#But I will return to you timeloop my beloved
jtl-fics · 1 year
Ok I know you’re not supposed to think too hard on the logic of time travel AUs and just accept that it’s magic, but I always wonder why it’s happening and if it’ll happen again
Like imagine Andreil go back in time in like Math Nerd or Andrew First or whichever AU and then they live through their lives there and when they eventually die they wake up back in time AGAIN. Just an endless cycle of time travel AUs
My bro you have NO idea how much I love time loops and how tempted I am to repurpose one of my less developed time travel plots into one (Looking at the old flames concept specifically).
I love the idea of Andrew and Neil just locked into an endless cycle where Andrew's chasing after Neil into the next life because Neil's the one that goes first.
It's a fun idea that I wanna play with when I'm not in the middle of building my 100% Completion spreadsheet for the Trails game I'm FINALLY playing as a b-day treat to myself.
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circuscountdowns · 2 months
I love cult of the lamb especially because it is a video game - the romantic interpretations and symbology we can expand on ourselves is great when crafting our own fanons, but rogue likes like this that base a narrative around the mechanics are always so top tier to me. So many of us base our comics/art on how our save goes right?
But the game doesn't have multiple endings, there's clearly only one way to beat the game and still have something to play. But the fact that being able to return the crown to TOWW is even an Option and it doesn't do as it did in the beginning with the Yes - Absolutely choice is so Juicy from a narrative perspective. Because when u sacrifice yourself you kinda just restart the day like it didnt happen! It's clearly the wrong choice in spite of credits!!!!
And I think a lot of us sacrificed once for the beloved cat god but a long time ago I saw someone comment on my comic that they sacrificed their lamb 15 TIMES! and to think about the implications of a timeloop like that ragghhhhhh
A loyal worshipping lamb so so so desperate to fulfill their purpose as TOWW's tool -- they knew from the beginning what would need to happen they're committed they properly know their place and they're a LAMB. sacrifice is in their blood, death is what they were made for -- but they for some reason CAN'T successfully free their god, everything just restarts! How frustrating to have your choice and wants invalidated but now you have to confront the fact that "fate" is straight up saying Hey this isn't the right way--and you have to become a traitor! You gotta bring your god down from his pedestal! No one was made to have what they want! Maybe you shouldn't have wanted it in the first place!
And you can take all that from just one little choice at the end of the game.
I have unfinished comics and writings diving into this idea because its so compelling to me. The illusion of choice in video games is soooo good. Forced time loop until you get it right.
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alpinelogy · 12 hours
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers! Spread the self-love 💞
Thank you for giving me an excuse to talk about my silly little fanfics <3. This is like... half of my fics but whatever my house my rules
now entering a world (from which you will never return) Timeloop chalex you will forever be famous!! There is just something that hits all the right spots for me about now entering a world, I adore the time travel aspect more than I'm willing to admit. Possibly my best work, definitely up there at least. One of these days all my ramblings about it will get out of jail. Yes that includes you anon from a few days back
we found wonderland (you and i got lost in it) TP!Alex my beloved, I still regularly think about this AU but I gotta let it go, got no more to tell with TP!Alex and George. But both George and Alex taking on mentorship/leadership roles in their own way while simultaneously finding their way back to each other is important to me. May or may not have overly cheesy future thought up for them lmao
maybe we got lost (in translation) Okay this will be a year old soon and it shows how not used to writing I was but in terms of ideas its still one of my favorite fics :))). I like talking about language, I've spent the past few years operating in my second language, I will spend the foreseeable future operating in it, I think I get to have opinion on language and communication
galaxy collapse (somebody scream)  Close tie with few other fics but I limited myself to one Logan one and this one wins lmao. Its sort of chaotic but that is the point, really wanted to go for an idiots in love, fluffy rom-com and I think I hit all the bits perfectly. Ngl I regularly reread the second half
+ honorary mentions home is only a town (you're just a guest) & kicked out the stage lights (you’re still performing)  To me these two are a duology despite not existing in the same universe. home is only a town aka lolex soulmate AU is my take on a proper soulmate AU that hits all the tropes meanwhile stage lights is a good old exes to lovers which I am weak for. Second chances my beloved
+ bonus ringed genesis Honestly the only kinkmeme fic that I would be ever willing to deanon lmao. I categorically refuse to fess up to my smut writing cause my confidence is very wobbly at best of times but I like this one months down the line so maybe haha... anyway fumbly rookie norrussell is probably my favorite flavor of them enough said about that o7
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sweetlywingedcreation · 6 months
finished in stars and time...
only one other thing i've enjoyed has been able to get me to sit there silently, mouth ajar and eyes wide in "what the fuck??? they're actually going there?"
and that was season 2 and 3 of malevolent... I'm sure those who've watched know
i was not expecting some of those sequences and it ouggghhhhh
this game was so good bro, i'm so sad its over.
i think I have a save before the point of no return so I'm gonna go achievement hunting tomorrow or Friday. i got 25/43 and 6 of those bad boys are hidden achievements. wish me luck
i always say shit like "oh i don't have a favourite game! its too hard to choose" but uhhhh ISaT is my new fav game. it hits the exact niche of unabashedly queer, silly RPG, and includes my timelooop special interest!!!!!!!! Do you know how rare good timeloop media is to find?!
like i haven't been this obsessed with a silly 2d RPG since undertale and deltarune. its literally filling the void in my heart undertale/deltarule left...
anyways i finished the whole game (i'm pretty sure. i saw credits though I'm sure there's secret endings I'm missing) in 24.6 hrs over like 3 days. its 6am. bed time now
Siffrin In Stars and Time my beloved
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bbnibini · 2 years
To my beloved readers: There is a part in this timeloop where an unknown group is implied to be referring to you/the reader with feminine pronouns. Please note that this will be further explained in the final route and is not in any way indicative of yours or the MC's actual gender. I have and had always written this story with a gender-neutral reader in mind. This part in the story is a part of the plot and does not take away whatever gender you identify with. You are all wonderful the way you are! <3 (Thank you to the kind anon who pointed this out to me and I apologise if anyone who read that part had felt uncomfortable reading it. :( )
[ Tell him to kiss you again ] ⚠️
(Barbatos' affection +10) ⚠️
⚠️ (Warning: Abnormality detected. Capture target 『 𝔹 𝔸 ℝ 𝔹 𝔸 𝕋 𝕆 𝕊 』 @#$@#$$Q’s affection will increase dramatically.  Please proceed in this path at your own discretion.)
> approved
> displaying capture targets
Mammon : 85♡/100♡
Satan : 85♡/100♡
Barbatos: 220 /100 ♡ ⚠ ️ GAUGE OVERFLOWED ⚠ ️
Lucifer : 5♡/100♡
@#&)(@)€RR0Я : ∞??!@????♡/10000000000♡
>approved  }
“I won’t let that happen,” you whispered back, your warm breath fanning his own. “So please, don’t die?”
Barbatos leaned forward with your approval, planting chaste kisses on your lips to tease you back. When he heard you grumble, his lips lingered longer on yours, until you felt yourself kissing him back. Your hands held him by both cheeks, eager for your gestures to also be returned. He had been accommodating, if not a little eager as his tongue probed for entrance. He tasted like the eclairs and sweet tart you both had for afternoon tea, warm like the Darjeeling on your snack break as he moaned out, satisfied to find your own.
“I can still feel it,” he breathed out, smacking your lips. “…my impending death.”
Laughing, you kissed him back. “That’s not good. What should we do?”
You felt him smirk as he stopped to breathe in between your kisses, happy with your every approval. Everything seemed to grow silent as you could only hear his breathing and yours. Your eyes stung as sweat started to trickle on your brow, only heightening the acute awareness you had of him and his ministrations as it forced you to close your eyes. Gone was the restraint he takes pride in, replaced by something… else. Whatever it was, you can feel it eating you up inside. With every kiss and every call of your name, the Barbatos you had come to know seemed more and more of a stranger to you.
