#Business Bankruptcy in Oakland and San Francisco
Sugarman & Company LLP is a consulting and accounting firm based in the San Francisco, CA, area. Our highly qualified and knowledgeable staff has provided financial accounting services, including financial forensics, litigation consulting, corporate bankruptcy, forensic accounting, and more!
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comparativetarot · 3 years
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Seven of Cups. Art by James Pascoe, from the California Tarot.
Among the many eccentric characters in San Francisco history, Joshua "Emperor" Norton is near the top of the list. Business failures prompted him to move there in the wake of the Gold Rush. He became wealthy in the commission business, then lost it all by speculating on rice. Following his bankruptcy and an illness, the once respected Joshua declared himself Norton I, Emperor of the United States and Protector of Mexico. Norton was a strong advocate for what would become the Oakland Bay Bridge.
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deniscollins · 5 years
PG&E Outage Darkens Northern California Amid Wildfire Threat
Pacific Gas and Electric of California declared bankruptcy in January in the face of tens of billions of dollars in liabilities from past fires. With strong winds forecasted in the hills and canyons on Wednesday resembling those that propelled deadly fires in the wine country, if you were a PG&E executive would you turn off electricity to 2.5 million people so electricity lines would not contribute to spreading fire damage: (1) Yes, (2) No? Why? What are the ethics underlying your decision?
The lights went off in stages in Northern California on Wednesday, from the forests near the Oregon border, down the spine of the Sierra Nevada and finally through the dense hillside communities across the Bay from San Francisco.
Hundreds of thousands of households lost power when California’s largest utility, Pacific Gas and Electric, shut down a vast web of electrical lines as a precaution against wildfires. Not knowing how long the outage would last, residents hurried to gas stations and supermarkets, stocking up on essentials as if a hurricane were bearing down.
It was an extraordinary moment for California. In the state that brought the world the iPhone and the internet as most people know it, residents fumbled for flashlights, hauled jerrycans of gasoline and read instructions on how to manually open their automatic garage doors. In the fifth-largest economy in the world, hundreds of thousands of people were forced off the grid.
The vast scope of the power shutdown suggested a new layer of vulnerability for California. A state prone to earthquakes, tsunamis, mudslides and wildfires now was faced with a power company’s decision to shut off the electricity, with relatively little notice.
By Wednesday afternoon, at least 500,000 customers — each customer can represent numerous family members or apartment dwellers — were without power. The company’s second phase of electricity shut offs, affecting an additional 250,000 customers, began late Wednesday evening. By one estimate around 2.5 million people were without power early Thursday morning.
Meteorologists said the strong winds that were forecast in the hills and canyons on Wednesday resembled those that propelled deadly fires in the wine country of Napa and Sonoma Counties two years ago. The power company, which declared bankruptcy in January in the face of tens of billions of dollars in liabilities from past fires, said it was not taking chances this time.
The shutdown led to the cancellation of classes at Humboldt State University, Mills College in Oakland and the University of California, Berkeley. It also contributed to multiple crashes at intersections where traffic lights went dark. Banks and businesses in some Northern California towns shut down; agricultural processing machines were inoperable in the thick of the fall harvest.
In the San Francisco Bay Area, one of the largest concentrations of wealth and cutting-edge technology in the world, the shut-off felt like an anachronism, something that might happen in a less-developed country. Long lines formed at gas stations a dozen or so miles from the headquarters of Apple and Google.
“What’s next?” said Robert Cruz Jr., an electrical foreman whose crews have installed fiber-optic cables at Facebook. He was at a gas station in San Jose, the country’s 10th-largest city, filling up a five-gallon container with gasoline for a generator he was on his way to buy from a friend. He and his wife, an executive assistant at Intel, spent Tuesday calling nearby stores for new generators but the closest store that had one was an hour and a half away in California’s Central Valley.
“We’re doing what we can to keep our refrigerator and our freezer going,” he said.
For many, the power shutdown was a reminder of how helpless they were without electricity. While wealthier residents were able to fall back on solar panels and battery systems for electricity, living off the grid was not an option for Sharmaine Lindahl.
The power outage had cascading consequences for Ms. Lindahl and her husband, who live in Arcata, nearly 300 miles north of San Francisco. On Tuesday night, she received a text message from PG&E warning her of the impending power shut-off. Five hours later the lights went out and all of the electrical appliances in her kitchen, the only way she can cook, were useless.
Most businesses were closed in Arcata on Wednesday, she said, and gasoline was scarce.
Wednesday was also her husband’s payday, but the bank was closed and his company paid him in cash because it could not print out checks.
“Our bank account is going to be overdrawn,” Ms. Lindahl said. “We live paycheck to paycheck. So this is going to hit us very hard.”
The Lindahls felt like their city was collateral damage: The fire risk is low in Arcata, a city along the coast whose weather this time of year is most often fog and rain.
As the outages spread on Wednesday, so did anger and frustration at PG&E, a company that has a history of negligence and safety violations, including a gas pipeline explosion south of San Francisco in 2010 that killed eight people and has it under criminal probation. The company’s equipment was also deemed responsible for California’s deadliest fire, the inferno that razed the city of Paradise last year, killing 86 people.
When the forecast winds failed to materialize in some areas on Wednesday, criticism mounted against PG&E. Was it necessary to turn so many lives upside down? Was this a ploy by the company to prove how much California needs it?
Jim Nielsen, a state senator who represents the area around Paradise, called the shut-off “unacceptable.”
“This policy has to change,” he said in a statement. “PG&E’s decision to protect itself from liability at the expense of hard-working Californians will not be tolerated.”
“Millions without electricity is what a third-world country looks like, not a state that is the fifth-largest economy in the world,” he said.
PG&E has for months warned that pre-emptive power blackouts would be likely as it tries to catch up on a yearslong backlog of maintenance work on the power grid.
The issue has been a frequent point of discussion in PG&E’s criminal probation proceedings. Fire victim advocates and Judge William H. Alsup of the United States District Court in San Francisco have repeatedly questioned why PG&E had not turned off the power as often as other utilities, such as San Diego Gas & Electric, in high-risk weather conditions.
PG&E said the sole reason for power shut-offs was safety.
“We are going to protect human life first,” William D. Johnson, its chief executive, said in an interview over the summer about the company’s grid strategy.
Bill Biasi, the mayor of Winters, a city surrounded by orchards and tomato fields in the Sacramento Valley, said the power shut-off would be a setback for nut processing businesses that need power for their equipment. But he said he sympathized with the company’s dilemma — how to provide power in a part of the state so prone to wildfires.
“PG&E is in a tough situation,” Mr. Biasi said. “I think they’re doing what they can to make sure that what happened last year doesn’t happen again. But is it frustrating? It’s frustrating to everyone.”
The changing climate has brought hotter summers that dry out vegetation and make it more vulnerable to fire. Of the 10 largest wildfires recorded in California, five have been in the last decade. PG&E is required by law to serve homes nestled in wildland areas and is liable if its equipment starts a fire, whether or not it was found to be negligent.
PG&E has not offered a concrete timetable on when the power will be restored. Every inch of every line needs to be inspected before lines can be re-energized, the company has said, and that process could take up to five days.
The prospect of being without power for so long has been especially difficult for the most vulnerable.
In Oakland, Stacey Milbern spent more than two hours on Tuesday afternoon calling PG&E to find out whether power would be cut off to her home. Ms. Milbern uses a ventilator for breathing and needs other medical devices.
On Wednesday afternoon she still had electricity.
“I’m hoping that means my house won’t be affected, but it’s on the outage maps,” she said. “For the everyday disabled person, it’s so scary.”
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thelastdiadoch · 5 years
The Strange Case of Emperor Norton I of the United States By Evan Andrews.  SEP 17, 2014.
“On September 17, 1859, a most unusual decree appeared in the San Francisco Bulletin newspaper. In grandiloquent fashion, the message stated, “At the peremptory request and desire of a large majority of the citizens…I, Joshua Norton…declare and proclaim myself Emperor of these United States.” It went on to command representatives from all the states to convene in the Bay Area, “to make such alterations in the existing laws of the Union as may ameliorate the evils under which the country is laboring.” The edict was signed, “NORTON I, Emperor of the United States.”
The Bulletin’s editors had printed the imperial decree on a lark, but over the next 20 years, its author would grow into one of San Francisco’s most recognizable tourist attractions. Clad in an epaulette-adorned Navy coat, an ostrich feather-plumed hat and occasionally carrying a military saber, the delightfully eccentric “Emperor Norton I” walked the streets accepting mock-fealty from all who were willing to indulge his royal fantasy. He ate in restaurants free of charge, issued his own currency and made official proclamations that ranged from the comical to the surprisingly prophetic. It didn’t matter that the self-styled ruler was more than a little unhinged, or that he was actually a poor beggar whose “palace” was a local flophouse—many in San Francisco enjoyed playing along with the joke. It is even said that when Emperor Pedro II of Brazil visited the City by the Bay, its residents marched out their beloved “Mad Monarch” for a formal meeting.
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Before he was “Norton I, Emperor of the United States,” Joshua Abraham Norton was just another businessman who ventured to the West to make his fortune. Born in Britain around 1819 into a decidedly un-regal family of merchants, he spent his youth in South Africa before migrating to San Francisco during the heady days of the 1849 Gold Rush. Norton dove into the real estate business, and by the early 1850s, he’d turned his original $40,000 stake into a quarter million dollar fortune. But like so many Gold Rush-era speculators, Norton’s greed eventually got the better of him. During a rice shortage in 1853, he concocted a scheme to conquer the San Francisco market, only to land in financial ruin when fresh shipments poured into the harbor and caused the price to plummet. Norton declared bankruptcy and fell off the map for several years. When he resurfaced in September 1859 and marched into the offices of the San Francisco Bulletin, royal decree in hand, it was with the sincere belief that he was the unrecognized sovereign of the United States. Norton had never exhibited any symptoms of mental instability or delusion during his business career, but all signs seemed to indicate that he had lost his mind along with his riches.
In a display of the off-kilter charm that would make San Francisco famous, its residents scarcely batted an eye at Norton I’s claims. People greeted him with bows when he passed by on his royal walks, and the city directory ironically listed his occupation as “Emperor.” Smelling a story, local newspapers actively encouraged the Norton myth and printed his zany imperial proclamations with great fanfare. One of the first, from October 1859, declared, “fraud and corruption prevent a fair and proper expression of the public voice…in consequence of which, we do hereby abolish Congress.” When the nation’s leaders had the gall to continue meeting, Norton I issued a second decree ordering General Winfield Scott to march on Washington and put the legislators to a rout. The following summer, as the United States teetered on the brink of the Civil War, he announced that he had dissolved the Union altogether and replaced it with an absolute monarchy with himself at the helm. When the French later invaded America’s neighbor to the south, he nurtured international relations by adding the honorific “Protector of Mexico” to his title.
