#But are actually mega sweet peas
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clownsuu · 2 years ago
You really like bug character’s it seems lol
Don't call me out dawg I'm still in denial 😔🥄🥄🥄🥄
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ronjacksilver4816 · 10 months ago
PVZ1 Day Plants and Headcanons
Plants vs. Zombies' 15th anniversary is around the corner, so I wanna celebrate by showing my artwork of every plant and headcanons of their personalities!
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The leader of the group.
Has a crush on Sunflower, the feelings are reciprocated but they have yet to express it to each other.
The middle child in his gigantic family tree
Suddenly exploded in popularity after defeating Zomboss. Isn’t complaining about it
The everyman who likes to take it easy
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The medic of the team
Optimistic about life, it takes a lot for her to get sad
Beautiful singing voice
Has a crush on Peashooter, has yet to express those feelings to him
Loves sunbathing
Has her own YouTube channel
It’s called Sunflower Sings
Knows that zombies are evil, yet she treats them as friends
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Cherry Bomb
They look threatening, but they’re actually quite mild-mannered and friendly
Sprouted five minutes apart from each other
Sibling rivalry
Keep coming up with new explosion phrases in each game.
“How about… CHAPOWIE?” “No, I prefer POWBOOF!”
Can blow up when very angry
Grapeshot’s rival
Both heads have a crush on Bombegranate.
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Very stupid, yet also very nice
Treats being eaten as getting a message
Close friends with Chomper and Potato Mine
A bowling champion with a lot of experience. 30 strikes in a row!
Nearly indestructible. Don’t believe us? Try throwing a rock at him.
Terrified of nutcrackers
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Potato Mine
Short-sighting like a mole, sees better underground
Went on to brand “SPUDOW!” as a catchphrase. No-one is willing to support him on that.
Has a crush on Sweet Potato, she’s too oblivious to see it
The cool, quiet one
Loves surprising zombies when they least expect it
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Snow Pea
Peashooter’s cousin who lives at Mt. Brainer
Plays the bongos and tennis in her free time
Has a crush on Fire Peashooter, but worries that she’ll melt by getting too close to her
Dislikes Torchwood because her fire melts her peas
One day wishes to visit the north pole
Once asked Chomper to catch a snowflake to see what it tasted like, and she immediately regretted his decision when he got a face full of Chomper saliva.
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Looks threatening, but has the mentality of a friendly dog
Has bad zombie breath. No one has the heart to tell him.
Speaks in gibberish and growls
Eats Newspaper Zombies for breakfast, Browncoats and All-Stars for lunch, and Imps for dinner and dessert
Licks others to show affection
A good friend of Audrey II
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Peashooter’s older brother
Feels the need to repeat himself all the time (“Listen to me! Listen to me!”)
Secretly very insecure and just wants his family’s love
Sleeps in a street alley
There’s a lamp there because he still needs to photosynthesize
A bit of a (platonic) tsundere
His repeating habits came from when he was born by pouring twice the amount of water on his seeds.
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Twin Sunflower
Sunflower’s bizarre younger sister
Run a sunglasses shop
Both heads sing karaoke with each other on weekends
Both heads have a mind of their own
Has a crush on Threepeater
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Gatling Pea/Mega Gatling Pea
Peashooter and Repeater’s big brother
Retired from fighting zombies to work at a gym, just so he can be his own plant
Claims to have fought in the military, but given how sketchy and crude the scratch marks on his old helmet are, no-one wants to tell him the contrary
Everyone is jealous because he’s too overpowered
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amateurasstrologer · 5 years ago
Sweet Mercury. Our baby celestial, dying to be understood. There’s more to little Mercury than meets the eye, so listen up.
If you take only one thing away from this shit, let it be this: Mercury represents an internal process - where Mercury falls points towards where you’re using your brain. Bullshit Astrology will try to convince you that Mercury shows how you communicate and how you express yourself. Yes, but also no. Don’t succumb to this basic ass understanding, people!! Mercury is deeper than this - literally. Mercury gathers up the goods and sets up shop inside your mf brain. Yes, communication and your ability to small talk stem from your thought process, but all that shit is secondary. Stick to the primary source you little history babies.
The best way to think about Mercury is to think about Venus. These two are peas in a damn pod. Why? They’re both judgemental. But. While Venus is your typical mean girl, Mercury just sticks to the fucking facts.
For example, take this given: the sky is blue. Mercury looks at the situation and says: okay, the sky is blue, the sky is not green. Venus looks at the sky and says: I love the color blue, green is fucking ugly good thing the sky isn’t green. They’re both making a judgement call, but Mercury’s call is a purely objective understanding, and Venus’s is based on a personal preference. Mercury sits in your brain and helps you differentiate between this and that; Venus sits wherever tf she sits and helps you respond emotionally to shit that you value.
Put another way: why does Mercury rule Gemini and Virgo? Judgement calls. Gemini is all about you discovering yourself. The Mercury influence there helps you differentiate between “you” and “not you” - Gemini goes out and does all these things to figure out who it even is and Mercury is behind the curtain going, “yes, you hit on something real there,” and “no, that wasn’t really you bitch, drop the act.” Same shit is happening with Virgo. Virgo is all about self-improvement - we need Mercury behind the scenes, making the “yes, this will move us forward” or “no, this will set us back” decision or else we aren’t improving shit. A Mercury judgement is objective - it takes in all the facts and makes a call. It’s not personal, it’s all business.
Mercury represents how we understand the world, mentally. Mercury is the sweet little computer in our brain that’s taking stock and running metrics and not giving a fuck because there are no feelings involved in Mercury’s process. Mercury is black and white, yes and no, this and that. No in-between. The only time Mercury goes from “right on” to “completely wrong,” is when it trades in objective analysis for personal taste. Stop. Leave the feelings to Venus. Mercury works best when it’s calm, cool and collected.
As always, particulars for the party people:
MERCURY IN THE FIRST (1) YES: these sweet freaks are unleashing the beast on their inner life - every thing that has ever happened to them getting analyzed to the point of no return; they believe they’re different than everyone else and they are gonna prove it. NO: one day decided all facts were irrelevant and took up permanent residence inside their own mind, made it their job to feel intellectually superior to everyone else.
MERCURY IN THE SECOND (2) YES: these sweet freaks are testing out every belief system and mental approach ever used to solve a problem, choosing the most effective ones, and thinking their way through every challenge they come into contact with without even breaking a sweat. NO: fucking rude, totally intolerant of everyone around them, deep-throating Traditional Thinking & Outdated Values’ dick for no reason - get over it.
MERCURY IN THE THIRD (3) YES: these sweet freaks are seeing straight though your shit, because they can find patterns in everything. When they’re not fixing every problem in their vicinity with practical solutions they’re adjusting to their environment like a damn chameleon good Lord where are they are they even still here? NO: using their mega-rationality to justify gross behavior, taking zero responsibility for their actions, denial level 10000.
MERCURY IN THE FOURTH (4) YES: these sweet freaks are getting in touch with their values, and once they do look out because they will not deviate from what they feel is Right. These deep, creative minds are hot-wired to find connections between all people, places and things. NO: too scared to figure it out, falling back on thinking that’s culturally/ socially/ religiously narrow-minded, RIP to their sense of self.
MERCURY IN THE FIFTH (5) YES: these sweet freaks are getting their fucking feelings out and everyone is loving it. Their sweet little brains are made to create and they are ready to relate, no one can express themselves like these bitches. It’s just the truth. NO: can’t just have a regular fucking experience because they’re too busy thinking about how they’re gonna sell that shit later, overly self-conscious, stop it you’re doing way too much.
MERCURY IN THE SIXTH (6) YES: these sweet freaks are a whole new kinda leader - their brains are totally focused on dealing with personal changes and social issues, crystal clear thinking let’s these babies soar through emotional shit with clarity and an organized plan. NO: True Life: Living Without A Backbone, self-sabotage level 10000, lacking the inner-strength to look at their shit objectively - get it together dammit you should be fixing the world.
MERCURY IN THE SEVENTH (7) YES: these sweet freaks just have a really strong mental approach to life, they’re lookin at all kinds of shit without getting in their feelings about it, they’re out here chatting it up, down to participate in life and always open to learning from other people’s experiences. NO: took it way too far, fucked around and isolated themselves in a sweet mind prison, one day decided different viewpoints were useless and totally lost sight of reality.
MERCURY IN THE EIGHTH (8) YES: these sweet freaks fucking love relationships (of any kind, don’t have to be human-to-human) - their brains are locked in on seeing past surface level shit and into the core of their connections, working through relationship issues is their favorite pastime. NO: one day decided you weren’t trying to cooperate with them and got fucking ruthless on your ass and/or completely lack the sense of self to apply their resolution abilities, let everything go to shit, then blamed you for it.
MERCURY IN THE NINTH (9) YES: these sweet freaks worship clear thinking and objectivity, they’re fucking ready to plan and discuss their goals, your goals - all the goals all of the plans all of the values - these bitches are going to write about them, sing about them, whatever. It’s going to be real and it’s going to be good. NO: the most closed-minded to ever live, picked the wrong hill to die on, bleeding out over some shit they don’t even understand, lost in the sauce.
MERCURY IN THE TENTH (10) YES: these sweet freaks can focus (I mean, for real, they will not be deterred) and focus they will on solving complex social problems and adjusting to meet the intellectual needs of their crew. These babies are quick as a whip and got serious intellectual versatility. NO: second-guessing every decision they’ve ever made, zero accountability for their social position, completely emotionally repressed mess. 
MERCURY IN THE ELEVENTH (11) YES: these sweet freaks got intellect and they are not afraid to use it (to work through all kinds of cultural issues), on the look out for other smarties to check out all those beautiful, imaginary-but-hopefully-not-for-long horizons and ponder progressive ideals with. NO: never focused a day in their life, acting clever laughing everything off but actually dying inside and refusing to do anything about it.
MERCURY IN THE TWELFTH (12) YES: these sweet freaks are flipping the script and revamping every outdated collective ideal that crosses their mind - a healthy level of seclusion let’s these babies speculate way out into the future, so that they can formulate fresh social attitudes and actions. NO: Academy Award for Victim of Their Own Self-Created Loneliness, "what’s the use” oh my God shut up already and just try to change. Just try it.
Happy Charting, bitches. Unleash your brains.
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nothingunrealistic · 5 years ago
59, tayston
59. “Is this okay?”
“If the mega-wide toilet paper roll is sixty-five inches long,” Winston says, speaking under the steady voice of the How It’s Made narrator, “and it’s cut into sixteen four-inch rolls, what happens to the extra inch?”
“Kerf loss.” Still focused on the screen, Taylor turns down the TV’s volume. “That saw blade’s easily a sixteenth of an inch wide. Sixteen rolls, sixteen cuts, and the extra inch is dust on the factory floor.”
Winston rolls that over in his mind. “Fifteen cuts. It’s a fencepost problem.”
“That’s true.” Taylor looks at him, deliberate, then smiles. They’d been absorbed in the show when Winston arrived, and he was content to watch with them, but contentment is nothing beside the delight of having Taylor’s pleased attention on him. “Good catch.”
They kiss him lightly. He kisses back, deeper. One of Taylor’s hands curls around Winston’s shoulder, tugging him closer; judging by the clattering on the coffee table, and the sudden background silence, the other’s busy with the remote.
Winston twists toward Taylor, setting a hand on their knee to balance himself as they keep kissing. Their back is against the sofa still, only turning their neck to reach him. He slides his hand up their thigh, and their fingers abruptly close around his. “Wait.”
“What’s up?”
Taylor bites at their lip briefly before answering, “I don’t want to go any further than this. Tonight.”
“Oh,” Winston says. Shit, shit, what was he thinking? “Sorry, I shouldn’t have assumed —”
“It’s fine. You didn’t overstep.” They kiss him one more time, feather-light. “I’m just tired.”
“Should I head out?”
“No, I… I’d like you to stay, if you don’t object.” Taylor’s changed their grip on his hand when he wasn’t looking; their fingers are interlaced with his now. “Just to lie down, maybe.”