Who…was he now?
And why were you not in a hurry to know?
"Are you okay, my love?"
>Barbatos...was always looking at you so gently. But...
>Is this really happiness?
You shook your head.
"Mhm...I'm fine. And Barbatos?"
You leaned forward and planted another kiss on his lips.
"I love you."
>For some reason...it felt like he needed to hear it. More than ever...
>Even the thoughts you had from before you had realised the time warps were repeating themselves in this cycle.
>Just what were you doing wrong?
Something had changed between the two of you after what transpired in the storage room. You can feel it in the intensity of his gazes, of how he seemed a lot closer than before. Such closeness also meant literal proximity, as he had been more open with his gestures. The “acceptable distance” was no more. Any opposition to how he monopolised you were brushed off with his polite, yet biting remarks. Mammon had been bitter at first but relented with time. The other brothers had given up long ago, finding you both in worse wear when separated. You had been with each other so much that the sight of you two together had been commonplace.
That was why…
On rare occasions when you weren’t, everyone knew something was amiss.
“But nothing’s wrong?”
“Like hell nothing’s wrong! Are you two fighting?”
If last night were any indication, it would be far from Mammon’s claims. You shook your head and focused on your binder. You had far too many things to do. “Barbatos and I have our own separate commitments, you know.” Hearing Mammon reply an unconvinced “Uh-huh” made you sigh.
“No. 2 had been complainin’and callin’ yer man a slave driver.”
“But isn’t that how he usually is?”
The second born clicked his tongue, knowing you’re right. “Either way, talk to him, ‘kay? Seeing ‘im smile is scarier.”
Barbatos had always been good at keeping his emotions in check. If you had not spent almost the rest of your remaining school days with him, you would have not been able to tell each slight change in his expressions apart from each other at all. Mammon did have a point. He is an expert when it comes to separating his private life from his duties, so seeing that façade slip that even the likes of outsiders have noticed, must have meant that he was (supposedly) in the worst of moods.
In the end, you agreed with Mammon’s request and decided to talk to him after work. You usually wouldn’t bother each other until you were done with each of your duties, but today was an exception. And since it was already an exception…
I miss you. :(
Bending the rules a bit wouldn’t be so bad, right? You could imagine the feigned exasperation on Barbatos’ face as you saw the check mark tick on your messaging app.
I’m in a meeting, dearest.
But I miss you. :(
You are unfair, my sweet. You are fully aware that I will abandon this festival if I must if it’s for you.
Lord Diavolo had spotted me, and now he’s grinning from ear-to-ear.
You aren’t conspiring with the young master so he could slack off, aren’t you?
You winced. The partnership was unofficial, but you were quite sure that may be the reason behind the Demon Prince’s supportiveness. Partnership with Lord Diavolo > Being scolded by Barbatos. The latter wasn’t even much of a punishment anyway so you decided to soldier on.
I just texted you because I wanted to see you. :(
But we see each other almost every day.
“Almost” is such a sad word :( tragic. painful. heartbreaking. What hurts me more is the kindness in your rejection.
 “One word from you shall silence me forever, Your Grace.” :(
“I am determined that only the deepest love will induce me into matrimony. So, I shall end an old prune, and teach your ten children to embroider cushions and play their instruments very ill.”
**bold part is a quote from Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice
Two seen replies. It was either you won, or you lost. No matter the outcome, you will deal with the consequences/rewards later.
Oh. Oops. You just wanted to tease him, but it seems to have backfired. Rewards – 0, Consequences- 1.
(Lord Diavolo has sent you a message)
I’ve never seen Barbatos in such a foul mood before! The Northern nobles were making such a fuss earlier, but now, he had turned on full Spartan ! Now, even the senators cannot retort!
I’m honestly terrified right now!
Oh. Oops. You just wanted to tease him, but it seems to have backfired. Rewards – 0, Consequences- 1.
Thank you for today.
for what, exactly?
Haha! Don’t worry, I cleared all my paperwork this morning so Barbatos should be free. Good luck with the exams!
ur the best, diavolo!
embarrassed demoji.png
(ButlerBarb has sent you a message)
You’re far too cruel, my love.
So the meeting went well?
With the House of Lords?
As far as I remember, I did not clarify which sort of meeting I went to. :)
shocked demoji.png
I wouldn’t pry, dearest. I arranged transportation for you and informed Lucifer.
whistling demoji.png
A mere 12 hours had passed, but I digress.
Even a second away from you feels like an eternity. I love you, my sweet.
“What are they doing?.”
>You wanted to answer "You didn't know either" to Belphie, but all your actions seemed...automatic.
>It felt like there was nothing you can do but watch yourself do the same thing over and over again.
>Ah...you do remember having those thoughts. No wonder why you felt so tired.
“Isch prowbabuuwuwsjd Bawbschtosch.” (It’s probably Barbatos?)
“…I’m going back to bed.”
You handed Beel your unfinished snacks which he took happily as you rushed back to your room to prepare. It was technically a study session (as final exams were nearing) but quality time with him is still quality time. It was…better than nothing. Counting out the times you needed to sleep, you only had a few hundred hours left to spend with him. The thought of it deflated you.
Do you really have to say goodbye?
Would anything change if you do?
>Something has to change! You'd rather try than not try at all!
>But try as you will to change your words and gestures, you couldn't.
>Just what was going on?
>There was nothing that could be changed, past me.
>But...perhaps that person...
"This is my...letter to you."
>If they remember everything...you wondered how they could stay sane in all of this?
Your thoughts about the short time you had left in the Devildom did not change. The comfort of his company, as well as the familiar darkness you had grown to be accustomed to was too…usual to ever be unusual again. Needless to say, your efforts of dissociating with Devildom are put off until the day of your departure. It was regrettable that the numbered hours you had left would have to be dedicated to studying—similar to its human world counterpart, most of what you have learned in the Devildom will never be put to use. The only reason you were even making an effort was because of the demon who will be teaching you  in the first place. A small percentage may also be your innate fear of the firstborn and his litanies of scolding, but that paled in comparison to the thought of Barbatos being ever disappointed in you. He was never really vocal about his thoughts, but his actions were such painful reminders of your negligence. Learning to read his stoic expressions had, after all, been a double-edged sword.
*knock knock*
“CamIchomeinw (Can I come in?)”
Heavy, unhurried footsteps; a polite knock, followed by muffled, nearly incomprehensible sentences. The rustling of foil, a crunching sound of what seemed like a generous bite—you smiled as you answered him.
“Sure. The other snacks are on my study table, as promised.”
“Fhanks (Thanks).”
The sixth-born happily gathered up the array of snacks you had laid for him on the table as you continued packing for your study session/sleepover at Barbatos’ estate. He offered you the one open bag of chips in his arms, but you declined.
“Just seeing you eat is making me full.” You meant it in a good way. Beel eats well and eats with appreciation—there were times in your life that you had forgotten to do the same, so seeing him do so made you remember and feel grateful for being able to eat complete meals every day.
“Can you bring me some snacks on your way back?”
“You mean Barbatos’ sweets?”
Beel’s eyes sparkled at your words. He nodded innocently, “You would do that for me?”
You nodded back. “Of course, I will!” Noticing him suddenly frown, you felt concerned. “Is something wrong, Beel?”
Beel had always been very thoughtful and sweet, but even the silence anticipating his answer seemed to stretch more than usual. “We could have all studied together.
…sorry. I know you already made plans with Barbatos. It was selfish of me to say that.”
“No, thank you for thinking of me, Beel.”
“Mhm…he—” Pausing, he looked down at the snacks he had in his arms and shook his head. “Are you happy here? Will you…ever come back?”
“Sorry I was mean to you before. We all were. But…I promise I will never eat you. Even if you look really tasty.”
It meant a lot coming from Beel, but the statement suddenly came from nowhere so you didn’t really know how to respond.