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As his celebrity grew, Norton I became a cherished mascot for the city of San Francisco. Photos of him in imperial dress were popular souvenirs, and Emperor Norton dolls found their way into shops across the city. Theater owners saved him a seat at the opening night of every play; local train and ferry companies let him ride free of charge; and some restaurateurs allowed him to skip out on his tab in exchange for the right to post an imperial seal of approval that read: “By Appointment to His Imperial Majesty, Norton I.” The Emperor remained cash poor in spite of the handouts, so admiring subjects gave aid under the guise of paying taxes into the imperial treasury. In 1871, a local printing firm even ran off a special currency emblazoned with a picture of Norton I and his imperial seal. The Emperor passed the notes as his official government bonds until the day he died, and many recipients displayed them as treasured mementos. Today, Norton I’s imperial IOUs still fetch a kingly fee among coin collectors.
Even the Bay Area’s most powerful men delighted in catering to the Emperor’s whims. Army officers at the Presidio gifted him a fresh uniform when his old one wore out, and local lawmakers helped furnish the royal wardrobe from public funds. When an overzealous police officer once dared to arrest the Emperor on charges of vagrancy, the city’s newspapers responded with outrage. One writer defended him as a local institution, arguing, “since he has worn the Imperial purple [he] has shed no blood, robbed nobody, and despoiled the country of no one, which is more than can be said for his fellows in that line.” The Emperor was quickly released, and from then on, the city’s lawmen saluted whenever they encountered him on the street.
All the while, newsmen continued to print Norton I’s grandiose edicts in the papers. Some bordered on the bizarre—in 1872, he declared that anyone who referred to his adopted city by “the abominable word ‘Frisco’” was subject to a $25 fine—but others carried an unmistakable logic. One of the most famous mandates came in the early 1870s, when his majesty announced that the city should appropriate funds for construction of a bridge between San Francisco and Oakland. Ignored at the time, Norton I’s decree eventually came to fruition in 1936 with the opening of the Bay Bridge.
Emperor Norton’s story inspired fascination from tourists and great artists alike. The city’s benevolent dictator also captured the imagination of Mark Twain, who had worked as a journalist in San Francisco during his reign. Twain went on to use the Emperor as the model for the “King,” a royal impostor who appears as a character in his 1885 novel “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.” Several other plays and operas were written about Norton I during his lifetime, yet outside of occasional visits to the halls of power and cameos at city gatherings, his everyday routine was quite unremarkable. He lived in a tiny rented room and spent his days playing chess, attending religious services, reading in libraries or going on long walks to survey his realm, supposedly with Bummer and Lazarus, two of the city’s most famous street mutts, in tow.
It was during one of these royal constitutionals on January 8, 1880, that Norton I, Emperor of the United States and Protector of Mexico, dropped dead from a stroke. His passing inspired comment in dozens of newspapers including the New York Times. San Francisco gave Norton I a send-off fit for an Emperor. “LE ROI EST MORT” (“THE KING IS DEAD”), read the headline in the Chronicle. “He is dead,” lamented another paper, “and no citizen of San Francisco could have been taken away who would be more generally missed.” At Norton I’s funeral a few days later, some 10,000 loyal subjects turned up to pay their respects.”
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 6 years
“As it happens, tech -- or surveillance capitalism -- has disrupted the private investigation business as much as it’s ripped through journalism, the taxi business, war making, and so many other private and public parts of our world. And it's not only celebrities and presidential candidates whose privacy hackers have burned through. Israeli spyware can steal the contacts off your phone just as LinkedIn did to market itself to your friends. Google, the Associated Press reported recently, archives your location even when you’ve turned off your phone. Huge online database brokers like Tracers, TLO, and IRBsearch that law enforcement and private eyes like me use can trace your address, phone numbers, email addresses, social media accounts, family members, neighbors, credit reports, the property you own, foreclosures or bankruptcies you’ve experienced, court judgments or liens against you, and criminal records you may have rolled up over the years.
Ten years ago, to subscribe to one of these databases, I had to show proof that I was indeed a licensed investigator and pass an on-site investigation to ensure that any data I downloaded would be protected. I was required to have a surveillance camera and burglar alarm on the building where my office was located, as well as a dead bolt on my office door, a locked filing cabinet, and double passwords to get into my computer. Now, most database brokers just require a PI or attorney license and you can sign right up online. Government records -- federal and state, civil and criminal -- are also increasingly online for anyone to access.
The authoritarian snoops of the last century would have drooled over the surveillance uses of the smartphones that most of us now carry. Smartphones have, in fact, become one of the primo law enforcement tools other than the Internet. "Find my iPhone" can even find a dead body -- if, that is, the victim left her iPhone on while being murdered. And don’t get me started on the proliferation of surveillance cameras in our world.
Take me. I had a classic case that shows just how traceable we all now are. There was a dead body, a possible murder victim, but no direct evidence: no witnesses, no DNA, no fingerprints, and no murder weapon found. In San Francisco's East Bay, however, as in most big American cities, there are so many surveillance cameras mounted on mom-and-pop stores, people's houses, bars, cafes, hospitals, toll bridges, tunnels, even in parks, that the police can collect enough video, block by block, to effectively map a suspect driving around Oakland for hours before hitting the freeway and heading out to dump a body, just as the defendant in my case did.
Once upon a time, cops and dirty private eyes would have had to attach trackers to the undercarriages of cars to follow them electronically. No longer. The particular suspect I have in mind drove his victim’s car across a bridge, where cameras videotaped the license plate but couldn't see inside the car; nor, he must have assumed, could anyone record him on the deserted road he finally reached where he was undoubtedly confident that he was safe. What he didn't notice was the CALFIRE video camera placed on that very road to monitor for brush fires. It caught a car’s headlights matching his on its way to the site he had chosen to dump the body. There was no direct evidence of the murder he had committed, just circumstantial, tech-based evidence. A jury, however, convicted him in just a few hours.” - Judith Coburn, “A Private Investigator on Living in a Surveillance Culture: Can we be forgotten anymore?” Common Dreams. August 27, 2018.
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The Value of Your Own Wellness Staff
In this particular post, DOCTOR Jason Deitch allotments on the problems pestering our medical device and also why our experts require to make our very own wellness groups. PHYSICIAN Deitch is the co-author of the chart-topping manual "Discover Wellness: Exactly How Remaining Healthy And Balanced Can Easily Create You Rich." DOCTOR Reich is likewise the creator of Discover Wellness Center and also the Principal Wellness Policeman of the Owner's Cycle and also WellCall, Inc
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PHYSICIAN Deitch: OK. You understand Kevin, and I was engaging in physician, my instruction resides in chiropractic, for about ten years in the Oakland, The golden state location, East Gulf, San Francisco region. It was a remarkable adventure, and I have to inform you. I point out that because if you get on the cutting edge as well as you are collaborating with individuals as a doctor, specifically in the arena of all-natural wellness as well as recuperation and also wellness, you come to view wonders occur every time. It is a real blessing. It is an excellent point. Our team possessed a household wellness strategy. Our experts dealt with whatever coming from newborns to elders as well as everyone in between. It was splendid expertise.
Yet I carried out regularly invite the rear of my thoughts, I do not recognize if you would certainly call it a downhearted or even positive or even whatever sort of mindset you wish to take a look at it as however, I regularly referred to as high as I had the capacity to move folks indeed as well as help them and also boost their lifestyle. I maintained finding and also dealing with concentrating on the number of countless individuals worldwide at this moment, particularly in The United States, that are actually without insurance, that are actually over-dependent on points like harmful medicines as well as the real issues that appeared for me, and also indeed the ideas for composing my manual; which was actually genuinely taking a look at the business economics of individuals getting ill today. I possibly do not need to devote a lot opportunity persuading individuals that the United States is actually gravely endangered, financially and also on a great deal of various other various degrees, entirely just due to the reality that our country invests a bulk of its sources, research studies point out in between 70 and also often 90 per-cent, of our information spending for lifestyle-related, avoidable problems. Treatment that permanently is being invested in disorders there is generally preventable. That is excellent updates as well as the problem. The bright side is as well as our company can do one thing regarding it.
So my co-author, DOCTOR Bob Hoffman, as well as on my met. Our experts discovered this was actually a higher purpose and also objective than residing in daily strategy as well as our team made a decision to indeed make an effort to develop an action around assisting folks to come to be encouraged to positively carry out the many things that they most likely understand they must be actually carrying out anyhow and also may not be. It is indeed not a cutting edge scientific research. It is indeed not some all-new final approach. It is, with any luck, encouraging individuals to act on the sound judgment factors they recognize they must be performing. The truth is you may declare bankruptcy through refraining these points, in every feeling of words, as well as you can, in reality, prosper through carrying out these traits. It is definitely around you to perform, therefore.
Kevin: What is several of the sound judgment points that lots of people that perform a healthy and balanced pathway appear to become missing out on.
PHYSICIAN Deitch: Among all of them is actually to produce your very own wellness staff. What I imply through that is that as a doctor, as well as if that is the majority of individuals that are paying attention today, I am most likely to advise that our team are all relatively bad of determining wellness or even health care through what our experts carry out. Our group usually tend to detail it with our eyes, predominantly via things that our team carry out as well as possibly monetize. The truth is actually that individuals many times require an entire entourage in a manner of speaking, or even a staff of wellness specialists. What our experts discuss in the guide is the form of a transformative version. It is a version reflective of health care design that many people understand. Our team produces the example that many people do not get up eventually and also go, "You understand, I do not experience properly, I reside in some discomfort. Should I visit my specialist, my orthopedist, my psychotherapist, my fitness instructor? Let me assume momentarily. Perhaps I'll inquire my next-door neighbor what they carried out." They truly have actually been actually trained as well as familiarized to claiming, "I am actually most likely to visit the physician," as well as they count on the physician's task to become to assess their ailment, evaluate their targets and also to create suggestions for the items they need to be actually taking, in the health care globe that is actually usually medicines or even some type of surgical treatment, and also what, if any sort of, suggestions might be actually relevant, what professionals might be indeed essential to assist that individual achieve their targets.
Hands of Hope Chiropractic & Wellness Center 2001 Lafayette Blvd, Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 369-3864
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adverworld53 · 4 years
Getting My Advertising Your Law Firm To Work
This tends to occur when the searcher obtains all the information they require on the search results page itself. They merely don't require to click a website to get what they were searching for. What does that mean for law office? They'll likely have to devote more sources to brand building and creative reasoning in order to catch more leads from search engine result.