“Sure.” Winston looks at the couch under them both, a utilitarian thing straight out of Billionaire’s IKEA. “Here?”
“My room, I think.”
They cross the kitchen and climb the stairs hand in hand. When they get to Taylor’s bedroom, though, Taylor lets go of his hand and almost immediately falls down on the comforter with the vigor they usually reserve for when they’re pulling him along; they lie still for a few moments before noticing Winston still lingering in the doorway. “You’re allowed to come in, you know.”
“I know.” Does he sound defensive? “Actually, I’m a vampire.” He clambers onto the bed and settles next to Taylor, lying on his side. “You gotta invite me in.”
Taylor smiles and wraps an arm around his shoulders. “I hope you get permission before biting, too.”
“Always.” Winston shifts to lay his head on their chest and hugs them around the waist, one-armed. They’ve done this before, but only ever after sex rather than in its stead. It’s strange this way, but quiet and sweet and warm. (Literally, on that last, seeing as they’re both fully clothed.)
Some minutes pass in stillness. Taylor starts running their fingers through his hair, gentle yet steady. “Is this okay?”
“Yeah.” It’s “okay” like a Junior’s cheesecake is “okay,” so damn good that calling it “okay” amounts to slander. Winston almost wants to tell them that he’d do this for them too, but they don’t have hair. Well, they do, but it’s always so short, and Winston stroking their bare head wouldn’t be soothing. Or maybe it is, he’s never asked. And if his hands are cold, which they usually are, it’d be even worse. Like that Ice Bucket Challenge thing. He hasn’t thought about that in years.
He’s probably going to fall asleep here, and soon.
“Does your head ever get cold?”
Taylor pauses in stroking his hair. “Hmm?” He doubts they’re dialed all the way in either.
“Does your head ever get cold?” Winston repeats. “You know. No hair. New York City. Going outside. Michelin star recipe for frostbitten ears.”
A soft laugh, barely more than an exhale. “Are you familiar with the concept of hats?” Taylor says, light and fond. “They’re very common.”
“I’ve never seen you wear a hat,” Winston says. “Or even a coat with a hood on it. Not that I don’t dig the pea coats, but they don’t cover anything from the neck up.”
“That’s what I have you for.” The hair stroking resumes. “To provide hoodies when my head gets cold.”
Winston closes his eyes. “Mystery solved. Dupin was a very inferior fellow.”
“And Lecoq was a miserable bungler,” Taylor replies, perfectly mock-incensed, eliciting one last laugh from Winston before he stops thinking about anything at all.
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angstyclowns · 5 years ago
Baby bear
Mentions of Poly relationships and graphic descriptions of child birth. Don’t like? Don’t read :D
Todobakudeku x oc; feel free to read this as a 'X reader’
“I swear to god, I’m gonna kill you all!” Adaliah screeched as she gripped the bed sheets to her hospital bed, another contraction ripping through her body like a crack of lightning. The exercise ball she was bouncing on was squeezed between her thighs as she shut her eyes in pain, tears crawling from the corners.
“Your doing phenomenal,beloved.” A calm voice soothed from behind her as a warm hand rubbed her swollen belly, a drastically colder one massaging her thigh as the owner helped the mother-to-be bounce.
It physically pained the alpha to see his omega in such pain, but it was unfortunately inevitable. They all knew it the moment she lept into their arms with happy tears in her eyes, a small stick in her hands. Given that each and everyone one of them were beyond excited to start a family with the beautiful omega. It was a dream come true- all three alphas as pro heroes, the omega being one too until she had to step down for obvious reasons. They got the girl, the job, the money, and now they’re getting their family. 
The hospital bed sheets were released as the contraction soothed over, the white haired omega sighing as she leaned further on the ball. Her own hand went to one on her stomach, their rings clinking as they lightly smacked against each other. The male turned his hand slightly, grabbing the smaller one and gently rubbing his thumb along the knuckles. He smiled softly as he felt her own ring, tracing the three intertwined hearts on it, each one of the three different colored gems (Red, blue and green) prodding his thumb as he crossed over it. 
It always fascinated just how different her ring was compared to the boys’. Theirs were simple gold bands, the only similarity being the three gems (Those one varying between the combos of red, blue, green and purple depending on the wearer). To be fair, though, the rings were more of an accessory than a show of their love, the three bond marks littered on her neck and collarbone were show enough.  It was uncanny really, how their bands were like themselves. The girl omega so much more different than her three alpha mates. 
“Huh, did you know that omegas’ have the ability to combine the DNA of their mates during intercourse to provide their mates with the most effective breeding? If any form of semen enters the omega during her heat, their body can store, and splice the perfect sperm to fertilize the egg.” Another male hummed from a bedside chair (He had been beside her until she snapped as another contraction hit her, demanding space), holding a book on omega pregnancies as his unoccupied hand played with his wedding band (blue, red and purple gems on it). 
“Great. So it will have your energy, Shoto’s wit and Katsuki’s attitude.” Adaliah groaned, the omega rolling her hips as she felt her child move further down the birth canal. 
“Aww, Liah.” The male on the chair stood up and set the book down all in one swift motion, reaching the girl with two quick steps. He pressed a quick peck to her temple as he knelt beside her. “That just means she’ll have your good looks.”
“And if it’s a boy, ‘Zuku?” 
Izuku chuckled, his green locks bouncing with his head. “I don’t think it will be a boy.” 
He didn’t get the chance to back away before Adaliah grabbed his hand tightly with her unoccupied hand, intertwining their fingers as her other hand clutched Shoto’s warm one that was previously on her stomach.  She let out another yell as she squirmed and shimied on her stupid excercise ball. 
“God damn it, get this thing out of me!” Adaliah all but screeched as she threw her head back in pain. The door to her room opened as the contraction eased, the squeezing slowly releasing as a click was heard. 
A warm hand brushed itself through her hair before the owner flopped onto the hospital bed the omega was leaning off of.  
“We’re trying, ‘Mega. Stupid fucking doctors don’t know what their doing.”  The blond on the bed growled, turning to lie on his stomach. “They said they're going to check on you in ten minutes.”
“Ughhh. What’s wrong with right now?!” 
“Nothing at all, sweet pea.” A sweet feminine voice echoed through the room, all eyes soon turning to the intruder. “If your hunks for mates can help ya onto the bed, we can see how far dilated you are.”  The red headed doctor smiled, walking over to where the omega’s chart was. 
The boys did as instructed, helping their heavily pregnant omega onto the bed, pulling her legs into the stirrups. Katsuki sat behind her, the girl settled between his legs and leaning on him, while the other took their places beside her.  “So, Mrs. Bakugou-Todoroki, it says here your contractions are five minutes apart and three hours ago you were 8 and a half centimeters. Correct?” 
Nods came from the males as the white-ette threw her head back with a groan, Katsuki nuzzling her scent gland as she did. Looking up, the doctor smiled softly at the sweat drenched Omega, the green haired alpha running a hand through her locks. 
“Then you should be close, lemme’ just check, ‘kay doll?”
Adaliah didn’t get a chance to respond before the doctor was doing what she needed to do. A small splash was heard as the doctor lightheartedly laughed. Oh dear god, that was her water wasn’t it?
“Good news! Your fully dilated and ready to push on your next contraction!” The doctor cheerfully exclaimed before taking off her gloves, snapping on a fresh pair. 
Katsuki was quick to shove Izuku out of the way, taking his place as Adaliah squeezed the two hands in her grip, a scream ripping through her throat. Her head was raised as she pushed, trying her hardest to get this done and over with. 
As the contraction died out, her head fell back, tears brimming her eyes. She shook her head side to side as a strange and uncomfortable feeling was felt within her lower regions, an unnaturally stretched feeling. It hurt. 
“I don’t want to do this anymore- I’m not ready. Let me go home, I’ll come back when I’m ready.” The white-ette whimpered as she felt another contraction come on. Her grip on the hands in her own tightened significantly as she yelled again, pulling herself up. A hand was on her stomach, rubbing with gentle circles as the boys all gave their own words of encouragement. Once again, the stretched feeling was back, only bigger and way worse. 
“Dear god, get this thing out of me!” Adaliah whined as she settled back down, trying to readjust herself as best she could.  Katsuki massaged her thighs for a sense of comfort, whining as a distressed chirp left his wife.
“One more push, ma’am. I gotta warn you though, this one’ll hurt quite a bit more.” The doctor muttered the last part, not that Adaliah could hear anyway- not with the blood rushing through her ears.  
The final contraction hit like a tidal wave, a blood curdling screech ringing out as Adaliah gave her final push, a new foreign feeling setting in, providing nothing but pure agony- no- pure torture. God there weren’t enough words in the English language to describe the pain she felt as her child went through the final stages of their birth. Dear god, she felt as if her skin was tearing strand by strand, atom by atom. 
The squeezing in her stomach and lower back soon started to cease just as the omega began relaxing her sore muscles, only for them to tense again as a shrill cry rang through the hospital room, the four new parents all looking up. 
“It’s a girl!” The doctor announced, holding a squirming little body in her hands, quickly looking to the only man not holding a hand. “Sir, would you like to cut the cord?”
Adaliah was certain that the smile on Izuku’s face would stick it was so big; the male quickly rushing to do so. While he was doing that a nurse helped deliver the afterbirth, giving her the opportunity to hold her child the moment she was ready. 
Which wasn’t long, since Izuku was back at her side, within minutes, as a nurse approached the bed. Her newly diapered child was placed on her chest, tears soon escaping Adaliah’s eyes as her and her new daughter made eye contact. Adaliah’s yellow eyes contrasting with her daughter’s two toned red and grey ones; a small tuft of minty green hair poked out of the small beanie, white strands intruding ever so often.
Kisses were pressed to the omega’s temple, but they barely registered, the only thing that actually did was the small baby. 
Her baby. 
Their baby. 
“Any name ideas?”
 Shoto smiled down, remembering the war it was just deciding on what it would start with- it didn’t help that they didn’t find out the gender beforehand; Izuku saying one thing only for Katsuki to contradict that with his own idea, the other alpha only occasionally pitching something. It wasn’t until Adaliah, who was very heavily pregnant and very over said pregnancy, said something.. 
“Emi. I like the name Emi. 
“You like the name Emi?” 
“And I’m the one carrying it, so if it’s a girl, I want to name her Emi.”
“I… Actually like that name.”
“Then it’s settled.” 
For the time being, Emi was a relatively quiet child. She had yet to full on cry, giving nothing but the occasional whine or squeak, which was both a blessing and a curse, since her parents could never really tell when something was wrong. Whether or not she was hungry, needed to be burped or changed, rocked- anything, it was all just a big guessing game. 
A game they were playing right now. 
Shoto furrowed a brow as he rocked his newborn, trying to ease her small whimpers, her small hands flailing ever so slightly. He could only pace so far, since they were still in the hospital room. They needed at least a day for Adaliah to recover, somewhere where the doctors could monitor her and Emi constantly, just in case something went wrong.
Katsuki sat on the hospital bed next to Adaliah, running his hands through her hair as she leaned onto him, groaning if she moved to much. Izuku was down in the lobby, waiting for a couple of their friends who wanted to see the newest bundle of joy. 
“Are you sure you're feeling okay?” Katsuki whispered, watching as the omega rubbed her thighs in pain. 
“I’ll be fine, they’re just tense.”  
He hummed before watching her reach out for her baby, who was still whimpering in Shoto’s arms. Emi was gently passed over, instantly quelling her whines as the two females nuzzled into each other.  
The two males watched in awe and silence up until the door to their hospital room opened. Izuku stepped in first, followed by a pair of girls and another male. One of the girls, the brunette, ran up to Adaliah with her arms outstretched, careful of the baby in her arms. The two laughed as they seperated. 
“Good to see you, too, Ochako.”  
The brunette, Ochako, only smiled brighter, bringing a hand to gently pat the newborn’s head.  “She looks a lot like Katsuki.” 
