soft kiss onto the corner of his lips. “Baobei...you want to sleep? We can go in the tent.” You suggested quietly, watching his eyes flutter open once again with much effort. You smiled with your heart blooming full of love. How could you love him so much? You don’t know. But it was the best feeling in the world.
He nodded sleepily, his hands searching for yours. You intertwined your hands together, helping him up to head towards your tent after biding good nights to the rest.
Jun was especially clingy when he was tired. He hung onto your back, nearly tripping over his own feet. You guided him into your tent, besides your own tired state and made yourself bed ready. The air got colder and colder as you went further away from the warming fire. Under your jacket, you wore two of Juns hoodies since they were big enough on you to layer them, plus they smelled like Jun, which was just another pro. You helped your boyfriend to wear another layer of fabric since he would be sick or even dead in the morning if he wouldn’t. The more layers you wore, the warmer it got, but it was still freezing.
Jun’s arms sneaked around you once again. He could hear your teeth clattering against each other. “Are you cold, Baobei?” He asked quietly to which you nodded against his chest, gripping the material of his hoodie behind his jacket. “Come here. We’ll just share a sleeping bag. It’s warmer.” He mumbled drowsily, making some space inside his preheated sleeping bag.
Without second thought, you climbed inside, still clinging onto him and his comforting body warmth. A sigh left your lips, your cheeks pressed against his. “So much better.” You whispered making him giggle.
“I love you.” He stated quietly, making goosebumps appear on your skin. You were pretty sure it was Juns tired voice and not the cold. “I love you” you replied with just as much feeling. You couldn’t see much so you tiredly tried to make out his lips by touch. You both giggled once your cold fingers found his soft lips. You pressed a sloppy kiss onto his lips before laying your cheek against his again.
And after that it didn’t took long for the both of you to fall asleep in the ice cold tent. It may have been a freezing cold December night but for you and Jun, it felt like the warmest summer morning. You just loved this man that much.
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mermaidsneedwater · 4 years
you’re drunk
⇒ jaebeom
“Pew pew!” You narrate the sound effects from your finger guns “Jae! I’m shooting love bullets at you, are you falling for me?”
“Baby how much did you have to drink?” Jaebeom laughed.
That was a very valid question, your best friend was getting married and you had been put in charge of throwing the most epic bachelorette party complete with penis straws, strippers, and alcohol. Lots and lots of alcohol.
You had taken your duties so seriously that Jaebeom had to come pick you up from your wild night out, quite literally. He carried you bridal style out of the bar and walked you to his car a few blocks away.
“Just alottle.” You jumbled the words.
“Okay, that’s not even a word.” Jaebeom scoffed, “You’re gonna have the worst hangover tomorrow.”
“Oh man, Jaebeom is gonna be so pissed at me.” You said, forgetting that he was the one carrying you. “Hey! Don’t be a snitch and tell him. Sometimes he’s a little uptight about these things”
Jaebeom held back a laugh as you continued. “You got it.”
“All in all,” you yawned, “he’s a pretty good boyfriend, I’d give him a 4.7 rating on Uber.”
As he reached his car, Jaebeom was thankful he’d been the one to get you. He secretly loved taking care of you, but he’d never let you know that.
“Hey am I spinning or what?” You commented.
And with that, Jaebeom knew he was in for a long night.
⇒ mark
It was 3:24 am when Mark finally woke up. He’d heard his phone ringing, but couldn’t find the will to get up and answer it. Laying in bed, he contemplated the possibility of you calling, so when the phone rang a third time, Mark leaned over and picked up the call.
“Hello?” His voice still groggy.
“Mark Tuannnnnnnnnnnn!” You answered gleefully. “I need you.”
“What’s going on? Are you drunk?” He sat up in bed at the sound of your voice.
“I- uh just had a little bit, it was my friend’s birthday. Anyway, I can’t get a car home and my friends are about to leave so–“
“Stay with one of your friends and text me your location. I’m coming to get you.” Mark instructed. “And Y/N? Please don’t do anything stupid.”
“Aye aye captain!” You responded with a laugh.
Hanging up the phone, Mark rushed to get dressed faster than he’d planned. You were without doubt, 100% wasted.
At 3:47 am Mark arrived at the address you’d texted, which turned out to be a diner. He found you sitting alone in a booth, sipping on a vanilla milkshake and eating some French fries.
“Where’s your friend?” He asked, his voice concerned. “She just left you here?!”
“Relax, she just left 5 minutes ago. Why’d you take so long?” You asked, dunking a french fry in your shake.
“Sorry, I’m usually not up at three in the morning!” Mark snapped. “Next time call someone else when your chauffeur can’t make it on time.”
Placing a hand over his across the table, you spoke, “I’m sorry baby, but thank you for coming.”
His expression softened as you thanked him, how could he be mad at you when you were so cute? For the amount of stress you gave him, Mark couldn’t admit to himself that he loved the fact that you called him first for any situation.
“Well now that I’m here, do you mind sharing that shake and fries?”
⇒ jackson
“Swell, swell, well” you slurred. “Lookie who it is!”
You’d gone for a well deserved girls night out, having fun with your girlfriends. That was before you tried stripping and dancing on top of the bar, prompting your friends to call some backup.
“Y/N, is that my jacket?” Jackson asked as he walked to the bar, sober as ever.
“Whattttt? Pft, no!” You looked at Jackson’s jacket hanging off your shoulders, “Ohh wait...”
As the realization dawned on you that you were in fact wearing his jacket, you looked at him with a devilish smile. “Do you want it back?”
“I mean no–“
“Shots! Shots! Shots!” You yelled happily, “Bartender! Shots for everybody! I want everyone here to have a glass in their hand, I’m paying tonight baby!”
The crowd in the bar cheered as you made your announcement.
“Yeah! Let’s have shots!” A random guy yelled.
The bartender locked eyes with Jackson who quickly mouthed no. Nodding, he served two shots, one for you and one for Jackson.
“Princess, can you get down from the bar stool? You’re going to fall.” He calmly asked.
Complying with his request you attempted to get down. Holding his shoulder for support, you were taken aback, “woah, when did you become so buff?”
In the dim lighting of the bar, nobody could tell that Jackson was blushing, and nobody would ever know. Because you were the only one who could make him do cheesy things like that.
“Ready baby? One, two, three!” Giving him a quick ‘cheers’, you downed what must’ve been your sixth shot that night.
Jackson on the other hand had thrown his shot over his shoulder, acting as designated driver meant he couldn’t enjoy the high with you.
“Wooohooo!” You laughed. “Okay, let’s talk.”
“What do you wanna talk about?” Jackson asked, curious about what this truth serum might bring out in you.
“When we’re... you know... doing things, am I bad?” You tilted your head, genuinely concerned.
“W-woah, I was not expecting that” Jackson coughed and laughed at the same time. Truly, he didn’t think that was what you were thinking about.
“Come on!” You whined. “It’s so unfair, you get to be a successful K-pop person, and you’ve probably fucked so many people!”
Jackson brought your stool closer to his and leaned into your ear.
“Trust me babygirl, you’re very, very good at... doing things” He whispered, his voice husky.
“Um, can we go home...” you told him, a little flustered from his confession.
“Why?” He asked. “Are ya going to take advantage of me?”
He winked and stood up, walking towards the front door.
“Jackson Wang get back here!” You yelled after him.
⇒ jinyoung
Jinyoung knew he’d find you on the balcony.
Mark had thrown an apartment warming party for his new place and had invited everyone. Of course with Mark, he always made sure everyone was drinking except him. Jinyoung made a mental note to scold the host for getting his girlfriend so drunk.
Stepping out into the evening air, he took off his jacket and wrapped it around your shoulders.
Noticing he was there you smiled at him lovingly. “Cigarette?” You offered the vice to him.
Groaning, he took it out of your hands and straight to his lips. “You need to quit.” He said.
“Hypocrite,” You rolled your eyes at him, “besides I only do this socially.”
“Still,” Jinyoung said. Exhaling a puff of smoke, he put out the cigarette and threw the stub over the balcony. Mocking a baseball swing, he watched the foul thing fall down the stories of Mark’s new building.
“Hey!” You pouted. “I wasn’t done with that.”
“Now you are.” Jinyoung smirked. “Look at this view.”
“I know, it’s so magical.” You sighed. You pulled your bottle of tequila from the balcony floor and took a big swig.
“What the–“ Jinyoung started. He couldn’t contain his laughter when he saw the bottle pop up from nowhere.