This write-up discusses internet marketing, but you must always remember to quit promoting any kind of referral relationships you have. In the electronic world, this primarily includes tailored interaction with email as well as social media. You can also broaden your initiatives with outreach on these channels. As we saw above, a lot of clicks most likely to natural search.
Along with quality content growth, your web site must load fast, be mobile friendly, as well as have clear contact us to action. Bidding on lawful key phrases with Google Ads as well as spending for the clicks you get is an easy and quick way to drive website traffic, although not always low-cost. A solitary click on a high-competition keyword like "mesothelioma lawyer" will certainly cost you over $200.
Studies show that websites get more clicks when they're featured in both Pay Per Click and natural than if they're included in either alone. From my research, few individuals most likely to a directory site like Yelp or Avvo and also search for an attorney. Instead, they Google "injury lawyer near me" and click on a directory link that's ranking in the search results.
Connected: The directory sites I'm seeing much more commonly in legal search outcomes are: Yelp Findlaw Justia Avvo SuperLawyers (need to be nominated) You've listened to expression "Jack of all professions, master of none," well, the legislation companies I see struggling one of the most with digital advertising and marketing are the ones trying to target a wide range of disparate practice locations and/or locations.
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He believed he would need to add family regulation, bankruptcy, migration, and also criminal protection to provide his money circulation while awaiting those big accident payments. While this might make good sense originally, consider it from a possible customer's perspective. Can somebody truly be proficient at all those things? The spread emphasis is off-putting.
When you focus on also lots of points you weaken your initiatives and also decrease the influence of each campaign. At the end of the day, it boils down to simple math. Would you instead concentrate on 10 areas and also sign no situations or concentrate on one location and sign 100 situations? This is not to say that you can not concentrate on multiple technique areas, yet you should not dilute your efforts too much.
We call this a "hyper-focused website," and also when done properly, it can drive remarkable results rapidly. Use these pointers to assist your law firm concentrate on what's crucial. Identify the area your law company is literally located in and market to individuals because community. Why? A San Diego local wouldn't wish to employ a San Francisco attorney, for instance.
Wide groups like injury can even be damaged down better. For instance, you might just market yourself as a medical malpractice attorney. Your law office can expand beyond your existing specific niche, however just once you've grasped it. Beginning by focusing on one location, accomplish the efficiency you desire, then attempt expanding right into brand-new markets.
View your competitors. Success if commonly not nearly succeeding, however doing far better than the competition. One error I see frequently is attorneys that desire all business on the planet however do not desire to be recognized. Fairly the paradox. It's regular to have "charlatan disorder," yet don't be scared to market yourself.
Likewise, attorneys are their own brand name as well as they should have the ability to generate business through their own success. As a person that functions a great deal with individual injury attorneys, I have a whole lot of pride when my customers rate for search phrases like "Auto Mishap Attorney." It records the interest of people ready to hire an attorney and also would cost a great deal of cash if my customer were to need to bid on that term, so ranking naturally for it makes me feel great.
Why? Because individuals study prior to they buy. Your possible customers ought to be able to find you at any kind of stage of their purchase journey, from research to assessment to decision. While individuals at the end of the funnel (" auto mishap legal representative" searchers) are prepared to acquire, you can utilize top and also mid-funnel web content to help conversions (those visitors can cause customers later down the line when they're readier).
Someone was in a mishap as well as is seeking tips to discuss their very own negotiation. The insurer starts to reduced ball them. What if your firm currently developed connection by the time they need to decide to work with a legal representative? This is where marketing funnels, automation, and also lead magnets been available in.
This is the top of the channel and it's the factor where somebody is just beginning to do first research study. This is where you should include value to potential customers. Think of e-books and useful sources that can resolve their discomfort points and also address their concerns. After the client ends up being extra familiar with what they require they start the consideration procedure where they'll examine their alternatives.
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This is where a prospective customer prepares to get. For list building web sites like the typical law practice site, a conversion takes place when they call or submit a call form. Focus on obtaining visibility for these bottom-funnel keyword phrases and also offering your site site visitors with a frictionless path to contact you.
Use personal injury lawyers in Oakland customer loyalty to take advantage of testimonials. Doing an exceptional task for a customer results in the opportunity of developing brand name advocates. These consumers will certainly go crazy about your brand name and inform their friends that remain in requirement. Using methods reviewed later on in this article, you will see just how you can use your advertising efforts to concentrate on these funnels.
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jobsearchtips02 · 4 years
Routes: Oakland terminal reopens, Southwest and Hawaiian restore island schedules more
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As company gets, Oakland International has resumed some closed gates.
As company picks up, Oakland International has reopened some closed gates.
Image: Oakland International Airport.
Image: Oakland International Airport.
As organisation gets, Oakland International has actually resumed some closed gates.
As business picks up, Oakland International has reopened some closed gates.
Image: Oakland International Airport.
In route news, Oakland resumes a closed terminal as company gets; Southwest and Hawaiian restore service to the islands from the Bay Area; Chicago enforces quarantine in visitors from particular states; Californians heading to New York are expected to self-quarantine for 2 weeks upon arrival; Alaska includes some Bay Area paths; American Airlines prepares a “reset” for its international network, including the elimination of several Los Angeles paths; Delta resumes beer and wine service in its front cabins and resumes some Sky Clubs; JSX includes 4 paths; Southwest restores some Mexico/Caribbean service; Frontier starts flying a number of brand-new paths to Florida; the federal government hold-ups resuming its Global Entry enrollment centers; SFO schedule updates from Lufthansa, Swiss, British Airways; Air Canada diminishes; Aeromexico declares bankruptcy; El Al stops flying; and Virgin Australia discovers a buyer. Phew!
We have actually been reporting on the resumption of different routes from San Francisco International in current weeks, but Oakland International is having a revival of its own. Although the Big 3 U.S. carriers have actually essentially pulled out of OAK, other airlines will be growing their schedules there in the weeks ahead, the airport said. Total seat capacity out of Oakland was 290,774 in June, but it will grow to 418,600 in July. That will consist of more flights from Southwest, Spirit, Alaska and Mexico’s discounter, Volaris. “The expanded service arranged to be presented in July and August has resulted in today’s (July 1) resuming of Gates 29-32 in Terminal 2, which had been closed because May,” the airport reported
Southwest’s OAK schedule is due to increase from 75 flights a day in July to more than 90 in August– 75 percent of what it flew in August2019 The airport said Southwest is expected to resume its “complete schedule” of Hawaii flights in July, supplementing its twice-daily Honolulu service with 2 flights a day from Oakland to Kahului, Maui, and the return of service to Lihue, Kauai and to Kona on the Big Island.
Hawaiian Airlines is likewise rebounding, with strategies to resume a “decreased schedule” from its mainland gateways on August 1 In addition to a resumption of Honolulu-Portland service this week, Hawaiian stated previously it will revive day-to-day Honolulu flights from San Diego and Sacramento on July15 And today it said its August 1 strategies consist of the reinstatement of service from HNL to San Jose, Oakland, Phoenix, Las Vegas, New York and Boston. Hawaiian will likewise utilize A321 neo aircraft to revive flights to Maui from San Francisco, Oakland, San Jose, Sacramento and Los Angeles; to Kauai from LAX and San Jose; and to Kona from LAX. You can click here to see the frequencies and start-up dates.
Chicago appears to be the first major city to impose a quarantine on visitors.
Bay Area residents preparing to go to the metro New York location— in reality, anywhere in New York State, New Jersey and Connecticut– might be puzzled to learn that California this week was included to the list of states whose citizens must undergo a 14- day self-quarantine when they arrive there, based on California’s current coronavirus flare-up. As Cuomo discussed it throughout a CNN interview, “We understand what flight you came in on.
According to Routesonline.com, some Bay Location paths that Alaska Airlines had actually previously prepared to use this summer are now slated to start on September 1 instead. That consists of two day-to-day E175 Horizon Air flights from San Francisco International to Boise and one a day from San Jose to Spokane, along with seven days of 737 service in between SFO and Anchorage. Likewise due to start September 1 is brand-new Alaska Airlines service between Los Angeles and Fresno (two daily E175 s), a daily Portland-Denver 737 flight, a daily Portland-San Luis Obispo E175 flight, and a daily E175 roundtrip to Boise from Paine Field in Everett, Wash. Alaska’s Seattle-Cincinnati route, formerly set to begin August 18, has been pushed back to May of next year.
Previously this week, we reported on United’s plans to bring back more domestic and international service throughout August.
Los Angeles International will take a success in American’s modified long-haul schedule, losing service to Hong Kong, Buenos Aires, Sao Paulo, Beijing, and Shanghai (assuming AA gets government approval for its planned start of Seattle-Shanghai flights as part of its brand-new collaboration with Alaska Airlines). The airline company kept in mind that it expects to resume LAX-London Heathrow flights this winter and LAX-Sydney service in summer season 2021, and to launch LAX-Auckland flights in the winter of2021 From the west coast, AA will depend upon its Alaska collaboration for future growth (Alaska is expected to end up being a complete Oneworld member in 2021). In addition to moving its LAX-Shanghai route to Seattle, American previously revealed strategies to start new transpacific service from SEA to London and Bangalore in 2021.
Tumblr media
Image: Los Angeles World Airports.
American Airlines’ “reset” of its worldwide network will suggest the end of numerous Los Angeles routes.
American’s strategies also include the elimination of some worldwide routes from its other hubs, including Charlotte, Dallas/Ft. Worth, Miami, Chicago O’Hare and Philadelphia. A representative noted that American will “continue to fly to joint service partners’ centers. And while some global markets will not return, American prepares for a full schedule to LHR by2021 The airline company will continue to work closely with British Airways to offer an extensive network that allows clients to reach crucial destinations when they are prepared.” Click on this link to see all the details of American’s announcement and international schedule modifications.
Delta said this week it has actually resumed complementary liquor service(beer and red wine) for guests in very first class and Convenience on all flights of more than 500 miles. Delta likewise prepares to resume more of its Sky Club airport lounges this month, consisting of the one in San Francisco International together with those in Chicago O’Hare, Denver, Miami, Nashville, Orlando and Phoenix. (Some Sky Club places never closed, consisting of Atlanta, Boston, Detroit, LaGuardia, LAX, Minneapolis-St. Paul, JFK, Seattle, Salt Lake City and Washington Reagan National.) Delta flyers need to also keep in mind that they now check in a SFO’s Terminal 2 while the Terminal 1 check in area gets a re-do.