“See! I’m not the only one who sees it!” Adaliah cheered as she handed Emi over to Ochako, who cooed as she rocked. Said male only huffing before pulling Adaliah in closer.
“I can see a bit of Izuku there too.” The last alpha, Tenya, spoke up, leaning over his brunette mate, one of his fingers held in front of the babe. 
“She has Shoto’s nose.” Tsu, the other female, muttered sparing Emi a glance before walking over to Adaliah. The two hugged with the same amount of excitement as before, two large gift bags being plopped in her lap as soon as they separated. 
“We figured you needed some stuff.” Tsu shrugged, watching as Adaliah slapped Katsuki’s hand away from the larger bag. 
She passed him the smaller one, allowing him to rip the tissue paper inside, tearing out the gifts inside. He barely even got a single second to look at the onsies he pulled out before his omega was ripping them from his grip.
“Izuku! It’s a Deku onesie!” Adaliah was damn near in tears as she held up the teal onesie, that did indeed resemble her husband’s hero outfit. “And Shoto, there’s one for you too- And a Ground Zero one!” 
Now she was crying, holding them close to her chest as she wept , wiping away her tears.
Passing Emi to Tsu, with the absolute care, Ochako quickly rushed Adaliah to open the other bag, sitting beside her on the bed- ignoring the growl from Katsuki.
“Wait, before you open- you are planning on breastfeeding, right?” Ochako questioned, holding out a hand. The other omega nodded, quickly going back to opening the present when Ochako pulled her hand away.
There were all sorts of things like magazines, lotions, socks, a new cup, a Boba wrap, little snack packs of chocolate and so much more, including-
“Is this a breastfeeding blanket?” Adaliah giggled, holding the package. Ochako nodded excitedly, watching as Adaliah toyed with the soft fabric. 
“The hell is that?” Katsuki growled, snatching the same package. 
“It’s to help cover myself when I feed Emi in public.” 
Another huff. 
“Thank you so much-”
“That’s not all!” 
The new parents looked to each other before boxes were handed to each of them. They were small white boxes with a light pink ribbon tied on top, which was quickly discarded as they each opened their gifts. Inside each box, was a small, silver bracelet, a medallion hanging from the middle. 
Adaliah’s read ‘Mama Bear’ while the males’ all read ‘Papa bear’. 
Thanks were spewed out from each of the new parents, each giving their own hug to their visitors- yes, even Katsuki (It’s his new-dad-emotions, shut up). The visit was coming to an end, and while they all said their goodbyes, they all knew that they would be seeing each other again very soon. There were baby cuddles to be had after all!
It was as midnight was crawling around, Katsuki and Shoto fast asleep while Izuku stayed up with Adaliah, who was feeding Emi, that it caught their eye. 
A final small box left on the bench, which Izuku quickly grabbed before coming back to sit with Adaliah. He opened it slowly, allowing Adaliah to look into the box with him. This time, two things sat inside. A small chain necklace and a beanie, each with the same thing inscribed on them. 
‘Baby Bear’
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egg2k16 · 5 years ago
40 Fanfic Q’s Answered
the server wants answers, and they want them now!!! from this post
1. Describe your comfort zone—a typical you-fic.
Smut and pining all the way. Also, falling in love via laughing
2. Is there a trope you’ve yet to try your hand at, but really want to?
Eh...I don’t think so, I’m always 100% self-indulgent, so what u see is what I want
3. Is there a trope you wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole?
Anything that has to do w mega sadness, I just Don’t. I can’t write anything sad, and if I do, there’s certainly gonna be A Lot of comfort afterwards
4. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Care to share one of them?
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I have 91 wips, motherfuckers!!! My latest wip is a daddy month fic!
5. Share one of your strengths.
I think, since I’ve been trying to be sparser in my words, I’ve been able to better emphasize what isn’t being said
6. Share one of your weaknesses.
No action scenes from me are ever good, lmao
7. Share a snippet from one of your favorite pieces of prose you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
It was late at night, when he started to cry.
He didn't want to cry, but he did.
It's been years since he's last let himself feel, or was it since he was last allowed to feel?
He choked on his sobs, uncomfortable with his tears. He's forgotten how to properly cry. His entire body is shaking, and the connections between flesh and wire hurts.
He stops crying. He starts crying again.
This continues for another few minutes, until he feels as if he can't possibly have any more tears.
He wipes his face, pulls the covers up to his chin, and falls asleep.
(from Twilight on the Sea) I really like this bcus I don’t think I’ve ever really typed out crying in this way, n I tried to make it feel like it was a lot
8. Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
Cass was quiet for a moment. “... you know what? Maybe I’ll just go up there and surprise you.”
“If you do, then you already ruined the surprise, haven’t you?”
“Eh, I dunno about that. Seeing my beautiful face is a shock for many people.”
“Oh, I’m sure of it.”
“Hey, Koda? I don’t know about you, but it’s really late here.”
“Really?” Koda asks, then remembers that time zones exist. “Oh crap, what time is it over there?”
“It’s midnight. What about you?”
“It’s eight o’clock. Only four hours difference?”
“Oh hey, that’s not so bad.”
“It reduces our time,” Koda said, a bit whining.
“Not if I have anything to say about it.”
“What are you going to do? Move here? Send for me?”
“You’ll see.”
(from Together) This was a gift for one my best friends on here, @suncatchr​ , and it’s about his ocs!!! I love this a lot bcus while it’s a soulmate au, it’s not ur average soulmate au, and I tried making it as original as possible! And this blurb, I just wanted them to effuse so much love w/o having to say love...cries
9. Which fic has been the hardest to write?
If this is by posted fics, then I remember writing Look What You’ve Done to Me was very very difficult, bcus, since it’s also a gift, for @daniel-bryan​ , I wanted to write it Good, n since my buddy usually wrote from the love interest’s pov, I felt a weird pressure to write Daniel Bryan’s pov as good as I could
10. Which fic has been the easiest to write?
2 of my fics in Spanish!!! My oc centric one, Rayos y Centellas, and my shyan one, oye cariño, solo pienso en ti ! Turns out writing in ur native tongue makes everything easier
11. Is writing your passion or just a fun hobby?
It’s a very passionate hobby!!! I just!!! try to pour all of my love into everything I write!!!
12. Is there an episode above all others that inspires you just a little bit more?
I’m not sure!!! I just watch movies n quietly scream to my gay lonesome bcus No One Ever Watches Movies ;-;
13. What’s the best writing advice you’ve ever come across?
To just keep writing n not stop for details or forgotten lore, bcus it’s important to write down what’s firing u up Right Now. Of course, it’s very difficult following that ;;-;;
14. What’s the worst writing advice you’ve ever come across?
“No adverbs!” “No ‘said’!” “It has to make grammatical sense!” sometimes things Need those
15. If you could choose one of your fics to be filmed, which would you choose?
Was gonna say my rewrite of the end of The Rover, but actually, my SPN fic Ube . Shit was peak inspired
16. If you only could write one pairing for the rest of your life, which pairing would it be?
Eridirk (Eridan Ampora/Dirk Strider from Homestuck) all the way. The one otp that’s stayed thru thick n thin <3
17. Do you write your story from start to finish, or do you write the scenes out of order?
A little mix of both, and tbh it depends on the fic, but I tend to write chronologically
18. Do you use any tools, like worksheets or outlines?
I’ve started bullet pointing my ideas out before writing my fics, and so far, it’s been helping me be more streamlined n get my things written out faster n clearer!
19. Stephen King once said that his muse is a man who lives in the basement. Do you have a muse?
Is the need for representation in all the niche movies I keep watching a muse?
20. Describe your perfect writing conditions.
In my dark room, w music blasting from my laptop, the TV w a soft hum, I have the perfect playlist to get the mood right, curled up in my blankies, n my plushie Sweet Pea by my side
21. How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
Zero, we rely on autocorrect & editing while typing and die like men
22. Choose a passage from one of your earlier fics and edit it into your current writing style. (Person sending the ask is free to make suggestions).
Del Rio shrugs. “Working as a cop, it makes you numb to some things. It’s good, it lets you react to things as you should, and not how you’d want to.”
He makes a noncommittal noise. “It is what it is.” He eats another spoonful of his ice cream, then gets a thought.
“Can you show up?”
“Can you,” he tries, waving his spoon around, “Manifest?”
“I’m sure you’ll do just fine,” Del Rio assures, and he can feel the air around him smile. The...world, he thinks, around him shifts just slightly, and there seems to be a chink in the armor for a moment before it goes away, as if someone had wiped the glass clear. He realizes that this is her, trying to show up in a physical form, step out of the phone.
He doesn’t know where to look, but then his confusion wanes when a butterfly shows up, fluttering towards him. It lands near his phone, skitters a bit, flaps its wings.
“Lucy?” he asks, transfixed on the butterfly. Its orange wings are bright under the sunlight.
“Well, you certainly nailed it.” He smiled warmly at the butterfly, and he had the crazy notion that it smiled back at him.
(adapted from The Policeman , the first fic I posted!)
23. If you were to revise one of your older fics from start to finish, which would it be and why?
Yeah, probably The Policeman lmao, I remember it today n I cringe a little at the very obvious refs to other fandoms I made. Despite that, it continues being one of my best hits!
24. Have you ever deleted one of your published fics?
25. What do you look for in a beta?
I’m just thankful to have gotten a beta in general in life at all
26. Do you beta yourself? If so, what kind of beta are you?
I beta’ed once, and since English is my 2nd language, I pointed out syntax confusion, typos, n continuity errors
27. How do you feel about collaborations?
Can be done, it’s just that I am frightened. Tried doing that, it fell thru, n the new thing that came up, I still have to hold up my end of the bargain ;;-;;
28. Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
cries omg ok so!!! Chancy_Lurking ( @lurkerviolin​ ) is one of my faves, n we’ve become friends, n their Felix+ Sense8 series is the reason for it all, and u know it’s good if it managed to make a friendship that’s last its good while, and also they’re so nice, and we vibe so well!!! thegoatz ( @daniel-bryan​ ) is also now one of my bestest friends ever, and I wuv him so much, he is such a good kid, n he’s so enthusiastic about writing, and I hope that spark never goes out!!! And adamwhatareyouevendoing ( @skatingthinandice​ ) bcus she’s doing a rewrite of The Last Kingdom where it’s all gay where it should be and vnjkdfsnvkd God, what a wonderful friend!!!
29. If you could write the sequel (or prequel) to any fic out there not written by yourself, which would you choose?
I actually technically am working on a sequel to @rettaroo​ ‘s A New Kind of Touch ! Another promise I have to hold up eventually ;;;-;;;
30. Do you accept prompts?
31. Do you take liberties with canon or are you very strict about your fic being canon compliant?
I try to follow canon as much as I possibly can!
32. How do you feel about smut?
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
33. How do you feel about crack?
Eh, it’s alright. I don’t normally look for it, so I don’t really have a solid opinion on it
34. What are your thoughts on non-con and dub-con?
I don’t want to read it, but I have so far encountered it twice very amicably: once here in a ficlet, and another in a longer fic on AO3, and they were both very good
35. Would you ever kill off a canon character?
Probably not, I don’t like sad things!
36. Which is your favorite site to post fic?
AO3! I’m RedLlamas on it!
37. Talk about your current wips.
Lmao which one. The one I’m currently working on is an impregnation kink turned “oh no I actually do wanna have a family” feelings fic!
38. Talk about a review that made your day.
Gonna be real w u, the best comments I’ve gotten have mainly been from my friends, who either write a paragraph or two going into detail of the fic, or just send a one sentence comment that’s just “screams!” I’ve gotten very few paragraphs from other people, n they’re always so!!!
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My friends are the realest :’)
39. Do you ever get rude reviews and how do you deal with them?
The perks of being a rarepair writer is that the only people who read my fics are the ones actively looking for content!!! And they can’t complain about my work because No One Else Is Writing For It!!!!!!
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40. Write an alternative ending to [insert fic title] (or just the summary of one).
All my fics are masterpieces, so I’ll do a summary change! For don’t you just know (exactly what they’re thinking?)