“I’m not sharing, after what you did to my cigarette.” You held the bottle away from him “I know you’re gonna drain this.”
“Okay, okay,” he held his hands up in defeat, “I won’t try and drain it.”
“Promise?” You asked. “Pinky swear.”
You held out your pinky like a five year-old. Shaking his head and chuckling, Jinyoung attached his pinky to yours.
“I don’t know how I’m so in love with you.” Jinyoung looked out of the balcony. It took him mere seconds to register what he was saying when he turned to you. “I mean-“
“You love me!” You squealed. “I knew you were going to say it first!”
Turning to him, you wrapped your arms around his neck. “Don’t even try to deny it Jinyoung, you’re stuck with me.”
“I guess I am.” Jinyoung complied, wrapping his arms around your waist. “But you know, you’re so drunk sweetheart, you’re going to forget I said it in the morning.”
“Mr. Park, this is not the kind of thing one forgets” You stated. Leaning into his chest you placed your head over his heart, mumbling “I knew you were going to say it first.”
⇒ youngjae
Youngjae was eating his words as he watched you down shot after shot. He’d teased you before going out that you never let loose, and while he was right, he’d now come to regret the decision encouraging you to drink.
“Kiss me!” You clung to your boyfriend.
“Woah, woah, woah,” he managed to dodge your lips as they landed on his jaw.
“Come on, I know you can do it,” you insisted. “Just one kiss.”
“Y/N, darling, you’re beyond drunk.” Youngjae tried to reason with you. “We can’t.”
“I knew it! You’re going to break up with me.” You began to cry.
Oh crap, you were one of those emotional drunks.
As the tears flowed down from your eyes, Youngjae struggled to find the words to make it better.
“Why would you think that?” He asked
“Because you’re avoiding me and you won’t kiss me!” You cried.
“Yeobo, please. I would love to kiss you right now. A lot actually. But I can’t, we can’t. It’s not right.” He explained.
“Can’t or won’t?” You pushed him. You took another sip of your drink and he cringed.
“Alright, alright!” Youngjae brought your forehead to his lips, and lightly pecked it. “Happy?”
“What was that? That was the kind of kiss my grandpa would give. Kiss me like you mean it.” You insisted.
“Alright, point to where you want me to kiss you.”
You pointed to your eyes and Youngjae’s lips followed, then each cheek, your nose, and finally your lips.
As Youngjae leaned in, he pivoted and kissed the corner of your mouth.
“You’re the worst!” You exclaimed. “Don’t be such a tease.”
“Sober up and then we’ll talk,” Youngjae replied with a laugh.
⇒ bambam
Unlocking the door to your apartment, Bambam helped you in.
“Woaah” you said almost falling in your heels. “The air up here really is that good!”
“Y/N, you’re at most 5’8 in those heels, there’s no difference of air quality with a couple of inches.”
“Let me have this okay!” You hollered.
“Alright, come on,” Bambam ushered you into the bedroom, “let’s get you ready for bed.”
You plopped yourself on the bed as he knelt down and took off your heels. He worked his way up, removing your skirt and top, leaving you in your bra and underwear.
“Hey, hey, hey! Buy a girl dinner first.” You covered yourself up, “are trying to get me naked?”
At the mention of this Bambam lost it, chuckling he replied “Baby, trust me, that’s like the last thing on my mind right now.”
“Oh, so you think I’m ugly!” You retorted.
“No, I just wouldn’t take advantage of you when you’re like this.” Bambam replied calmly.
“Damn you and your manners!” You responded “if you’re not trying to get me naked then I want you to turn around while I change.”
“Y/N are you serious? You’ll take forever, just let me do it. It’s not like I haven’t seen you before” Your boyfriend insisted.
“Turn around!”
Seeing as he wouldn’t win the argument, Bambam turned around and waited for your signal to turn back. He waited ten whole minutes before you were finished.
“Okay, you can turn around.”
And what a sight awaited him, you’d managed to get your pajamas bottoms on correctly, but the shirt was on backwards. Stifling a laugh he headed over to you, “May I?” He asked.
Shrugging you sat on the bed again as he helped turn your shirt towards the front. When he finished he noticed you were sleeping in your sitting position.
She’s in for a rough morning tomorrow.
Tucking you into bed he kissed your forehead, and got ready for bed himself. “I love you, you crazy girl” he whispered.
⇒ yugyeom
For someone dating an excellent dancer, you yourself had two left feet. Usually you shied away from showing this trait off but when you were drunk? Let’s just say you certainly thought you were good.
“Jagiya, why do you always have to be drunk to dance with me?” Yugyeom laughed.
You were too busy busting out what you thought was the Lullaby choreography, but actually looked like you were a grandma with hip problems.
“Less talking more dancing!” You called out happily.
Sometimes you and Yugyeom did this, when there was nothing to do, you’d order a pizza and get drunk. It was a great way to relieve the stress of the week, but always ended up in a splitting headache for one of you. Today, it seemed like you would be the one waking up with a massive hangover.
As the song ended, Yugyeom changed the playlist and let a slow song play.
“May I have this dance?” He asked, bowing down.
“I guess.” You said jokingly.
Looking fake hurt, Yugyeom pulled you close and you swayed to the music.
“Woah,” you said, breaking the tension, “so awkward.”
“This isn’t awkward Y/N, it’s romantic.” He insisted. “We’re keeping the spark alive.” 
“Ugh, that sounds like something an old person would say,” you groaned. “I don’t wanna be old.”
“Unfortunately for you, everyone grows old.” Yugyeom said, resting his chin on top of your head. “But it’s okay.”
“Is it?” You asked, looking up from his shoulder.
“Absolutely.” He nodded.
“Since when do you say such profound things Yugy?” You asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Since always, you just don’t listen.” He stuck his tongue out at you playfully.
“Ah you’re right, everything you say goes in one ear and out the other.” You teased.
“Oh that was a low blow,” Yugyeom tickled your sides, “you’re going to get it!”
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rebelwrites · 4 years
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Chapter Three: A New Home and Revelations
Summary // Chapter List / Masterlist
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A/N: feedback is always accepted especially with this as I’d love to know your thoughts.
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As Brooke walked through the airport she was glad to finally be able to stretch her legs. She had never been that good at flying so now it was over at least she could take a breath and somewhat relax. To the world she looked like a confident twenty one year old exploring the world but inside she felt like the scared little eight year old she once was.
Finally after scanning the arrivals hall she saw a couple holding a sign with her name written on. It took her a second to start walking towards them but as she did she felt a sense of familiarity about them, like she had met them in a past life. Taking a deep breath she pushed the feelings aside, smiling at them as she walked closer.
“Brooke right?” The woman smiled softly at her.
“Yeah that’s me” Brooke nodded as the guy took her suitcase from her.
“I’m Chris and this is my wife Laura” he smiled.
They quickly sensed that Brooke wasn’t in the mood for talking as they walked through the airport.
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The drive to her new home was quiet, which she was grateful for, all she wanted to do was eat and take a nap. It had been a long flight, but she had a feeling that she wouldn’t be able to get a nap for a while.
Looking out the window she watched the trees and scenery as she headed to her new home. Soon enough the car came to a stop at a large set of metal gates. This was it, this would be home for who knows how long. She watched as Chris spoke to the guys guarding the gate. Pulling her headphones out she paused her music to listen to what they were saying but it was all in whispers so she gave up. The sound of a familiar rumble in the distance caught her attention. She knew that sound anywhere. As they drove into the property Brooke was shocked this place was huge, there were bikes racing about and a lot of fit guys. Maybe this place wouldn’t be so bad after all.
Once the car was parked she climbed out of the car, stretching her back, feeling the soothing of her bones cracking.
“Come on, first stop is meeting the president” Chris said as he hauled her suitcases out of the car.
“Is this some kind of democracy? Like you have your own President” Brooke said raising her eyebrow. Where the hell as she.
“All will come clear” Chris laughed holding his lighter out to light Brooke’s cigarette as well as his own “I have a feeling you are going to fit in perfectly”
Soon enough they were standing in a room that looked like an office, Brooke looked around seeing all of the pictures lining the white walls. Wherever she was, it looked like a big family.
"Prez this is Brooke her family sent her to live with me and Laura" Chris said nodding at the blonde who smiled, awkwardly waving a small wave as two more guys appeared.
One of them definitely caught her attention, and she couldn’t help but smirk. His golden hair, bright blue eyes and bulging muscles covered in tattoos. He was definitely a god and definitely Brooke’s type. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad living here with the eye candy she thought. Before mentaly scolding herself for practically drooling over the blonde god.