JSX, the local carrier formerly calling itself JetSuiteX, prepares to add four routes in the western U.S., all running four flights a week, according to Routesonline.com They include Monterey-Orange County beginning today, in addition to Burbank-Monterey, Orange County-Phoenix and Las Vegas-Seattle Boeing Field, all due to start July23 The airline company will utilize its hallmark ERJ-135 s on all the routes.
As Southwest Airlines continues to increase its service, it resumed flights on some global routes today, including Houston Hobby to Cancun and Los Cabos; Orlando to Montego Bay, Jamaica; Denver to Cancun and Los Cabos; and Baltimore/Washington to Cancun, Montego Bay and Nassau, Bahamas.
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Frontier Airlines is adding service to a number of Florida airports this month, primarily with flights one or two times a week, originating from Los Angeles, Newark, Philadelphia, Long Island MacArthur, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Dallas/Ft.
Last week, we reported that Custom-mades and Border Security would resume carrying out personal interviews on July 6 for travelers who apply to join its Worldwide Entry relied on tourist program
In foreign airline company news, the current schedule filing from Lufthansa suggests it will revive San Francisco-Frankfurt service September 2 with three weekly A340-300 flights and will increase its existing SFO-Munich schedule from 3 A350 flights a week to five as of August 2. (Lufthansa this week restored LAX-Frankfurt service with three 747 -8 flights a week and will improve that schedule to five days a week in August and 7 in September.) Lufthansa’s Swiss International affiliate is planning to come back to SFO August 2, with 3 weekly 777-300 ER flights to Zurich. British Airways’ latest upgrade includes strategies to boost San Francisco-London Heathrow and LAX-LHR from one flight a day to two since August 1. And Air Canada said today it is suspending service “forever” on 30 domestic routes due to a lack of guest need. Click On This Link to see the complete list.
Delta’s South American partner LATAM filed for Chapter 11 insolvency in May, and now Delta’s other big Latin American partner– Aeromexico– has actually done the same. The Mexican provider stated today that it will continue to serve clients while it goes through a monetary restructuring, which all of its tickets, reservations, vouchers and award points will stay legitimate. “In July the Business expects to double the variety of its domestic flights and quadruple the number of global flights as compared to June,” Aeromexico said
Israel’s El Al was expected to resume a few restricted flights from Tel Aviv to Los Angeles and New York this month, however those plans have actually been spiked as the airline was hit with a new crisis this week.
The U.S.-based private equity company Bain Capital has actually become the effective bidder for Virgin Australia, which has actually been running just a minimal domestic network given that it entered voluntary administration– a form of insolvency– in April. The acquisition undergoes approval by the airline company’s lenders in August. Virgin Australia’s previous owners– which included Sir Richard Branson’s Virgin Group, Singapore Airlines and Etihad Airways– will have their equity erased. Bain Capital will be expected to recapitalize the provider and ultimately restore its suspended service; there’s no word yet on for how long that may take.
Check out all recent TravelSkills posts here
Chris McGinnis is SFGATE’s senior travel reporter.
SFGATE participates in various affiliate marketing programs, which indicates we might get paid commissions on editorially chosen products bought through our links to seller sites.
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from Job Search Tips https://jobsearchtips.net/routes-oakland-terminal-reopens-southwest-and-hawaiian-restore-island-schedules-more/
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Need To File Business Bankruptcy in Oakland and San Francisco, CA
Running the day-to-day business may become too challenging for comfort many a time. Both small and big businesses may have to borrow money with their debt escalating by the day. Filing business bankruptcy in Oakland and San Francisco, CA, may be the only way out. The company management or the business owner needs to turn to a financial expert. This will enable them to gain perspective and understand the associated advantages, including being left alone by the creditors.
Going through the related information is essential after being convinced that bankruptcy is the best way forward. Moreover, the financial advisor is sure to be knowledgeable enough to offer alternatives based on the circumstances. The debtor will surely be confused by the different bankruptcy options available to American citizens. Having a financial consultant check the needs and offer advice is the right way to proceed with the bankruptcy filing process.
Some of the reasons to go ahead and file for bankruptcy include the following:-
The process of filing for bankruptcy for small business entities has been made smooth and hassle-free courtesy of the “Small Business Reorganization Act “that became law in 2019. The provisions offered to business entities struggling for funds are the following opportunities:
· Streamlining the Reorganization process- The associated costs for obtaining the procedure have been removed with the requirements of a corporate reorganization made easier for smaller entities. Such business owners can submit their restructure plan all the more quickly, with acceptance being a matter of days.
· Trustee Appointment- It is necessary for the small business to appoint a trustee when filing for bankruptcy. This trustee must assist the debtor in developing a reorganization plan. Facilitating the new plan and monitoring the fulfillment of the plan is also the trustee’s responsibility. ​ · Reorganization Plan- The Reorganization Act also empowers the court to approve the debtor’s plan when it meets all the specifications. The legal authorities will not entertain the creditor who objects to such a plan.
· Discharge Limitations- The court will also allow the debtor to pay off the dues within a period of 3 to 5 years. The business entity will be absolved of the liability after repayment of dues. There are a few exceptions to this rule, however.
· Modification of Home Mortgage- The business owner is free to modify the existing mortgage on the residence even after filing for business bankruptcy. This rule will remain active even if the business owner has secured the home loan in connection with the business.
· Administrative Expenses-There are no administrative expenses claims to be paid by the debtor. The post-petition service and goods claims are waived as well.
Hiring the right financial consultant in Santa Rosa and Sacramento, CA, is paramount. Seeking out the services of a firm with a proven track record of problem-solving for individuals and business entities is the best way to resolve all financial issues. 
0 notes
sethmschroth · 4 years
6 Lyft Rental Car Partners Best Payment Plans To Maximize Profit
As a Lyft driver, using a Lyft rental car or not, there are many factors you need to observe so you can maximize your profits. The fact is, no one can say for sure if using a rental car is bad or if using your car is good. What you need to take into consideration is a mixture of your monthly income, insurance and maintenance costs, taxes, weekly rent for the vehicle you are using (if you decide to go with rental option), and so on. Using a rental car for Lyft definitely has its advantages which we went over in our article on using a rental car for Uber.. you can check out the advantages -> here.
Car Rental With Lyft Express Drive
Thanks to Lyft Express Drive, you can start your driving career even if you don’t own a car. After you sign up in this program, it will help you to locate rental car providers, see prices, and other program details based on the city you are in so you can rent a car and start making trips. The price you pay for a rental car includes insurance and maintenance costs. Also, the time period for renting a car is flexible and there is no long-term commitment to it. drivers will also be responsible for any additional fees such as late returns, refueling, tolls, and tickets.
 How Much Does Express Drive Cost?
Weekly rate $179 – $329
Prices are based on how many personal miles you need, and the kind of car you pick.
Refundable deposit required
Rental deposit may be returned in full, per the terms of your rental agreement, when you opt-out of Express Drive. The above rates vary by market and are subject to Lyft’s terms and conditions and applicable taxes and fees. Driver Rate Card may also be reduced. Check Rate Card details in your Lyft Driver Dashboard for more information.
 What’s included with Express Drive?
Insurance and standard maintenance so you can drive worry-free.
Drive unlimited miles for Lyft and get extra miles for personal use.
Flexibility to return when you want with no long term commitments.
Please note that due to the high number of requests for renting a car at Lyft Express Drive program, it might take a little time before there is a vehicle available for rent, so you might want to keep an eye on Driver Dashboard In Lyft app to check the list of available cars as soon as there is one.
You can simply follow instructions below to become an Express Driver:
Apply to drive at lyft.com/expressdrive if the Express Drive program is available in your city If you’re already an approved driver, visit the ‘Vehicles’ tab of your Driver Dashboard, then tap the ‘Rent a Vehicle’ button to get started
You must be 25+ years old to rent a vehicle
You must meet Lyft’s driver requirements
After you’re approved to drive, you can schedule a vehicle pickup
Once you provide a refundable deposit, you’ll be able to pick up the vehicle and get on the road
Note: Express Drive rentals cannot be used for any other ‘for-hire’ service, including (but not limited to) Postmates, Shipt, and Uber. Rental vehicles must be rented through the Express Drive program to be approved for use on the Lyft platform.
Here is also the list of cities the Express Drive is available in:
Atlanta, GA Austin, TX Baltimore, MD Charlotte, NC Dallas, TX Denver, CO Detroit, MI Fort Worth, TX Houston, TX Los Angeles, CA Virginia Beach / Hampton Roads / Norfolk, VA Oakland, CA Philadelphia, PA Phoenix, AZ Pittsburgh, PA Portland, OR Providence, RI Sacramento, CA San Antonio, TX San Diego, CA San Francisco, CA Seattle, WA Washington, D.C.
  Hertz Lyft Rental Car
Hertz is one of the companies with many years of experience in renting cars with a large vehicle selection. However, it’s one of the companies which filed for bankruptcy due to the devastation of its business by COVID-19, but they are still providing their services during the proceedings. So it’s not highly recommended for renting a vehicle.
Check Out Hertz Rental Options >>> Here
 Getaround Lyft Rental Car
Getaround is another carsharing platform which is active in 300 cities (and 7 countries) with over 5 million users and a large selection of vehicles containing more than 1000+ car models. This company provided this chance for drivers to search and rent the vehicles they need, sharing by people nearby without the need to meet the owner to exchange keys.
Check Out Getaround Rental Options >>> Here
 Hyrecar Lyft Rental Car
Try renting a car and start driving for any ridesharing services you like with HyreCar without paying any fees except for your rent or signing any contracts. Available for daily, weekly, or monthly rentals. A bridge to connect the owner and driver with preset rules by the owner.
Check Out Hyrecar Rental Options >>> Here
 Turo Lyft Rental Car
Way better than a rental car !!
This is what you can expect from Turo. Name the place and the time period, and you are all set to start using the shared vehicle in a totally safe and clean condition with contactless check-in options. You can cancel your request free of charge within 24 hours before your trip starts.
Check Out Turo Rental Options >>> Here
 Zipcar Lyft Rental Car
Another fast way to find a proper car for your needs. Takes only a couple of minutes to join them with a valid driver’s license. Start driving with the selected car and return it to the same spot where you picked it up from after you are done.