Dakota finds himself in unexpected heartbreak, and the universe decides to bring him in the direction of a night club with a dancer with stars on his skin.
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wishingforatypewriter · 6 years ago
Before the Fall (Chapter 10)
Summary: A little tenderness between Erina and Souma 
It was half past midnight when Yukihira Souma arrived at Erina’s hotel room with a venison steak and a bottle of cabernet sauvignon after she’d sent him a text that only vaguely hinted she wanted a late night snack. 
Usually her demanding tasting schedule and strict fitness regimen would absolutely prohibit such rich fare so late at night, but the red haired chef had broken every one of her rules thus far. What harm would there be in putting a dent in one more?
She was already halfway through the decadent dish, pulse quickening each time the majestically marinated meat grazed her sensitive palate, when she noticed he hadn’t asked about the flavor yet.  
Erina gazed at her second seat carefully, noting his slightly slumped posture and unusual pallor. She knew that as soon as he noticed her looking, he’d straighten up and try to entertain her. For the first time, she began to rethink the effects of summoning him to her side at all hours.
“You look tired, Yukihira-kun,” she said, attempting to sift all traces of care out of her tone. “You really thought you could make a dish good enough to please me when you’re in this condition?” 
“I’m alright,” he replied, and Erina could practically see him turning up the dial on his megawatt smile. “Just had to work double shifts these past few days.”
“You work too much,” she said before taking another sip of the cabernet—liquid courage. “And you don’t have to pretend for me. I can tell when your energy is fake.” 
“Are you really the one to talk about working too much?” he asked with a slight smirk. 
Erina rolled her eyes. This was textbook Yukihira. He always tried to change the subject the moment someone showed the least bit of worry for him. “Oh no. You and I are not in the same category,” she said. “I take care of myself.” 
“I do—”
“No, you don’t,” she said. “Case in point, when was the last time you’ve eaten something? And I don’t mean tasting a dish you’re about to serve or tampering with a recipe. I mean sitting down to eat an actual meal.” 
Yukihira glanced at her sheepishly, scratching the back of his head. “Probably before work this morning.”
Erina sighed. That was even worse than she’d anticipated. “You are such a fool,” she said, stomping over to the hotel room’s small kitchenette. 
“Nakiri, what are you doing?”
“What does it look like?” she asked, pulling her hair into a short ponytail. “I’m making you dinner.” 
She’d bought the ingredients for the apology dish she invented before he left days ago, but never quite worked up the nerve to make it. Now, for a lack of much else in her mini-fridge, it seemed that the universe was forcing her hand. 
The checkerboard fried rice, as she had originally conceived it, was a dish that required the use of two woks that would be used simultaneously. In one, the rice would be tossed with squid ink, truffle oil, and sakura shrimp among a handful of other luxury ingredients. Meanwhile, the other would hold far humbler fare—white onion, roast pork, soy sauce, and green peas. Then, in a bold move, she’d combine the separate preparations for three last tosses before the cohesive dish was ready for plating. 
Although the process was made far less glamorous by the kitchenette’s simple frying pans, the effect on the palate remained the same—a dance between high-end and low-brow flavors, a sweet sojourn through the different realms of deliciousness. 
In short, it was the story of them laid bare on a mid-grade hotel porcelain plate.
She walked the finished product over to him carefully, chest heaving with the exertion of preserving its perfection in such a bare-bones cooking space and the nerves that came with allowing her true feelings to be made known. 
Yukihira looked from her face to the dish to her face again, as though transfixed. “Nakiri, this is...you came up with all of that just now?”
“It’s something that’s been on my mind for a while now,” she said, her cheeks pinking with the admission. “Now shut up and try it already, before it gets cold.”
Naturally, the diner chef did not need to be told twice. 
The moment he took the first bite, Erina swore she saw the color return to his cheeks and the familiar lightning strike of mischief to his golden eyes. As far as she could recall, it was the first time she ever tried to make him feel better and succeeded.
“Nakiri, you’re a genius,” he said when he’d gotten through the plate. It was always a testament to the quality of one’s cooking, how easily it got people to be quiet. 
“It was nothing special,” she said coyly before reaching for the remote and turning the television on. The WGO Network was a welcome distraction from the feelings churning within her. “Why don’t we finish the wine?”
Four glasses of cabernet and two hours of cooking reality shows later, Yukihira Souma had fallen into a deep sleep on Erina’s bed. For a moment she watched him, studying the rise and fall of his chest and his obnoxiously sprawled out posture. If what she learned about his sleeping habits during the Central saga still held true, this was probably the best rest he’d gotten in weeks.
It couldn’t be helped. With a half-rueful sigh, she banished the thought of waking him up and went to put his phone on the charger. She had just gotten through disabling his early AM alarms and emailing him out of work when a text message from his father flashed across the screen, too quick for her to look away in time. 
My advice is confess to her already. A girl like Erina won’t wait for long. 
She threw the phone down and blinked once, twice, waiting for the characters to change, to lean that she was somehow mistaken. After a minute, two, five, the information remained uncontested. 
Erina brushed her teeth, turned off the lights, and—after briefly considering both the floor and Hisako’s room—got into bed next to the boy who somehow had feelings for her, even after she’d given him every reason not to. 
Normally, news of this nature would have kept her up all night, but—mind addled by the wine and the warmth of her own feelings—Erina quickly fell asleep to the sound of his steady breathing. 
And neither of them would get up until after noon. 
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kayokos-villain-imagines · 5 years ago
•Your blog is really great! I usually see only 1 or 2 people do villians/Yakuza oneshots and I'm glad to come across this blog. I love the way you write for every character you've written. I love the way you drew the three boios.(Tabe, Setsuno, and Hojo) Setsuno is mega sweet pea if I do say so myself. Tabe is a hungry sweet pea. Hojo is dad mode in a nutshell. But don't force yourself to write/draw a lot. Take your time, have a break, relax. Also, how are you today/night? How are you feeling?•
I’m so honored😭😭. I  was actually kind of nervous to start this blog because I wasn’t sure how to portray characters well, so I’m glad I’ve been doing well at that. I do need to learn how to take a break though.... I tend to hyperfocus on things like this. But I’ve been doing pretty well lately, learning how to deal with stuff and move on. It’s also nice to know that I have a blog where I can post to people that I have something in common with.
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jxpper · 6 years ago
The Peraltiago Polaroid Project
I started this project [both photos and headcanon list] a while back, a few days before ‘Casecation’ came out. I wanted to do a project with my idea of what Jake and Amy’s family growing process would be. I’m happy to say that it’s finished and i’m sharing it!!
The reason behind this post is that I’ve got this idea in my head that Jake bought Amy a polaroid camera to use for scrapbooking and he gave it to her at their wedding and she constantly used it. 
Because this post is a dash-clogger, I’m gonna put a break in the post. Clicking ‘read more’, you’ll get to see each individual photo as well as the headcanons to go with them!!
I hope you like it :)
Warning: You may get a cavity from the amount of tooth rotting fluff below. 
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So! I’ll start off with the headcanons so the entirety of the photos don’t spoil it. 
A few months after their 1 year anniversary, Jake and Amy decided to officially try to have a baby. They both came to the decision that they were ready to start their family.
To Amy’s surprise, she found out she was pregnant around the end of October. Which worked out almost perfectly because that meant she could finally be the one to surprise Jake at the halloween heist.
It was difficult to hide for the week she knew as she had terrible morning sickness and Jake was an amazing detective who would probably realize it soon. Still, she managed to hide it pretty well.
Right as Jake thought he’d won the heist, she replaced the heist object with the positive pregnancy test.
Jake passed out when he read it, obviously.
The squad found out that night when Amy was crowned Heist Queen because she did actually have the heist object in her possession. Even though it was really early, they announced it at Shaw’s Bar during her coronation.
Once the news set in that she was actually pregnant, Amy was mega terrified and had anxiety about being a mother. Jake on the other hand, was so excited that he couldn’t wait. Which was surprising since for a while he wasn’t too convinced he wanted kids at first.
Eventually, he convinced her that they would do just fine. He reminded her that there was a bomb at their wedding and everything worked out even if it didn’t work the way she planned it. That gave her a lot of mental relief.
At the first ultrasound, Jake and Amy found out that they were having identical twins. Jake passed out, again. This time, they wanted to keep the twins part a surprise to the squad.
At the gender reveal party, that’s when Jake and Amy decided to tell the squad that it was twins. They went with a simple reveal, opening a box that had the balloons coordinated to the color of the gender… except, they rolled out two boxes instead.
This time, Charles passed out instead.
Both boxes revealed pink balloons. They were having twin girls. Several squad members lost the bet of the gender being boy since Amy has 7 brothers.
Terry and Jake started a club, much like the DDC, but for fathers of twins. Poor Charles, he was so jealous.
As much as Amy was excited, she hated being pregnant. She was sick all the time, constantly in pain or agitated. She was actually relieved to find out she was having twins since she wasn’t sure she wanted to go through pregnancy again. At least she’d get two beautiful babies from the pain.
Because they weren’t sure if they wanted to have more biological children, Amy and Jake became certified to be foster parents just in case they ever wanted to foster to adopt.
The squad pretty much had to cuff Amy to her desk since she was not happy about being on desk duty for her pregnancy. She wanted to be in the field, but it just wasn’t safe.
By month 8, Amy had her birth plan entirely detailed and ready to go. She wanted to do a natural, medicine free birth and she planned for every single minute of her labor.
Of course, it didn’t go right at all. Her water broke early, she had several complications and eventually had to have an emergency c-section. Even though it was a stressful situation, Jake handled it like a champ — thanks to Sharon’s experience.
Two beautiful girls arrived healthy and happy, but more importantly, safely. Maci Jane and Mackenzie Ruth. Jake picked their first names and Amy picked their middle names.
“Don’t get me wrong, I love the names, but why Maci and Mackenzie?” Amy asked. “Because it sounds similar to McClane! Die Hard!” Amy didn’t mind, she was feeling pure bliss.
Amy picked the middle names in homage to Jane Eyre and Ruth Bader Ginsberg… obviously.
Parenting turned out to be a lot harder than they expected, especially with twins. Balancing work and babies, it was stressful. But that was okay because Amy did good under pressure. Jake on the other hand? He drank more caffeine in the first month than he did in his entire career... including when Rosa dosed him caffeine.
After her maternity leave was over, Amy thought she was excited to return. Thought, being the key word. It was hard, she missed her babies. Eventually, Jake and Amy decided to sign them up for the precinct’s day-care program. That way, they could both see the twins whenever they wanted to.
Around the time Maci and Mackenzie turned 4, Jake and Amy decided they wanted to try to have one more baby.
It wasn’t happening as quickly as they’d hoped and they were getting kind of bummed.
Right when Amy and Jake decided not to get their hearts set on having another baby, something amazing happened.
The 99th precinct had become a part of the ‘Safe Surrender’ program, where new mothers could anonymously and safely surrender their newborn child which would then be placed with a foster family if they were in a place where they couldn’t raise a child.
A little newborn baby boy was surrendered to the precinct and Amy was assigned to watch the baby until family services showed up to figure out what to do.
Instantly, Amy bonded with the nameless little guy. She spent the entire day in the soft room with him, rocking him and feeding him. Because he didn’t have a name, she just called him ‘Buddy’
When family services showed up later that evening, Amy could barely let go of the little guy. In the spur of the moment, Amy and Jake offered to foster him… they were already certified.
“Are we gonsta ‘dopt him, daddy?” Mackenzie had been the first to ask the question when they walked in the door with a brand new baby that nobody was expecting. “You know, Sweet Pea. I think we’re gonna keep him around for a while. How does that sound?”
After a few weeks, Amy and Jake decided that ‘buddy’ needed a name. A real, official name. That’s when they chose ‘Charlie Raymond Peralta’, after Charles and Holt, respectively. They still called him Buddy, but now he had an actual name.
Charles passed out, again
Because Amy and Jake had ties with the judges and family services, as well as being with the baby from almost birth, they were able to rush the process of adoption. At 6 months old, Charlie officially became a Peralta.