“…You still have to pack, right? Is there anything I can do for you?”
You shook your head and smiled. “I appreciate the offer, but I’m almost done.”
As if something suddenly sprang in his head, he bolted through the door, before returning back to your room in record speed. “I secured the snacks, so I can carry your books for you.”
You couldn’t help it. It was so unexpected but so characteristic of him that the corner of your eyes prickled with your tears. Beel looked genuinely confused when you started to laugh. You felt really warm, and giddy and…appreciated. Before you knew it, you had your arms wrapped around him. A sincere “Thank you,” came out of you. Beel finally understood and hugged you back. “You’re welcome.” He called your name. And when you called his name back, he finally laughed with you—there were many things about Devildom that you’re going to miss, and surely enough…the caring and thoughtful sixth born will be one of them.
“I’ll miss you, Beel.”
So while you were still around, you wanted him to know just that.
“I’ll miss you too.”
With your sincere words to each other hanging in the air, Beel did his best to help you with your books once Barbatos texted you about your coach’s arrival.
“…and good afternoon to you too, Master Beelzebub. Please allow me to take these books out of your commission,” said Barbatos’ attendant as she greeted you at the door. Beel left them on the coffee table along with his brothers’ study materials while you were waiting for her arrival. You felt a little bad at the sight of their notebooks stacked on the same table. He wasn’t lying when he said he was looking forward to studying with you, but you made promises with Barbatos first.
“So…Satan really agreed to teach all of you for the exams?”
Beel shook his head. “He lost a bet with Lucifer. He…” Beel looked at the attendant, worried he was stalling you. “Anyway, don’t keep Barbatos waiting.”
“Of course it wasn’t your fault!” Beel said, almost too defensively. “I mean it. We’ll be okay, so please have fun out there.”
…is it really a good idea to go?
Shaking your head, you swallowed Beel’s words with hesitancy. “Okay, good luck with studying.”
He refused to elaborate about it, and even went so far as to reassure you, so you pretended for his sake.
You heard him call your name one last time. A shocked expression trailed over the sixth-born’s face as he muttered something about the attendant’s stack of books—but when you asked him what was wrong, he shook his head, offering a smile.
His words be happy, came to you like a whisper. But you weren’t sure if he was the one who said it at all.
It was still really difficult to get used to the stifling formalities of Barbatos’ servants when they welcome you to his estate. At some point in dating him, you found yourself picking up on their mannerisms to offer the bare minimum of what you’d like to think was politeness that you owe them for. Bingeing on Demon Etiquette and their social system in the wee hours of the night in Satan’s library had taught you about nobility and high society—the strange phrases and mannerisms of the demon nobles surrounding him suddenly made more sense; most were polite with you, but others barred their displeasure in sophisms and their multi-layered, backhanded platitudes. Barbatos also talked the same way; it was in learning their ways in secret did you gain a better understanding of him, after all.
Their same, rehearsed lines, their forced smiles—the way they acted towards you reminded you so much of similar experiences you had in the human world.
Even the attendant who carefully placed your books on the coach had been especially polite. But…who really knows what she had felt? Even the Demon Brothers weren’t kind to you at first, and they had been the highest-ranking nobles in demon’s high society. You can only imagine the hostility lurking deep beneath everyone else’s “politeness” .
You felt…strange. The familiar feeling of ambivalence of your impending departure and your lingering attachments to Devildom seemed to remind you of something, but you couldn’t recall where you read it. Something ached in your chest as you tried to remember the specific words, but even the memories of its passages seemed to escape you, so you let the thought go, hoping the pain that came along with it would also disappear.
As your feet guided you to the lavish décor of your lover’s familiar estate, that sense of anxiety could not seem to disappear.
“My, if I knew you would be this upset, I should have stolen you away much earlier.”
You ignored the heavy feeling in your heart and focused on the warmth you felt on your face as he brought his lips to press on the back of your hand. It was a gesture you were familiar with—appropriate for the situation, but you whispered a complaint to his ear that made his smile widen.
“There’s too many people here.”
Barbatos snapped back, eyes filled with mirth. “Really? My employees seem to be in their rightful stations. If anything, I think we are the outliers here, right?”
“Y-Your Grace, we humbly apologise for overstepping—”
He chuckled, his demeanour changing immediately as he faced his servant. “Ease, this is our way of speaking. Could you bring us some refreshments in the study room?”
“Certainly, Your Grace.”
The butler bowed and excused himself to carry out orders for the household staff in the area. Looking around, you couldn’t help but feel bashful.
“He’s only doing his job…”
Barbatos placed a hand on your shoulder for reassurance.
“He is. No one is getting scolded, so don’t worry.”
You looked up at him and smiled back a little. “I need to get used to how to conduct myself in front of them.”
“What’s wrong with the way you are now?”
The door to the study opened, suspending Barbatos’ inquiry—it looked far different from Lucifer’s and had a calming scent. An array of books was stacked on the several shelves near the window, while a collection of tea leaves were neatly organised in the glass cabinets. If Mammon were around, he would be having a field day! Everything looked expensive—even the teacup the maid offered you felt like it cost more than your life’s savings.
“We aren’t strangers here, my love. Relax.” Barbatos dismissed the servants and sat next to you once the double doors closed, making your head rest on his shoulder.
“Has anyone spoken ill of you?”
“No,” you muttered, wrapping your arm around his.
It wasn’t anything like that at all. Rather, the absence of opposition made you even more restless. But, isn’t it such a luxurious worry, only proving the influence of his powers and the rest of the student council members in this realm? Wouldn’t complaining about it seem like you’re fishing for compliments?
“I just…want to get along with everyone.” You were pretty sure some of the people you have spoken with actually did, but it was no use worrying him.
“The exchange program is almost over, and I feel like I haven't been doing my best, is all.” So instead, you let out a less indulgent thought out of your lips. One that wouldn’t cause unnecessary conflicts. Because that’s what you are–and perhaps what you had always been: an example . Only that, as months passed, you became an example that actually mattered .
“You can still prove yourself…” He leaned his cheek at the top of your head, pulling you closer. “Perhaps acing the final exams?”
“Oh, but I believe you can actually do it,”
“In my dreams!”
Barbatos made a sound: a low, drawling hum as you nuzzled on his shoulder. “Satan’s weakness…let’s see. He’s good at curses, but lacks the patience for more intricate spells. Lucifer has impeccable grades, but he is too busy to focus on exam rankings. Solomon isn’t fond of writing things down. And you know how Belphegor can be handled, I trust? If we distract them, you can easily take the top spot.”
“Barbatos, you’re killing me!” Why is he taking this so seriously? Is he really considering sabotaging your rivals ? Pfft! You haven’t laughed so much in a while.
“What about yourself? You’re quite the overachiever too, I must say.”
Barbatos looked at you incredulously. “You know I will let you win in a heartbeat.”
“And Lord Diavolo?”
“He would have to let you win and accept defeat…unless he wants to eat pickles for at least 50 years.”
At least? Pfft!
“Poor Diavolo…”
Barbatos made soothing strokes on your back as he heard you sigh. “Are you feeling better?”
“Mmh. Thank you.”
You did not know that Barbatos was capable of joking around, but it was a great new thing to learn about him. It made you feel almost bad for considering goofing off with him when he seemed so genuinely invested to see you succeed. So despite your better judgement, you took studying more seriously and even answered your copy of the reviewers Satan had for everyone's study camp back in Lamentation.
The questions were quite challenging--you were familiar with the terms in the multiple choices but he had worded it so differently from the instructors' notes that mere memorisation wouldn't ensure you a passing score. Barbatos meanwhile, had already finished answering the questions on his own sheet of paper and leaned over to your side.
"He's quite the Spartan. But I can sympathise with him." He nodded appreciatively. "What's the use of learning without understanding the basics?"
You groaned. "If these are the basics, I dread knowing of the more challenging questions."
"Do you want assistance?" Barbatos asked.