Check Out Zipcar Rental Options >>> Here
 You Will Want To Compare Renting Vs. Ownning A Car
Ridesharing It - Ridesharing Help For Riders & Drivers
6 Lyft Rental Car Partners Best Payment Plans To Maximize Profit published first on https://ridesharingit.blogspot.com
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audreypbeatty · 4 years
6 Lyft Rental Car Partners Best Payment Plans To Maximize Profit
As a Lyft driver, using a Lyft rental car or not, there are many factors you need to observe so you can maximize your profits. The fact is, no one can say for sure if using a rental car is bad or if using your car is good. What you need to take into consideration is a mixture of your monthly income, insurance and maintenance costs, taxes, weekly rent for the vehicle you are using (if you decide to go with rental option), and so on. Using a rental car for Lyft definitely has its advantages which we went over in our article on using a rental car for Uber.. you can check out the advantages -> here.
Car Rental With Lyft Express Drive
Thanks to Lyft Express Drive, you can start your driving career even if you don’t own a car. After you sign up in this program, it will help you to locate rental car providers, see prices, and other program details based on the city you are in so you can rent a car and start making trips. The price you pay for a rental car includes insurance and maintenance costs. Also, the time period for renting a car is flexible and there is no long-term commitment to it. drivers will also be responsible for any additional fees such as late returns, refueling, tolls, and tickets.
  How Much Does Express Drive Cost?
Weekly rate $179 – $329
Prices are based on how many personal miles you need, and the kind of car you pick.
Refundable deposit required
Rental deposit may be returned in full, per the terms of your rental agreement, when you opt-out of Express Drive. The above rates vary by market and are subject to Lyft’s terms and conditions and applicable taxes and fees. Driver Rate Card may also be reduced. Check Rate Card details in your Lyft Driver Dashboard for more information.
  What’s included with Express Drive?
Insurance and standard maintenance so you can drive worry-free.
Drive unlimited miles for Lyft and get extra miles for personal use.
Flexibility to return when you want with no long term commitments.
Please note that due to the high number of requests for renting a car at Lyft Express Drive program, it might take a little time before there is a vehicle available for rent, so you might want to keep an eye on Driver Dashboard In Lyft app to check the list of available cars as soon as there is one.
You can simply follow instructions below to become an Express Driver:
Apply to drive at lyft.com/expressdrive if the Express Drive program is available in your city If you’re already an approved driver, visit the ‘Vehicles’ tab of your Driver Dashboard, then tap the ‘Rent a Vehicle’ button to get started
You must be 25+ years old to rent a vehicle
You must meet Lyft’s driver requirements
After you’re approved to drive, you can schedule a vehicle pickup
Once you provide a refundable deposit, you’ll be able to pick up the vehicle and get on the road
Note: Express Drive rentals cannot be used for any other ‘for-hire’ service, including (but not limited to) Postmates, Shipt, and Uber. Rental vehicles must be rented through the Express Drive program to be approved for use on the Lyft platform.
Here is also the list of cities the Express Drive is available in:
Atlanta, GA Austin, TX Baltimore, MD Charlotte, NC Dallas, TX Denver, CO Detroit, MI Fort Worth, TX Houston, TX Los Angeles, CA Virginia Beach / Hampton Roads / Norfolk, VA Oakland, CA Philadelphia, PA Phoenix, AZ Pittsburgh, PA Portland, OR Providence, RI Sacramento, CA San Antonio, TX San Diego, CA San Francisco, CA Seattle, WA Washington, D.C.
    Hertz Lyft Rental Car
Hertz is one of the companies with many years of experience in renting cars with a large vehicle selection. However, it’s one of the companies which filed for bankruptcy due to the devastation of its business by COVID-19, but they are still providing their services during the proceedings. So it’s not highly recommended for renting a vehicle.
Check Out Hertz Rental Options >>> Here
  Getaround Lyft Rental Car
Getaround is another carsharing platform which is active in 300 cities (and 7 countries) with over 5 million users and a large selection of vehicles containing more than 1000+ car models. This company provided this chance for drivers to search and rent the vehicles they need, sharing by people nearby without the need to meet the owner to exchange keys.
Check Out Getaround Rental Options >>> Here
  Hyrecar Lyft Rental Car
Try renting a car and start driving for any ridesharing services you like with HyreCar without paying any fees except for your rent or signing any contracts. Available for daily, weekly, or monthly rentals. A bridge to connect the owner and driver with preset rules by the owner.
Check Out Hyrecar Rental Options >>> Here
  Turo Lyft Rental Car
Way better than a rental car !!
This is what you can expect from Turo. Name the place and the time period, and you are all set to start using the shared vehicle in a totally safe and clean condition with contactless check-in options. You can cancel your request free of charge within 24 hours before your trip starts.
Check Out Turo Rental Options >>> Here
  Zipcar Lyft Rental Car
Another fast way to find a proper car for your needs. Takes only a couple of minutes to join them with a valid driver’s license. Start driving with the selected car and return it to the same spot where you picked it up from after you are done.
Check Out Zipcar Rental Options >>> Here
  You Will Want To Compare Renting Vs. Ownning A Car
Ridesharing It – Ridesharing Help For Riders & Drivers
6 Lyft Rental Car Partners Best Payment Plans To Maximize Profit published first on https://ridesharingit.wordpress.com
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charlesbmoran · 4 years
6 Lyft Rental Car Partners Best Payment Plans To Maximize Profit
As a Lyft driver, using a Lyft rental car or not, there are many factors you need to observe so you can maximize your profits. The fact is, no one can say for sure if using a rental car is bad or if using your car is good. What you need to take into consideration is a mixture of your monthly income, insurance and maintenance costs, taxes, weekly rent for the vehicle you are using (if you decide to go with rental option), and so on. Using a rental car for Lyft definitely has its advantages which we went over in our article on using a rental car for Uber.. you can check out the advantages -> here.
Car Rental With Lyft Express Drive
Thanks to Lyft Express Drive, you can start your driving career even if you don’t own a car. After you sign up in this program, it will help you to locate rental car providers, see prices, and other program details based on the city you are in so you can rent a car and start making trips. The price you pay for a rental car includes insurance and maintenance costs. Also, the time period for renting a car is flexible and there is no long-term commitment to it. drivers will also be responsible for any additional fees such as late returns, refueling, tolls, and tickets.
How Much Does Express Drive Cost?
Weekly rate $179 – $329
Prices are based on how many personal miles you need, and the kind of car you pick.
Refundable deposit required
Rental deposit may be returned in full, per the terms of your rental agreement, when you opt-out of Express Drive. The above rates vary by market and are subject to Lyft’s terms and conditions and applicable taxes and fees. Driver Rate Card may also be reduced. Check Rate Card details in your Lyft Driver Dashboard for more information.
What’s included with Express Drive?
Insurance and standard maintenance so you can drive worry-free.
Drive unlimited miles for Lyft and get extra miles for personal use.
Flexibility to return when you want with no long term commitments.
Please note that due to the high number of requests for renting a car at Lyft Express Drive program, it might take a little time before there is a vehicle available for rent, so you might want to keep an eye on Driver Dashboard In Lyft app to check the list of available cars as soon as there is one.
You can simply follow instructions below to become an Express Driver:
Apply to drive at lyft.com/expressdrive if the Express Drive program is available in your city If you’re already an approved driver, visit the ‘Vehicles’ tab of your Driver Dashboard, then tap the ‘Rent a Vehicle’ button to get started
You must be 25+ years old to rent a vehicle
You must meet Lyft’s driver requirements
After you’re approved to drive, you can schedule a vehicle pickup
Once you provide a refundable deposit, you’ll be able to pick up the vehicle and get on the road
Note: Express Drive rentals cannot be used for any other ‘for-hire’ service, including (but not limited to) Postmates, Shipt, and Uber. Rental vehicles must be rented through the Express Drive program to be approved for use on the Lyft platform.
Here is also the list of cities the Express Drive is available in:
Atlanta, GA Austin, TX Baltimore, MD Charlotte, NC Dallas, TX Denver, CO Detroit, MI Fort Worth, TX Houston, TX Los Angeles, CA Virginia Beach / Hampton Roads / Norfolk, VA Oakland, CA Philadelphia, PA Phoenix, AZ Pittsburgh, PA Portland, OR Providence, RI Sacramento, CA San Antonio, TX San Diego, CA San Francisco, CA Seattle, WA Washington, D.C.
Hertz Lyft Rental Car
Hertz is one of the companies with many years of experience in renting cars with a large vehicle selection. However, it’s one of the companies which filed for bankruptcy due to the devastation of its business by COVID-19, but they are still providing their services during the proceedings. So it’s not highly recommended for renting a vehicle.
Check Out Hertz Rental Options >>> Here
Getaround Lyft Rental Car
Getaround is another carsharing platform which is active in 300 cities (and 7 countries) with over 5 million users and a large selection of vehicles containing more than 1000+ car models. This company provided this chance for drivers to search and rent the vehicles they need, sharing by people nearby without the need to meet the owner to exchange keys.
Check Out Getaround Rental Options >>> Here
Hyrecar Lyft Rental Car
Try renting a car and start driving for any ridesharing services you like with HyreCar without paying any fees except for your rent or signing any contracts. Available for daily, weekly, or monthly rentals. A bridge to connect the owner and driver with preset rules by the owner.
Check Out Hyrecar Rental Options >>> Here
Turo Lyft Rental Car
Way better than a rental car !!
This is what you can expect from Turo. Name the place and the time period, and you are all set to start using the shared vehicle in a totally safe and clean condition with contactless check-in options. You can cancel your request free of charge within 24 hours before your trip starts.
Check Out Turo Rental Options >>> Here
Zipcar Lyft Rental Car
Another fast way to find a proper car for your needs. Takes only a couple of minutes to join them with a valid driver’s license. Start driving with the selected car and return it to the same spot where you picked it up from after you are done.
Check Out Zipcar Rental Options >>> Here
You Will Want To Compare Renting Vs. Ownning A Car
Ridesharing It - Ridesharing Help For Riders & Drivers
6 Lyft Rental Car Partners Best Payment Plans To Maximize Profit published first on https://ridesharingit.tumblr.com
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ridesharingit · 4 years
6 Lyft Rental Car Partners Best Payment Plans To Maximize Profit
As a Lyft driver, using a Lyft rental car or not, there are many factors you need to observe so you can maximize your profits. The fact is, no one can say for sure if using a rental car is bad or if using your car is good. What you need to take into consideration is a mixture of your monthly income, insurance and maintenance costs, taxes, weekly rent for the vehicle you are using (if you decide to go with rental option), and so on. Using a rental car for Lyft definitely has its advantages which we went over in our article on using a rental car for Uber.. you can check out the advantages -> here.
Car Rental With Lyft Express Drive
Thanks to Lyft Express Drive, you can start your driving career even if you don’t own a car. After you sign up in this program, it will help you to locate rental car providers, see prices, and other program details based on the city you are in so you can rent a car and start making trips. The price you pay for a rental car includes insurance and maintenance costs. Also, the time period for renting a car is flexible and there is no long-term commitment to it. drivers will also be responsible for any additional fees such as late returns, refueling, tolls, and tickets.