Amy eventually became a captain [youngest in NYPD history] and Jake ranked up and decided to remain a Lieutenant for a while. He liked his work as a detective, but he wasn’t quite interested in being a captain.
Their children made them extremely proud, not just because of their accomplishments though.
Maci became an Assistant District Attorney, eventually becoming the District Attorney of Brooklyn
Mackenzie enlisted in the police academy and earned her way to the top. She eventually became the youngest Police Commissioner of the NYPD.
Charlie took a bit of a different career path and instead enlisted in the Navy. Even though he wasn’t biologically Amy’s child, he sure acted like it. His persistence and hard work ranked him up to an E-9 Master Chief
and Amy captured every moment of it with the little polaroid camera Jake gave to her on their wedding day.
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Forget About It ~ Sweet Pea (Part 4)
A/n: I’m mega enjoying all the feedback on this. I’ve had this idea in my head FOREVER, like when I FIRST made this blog primarily Twilight and Riverdale, which is to say literally the beginning of time lol. I’m so glad that I finally got it written and that you guys like it :)
Warnings: It gets a little heated like twice. Violence. Bullying. Angst. Lots of angst. Depression. Fluff too :)
Word Count: 4252
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'Cause I feel like a bad joke- walk the tight rope to hold on to you. I gotta know, was it real? Or a love scene, from a bad dream? I don't think, I can forget about it! Gotta know was it real?
Tall Boy didn't get kicked out of the Serpents, even when it got brought up several times. Serpents I wasn't at all close to brought it up. I stood up for him. I brushed it away or waved it down, taking the death glare from my friends every time I did so. Every time they asked I said it didn't matter. He hadn't broken Serpent law because at the time I wasn't official, and they could hate them all they wanted, but if I wouldn't stand against him, they had no case so they should just shut up about it. What they didn't know was that I didn't believe him. I didn't trust him enough to be out of the Serpents, worried he'd run to someone else like the Ghoulies (or maybe someone even worse) in revenge if they did kick him out. So he stayed.
My defending didn't stop Tall Boy talking endless shit about me. In fact, it seemed to fuel it. When I was established as a Serpent better, and people saw how good of a person he was and heard what Tall Boy had tried to do to me, everyone shut him up really fast. Soon he had no one to talk to. But people like Tall Boy didn't seem to be able to sit down and shut up and have any kind of sense or decency. When everyone stopped listening to poison about me, he started talking about Jughead. And he seemed to have a LOT to talk about. After I caught him talking I faced him. "Hey Tall Boy." He turned to face me as I stood from my chair. "I don't like you talking shit about my family."
He scoffed. "Family?" He paused upon seeing me a venomous glare. "Jughead's only half a Serpent. He'll always have his head in the North Side."
My eyebrows rose, a hand going to my hip. "He's proven his loyalty same as the rest of us. What's your complaint? That's he's too nice?" I leaned against the table, palms flat as I leaned forward. "I know you're opposed to anything good, but I think you of all people are really qualified to be able to talk any bad about another Serpent, don't you?" My eyes glinted, and his glare darkened. "One of the biggest reasons you're still here is because I stuck up for you. Don't make me regret it."
From what I'd heard, he'd stopped most of his talking after that. I didn't want him to stop. The pettier and more childish he looked the fewer people would believe him. But I didn't want him talking often, and I definitely didn't want him to get enough balls to actually allow himself to talk shit like that with me so close by. I knew he was doing it to bother me and that is something I just won't tolerate.
Things were going pretty good, though. Sweet Pea and I seemed to be toeing the line. Neither of us would close that last bit of distance. He wouldn't ask me out, and it made me unsure if he just didn't want to. I'd made myself clear, why wasn't he? Despite that though we still cuddled at night, holding each other close and waking up to each other's skin and smell and warmth. At school, everyone saw us as a couple, and I could see it in the way boys avoided looking at me too long, and girls lost interest in Sweet Pea a second after they looked over. We weren't on the market. We were spoken for, taken. It felt that way to me too. We didn't kiss after that first night, but we did flirt a lot more, and we got more touchy and present around each other. Closer and more aware, as if there was a tangible rope or a magnet, drawing not only our bodies together but our attention to each other as well.
As for the others, Fangs and I developed a quick and fun sibling bond. He gave me piggyback rides and messed up my hair and teased me on a daily. In return, I shouted loudly about how single and hot he was to passers-by and moved his things so he would look for them forever before he'd find them. We played little pranks on each other, harmless and brief but absolutely hilarious to us. Toni, likewise, became like my sister. She gossiped to me, getting me caught up on everything I'd missed in the Serpents and even on the South Side in general. Jughead came to me and apologized not soon after our fight but I'd long since forgiven him, and we were back on track, though I was living more with Sweet Pea than anything. No wI was stealing Sweet Pea's shirts instead of Jug's, leaving Betty to take up the practice for me. The small box of clothes I'd started to gather from my friends started when Jug told me to keep the two shirts of his that I absolutely adored, ones he didn't really wear anyway because they were worn and a little small on him. Next was Fangs' flannel he lent me one night when I had only a tank top on from when I'd first come to the South Side and it had been cold. I'd told him that I only had Jug's two shirts when he asked what the holy hell. Was doing out at night in just a tank top and he hadn't hesitated to hand over his flannel, which I thought was the actual cutest and I loved him for it. Toni found out from Fangs the next day that I was short some clothes and immediately took me to her house to see which of her clothes I fit, insisting that she'd wanted to get rid of some clothes anyway. So I got two new pairs of pants, three shirts, a pullover, a zip-up jacket, and two more flannels from her. Seeing everyone else's clothes on me drove Sweet Pea to give me three of his shirts right off the bat, jokingly teasing that those were mine but his closet was open for me just as much. I basically stole another of his jackets and he didn't even question it. My little box made me feel incredibly loved. It was all I had of my life in the South Side as I had never gone back to my house to get anything. The times I'd visited, my father had seen me turn slowly more and more Serpent, telling me that my room was still as I'd left it as if it was waiting for me.
That was the problem though. It was a room that I associated with a person I no longer was. The clothes and bed and things belonged to someone else. I felt like I was invading just going inside, but actually putting on anything from there? No thanks.
Plus my friend' clothes were REALLY comfortable.
In summary, life was good and every day that passed, I was more Serpent. I got my own Serpent jacket and the day came that I was to get my tattoo. I'd been so excited but now, seeing the needle made me want to throw up. It had been about two weeks since my dance and despite my growing confidence, I was outside the tattoo shot, bent over with my hands on my knees and trying not to throw up. Sweet Pea rubbed my back, trying to soothe me. "We can come another day," he assured gently, his tone giving away his disappointment despite his efforts.
Standing tall, I inhaled through my nose and exhaled through my mouth. "I have a fear of needles," I admitted finally. "Every time we come it's going to be like this." I looked at my friends and saw the heartbroken looks on their faces. "I'm still getting the tattoo," I snapped and they tried to cover their expressions from before. I rolled my eyes, putting on my tough girl act. "Seriously I just need you guys to be patient with me."
I went to move toward the store but Sweet Peat caught my shoulder. I looked at him. "If you're not ready..."
My eyebrows rose, a smirk curling on my face. "I'm ready." There was something under my words. Something lighter and flirtier. It was good for me to divert my attention to something less terrifying. It was bad for Sweet Pea though, his hand falling from my ar as he blushed, swallowing. Toni and Fangs cleared their throats, trying not to laugh. "Are you?" He looked away and I swallowed, trying not to hide my disappointment. Every day my flirts got more serious and every day our back and forth lasted less and less time. I moved into the store, getting back in the chair. I'd run out before to get some air but as I sat back down, the tattoo artist came back to his chair.
"You good?" He asked. I nodded. He picked up the needle pen and I closed my eyes, tilting my head away and groaning as my eyes closed.
Fingers traced against my skin and I opened my eyes to see Sweet Pea in a chair he had pulled up next to me, his hand reaching for the one of mine that was limp against my stomach. "I'm right here, okay? Squeeze if t hurts, but keep talking to me. It'll be over before you know it." My eyes widened with adoration and his face softened as well, our eyes locked. I opened my mouth to say something but then the buzzing of the needle started and I tried not to imagine it any bigger than I knew it was. I was already shirtless, wanting my tattoo on my upper chest, just off from my shoulder and below my neck. "Hey, talk to me. I want to hear that pretty voice of yours."
I chuckled, the sound strangled and breathy as I tried to organize my panicked thoughts. "Breathe slower please, I need you to be more still," the tattoo artist said.
"What's your name?" I asked, looking over.
He smiled a little. "Dylan." When I raised my eyebrows he smiled a bit wider. "They used to call me Tracer. You wanna know why?" I nodded and he began talking, his casual tone and friendly smile combined with Sweet Pea's touch doing wonders to make me forget the needle as the buzzing of the needle became simply another noise and the pain was a distant thing in the back of my mind. Dylan was a retired Serpent and as he told me his half hilarious and half epic stories of all the trouble he'd gotten into in his youth, I felt Sweet Pea not holding back. His right thumb went up and down my arm as his left hand held my hand so that my arm was vertical. He kissed my knuckles every time I gasped or flinched or winced or showed any sign of growing or sudden anxiety or strain. When he did, I was instantly calm again.
When Dylan was done, everyone cheered. Fangs messed up my hair and Toni whooped and hollered, offering me my shirt as Dylan pat me on the back and gave me instructions on how to care properly for it. My tattoo was wrapped up and we left. Sweet Pea and I parted with Fangs and Toni, ending up in his trailer.
That's when I lost it. "Oh my GOD Sweets I got a tattoo!" He grinned, laughing so loud and genuinely that his lips parted and his head tilted back. "I'm a Serpent!"
My hands grabbed the lapels of his jacket, pulling him closer in my excitement. We grew quiet as our eyes met and the lacking proximity between us was noticed. I leaned against the wall behind me and he followed my tilt, his hand raising to brace himself so he didn't crush me. His other hand rose to allow his thumb to caress my cheek, his eyes ripping away from mine to roam my face slowly and purposefully. He seemed to be memorizing me. "You've come so far." His voice was soft, his breath falling across my face and making me smile. He seemed to want to say something but was struggling with saying it. "You scare me," he finally choked out. I went to say something after he paused but he cut me off. "You're one of us, I know, but you're... I didn't count on ever meeting someone like you. I hated North Siders until I met you. Until you changed everything. You proved me wrong on everything I thought. You're absolutely amazing." He leaned closer. "You know they're right, you're not a South Sider." My throat shut and my body seized. "But that's okay," he added gently. "Because you still chose us, and you're a Serpent. That's all that matters. And, Y/n, you're the only North Sider I would trust with anything, but also I would trust you with my life. My- my heart."
"Sweets-" My eyes grew wide.
"I don't want you to think that being a North Sider is bad. You're still part of us. You're still a Serpent and that will never change. You're here, no matter where you came from. I need you to know that."
My eyes watered. "Okay." There was a pause. "Do you like me?"
Sweet Pea chuckled breathlessly, his lips quivering as he tried to form words. I frowned. "So much," he breathed. "I like you so much it scares me. Scares me like needles scare you. I've NEVER felt this way about anyone before. I'm really all in it for you and I'm just terrified I'm going to wake up one day and you'll be gone and it'll all just be a dream."
"I'm not going anywhere," I whispered. We were nose to nose now. I hadn' realized he'd been leaning in. "If you're dreaming so am I, and I'm having the same dream."
His nose brushed mine and the moment was so tender and intimate that I inhaled sharply, my eyes fluttering as I tried to keep them open. "When I saw you after Tall Boy... I thought I lost you. The feeling that I felt- it still makes me sick. You started to fill my nightmares, every sleep bringing ugly images of you broken a little bit more. I was a little bit slower. It took us just a little longer to take Tall Boy's goons and get to you. You're pale and cold and I know you're not going to open your eyes again. You're not going to say my name or laugh and I- I've..." His words cut off as he took a shaky breath in and then let it out again. "I can't lose you, okay?"