"Yes, please!"
Chuckling, the demon butler looked over the questions and nodded. "Why don't we start with this questio-"
>What if you will change the cycle's course? Why don't we start here?
"Uhh, Barbato- I mean, Your Grace!"
Barbatos blinked. "Yes?"
Oh shoot. You really need to think things through! The time warps are doing a number on you. You guided his hands to another item at the questionnaire and shouted. "I actually want to start with this question!"
An unbreakable bond between two parties that binds the soul under certain conditions.
A. Contract 🔑B. Pact C. Marriage D. Servitude
Barbatos looked at you in disbelief. "You couldn't answer this question?"
Of all the questions you can pick at random...why this one? 
"Ahahahaha...the options are confusing?"
Yet despite how suspicious you were acting, Barbatos didn't dismiss your obvious lies. "Mhmm. Multiple choice questions can be rather confusing, I agree. Well then, why don't we narrow the options down?"
Phew...nice, Barb! You are lucky to have such an understanding boyfriend! <3
"First, why don't you tell me what similarities you have noticed between these options? What do they have in common?
"I'm sorry, Satan. But I'm plagiarising your explanations, word for word." You thought. You've lived through hundreds of repeats, it almost felt like a chant in your head. And you were sure the fourth-born wouldn't mind.
"They all signify a mutually beneficial relationship. But the degree of the benefits differ vastly..
A contract is a documented bond. Inside it are "terms" that hold that bond together. Once one of those terms are broken, then so does a contract come to be void. As for marriage..." This time, you're taking a book from Solomon. 
"So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not. As indicated by that famous Bible verse, marriage is a bond that runs deeper than a contract. It is the union of two people in the eyes of God or a person of authority. You can say that it is an unconditional bond--a bond that binds two souls despite it all."
You felt compelled to look at Barbatos, who seemed absorbed in reading the contents of the questionnaire. He seemed...somewhat sad. You couldn't help but reach out your hand to him. 
"My love?"
The flushed expression on his face was lovely.
"I-is something wrong?"
"You looked a little lonely, is all."
Barbatos' eyes widened at your words. "...do I? Pardon me." He stuttered. "I-"
You pressed your lips against his and he closed those worried eyes. As you pulled away, that lonely expression didn't seem to dissipate.
>Could Barbatos know something?
"Your Grace?"
You pressed your lips on his again at your question: a gesture he welcomed happily.
"Have you ever felt like you're in an endless dream?"
"Dream?" He asked. "What do you mean?"
Come to think of it, this didn't feel like the first time you were asking him this question. 
>If this wasn't the first time...then could consulting Barbatos not be the right answer?
>What did the letter sender mean by "being honest" and "talking with him" then?
You shook your head. In any case, the letter sender seemed to know a lot more than he lets on. If "love" is the reason why you're stuck on this endless repeat...
"I'm sorry for asking such a strange question, Barbatos." You smiled. "Please don't worry about it."
Barbatos looked unconvinced, but reneged. He sighed. 
Even if he's unaware of the time warps, it did seem like he looked lonelier than usual. Were the others also aware that the days keep on repeating? 
"Why don't we take a break? I'll brew us some tea."
It must have been hard for Levi and the others too. You couldn't help but miss them at the thought of your depressing exam question so you opened your DDD while Barbatos was preparing the snacks:
(You have new messages)
>If that was the case...you must find some other way to break the cycle.
>You had a feeling finding "that person" was one of the keys to getting out of here.
>But...who could they be?
"Haha...the chatroom must be going wild right now." The little dings in your DDD notifications seemed neverending. 
They should be studying on their end too…right? 
Hm? Levi? Why the sticker spams? You opened his message first.
>Either way, it seems like following your usual routine works best.
Did you happen to see Simeon's notebook?
im not sure...what does it look like?
Technological Advancements in the Human World 1111. I was copying the corrections in the notebook yesterday, but I couldn't find it anymore!
calm down,,it should be still there if u wer working on it ystrday but…
technological advancements...and u chose 2 borrow simeon's notebook?
Hehe. Amateur! I knew you would come to that prejudiced conclusion.
Don't you know the importance of a DO/DON'T example?
now ur just bragging...I feel bad for simeon.
lolololol Think whatever you want, we're both leeches in this dog eat dog world. So be it!
If it means I will be enjoying Ruri-chan's birthday in peace, I'm willing to swallow my pride.
u've lost me.
It's a white notebook with Simeon's name on the bottom left of the cover. Let me know if you see it!
kk. oh yea, how's every1 doin?
...uuu. now you HAVE to remind me that you are a traitor. 
Must be nice hanging out with your boyfriend, huh! Must be fun not being single, huh? Normies like you should explode!
levi...we literally just played devilkart ystrday. u promised me ur ok w dis
crying demoji.png
With a heavy heart…
pfft! well... GL on ur studies
aa! barbatos finished preparing d snacks. ttyl!
(1 new message)
Barbatos' snacks?!
Mhm. He's already wrapping up your share as we speak. I'll bring it to you on the way back.
Thank you…
Oh and…
How are your studies going?
Barbatos is such a patient teacher. I'm confident I'll get a high score with his help!
... that's good to hear.
I won't be disturbing you anymore.
Satan is starting to look annoyed too so I'll get off my phone.
Mhm! See you later, Beel!
You didn’t want Satan to get any angrier so you decided to text the others back later.
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A few helpings of snacks and tea later and you were back to your study date with Barbatos. He was so thorough yet gentle in the way he explained everything to you, plus the snacks he prepared at every break did wonders in keeping your attention to the lessons. With his guidance, even you were starting to believe you can actually have a chance on acing the exams. He had been very considerate as well, stopping the lessons when he saw a yawn escape you, sometimes telling you stories of Diavolo’s childhood to break the monotony of study guides and modules. Eventually, you were at your last handout for the day; the sudden onslaught of fatigue welcomed you at its conclusion. You stretched your arms and greeted the brighter evernight peeking from the windows with a tired smile.
"Uuuuu, I think if I topple even a little, all of the words and spells in my head will go away…" Barbatos smiled a little at your antics and gestured to his lap. You happily accepted and closed your eyes as you laid there "I'm glad I came here. I think I learned a lot."
Barbatos nodded. "It fills my heart with pride to see you working so hard and getting the results you desired. Now, you deserve some rest."
"If I sleep now…" you couldn't help but let out a yawn. "We wouldn't be able to goof around."
"Oh? Whatever do you mean?" He was really good at pretending to be clueless. If you didn't know him any better, you would have mistaken his teasing as genuine confusion. You held back a smile.
"Do you want a demonstration?" You slowly opened your eyes to meet with his, but you didn't expect the sheer closeness of your faces to each other. His green eyes looked at yours with the same intensity as your shared nights together, that you couldn't help but fold and cover your flustered face with your hands.
"That's cheating, Your Grace."
"Is it?"
"You know how effective that handsome face of yours is to me."
"I'm glad I was born with this face, then."
"I was promised a demonstration."
He leaned even closer, a mirthful smile looking down at you. "Or...were you only bluffing?"
Oh, this insufferable man!
His knowing smile did not disappear even as you held him by the cheeks and pressed your lips together. Instead, you felt yourself sitting up his lap, feeling his tongue probing in your mouth, searching for those sweet moans that you only let out for him.
"You're so beautiful…" he whispered, tickling your ear and trailing his fingers to the outline of your back, making you shudder at the light strokes of his finger. 
He called your name as he wrestled you out of your outer shirt, marking every part of your skin with his kisses.
"My love, my dearest…"
He breathed out, the smile on his face growing only the more. You should have known it was coming: victory couldn't come to you so easily, for you've known true surrender at the whisper of his next words.
"We shall continue once you ace the exams."
…now, don’t look at me like that, dearest. You should be well-rested for tomorrow.” The lips he pressed on your forehead didn’t remove the frown you had on your own.
He can be so stubborn sometimes!