 How Much Does Express Drive Cost?
Weekly rate $179 – $329
Prices are based on how many personal miles you need, and the kind of car you pick.
Refundable deposit required
Rental deposit may be returned in full, per the terms of your rental agreement, when you opt-out of Express Drive. The above rates vary by market and are subject to Lyft’s terms and conditions and applicable taxes and fees. Driver Rate Card may also be reduced. Check Rate Card details in your Lyft Driver Dashboard for more information.
 What’s included with Express Drive?
Insurance and standard maintenance so you can drive worry-free.
Drive unlimited miles for Lyft and get extra miles for personal use.
Flexibility to return when you want with no long term commitments.
Please note that due to the high number of requests for renting a car at Lyft Express Drive program, it might take a little time before there is a vehicle available for rent, so you might want to keep an eye on Driver Dashboard In Lyft app to check the list of available cars as soon as there is one.
You can simply follow instructions below to become an Express Driver:
Apply to drive at lyft.com/expressdrive if the Express Drive program is available in your city If you’re already an approved driver, visit the ‘Vehicles’ tab of your Driver Dashboard, then tap the ‘Rent a Vehicle’ button to get started
You must be 25+ years old to rent a vehicle
You must meet Lyft’s driver requirements
After you’re approved to drive, you can schedule a vehicle pickup
Once you provide a refundable deposit, you’ll be able to pick up the vehicle and get on the road
Note: Express Drive rentals cannot be used for any other ‘for-hire’ service, including (but not limited to) Postmates, Shipt, and Uber. Rental vehicles must be rented through the Express Drive program to be approved for use on the Lyft platform.
Here is also the list of cities the Express Drive is available in:
Atlanta, GA Austin, TX Baltimore, MD Charlotte, NC Dallas, TX Denver, CO Detroit, MI Fort Worth, TX Houston, TX Los Angeles, CA Virginia Beach / Hampton Roads / Norfolk, VA Oakland, CA Philadelphia, PA Phoenix, AZ Pittsburgh, PA Portland, OR Providence, RI Sacramento, CA San Antonio, TX San Diego, CA San Francisco, CA Seattle, WA Washington, D.C.
  Hertz Lyft Rental Car
Hertz is one of the companies with many years of experience in renting cars with a large vehicle selection. However, it’s one of the companies which filed for bankruptcy due to the devastation of its business by COVID-19, but they are still providing their services during the proceedings. So it’s not highly recommended for renting a vehicle.
Check Out Hertz Rental Options >>> Here
 Getaround Lyft Rental Car
Getaround is another carsharing platform which is active in 300 cities (and 7 countries) with over 5 million users and a large selection of vehicles containing more than 1000+ car models. This company provided this chance for drivers to search and rent the vehicles they need, sharing by people nearby without the need to meet the owner to exchange keys.
Check Out Getaround Rental Options >>> Here
 Hyrecar Lyft Rental Car
Try renting a car and start driving for any ridesharing services you like with HyreCar without paying any fees except for your rent or signing any contracts. Available for daily, weekly, or monthly rentals. A bridge to connect the owner and driver with preset rules by the owner.
Check Out Hyrecar Rental Options >>> Here
 Turo Lyft Rental Car
Way better than a rental car !!
This is what you can expect from Turo. Name the place and the time period, and you are all set to start using the shared vehicle in a totally safe and clean condition with contactless check-in options. You can cancel your request free of charge within 24 hours before your trip starts.
Check Out Turo Rental Options >>> Here
 Zipcar Lyft Rental Car
Another fast way to find a proper car for your needs. Takes only a couple of minutes to join them with a valid driver’s license. Start driving with the selected car and return it to the same spot where you picked it up from after you are done.
Check Out Zipcar Rental Options >>> Here
 You Will Want To Compare Renting Vs. Ownning A Car
Ridesharing It - Ridesharing Help For Riders & Drivers
0 notes
fireflyluna · 4 years
California Bid Bonds
The listed below short article is a good intro to bid bonds. Bid bonds, as you are aware, are bonds utilized in the building industry. These bonds ensure that if somebody quotes on a job, and is awarded the contract, then they will go forward with carrying out under the terms of the agreement.
See the below article for more great information. You can see the initial short article here: https://swiftbonds.com/bid-bond/california-2/
California Bid Bonds
What is a Bid Bond in California?
A bid bond is a type of surety bond, that guarantees that the bidder will accept the project and complete the contract according to its terms. It provides assurance to the project owner that the bidder has the expertise and wherewithal to finish the job once the bidder is selected after winning the bidding process. The basic reason is that you need one so that you get the work. However, the larger question is why are more owners/developers requiring a bid bond in the first place? The basic answer is risk. Given the uncertainty of the marketplace, which includes experienced contractors closing their doors, to municipalities filing bankruptcy (or just slow paying), has led to owners being afraid that their contractors will be unable finish the work. Accordingly, they require a some protection.
Just fill out our bond application here and email it to [email protected] – click here to get our California Bid Bond Application
A bid bond is issued as part of a bid by a surety bond company to the project owner. The owner is then assures that the winning bidder will take on the contract under the terms at which they bid.
Most bid bonds contain a bid percentage (usually five or ten percent, is forfeited if you don’t accept the job).
How much does a Bid Bond Cost in California?
Swiftbonds does not charge for a surety bid bond (with two exceptions, see below). The reason that we don’t charge for a bid bond is that we will charge for the contract bond if you get the job. The cost of a bid bond can vary widely depending on the amount of coverage that is required (see below).
Two exceptions for bid bond charges: 1) We do charge for Overnight fees 2) We will charge you if there is NOT going to be a bond covering the underlying contract.
How much do bonds cost in CA?
Bond prices fluctuate based on the job size (that is, it’s based on the cost of the underlying contract). The cost of a bond is estimated through a couple of back-of-the-envelope calculations. In general, the cost is approximately three percent (3%) for jobs under $800,000 and then the percentage is lower as the contract amount increases. We work diligently to find the lowest premiums possible in the state of California. Please call us today at (913) 286-6501. We’ll find you the very best rate possible for your maintenance bond or completion bond. Things that can affect this pricing are the perceived risk of the job, the financial position of the entity being bonded, plus other factors.
Bond Amount Needed Fee 2-3% >$800,000 1.5-3% >$1.500,000 1-3%
These rates are for Merit clients, Standard rates are higher
How do I get a Bid Bond in California?
We make it easy to get a contract bid bond. Just click here to get our California Bid Bond Application. Fill it out and then email it and the California bid specs/contract documents to [email protected] or fax to 855-433-4192.
You can also call us at (913) 286-6501. We fully review all applications for bid bonds and then submit it to the surety that we believe will provide the best bid bond for your contract. We have a high success rate in getting our clients surety bid bonds at the best rates possible.
What is a California Bid Bond?
A bid bond is a bond that assures that you will accept the work if you win the contract. The bid fee (usually five or ten percent) is a fine that is paid when you win the bid, but then back out of doing the work.
Find a Bid Bond near Me
Typically, a bid bond and P&P bond are done together in the same contract by the surety. This way, the owner of the project is assured that the project can be completed pursuant to the terms of the contract and that it will not be liened by any contractor. The bond is risk security for the benefit of the owner.
Who Gets the Bond?
The general contractor is the company that gets the bond. It is for the benefit of the owner (or in the case of government contract work, the governmental entity). However, it’s the general contractor that has to apply for the bond and be underwritten before the bond is written by the surety. This is also known as bonding a business.
We provide bid bonds in each of the following counties:
Alameda Alpine Amador Butte Calaveras Colusa Contra Costa Del Norte El Dorado Fresno Glenn Humboldt Imperial Inyo Kern Kings Lake Lassen Los Angeles Madera Marin Mariposa Mendocino Merced Modoc Mono Monterey Napa Nevada Orange Placer Plumas Riverside Sacramento San Benito San Bernardino San Diego San Francisco San Joaquin San Luis Obispo San Mateo Santa Barbara Santa Clara Santa Cruz Shasta Sierra Siskiyou Solano Sonoma Stanislaus Sutter Tehama Trinity Tulare Tuolumne Ventura Yolo Yuba
And Cities: Los Angeles San Francisco San Diego Sacramento San Jose Santa Barbara Oakland Beverly Hills Santa Monica Palm Springs Long Beach Santa Cruz Malibu Anaheim
See our Colorado Bid Bond page here.
More on Surety Bid Bonds https://swiftbonds.com/bid-bond/.
Clear-Cut Recommendations When Looking At Bid Bonds
You will need to understand that a Surety Bid Bond is vital to any person, but it is quite complicated if you don’t have any knowledge relating to this. This isn’t an insurance claim because this is a type of guarantee that the principal will effectively complete the task. You have to know that some jobs will require you to get a specific bond before they actually opt for your services because it will probably be a type of guarantee to them. They need this kind of thing from you so you need to look for an insurance company that may offer this to you. If you genuinely wish to consider a bid bond for your company, you have to understand what it means.
The Significance Of A Surety Bid Bond
Bid Bonds will always be in demand to protect the public because it is a kind of assurance that your obligations and duties will be complete. You should get a Surety Bid Bond to be sure that your company will adhere to the laws and you typically obtain a contract bond to guarantee that a public project will be completed. A bid bond is intended for the obliged since they are actually the ones that need protection, but it can also benefit you because the clients will trust you if you have this. There are thousands of bonds today and the kind of bond that you are trying to find would depend upon your situation.
The Work Of A Surety Bid Bond
Bid Bonds are regarded as a three-party agreement between the principal, the obliged and the surety company. The obliged is the project owner while the principal is the employer or company that will perform the work. Construction organizations will almost always be required by the law to get bid bonds when they are employed for a public project. The government will actually demand a construction company secure a bond before they work on a certain project. The bond will guarantee that the sub-contractors and the other workers can be paid even if the contractor will default. The contractor will cover the losses, but as soon as they reached their limit, the duty will fall to the surety company.
Applying For A Surety Bid Bond
Insurance businesses often provide bid bonds, but there are some standalone surety companies that focus on these products. Surety companies will usually be licensed by a state Department of Insurance so just be sure you check first before you avail. It will not be simple to apply for a bond because the applications will need to proceed through checking before it’s approved. The bond underwriters will first review the financial history of the candidates, credit profile and other key factors.
The Cost Of A Surety Bid Bond
You can expect that a surety bid bond won’t have a fixed cost as it will depend upon different reasons such as bond type, bond amount, where the bond will likely be issued, contractual risk, the credit history of the applicant and a lot more.