"You won't lose me," I assured. "And I won't lose you. No matter where you are, I'll always be yours." I swallowed. "You don't scare me. Maybe it's because you make me feel so safe, though. I've ever felt so safe. Archie was always too nice and too good and too unaware. If he wasn't nearby I felt exposed and so I followed him everywhere like a lost puppy. But with you, I walk tall and look people in the eyes. I feel you by my side even when you're gone. You're everything I've ever wanted and more."
Sweet Pea smiled and then his eyes flickered to my lips. He didn’t pause leaning in to kiss me. The room exploded with heat as we collided, first soft but soon passionate. Our kisses grew quicker and then we were suddenly full on making out, his body pressing me against the wall. My hands rose to entangle in his hair and the hand of his that wasn't on my face dropped to my waist, fingers quickly slipping under my shirt and gripping my bare waist. His head tilted, our noses smooshing and we both inhaled deeply to make up for it. The hand on my waist trailed to my back and then down, finding a hold on the back of my thigh. He pulled my leg up his waist, tugging on me. His other hand dropped from my face to move against the back of my other thigh. I jumped up as he went to move me, helping him as he tried to hold me up. He pushed me harder against the wall, his body rolling into mine. I released a stuttering gasp, my fingers pulling on his hair and making him groan softly.
His lips left mine to move to my neck. Yellow and faded purple still decorated my neck from when Tall Boy tried to strangle me what seemed so long ago but really wasn’t. Just two weeks ago. It was almost gone but not quite and as his teeth ran over the skin, I winced, a hiss slipping through my lips. He jerked back, my arms going higher and the skin where my new tattoo was stretching. I gasped, wincing again. “Sorry,” Sweet Pea grunted. He slowly put me down.
“No,” I whined, pulling him into a kiss again. I kissed him hard and he shivered under my touch as one of my hands fell, going under his shirt and pressing against his stomach. His breath caught.
His hand caught my wrist and he leaned back, both of our eyes opening as we looked at each other. “Y/n,” he whispered. I groaned, letting my head fall against the wall. “I want you,” he assured me.
A sigh from me. “Then what?” I asked.
“You’re hurt,” he reminded me. “And, I mean are you really ready?”
Lifting my head, I looked at him. “Yes, Sweet Pea, I am. I want you. I want to be with you. And you keep stopping me.”
His face went red. “What if I’m not ready?”
Oh. I paused, relaxing and looking at him. “Sweets…” He went to ull away from me but I pulled him closer, kissing his cheek softly. “That doesn’t change anything between us. You’re allowed to not be ready. I’m sorry.” I tugged him gently, wanting him to stay with me but giving him the option of leaving if he really wanted. He leaned closer, his forehead pressing against mine. “I…” I swallowed. “I-” I wanted to say I loved him, but it didn’t feel right. Maybe I did, but this wasn’t the moment to say so. “I’m glad we met. And I’m glad I’m here. With you.”
He let out a few breaths that were almost laughter. “Yeah never thought I’d be glad a red-headed psychopath decided to lose his shit on the South Side, but here I am.” We both and he kissed me against, short and sweet and tender. There was a pause and then he whispered, “I want to be with you too. For real. I’m tired of being scared. I want you to be taken, spoken for, and I want people to know.”
My grin was brilliant as I pushed him away so we could see each other. “Sweet Pea are you asking me out?” I teased. He shrugged, smirking, jokingly playing it off like it was nothing. My grin widened and he couldn’t help but follow my lead, smiling just as brilliantly. “I would love to.”
He leaned down suddenly, scooping me up. I shrieked, clinging to him, and he laughed. He walked us to his room and dropped me on the bed. I grabbed a pillow, cursing his name as I chucked it at him, trying to seem mad through my laughter. He kicked off his shoes and crawled in next to me, pulling the blankets over us. I cuddled into him and he held me tightly, pulling me as close as he could. We fell asleep mid-conversation, nodding off while we talked quietly to each other.
Laughter rang out as Sweet Pea juped, bouncing me as I rode on his back. I’d begged and he had finally obliged after I’d given him a kiss. It was in that situation, happy and very much together, that we were found. “Y/n.” I looked over to see Archie and my eyebrow rose. We were at school, he should be too. Why was he here? Sweet Pea, hearing my name and sensing my sudden change in mood, looked over as well. When I attempted to get down, he let me, his hand on my back to lt e know he was there if I needed him. I hadn’t been anxious but if I had been, that alone would have made it disappear.
Moving to my brother, I placed a hand on my hip. “What’s up, Archie?” Archie reached out, his fingers tracing over my nearly gone bruises and my Serpent tattoo, which was out for everyone to see after it had its time to heal. He looked upset and I stepped back, out of his reach. His hand fell and he swallowed.
He met my eyes. “Come on, dad’s waiting for us in the car.” He turned to leave.
My eyes widened. “What?”
Archie turned back to face me, his expression was dark. “Dad heard about you almost getting killed out here and he’s done playing games.” I scoffed and Archie put his hands in the air, palms facing me. “If you don’t believe me, come ask Dad yourself. He’s waiting in the car just like I said. We came to bring you home.”
My shoulders straightened. “I am home.”
Archie glared at me. “Yeah wel,l then we’re bringing you back to the North Side, Serpent.” He spat the word, refusing to call me by my name. It had the same edge to it as when Archie pulled out a gun that first night I met Sweet Pea. The feeling of disowning and letting go. I wasn’t his Y/n anymore, just as he had long since stopped being my Archie. We were different now, twisted and distant. Impossibly far away from each other.
Just as I was about to argue with him, Sweet Pea pulled me behind him. “She isn’t going anywhere.”
Archie immediately grew angrier, stepping up to Sweet Pea even though he was shorter. Toni was on the scene, her small frame sliding between the two huge boys and pushing them apart. “What is going ON here?”
Fangs and Jughead were suddenly at my side. “I’m taking her home.” Four vices rose angrily and he backed up, putting his hands in the air again. “My dad’s orders! There’s nothing any of us can do. She’s fifteen, he’s her legal guardian.” He sighed rubbing his face. “Come on guys…”
Pushing through all my friends, I faced Archie. I turned my back to him, loing at the four people that meant absolutely everything to me. “I can visit okay?” They all looked at me, as hurt as I felt. “I don’t want to start a war ad ruin the little relationships I have left. I’ll just… I’ll find a way.”
Toni was the first to step up. She gave me a hug, telling me to keep my head down. Jughead was next, his hug accompanied by a good luck wish. Fangs’ hug was harder as he whispered that I’d always be welcome back. Sweet Pea was last. I felt Archie’s on me as he took my hands, leaning down so our foreheads touched. There was a pause and it was too quiet. Like there was a wall of glass between us. “I’m sorry,”  choked out. “I’m sorry-”
“Hey,” he soothed. “You’re spoken for, so am I. That won’t change. We’ll figure something out, okay?” I nodded. His hand left mine, fingers grazing my tattoo. I smiled. “No matter where you are,” he whispered. He kissed me and even though it was brief, Archie cleared his throat. “I’ll bring your bx if you want.”
Though a little laugh came out, I was crying. “Thank you.” I leaned away, locking eyes with him. “Wherever I am.” It was a promise, and now we’d both made it. I squeezed his hand one last time before I pulled away altogether, pushing past Archie roughly as I made my way to the car. My dad was waiting in the driver’s seat. As I approached our eyes locked and we both waved. He could tell how upset I was- not that it was hard to, since my eyes were red from crying. He motioned to the passenger seat and I took it, closing the door after me. Archie took the backseat without complaint. My dad started the car and it was quiet as I watched South Side High disappear.
Finall,y my father spoke. “You have a new tattoo. How did that happen?”
“Same way it always does. I did the initiation, I got the tattoo.”
He looked at me. “And the bruises?”
I was quiet for a long time. “Don’t blame the Serpents,” I whispered. “Toni, Fangs, Jughead, and Sweet Pea saved my life.”
“Your life wouldn’t have been in danger if you weren’t there,” Archie grumbled.
“Bullshit,” I snapped. My dad jerked in his seat. “The Black Hood is still running around killing people last I heard. The Red Circle didn’t get him?” That shut Archie up.
A few moments passed and my dad sighed. “Okay, look. There’s tension and danger and we’ve all been through a lot. But we’re a family.” I caught Archie’s eyes in the rearview mirror and we both held the same look in our eyes. We had the same parents and even some similar features. We came from the same bloodline and had lived in the same house nearly all our lives. But we weren’t family. I was a Serpent and he was Hiram and Veronica Lodge’s lap dog. We were on complete opposite playing fields. “And we’re going to figure this out,” our dad finished, knocking us out of our glare down. “My best friend was a Serpent. FP Jones himself.” Archie scoffed and I tried not to verbally attack him for the way the look on his face communicated a little too well on how he felt about FP. “Y/n, you’re allowed to be a Serpent, you already did what was necessary. If you wish, you can wear your jacket and even have friends over.” I looked over at him. He returned my look. “But if anything happens under my roof that you at all even think I couldn’t approve of, I will cut you off, do you understand me?” I slowly nodded my head, too relieved to care about what he was insinuating. Drugs? Sex? Fighting? It didn’t matter right now.
“But dad-” Archie began.
Dad shook his head. “I allow you the same freedoms Archie,” he finished. “I don’t want to hear anymore on the issue.” We were silent for the rest of the trip, but I knew what would happen. I’d be locked in a prison. Somewhere that wasn’t mine with people I didn’t really know anymore, who definitely didn’t know me. This was going to be complete Hell.
FTL: @chipster-21 @bitchyseawitch @alexa-playafricabytoto
Story tag list: @reblogserpent
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11/2/19 What I’m liking today
Just thought I'd share some things I'm loving lately with my friends/family. First, Redken Extreme Mega Mask for my hair-it's brought my dry hair back to life! Second, Walmart grocery pick up, it's so easy! I've spent an average of about $70 per week to feed my whole family, versus the $200 per week I was spending at Schnucks. Matt and I can add things during the week that I normally forget, -and I don't have to interact with people 🤣🤣 This “Southern Stew” vegan recipe.  I'm always struggling to get more vegetables into my family's diet, and Matt actually requests this often. (see recipe below), Fourth, the 728 Chic Boutique located at 4912 Temple Ave in Evansville, because I love to shop local to balance out my Walmart. I find great stuff in sizes that fit Maddie and I both for great prices-bonus they have two French Bulldogs in the store you can love on! And lastly, my husband, daughter, and dear friends You all make my life so much better ❤️❤️
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 yellow onion, diced
4 celery stalks, diced
1 package frozen okra
1 tablespoon cumin
1 tablespoon dried thyme
1/2 teaspoon cayenne
3 sweet potatoes, washed and cubed
1 can black eyed peas
1 package frozen sweet corn
10 oz frozen chard or collard greens, chopped
1 28-ounce can diced tomatoes
1 box vegetable broth
1 11.5 oz jar of mild jalapenos (optional)
Salt and pepper, to taste
In a soup pot over medium heat, sauté onion and celery in the oil. Add cumin, thyme and cayenne and sauté for another minute.
Add the cubed sweet potatoes and enough vegetable broth to cover (about 4 cups). Turn heat to high, cover and bring to a boil. Let simmer until sweet potatoes are tender. Once tender, puree with a immersion blender or transfer to a blender to puree. Return sweet potato broth to soup pot.
Add black-eyed peas, corn, greens,okra, and diced tomatoes. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Bring to a simmer for about 10 more minutes or until greens are softened and soup thickens. Add additional water if soup gets too thick.( I omit the onion because Matt won't eat anything with onion, and add some jalapeno peppers, but it's up to you)
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Kevin loves a good, riveting shock.
Kevin’s Team: Plusle, Pachirisu, Ampharos (able to mega evolve), Jolteon, Mareep, and Zebstrika
Badge Awarded: Voltage Badge
Kevin Keller’s gym is basically just an auditorium, and when you arrive, people are seated in comfy chairs, like they’re waiting for a show.