She was in a complete world of her own so she didn’t realise that the other guy was staring at her rather intently.
“Urm mate take a photo it lasts longer” she sassed “in fact scratch that I don’t know what the hell you would do with it.” All the guy could do was smirk which annoyed her.
“I mean the sass is there” he chuckled as he studied her face a bit harder. “Wait, it can’t be. Please tell me this isn’t a joke”
“Urm” Brooke said, extremely confused as everyone stared at her. To make matters more confusing everything and everyone seemed so familiar. Like she had been here before. There was something about this place that felt like home.
“Please tell me you actually brought her home” the dark haired guy said on the verge of tears.
"sorry don't know what you are on but I've never been here in my life" Brooke snapped as she fiddled with her lighter in her pocket.
“Yeah it’s definitely her Bro” Blonde god grinned.
“Can someone just tell me what the fuck is going on” Brooke huffed. She always hated being kept in the dark. Before she could process what was going on she the air was squeezed out of her in a bone crushing hug.
“I think you need to take a seat as we have some things to explain” Blonde god said, the power that radiated off him made Brooke want to submit to his every word. “Where have you been all this time?”
“Long story short, living in London, like causing trouble. Caused said trouble and my adopted parents sent me to live here and now I’m hella confused and I don’t like it” Brooke said as she played with her thumb ring, the one this she always did when she was nervous.
Around two hours had passed and Brooke learned that the dark haired guy was James, her older brother and blondie was Xavier. She was part of this family before she was kidnapped when she was around eight. Which tallied up with all her memories of the foster homes and that time she didn’t like to think about let alone mention. Every question or piece of information the boys have her made her head spin even more. She had so many questions but had no idea where to start. Whether it was from the confusion or lack of sleep she felt her eyes get heavy before everything went black.
The lads watched as Brooke’s knees gave way, without a second though Xavier was by her side wrapping his arms around her waist so she didn’t crash onto the floor. Adjusting his grip he laid her on the sofa that was in the office. He couldn’t take his eyes off her. The last time her saw her she was the shortest sassiest little eight year old known to man. He was honestly speechless as the woman laid in front of him.
“I can’t believe it’s her” he mumbled as he ran his hand through his hair. “I didn’t think we’d see her again” he took in her features but a couple of things caught his eye as her jacket slipped off her shoulder revealing some nasty scars, most of which looked like burns apart from the six inch scar that was definitely from a knife. Anger ran through his veins as his blood boiled, this was his bumble bee and he was ready to find the bastard that did this to her and make him pay for laying his hands on the girl.
“Xav” James called “now isn’t the time to be thinking about revenge okay, we need to take things slow this is a lot to take in”
“Yeah you are right” Xav sighed, pushing himself to his feet. Before walking out of the office, he needed some air.
“Xavier please tell me my eyes aren’t deceiving me and that was actually Brooke I saw go into your fathers office” hi mum smiled.
“Yeah mom it is” Xavier nodded.
“And you aren’t happy about that no?” She said softly knowing the internal battle her son was having.
“I couldn’t protect her mom” he sighed not making eye contact as his mind filled with the events of that day “that day was the worse day ever, I told her I wouldn’t let anything happen to her but I didn’t follow her and she’s been through god knows what”
It was Brooke’s eight birthday party, the compound was buzzing with excitement, as they were getting everything set up for the princess of the club.
Xavier barged into Brooke’s room to find her sitting on her bed colouring some unicorn.
"Bumble you wanna to come down to the pool with me and James" Xavier grinned watching her green eyes light up causing her to drop her crayon.
"get out of my room then you big oaf" she giggled trying to push him out of the room.
Xavier grinned even though he was 5 years older, everyone knew he would do anything for Brooke, their bond was like no other and she always went to him is she was upset or needed a cuddle after having a bad dream. Within five minutes he felt a small hand grab his before being pulled towards the pool.
“Last one there smells” Brooke shouted already running off, with her panda bear safely tucked under her arms, before reaching the edge of the pool, dropping the panda on the lounge chari and jumping into the water, not wasting any time.
The hours passed and the place was filled with giggles as the three of them messed about in the pool, until Brooke was growing tired and climbed out of the water.
"I'm going to go for a walk" she grinned pulling her dress over her wet bathing suit and grabbed her panda.the bear she took everywhere since Xavier won it at the fair for her last year.
"OK B stay where we can see you" James smiled as he tackled Xavier dunking him under the water.
After about 20 minutes that’s when there was an ear piercing scream that could be heard around the compound making everyone freeze. That was Brooke’s scream. The boys clambered out of the pool so fast running over to where the scream came from but they couldn’t see anything and were soon ordered by their fathers to go wait in the clubhouse.
Xavier sighed as the memory replaced in his mind.
“I should have followed her, I should have been there to protect her. I broke my promise to her” he said blinking back the tears that had formed.
"Hey you didn't know son" his dad said putting his hand on his son's shoulders.
"The thing is she doesn't even remember us, that’s what’s killing me more than anything, she doesn’t remember her family” Xavier snapped as the tears threatened to fall. "I'm going on a ride" He muttered leaving the room. He needed to clear my head, he was future president of the Blackstar Mc and he couldn’t let people see him like this. See him so weak.
One thing caught his eye as he stood on the main steps to the club house. A perfectly white kawasaki ninja pulled up the drive but he didn’t recognise the bike nor the number plate. He was so caught up over the bike he didn’t even realise that James was now by his side.
"Xav we need to talk" James said. Xavier knew what this was going to be about. "I'm talking to you as my best friend and not how a future vp would to his future prez right" he said running his hand through his hair.
"Ok bro fire away" Xavier nodded, sparking his smoke.
"I know how much you are tearing up right now, but we all are. We just found Brooke after so many years” James said “but I know that look Xav, that’s your I want this girl to be mine look”
“I can’t help it” Xavier sighed.
"I know bro, I know" James sighed "I just want to say I am fine with you being with her and couldn't think of a better person to be with her, but please protect her and don't freak her out because there are a lot of things we are going to have to explain to her." Xavier knew where James was coming from at the end of the day she was his blood.
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tomdiddlyumptious · 4 years
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Summary: he makes it up 🥸
Warnings: soft smut? Language, acting drunk to leave, a jealous Tom holland, NOT PROOF READ
T.H| Oop-
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“I mean am I sleeping over though? Because I didn’t get these chocolate cakes for no reason, zendaya” you eye your phone. “Yes we will have a marathon of Harry Potter” you let out a little ‘yes’ “stop cheering y/n, and Toms gonna be there” “as in...” “yes. Tom holland, impossible tom holland” “REEEEE” you and zendaya have been best friends for what felt like foreverrr, like dramatically long, you played as one of her love interests.
But you’ve had a crush on Tom holland for longer, you had him on your wall, just kidding. But everyone in your family, mostly your mom said “oh you like snow flakes?” “Interracialllllll” “alright give me my privileged babies soon” “damn I kinda took you for the Asian type” “yeah I thought you liked BTS” “UK accents is hella annoyin, find someone else” “would you stop hoggin the TV? I’m tryna watch American Top Model!” “Nah let’s watch basesketball-“ anyways, ya you have annoying, irritating family, oh well.
“You think he likes dark skinned type?” “He likes girls with aggressive tans I know that much” “that isn’t helpful” “hey I’m just being honest” she shrugged looking at you through the phone as she picked up her makeup brush. “So what are gonna do for your birthday?” “I-uhhhh probably clubbing?” “As in golf?” “No, party y/n” she glared at you as you chuckled.
“Please ask hunter when we are getting married” “y/n, I know you have an insane crush on her to but it’s just never gonna happen, she’s mine” you stuck out your tongue at her as she did the same chanting “she’s mine, she’s mine” “whatever I need to get ready” “bye papas” “bye mamas” you hung up, instantly going to your closet and pulling out the dresses you have, only to put them back and grab a two piece, it’s neon yellow, the pants are high waisted, no belt, the top stopping right below your boob, the straps at the end of your collar bone.
For accessories you put on some black dangle earrings and a black purse, a gold but matching watch, but you put on sandals, no high heels because the pants were covering your feet anyways, for your hair you put on your wet and wavy lace front, you added lip gloss to your lips, and they look like glass, in a good way of course, the fox eyeliner with thick parted eyelashes and a neon eyeshadow with it. You brushed your eyebrows up and boom your done.