"...I hate you."
What's even more hateful is he's aware of it, and his actions suggested intent. (It did not help too, that such intent, though "malicious" can only be "adorable" in your rose tinted world).
"Rewards should have their proper reinforcements. I'm sure B.F. Skinner would also agree?"
"Will you put a bell around my neck then, Your Grace?" Your attempt of mockery fueled his relentless teasing…
"Darling, that's a different person. And I'm not sure if that's how it goes."...which he deflected with finesse.
You puffed your cheeks and turned away from him.
"I'm tired of studying…"
Barbatos' smile widened the more.
"I'm sorry…" sincerity was the last thing his apology could have meant.
"You were so adorable, I could not resist."
"If it helps, I'm also getting a little tired."
"Enough to break some promises?"
"Hold on tightly, my dear."
Before you knew it, you were in his arms, carried like a princess in a fairytale. If only your dashing Prince weren't such a tease, it would have been a happily ever after.
"Shall we get ready for tomorrow? He asked, carrying you across the room, through the connecting door leading to the familiar satin sheets.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him close. “Only if you kiss me goodnight.”
And so he did. Numerously .
And when you complained when he went further, "I thought this will be saved after exams?"
He only flashed a devilish smile.
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One thing you wished you knew before involuntarily being signed up to be a Festival committee member is the actual amount of work you need to do. You were envious of your fellow exchange students who seemed to have freer time--yet here you are, not even part of the student council but you are worrying over balance books and collection letters.
The only solace for your headaches was Barbatos' presence, but as final exams neared, and the festival preparations were also nearing its completion,you had been seeing each other less and less.  
"Please allow me a little bit of your time." You stiffened at the familiar voice hugging you from behind as you got ready to leave for the day. You heard each other sigh, and you leaned the back of your head against his chest.
"I miss you."
"We saw each other last night." Same old, same old. Your lines were almost tattooed to each other at this point.
You chuckled. "Hardly a meeting if all we do lately is study and sleep together."
Barbatos breathed out, exhausted as well. "I heard Mephistopheles bothered you today." 
You grimaced. What utter ignorance you had of the situation didn't deserve such thorough grilling. "I didn't even know why he interviewed me. I didn't know anything about some writer in the human world being murdered. How could I know if I've been stuck here for months?"
Barbatos nuzzled on the crook of your neck, nodding languidly. "I also heard you didn't go alone." His embrace tightened as he continued. “Someone accompanied you?”
You hummed out what seemed like a semblance of a yes , "Satan seemed oddly enthusiastic about it. I didn't know why he tagged along other than him and his penchant for mysteries."
Barbatos sighed in relief. "Oh, so that's what it is…"
You snorted. "How rare. It's cute hearing you get jealous.
He hardly was the jealous type. So it surprised you when your innocent interactions with the fourth born had been its unlikely source. Even he seemed to realise how ridiculous it was.
"Of a feline fanatic who ignored your radiant presence over playing detective?" He chuckled. "It does sound silly when you point it out."
"Thankfully, this is the last time we'll get busy. So no more unexpected interviews too."
There was playfulness in his emerald eyes, one that you immediately caught onto. 
You poked his cheek at his expected reply. "...the last time?"
You felt the familiar press of his lips against yours. "Would I get an early prize, Your Grace?"
He laughed as you kissed him back. "My, someone sounds confident."
And whose fault was that? You held back saying, sighing contentedly, 
"I learned from the best."
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What did it say in that one game you played with Levi some months ago?
>The questions are just too easy.
>Your pen won’t stop moving!
…is studying with the Demon Prince’s butler considered cheating? Was there any favouritism involved in your tutoring sessions?
Barbatos wasn’t that kind of demon. Besides, you worked really hard to study as much as you could, so acknowledging your efforts, even just a little wouldn’t hurt.
There was one question, however that seemed strange:
A fictional form of magic that theorised the possibilities of travelling to parallel universes that do not necessarily share the same plane of existence.
A. Spatial magic B. Time travel 🔑C. Dimensional sorcery D. Teleportation
>Come to think of it, the weird exam question at the end of the paper always seemed to change each time. 
>And each time, it seemed like something is guiding you to the correct answer. 
>̵̬̤̟̞̲̍͂͆̉̄̓̈́̒̂̍͝Ŗ̶͇̼͉̬̭̜̭̫͖̞̿͂͋̇̿̚a̷͔͕̔́ṫ̶̳̯̐̃̊̅̉͛̄̒̍̓̕ḣ̸̢̛̰̻̙̳͍̣̱̤̪͚̺͉̓̾ͅe̶̼͈̤̪̳̼̟̤̻̎̔̈̎͑̏̈́̈̓̅͊͠r̷̡̥̣̙̮̤̬̭̱̣̪̥̱̹̯͗̏̂̅̒͘ ̶̦͉̭̞͔̰̤͖̱̜̼̩̯̏̈́̂̂̒̋̑̍̕̚͠ͅt̶̲̭̱̦͉̠͔͍̬̻̮͎̼͙̜̃̐̏̚h̸̛̳͆̐̿͗͌̓͛̓̕͝͝a̵̢̨̹̮̗̼̼̳̳̿̍̐̌̽̕͠͝n̵̢̛̮̈́̇̽̄͛͒̈́͐̚͘͝͝͝ ̵̭͙̠̊̅̈́̉̄͠ā̶̢̧̨̘̠̟̫̠͔̙̯̞̺̈́͗̄̕͘ ̷̢̣̺̮͛̿̓͆̊̓̾̓̆͐͝͝ķ̷͙̥̝̣̳̮͋̌̃̈̅̈́̈́͆͋̆̋͐̄ͅę̴̱̪͕͈̱̭̝͗͑y̴̜̯͓͕̺̗̺̗̝͓̤͑̅̌̈́̒͠.̴̢̙̝̳̼͓̲̹̼̙̏̊͌̎̇̔̑̄̉͆.̸̨̢̨̲͈̠̞̘̗̾̿͗̒̅.̵̪̰̘̲̈͋͊̏̾̓͛��̸̡̛͎̪̦͔͕̳̱͚͑̐̔͆͊̍͆͊̋t̷̨̡̝͇̥͇̻̩̣̫̤̅̿̈́̄̇͜ ̷̧͈̼͓͕͓̓̽͠l̶̛̛̛̫̻̫͒̈́̅͑͂́̀̌͘ọ̷͙̳̤͓̬͖̘͉̻͊̾͐̈̐̓o̸͈̣̮̻̫̖̫̽̌̍͋́͋͛̚͝k̴͇̤̬̦̣̓̇̈́͌̃̈̈́̄̔̑̕s̸̡̛̯͈͍͔̩̯̬̮̤̼͎͚̼͋̌̇͒̋̑̌̉̾͘ ̵̢͎̺̤̱͈͎̎̇͑̈́̅̅̾̂̈́̿̽́͠ͅl̷̤͖͍̝̝͎̣̮̘̻̽̓̂̎͊̐̒̿̅̈́͆̚͘i̵͓͈̎̏͑̄͋̈́̆̽̕̚͠ķ̷̨̢̮̯͍͕̝͍̺̱̗̳̏̋̉ē̶̢̡͇͐̕ͅ ̴̧͖̮͍͙͓̻͖̜͛̂̂̇̌̔͊̕̕͠a̷͇̪̔͛̎̌̌̄ ̴̨̣̯̺͚̣̒̽͒̅͒̽̓̚b̵̜̪̺̩̥͖͕̙̮͈̓̏́̆̐͋͜ͅô̸̥̗̯͈̭̘̼͕̲̬͍̆̓̊̄̐̆̏͂̚o̵̢̰̅͆̅̄̈́̐̓̚͜͝k̷̡̢̙̙̭̟͎̥̟͎̤̞̏̂̃̒̏̽͑̈́̄̀̇͑̚.̴̢̯͕͓̩̞̳̪̲̙̮̊͌͛̃͛̆́̀̒̽̄̕͠͠
"̶̯̠̅T̴̡͈͎͎͌͋̽̓h̵̺̰͈͊̽ẻ̴̡̜͇̞̊͂̊ ̴̧̦̏d̵͙͔̤̙̄̐̈́ȏ̴̳̻͓̉͌o̸͈̱̕͝r̵̖̦̤̹̔̓͊ ̶̯̘̄́t̸̨̠̀̃̚ŏ̷͉͕̦͒̚ ̷̧͝͝h̴̨̙̗͊̍i̶̤͓͓̓s̸̠͗̋͠ ̵̥̫̺̌ͅh̶͙̒̿͋̕ȇ̴̹̤̩̓̔̈́ạ̷̜͍͌ř̸̟̈́̋̈́ͅt̵͉̽̇͛͘ ̴̮̊͘h̷̬̟͔̿ȁ̶͔̄͊d̸͎͛̚͝ ̵̢̹͚̹̂̎͑͋b̷̬͓͈̗͝ë̷͔̥̿͘͝e̶̹̗͗ň̵͔͚͕̍͝ ̷̞̔̽̚t̶̡̗͓̺̽ĭ̶͓͗g̶̫͐͗͝h̸͍͓̾t̴͇͖̄l̸͇͉͒ẏ̴̳̤͔͂͋̈́ ̷̢̼̦̔̕ͅs̷͇̣̔̋̏͝h̴̨͉̹͎̄̋͝ụ̴̈̔ṱ̷̦̥͐͋̾.̸͙̻ ̵̬̾̑͆͛Ọ̶̢̿b̶̦̜̰̌̓̓̒t̷̢͍̍̇̊̉a̶͚̙̘̙̔̋̀͝ȋ̷̲̺̈͋̾ņ̴̰̤̕͘ ̸̮͕͓̑t̸̛͓̝͇̭́̌͌h̷͍͋ͅë̶̝̫́̌̑͒ ̷͊̒͜k̷͓̽̆̌ë̵͓͙́̈̐ͅy̴̦͓͓̏̌́̈ ̶͔̖͊a̶̯̤̠͆̈̎n̵̝͋̔ḑ̶̼͆̈́̓ ̸̛̯͍̚▇̴̰̥͗͜▇̶̠̞̓̔͘▇̷̠̥͊̓̐▇̷̧̢͕͆͂̌▇̸̞̤̏͑̌̚▇̸͓͗"̶̭̄̍̊
>...your head hurts.
You decided to focus on the option that seemed to be the correct one and circled it.
"Dimensional sorcery?"