The stage is huge, the bright, velvety red curtains are closed, and you can see people’s feet shuffling around backstage.
“You finally made it!” You hear a voice from the front call out. Kevin stands right in front of the stage, checking his watch, “A little later than I was expecting, but I guess that’s showbiz. Okay, places everyone!”
Places? What?
You don’t have much time to try to wrap your head around what’s happening because Kevin grabs you by the shoulders, spinning you around and marching you up to the podium sitting on the left side of the stage. “You’re gonna do great,” He says, and runs off the stage.
An entirely too bright spotlight flashes onto you. The curtain opens and three people step onto the stage, holding giant cue cards.
Kevin stands in front of the stage, hands clasped together. “Welcome, everyone, to the Pokédale Quiz Show! Answer a question correctly, move on to the next round. Answer a question incorrectly aaaand…”
“BATTLE THAT TRAINER!” The audience roars out, clapping and jeering.
“Are you ready for your first question?” Kevin turns to you. You open your mouth to say something, but he cuts you off, “Great! Let’s begin.”
“Question number one! You’ve all heard of our hot hunk of man, Steel-type Gym Leader Archie Andrews, but how well do you know him? Let’s find out.”
Three more spotlights now illuminate the trainers on stage, holding their lettered cards. “How many hours a day does Archie work on that hot bod of his? A) 1, B) 2, or C) 3?”
You try to resist rolling your eyes as you look at the small answer cards in front of you. You take a guess, holding up the letter C.
“Correct! Archie Andrews spends a whole 3 hours at his buddy Reggie’s gym every day. Round two!”
You barely have any time to take a breath before more trainers waltz on to the stage, Kevin already rolling into the next question.
“Word around town is Pokédale’s sweethearts Josie McCoy and her Pussycats are working on a new album. What is it called? A) The Cat’s Meowth, B) Seeled With A Kiss, or C) Works Like A Charm-ander?”
This one you definitely know, as a fan of Josie and the Pussycats. You hold up the letter A.
“Amazing! The new album is titled “The Cat’s Meowth” but answers B and C are also songs featured on the album!”
“Onto our final round! This round features a question about the legendary Dragon-type Elite Four member: Sweet Pea. We’ve all marveled over his perfect signature hair curl. How long does that take him every morning? A) 30 minutes, B) 1 hour, or C) we all know he just wakes up like that, somehow, the beautiful bastard.”
This time you actually do roll your eyes. What kind of trivia question is that?
You trust your gut and hold up the letter C again.
“Bravo, bravo! You have passed my quiz! Fantastic job!”
The audience cheers, and Kevin walks onto the stage to congratulate you. “You did great!”
You just smile, unable to say anything, still weirded out by the whole experience. He snaps his fingers, the stage opening up wide to form a battlefield. Kevin makes his way to the other side of the stage, showing off for the audience members as he takes on a battle stance.
“You’re awfully quiet. Did all of those questions leave you dizzy? My beloved Pokémon will be the next ones to make your head spin!"
(created with the help of my lovely friend @ch4plinfan, dedicated to @awkwardteenwrites, gym leader quote inspired by elesa’s opening line)
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dewyandbare-blog · 6 years ago
skin potions review (◕‿◕✿)
Skin Potions
I heard about Skin Potions from several bloggers and from the ads on Instagram and Facebook. I was curious but I still had products to use and they were still doing their job, not that they’re ineffective now but curiosity really got me and there was a sale near me so I purchased a couple of products from Skin Potions. I bought it last March 14, 2019 during the Beautify 2019 event. I literally went out of my way from Valenzuela to buy the Peach Thy Lash product but ended up buying 3 more products. In my defense, their packaging is super cute, okay! They made a cartoon out of the main ingredient of their products. I used them right away when I did my skin care routine that night so let me break down my experience with their products:
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·       Tomato Serum
 I have heard of tomato having skin care benefits but I haven’t tried one so this my first try. This serum, according to their website, claims to increase fairness, balance pH levels, tighten pores, treat sunburn, reduce skin irritation, and cure acne. It’s organic and uses natural-based ingredients. I got it for Php207 but it’s originally Php 295 so that’s 30% off! Not bad for a locally made serum especially if it really works!
 Packaging/Product: The label sticker is so cute: a tomato picking his/her fellow tomatoes! As I said, the graphic design really attracts buyers since the color scheme, cartoon drawings, font is pleasing to the eyes. The bottle has a pump which is what I consider hygienic since I don’t like dirt from the environment potentially mixing with the product. I also like that you can control the amount that comes out because some pumps don’t work and release much more than you intend to get due to faulty pump bottle. The pump bottle contains 30mL or 1.014 fl. oz. of serum in it which is dropper bottle. It also smells like strawberry which is a surprise considering it’s a tomato-based product. My mom even thought ants would crawl on our faces at night because it smells too sweet, it might attract ants. Update: It didn’t attract ants to our faces.
 Performance: The serum is thick in consistency. I only need a pea-size amount for my entire face. It dries pretty quickly when I apply it in a dry airconditioned room. Why do I need an airconditioned room? Because here’s the thing, my face sweats easily so I think it affects the performance in my opinion. I think because of the sweat on my face, my skin can’t fully absorb the serum so I had to dry my face off with electric fan. Anyway, the serum spreads easily across the face and leaves a sticky feeling for a little while. I don’t know if it’s just me or everybody experiences the post-application sticky feeling. It’s only for a little while though because the serum dries pretty quickly, maybe less than 30 seconds. I use the serum twice a day, one in the morning or afternoon and one in the evening.
 Results: My skin is sensitive to certain products; the reaction is immediate. I will see blind pimples in places I don’t usually get them so that’s how I know whether the product is compatible with my skin or not. Fortunately for me, the Tomato Serum is compatible with my skin. I noticed that my bumps lessened in numbers and my pimples decreased in size. My skin still has texture but I have yet to see if it smoothens after one bottle. I haven’t seen any major differences in my skin but I will still use it because it gradually lessens my bumps and pimples.
·         Rosehip Oil
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I’ve always wanted to try the Rosehip Oil because my friends say the whiten the dark scars from pimple/acne. I never had the chance since the popular brands I looked at sells them for 500 and up and as a student, I don’t have the budget for that. Until, Skin Potions announced that they will have mega sale in North Edsa. My mom immediately bought one to see if the reviews are true. It costs Php200 when we got it but there was a 50% off so it’s originally priced at Php400 for a 30mL or 1.014 fl. oz.. I consider it a steal since most Rosehip costs Php500 and up!
 Packaging/Product: The label sticker was a little off, it can be easily peeled off since the sticker size exceeds the space on the bottle. It’s a spray bottle which got me curious how will that work since it’s oil. Its consistency is a little thicker than liquid. Unfortunately, it sprays everywhere whenever I use it so I had to be careful when using it. No matter how I use it (against my palm or fingers), the product sprays everywhere. The bottle contains 30mL or 1.014 fl. oz of product which is also standard with oils. I wish the container is a dropper bottle because it’s easier to use with oils.
 Performance: I don’t usually use oils. I stayed off of it since I realized it feels hot on the skin. The last time I did was with V&M Naturals’ Emu Oil, that worked out great for me. The Rosehip Oil is like your typical oil. It doesn’t have any special thing to it. It doesn’t smell anything special. It applies to the skin like any other oils so I can’t speak any more than that.
 Results: The results were great. I only used 4-5 times since I bought it but I already saw great results on my skin. Since my skin is sensitive, I always have pimples on my cheeks, forehead and sometimes, jaws. I have a bad habit on picking on them when I forget to put a pimple patch on it and that often results to dark scars. I refuse to put make up on it because I sweat a lot (it would be useless) and I don’t go out when I have fresh dark marks. It’s embarrassing. When I applied it after 4-5 times, I noticed that a 1-week old dark mark on my right cheek lightened. Had I not put anything on it, it would last for months before it fades. It’s amazing. I will post pictures of before and after when it completely lightens.
·         Peach Thy Lash
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I’m pretty insecure with my eyebrows ever since I had it threaded so I always use eyebrow pencils. I tried using castor oil for my brows and lashes but I feel a slight pain on my eyebrow area and sting in my eyes. Also, pure castor oil feels heavy on the lashes so I don’t like putting it on much. When I saw the Instagram posts of Skin Potions and saw actual results from Peach Thy Lash, I decided then and there that I would buy one. It’s pretty cheap considering the packaging is great so I was excited to use it. It claims to grow and strengthen your eyebrows and lashes. I got for Php120 but it really costs Php150.
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Packaging/Product: It’s so small, only 5mL or 0.169 fl. oz, so at first, I expected less with the quality of packaging but when I saw the size of the spoolie brush, I was amazed because I already know from the looks of it that it will apply great on my eyebrows and lashes. The serum smells like flowers so I enjoy using it. The ingredients are almost all organic: water, castor oil, Tsubaki oil, aloe water, and rosehip oil. It also contains perfume and a preservative called phenoxyethanol. What’s also great about it is the stopper in the tube’s mouth that prevents me from using so much product at once. It saves me from using so much and finishing the tube quickly.
 Performance: The spoolie works great when applying the product since it’s bigger than the usual spoolies, I can see that it spreads the serum evenly on my brows and lashes. The only con is that I can’t reach the corner hairs on my lashes without hitting my eyes, so I have to use both hands to apply the serum on all the hairs including the inner corner ones. Overall, it’s a great product in terms of performance. I use it twice a day, morning and night. It dries out quickly and it doesn’t feel heavy on the brows and lashes.
 Results: I have a less hair on the front of my eyebrows and I have bald spot on my lashes so that’s my focus when applying. On my bald front brows, I notice that there are little hairs growing right now. It’s not really noticeable unless I look closely into it. I was happy with it because it means my bald brows still have hope. On my lashes, they’re already a good length, not too short and it fans out so I should be content with it right? But I also have a bald spot, so I see to it to put serum on it first. But overall, I see that my lashes look a little longer than before to the point where I can see them without looking at a mirror.
 General Verdict:
I know it’s too early to say it but I really like the products in terms of price, packaging, performance, and the results after at least a week. For a student, the price range of their products are affordable. I don’t mind splurging a little bit on their products because the quality in general is amazing so far. The packaging is well-thought out in my opinion because their color schemes, cute characters and overall packaging feel is attractive. It makes you want to buy more. Personally, I want to collect their products because it’s so cute. The performance is also a plus, it’s functions well. It;s not hassle to use. I almost did not have a difficulty using their products except for the Rosehip Oil, the oil splashes everywhere no matter what angle I do or how softly I press the pump. I wish they would change it to a dropper bottle instead. It’s easier to use. The results? I love it. My skin didn’t react badly to it. It only means that it doesn’t have a toxic ingredient on it. I will include it in my skin care routine from now on. I also can’t wait to try out their other products! Good job, Skin Potions Team!