You stepped back and went to your full body mirror, checking your butt and your boobs, smiling at yourself “you look fine” you sigh, grabbing your bag, phone, and keys.
You phone rung and you answered. “Yes z?” “Are you picking me up?” “Yeah sure babe, I’ll be there soon” “alright bye” she hung up. Luckily for you, you just got your 1966 mustang, vibrant white baby, everyone would wanna touch your car, you named him KAI, stands for kiss ass ight. The License plate saying “white ssn”. (I’m sorry but I really like these old kinds of cars, I fucking had to) you hoped in your car and drove to dayas home, you picked her and her brother up, just listening to old 2000’s and 1900s songs, either rapping or singing your asses off.
You guys were there pretty early but of course you were, it’s her birthday, she didn’t want to dance yet because of her makeup and you felt the same, leaving her brother smacking his lips and eyes glued to his phone.
Now everyone was starting to come, hunter, Jacob, alexia, Barbie, everyone, and most importantly, Thomas Stanley holland. No cap you bout dead as fuck, did I mention you run on Red Bull’s? Just kidding. You remained calm, hugging hunter and talking to her. “Hey” zendaya said, grabbing your hand and pulling you up, pulling you to Tom. “Hi Thomas, this is y/n” “the one and only?” He laughed, making you both giggle. “Yeah” she nodded, Tom got up, opening his arms and she pinched you, silently telling you to hug him. And you did, taking a breath you smelled him, he smelled really good, sexy and musky, like something you’d want to smell all day.
“You smell nice” Tom whispered. “Yeah you too” you smiled, pulling back from his hands as he nodded at you and sat back down, you looked and zendaya as she silently cheered, you walked back over to hunter and ordered something to drink. “So you and Tom?” She asked, you only rolled your eyes. “You know I’ve had a crush on him for years now but I don’t think I’ll be making any progress” you thanked the person as they handed you the cheerily temple. “Whattt? This is your chance to get drunk and confess your feelings, like wake up in the morning with him” you smacked your lips at her “girl I don’t know, and I wouldn’t want him to forget what happend” you shrugged. She put her hand on your shoulder making you look at her “take a shot, before zendaya pressures the fuck out of you both” she warns, making you sigh and throw yourself back in the seat.
“I know and that’s the problem, I don’t think-“ “you’ve had a crush in him for years y/n, you can make this a reality, you don’t have to dream anymore” zendaya whispered in your ear “I told you” hunter smiled. “Fuck stop smiling at me like that, you’re gonna make me fall in love all over again” you said making them both laugh. “Okay Cupid what’s your plan?” “Don’t worry bout it alright girl?” “Alright”
“Harrison fuck off it’ll happen when it happens” “well it seems like she’s bored, I’ll go entertain her” “don’t you fuckin dare haz, I’ll beat the shit out of you” instead of haz getting up Harry did, he walked over to you and sat down next to you, the lights and music booming as he took out his camera. “Hey” he smiled at you. “Hi, I’m-“ “y/n, yeah I know, I’m Toms brother, Harry” he held out his hand and you took it. “I thought you looked really beautiful- I was just wondering if you wanted to take a few pictures?” “Oh I’m not the picture type” “pleaseee?” He beggged, you giggled and nodded. “Alright” he took a few pictures of you as Tom stared at you.
“He’s tottaly gonna get instead of you” Harrison whispered in his ear, making Thomas slap his arm “shut up div, I’m just gonna wait here and I’ll see what happens” he told haz his game plan, no progress. Zendaya walked over “I know you like y/n, please hit on her, you both would look so good together, you’d bring me smoll Bebes-“ “Jesus zendaya we get it” Tom rolls his eyes as haz lets out distant chuckles.
“This is so awkward, he doesn’t like me and-“ you sighed. “Oh my god, you never give up so easily y/n, what’s wrong you’ve liked him since preteens” hunter asked in all seriousness. “Are you talking about Tom?” Harry asks, both of you looking at him and letting out a way to fast “no” leaving Harry in giggles. “Well I wish I could help you but I don’t know anything” he shrugs, you soon see Tom make his way over to you, standing infront of you. He clears his throat to say something big but only lets out an-
“Hey” you wave back at him, hunter silently cringing, feeling the tension able to cut it with a butter knife. “Your so fücked” Harry laughed, Tom glaring at him but smiling back at you. “Uhm, how’s your day?” “To be honest I’m having a bit of anxiety right know” you both laughed “me too, yeah” he nods his head. “Look you don’t have to really speak to me if you don’t want to” you laughed “I think we both know-“ “zendaya” you both said. Hunter looked at Harry, panicking for you as you remained calm. “Okay- yeah- thanks” he smiled, as you returned, he walked off.
“You fucked up” “well what was I supposed to do Harry? Suck his dick?-“ “it would’ve made some progress” “shut up hunter” “I feel awkward for you” “second hand emarrassment hunter” “well you knew what I meant Harry so we are all good” you looked at them both “I’m fucked” they just both agree with you. “I think I’m gonna go” “then I’m coming!” Hunter said. “How are you gonna leave zendaya?” You only picked up his beer can, winking at him and hunter ‘helped’ you out.
“Woah woah woah where are you two going?” Zendaya asked, the shit in her hand as she looked confused. “She’s drunk” “whattttt no I’m nottt” zendaya looked at you as your eyes were barely opened, taking your finger and pushing it against hunters lips dramatically. “Let me tell yaa E sevret” you whispered at zendaya, you came close to her ear, “I’m so naw dunk” “you drunk, get out of here, Tom will give me a ride” zendaya waved you both off, Harry soon running up “let me get your number at least, yeah?” “Sureeeee” you wink at him, he hands you a pen and you write your number, a nice happy face next to it.
“Let’s get you home, nice show you out on” you took your time, trying to look drunk as possible. “My whole life is madness! I can’t- he doesn’t like me I promise you” you say, pulling out of the parking lot, hunter right next to you. “He does, let’s bet on it” “how much?” “200” “shake on it?” She handed you her hand and you shook it. “SOMETIMES YOU LAUGH SOMETIMES YOU CRY I GUESS YOU KNOW NOWWW, I TOOK THE HALF AND SHE TOOK THE WHOLE THING SLOW DOWNN” you both sung together “BABY” you both both failed the note, laughing together as you rode both of you home.
“She left” zendaya shruged, “what why?” “Shes black out drunk” Tom put his eyebrows together, he was litterally with you like a couple minutes ago, sober as hell. “Yeah... alright” he nodded, Harry took out his phone and sent you a simple hey, which you returned under a minute later.
Everyone had a lot of fun, you and hunter ordering some random stuff off of Amazon and making the cake that you would both send to zendaya the next day, on the other side everyone danced and drank, they were sober enough to go eat at least. “Who are you texting?” Tom asked Harry. “Y/n, she’s showing me the things that she’s ordering or something like that, I wonder why she’s a Harry Potter addict” toms jaw slightly clenched, “can I see?” He asked, Harry looked at him, forgetting that you’re supposed to be ‘drunk’ “Nah mate, she’s drunk texting me though” “bulshit, give me the phone” Harry sighed as he gave tom the phone, scrolling through the text messages the messages were alive, not dead at all, no lols, laughing emojis, more ‘lmao’ ‘AKDIHDIHFRJRFN-‘ ‘I- what? Okay-‘ he couldn’t help but be jealous, he handed Harry back the phone.
“What’s wrong?” Harry asked, looking at Tom confused. “You know I like her” “it didn’t seem like it back there” Harry smirked. “Do you like her?” Tom asked, Harry only shook his head “all for you, just making conversation and trying to pull her closer” “whattt Harry got the digits and you didn’t?” Haz whispered, “fuck off”
“But this is like, really ugly” “that’s why it’s called an ugly Christmas sweater, y/n” you layer on her arm, looking at Kohl’s, “green for sure, red is just plain” “how about we get like onzies of animals or the incredibles” hunter looked at you “perfect, yeah” you nod ferociously.
You checked your phone and saw some messages, from you dad and you mom but also Harry, you were quick to answer them all, and as the night got old you had finished the cake.