There are thousands of bonds available today and the cost will depend upon the kind of bond that you want to obtain. The amount of the bond will also be an issue because you may need a $10,000 bond or a $25,000 bond.
In case you have a credit score of above or near 700, you’ll be eligible for the standard bonding market and you’ll only pay a premium that’s 1 to 4 percent of the surety bid bond amount. If you are going to get a $10,000 bond, it will cost around $100 to $400.
Your Application Might Be Denied
There’s a chance that your bid bond request will be refused by the surety company underwriters because it will depend on the things that they will get from the background check. If the surety company thinks that it will likely be a large risk to offer you a bid bond, they will deny your application. Your credit rating is one of the most important factors to be accepted for a bid bond because if you have a bad credit rating, it will likely be difficult to get bonded.
If you can qualify for a surety bid bond even with a bad credit history, you’ll most likely pay an interest rate of 10 to 20 percent.
If you intend to apply for a bid bond, ensure that you know what it can entail prior to deciding. It will not be a simple task to be approved for this, but if you know how it works, you will also have a better chance of getting bonded.
A Deeper Take A Look At Bid Bonds in Construction If awarded, a Bid Bond is a type of surety bond utilized to ensure that a specialist bidding on a project or task will enter into the agreement with the obligee.
A Bid Bond is released in the quantity of the agreement quote, with the similar requirements as that of an Efficiency Bond.
All About Quote Bonds in Building The origins of our organisation was closely linked with the arrangement of efficiency bonds to the contracting market. It discovered that the private specialist generally was insolvent when the task was awarded, or grew to become insolvent earlier than the obstacle was completed.
The standing of your surety company is essential, since it guarantees you that when you have difficulties or if worse includes worst you'll have a trustworthy partner to rely on and receive aid from. We work just with A-rated and T-listed business, probably the most reliable corporations in the market.
Usually no, they are different. Nevertheless, bid bonds mechanically turn into efficiency bonds in case you are awarded the agreement.
What Is A Construction Surety Bond? The origins of our business was thoroughly connected with the arrangement of performance bonds to the contracting market. Even if some tasks do not need expense and efficiency bonds, you will require to get bonded finally since most of public initiatives do need the bonds. The longer a little specialist waits to get bonded, the more durable it will be given that there will not be a observe report of meeting the compulsory requirements for bonding and performing bonded work.
The only restrict is the greatest bond you might get for one specific job. The aggregate limitation is the whole amount of bonded work readily available you possibly can have without hold-up.
The Significance Of Quote Bonds near You Arms, generators, radio towers, tree removal, computer systems, softward, smoke alarm, ornamental work, scaffolding, water towers, lighting, and resurfacing of existing roads/paved areas. Bid bonds additionally operate an extra assurance for job owners that a bidding specialist or subcontractor is certified to carry out the task they're bidding on. There are 2 causes for this.
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uhhhcool · 4 years
California Bid Bonds
The listed below short article is a good intro to bid bonds. Bid bonds, as you are aware, are bonds utilized in the building industry. These bonds ensure that if somebody quotes on a job, and is awarded the contract, then they will go forward with carrying out under the terms of the agreement.
See the below article for more great information. You can see the initial short article here: https://swiftbonds.com/bid-bond/california-2/
California Bid Bonds
What is a Bid Bond in California?
A bid bond is a type of surety bond, that guarantees that the bidder will accept the project and complete the contract according to its terms. It provides assurance to the project owner that the bidder has the expertise and wherewithal to finish the job once the bidder is selected after winning the bidding process. The basic reason is that you need one so that you get the work. However, the larger question is why are more owners/developers requiring a bid bond in the first place? The basic answer is risk. Given the uncertainty of the marketplace, which includes experienced contractors closing their doors, to municipalities filing bankruptcy (or just slow paying), has led to owners being afraid that their contractors will be unable finish the work. Accordingly, they require a some protection.
Just fill out our bond application here and email it to [email protected] – click here to get our California Bid Bond Application
A bid bond is issued as part of a bid by a surety bond company to the project owner. The owner is then assures that the winning bidder will take on the contract under the terms at which they bid.
Most bid bonds contain a bid percentage (usually five or ten percent, is forfeited if you don’t accept the job).
How much does a Bid Bond Cost in California?
Swiftbonds does not charge for a surety bid bond (with two exceptions, see below). The reason that we don’t charge for a bid bond is that we will charge for the contract bond if you get the job. The cost of a bid bond can vary widely depending on the amount of coverage that is required (see below).
Two exceptions for bid bond charges: 1) We do charge for Overnight fees 2) We will charge you if there is NOT going to be a bond covering the underlying contract.
How much do bonds cost in CA?
Bond prices fluctuate based on the job size (that is, it’s based on the cost of the underlying contract). The cost of a bond is estimated through a couple of back-of-the-envelope calculations. In general, the cost is approximately three percent (3%) for jobs under $800,000 and then the percentage is lower as the contract amount increases. We work diligently to find the lowest premiums possible in the state of California. Please call us today at (913) 286-6501. We’ll find you the very best rate possible for your maintenance bond or completion bond. Things that can affect this pricing are the perceived risk of the job, the financial position of the entity being bonded, plus other factors.
Bond Amount Needed Fee 2-3% >$800,000 1.5-3% >$1.500,000 1-3%
These rates are for Merit clients, Standard rates are higher
How do I get a Bid Bond in California?
We make it easy to get a contract bid bond. Just click here to get our California Bid Bond Application. Fill it out and then email it and the California bid specs/contract documents to [email protected] or fax to 855-433-4192.
You can also call us at (913) 286-6501. We fully review all applications for bid bonds and then submit it to the surety that we believe will provide the best bid bond for your contract. We have a high success rate in getting our clients surety bid bonds at the best rates possible.
What is a California Bid Bond?
A bid bond is a bond that assures that you will accept the work if you win the contract. The bid fee (usually five or ten percent) is a fine that is paid when you win the bid, but then back out of doing the work.
Find a Bid Bond near Me
Typically, a bid bond and P&P bond are done together in the same contract by the surety. This way, the owner of the project is assured that the project can be completed pursuant to the terms of the contract and that it will not be liened by any contractor. The bond is risk security for the benefit of the owner.
Who Gets the Bond?
The general contractor is the company that gets the bond. It is for the benefit of the owner (or in the case of government contract work, the governmental entity). However, it’s the general contractor that has to apply for the bond and be underwritten before the bond is written by the surety. This is also known as bonding a business.
We provide bid bonds in each of the following counties:
Alameda Alpine Amador Butte Calaveras Colusa Contra Costa Del Norte El Dorado Fresno Glenn Humboldt Imperial Inyo Kern Kings Lake Lassen Los Angeles Madera Marin Mariposa Mendocino Merced Modoc Mono Monterey Napa Nevada Orange Placer Plumas Riverside Sacramento San Benito San Bernardino San Diego San Francisco San Joaquin San Luis Obispo San Mateo Santa Barbara Santa Clara Santa Cruz Shasta Sierra Siskiyou Solano Sonoma Stanislaus Sutter Tehama Trinity Tulare Tuolumne Ventura Yolo Yuba
And Cities: Los Angeles San Francisco San Diego Sacramento San Jose Santa Barbara Oakland Beverly Hills Santa Monica Palm Springs Long Beach Santa Cruz Malibu Anaheim
See our Colorado Bid Bond page here.
More on Surety Bid Bonds https://swiftbonds.com/bid-bond/.
Clear-Cut Recommendations When Looking At Bid Bonds
You will need to understand that a Surety Bid Bond is vital to any person, but it is quite complicated if you don’t have any knowledge relating to this. This isn’t an insurance claim because this is a type of guarantee that the principal will effectively complete the task. You have to know that some jobs will require you to get a specific bond before they actually opt for your services because it will probably be a type of guarantee to them. They need this kind of thing from you so you need to look for an insurance company that may offer this to you. If you genuinely wish to consider a bid bond for your company, you have to understand what it means.
The Significance Of A Surety Bid Bond
Bid Bonds will always be in demand to protect the public because it is a kind of assurance that your obligations and duties will be complete. You should get a Surety Bid Bond to be sure that your company will adhere to the laws and you typically obtain a contract bond to guarantee that a public project will be completed. A bid bond is intended for the obliged since they are actually the ones that need protection, but it can also benefit you because the clients will trust you if you have this. There are thousands of bonds today and the kind of bond that you are trying to find would depend upon your situation.
The Work Of A Surety Bid Bond
Bid Bonds are regarded as a three-party agreement between the principal, the obliged and the surety company. The obliged is the project owner while the principal is the employer or company that will perform the work. Construction organizations will almost always be required by the law to get bid bonds when they are employed for a public project. The government will actually demand a construction company secure a bond before they work on a certain project. The bond will guarantee that the sub-contractors and the other workers can be paid even if the contractor will default. The contractor will cover the losses, but as soon as they reached their limit, the duty will fall to the surety company.
Applying For A Surety Bid Bond
Insurance businesses often provide bid bonds, but there are some standalone surety companies that focus on these products. Surety companies will usually be licensed by a state Department of Insurance so just be sure you check first before you avail. It will not be simple to apply for a bond because the applications will need to proceed through checking before it’s approved. The bond underwriters will first review the financial history of the candidates, credit profile and other key factors.
The Cost Of A Surety Bid Bond
You can expect that a surety bid bond won’t have a fixed cost as it will depend upon different reasons such as bond type, bond amount, where the bond will likely be issued, contractual risk, the credit history of the applicant and a lot more.
There are thousands of bonds available today and the cost will depend upon the kind of bond that you want to obtain. The amount of the bond will also be an issue because you may need a $10,000 bond or a $25,000 bond.
In case you have a credit score of above or near 700, you’ll be eligible for the standard bonding market and you’ll only pay a premium that’s 1 to 4 percent of the surety bid bond amount. If you are going to get a $10,000 bond, it will cost around $100 to $400.
Your Application Might Be Denied
There’s a chance that your bid bond request will be refused by the surety company underwriters because it will depend on the things that they will get from the background check. If the surety company thinks that it will likely be a large risk to offer you a bid bond, they will deny your application. Your credit rating is one of the most important factors to be accepted for a bid bond because if you have a bad credit rating, it will likely be difficult to get bonded.
If you can qualify for a surety bid bond even with a bad credit history, you’ll most likely pay an interest rate of 10 to 20 percent.
If you intend to apply for a bid bond, ensure that you know what it can entail prior to deciding. It will not be a simple task to be approved for this, but if you know how it works, you will also have a better chance of getting bonded.