Photos © Skin Potions Website
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peterpparkrr · 7 years ago
(Archie Andrews x Reader): Enemies to lovers headcanons
You hated Archie because he personified everything that you hated about living in Riverdale
He was the perfect boy next door (the football player, the singer-songwriter, the popular guy, etc) he wore all of those hats at once and it had always been off putting to you
And THEN the whole red circle bullshit started and you wanted to kill him
Because the very idea that it was the southside causing the issues was incredible classist and just prejudiced and there was never any evidence that the Black Hood was a southsider
Honestly, with how connected Archie was to all of the attacks you had a personal theory that he was the Black Hood
But mostly you think that he’s just stirring up trouble
You’re defensive because you’re technically from the southside
You live in the trailer park but you go to Riverdale High
And no one other than Jughead knows (because you’re neighbors and you’re in the same situation)
You tend to keep to yourself more than most students because of it
You’re still fairly involved, you’re a great student and you’re on the debate team (probably why you’re so opinionated in general) 
You’re just kind of involved in that one thing and find all of the sports stuff stupid and a waste
So when Sweet Pea and Fangs (who you’ve been friends with since you were in diapers) told you that he had pulled a gun on them while walking around tagging stuff on the southside you were ready to rip him apart 
They told you not to worry about it, that they would handle Archie themselves you you were naive enough to believe them 
You had to stand by and watch as the Bulldogs fought your friends
And when Veronica shot of that gun you knew you were at war with a whole bunch of insane people (because literally what the fuck)
As you helped clean up your friends that night your anger for Archie only festered
The next day you tore Archie a new one at school and you made sure that Principal Weatherbee made Archie write an apology and post it online 
Then, when the guys are going to pick up Jughead to finish his initiation you hear bickering outside of your trailer and you peek out of your trailer to see Archie telling Jughead that Betty’s breaking up with him 
You tried to talk with Jughead about what happened but he make it clear that he didn’t want to talk about it
The next day news gets to you that Keller had raided Southside High and that the serpents had been arrested you rushed over to the police station fuming about how there was no evidence against them and that they were being profiled and you talked Sheriff Keller’s ear off until he gave up and released them
And then you went to the street race against your better judgement
Even though you weren’t a part of either gang you felt like you were an honorary serpent and needed to support them 
When you found out that Archie was riding with Jug you had a sinking feeling that it wasn’t going to end well
Which obviously it didn’t
And even though all of the serpents were pissed that he called the police you actually sort of understood why he did it and respected him for trying to protect Jughead and the serpents
Luckily, everyone was in high spirits not long after because FP was getting released from prison and since you were his neighbor (and had become a daughter to him in a weird sense) you were going to be at his retirement party
You were hanging out with your friends when Archie and Veronica took to the stage to sing their mega depressing duet
And you weren’t surprised when Veronica ran off stage because honestly same
After awhile they didn’t come back into the bar and curiosity got the best of you so you went outside to see Archie standing in the parking lot by himself looking heart broken
“So you two broke up?” You ask, cringing at how harsh it sounds once it comes out of your mouth
Archie stares at you for a moment before sighing, “Now’s not a great time, (Y/L/N).” He replies before starting to walk away
“Wait!” You call after him, “I’m...sorry.” You reply quietly, “That really sucks.” You add, trying your best to comfort him yet somehow making it the most awkward thing possible
“Um..thanks?” he says, clearly confused by the fact that you’re being nice to him because almost every time you talk you’re either yelling at him or ignoring him
“Yeah, uh, do you want to come back inside? I’ll buy you a drink.”
And so you did
And it was soooooo awkward
You two just sat in silence and drank at the bar while Toni kept glance at you guys weirdly
But it was sort of nice (not that you would ever admit that)
But when Southside High gets closed and all of the southsiders end up at Riverdale it seems like Archie and Veronica are at least sort of back together
Which makes you upset for some reason
And you watch from your locker as Veronica and Archie argue with Cheryl and Reggie over the southsiders
After they all leave for class you walk over and help Jughead explain everything to the serpents
And you have to help explain to Jug why it’s okay for the serpent's to back down on all of the school stuff
Because you know how much of a privilege it is to be at Riverdale High
Plus you totally get a kick out of making fun of the others for the hilarious uniforms they have to wear
Going to the basketball tryouts with the intention of watching Sweet Pea and Fangs and giving them some moral support 
Yet you end up watching a certain redhead more than your actual friends for sOmE rEaSon
Taking part in Toni and Jug’s protest
Mostly because you support the cause but also a lil bit because you know you’ll be interrupting Veronica’s performance
Like you def have a lot of anger towards Veronica that you claim has to do with her family and how they’re buying up the southside but everyone kind of knows that it’s mostly because you’re jealous
And so when Archie and Veronica break up again everyone thinks that you’re going to be super happy or something but you’re just as apathetic as ever when they ask you about it
So Jug sits down with you in the student lounge is is like,
“I know you like Archie”
And you scoff, obviously
Because you hate him
And it’s normal to want to aggressively make out with someone you hate -right?
But he doesn’t give up
“You need to talk to him” Jughead insists
You protest that he’s still in love with Veronica
Causing Jughead to sigh
“He hasn’t been in love with her since she broke it off the first time, Veronica broke up with him again because she could tell he didn’t have feelings for her anymore, that he likes someone else.”
It takes you way too long to realize that he means you
And you REFUSE to believe him
((you literally nope out of the situation and just leave))
So then you’re walking home and like,, sort of muttering to yourself about how stupid your friends are when you hear someone run up behind you and stop right next to you
When you see that it’s Archie you groan and roll your eyes
And he’s all like, “hey, I thought we didn’t hate each other anymore”
And you’re all like, “That doesn’t me that I have to like you”
And he’s like, “but you do”
And you’re like “who told you, was it Jug, I swear to god I’m going to-”
And he’s laughing and like, “You just did, I was just guessing, I didn’t think it was going to be that easy to get you to admit it”
Which annoys you so you shove him and mutter that you hate him even though you can’t help but smile
He asks if he can walk you home, and you actually let him 
And you actually have a really nice conversation, you tell him about debate team and he tells you about his music and hoe he feels bad for kind of dropping it with all of the black hood stuff
And then when you walk into the trailer park you can tell that he’s sort of confused and you start to tense up because you realize that he doesn’t know that you live here
So when you walk up the steps of your trailer you turn around to face Archie and just prepare yourself for him to get mad or something but he just grins at you 
“I didn’t know you were Jughead’s neighbor! That’s so cool!”
Which surprises you before you realize that he really has changed
So you very quickly kiss him before saying goodbye and running into your trailer
And Archie just stands there for a minute smiling to himself about how intrigued he is to really get to know you
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omemebee · 7 years ago
me and one of my friends were talking about onibi series au or something and i came up with an amazing imagine
the onibi cast with tumblr accounts
stupid imagines under the cuuut
mai shishikusa
-mai has both a main blog and an art blog
-she puts lots of effort into her work but barley gets any notes so thats why she became a cannibal lmaooo
-anytime she does get feedback she responds back in all caps and just breaks her keyboard over the compliment
-on her main blog she reblogs memes (she doesnt make them because and i quote “she doesnt know how”)
-ryou always embarrasses her for being a good artist but she doesnt get mad anyways 
akari oborodzuka
-akari once told mai to tag her memes because she hates them
-gay love advice 
-has shikyou blocked on all of her side blogs
-she has way too many side blogs
-questionable ask // insert reaction image
shikyou amanojaku
-professional meme stealer
-salty as fuck
-shes a sweet pea to her followers though crystal omg your wife is so great 
-everyone except mai has her blocked
-asmr and vore jokes
-is actually really funny unlike shikyou hHAJ JK-
-also has shikyou blocked
-aesthetics and moodboards!!
-makeup selfies? makeup selfies!
-stop saying everyone hates her SHES BEST GIRL
-has triggers and respects triggers
-is also very salty as well
ryou onidzuka
-how do you do fellow kids
-usually just posts pictures of her and mai doing mother and daugther bonding??? i love her
-”whats a meme??”
-hates discourse but not in a mean way
-proves good points
-still love her though
kaori onidzuka
-very salty
-salty on main
-who did this to her
-who hurt her
-”hey op delete you account”
-shes me bye
-the person who always reblogs those suicide hotline phone number and motivational posts to keep her followers safe
-she protec. she attack. but most importantly. she mega protec.
-shes actually the anons sending mai feedback because she feels bad that barley anyone follows her art blog
-”shikyou what did you do this time?” distorted seinfeld theme
-shikyou posts offensive memes while she posts positive memes
-i honestly love her
-please someone give her more love
Tumblr media
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hunkydorynovak · 7 years ago
Tumblr media
Describe your character; how do you see your character in your own eyes and not based off the bio?  How have you developed this character into your own?
Dory has had a very special place in my heart ever since I first saw Finding Nemo.  At the heart, she’s just a sweet, sincere girl who wants to find somewhere in the world where she belongs.  Most of the time, she approaches the world with a childlike wonder (and somtimes the naiveté to match), but every now and then she’ll have a sprinkle of wisdom and maturity peek through and give you a hint of just how much of a full life she has lived for someone of her age.  And though you may not believe it, she’s a girl who lives her life on routine.  Not necessarily by time, but by her situation and emotions.
What’s your favorite thing about your character?  What’s your least favorite?
I absolutely adore her endless positivity and how it’s so easy for her to just let things roll off her back (whether it’s a conscious decision or not).  That’s the kind of person I try my hardest to be.  And my least favorite thing...Dory actually has a really hard time reading a room, so I suffer a lot of second-hand awkwardness.
What are some of your favorite relationships your character has formed?  (Friendships, relationships, yada ya)
Being the way she is, it’s kind of hard for Dory to make any kind of significant relationships, ha.  BUT Tito and Eve seem to be at least on the buddy level with her, which I’m all for!  And I know this hasn’t gotten terribly far, but I’m still mega emotional over how much Shaggy and Scooby like her.  Don’t look at me.  Also, she and Toulouse crack me the heck up.  I definitely want to see where that goes in the future.  :3
Has your character changed you in any way?  Or do you see yourself in your character?
Dory is probably the most technically challenging muse I’ve ever played, for obvious reasons.  I’m constantly having to measure when will be a reasonable point to have her memory reset, what actually sticks in her memory, and in what way.  But I’ve found that I like the challenge, and it makes me think outside the box of how she can have a significant impact on another character.
Do you think your character has had a big impact on Walt?  Is it a good impact or bad?
Maybe not on the entire school, but I like to think Dory’s had a good impact on the people she’s met.
Favorite thing your character has done and worst.
Eh...too early to tell.  Ask again later.
What is some progress you hope to have with your character in the future?
Gaining some new long-term memories!  Haha.
What is one thing you would tell your character?
You’re doing amazing, sweetie.
What are you looking forward to in the future?
I can’t wait until we get a Braxton and Finnley in here.  Dory loves her brothers so much, and they’re a huge part of her life, and all she wants to do is help them keep out of any more trouble.  Besides, it’ll be refreshing to have someone around that she can instantly recognize, haha.
Have you had a favorite event?  Favorite plot?  Share it right here.
Um, terrifying as it is, I’m genuinely in love with the Scream event we’ve got going right now!!  I’m usually such a wimp when it comes to scary things, but in roleplay form it’s totally manageable while still managing to be CREEPY AS FRICK.  I’ve also rarely had AU events in my roleplay history, so it feels nice to step away from “canon” for a hot minute and just kinda go crazy.  :3
Ideas, shoutouts, request, dedications, questions?  Put ‘em here!
@wallyspade - ZULEY.  Um.  How do I say anything coherent without just falling at your feet?  In short, you’re amazing.  You work so bloody hard to keep this place at the absolute best it can be while managing your very busy life of being a musical theater star.  NOT TO MENTION writing about a hundred characters across generations, and all of them are so well developed, multi-faceted, and just make sense?!  I don’t know how you do it.  I’m just convinced that you’re a witch.
@outta-the-junkyard-angel - JESS.  Our other tireless admin!  I love you so much and you work so hard to make sure everything runs smoothly and everyone feels included.  I wish I could send you a giant cookie cake because you absolutely deserve it.  Not to mention that all of your characters are amazing and make me smile every time I see them on the dash.  In short, you’re a jewel.  Walt wouldn’t be the same without you.
@whydidyoutakemeaway - KAITLYN.  Um, what a bae, don’t even get me started.  You write so many of my all-time favorite Disney characters, and you’ve captured their essence flawlessly, but you’ve definitely made them your own rather than just copying from the source material, and that’s what I love the most about you.  Like, that’s not just Oliver over there - that’s Kaitlyn’s Oliver.  That’s not Judy Hopps, that’s Kaitlyn’s Judy Hopps.  I wish I could give you ten thousand hugs.  :3
@thrillsxchills - BRE.  Yet another member that I keep having to remind myself of all the characters you play, because they’re all so different and perfect, like what the heck, sweet pea.  Stop making the rest of us look like chumps.  Also another member I may or may not have been intimidated by for a hot second when I first got here (in my defense, you play both Orion and Brett).  But THEN I found out what an absolute teddy bear you are, and now every time I see one of your icons on the dash I get all giddy inside because I might get the chance to write with you that day, because it’s always a joy.
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