“I don’t know mate do some research on her, watch her interviews” haz suggests as they were all home, Tom mentally panicking because Harry’s eyes was glued to his phone, he whipped out his computer and searched your name, ‘Y/N has a CRUSH on who?’ He bit his lip and clicked it
“Sooo, we know your the romantic type- so who were you in love with?” The interviewer said, you smiled and shook your head. “I’ve always had a crush on Evan peters, algee smith from let it shine, Keith powers, and of course Tom holland, I don’t know but just in all his movies he was the cutest thing” you giggled, putting a leg over the other. “That’s a lot of people” “hey, I only crush on one now, and yes it’s Tom holland” the girl raised her eyebrows at the camera “you make sure you hit her up” “please do” you wink at the camera, “now, you feel sexy most when?” “Probably when I take a shower and put on my silk robe” you shrugged.
“Silk? Sexy” Tom smiled to himself, imagining you in it, maybe a towel over your freshly washed hair, lingerie under, maybe a mustard yellow to match your skin, his eyes widened in shock as he felt uncomfterble in his pants, he looked down at his pants “fuck, not now!”
“Are you really crying?” Hunter asked. “No I’m having an emotional roller coaster” “so your feeling different emotions, your so bipolar” hunter laughs, “your not helping you know” she only shrugged at you, then the door was knocked on “I’ll go get it” “alright” you acted sleep, thinking that it was probably zendaya and... you were right. “Hey is she sleep?” She asked, hugging hunter. “yeah, but come in- she’s on the couch” hunter smiled, hearing zendayas foot steps and she giggled “she’s sober by now” she bent down, wiggling your ear and you couldn’t help but laugh.
“Hiiiii” she waved at you, you only waved back, then she laid down next to you, her glasses on and in her sweatpants and a black t-shirt. “So you and Tom didn’t work huh?” She whispered and you only shook your head no, a tear fell down your cheek as she coed at you, wiping it away. “He’s stupid, he will come around one day yeah?” You nodded at her, “did you make the cake?” She asked and you nodded again. “Let me show you, come here” hunter said, she looked at you, you looked pretty lifeless at the moment honestly. Hunter and zendaya left and you checked your phone.
Your eyebrows furrowed at the anonymous message. You opened it and it said-
Hey it’s Tom, I was wondering if you’d like to get lunch yeah?
You texted him back-
As In... Tom holland orrrr...
Tom smiled at his phone
Yes y/n, Tom holland here, take it while you can
Cocky asshat
He laughed at your reply sending winking emojis,
Yeah lunch, I’ll see what I can do
Cya love
Bye luv
As time passed Tom looked at your work, your charity events, your women’s rights, your debates, your everything. He grew more interest then he already did, already wishing to work with you. “Hamburgers? What if she’s vegan, fuck” he only searched up what food you like, “burrito truck?” He could tell you weren’t like the other people with loaded of money, you were more of the cheap rich, not a bad thing but a very good one. “Sparkling water? That doesn’t really go with burritos, she doesn’t like cheese by it’s self or where you can taste it over anything, she sticks to the basics, god I need a pen and paper for this” “I got it, lover boy” Harry says, throwing it at him.
“Hey your the one who’s trying to take her away from me” “no that’s not true, I was trying to help you actually, her favorite color is (y/f/c) she likes nature or a big view of the city, beach sometimes, she actually wants a beach house” he shrugged, Tom smiled and thanked him, writing some things down
-nature, somewhere green for lunch
-quiet too, somewhere not to public
-sparkling water for sure, no burritos though
“Shit I don’t know, chicken or something!” Tom struggled.
-fruits, nuts, macoroons, nuts, wine
He smiled at the ugly written bullet points, “aha” he then took his phone, biting his lips as he tried to find the perfect place.
“He asked me to lunch last night” you smiled, hunter and zendaya looked at each other, mouths agape as they laughed. “Really? Oh my god y/n can I be the god mom?” “Oh I’ll be the god dad all the way!” Hunter added as you laughed and shook your head, you’ve been on a Harry Potter marathon all night, now your on a Star Wars one, so many tears fell of your face, you cried for draco, zendaya cried for George and Fred, hunter cheered on voldermort, which almost got her kicked out, how petty.
“What if it’s only lunch?” You asked, looking at hunter and zendaya. “I mean, yeah it is only lunch” hunter shrugged making zendaya slap her arm. “No it isn’t, you are probably gonna get laid and he’s gonna confess his love to youuu, then you both naked and kissing” “ew don’t make me imagine that” hunter shuddered, sticking out her tongue. “Welp we are staying here when you leave” “how do you know I won’t be back?” “Because I know things”
Tom spent his day visiting places, until he found the perfect one, green and the ocean? Best thing ever. It was pretty too, no plastic, no damage to the ground, the ocean is to be heard, perfect for you and Tom. He texted you to get ready, it was about 6, he bought everything he needed for it, put the ice cream in the cooler with ice in it.
“Alright, this one” hunter held up a dress, a small slit but it was a sweater dress, like for the fall or winter, it’s white with brown buttons that go down to the end of your stomach, the dress stops in the middle of your thighs. “Then wear some comfterble shoes please, we don’t want you to run your toes” zendaya said, pulling out some neon yellow huaraches. “That doesn’t match” hunter said, zendaya put the shoes back and pulled out some dark dark black ones.
You got dressed, comfterble for sure, zendaya flat ironed your hair while hunter did your makeup, “alright” zendaya and hunter admired their art, high giving each other before turning you to the mirror, “don’t worry it’s sweat resistant” hunter said, zendaya laughed as you rolled your eyes shaking your head. Then of course their was a knock on your door. “I’ll get it” zendaya said, you went to your room and grabbed your phone, noticing you have no pockets you held it. “Keep your hands off of my girlfriend, have fun though!” Zendaya said, your eyebrows furrowed in confusion as you came out and seen everyone smiling at you
“What happened?” You asked as everyone shook their head. “Nothing!” Hunter said smiling at you, Tom came up and gave you flowers, not roses but daises “you look lovely” he says, giving you a hug, chest to chest, pelvis to pelvis, not in a Percy way of course, just a very friendly and close hug. “Can you put these in a vase for me?” You say, handing the flowers to hunter as she only smiled and made her way to the kitchen. “Have fun, once again, we want her back by 10” “that’s only 4 hours zendaya” “we’ll make your way over there, it’s starting to become late” “alright mother, we’re out” you sarcastically say, leaving Tom laughing as he takes your hand and pulls you to his-
“El Camino!?” You said, practicly smiling a a child when they get ice cream. “Yep, I know how much you like old cars so why not get you one right?” He squeezed your hand. “Oh I could so kiss you right now!” “I wanna save it for later, let’s go” he smiled at you, he pulled you to your seat and opened the door for you, you sat down and he closed it, running to his side and getting in. “Your pretty fast” “shut up” he laughed and started the car, Kendrick Lamar playing in the background as you both rode in the city.
It was silent but comfterble, you slipped your phone in the cup holder, played footsie with yourself, and almost shook when he placed his hand on your thigh, you looked at him and he smiled at you “warm” he only said, paying attention to the road, rocking his hand back and forth.
“I love this, you gave me all the things I love tonight” you smiled. “You now at the birthday party I didn’t show that I liked you” he commented, laying in his stomach ontop of the very large blanket as you sat with your legs closed. “Yeah I don’t think you like me... I know if it’s weird and-“ “what no I like you! I do! I’m just stupid, like zendaya would say, so” you both giggled as he sat up and grabbed a grape vine, it has grapes on it by the way. “Lay down” he smiled, and you followed, laying down. “I’ve seen all the work you’ve done” he smiled, the radio in the band Toto playing, Africa currently playing. He leaned down the grape and feed it to you and you chuckled. “I really like how dedicated you are, how hard working you are, how nice you are, everything about you is beautiful” he complemented, the moon popping out for the ocean, the sounds of water slapping the rocks calming the both of you.
“Well thank you” you say, done with the grapes he fed you, he fed you some more. “I bought ice cream” “what kind?” “Uhmmmm, not vanilla, cookies and cream!” “Doesn’t that have vanilla in it?” You looked at him, he shrugged and put the grapes down and took the ice cream out of the freezer “I didn’t know you were such a 80s fan, what would you bring back?” He asked you. “Probably all the color, the music, I love mullets and shags I just love it all, how everything was in fashion, freedom and dumb teenagers and yelling old people, ya know?” “So your a very detailed person?” “Yeah, I don’t pay attention to the big picture that much if I’m being honest” ‘it never rains in Southern California, by tony’ playing, now the moon full on display, he grabbed two spoons and handed it to you, you both grabbed a scoop. “Let’s try something”
“Like what?” “Cross my arm with yours yeah?” You wrapped your arm around his, your spoon facing you “and 3” he said, taking the ice cream in his mouth as you followed, giggling “I like the flavor” you covered your mouth. “See! I knew what I was talking about, and doing!” He cheered, you both laid side by side and looked at the view, still eating the ice cream of course, until he put his lips on yours. “I really like you y/n, I hope-“ you put your lips on his, holding onto his cheek you smiled into it, he made his hand go down to hold onto your waist, the moon shining on both of you, he flipped both of you over so he was on top, you let out a quiet moan as he kissed your neck and slipped up you dress, taking off your panties, you trailed your hands down to the hem of his shirt and pulled it up, rubbing over his torso, moaning as he found your sweet spot, kissing it and sucking harsh circles on your neck, he sat up and helped you take of his shirt, unbuckling his pants and taking off the belt to where ever.