Where did you hear that before? Ah...you remembered Lucifer passionately arguing over its actual existence with Diavolo. The whole idea of it was absurd--you couldn't blame the usually open-minded Demon Prince having some reservations.
"A magic that can let anyone travel parallel worlds. Even ones that are from a different dimension." If such a magic actually exists, then Levi would have been all over it, being its most dedicated researcher. Oh, you could hear him now: "If finding out the perfect mathematical formula would get me closer to my Ruri-chan, then it's worth every sacrifice!"
"A magic that can let you meet someone you aren't supposed to meet..." Somehow, the thought of it made you sad. 
You had a feeling that anyone capable of wielding dimensional sorcery wouldn't be truly happy.
Something that sounded so good on paper would have its consequences after all. To live in a dream, one must endure many nightmares first.
If that's the case. Aren't you more than qualified for one sweet dream after all these timeloops?
You nodded. Now that the exam was over, you thought it was good to get some rest. You decided not to ask Asmo about the test question this time around. It seemed like you were the only one who could see them after all.
"I just want to forget about how long it was. It was exhausting to answer."
“That makes two of us, honey.” The fifth-born rested on your shoulder. “I would have to take a rain check on our shopping date later. I’m sure Your Grace would love to pick an outfit for you at the festival ball.”
“You worked hard…” Organising a ball in just a few weeks isn’t an easy feat. Asmo had to fight tooth and nail to get his proposal approved(mostly with Satan, who was very much in favour of the chat themed bonfire dance initially planned as a conclusion for the semester), and even had to employ help from students outside the festival committee to make it happen. It wasn’t until they’re almost finished with its preparations did the rest of the committee members got wind of it. Meaning, you as well.
“I can’t wait to see you tonight, darling! I’m sure you would look amazing!”
“It means a lot if it’s coming from you.” Ever since the beginning, Asmo was one of the few demons who showed you sincerity. And while it wasn’t the kind of sincerity one would expect to bud into friendship, the way he and you now…
>…you’re tired.
>Oh, if you were tired then, past self. Then the current you is EXHAUSTED.
“Is something wrong?” He called your name worriedly and you shook your head. Instead, you wrapped your arms around him and sighed contentedly. “It just occurred to me that this is probably the last time you’re going to be my seatmate.”
“Awww, I’m going to miss you too!”
The faint scent of roses coming from Asmo seemed oddly out of place. You were sure he preferred his favourite perfumery’s devil camellia collection, and even recalled its faint sweetness as you were in embrace. 
>That's right. This is the 500th time the days had repeated like this.
>...had it really been going on for this long?
You shook away the thought and closed your eyes.
“Done with exams?”
Asmo couldn’t help his smile as your eyes followed Barbatos’ figure. “Shopping plans are cancelled, your Grace. ”
Barbatos smiled back. “Is that so? Well, you do deserve to get as much rest as you could before the ball.”
The demon butler then turned to you. “Ready to leave?”
🔑[ use KEY (partial) ] 
>(overruled. unknown command cannot be executed)
“Actually, no. I just need to get something, can you wait for me here?”
>Letter sender...please show up this time as well!
The sudden pressure from your wrist made you wince. And Barbatos seemed quite surprised at his sudden gesture as well, for what came afterwards were his numerous apologies. "Sorry, why don't I go with you?"
🔑[ use KEY (partial) ] 
>(overruled. unknown command cannot be executed)
>And this time, PLEASE SIGN YOUR NAME!
"It's quite a long walk from here. I think it's better if we meet outside."
Barbatos looked reluctant to let you go. He was about to speak when you saw the fifth-born link his arms with him.
"They're right!" Asmo chimed in. "The shop with the cute party clothes I told them about would close soon. Why don't I tell you about their latest collections while waiting for them?"
"I won't take long. I promise!"
What was he so worried about? That you would get locked in? Again? 
On second thought...that is a lot to worry about. Especially if it already happened twice.
Well...there was that one time, where you actually spent the night in a cold, empty classroom. The Demon Prince apologised to you personally for it the next day, even though it was not his fault. It was a cruel prank by some former classmates(who are expelled now, not to anyone's surprise), and happened before the tragic events in the attic and--
...you didn't realise you were holding your breath. You instinctively felt your neck and breathed out a sigh of relief when you didn't feel any pain.
Come to think of it…
...you should have been a lot more afraid that time. Ghosts lurked about RAD and ghoulish noises and paranormal activity are a common occurrence you had accustomed yourself to over the months. So...why can't you ever remember being afraid around that time?
And why…
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…your chest hurts. Try as you will to remember what happened back then, all you could seem to recall was the day after the incident.
Much to your disappointment, no one was there. 
>Next time, you should go earlier. But how?
>Your body always seemed to move on its own. You couldn't predict when you are able to actually change the course of the cycle. If not...for that "KEY"...you would have been here for worse.
>There were so much questions to answer more than answers themselves + you also had to operate on such a limited timeframe! Needless thoughts would get you nowhere!
You hastily opened your locker to retrieve the fancy, black gloves that Lucifer gifted you for your first three months in the exchange program. You never dared to use it--just a glance and you knew it was way more expensive than anything you ever owned in your life. Lucifer did not quite understand why you're being so careful with it, gaining sympathy only from the fifth-born who understandably, had the same thought process as you due to his penchant for fashion.
You carefully placed it back in the box that it came with, and put it in your bag, checking the time.