A Deeper Take A Look At Bid Bonds in Construction If awarded, a Bid Bond is a type of surety bond utilized to ensure that a specialist bidding on a project or task will enter into the agreement with the obligee.
A Bid Bond is released in the quantity of the agreement quote, with the similar requirements as that of an Efficiency Bond.
All About Quote Bonds in Building The origins of our organisation was closely linked with the arrangement of efficiency bonds to the contracting market. It discovered that the private specialist generally was insolvent when the task was awarded, or grew to become insolvent earlier than the obstacle was completed.
The standing of your surety company is essential, since it guarantees you that when you have difficulties or if worse includes worst you'll have a trustworthy partner to rely on and receive aid from. We work just with A-rated and T-listed business, probably the most reliable corporations in the market.
Usually no, they are different. Nevertheless, bid bonds mechanically turn into efficiency bonds in case you are awarded the agreement.
What Is A Construction Surety Bond? The origins of our business was thoroughly connected with the arrangement of performance bonds to the contracting market. Even if some tasks do not need expense and efficiency bonds, you will require to get bonded finally since most of public initiatives do need the bonds. The longer a little specialist waits to get bonded, the more durable it will be given that there will not be a observe report of meeting the compulsory requirements for bonding and performing bonded work.
The only restrict is the greatest bond you might get for one specific job. The aggregate limitation is the whole amount of bonded work readily available you possibly can have without hold-up.
The Significance Of Quote Bonds near You Arms, generators, radio towers, tree removal, computer systems, softward, smoke alarm, ornamental work, scaffolding, water towers, lighting, and resurfacing of existing roads/paved areas. Bid bonds additionally operate an extra assurance for job owners that a bidding specialist or subcontractor is certified to carry out the task they're bidding on. There are 2 causes for this.
0 notes
newstfionline · 4 years
Americans think America is in bad shape (Politico) Nearly 7-in-10 voters say things in the U.S. are pretty seriously on the wrong track, according to a new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll. Only 31 percent of voters say the country is headed in the right direction, the lowest mark recorded in POLITICO/Morning Consult polling since President Donald Trump took office in early 2017. Sixty-nine percent of those surveyed from May 29 to June 1 say the country is on the wrong track. The poll was conducted amid historic disruption in American life: the continued coronavirus pandemic, the crippling of the U.S. economy, and the widespread protests over police brutality and the unequal treatment of racial minorities.
American retailers have laid off or furloughed one-fifth of their workers (The Economist) America’s retailers have been clobbered by the coronavirus. Gap, a fashion chain, and Kohl’s, a department-store group, each furloughed 80,000 workers as early as March. Macy’s, the country’s biggest department-store chain, issued pink slips to another 125,000. Last month two more clothing chains, Neiman Marcus and J.Crew, filed for bankruptcy. Few have managed to avoid layoffs. Best Buy, a big electronics retailer, paid its workers in the first half of April, even promising wage rises and bonuses to some front-line staff. Eventually, though, it too gave in, and furloughed 51,000 of its 125,000 employees. The retail sector as a whole employs roughly a tenth of America’s labour force.
Police: Well-coordinated thieves capitalize on protest chaos (AP) Police in a small San Francisco Bay Area community were about to help authorities in neighboring Oakland keep the peace during a protest when a more pressing crisis hit home: groups of thieves had pillaged malls, set fire to a Walmart and stormed a car dealership. By the time San Leandro officers arrived at the Dodge dealership, dozens of cars were gone and thieves were peeling out of the lot in $100,000 Challenger Hellcat muscle cars. Nearly 75 vehicles were stolen Sunday, including models driven through glass showroom doors to escape. It’s one of the most brazen heists law enforcement has seen in a wave of thefts nationwide targeting big box electronics stores, jewelry shops and luxury designers while officers have been busy patrolling protests over the police killing of George Floyd. The thefts have been carried out by caravans of well-coordinated criminals who capitalize on chaos, communicate via messaging apps and use both the protests and other tactics to throw police off their trail. While opportunists have sometimes joined the frenzy, police and experts say there is a sophistication that suggests a level of planning that goes beyond spontaneous acts.
America is awash in cameras, a double-edged sword for protesters and police (Washington Post) On Saturday night, as protests were still taking place in city streets across the country, the Dallas police department put out a call for help on Twitter. It asked anyone who had video from the protests showing “illegal activity” to upload it to its anonymous tip app, iWatch Dallas. What it got was a different kind of protest, in the form of a flood of videos and images of K-pop stars performing. The department later tweeted that the app was down due to technical difficulties. In the tense and escalating standoffs between law enforcement and protesters that have now spread to more than 100 cities in the wake of George Floyd’s death in police custody in Minneapolis, photos and video footage are being collected and wielded by all sides. And there is no shortage of cameras to pull from. Law enforcement agencies have existing networks of surveillance cameras and body cameras worn by officers, as well as face- and object-recognition software. Large retail and food chains have similar security systems, and traditionally will share footage with police if it is part of an investigation. Protesters and journalists shoot their own videos, the latter often on smartphones or small cameras such as GoPros. There’s no need to even watch all the videos—many work with apps that automatically detect movement or people. But it was also cameras that helped set off the latest round of protests over police brutality. Without them, Floyd’s death would not have been captured from multiple angles and shared so widely.
Trump administration bans flights by Chinese airlines (Washington Post) In a move likely to inflame tensions between the United States and China, the Trump administration said Wednesday it will ban all commercial passenger flights by Chinese carriers. The change, announced by the Department of Transportation and beginning June 16, is in response to China’s refusal to allow U.S. carriers to resume service to China. U.S. airlines halted flights to China after the Trump administration citing concerns about the spread of the novel-coronavirus, imposed a travel ban that took effect in early February. Delta and United had hoped to resume service in early June, but rules imposed by Chinese authorities effectively prevented them from doing so. The order does not impact cargo flights between the two countries.
Tropical Storm Cristobal makes landfall on Mexico Gulf coast (AP) Tropical Storm Cristobal made landfall in Mexico’s Gulf coast state of Campeche on Wednesday, dumping heavy rain on the already soaked region ahead of an expected eventual turn toward the United States, the U.S. National Hurricane Center said. The storm’s sustained winds weakened to 45 mph (75 kph) after it moved inland, where it was expected to become a tropical depression by Thursday, before heading back into the Gulf of Mexico on Friday, where it could gather strength again. By Sunday it could move north and threaten the U.S. Gulf Coast.
Nearly two-thirds of Britons struggling to sleep during lockdown, study reveals (Washington Post) Nearly two-thirds of the British population has been battling with sleep problems since the nationwide lockdown was implemented on March 23, according to a study conducted by IPSOs Mori and researchers from King’s College London. Vivid dreams, restless nights and disturbed sleeping patterns are just some of the experiences reported by participants in the study—consequences of the stress sparked by the global health crisis that has claimed more than 386,000 lives worldwide. “Nearly two-thirds of the UK public report some negative impact on their sleep from the covid-19 crisis,” Professor Bobby Duffy from King’s College London said, adding that the lockdown restrictions had unsettled a “very large proportion” of the population.
Boris Johnson Pledges to Admit 3 Million From Hong Kong to U.K. (NYT) Prime Minister Boris Johnson raised the stakes in a brewing confrontation with China on Wednesday, promising to allow nearly three million people from Hong Kong to live and work in Britain if Beijing moves forward with a new national security law on the former British colony. At the same time, Britain, no longer insulated by its membership in the European Union, is eager to forge new trading relationships with economic powers around the world, and China is high on that list. Mr. Johnson’s effort to stand up for people with British overseas passports in Hong Kong could threaten his economic agenda. Polls show there is broad popular support for Mr. Johnson’s offer of visas to passport holders. But it is not clear how long that support would last if a huge number of immigrants came to Britain at a time when its economy is reeling under the effects of a coronavirus lockdown. Given all the uncertainty, few analysts expect millions of people from Hong Kong to flood into Britain. In the short run, the policy might be most helpful for students from the city who are studying in Britain on temporary visas.
Thousands in Europe decry racial injustice, police violence (AP) Thousands of people demonstrated in London on Wednesday against police violence and racial injustice following the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis, which has set off days of unrest in the United States. In Athens, police fired tear gas to disperse youths who threw firebombs and stones at them outside the U.S. Embassy toward the end of an otherwise peaceful protest by about 4,000 people. No injuries or arrests were reported. More than 1,000 people protested in Stockholm despite a ban on gatherings of over 50 people due to the coronavirus, and while they expressed solidarity with U.S. demonstrators, participants were keen to emphasize that racial injustice was a problem in Sweden, too. Police cut short a demonstration in the Dutch port of Rotterdam by thousands of protesters when the crowd got too big for coronavirus social distancing measures. About 3,000 people rallied in Finland’s capital of Helsinki, although they dispersed an hour later when the number of participants exceeded the 500 maximum allowed under virus restrictions.
Spain marks 10 days of mourning for covid victims (Washington Post) Spain has been engaged in 10 days of national mourning, dedicated to the more than 27,000 lives lost here to the coronavirus. The mourning period—the longest in Spain’s modern history—is largely symbolic. King Philip VI presided over a minute of silence. More than 14,000 flags on government buildings and naval vessels have been lowered to half-staff. Local authorities have draped black ribbons on public monuments, and people have hung flags adorned with black ribbons from their balconies. But these symbols of shared grief are somewhat discordant at a moment Spain is emerging from Europe’s strictest lockdown and many Spaniards are eager to resume normal life.
New Russian nuke policy (Foreign Policy) Russian President Vladimir Putin endorsed a new policy this week allowing Moscow to deploy nuclear weapons in response to a non-nuclear strike. The policy change was motivated in part by the belief that the development of new conventional weapons in other countries—principally in the United States—could give adversaries the capacity to destroy key assets in Russia and “[threaten] the very existence of the state.” The policy change comes as tensions between Russia and the United States over their nuclear stockpiles reach a low point. Both countries withdrew from the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty last year, and they are at loggerheads over the future of the New START treaty.
No spying here (Foreign Policy) Indian police have returned a pigeon to a Pakistani fisherman after it was determined not to be a spy. The bird flew across the contentious India-Pakistan border, causing officials to fear it was engaged in nefarious espionage. Apparently, they realized it was just a pigeon.
‘Simplified’ Olympics (Reuters) It may be necessary to a stage a “simplified” Olympics next year due to the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak, Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike said. The Yomiuri newspaper, citing government and organizing committee sources, said having fewer spectators, making Polymerase chain reaction tests mandatory for all spectators—in addition to athletes and staff—and limiting movement in and out of the athletes’ village were among the options Japan would discuss with the International Olympics Committee.
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