He unbuttoned your dress, taking out your breasts and sucking on one of them, you whimpered as he twisted the other, your hands making it to his hair and tugging a bit making him hum in satisfaction. He switched nipples and looked up at you, you head was thrown back, breathing heavy and he opened your legs, you bucked your hips up allowed him to pull your dress up and over your head, he ditched his pants, well not really, there still around his ankles and both of your shoes are off, how? I don’t know. He came up and you leaned on your arm while the other was on his cheek, your lips hovering his, he muttered a ‘ready’ you nodded and he bottomed out in you, both moaning at the sensation, he kissed you and rocked his hips, you moaned as his hands found your waist, holding onto his bicep for support. Soft moans shared “y/n, fuck your so tight” he whispered in your neck and you whimpered, clawing his arm as he went harder, still slow though,
“Tommy, I’m gonna-“ you swallowed, bucking your hips up and arching your back, he rubbed your hips and held on tighter to them. He groaned and started going fast, high pitched moans leaving your lips as he stopped going hard, “cum for me” he let one hip go and rubbed your pearl slowly. “God- mm” you bit your lip trapping the moans, your head tilting back as he used it to suck more hickies on you, claiming you as you just took it all in, your head slowly starting coming up, leaving cries as your arm circled his around his arm, your back arching more, connecting chests as you said his name like a prayer while you came “fuck fuck fuck” he moaned, so close, your walls to warm to leave. “You on the pill?” He choked out. You repeated ‘mhm’ and just like that he came inside you, your name left his mouth as he rode out both of your highs, breathing heavy as a new song played ‘ask of you’ by Raphael, you both chuckled as he pressed his forehead on yours.
“Would you be my-“ “I think you know the answer Thomas, this is my 12 dream right here” you giggled. He pulled out and rolled over next to you, taking his arm and wrapping it around your shoulders, pulling you into his chest “your moans are adorable, we have to have sex more often” you only laughed at him, coming up to kiss his neck on his sweet spot, his jawline under his ear, sucking hickies on his neck as he looked at the water that the moon is glistening on. You both cleaned up with his baby wipes and covered yourselves with the extra blanket he had, he poured you both a glass on wine too, just taking each other in and the perfect view.
On the other side zendaya and hunter were high giving each other, FaceTiming Harry and saying “we got em!” He smiled and cheered, lifting his beer with Harrison and taking a sip. They set it all up, how? Who knows.
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mooifyourecows · 4 years
I'm thinkin bout Luck tryna get out of going to some posh rich person party that his mom is making him go to. He tells her he will only go if he can bring a date. She agrees and Luck hatches a plan to use Agni's lack of social graces to get her to let him skip the party for fear of them embarrassing her in front of other high class people.
He brings Agni over the day before so they can get all 'gussied up' (AKA to show his mom how rowdy and feral Agni is).
When he first arrives, he's just COVERED in mud and sticks and leaves because he and Bucko found this great pond to play in and they just had a heckuva fun morning. Realizing that Luck's house is like... fancy fancy, Agni is like "oh damn I better clean up a bit so I don't ruin the floors". What a gentleman, right?
Well. Admittedly, the fountain in the courtyard isn't a GREAT place to rinse yourself off but live and learn, I guess.
Luck and his mom just kinda stand at the top of the stairs to the house and watch him for a little while.
"Yeah he just kinda does that," Luck says with a shrug. "You don't mind, do you?"
His mom is quiet as she watches Agni strip his muddy shirt off, dunk it in the water, and then ring it out, whistling a happy melody without a care in the world.
When he notices them watching a few minutes later, she still hasn't said a word and Luck is barely containing his laughter.
Oh man, he thinks, this is gonna be a CINCH.
Agni is ushered inside and Luck whisks him away to get a real bath.
Half an hour later, the bathroom is a wet, soapy, muddy mess and Luck is chasing Agni through the manor as he traipses about in his birthday suit, dripping but squeaky clean and totally oblivious to all the looks the servants are throwing him as he passes.
Luck finally gets a towel around his waist just after they run into his mom in the gardens out back, and Luck is sure to laugh it off because this is just a thing that happens with a guy like Agni. Happens all the time, he assures her, really driving the point home that Agni is NOT to be trusted in high society, *bats eyelashes*.
Still, his mom says nothing, and Luck coaxes Agni back into the house to find him some clothes.
He won't fit anything of Luck's so he puts him in some of his Dad's, and oh he looks surprisingly good in the old adventurer's threads.
Brushing Agni's hair results in growls and bouts of anger from both parties, occasionally devolving into wrestling and subsequent breaking of various pieces of furniture and decorative vases, but it gets done in the end and Agni looks irritated but groomed and thats all that matters.
Luck finds the entire ordeal hilarious and somehow forgets his mission in favor of enjoying the process of muscling Agni into the cosplay of upper society. He can't seem to stop giggling about it.
Despite his groaning and resistance to the poking and prodding, Agni seems to be having a good time too, experiencing something new, a little slice of Luck's world that hes never seen before. Its different and its strange but it explains a lot and Agni likes the attention. So even though Luck pulls the comb through his hair like he's trying to make him bald and the clothes are a bit stuffy and stiff and smell too much like roses, he at least tries to sit still, munching on the platter of food the servants brought him.
He tries. Until Luck busts out the tweezers and starts plucking at Agni's brows. Not even Agni's high pain tolerance can stand that torture and things quickly turn violent.
Luck's mom walks in just as Agni lifts Luck above his head and throws him across the room like a sack of flour.
Luck is laughing, in spite of it, and Agni stomps around with growls of displeasure, scrubbing at his stinging brows and kicking at anything in his path. He's making a mess and Luck is clearly thrilled by the scene. So much so that he doesnt even notice his mom there until she's finally speaking.
"..... I quite like him."
Its all she says, and she doesn't stick around to see how Luck takes it. Merely leaves the room with a slight hop to her step and a hum on her breath.
Thus Luck's plan has failed.
He's still stuck going to the party tomorrow.
And now he's got a feral animal as a date.
He can't tell if he's thrilled or horrified.
Agni on the other hand... he's just happy to be included.
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scaryscarecrows · 4 years
Beggar, Pick Up Your Crown
AN: Title from Jerry Cantrell’s ‘Siddhartha’. Takes place the day after ‘Out of Hell’.
Happy birthday, Jason!
* * * 
Jason wakes from the...he’s thinking the third-best nights’ sleep he’s had in his whole life. First one was...pfft, one’a those random nights, Mom had been feeling okay, and they’d stayed up to see the sunrise and made s’mores on the stove. Second had been after his first. His. Patrol. First patrol.
He has no idea what time it is, and he’s afraid to open his eyes, lest last night turn out to be a dream. He stays still for the moment, concentrating on the cheap hotel mattress under his still-aching body, the smell of complimentary soap and cleaner and that lingering people have been born, had sex, and probably died in this room smell that these sorts of places have. He can hear rain and traffic and general Gotham Living outside and in the rooms around him.
And he’s hungry.
Okay. Okay. He’s woken up out of nice dreams before, and it hurts, but. But he can do it again. One more time.
He cracks his eyes open.
The room is beige and...rusty orange...and very bright. Well, bright to him, anyway. It’s empty, but he rolls over and, muscles protesting the whole time, peers under the bed. Zilch.
Still unconvinced he’s not hallucinating or unwillingly playing one of the clown’s head games, Jason stumbles out of the warm bed, ankle cracking horribly when he makes it take his weight, and shuffles to the bathroom. Nothing. Nothing in the shower, or wedged into the little cabinet under the sink. He’s alone here.
He lets his breath out slowly, slumping forward against the sink to take some of the pressure off his ankle. He’ll have to look at it later, look at everything later, but...but not now. Not this second, huh?