...20 more minutes before RAD closes. You better hurry.
"Where is it?"
That faint pink colour...that elegant cursive that gave you kind yet vague reminders. You scoured through your locker's contents until finally chanced upon it.
It said "Open me" with a small, handwritten note that said, "Don't let anyone else see."
"Sender...you're so diligent. Thank you..." It was silly to thank someone who wasn't there, but you suddenly felt overflowing gratitude for that person that you couldn't help it!
This is my 500th letter to you. Can you believe it? 500 is such a huge number, but here we are.
>Oh boy, where do you even start? Have you come to remember even just a little bit of what is happening? If you did, then let me tell you: You looked at him and said his name for 108,192 times. 4,987th of that time, you tried to tell him of your wish to not leave, and the remaining 103, 200th, you did not say anything at all. How did I know all of this?
>Right. How did they? It's almost creepy. Then again, it would be even weirder if this person didn't lose a few screws in the head after remembering every repeat. Because I don't. I didn't even sum all the numbers up correctly. Who would keep track of such things? That's not my point.
>This little rascal! Aren't you a little frustrated with yourself? You're trying your best, that I know, but your words couldn't seem to reach him. Does he know?
>Know? Know of what? ...I'm sorry. If you need my help, just call my name.
...It was unsigned. Again.
You wanted to shake this person by the collar and tell them not to say contradicting things. First of all, how can you call their name if they left the letter unsigned? Second of all, why did this person assume your feelings when it seemed like they were the one losing their patience?
As indicated in the postscript, the letter immediately burned by itself as you finished reading it. Not even ashes of it remained---as if it never existed in the first place. 
10 minutes left .
You thought about the letter you read as you made your way outside of RAD.
"Thanks for nothing, sender!"
Is everything okay?"
"Who would keep track of such things?"
"I want to kill them..."
"I meant, I want to kill it in the dance floor!" Or maybe even kill yourself...because that's what you feel right now from saying such a flimsy excuse!
"Besides...I finally got what I wanted!" You showed him the paper bag containing the ridiculously expensive gloves you got from Lucifer, and Barbatos smiled.
"Ah, I remember this one. I was the one who recommended this brand to him." Huh, you didn't know that. 
"I'm assuming you're going to match these gloves for your party attire tonight?"
"Excellent. Perhaps we should also match for tonight?"
It dawned on you that agreeing would be practically announcing to the entire school that you're dating each other. You heard Barbatos laugh as you felt the heat on your cheeks grow warmer.
"Maybe black with green?"
"And my love?"
He kissed your hands and looked at you worriedly.  "Please do not hesitate to complain when it gets too unbearable for you. I shall nurse you back to health to the best of my abilities."
It was like Cinderella. But there was no fairy godmother. Instead, a grumpy demon(Lucifer) led you to your Prince with a pair of gloves. And you were too frugal to even consider the thought of forgetting the other half of its pair.  It was love found in Devildom's version of capitalism. How romantic.  
"This is no joking matter! Your health is of utmost priority!"
Oh, Your Grace. You never change.
Even for the 232nd repeat, his scrupulous way of caring for you was always sincere.
That's why...
...it's so hard to say goodbye.
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...it was hard to force yourself to be light-hearted with the many pairs of eyes peering over at you as you made your entrance. Demons, angels and otherrealm residents alike lined up in pairs as they handed over their invitation to the receptionists, guided inside to the Royal Castle ballroom; the very venue that Asmodeus fought so hard to get approved(Lucifer had been a formidable opponent!).
Contrary to your expectations, the decorations weren't as lavish as your bombastic friend's usual tastes. 
"You look gorgeous."
Barbatos was in his usual butler garb, as he was not quite yet done with his task as a receptionist for the evening. He accepted your invitation with a smile. "I'm almost embarrassed I haven't made much effort with my appearance tonight. I even made you match with me."
"You look like your usual handsome self, Your Grace."
Barbatos looked lovely with a little flush on his face. 
"Go on ahead, you lovebirds. We'll take care of the rest." Said one of the volunteers. You recognised her as one of Asmo's most loyal fans.
"But, my task-"
"And leave your lovely companion to themself? Someone might steal them away, you know." 
You saw a slight change in Barbatos' expressions at the mention of you being stolen away. You held back a laugh.
"There's other people in line, Your Grace."
Satan was looking more and more annoyed as the line was held back and a hungry Beel had eaten half of his corsage. Most of the brothers were done with their part with the festival committee and the ball was meant to be their respite, as you are. But it looked like, on Satan's part at least, it had not been the case. 
Barbatos cleared his throat and expressed his desire to not be the cause of such inconvenience any further. So, despite his unwavering sense of duty,he left his post and went inside the venue with you.
"It looks like it's already starting." He said, looking around the dancing crowd. Muted in the background was Requiem from Nausicaa (clearly a result of Leviathan's own battles with the student council board). A hand was extended to you as the song came to its end, replaced with another orchestral arrangement of a Ghibli song (you can't recall the name, but you knew it was from Spirited Away). It was Barbatos' familiar, gloved hand; he was looking at you with a smile.
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"Shall we dance, my dear?"
Who were you to turn him down? You accepted his hand with a smile.
“You look absolutely radiant tonight, my love.” He whispered on your ear as he reached for your other hand, masking the lips he pressed on your cheek with one fluid motion: 
“An eyelash fell,” he said, and you fought the urge to roll your eyes. 
“Nicely done, Your Grace.” You remarked sardonically. 
“I’m merely a demon of opportunities,” He replied without a hint of guilt or embarrassment. “I wouldn’t be Your Grace if I couldn’t do as much.”
“What an exemplary lord you are!”
“A certain person by my side inspires me to give it my best, is all.”
His laugh was lovely when you glanced at each of your “sides.” “Quite a number of persons you love, Your Grace. Is this the infamous noblesse oblige I keep hearing about?”
“Partly, yes. But…”
You had anticipated the hands snaking around your waist, as well as the inevitable closeness a dip would entail at the second interlude, yet your heart still drummed erratically on your chest as he delayed the words you are also accustomed to hearing by now.
“...I am a very biassed demon, quite terribly so.” The soft voice whispering in your ear had been the final nail in the coffin. The dance had ended, but you found it difficult to look him in the eye. So now, you were covering your face with both your hands in an attempt to cool your face down. 
Thankfully, he had been a true practitioner of noblesse oblige and left you alone. “Would you like some drinks? You must be tired.”
Nodding, you answered. “Something cold would be nice.” He had been a gentleman and led you to one of the private resting areas before he retrieved your drinks. The soft plush of the velvet chairs lessened the soreness you felt, and you leaned over the headrest with a satisfied sigh. Asmo really outdid him-
“...a passing entertainment. Aren’t the elite fond of exotic pets these days?”
It was awfully loud outside your resting area. Even with a considerably thick wall of curtains barricading you between the group of voices, their voices were still audible.
“Isn’t the human so full of themself? So what if they have pacts with the seven lords? They think they’re so special?”
“Shh! Not so loud! What if Lord Barbatos hears you?”
“I can be as loud as I want! It’s not like they can hear me over them getting so full of themselves.”
>Your head hurts
“She’s just some foreigner His Majesty took fancy on. Once he grows tired of her "exotic" looks, he will throw her away.”
“She doesn’t even know how to respect the rules of the harem...wouldn’t her heresy lead him astray?”
>Hurts…everything hurts…
“How lively. May I join your riveting discussion, everyone?”
“Yes, me. Hello!”
“...Tch. Whatever. It’s a waste arguing with him . Let’s just leave.”
“Argue? Why, we haven’t even spoken a single word of discourse. What’s with the prejudice, my friends?”
“Hey, are you there?”
That voice-
“...they were being loud on purpose. It seems like they followed you here. I’m sorry.”
You shook your head. It was a little hard to talk right now, what with the snot on your face, but his awkward apology made you laugh. How could he apologise for something he couldn’t even control?