His hair’s too long; his bangs are in his eyes and he can feel dead ends scraping the back of his neck. No way in hell is he letting anyone near him with scissors. That’s okay. He did self-trims when he was a kid.
He’s out.
He’s out, he’s free of that monster. That bastard’s never going to hurt him ever again. The thought makes him lightheaded, brings an unfamiliar twist to his lips that feels like it might be a smile.
And then he makes the mistake of looking up at the mirror.
The boy-no, he’s not a boy anymore, is he-looking back at him looks dead. He’s pasty white, thin and hollow-cheeked with no spark to his eyes. There’s cuts and gashes all over his face, his nose is crooked, and...and there’s that. The brand on his face, the one that still hurts, the one that screams to the world, PROPERTY OF THE JOKER, IF FOUND, PLEASE RETURN!
I’ll never get away from him.
The mirror shatters under his fist, shards jabbing in between his knuckles and falling into the sink and bouncing off the counter to hit the tiles by his feet. He doesn’t care. He can’t face this he can’t face this he can’t--
This is too much for his ankle; it buckles and then he’s kneeling in the glass, sobbing so hard it’s silent and hurts his throat and chest. He chokes, doubles over so’s his forehead’s pressed against his knees, bites down on his lips to try and...and…
Willis always said, ‘boys don’t cry’. Bruce hadn’t...he’d never known what to do with tears. Or any outpouring of emotion, for that matter. And Joker had loved them. But Jason? Right now, he doesn’t care about any of that. He wants Mom, but Mom can’t be here anymore.
It takes him several minutes to register that the tears have stopped and that he’s just...huddled here on the floor with glass jutting out of his skin. The glass doesn’t hurt, but his ankle does and he slowly and carefully brings it up to investigate.
It’s swollen and hot to the touch and it...something about it doesn’t look quite right. He’ll wrap it, he decides, he’ll get a compression bandage or something later today. Okay. He’s okay. He’s just gotta breathe, get up, clean this mess up because he was raised better than to leave this shit for the housekeeper, and then...if he is where he thinks he is, there’s a bodega two blocks south, one that has a gray tabby that lounges in the window. They’ll have a thing of chips or something he can choke down (safely), maybe bandages. Definitely a hoodie, at least, a nice touristy hoodie.
He can make it two blocks. Like he’s got a choice, but he can make it two blocks.
* * *
The smell of rotting watermelons, cheap ice cream bars, and packaged bread is possibly one of the best things Jason’s ever smelled in his life. He’s starving, and now, confronted with food choices, he knows he’s gonna have to exercise some restraint and not just devour a stale baguette in the middle of the store. Crackers. And maybe a soup-cup-thing, that’s mild. And, uh, cranberry juice, yeah, that’s sorta healthy. And a Reese’s. If the Reese’s makes him sick, it’ll be worth it.
The owner is dancing lightly to the mariachi on the radio and the cat is more interested in the birds outside than in him, which means he can limp through the store on his own sweet time. They do have bandages, and the food he thinks he can do, and a red hoodie* proclaiming, I Survived Gotham. It’ll do.
What’s worrying him-apart from, you know, everything else-is where he found money last night. He doesn’t remember a damn thing after leaving Arkham, and it scares him. Mystery for later, though, because he’s hungry and grateful he doesn’t have to rob the bodega man, who-miracle of miracles-doesn’t so much as look up at him. He pulls the hoodie on the second he’s outside, though, tugs the hood up to try and cover the damn thing at least a little.
He doesn’t know what to do.
He can’t go back to him-he’ll die first-and he can’t...s’like they say, you can never go home again. If Wayne Manor was ever home. 
Left me he left me with him he said he’d always be there and he fucking left me with that bastard--
He just doesn’t know what to do.
He stumbles back into the hotel room, debates on whether or not he wants to use the grody microwave provided, and decides that yes, yes he does. This will be the first real food he’s had in over a year and he wants to try and enjoy it, if that’s possible.
Man, he hasn’t had one of these in...geeze, since before Mom died. They’re not Old Money Approved, after all. Good. He’s not Old Money Approved, either.
It’s done, he decides, when it pops and the lid gets all soft and hot. It smells okay. Safe, anyway, no hint of Joker venom or any other little surprises. The steam curls around his face, making the...the burn a little tender, but it’s fine. It’s fine. He bought it all sealed up and he’s the only one who’s touched it. He took off the safety tin.
So why can’t he eat it? His appetite’s vanished, even though he knows he needs to eat, it’s just…
You gotta eat, baby.
That sounds like Mom, and it should be concerning, but...he does need to eat. And he can’t just chug it, either, much as he’d like to get it over with. He’s gotta be slow and careful.
Cracker! He’ll dip a cracker in.
The soup’s hot and salty on his tongue, miles above the slop he’s been eating in the asylum. Once he swallows the slightly soggy cracker, his appetite returns with a vengeance and it’s an effort not to pour half the column of crackers in, smash them to bits with the spoon, and eat the resulting mush here and now. But he can’t. He’ll be sick. Hell, he might be sick anyway, who knows.
He dunks another cracker in, catches a wispy noodle on it this time. Jesus. Jesus Christ, this is it, he’s living on soup and crackers forever, this is the best thing he’s eaten in his life--
--no. No it isn’t, is it. Alfred. Alfred made…
Not now. Just eat.
That’s right. He can’t think about anything, that’s not...he’s spent a long time, trapped in his own head. Not now. He can’t do that now. Food first.
The soup goes down easily enough, the cran juice a little less so but it stays in, and then he has to admit that yup, time for some self-examination.
He’s not facing the mirror-or what’s left of it-again. It’s better to stay here, to strip off despite knowing that hotel beds are scuzzy, and, well, survey the damage. And there is a lot of damage. Burn scars, wire scars, marks he can’t even begin to trace. He doesn’t really want to know what his back looks like, but he’ll have to find out.
Further poking the ankle says that oh, sure, it’s...healing, or maybe as good as it’s gonna get, but that squeezing certain spots of it makes his vision go white and over-manipulating it is worse than that. He puts the bandage on it, because what else can he do, and struggles back into his clothes. No more. He can’t do more right now.
* * *
Jason does not mean to fall into a fitful sleep, but that’s what happens. He wakes up gasping and soaked in sweat, a man’s shouting echoing in his ears. Sounds like Willis.
After a minute of lying here, he comes to realize that it isn’t Willis, and it isn’t a dream. It’s...lobby, something’s going on in the lobby.
It’s hard to move as steathily as he used to, but he’s still quieter than the average schmuck when he slips out of bed and opens the door to creep down the hall. It’s late, which means the clerk should be alone, which makes them easy pickings. People never change, much as Batman insists that they do.
The shouting man has a gun. He’s wearing a scarf around the lower half of his face and he’s actually kinda big. Looks plenty comfortable threatening a woman half his size.
He doesn’t think, just moves; grabs one of the little chairs near the doors and hurls it
Owowowow not good movement not good
at the man’s back. He trips, gun falling from his fingers and sliding under the desk. The woman, wisely, ducks.
“What the fuck--oh, we got us a Batman-wannabe.” The guy cracks his back. “Come on, then, hero.”
He’s out of practice. Doesn’t mean he’s helpless. He dodges the oncoming haymaker and retaliates by going straight for the jugular.
Or, in this case, the balls. Fighting fair does not get you far in life.
The bravado vanishes. It’s hard to be badass when you’re shrieking like a little girl with your testicles twisted in a fist. Jason lets go, headbutts him to get him down, and steps around him to fish the gun out from under the desk.
“Get the hell out of here,” he says, more out of breath than he should be after that. His shoulders hurt from the throw. That can’t be good. “Or pray to God Batman shows up to save you in the next thirty seconds.”
“You son of a bitch--”
“Twenty-nine. Twenty-eight. Twenty-seven--”
“I’ll kill you!”
He cocks the gun. Little awkwardly, it’s true-Bruce taught him the absolute bare minimum of gun handling-but it gets his point across.
“Twenty-six. Twenty-five.”
The man can’t quite get upright, but he manages to hobble outside. Jason doesn’t chase after him. He’s shaking, a little, and the gun’s awkward in his hand.
“Thank you.” Oh. Yeah. He forgot about her. “I don’t know--he wanted money, I guess--”
“Don’t they all.” He doesn’t turn around. He can’t; he’s way too identifiable. “You’re welcome.” Back to his room it is, to get his crap and clear out. “I’m gonna check out before the cops show.”
“I’m not calling them.” Huh. “They never come. That’s the third time in two months we’ve had someone in here.”
He doesn’t answer-what do you say, huh?-, just shuffles back to his room. He doesn’t realize, until the door’s locked behind him, that he’s still got the gun.
Well, he figures, as he stumbles back towards the bed, at least if Joker manages to track him here, he won’t have to go back. He’ll kill the clown or himself, it doesn’t matter which, but he’s not going back.
He crawls under the blankets this time, tries to get a little more comfortable. It must work, because in five minutes, he’s out. Nothing wakes him this time.
*Arkham!Jason has a fondness for red hoodies even pre-Red Hood; both baby Jay and grown-up Jay are shown wearing one in the prequels. For obvious reasons. :p
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deathsteel · 4 years
30 day fanfic challenge
Prompt #22 - Funeral
TW: canonical child death, not as sad as it seems, Dean is kinda a jerk at first
Okay, maybe it wasn’t classy to crash funerals. But Dean had never claimed to be terribly classy. 
What he did claim to be was a great actor who could make himself cry on demand and the proud owner of one very well fitted suit that was perfect for mourning. 
It started by accident, really. Dean had shown up for the funeral of one of his friend’s grandmother’s cousins intending to comfort the grandmother who’d always loved Dean and never forgotten his birthday, not even once. And he had ended up at an unexpectedly decadent funeral for a 98 year old multi-millionaire that happened to be being thrown the day after. Since he’d missed the funeral he’d intended to attend, Dean figured ‘fuck it’ and proceeded to enjoy the expensive free food and murmured condolences of the deceased’s foxy granddaughters. 
The second time he did it may have been less accidental and Dean cried both for Muriel who had died at the ripe old age of 102 as well as for the organic chemistry test he had just bombed. It was so cathartic that he was hooked, a junky even. 
He stopped going on dates because flirting with the widow or widower and coaxing a smile out of them was so much more appealing than sitting through the awkward get-to-know-you conversation of a first date. The emotional release of crying onto a stranger’s shoulder had nothing on getting blackout drunk and Dean found more and more of his social life being spent in funeral homes and cemeteries than in bars. 
Until he accidentally walked into a funeral without doing his research first. Which, typically he did so much research so that he could pull off pretending to be the second cousin once removed or the mentee that the family never knew their loved one had mentored, but today he’d been busy and distraught over getting a rejection letter to his first choice for his doctoral program so he’d just picked out a funeral from a random obit and darted out the door. 
So he wasn’t expecting...this. A funeral for a kid. 
Dean had never gone to a funeral for a kid, something about the grief of a life snuffed out too soon had seemed too raw for Dean to be able to fake. It had felt much more disrespectful to crash those funerals than the ones for people who had lived a long and full and fascinating life. 
It also seemed pretty evident to everyone else in attendance that Dean was in the wrong place. First, he was waaaay over dressed. Everyone else was wearing colorful clothing ranging from Hawaiian shirts to garish tye-dye and Dean’s black on black ensemble stuck out like a sore thumb. Secondly, Dean appeared to be the only one affecting an air of solemnity. In fact, the entire funeral home had been decked out to resemble a circus complete with juggling clowns and a guy making balloon animals. There was popcorn and a cotton candy machine and even a girl in a Hawaiian shirt carrying around a pair of parrots on her shoulders. 
Dean intended to turn on his heel and march right back out, but it looked like some family member was already making their way towards Dean- a tall woman with short brown hair and a face that looked like it was meant to smile, which it was even if her eyes were not.
“Hello there,” The woman said, reaching out to take Dean’s hand and hold it in both of her own. “Thank you so much for coming, I don’t think we got to meet ever. My husband spent the nights at the hospital, so I don’t recognize all of the nurses. I’m Jody, Owen’s mom, thank you for coming.”
“Um, yea, Dean,” he muttered in reply, giving his real name when he never EVER usually did. But he was so caught off guard he didn’t know what else to do.
“I’m sorry about the change in dress code,” Jody said with a laugh, gesturing to the long rainbow plaid dress she was wearing. “Sean said Owen would’ve liked it. He didn’t like for things to be boring, you know?”
Dean nodded, swallowing past the lump in his throat as he mentally planned his escape. He was an asshole and this was it, this was the last time he crashed without doing his research first. 
“Well, anyway,” Jody continued, looking over Dean’s shoulder as another few mourners milled into the room. “Please enjoy yourself and have fun.” 
Dean breathed a sigh of relief as the woman moved away, running a hand through his hair as he looked around the room. He’d hang for ten minutes and then duck out so it wouldn’t look so suspicious. 
“You don’t work for the hospital,” A deep voice announced next to Dean causing him to jump and spin guiltily towards the source. 
He found himself face to face with the guy who had been making balloon animals not even five minutes ago. A distant part registered that the man was attractive, like truly unf, but a more sane part of Dean realized that he was about to have his cover blown by a hot dude wearing rainbow suspenders. 
“Uh, yea I do?” Dean asked, trying to convince even himself. 
“No you don’t,” the man said, narrowing his blue eyes at Dean in suspicion. “Because I work at the hospital and I know everyone who ever set foot into Owen Mill’s room and you do not work at the hospital. 
Dean weighed his options for a long moment before deciding he was well and truly powned. “Listen, dude. I didn’t realize this was a funeral for a kid okay. I don’t normally do this kind of thing. I’m gonna leave, just don’t make a scene okay?” 
“Right,” the other man said slowly, his eyes and voice conveying how very little he bought Dean’s bullshit. “Take that jacket off and give it here. Make sure your phone and stuff are in your jacket.”
“Uh...excuse me?” Dean asked as he reached for the buttons on his suit jacket, loading his keys, wallet, and phone into the pockets before he handed it over to the other man and allowed himself to be led deeper into the room where the funeral was being held. 
“Our nurse who signed up for the dunk tank is sick,” the balloon guy explained, stopping beside a large dunk tank that was situated on a blue tarp in one corner of the room; he patted the tank meaningfully before turning back towards Dean. “You man the dunk tank and I won’t rat you out.”
“What!?” Dean choked, looking at the slightly murky water and then back down at his fairly expensive suit. 
The other man just raised an eyebrow at Dean and stayed silent, his full lips pursing just slightly to hold back what Dean strongly suspected was a triumphant smirk. 
“Ugh okay,” Dean groaned, throwing up his hands as he made his way towards the dunk tank’s ladder and toed off his shoes. “For the kids.”
“Always for the kids,” the other man agreed, moving to the side of the tank where the bullseye was and taking up his role of barker with what Dean felt like was too much enthusiasm. “Dunk the Dummy! Step right up and Dunk the Chump!”
Quiet a few dunks later, Dean was soaked and shivering and vowing that he would never crash another funeral when the other man came back up to him with an apologetic grin and a towel. 
“Thanks,” Dean muttered sarcastically as he took the towel and wrapped it around himself. 
“Maybe you won’t crash any more funerals,” Balloon guy admonished only slightly apologetically. “Seriously, I clocked you as soon as you walked in. And you’re lucky it was me instead of a pissed off parent.”
“You go to a lot of funerals?” Dean asked as he roughed the towel over his dripping hair. 
“Call it a work related hazard,” the other man replied with a grim smile. “But hey, it gave me a reason to learn balloon art and it makes the kids happy when most of the kids I see don’t have much to be happy about.”
Dean nodded in understanding, figuring he’d shove his whole leg in his mouth since his foot had already seemed to take up permanent residence there. “So uh...how did you know this kid anyway?”
“I was his oncologist,” the other man replied evenly, nodding at Dean’s self-recriminating wince. “So yea, man--”
“Dean,” he offered, cutting across the other man because it felt like he owed it to the doctor by that point. 
“Dean,” the man said, with an incline of his head. “I’m Castiel. Just uh, do me a favor. Stop crashing funerals okay? It's pretty damn disrespectful.”
“Absolutely,” Dean promised, crossing his heart with the tip of his index finger. “I’m a changed man, I promise.”
“Great,” Castiel replied, rolling his eyes indulgently. “Have a good day Dean, thanks for coming.”
Dean nodded, handing the other man back the soggy towel in exchange for his jacket and his shoes that he picked up instead of putting them on over his dripping socks. 
“But hey, Dean,” Castiel called as Dean started away. “If you ever want to take another turn at the dunk tank, you can look me up at St. Mary’s.”
“Right,” Dean said with a nod at the other man, turning to leave again before Castiel could see his blush. 
His funeral crashing days were most definitely over, but maybe his tank dunking days had just begun.
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