“Barbatos got caught up in a little…squabble. But he will be here soon.”
“Did he send you here? To tell me that?”
He didn’t reply for a while. The silence stretched as you anticipated his answer.
“...no.” Only for a short response. He didn’t elaborate any further.
>You knew at this point that something about you caught the attention of everyone. If Solomon won't provide you an answer...then your best bet is to leave the resting area.
“...does everyone really think of us that way, Solomon? Or is it just me?”
“I didn’t choose to be here, you know.”
“...I know.” You heard his clothes rustling by the curtains. “They don’t have any idea what they’re talking about, if that helps.”
“A little.”
He laughed, and you heard him call your name by the other side. "I try my best," he said. Perhaps he sensed that you were crying and is keeping his comfortable distance as usual. Either way, you felt relieved. 
“To answer your previous question, it had been…difficult for me as well.”
“I see…”
“Have you ever wondered why I act the way I am?”
You blinked your eyes, surprised he was suddenly being so open to you. His answer as well had been a little surprising. So even the most powerful sorcerer has his difficulties. “Sometimes…?”
You can practically see him smiling that usual, close-eyed smile as he answered you. “When in Devildom, do as demons do.”
“Not vague at all, Solomon.”
“I merely meant that giving those demons a taste of their own medicine once in a while isn’t so bad.” His voice had grown softer.  “A pact…is an unbreakable bond. Once you are sworn under it, no matter where or when, the other end of the bond would recognise the other they had been tied to.”
“Like marriage?”
“...that’s a good one!” He laughed, unable to form coherent sentences as you heard him catch his breath. “Mhm. So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.”
“Matthew, right?”
“Is it?” Solomon asked. “I don’t remember.”
“Then why do you know it word for word?”
“Seeing as you’re answering me quite enthusiastically, I assume you’re feeling better?”
Oh. You were talking so much with him that you forgot. “Yeah. Thank you…for sticking around.”
This was probably the longest conversation you ever had with him. He was usually so preoccupied with some crazy experiment or pestering Lucifer over a pact. You didn’t think he would actually go out of his way to defend you and make you feel better.
“I’m just happy to help.”
…nor did you expect him to say such words without any meaning behind them. It was genuine, even if you couldn’t tell what he looked like right now besides the silhouette behind the curtains. You just…felt it. “Maybe I was wrong about you.”
He didn’t reply right away, but you heard him chuckle. “Goodby-"
"Hey Solomon?"
"Are you going back to the ballroom?"
You got out of the resting area and saw his familiar figure ponder over your words.
"Do you need an escort? Is that your way of inviting me?"
For some reason, his tone reminded you of the wisecrack of a letter sender and you couldn't help but feel annoyed.
"What if I am? Are you that impolite to turn me down?"
He looked surprised at your outburst. Almost shameful.
"Oh...I didn't mean to offend. I was just genuinely curious."
"Do you have somewhere else to go?"
As usual, his smiles didn't give anything at all.
"I can always make time for you." He offered his gloved hand to you and made a close-eyed smile. "Shall we?"
And you took his hand that seemed to tremble a little as you held it firmly.
Despite how he usually is, he seemed almost nervous at the contact. But his expressions didn't change at all so you always seemed to misunderstand him. Either way, Solomon was one confusing man.
"I've come to send your dearest one, Your Grace." Solomon let go of your hand and offered a playful bow. "Please excuse me."
...you didn't even get a chance to thank him and he already left.
"̷I̶t̷'̵s̷ ̵a̷ ̵s̶u̸r̷p̵r̵i̵s̸e̷ ̵t̸o̷ ̵s̸e̶e̵ ̴y̶o̵u̶ ̶h̷e̶r̶e̵,̵ ̵m̷y̸ ̸d̴e̷a̸r̴.̶"̷
"Oh, it's because-"
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"Did you get bored waiting for me?"
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What was that? Barbatos looked a little different earlier. Had you imagined it? And what was that malicious energy you felt just now?
"You're deathly pale. Is everything all right?"
But he was looking at you with the same gentle expressions as usual. That's right. That was your Barbatos. He would never look at you that way, it was almost impossible to imagine.
You had been mentally exhausted by the time loops anyway and you weren't at your best self. You couldn't be scared of him.
You shouldn't...
If he knew that you were, he would beat himself up over it. That's how he had always been. You had such a short time left with him that you didn't want to spend the rest of it in conflict.
[ Bring up the strange exam questions ]
( If you choose not to bring the question up, then please continue reading. )
What if that is the way to "end" it all? Didn't the sender say to be honest with Barbatos?
What should you do?
"̴̲̑Ẅ̶͉i̵̜͠l̸͙̍ḽ̸̈ ̴̮̿y̵̤̔o̵̤̓u̷͈͆ ̷̯́d̸͖̓i̴̎ͅẹ̸͛ ̷̬͝f̶͉͋o̷͚r̶͎̕ ̸̤͒m̸̫y̶̬̚ ̶̻̍s̴̲̚ă̷͎k̸͈̄e̴̢͝?̵̧̄"̸̖̿ ̵̻͋
For some reason, you really wanted to hug him right now. Even if it costs being the spectacle of the evening....
Suddenly, Solomon's words finally made sense. You laughed a little to yourself at the realisation.
"Is something wrong?"
Oh, where could you even begin? His deep emerald eyes looked worriedly over you, yet even with your sudden gestures, he immediately reciprocated.
“Did something happen?” You tightened the embrace, but it did not lighten the burden you felt in your heart.
You called him, burying your face on his chest.
“...I love you.”
“...so something happened.”
His hold became firmer as he settled you both on the sofa, making you rest on his chest as he stroked your head. "Can you tell me what's going on?"
"Have you talked to him?"
"Can I ask you something, Your Grace?"
He leaned over to you to hear you better. "Anything for you, my love."
Is there a future for the both of us?
Will you remember me when I'm gone?
Endless worries over the future. The fear of being nothing but an example that mattered over the short course of time the exchange program took place.
Was Barbatos having the same worries? Could that be what the sender meant?
"What will happen to us once the exchange program is over?"
Barbatos' eyes widened at your question. He seemed to be considering your words carefully. He pulled away from you and held your hand.
"Can we go back to the resting area and talk about this?"
Nodding, you squeezed his hand back.
The muted orchestra in the background…Barbatos' gentle hand on your own: everything suddenly seemed so crystal clear.
"This is my 500th letter to you…"
You wondered why that person's penned words seemed vivid to you all of a sudden. You were so annoyed by them when you read their letter earlier. But...if they had been trying to tell you to do this with Barbatos all this time and it took you 500 repeats to get the message, you felt like that person had every right to lash out on you.
"I'm sorry for being so dense, sender..."
Dreams…now wouldn't that be nice?
Perhaps in your dreams, there wouldn't be a need to say goodbye. The three realms lived in peace, and maybe even their dear sister Lilith was alive. Lucifer wouldn't be so tired. Mammon would be more honest with himself. Levi would have more confidence. Satan would be more patient. Asmo would learn to accept genuine love from others. Beel wouldn't seem sad when he glances at the corridor where a certain room once was. Belphie would smile more.
And in that dream, even if nothing was broken, you will still belong somewhere. Barbatos would be waiting for you with a warm smile. You would go back and forth in the human world and learn more about each other. You look forward to such a future…where you weren't merely an example but a choice. A choice he went out of his way to choose.
Even if it's not real…even if it's fleeting and filled with lies.
You think…
[ “I’m fine with even just a sweet dream.” ]
>Why...what did you do wrong this time?
>Why is everything just repeating again?
>Weren't you able to talk with Barbatos?
>Or are you missing something else?
>I'm sorry, "sender".
>I failed again.
**notes: some text screenshots are transcribed into text due to picture limits and have no bearing in the story
💌 tag request: @krussyfed, @lilliansstuff , @cupsof-tea
💌barbatos CG by: airin(twitter)
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